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Tune Up Your PC’s Hard Disc Drive
NZ $6.50
Colour TV
Pattern Generator
This new colour TV pattern generator is
programmed from your PC’s printer port.
Pt.1 this month tells you how it works.
High-current speed controller for
12V & 24V DC motors
PC-programmable thermostat
Track down faults with our
NLYJ 1997 1
new signal tracer
Stepper motor control circuit
ISSN 1030-2662
9 771030 266001
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Vol.10, No.6; June 1997
4 Using Robots For Water-Jet Cutting
Water-jet cutting is feasible for a wide range of materials. We explain how it
works – from ABB
54 Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive
Your hard disc drive requires regular tune-ups for trouble-free operation.
Here’s how to go about it – by Jason Cole
66 Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes; Pt.10
Final chapter looks at diode bridge switches, feedback A/D converters and
random equivalent time sampling – by Bryan Maher
Build A PC-Programmable
Thermostat – Page 10
10 PC-Controlled Thermometer/Thermostat
Simple project plugs into your PC’s printer port and is programmed by clicking a few buttons – by Mark Roberts
14 Colour TV Pattern Generator; Pt.1
Ideal for the service technician, this unit stores its patterns in an on-board
ROM which is programmed from a PC – by John Clarke
26 High-Current Speed Controller For 12V/24V Motors
Efficient PWM design incorporates soft start circuitry and can control DC
motors drawing up to 20A – by Rick Walters
High-Current Speed Controller
For 12V & 24V Motors – Page 26
40 Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer
Simple signal tracer is ideal for tracing RF and audio signals in radio
receivers and audio amplifiers – by Rick Walters
62 Manual Control Circuit For A Stepper Motor
Build this circuit and drive a stepper motor in one direction or the other for a
fixed time – by Rick Walters
53 Satellite Watch
The latest news on satellite TV – by Garry Cratt
57 Serviceman’s Log
I don’t like house calls – by the TV Serviceman
74 Radio Control
A fail-save module for the throttle servo – by Bob Young
Audio & RF Signal Tracer
– Page 40
78 Vintage Radio
A look at signal tracing, Pt.3 – by John Hill
2 Publisher’s Letter
23 Mailbag
32 Circuit Notebook
37 Order Form
38 Back Issues
86 Product Showcase
90 Ask Silicon Chip
93 Notes & Errata
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
Stepper Motor Control
Circuit – Page 62
June 1997 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
Glenn A. Keep
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $54 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
Cellular phones &
Radio Australia
Two topics require comment this month and
the first of these concerns cellular phones. There
have been recent reports in the media about a
possible link between using cellular phones and
cancer. Dr Michael Repacholi, from the Royal
Adelaide Hospital, and well known in the field,
has conducted tests involving mice which were
exposed to radiation at 900MHz, the frequency
used for cellular phones.
Following these tests, there has been an
announcement that European Union scientists will spend $35.4 million looking
into the interaction been cellular phones and living tissue.
These reports will no doubt cause many people a lot of concern, as indeed
they should. I am amazed at the amount of time that some people spend glued
to a cellular phone. The phone’s antenna radiates directly into your head and
while it may not penetrate very deeply according to theory, prolonged exposure
can’t be good.
We’ve also had reports that some cellular phones can cause some people
headaches. At this stage, we have no evidence that these reports are true but it
would not surprise us if they were. If you do experience headaches when using
a cellular phone, we strongly suggest that you: (1) stop using it; and (2) return
it to the retailer where you purchased it. It may just be that the unit is radiating
more power than it is supposed to.
The second topic worthy of comment is the cutting back of Radio Australia’s
operations. There has been a media frenzy over this topic but most of it does not
seem very logical.
The first point made in defence of Radio Australia is that it is important to
Australia’s trade prospects in Asia. I don’t for a minute believe this. In these days
of worldwide satellite broadcasts, I can’t imagine too many Asian businessmen
being influenced one way or the other about whether to trade with Australia.
Second, we are told that for $23 million and 200-odd staff Radio Australia
provides 368 hours of programming in nine languages. By comparison with the
cost of running the Voice of America, etc, this is regarded as something of a bargain. My reaction to this is why does it cost so much to rehash local news? That
is $115,000 spent for each member of the staff.
Third, we are told that Radio Australia reaches untold millions throughout
Asia and that they rely on our fair and objective reporting of events. Does anyone
really believe that? How many people in Australia actually listen to any shortwave
radio broadcasts on a regular basis? Very, very few! It can’t be much different in
most parts of Asia either as even the smallest villages are able to receive satellite
TV services and they do have their own radio stations, after all. This concept of
remote villagers hanging on every word of a foreign broadcast might have been
true 30 years ago but no longer. Radio Australia might be worth keeping but the
reasons raised for keeping it have been pretty weak so far.
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON
CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
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2 Silicon Chip
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and its suppliers installed systems to
cut floor carpeting and other interior
linings. Today, water-jet systems have
practically replaced punching and
mechanical methods for this work.
This is because the punching
tools needed for complex shapes are
highly complicated, making them
very expensive. Worst of all, they are
completely inflexible and have to be
rebuilt every time changes are made
to the shapes of the work pieces.
For those who haven’t come across it
before, the concept of using a jet of water to
cut materials is mind-boggling. But with
extreme water pressures and abrasives
added, water-jet cutting is feasible for a
wide range of materials.
first used in 1975, when it
was introduced to produce
wooden puzzles. It replaced a method
in which saws were used to cut out
the individual pieces. Besides working with a higher precision, the new
method also produced less dust.
For many years water-jet technology was used only for marginal applications, for example to cut deep-frozen
products and ice-cream. As the versatility of the method was recognised,
so-called water-jet job-shops were
TOP OF PAGE: Robots used for waterjet cutting have coiled high-pressure
pipes to provide elastic compensation
for changes in angle & twisting of the
robot’s wrists.
4 Silicon Chip
set up. The technology employed in
these shops was almost exclusively
two-dimensional, with abrasive being
added to the water whenever harder
materials had to be cut.
Water-jet cutting is most often used
to replace traditional punching of materials and not sawing or other cutting
methods such as laser or plasma cutting. The main advantage of water-jet
cutting is that, unlike punching, it
does not require a special tool for each
work piece.
The first systems for producing
parts with three-dimensional shapes
were developed in 1985. Computer-controlled water-jet robots were
used first by suppliers to the automotive industry, who employed them
to cut roof linings for cars. In the following years, the automotive industry
Abrasive water-jets
Water-jet technology can be used to
cut virtually every material, even steel
and aluminium. For example, Crane
Fruehauf Ltd. of Norfolk, UK, uses
large abrasive water-jet cutting tables
to produce the cylindrical containers
for road tankers. Due to the high energy of the abrasive water jet, thicker
aluminium and steel plates can be
cut than with laser or plasma cutters.
Unlike laser or plasma cutters, water-jet cutting causes minimal heating.
With laser and plasma cutting, the
heat developed affects the cut edges,
which require further work before the
parts can be welded.
Also, water-jet cutting is generally
insensitive to disturbances such as
vibration caused by other metal-forming processes.
With water-jet cutting, Crane Frue
hauf is able to cut a large variety of
different materials. As a rule, the system is used to cut 3mm thick stainless
steel and structural steel at a rate of
600mm per minute.
More commonly, water-jet technology is used to cut plastics and composites, especially fibre composites,
laminated structures, and glass-fibre
reinforced and wood-fibre-based com-
robots for
r-jet cutting
Waterjet cutting is used in the manufacture of numerous interior parts of motor
vehicles. The result is very clean cut material and no need to make custom
punches or jigs.
posites. Oscillating cutting methods
or conventional machining cannot be
used for these materials because they
don’t give a clean cut.
Much of the interior trim of modern
passenger cars can be produced using
water-jet cutting, for example the roof,
door and boot linings, rear shelves,
carpets, instrument panels and bump
ers. German car maker BMW uses the
method for cutting out its instrument
This relatively new technology
is largely the result of development
work carried out by ABB I-R Robotised
Waterjet, a joint venture set up by Asea
Brown Boveri and Ingersoll-Rand.
ABB I-R is the market leader in water-jet cutting equipment for three-dimensional applications and to date
the company has installed more than
250 systems worldwide.
Water-jets cut with high precision.
The main characteristics and benefits
are summarised below:
• Suitable for cutting composite,
textile or fibreglass reinforced materials.
• Minimal heat produced.
• No dust, odours or smoke produced
in the workplace.
• Surfaces of the cuts are of a high
• Cutting forces are low.
• Only simple work piece fixtures
are needed.
• The tool is always sharp as there
is no wear.
• Tool radius can be less than
0.15mm, allowing sharp-edged contours to be cut.
Very high water pressures
This 3-D water-jet cutting system at Crane Fruehauf Ltd in the UK is used to cut
3mm thick stainless steel and structural steel at a rate of 600mm/minute.
Installed in the cutting box is an
electrically driven pump that drives
June 1997 5
A water-jet cutting tool consists of:
(1) a high pressure pipe; (2) a nozzle
made of diamond, sapphire or very
hard metals; and (3) a screwed cap.
Hard metal nozzles are used when
abrasives are added to the water.
In this water-jet process, two ABB robots and an automatic shell-lifter are used
to cut car head linings in one operation. The finished head lining is then ready
for installation in a car.
a high-pressure unit. A conventional
hydraulic system with a power input of 20-40kW provides the driving
force for one or more double-acting
pressure boosters which produce the
required pressure in the water jet.
The working pressure lies between
3,000 and 4,000 bar (equivalent to
43,000 to 58,000 psi), depending on
the application.
The nozzles are made of sapphire,
diamond or very hard metals, with
an internal diameter of 0.1-0.5mm,
to create a very thin jet. Hard-metal
nozzles are needed when abrasives
are added to the water.
The maximum distance between
the nozzle and the surface of the material being cut is about 50mm. After
it has cut through the work piece, the
jet turns into a spray and immediately
loses its cutting ability.
The particles removed during cutting are washed out with the water
and are collected by filters before it
drains to the sewer. The amount of
water used is quite small – an average
of 1.5 litres/minute per nozzle.
High noise levels
CAD animation allows systems envisaged by a customer to be shown in three
dimensions, allowing technical evaluations and the fixing of cycle times.
6 Silicon Chip
The process is extremely noisy. For
a system pressure of 3500 bar and nozzle diameter of 0.5mm, the velocity
of the water-jet is about 800 metres/
second which is about three times the
speed of sound. The resulting noise
level is somewhere between 110dB(A)
and 120dB(A).
Because of the risk of physical
injury and the high noise levels, the
only feasible way to operate water-jet
Modified robots
ABB robots used for water-jet cutting are modified for wet working conditions. They have specially designed
high-pressure piping, including a
modification to solve problems caused
by the rotation of the robots’ wrists.
This involves the pipes being wound
in a coil around the axes to provide
elastic compensation for changes in
angle and twisting of the wrists.
As well, the robots are suspended
from a gantry. This gives more working space than with floor-mounted
robots and ensures that the robots
remain relatively dry, since they do
not stand in water.
CAD animation
To speed up the design, construction and installation of customised,
robot-based systems, ABB I-R has
developed CAD animation of water-jet
cutting projects. It enables proposed
systems to be shown in detail on a
computer screen. The design of the
installation, cutting tools and robots
are all simulated to allow a detailed
evaluation of the overall system.
Preliminary studies, such as technical analyses and the determination
of collision risk, can be carried out
at an early stage. In addition, cycle
times can be fixed and the operating
times of the individual robots can be
CAD animation allows the robots
to be programmed in parallel with
the actual construction of the system.
CAD animation also enables the robot
programs of systems already installed
to be easily rewritten for new or modSC
ified products.
Now available: the complete index to all
SILICON CHIP articles since the first issue
in November 1987. The Floppy Index
comes with a handy file viewer that lets
you look at the index line by line or page
by page for quick browsing, or you can
use the search function. All commands
are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available:
this file lets you quickly check out the
Notes & Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index
but a complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file
viewer is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
Floppy Index (incl. file viewer): $A7
Notes & Errata (incl. file viewer): $A7
Alphanumeric LCD Demo Board Software (May 1993): $A7
Stepper Motor Controller Software (January 1994): $A7
Gamesbvm.bas /obj /exe (Nicad Battery Monitor, June 1994): $A7
Diskinfo.exe (Identifies IDE Hard Disc Parameters, August 1995): $A7
Computer Controlled Power Supply Software (Jan/Feb. 1997): $A7
Spacewri.exe & Spacewri.bas (for Spacewriter, May 1997): $A7
I/O Card (July 1997) + Stepper Motor Software (1997 series): $A7
POSTAGE & PACKING: Aust. & NZ add $A3 per order; elsewhere $A5
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Enclosed is my cheque/money order for $A__________ or please debit my
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Acknowledgement: this article has been
adapted from the original which appeared
in the January 1997 issue of ABB Review,
published by Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
Send your order to: SILICON CHIP, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097; or fax your
order to (02) 9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 and quote your credit card number
(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
cutting equipment is via robot or numeric control.
Water-jet cutting tools in 2D-installations are guided by AC-driven
linear units. ABB industrial robots
are used in 3D cutting installations to
allow optimum control of the water
jet. For example, a six-axis robot can
manipulate the nozzle in any required
direction while ensuring the right
cutting angle. The nozzle is moved
along either linear or spherically
curved paths at high speed and with
very good repeatability.
June 1997 7
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A PC-controlled
Consisting of just a few parts, this simple
project plugs into your PC’s printer port and
is a fully working digital thermometer and
thermostat. The accompanying software
generates the on-screen display and lets you
adjust the thermostat settings.
This little project is ideal for use as
a thermostat in an industrial control
system and once programmed, it can
operate independently of the PC.
Alternatively, you could use it to just
give a digital readout of the current
temperature on your PC’s screen.
It’s the software that does all the
10 Silicon Chip
hard work here. As well as generating the on-screen display, it displays
the current temperature and lets you
set the high and low trip points for
the thermostat just by clicking a few
buttons. We’ll take a closer look at
this shortly.
By using software control, the
hardware requirements are kept to
an absolute minimum. In fact, all the
parts except for a single IC are housed
in the backshell of a DB25 connector.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the circuit details of
the Digital Thermometer/Thermostat,
together with an optional relay driver circuit. The IC, which forms the
heart of the hardware, is a DS1620
Digital Thermometer & Thermostat
(IC1) from Dallas Semiconductor –
see Fig.2. This programmable device
measures temp
atures from -55°C
to +125°C in 0.5°C increments and
has three “alarm” outputs designated
In operation, THIGH goes high (ie,
switches from logic 0 to logic 1) when
the temperature exceeds a user-de-
fined upper limit. Conversely, TLOW
goes high when the temperature falls
below a preset lower limit. The third
output, TCOM goes high when the
temperature exceeds the upper limit
and stays high until the temperature
falls below the lower limit.
These three outputs can be used to
directly control heating and cooling
appliances via suitable driver circuitry (eg, relays and optocouplers).
Data is read from and written to the
DS1620 via a 3-wire serial interface
(CLK, DQ & RST). In addition, the
user-defined upper and lower trip
points are stored by the IC in a nonvola
tile memory. This means that
the IC can be programmed before
building it into a control system.
Alternatively, the IC can be interfaced
to a microprocessor (or left connected
to a computer), so that the trip points
can be quickly adjusted to suit the
In this circuit, IC1’s clock and reset
inputs (pins 2 & 3) are driven via pins
3 & 9 of the parallel port, respectively.
Pin 1 is the data (DQ) input and this is
driven by pin 2 of the parallel port via
diode D1 and pulldown resistor R1.
The outputs from IC1 – T HIGH,
TLOW & TCOM – are connected back to
pins 11, 12 & 13 of the parallel port,
respectively. This allows the software
to read the values on these lines and
adjust the on-screen display accord-
The software lets you set THIGH and TLOW just by clicking the Min and Max
buttons. Note that the TLOW indicator (at right) has come on here because the
measured temperature is at TLOW.
ingly. In addition, each output controls an NPN transistor (eg, BC327)
in the suggested relay driver circuit.
Transistor Q1 is driven by pin 7 (the
THIGH output) of IC1. Normally, THIGH
is low and so Q1 and RLY1 are off.
However, if the monitored temper-
ature exceeds the preset maximum,
THIGH switches high and so Q1 turns
on and switches on RLY1 to control
the process. At the same time, TCOM
also goes high and this turns on Q2
and RLY2.
If the temperature now drops below
Fig.1: the circuit is based on the DS1620 Digital Thermometer/Thermostat IC from Dallas
Semiconductor and uses just three components. Also shown here is a suggested thermostat
control circuit based on three transistors and three relays.
June 1997 11
the preset maximum, THIGH switches
low again and Q1 and RLY1 both turn
off. However, TCOM remains high
until the temperature drops below
the preset minimum, as which point
it switches low again and Q2 turns
off. TLOW now goes high and turns
on Q3 and RLY3.
In practice, you can use one or more
of these outputs to control a fan or a
heating appliance to suit your application. For example, you could use the
TCOM output to activate a fan when
the temperature exceeded THIGH. This
fan would then remain on until the
temperature dropped below TLOW. It’s
up to you how you use the outputs.
Fig.3 shows the wiring details for
the unit. As can be seen, the two internal components (R1 and D1) are
soldered directly to the pins of the
DB25 connector, while the IC is con
nected via eight flying leads. These
flying leads are best run to an 8-pin
socket, so that the IC can be easily
removed after programming.
The software comes on three floppy
discs and runs under Windows 3.1x
Windows 95. It’s easy to install – you
simply run the Setup.exe file on the
first disc (within Windows) and follow the on-screen instructions.
The accompanying screen grabs
show the control panel that appears
when you boot the thermometer/
thermostat program (Therm.exe). As
Fig.2: block diagram of the DS-1620 Thermometer/
12 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: the circuit is built by directly wiring it to a
DB-25 male connector.
Both the THIGH and TCOM indicators come on when the
measured temperature reaches THIGH, as shown here.
shown, the current temperature is directly displayed (both as a direct readout and on a dial) and you can easily
set THIGH and TLOW by clicking the
appropriate Min. and Max. buttons.
You can also choose an alternative
printer port (LPT2).
The control panel also shows the
status of the outputs. This lets you
program the unit and then check that
everything is working correctly. Once
the unit has been programmed, you
can unplug it from the computer and
use it in your application.
Note that pin 8 of the DS1620
must be connected to the +5V rail
when used in the thermostat mode
(ie, disconnect pin 8 from the DB25
Once it turns on, the TCOM indicator stays on until the
measured temperature falls below TLOW.
Where To Buy Parts & Software
Parts and software for this design are available as follows:
(1). DS1620 Thermometer/Thermostat .................................................$12
(2). DS1620 Thermometer/Thermostat with programmed TLOW
and THIGH (you specify) ..................................................................$15
(3). Software (read current temperature, TLOW & THIGH only) ............... $15
(4). Software (full read/write version) ....................................................$25
(5). Optional LPT2 interface card for PC ...............................................$15
Please add $5 for postage. Payment by cheque or money order only to:
Mr Softmark, PO Box 1609, Hornsby, NSW 2077. Ph/fax (02) 9482 1565.
Note: the software associated with this project is copyright to Mr Softmark
and may not be copied without permission.
1 DS-1620 Thermometer/
Programmer software (3-disc
set for PCs)
1 DB-25 male connector with
1 8-pin IC socket
1 DS1620 Digital Thermometer/
Thermostat (IC1)
1 1N4184 silicon diode
1 1kΩ 0.25W resistor
Optional thermostat
3 5V relays (RLY1-RLY3)
3 BC337 NPN transistors
3 1N4004 silicon diodes (D2-D4)
3 2.2kΩ 0.25W resistors
3 1kΩ 0.25W resistors
This close-up view shows how the parts are wired to the DB-25 connector. Note
that the final version differs slightly from this early prototype.
June 1997 13
Colour TV pattern
generator; Pt.1
This versatile colour TV pattern generator
stores its patterns in a ROM which is
programmed via a computer port. It’s easy to
build and you can even customise it to
include your own patterns.
This new Colour TV Pattern Generator is a ground-breaking design
for SILICON CHIP. It is the first circuit
that we have produced that uses an
EEPROM which you can program from
your own PC. This means that if you
don’t like the standard patterns, or
have some special requirement, you
can modify the software and program
14 Silicon Chip
in your own patterns (provided you
have Quick Basic).
Of course, you don’t have to do
this if you don’t want to. We anticipate that several retailers will offer
this design as a complete kit of parts
and will include a pre-programmed
EEPROM. Pre-programmed EEPROMs
will also be available from SILICON
CHIP, as will the programming software.
Basing the design on an EEPROM
has a number of advantages. For the
first time, it allows us to offer a circle
as one of the patterns. Our previous
designs have omitted this rather useful feature because it couldn’t be done
with conventional logic circuits. The
EEPROM approach simplifies the circuit and makes the unit easier to build.
Using a pattern generator
If you service colour TV sets or want
to adjust your own TV set for a first
class picture, a pattern generator is a
must. It is an essential tool for making
convergence and purity adjustments,
for adjusting picture geometry and for
fault finding.
These screen images (captured via a PC video frame grabber) show just four of
the patterns produced by the pattern generator (the others are red raster, white
raster and greyscale). Note that the circle appears stepped because the image is
not interlaced. Note also that the colours shown in the colour bar pattern are
not true to life, due to limitations in the printing process.
This unit can generate seven different patterns: checkerboard, dot, circle/crosshatch, red raster, white raster
and colour bars. In addition, you can
select between greyscale and colour
patterns. We’ll look at each pattern in
turn and describe how it’s used.
First, the checkerboard pattern provides a useful indication of the low
frequency response of the video stages. If the set is functioning correctly,
the black/white edges of this pattern
will be sharp and straight. Conversely, a set with a poor low-frequency
response will show smearing between
the black and white areas, along with
rounded corners.
The dot and crosshatch patterns
are useful when making static and
dynamic convergence adjustments.
On a set with poor static convergence,
for example, each dot will actually
consist of separate red, green and blue
dots rather than a single white dot.
Similarly, poor dynamic convergence
will cause the lines in the crosshatch
pattern to splay into separate red,
green and blue lines at the edges of
the screen.
The crosshatch/circle pattern is also
useful when adjusting picture geometry. This involves setting the correct
height and width to obtain a perfect
circle and minimising pincushion
distortion. “Pincushion distortion” refers to the tendency for lines near the
edges of the picture to bend inwards
or outwards at the centre.
The red and white rasters (ie, full
red and full white screens) allow
purity adjustments, so that the entire
screen shows the one colour without
irregularities. On sets with purity
problems, the white raster may show
blotches or red, green or blue. This
indicates that it is necessary to degauss (ie, demagnetise) the metalwork
inside the picture tube.
Eight colour bars – white, yellow,
cyan, green, magenta, red, blue and
black – make up the colour bar pattern.
This pattern is ideal when tracking
down faults, since any waveforms
depicted on a TV set circuit diagram
are typically staircases, usually derived using a colour bar pattern as
the RF/video source. By comparing
the observed waveforms with those
depicted on the circuit diagram, it
is often possible to locate the faulty
By turning the colour burst off, we
get a greyscale bar pattern ranging
from white to black. This is used for
checking the greyscale tracking and for
brightness and contrast adjustments.
Design improvements
Our last Colour TV Pattern Generator was published in November 1991.
Although it produced nominally the
June 1997 15
Main Features
• Produces dot, crosshatch/circle, checkerboard, red raster, white raster, colour
bars and greyscale
• Patterns correctly centred on the screen
• Square crosshatch and checkerboard patterns
• Direct video output plus RF video modulator output
• Option for S-video outputs (chrominance and luminance signals)
• Audio input for video modulator (to test sound)
• Patterns and sync stored in ROM with option to customise patterns
Number of lines ����������������������������������� 312 (Aust. PAL Standard: 312.5 x 2)
Line (H) sync ��������������������������������������� 4.57µs (Aust. PAL Standard: 4.5-4.9µs)
Line period ������������������������������������������ 64.087µs (1358ppm fast) (Aust. PAL standard:
Line (H) blanking ��������������������������������� 12.22µs (Aust. PAL Standard: 11.8-12.3µs)
Field (V) sync �������������������������������������� 7 lines (Aust. PAL Standard: 2.5H for preequalising pulses, 2.5H for sync and 2.5H for
post-equalising pulses)
Field (V) blanking �������������������������������� 25 lines + 12.22µs (Aust. PAL Standard: 25
lines + 11.8-12.3µs)
Field frequency ������������������������������������ 50.012Hz (2400ppm fast) (Aust. PAL Standard:
Crosshatch pattern ������������������������������ 11 horizontal (1 line high) x 15 vertical lines
(305ns wide). Horizontal and vertical lines are
located at the screen centre
Circle pattern ��������������������������������������� 80% of full vertical screen height, 60% of full
horizontal screen.
Dot pattern ������������������������������������������ 11 horizontal rows (1 line high) x 15 vertical
columns (305ns wide). A dot is at the centre
of the screen
Checkerboard pattern �������������������������� 7 horizontal x 5 vertical squares alternate black
and white
Colour bar pattern ������������������������������� 8 vertical bars 6.1µs wide with 1.22µs extra
width on outside bars
Bar colours ������������������������������������������ standard white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta,
red, blue and black
Colour burst signal ������������������������������ 10 cycles of 4.43361875MHz signal occurring
5.59µs after beginning of H sync <at> 249mV
p-p (Aust. PAL Standard: 10 cycles 5.6µs after
leading edge of H sync)
RGB to YUV encoding ������������������������� Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B, U = 0.493
(B-Y), V = 0.877(R-Y) – (to Australian PAL
Chrominance to luminance delay �������� -170ns
RF output channel ������������������������������� 0 or 1
Video output impedance ���������������������� 75Ω
Video output ���������������������������������������� 2Vp-p unloaded, 1Vp-p with 75٠loading
16 Silicon Chip
same patterns as this latest version
(but no circle), it did have a few minor
First, the patterns were not centred
exactly in the middle of the screen,
which made convergence adjustments
less precise. Second, the crosshatch
and checkerboard patterns were not
exactly square, which made it harder
to check for linearity errors in the
picture. Third, it used a Philips TEA
2000 colour encoder IC which is now
These drawbacks have all been
overcome in this new design. As
mentioned above, the new circuit uses
an EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read only memory) to store
all the patterns and generate the sync
pulses. This arrangement reduces the
IC count from 16 to 11 and correctly
centres the patterns on the screen.
