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Hot Web Sites For Surplus Bits & Pieces
NZ $6.50
It fast charges NiCd & NiMH power tool
batteries & can charge 6V & 12V SLA
packs & lead-acid batteries as well
9 771030 266001
ISSN 1030-2662
Battery Charger
Telephone Exchange Simulator
1998 1
Building The 4-Channel Light Show Plus all our regular columns
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Vol.11, No.2; February 1998
4 Surplus Mania: Hot Web Sites For Bits
Looking for that special hard-to-find part? You can find lots of goodies at
various web sites on the Internet – by Adrian Cuesta
12 Understanding Electric Lighting; Pt.4
The development and operation of high pressure mercury vapour lamps – by
Julian Edgar
Multi-Purpose Fast Battery
Charger – Page 18
18 Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger; Pt.1
New design fast charges NiCd and NiMH power tool batteries and can
charge 6V and 12V SLA and car batteries as well – by John Clarke
25 Telephone Exchange Simulator For Testing
Use it to test telephone handsets, fax machines, modems, answering machines and automatic diallers in burglar alarms – by Mike Zenere
36 Command Control System For Model Railways; Pt.2
Get your soldering iron out because it’s time to build the Command Station
module. We give the full circuit and construction details – by Barry Grieger
60 Demonstration Board For Liquid Crystal Displays
Telephone Exchange Simulator
For Testing – Page 25
Learn how liquid crystal displays process digital data with this neat little
demo board – by Rick Walters
66 Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow; Pt.2
We give the constructional details for both DC and AC versions plus some
hints on making a display box – by Leo Simpson & Rick Walters
56 Serviceman’s Log
The TV set that smoked – by the TV Serviceman
76 Vintage Radio
Clean audio for old Henry – by John Hill
Demonstration Board For Liquid
Crystal Displays – Page 60
80 Radio Control
Jet engines in model aircraft; Pt.2 – by Bob Young
88 Computer Bits
Norton Utilities V2 for Win95; Pt.2 – by Jason Cole
Publisher’s Letter
Order Form
Product Showcase
Circuit Notebook
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Building The 4-Channel Light
Show – Page 66
February 1998 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
ISSN 1030-2662
Recommended and maximum
price only.
2 Silicon Chip
Deflation has been
with us for a long
Anyone who has tried to follow the
news of Asia and Australia’s currency
decline in the last few months must
be confused. And worried! After all,
some notable economists are now
using the dreaded “D” word; D stands
for deflation. It seems that inflation is
no longer a worry and deflation is to
be feared. Apparently, a little inflation
is good for all of us but deflation could
be really bad.
Well, I have to say it. Most of these economists are talking rubbish. They
just don’t know what is going to happen, any more than the ordinary person in the street. But I can also state that deflation has been around for a
long time and we have been living with it very happily and we expect it to
happen in the future! How can I say that?
Deflation is defined as “an abnormal decline in the level of commodity
prices, especially one that is not accompanied by an equal reduction in the
costs of production”. This is exactly the deflation that some economists are
worried about. As Asian countries struggle to export their way out of trouble, they will supposedly flood Western markets with cheap goods and so
Western economies will suffer. Well, hasn’t Asia been doing this all along?
Over the last 40 years or so, we have seen the prices of virtually all manufactured goods plummet in real terms and this applies especially to electronic
equipment of every description. The price drops have been brought about
because of the two relentless forces of increasing competition and the march
of technology. There is no reason to suppose that this will not continue at
an ever increasing rate, regardless of what happens in Asia. At the same
time, we can expect the prices that Australia obtains for its commodities
(minerals, wool, wheat, etc) to decline as well. Nothing new here.
As an aside, the fact that Asia is in trouble now indicates that the calls
for Australia to get heavily into “high technology” manufacturing would
have been to no avail. Asia has done just that and look where it is. Yes, yes,
I know that I am ignoring such things as defective Asian banking systems,
corruption, artificially low interest rates, etc. All these are peripheral issues.
The real reason that Asia is in trouble is that it has excessive production
capacity for virtually everything and all those high-tech factories eventually
have to be paid for.
However, there has to be some silver lining to all the dark clouds, hasn’t
there? If the economists are correct and Asia is to export its way out of
trouble, it has to buy raw materials from somewhere and that is most likely
to be Australia. So why is our currency on the decline?
The point is that no-one really knows. The most common phrase you hear
in economic news is “market sentiment” and that means that not much logic
is being brought to bear.
My tip, and it is as good as anyone else’s, is that Australia’s currency will
rebound. Perhaps it will do so even before this issue hits the news stands.
But whatever happens, you can bet on electronic equipment continuing to
get cheaper in real terms. So will most other mass-produced commodities.
Everything else is in the lap of the gods.
Leo Simpson
For a free
Surplus Electronic Component Resellers
* Soldertype
* Metal cover
* Current: 270mAH
* 3 x 2/3AA Cells
* With leads
Please call,Write,Fax
or E-mail
SA115 68P $0.50ea
SA116 84P $0.80ea
stock# SA117
stock# SA100
* Low profile
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SA121 4 Way $0.30ea
SA122 8 Way $0.40ea
stock# SA123
* Model: PVC160202
* Model size: 80(W) x 38(H) x 13.8(T)mm
* Character pitch: 3.65(W) x 5.45(H)mm
* Input voltage: 5V
* Dot pitch: 0.6(H) x 0.6(W)mm
* Supply current: 1.5mA
* Colour: Yellow/Green
* Operating temp.: 23 Deg.C (typical)
50 Deg.C (max.)
stock# SA125
SA127 2200uF 35V 30 x 13mm
SA129 47uF 160V
30 x 15mm
* Tubular key
* Function: On-Off
* Type: SPST
* Hole size: 12mm
* Overall size: 30mm
* Size: 15 x 30mm
stock# SA127
stock# SA124
stock# SA102
* Snap-in type
* Size: 30 x 35mm
stock# SA101
stock# SA126
* Gold insert low profile
* High quality machined pins
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* All tin plated phoshor bronze
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CMOS 32K x 8 eprom
Low power dual op-amp (SMD)
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High-Volt./High-Current. Array (DIP)
24P (0.3")
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MOS-N-FET 60V 0.2A 0.4W TO-92
MOS-N-FET 500V 4A 75W TO-220
MOS-N-FET 100V 28A 150W TO-220
Trans, NPN 400V 4A 60W TO-220
261 Huntingdale Road HUNTINGDALE VIC AUSTRALIA 3166
Ph 61 03 9548 9229 Fax. 61 03 9562 8772
EMAIL: sales<at>
*All components are new and in original packaging
February 1998 3
* stock is subject to prior sale
Mweb sites for hard-to
If you love searching out obscure
parts at the cheapest prices,
try buying surplus and distress
stock components! You’ll find
lots of goodies at various web
sites on the Internet.
One of the best things about being interested in electron
ics and other technologies is finding the bargains – those
bits and pieces that others see as junk but which to you
open up a whole new world of possibilities. But besides
haunting garage sales and secondhand stores, where else
can you find the good gear?
4 Silicon Chip
The are lots of companies specialising in the good
bits, both in Australia and overseas. And while buying
from overseas used to be difficult, that’s no longer the
case. What’s more, you can easily browse the catalogs of
the overseas companies via the Internet. Most of the o/s
companies also have printed catalogs available that can
be sent to you for quite reasonable sums.
In no particular order, here are the best surplus companies that I’ve found on the Internet:
(1) Vorlac Industries & Rockby Electronics
If you don’t know about these guys, boy are you ever
missing out! Both businesses are at the same location and
have the same contact numbers, but Vorlac specialises
more in discrete electronic components while Rockby has
larger bits and pieces.
A couple of things make these companies stand out
from the crowd: they’re right here in Australia, they have
a good range, and they are CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP! OK,
so that’s three things.
Once you are on their mailing list, they send out a spe
cials flyer every couple of months. In it are components
such as PROMs, op amps, power transistors, diodes,
capacitors, resistors and the like. The stock changes each
time and it’s all brand new, original packaged stuff.
But what I like is the range of weird and wonderful
parts that pop up – odd-sized cable ties, square rubber
equipment feet, crocodile-clip test jumper leads, magnetic
card readers, a laser diode module and so on.
Postage costs $7 for up to 3kg ($5.50 within Victoria).
The easiest way to reduce that is to pitch in with some
mates and put everyone’s order under the one address.
I’ve been buying from these companies for 12 months
and everything has been as good as they state. It’s the
only place where you can spend $30 or so and get a box
of genuinely exciting stuff home-delivered to your door.
Very highly recommended.
Address: 261 Huntingdale Rd, Huntingdale, Vic, 3166.
Phone: (03) 9562 8559 Fax: (03) 9562 8772
if you’re after a brand new, never-used Collins 20-pole
lever switch from an ancient receiver, $US25 may well
seem cheap.
Address: 1502 Jones Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68102, USA.
Phone: 0011 1 402 346 4750 Fax: 0011 1 402 346 2939
(2) Surplus Sales of Nebraska
(3) Surplus Traders
Doesn’t that name just roll off the tongue? And their
catalog just about rolls the postman’s bike to a standstill!
Costing $US10 delivered by airmail to Australia, their 400page catalog is well worth the money. It lists an enormous
range of electrical and electronic components but it’s not
your everyday 1990s type stuff. No sir; if you’re over 50
and/or you like vintage radio, this one’s for you!
There are literally hundreds of valves, huge RF variable capacitors (some 38cm long!), RF coils wound from
10- gauge silver-plated wire, and rotary ceramic switches
capable of handling 15kV and 30 amps. In the range of
power supplies there are ancient units capable of supplying (from the US 115 volts AC mains) 0-36 volts DC and
50-300 volts DC. And there are vibrators working from
either 6V or 27.5V DC.
There are also strange meters, such as a 0-50A DC
Westinghouse “nuclear meter” and an 87mm meter that
is calibrated 0-180 seconds with a full scale deflection of
30V DC. There are solenoids and connectors, relays and
robots – a vast array of the weird and wonderful. The stock
leans towards brand new equipment from the last 50 years
but has a sprinkling of late-model equipment.
Thirteen pages are devoted to Collins communications
equipment parts and accessories. As far as I can determine, these parts are not generally available from other
sources. The prices seem to me to be on the high side but
This company has a huge catalog available on the Internet but, unlike other companies, generally has parts
available only in bulk quantities. Three million comic
books at three cents each is one deal that I remember well!
From this example, you can see that it’s not just electron
ic components that this company sells. And thankfully,
you don’t have to buy in such huge quantities! Often you
need buy only 10 units, a number which can be quite
achievable – especially if you have a few mates interested
in the same sort of things that you are.
The parts that pop up are incredibly varied – from
Bosch automotive relays for a GM car (13,000 available
at $US1.50 each in lots of 500) to a single used Blood Gas
Analyser in good condition for $US1500. And there’s
almost everything in between!
Discovering whether or not Surplus Traders have (or
will have) what you want is eased by a number of factors:
(1) they have an inbuilt search engine at their web site;
(2) the site is very well organised and indexed; and
(3) you can add your e-mail address to an “interest list”.
Doing the latter means that you will be automatically
e-mailed details on the products that become available in
those categories. And don’t worry that you will drown in
e-mail – I added myself to more than 20 different categories and receive notification of 5-10 new products about
once a fortnight.
The prices vary enormously, being cheapest for bulk
cials. In fact, some of these are real eye-openers.
Even with the price in US dollars, sometimes the money
being asked is something like one-quarter of local retail.
Me? – I’m waiting for some EFI injectors or automotive
MAP sensors to come up. I’ll buy 500 of them and make
a killing!
Address: PO Box 276, Alburg, VT, 05440, USA
Phone: 0011 1 514 739 9328 Fax: 0011 1 514 345 8303
February 1998 5
that are mostly science-based. Prices seem quite good
and the collection varies from feeder kits for squirrels
to Peltier heat pumps.
Address: 3605 W. Howard St, Skokie, IL, 60076, USA.
Phone: 0011 1 847 982 0874 Fax: 0011 1 800 934 0722
(6) Marlin P. Jones & Associates Inc
(4) Oatley Electronics
If you read their ads in this magazine, then you already
have a pretty good idea of what Oatley Electronics sell. The
real benefit of checking out their web site is that they also
have a “Bargain Corner” where they list lots of components
and products that are available only in small quantities –
too small to advertise in the magazine.
At the time of writing, “Bargain Corner” bits and pieces
included 50 used 4.7nF 3kV ceramic disc capacitors for $9,
10 mini dynamic 8-ohm loudspeakers for $2, replacement
fridge thermostats for $8 each, and 10 TAA611B audio
amplifier 1 watt ICs for $15.
As you can see, the prices are very competitive!
Address: PO Box 89, Oatley, NSW 2223.
Phone: 02 9584 3563
Fax: 02 9584 3561
(5) American Science & Surplus
This company is the ideal place to look if you’re a
school science teacher – or doting grandparent. While
there are quite a few surplus products like fans, motors
and other products (not too many components, though),
the real strength of this company lies in their wide collection of weird and wonderful toys and experiments
6 Silicon Chip
This company has a very well presented Web site with
a wide range of kits, components and equipment. The kits
range from computer trainer/programmer items through
to audio gear, alarms, games and sound generators. The
company is very much like one of the larger Australian
electronic stores in the range and prices. MPJA will probably have a full catalog on-line by the time you read this
and should then be worth a close look.
Phone: 0011 1 561 848 8236 Fax: 0011 1 561 844 8764
(7) Gateway Electronics, Inc
Gateway are well worth checking out. You’ll find video
cameras and monitors, Peltier junction coolers, LCD display panels, lights, microphones, motion detectors and
other such products. The subheadings on their contents
page include amateur radio and small motors.
They also have a section devoted to speciality multi-pin
connectors – those dedicated multi-pin connectors that you
find on car audio, CBs and ham equipment. They’re often
impossible to get through normal avenues but Gateway
has a wide range available. Prices are good.
Address: 8123 Page Blvd, St Louis, MO 63130.
Phone: 0011 1 314 427 6116 Fax: 0011 1 314 427 3147
(8) Hi-Tech Surplus
Protect Your Valuable Issues
Silicon Chip
This company has very few single parts listed. Instead,
they specialise in assemblies and sub-assemblies.
For my money, the best products are the electro
mechanical interfaces. Anyone trying to get an electronic
circuit or a computer to actually do something in the real
world needs input sensors and output actuators. After all,
how do you get your robot to do anything if there aren’t
any motors, arms or bellcranks available?
In the robotics/automation category, Hi-Tech Surplus
list the following sub-headings: (1) Controllers; (2) Linear
Equipment; (3) Miscellaneous; (4) Motors; (5) PLC Items;
(6) Robots; and (7) Sensors.
★ Hold up to 14 issues (12 issues plus
★ 80mm internal width.
★ SILICON CHIP logo printed in goldcoloured lettering on the spine & cover.
Just fill in & mail this handy order form; or fax (02)
9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 & quote your
credit card number.
Yes! Please send me ______ SILICON CHIP binder(s)
at $A17.95 each (incl. postage). Australia only; not
available elsewhere. Enclosed is my cheque/money
order for $______ or please debit my
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Name ___________________________________
Street ____________________________________
Suburb/town _________________ Postcode______
PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097
Phone (02) 9979 5644 Fax: (02) 9979 6503.
Typical of Hi-Tech Surplus’s products is a robot arm
that has about 12mm of vertical movement, continuous
rotation and a weight of 7.5kg. It costs $US55 in used form.
Under the Controllers category, there are temperature,
pressure and flow controllers. An example is a “Blue M
Electric STAT 1900” temperature controller that uses J,
K or T thermocouples, has a 4-digit display and a time
proportioning PID with an SSR (solid-state relay?) driver.
It’s new and costs $40.
There is also a wide range of other subject headings
(audio, video, manufacturing, RF, test equipment, power
supplies and others) that lead you to the sub-category that
you’re interested in.
A good range of motors and associated equipment is
also listed, including: AC Motors; AC Motor Capacitors;
Brushless DC Motors; DC Motors; Motor Controllers/
Drivers; and Stepper Motors. The prices seem to be quite
Address: 605 East 44th Street, Boise, Idaho, 83714, USA.
Phone: 0011 1 208 375 7516; Fax: 0011 1 208 375 6571
February 1998 7
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Pt.4: High Pressure Mercury Lamps
Developed in the early 1900s, high pressure
mercury lamps are ideal for use where high
light outputs are required. Unlike filament
lamps, they create light by producing an arc
discharge through a mercury vapour gas.
The high pressure mercury lamp
emits an intense, white light. It is widely used in industrial, commercial and
outdoor applications. In fact, I have
two high pressure mercury vapour
lamps in my workshop.
Because it is the first lamp discussed
in this series that is not instantly recognisable through widespread domestic
12 Silicon Chip
use, it is helpful to show where the
high pressure mercury lamp fits into
the scheme of things. Fig.1 shows that
electric lamps can generally be divided
into two categories – those that bring
a filament to high temperature by
passing an electric current through it
(incandescent lamps) and those that
produce light by the excitation of a
gas contained between two electrodes
(discharge lamps).
A common example of an incandescent lamp is the general service light
bulb, while an example of a discharge
lamp is a fluorescent tube. However,
rather than being a low pressure discharge lamp like a fluorescent tube, the
high pressure mercury vapour lamp
falls (as the name suggests) into the
category of high pressure discharge
Note that in some publications, the
high pressure mercury vapour lamp is
abbreviated to MBF, while Philips use
an HPL prefix.
The first lamp using the principle of
a mercury vapour arc was developed
in 1901. Peter Cooper Hewitt’s tubular
Fig.1: electric lamps can generally be divided into two categories: (1) those that bring a filament to high
temperature by passing an electric current through it (incandescent lamps); and (2) those that produce light by
the excitation of a gas contained between two electrodes (discharge lamps). (de Boer, J. & Fischer, D. Interior
lamp used a mercury pool cathode and
an iron anode. When the lamp was
tilted, a column of mercury bridged
the gap between the cathode and the
anode. As the lamp was righted, the
mercury column broke and the electric
arc discharge started.
This type of lamp was called a Cooper-Hewitt lamp and was widely used
in the early 1900s. A 385-watt, 4-foot
long tube version had an efficacy of
12.2 lumens/watt (l/W) and was first
used in the composing room of the
New York Evening Post in 1903.
Interest in mercury vapour lamps
increased in the 1930s when 400W
lamps were introduced in Europe.
These were called “high pressure”
lamps, even though the internal gas
pressure was actually near atmospheric. The design consisted of an arc tube
enclosed within an outer glass bulb
and the lumen output matched that
of a contemporary 750W incandescent
lamp. By the time of the Second World
War, 3kW mercury lamps had been
There were, however, two major
problems with mercury dis
lamps. First, when the lamp was
mounted horizontally, the arc bowed
under the influence of gravity. And if
the arc touched the glass wall of the
discharge tube, it melted it!
To prevent this, magnets were used
to pull the arc away from the glass.
Eventually, the development of small
er quartz discharge tubes overcame
this problem and did away with the
need for magnets.
The second problem was that a mercury discharge produces light at just
four visible wavelengths – 404.7nm,
435.8nm, 546.1nm and 577-579nm.
The result is a bluish-green-white light
that gives poor colour rendering.
In industrial settings, a simple solution to this problem was to mount a
750W tungsten lamp next to a 400W
mercury vapour lamp. The excess of
reds and oranges from the tungsten
lamp counterbalanced their absence
from the mercury lamp.
Subsequently, in the 1950s, another
Hard glass outer envelope
Quartz discharge tube
Main electrodes
Starting electrode
Fig.2: the structure of the high
pressure mercury discharge
lamp. (Murdoch, J. Illumination
February 1998 13
Fig.3: this pie chart shows the energy balance of a clear glass
high pressure mercury lamp. (Philips Lighting Manual).
226 W
Fig.4: the energy balance of a phosphor-coated high pressure
mercury lamp. Note how the phosphor coating increases the
output of visible radiation. (Philips Lighting Manual).
solution was found. If the inside of
the outer glass bulb is coated with
a phosphor, the ultraviolet mercury
radiation is converted into visible
radiation in the red portion of the
spectrum. However the size of the re14 Silicon Chip
sulting light source then made optical
control difficult.
Basic construction
Fig.2 shows the basic construction
of a high pressure mer
cury vapour
lamp. The lamp consists of an inner
quartz discharge tube and an outer
envelope made from borosilicate glass
or, in lamps of less than 125 watts,
soda-lime glass. Quartz is used for
the discharge tube because it has low
absorption of UV and visible light and
is able to withstand the high operating
In fact, the quartz tube must withstand an arc temperature of 1000°C,
while the outer bulb operates at a maximum of 430°C. The space between
the inner and outer bulbs is filled with
nitrogen to thermally insulate the arc
tube and to protect metal parts from
oxidation. The discharge tube, on the
other hand, is filled with distilled mercury and argon gas, the latter included
to aid starting.
Housed within the discharge
tube are two main electrodes and a
starting electrode. Each of the main
electrodes consists of a tungsten rod
upon which a double layer of tungsten
wire is wound. During manufacture,
the electrode is dipped into a mixture
of thorium, calcium and barium carbonates and then heated to convert
these compounds to oxides.
The starting electrode is simply
a piece of molybdenum or tungsten
wire positioned close to one of the
main electrodes. The electrodes are
connected through the quartz tube by
leads of molybdenum foil. Molybdenum is used because it forms a reliable,
gastight seal with quartz at the high
operating temperature involved.
Mercury lamps are available with
clear or coated outer envelopes. Un
ed lamps have a compact light
source and are commonly used where
accurate directional control is needed;
eg, floodlighting. As indicated earlier,
an uncoated mercury lamp has an absence of light at red wavelengths. The
visible wavelengths emitted are at four
distinct wavelengths, corresponding
to yellow, green, blue and violet. A
significant portion of its energy is also
emitted as UV radiation.
Fig.3 shows the energy balance of
an uncoated high pressure mercury
vapour lamp. A 400 watt lamp produces 50 watts of visible radiation, 10
watts of UV radiation and 260 watts of
infrared (IR) radiation. Convection and
conduction heat losses are responsible
for the remaining 80 watts.
Most mercury lamps have a white
phosphor coating on the inner surface
of the bulb. This improves colour
The high-pressure mercury lamp goes through a distinct
series of phases during start-up. Here the glow discharge
is spreading through the discharge tube.
rendering and also increases the light
output because the phosphor converts much of the UV radiation into
visible light. Special coatings are also
available that give the lamp a lower
colour temperature, improved colour
rendering, a higher lumen output and
higher luminous efficacy. However,
the colour rendering properties of
mercury lamps are generally poor,
with a typical Ra of 45, while colour
temperatures from 4200°K to 6000°K
are available.
Fig.4 shows the energy balance
of a phosphor-coated high pressure
mercury vapour lamp. The 400 watt
lamp has a visible radiation output of
67 watts, a UV radiation of 15 watts,
an infrared radiation of 226 watts and
convection and conduction heat losses
of 92 watts.
The time between switch-on and a high-pressure mercury
lamp producing 80% of its final light output is about five
When the glow discharge reaches
the furthest electrode, the current
increases considerably. This heats the
main electrodes until the emission
is increased sufficiently to cause the
glow discharge to change into an arc.
The starting electrode then plays no
further part in the process because the
resistance of the main arc is far less
than that of the starting arc circuit.
At this stage, the lamp has a blue
appearance. It is in fact operating as a
low pressure discharge lamp, similar
to a fluorescent lamp.
(2). Run-up: as a result of the arc
discharge, the temperature within the
discharge tube rapidly increases. This
causes the mercury to gradually vaporise, thereby increasing the vapour
pressure and causing the discharge
to be concentrated in a narrow band
along the tube’s axis.
As the pressure within the discharge
tube increases, the radiated light is
concentrated progressively towards
spectral lines of longer wavelengths.
Operating phases
There are three distinct phases during the operation of a high pressure
mercury lamp: ignition, run-up and
(1). Ignition: when the lamp is
switched on, a high voltage gradient
appears between the main electrodes
and also between the starting electrode
and the nearest main electrode. This
ionises the gas in the latter region
in the form of a glow discharge, the
current being limited by a high-value resistor (typically 25kΩ) wired
in series with the starting electrode.
The glow discharge then proceeds to
spread throughout the discharge tube.
Fig.5: one of the disadvantages of high pressure mercury
lighting is the slow start-up. The initial current drawn (I) is
high, while lamp power (P), lamp voltage (V) and luminous
flux (Φ) take around four minutes to reach normal operating
values. (Philips Lighting Manual).
February 1998 15
Fig.6: the most common ballast
system employed uses shunt
compensation. (Philips Lighting
At the same time, a small proportion
of continuous radiation is introduced
and so the light becomes whiter.
When the internal pressure reaches
2-15 atmospheres (up to 220 psi), the
arc stabilises. All the mercury is then
ised and the discharge takes
place in unsaturated mercury vapour.
The time between switch-on and
the lamp producing 80% of its final
light output is 4-5 minutes. The performance of the lamp during this period
is shown in Fig.5.
(3). Stabilisation: as with a fluorescent lamp, a high pressure mercury
discharge lamp has a negative resistance characteristic; ie, the current
flowing through it would continue to
increase if left unchecked. A suitable
ballast is therefore required to stabilise
the current flow.
Unlike low pressure mercury vapour lamps (fluorescent lamps), the
output of a high pressure mercury vapour lamp is not significantly affected
by changes in ambient temperature.
The lamps are also not greatly affected
by fluctuations in the mains voltage.
A drawback is that once switched off,
the lamp will not re-ignite for about
five minutes. This is because the lamp
must cool sufficiently to lower the
vapour pressure to the point where
the arc will re-strike.
A typical coated high pressure
mercury vapour lamp has an efficacy
of 36-58 lumens/watt.
Fig.8: the spectral output of a
Philips HPL-N phosphor-coated
mercury discharge lamp shows
three clear lines. (Philips).
Control circuit
Because a high pressure mercury
discharge lamp includes its own starter, the circuit required is relatively
simple. The most common approach
is to use shunt compensation, as
shown in Fig.6. The capacitor improves the lagging power factor from
0.5 to better than 0.85, with the circuit
also reducing lamp current under
starting and operating conditions by
nearly 50%.
Blended light lamps
As the name suggests, a blended
light lamp uses two sources of light.
The technology combines aspects of
both a high pressure mercury lamp
and tungsten filament lamp.
Instead of using an external ballast
as a mercury lamp does, a blended
Blended light lamp:
basic construction
Fig.7: a blended light lamp uses
some elements of both mercury
discharge and tungsten lamps:
(1) hard glass outer envelope;
(2) coiled tungsten filament;
(3) quartz discharge tube; (4)
support; (5) main electrode; (6)
internal phosphor coating; (7)
lead-in wire; (8) base. (de Boer, J.
& Fischer, D. Interior Lighting)
16 Silicon Chip
Fig.9: the spectral output of the
blended light lamp stills shows the
three lines, but in addition there is
the higher wavelength emphasis of
the tungsten filament. (Philips)
light lamp has a built-in ballast in the
form of a tungsten filament connected
in series with the discharge tube. Light
is produced by both the discharge and
the glowing filament.
Fig.7 shows the make-up of a
blended light lamp. This uses a
higher gas pressure within the outer
bulb than a mercury vapour lamp to
minimise vaporisation of the tungsten filament. As with conventional
incandescent lamps, the filling
consists mainly of argon with some
nitrogen added.
Blended light lamps have the huge
advantage of being able to be retrofitted
to existing incandescent installations.
The lamps have almost twice the efficacy and five times the operating life
of incandescent lamps, although both
of these characteristics are still much
inferior to those of mercury vapour
The colour rendering of a blended
light lamp is much better than that of
a mercury lamp, with the lamp having
a much wider spectral distribution.
Fig.8 shows the spectral output of a
Philips HPL-N mercury lamp while
Fig.9 shows the spectral distribution
of Philips ML blended light lamp. The
contribution of the tungsten filament
can be clearly seen.
Next month, we’ll look at floodlightSC
ing for buildings.
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Build this multi-purpose
Fast Battery Charger
For tools, camcorders, R/C equipment & car batteries
This truly versatile Multi-Purpose Fast Battery
Charger will charge your NiCd and NiMH power
tool batteries in less than 15 minutes for a 1.2Ah
pack. It includes full battery protection & employs
well proven end of charge detection methods to
ensure that the cells are not damaged. You can also
charge 6V & 12V sealed lead acid (SLA) packs and
lead acid car and motorcycle batteries.
So you got a new battery power tool
for Christmas? Great, isn’t it? You can
use it anywhere, any time and there’s
no power cord to get in your way.
Not so great is when the battery runs
down. Unless the tool is a high-priced
model with a fast charger, it can take
three hours or more to charge the
battery. Three hours is a long time
when you want to get on with the job.
So fast charging for power tools is
the main reason for this new design.
But in our never-ending quest for getting more and more performance out
18 Silicon Chip
of less and less circuitry, we were not
going to be content with a design that
just did Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) and
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. We wanted to use the basic charger
components to cater for Sealed Lead
Acid (SLA) and ordinary Lead-Acid
batteries as in cars and motor bikes.
Could we do it? As luck would have
it (“There is a tide in the affairs of
men which taken . . .”), Philips have
recently introduced a new battery
management chip which takes care
of NiCd, NiMH, SLA and Lithium-Ion
batteries. So that would take care of
most of what we wanted. Could we
make it do ordinary Lead-Acid batteries as well? We could, and did, and
you see the result here.
Features of the new charger
It is crucial when fast charging batteries that they are not overcharged.
If NiCd and NiMH types are given
too much charge, they will overheat
and be permanently damaged. Nor
should SLA and Lead-Acid types be
charged beyond a certain voltage or
they too will be damaged and their life
reduced. The same applies if they are
consistently undercharged.
NiCd batteries should also be discharged before recharging. If they are
recharged before being discharged
they will exhibit the dreaded “mem
ory” effect whereby they will not
provide their full discharge capacity.
And nor should NiMH batteries be
uously trickle charged since
they form dendrites which will eventually short out the cell.
That’s a lot of “shoulds” and
“should nots” to be catered for but
our new charger design takes care of
all these points and a lot more.
The new SILICON CHIP Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger provides
accurate detection of full charge for
NiCd and NiMH batteries and precise
end point voltage regulation for SLA
and Lead-Acid types. It also has various protection features to prevent fast
charge when the battery temperature
is too high or low for NiCd and NiMH
types and if the battery voltage is ini
tially low for all battery types.
An added feature is the Refresh cycle for NiCd batteries. This discharges
the battery so that each cell reaches a
nominal 1V before the charger begins
to fast charge. Fast charging stops
when the cell voltage begins to drop
off from a maximum value. There is
provision for temperature monitoring
as well. Some battery packs have
inbuilt thermistors and the charger
uses this to detect when the cell temperature begins to rise at a rapid rate.
When fast charging ceases, NiCd
& NiMH batteries are topped up at
200mA for about 90 minutes and then
trickle charged at 62mA to maintain
their capacity before use. This trickle
charge comprises short bursts of current which averages to 62mA. These
bursts of current prevents dendritic
growth within NiMH and NiCd cells.
SLA and Lead-Acid batteries are
initially fast charged, tapering off to
zero as the battery voltage approaches 2.4V per cell. This corresponds
to 14.4V for a 12V battery. Charging
automatically starts again when the
cell voltage drops to 2.2V or 13.2V
for a 12V battery.
Timer & LED indicators
The charger incorporates a timer
which stops fast charging after a set
period. This prevents overcharging
should the end of charge detection
methods fail. Normally the timeout is
about 1.6 times the expected charge
time of the battery, as determined
by the capacity and charge current.
When charging Lead-Acid batteries,
the timer is reset at regular intervals to
disable this function. This is because
large Lead-Acid batteries require a
much longer time to charge than the
timer can accommodate.
The Multi-Purpose Charger is hous
ed in a plastic instrument case with a
front panel which looks fairly complicated. However, it only has two knobs
and a couple of switches and these
Fast Charge Current ............................................................nominally 6A
Topoff current (NiCd & NiMH) ....................................................... 200mA
Trickle current (NiCd & NiMH) ......................................................... 62mA
Refresh current (NiCd) ......................................................................... 2A
Refresh discharge end point.................................................... 1V per cell
Battery low detect (NiCd & NiMH)........................................ 0.3V per cell
Battery low detect (SLA & Lead-Acid)................................ 0.45V per cell
Battery high detect (NiCd & NiMH).......................................... 2V per cell
Battery high detect (SLA & Lead-Acid)............................... 2.97V per cell
Charge end point (SLA & Lead-Acid)................................... 2.4V per cell
Recharge after end point (SLA & Lead-Acid)....................... 2.2V per cell
Voltage peak detection (NiCd & NiMH)................0.25% drop in top value
Temperature rate detection level (NiCd & NiMH)............................ 0.25%
Under-temperature cutout (NiCd & NiMH)........................................ 12°C
Over-temperature cutout (NiCd & NiMH).......................................... 50°C
Charger over-temperature cutout...................................................... 80°C
Fast charge timeout..................................15, 30 or 60 minutes (nominal)
Top-off charge time (NiCd & NiMH)...............................about 90 minutes
Fast charges NiCd, NiMH, SLA and Lead-Acid (car) batteries
Suitable for 6, 7.2, 9.6, 12 & 14.4V NiCd & NiMH batteries from 1.2Ah to 4Ah.
Suitable for 6V or 12V SLA batteries from 1.2Ah to 4Ah
Suitable for 6V or 12V Lead-Acid (vehicle) batteries of more than 1.2Ah
Includes a discharger for NiCd batteries
Top-off charging at end of fast charge plus pulsed trickle for NiCd & NiMH
Voltage limited charge for SLA & Lead-Acid batteries
Voltage drop (dV/dt) & temperature rise (dT/dt) full charge detection for
NiCd & NiMH
Under and over-temperature cutout for battery
Over-temperature cutout for charger
Short circuit battery protection
Timeout protection
Fuse protection
Multi-LED charge indicators
are used to select the type of battery
to be charged, the battery voltage and
charge time. It might look complicated
but it is quite simple to operate.
Six LEDs are provided on the
front panel to indicate the status of
the charger. The first of these is the
REFRESH LED which indicates when
a NiCd battery is being discharged.
The discharge cycle is activated by
the Refresh pushbutton immediately
above the LED.
The FAST LED shows that the charger is delivering maximum current, 6A,
to the battery. When the charger deems
the battery to be charged, it shows the
100% LED. While this LED is alight,
the charger is in “Top off” mode; ie,
200mA charge.
At the end of the “Top Off” mode,
the charger goes into trickle mode and
all LEDs are off.
The PROTECT LED shows when the
battery is shorted or has low voltage
February 1998 19
Fig.1: this schematic diagram shows the various functions of the Philips TEA1102 battery management IC.
after a certain period of charge. It will
also light with over or under temperature, if the thermistor is connected.
The NO BATTERY LED only lights
when NiCd & NiMH battery types are
selected and only if the thermistor is
not connected to the charger. It simply indicates that the battery is not
connected or has a high impedance.
Battery management IC
As noted above, all of the charging
features described so far are provided
by virtue of a battery management IC
made by Philips Components. It is
designated the TEA1102. Its block
diagram is shown in Fig.1. We downloaded this diagram and the data sheet
from the Philips web site at WWW.
The operation of the TEA1102 is
rather complex and comprises analog
and digital circuitry which can be
divided into six separate sub sections
as shown on the block diagram.
Starting at the top righthand corner
of Fig.1, the charge control and output
driver section comprises a current
source, battery type selection, oscillator, comparators, amplifiers and a
pulse width modulation (PWM) and
analog control output.
20 Silicon Chip
Battery voltage is monitored at the
Vbat input (pin 19, top of diagram)
and this is compared against Vreg
which sets the endpoint voltage for
charging the selected battery type.
Options are NiCd (Nickel Cadmium)
& NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride),
Lithium-Ion and SLA (Sealed Lead
Acid). Note that we have not used the
Lithium-Ion facility as these batteries
are comparatively rare in consumer
equipment, apart from computer
backup batteries.
There is a different Vreg selection
for each type of battery but these do
not necessarily correspond to the
“end-point” voltage for each cell type.
The comparator monitoring Vbat
and Vreg controls the constant current
source transistor which is supplied
with one of four currents; fast charge,
top off, standby and load. At switch
on, the TEA1102 is reset and fast
charge mode is selected. This fast
charge is set by a resistor at Rref (pin
20) to select the current flow to the IB
output (pin 2).
The current from the IB output pin
flows through an external resistor to
develop a voltage which is monitored
by the internal op amps A1 and A4.
A1’s output is amplified by A3 to give
an analog control output (pin 18) and
is compared in A2 against a triangle
waveform set by the oscillator at pin
14. A2’s output is a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal which is used to
control the charge current.
PWM operation
The oscilloscope waveform of Fig.2
gives us an idea of how this works.
The lower trace triangle waveform is
the oscillator output and the horizontal cursor line represents the DC output of A1 (pin 17). The upper trace is
the PWM output to drive a switching
transistor. This PWM output goes high
when the oscillator waveform goes
below the A1 output. If the current
decreases, the A1 output will rise
and produce a wider PWM signal to
increase the current.
The Vbat input at pin 19 also connects to the battery low, end refresh
and no battery comparators in the Protection block. These are to prevent fast
charge when the battery is low, cease
the refresh at 1V per cell and prevent
a high output voltage with no battery
connection. The Vbat signal also is
applied to the Analog to Digital converter and Digital to Analog converter,
shown as the DA/AD converter on the
Fig.2: these waveforms show the switchmode operation of the charger. The
lower trace triangle waveform is the oscillator output and the horizontal cursor
line represents the DC output of A1 (pin 17). The upper trace is the PWM output
to drive a switching transistor. This PWM output goes high when the oscillator
waveform goes below the A1 output. If the current decreases, the A1 output will
rise and produce a wider PWM signal to increase the current.
block diagram of the IC.
The DA/AD converter monitors
battery voltage when charging NiCd
& NiMH batteries. As the battery is
charging the voltage gradually increases and at a regular interval, the
A/D converter samples the voltage
and stores it as a digital value if the
voltage has increased from the previous reading. When the voltage begins
to fall the lower voltage is not stored
but compared with the analog voltage resulting from the digital stored
value. A fall of 0.25% indicates that
the battery is charged and the charger
will switch to trickle mode.
The DA/AD converter also monitors the thermistor voltage via the
NTC input at pin 8. If the thermistor
is connected the DA/AD converter
switches off fast charge when there
is a sudden rise in temperature of
the battery which also indicates full
charge. Note that fast charge will be
switched off if there is a low or high
temperature detected by the Tmin and
Tmax comparators.
The “NTC present” comparator detects the connection of the thermistor.
The Tcut-off comparator is the detector
for the change in battery temperature
which switches on for a 0.25% rate of
rise in temperature. The MTV input
(pin 9) can be used to calibrate the
thermistor temperature at Tmax although we have not used this feature.
The Control Logic section monitors
and sets the operation of the various
blocks within the IC. Voltage on the
FCT input (pin 11) selects the type
of battery to be charged. The Supply
Block takes its supply at the Vp input
(pin 12) and produces a reference
voltage at the Vs output (pin 16).
This reference provides an accurate
and stable source for the battery end
point voltages.
The Vsl output (pin 13) is used to
switch on power to the indicating
LEDs. This is necessary since the LEDs
are driven by dual purpose outputs
which also provide programming for
the timers. These pins are initially
monitored at power on to check what
Fig.3: transformer T1 and
bridge rectifier BR1 provide
an unfiltered 18V DC supply
for the main charger circuit.
This is fed through directly
(ie, essentially unfiltered) to
the switchmode step-down
converter comprising
transistor Q1, inductor L1 and
diodes D1 and D2. In effect,
the battery is charged with
chopped and unfiltered DC.
February 1998 21
22 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: As you can see, there is quite a lot of switch circuitry hanging off the TEA1102, emphasising the fact that it
does most of the work. IC2 & IC3 provide a timer reset function so that Lead-Acid batteries can be charged.
Fig.5: this is the current waveform across the sensing resistor Rx. Its value is
0.05Ω and the RMS voltage reading is 294mV or 5.88A. The mean value (and the
reading obtained on a multimeter set on DCV) shows only 212mV or 4.24A.
options are set, before the LEDs are
Block diagram
Fig.3 shows how we have used the
TEA1102 battery management IC in
our circuit. Transformer T1 and bridge
rectifier BR1 provide an unfiltered 18V
DC supply for the main charger circuit.
This is lightly filtered to provide DC for
the control circuitry but is fed through
directly (ie, essentially unfiltered) to
the switchmode step-down converter
comprising transistor Q1, inductor L1
and diodes D1 and D2.
In effect, the battery is charged
with chopped and unfil
tered DC.
This allows a considerable saving on
electrolytic filter capacitors as well
as reducing power losses in the main
series pass transistor, Q1.
Circuit description
Fig.4 shows the full circuit for the
Multipurpose Fast Battery Charger.
It comprises three ICs including the
TEA1102, two power transistors and
diodes and not a great deal else. As
you can see, there is quite a lot of
switching circuitry hanging off the
TEA1102, which emphasises the fact
that it does most of the work.
Power for the circuit comes from
an 18V 6A transformer which feeds
a bridge rectifier and two 10µF poly
ester capacitors. These capacitors
supply the peak switching current to
the switchmode supply comprising
transistor Q1, diode D1 and inductor
The Pulse Width Modulation output at pin 15 of IC1 drives transistor
Q3 which operates as a pulsed “current sink” pulling current out of the
base of Q1. The 68Ω resistor in the
emitter of Q3 sets the current pulses
to about 34mA and these ensure that
Q1 is turned on hard.
The collector current from Q1 flows
through inductor L1 and diode D2
into the battery load. Each time Q1
switches off, the fast recovery diode
D1 provides a current path so that the
energy stored in the inductor can be
fed into the battery. Diode D2 prevents
the battery from feeding current back
into the switchmode circuit when the
charger reaches the end of its cycle.
The 100µF capacitor connected
across the battery is there to filter the
supply when no battery is connected
so that the “no battery” detection will
operate within IC1.
The charge current is detected in
the 0.05Ω resistance comprising two
0.1Ω resistors connected in parallel
to the emitter of Q2. This “ground”
point is tied to pin 2 of IC1 via a 3.3kΩ
resistor and this allows IC1 to monitor
the current.
Operation is as follows: The Vref
output at pin 20 which has a 1.25V
supply sets the current flow out of the
IB pin so that it is equal to 1.25V/27kΩ
= 46µA. This current produces a voltage across the 3.3kΩ resistor and this
is used to set the maximum current
from the charger.
Fig.5 shows the current waveform
across the sensing resis
tor Rx. Its
value is 0.05Ω and the RMS voltage
reading is 294mV or 5.88A. The mean
value (and the reading obtained on a
multimeter set on DCV) shows only
212mV or 4.24A.
The 27kΩ resistor at pin 20 also sets
the oscillator frequency in conjunction with the 820pF capacitor at pin
14. Frequency of oscillation is about
50kHz which sets the PWM switching
speed and the timeout periods.
The Timeout period is adjusted by
the switch setting at pin 7. When pin
7 is pulled low via the 33kΩ resistor
at switch S2, the timeout is about
15 minutes. An open setting of S2
increases the timeout by a factor of
two and when S2 pulls pin 7 high,
the timeout is increased again by a
factor two. These last two settings give
the 30-minute and 60-minute settings
Battery selection
Detection of battery type is done
with the FCT (Fast Charge Termination) input, pin 11. When pin 1 is
grounded via switches S3a and/or
S4a, the SLA battery charge procedure is used by IC1. S4a ensures that
pin 11 is at ground regardless of the
position of S3a when S4 is in position
2 when 6V or 12V Lead-Acid batter
ies are being charged. This prevents
Lead-Acid batteries being charged as
NiCd or NiMH types which would
lead to overcharging.
The NiCd and NiMH charge cycle is
selected when pin 11 is connected via
S3a to the 4.25V reference at pin 16.
The Vstb (pin 1) input selects trickle
charging after the NiCd or NiMH
batteries are charged rather than the
voltage regulation option when pin 1
is open circuit.
Pin 19, the Vbat input monitors
battery voltage via a switched voltage
divider connected via a 10kΩ resistor
and 0.47µF capacitor filter. The divider for NiCd & NiMH batteries is via
S5a, catering for 6V, 7.2V, 9.6V, 12V
and 14.4V packs. The divider for SLA
and Lead-Acid batteries is via S3b and
S5b, catering for 6V and 12V.
Pin 8, the NTC input, detects the
February 1998 23
The new multi-purpose charger will cater for NiCd, NiMH, SLA and Lead-Acid
(car) batteries. Intended mainly as a fast charger for power tools and R/C gear, it
does double duty with car and SLA batteries.
presence of a thermistor in the battery
pack. The 100kΩ resistor pulls pin 8
up to +4.25V when the thermistor is
disconnected and to about +2V when
it is connected, at normal room temperature. As the thermistor heats up,
the rise in temperature on the battery
should correspond to a voltage reduction; ie, dV/dt detection. If this is not
detected before the thermistor voltage
reaches 1V, the fast charge will cease
because of over temperature.
LED indication is provided on
the LED, POD, PTD and PSD pins
and controlled via the Vsl output. At
power up, all LEDs are off and the IC
looks at the POD, PTD and PSD pins to
check the division ratio programming
set on these pins. After this, the LEDs
can be lit when Vsl goes high to turn
on transistor Q4 which feeds them via
the 680Ω resistor. If LEDs 1-4 are off
then the “No battery” indicator, LED5,
can light. However, if any of the other
LEDs are alight, LED5 will extinguish.
This is because LED5 requires more
24 Silicon Chip
voltage than the other LEDs due to the
series diode, D4.
Refresh cycle
Transistor Q2 turns on to discharge
NiCd batteries when pin 10 of IC1
is momentarily shorted to ground
via pushbutton S6. Note that the
switchmode output at pin 15 is low
while Q2 is turned on. Current flow
through Q2 and the battery is also via
the 0.05Ω resistor and is detected at
the IB input at pin 2. This discharge
current is regulated to 2A.
Power for IC1 comes from the positive side of the bridge rectifier which
charges a 1000µF capacitor via diode
D3. The diode reduces the ripple on
the capacitor and also prevents the
charging current for the battery being
drawn from this capacitor. A 470Ω
resistor supplies current to pin 12 of
IC1 which has an internal 12V zener
diode regulator. A 10µF capacitor
decouples the supply.
A 1kΩ resistor supplies current to
a separate 12V zener diode, ZD1, to
power IC2 and IC3. These two ICs
form the reset timer.
The AC side of bridge rectifier BR1
supplies an 11V zener diode, ZD2,
via a 2.2kΩ resistor. The zener diode
limits the resulting 50Hz signal to
+11V and -0.7V and this is fed via an
RC filter to Schmitt trigger IC2a which
squares up the waveform.
This signal is then applied to the
clock input of IC3, a 14-stage binary
counter. The resulting output at pin
3 goes high once every 5.5 minutes.
The high output is fed to inverter IC2b
via the 3.3µF capacitor and then to
inverter IC2c. IC2c then drives transistor Q5 which switches the supply
of IC1 to ground via a 10Ω resistor.
This action resets the internal timer of
IC1. This cycle repeats while ever S4d
is in position 2 which corresponds to
charging for Lead-Acid batteries.
Hence, the only reason why IC2 &
IC3 and the associated circuit have
been included is to allow lead-acid
batteries to be charged.
Next month, we will present the
full construction details for the MulSC
ti-Purpose Fast Charger.
This 2-line Telephone Exchange Simulator can be used to test
telephone handsets, fax machines, modems, answering machines
and other telephone equipment such as diallers on burglar alarms.
It contains the all the circuitry necessary to accept decadic (pulse)
or DTMF (tone) dialling.
Telephone Exchange
Simulator For Testing
Have you ever wanted to test the modem
section on a piece of electronic equipment
but were unable to afford the luxury of a
small PABX? Or are you in the production
side of electronics and need to simulate a
telephone exchange to test the finished
product? Well, this Telephone Exchange
Simulator can overcome these problems.