In addition, the checkerboard,
crosshatch and dot patterns are exactly square and a circle has been added,
as noted above. The circle allows
screen linearity to be checked at a
glance and makes for straightforward
height/width adjustments. If the circle
is looking a little squat, for example,
then the height is too low. Conversely,
if the circle looks tall and thin, the
height needs to be reduced.
Most of the signals from the Colour
Television Pattern Generator comply
with Australian PAL standards. These
include the horizontal sync pulse and
blanking intervals, and the colour
burst and its position. The vertical
sync pulse signal does not include
the pre- and post-equalising pulses
since these are only necessary with
an interlaced 625-line signal.
Physical arrangement
The SILICON CHIP Colour Pattern
Generator is housed in a standard
plastic instrument case and is powered from a 12VAC mains plugpack.
A 5-position rotary switch selects
between the checkerboard, dot, crosshatch/circle, red raster and white
raster patterns, while a 2-way toggle
switch is used to select the colour bar
pattern. An adjacent toggle switch
selects either the colour and greyscale
patterns, while a third toggle is the
power on/off switch.
Both composite video and RF outputs are provided on the rear panel
(RCA sockets) and there is also an
audio input socket. The latter allows
audio to be fed directly into the RF
Fig.1: this block diagram shows the unit in pattern mode. There are three main
circuit sections: (1) an oscillator (clock) stage comprising IC6a, IC6b & crystal X1;
(2) counters IC2-IC5; and (3) memory IC1 (the EEPROM). The oscillator clocks the
counters which in turn drive address lines A0-A15 of the memory IC. The various
patterns stored in IC1 appear at the data outputs (D0-D7).
Fig.2: block diagram of the AD722 RGB-to-PAL colour encoder IC. This IC accepts
RGB and sync input signals and produces both composite video and S-video (separate
chrominance and luminance) signals at its outputs.
June 1997 17
IC11 detects when the memory has
reached the end of one field. It then
resets the counters and the pattern
starts all over again.
Switch S2 selects between the
patterns on D0-D3, while S3 and IC8
select between this and the colour bar
signal on D4-D6. The selected RGB
signal is buffered using IC9 and attenuated to a 0-700mV signal before being
fed to the RGB-to-PAL encoder (IC10).
IC10 produces a composite video output and a separate luminance signal.
Switch S4 selects the composite
video output from IC10 for colour
video and the luminance output for
greyscale video. The resulting signal
is then made available as direct video.
It is also applied to a video modulator
to produce a modulated RF signal on
VHF channel 0 or 1. An audio signal
can also be applied to the RF modulator if required although this facility
is not normally provided in a pattern
RGB-to-PAL encoder
Fig.3: this is the block diagram of the unit when it is configured to programming
mode (by changing some on-board jumper pins). Each address in the memory
is programmed by applying the correct level to the data lines (D0-D7) and then
applying a short pulse to the E input of IC1
modulator and this can be useful when
tracing audio problems in a TV set.
In addition, S-video outputs can be
added if required by connecting appropriate leads to the luminance and
chrominance pins on the PC board.
Operating modes
Because it is a programmable
device, this new pattern gen
can be configured to operate in two
modes: (1) programming mode; and
(2) pattern generator mode. These two
modes are selected by means of five
jumpers on the PC board.
Selecting the programming mode
(by moving all the jumpers to the front
pins of their 4-pin blocks) allows the
EEPROM to be programmed via the
PC’s parallel port and an on-board
DB25 connector. Once programming
has been completed, the jumpers are
reset so that the unit can function as
a pattern generator.
The software for programming the
EEPROM is written in Quick Basic,
which originally came with DOS 5.
The data stored in the EEPROM is
arranged in lines which directly cor18 Silicon Chip
respond to the lines displayed on the
TV screen. This means that you can
edit an existing pattern line-by-line to
produce a custom display, if required.
Block diagram
Refer now to Fig.1 for a block diagram of the unit (pattern generator
mode). It might look complicated but
we’ll go through the various stages in
turn and explain how it all works.
Three main circuit sections are
required to produce the requisite
patterns: (1) an oscillator (clock) stage
comprising IC6a, IC6b & crystal X1;
(2) counters IC2-IC5; and (3) memory
IC1 (the EEPROM). The oscillator stage
clocks the counters which in turn
drive the address lines (A0-A15) of
the memory IC.
The various patterns stored in IC1
appear at the data outputs (D0-D7).
Outputs D0-D3 provide the checker-board, dot, crosshatch/circle and
raster signals, while D4-D6 provide
the blue, green and red signals for the
colour bar sequence. D7 produces the
composite sync pulses and these are
fed to the RGB-to-PAL encoder stage
The RGB-to-PAL encoder is an
Analog Devices AD722 16-pin surface
mount device. It produces a top-quality PAL video signal from RGB and
composite (horizontal and vertical)
sync input signals, the latter fed from
D7 of IC1.
Fig.2 shows the block diagram of the
AD722. This IC is rather complicated
and, among other things, contains a
phase lock loop (PLL) and various
filters and delay lines. It requires no
external components other than a
crystal and a trimmer capacitor to set
the colour burst frequency.
The RGB inputs to the AD722 are
each first passed through on-chip
capacitors and clamped to the black
level during the blanking interval.
These three signals then pass into
an analog encoding matrix to create
the luminance (Y) and the U and V
colour difference signals. After that,
the Y signal passes through a 6MHz
low-pass Bessel filter which prevents
aliasing in the following sampled
delay line.
This delay line produces a 170ns
difference between the luminance
and chrominance signals. The delayed
signal then passes through a 5MHz
low pass filter to remove the sampled
delay line artefacts.
The U and V signals pass through
1.5MHz low pass filters to prevent
Fig.4: this diagram shows the general arrangement of the blanking intervals and the visible
screen area. The picture is made up of 312 lines which are scanned horizontally, one line at
a time, from top to bottom. Note that lines 1-23 at the top of the screen and lines 311-312 at
the bottom of the screen are not seen since they are reserved for field blanking
aliasing in the following balanced
modulator stages where the colour
burst signals are injected. Note that
the burst injec
tion to the V signal
is alternated between 90° and 270°
at half the line rate to comply with
the PAL standard. The outputs from
the balanced modulators are then
summed and fed to a 4.4MHz low-pass
filter to remove any artefacts generated
in the modulators.
The resulting chrominance signal is
summed with the luminance output
to produce composite video. In addition, the luminance and chrominance
signals are made available as separate
outputs (S-video).
The HSYNC and VSYNC inputs accept the sync signals. Either separate
horizontal and vertical sync signals
can be applied or a composite sync
signal (as used in this design) can be
applied to just one of these inputs. In
either case, the following stages produce a composite sync signal and this
is inserted into the luminance signal
between the 3-pole low-pass filter and
the sampled delay line.
All other timing is generated by a 4
x 4.43MHz clock signal which can be
derived from a 4.43MHz colour burst
crystal or from a 17.734MHz crystal.
When a 4.43MHz crystal is used,
the IC is configured to multiply the
frequency by four using the internal
phase lock loop.
Programming mode
Fig.3 shows the block diagram for
the unit when it is configured to programming mode.
Three regulated supplies are required for programming. The 5V regulator provides most of the power for
the ICs, while the 6V supply powers
the memory which can be either an
EEPROM or a One Time Programmable
Read Only Memory (OTPROM). The
12.5V supply is used to provide the
programming voltage.
Basically, each address in the mem
ory is programmed by applying the
correct level to the data lines (D0-D7)
and then applying a short pulse to
the E input of IC1. Let’s look at this
in greater detail.
In practice, the programming process is controlled by the computer and
the software which drives the Port
A, Port B and Port C lines. There are
several lines at work here:
(1) the D2 Port C line – this applies
the clock signal to the counters (IC2IC5), to increment the address of the
(2) the -D1 Port C line – this triggers
the program pulse generator IC7;
(3) the D4 Port B line – this watches
for the end of the programming pulse;
(4) the Port A lines – these drive the
Data lines (D0-D7) of IC1.
When power is first applied, the
counters are reset to the first memory
address of IC1. Data is then applied
June 1997 19
to D0-D7 from Port A, after which D1
of Port C triggers the pulse generator
to program the first memory location.
At the end of the programming
pulse, D4 of Port B signals the computer and the counter is clocked to
the next count via D2 Port C and
inverter IC6c. The next memory address of IC1 is now accessed and the
relevant data again applied to D0-D7
and programmed in. This sequence
continues until all the data has been
programmed in.
EPROM coding
Fig.5: this diagram shows, in graphical format, the programming codes
for the various patterns which are programmed in via data lines D0-D7
for each line from 1-312. Note that all lines are high during the first 40
locations for line blanking and for lines 311-23 for field blanking. D7 is
the sync signal and this is low for 15 locations (4.58µs) and high for the
remaining locations in lines 6-310
20 Silicon Chip
To understand how the memory
is programmed with the pat
we first need to understand how the
picture is displayed on the TV screen.
Fig.4 shows the general arrangement of the blanking intervals and
the visible screen area. The picture
from our pattern generator is made up
of 312 lines which are scanned horizontally, one line at a time, from top
to bottom. Lines 1-23 at the top of the
screen and lines 311-312 at the bottom
of the screen are not seen since they
are reserved for field blanking. This
is the period during which the trace
returns from the bottom of the screen
to recommence at the top.
Each line is 64µs wide, with 12µs of
this period reserved for line blanking.
This means that the visible area on
the screen is only 52µs wide by 288
lines high.
The visible picture is displayed
with a 4:3 width-to-height ratio and
this must be taken into account when
producing the pattern coding. If this
is not done, the circle will look like
an ellipse, while the crosshatch and
checkerboard squares will be elongated.
The memory which contains the
pattern codes has a capacity of 64K
bytes, which is actually 65,536 bytes.
Each of these memory locations is
clocked at 3.2768MHz or once every
305.17578ns. If we use 210 memory locations per line, then we have
305.17578ns x 210 or 64.08µs, which
is the desired line period.
The 12µs line blanking interval
takes up 40 memory locations of the
210 total per line, leaving only 170
visible locations. And with 312 lines
and 210 memory locations per line, we
use 65,520 locations per field which
is virtually the capacity of the ROM.
The 65,521th location in the memory
produces a reset pulse to return the
Fig.6: this oscilloscope waveform shows the line sync pulse and the colour burst
signal. Note that the 10-cycle colour burst signal occurs 5.6µs after the falling
edge of the sync pulse, to comply with the Australian PAL standard. The
measured colour burst frequency of 4.443MHz deviates slightly from the true
value of 4.433619MHz because of the small number of cycles being measured.
Fig.7: these waveforms show the dot pattern (top trace) and the checkerboard
pattern (bottom trace). The first dot appears directly after the 12µs blanking
interval. Note that the colour burst signal has been turned off here to simplify
the presentation of these waveforms.
counters to the start of line 1.
The frame rate is 305.17578ns x
65,520 = 19.555ms, which equates to
50.01Hz. Although the line and frame
rates are not exactly at 64µs and 20ms,
they are close enough to these figures
not to cause problems.
The circle is programmed into
memory with its centre at memory
location 125 and a horizontal radius
June 1997 21
included with the crosshatch pattern.
Fig.5 shows the programming codes
for the various patterns which are
programmed in via data lines D0-D7
for each line from 1-312. These are
presented graphically so that it can
be seen how each pattern is made.
D7 is the sync signal and this is low
for 15 locations (4.58µs) and high for
the remaining locations in lines 6-310.
The signal is continuously low for
lines 311-5. The remaining data lines
(D6-D0) are for the patterns and these
also incorpo
rate the line and field
blanking intervals.
As shown, all lines are high during
the first 40 locations for line blanking and for lines 311-23 for field
Understanding the patterns
Virtually all the parts are mounted on a single PC board so that construction is
really easy. The full construction details are in next month’s issue.
of 50 locations. This means that the
circle crosses the horizontal centre
line (line 167) at memory locations
175 (125 + 50) and 75 (125 - 50).
Similarly, the circle has a vertical
radius of 114 lines. This means that
it crosses the vertical centre line at
the 125th memory location at lines
53 (167 - 114) and 281 (167 + 114).
The remaining points of the circle were calculated using standard
trigonometry and the circle coding
Some of the patterns are relatively
simple, while the others are more
complicated. The easiest to understand is the raster which has all lines
low for memory locations 41-210.
The crosshatch pattern is more
complicated. In this case, lines 30,
57, 85 (ie, every 27th line) and so on
are always low from memory location
41 onwards, so that we get 10 white
horizontal lines across the screen. For
each remaining line from 24-310, the
signal goes low at memory locations
41, 53, 65 and so on (ie, at every 12th
memory location) to generate the
vertical lines.
The dot pattern works in a similar
fashion, except in this case all lines
are high except for lines 30, 57,85, etc
which go low at memory locations 41,
53, 65 and so on to generate the white
dots at these locations.
The checkerboard coding is quite
different, with successive blocks of
24 memory locations programmed
high and low for six different groups
of lines.
The colour bar and greyscale
pattern is derived from data lines
D4, D5 & D6. Note that the bars are
slightly wider at the two outside edges
than in the centre of the screen (34
memory locations versus 20 for the
others – see D4). This has been done
to compensate for the small degree of
overscanning present in all TV sets.
Next month
Fig.8: the top trace here is the greyscale waveform and this shows the familiar
staircase from full white to black in eight steps. The lower trace is the colour
bar waveform. Note that the colour burst signals appear to be at a low frequency
due to aliasing in the digital sampling process of the scope.
22 Silicon Chip
That’s all we have space for this
month. Next month, we will give the
full circuit and construction details
and describe the test procedure. SC
Problems with supply of
PIP module
I am writing to advise you of
our difficulty in offering the Picture-in-Picture kit for sale. We are
unable to obtain the PIP module
from our overseas supplier at the
original terms and conditions negotiated at the time the article was
being prepared for publication in
the April 1997 issue.
As a consequence of this, it is
no longer financially viable for
our company to proceed with the
supply of the PIP module.
As an alternative, for those customers who are still interested in
acquiring a PIP unit, we are prepared to offer a built up unit, with
additional features to those offered
in the kit design for $385. Our catalog number for this item is T1800
and specifications are included
in the current AV-COMM catalog,
or can be obtained by calling our
Balgowlah office.
Garry Cratt,
Av-Comm Pty Ltd,
Balgowlah, NSW.
Errors in NTSC-to-PAL
Converter article
I came across several errors of
fact in the first half of the article
“NTSC to PAL Converter” in the
May 1997 issue of SILICON CHIP
and I feel that these should be
pointed out to readers.
To begin with, you appear to
be confused with the terms frame
and field, stating that NTSC uses
a 60Hz “frame” rate and that PAL
uses a 50Hz “frame” rate. This
is quite incorrect. These figures
apply only to the “field” rate.
The “frame” rate is half of those
The reason for the difference
is historical. Motion picture film
(sound) has always run at 24
frames per second but this speed
produces intolerable flicker. The
cure for this problem was to
screen each frame twice, giving
a repetition rate of 48 images per
Early attempts to run electronic
scanning at speed similar to motion pictures were unsuccessful
due to the very high line frequency required. The solution was to
divide each frame in half and
transmit them one after the other.
In this way, the line frequency in
the American system was reduced
to 15,750Hz and in the English/
European system, to 15,625Hz.
Thus, each “field” contains
only half the picture information
and two fields are required to
complete one “frame”.
Then later in the article you
state that the phase of the colour
burst in the PAL system “. . .
changes by 180° on every alternate line”. I’m afraid that this is
quite wrong. For one thing, it is
only the red channel that changes
phase line by line. The phase of
the blue signal remains fixed.
The burst phase does in fact
change line by line but only by
±45°. This is to provide a means
by which the ident circuitry can
tell which phase angle should be
adopted for the red component of
the following line.
The burst provides a reference
signal to control the fre
and phase of the chroma sub
carrier oscillator. It is the output
of this oscillator that controls the
blue demodulator via a 90° phase
shift network and the red demod
ulator via the ±180° phase switch.
To complete the story, it should
be noted that the green component
of the picture is not transmitted
but is derived in the receiver by
adding the red and blue together,
then subtracting the result from
the luminance (black and white)
I can appreciate that you tried
to simplify what is really a very
complex subject but simplification is of little value if the result
delivers inaccurate information.
Indeed, your readers may have
been more impressed by the intense signal processing undertaken in this project if they had been
given more detailed information.
Finally, I would like to make
a point referring back to your
Editorial in the same issue. If the
chips required to operate this
project will only be available for
perhaps 12 months, what happens
after that if one of the chips in the
converter fails?
Of course, there is every chance
that the chips will never fail. But
if they do, the owner should be
reconciled to tossing out $150
worth of useless NTSC/PAL converter.
Jim Lawler,
Geilston Bay, Tasmania.
Comment: thanks for bringing
the errors in the article to our
attention. As far as chips failing
is concerned, the same drawback
applies to many consumer prod
ucts nowadays.
For example, if the mother
board in your current Pentium
computer fails in 12 months time,
what chance is there of having
it repaired? Very little, in most
cases. To paraphrase your words,
there is every chance that your
motherboard will never fail. But
if it does, you would have to be
reconciled to tossing out several
hundred dollars worth of useless
electronics and buying a new one.
June 1997 23
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
A high-current
motor speed control
for 12V & 24V systems
This pulse width-modulated 20A speed control
can be used for controlling 12V DC motors in
cars. Examples are pumps for fuel injection,
water/air intercoolers & water injection on
modified performance cars. It could also be
used for headlight dimming in the daytime & for
running 12V motors & pumps in 24V vehicles.
These days, car manufacturers are
coming to realise that running pumps
full bore all the time is wasteful of
the battery/electrical system and also
causes premature wear of the fuel
pump. A prime example of this is
the pump use to pressurise the fuel
rail in fuel injection cars. The pump
runs continuously, regardless of the
fuel demand, and the excess fuel is
bled off to the fuel tank to keep the
pressure constant.
In the future, most cars will have
fuel pumps which are variable speed
controlled according to fuel demand.
In the meantime, you can do it now
with this design, using the car’s map
sensor output as a measure of fuel
demand. However, the exact method
for doing this is beyond the scope of
this article.
The circuit can control 12V loads
up to 20 amps and it uses just two
Mosfets to do it.
Other possible applications for this
PWM circuit are for control of 12V
and 24V motors in model locomotives
and cars and in control applications
in manufacturing. The circuit has
excellent line and speed regulation
and uses just one low-cost IC as well
as the two Mosfets.
Note: this circuit is not suitable
for operating 12V audio equipment
in 24V vehicles since its output is
pulsed at around 2kHz.
As presented, the circuit incorporates a “soft start” feature which is
desirable to reduce inrush currents,
particularly if the device is used to
control 12V incandescent lamps.
However, for some pump applications
the soft start may not be wanted and
so we’ll tell you how to disable it.
We are presenting this project as a
standalone PC board. If you want to
put it in a case it is a simple matter to
install it in a suitable plastic box but
that will be up to you. The PC board
has all components on it except for
a diode (D2) and a capacitor which
must be wired across the motor being
driven. If the circuit is used to control
incandescent lamps, the diode and
capacitor are not required.
Circuit description
This small PC board will provide speed control of 12V or 24V motors drawing
up to 20A. Not shown on this prototype board is the input protection diode D1
26 Silicon Chip
The heart of the circuit shown in
Fig.1 is a TL494 pulse width modulation (PWM) controller. It varies
the output voltage fed to the motor
by rapidly turning Mosfets Q3 & Q4
on and off. Because the Mosfets are
Fig.1: the heart of the circuit is a TL494 pulse width modulation (PWM) controller. It varies the output voltage fed to
the motor by rapidly turning Mosfets Q3 & Q4 on and off. Note that diode D2 is essential to the circuit operation.
being switched fully on or fully off,
they dissipate very little power, even
when handling currents as high as 20
amps total. This means that they do
not get very hot and no heatsink or
very small heatsinks (depending on
the output current) are required.
Note that the TL494 is normally
used in switchmode power supply
applications but it is suitable for
virtually any PWM application. Its
block diagram is shown in Fig.2. The
chip contains the following functions:
• An oscillator, the frequency of
which is determined by a capacitor
at pin 5 and a resistor at pin 6.
• A stable +5V reference at pin 14.
• A “dead time” comparator with
one input driven from the oscillator.
• Two comparators (pins 1, 2, 15 &
16) with their outputs ORed together
via diodes (pin 3).
• A PWM comparator with one input from the oscillator and the other
from the ORed output of the two
• A flipflop driven by the dead time
and PWM comparators.
• Two 200mA transistors with uncommitted emitters (pins 9 & 10)
and collectors (pins 8 & 11), with
their bases driven by the outputs of
the flipflop.
In simple terms, the TL494 operates as follows. Its oscillator is set to
run at 2kHz and it produces a pulse
train at its outputs at this frequency.
The width of the pulses is varied
(ie, pulse width modulated) and the
ratio of the “on” time to the “off”
time controls the amount of power
fed to the load which in this case is
the motor.
A fraction of the output voltage
is fed to one input of one of the
comparators, while the other input
is connected to a reference voltage.
If the output voltage rises slightly,
the comparator input will sense this
change and will alter the output onoff ratio and consequently the output
voltage. This keeps the voltage at the
comparator input equal to the reference voltage.
This is done by reducing the
driving pulse on time, reducing the
time the switching device is turned
on, thereby bringing the output voltage back to the required level. The
converse applies for falling output
Now if we refer to the circuit of
Fig.1 again, we see that the TL494 is
fed via a 7812 12V regulator. This is
not strictly essential for the TL494
since it can operate with a supply
ranging from +7V to +40V. However,
it is important that the gate drive to
Mosfets Q3 & Q4 does not exceed their
specifications and so this condition is
met with REG1.
In this circuit, the output duty cycle must be able to be controlled over
a wide range, from virtually zero up
to the maximum of around 90% and
so the two internal transistors (C1 pin
8 and C2 pin 11) have their collectors
connected to the +12V supply and
are used as emitter followers to pull
the bases of Q1 & Q2 to +12V. The
2.2kΩ resistor at pins 9 & 10 is the
common emitter load and it pulls the
bases to ground. Thus, the emitters
of Q1 & Q2, together with the gates
of Q3 & Q4, swing from 0V to +12V
and so the gate drive signal is limited
to this voltage.
Q1 & Q2 are included for another
reason and that is to rapidly charge
and discharge the gate capacitances
of the Mosfets each time they turn on
and off. This improves the switching
action of the Mosfets; ie, it speeds up
the turn-on and turn-off times and
thereby reduces the power dissipation
in the Mosfets.
Soft start
A soft start circuit is incorporated to
June 1997 27
Fig.2: functional block diagram of the TL494. This chip is intended mainly for switchmode power supplies but
we have adapted it to control motors and resistive loads.
reduce surge current into the motor at
turn on. When power is first applied,
the REF output, pin 14, rapidly charges its associated 10µF capacitor, C1.
This pulls the INH(hibit), pin 4, high
as the 10µF capacitor (C2) between
pins 14 and 4 is initially discharged.
While pin 4 pin is high there is no
output from pins 9 & 10. As capacitor
C2 charges through the 100kΩ resistor
the voltage on pin 4 will gradually
fall and the output pulse width will
increase, giving a smooth rise in the
output voltage.
In order to control the output voltage precisely, the TL494 monitors
both sides of the motor; ie, the input
voltage before the 12V regulator (MOTOR +) and the voltage at the Mosfet
Drains (MOTOR -).
The MOTOR+ voltage is fed via
the 20kΩ and 2.2kΩ voltage divider
resistors to comparator 1, pin 1. The
MOTOR- voltage is attenuated by the
18kΩ and 4.7kΩ resistors and fed
through a 47kΩ resistor to pin 2. The
voltage tapped off the +5V reference
by the speed control, VR1, is also fed
through a 47kΩ resistor to pin 2.
When the speed control wiper is at
minimum setting (ie, 0V), the voltage
at the junction of the 18kΩ and 47kΩ
resistors will be forced to be twice
28 Silicon Chip
that on pin 1 of IC1 (nominally 1.4V
for +14V input), as the voltage drop
across each 47kΩ resistor will be 1.4V.
The voltage at the MOTOR- terminal
will be about +14V and so the motor
will not run.
As VR1 is advanced, the voltage at
the MOTOR- terminal will decrease,
thereby applying a larger voltage to
the motor so it can run.
Normally, the reference voltage on
pin 1 of IC1 is fixed and referred to the
5V reference at pin 14. In our case this
would not be desirable as the output
voltage sensed and regulated by IC1
is between the MOTOR- output and
ground (across the 4.7kΩ resistor).
This means that as we vary the
supply voltage, the voltage between
MOTOR- and ground will be held
constant but the voltage across the
motor will vary in a direct relation
to the voltage change. By connecting
the 20kΩ resistor between the input
rail and pin 1 of the TL494 we compensate for this.