Testing faulty or new pieces of tele
phone equipment over the switched
network is illegal and can incur
large fines if you are detected. Best
not to do it. What you really need is
a test box which can automatically
detect decadic or tone dialling and
can display the progress of a call via
LEDs on the front panel. The unit to
be described can also be an interface
between your fax machine and PC,
enabling you to scan in documents
or pictures.
Modems and faxes present a real
problem if you want to test them.
Say you have a fully approved and
working modem or fax and you want
to test it out. Sure, you can legally
test them over the phone lines but
you need two phone lines to do it and
that’s not always easy. It might be easy
enough if you have two lines coming
into your residence but if yours is
a commercial organisation, getting
access to telephone lines which are
already connected to your PABX is
not convenient or legal either. So this
Telephone Exchange Simulator fills a
real need.
The Telephone Exchange Simulator
is housed in a plastic instrument case
and has a telephone socket on each
side. You can connect two telephone
handsets and place a call between
them, in either direction. The phones
can use either decadic (ie, pulse) or
tone (DTMF) dialling and the unit
will automatically detect either mode.
In the following example, a tele
phone will be used to illustrate the
call procedure but it could be any sort
of appliance that might use the public
switched telephone network (PSTN).
February 1998 25
26 Silicon Chip
Fig.1 (left): the heart of the circuit is
the 68705P3 processor which controls
all the phone functions apart from
DTMF decoding which is done by IC3.
A call is made in this way: lift the
handset of one telephone and listen
for dial tone. At this point both the
should be on, signifying that a call is
in progress. Also an audible sound
should be heard from the internal
speaker. Start dialling, noticing that
the dial tone disappears and either
the DTMF LED or the LOOP LED are
flashing, in accordance with the digits dialled. If the exchange receives
a correct number, ring tone will be
heard in both the speaker and the ear
piece as well as an audible ringing of
the phone.
If the called phone is answered, the
second LOOP LED and the CONNECT
LED will light, showing that the call
is connected. A speech path is now
formed from one telephone to the
This simple test procedure will
not only enable you to test typical
telephone handsets but it is also very
useful for testing cordless phones.
And as already noted, it will let you
test fax machines and modems and
answering machines too.
Some useful terminology
Listed below are some terms that
may be useful:
On hook: the telephone receiver is
on the phone and the phone is disconnected from the line.
Off hook: the telephone receiver is
off the phone and the phone is connected to the line.
Dial tone: the sound you hear when
you first pick up the receiver before
you start dialling.
Ring tone: the sound you hear when
the exchange is calling the other end.
Busy tone: the sound you hear when
you have called the other end but their
phone is in use.
No progress tone: the sound you
hear when the wrong number has
been dialled.
How it works
Fig.1 shows the complete circuit of
the Telephone Exchange Simulator.
At the heart of the circuit is IC1, a
February 1998 27
Where To Buy A Kit
A complete kit of parts for the Telephone Exchange Simulator is available
from the author who owns the design copyright. This kit includes all components, including the programmed microprocessor, transformers and case.
The price is $190.00 plus $8.50 for postage and packing. If the documented
source code is required on disk, please add a further $20.00.
Please make payments (Postal Orders only) payable to M. Zenere, 1/83
Headingley Road, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149. Telephone (03) 9806 0110.
Also available is a kit for the Magnetic Card Reader featured in the January
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. The Card Reader can store up to eight magnetic
cards in memory and can be used as a door lock. The kit price is $68.00
plus $7 for postage and packing.
68705P3 single chip microcontroller.
This device is a complete computer
on a chip and controls the entire exchange simulator.
This device is somewhat old now
but as they are in plentiful supply
and fulfil the requirements of this
project, they were used. A review
of the functions of the 68705P3 was
featured in the September 1992 issue
Another key feature of the circuit
is the two Line Loop Detectors, comprising zener diode ZD1, diode D9
and transistor Q8 for the first detector
and ZD2, D13 and Q9 for the second
Line loop detectors
Line loop detectors are the curse
of the telephone exchange designer
and at first glance these two line
loop detectors may appear to be quite
simple but the amount of design time
and testing that went into this part
of the circuit was enormous. In fact,
more time was spent getting this part
of the circuit to work properly than
was spent on the rest of the project,
including writing the article.
The line loop detectors are used
to sense a low resistance loop in the
line; eg, someone has lifted a handset.
It was decided that a loop current
of 20-25mA minimum would be
required to cause the Simulator to
accept that a call was being made.
Looking at the line one circuit, we
can see that the basic telephone circuit is made up of +50V, resistor R15,
RLY2 contacts, the telephone handset
itself, RLY2 contacts, resistor R17 and
ground. With the telephone on-hook,
the line appears as an open circuit to
the exchange and as such, no voltage
28 Silicon Chip
is developed across R17.
When the telephone handset is
lifted, a low resistance loop is placed
across the TIP and RING of socket
J1 and as current flows through the
loop, a DC voltage is developed across
resistor R17. Just how much voltage
depends on the type of telephone,
modem or whatever is making the call.
But in any case, we need to produce
around 12V across R17 to get our 2025mA flowing through the circuit.
When the voltage across R17 reaches or rises above this level, the loop
detector comes into play. Zener diode
ZD2 conducts via diode D13 and feeds
current into the base of transistor Q9
to turn it on. This pulls pin 23 of IC1
low, which signals to the processor
that a call is under way.
“So what’s so hard about loop detection?” you may ask. Well not much
at this point but let’s go to the other
end where after the correct number
has been dialled by the calling end,
bursts of 50Hz ring current are fed out
to the called telephone.
The exchange is now in calling
mode and is sending bursts of 50Hz
at 200V peak-to-peak imposed on
50V DC at one instant and then in the
next, is sending 50V DC to line. This
means that at any time the called end
answers the call, the telephone may
be seeing anything between +150V to
-50V in the ring cycle or straight 50V
DC. In any case we want the exchange
to answer the call within a short time
and to turn off the ring current.
To help with the explanation, let’s
divide this up a bit.
Case 1: Relay RLY4 is not operated
as we are between ring bursts, thus we
are sending 50V DC to line. The circuit
path is now +50V, R16, RLY4 contacts,
the telephone, RLY4 contacts, resistor
R21 and ground (ie, 0V).
No current flows in the loop until
the telephone is answered at which
point more than 12V appears across
resistor R21. This causes zener diode
ZD1 to conduct via diode D9, causing
base current to flow into transistor Q8
which now turns on. This pulls pin
22 of IC1 low; the processor is now
Case 2: Relay RLY4 is operated as
we are sending ring current to the
line. The circuit path is now +50V,
ring transformer T1, RLY4 contacts,
the telephone, RLY4 contacts, resistor
R21 and ground.
Remember, at this point the tele
phone is unanswered but a capacitor
in the phone passes the AC to the
bells or ringer and causes voltage
fluctuations across resistor R21. These
may well be enough to turn on the
line loop detector if the voltage rises
above +12V, causing the exchange to
think the phone has been answered.
This is where the problem lies, as
how can the exchange tell if the call is
being answered or it is being tricked
by the ring current? The answer lies
in the software.
Let’s assume that the capacitor in
the phone is quite large and is causing
a 50Hz AC signal to appear at the line
loop detector. This in turn is causing a
signal to be sent to the processor. Anything above 12V will cause the line
loop detector to be on and anything
below 12V will cause it to be off.
As the 50Hz AC ring signal is symmetrical, the line loop detector will be
on for less time than it is off. How can
this be? Well, a complete cycle takes
20ms so each peak is active for 10ms.
This would normally send a square
wave to the processor but as we need
to reach +12V before the loop detector
operates, the signal to the processor
now has a longer on time than off time.
When the call is answered, the line is
biased positive by the +50V rail on
one side of transformer T1.
This has the effect of lifting the
line DC potential and causing the line
loop detectors to be more on than off.
The signal to the processor now has a
longer off time than on time. During
the calling cycle the processor is doing
what we will call a data acquisition
on its associated line loop detector
port pin. In this case, line two’s line
loop detector is being read by the
software at 800 times a second and
a record is kept of its on and
off times. This information is
sent through a subroutine in
software and if the conditions
are right the call is deemed to
be answered.
Power supplies
The Telephone Exchange
Simulator requires five different supply rails to work
properly and these are derived mainly from a 12V AC
transformer. The different
sections are described below.
The logic side of the board
draws around 150mA and
its 5V rail is derived from
the 12V secondary winding
using a half-wave rectifier D1
and a 2000µF filter capacitor
C26. This feeds 3-terminal 5V
regulator REG1.
There are two 12V supplies
one of which powers the
audio section of the circuit
involving dual op amp IC2
while the other 12V rail
powers the relays. Separating
the relay circuitry from the
op amp section helps reduce
noise and distortion.
The first 12V source is
derived via diode D2 and capacitor C30, while the second
12V rail source is derived
from diode D1 and capacitors
C25 and C14.
+50V supply
Three diodes, D6, D7 &
D8 and three capacitors C22,
C23 & C24 make up a voltage
Fig.2: the component layout of the PC board. The LEDs are bent at rightangles to
tripler from the 12VAC and
protrude through the front panel.
this produces around 50VDC.
This voltage is used to drive
the telephone handsets and
provide our speech path to the other will stop sending ring current in a
When the processor is running
very short period. The two line re- properly, it toggles its EXCHANGE
lays RLY2, and RLY4 were needed to
OK port pin every second or so which
200V supply
totally isolate the high voltage from
temporarily turns on transistor Q5 and
The voltage to ring a standard issue
the rest of the circuit.
discharges C15.
Telstra phone is quite high and conWhile C15 is unable to charge via
Watchdog circuitry
sidering a customer could be over 4km
R18 and R26, the output of the 555
from the exchange a voltage of 200V
timer stays high, allowing the proThe watchdog circuitry is used to
peak-to-peak (70V RMS) is required. prevent the processor from “locking cessor to continue normal operation.
The simplest way to provide this is up” and thereby causing the unit to If the program were to lock up, Q5
to use a step-up transformer fed from
become inoperative. The circuit em- would remain off and allow C15 to
ploys a 555 timer IC4 which is used in charge thus switching pin 3 of the
Notice that one side of the output an astable mode to reset the processor.
555 low. The reset line of the prowinding is tied to +50V DC so that If allowed, IC4 would oscillate at a cessor would now be pulled low via
if the called end is answered in the
frequency of about 0.25Hz, as set by diode D11 and is held low until the
middle of a ring burst, the simulator
555 changes state. At this point the
the values of R18, R26 and C15.
February 1998 29
processor starts again and continues
its pulsing of its port pin.
Audio monitoring
When testing equipment, it is useful
to hear what is being sent from the
calling end or even from one caller to
another. With DTMF dialling, tones
are sent from the telephone to the
exchange and are decoded by a special
chip. If you suspect your telephone or
modem is not sending DTMF you will
be able to pick it up.
Capacitor C18 is used to provide
DC isolation between op amp IC2b
and the external telephone circuit.
When an AC signal appears (due to
DTMF, tones or voice) across C18
they are amplified by IC2b. This op
amp drives a complementary output
stage consisting of transistors Q6 &
Q7 and these drive the loudspeaker
via coupling capacitor C28.
Now available: the complete index to all
SILICON CHIP articles since the first issue
in November 1987. The Floppy Index
comes with a handy file viewer that lets
you look at the index line by line or page
by page for quick browsing, or you can
use the search function. All commands
are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available:
this file lets you quickly check out the
Notes & Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index
but a complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file
viewer is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
Relay driver
Floppy Index (incl. file viewer): $A7
Notes & Errata (incl. file viewer): $A7
Alphanumeric LCD Demo Board Software (May 1993): $A7
Stepper Motor Controller Software (January 1994): $A7
Gamesbvm.bas /obj /exe (Nicad Battery Monitor, June 1994): $A7
Under normal conditions the processor’s port pins are low, thereby
leaving the relay driver transistors in
the off state. When the processor wishes to enable a relay its associated port
pin goes high and causes base current
to flow to the transistor which turns
on to operate the relay. The diode
across each relay coil prevents any
spikes from damaging the associated
transistor when it turns off.
Diskinfo.exe (Identifies IDE Hard Disc Parameters, August 1995): $A7
Tone injector
Computer Controlled Power Supply Software (Jan/Feb. 1997): $A7
Spacewri.exe & Spacewri.bas (for Spacewriter, May 1997): $A7
I/O Card (July 1997) + Stepper Motor Software (1997 series): $A7
When making a call, certain tones
are sent to the calling end to inform
the user as to what’s happening; eg,
ring tone, busy tone or no progress
tone (wrong number). The tones are
injected in the following way. One
port pin is used to try and reproduce
all of the tones required. This process
comes pretty close to doing what we
IC2a is configured as an amplifier
with its gain set by trimpot VR1 and
resistor R10. The signal waveform
from the processors is rounded off by
R32 and C6 and it is then coupled by
C29 to the op amp which amplifies it
and sends it out to line via R13 and C7.
POSTAGE & PACKING: Aust. & NZ add $A3 per order; elsewhere $A5
Disc size required: ❏ 3.5-inch disc
❏ 5.25-inch disc
Enclosed is my cheque/money order for $A__________ or please debit my
Bankcard ❏ Visa Card ❏ MasterCard
Card No.
Signature_______________________________ Card expiry date______/______
Name ___________________________________________________________
DTMF detection
Suburb/town ________________________________ Postcode______________
Send your order to: SILICON CHIP, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097; or fax your
order to (02) 9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 and quote your credit card number
(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
30 Silicon Chip
Street ___________________________________________________________
DTMF (dual tone multi frequency)
detection is done using IC3, a Motorola MC145436 tone decoder which
receives the incoming tones via a
filter network comprising resistors
R12 & R14 and capacitor C11. When
Inside the Telephone Exchange Simulator. Note that the PC board and wiring
layout of the prototype pictured here has been fairly significantly modified in
the final PC board depicted in Fig.2.
a valid tone is detected the DV line
(pin 12) of IC3 goes high, signalling
to the processor that a digit is being
pushed. At this point the processor
enables the decoder’s output pins by
taking the EN line high (pin 3) and
reads in the data.
Assembly procedure
Most of the circuitry of the Tele
phone Exchange Simulator is accommodated on a PC board measuring
161 x 128mm. The components off
the board are the power transformer
and speaker.
By the way, the prototype shown in
the photos has undergone a number
of fairly substantial changes so the assembly notes apply only to the circuit
of Fig.1 and the PC component layout
of Fig.2. Note also that the prototype
photos show two power transformers
inside the rear panel but the final ver-
sion uses just one power transformer.
You can begin the PC board assembly by mounting the four standoffs,
one on each corner of the board. Next,
all of the resistors, links relays, diodes
and capacitors can be soldered in.
Screw the 7805 regulator to the heatsink with the screw, washer and nut
provided and solder this into place.
The remainder of the components,
with the exception of the ICs can then
be mounted.
This done, mount the two telephone sockets and transformer and
glue the speaker onto the side of the
case with some silastic.
You will need to drill holes for the
mains fuse and cordgrip grommet for
the mains power cord. The mains wiring can be run, taking care to insulate
with heatshrink any exposed termi
nals. Don’t forget to attach the earth
wire to a solder lug separately bolted
to the case rear panel. An earth wire
should also be run from this point
to a solder lug securely bolted to the
front panel (not shown on photo of
Temporarily connect up the sockets, speaker and transformer with
longer pieces of wire to enable you to
test the board out of the case.
Before proceeding, it is well to note
that although the ring transformer (T1)
looks fairly insignificant, it puts out
quite a bite if you get caught across its
output. I found this out the hard way!
Without any ICs plugged in, turn on
the power and check voltages around
the board, especially the supply rails
to the processor. If all is OK, turn off
the power and plug in the ICs. Turn
on the power again and use a small
screwdriver to short out the TIP and
RING connectors of each telephone
line in turn. Each time you do so,
the LOOP LED for that line should
come on.
February 1998 31
Use cable ties to neatly secure the wiring and insulate the terminals of the
fuseholder with heatshrink tubing, to prevent accidental contact with the mains.
Be sure to earth both the front and rear panels of the case (see text).
Plug a phone in at each end and lift
one of the receivers. Listen for dial
tone and use trimpot VR1 to set the
tone to the desired level. If the tone
level is too high, you may swamp the
DTMF from the phone, causing the
Exchange to miss any dialled digits.
Also at this time use the volume
control (VR2) on the front panel to set
the volume coming out of the speaker.
With the receiver off hook, hit some
of the keys on the telephone and listen for tones through the speaker. If
all seems well, you can shorten the
wires and solder them to the posts. If
you have connectors that are spaced
at 0.1 inch you can use these instead
of hard wiring.
Storing a telephone number
As this is a two-line telephone exchange simulator we need a telephone
number for each end. These are stored
in the serially fed EEPROM, IC5. Pick
up one end and wait for dial tone. Hit
*6805 and wait for two beeps before
32 Silicon Chip
dialling in your telephone number of
up to 20 digits in length. When this
is done, hit the # button to terminate
and wait for two beeps. You have
now programmed that extension with
its own number. Do the same for the
other end and yes, you are allowed to
have the same number at both ends.
Detailed talk-through
For this procedure we’ll assume a
phone is plugged in at each end.
Lift the handset for line one. This
causes a voltage of more than 12V to
appear across the line loop detectors,
thus signalling the processor.
The exchange now realises that
you want to make a call so it switches
RLY1 over and starts injecting Dial
tone out through its port pin, through
op amp IC2a where it is amplified,
through RLY1, through C1 and out
to the line.
At the same time, the tone is also
fed to op amp IC2b via C18 and R27
where it is amplified and buffered by
transistors Q6 & Q7. This audio is now
heard through the speaker. The user
starts dialling and the tones are passed
by C1 back through RLY1, through C10
and the filter network to the DTMF
decoder, IC3. Once a tone pair has
been recognised, DV (pin 12) on the
MC145436 goes high, signalling to
the processor to get the data in. The
digit is retrieved and stored until the
whole number is complete or until
it gets a wrong digit, at which time
the “No progress” tone is sent back
to the caller.
Once the correct number has been
loaded, the exchange starts toggling
RLY4, causing bursts of ring current
to be fed out to line. Also ring tone is
sent back to the user to indicate what
is happening. If the second phone is
answered, the line loop detector signals to the processor to stop sending
ring current and RLY4 remains in its
normal state.
The ring tone is stopped and RLY3
operates, causing a speech path to be
established. The call is now complete.
During the progress of the call the
LEDS on the front panel will be operSC
ating to indicate the progress.
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clock generator. Ext switches (not
provided) or logic levels from a
computer etc set CW or CCW rotation,
half or full step operation, operation
enable/disable,clock speed. PCB and all
on-board components: $18 for kit with 1
motor, $28 for kit with 2 motors.
50/60Hz, 0.20A, shaded pole motor,
metal, plastic blade, 40mm thick: $4.
Super bright at 400mCd $1.50 ea. 10 for
1Cd red 10 for $4,..300mCd green $1.10
ea. or 10 for $7,..3Cd red $1.10 ea. or
10 for $7,..3Cd yellow also in 3mm: 10
for $9 ; Super bright...FLASHING LEDs:
$1.50 ea. or 10 for $10...(Make small
Light weight (2XAAA) pen sized pointer torch! mix the red green & blue)
with 5mW/650nM laser diode, 140mm
long, 18mm diameter: $32
Geiger counter:$40,...Breath tester:
$40,..Music box: $11,..Ding dong doorNICAD CHARGER & DISCHARGER
Quality switchmode 7.2V Nicad Charger bell: $3.50, Siren using a 10cm speaker:
/Discharger PCB assembly. 13.7Vdc $14,..Electric fence using used car coil:
unregulated input <at> 900mA. Seems to $25,..Ultrasonic car alarm: $35,..1ch
use voltage drop detection and timer to UHF Central locking, Tx and Rx: $35,...4
end the charge. We supply a thermistor door Central locking: $60,..2 Channel
for temperature sensing. For fast UHF Remote Control, 1Tx + 1Rx: $45.
charging 7.2V AA nicads. basic info.
provided:: $9 ea, or 3 for $21.
Std 4 line X 32, NEC D7227G IC’s.: $18
We have new very small UHF Super- AUDIO LASER SCANNER KIT
and Great patterns that depend on the sound
matching Saw resonators on 433.92 or music picked up by an electret
MHz. (25mW power limit!).The range of microphone. Inc. PCB, components
our prototype Tx-Rx was approx. 1Km! microphone, 2 motors & 2 mirrors: $44
The first will be a 2 ch. remote control
for approx. $55: (1 Tx + 1 Rx.) .. LARGE SUPPLY FOR THE STEPPER
Available late Feb.
Part enclosed, "C" core transformer with
10mW 640nM LASER DIODE!!!
Finally a diode to suit LASER LIGHT secondaries:
SHOW. brighter than large He-Ne 9.5V- 4A, 5KG, mains filter, switch, 4
fuseholders, rectifiers and filter caps:$15
tubes!!! Avai. April: $69 .
Driver kit, housing &
lens available. Reduced
Rechargable 1.2V cells. Like NiCads but
prices when purchased with
higher cap. From new equip. guaranthe two laser deflection
teed, 48mm X 16mm diam.: 8 for $4
(pattern generators ) on this page.
A small plastic case
suitable for enclosing the
CCD camera, plus a very
strong multi angle and position
adjustable universal joint swivel bracket
plus screws: $6 - $4
12 large 5x7 LED dot matrices (38 X 52 LASER POINTER KIT SPECIAL!!!
mm), very bright, in housing, 240Vac, 3 650nM 5mW, 3-4V,
wire control lead, no info: $40.
case 125 x 39 x 25mm,
lens, battery holder
Professional tuneable
UHF A/V modulator with
built in Antenna booster
and a test pattern generator: As used in
VCR’s. With each unit we also supply
parts for a 5V regulator $18-$14
Fresh stock standard battery plus one
for: $30
New improved kit that can drive larger
motors and has optoisolation between
the circuit and the computer. DB25
Metal enclosed with teleconnector provided on PCB. Needs a
scopic antenna, A/V leads
standard cable for connection to a PC,
supplied: $30 - $20
and a power supply for the motor drive
section. PCB and all on board comAUDIO PREAMPLIFIER
Small kit which includes a microphone. ponents kit plus software and notes: $39
Gives Line level output for use with the or $49 with two used 1.8deg. motors !!!
above Modulator or transmitter: $8 - $5
New 12V DC-1A 6" colour monitor,
A small LM386 based power amplifier kit ready for enclosing, no box, just the tube
that can directly drive a speaker, needs and driver PCB’s: $65
the above Preamplifier: $9 - $6
New kit, now has relay contact outputs! ONE 20A motor speed controller kit
Can be directly connected to a VCR or (similar to SC - Jun.97-$18) plus two
via a learning remote control: $30 - $20 small new 12VDC motors (40mm dia.,
PIR MOVEMENT DETECTOR module 40mm length) plus one used car
windscreen wiper motor (which have
to suit,very small: $15 - $10
internal gear reduction) for: $32
10 LED: $14 - $10, 30 LED: $30 -$20
2SK2175 - MOSFETS 15A, TO220, 60V,
30W: 10 for $15, CA3140 - MOSFET
Brand new 240V 30cm enclosed input op amp : 5 for $5, TL494 computer monitor + a video conversion switchmode power supply IC : 5 for $5,
NE555 - timer IC : 10 for $5, ICL7106 kit. Gives
LCD display driver : $5, ICL7107 - LED
better resdisplay driver : $5, IRFZ44 MOSFETS
olution than
60V,0.028ohm on resistance,50A: 10 for
TV’s!! Avail.