Reverse polarity protection is provided by diode D1. It is rated at 3A
average but has a one-off surge rating
of 200A and will blow the fuse if the
leads to the battery are reversed.
Two essential components to the
circuit are not mounted on the PC
board but are wired directly across
the motor itself: D2 and C3. Diode D2
is the most important as it prevents
the generation of excessive voltage
spikes, each time the Mosfets turn
off. D2 must be a fast recovery diode
because of the very fast switching of
the Mosfets.
The importance of diode D2 and
the associated 0.22µF capacitor C3
is demonstrated in the oscilloscope
waveforms of Figs.3, 4, 5 & 6. The
waveform in Fig.3 shows the circuit
driving a resistive load which could
be a heater element or an incandes
cent lamp. Notice that the waveform
is a clean pulse with a duty cycle of
about 74%. This gives a voltage of
about 8.8V across the load.
Now have a look at Fig.4. This
shows the circuit set for the same
output when driving a motor instead
of a resistive load. The scope’s vertical
sensitivity has been changed to 20V/
div instead of 5V/div. Notice the
enormous spike voltage amounting to
almost 80V peak-to-peak, each time
the Mosfets turn off.
This spike voltage is enough to blow
the Mosfets because their Drain-Source
voltage rating (VDS) is only 60V.
Fig.3: this scope capture shows the waveform across a
resistive load which could be a heater element or an
incandescent lamp. Notice that the waveform is a clean
pulse with a duty cycle of about 74%. This gives a
voltage of about 8.8V across the load.
Fig.4: this waveform shows the circuit set for the same
output as for Fig.3 but driving a motor instead of a
resistive load. The scope’s vertical sensitivity has been
changed to 20V/div instead of 5V/div. Notice the
enormous spike voltage (amounting to almost 80V p-p)
each time the Mosfets turn off. This spike voltage is
enough to blow the Mosfets because their Drain-Source
voltage rating (VDS) is only 60V.
Fig.5: this waveform was produced with the same circuit
conditions as for Fig.4 but with D2 connected across the
motor to clip the voltage spikes. We now see the motor’s
back-EMF during the Mosfet off period, showing a value
about half of that applied by the control circuit.
Fig.6: this scope waveform shows the effect when both
diode D2 and the 0.22µF capacitor are fitted to the circuit.
Note that the capacitor has a filtering effect which acts to
remove most of the hash generated by the motor’s commutator.
Fig.5 shows the same circuit conditions but with diode D2 connected
across the motor to clip the voltage
spikes. We now see the motor’s backEMF during the Mosfet “off” period,
showing a value about half of that
applied by the control circuit.
Finally, Fig.6 shows the effect when
both the diode and 0.22µF capacitor
are fitted to the circuit. The capacitor
has a filtering effect, removing most
of the hash generated by the motor’s
The reason that diode D2 and the
0.22µF capacitor C3 are fitted directly across the motor instead of being
mounted on the PC board is that this
method stops the motor leads from
radiating commutator hash which
could otherwise interfere with sensitive circuitry elsewhere in the car.
The current rating of diode D2
must suit the rating of the motor. It’s
not much use connecting a 5A diode
across a motor that pulls 20A; it will
just blow the diode and then blow
the Mosfets.
Finally, also not mounted on the
PC board is the in-line input fuse
F1. This must also match the rating
of the motor.
PC board assembly
The PC board for this design is
coded 11106971 and measures 68 x
50mm. It is fairly easy to assemble as
it only has a few components on it.
Begin by checking the copper pattern
against the PC artwork (Fig.8) and
repair any defects such as undrilled
holes, shorts or open tracks. The
component overlay is shown in Fig.7.
June 1997 29
Fig.7: the component overlay for the PC board.
Fit and solder the resistors, using
a cut pigtail from one of them for the
one link. This done, fit the IC, REG1
and trimpot VR1, followed by the
transistors, capacitors and the Mosfets.
If you intend to operate the controller from a 12V battery and don’t
intend to draw more than 6A you
can use one Mosfet. Provided a small
heatsink is fitted you can probably
draw up to 10A with one Mosfet. For
higher currents, two Mosfets must be
used, as shown on the circuit of Fig.1.
If you want the full 20A load current,
both Mosfets should be fitted with
small heatsinks.
If you are careful with the assembly, it should work first up. Turn VR1
fully clockwise (minimum speed) and
solder a resistor of around 100Ω 5W
across the motor terminals. If you
have a variable power supply, feed
14V to the DC input and ground. If
you don’t have a power supply you
will have to connect the controller
directly to a +12V battery.
With the negative meter lead connected to the 0V line, you should be
able to measure about +12V on pin 16
and +5V on pin 14 of IC1. The voltage on pin 1 of IC1 should be around
+1.4V with 14V input and +1.2V
with 12V input. If these values are
OK proceed with the following tests.
If you now connect the meter leads
across the 100Ω resistor it should read
zero volts. Rotate trimpot VR1 slowly
anticlockwise and the voltage should
increase up to about 12V when fully
Because IC1 has an internal “dead
time” of 10%, the output devices can
30 Silicon Chip
Fig.8: actual size artwork for the PC board.
only be turned on for 90% of the time
and the output voltage will never be
the same as the input. For 14V input,
the maximum output will be about
Be careful not to burn yourself as
the 100Ω resistor will become hot at
the maximum setting of VR1.
Using the speed controller
As noted above, the rating of the
in-line fuse will depend on the load
you plan to drive. Obviously a 20A
1 PC board, code 11106971, 68
x 50mm
1 5kΩ PC trimpot (VR1)
1 TL494CN switching regulator
1 7812 regulator (REG1)
1 BC639 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BC640 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 or 2 BUK456-60A/B/H
N-channel Mosfets (Q3,Q4)
2 100µF 50VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.22µF 100VW MKT
polycarbonate (C3)
2 0.1µF MKT polycarbonate
1 .068µF MKT polycarbonate
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 10kΩ
1 100kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
2 47kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
1 20kΩ
2 4.7Ω
1 18kΩ
1 100Ω 5W (testing)
fuse will not protect a 1A motor.
If you don’t want the soft-start facility, it can be disabled by omitting
capacitor C2. We recommend that
the soft-start facility be included for
incandescent loads. However, for motor loads, a better approach would be
to connect a 1kΩ 1W resistor across
the output terminals and then place
a switch in series with the motor or
whatever load you wish to drive.
You then set up the drive voltage
you require with trimpot VR1 and
use the in-line switch to connect and
disconnect the motor.
If resistive or incandescent loads
are to be driven, D2 and C3 are not
necessary but they must be included
when driving any motor, regardless
of its current rating.
D2 must be rated to handle a current
at least equal to that drawn by the
motor. A suitable cheap diode is the
MUR1515 which is rated at 150V 15A
and should cover most applications.
If you want to run a 20A motor, then
use two MUR1515s in parallel. Make
sure that they are connected in the
right direction across the motor; ie,
anodes to the positive supply line.
If connected the other way around,
you will blow the fuse and perhaps
the Mosfets too.
C2 should be an MKT poly
carbonate capacitor with a rating of
at least 100VW. The type of FET used
depends on the current drawn by the
controlled device. The BUK456-60s
specified are readily avail
able and
have an “on” resistance of .028Ω.
If you want high currents and 24V
operation, the MTP60N06 is a more
suitable device. It has an “on” resistSC
ance of .01Ω.
Used 5mW/633nm red helium-neon laser tube and our 12V
laser power supply kit. Ideal for light shows. Head size:
380 x 45mm (l x dia). ON SPECIAL: $80
5-PACK (7.2V) of 1.2V/800mA.h AA NICAD BATTERIES
plus 1 x thermal switch, easy to separate: $4 per pack
or 6 packs for $16, FLAT RECTANGULAR 1.2V, 400mA.h
NICAD BATTERIES with thermal switch, easy to separate.
(Each batt: 48 x 17 x 6mm): $3 per pack or 5 packs for $10
A professional fully assembled and tested fast NICAD battery charger and discharger PCB assembly. The switched
mode based unit is mostly surface mounted on a double
sided PCB with gold plated-through holes and pads.
Employs 6 ICs, 3 power Mosfets, one toroidal inductor
and many other components: over 100 in total. The input
connector, discharge pushbutton, and the 3 indicator LEDs
are also mounted on the PCB: complete assembly! Nominal
unregulated input is 13.7V DC and the charging current
was measured at 900mA. Appears to employ voltage slope
detection for terminating the charge and also has a timer
(4060) for absolute charge termination. Probably designed
to charge 7.2V AA nicad packs in less than 1 hour. Three
trimpots allow some adjustment but we did not investigate.
Basic hook-up information provided, unregulated plugpack/
power source is not provided. Incredible pricing: $9 ea.
or 3 for $21
Used complete PCB assembly with bright dot matrix
RED LED displays and driver. Circuitry includes twenty
74HC164ICs. Twenty 35-LED displays are arranged in a
single line to form a continuous display with a total of 700
pixels (LEDs). Display size is 280 x 18mm and the overall
PCB size is 330 x 75mm. Needs external 5V supply. We have
not completed the software but do include a simple program
on a disc and instructions on how to make the display scroll
the number “1” through all the displays when connected to
a computer’s parallel port. Limited quantity: $40
machine part. Very quiet operation, made in Japan, overall
dimensions 160 x 90 x 90mm, weight 1.2kg, inlet 25mm
diameter, outlet 20mm diameter. Other end of motor has
shaft: 20mm long, 4mm diameter. It is possible to rewind
this motor for lower AC voltage and/or reduced power
operation without disassembling the unit. We calculated
5.5 turns per volt: $19
New induction motors that are probably a clothes drier
part. Dimensions are 110 diam. x 100mm long, has a
mounting bracket, drive shaft has a diameter of 10mm
and is 40mm long, total weight is 3.3kg, made in Japan.
Power is around 1/4HP, two speeds appear to be possible
by selecting correct wires, brief information supplied: $19
Tiny (32 x 32 x 27mm) CCD camera, 0.1 lux, IR responsive
(works in total dark with IR illumination), connects to any
standard video input (eg, VCR) or via a modulator to aerial
input: $120, REGULATED 10.4V - 500mA PLUGPACK to
suit: $10 (normally $25)
has relay contact outputs! Can be directly connected to a
VCR or via a learning remote control: $25 for PCB and all
on-board components, used PIR to suit: $12.
♦ 32mm 10 LED IR ILLUMINATOR: new IR (880nm)
LEDs have an output about equal to our old 42 LED IR
illuminator: $18.
♦ 32mm AUDIO PREAMPLIFIER: an $8 kit that produces
a ‘line level’ signal from an electret microphone, connect
the output to our:
♦ UHF VIDEO TRANSMITTER ($30) or $20 when bought
with the camera for a complete Audio-Video link.
♦ 32mm AUDIO AMPLIFIER: an LM380 based $9 audio
power amplifier which can directly drive a speaker - needs
the 32mm preamplifier.
♦ WHAT IS 32mm? All these boards have a diameter of
32mm so you can house one or more of these kits in a
plastic 32mm joiner: inexpensive plumbing part.
Used attractive RED high-output 30mA common cathode
display. 57mm high digit in a 70 x 43 x 12mm housing with
a grey face. Forward voltage is 2V for the decimal point
and 8V for the segments. $6.50 ea. or you can purchase
seven of these used but guaranteed displays soldered on
one PCB assembly, which we sell for $30
Compact (50 x 360 x 380mm), in a perforated metal case,
240V AC in, 12V DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17
♦ BRIDGE RECTIFIERS: 35A-400V in diecast aluminium:
5 for $15. ♦ TRIACS: Mitsubishi BCR8PM-8L 8A/400V in
insulated casing similar to TO220: 10 for $14. ♦ SCHOTTKY
DIODES: Motorola MBR745 7.5A/45V TO220: 10 for $18.
♦ DC FAN: small DC motor with 3 blade push on plastic
fan: $3. ♦ PLASTIC HANDLES: Robust recessed, for stage
speakers and equipment, 10 mounting holes, dimensions
130 x 170 x 50mm: $5. ♦ PLASTIC CORNERS: Robust,
dimensions 80 x 80 x 80mm: $1.30.
YES, NEW 650nm kit. Very bright! Makes a complete laser
pointer that works from 3-4V DC. Includes 650nm/5mW
laser diode, new handheld case 125 x 39 x 25mm, adjustable
collimator lens, PCB battery holder: (K35) $39
Reviewed SC May ’96, four magnifiers: small jewellers’
eyepiece with plastic lens: $3; twin lens loupes: 50mm
$8, 75mm $12, 110mm $15. SPECIAL: Buy set of four
magnifiers for total price of $25.
Quality MIDI keyboard with 49 keys, 2-digit LED display,
MIDI out jack, many functions including wheel, transpose.
Size: 655 x 115 x 35mm. Computer software included, see
review EA Feb. 97: $88 9V DC plugpack: $12
Commercial quality 10-15m range, used but tested and
guaranteed, have open collector transistor (BD139) output
and a tamper switch, 12V operation, circuit provided:
$10 ea.
Kit includes a large used 1.8° (200 step/rev) motor and
used SAA1042A IC. Can be driven by external or an onboard clock; has a variable frequency clock generator.
External switches (not provided) or logic levels from a
computer, etc determine CW or CCW rotation, half or full
step operation, operation enable/disable, clock speed. PCB
and all on-board components kit plus 1 or 2 motors: $18
for single motor driver kit with 1 motor, $28 for twin motor
driver kit with 2 motors.
Last chance – slightly blemished 3-stage image intensifier
tubes as previously advertised. Comes with power supply
and eyepiece. 25mm (NO4) $220. 40mm (N05) $260
New compact plastic pump with a 240VAC-50Hz-0.8A-91W2650RPM induction motor attached. Probably a washing
Three motors, mirrors, PCB and component kit. Produces
a huge range of amazing patterns: (K83) $77
plus the above AUTOMATIC LASER LIGHT SHOW: $99
for the package!
Very bright, very small, 650nm/5mW: $65
US amorphous glass solar panels with backing glass: (S12)
$22 ea. 4 for $70
Add a remote control to anything with this kit. Has a
commercial remote control transmitter. Transmitter kit:
(K65T) $20. Receiver: (K65T) $20
Ref SC (Circuit Notebook) Aug. 95. Kit drives any of four
relays according to logic level input signal. Either toggle or
momentary operation. LED indicators for each relay. 12V
coil, 2A contact rating. (K68) $30
Works on dogs and most animals, ref SC Feb 96. PCB and
all on-board components, transformer, electret mic & horn
piezo tweeter: (K77) $43, extra tweeters (drives 4): $7 ea.
Approved 12V plugpack (PP6) $14 UHF REMOTE TRIGGER
Single channel Rx and Tx: (K77T) $40
Based on a Russian Geiger tube, has traditional ‘click’ to
indicate each count. Kit includes PCB, all on-board components, speaker and Geiger tube: (K86) $40
Very strong. You won’t be able to separate two of these by
pulling them directly apart from each other. CYLINDRICAL
7 x 3 mm: (G37) $2.50. CYLINDRICAL 10 x 3 mm: (G38) $5
TOROIDAL 50mm outer, 35mm inner, 5mm thick: (G39)
$12. ROD 10mm long, 4mm diameter: (G54) $2.50.
Converts the output of any IR remote control to UHF.
Self-contained transmitter attaches to IR remote. Kit includes two PCBs, all components, two plastic boxes, Velcro
strap: (K89) $39. (9V battery not included). Plugpack for
Rx (PP10): $11
Ref: EA Nov/Dec 94 (intelligent battery charger). Designed
to efficiently charge 12-24V batteries from solar panels but
can also be used in conjunction with existing simple car
battery chargers (such as the common Arlec 4A chargers)
to prevent overcharging. Simply turns off the charging
current when the battery float voltage is exceeded and
turns on when the battery voltage drops a preset amount
below the float voltage. Employs a voltage reference IC.
Suitable for currents up to 16A and can be easily modified
for higher currents (by paralleling MOSFETs and Schottky
diodes). The extremely high efficiency is attributed to the
very efficient MOSFET switch and a Schottky isolation diode.
Has negligible standby current consumption. The PCB is
now smaller and we offer a 7.5A or 15A kit. The 7.5A kit has
one Schottky diode and the 15A kit has two: $26/$29 (K09)
Ref: SC Oct 93. Low cost FM transmitter - 100m range,
excellent frequency stability, tuning range 88-108MHz,
supply voltage 6-12V. Easy to build, has a prewound coil
in a shielded metal can. Includes PCB, all on-board components, electret microphone, 9V battery clip: (KIl) $13
Range to 200m. Has a pre-wound RF coil and limited
deviation, so needs volume to be set higher on receiver.
6V at about 20mA: (K33) $20
Our famous MAR-6 based masthead amplifier. 2-section
PCB (so power supply section can be indoors) and
components kit (KO3) $15. Suitable plugpack (PP2): $6.
Weatherproof box: (HB4) $2.50. Box for power supply:
(HB1) $2.50. (MAR-6 available separately)
Ref EA Aug ’96. Data logger/sampler, connects to PC parallel
port, samples over a 0-2V or 0-20V range at intervals of
one/hour to one/100us. Monitor battery charging, make a
5kHz scope etc! Kit includes on-board components, PCB,
plastic box and software (3.5" disk): (K90) $30
We are producing many more exciting kits than the magazines can publish! We will try to release at least one new
kit every month and give you a detailed description on our
WEB SITE. Just ‘click’ onto the KIT OF THE MONTH icon
on our WEB SITE. Coming: ♦ laser beam communicator ♦
low cost car alarm ♦ laser fence ♦ new time lapse interface
for CCD camera - VCR security ♦ low cost 2-channel UHF
remote control with a ready-made transmitter ♦ very
effective 10 LED IR illuminator, etc.
PO Box 89, Oatley NSW 2223
Phone (02) 9584 3563
Fax (02) 9584 3561
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
major cards with phone and fax orders, P&P typically $6.
June 1997 31
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
telephone intercom
The concept behind this design
is to be able to connect two rotary
or pulse dialing telephones together
for a home intercom. It is not to be
connected to the public telephone
Calls are made by dialing a one digit
number. The circuit provides for dial
tone, ring tone and busy tone features
and only allows one call at a time to
be made.
Referring to the circuit, you can see
a DC loop formed by the dial phone
(old “800” series), one winding of
transformer TX, the LEDs of the two
optocouplers and the power supply.
When a phone is picked up, this
completes the loop and the LEDs
inside optocouplers OC3 & OC4 turn
on. The two phototransistors inside
OC3 & OC4 also turn on, with OC4
32 Silicon Chip
pulling pin 13 of IC1 low, enabling it
for its decade counting function. Pin
3 of IC1 goes high, enabling a multi
vibrator consisting of transistors Q1
& Q2 (plus associated components) to
produce a “dial tone” for the caller.
When the caller dials a number,
OC3 acts as a buffer/pulse squarer
and feeds the dial pulses into pin 14
of IC1. Pin 3 goes low once one or
more pulses are received, turning off
the dial tone function until the next
call. As soon as pin 3 of IC1 goes low,
timer IC2 starts charging up its 10uF
capacitor and then begins to produce
pulses at pin 3. These pulses turn
on the 9V buzzers inside the phone
selected during the dialing operation.
For example, if we were to dial
“4”, then the decade counter’s pin 10
would be high at the end of counting,
turning on Q7 and the LED inside
OC2. Q7 would then turn on in unison
with pulses buffered by Q8, from IC2’s
output pin 3. At the same time, the
phototransistor inside OC2 would be
turning on and off as well, to enable
the multivibrator based on Q1 & Q2,
this time producing “ring tone” for
the caller to hear.
When the called party picks up
their phone to answer, the switchhook inside the phone disconnects
the buzzer, the LED inside OC2 has
no path to conduct and the phototransistor no longer enables Q1 & Q2
to produce ring tone.
When the caller and the called party both hang up at the completion of
the call, OC4 turns off and pin 13 of
IC1 goes high, disabling the counter
function. This logic high is fed to reset
pin 15 of the IC, resetting the counter
to pin 3 high. Timer IC2 now stops
pulsing, waiting for the next call to
be made.
A. Hellier,
Alice Springs, NT. ($60)
Low-loss solar
battery charger
This solar panel regulator has been
designed to minimise forward voltage
drop. It uses a relay as the switching
element, so the voltage drop across
the entire circuit is little more than
that across D2. At a current of 200mA,
this is about 800mV, resulting in a
charging efficiency of around 94%.
D2 stops the battery from discharging
via the circuit at night.
In operation, the relay contacts are
normally closed, so the relay consumes no current during charging.
The battery begins to charge when
the solar panel voltage exceeds that
of the battery by about 600mV. At
this stage, the current drawn by the
Audio signal tracer
with inbuilt amplifier
This useful circuit can be used
to trace signals through any audio
Transistors Q1 & Q2 act as a pre-
circuit is only a few milliamps for
IC1, an LM10C op amp with a 200mV
voltage reference.
IC1 is configured as a comparator
with hysteresis. It monitors the battery voltage via resistor R8 and VR2,
the trip-voltage adjustment pot. When
the voltage at pin 3 exceeds the reference at pin 2, the output of IC1 goes
high, turning transistor Q1 on and
energising the relay, which in turn
opens the relay contacts.
Now the circuit draws about 50mA
from the panel (unimportant since the
battery is fully charged). The battery
voltage will now slowly drop and
when it hits the lower trip-point,
the relay closes, charging the battery
and so on.
Adjustment is easiest when a bat-
amplifier stage with a gain of around
100, as set by the 47kΩ and 470Ω
resistors connected to the emitter
of Q1. Q2 feeds the volume control
VR1 via a 4.7µF capacitor. Q3-Q5
act as a small power amplifier stage
with a complementary symmetry
tery is connected. Set VR1 at maximum resistance and adjust VR2 for an
upper trip-point of about 13.8V. Trim
VR1 until no relay chatter is heard on
switching, then readjust VR2.
The “OVERRIDE” switch prevents
the relay from buzzing if the battery
is disconnected. It also allows a fused,
unregulated solar panel output to be
selected. It should be noted that the
“OVERRIDE” switch should not be left
switched on for more than a few minutes with a battery connected or the
battery may over-charge. The circuit
and solar panels are protected from
reverse battery connection by D3 and
fuse F1, the latter selected to match
the solar panel output.
S. Carroll,
Timmsvale, NSW. ($40)
output stage.
A loudspeaker is shown in the
circuit but headphones may be
substituted when working in noisy
S. Williamson,
Hamilton, NZ. ($25)
June 1997 33
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Silicon Chip
Back Issues
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout
For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The
Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer
For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Low-Noise Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies;
Speed Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax Card To A Computer.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers
0-500kHz); Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Simple
Electronic Die; Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal
Burning Power Station.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector;
Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch;
Balanced Input & Output Stages; Operating an R/C Transmitter;
Index to Vol. 2.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages; A Look At Very Fast Trains.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple
Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band; the Bose Lifestyle
Music System; The Care & Feeding Of Battery Packs; How To
Make Dynamark Labels.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound
Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR; Build
An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To 9V DC
Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A Simple
6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads; Remote
Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V Light Chaser;
Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical Approach To
Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways;
How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers,
Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In To Satellite TV.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2; The Snowy Mountains
Hydro Scheme.
August 1991: Build A Digital Tachometer; Masthead Amplifier
For TV & FM; PC Voice Recorder; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.3;
Step-By-Step Vintage Radio Repairs.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D &
D/A Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1; SteamSound Simulator Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A
Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your
PC, Pt.2; Turn-stile Antenna For Weather Satellite Reception.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
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January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A Power
Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter; Experiments
For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch
For Car Radiator Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping With
Damaged Computer Directories; A Guide To Valve Substitution
In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory; Aligning
Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell;
Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote Control
For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher
For Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads,
Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
July 1992: Build A Nicad Battery Discharger; 8-Station Automatic
Sprinkler Timer; Portable 12V SLA Battery Charger; Multi-Station
Headset Intercom, Pt.2.
August 1992: An Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers;
Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; MIDI Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal
Stereos; A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter,
Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders;
A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter;
Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System; The Story of Aluminium.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance
Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control; Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine Management, Pt.8;
Passive Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic
Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote
Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries For
Long Life.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant Level
Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For Amateurs;
Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based Nicad Battery
Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC As
A Reaction Timer.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems; 20ms
Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights; Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM
Microphones, Pt.1; Build a Nicad Zapper; Engine Management, Pt.11.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery Packs;
MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night Viewer;
AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM
Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound - How It Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Talking Headlight Reminder; Electronic
Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Temperature Controlled Soldering
Station; Engine Management, Pt.13.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion
Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford - A Pesky Electronic Cricket; Cruise
Control - How It Works; Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1;
Index to Vol.7.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the Windows
Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For Fluorescent
Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead
Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Preamplifier;The
Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module; Digital
Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With LCD
Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1; Oil Change
Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.2; Remote Control
System For Models, Pt.2.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The Woofer
Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Windows-based Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator; Windows-based Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why They
Are Useful.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; A Photographic Timer For
Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamplifier & Line Filter; 50-Watt
Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; An 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake Light
Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern Cross Z80Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Motherboard
Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio Trainer,
Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel Decoder
For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars; Wireless
Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote
Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency Inverter For
Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control,
Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; LED
Stroboscope; 25W Amplifier Module; 1-Chip Melody Generator;
Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill
Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design;
Engine Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12-240VAC
200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power
Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags - How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876) Audio
Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model Railways;
Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple LED Chaser;
Engine Management, Pt.6.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings;
Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed; Stereo
Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low Ohms Tester
For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell Nicad
Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock Braking Systems; How To
Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier
Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit Transistor
Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; Build A High Voltage
Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser; Simple
Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For Model
Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video Security
System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For Models, Pt.1;
Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains On A
Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground
Station; Door Minder; Adding RAM To A Computer.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE Hard
Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible Vader
Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.1; Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio Lab PC Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer & Fuel
Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB Trans
verter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement Detector;
Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1; Digital
Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller; Dolby
Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock Sensing In
Cars; Index To Volume 8.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur
Radio Receiver; Feedback On Programmable Ignition (see March
1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable; Power
Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi
Systems, Pt.1; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2; Multi-Media
Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: Adding An Extra Parallel Port To Your Computer;
8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter;
How To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound
System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Using An Autotransformer
To Save Light Bulbs; Control Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.1;
Build A Pink Noise Source (for Sound Level Meter calibration);
Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors
Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: Computer Problems: Sorting Out What’s At Fault;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled Moving Message
Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.2; Alert-APhone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For Multiple Smoke
Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power
PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Madel Railways;
Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Audible Continuity Tester; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Avoiding Windows 95 Hassles With Motherboard
Upgrades; A Low-Tech Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For
Cars; Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Train Controller
For Model Railways; Installing A PC-Compatible Floppy Drive
In An Amiga 500; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Windows 95 – The Hardware Required; Teletext Decoder
For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL Converter; Neon Tube Modulator
For Light Systems; Traffic Lights For A Model Intersection; The
Spacewriter – It Writes Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal
Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988 to
March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, May 1990, February 1992,
September 1992, November 1992 and December 1992 are now sold
out. All other issues are presently in stock. For readers wanting
articles from sold-out issues, we can supply photostat copies (or
tear sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes p&p). When supplying
photostat articles or back copies, we automatically supply any
relevant notes & errata at no extra charge. A complete index to all
articles published to date is available on floppy disc at $10 including
packing & postage.