$30 C8050 and C8550 transistors: 20
early Feb.
for $5, CMOS IC’S 4001/ 11/ 13/ 16/ 17/
Limited but
20/ 24/ 28/ 40/ 46/ 60/ 66/ 69/ 93 Any
good qty.
mixture 10 for $8
Green 532nM output heads. Very bright
MINIATURE CCD CAMERA 14 X 40mm output at the peak response of a human
eye, much brighter than equal powered
Where concealment or
blue Argon lasers. These employ an IR
size is important.
laser diode pumping a Yag rod, the
What about this!!!
output of which is applied to a frequency
smaller than
doubling crystal. Require an adjustable
most ladies
constant current source: 10mW head
$1400, 20mW head $2020 Suitable
Special introductory price of.... $199
constant current source kit plus supply
plus fan: Approx $35.
Our new suits up to 100W panels. A LICENCE WOULD BE REQUIRED
Features a current limiter so it can be FOR THIS PRODUCT.
used with car battery chargers,
generators etc. Low cost due to the use UNIDIRECTIONAL ELECTRET
of some unused recycled components. MICROPHONE
New quality product
Complete kit includes a case!: $22
with clip, 3M lead,
2.5mm plug: $4 Make
High quality "Thomson" brand 2/3" CCD a stage quality wireless
image sensor, type TH7863, with full microphone by combining
data but no, usable response from 400 it with our FMTX MK2 trans-mitter kit:
to 1100nm, 12000 dynamic range, 2/3" $16 for the kit plus the microphone
optics compatible format: $35...........(IC
aplication notes may be available soon) DOG SILENCER
We have a new improved high power
swept ultrasonic generator kit that can
New 1.2V-400mAhr cells wired in packs drive up to 4 piezo tweeters. Works on
of 6, each pack has a thermal cut out dogs and most animals. PCB and all
switch, each cell is 16X45X5mm, as on-board components and horn piezo
used in mobile phones, 5 packs tweeter: $33, extra tweeters $7 ea.
Suitable 13.8V-1A DC plugpack $10.
(30batteries) for: $10
Compact ( 145 X 80 X 50mm ), in a
perforated metal case, 240V AC in, 12V
DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17
USA made wands. Sapphire tip, curly
cord & 5pin DIN plug. converts bar
codes to a digital pulses, 0.19mm spot
size is. Open collector output TTL /
CMOS compatible needs 5V supply. $45
suits 3 phase motors up to 1000V /
1000A shows thermal, mechanical &
electrical fault conditions, can be used
as a shearpin, consists of motor
transformers (wires pass through, no
connection physical motor wires), A 3m
cable links it to a monitor with a 6 digit
LCD,in- dustial quality, made in Holland,
new, at a fraction of new cost:
$200 for the pair.
complete laser engine as used in laser
printers. Includes a Polygon scanner
motor with Xtal controlled driver PCB,
5mW/780nM laser diode in collimated
housing mirrors, lenses etc. Info on how
to make the motor and laser operational MAGNIFIERS / LOUPES
jewellers eye- piece with a plastic lens:
included. Bargain at $35
$3,... 50mm $8, 75mm $12,... 110mm
$15. SPECIAL: The set of four for $25.
Our famous MAR-6 based masthead
amp. 2-section PCB (power supply sec. **********KIT OF THE MONTH**********
can be indoors): kit $15. Plugpack: $6 It is difficult for us to coordinate advertisWeather-proof box:$2.50. Box for power ing of kits in the two mags (one of which
supply: $2.50 Rabbit-ears ant: $7 your reading now). Check our Web Site
(MAR-6 avail. sep.)
in week two of each month to see which
new kits we will release that month.
************ALL OF OUR KITS************
All kits come with quality made PCB’s
with screen printed component designPO Box 89 Oatley NSW 2223
ation & solder mask. They are
accurately drilled and saw or router cut, Ph ( 02 ) 9584 3563 Fax 9584 3561
NOT guillotined! No rough edges!
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
We do all of this to make construction
easier & so you can be proud of the
major cards with ph. & fax orders,
quality of your finished project!
Post & Pack typically $6
AST Notebooks
have 3-year warranty
I have just read the Serviceman’s
Log: “Encounters With A Notebook
PC”, from the December 1997 issue. I
repair and service AST and NEC laptops at work and was a bit surprised at
what happened and the time wasted
repairing the Notebook.
In general, AST and NEC Notebooks
have a 3-year warranty and even if
the notebook is out of warranty, there
are parts available new or “rotate”
(repaired parts that are swapped out
at a lower cost). Most repairs for AST
Notebooks can be done in a few days,
depending on parts in stock.
For a simple phone call to AST,
the repair may have been done under
warranty and the job may have been
done in about half an hour plus time
to get the part but there again, some of
the customers do not know how long
the warranty period is.
S. Reynolds.
(No address supplied).
Kelvin not degrees
With regards to the story on lighting
in the December 1997 issue of SILICON CHIP, the author made numerous
mentions of temperature. The author
incorrectly, on a number of occasions,
described temperature being in degrees
Kelvin. This should be only Kelvin,
not degrees Kelvin. Kelvin is a measurement of absolute temperature – it is
not degrees at all.
A. Miles,
Bayswater, Vic.
TENS electrodes
available cheaply
I have been buying SILICON CHIP
since its “birth”. In the Mailbag (November 1997) I came across a letter from
J. Cowan, regarding the availability of
the TENS electrodes. It is true that they
are hard to get. But the price – from the
indicated supplier – is rather steep.
Since I am now a major designer and
manufacturer of health related electronic equipment, I buy these pads in bulk
so I know their true cost. (I supply them
with several of my products).
Perhaps you could let your readers
know that I can supply these pads for
$8.00 a pair, plus $2.00 postage and
handling. I can also supply the leads,
red and black, with 2mm plugs on one
34 Silicon Chip
end and 4mm banana plugs on the
other, $7.00 a pair. (I don’t like using
phone jacks; they are unreliable).
Les Banki, Water Fuel,
18 Springfield Rd,
Springvale, Vic 3172.
Copyright must be
preserved on CDs
Your December 1997 editorial on
the subject of compact discs sharply
demonstrates your lack of knowledge
of the proposed legislation changes and
of the mechanics of the music industry.
Yes, I am pushing a barrow. I have been
involved in the music industry for ten
years, as a performer, recording engineer and technician. I have also had
dealings with five different recording
companies (local and international)
and am a member of the Australian
Performing Rights Association (APRA).
Now you can easily dismiss me as
biased, but I’ll keep writing anyway.
Now to your comments.
$30 is too much for an audio CD
while CD-ROMs are almost given away,
true (especially since the wholesale
price of a CD from a major company
is only $20). The difference between
the two is that the free CD-ROMs are
full of shareware; that is, you only get
a limited version of the software and
are expected to send off a registration
fee if you want to use all the features
of the program.
The equivalent in musical terms
would be if you could give away a CD
that only plays the first 20 seconds of
each piece of music until you enter your
serial number. Have you noticed that
a top-of-the-line CD-ROM costs from
$50 to $80 (or more if you’re buying
serious software)? The point is, you’re
not paying for the price of plastic,
you’re paying for the software on it, be
it data or music.
Companies like Naxos can produce
cheap CDs but look at their list of
composers. Decomposers is probably
more accurate, as they have all been
dead for at least fifty years, so Naxos,
Harmonia Mundi, et al, don’t have to
worry about paying royalties. As their
releases are classical, which unlike
popular music is a small but stable
market, they have few dud releases;
they don’t have high profile advertising, minimal sleeve artwork costs
and the musicians involved don’t feel
they have to spend three months in a
hideously expensive recording studio
just so they can sound decent (says
something about the average quality
of musicianship, doesn’t it?).
The price of blank CDs is amazingly
low for any storage medium, true. And
if you have the expertise to put together
a top quality recording of original and
interesting music, then go ahead, good
luck to you. I suspect, however, that
like most people, you are not capable
of writing music, or playing all the
instruments (or programming, if you
like samples), or producing a crisp,
pleasing recording.
Blank CDs certainly are being used
for music piracy but so are Digital Audio Tapes. The difference is the price
of the blank medium. DAT blanks have
a levy on them specifically because of
their ability to render perfect digital
copies; no such levy exists on blank
You can buy cheap records overseas
but only in parts of the world where
copyright doesn’t exist (you know
copyright; it’s that thing that stops your
competitor copying your design and
passing it off as their own. Electronic
engineers may think they are the only
people who deserve to have their work
protected but the rest of us have some
The Government’s plan is to remove
the notion of intellectual property from
music. If that happens, there would
be nothing to stop a record company
taking a tape to a different country,
pressing 100,000 discs, claiming
the record didn’t sell, declar
ing the
stock “deleted” (written off as a loss
on their local tax), then shipping the
entire stock to this country to be sold
at whatever price the record company
sees fit. Their costs are paid (excluding
shipping), they don’t have to pay the
artist, and they are free to sell the discs,
underselling local musicians.
This would be very good for the
major labels but very bad for the musicians like myself who only receive
royalties. Inci
dentally, the royalties
I receive for each full length album I
sell is 1/18th of the sales tax... “if five
percent appears to small/be thankful
I don’t take it all”? (ack. to Lennon/
Internet sales of music already exist.
For example, there are two different
websites offering bootleg recordings of
my group’s live performances (“Trout
Fishing in Quebec”). I wrote the music,
I performed it, but am I rewarded for the
continued sales of that performance?
Do I even have a say in whether I want
that recording released? No, they are
pirate recordings. The Government
simply wants to legitimise this kind
of piracy, to let the international companies behave in exactly the same
To summarise, I do believe that CDs
are too expensive. Some of us in the
music industry are trying to work out
ways of bringing down the prices but
the hack and slash approach of removing copyright protection will simply
discourage musicians from recording,
forcing the already cash strapped studios in this country out of business
and ensuring that the only stock on the
shelves will be of foreign manufacture.
(Australia is a signatory to the international convention on intellectual
property rights, so there is a question
of whether such legislation is legal.)
T. Newsom, Sydney.
Comment: we have not suggested that
copyright on CDs should be waived.
Given that copyright fees are such a
small proportion of the retail price of
CDs, we see no reason why CD prices
can not be reduced markedly while
still maintaining copyright fees to the
No problem with
Millennium bug
I read with interest your editorial in
the January 1998 issue and, like you, I
wonder how much of the hype is due
to the old snake oil salesman element
in the computer industry.
Everywhere you turn these days one
finds people telling you to set the time
and date on your PC to a few minutes
before midnight on December 31, 1999,
turn the computer off and turn it back
on again a few minutes later and check
the time and date to see if the PC is year2000 compatible. I would suggest that
this may not give the full story.
I own a 486/66 and I decided to cold
boot the computer and run Setup. I
then set the time and date to just before midnight December 31, 1999 and
watched what happened in real time.
In my case, the PC jumped back to
January 1980. If I had gone no further
I would have been left with the opinion that my PC would not cope with
the next century. However, while still
running Setup, I manually entered the
year 2000 which it was quite happy
to accept.
I saved the changes and rebooted the
computer and when I checked the time
and date at the “C” prompt it correctly showed January 1, 2000. I opened
MSWord and it also was quite happy
with the new date. When tested, the
computer was also quite happy to go
from one day to next in the year 2000.
It would seem, therefore, that the
only year 2000 problem I have is that if
I still have this PC in the next century,
I will have to tell it manually when
January 1, 2000 arrives. Like yourself,
maybe I am missing something here
but I think not.
E. Barton,
Lower Templestowe, Vic.
Millennium bug
is a big problem
I refer to your editorial in the January 1998 issue. It seems that, like
most users of computers these days,
you’ve adopted the notion that the term
computer is exclusively synonymous
with the term PC. In fact, an enormous
amount of data processing is still done
using relatively ancient software, on
machines either nearly as ancient or on
ones designed as drop-in replacements
for them.
Much of our banking and credit card
processing is done this way. Possibly
the most notorious example of this is
the aircraft control systems used at
many of the major US airports. They
still use 1960s vintage Sperry computers (direct descendants of the original
UNIVAC machines), because nobody
can figure out how to replace them
without shutting down the entire US
air transportation system!
You imply that the millennium bug
would probably apply mostly to “some
old COBOL-based accountancy and
other software”. In fact, many large
financial institutions typically depend
on huge “suites” of thousands of programs, all written in COBOL, many
dating back to the 1960s! True, PCs are
widely used in a “front end” sense for
the actual data input but the occasional
bug on an isolated user’s machine isn’t
likely to gum up the works too much.
The plain fact is that it’s sometimes
literally taken decades to get the software running reliably and there’s no
reason to think something written in
a newer language is going to “settle
down” any more quickly. Thus they
have an enormous incentive to keep
the old reliable software going. You’ve
only got to look at the employment ads
in the computer section of Tuesday’s
“Australian”. There’s still plenty of
work for COBOL programmers.
As far as the millennium bug goes
(it would be more accurately described
as the “century bug”), the problem
is very real. It’s not just a matter of
people getting ridiculous numbers
on their insurance renewals, either. A
major source of potential disaster lies
in the way storage space is set aside
for variables in COBOL. The default
numeric data type is the unsigned
integer, which can hold only positive,
whole numbers.
To save precious memory, in the
early days programmers used unsigned
integers whenever they could since
they only required a single six-bit
word for each digit. In most cases
they would have specified a two-digit
unsigned integer for year calculations,
since they wouldn’t have imagined the
software would still be in use a century
from now!
Unfortunately, when the year clocks
over to the dreaded “00” the computer will start trying to assign negative
numbers to these unsigned integers and
the system will come to a screeching
halt, displaying the dreaded “ABEND”
(Abnormal End) error message. When
that happens there’s nothing you can do
except call in a programmer to fix the
problem. At the moment the software
companies are employing thousands of
programmers, many in the third world,
to scan the millions of lines of source
code looking for such traps.
Another big problem is that most
of these programs have been subject
to countless undocumented kludges
and “2am quick fixes” to overcome
unforeseen problems that may only
come up once every year or so. So it’s
not simply a matter of resetting the date
and running some sample data to see
what happens – the problem may not
rear its ugly head for months!
K. Walters,
Schofields, NSW.
February 1998 35
Part 2: the Command Station
Last month we introduced the concept of
Command Control which enables as many as
16 locomotives to run on a layout with
simple wiring. This month we describe the
heart of the system – the Command Station.
The Command Station is the brains
of the Protopower 16 System. It powers the handheld throttles, interprets
their com
mands and encodes the
throttle information onto the correct
channel of the serial data stream. Most
importantly, the Command Station
drives the Power Station and this
feeds the power and the serial data
stream to the track.
In effect, the Command Station
modulates a DC power supply (the
Power Station) so that the 5.2V serial
data signal is superimposed on top
of a constant DC to form a composite
track voltage of about 16V DC. This
track voltage is constant over the
entire layout.
To understand the operation of the
Command Station we need to refer to
the block diagram of Fig.1. This looks
unrecognisable to any model railway
buff but don’t worry as it will all be
explained. We will start with the
master clock. Because the Protopower
16 must provide a stable serial data
stream it needs a crystal oscillator
timebase and this is the master clock.
It controls the timing of all functions
in the Command Station.
Run your model railway with
36 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: block diagram of
the Command Station.
Key sections are the
multiplexer, the pulse
width modulator and
the master clock.
The LED display consists of four
LEDs which flash at a slow rate to give
an indication that the master clock is
The master clock drives two circuit
blocks, a 5-bit counter and a triggered
ramp generator which we’ll come to
in a moment.
The 5-bit counter has a number
of functions. First, it controls the
16-channel analog multiplexer. That
is a mouthful but it can be thought
of simply as a single pole 16-position
switch which is being continuously
rotated. The multiplexer accepts the
signals from each of the 16 handheld
throttles and feeds them through, one
at a time, to the pulse width modulator.
Secondly, the 5-bit counter drives
the synch decoder. If you refer back
to Fig.2 on page 32 of last month’s
article, you will see that the serial data
stream consists of 16 pulses followed
by a synch pause, followed by another
16 pulses and so on. Well, the 5-bit
counter generates the pulse stream
and the synch decoder generates the
synch pause.
Going back to the master clock, we
noted that it also drives the triggered
ramp generator. The ramp signal from
this is fed to the pulse width modulator (IC8b) which compares the selected DC signal from the multiplexer
with the ramp signal. The result is a
variable width pulse corresponding
to the throttle signal for each channel.
After the synch pause has been
added to the pulse train from the pulse
width modulator, the output signal is
fed to the line drivers. These are essentially op amp buffer stages which
are used to drive the Power Station
and its auxiliaries.
Also shown on the block diagram
of Fig.1 are the various power supply
Circuit description
Now that we have a broad overview
of the circuit, we can discuss the circuit diagram of Fig.2 and we’ll look
at each section in much the same
sequence as we have for Fig.1.
IC1a, a 2-input NOR gate from a
4001 quad package, is connected as
a crystal oscillator, using a 32kHz
watch crystal. IC1a drives IC1b which
buffers the signal before it is fed to
one half of a 4520 dual synchronous
February 1998 37
38 Silicon Chip
Fig.2: this circuit accepts the signals
from up to 16 handheld throttles and
encodes a serial data stream with
bursts of 16 width modulated pulses.
it occurs between clock pulse 16 and
clock pulse 20 and has a duration of
four clock pulses. It separates each
burst of 16 pulses.
Triggered ramp generator
binary counter. The output is taken
from pin 6 and is a square wave with
a frequency of 2048Hz.
The 2048Hz signal is fed to IC12, a
4020 14-stage counter which drives
four LEDs. This counter divides the
2048Hz signal by 512, 1024, 2048
and 4096 and the LEDs then flash on
and off for periods of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and
1 second respectively. Actually, this
part of the circuit is a bit of a gimmick
and could be omitted, if you want.
The 2048Hz signal is also fed to the
base of transistor Q1 which buffers
the signal to provide the master clock.
5-bit counter
Pulses from the master clock, Q1,
are fed to two 4-bit 74C163 synchronous binary counters, IC3 & IC4. They
are cascaded together to create a 5-bit
counter with the ripple carry of IC3
(pin 15) connected to pins 7 & 10
(enable P and enable T) of IC4.
Outputs QA, QB, QC and QD (four
bits) are taken from pins 14, 13, 12 &
11 of IC3 and used to control two 4051
8-channel multiplexers (IC6 & IC7)
which together form the 16-channel
multiplexer depicted in Fig.1. Pin 3 of
both 4051s is commoned, to form the
output of this 16-way switch.
Synch decoder
Now the question is, if we only need
4-bits from the counter to control the
16-channel multiplexer, why do we
need a 5-bit counter? Isn’t the second
74C163, IC4, unnecessary?
We do need IC4, for the following
reasons. In our Protopower 16 application, we need to count to 16, pause
and then repeat the count sequence,
where the “pause” period acts as a
means of synchronising the pulse
train. This is achieved by detecting a
count of 19. Outputs QA & QB of IC3
(pins 14 & 13) are fed to NAND gate
IC5a, along with QA, pin 14 (QE?), of
IC4 (ie, 1+2+16=19) to detect the 19th
count. The output from IC5a (pin 9)
is then used to clear both counters
to zero.
From the pulse timing diagram of
Fig.3 it can be seen that QA of IC4
(QE) acts as a synchronising pulse as
We now come to the heart of the
circuit which constitutes the triggered
ramp generator and the pulse width
modulator, both based on IC8, a TL072
dual FET-input op amp.
Clock pulses from the collector of
Q1 are coupled to a differentiating
network consisting of the 220pF capacitor C10 and 12kΩ resistor R5. The
differentiator generates positive-going
spikes at the leading edges of the
clock pulse and negative-going for
the trailing edges. Diode D3 passes
the positive-going spike and blocks
the negative-going, to drive op amp
IC8a, which is connected as a voltage-follower. Basically, it just acts as
a low-impedance buffer.
IC8a’s output is AC-coupled via
capacitor C11 to the base of transistor
Q3. Each time a positive spike is fed
through to Q3, it turns on to discharge
capacitor C12 at its collector. In between each discharge, this capacitor
is charged from the constant current
source comprising transistor Q2 and
the two diodes at its base. By using
a constant current source to charge
capacitor C12, we obtain a linear ramp
Pulse width modulator
Op amp IC8b is connected as a
comparator to become the pulse width
modulator. The inverting input, pin 6,
is fed with the triggered linear voltage
ramp, while the non-inverting input,
pin 5, is fed in turn with the signal
voltages from the 16-channel multiplexer (IC6 & IC7).
Remember that the multiplexer sequentially switches 16 voltages, each
representing one handheld throttle.
Therefore as each of the 16 throttle
voltages is compared with its corres
ing linear ramp voltage, the
width of the resulting output pulse
will be varied accordingly.
The output of IC8b is AC-coupled
by C14 to IC9b, a 7406 open-collector
inverter. However, readers will note
that in our serial string of 20 pulses,
there are 16 which enable the multi
plexer and four pulses which represent the synch pause and these latter
four must be blanked out.
This is achieved as follows. The
Parts List for
Command Station
1 PC board, 162 x 101mm, code
1 10-way PC-mount insulated
terminal block
1 16-pin header
1 16-pin IC socket
1 32.768kHz watch crystal
1 100Ω trimpot (VR1, Bourns
3386 or equivalent)
1 4001 quad 2-input NOR gate
1 4520 dual synchronous counter
2 74C163 or 4163 binary counter
(IC3, IC4)
1 4023 triple 3-input NAND gate
2 4051 1-of-8 multiplexers (IC6,
1 TL072 dual FET-input op amp
1 7406 hex inverter with open
collector outputs (IC9)
1 LM324 quad op amp (IC10)
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC11)
1 4020 14-stage binary counter
2 PN100 NPN transistors (Q1,Q3)
1 PN200 PNP transistor (Q2)
4 1N4148, 1N914 small signal
diodes (D1,D2,D3,D4)
1 orange LED (LED1)
1 green LED (LED2)
4 red LEDs (LED3-LED6)
1 7812 12V 3-terminal regulator
1 7805 5V 3-terminal regulator
1 1000µF 25VW electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW electrolytic
5 1µF tantalum or PC electrolytic
1 0.22µF MKT polyester
11 0.1µF monolithic or MKT
1 .01µF MKT polyester
1 220pF ceramic
2 47pF NPO ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
1 3.9kΩ
1 220kΩ
9 1kΩ
1 100kΩ
1 560Ω
2 51kΩ
1 470Ω
3 12kΩ
1 390Ω
2 10kΩ
1 150Ω
February 1998 39
Fig.3: this is the timing diagram for the circuit of Fig.2.
synchronising pulse is taken from the
5-bit counter via IC9a. Because IC9a
has an open-collector output but no
external pull-up resistor, it effectively
40 Silicon Chip
works as a switch to shunt any signal
at its output to ground when its input
is high. In effect, synchronising has
been added to the pulse train by IC9a.
The resultant signal is inverted
by IC9b which also performs a level
translation to give a 5V peak-peak amplitude. This signal is inverted again
Fig.4: install the parts on the Command Station PC board as shown in this
wiring diagram, starting with the smaller components and working up to
the larger parts. Make sure that all polarised parts are correctly oriented.
by IC9c and its output is effectively
halved by a voltage divider consisting
of resistors R14 & R15. The signal is
fed to IC10.
Line drivers
IC10, an LM324 quad op amp, is set
up as four identical voltage followers.
Their outputs are used to drive either
the Power Station or an Auxiliary
Power Station, which supply power
to the track.
dividers connected across the +12V
and +5V supply rails.
Using this system, only five wires
are needed to connect each hand
throttle. The hand throttles will be
discussed later in this series of articles.
Finally, there are two 3-terminal
regulators, to provide the +5V and
+12V supply rails. This completes the
circuit description. Let’s now discuss
the construction of the Command
Two op amps on the circuit remain
to be discussed. They are in IC11,
an LM358 dual op amp (these are
virtually the same op amps as in the
LM324). IC11a & IC11b are connected
as voltage followers in such a way
as to provide three output voltages,
+8.8V, +5V and +1.2V. These voltages
are fed to the handheld throttles. The
+5V actually comes from the 5V 3-terminal regulator REG2 while the other
voltages come from resistive voltage
PC board assembly
All the components, with the exception of the power transformer and
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 3
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 9
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue brown
red red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
green brown orange brown
brown red orange brown
brown black orange brown
orange white red brown
brown black red brown
green blue brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange white brown brown
brown green brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black green brown
red red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
green brown black red brown
brown red black red brown
brown black black red brown
orange white black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
green blue black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange white black black brown
brown green black black brown
February 1998 41
This is the completed PC board for the Command Station. It accepts the signals from the handheld throttles
and produces a serial data stream which is superimposed on the supply voltage to the model railway track
layout. Note that the final version differs slightly from this prototype board.