June 1997 39
A signal tracer for au
Ever wanted to trace a signal through an
AM radio or amplifier? This simple
signal tracer will let you do it. It can trace
amplitude modulated RF signals right up
to the detector and after that, you switch
to audio mode to continue through to the
output stages.
F YOU ARE building projects published in SILICON CHIP and other
magazines, you probably seldom
have a need for a signal tracer. You just
wire the projects up and they work
first time. Well, mostly they work first
time. At those other times you have
to fall back on your troubleshooting
skills and actually figure out where
the trouble lies.
Often, you will be able to find faults
in circuits just by measuring DC volt
ages but there will be other times
when the DC voltages are correct but
the circuit steadfastly refuses to work.
Or perhaps you are called upon to
do the odd servicing job. Here again,
faults can often be found by careful
visual inspection, checking voltages
and so on. But finally, you will need a
signal tracer such as the one featured
As well as being useful for radio and
audio circuits, it can be of use in some
digital circuits, as the varying logic
level signals will give an audible indication on the low-gain RF position.
Our new Signal Tracer is housed in
compact plastic case with a 3-position
toggle switch on either side. On the
lefthand side is the power switch
which is Off in the centre position;
the other positions provide the RF and
audio modes. The righthand switch
provides three gain settings: hi, med
and lo. The Signal Tracer also comes
with a black wander lead which clips
to the earth or 0V point in the circuit
to be traced. And the Signal Tracer
has a prod fitted to one end which is
touched at each point in the circuit
to be checked.
The specified case for the project
has a battery compart
ment with a
slide-off lid. The small PC board is
mounted in the main compartment,
together with the switches and a
miniature loudspeaker.
Circuit description
Fig.1 shows the circuit which uses
two op amps, an LM318 (IC1) and an
LM386 (IC2). IC1 is a wideband op
amp which is wired in non-inverting
mode with gain switchable by one
pole of the switch S1; ie, S1a. This
varies the feedback to give the three
Fig.1: op amp IC1 works in both RF and audio tracing modes and is switched to provide three gain levels.
In the RF mode, diode D1 acts as a detector for AM signals. In the audio mode, the output of IC1 is passed
through a 30dB attenuator before being applied to amplifier stage IC2.
40 Silicon Chip
udio & RF
gain settings (hi, med and low). These
correspond to nominal gains of 85
(38.6dB), 10 (20dB) and 2 (6dB),
The input impedance of the IC1, as
seen by the probe, is around 100kΩ
which is quite high and should lead to
minimal detuning in most RF circuits.
By the way, the input coupling capacitor for the probe is rated at 400VW.
This will enable it to be safely used
for signal tracing in valve radios and
amplifiers which may have plate volt
ages as high as 385V.
Now it might seem odd that we are
using a fairly common op amp as
the input circuit for a signal tracer.
After all, it should be good for at
least the lower shortwave radio
frequencies; ie, up to around
10MHz or more.
In fact, the LM318 has a
typical small signal bandwidth of 15MHz so it is quite
appropriate for this application. Unfortunately you can’t
get something for nothing, especially in electronics. The bandwidth
figure of 15MHz means that you can
get 15MHz at unity gain. If you want
higher gain, the bandwidth will be
correspondingly less.
Fig.2 shows the frequency response
of IC1 from the input to its output at
pin 6. The three graphs shows the
responses at the high, medium and
low settings.
The “low gain” graph, corresponding to a nominal gain of two (+6dB)
has been normalised to 0dB and as
you can see, the gain is usable to well
beyond 10MHz.
The “medium gain” graph shows
an increase of about 14dB above the
low gain setting, corresponding to its
nominal gain of 20dB. At this setting,
the response is usable to beyond
2MHz so the AM broadcast band is
well covered.
The “high gain” graph shows a
further increase of about 18dB and
1 PC board, code 04106971, 53
x 55mm
1 plastic case, 128 x 68 x 26mm,
Altronics H-0342 or equivalent
1 miniature speaker, Altronics
C-0606 equivalent
2 2-pole 3-position toggle switches
1 216 9V battery
1 battery clip
2 8-pin IC sockets
1 binding post terminal
1 4mm banana plug
1 LM318 op amp (IC1)
1 LM386 audio power amplifier
1 1N914 small signal diode (D1)
3 100µF 16VW electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW electrolytic
3 0.1µF MKT polyester or
1 .047µF 400VW MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester or
1 15pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
3 100kΩ
1 120Ω
3 10kΩ
1 56Ω
1 3.3kΩ
1 10Ω
2 1.2kΩ
June 1997 41
Fig.2: the frequency response of IC1 from the input to its output at pin 6. The
three graphs show the response at the high, medium and low settings. The “low
gain” graph, corresponding to a nominal gain of two (+6dB), has been
normalised to 0dB and as can be seen, the gain is usable to well beyond 10MHz.
once again, there is usable gain over
the whole of the broadcast band.
Pin 2 of IC1 is biased to half
the supply (nominally +4.5V) by a
voltage divider consisting of two
10kΩ resistors and a 100µF bypass
Mode switching
While the frequency response
curves of Fig.2 don’t show it, IC1’s
response extends down to around
200Hz, so it can be used for both RF
and audio (AF) signal tracing. In the
RF mode, switch S2 selects the output
of diode D1, so that the RF signals are
“detected” by the diode and filtered by
the .01µF capacitor before being feed
42 Silicon Chip
to IC2 via a 0.1µF capacitor.
Note that the cathode of diode D1
is taken to ground (0V) via a 100kΩ
resistor. As the DC voltage at pin 6 of
IC1 is around +4.5V this means that
this diode is permanently forward
biassed and conducting with about
40µA through it. This slight forward
bias enables the diode to detect lower
signal levels than if it was not biased.
An unbiased silicon diode needs a
peak signal level of about 0.6V before
it begins to conduct. So this measure
greatly enhances the circuit operation
for RF signal tracing.
While we use IC1 at the same gain
settings for both RF and AF signal
tracing modes, the high gain of the
LM318 could easily overload the following audio amplifier (IC2), which
itself has significant gain. Therefore,
for audio tracing, IC1’s output is fed
through a 30dB attenuator (made up
of the 100kΩ and the 3.3kΩ resistors)
before passing to IC2, an LM386 audio
amplifier. This prev
ents the audio
signals, which are normally at a much
higher level than RF signals, from
overloading the audio amplifier stage.
IC2 has its gain switched by the
second pole of S1. It has a gain of 20
(+26dB) in the lo position, 38 (+31dB)
in the med position and 147 (+43dB)
in the hi setting.
At the lowest sensitivity the overall audio gain is -2dB (+2 -30 + 26 =
-2dB) and at the highest setting it is
+51.6dB (+38.6 - 30 + 43 = +51.6dB).
This is sufficient to cover all normal
input signals.
Varying the gain of both ICs lets
Fig.3: the wiring details for the signal
tracer. Keep all the wiring as short as
possible and make sure that the ICs are
correctly orientated.
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
brown black orange brown
orange orange red brown
brown red red brown
brown red brown brown
green blue black brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
brown black black red brown
orange orange black brown brown
brown red black brown brown
brown red black black brown
green blue black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
June 1997 43
Our prototype used a 4mm banana plug
with an old meter probe tip plugged into it.
Alternatively, a standard multimeter lead
could be used as a test probe, for reaching
difficult locations.
Fig.5: the full size etching pattern for
the PC board.
making sure that they have the correct
Solder the 11 wires for the switches as well as the two wires for the
speaker into the PC board, leaving
each of them around 75mm long. As
well, solder the negative battery lead
(black) into its pad on the PC board.
Drilling the case
us boost the audio gain when the RF
signal is at a low level and reduce it
when the signal is higher.
Assembling the PC board
The assembly is quite straightforward and the component overlay is
shown on the wiring diagram of Fig.3.
Begin by checking the PC board
for shorted or open circuit tracks and
then make any necessary repairs. This
done, insert the resistors, diodes and
IC sockets, solder them, and cut off
the excess leads. If you align all the
resistors so the colour bands are in
the same direction (horizontally and
vertically) it makes it easier to read
the values and also makes the finished
PC board look better.
The same comment applies to the
values marked on top of the MKT
capacitors which should be fitted
next – make them all read in the same
direction. Lastly, fit the electrolytics,
At the opposite of the case from
the battery, drill a 4mm hole on the
centrelines and fit a binding post
terminal. Next, drill holes for the two
switches 16mm down from the top on
either side on the centreline (use the
label markings as a guide). This done,
mount the PC board in the case using
the two short screws and complete the
wiring as shown in Fig.3.
We used a 4mm banana plug with
an old meter probe tip inserted in it
as the probe but you could also use a
standard multimeter probe for reaching difficult locations. The earth lead
consists of a length of wire fitted with
a small alligator clip.
Testing the signal tracer
Fig.4: this is the full size front panel artwork for the signal tracer.
44 Silicon Chip
To test the unit, connect the battery,
switch to AUD and HI, and place your
finger on the probe. You should be
greeted with a loud screech. If you
live in the city and switch to RF &
HI, you should hear one or more AM
radio stations if you connect a length
of wire to the probe. The reason that
you hear several stations (if you hear
them at all) is that there is no selectivity and all frequencies are received
and are amplified equally.
For a good description on how to
use a signal tracer, refer to the articles on Vintage Radio in this and last
month’s issues of SILICON CHIP. SC
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Compiled by GARRY CRATT*
In-orbit tests for new Japanese satellite
Japanese satellite JCSAT 4 was launched
successfully on 16th February, 1997. It was
originally planned to operate from 124°E but
is now located at 141°E for in-orbit testing.
JCSAT 4 will be shifted to 150°E
to replace JCSAT 1, reported several
months ago to have a serious fuel
leak. The satellite has 12 C-band and
28 K-band transponders, capable of
covering Australia and New Zealand.
service can be seen at 1370MHz
IF, using an SR of 27500Mbps
and an FEC of 3/4. Initial testing indicates a 3.7m dish is the
minimum requirement along
the east coast of Australia.
Optus satellites:
Recent political action in Papua
New Guinea saw commercial networks
scramble for available space on Optus
satellites. The A3 satellite, located at
152°E, was utilised by Network 7 on
March 24 for SNG out of Port Moresby. This was one of the few occasions
that signals have been seen from A3
in recent times.
Optus B1 T11U (1152MHz IF) has
seen a recent increase in activity, primarily due to the occupation of T5U
by SKY New Zealand, causing some
SNG links to be moved to this new
allocation. April 8th saw initial testing by Sky Network New Zealand on
T5U (1250MHz IF). Signals are weak
enough to require a 3m dish for noisefree pictures along the east coast. The
Videocrypt service commenced testing
officially on April 15 and requires a
Palapa C2:
A new digital service for Malaysia,
located on the Palapa C2 satellite, commenced operations over Easter. Called
“MEGA” TV, the 7-channel MPEG
Myawaddy TV (Burma) is broadcasting
through Asiasat on IF 1384MHz.
Thaicom 3 was successfully
launched on April 17th aboard Ariane
V95. The launch was originally scheduled for April 11th but coupling problems between the Ariane body and the
Thaicom satellite caused engineers
some concern for several days before
it was given a clean bill of health.
The satellite will be located at
78.5°E, while Thaicom 1 will be
moved to 120°E.
Intelsat 801:
In the April issue’s Satellite Watch,
we reported the successful launch of
Intelsat 801, destined for the Indian
Ocean region. On March 18th, ground
controllers working on the satel
testing program inadvertently caused
the satellite to enter into an uncontrolled spin and point away from
Earth. The satel
lite has now been
brought under control, apparently
without damage, and is expected to
enter service this month.
Asiasat 2:
Myawaddy Television has begun
digital transmissions on this satellite.
With an IF of 1384MHz, the MPEG
parameters for this signal are SR 5080
and FEC 7/8.
The service is expected to remain
on a permanent basis.
Panamsat 2:
April 8th saw initial testing of a new
analog signal on Pas-2. Apparently
broadcast in the Lebanese language,
the service ran for several days at
1405MHz IF (horizontal polarisation)
before disappearing. The service was
delivered into Australia in MPEG
format (along with a special version
of Rai TV Italy) and is carried on the
Optusvision cable network.
April 10th saw the brief appearance
Pas-2 of Bloomberg Information TV on
12.590GHz, vertical polarisation. The
service is broadcast in PAL.
* Garry Cratt is Managing Director of AvComm Pty Ltd, suppliers of satellite TV
reception systems. Phone (02) 9949 7417.
June 1997 53
Tuning up your hard disc drive
The hard disc drive on your PC requires
regular maintenance for trouble-free Windows
95 operation. The procedure is straightforward
but there are some simple rules that must be
followed to avoid losing data.
With Windows 95 there is one thing
you must do: clean your hard disk
drive (HDD) on a regular basis. This
is known as house cleaning and just
like you do at home, you put things
away first and then make the place
nice and neat.
The same goes for the HDD, which
needs to be cleaned up on a regular
basis. Just how often you should do
this is determined by how often the
HDD is written to. In addition, there
is a strict procedure that must be followed because you can lose data if it
is not done correctly.
The two programs that you use to
clean up your HDD are ScanDisk and
Defrag. Let’s take a closer look at these.
Fig.1: the hard disc drive (HDD) is checked for errors by running ScanDisk. The
standard test will usually suffice but you should occasionally run the thorough
test to scan for any disc surface errors.
54 Silicon Chip
ScanDisk in Windows 95 is similar
to CHKDSK in DOS. Basically, it goes
through the HDD and checks all the
files against the File Allocation Table
(FAT). It then reports any errors that
may be there and gives you an opportunity to fix them. ScanDisk is not a
particularly powerful program but it
is an excellent one to use to ensure
the integrity of the data on the HDD.
Defrag, which is short for Defrag
menter, does just that – it defrag
ments your data. When a drive has
been used for some time and a lot
of data has been saved and deleted,
“holes” appear between the various
files that are created on the HDD.
That’s because the various files are
not necessarily stored on the disc in
a contiguous fashion.
What happens is that the Disk Operating System (DOS) always starts
looking for space from the beginning
of the drive. If it finds that there is already data in the first cluster, it checks
the next cluster and so on until it finds
space. If your file requires two clusters
of drive space and the first available
space is only one cluster in length it
will write what it can there. It then
looks for the next free space to write
the remaining data and that could be
several sectors away.
As a result, the file can be split
into two or more separate pieces on
the HDD; in other words, it becomes
fragmented. And, like the disorder in
your home, the longer you leave it, the
more defragmented the HDD becomes.
Of course, when you access the file,
it appears to be all in one piece. That’s
because the HDD keeps a record (in
the file allocation table) of where all
the fragments are. When you access
the file, the HDD simply looks for all
the fragments so that the file can be
Fig.2 (left): this is the message that appears if ScanDisk
finds no errors on the disc. If errors are found and fixed,
it’s wise to run ScanDisk again until it goes through
without finding any errors. Fig.3 (below) shows the dialog
box that appears when you start the Windows 95 Defrag
The advantage of this technique is
that you can store a lot more data on
the HDD. The downside is that if your
files are badly defragmented, it takes
longer for them to be read from the
HDD. In addition, errors are far more
likely to occur.
By running Defrag, all those fragmented files are moved and written
back to the HDD so that they are now
in contiguous blocks. Depending
on the settings you give the Defrag
program, the files can be simply
defragmented leaving spaces between
them, or the files can all be moved to
the beginning of the drive, thereby
eliminating any “holes” that may have
previously been created.
But what happens if the drive has
an error, such as a file that is given
the wrong size in the FAT? If the
computer has been told that a file is
larger than it actually is, the amount
of the oversize may actually overlap
an adjacent file. If you run Defrag
without first checking for this type
of error, the computer will move the
oversized file and also take part of the
adjacent file with it. The first file may
still work but the header of the second
may be gone and without it that file
cannot be opened.
Run ScanDisc first
So how can we clean up the HDD
and not lose anything? The trick is
to correct any disc errors for running
ScanDisc first. The procedure is as
(1) Click on the Start button, then
click Programs, Accessories, System
Tools, ScanDisk. A dialog box will
appear as shown in Fig.1
(2) If this is the first time you have
ever checked your HDD or it hasn’t
been done for some time, then make
sure you select the “Thorough” option. This not only checks the files
and folders for errors but also scans
the disk surface for defects. Do not
select the “Automatically fix errors”
option as it is always best to know
what has gone wrong (and to what
file) so that you can do something
about it.
(3) Select the drive to be scanned
and click the Start button
ScanDisk will now go through
your HDD and check for any errors.
The Standard test should only take
about 20 seconds (depending on the
size of the disc and how many files
you have). If you chose the Thorough
option, however, then get a cup of
coffee because it can take over 90
minutes to scan every sector of the
HDD for errors.
I will not go through all the possible
errors that can occur because there
are so many of them. However, one
of the most common errors is: Lost
allocation units found in X chains
If you get this message, convert the
lost allocation units to files and then
have a quick look through them with
a text editor to see if they are a part
of an important document. These
files, by the way, will all have a .chk
extension, so they are easy to identify.
Going back to our error message, the
X chains number tells you how many
*.chk files will be made in the root
directory. Some of these lost chains
can be quite large and I have come
across one that was 79Mb in size.
However, that was from a system that
had a faulty HDD controller.
By the way, do not attempt to check
your hard disc for errors by running
CHKDSK.EXE in a DOS box. If you do,
it can pick up open Windows files,
such as the Swap File, and show it
as an error. CHKDSK.EXE should only
be run in DOS itself, while ScanDisk
should be used exclusively in Windows 95 (you can also run Scandisk
from DOS).
When the scan is completed you
should get a message like the one in
Fig.2. If you come across an error and
elect to fix it, it’s always wise to run
ScanDisk again and to keep re-running it until it goes through without
finding an error.
Defragging the disc
Once Scandisk has been run, you
can run the Defrag program. This is
done by clicking Start, then Programs,
Accessories, System Tools, Disk De
menter. This will bring up the
dialog box shown in Fig.3, allowing
you to select the drive to be defrag
The next dialog box (Fig.4) tells you
how badly the disc is fragmented. In
this particular case, the reading is
only 1% but this figure can be a bit
misleading. That’s because it doesn’t
really tell you how badly the disc is
June 1997 55
Fig.4 (above): this dialog box can be a bit misleading.
That’s because it doesn’t really tell you how badly the
disc is fragmented at all. Instead, it indicates the degree
of file fragmentation which means that there could be
lots of “holes” on the disc between the various files.
Fig.5 (right): another way to get to ScanDisk and Defrag
is to double-click the My Computer icon on the
Desktop, then right click on the hard drive of choice
and select Properties. You then select the Tools tab to
bring up this dialog box.
fragmented at all. Instead, it indicates
the degree of file fragmentation.
This means that while the individual files may be contiguous, they can
still be all over the place on the disc,
with “holes” everywhere between
them. And, as explained previously,
it is these holes that cause file fragmentation.
Clicking the advanced button
brings up the Advanced Options
dialog box. This lets you select the
defragmentation method and there is
also an option that tells Defrag to scan
the disc first for any errors.
Clicking OK and then the Start
button in the dialog box of Fig.4 sets
the Defrag program running and again
you can go and make yourself a cup of
coffee because the Defrag procedure
can take quite some time.
Another way to get to Scandisk
and Defrag, which is a bit faster, is to
double-click the My Computer icon
on the Desktop, then right click on
the hard drive of choice and select
This brings up a new dialog box,
which has several tab options. Selecting the Tools tab brings up the
options shown in Fig.5. The Check
Now button launches the ScanDisk
program, while the Defragment Now
button launches the Defrag program.
56 Silicon Chip
There is also a Backup Now option
but this requires a tape backup unit
to work.
more likely to fail than a well-organized volume.
Important advice
Finally, here’s some fun stuff for
Windows 95. Are you sick of the front
“splash” screen as you load Windows?
If so, this “splash” screen can be easily
changed using a graphics utility.
The opening “splash” screen is a
bitmap file called logo.sys. The bitmap size is 320 x 400 with 256 colours.
To change the screen, first backup or
rename the existing logo.sys file. This
done, grab whatever you want as a
“splash”, save it as a bitmap (logo.
bmp) and rename the file to logo.sys.
Here are the splash screen names:
Logo.sys – front splash (located in the
root directory);
Logos.sys – It’s Now Safe To Turn
Off Your Computer (located in the
Windows directory);
Logow.sys – Please Wait While Your
Computer Shuts Down (located in the
Windows directory).
All three files should be backed up
before attempting any changes, otherwise it will be necessary to reinstall
Windows if you change your mind
and want the originals back again. If
the new bitmap is too big or corrupted,
the computer should still work but the
picture will not appear.
To sum up, you must follow a strict
regime when cleaning up your hard
disc. The two main points to remember are these:
(1) Do not run Defrag without running
ScanDisk first; and
(2) Do run Defrag immediately after
running ScanDisk.
If you run ScanDisk and then do
something else, such as opening and
saving a file or copying files to the
HDD, always run ScanDisk again before running Defrag. This rule should
be followed, no matter how trivial the
extra work may have been.
After all of this, which may seem
a little involved but is really quite
easy, your computer will operate a lot
better. In some systems you may not
notice any real difference but a few
will see a significant increase in loading speed and overall performance.
In either case, your system will be
more reliable.
By the way, if you are running
DriveSpace to get more room, these
processes will take a lot longer. Persevere, however, because a badly organized DriveSpace volume is much
Some fun stuff
I don’t like house calls
I don’t like making house calls but sometimes
they are inevitable. If it’s a large TV set, one
usually doesn’t have much choice but if the
patient is an old 286 computer, the cost of the
call doesn’t make much sense.
Some weeks ago, I was called to a
house to attend to a Sharp SX-68A7
stereo TV. I was reluctant to go out at
the time for three reasons: (1) I was
unfamiliar with the set; (2) it had
an intermittent sound fault; and (3)
someone else had already had a look
at it. However, as the owners were
semi-retired and didn’t have a car, it
was going to be too difficult for them
to bring it into the workshop. Besides,
they did ask nicely and really I am a
great big softy at heart!
When I arrived, Mrs Jones made
some tea while I extricated the monster from its dark hole in the “entertainment” cabinet. This set is initially
a little confusing to operate, even with
the instruction book (I often think they
ought to have an instruction book for
the instruction book). There are four
LED displays on the front, the first
three being marked MONO, S/VIDEO
and SURROUND. The fourth is unmarked but apparently is the power
ON indicator.
When I turned it on, only the first
and last LEDs were illuminated.
However, no matter how hard I tried,
I couldn’t get any sound. There was
only noise from the loudspeakers,
even when the volume was turned
fully up. I put a small screwdriver
in the RCA audio input socket at the
rear, selected AV (audio-visual) and
was rewarded with a buzzing noise.
Obviously, the output amplifier was
OK and the fault had to be between
that and the IF stage, as the picture
was excellent.
My guess was that the problem lay
in either the muting, AV switching or
stereo decoder circuits. I have had a
few cases in the past where a TV set
muted in the mono mode, so I decided
to test this area first.
Now most stereo TVs have LED
displays that illuminate on stereo
or bilingual broadcasts but this TV
illuminated a LED for mono transmissions, which was rather confusing.
Perhaps Sharp thought that as most
broadcasts are in stereo, the consumer
may need to know when reception
was in mono rather than vice versa.
In any event, the sound didn’t work
in either mode.
I removed the large plastic rear
shell of the set and tried to get my
bearings on the unfamiliar chassis.
It is a large flat chassis with three
vertically mounted modules on the
righthand side. Two of these modules
are encased in metal screening which
is soldered to the motherboard. Without the service manual, it was very
difficult to determine their functions
and I couldn’t even find a marked
control or test point that might give a
clue. I tried tapping them gently with
the butt end of a screwdriver but it
made no difference.
Mr Jones didn’t have much praise
for the hapless serviceman who called
previously because he “only made it
worse”. Before he came he could at
least occasionally get some sound and
now he didn’t get anything at all. And
besides, the previous serviceman “was
far too keen to take it to the workshop”.
Well, he wasn’t the only one. If it
hadn’t been for the fact that it was a
68cm TV with lots of stairs between
it and the van, I would have insisted
that it go straight to my workshop.
What’s more, it was beginning to look
as though this was going to be the
inevitable course of action.
But first, there were a few more
things to try. I tuned in to the VCR
first but this made no difference. I then
I got some AV leads and connected
them between the VCR and the TV
set. Mrs Jones, who was watching
me like a hawk, thought that I was a
genius when the sound miraculously
appeared but I had to gently deflate
her enthusiasm by informing her that
it wasn’t really fixed. This would have
to be a temporary arrangement while
I obtained a service manual so that it
could be fixed properly. Even then,
there was a good chance that it would
have to go the workshop.
When the manual eventually came,
I was able to work out that module
PWB-E to the far right of the chassis
was the stereo decoder. This circuit
consisted of two ICs (IC351 & IC352)
and a transistor (Q351). I enquired as
to the trade cost of these parts which
came to $55 including freight and tax.
The question was, would it be better in
the long run to get these parts in now
or risk possibly yet another service
call and/or a trip to the workshop (ie,
would the cost of my labour exceed
these parts if it was later found that
either was faulty). Unfortunately, the
chances of using these chips for another repair if they were bought and
kept in stock would be remote.
I decided to put the options to the
Jones’ and let them make the choice.
They decided on ordering in the parts
immediately which was just as well
because they had to come from Japan.
Eventually the parts arrived and,
armed with the service manual and
an audio probe (a battery powered
amplifier to detect audio), I felt reasonably confident I could knock this
one off in one hit.
Unfortunately, gaining access to the
underside of the main chassis PWBA
June 1997 57
it rather difficult. As usual, the manufacturer had decided to save vast
quantities of money by making sure
that the interconnecting leads were
as short as possible, thereby making it
exceedingly difficult to get the chassis
into some sort of serviceable position.
This problem is compounded by the
lightweight plastic cabinets and chassis used in modern sets – one has to be
careful to ensure that the set doesn’t
roll onto its face due to the weight of
the tube and the remaining front half
of the cabinet.
Anyway, I finally managed to remove the screen covers from the stereo
decoder module and unplug it from
the main board. At least I could now
work on it in comfort on a table and
in good light.
A careful examination of the module didn’t reveal any problems so I
fitted one of the ICs and plugged it
back in. There was still no sound but
I quickly realised that I had forgotten
to reconnect the flying lead to socket
(YA). This time there was some intermittent sound so I got the freezer
out and progressively sprayed small
areas on the copper side of the board.
58 Silicon Chip
It didn’t take long to discover that the
sound changed significantly when I
hit the area around Q351.
I removed the board again and
concentrated my search around this
component. What I could barely discern was a very faint hairline fracture
around the collector pin of the transistor. I resoldered it and plugged the
board back in. Success at last – the
sound was always there no matter
what I did to the board.
Before refitting the screen covers
I replaced the other IC as well. This
wasn’t really necessary of course but
was done at Mrs Jones’ insistence,
seeing that the new IC “had already
been paid for”. This wasn’t as easy as it
sounds as it was a 42-pin high-density
IC. Anyway, the rest of the reassembly
was straightforward and amazingly it
all still worked when the set it was
snuggled back into its enclosure. Mr
and Mrs Jones were both pleased that
their pride and joy had been restored
and that the bill was less than they
had been expecting.
The old 286 computer
My next house call involved an old
286 computer that wouldn’t boot up.
Normally, I wouldn’t consider making
a house call on this type of equipment
as it’s just not cost effective but the
customer was very insistent.
Mr Smith was a retired engineer
in his late sixties and the old 286
computer had been given to him
by his son. I tried hard to point out
that though his computer was only
eight years old it was well and truly
obsolete and would probably not
be worth the service cost – after all,
some people are tossing out their
486s these days! His response was
that he only used the machine for
letter writing and didn’t really need
anything better.
Eventually, I agreed to have a look
at the machine if only because Mr
Smith had been a regular customer of
mine for some years. What’s more, he
readily agreed to pay for the service
call and so I asked for the symptoms.
Basically, he had added another
lithium back-up battery to the mother
board when the CMOS settings had
been lost but he didn’t know how to
reset it. On the surface, it seemed that
this should be a simple job, especially
as he assured me that you didn’t need
to use a back-up disc and he had the
original in
s truction booklets and
So why couldn’t he do the job himself? This he couldn’t really explain
except to say that he just couldn’t
do it.
When I arrived, Mr Smith showed
me into his little “computer room”
to examine his ailing 286. When we
switched it on, his EGA monitor displayed 512KB of RAM. The first error
message simply said “keyboard” and
then came about six other lines with
details of incorrect disc and memory
sizes. Finally, it said “press F1” to
enter the start-up menu before trying
to boot from either drive A or C.
The first important thing I noticed
was that the machine didn’t respond
to the keyboard, except for making a
slight noise in the speaker whenever a
key was depressed. This, together with
the obviously dried-up coffee stains on
some of the keys, suggested that the
keyboard may be faulty. I also noticed
that the Num Lock, Caps Lock and
Scroll Lock keys didn’t illuminated
their respective LEDs.
I checked the AT/XT switch which
was parked correctly and, as an experiment, put it in the XT position
and reset the computer (Ctl, Alt, Del
didn’t work). Ironically, the three
keylocks now worked correctly but
that was all. Mr Smith confessed that
he had “looked at” the keyboard and
had had it apart, which only deepened
my suspicions.
I still thought that the problem
was relatively straightforward – the
keyboard had been ruined by coffee
and hence Mr Smith couldn’t enter
the CMOS values so that it would
boot from the hard drive. It would,
however, boot from a floppy disc in the
A: drive (despite the error messages)
but it still wouldn’t accept commands
from the keyboard.
Because, this was my last house call
for the day and because I was feeling
exceptionally charitable, I decided
to take his computer and keyboard
and test them out at home with my
machine. I would then return it on my
way to work the next day.
The first thing I did at home (after
finding an old EGA monitor I had in
the garage) was to connect my own
keyboard to the 286 and fire it up. You
can imagine my amazement when the
same “keyboard” error as before came
up on screen, along with all the other
error messages. I double checked the
keyboard by con
necting his to my
computer and it worked perfectly!
Well, if it wasn’t the keyboard it
had to be the mother
board inside
the computer. Removing the cover, I
found that the keyboard DIN socket
was located directly under the power
supply, so that too had to be removed.
Once the power supply was out of the
way, I could see that the old nicad
battery was still on the motherboard
and had leaked acid onto some of the
PC tracks.
I quickly snipped out the soldered
battery and wiped the affected area
with CRC-26 to stop further corrosion.
The keyboard socket was quite close
to the corroded area but I now had to
ask myself whether or not I should
continue with what could turn out to
be a lost cause.
The first scenario was to declare
the repair uneconomic and return the
computer to its owner. However, the
owner is an old-age pensioner and obviously wouldn’t be too happy about
paying for my service call without a
positive result. The alternative scen
ario was to remove the motherboard,
locate the broken track by continuity
checks and solder in a jumper – a piece
of cake and there was nothing on telly
that night anyway.
The hardest part was removing the
motherboard which had no less than
five other boards plugged into it. Having done this, it didn’t take too long
to find the offending track from the
5-pin keyboard DIN socket, the only
difficulty being that it was a very thin
track. I bridged the track with some
fine wire, reassembled the computer
and anxiously switched it on.
Naturally, I was relieved to see it
boot up without the keyboard error. In
fact, the keyboard was now working
and I punched in the correct CMOS
values into the setup menus and
rebooted. The computer now booted
normally, processing the config.sys
and autoexec.bat files to finally rest
at Mr Smith’s personal menu.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite
the end of the story. This particular
286 came with 1Mb of hardwired
RAM chips (640Kb base and 384Kb
extended = 1024Kb) but now it could
only see 512Kb of base memory and
no extended memory. Obviously, it
had lost a couple of 256Kb memory
banks but by now I had reached the
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Phone (02) 642 6003 Fax (02) 642 6127
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June 1997 59
Serviceman’s Log – continued
conclusion that enough was definitely
Mr Smith was delighted to got his
286 back in working order; the missing memory made no difference as he
could still run his word processor. In
the meantime, I’ve sworn not to even
look at a 286 again no matter how
simple the problem seems.
The work piles up
Meanwhile, back at the shop, the
work had been piling up with at least
four jobs that were relatively urgent.
I wondered whether I could polish
them all off in one day but it was not to
be. Some of the problems were caused
by intermittent faults and these are
always time consuming.
The first set off the rank was an Orion 20J that was completely dead. This
is another one of those sets where it is
difficult to remove the chassis, mainly
because no-one tells you about the
concealed clips that lock into the case.
It is also impossible to gain access to
the PC board without unplugging the
loudspeaker lead.
Anyway, I measured slightly more
60 Silicon Chip
than 273V on the main filter capacitor (C506) and traced this all the way
to the power chopper (IC501, pin
3). However, no voltage was found
on TP501 which is the main B+ rail
(103V). Instead, this registered a dead
short to ground.
The most likely culprits were the
line output transistor Q402 and diode D521 (across the B+ rail), though
access to these parts is appalling. I replaced them both and then spent some
time patching up the generally poor
soldering around the power supply.
When I put everything back together
again, the set fired up OK and so I put
it aside to soak test while I got on with
the next job.
Who was it that said that pride
cometh before a fall? The customer
called by the next day on the offchance that the set had been fixed and,
when he saw it working, insisted on
taking it home. I advised him that I
would like to test it a bit longer but, as
it was a Friday, he said that he would
rather take it home for the weekend
and reluctantly I agreed.
Guess who was waiting for me at
8.30am on Monday morning with his
Orion? Apparently, it had only lasted
for half an hour before it died again.
Such is life.
Stripping it down again, I found that
the same zener diode (D521) had gone
short circuit. For this to die, the B+ has
to rise beyond 130V, so I went back to
the power supply and hoicked out all
the electros for new 105°C ones. I then
reassembled it again without the zener
diode but with a meter monitoring the
B+ rail and switched it on.
The B+ still measured 103V five
minutes later so I put the zener back
in and left the set on, hoping that it
would now stay on. It was not to be
–just as my first well-deserved coffee
was kicking in, the set died yet again
and I was too slow to read the meter
before it did.
I repeated the whole procedure
again and left my coffee to get cold.
This time, after only five minutes, the
B+ began to rise sharply. I switched
the set off and touched the components around the power supply.
IC501, an STR58401, was quite hot
and because I didn’t have any other
clues, I decided to order this in and
try again later.
The next job was a Sharp CX2168
that had come in with the complaint
that it intermittently cut off after a few
minutes. Despite having a huge range
of service manuals, I didn’t have this
one and besides, one cannot afford to
purchase a manual for every set that
you fix. However, I did have a manual
for a CX2048 which didn’t look that
different. At least, it used the same
power chopper IC which, though not
marked on the circuit, was an STR
41090 (IC701).
The main difference was that the
CX2168 was a Teletext set and it also
used a relay (RY701) to switch the
power on and off. And this was basically what was happening – the relay
clicked off after about 10 minutes.
I also discovered that the circuit
has a miniature slider switch (S1101)
which controls the relay driver and
leaves the set switched permanently
on when the power switch is on.
Overriding the relay meant that I could
monitor the B+ rail (115V) on the
cathode of D732 in the fault condition.
But, as happened previously, I
wasn’t watching when the fault appeared. In this case, the phone rang
after the set had been on for 15 minutes. When I returned, the set was
completely dead and like the Orion,
zener diode D731 was short circuit. As
before, I replaced all the small electros
in the power supply and soldered the
many dry joints there too.
This time, when I switched it on,
I doggedly monitored the B+ rail
and switched it off when the voltage
suddenly began rising after about five
minutes. IC701 was hot and as it was
the logical suspect, I placed an order
for it as well.
So far, I hadn’t cleared any of the
four sets I had planned to do. The two
different ICs arrived a few days later
and my hunches proved correct – both
sets were still working three days later.
Sounding out an NEC
The third set I tackled was an NEC
N4830 with intermittent no sound.
Having fixed a lot of these sets, I felt
confident that this would surely be an
easy one, especially as wiggling either
the aerial or AV socket would make
the sound come and go.
This set uses a Daewoo C500 chassis
and I initially decided on a sweeping
rework of the main chassis to eliminate any possible dry joints. Initially,
I thought that I had got it in one but
after half an hour of soak testing, the
same problem re-occurred.
I dived back into the set and went
for the tuning microprocessor, concentrating on sound related functions
to resolder.
Still no luck. I had saved the IF
module until last because – as you’ve
probably guessed – it was the most
inaccessible! Not only did it and its
screen have to be unsoldered from
the motherboard, but the screening
can also had to be unsoldered before
I could get at the PC board.
This board appeared to have quite a
few suspect joints, so leaving nothing
to chance, I reworked all the connections. Unfortunately, this model set is
difficult to reassemble and by the time
it was all back together, I was fairly
fuming on how badly the day was
going. On the other hand, the set now
behaved perfectly and I pronounced
it fixed after three days of thorough
soak testing.
Another success
And so to set No.4, a Hitachi Fujian
HFC2125B that was dead. I measured
the 278V B+ from the bridge rectifier
all the way to the collector of V901
(the supply chopper) but there was
nothing on either its base or emitter.
Resistors R903 and R904 (82kΩ 1W)
in series between the collector and
base of V901 were the logical suspects.
I whipped in two new ones, after first
making sure I had discharged the
main filter capacitor (C905) and the
set came good.
While I was at it, I replaced C920, a
1µF 250V capacitor which often causes the set to lose its memory (due to the
-28V rail dropping to about -10V).
The set was then put aside to soak
test by which time I’d had enough
for one day.
June 1997 61
This photo shows the stepper
motor PC board teamed with
a small stepper which could
be used for a variety of tasks.
Note: D3 & a 10µF capacitor
have been added since this
photograph was taken.
This circuit will drive a stepper motor in one direction
or the other for a fixed time. It has a variety of applica
tions & could be used to power a model railway boom
gate or give slow motion operation of points.
Manual control circuit
for a stepper motor
Typical stepper motor applications
generally involve a drive circuit under
the control of a computer or microprocessor. By contrast, this circuit
has been produced as a self-contained
PC board designed specifically to suit
small stepper motors which draw just
a few tens of milliamps at 5V.
When the actuate button (S1) is
pressed, the stepper motor will run in
one direction for a fixed time. When
the actuate button is pressed again,
62 Silicon Chip
the stepper motor will run in the other
direction for the same fixed time. You
can use two buttons (S2 & S3) to preset
the forward and reverse directions of
the motor before the actuate button
is pressed.
While the speed at which the
stepper motor runs is fixed, you can
set the stepping rate by changing a
resistor or capacitor in the circuit.
Note, however, that this circuit does
not allow an exact number of steps to
be specified, just the speed, duration
and direction.
Model railway application
There are still many places in
Australia where level crossings are
controlled by boom gates. Wouldn’t it
be nice to have a level crossing with
motorised boom gates on a model
railway layout? This stepper motor
drive circuit could be used to provide
the motive power.
In practice, the actuate switch (S1)
could be a reed switch operated by the
model locomotive as it approaches the
crossing. This would cause the boom
arm to lower. A second reed switch,
wired in parallel with the first, is
placed after the crossing, so that the
locomotive operates it to raise the
boom arm.
Circuit operation
The full circuit of the stepper motor
controller is shown in Fig.1. It can be
divided into three sections: one controlling the duration of operation, one
controlling the speed and direction of
stepping, and the third controlling the
stepper motor drivers.
The first section involves IC1, a
555 timer connected as a monostable.
When pushbutton switch S1 is closed,
pin 2 of IC1 is pulled to 0V and its
output at pin 3 goes high for about 10
seconds. This will turn PNP transistor
Q1 off and its collector voltage will
fall from +5V to 0V.
This has two outcomes. First, D1,
which held the 0.1µF capacitor at pins
1 & 2 of Schmitt NAND gate IC5a at
+4.4V, is no longer conducting and
therefore IC5a works as an oscillator.
Its output at pin 3 will be a square
wave with a frequency of about
100Hz. This signal is fed to the clock
input of a decade counter, IC2. When
this input is clocked each of the 10
outputs of IC2 will change from low
to high in sequence.
The second outcome is that the
collector of Q1 – which held IC2 reset
via diode D2, IC4a reset at pin 4 and
IC4b reset at pin 12 – is no longer high
and so these ICs are now enabled and
can be clocked. Q1’s collector is also
connected to the clock input of IC3a,
but as this IC needs a low to high
transition to toggle the output, this
change has no effect.
Bridge drivers
Before we describe the logic operations any further, let’s look at the
stepper motor drivers. The type of
stepper motor specified consists of
two centre-tapped windings MA and
Fig.1 (right): this motor driver circuit
is suitable for driving low current
stepper motors. It drives the stepper
motor in one direction or the other
each time switch S1 is closed.
June 1997 63
Fig.2: follow this parts layout diagram when installing the parts
on the PC board and be careful not to mix up the transistor types.
output high for around 10 seconds, as
already noted. During this time IC5a
will clock IC2 at 100Hz. This means
that the output of IC2, pin 3, will go
high for 10ms then low as pin 2 goes
high for the same time. Pins 4 and 7
will follow this sequence but when
pin 10 goes high it will immediately
reset IC2 through D3, causing pin 3
to go high again. Then the sequence
will repeat.
Each time pin 4 of IC2 goes high, it
clocks IC4a and reverses the direction
of the current through MA. IC4b is
clocked either by pin 2 or pin 7 of
IC2, depending upon the state of the
outputs of IC3a.
If pin 1 of IC3a is high, gate IC5c is
enabled and pin 7 of IC2 will clock
IC4b. If pin 2 of IC3a is high, gate IC5b
is enabled and pin 2 of IC2 clocks
IC4b. In the latter case, IC4b is clocked
before IC4a and the motor will step in
one direction.
If IC3a is toggled then IC4a will be
clocked by pin 4 of IC2 before IC4b
will be clocked by pin 7. Therefore, as
explained previously, the motor will
now rotate in the opposite direction.
Turn off
Fig.3: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board. Check
your board carefully before installing any parts.
MB, the centre taps of which are not
used. Each winding is connected
across a bridge of four transistors,
Q2-Q5 and Q6-Q9.
We will first describe how winding
MA is driven, as the drive to MB is
Assume pin 1 of IC4a is high, and
therefore its complement, pin 2, will
be low. Pin 1 will turn Q2 off and Q3
on. Pin 2 will turn Q4 on and Q5 off.
As both Q3 and Q4 are turned on,
current will flow through winding
MA from right to left.
If IC4a is now clocked, its outputs
toggle and so pin 1 goes low and pin 2
64 Silicon Chip
goes high. If you trace it out, you will
see that Q2 and Q5 are now turned on
and the current flow in MA is from left
to right. Therefore, by clocking IC4a
we reverse the direction of the current
in MA. A similar reversal occurs for
IC4b and winding MB.
To make the motor rotate (in either
direction) we have to delay the phase
of the current in MA relative to MB.
To rotate it in the opposite direction
we must delay MB relative to MA.
Now that we know what we have
to do to run the motor, let’s look at
how it happens.
When IC1 is triggered it will hold its
Ten seconds after switch S1 was
closed, the pin 3 output of IC1 will go
low and Q1 will turn on again. This
resets all the counters and the motor
is stopped. At the same time, this low
to high transition by Q1’s collector
will clock IC3a, thereby ensuring the
motor will rotate in the opposite direction next time it is powered.
At power on, the 0.1µF capacitor
connected to pin 6 of IC3a ensures
that this pin is briefly pulled high.
This sets IC3a so that its pin 1 is high.
Thus, the motor will always rotate
in the same direction each time the
power is first applied.
Forward/reverse, up/down
Provision has also been made
for two switches (UP & DOWN) to
change the direction of the motor.
These are on the set and reset pins of
IC3a. These switches should only be
used when the motor is stopped. The
motor may not reverse its direction if
they are used while it is running, as
it depends on the actual phase of the
drive waveforms.
PC board assembly
Begin as usual by checking the PC
board against the artwork of Fig.3.
Check for undrilled holes, shorts
between tracks, especially where
the tracks run between the pads on
IC4 and IC5, and open circuit tracks.
Make any necessary repairs before
Use the component overlay diagram
of Fig.2 as a guide when inserting
components into the PC board.
Begin the assembly by fitting and
soldering the seven links, followed by
the resistors and IC sockets, if used.
To give the PC board that professional
look, make sure that all the resistors
have their colour codes running the
same way, vertically and horizontally
(this also makes them easier to check
later on).
The MKT and monolithic ceramic
capacitors are fitted next and their
markings should be similarly aligned.
Lastly, fit the two electrolytics, three
diodes and nine transistors, making
sure that all are correctly orientated.
Once you have finished, check your
soldering, making sure that all the
joints are nice and shiny and that there
are no bridged tracks. A dull joint is
a sign of potential trouble. Finally,
insert and solder the ICs, or plug them
into the sockets. Make sure they are
inserted correctly.
Testing the controller
The specified stepper motor’s leads
can be removed from the plug by
pulling the wire gently while pressing
the retaining lug on one side of the
socket with a jeweller’s screwdriver or
a small nail. Leave the green wires in
the plug at this stage. Solder the pins
into the PC board with the colours as
shown in Fig.2.
The motor should turn reasonably
freely but when the power is applied
the circuit should draw around 50mA
and the motor will “lock” and be
much harder to turn.
Briefly short pin 2 of IC1 to pin 1
and the motor should begin turning.
After 10 seconds or so it will stop.
If pin 2 is shorted again the motor
should run again but in the opposite
Once you trigger IC1, the motor
will run for about 10 seconds in either direction. If you need to run the
motor for a longer time, increase the
1MΩ resistor at pin 7 of IC1. The run
time is directly proportional to the
value of the resistor. Increasing it to
1.2MΩ will run the motor 20% longer.
Conversely, if the motor runs for too
long, reduce the resistor value.
You can also change the speed at
which the motor steps by varying the
100kΩ resistor or 0.1µF capacitor at
pins 1 & 2 of IC5a although there are
limits. If you try to run the stepper
too fast it will merely stall. As a guide
though, you could double the speed
of stepping by halving the 100kΩ resistor between pins 1 & 3 of IC5a. Or
if you wish to run the motor at half
the speed, double the resistor value
between pins 1 & 3 of IC5a.
It doesn’t work!
The first step is to check your work
against the PC board overlay of Fig.3.
A tiny solder bridge is all it takes to
stop the unit from operating.
Next, set your meter to the 10V DC
range and connect its negative lead
to the DC negative input. Connect its
positive lead to D1’s anode. The meter
should read 5V ±10% (due to the tolerance on REG1). Momentarily short
pin 2 of IC1 to pin 1 and the meter
should read 0V for about 10 seconds
then return to the previous reading.
Check that this occurs at pins 4 and
12 of IC4 and pin 3 of IC3. Each time
the anode of D1 goes high it should
clock IC3a. Make sure pin 1 of IC3
alternates (+5V or 0V) each time you
trigger IC1.
While IC1 is triggered, the outputs
of IC2 (pins 2, 4 & 7) should be cycling.
If you put an analog multimeter on
each pin it should read around 1.3V.
A digital meter will jump around
1 PC board, code 09106971, 76
x 97mm
1 stepper motor, Oatley
Electronics M17 or equivalent
1 8-pin IC socket
2 14-pin IC socket
2 16-pin IC socket
1 555 or 7555 timer (IC1)
1 4017 decade counter (IC2)
1 4013 dual-D flipflop (IC3)
1 4027 dual-JK flipflop (IC4)
1 4093 quad NAND Schmitt
trigger (IC5)
5 BC558 or BC328 PNP
transistors (Q1,Q2,Q4,Q6,Q8)
4 BC548 or BC338 NPN
transistors (Q3,Q5,Q7,Q9)
3 1N914 small signal diodes
1 1N4004 1A diode (D4)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW tantalum or low
leakage electrolytic
1 10µF 25VW PC electrolytic
5 0.1µF 100VW MKT polyester
or monolithic ceramic
1 .01µF 100VW MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
10 10kΩ
2 100kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 22kΩ
1 3.3kΩ
Tinned copper wire, red & black
hook-up wire, solder
with readings varying between 1.2V
and 1.4V.
Once you locate the area where the
problem exists you will have to check
for incorrect component values or solder bridges and the PC board etching
for shorts or open circuits.
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown black yellow brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
orange orange red brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
June 1997 65
Pt.10: More On UHF Sampling Scopes
In this concluding chapter in our series on
cathode ray oscilloscopes we discuss the diode
bridge switches used in UHF sampling scopes,
accurate feedback A/D converters & random
equivalent time sampling. We also look at some
of the applications of 50GHz scopes.
Last month, we discussed the
broad principles of equivalent time
sampling. We saw that UHF sampling
scopes dispense with input attenuators and, as a consequence, can only
handle a very limited range of signal
Now let us continue with the circuit
techniques used in these UHF scope
Scopes using sequential equivalent
time sampling don’t need fast sampling rates because they accumulate
sufficient samples over hundreds or
thousands of triggers and signal passes. But the faster the sampler runs,
the sooner the signal and its changes
will appear on the screen. One of the
world’s fastest scopes, the Tektronix
11801, has a sampler which runs at
up to 200kS/s.
This demands an incredibly short
sampling interval of only 10 femto
seconds; ie, 10fs (1fs = one millionth
of a nanosecond)! So how does this
scope achieve such a short sampling
We recall from the previous chapter
that UHF oscilloscopes use an electronic sampler switch (IC2) right at the
input terminal, as shown in the block
diagram of Fig.1. Periodically, the
strobe signal closes IC2 momentarily
Fig.1: placing the sampler right at the input terminal
allows the use of a lower bandwidth analog amplifier
(A2), because the sampler transforms the ultra-high
input frequency down to a lower frequency at W.