Fig.5: check your PC board against this full-size etching pattern before installing any of the parts.
42 Silicon Chip
Fig.6: these scope waveforms show the triggered
linear ramp waveform at pin 6 of IC8b (top trace) and
the 16-pulse burst and sync pause at pin 2 of IC9b (lower
trace). The ramp waveform has a frequency of 2048Hz, as
controlled by the master clock. The waveform on pin 2 of
IC9b is fed to the line drivers in IC10.
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
IEC Code EIA Code
0.22µF 220n 224
0.1µF 100n 104
.01µF 10n 103
220pF 220p 221
47pF 47p 47
bridge rectifier are mounted on a PC
board measuring 162 x 101mm and
coded 09102981.
Begin by carefully inspecting the PC
board for any defects such as shorts,
open circuit tracks or undrilled holes
and correct as necessary.
Our suggested assembly procedure
is to progressively install components
relevant to particular circuit sections,
power them up and test and then
move to the next section. The component layout for the PC board is shown
in Fig.4.
With this in mind, install all the
links first and then the 10-way insulated terminal block at one end. Now
install the components for the +12V
and +5V power supplies. In particular,
install the 2200µF filter capacitor, the
3-terminal regulators (REG1 & REG2),
the associated 1µF and 10µF bypass
capacitors, LEDs 1 & 2 and resistors
R20 & R21.
Fig.7: these scope waveforms shows the effect of setting
the throttle of channel 5 to maximum reverse. As you
can see, the fifth pulse after the sync pause is quite
narrow with respect to all the other channels which are
set to STOP. The lower trace shows the relevant channel
5 pulse with an expanded time base.
You will need a DC power supply
which puts out at least 16V. Now connect +16V to the V+ terminal on the
connector block and the 0V line to the
0V terminal. Both LEDs should light
up and you should be able to measure
+12V from REG1 and +5V from REG2.
Now install the components concerned with the master clock, This
means IC1, IC2, IC12, LEDs 3-6, the
32kHz watch crystal and associated
components. IC sockets are optional
but are only really worthwhile for the
more expensive ICs.
Make sure the LEDS are oriented
correctly and the same applies to the
ICs. Check your work carefully and
then apply power. LEDs 1 & 2 should
light up as before and the other four
LEDs should flash. LED6 should turn
on for 1-second intervals, LED5 for
1/ -second intervals, LED4 for 1/ -sec2
ond and so on.
This display confirms that the
master clock is functioning correctly.
If the LEDS don’t light in this way,
double check your work for errors
and don’t proceed any further until
this part of the circuit is working as
it should.
Now you can install IC11, resistors
R16-R18 and capacitors C16 and C17.
Then reapply power and check the
+8.8V (Reverse), +5V (Stop) and +1.2V
(Forward) terminals on the connector
Next, install IC10 and resistors R14
and R15 (adjacent to IC9). Then apply
power and check to see that +2.5V is
present at pins 1, 7, 8 & 14 of IC10 and
at the S1, S2, S3 and S4 terminals on
the connector block.
Now install the remaining ICs and
a 16-pin socket for the 16-pin header. This accepts the signals from the
handheld throttles.
Install the three transistors, four
diodes and the remaining ICs, resistors and capacitors by following the
component layout diagram of Fig.4.
Double check your work for any
errors, eg, diodes and tran
s istors
incorrectly inserted. When satisfied
that all are correct, apply power and
switch on. As before, all LEDS should
either light or flash continuously.
Setting up
You will need a conventional
analog multimeter set to read 10V DC
or more. Now measure the voltage at
TP A, adjacent to pin 7 of IC8. If you
can’t see this IC, it’s located in the
top lefthand corner of the PC board
in Fig.4.
Adjust trimpot VR1 so that the
voltage at TP A is +6.2V. This ensures
that the pulse waveform with no input
signal has a mark/space ratio of 1:1.
This completes the Command Station. Next month we will discuss and
build the Power Station and throttles.
February 1998 43
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Self-calibrating RF simulator
The new microprocessor controlled
Schaffner NSG 2070 high frequency
generator provides comprehensive
electromagnetic sus
ceptibility testing. Although not yet mandatory in
Australia, electromagnetic susceptibility tests are often required to be
conducted for medical apparatus
and also for equipment intended for
export. It is also expected that IEC
susceptibility standards for mobile
phones and other equipment, currently in draft stage, will be introduced
in the near future.
The Schaffner NSG 2070 comprises
a 100kHz-250MHz synthesis
er, 85
watt power amplifier and a range of
coupling options including capacitive
coupling networks (CDNs), electromagnetic clamps, current injection
probe (CIP) and an external monitoring probe. In anticipation of new
IEC standards for equipment such
as mobile phones, a pulsed mode of
operation is already included.
The instrument automatically adjusts the output and creates its own
calibration table, using output measurements made at the rate of 900 per
decade. An Auto-function calculates
and sets the correct frequency sweep
rate according to the IEC 1000-4-6
High capacity
rechargeable cells
Premier Batteries has introduced
high capacity nickel metal hydride
(NiMH) and nickel cadmium (NiCd)
cells to their range. These nickel
metal hydride cells are cadmium
free and do not suffer from memory
The increase in capacity allows for the AF and 4/3AF sizes
to increase by 20% in capacity,
thus providing 2400mA.H and
3800mA.H respectively. These cells
are in constant demand in cellular
procedure, thus avoiding the need for
manual setup and calculation. The
test procedure can be interrupted at
any time in order to pursue a more
detailed examination at a particular
frequency and can then be resumed
where the test was interrupted.
A liquid crystal display and keypad
provide access to all functions. Windows-based software provides setup
of all front panel functions and options including test customising and
quencing. Entire test procedures
can be saved and compliance reports
can be produced automatically.
For further information, contact
Westek Industrial Products Pty Ltd,
Unit 2, 6-10 Maria St, Laverton North,
Vic 3026. Phone (03) 9369 8802; fax
(03) 9369 8006.
phones and note
book computer
packs where extended running time
is a distinct advantage.
To keep pace, nickel cadmium
cells are increasing in capacity at
the same rate. AF is now available in 1700mA.H and 4/5AH to
Although capacities and technology are improving, prices have
remained stable.
For further information, contact
Premier Batteries Pty Ltd, 9/15
Childs Rd, Chipping Norton, NSW
2170. Phone (02) 9755 1845; fax (02)
9755 1354.
February 1998 53
New kits from Dick
Smith Electronics
Dick Smith Electronics have
submitted two of their recent kits
for SILICON CHIP projects for our
inspection. They are the 5-Digit
Tachometer from the October 1997
issue and the Heavy Duty 10A
Motor Speed Controller from the
November 1997 issue. Both conform
closely to the SILICON CHIP proto-
types and look quite professional
in their presentation. The 5-Digit
Tachometer has a screen printed
front panel with the “window”
being part of the artwork for a neat
The Speed Controller has had
the lid of the diecast case linished
for a better appearance and number
of small refinements in the wiring.
The most notable of these is the
use of spring clip mounting for the
IGBT and fast recovery diode which
should reduce the possibility of
breakdown to the case.
Both kits are available from Dick
Smith Electronics stores across
Australia and New Zealand.
step-down converter
Philips wireless
Philips new mini sound system
(model FW 780WPRO) features a
wireless subwoofer and wireless
surround speakers. With conven
tional audio systems there’s always
the problem of cables and where to
hide them. But with this system,
54 Silicon Chip
the audio signal is radiated on an
FM carrier so the speakers are easy
to install around the room for good
surround sound.
The FW780WPRO also features
Dolby Pro Logic sound, a three
disc CD changer and audio/video
remote control. The system retails
for $1499.00 and is available from
stockists around Australia.
B.B.S. Electronics Australia has
released Harris Semicon
d uctor’s
HIP5020 Buck Converter which steps
down a DC battery voltage of 4.5V 18V to a regulated system voltage of
3.3V or less and delivers up to 3.5A at
greater than 90% efficiency.
The device integrates two Mosfets,
a half-bridge driver and a 100kHz to
1MHz current mode pulse-width modulation (PWM) controller with current
sense onto a single chip.
In order to assist design engineers
using the HIP5020, Harris Semiconductors offers free simulation software. It provides realistic simulations
that closely match lab results.
Miniature frequency counter with LCD
Aceco Electronics Corporation has released the
FC2002 Handy Frequency Counter, which covers
frequencies from 10Hz to 3GHz in a package around
the same size as a cigarette box. It can display frequency and period and has “ Advanced Auto Lockout” which can be set to automatically detect and
hold a signal reading.
The FC2002 has a backlit 10-digit liquid crystal
display and incorporates a 16-segment RF signal bargraph and low battery indication. It has a switchable
50Ω/1MΩ input for the full 10Hz to 3GHz display
range and the high speed 300MHz range features
0.1Hz resolution. A switchable filter prevents display
of random noise.
The FC2002 has a sturdy stamped aluminium
case with a black anodised finish. It is supplied with
telescoping whip antenna and NiCd batteries to give
up to 6 hours operation. For further information
contact Computronics Corporation Ltd, Locked Bag
20, Bentley Business Centre, WA 6983. Phone (08)
9470 1177; fax (08) 9470 2844.
The QuickDesign Simulation software is available from the Harris
Semiconductor Internet site at http://
For further information, contact
B.B.S. Electronics Australia Pty Ltd,
Unit 24, 5-7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill,
NSW 2154. Phone (02) 9894 5244; fax
(02) 9894 5266.
earth tester
of water pipes), the Hioki 3151 can
be used in the two terminal mode,
utilising the E and C terminals. Earth
resistance is measured using the AC
phase difference method to provide
highly accurate measurements and
two frequencies are available to the operator in order to eliminate the effects
of circulating harmonic components.
For further information, contact
Nilsen Technologies, 150 Oxford St,
Collingwood, Vic 3066. Phone (03)
9419 9999; fax (03) 9416 1312; Freecall
1 800 623 350; Freefax 1 800 067 263.
New microcontroller
from Parallax
The new Hioki 3151 Earth HiTester
is a flexible instrument for making
earth resistance tests. The instrument
permits the use of the ‘fall in potential’
three-terminal method in which the
E terminal is attached to the system
ground electrode, the C (current) terminal to the furthest probe and the P
(potential) to the roving probe.
In systems where the earthing electrode is extensive (eg, through the use
Parallax have released their new
SX-series 8-bit multi I/O controllers.
They have an internal programmable
4MHz oscillator, three-level brownout
reset, power on reset, a watchdog timer
with its own RC oscillator, multi-input
wake-up with optional interrupts and
a flash EEPROM.
All of the SX I/O pins are multi-hardware compatible and can be
programmed for input or output (sinking or source up to 30mA) or internal
20kΩ pullup resistors. Some pins
may be configured as Schmitt trigger
inputs, some as analog comparators
and others as outputs with symmetrical drive.
1VA to 25VA
Manufactured in Australia
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
For further information, contact the
Australian stockist, Microzed Computers, PO Box 634, Armidale, NSW
2350. Phone (02) 6772 2777; fax (02)
6772 8987.
Professional photographic flash
equipment requires large high
voltage alumin
ium electrolytic capacitors.
They are used
as a high voltage
reservoir which
is dumped into
the flash tubes.
High energy per
unit volume,
small dimensions and high
flash frequency
are the requirements.
Thanks to a specially devised anode
film, flash electrolytics from Siemens
exhibit an exceptionally high CV
The new flash electrolytics of the
Siemens B43405, B43406 and B43407
series have rated voltages between 310
and 500V and capacitance from 120
to 17,000µF.
For further information, contact
Malcolm Evans, Advanced Information Products, Siemens Ltd. Phone (03)
9420 7716; fax (03) 9420 7275; e-mail
passive.comp<at> SC
February 1998 55
The TV set that smoked
Warranty work is not always plain sailing,
due mainly to the over-reaction of some
customers when a near-new set fails. And in
this case the set didn’t help matters much by
first smoking and then working normally.
Mr and Mrs Clarke were not happy.
Their nearly new NEC FS-5185 TV
(MM-2 chassis PWC4034A) had thoroughly disgraced itself and had had the
audacity to not only stop working but
actually smoke in their living room.
Anyway, the set was under warranty
and though they would really have
preferred a new set, they had to have
it fixed straight away.
On these occasions, one has to be as
polite and understanding as possible,
whilst remaining aloof and firm as to
what can and cannot be done under
One way to reduce the acrimony
is to attend to the problem as soon as
56 Silicon Chip
possible. The set was actually under
an extended warranty with a major
department store, for which we are
the service agents.
So it was with trepidation that I
removed the back and had a good
look around before connecting it up,
switching it on and standing back.
Well, what an anticlimax – the set
came on and performed perfectly.
What’s more, when I examined the
one-piece motherboard, I couldn’t
really determine any components that
had burnt out at all. A number of resistors had got a bit warm and some of
the white/clear glue the manufacturers
now use to hold wires and components
in place while they are soldered had
melted, but really there was nothing
to write home about.
I got onto the blower to report the
situation to the Clarkes. They were not
amused. Apparently “clouds of black
smoke had come out of the set” and,
what’s more, they were definitely not
going to have that set back their living
room unless it was fixed properly. I
went back and gloomily examined the
hapless set once again.
First, I checked the HT rail and it
was spot on 115V which is correct.
Next I attacked the circuit board; I
shook it, froze it and heated it and it
kept right on going with a really good
picture. I then put it aside on test and
left it for three days. It didn’t miss a
I phoned the Clarkes again – “are
you sure that the smoke came out of
this set? Was it perhaps the VCR or the
stereo system which are nearby? What
about the power point? Does anyone
in the family smoke?”
Fig.1: the power supply circuitry in the NEC FS-5185 TV set. IC602 (bottom, right) monitors the HT rail and drives optocoupler IC601 to derive a
feedback control signal for chopper transistor Q601.
Mrs Clarke assured me that none of
these had been the case.
I was perplexed but even after a
week the set was still working perfectly and so I returned it to the less-thanunderstanding Clarkes.
The set bounces
It was nearly a fortnight later that
the set bounced right back into the
workshop with the same complaint.
This time, fortunately, the fault was
genuine – the set really was dead.
It didn’t take long to establish that
the 130V ZD621 R-2M safety zener
diode was short circuit across the
main HT rail. And for this to fail, it
meant that the HT rail had risen above
130V. I replaced the diode and the set
once more came on perfectly with
the correct voltage. However, when I
replaced the cabinet back and put it
aside to test, the set was dead again.
Ah, ha, I thought. It must be a faulty
back! But no; actually the zener had
gone short circuit again.
Rather than risk yet another, I foolishly decided to run the set without
it and initially all was OK. However,
predictably, as soon as my back was
turned, the B+ rose dramatically and
wisps of smoke (but not a lot) came
from numerous areas. This time, the
line output transistor (Q502, 2SD2499)
had gone, along with a couple of electrolytic capacitors (C313, C622). D631
had also failed by going short circuit.
After restoring everything, the volt-
age was constantly high and the set
could only be run for a few seconds
before the damage would re-occur.
Because of this, I used a Variac and a
lamp to keep the voltage down while
I sussed the problem out.
My first suspects were IC602
(SE115N) and IC601 (a PC817 optocoupler) which are at the heart of the
voltage control feed
back network.
Basically, IC602 monitors the HT rail
derived from transformer T601 and
drives optocoupler IC601 which in
turn varies the drive to chopper transistor Q601 (2SD1710). I replaced both
ICs and the associated 22kΩ resistor
(R623) and resoldered everything in
sight, in case a dry joint was lurking
somewhere but to no avail.
In fact, the control feedback circuit
of IC602 and IC601 was responding
to voltage changes and I could see
the mark-space ratio change on the
collector of the 2SD1710 chopper
transistor (Q601) as the Variac was
altered. However, it refused to lock and
there was no control of the secondary
voltage rails.
Well, to cut a long story short, I was
removing and checking every component on the primary (“hot”) side of the
chopper transformer when I noticed
that the board had been slightly modified by the factory. Some of the PC
board tracks had been cut and a number of components had been mounted
on the print side of the board but the
circuit was still the same as published
by NEC.
A closer examination revealed that
some of the parts on the component
side around this area were rather
awkwardly mounted and so I decided
to remove these parts one by one for
checking. When I desoldered one leg
of R699 (120Ω, 1W), I noticed that
the other leg simply fell away from
the board.
In other words, one leg of this component had not gone right through the
hole but was actually just touching
the solder pod on the other side. The
resistor checked out OK so I reinstalled
it, this time making sure that both its
leads were correctly soldered.
And that solved the problem. This
time, when the Variac was wound up,
the mark space ratio on the collector
of Q601 became fixed when the HT
reached 115V and the power supply
was once again stable.
I soak tested the set for another week
whilst fending off the ever-persistent
Clarkes. I had, in fact, given them a
loan set when the problem re-emerged
but it is the nature of some customers
to be impatient.
The set was eventually returned but
the Clarkes remained totally unimpressed with my efforts to help them.
You win some and you lose some.
The Beovision gear
Bang and Olufsen, or B&O, are
among the “Rolls Royce” brands
when it comes to producing home
entertainment equipment and this is
reflected by their prices. Their products are beautiful to look at, even when
switched off, and their performance is
definitely up-market – all of which you
would expect for the prices demanded
for this luxury equipment.
B&O has been quite innovative
with some of their technology over
the years and often have neat little
features built into their equipment;
eg, wave your hand in front of the CD
player and the drawer will open! Their
Beolink system, which allows you to
have different selected music in every
room of your house, was one of the first
designs of this nature.
On more familiar turf, their TV
sets introduced automatic grey scale
adjustment years ago. And of course
they have an amazing ability to cram
electronics into very thin, unobtrusive cabinets with hardly any wires
But I digress – I am beginning to
February 1998 57
Serviceman’s Log – continued
sound rather like one of their salespersons.
Mrs Smythe-Jones was from the old
country and lived in an exclusive suburb along with her pedigree Siamese
cats and of course, her Beovision Type
3854 2502 stereo TV, her Beocord
VHS91 type 4493 VCR and her Beolink
1000 hifi system. These approximately
10-year old items had been reinstalled
by B&O when she arrived some years
ago and now, because of their age,
they were beginning to show signs
of trouble.
How much is it?
Despite her obvious affluence (or
perhaps because of it), she immediately enquired about the price of servicing the equipment and wasn’t too
impressed with my answers. However,
she was in too deep with her investment in B&O and so, reluctantly, she
instructed me to go ahead and sort out
the problems.
Living in an exclusive suburb does
have its drawbacks, one of them being
poor TV reception due to the tall trees
that characterise the area. Installing
a separate high-performance UHF
antenna certainly improved things a
lot but her main complaint was poor
reception through the Beocord hifi
video recorder. In particular, she complained about the picture which had
a vertical line down the screen about
5cm from the lefthand side. And the
video tuner gave a snowy picture with
lots of patterning.
I decided that the only way to
handle all this was at the workshop,
as both the TV set and the VCR are
connected via a SCART lead. In addition, the remote control for the TV
set controlled the VCR and the stereo
hifi sound.
The first thing I did was track down
B&O’s service and spare parts section
in Melbourne and order in the service
manuals and instruction books which
cost $120. To give them their due,
they were nicely bound and thick.
Unfortunately, what ever they gained
in presentation they lacked in detailed
substance. For example, there was no
circuit description and no PC board
component layout diagram for the TV
set although there was for the VCR.
As it turned out, the latter was made
by Hitachi for B&O and is similar to a
1986 VT-860E(AU).
The B&O service manager was very
helpful and suggested various courses
of action, including fitting the various
service/modification kits.
I started with the Beocord VCR
which I connected to a different TV
and tuned in on approximately Ch37.
The patterning and snow was easily
fixed by replacing the electrolytic
capacitors (as was suggested) in the
inverter power supply on the VS
tuning board. The main culprit here
appears to be C715 (100µF, 25V) which
is on the +A17V rail to transformer
L701 (this rail comes from the power
regulator board).
Interestingly, the Beolink 1000 remote control would not operate the
VCR in a standalone configuration
–only when connected to the TV. However, when I used a generic programmable remote control (Quadrant Plus)
with the B&O numbers programmed
into it, the VCR worked.
I was about to install the service kit
(3375102 at $129 plus freight) when
a routine check on playback showed
the hifi sound to be intermittently
distorted and critical with tracking –
all indicative of worn heads (normal
mono sound and picture was OK). This
was the death knell for this VCR, as
the heads (8600097) cost a cool $600
trade price.
It was too hard to work out the
equivalent Hitachi part number and
the risk that it wouldn’t work properly
was too high. B&O advised us that the
unit was too old to repair anyway and
that we shouldn’t proceed.
The TV set
So it was on to the TV set, with the
problem described as “curly beads”
(the aforementioned speckled line
down the screen about 5cm from
the lefthand side). This is usually
due to para
sitic oscillation in the
line output stage and can be fixed in
most cases by fitting a ferrite bead or
two to the emitter of the line output
B&O had not heard of this problem
in their sets before but suggested
we install their service kit 3390454,
which prevents failure of the line
output transistor (4TR11). An S2000A
was fitted here but a BU508 is shown
on the circuit diagram. The kit of 10
components cost $30 plus freight and
included a BU508A replacement transistor. A ferrite bead (FE1) was already
installed in the set.
It was all fairly straightforward
to fit, the only exception being PNP
transistor 4TR15. This was originally
a BC328-25 but the replacement was
a BC369 which has a different pin ar
rangement (bce instead of ebc).
Wrong leads
Fig.2: the line output stage in the Beovision 3854 2502 stereo TV set. B&O
now recommend a BC639 for TR15, instead of a BC328-25 as originally
58 Silicon Chip
You guessed it – in the melee of
installing this and soldering any suspicious-looking joints, I inadvertently
connected its collector and emitter
leads around the wrong way. When
give the board a good going over by
re-soldering any suspicious joints.
I also spent some time cleaning the
board and cleaned and lubricated
around the ultor cap.
A few days later, I received not one
but two BC328-28 PH27s instead of
the specified BC369 PH72. Anyway, I
fitted one of them and the picture was
back to normal. As an experiment, I
then refitted the original transistor
only to find that it too now worked
More questions than answers
I switched the set on afterwards, the
picture was perfect and the “curly
beads” were gone.
It was only when I was checking
my work and cleaning up afterwards
that I realised my mistake and quickly
corrected it, only to find that the fault
was back. I double-checked everything
to confirm that it was all as per the
instructions and even fitted another
BC369 I had in stock (without result)
before phoning B&O for clarification.
To cut a long story short, I was told
that I shouldn’t use a generic substitute
as all B&O components are carefully
selected for optimum performance – in
this case for its “slew switching rate”.
I was also told that they had done this
modification lots of times and that I
was extremely lucky I hadn’t blown
the line output transistor.
Suitably humbled, I delicately
asked if I could have a genuine B&O
selected BC369 (PH72) – to give it
its full title – to replace the original
BC328-25 PH27. The manager kindly agreed to send me out one free of
charge. In the meantime, I decided to
Well, despite fixing the problem,
this left more questions than answers.
First, which component or components fixed the fault? I replaced the
originals and undid any modifications
to try to find out but it made no difference. I now think that the problem
could have been caused either by a dry
joint, by sparking where the ultor cap
connects to the tube, or by sparking
at the CRT socket. In the process of
cleaning, soldering and lubricating
everything, I had inadvertently fixed
the problem.
I remain unconvinced of the necessity for highly graded components, as
the original line output transistor had
not failed in 10 years and it showed no
signs of stress, even with the collector
and emitter leads of 4TR15 reversed.
Besides, I was always told that a
well-designed circuit should operate
with any generic component.
Doesn’t the saying go something
like this? – “an engineer is someone
who can design something for five
bob that any damn fool can make for
a quid”.
I refitted the service kit again – after
all, it had been paid for – and put it
aside to soak test. We abandoned the
VCR and sold Mrs Smythe-Jones a
new Loewe-Opta hifi unit which did
everything and more than the original did except use the Beolink 1000
remote control system.
February 1998 59
Demo board for
liquid crystal displays
Ever wondered how an alphanumeric liquid
crystal display translates digital data into
a readable message? Then wonder no more
and build this neat little demo project which
uses a one-line alphanumeric LCD.
These days almost every electronic
doodad seems to have an LCD in it.
From those horrible little Tamagochi
hand games to the ubiquitous bat
phone (What? You still call yours a
mobile?) to photocopiers and faxes,
they’re everywhere. However did we
function without LCDs? Maybe life
was simpler then . . .
Anyway, how do these LCDs work?
Most LCDs are not just the bare liquid
crystal display with a whole bunch of
connections made via an elastomeric
connector to an external circuit. In
stead, most one and two-line alpha60 Silicon Chip
numeric displays have a processor
encapsulated in a blob of black plastic
on the back. Alternatively, the processor might be a surface mount device
on the back of the display.
Either way, the principle of operation is much the same. Parallel
8-bit data is fed in on a bus and this
is converted by the processor to be
Before we go any further, we had
better define what we mean by “alphanumeric”. This merely means that
the display can handle alphabetic
and numeric characters; ie, numbers
and letters. More to the point, most
alphanumeric displays can handle
most of the 256 characters possible
in the ASCII character set.
Typically they can display all upper case and most lower case letters,
numbers, punctuation marks, mathematics symbols such as plus, minus,
division, percentage, greater than, less
than and so on, some Greek symbols,
the dollar sign, asterisk, hash and
perhaps some Kanji symbols from the
Japanese language.
For this demo project we have used
an LCD employing the very common
Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller chip.
It converts the 8-bit data into characters employing a 8 x 5 dot matrix.
This same dot matrix, by the way, is
used in cheap dot matrix printers. Obviously then, the on-board processor
does a translation (decode) between
8-bit ASCII characters to an 8 x 5 dot
matrix display, as well as providing
the buffer to display a full line of
As you can see, the demo project
Fig.1: the circuit uses eight
switches to load binary data
into the LCD controller.
IC1 is used to debounce the
LOAD switch S10.
consists of the chosen LCD panel together with a row of 10 switches on
it. Eight of the switches are for setting
the 8-bit data, while the other two are
for actually loading the data into the
display. There are some other bits on
the board as well but we’ll come to
those later.
Now you might think at this stage
that this project is not all that practical, particularly if you are thinking
of loading in long messages by hand!
You’d have to be working all those
switches like a veritable whirlwind
if the message was to be displayed in
a reasonable time. No, that is not the
purpose of the project. It is merely
a learning tool which will give you
some knowledge of how ASCII characters are displayed onto an 8 x 5 matrix.
It will also be useful if you are
beginning to write software to drive
a display with a microprocessor or
the parallel port of a computer, as it
allows you to check that the function
you are coding does actually work as
As you can see from the circuit of
Fig.1, apart from the switches and
the LCD panel itself, there are a few
resistors, three capacitors, a voltage
regulator, a 7555 CMOS timer and
a battery to get the display working.
Keen-eyed readers will have also
noticed an 8-way DIP switch on the
board but that is there as a cheap
alternative to the individual toggle
switches. The DIP switches are more
difficult to use if you want to load
in a lot of data but they could be a
practical alternative if you envisage
using this project just to display one
message. As I am writing this article
I am absolutely devoid of ideas on
what such a message might be, but I
am equally sure there will be heap of
uses out there.
Mind you, there are two drawbacks
to using the 8-way DIP switch to replace the logic level input switches
S1-S8. For a start, the DIP switches are
much more difficult to set. Second,
the data must be entered backwards as
the most significant bit is on righthand
side of the switch, whereas binary
numbers are conventionally written from left to right with the most
significant bit on the left. Makes it a
bit tricky, eh?
On the other hand, some readers
seem to thrive on a challenge.
For those readers who want the
easier life, the convention
al toggle
This photograph shows the old display at top with the “black blobs” and the
new display with the HD44780.
February 1998 61
Fig.2 (left): the component
overlay shows all 11 toggle
switches and the alternative
8-way DIP switch.
Fig.3 (below): actual size
artwork for the PC board.
switches are laid out to accept
conventional data.
How it works
There are two types of information which the controller
chip can accept: commands and
data. A command is an instruction which tells the controller
to do something internally, such
as set an 8 or 16-character display, home the cursor, clear the
display etc. Data consists of the
character or characters we wish
to show in the display window.
These instructions are differentiated by the logic level on
pin 4 (register select). This pin
is taken low (ground) to input
a command and high (5V) to
input data. The value of the
input is set, in 8-bit binary, by
the switches D0 to D7 (or the DIP
switch). Once the value is entered it
is transferred to the display by taking
pin 6 (enable) low.
So what is the reason for the 7555
timer IC? Why not connect the switch
directly to pin 6 of the display and
save on the cost?
If you did this you would be very
disappointed with the result. The
first character you entered would
probably fill the entire display due to
the switch’s contact bounce. When a
switch is actuated it never just closes.
As the contacts make, their momentum causes them to “bounce” apart,
then make, then bounce.
This can continue for 30ms or so.
When you turn on a light or a jug,
62 Silicon Chip
the bounce doesn’t matter but as the
display only takes 40µs to process the
instruction, it sees each bounce as a
new instruction and will write the
character over and over.
The capacitor fitted across the
switch is discharged on the first
“make” and cannot rapidly charge
through the 470kΩ resistor. This time
constant of 47ms ensures that the
logic level cannot go high again until
the switch contacts stop bouncing.
OK but why use the 7555? Couldn’t
the junction of the resistor and capacitor go directly to pin 6? The answer
is yes but then the transition time
of the waveform would be too slow
around the switching threshold of
the HD44780 and there is the possi-
bility of at least two characters being
The IC output has very fast rise and
fall times which are more suited to the
display characteristics. Don’t forget,
the display was designed to be driven
from a microprocessor.
Pin 5, the read/write pin, is tied
permanently low as, with this simple
setup, we cannot read information
from the display.
VR1, the 10kΩ contrast control, is
necessary as its optimum setting varies depending on the display length,
duty cycle or character mode. We’ll
talk more about this aspect later.
Building the PC board
The first step is to check the PC
Table 1: HD44780 Instructions
good contact with its
respective gold-plated
contact. This approach
allows you to easily
remove the display and
use it in other projects.
You will need to check
continuity from each
pin to the display pad
to ensure that they are
all making contact.
Check that the polarity of the electrolytic
capacitor is correct and
that the DIP switch is
fitted facing the right
direction. Also double
check that the battery
leads are soldered into
the correct pads before you connect the
Lastly, fit a self-adhesive foot to each corner of the PC board to
prevent it from sliding
around while you are
setting the switches
and also to protect
any surface it may be
placed on.
Testing the display
pattern against the artwork of Fig.3,
ensuring that the tracks between the
switch pads don’t short and that none
of the tracks are broken. Any necessary repairs should be done now.
To keep the cost low we have
screened the switch information on
the top of the PC board as there seems
little point in putting it all in a case.
The first step is to fit and solder the
four links as shown on the component overlay diagram of Fig.2.
Next, fit and solder the resistors,
trimpot, IC, capacitors, pin header,
regulator, battery clip, then lastly
the switches, making sure that the
spring- loaded toggle is fitted at the
righthand end of the board and the
switch action is towards the 7555
timer. The centre pin of the regulator
will have to be bent away from the
flat to fit the PC board.
We have specified a 14-pin strip to
connect the display pins to the PC
board. There is no need to solder the
pins to the display board – just bend
them slightly so that each makes
Turn the contrast
control VR1 fully anticlockwise, plug in
the battery and turn
the power on. Eight
dark rectangles should
show at the left half
of the display. When
power is applied the
controller initialises an
eight character display
and these are what you
can see. The contrast
control should now be
turned clockwise until
these rectangles just
Before we can do any further testing
we need to give just a short burst on
binary numbers. We are all used to
dealing with decimal (power of 10)
numbers which have 10 digits (0-9).
As the name suggests, binary (power
of two) numbers have just two digits
(0 & 1). We use the switches S1-S8 to
select either of these values, a zero
being a low logic level and a one being
a high logic level.
There are eight input switches, so
to define the position of each switch
February 1998 63
Table 2: Character Codes vs. Character Patterns
(hence each input instruction) we
issue a string of eight binary digits
(or bits), always starting with bit 8.
For example, the command for ‘turn
display and cursor on, with cursor
position underlined’ is 00001110.
This means S1 and S5-S8 would be
turned off (down) while S2, S3 and
S4 would be turned on (up). This was
done to match the DIP switch which
is up for on.
All the commands are shown in
Table 1. As it is quite difficult to speak
and think in binary, most people
prefer to use decimal, or if you are a
computer boffin, then you must talk
Hexadecimal (power of 16) which
uses the digits 0-9, then A-F for the
next six. The table also shows these
Now back to the testing. If you set
the switches to 00001110, the func64 Silicon Chip
tion switch to command (CMD) and
actuate the LOAD switch, an underline will appear at the first position.
So the code actually worked. If you
are using the DIP switch 2, 3 and 4
would be ON, the rest OFF.
Table 3:
User Designed Character
H ex
0000 1110
0000 0000
0001 1011
0000 0100
0000 0100
0001 0001
0000 1010
0000 0100
OK, now let’s do something a little
more useful and enter some data. The
fist step is to switch S9 from command
to data. Keeping it simple, we will
enter the characters A-P. The 8 bits
for each letter of the alphabet, as well
as all the characters the display is
capable of, are shown in Table 2. Set
the capital A, 01000001, and load it
with S10. Hopefully an A will display
and the cursor will step to the next
position. Continue to enter the letters.
What happened to I? A 16-character
display with only eight characters is
not much use.
This is the difference between early
displays similar to the one used in
the SILICON CHIP article in May 1993,
which had a continuous address
space for the sixteen characters. The
old style displays (see photo) had two
black blobs on the PC board, which
have been replaced by the HD447870.
Unfortunately, but for compatibility
reasons, it has the addresses of the
first eight characters from 0 to 8 but
the second eight characters from 64
to 71 decimal (40H to 47H).
Now let’s try again. We must set
the display for 16 characters. Set the
switches for 00111000, the function
switch to command and load the
instruction. The contrast control
will need to be reset slightly for optimum viewing as the duty cycle has
changed. Load 00000001 to home
the cursor and clear the screen, then
change to data and begin loading the
alphabet again.
This time after you load H the cursor will disappear. Using COMMAND
and 01000000 will restore the cursor,
but when you try to enter characters
the cursor steps but writes blanks. Use
01000000 and command to bring it
back to position 9 then load command
11000000. Now when you continue
entering the alphabet all is well.
Look up these last two commands
in Table 1 to see what they actually
Moving the text
Up until now we have stepped the
cursor forward each time we entered
a character but it is also possible to
keep the cursor stationary and move
the text either to the left or to the right.
Again from Table 1, the command for
“shift left” is 000011000 and “shift
right” is 00011100.
As we saw previously, if you enter
more than eight characters starting
from position 1, they don’t appear
on the display. They are still being
stored in RAM though and can be
moved backwards and forwards in the
display window by using either of the
above instructions in command mode
and loading it. Try it for yourself.
The only thing left to do now is
to create our own symbols. Up to
16 custom symbols can be stored in
CGRAM but they must be loaded each
time the display is powered up. This
is because they are stored in static
RAM and they are lost when power
is removed. If you were using a micro
it would be easy to load them at each
power up.
Symbol creation
If you look closely at the display,
with the contrast adjusted to see the
black rectangles, you will observe
that the characters are made up using
an 8 high by 5 wide dot matrix. Each
of these dots (pixels) is addressable
and this is why we can create our
own symbol.
To program a symbol the first step is
to draw it on the righthand side of an
8 by 8 grid (see Table 3). The lefthand
three digits are always zeros. The
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04102981,
127 x 77mm
1 one-line Liquid Crystal Display
with HD44780 controller
10 SPDT toggle switches or
2 SPDT toggle switches and
1 8-way DIP switch (see text)
1 SPST spring-loaded toggle
switch (S10)
1 78L05 5V regulator
1 9V battery
1 battery snap connector
1 14-way pin strip
4 2.5 x 15mm machine screws
12 2.5 mm nuts
4 12 x 12mm adhesive rubber
1 100µF 16WV PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF monolithic ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 470kΩ
8 15kΩ
1 20kΩ PC trimpot (VR1)
choice is limited but we shall draw
a crude smiley face. Clear and home
the display then set the address to
01000000 and load it. Change to character and load the eight binary numbers starting from the top (00001110).
After the eighth has been entered,
switch to command and clear the
display. Switch back to data and write
01000001 which should be a capital
A (just to check everything is still
working), then write 00000000 which
will display our face. The first saved
symbol is stored in location zero (even
though we wrote it at position 64, and
the next fifteen are saved in locations
1 to 15. This is shown in Table 2.
Well, that covers the capabilities
of this simple display. It can’t show
10 by 5 or true lower case characters,
but the knowledge you have gained
will apply to multi-line and 10 x 5
Computer control
Next month, we will use this same
LCD panel in a project which can be
driven from a PC’s parallel port. It
won’t be so much of a learning experience but it is a heck of a lot quicker
to get a readable message.
February 1998 65
Build your own
Last month we presented the circuit details
for the 12V Light Show and this month we
conclude with the constructional details for
the AC and DC versions, as well as a light
display box using 20W halogen lamps.
The Light Show is mounted in
a plastic instrument case which
measures 260 x 180 x 65mm. Inside
there are two PC boards, the main
board measuring 236 x 160mm (code
01112971) and the smaller front panel
board measuring 120 x 49mm. The
66 Silicon Chip
front panel board is mounted vertically behind the front panel (funnily
enough) and is secured to the panel
by the mounting bushes of the six
miniature toggle switches.
There are quite a few connections
between the main PC board and the
front panel board and these are taken
care of by six wires to the Input (S1)
and Beat (S5) switches and a 16-way
cable between header sockets on both
Board assembly
Let’s talk about the front panel board
first since it is the easiest to assemble.
Its component overlay is shown in
Fig.1. First, mount the switches on
the board. Their lugs are inserted from
the component side and soldered.
Make sure that each switch is sitting
perpendicular to the board before
soldering the lugs.
That done, insert the 16-pin socket
for the cable header and solder it in
place. Next, insert and solder the four
red LEDs. These should be mounted
This photo shows the interior details of the 12V DC version of the Light Show.
Note the position of the red strip on the 16-way ribbon cable that’s used to
connect the switch board to the main PC board.
with their full lead length so that they
stand about 15mm above the board.
This enables them to fit easily into the
bezels on the front panel. That part
comes later.
The next part is tricky and involves
making the 16-way header cable.
don’t worry, it will still work when
you crimp the other end of the cable.
The 16-way grey ribbon cable we
used comes with a red stripe on one
side and this should be aligned with
the pin 1 end of the header at both
ends. You can confirm this by looking
at the photos in this article.
Having passed this hurdle, it is time
to move onto the more straightforward
assembly of the main PC board. Its
component overlay is shown in Fig.2.
First check the bare board for any
undrilled holes, broken tracks, shorts
between tracks or evidence of thermonuclear damage before installing
any components. Fix any defects and
check that the two small cutouts at
Terminating the ribbon cable
While most kitset suppliers will
probably include an assembled header
cable, you will certainly need to make
it if you are not building this project
from a kit. The easiest way, if you don’t
have a crimping tool, is to plug the
header into the extra 16-pin IC socket
(specified in the parts list), then feed
the cable into the top of the header.
The assembly can now be carefully
squeezed together in a vice, making
sure the ribbon is sitting flat and square
in the header. You will squash the
pins in the socket and it may snap but
Fig.1: component overlay for the front panel PC board.
February 1998 67
Fig.2: component overlay for the main PC board. Take care to ensure that all polarised parts are correctly mounted.
68 Silicon Chip
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 4
❏ 3
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 8
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 6
❏ 1
❏ 1
each end of the board have been made
to allow it to clear the front pillars
in the case. Then proceed by fitting
and soldering the 36 wire links and
17 PC pins.
These can be followed by the diodes,
resistors, IC sockets and trim
Then insert the capacitors, making
sure that all the electrolytics are installed with the correct polarity.
Note the 68Ω 1W resistor on the
lefthand edge of the PC board. This
is only required if you are building
the circuit for AC operation; ie, with
a 12V transformer powered from the
240VAC mains. If you are building the
Light Show to be powered from a 12V
battery, the 68Ω resistor can be omitted
and a wire link fitted instead.
The electret microphone insert is
wired directly to two PC stakes on the
board. No shielded cable is necessary.
The four Mosfets (Q1-Q4) are
mounted in a straight line and require
no heatsinks.
Lastly, mount the two potentio
meters (VR5 & VR6) on the PC board.
Case assembly
We will assume that you are building a kit which has the front and rear
panels already drilled for you. If not,
you will have to use the front panel
artwork (Fig.8) as a drilling template
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
green brown yellow brown
yellow violet yellow brown
red red yellow brown
brown grey yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange white orange brown
red violet orange brown
red red orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown brown orange brown
brown black orange brown
green blue red brown
yellow violet red brown
orange orange red brown
red red red brown
brown grey red brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
blue grey black brown
before assembly can proceed.
The first step is to attach the front
panel to the two potentiometers on
the main board, using the pot nuts and
washers. Solder one of the headers of
the 16-way cable to the socket position
on the front panel board (note: no
socket is actually fitted in this position). Make sure that the red stripe of
the cable is closest to the LEDs. Then
attach the board to the front panel
using the six toggle switches as the
anchor points. You will need to use
spacer nuts on the switch bushes so
that the four LEDs protrude through
their respective bezels by the right
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
IEC Code EIA Code
0.12µF 120n 124
0.1µF 100n 104
.068µF 68n 683
.056µF 56n 563
.047µF 47n 473
.033µF 33n 333
.022µF 22n 223
.015µF 15n 153
.0068µF 6n8 682
.0022µF 2n2 222
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
green brown black orange brown
yellow violet black orange brown
red red black orange brown
brown grey black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange white black red brown
red violet black red brown
red red black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown brown black red brown
brown black black red brown
green blue black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown grey black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
Then attach the free end of the 16way cable to the header socket on the
main board. As noted before, the red
stripe in the cable should line up with
the pin 1 end of both header sockets.
You can now fit the main board into
the case but before doing so, remove
the two integral plastic mounting pillars at the front of the case. These pillars would otherwise foul the under
side of the PC board. Fit the PC board
into the base of the case and secure it
with the two self-tapping screws, at
the rear of the board.
The wiring from the switches to the
PC board can be seen in Fig.3. Complete the wiring to the rear panel, as
shown in Fig.3.
So far then, we have completed the
DC version of the Light Show.
You can initially test the board
without the halogen lamps connected
as the front panel channel LEDs will
mimic them. Set the BEAT switch to
to CHASER and the DIRECTION switch
to FORWARD. Connect a 12V battery
or DC power supply to the battery
input terminals and turn the POWER
switch on.
The power LED should light and the
February 1998 69
Fig.3: this diagram shows the wiring details for the 12V DC version of the
Light Show. The terminal blocks shown dotted mount on the back of the rear
channel LEDs should light in sequence
from left to right. If the DIRECTION
switch is set to REVERSE these LEDs
should chase in the opposite direction.
The stepping speed should vary as the
SPEED control is turned. In the AUTO
position the sequence should reverse
every minute or so.
Turn the PATTERN switch to
70 Silicon Chip
STROBE and all four LEDs should
pulse on and off, again varied by the
SPEED control. Similarly, when ALTERNATE is selected, channels one
and two should turn on and alternate
with channels three and four.
So far so good. Now turn the BEAT
switch to INPUT and set the INPUT
switch to MICROPHONE. Turn the
front panel LEVEL control to maximum, turn VR1 to VR4 fully clockwise,
then tap the PC board gently near
the microphone. Each time you tap,
the pairs should alternate. If this is
the case the only test left is the lamp
Turn the display switch to DISCO
and sing or whistle into the microphone. If you lack these skills turn
up the stereo and watch the intensity
of the LEDs vary with the volume and
frequency of the music.
This photo shows the interior details of the 12V AC version of the Light Show.
The main difference is the addition of the bridge rectifier on the metal rear
panel of the case and the 39V 5W zener diode across the 12V input terminals on
the main PC board.
Finally, you should connect the four
20W or 50W halogen lamps and check
that all functions are correct.
AC operation
The unit as described so far has
been designed to operate from a 12V
DC supply or car battery. If you want
to operate from 12V AC, it needs a few
mods to allow it to run from a suitable
Essentially, the modifications
required are the fitting of a bridge
rectifier to the rear panel which then
acts as a heatsink, the addition of a
39V 5W zener diode across the supply
following the 10A fuse and a 68Ω 1W
resistor in series with the 3-terminal
regulator. The modified power supply
circuit is shown in Fig.4.
If you are using 20W halogen
lamps, a suitable transformer for the
AC version is the 12V 63VA halogen
lamp transformer available from Jaycar Electronics (Cat MP-3050). The
beauty of this transformer is that it
is completely shrouded in a plastic
case and is supplied with a two-core
mains flex and plug. Hence, it can be
mounted outside the chassis and will
not present a safety hazard.
By the way, you could also use a
large 12V battery charger if you have
one on hand. Its rating should be 6A
or more, if you are using 20W lamps.
If you are going to use 50W lamps, you
would need a much larger charger,
rated at 15A or more.
Alternatively, you need a 12V
transformer with a rating of 160VA or
more. This will need to be installed in
a suitable case.
The relevant wiring details for the
AC version of the Light Show are
shown in Fig.5. The 39V 5W zener
diode is wired directly across the DC
input pins.
Once you have wired up the AC
version of the circuit, apply power
and check that all of the above tests
are OK. Then check its operation with
the halogen lamps. If you are using
50W halogen lamps, you will find that
the rear panel of the Light Show will
become quite warm, due to the heat
dissipation in the bridge rectifier.
AC/DC operation
If you have built the AC version of
Fig.4: the power
supply for the AC
version incorporates a
12V AC transformer, a
bridge rectifier and a
39V 5W zener diode.
The zener diode damps
spike voltages from
the transformer which
are generated by the
switching action of the
February 1998 71
Fig.5: wiring details for the 12V AC version of the Light Show. Note that this
version has a 68Ω resistor on the motherboard at extreme left, plus ZD1 and a
few extra parts on the rear panel.
If you need still more gain, reduce
the 3.3kΩ resistor at pin 2 of IC1a to
the circuit, it is still feasible to operate
it from a 12V battery if you want to.
However, you will need to install a
switch to short out the 68Ω 1W supply resistor when operating in the DC
More audio gain
The input sensitivity of the unit was
72 Silicon Chip
set to be driven by speaker level from
a typical stereo amplifier or a standard CD player. If you use a portable
CD player, the output level is likely
to be somewhat lower and the audio
sensitivity may be insufficient. If this
proves to be the case, removing the
1.8kΩ resistor at the external input
will give additional gain.
Provided that you have followed the
wiring diagrams carefully, your Light
Show should work first time. But we
have to admit that Murphy’s Law applies here just as well as anywhere so
there is always the possibility that it
might not work. If so, the most likely
causes are simple things like broken
February 1998 73
Fig.6: actual size artwork for the main PC board. Note the cutout in each end of the board. These must be there to allow clearance for
the front pillars of the case.
Our new Light Show drives 12V halogen lamps and can provide a
variety of disco and chaser patterns. It runs from 12V DC or AC and
can be used virtually anywhere.
tracks on the PC board, missed solder
joints and connections or solder bridges between tracks.
Of course, you might also put a
wrong component value in and this
can cause the circuit to misbehave. A
very careful visual check is the first
step in finding the cause of circuit
If none of the above applies and
your Light Show still doesn’t work
(dammit), the next step is to check all
the voltages on the circuit. If these are
not as they should be in any section,
you are well on your way to finding
the solution.
The block diagram on page 20 of
the January 1998 issue also gives you
a guide to the circuit functions and this
can be helpful when you are trying to
sort out problems.