66 Silicon Chip
Fig.2: a 4-diode bridge acts as a sampler switch, because the
voltage at B mirrors any voltage applied at A. Early systems
used analog feedback.
and during that very short sampling
interval, the input signal quickly
charges holding capacitor C1 through
resistor R1.
Next, the strobe signal opens IC2
and holds it open for typically 5µs.
Capacitor C1 holds the charge, giving
the A/D converter ample time to digitise the voltage sample. The resultant
digital word is then stored in RAM.
CMOS switching gates are far too
slow for this job, because in the “on”
condition, they store a considerable
charge of electrons. These take time
to remove, to change the gate to the
“off” condition. By contrast, gallium
arsenide (GaAs) diodes trap very few
electrons while conducting. The less
electrons held within the semiconductor, the faster they can be swept
out to change from the on condition
to the off condition.
Diodes as switches
How are diodes used as switches?
The answer lies in a bridge circuit
devised in the 1950s, as shown in
Fig.2. The input signal is fed in to
point A. For the off condition (which
is most of the time), the differential
strobe drive X,Y is inactive and all
diodes are biased off. They are held
nonconducting (ie, reverse-biased) by
the positive DC supply V+ applied
through resistor R2 to point H and
by the negative supply V- applied
through R3 to point J.
To take a sample, the strobe generator creates a very short negative
pulse at X, sufficient to overcome the
positive bias at H. Also it produces an
equal but positive pulse at Y, enough
to overcomes the negative bias at J.
Now with J positive and H negative,
all diodes slam into full conduction,
passing DC current from J to H.
But here is the vital idea. Provided
all diodes are identical, the forward
voltage drops J-A, J-B, A-H, B-H are
all equal. So the upward flowing
currents force points A and B to be
always at the same potential. If no
analog signal is applied at A, then,
by the circuit balance, A and B will
be at zero potential.
Now let’s apply some input signal
at A. When the strobe drive jolts the
diodes into conduction, the diode
currents will still force B to have the
same voltage as the input signal at
A. We say that B mirrors whatever is
applied to A.
This voltage at B charges holding
capacitor C1 through resistor R1.
That’s equivalent to a closed switch
between A and B, isn’t it?
The moment the strobe drive at X
and Y ceases, the four diodes instantly
become nonconducting. A and B are
now completely isolated, equivalent
to an open switch. Capacitor C1 holds
the sample of the input voltage long
enough for the A/D converter to digitise it and store it in RAM.
Integrated GaAs diodes
In all diode samplers, the diode forward voltage drops should be low and
equal. And they must have identical
fast switching times. For best results,
Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) diodes are
integrated on a thin film substrate.
This Tektronix TDS820
scope has a passband
from DC to 8GHz
without the delay line.
Maximum sampling
rate is 50kS/s on both
input channels. The
A/D converter digitises
all signals into 16,384
decision levels, using
14-bit digital words.
This provides increased
accuracy in maths
calculations and
smoother screen traces.
Equivalent timebase
speeds can be 20ps/div
to 2ms/div.
June 1997 67
Fig.3: digital feedback raises the sampler efficiency and compensates for non-linearities.
To keep the large strobe drive
signals out of the sample to the A/D
converter, the positive and negative
pulses at X and Y must be truly
differential. They must have exactly
the same amplitude (but be opposite
in polarity) and must rise and fall
precisely together.
This is achieved by transformer
T1. If the strobe pulses X and Y are
exact mirror images of each other, T1
has no effect. But should the positive
pulse at Y be smaller than the negative
pulse at X, transformer action in T1
will raise the positive and diminish
the negative, until they have equal
but opposite amplitudes. Similar action occurs should the pulse timings
become unequal.
The very short sampling interval
(needed to sample ultra high frequencies) reduces the sampler efficiency.
That means C1 holds a smaller charge
and the lower sample voltage fed to
the A/D converter results in errors and
noise in its digital output.
To raise sampler efficiency, manufacturers first used positive analog
feedback, which we show as FB on
the righthand side of Fig.2.
A feedback amplifier G charges
capacitor C2 to a voltage greater than
C1. So from point Z the A/D converter
was fed by a voltage larger than the
sample at B. But this system required
critical adjustment and was somewhat
Digital sampler feedback
Great improvements resulted from
the introduction of digital feedback
sampling systems in 1987 in the
Hewlett Packard HP54120 oscilloscope. In Fig.3, the sampler bridge
A-B is followed by a matched analog
amplifier (A2) and a 12-bit A/D
converter. This produces digital data
at N which is fed to microprocessor
Software running in this computer
dynamically adjusts the feedback
loop to increase the system gain and
Fig.4: in a two-diode sampler, an integrated GaAs diode pair deposits
charges on holding capacitors CN and CP proportional to the analog
signal at A.
68 Silicon Chip
automatically compensate for sampler non-linearities. This more exact
solution, expressed in a longer 14-bit
digital word output from the computer at Z, is recorded in the RAM.
No adjustments are necessary, as the
system is automatically controlled by
the software.
A positive feedback system is
formed by feeding this 14-bit data
from Z to a 14-bit D/A converter
which converts the output digital data
back to an analog signal at P. This is
fed back to the sample hold capacitor at W. That raises the efficiency of
the sampler, allowing it to be placed
right at the scope’s input terminal.
This way the scope bandwidth is not
diminished by any front end analog
Two diode sampler
Because two integrated diodes are
easier to match than four, Hewlett
Packard frequently uses a 2-diode
sampling gate as shown in the block
diagram of Fig.4. Normally both
diodes are biased off by the supply
voltage applied through R2 and R3.
To take a sample, the differential
strobe signal momentarily overcomes
the back bias, driving the diodes into
conduction with their forward impedances equal. In this state, the diodes
deposit charges on holding capacitors
CN and CP proportional to the voltage
of the input analog signal at A.
After the strobe pulse has gone,
those two capacitors hold the differential sample voltage long enough
for the A/D converter to digitise the
sample and store the data in the RAM.
As before in Fig.2, the equalising
transformer T1 keeps the strobe pulses
X and Y truly differential. Digital feedback, similar to that in Fig.3, raises
Fig.5: the SAR A/D converter (a) generates a 14-bit digital word in IC2. IC4
converts this word back to analog voltage V2 for comparison with the input
sample V1 in comparator IC1. IC2 then adjusts that digital word (b) until
V1 = V2, within one LSB.
June 1997 69
the sampler efficiency and corrects
All feedback sampling systems require the input signal to be repetitive.
For that reason, they can only be used
in equivalent time scopes and never
in real-time oscilloscopes.
Feedback A/D converters
Fig.6: a delay line allows time for the trigger and strobe electronics to operate
so that sequential equivalent time scopes can display signals at or before the
trigger point.
As we noted in the previous chapter in this series, the sampling rate
and bandwidth are related only in
real-time scopes but not in equivalent
time oscilloscopes which therefore
may sample comparatively slowly.
The sampling rates are usually between 40kS/s to 200kS/s.
This gives them the luxury of more
time to digitise the signal. Therefore
14-bit feedback type A/D converters
may be used, giving much greater
accuracy in maths calculations and
smoother traces on the screen.
Feedback A/D converters use a
completely different approach to the
digitisation process, compared to the
flash converters we saw earlier in this
series. But the input analog signal
must be repetitive.
SAR A/D converters
Fig.7: the random sampler (a) free runs continually and
the time between the trigger and each sample is recorded.
The scope reassembles all those samples (b) into a display
equivalent to the input signal.
70 Silicon Chip
The Successive Approximation
Register or SAR A/D converter is
one favoured type, which we show
in Fig.5(a).
The signal sample, after amplification in A2 (in Fig.1), is now called
V1. IC2 is the SAR or Successive
Approximation Register, a complex
integrated circuit which contains a
microprocessor control section and 14
parallel 1-bit programmable registers,
one for each output bit. Bit 1 is the
MSB (most significant bit) and bit 14
is the LSB (least significant bit). CLK
is the system clock.
In Fig.5(a), the 14-bit output digital word from the SAR goes via 14
parallel lines to an output latch IC3.
This digital data also goes around in a
feedback loop to a 14-bit D/A converter IC4, which reconverts that data into
an analog voltage V2. This feeds into
the positive input of comparator IC1.
The output of IC1 is at logic 1 level
if V2 > V1, or logic 0 if V2 < V1. The
aim of a feedback A/D converter is
easy to see. The computer within the
SAR produces a 14-bit digital word
and compares its reconverted equivalent value, V2, with V1 in IC1.
As a result of that comparison, on
each clock pulse the SAR modifies its
14-bit word to one that will reconvert
in IC4 to a new value of V2, which is
closer to V1. So, in stepwise fashion,
the 14-bit digital word approaches
the value which truly represents the
sample input V1, as we illustrate in
Let’s look at just the first three
steps in detail. Initially, latch IC3 is
disabled, to isolate the converter from
the RAM. All 14 output registers are
reset to logic 0. When the sampler has
captured a sample, it also issues the
start command (SC) to IC2.
On the first clock pulse, the computer in the SAR (IC2) sets the bit 1
register (the MSB) to logic 1, giving
digital word 10000000000000. D/A
converter IC4 instantly converts this
to V2 = 2.5V, as Fig.5(b) illustrates.
Because V2 < V1, IC1’s output will
be at logic 0, so bit 1 is accepted as
On the second clock pulse, the SAR
sets bit 2 to logic 1, giving digital word
11000000000000. That converts in
IC4 to V2 = 3.750V which is too large
(ie, V2 > V1) – see Fig.5(b). Therefore
the SAR resets bit 2 to logic 0, resulting in digital word 10000000000000.
The third clock pulse now sets bit
3 to logic 1, producing digital word
10100000000000. IC4 immediately
reconverts this to 3.125V, so V2 < V1.
Therefore the computer accepts this
bit as correct.
This action continues, moving
down one register at each clock pulse.
It sets the next bit to logic 1 and
compares the reconverted V2 with
V1. That bit remains set to 1, unless
the resulting V2 is too large, in which
case it’s reset to 0.
In this way, V2 approaches V1 in
a sequence of successive approximations, as we see in Fig.5(b). After 14
clock pulses, the SAR has created a
14-bit digital word equivalent to the
analog sample V1, accurate to within
1 LSB; ie, with an error of less than
5V/214 = 5V/16,384 = 0.000305V.
Latch IC3 is then enabled, recording
that digital word in the RAM.
Now the scope accepts another
trigger event; a new sample is taken,
held, digitised, recorded and the
whole process repeats. From this we
see why feedback A/D converters
can’t run very fast. And of course, they
require a repetitive signal.
Delay lines
When you trigger the scope inter-
Fig.8: a time domain reflectometry (TDR) test (a) for faulty
connections at H. Normally the terminated line (b) divides
the signal down to 0.5V continuously. But an open circuit
(c) at H raises the voltage at X to 1V at time t2. Or (d) a
short at H drops the voltage to zero at t2. The product of
time difference (t2-t1) and the signal velocity equals twice
the distance from X to H.
nally from some rising step (ie, the
trigger edge part of your signal), you
often want to display that section
of the input waveform. But sadly,
sequential equivalent time sampling
oscilloscopes cannot directly display
that trigger edge (and analog scopes
can’t either).
The reason is illustrated in Fig.6.
All signals suffer a propagation delay of 2-18ns in passing through the
trigger takeoff, timebase and strobe
generator circuits. So with very fast
signals, the rising edge which triggered the scope is gone before the first
sample can be taken.
To make the rising edge visible, the
solution is to take the input signal
directly to the trigger takeoff, at point
T on Fig.6. The input signal must also
be delayed by a few nanoseconds before it enters the sampler diode bridge
switch at A.
Ordinary 50Ω coaxial cable can
provide the required delay, as signals
travel in coax lines at about 66% of
the speed of light in air; ie, 0.66 x 3 x
108m/s = 200mm/ns. So two metres of
coax cable would give a signal delay
of about 10 nanoseconds.
Scope manufacturers market spe-
cial delay cables which provide delays up to 25ns. Some have a spiral
inner conductor construction to slow
the signal velocity, giving the required
delay with a shorter length.
Using these, many samples can be
taken before, during and after that
edge of the signal which initiated the
trigger. It’s called displaying pretrigger information.
Random equivalent sampling
Some oscilloscopes use random,
rather than sequential, equivalent
time sampling. In this type of scope,
the sampling bridge switch free-runs
continuously, regardless of whether
a trigger event occurs or not. Again
we assume that the input signal is
If a trigger is applied to the scope’s
external trigger terminal and it is in
sync with the input waveform, then
the scope sets about digitising and
recording those samples.
In Fig.7(a) we show six passes of
the input signal, each associated with
a separate trigger event T1, T2, T3,
etc. On each pass, the scope takes one
sample, S1, S2, S3, etc. The signal
waveform period might be only 10ps
June 1997 71
Eye diagrams are sequential traces of logic pulses. The amount of time jitter in
the pulse train is indicated by the degree to which the centre eye is partially
closed by fuzzy traces.
in reality but triggers and samples
are accepted at a much slower pace.
This is because the scope must allow
maybe 5µs or even 50µs for each A/D
Each sample is digitised and the
digital word which repre
sents its
amplitude is recorded in RAM. In
addition, the time between each trigger and sample, such as t1 in the first
pass, t2 in the second pass, etc, is also
measured. The value of this time in
picoseconds decides the address in
memory in which that sample will
be recorded.
So each digital word held in RAM
represents two pieces of information:
the amplitude of the sample and its
timing with respect to the trigger. In
Fig.7(a) we see just a few samples for
clarity. In reality, hundreds or thousands of samples are taken, digitised
and recorded.
When enough samples are accumulated in the RAM, the display processor assembles them all as many bright
dots on the scope screen as we see in
Fig.7(b). The vertical coordinate of
each represents the amplitude of that
sample and the horizontal position
gives its timing with respect to the
trigger. The combination displays the
equivalent signal waveform.
But the free-running sampler is usually not in sync with either the input
signal or the trigger. Therefore, sam-
ples may be taken anywhere: before,
during or after the trigger. Samples
taken before the trigger give pretrigger
information of the input signal without any need for delay lines.
And because the sample timing
is random with respect to the input
signal phase, this type of scope is
insensitive to aliasing.
However, there is a down side to
random sampling. It’s quite possible
for many samples to have the same
timing measured from the trigger
event. Of all the samples taken, suppose 20 of these occur with the same
timing after the trigger. They will
all be recorded in the same address
in the RAM. So 19 of those samples
and digitisations are redundant and
a waste of processing time, as they
all will represent the same point on
the displayed trace. So the scope
must take more samples to make up
enough for a smooth display. And of
course, the input signal must always
be repetitive.
International telecommunications
involves many satellites, each containing 15-50 transponders operating
in the Ku 14-12GHz band and relaying
40,000 phone conversations. All float
in geostationary orbit 42,000km high
above the Earth’s centre. They receive
and retransmit strings of serial data
generated by many different equipments in many countries. For all these
to be compatible, international stan
dards specify, amongst other things,
how much time jitter in pulse trains
is acceptable.
The Tektronix 11801B
50GHz scope can be
expanded to 136 input
channels using plug-in
sampling heads in
bandwidths up to 50GHz
and 7ps internal risetime. It
supports predefined masks
for eye diagram
presentation. The SD24
plug-in sampling head
produces a step voltage
rising in less than 36ps for
time domain reflectometry
measurements. Equivalent
timebase speed can be set to
an incredible 1ps/div or it
can be slowed down to 5ms/
div, in 1ps steps.
72 Silicon Chip
One essential application of UHF
scopes is to ensure compliance with
these specifications. For this, communications engineers and technicians
display strings of multiple superim
posed digital pulses of their systems.
They overlay many logic 1 and logic
0 pulses.
Inevitably, in real very fast systems,
the pulse jitters with respect to the
clock and this is displayed as an eye
pattern on the scope. The more jitter
present, the less clear space remains
in the “eye” of the diagram. Standard templates are also displayed on
the screen. If the eye area within the
template remains clear, meaning not
too much jitter, then that transmission
will be accepted by the satellite.
Time domain reflectometry
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR),
another important application of fast
sampling scopes, can find circuit
faults by measuring signal reflection
over picoseconds.
In Fig.8(a) we see a 1V step signal,
from a source A of output impedance
RS = 50Ω. This feeds to some integrated circuit B which has an input impedance of RT = 50Ω. The connection
from A to B is through a conductor
pair which also has a characteristic
pedance of 50Ω. We should remember that at Gigahertz frequencies
every wire is a transmission line. H
may be a soldered joint on a board or
a welded junction in leads within an
integrated circuit.
The 1V step occurs at time t1. Normally the source impedance RS and
the terminating resistance RT form a
voltage divider with a division ratio
of 2, so the scope displays a constant
0.5V at point X as shown in Fig.8(b).
Now let’s suppose the junction at
H is faulty, leaving an open circuit
at H. Initially, the 1V step at time t1
must charge up the conductor’s own
self-capacitance. The conductor’s
50Ω characteristic impedance forms
a voltage divider with the source RS,
so at first the potential at X rises to
only 0.5V as we see in Fig.8(c).
That 0.5V step travels as a signal
from X to H, charging up the line as it
goes. When it reaches the open circuit
at H, the conductor is now charged,
so the voltage at H can rise to the full
1V. This new voltage step at H, from
0.5V to 1V, travels as another signal
back from H to X, lifting the voltage
along the line to 1V as it goes.
Eventually it reaches point X at
time t2 and only then does the scope
display the voltage step up to 1V as
shown in Fig.8(c).
Signals travel in parallel conductors at velocities between 0.25mm/
ps to 0.29mm/ps. So from the time
difference (t2 - t1) we can calculate
the distance from X to the open-ended
break at H and return.
On the other hand, if the fault at
H was a short circuit, the display
on the scope would be like Fig.8(d).
Only extremely fast sampling scopes
can measure these picosecond time
(1) HP 5952-0163 and Product Note
(2) Tektronix publications 85W-83061, 85W-8218-0, 85W-8308-0, 55W10416-2.
(3) G. Caprara: Encl. of Space Satellites; Eng.trans.Bay.
Acknowledgement: thanks to Tektronix
Australia and Hewlett Packard Australia
and their staffs for data and some of
the illustrations.
June 1997 73
A fail-safe module for the
throttle servo
This month, we present a versatile in-line
fail-safe module suitable for all brands of
R/C equipment. It will provide preset servo
pulses for the throttle in the event that all
signal is lost.
In this month’s column, we will
look at what is probably best described as the first of the projected
plug-in modules for the Mk.22 system.
It is an in-line fail-safe module. It
simply plugs into the line between the
receiver and any positive pulse servo.
In the event of a loss of signal from the
receiver, the fail-safe automatically
detects the signal loss and generates
an output pulse of the correct voltage
and pulse-width.
The fail-safe pulse width can be
preset via a potentiometer to any point
between 1-2ms. It is mainly intended
as a throttle fail-safe but could be used
for any or all of the servos in a model.
In the latter case, you will need a failsafe module for each servo.
Particular attention has been paid
to compatibility with imported radios
as this module fills a very definite
market need.
The rationale behind a fail-safe
throttle module is quite simple.
Models travelling at 100km/h or more
represent a serious risk to themselves
and bystanders if control is lost. As
kinetic energy or impact force is proportional to the square of the velocity,
it is apparent that any reduction in the
speed will reduce the impact.
Halve the speed and quarter the
impact. Halve it again and you have
The fail-safe module is plugged in
between the receiver and the servo.
You need a fail-safe module for each
servo you want to protect.
74 Silicon Chip
cut the impact to one sixteenth of the
original figure. Here we are talking
very worthwhile savings. Motors and
radios have much more chance of
survival in crashes at greatly reduced
History of fail-safes
So a fail-safe throttle is a very good
thing. In the past I have discussed
PCM radios with their built-in failsafe systems and have stated that
fail-safe as a concept was disproved
back in 1964 by Phil Kraft.
Allow me to elaborate on this contradiction. There are two forms of
fail-safe. The first detects signal degradation and locks out all input when
the signal falls below a predetermined
level. At this point, all the servos run
to preset positions, until usable signal
levels are once more detected.
The second system looks for a
complete loss of signal and then, and
only then, runs the servos to the preset
positions, restoring control upon the
receipt of any signal input.
Now Phil Kraft’s great discovery,
like all great discoveries, was very
simple and self-evident, once it had
been made. Phil discovered that a
snatch of control was better than no
control at all! An occasional snatch of
control has saved many an otherwise
doomed model.
Prior to Kraft’s discovery, all of the
pioneer proportional systems were
fitted with a lockout fail-safe. As
soon as even mild interference was
encountered the system went into
lockout and control was lost until
some nebulous time, the duration of
which only the gods knew.
Fail-safe very quickly became
known as that circuit which neutralised the controls on the way to the
crash. Digital propor
tional systems
began to smell a bit off to the astute
R/C buff until Kraft realised the flaw
in the design approach.
His company produced a set which
featured no fail-safe and the pilot
was left to his own devices to fight
his way through the effects of the
interference. The effect was magical
and the modern digital proportional
system was born.
The university graduates who designed the first generation PCM systems had either never heard of or had
forgotten about Phil Kraft. Apparently, they could not be bothered reading
the history of R/C development and
rushed in with full lockout fail-safe
systems. The first PCM systems were
known as “Programmable Crash
Mode” systems by astute R/C buffs
and PCM began to smell too.
PCM systems still feature fail-safe
but at least it can now be activated or
deactivated by the operator. Nevertheless, PCM still has a lingering air of
decay about it. This is a shame really
for the microprocessor has a great affinity for signal processing and error
correction and the results should in
theory be better than PPM.
The Silvertone fail-safe module
is, on the other hand, a signal loss
detector. The fail-safe action is controlled by a pulse omission detector
(POD) or missing pulse detector. This
requires a complete absence of signal
for a period of 500ms before triggering
the fail-safe action.
Control is restored immediately
upon receipt of the incoming signal;
no lockout, just good safe practice.
Circuit description
The circuit shown in Fig.1 is based
on a single 4011 quad 2-input NAND
gate package and while it looks fairly
simple there are number of circuit
functions with some NAND gates
having more than one function.
The first function has already been
mentioned and is a POD or “pulse
omission detector”. Other branches
of electronics would refer to this as a
“missing pulse detector. This function
is performed by IC1b, diode D3 and
capacitors C5a & C5b.
Then there is the frame rate generator (an oscillator) involving IC1a &
ICd and a monostable involving IC1c.
Now let’s go through the circuit op-
Fig.1: this circuit is essentially a “pulse omission detector”, otherwise
referred to as a “missing pulse detector”. This function is performed by
IC1b, diode D3 and capacitors C5a & C5b. If signal is missing, a preset
servo signal is generated by the frame rate generator (an oscillator)
involving IC1a & ICd and a monostable involving IC1c.
eration. A 2-input NAND gate requires
both of its inputs to be high for a low
output. We use this characteristic to
enable or disable oscillators or to gate
signal through the circuit.
The signal input from TB2 is derived from any normal R/C receiver
(positive pulse output) in either AM
or FM, PPM or PCM format. TB2 is a
normal servo plug and simply plugs
into the receiver channel desired.
NAND gates IC1b and IC1c provide
the normal straight-through path for
the positive servo input pulse. As pin
5 of IC1b, is tied high, the gate inverts
the positive input pulses and thereby
discharges capacitors C5a & C5b via
diode D3. This is the “pulse omission
detector”. C5a & C5b are charged via
the 470kΩ resistor R4 and need to be
continually discharged via D3 for normal servo operation to be maintained.
Since C5a & C5b are normally kept
discharged by diode D3, they also
hold pin 13 of IC1d low and thus keep
it disabled. The master clock is thus
rendered inoperative.
IC1c inverts the signal from IC1b
and the normal positive-going pulse
appears at the signal out pin of TB1.
The servo is plugged into this socket.
Master clock generator
Gates IC1a and IC1d form a
free-running multivibrator which
generates the frame rate master clock.
Kit Availability
The fail-safe module is available as follows:
Fully assembled module complete with servo leads.........................$47.50
Complete kit with PC board and servo leads....................................$32.50
PC board only.....................................................................................$5.50
When ordering, purchasers should nominate the R/C system they are using.
Postage & packing for the above kits is $3.00. Payment may be made by
Bankcard, cheque or money order to Silvertone Electronics. Send orders
to Silvertone Electronics, PO Box 580, Riverwood, NSW, 2210. Phone/fax
(02) 9533 3517.
June 1997 75
Fig.2 (left): the component
overlay diagram for the PC
board. Most of the parts are
surface mount types. Note:
board shown approximately
170% actual size.
Right: this larger than life-size
view shows one of the
prototype fail-safe modules.
Normally it would be fitted
with heatshrink sleeving before
being installed in the model.
This is set by resistors R6 & R7 and
capacitor C3 to approximately 20ms.
If the incoming pulse at TB2 disappears, capacitors C5a & C5b charge
via R4 and pin 13 of IC1d goes high.
This allows the master clock to start
IC1c, VR1, R5 and C4 form a halfshot or monostable pulse generator.
This generates a positive pulse which
may be set anywhere between 1 - 2ms
with VR1.
Thus with no input at TB2, the
output of IC1b will be high and IC1c’s
output will be the internal generated
signal. This is a perfectly normal positive servo driving pulse with a width
between 1-2ms, set by VR1.
Diode D1 serves a triple purpose.
First, it protects against reverse voltage on the supply rail. Second, it
serves to drop the supply rail to the
IC by 0.6V. This is a very important
point when using some imported
receivers. These receivers can have
an output pulse as low as 2.5V which
means that the 4011 may not switch
reliably because the input pulse never
reaches half rail. The 0.6V across D1
eliminates this possibility.
Third, it can serve to isolate a backup battery, a point we will examine
This version is known as Mode 1
and is the preferred option. It is simple
to build and simple to install and operate. The kit is all surface mount and
comes with the PC board and all the
components. The component overlay
for the PC board is shown in Fig.2.
If you have not assembled a surface
mount PC board before, I suggest that
you refer to the article on “Working
with Surface Mount Components” in
the January 1995 issue of SILICON CHIP.
When you have assembled the
board, just plug it into the servo lead,
set the desired fail safe point on the
servo and go and have fun.
Other versions
The above version is simple and
uncomplicated. At least, the design
was simple before the “what if?”
Fig.3: this diagram
illustrates a
which has been
made to the
keyboard to cope
with the problem
of paired slots. It
involves the use of
an additional key.
76 Silicon Chip
brigade got hold of it! As is my usual
practice with any new design, I give
prototypes to various people for
testing and evaluation and such was
the case with the prototype fail-safe
No sooner had the first prototypes
gone out than the phone rang and the
wail went thus. “It doesn’t work if the
battery falls out of the model!”
I had no sooner put the phone down
and the next wail came in: “what
happens if the battery shorts out to
the car chassis and the car catches on
fire and the battery goes flat?”
Looking back on the whole affair, I
guess it serves me right for calling it a
fail-safe module. I should have given
it another name like throttle shut-off
or something equally simplistic.
Now we come to the messy bit.
To begin I must say that no circuit
designer can protect people against
their own stupidity. Batteries should
not short out to the car chassis or leads
become disconnected. Correct installation requires leads to be taped and
batteries and receivers to be wrapped
in foam.
However, cells do fail and batteries
do go flat so the criticism does have
some validity. The solution was the
provision of points P1 and P2 on the
This lets diode D1 serve its third
purpose, which is to act as an isolation
diode for a second battery. In this case,
the positive lead of TB1 is taken to
P2. Thus, if a “Y” or dual socket lead
is plugged into the servo socket, the
servo uses one socket and a second
4.8V battery pack (any capacity) is
plugged into the spare socket.
This calls for another switch harness to stop the second pack going
flat when the set is not in use. Diode
D2 was added for the same reasons
as D1. Again it’s simple and easy to
manage. Using a standard receiver
pack, multiple fail-safes (for other
channels) could be run in parallel
with no problems. This arrangement
is known as Mode 2.
The “what if?” brigade were aghast
at this solution! Another battery and
another switch! All that weight and
two switches to switch on and off.
What if you forget to charge the battery
or switch the switch?
Here we come to the main objection
to these people. They expect others to
look after them and will not face the
consequences of their own actions.
How did they think I was going to
move the servo when the main receiver battery has fallen out of the
model or caught fire or disappeared
in a puff of smoke?
By now the reader has begun to
realise that there is no end to this
game but I had to have one more try
just out of cussedness.
In this case, the solution is to add R1
& C2 and change the back-up battery
to a 3-cell button pack of anywhere
between 50-500mA.h capacity. As
there is not enough voltage to tolerate
the diode voltage drop through diode
D2, the positive servo socket lead
must be taken directly to P1. This is
known as Mode 3.
Now the back-up battery charges
automatically from the main receiver
battery at a rate set by R1. This rate can
be very low and I have found 3-5mA
quite adequate. I cannot do anything
about the second on/off switch which
incidentally should go into the servo
lead in this mode. This allows the Rx
battery to charge the back-up battery
without the drain from the servo. Just
switch the Rx on a few minutes before
the fail-safe.
However, there are a few catches to
this system too. As I said there is no
end to this game once you start.
The smaller the battery, the less
number of servo actions possible before the battery goes flat. As all throttle
movements come from the back-up
battery it is possible to exhaust this
battery and leave yourself without
a throttle. Actually, the battery recovers quickly and 20-30 seconds is
usually enough to get another servo
If the back-up battery is too large
it will take too much power from the
main battery to charge it, so compromise is the order of the day. A
100mA.h button cell pack is a good
There is one more problem in that
the servo current drain will also
influence the number of movements
available. A rough servo with a poor
motor will require a larger current
than a good servo.
“But what if . . . ?” I rapidly became
tired of this game. I recommend the
Mode 1 version of this fail-safe. No, it
won’t save the model if it is attacked
by a cruise missile or a demented sparrow hawk but it will give you extra
insurance against total loss of a model
if there is a serious loss of signal. SC
Feedback On Previous Articles
The February 1997 article evoked an
unusually large amount of comment, most
of which was favourable. However, some
people (mostly trade) still refuse to believe
that transmitter intermodulation presents
a real problem and have commissioned
further testing by independent organisations which is fine by me. The series of
articles presented in February, March and
May 1997 will stand or fall on their own
merit in light of further testing.
On another level, Wal Gill from Coff’s
Harbour (NSW) sent down a worthwhile
suggestion for an added safety feature for
the keyboard described in the February
issue of SILICON CHIP. Wal found my
description of the function of the paired
slots (601-614) a little ambiguous so he
suggested making available a special key
with the window moved 14mm higher for
use in the paired slots. These keys are to
be reserved for the exclusive use of the
646-659 frequencies.
An additional row of numbers from
646-659 should be printed on the keyboard 14mm above row 601-630 which
coincides with the existing key window.
Thus, when a normal key is inserted in
608 for example, the number 608 appears
in the window. If, however, a special key
carrying the number 651 is inserted, then
the figure 606 is masked off and the correct number (651) appears in the window,
thereby eliminating the ambiguity. Fig.3
illustrates the concept.
Well done Wal. I love constructive stuff
like this. Complain about the shortcomings
and then present the solution. The modified keys will be available by the time this
column appears in print.
Another reader, Renee Jackson from
Deniliquin, NSW, has sent in the story of
her latest creation along with the pictures.
The model is a “363” Delta with modified
control surfaces and a cockpit and fairing
added. It is powered by a “rather tired”
O.S. 40H motor. The model is fitted with
a Mk.22 Tx and Rx with Hitec servos and
a prototype Silvertone fail-safe module
on the throttle.
The Tx setup is for “delta-mix” on elevons with a standard rudder and throttle. I
am told that it flies a gentle as a lamb, with
a very docile stall, and is quite forgiving
to fly. Nice to see someone using some of
the more advanced features of the Mk.22
to full advantage.
Another reader, Anthony Mott of
Blackburn (Vic), is using one of the very
advanced (or more unusual) features of
the Mk.22 system. Anthony is building a
submersible with a twisted pair umbilical
cord in place of the RF modules. To date
he is successfully running with 40 metres
of cable with no problems.
So as you can see, the Mk.22 has found
its place in the R/C field. The hard-wired
encoder/decoder feature is a big hit with
the non-modelling fraternity. Mk.22 encoder/decoder modules have found their
way into a myriad of control systems in a
wide variety of forms.
This model from Renee Jackson of Deniliquin, NSW, is a “363” Delta with
modified control surfaces and a cockpit and fairing added. It is powered
by an O.S. 40H motor and is controlled by a Silvertone Mk.22 Tx and
Rx, with Hitec servos and a prototype Silvertone fail-safe module on the
June 1997 77
A look at signal tracing, Pt.3
Last month, we looked at the tuned signal tracer
and described how it is used to troubleshoot a
typical superhet valve radio circuit. This month,
we look at the untuned signal tracer and
describe how it is used.
A signal tracer has the ability to
intercept both RF and AF signals at
many test points throughout a receiver. It can give an indication of stage
gain, locate distortion and quickly
lead the repairer to the trouble spot
where the signal either stops or falters.
And where the problem is intermittent, the ability to trace a signal is
sometimes the only way to track down
such a fault. The intermittent fault
is the bane of every serviceman. It
would be easy to write a whole article
on this subject but a brief summary
must suffice.
The word intermittent tells most of
the story. An intermittent fault – be
it total loss of signal, a drop in level,
tion, instability, or any combination of these – can appear quite
spontaneously, for no obvious reason.
And then it will often disappear just
as mysteriously.
Often, it will be due to a faulty
connection somewhere. Inside an old
paper capacitor is a common location
This simple untuned signal tracer was constructed by the author from a couple
of kits for about $30. Note that it uses separate audio and RF probes whereas the
unit described in this month’s SILICON CHIP uses a single probe for both jobs.
78 Silicon Chip
but it can be in almost any component
in the chassis or simply due to a poor
solder joint.
Another characteristic of intermittent faults is that they are often quite
sensitive to movement (mechanical
shock), temperature and/or sudden
electrical changes. Switching the set
off and on again will often cure an
intermittent fault, for example, if only
In some cases, the fault is extremely
sensitive to even the slightest changes.
In this situation, touching a meter
prod on almost any part of the circuit
can cure the fault. The same applies
to a signal tracer probe; connect the
probe to troubleshoot the circuit and
the fault will vanish. Indeed, this type
of fault can be very frustrating.
The only practical solution is to get
in first. You connect the tracer probe
while the set’s behaviour is normal,
set the level as appropriate and wait.
And the logical spot to start is close to
the middle of the set, near the detector
or first audio stage.
When the fault occurs, the direction
to follow will be obvious. Shifting the
probe will probably cure the fault, in
which case you simply wait for the
next failure. It may take some time
but your patience will eventually be
rewarded and you will be able to track
down the location of the fault.
Generally, the more facilities there
are on the tracer, the better are your
chances of finding the fault quickly.
Unfortunately, there are not many signal tracers like the Healing Dynamic
Signalizer described in last month’s
story. They were mainly bought by
service technicians, which is another
way of saying that there may not be
many around today for vintage radio
enthusiasts to find and use.
The old Healing Dynamic Signal-
izer is a fairly good tracer and is particularly useful because of its ability
to accurately tune a wide range of
The untuned tracer
There is another type of signal
tracer that is quite useful and that
is the untuned tracer. Whereas the
tuned type can home in on any chosen
radio frequency, the untuned tracer
simply accepts a much broader range
of frequencies.
Reduced to its simplest form, a
signal tracer would consist of a pair
of high impedance headphones and
a small mica capacitor to block high
DC voltages. This sort of device could
be used to troubleshoot audio circuits
by tapping in at various points along
the signal chain. Such a simple device would have definite limitations,
however. Most signals would be
either too low to hear or too high for
the headphones to handle, so a tracer
of this type really isn’t of much use.
The simple tracer just described
can be made a little more versatile by
adding a diode to the probe. It could
then be used to detect radio frequency
RF) signals in radio circuits. Once
again, some receiver test points may
not produce enough energy to make
audible sounds in the headphones,
while others may be too high for
comfort. The low input impedance
of such a tracer would also load RF
circuits and detune them, thereby
giving misleading results.
However, during the early days
of radio, the few signal tracers in
use would have mostly been simple
home-made devices, just as described
above. Another type was constructed
in much the same way as a 1-valve
headphone receiver, with the probe
connecting to the grid of the valve
via a small coupling capacitor. While
this arrangement would provide some
amplification, it was still very crude
and had many limitations.
To sum up, such simple signal tracers are frustrating to work with and
leave much to be desired because of
their inadequate design.
A radio frequency (RF) generator can be used in conjunction with a signal
tracer to identify the frequency of an unknown IF transformer. You simply
couple the signal generator to the primary winding of the IF transformer and
the tracer to the secondary. The signal generator is then adjusted for maximum
response from the tracer and the frequency read directly from the dial. This
photo shows the generator’s dial set on 455kHz, a common IF.
would be the minimum specifications
for a simple signal tracer.
Building such an outfit is relatively
easy, especially if one builds a transistorised version rather than the tradi-
Using an untuned tracer
Design requirements
To be really useful, a signal tracer
must have an RF probe that does not
unduly load the circuit to which it is
connected. It should also have amplifying stages (both RF and AF), a
gain control and a loudspeaker. These
tional valve type. I recently had a go
at making a unit from a couple of kits
(an RF probe kit and a low-power amplifier kit) and a reasonably effective
tracer was produced for about $30.
However, as an adjunct to this
series on signal tracing, S ILICON
CHIP has developed a complete signal tracer and the design is in this
month’s issue. This untuned unit is
based on a couple of low-cost ICs and
is suitable for tracing both RF and
audio signals in old valve receivers.
It is also suitable for tracing signals
in modern circuitry.
The controls simply consist of two
3-position switches. One is a sensitivity switch, while the other selects
between Audio, RF and Off. The probe
plugs directly into a banana socket on
one end of the case and you can use
a short probe as shown in the article,
or a probe at the end of a wire lead.
The construction details for this
simple untuned signal tracer are given
in this month’s SILICON CHIP. It can
trace both audio and RF signals in
valve and solid state circuits.
An untuned signal tracer is used in
much the same way as a tuned tracer,
as described last month. And although
a simple untuned tracer can be used
with a signal generator, a radio station
usually makes a much more convenient signal source.
For this reason, it is necessary to
connect an aerial to the receiver to
obtain suitable signals. In addition,
the receiver must be tuned to a station
if a signal is to be traced through the
June 1997 79
These IF transformers have tuned frequencies which vary from 175kHz to
460kHz. An untuned signal tracer and an RF signal generator can accurately
sort them out.
set. In fact, it’s a good idea to have
a few dry runs with muted working
receivers to find the best test points.
Although a tuned tracer can follow
a signal from the aerial terminal on,
one cannot expect that sort of a performance from an untuned tracer. In
my locality, a 5kW transmitter just a
few kilometres away dominates the
scene. The receiver under test may
be tuned to another station but when
an RF probe connected to an untuned
tracer is placed anywhere in the aerial
coil circuit, the local station overrides
the tuned signal.
If the strong local station is used as
the tuned signal, the probe will pick
it up no matter where it placed. This
is one disadvantage of the untuned
tracer – unlike the tuned type, it is
not selective.
In most locations, however, our
simple tracer would not be so overpowered and should pick up the
tuned station at the control grid of the
converter valve. In fact, if this section
of the receiver is working, then quite
a few stations should be heard at this
test point. It is only a matter of tuning
them in on the receiver.
The next test position is at the plate
of the converter valve. The signal
should be much stronger here, due to
the gain through that particular stage.
Misleading results
If a tuned tracer is being used it
can also be tuned to the receiver’s
intermediate frequency (IF) and this
too should be present at the converter
plate. This check indicates that the
local oscillator is functioning but this
is something that an untuned tracer
cannot do. If the oscillator is out of
Old pen cases are ideal for making audio and RF probes. The unit at top uses
a case from a “Texta” marking pen, while the unit at bottom is from an old
ballpoint pen.
80 Silicon Chip
action, it will not be apparent until
the probe is moved to the secondary
of the first IF transformer where the
signal will stop.
This could easily lead you to
believe that the IF transformer was
defective, whereas it could be the
local oscillator that was at fault. For
this reason, a thorough check of both
circuit sections would be required.
As one can see, the untuned signal
tracer has its drawbacks. But this little
quirk only applies to superhets. Any
regenerative or TRF receiver would
be straightforward to test.
Moving on, the signal should be
heard at the control grid of the IF amplifier valve and it should be louder
again at the plate connection. The
tracer should then be able to follow
the signal through the second IF transformer to the detector.
As mentioned last month, a noticeable loss of volume through the first IF
transformer is normal and is caused
by the loading effect of the RF probe.
Once the signal has been traced to
the detector, the tracer is switched
to the Audio position. Remember
that the audio signal first goes to the
volume control and if this control is
fully backed off it will go no further.
In fact, the receiver’s volume control
is a convenient way of controlling
tracer overload while probing the
audio test points.
The valve control grids and plate
connections are the obvious places to
probe the audio stages. After checking
a few work
ing receivers it doesn’t
take long to get the feel of things and
develop a systematic routine.
Identifying IF transformers
Provided you have an RF signal
generator, a signal tracer can also be
used to identify the frequency of an
unknown IF transformer. To do this,
you couple the signal generator to the
primary winding of the IF transformer
and the tracer to the secondary. The
signal generator is then adjusted for
maximum response from the tracer,
at which point the frequency can be
read directly from the generator’s dial.
And that brings us to the end of
this 3-part series on signal tracing.
If you build the tracer described in
this issue, just remember that it is a
relatively simple test instrument and
has its limitations. However, provided
that it is used correctly, it is a very
useful troubleshooting tool.
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This page is blank because it contained
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This page is blank because it contained
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This page is blank because it contained
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Non-contact temperature meter
Macservice has just announced the
release of the QuickTemp, a pocket
size non-contact temperature sensor.
This device can safely and accurately
measure the temperature of moving
objects, dangerous materials and electrical components.
All materials emit infrared energy.
The QuickTemp uses special optics to
gather this energy from a target surface
and focus it onto a custom detector.
The temperature measurement is
shown on a 3-digit LCD.
Using it is simple – just point it at
the object to be measured, press the
membrane switch below the LCD window and the temperature is displayed
within one second. The reading is held
for six seconds after the button is no
longer pressed. The temperature range
is from -18°C to 315°C. Resolution is
1°C and accuracy is ±2% of reading or
±2°C, which ever is greater.
Because it measures temperature
without physically touching objects,
the infrared sensor has advantages
over conventional contact temperature
sensors such as thermocouples or
thermistors. Any contamination due to
touch is eliminated and where objects
are operating at high voltages, it offers
safety and convenience.
The unit is powered by a 9V battery.
In use, it requires a minimum target
diameter of 25mm and a minimum
measurement distance of 75mm; ie, the
distance/target ratio is 3:1. However,
it will still give useful indication at
much closer proximity.
We tried out the QuickTemp in our
laboratory and compared its reading
with thermocouple test setup accurate to within ±1°C. When measuring
objects in close proximity, at around
10mm, the QuickTemp indicated
about 2°C higher than actual. But
when the distance was extended out
to 75mm, giving a target area of 25mm,
the indicated temperature was within
1°C of the actual value.
But even though the readings at
close proximity were a little high, we
would regard it as very useful for measuring the temperatures of semiconductors mounted on heatsinks where other
methods are inconvenient.
The QuickTemp is available at $245
from Macservice Pty Ltd, 20 Fulton St,
Oakleigh South, Vic 3167. Phone (03)
9562 9500; fax (03) 9562 9590
12VDC to 230VAC
1500W inverter
This 12V switchmode inverter
will deliver up to 1500 watts for 25
minutes or up to 1700 watts for 10
minutes. Its continuous output rating is 1200 watts and it can deliver
short term surges up to 2500 watts.
The output waveform is a modified square wave. The unit will
operate from 10-15VDC and emits a
low battery alarm at 10.7V. Conversion efficiency is listed at 85-90%
depending on load and the no-load
current drain is 600mA.
With such a high surge output,
the inverter can be used to drive
power tools, refrigerators and
freezers, vacuum cleaners, food
mixers and blenders, VCRs, TVs
and computers. It will have a wide
86 Silicon Chip
range of applications at remote
farm and home sites, on boats, in
recreational vehicles, caravans, and
so on. When used at high power
outputs from a vehicle, it would be
wise to have the motor running to
continually charge the battery. For
example, when delivering 1500W
at 85% conversion efficiency, the
current drain will be around 147A
at 12V! Only a very large battery
system can sustain this current for
more than a short period.
The unit measures 425 x 240 x
77mm and weighs 3.6kg. Its recommended retail price is $995 from
Altronics, 174 Roe St, Perth, WA
6000. Phone 1 800 999 007
Jaytech digital
clamp meter
Digital clamp meters
used to be quite expensive
and many still are but this
Jaytech QM-1560 is quite
affordable. It is compact
unit with a 31/2-digit display and will measure AC
voltage up to 500V and
AC current up to 400A. Its
voltage accuracy is ±1%
while the current accuracy
is claimed as ±2%.
To measure current, you
press the clamp open and
place it around the circuit
conductor to be measured.
To measure voltage, you
use conventional meter
leads which plug into the
end of the meter. The meter leads are supplied.
The QM-1560 is powered by two LR44 button cells
which give a claimed life of 100 hours.
Available from all Jaycar Electronics stores and
resellers, the Jaytech QM-1560 sells for $79.50. It
comes complete with a vinyl carrying case.
New Electronics Workbench EDA
The new version of Electronics Workbench EDA from
Emona Instruments has analog, digital and mixed analog/
digital SPICE simulation plus a full suite of analysers
and over 8000 devices. Electronics Workbench EDA’s
simulation engine is based on Berkeley SPICE 3.
Claimed to be the easiest interface to learn and use,
users can be working productively in 20 minutes.
Windows support also means users can cut-and-paste
schematics and graphs
to word processors to
create reports. Other features include a
customisable parts bin,
automatic reference de
signation, easy-to-edit
model parameters and
component values, industry standard ANSI
and DIN symbols and easy output of materials lists and
hierarchical schematics.
SPICE simulators are used to verify that analog and
mixed-signal circuits will yield the expected outputs. A
schematic netlist file and circuit input values are fed to
the SPICE software which simulates the circuit’s behaviour. Voltage and current levels can then be observed at
any circuit node as they change with frequency and time.
For more information, call Emona Instruments on (02)
9519 3933 or fax them on (02) 9550 1378.
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it contained advertising
which is now out of date
and the page has been
removed to prevent
June 1997 87
Versatile touch pad
for PCs
VersaPad, a new computer touch
pad, has been released in Australia
by BJE Enterprises. VersaPad offers
precise cursor control via fingertip
or stylus, one-touch pan and scroll
ability, a toolbar and on-the-fly
signature and graphics capture.
For added convenience, VersaPad
provides dedicated pan and scroll
bars for “one touch” screen control.
These variable-pressure controls can
be operated by any of three methods:
(1) by applying pressure to the arrows
at the ends of the bar – slight pressure
to scroll or pan slowly and heavier
RF Products
FMTX1 Kit $49
Single transistor 2.5 Watt Tx free
running 12v-24V DC. FM band
88-108MHz. 500mV RMS audio
FMTX2A Kit $49
A digital stereo coder using
discrete components. XTAL
locked subcarrier. Compatible
with all our transmitters.
FMTX2B Kit $49
3 stage XTAL locked 100MHz
FM band 30mW output. Aust
pre-emphasis. Quality specs.
Optional 50mW upgrade $5.
FMTX5 Kit $98
Both a FMTX2A & FMTX2B on 1
PCB. Pwt & audio routed.
FME500 Kit $499
Broadcast specs. PLL 0.5 to 1
watt output narrowcast TX kit.
Frequency set with Dip Switch.
220 Linear Amp Kit $499
2-15 watt output linear amp
for FM band 50mW input.
Simple design uses hybrid.
SG1 Kit $399
Broadcast quality FM stereo
coder. Uses op amps with
selectable pre-emphasis.
Other linear amps and kits
available for broadcasters.
88 Silicon Chip
touch speeding up the action; (2) by
placing a finger or (stylus) on a specific
portion of the bar to pan or scroll to
that position in the document; or (3)
by sliding your fingertip along the bar
to pan or scroll in that direction.
VersaPad is available through selected retail outlets. It has a suggested
list price of $99.00 and includes the
VersaPad touch pad (serial and PS/2
connector), VersaPad Windows 95
software, User’s Guide and a limited
lifetime warranty.
For more information, call BJE
Enterprises Pty Ltd at (02) 9858 5611,
or visit Interlink’s web page at http://
Single-chip DC/DC
Philips has introduced a low-voltage DC/DC converter with a peak
output power of 8W and a conversion
efficiency greater than 95%. Targeted
for use in cordless and cellular tele
phones, where battery power is at a
premium, this new single-chip DC/
DC converter will allow considerable
extension of standby and talk times
with the available batteries, even
PO Box 314 Blackwood SA 5051
Ph 0414 323099 Fax 088 270 3175
AWA FM721 FM-Tx board $19
Modify them as a 1 watt op
Narrowcast Tx. Lots of good RF
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The complementary receiver
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provided for Rx or Tx. Xtals
have been disabled.
MAX Kit for PCs $169
Talk to the real world from a
PC. 7 relays, ADC, DAC 8 TTL
inputs & stepper driver with
sample basic programs.
ETI 1623 kit for PCs $69
24 lines as inputs or outputs
DS-PTH-PCB and all parts. Easy
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ETI DIGI-200 Watt Amp Kit $39
200W/2 125W/4 70W/8 from
±33 volt supply. 27,000 built
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ALL POSTAGE $6.80 Per Order
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when they are approaching complete
The TEA1204t can be used to
up-convert the output of a 2 or 3-cell
NiCd/NiMH battery pack or a single
cell Li-Ion battery pack to 3.3V or
5V, or it can be used to down-convert
the output of a 4-cell NiCd/NiMH or
single-cell Li-Ion battery pack to 3.6V
or 3.3V. These output voltages cover
the power supply require
ments of
virtually all mobile phones.
For more information, contact
Philips Components, 34 Waterloo Rd,
North Ryde, NSW 2113. Additional in-
Magnetoresistive sensor
has flipping coils
Philips’ latest magnetoresistive sensor has coils
integrated into its package to compensate for temperature drift and sensor offset. By eliminating the need
for external coils, the KMZ51 sensor simplifies system
design in applications requiring the measurement of
weak magnetic fields.
The integrated coils have an excellent magnetic
coupling factor, so the
KMZ51 also has very low
power consumption, allow
ing it to operate from a 5V
supply. Even operating at
this low supply voltage,
the sensor requires no DCDC up-converter to provide
sufficient coil current, as
required by some sensors
with integrated coils under the same conditions.
The KMZ51 is the first device in a new family and
is suited for electronic compasses, earth magnetic
field compensation circuits, traffic detection units
and applications such as virtual reality glasses.
For more information contact Philips Components,
34 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113 or access the
Philips web page at:
formation can be obtained by accessing
the Philips web site at http://www.