Typical situations
We made our light display with a painted timber frame and with the lamp
sockets mounted directly on the base. Do not use lamps rated at more than
20W, as this could present a fire hazard.
74 Silicon Chip
As a guide, let’s look at some typical
Symptom: front panel LEDs work but
one of the halogen lamps doesn’t.
Check: wiring to the lamp and that the
lamp itself is OK.
Symptom: one channel fails to modulate when the DISPLAY switch is set
to DISC mode.
Check: filter circuit, rectifier and
comparator for that channel. Note
that the output of each op amp filter
stage should be close to 0V DC. Under
no-signal conditions, the outputs of
the compara
tor stages (IC3a-IC3d)
should all be low.
Symptom: unit works when the
INPUT switch is in the External
You will probably have your own
ideas on how you want to build the
light display but we’ll still tell you
how we made ours. Our display was
made of scrap timber with a white
Perspex front to diffuse the light. The
frame measures 650 x 360 x 60mm.
The four lamp holders were equally
spaced and screwed to but held off the
base with 5mm spacers. This prevents
the wires from being jammed under
the sockets.
A five connector strip was screwed
to the back panel and one wire from
each lamp was connected as the
common to one terminal. The other
four wires were connected, one to
each remaining terminal. A five wire
cable was plaited and connected to
the terminal strip on the rear of the
Light Show.
Four sheets of coloured cellophane
were purchased from a newsagent.
These were cut to 600mm, rolled and
sticky taped into rough 40mm tubes to
form coloured diffusers for the lamps.
You can see the general arrangement
from the photos.
Note that this arrangement is only
suitable for 20W lamps (or lower).
Do not use higher rated lamps if you
intend building a similar lightbox to
the one described here as the heat
generated by them could easily cause
the cellophane to catch fire.
Light display housing
the waveforms around IC3 should be
checked with an oscilloscope to see
that they match those in Fig.3 on page
21 of the January 1998 issue.
Well that’s a fairly comprehensive
list of possible faults. The trick is to
isolate the fault to a particular part of
the circuit and then critically examine
that circuit section.
position but not in the Microphone
Check: the electret microphone circuitry associated with op amp IC1b.
There should be about 6V DC across
the electret.
Symptom: unit works only when the
DISPLAY switch is set to the UNMOD
position and the BEAT switch is set
to Oscillator.
Check: wiring to INPUT switch S1,
level control VR5 and the circuitry
associated with op amp IC1a.
Symptom: lights do not chase or strobe
when BEAT switch is set to Oscillator.
Check: circuit associated with oscillator IC1c. If you set the SPEED control
to a low setting, you can check the
oscillator operation with an analog
multimeter set to measure 10VDC; ie,
the pointer will swing back and forth
at the frequency of oscillation.
You can also check with your multimeter to see that pins 6 & 11 of IC6
are also oscillating at the same rate. If
not, check around IC6 and the wiring
to the BEAT switch.
Symptom: the light pattern fails to automatically reverse after every minute
or so, when the DIRECTION switch is
set to AUTO.
Check: the wiring to the DIRECTION
switch and the circuitry associated
with IC4b. You can check with your
analog multimeter to see that the
output of IC4b is switching high and
low at about one-minute intervals
as the 100µF capacitor charges and
Symptom: lamps stay on in DISCO and
MOD modes.
Check: the ramp voltage from IC4d
does not stay low all the time. If so,
check the operation of IC4d. The
voltage at the output of IC4d, pin
11, should be about +2.3V. Ideally,
Fig.7: actual size artwork for the front panel PC board. Fig.8 at right shows the
actual size artwork for the front panel.
February 1998 75
Clean audio for old Henry
It has now been 12 years since I first
became interested in collecting and restoring
vintage radio receivers. Over that period, I
have found it necessary to rework some of
my earlier restorations, for the simple reason
that they were not done correctly in the first
Experience is not something that
is acquired overnight. As one slowly
advances in the art of valve radio
repairs, there is a gradual realisation
that some past restorations may not
be as good as they could have been.
This was the case with old “Henry”,
a massive 7-valve con
sole receiver
of early 1930s vintage. Henry was
so named because of his masculine
appearance. With square corners,
chunky proportions and shear bulk,
Henry looks quite imposing and takes
up plenty of space.
Henry is one of those numerous
receivers that bear no manufacturer’s
name. These sets were made by wellknown companies for various retail
outlets which often (but not always)
put their own trading name on them.
In Henry’s case, the chassis could
have been built by almost anyone and
has no recognisable parentage. However, it certainly looks impressive,
being built from large early 1930s
While the original restoration was
broadly successful, there was slight
audio distortion. Although unnoticed
at the time, I have become increasingly sensitive to vintage radio receivers
with less than perfect audio.
Many cases of audio distortion in
old receivers are due to the anode
bend detection method that was in
common use during the early 1930s.
However, in Henry’s case, diodes
in the 2A6 first audio valve handle
Henry is an early 1930s 7-valve
superhet receiver of rather large
proportions and is typical of the era.
The challenge was to cure his audio
distortion problems, which have been
present since restoration many years
76 Silicon Chip
the detection and AGC functions.
Therefore, any distortion must be
due to causes other than the detection
So, like several of my early restorations, Henry required a reworking
Common problems
When this old receiver was originally restored, I found that there were
three common vintage radio problems
in need of attention - leaky paper
capacitors, dead electrolytics and an
open circuit output transformer.
The replacement transformer was
selected mainly for its size (so that it
would fit the existing mounting holes)
rather than for its impedance specifications. But unknown to me at the
time, the correct output transformer
for this particular receiver has quite
different specifications from most.
Henry has an unusual output stage
which consists of two type 59 output
pentodes in parallel, rather than pushpull. The two valves are wired grid to
grid, plate to plate, etc. This arrangement provides twice the output power
but is not as good as push-pull which
has a number of advantages, including
lower distortion.
A parallel output stage requires
an output transformer with half the
primary impedance of that used for
a single output valve. In the case of
parallel 59s, an output transformer
with a 3kΩ primary is required but
that is not what was installed when
the set was restored. The transformer
used would have been more in keeping with a battery receiver, as it had
a 10kΩ primary.
So a bad impedance mismatch
needed to be corrected for a start.
On top of that, one of 59s had an
open heater. Readers unfamiliar with
this output pentode may be surprised
to learn that the valve has two heaters
and will still work reasonably well
when one is open. However, as there
was a distortion problem to correct, a
replacement valve was required.
Next was the problem of resistance
values. The set used a particular brand
of resistor that is notorious for going
high, so it was not surprising that
some were up to 100% out of tolerance. All the cathode bias resistors
were wirewound types and the bias
voltages were OK.
It was obvious that the partly
defunct valve, the out-of-tolerance
The high tension choke (left) and high tension power transformer (right) are
mounted on the top of the chassis.
resistors and the output transformer
would all have to be replaced. The
replacement transformer was a 2.5kΩ
“Isocore” type in a pressed steel can.
While it looks a few years too modern
for the set’s age, it was the only transformer that came near the required
3kΩ primary. Being an Isocore type,
with floating, “hot” laminations, it
should be relatively troublefree.
The modifications had the desired
effect and the sound from the old receiver was greatly improved. It is quite
amazing how well some ancient loudspeakers perform. While they may
not be equal to modern equipment,
they are OK with the limited range
of frequencies covered by AM radio.
A 2.5kΩ “Isocore” output transformer
was used to replace the earlier 10kΩ
unit. This was necessary because the
primary impedance required for
parallel connected output valves is
half that of a single stage.
This close-up view of the chassis shows the two 59 output pentodes which are
wired in parallel. The old 59 was in production for only a short time and was
superseded by the 2A5.
February 1998 77
Old Henry was built using very large 1930s-style components and boasts no less
than seven valves, including two 59 output pentodes wired in parallel.
So old Henry is working noticeably
better than before and I was pleased
with the outcome. While there really
wasn’t much to do regarding this
The receiver is impressive
because of its size alone.
Inexperienced collectors should
note that there are a number of
unprotected high voltage
connections on the top of the
78 Silicon Chip
particular repair, it does demonstrate
how attention to details can make a
Hernry’s attributes
As Henry is an unusual receiver, I
will finish off this month’s column by
describing some of his more interesting attributes.
Perhaps the most striking aspect
about the chassis is its size and the
choice of components used. In many
ways, it appears to be over-engineered, the power transformers being
one such example. There are two power transformers, one mounted above
the chassis, the other below.
The high tension transformer is on
top. It has two secondary windings: (1)
a centre-tapped high voltage winding
for the type 80 rectifier plates; and (2)
a low voltage winding for the rectifier
A separate filament transformer is
mounted underneath and supplies the
remaining six valves. It delivers 2.5V
and is rated at many amps. As the
valve heaters collectively draw 8A,
this transformer is quite large and of
robust construction.
There is also a huge 30H, 85mA
high tension choke mounted above the
chassis next to the HT power transformer. These two units weigh quite
a few kilograms and concentrate a lot
of weight at one end of the chassis.
Both power transformers and the
high tension choke operate at barely
warm temperatures even after several
hours operation. Even then, the temperature increase is mostly due to the
close proximity of the rectifier and
output valves.
The front end valve line-up is: 58
RF amplifier, 57 auto
dyne oscillator/mixer and 58 IF amplifier. The
gain of the two 58s is controlled by
AGC. There is no AGC applied to the
frequency converter as the autodyne
circuit was unsuitable for AGC. The
IF is 175kHz.
The 59 pentode
Mention has already been made
regarding the 59’s twin heaters and
cathodes. The old 59 has other peculiarities that are also worth mentioning.
The 59 has a large 7-pin base which
is marginally bigger than the standard
7-pin base of other valves such as the
6A7 and 6B7. As a result, 59s will not
fit some valve tester sockets without
the aid of an adaptor.
Another oddity of this valve is that
its suppressor grid has its own base
pin connection (hence the 7-pin base).
Other pentodes have six pins, with
the suppressor internally connected
to the cathode.
Some servicemen of yesteryear do
not speak very highly of the old 59
valve, claiming that it was weakly
constructed, trou
b lesome and inclined to go gassy. Personally, I’ve
encountered none of these problems.
(A staff member who was familiar
with these valves recalls that they
were prone to what was virtually
instant destruction in the event that
the plate voltage was lost – as with
an open speaker transformer which
caused a red hot screen. No-one ever
reached the switch in time!)
The 59 was in production for only
a short time and was replaced by the
2A5. The 2.5V series of valves was,
in fact, short lived, being superseded
by 6.3V types at about the time Henry
was built.
Dangerous voltages
Perhaps the worst aspect of Henry is
the unprotected – and potentially lethal – high voltage connections above
the chassis, where one would least
expect to find them. Inexperienced
collectors/repairers should take note
of the following.
Most manufacturers of the era
endeavoured to keep high voltage
nasties confined underneath the
The front end or RF part of the receiver. The valves inside the shield cans are:
58 RF amplifier, 57 autodyne mixer and 58 IF amplifier.
This large 3-gang tuning capacitor is typical of many early 1930s receivers.
Miniaturisation had not been thought of then.
chassis. However, this was not always
the case, as an examination of Henry
clearly reveals.
The rectifier socket is mounted
above the chassis. Its bare external
connections are within easy reach of
any careless fingers that may venture
close enough to touch those high plate
Similar bare connections (in the
form of terminals) are to be found on
the high tension choke. These connections are easily reached (even when
the chassis is in its cabinet) and they
have a DC potential in excess of 300V.
Finally, another dangerous and
potentially fatal nasty is on the high
tension power transformer. A bare
unused 240V primary connection
protrudes from the transformer cover.
It seemed prudent to tape over this
hazard. Mains voltages, by reason of
their low source impedance are by far
the most dangerous.
So that’s about all there is to report
on old Henry. He has always been one
of my favourites and now he’s better
than ever.
In fact, Henry is one of those nice
old receivers that makes collecting
vintage radios such an enjoyable
February 1998 79
Jet engines in model aircraft; Pt.2
While the jet-powered model has been like the
“Holy Grail” to aircraft modellers, there have
been intractable problems to solve in scaling
down the jet engine to make it fit into typical
model aircraft. This month we look at the
fundamental principles governing the design of
jet engines for model applications.
Jet propulsion of a body such as
an aircraft is quite simply explained.
The propulsive force is developed in
reaction to the ejection of a high-speed
jet of gas. In other words, it is action
and reaction. The action is to squirt a
lot of gas out at high velocity and the
reaction is that the aircraft zooms off
into the distance.
The jet-driven turbine or turbojet,
consists of four basic parts: compressor, combustion chambers, turbine
and propelling nozzles. Fuel is burnt
in the combustion chamber, after being mixed with air coming from the
compressor. The combustion process
generates expanding gases which spin
the rotor of the turbine.
The shaft of the turbine is connected
directly to the axis of the compressor
so the turbine drives the compressor.
After passing through the turbine, the
gas is exhausted to the atmosphere at
high speed through a nozzle.
In the propeller-driven turbine or
turboprop, the turbine not only drives
the compressor but also drives a normal propeller.
A ramjet engine relies on its own
forward motion to compress the air
that enters it. The Turboprop and
ramjet have no model equivalents and
thus will not feature in this series.
Fig.1 shows the basic layout of a
typical jet engine.
The development of jet engines for
use in models has proven to be a very
difficult task, largely because of “scale
effect”. Briefly, there are two separate
Fig.1: this shows the basic layout of a typical jet engine. Air enters the compressor at left and is mixed with
fuel which is burnt in the combustion chamber. The expanding waste gases then drive the turbine before
being exhausted. The turbine is directly connected to the compressor.
80 Silicon Chip
Fig.2: these are the three basic forms of jet engine compressor. Because of its lesser sensitivity to scale effect, the radial
compressor is most suited for use in jet engines for models.
problems relating to scale effect. First,
we have the problem of machining tolerances. For example, as the compressor and turbine are reduced in size, the
gap between the rotor and its housing
becomes more significant when expressed in terms of a percentage of air
leaking past the compressor/turbine
relative to the volume flowing through
the compressor/turbine. Compounding
this are the problems of metallurgy and
expansion due to heat.
Second, we have the problem of
the loss of aerodynamic efficiency
as the compressor/turbine blades are
reduced in size. The engine designer
would refer to the latter problem as
“difficulties with Reynolds numbers”.
In plain English, this simply means
that as the size of a wing, propeller
or turbine blade moves closer to the
size of air molecules, the laws of aero
dynamics start to break down.
Now of all of the modern propulsion units, the jet engine is perhaps
the most reliant upon aerodynamic
theory for its successful operation.
We have all heard that in theory the
bumblebee should not be able to
fly. Among the reasons that aerody
namicists would give for this, Reynolds number is high on the list.
Without going too deeply into the
complex mathematics of Reynolds
numbers with their strange units
(slugs), it is sufficient to state for this
series of articles that the Reynolds
number is given by the formula:
R = Density x Velocity x Size/Viscosity.
The higher the Reynolds number,
Built by Chris Patterson of Brisbane, this superb 1/7th scale F18 carries the
colours of 75 squadron of Williamstown, NSW. It is powered by two OS91
motors driving a Ramtec fan unit. The model has a length of 2.49 metres and a
wingspan of 1.82 metres.
the greater the efficiency.
Reynolds numbers for full size
flight vary from about 2,000,000 for
small slow speed aircraft up to about
20,000,000 for large high speed aircraft.
Combine this with the fact that lift
increases with the square of the velocity and the large high speed aircraft
becomes very efficient indeed. This
is largely the reason that a modern jet
fighter can carry much the same load
as a World War II bomber
Thus it is quite clear that as size
decreases and the velocity falls to
model speeds, the Reynolds number
falls away rapidly and the efficiency
of any aerodynamic device tumbles.
By the time we arrive at turbine blades
of a size suitable for model engines,
efficiency is very low indeed.
As a result, the design of successful turbines for models has centred
around components which are the
least sensitive to scale effect. This has
lead to the almost universal adoption
of the centrifugal compressor for model aircraft jet engines.
Fig.2 shows the three basic forms
of jet engine compressor in order
of common full size usage. Fig.2(a)
shows the axial compressor, Fig.2(b)
February 1998 81
Fig.3: gap losses increase as the gap between a compressor and its housing are
increased. These effects are magnified in jet engines for model use.
shows the centrifugal (or radial)
compressor and Fig.2(c) shows the
diagonal compressor.
Early full size jet engines tended to
favour the centrifugal compressor for
a variety of reasons but the resulting
engine is shorter and greater in dia
meter than the axial flow type and
thus not the ideal shape to fit into a
slender fuselage or engine nacelle.
However, for model size engines
the centrifugal (radial) compressor is
the ideal choice. Once again we must
consider scale effect in the choice of
the compressor. Referring back to Fig
2, note the gap between the tips of the
compressor blades and the housing in
the axial and diagonal compressors.
No matter how tight the machining
tolerances, there will always be some
leakage between the blade tip and the
Fig.3 shows gap losses at various
gap widths.
Now look at the situation for the
centrifugal compressor. By the very
nature of the design all of the air is
thrown off the tip into the collector
(diffuser) ring. True, there will be
some leakage past the compressor face
but that is more than made up for by
the much larger size (higher Reynolds
number) of the centrifugal compressor
blades. Also it is possible to curve the
blades as in Fig.5 or even fit a cover
plate, reducing leakage losses even
further. By virtue of these facts the
model engine designer has almost
been forced into using the centrifugal
However, this choice is not as
one-sided as it would first appear.
There are other good reasons why a
radial compressor is a wise choice for
a model jet engine. As we have already
noted, the Reynolds numbers are
higher and the tip losses are less. In
addition, they are easier to construct,
are much more robust and therefore
more reliable in operation.
Constructing a model size axial
compressor with its rows of tiny compressor and diffuser blades would be
a very difficult and tedious task. Then
there is the problem of anchoring the
blades solidly enough to withstand
speeds in excess of 100,000 rpm and
possible ingestion of foreign matter.
What must be borne in mind at all
times is the very high rotation speeds
encountered in these engines. Shaft
speeds in excess of 100,000 rpm
are routine in model size turbines.
When combined with very high temperatures there is a real danger of
compressor or turbine failure and this
must be guarded against at all times.
Fig.4 shows the typical operating conditions for a model jet engine.
There is also a more subtle consideration to the radial compressor and
we will deal with this shortly. The
downside of the radial compressor
Fig.4: typical operating
conditions for a model
jet engine. Note also
that the engine may be
rotating at up 100,000
82 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: leakage
effects in a
radial (centrifugal)
compressor can
be minimised by
various curvatures
of the blades or
by fitting a cover
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to prevent
P.C.B. Makers !
is the more rotund appearance of the
completed motor. It is nowhere near
as slender as the axial flow engine.
Notwithstanding this, the final size
of a successful centrifugal compressor
type of engine is well within the limits
available in a reasonable size modern
jet fighter model.
Automotive turbo chargers
All that aside, the most important
factor in the choice of centrifugal
compressors in model engines is the
fact that turbo superchargers for cars
use radial compressors which are an
ideal size for model work.
Now automotive turbo superchargers are very highly developed devices.
Just what drove the turbo designers
to radial compressors is not known
but the preceding considerations
probably played a large part in the
development of these devices.
Whatever the reasons, the automotive turbocharger provided a
perfect jumping off point for early
experimenters and radial automotive
turbo-compressors found their way
into many an experimental model jet
engine. As supplied, turbocharger
compressors are accurately dynamically balanced, a very important
point. They achieve efficiencies of
between 70 and 80%, depending upon
their size; the larger the compressor,
the higher the efficiency.
The radial compressor can be built
in many configurations, all with widely differing characteristics. First
there is the matter of cover plate or no
cover plate, the former being known
as an “enclosed wheel” compressor.
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February 1998 83
Fig.6: under certain conditions the airflow from the compressor can collapse,
leaving a lower pressure at the compressor than inside the engine. A reverse
flow of air begins which continues until the internal pressure falls below that of
the compressor. This cycling effect can destroy the engine.
Secondly, there is the matter of
blade curvature. Fig.5 shows radial
compressors with various configurations. Fig.5(a) shows radial tipped
blades, Fig.5(b) shows slightly retro-curved blades and Fig.5(c) shows
an enclosed wheel with highly retro-curved blades.
Throttle response
Experiments have shown that the
compressor with retro curved blades
is more efficient overall than the
straight blade compressor. However,
more subtle effects of blade curvature
are to be found in the very important
feature of throttle response. In aircraft
work, it is imperative that throttle
response be as close to instantaneous as possible. The Me262 was very
vulnerable during landing and takeoff due to poor throttle response and
allied airmen exploited this weakness
to the full. Kurt Schreckling’s FD 3
84 Silicon Chip
model engine uses a retro angle of 45
degrees and responds to the throttle
almost as quickly as a well-adjusted
piston engine.
I could write an entire chapter on
throttle response, throughput and
blade curvature as it really is at the
very heart of the jet engine and it is
here that we encounter the dreaded
surge line. The “surge limit” of a
compressor refers to the tendency
to supply the working medium cyclically instead of constantly. This
may sound a little innocuous but to
the full size aviator it is viewed with
considerable alarm, since the usual
result is damage to the engine which
may progress to the very serious.
In model size engines the effects
are not as dramatic but the compressor can still be damaged if the surge
limit is exceed
ed. To simplify an
exceedingly difficult subject, compressor surge is often the result of
mismatched components at the design
stage, particularly too small a turbine
which restricts the airflow through
the engine.
Under certain conditions the airflow from the compressor can collapse, leaving a lower pressure at the
compressor than inside the engine.
A reverse flow of air begins which
continues until the internal pressure
falls below that of the compressor and
the compressor begins to deliver air
again – see Fig.6.
In a model jet engine, the cycles follow on so quickly that all you hear is a
loud unmistakable growling sound. If
this occurs, then you need to close the
throttle immediately for the condition
will not clear itself and the end result
is overheating and engine damage.
Once the air leaves the compressor
it passes through a diffuser which
straightens the flow and slows the
air in order to raise the pressure in
accordance with Bernoulli’s Theorem.
In the streamline flow of an ideal
fluid – ie, one which is not viscous
– the sum of the Energy of Position
(Potential Energy) plus the Energy
of Motion (Kinetic Energy) plus the
Pressure Energy will remain constant.
In other words, the residual speed
energy of the air is converted into
pressure energy inside the diffuser.
In this case the energy of the gas
is proportional to the square of its
speed. Therefore if we can halve the
gas speed we have already converted
three-quarters of its energy.
It is here that the radial tipped
compressor blades vary from the retro curved blades. The radial tipped
blades use the diffuser to raise the
pressure whereas the retro-curved
compressor begins the process inside
the compressor itself. Thus the losses
are higher in the radial compressor.
Once the air passes through the
diffuser it enters the combustion
chamber and then the hard part begins. Burning the fuel/air mix evenly
and efficiently, avoiding overly long
flames which result in localised hot
spots on the turbine, and preventing
raw fuel pooling in the engine or running out onto the tarmac are all very
difficult tricks to master.
A model jet belching a metre-long
flame may look spectacular but it ain’t
gonna last long!
Next month, we’ll talk about taming the combustion chamber and
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February 1998 85
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Electronic circuit
This circuit is suitable for switching resistive loads running from a
12-24V DC supply. The circuit will
operate to disconnect the load at peak
currents in excess of 40A at 25°C. The
trip current will be reduced to about
20A at 125°C.
When the circuit has tripped, the
load can be removed to reset the unit
or the overload can be removed and
S1 pressed again.
The circuit works by detecting a
rising drain source voltage across the
At switch-on, no gate voltage is
applied to the Mosfet Q3 and so no
current passes to the load. When
switch S1 is closed, gate current is
applied to Q3 via a 68kΩ resistor. At
the same time, transistor Q1 is supplied with base current via a 100kΩ
resistor, while Q2 is
held off by the 10kΩ
resistor between its
base and 0V.
If the load current
rises, the drain voltage of Q3 will rise in
proportion. Once the
drain voltage rises
above about 1.2V,
Q2 begins to turn
on, shunting the gate
current away from
Q3 via diode D3.
As shown, the unit
is suitable for resistive loads. If the
circuit is required
to switch inductive
loads, a suitably rated freewheel diode should be connected (ie, reverse
biased) across the load.
If incandescent lamp loads with
start-up surges of more than 40A are
Simple op amp
This circuit has many practical uses
where a telephone line needs to be interfaced with some type of audio equipment.
The 600-600Ω transformers on the transmit and receive lines are only required
if these lines are to work into balanced
circuits. Where possible, the use of capacitors has been avoided as they introduce
undesirable phase shifts. Any phase shift
caused by the two .022µF capacitors is
corrected by the .0022µF capacitor and
the null pot VR1.
The value of the .0022µF capacitor may
need to be altered, in conjunction with
adjustment of the null pot, to completely
eliminate any signal at the receive transformer from reaching the transmit transformer. Both op amps are TL071 types
and wiring to the null pot should be with
screened cable. The circuit is designed to
run from a split supply of ±12V.
S. Williamson,
Hamilton, NZ. ($40)
86 Silicon Chip
likely (eg, 60W halogen lamps), then a
0.1µF capacitor should be connected
between base and emitter of Q1.
G. LaRooy,
Christchurch, NZ. ($30)
A quasi-peak detector is commonly
used for the measurement of noise
pulses in electromagnetic emissions,
for example, to check the EMC compliance of appliances. It differs from a
true peak detector in that its response
to noise pulses varies as a function of
the pulse rate. This gives a weighted
response which reflects the subjective
effects of EMI which also vary with
noise pulse rate.
This circuit was designed to be
connected to the output (envelope
detector stage) on an RF receiver or a
spectrum analyser. The detector was
found to give close correlation with the
calibration characteristics specified in
AS/NZS 1052, which is the Australian/New Zealand standard applying to
EMI measuring apparatus.
The features of this circuit include
good linearity over a wide range
(-30dB to +6dB relative to 0dB at
centre scale), com
bined with high
background noise immunity.
Noise pulses from the receiver are
fed to precision rectifier IC2 which
produces a positive output voltage
in response to negative input pulses.
This charges a 1uF capacitor via a
1kΩ resistor. The time constants of
the 1µF capacitor and associated 1kΩ
and 330kΩ resistors are critical to the
calibration of the detector and may
need to be adjusted depending upon
the receiver final IF bandwidth. The
values shown were chosen for an IF
bandwidth of 15kHz at -6dB.
To prevent the background noise
between pulses from creating measurement errors, comparator IC1 produces
a high level output in the absence of
input noise pulses. This turns on FET
Q1 which, in turn, effectively shorts
the output of IC2 to ground. When
pulses exceeding a threshold level set
by VR1 arrive at the input, IC1 generates negative gating pulses which turn
off Q1, removing the effective short
across the output of IC2.
VR2 is adjusted to cancel switching
pulses induced by capacitive coupling
from the gate of Q1 into IC2. An oscilloscope should be connected to
the output of IC2 when making this
Silicon Chip Binders
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Buffer amplifier IC3 is used to drive
a 1mA meter which, ideally, has a
logarithmic (dB) scale. Calibration
consists of applying suitable calibrated noise pulses at various pulse rates
(typically 1Hz to 1kHz) to the receiver
and adjusting VR3 and VR4 for the
desired output deflection on the meter. For compliance with the current
standards, the characteristics of the
calibration noise pulses are defined
in AS/NZS 1052.
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February 1998 87
Norton Utilities for Win95; Pt.2
Norton Utilities for Windows 95 Ver.2 has
many useful programs and this time we shall
talk about the Speed Disk utility. This
utility is used to “defragment” the files on
your hard disc drive. Running Speed Disk
regularly ensures optimum drive
performance and greatly decreases the
chances of file corruption.
What is file “fragmentation”? Fragmentation occurs when files are split
into smaller segments (or fragments)
and written to scattered locations on
the hard disc drive. This means that
the drive has to work harder in order
to open and save the affected files.
Fragmentation occurs as files are
written to and subsequently deleted
from the drive. The reason for this
is that when you delete a file, you
create a “hole” in the main block of
Fig.1: this is the window that appears when you first load Speed Disk. The
program scans your hard disc drive first to see if there are any errors.
88 Silicon Chip
data where the files resided. This
means that any subsequent files that
are saved can be written to the free
space left by this hole. Now if the
file is larger than the hole, then what
ever is left over is written in the next
available hole.
Adding to this, temporary swap
files such as used in Windows 95 are
continually changing size and being
written and deleted. This is why there
is always some fragmentation on the
drive. A small amount of fragmentation doesn’t cause any problems but
if left unchecked, the speed and reliability of the drive will be reduced.
Speed Disk
Speed Disk is a powerful hard
disc reorganisation tool. It works in
a similar way to Symantec’s Defrag,
which is already installed on most
computers with DOS. The main difference here is that Speed Disk is a
lot more powerful.
Before running Speed Disk, it’s important to note that you should always
use Norton’s Disk Doctor to correct
any errors on the drive. If you don’t
check for errors before running Speed
Disk, you run the risk of losing files.
When you load Speed Disk, the program scans the hard drive first – see
Fig 1. This is just a quick check and
is similar to Disk Doctor. If problems
are detected, Speed Disk will inform
you to run Disk Doctor to correct any
errors. However, this does not happen
often if you have already run Disk
Doctor beforehand.
After the hard drive has been
scanned, a new dialog box appears
(Fig.2). This box tells you the percentage of fragmentation. In this case,
8% of the drive is fragmented. We can
now start defragging the drive or quit.
Fig.2 (above): this
dialog box shows
the amount of file
fragmentation and
indicates which
of three options is
Fig.3 (left): the
Legend dialog box
lets you change the
colours on the disc
If we choose to go ahead, then there
are three options:
(1). Full Optimisation: this reorganises the entire drive so that all files
are at the beginning of the drive and
in one piece.
(2). Unfragment Files Only: this
collects any fragmented files and
rewrites them so that they are not
(3). Unfragment Free Space: this
is similar to Unfragment Files Only,
except that it works with the free
space. This will leave fragmented
files fragmented but will supply you
with a section of the drive, generally
at the end, which is clear of any files.
Finally, there is a check box at the
bottom labelled Optimize Swap File”.
If you check this box, Speed Disk will
move the Windows swap file to the
end of the data. This minimises future
file fragmentation and also speeds up
the swap file by eliminating the need
to search for it all over the drive.
If you now click Start, Speed Disk
will start to organise the drive. This
can take quite some time on older
drives, large drives and extremely
fragmented drives. However, if you
choose Cancel, then you are taken
back to the main screen (Fig.1). After
a few moments, the display shows
you some more detail about the drive,
such as Swap File location, unmovable file locations and so on.
Clicking the Properties button and
then clicking Legend from the resulting menu brings up the box shown in
Fig.3. This box lets you change the
colours on the disc map but most people will stick to the default settings.
You can view a fragmentation
report of your data in the Properties
menu (Fig.4) or you can click Properties, Options to bring up the dialog
box shown in Fig.5. This is where the
fun begins because you have three
tabs to click and lots of options to
choose from. These tabs are Optimisation, Appearance and Advanced.
We’ll look at each option in turn.
(1) Optimisation: this area gives
you the same original options as
shown in Fig.2, as well as two extra
options. These extra options are Verify
Writes and Wipe Free Space.
Verify Writes takes longer because
it checks the data after writing it to
see if it has been written correctly.
Wipe Free Space does just that – it
wipes the free space after the data has
been written. This makes it almost impossible to find any files that may have
been deleted from the remaining area.
Next to the Full Optimisation
section is an extra button called
Customize. This section lets you
place particular files and folders in
certain sequences. You can set up the
program to place folders or even files
first. You can place particular folders
which are rarely used or written to at
the beginning of the drive and folders
that are continually being written to
at the end, for example.
Once you have chosen a particular
setup and started the process, you can
get yourself a nice cup of coffee as it
will take a while the first time. This
is because most files will have to be
moved whether they are fragmented
or not.
(2) Appearance: clicking the Appearance tab brings up the dialog
box shown in Fig.7. This gives you a
couple of options for the Disk Map.
Here, you can have the data appear as
Blocks or Bars. Click between them to
see which one you like. You also have
the option of playing music while the
disc is defragging – just tick the Play
Music box and select a WAV or MIDI
file from the drop-down list.
Me? – I generally leave the room
while the disc is defragging and come
back later.
(3) Advanced: this area allows
you to set up Background Operation
(Fig.8). In this case, defragging will
start after one minute of idle time
Fig.4: the Fragmentation Report dialog box shows the
amount of fragmentation for each file on the hard drive.
Fig.5 (right): this dialog box lets you choose the optimisation
method (in this case, Full Optimisation) and whether or not
to optimise the swap file. There are also a couple of security
options; ie, Verify Writes and Wipe Free Space.
February 1998 89
Fig.6: clicking the Cutomize button in Fig.5 brings up
this dialog box which lets you place particular files and
folders in certain sequences.
Fig.7: clicking the Appearance tab brings up this dialog box.
Here, you can choose to have the data appear as blocks or as
bars. You can also play music while the disc is defragging.
Fig.8 (left): the Advanced tab allows you to set up Defrag to
run in the background. In this case, defragging will start after
one minute of idle time. Fig.9 (above) shows the on-screen
display if you choose to hide the disc map, or you can
minimise this so that it appears as an icon in the tray on the
task bar (near the clock
and you can choose to watch the communications ports (this will prevent
defrag from starting in the middle
of a download or if you’re using the
mouse). Again it’s good to have but I
rarely use it.
If you choose to not use the map
you can hide it to just get the box
shown in Fig.9. This box can then be
minimised so that it is just a small
icon near your clock on the task bar.
In fact, you would hardly know it was
running since you can carry on with
other work.
This feature is great for administrators of large networks, where you
don’t want to “scare” the machine’s
regular user by bringing up a large
Speed Disk box.
90 Silicon Chip
Tip Of The Month
If you have “Call Waiting” turned on for your telephone it’s a good idea
to turn it off before logging on to the Internet. That’s because the tone
that “Call Waiting” sends to let you know that another caller is trying to get
through can be misinterpreted by your modem. In some cases, the modem
can even hang up which is quite inconvenient if you’re in the middle of
downloading a large file. Alternatively, the signal could corrupt the data
that’s being downloaded.
To turn “Call Waiting” off, simply dial #43# and wait for the facility tone (or
a recorded announcement) before hanging up. You can turn “Call Waiting”
on again after your on-line session by dialling *43#. If you have a recent
Telstra Touchphone 400, you can turn “Call Waiting” off by pressing the
‘Cancel’ and ‘Call Wait’ buttons; or on again by pressing the ‘Store’ and
‘Call Wait’ buttons.
Finally, to speed up your web browsing, turn the graphics and sound
options off in Internet Explorer and Netscape.
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Colour TV
pattern shift
I built the Colour TV Pattern Generator described in the June & July 1997
issues. It worked from switch on and
it does everything it is supposed to do;
well, almost.
The dot pattern comes up symmetrical in the screen – evenly spaced top/
bottom and left/right of the screen. The
checker board and grid cum circle are
both displaced slightly to the right,
say about two thirds of a grid square.
Any suggestions or do I have a ROM
programming problem? (R. G., Oyster
Bay, NSW.
• The slight displacement of the pattern is due to a small timing discrepancy in the line sync signal. In most cases,
the normal overscanning of the TV
screen will mask out this small shift.
It could be fixed in the programming
of the EPROM but can be more easily
corrected by adding an RC network to
delay the line sync by 1.5µs. This involves adding a 4.7kΩ resistor between
the D7 output of IC1 at pin 11 and the
Intelligent transistor
tester wanted
I am writing to suggest two kit
ideas I think would be useful. The
first idea is a transistor tester that
will tell you whether the unknown
transistor is PNP or NPN and also
tell you which pin is which (Base,
Collector and Emitter).
The second idea is for a dual
power supply for op amps with
variable output voltage for both
rails (say ±1.5 to ±25V) and one
total variable current limit (say
0-1A) for both rails. I feel that both
these ideas will be of great benefit
to hobbyists and professionals alike.
(R. M., Attadale, WA).
• The concept of a transistor tester
which can tell you polarity as well
sync input of IC10 at pin 16. The pin
16 input of IC10 is bypassed to ground
with a 270pF capacitor.
The resistor is best installed instead
of the link on the PC board, above the
three 330Ω resistors near IC10. Note
that IC10 has an incorrect pin 1 labelling on the PC board. The position
shown for pin 1 is actually pin 16. The
capacitor can connect from pin 16 to
pin 1 of IC10 on the underside of the
PC board.
We have had a report of this RC
time delay causing loss of colour. If
this happens, you can try a smaller
value of capacitance instead of 270pF.
However, our approach would be to
ignore the slight pattern shift – it’s not
worth correcting.
Mega power
amplifier proposed
Firstly I would like to commend
SILICON CHIP for producing the recent
class A/B 500W power amplifier (August, September, October); it is “just
what the doctor wanted”. I personally
as the pinouts is a pretty tall order.
It probably could be done but it
would require a microprocessor to
supervise all the permutations of
lead connections and then make a
judgement as to which beta reading
is the correct one. One of our readers
might be interested in coming up
with a suitable design which we
could publish. Any takers?
We have published quite a few
dual rail power supplies with single
current limit over the years but all
of those have been dual tracking
types. In other words, both rails
are varied by the one pot. Is that
what you are suggesting or do you
want independent control of both
rails? We have not designed a power supply to meet this particular
favour bipolar output stage designs if
you are seeking powerful deep bass.
I also experienced similar problems
with Mosfet output stage design amps
producing a leaner bass and reduced
power output due to thermal heat
build up, etc.
I intend to purchase and build two
500W modules to drive a 4 x 15-inch
active sub-bass system and another
two 500W modules for 4 x 12-inch
upper bass drivers and additional
Mosfet amplifiers for mids and highs
for my insane, fully-active home hifi
Before I purchase multiple numbers
of the 500W amps, I would appreciate
your help concerning some aspects of
the design. If I understand your design
correctly, it will not operate efficiently
or effectively below a 4Ω speaker load.
With two 15-inch woofers connected
in parallel, I measure their total impedance at 3.6Ω (on an LCD meter).
The impedance is probably lower at
various frequencies. How may I solve
the lower speaker impedance problem
so your 500W amplifier will correctly
and efficiently drive my woofers connected in parallel?
I intend to use a 2000VA (2kVA)
toroidal transformer, additional power
supply capacitors and surge limiters
and additional 4 x NPN and 4 x PNP
output stage transistors in each power
amplifier. Will I have to change the
value of the current sharing resis
tors incorporated in the output stage
design? If so, what is the new value
of the current sharing resistors in the
output stage?
If I remove Q24 & Q25 and the associated 270Ω & 300Ω resistors from
the circuit, will this eliminate your
current limiting protection to enable
me to drive correctly a lower speaker
impedance than 4Ω?
Due to the enormous 350W RMS
(8Ω) power handling capacity of each
of my 15-inch drivers, to achieve
more power I would like to increase
the power supply rails of the 500W
amplifier from 80V or 90V to 100V
February 1998 91
Speed controller
a source of EMI
The motor speed controller
described in the November issue
by John Clarke is very interesting
and a great advance over the old
elementary phase control, albeit at
a definite increase in cost and complexity. It struck me immediately
that it could be a stepping stone to
the development of a variable frequency induction motor speed controller (VFC). But at the moment it
brings up a number of other points:
(1) The width of those conductors
looks rather small for 10 amps. If
the average current is 10 amps then
peak values are going to be much
higher and I am more concerned
since the board is fairly closely
confined. I would have liked to
have seen 6mm wide conductors
for those tracks that are taking full
rated current.
(2) I’ve never come across published specs or advertisements for
IGBTs, so I wonder if you would
consider doing a series on them, including and especially publishing
manufacturers’ application notes.
Considering that they have already
taken over the switching in 3-phase
VFCs, it seems they are destined to
replace bipolars and FETs in most
high speed, high current mains
voltage switching jobs.
(3) I don’t want to knock this great
design from John Clarke but I foresee problems with RFI emission.
The LC filtering on the input may
block most of it going back into the
mains but it cannot stop radiation
from the power cord out to the
motor. Now it isn’t just the 1.2kHz
switching frequency that concerns
us, it the dv/dt of the rise and fall
times of the IGBT. This could generate the equivalent of frequencies
in the Gigahertz range.
I wonder whether it would be
possible to smooth the chopped
waveform back to a variable ampli-
and appropriately increase the voltage
of the supply capacitors, etc. Will the
driver board semiconductors handle
the increased supply voltages? Will
this be OK or will I have to use an
92 Silicon Chip
tude half-wave sine curve before it
leaves the controller case? In other
words, reconstitute a smooth curve
with some sort of LC filter. I’m no
expert on filters but what about a
low pass, hi stop filter with a corner
just below the switching frequency
at about 1kHz? That shouldn’t require impossibly large values of L
and C. Would it be effective? (P. D.,
Orange, NSW).
• While the maximum rating of
the circuit is 10A, the peak currents
will be no more than would be
expected with a sinewave input;
ie, 10A RMS is equivalent to 14A
peak. When the circuit is set for
lower than maximum speeds, the
duty cycle of the circuit is reduced
but this does not lead to higher
peak currents, just lower average
currents. At full speed, the IGBT
is turned on all the time and so the
currents are no higher than if the
motor was connected directly to
the mains supply.
Another point to consider is that
most power tools do not pull their
rated current for most of the time.
They only do so at initial startup
and when under severe loads. For
most of the time, the current is
considerably less.
We published an introductory
article on IGBTs in the August 1996
issue. We can supply a back issue
for $7.00 including postage.
You are correct in stating that
interference will be radiated from
the power cord to the motor. However, in this case, while it may be
switching very rapidly, the interference produced is a function of
the risetime of the current pulses
and this very much depends on the
motor’s inductance, not the circuit
switching speed. In fact, we have
found in the past that SCR motor
speed controllers cause virtually no
interference at all as it is completely
drowned out by the considerable interference generated by the motor’s
brushes and commutator.
additional discrete power supply for
the output stage transistors as these
transistors can handle up to 250V?
Secondly, I would like to know if
SILICON CHIP has previously released
a separate LED digit (not LCD) temperature/thermometer display module
readout so I may continuously monitor the temperature of the individual
heatsinks on the amplifier modules.
(L. D., Albury, NSW.
• It is true that we have not rated the
amplifier for loads below 4Ω and we
would not recommend it for use with
say, 2Ω loads because of the likelihood
of exceeding the safe area of operation
(SOA) of the output transistors. However, the curved load lines on page 27
of the August 1997 issue demonstrate
a nominal 4Ω loudspeaker with a DC
resistance of 2.83Ω and an inductive
reactance of 2.83Ω, (giving a total impedance of 4Ω). While not a “worst
case” condition this is a fairly stringent load.
By contrast, most 4Ω speakers could
be expected to have a DC resistance of
about 3Ω and their impedance over the
whole audio range could be expected
to be well above 4Ω. Even those rare
speakers that do have an impedance
dip to around 2Ω or so would not necessarily represent a worse load than
our above test condition.
According to your measurements,
your paralleled speakers have a DC
resistance of 3.6Ω. Therefore, unless
there is a badly designed crossover
network to be taken into account, it is
not possible for your speakers to have
a lower impedance – the DC resistance
is the absolute minimum.
We do not recommend any modifications to increase the power output
of this amplifier. It took many months
of development before we were happy
with the design as presented and any
extension of the design would require
careful evaluation and testing.
An 8-channel digital thermometer
was featured in the January 1997 issue
Overload in the
guitar mixer
I have just completed another
4-Channel Guitar Mixer Preamplifier,
as published in the January 1992 issue
of SILICON CHIP. The circuit works very
well with most signal sources I have
plugged into it, with good clarity and
punch. However, the first problem
I have is that when I plug my Sony
compact disc player into any of the
inputs, I get distortion on heavy sound
Could this be due to the fact that
a lot of CD players exceed 2V RMS
output instead of the 1V specified in
this preamp circuit? Can I modify one
of the inputs to suit a compact disc
player as I plan to use it quite often?
I also plan to dedicate channel 1 & 2
for guitar use only and channel 3 to
The kit I purchased from Dick Smith
Electronics and varies somewhat from
your original design. Instead of all the
inputs being 10kΩ impedance and
1V maximum signal input, they have
printed a chart and left the inputs up
to us to decide. They also specify resistors placed across the input socket.
My problem is that I have no idea
what the best input signal and impedance is required for use with an
electric guitar. If I plug my guitar into
any of the inputs with the inputs set in
your article (10kΩ <at> 1V), I do not seem
to have a lot of gain and the keyboard
and CD player seem to climb all over
the top of it even with the gain control
for the guitar up full.
I was told that if I want the best
out of my guitar, I need to change the
input impedance to at least 250kΩ or
even 1MΩ and that the input signal
should be around 30mV to get the
gain I need. I was also told the input
should be “high Z”. What does this
mean? What is the ideal input impedance and signal level for an electric
guitar to play lead or rhythm? (K. S.,
Morphett Vale, SA).
• The 2V output of a standard CD
player is much too high for the input
preamplifiers as they stand but this
can be easily fixed by reducing the
gain of the respective input. As they
stand, the gain of each preamplifier
is 19.3 and you would need to reduce
that to below four to ensure that a
CD player did not cause overload.
To achieve this gain, for one input,
change the 1.2kΩ resistor from pin 2
Making mods to the
high energy ignition
Several years ago I installed the
High Energy Ignition kit (SILICON
C HIP, May/June 1988) into my
car. The unit has operated well,
although I have found it to be very
sensitive to supply voltage drops.
On several occasions when I have
had battery/alternator problems
causing drops to below 12V, the
unit has failed to operate, even
though the car would still run with
the unit bypassed.
Have you encountered this
problem before? Could there be a
problem with my circuit? Are there
any circuit mods available to make
the circuit more robust with supply
Also, I was wondering if SILICON
CHIP has ever developed a project
or kit for a car exhaust gas oxygen
(EGO) analyser that is suitable for
cars running on leaded petrol. I
have seen kits around elsewhere
that are limited for use with un
leaded petrol only – these sensors
would be poisoned by lead. There
are some of us folk who drive older
cars who would like to make the
effort to make them run at top efficiency with minimal emissions.
of IC1a to 7.5kΩ or 8.2kΩ and change
the associated 22µF capacitor to 4.7µF.
As far as your guitar input is concerned, you may need a little more
gain and this can be obtained by
reducing the 1.2kΩ resistor to 680Ω.
We would not recommend reducing
it further than that.
The only reason to increase the in-
If you have not had such a project
in the past, may I suggest that you
publish one in the magazine. (T. N.,
Waverley, NSW).
• The High Energy Ignition system
should not be sensitive to battery
voltage and in fact should work
quite well down to 9V or below.
The fact that yours is playing up
suggests that one of the resistor
values is higher than it should be or
one of the transistors is below par.
It is also possible that you have a
cold solder joint or a bad supply or
chassis connection.
The only other explanation for
the system being voltage sensitive
is that your spark plug gaps are
much bigger than they should be,
leading to a requirement for higher than usual spark voltage. We
emphasise that, even if the battery
can barely crank the engine, the
ignition system should be able to
start the car.
We do not know of an EGO sensor
suitable for leaded petrol. Speed
shops with dynos and exhaust
gas analysers normally change the
sensors each year because they
become poisoned with lead. Your
best approach may be to use an EGO
device only for tuning instead of for
continuous readings.
put impedance of the preamplifier for
guitars is if the upper treble response
is being severely curtailed and we
don’t think that’s likely. You may increase the input resistor to 47kΩ from
10kΩ if you wish but going above that
is pointless.
Z is the symbol for impedance and
“high Z” means high impedance. SC
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON
CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices Act
1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
February 1998 93
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C COMPILERS: Ever ything you
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February 1998 95
14 Model Railway Projects
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This book will not be reprinted
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96 Silicon Chip
Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
This is the 68HC705-C8P pro
grammed microprocessor IC for
the Digital Effects Unit (see Feb.
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Payment by cheque, money order
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PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
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9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
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828 5730.