EMC filters
up to 2500A
A new family of AC line filers for
frequency converters in electrical
drives has been added to the range of
Siemens Matsushita Components. The
filters are designed for use in 3-phase
systems and are available as standard
filters for rated voltages up to 690V and
rated currents up to 2500A.
In modern electrical drives, 3-phase
motors are con
trolled by frequency
converters. This has the advantage
that the speed of the motor can be
precisely controlled, allowing for
smooth acceleration and deceleration. The disadvantage is that rapid
switching operations at high currents
with steep signal edges produce high
magnetic interference. Such
high-frequency interference can be
suppressed with EMC filters designed
specifically for converter applications.
The flagship of the new three-conductor filter family from Siemens
Matsushita has been developed specifically for 690V IT industrial supply
systems and is suitable for current
loads of up to 3 x 2500A. For such
a high connected load the filter is
quite compact, measuring 650 x 320 x
220mm and weighing 105kg. This new
filter has a high attenuation of 85dB,
a volume resistance of only 15µΩ, a
leakage current of less than 6mA and
a power loss of 280W.
For further information, contact
Advanced Information Products, Siemens Ltd. Phone (03) 9420 7716; fax
(03) 9420 7275.
13.8-inch colour
LCD monitor
Click Electronics has released the
PD-50 range of colour LCD monitors.
There are two inherently low radiation
models in the range, the PD-50F with a
13.8-inch (viewable) TFT display and
the PD-50N with a 13.8-inch (viewable) DSTN display.
The PD-50F TFT monitor has a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
with 262,000 colours, a brightness of
200 Cd/m2 and a contrast ratio of 300:1
(typical). The PD-50N DSTN monitor
has the same maximum resolution and
brightness, 4096 colours and a contrast
ratio of 20:1 (typical).
The monitors have on/off, brightness and contrast controls, and an
operating temperature range of 0-40°C.
For further information, contact
Click Electronics, 29 Bachell Ave,
Lidcombe, NSW 2141. Phone (02)
9649 4155; fax (02) 9649 4206. email:
Design low frequency loudspeaker enclosures
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Manufactured in Australia
Comprehensive data available
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Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
Model KSN 1141
The new Powerline series of Motorola’s
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circuitry which allows them to be used safely
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This results in a product that is practically
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Motorola is offering a 36 month money back
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Frequency Response: 1.8kHz - 30kHz
Av. Sens: 92dB <at> 1m/2.83v (1 watt <at> 8Ω)
Max. Power Handling Capacity: 400W
Max. Temperature: 80°C
Typ. Imp: appears as a 0.3µF capacitor
Typical Frequency Response
Freedman Electronics Pty Ltd, PO Box 3, Rydalmere NSW 2116. Phone: (02) 9638 6666.
June 1997 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
CW filter
is too sharp
I recently constructed the “Active
CW Filter For Weak Signal Reception”
from the April 1990 issue of SILICON
CHIP. Could you please advise how I
can make the bandpass wider? The
slightest movement of the receiver
tuning knob or the slightest shift in
frequency of the receiver or the incoming signal and the Morse signal
is gone.
I have tried different values of
capacitor on pin 2 of the LM567 as
recommended in the write-up without
any success. I have also constructed
the “Active Filter for CW” featured in
the June 1991 issue and I have found
it to be quite good as it has a wider
tuning range but I prefer the previous
circuit as it completely eliminates the
noisy background.
I realise that there is a great difference in the filtering circuitry of the
two circuits and I cannot expect the
June 1991 circuit to operate as well.
I am a radio amateur trying to pass
the Morse Code exam. As you probably
know, the reception on 80m is very
IGBTs for
automotive ignition
I have investigated the availability of a Philips IGBT for an
automotive ignition system. In
fact, I have already designed and
produced a PC board for the purpose. One comment I would like
to make is that the IGBT voltage
drop is 3.5V, which must be taken
into account to ensure that the
correct current through the coil
is maintained.
I have some “Big O gauge”
locomotives which have internal
traction batteries. Therefore they
have to be controlled by some
“wireless” link. I have designed
a simple speed control system
90 Silicon Chip
noisy, the signal being down in the
noise. (J. C., Reynella, SA).
There is little that can be done to
increase the bandwidth of the phase
locked loop IC in the May 1990 circuit.
At the maximum, the best bandwidth
that could be expected for a 1.2kHz
centre frequency is about 170Hz instead of 130Hz as it is now. However
a difference of 40Hz or so in the bandwidth is negligible when you consider
the shift in frequency which would be
brought about by even the slightest
shift in receiver tuning.
There you have the advantage and
the disadvantage of the PLL circuit;
it completely eliminates the noise
because it generates a fresh tone but
it is very narrow in bandwidth and so
is finicky to use.
We published a later design for an
active filter unit in the December 1996
issue. It does have adjustable bandwidth but it will not cancel noise completely, as does the May 1990 design.
Headphone Amplifier as described in
the May 1995 issue of SILICON CHIP but
I’d like to add a single bass-treble pot
or two pots (treble and bass).
Could you send me the appropriate
modifications? I’m hoping it would not
be too difficult. Otherwise, this unit
seems ideal for my preamp needs. (T.
F., Malanda, Qld).
Unfortunately, there is no easy way
of adding a bass and treble control to
this circuit, without the use of another
circuit board and at least a couple of
transistors. About the only tone control which could be practically added
to the circuit is a passive “treble cut”
control which would involve the addition of a potentiometer and a capacitor.
However, we doubt whether it would
do any more than the existing passive
tone controls on most solid-body
Tone controls for guitar
headphone amplifier
I built the LED Digital Tachometer
that was published in the August 1991
issue of SILICON CHIP. It ran well to
begin with but later I had random
problems which eventually I traced
to a poor earth connection. It is now
in a different vehicle.
Before reinstalling the unit, I set it
up to calibrate it and all went well
so I left it running for about an hour.
When I came back it was dead. I was
now out of my depth so I took it to my
kit supplier who had a repair person.
What they tell me now is that the unit
won’t work for more than an hour or
two before transistor Q1 blows or fails.
It was replaced a number of times and
everything checked out but the same
result. It’s dead.
I need more help, please. I’m spoiled
with this unit – it’s far better than the
dial type.
I also built the Intelligent Charger
for Gel Cells de
scribed in the July
1989 issue of SILICON CHIP. I use it for
charging a “Sonnerschein” gel battery
to run a camcorder.
After a few months this battery
I would like to build the Guitar
which requires just one byte of
RS232 serial information to be
sent whenever a speed change is
required. I would welcome suggestions for a wireless link transmitter
and receiver design with a range of
two metres that I can use for this
project. (R. B., Kalamunda, WA).
Your comment regarding the
voltage drop for the IGBT is a cause
for concern. We would expect the
voltage drop to be around 2V rather than 3.5V. A high voltage drop
will lead to quite high dissipation
in the IGBT and could be critical
if the battery voltage is low.
For your wireless link we suggest the single channel UHF transmitter featured in the February
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP.
LED digital
tachometer failure
started self-discharging quite quickly.
Sonnerschein replaced the battery but
they suggested my charger could be
improved. As I can follow directions
for simple circuits but not really
know what I’m doing or able to do
calculations, I need your help. With
the aid of a digital multimeter I have
the following figures. When the battery is discharged for the camcorder
(5.9V) the charger delivers 490mA at
6.2-6.3V. This rises to 7.3-7.4V on float.
That is when the battery is charged.
Sonnerschein suggest the charging
voltage should be 6.9V.
Can you suggest what I need to do,
because we are on the road a lot? I
run this charger off the vehicle 12V
battery when standing, not when the
alternator is running. I did put a flag
heatsink on Q1. (K. C., Balgownie,
If Q1 is failing in such a short time
it suggests that it has the wrong value
collector resistor (should be 18kΩ)
or the input resistors (33kΩ + 10kΩ)
are incorrect and too low in value.
Check also that diode D1 is connected
the right way around or is not open
As far as your charger is concerned,
if the battery voltage is 7.3 to 7.4V
when on float then it is fully charged.
If it was 6.9V, it would not be fully
Checking a
faulty LCD
I am writing regarding the
letter entitled “faulty display in
DMM” from M. E., Tokoroa, NZ,
published on page 91 of the April
1997 issue. In the circumstances
described by M. E., I would make
the following diagnostic tests before exchanging the LCD.
(1) Clean all display contacts
(the LCD, conductive rubber and
contact fields on the PCB) with
alcohol. When cleaning the LCD,
do not wet it excessively and
immediately dry it, as alcohol
may dissolve glue and destroy
the display (use cotton bud only
sparingly wetted).
(2) After reassembling, connect
pin 37 to the +U supply – this is
the “Display Test” function of the
7106. Then the LCD should show
“1888”. Do not use this function
longer than absolutely necessary;
Woofer stopper
is ultrasonic
I purchased a kit for the Woofer
Stopper Mk.II described in the February 1996 issue. It came with a pre
wound transformer. When I assembled
the kit and connected 12V power, the
red LED came on and when I made a
noise the green LED came on and after
10 seconds it went off.
I connected the horn and put a
.0022µF capacitor across pins of 1 &
2 of IC5. There was no sound and the
green LED stayed on but you could
hear a click through the horn every 10
seconds. I checked the +12V on all the
ICs. They were OK.
I also connected a 0.47µF capacitor
between base and emitter of transistor
Q3, as advised in the Notes & Errata
featured in the December 1996 issue. I
checked the current on standby. It was
20mA on standby and when activated
it was 320mA. I changed IC1 and IC6
but it made no difference. I checked
the voltage at the output. It varied from
8V to 9V on the 20VAC meter range.
Can you help me to find the fault? (W.
C., Waverley, Tas).
From your description, we would
assume that the Woofer Stopper circuit
is working properly since it draws
the extra current when triggered. The
8-9V on your AC meter also suggests
that it is operating. Remember that it
is ultrasonic and you won’t normally
hear it. If you want be able to hear the
sound, try doubling the value of the
.0022µF capacitor across pins 1 & 2 of
IC5. This will reduce the frequency to
well below 10kHz.
The extra capacitor between base
and emitter of Q3 is to prevent the
clicking sound during the sound
burst which occurs every second or
so. It will not have an effect on the
initial turn-on click as the speakers
are initially turned on after triggering.
We should point out that our Notes &
Errata suggested using a 47µF capacitor, not a value of 0.47µF.
Washing electric
This is more of a housekeeping
question than an electronics topic but
I thought I’d ask you anyway. Can you
wash an electric blanket? I understand
the display then is driven by DC
and will be destroyed after prolonged use this way.
(3) Those having access to a
frequency counter may read the internal clock frequency of the 7106
on pin 38 as faulty resistors or capacitors are not unknown. Those
having no frequency counter but
having a square wave oscillator
may disconnect R & C components
from pins 38 & 39 and then feed,
say 40kHz, between pins 37 & 40
of 7106 (set p-p output voltage of
the oscillator to slightly below
supply voltage of 7106).
I would normally expect that
with this fault at every power-on a
different value would be displayed
and the reading would not change
until power-off.
I hope that the above procedures
are helpful, not only for M. E. but
to everyone else having similar
troubles. (M. F., Warszawa, Poland).
the manufacturers recommend against
this but then they would, wouldn’t
they? They want to sell more electric
blankets! (E. J., Parramatta, NSW).
We contacted the manufacturers of
Linda electric blankets for their opinion on this subject. Their BLU range
of electric blankets, recommended for
use in nursing homes, can be handwashed, which means that even the
controls can be immersed in water.
They emphasise that any washing of
the BLU range must be done by hand,
not in a washing machine.
All other models of Linda electric
blankets can be spot cleaned in the
case of soiling or spillage but they will
not countenance hand washing.
As a matter of coincidence, one of
our staff members recently had a electric blanket which needed washing
otherwise it would have to be thrown
out. It was made by Linda but was not
from the BLU range. His approach was
as follows.
First, he removed the cover plates
which anchor and protect the connections to the electric blanket wiring. The
connections themselves are shrouded
in clear plastic but do not appear to be
That done, he carefully handwashed and rinsed the blanket in cold
June 1997 91
Shunting a
Is it possible to make a 50µA
- 50µA centre zero meter to read
milliamps? If so, could you inform
me of the procedure? (D. B., Port
Macquarie, NSW).
The answer is yes and yes. The
procedure for converting a meter
that reads in microamps to one
that reads milliamps or even amps
involves adding a shunt resistor to
the meter movement. In essence, a
shunt resistor is connected in parallel with the meter’s coil to “shunt”
away most of the current from the
delicate coil itself.
To work out what value shunt
you need, you need to know the
basic sensitivity of the meter. Most
50µA meter movements for example, have a resistance of 2kΩ and by
using Ohm’s Law we can work out
that they will have 100mV across
them when 50µA is passing through
the coil. By extension, we say the
meter move
ment’s sensitivity is
20kΩ/volt. 20kΩ/volt is the same
as 2kΩ/100mV.
A further piece of information is
that the 100mV across the meter at
full scale deflection is the “burden
voltage”. You’ll need to know that
when calculating the shunt resistor
for your particular application.
Even if you don’t know the sen-
water. It was laid out to dry on a flat
surface (a trampoline) but not in the
sun. Shrinkage is to be avoided at all
costs. Care must be taken to make sure
that the plastic shrouded connections
and the heat controllers do not get wet
or that water does not run down the
leads into the controllers.
When the blanket was fully dry,
and it takes quite a while because
of their two-layer construction, the
connections had partly pulled out of
the blanket which was now rucked up
in several places. Judicious pulling of
the blanket this way and that pulled
the connections back into place so
that the anchor plates could be re-attached. The blanket was then left a
further couple of days to dry, just to
make sure that there was no moisture
in the controllers.
92 Silicon Chip
sitivity of a meter movement, you
can easily measure it by connecting
in series with a high value resistor
to a (say) 12V supply. If the resistor
value is 100kΩ, the current passing
through the meter will be close to
12µA. What does the meter read?
12? Good – now reduce the value
of the resistor until you get a full
scale deflection of the pointer.
You can work out the exact
value of the current by measur
ing the voltage across the series
resistor with your multimeter and
then using Ohm’s Law to make the
calculation. You can also use your
multimeter to measure the burden
So say you have worked out
that your centre zero meter has a
100mV across it when it is passing
50µA. You can use that information to work out the shunt resistor.
If you want it to read 5mA at full
scale deflection (FSD), you need a
resistor which will pass 5mA (or
to be really precise, 5mA - 50µA
= 4.95mA) with 100mV across it.
Using the equation R = V/1, the
result is 20Ω.
If you wanted 50mA instead of
5mA, the shunt resistor would be
That broadly explains the principle of shunting a meter. If readers
want a more detailed article on this
subject, please write and tell us.
Higher capacity
speed control
I was interested in the train controller featured in the April 1997 issue of
SILICON CHIP. How about a version to
run the high efficiency well-built 24V
DC motors obtainable for almost nix
from photocopiers, etc? They are many
possible uses: coil winders, power
feeds for small milling machines,
lathes, robotics.
Keep up the supply of articles on
interfacing PCs with various hardware.
I have every issue since you started
and I still think you do a great job. (I.
S., Camberwell, Vic).
It is relatively easy to modify the
circuit to make it suitable for 24V
motors but you would have to mount
the transistors on much more substan-
tial heatsinks to ensure adequate heat
A better approach would be to build
a modified version of our earlier Rail
power controller, as published in the
April & May 1988 issues of SILICON
CHIP. This switchmode design could
be modified simply by changing the
12V transformer to one with an 18V
secondary and changing the filter
capacitors to 35VW rating.
Alternatively, have a look at the
24V 20A speed controller featured in
this issue.
Notes & Errata
Bridged Amplifier Loudspeaker
Protector, April 1997: a reader has
pointed out that this version of the
loudspeaker protector cannot be used
in some bridged amplifiers in cars.
This applies mainly to lower-powered
bridged amplifiers which do not use
a DC-DC inverter and which have the
loudspeaker outputs floating at half
the DC supply, around +7V.
It also applies to some inverter-driven bridge amplifiers which
have a single DC rail. In these cases,
the amplifier outputs may be floating
at around +25V DC above chassis, for
Therefore, before you consider
building the Loudspeaker Protector
for installation with bridged amplifiers in cars, you should measure
the DC voltage at both sides of the
speaker outputs with respect to chassis. If the outputs are floating at a DC
voltage above chassis (eg, +7V), the
Loudspeaker Protector will not be
suitable as it would be permanently
latched off.
Note also that the parts list specifies a value of 100µF for C1 whereas
it should be 220µF, as on the circuit
diagrams. The additional 100µF capacitor for the built-in version should
be rated at 75VW or 100VW not 63VW,
where the amplifier supply rail is
between 66V and 75V.
Extra Fast Nicad Charger, October
1995: the lengths of the 0.8mm wires
specified for the primary and secondary windings of transformer T1 are
incorrect, although the number of
turns and the turns ratio are correct.
The length of the quadrifilar primary wires should be 1.7 metres
before termination, while the two
secondary wires (bifilar) should be
3.5 metres.
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need to develop C and ASM software for 68HC08, 6809, 68HC11,
68HC12, 68HC16, 8051/52, 8080/85,
8086 or 8096: $140.00 each. Macro
Cross Assemblers for these CPUs
+ 6800/01/03/05 and 6502: $140.00
for the set. Debug monitors: $70 for
6 CPUs. All compilers inc ‘HC12,
XASMs and monitors: $480. 8051/52
or 80C320 Simulator (fast): $70. Disassemblers for 12 CPUs only $75.
Try the new C-FLEA Virtual Machine
for small CPUs, build a “C-Stamp”.
Demo disk: FREE. All prices + $5
p&p. GRAN
PO Box 275, Wentworthville 2145.
Ph/Fax (02) 9631 1236 or Internet:
To run your classified ad, print it clearly on a separate sheet of paper, fill out the
form below & send it with your cheque or credit card details to: Silicon Chip Classifieds, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097. Or fax the details to (02) 9979 6503.
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94 Silicon Chip
instructions. Eight pages free text and
colour photos on the Internet at:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING !
a similar Camera! BUY A BETTER
CHOOSE from..... 380, 420 & 460 TVL
Resolution. Low Light & IR Sensitive
0.05 lux. TEENY WEENY 28 mm x 28
mm PCBs. ELEVEN Board Lenses.
FOUR Pinhole Lenses. IR Cut/Pass &
Polarising Filters. 845+ nm 74 mW IR
LEDs. Ancillary Equipment. BEFORE
ADVICE! Before you Buy! Ask for our
Detailed, Illustrated Price List with Application Notes. Also available CCTV
Technical, Design & Reference Manuals & Inter-Active CD ROM. Allthings
Sales & Services 08 9349 9413, fax
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prices, hobbyists welcome. Sesame
Electronics (02) 9554 9760. Fax: 9718
4762. Email: skybus<at>
Dunfield (DDS) products are now
available ex-stock at a new low price;
please ask for our catalogue. Micro C,
the affordable “C” compiler for embedded applications. Versions for 8051/52,
8086, 8096, 68HC08, 6809, 68HC11
or 68HC16 $139.95 each + $3 p&h
• EMILY52 is a PC based 8051/52
high speed simulator $69.95 + $3
p&h • DDS demo disks $7 + $3 p&h •
X-Y-Z using car alternators” (uses car
alternators as cheap power stepper
motors!) $49.95 + $6 p&h (includes
diagrams) • Fixed price electronic
design and PCB layout • Credit cards
accepted • All goods sent registered
mail • Call Bob for more de
t ails.
MICROCRAFT, PO Box 514, Concord
NSW 2137. Phone (02) 9744 5440 or
fax (02) 9744 9280.
email sales<at>
$79 ONLY! $79 !!!!! ONLY! $79 !!!!!
Complete with 3.6 mm Board or 5
mm Pinhole Lens, Low Light & Infra
Red Sensitive, Tiny 32 x 32 mm PCB.
Cat No MOD-BW 506 ONLY! $79!!!!!
Allthings Sales & Services 08 9349
9413, fax 08 9344 5905.
CAR/RALLY COMPUTER KIT: including fuel sensor & speed sensor.
SYSTEMS: Oztechnics, PO Box 38,
Illawong NSW 2234. Phone (02) 9541
0310. Fax (02) 9541 0734.
Video Audio TX/RX Modules UP TO
100 M RANGE, 915-928 MHz band,
$80 pair, with Interface PCBs $99.
Allthings Sales & Services 08 9349
9413, fax 08 9344 5905.
Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
This is the 68HC705-C8P pro
grammed microprocessor IC for
the Digital Effects Unit (see Feb.
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Payment by cheque, money order
or credit card to: Silicon Chip Pub
tions, PO Box 139 Collaroy
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644; Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
MicroZed Computers
PO Box 634, ARMIDALE 2350 (296 Cook’s Rd)
Ph (067) 722777 – may time out to Mobile 014 036775
Fax (067) 728987 (Credit Cards OK)
& PIC Tools
With third party supporting
products, all in stock
Easy to learn, easy to use sophisticated CPU based controllers
Credit cards OK Send two 45c stamps for info
651 Forest Rd, Bexley 2207
makes all the project PCBs
published in SILICON CHIP
and other Australian magazines
Tel +61 2 9587 3491 Fax 9587 5385
E-mail rcsradio<at>
8-station controller and 8-chan
n el,
RS232 digital thermometer uses the
incredible DS1820 sensor. Call Mantis
Micro Products, 38 Garnet St, Niddrie,
3042. P/F/A (03) 9337 1917.
(Parity/No Parity)
4Mb 30 PIN-70
$50 $38
4Mb 72 PIN-70
$53 $36
8Mb 72 PIN-70
$94 $70
16Mb 72 PIN-70 $160 $125
32Mb 72 PIN-70 $298 $285
EDO SIMMS (60ns)
4Mb/8Mb $36/70
16Mb/32Mb $128/252
64Mb/128Mb $1066/2112
8Mb/16Mb - 168 PIN $70/144
32Mb/64Mb - 168 PIN $306/570
168 PIN - 16Mb
168 PIN - 32Mb
168 PIN - 64Mb
4Mb HP 4&5
8Mb HP 4 & 5
All other models available
16Mb ARMADA 1100
All other models available
16Mb Tecra 500/610 Sat
All other models available
16Mb T.Pad 755, 360 EDO
All other models available
Ex Tax Pricing – Delivery $8. Pricing as at 05/05/97. Phone for latest.
Sales Tax 22%.
Credit Cards Welcome. We Also Buy And Trade-In Memory.
Suite 6, 2 Hillcrest Rd,
Ph: (02) 9980 6988
Pennant Hills, 2120.
Fax: (02) 9980 6991
Email: pelham1<at>
TV SATELLITE DISHES: international
reception of Intelsat, Panamsat, Gori
zont,Rimsat. Warehouse Sale – 4.6m
dish & pole $1499; LNB $50; Feed $75.
All accessories available. Videosat,
2/28 Salisbury Rd, Hornsby. Phone
(02) 9482 3100 8.30-5.00 M-F
Now available: the complete index to all SILICON CHIP
articles since the first issue in November 1987. The Floppy
Index comes with a handy file viewer that lets you look at
the index line by line or page by page for quick browsing, or you can use
the search function. All commands are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available: this file lets you quickly check out the Notes
& Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index but a
complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file viewer
is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
Price $7.00 each + $3 p&p. Send your order to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box
139, Collaroy 2097; or phone (02) 979 5644 & quote your credit card number; or fax
the details to (02) 979 6503. Please specify 3.5-inch or 5.25-inch disc.
June 1997 95
MODULE PCB 28 x 28 mm, IR & Low
light sensitive, with Pinhole Lens. 08
9349 9413.
from Vol 1 No 1. $220 job lot. Roberts,
116 Lamonerie Street, Toongabbie
NSW 2146. Phone (02) 9631 5584.
Auto on/off in Aluminium Housing with
Adj Bracket $149. PCB with LEDs $79.
PCB with LEDs AND Auto Control PCB
$99. DIY LED & PCB Kits: 50 LED
52mm Round Lamp $50. 88 LED $72.
180 LED $113. Variations include up
to 210 LED 34 watt. Allthings Sales &
Services 08 9349 9413, fax 08 9344
MicroZed have STAMP VER 1.8 handbook $30 + $p&p. Has 80 pages. BS1
-> BS2 conversion data.
Circuit Ideas Wanted
Do you have a good circuit idea.
If so, why not sketch it out, write a
brief description of its operation &
send it to us. Provided your idea is
workable & original, we’ll publish it
in Circuit Notebook & you’ll make
some money. We’ll pay up to $60
for a really good circuit but don’t
make them too big please. Send
your idea to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy,
NSW 2097.
Advertising Index
Altronics................................. 34-36
Dick Smith Electronics..... 8-9,24-25
Earthquake Audio........................89
Freedman Electronics..................89
Harbuch Electronics....................89
Instant PCBs................................95
Jaycar ............................IFC, 45-52
14 Model Railway Projects
Shop soiled but
Our stocks of this book are now limited.
All we have left are newsagents’ returns
which means that they may be slightly
shop soiled or have minor cover blemishes. Otherwise, they're undamaged and in
good condition.
$3.95 + $3 P&P (Aust. & NZ)
MicroZed Computers...................95
Model Railways Book..................96
Oatley Electronics........................31
RCS Radio...................................95
Rod Irving Electronics .......... 81-85
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 38-39
Silicon Chip Bookshop.................93
Silicon Chip Binders................OBC
Silicon Chip Software....................7
This book will not be reprinted
Silicon Chip Wallchart..............OBC
Yes! Please send me _____ copies of 14 Model Railway Projects at the special price
of $A3.95 + $A3 p&p (p&p outside Aust. & NZ $A6). Enclosed is my cheque/money
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order to (02) 9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 and quote your credit card number
(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
96 Silicon Chip
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.