This is only a preview of the March 1998 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 43 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Sustain Unit For Electric Guitars":
Items relevant to "Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger; Pt.2":
Items relevant to "Command Control For Model Railways; Pt.3":
Items relevant to "PC-Controlled Liquid Crystal Display Board":
Articles in this series:
Articles in this series:
Build A High-Performance FM Antenna
NZ $6.50
Guitar Sustain Unit
Nifty Inverter For
Compact Fluoros
ISSN 1030-2662
Building The Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger
Wiring The Train Controller CommandM Station
1998 1
Build A PC-Controlled LCD Demonstration Board
9 771030 266001
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Vol.11, No.3; March 1998
4 Understanding Electric Lighting; Pt.5
The tricks and techniques behind floodlighting – by Julian Edgar
9 Labview Ver.5 Virtual Instrumentation Software
New version is easier to use than before and has lots of features
40 Special Subscriptions Offer
Buy a subscription before June 1998 and get a bonus data wallchart
42 Review: Norbiton Systems PC Bus Digital I/O Kit
Do-it-yourself data acquisition – by Rick Walters
62 Feedback On The 500W Power Amplifier
We take a look at the DSE kit – by Leo Simpson & Bob Flynn
Sustain Unit For Electric Guitars
– Page 18
83 Auto Detect & Hard Disc Drive Parameters
Find out why auto detect doesn’t always work – by Jason Cole
18 Sustain Unit For Electric Guitars
Easy-to-build sustain unit features low distortion – by John Clarke
23 Nifty Inverter For Compact Fluorescent Lamps
It operates from a 12VDC power supply and can drive up to three CFLs
at full brightness – by Branco Justic
34 Build A 5-Element FM Antenna
Clean up your FM reception – by Leo Simpson & Bob Flynn
Nifty Inverter For Compact
Fluorescent Lamps – Page 23
46 Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger; Pt.2
Second article has all the construction details – by John Clarke
54 Command Control System For Model Railways; Pt.2
Power supply plus Command Station wiring – by Barry Grieger
66 PC-Controlled Liquid Crystal Display Board
Use your PC to produce moving messages on an LCD – by Rick Walters
28 Serviceman’s Log
Those summertime lightning blues – by the TV Serviceman
74 Vintage Radio
A fault with a difference – by John Hill
Build A 5-Element FM Antenna –
Page 34
80 Computer Bits
Norton Utilities V2 for Win95; Pt.3 – by Jason Cole
84 Radio Control
Jet engines in model aircraft; Pt.3 – by Bob Young
2 Publisher’s Letter
44 Mailbag
60 Circuit Notebook
70 Product Showcase
88 Ask Silicon Chip
93 Order Form
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
PC-Controlled Liquid Crystal
Display Board – Page 66
March 1998 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
ISSN 1030-2662
and maximum
* Recommended
price only.
2 Silicon Chip
Getting on top of
the correspondence
As I write this editorial, it is Aus
tralia Day. I have spent most of the day
answering letters to readers. It’s been
good really, because I have had the
whole day to do it without interruption
from the telephone or other workday
distractions. It’s been good too because
it drives home to me just how enthu
siastic readers are about SILICON CHIP
and electronics in general. It’s good to
be appreciated.
But today I have had to finally admit that I and we at the magazine have a
big problem with correspondence from readers. Quite a few letters have gone
unanswered in the last year and there is little prospect that I can answer some
of those older letters. I apologise here and now to those readers but perhaps
I can explain why it has happened.
Everyday there is a batch of letters from readers and many of them can be
answered quite readily, although not necessarily on the same day. As you
can imagine, there are times during the magazine’s production cycle when
there simply isn’t any time at all to answer letters; the magazine must take
precedence otherwise we will miss deadlines and the magazine will go on
sale late. Generally though, most letters are answered within a week or so of
their arrival in the office. Some miss out though and I would like to explain
how this comes about.
Some letters get passed over merely because they are too long to read at the
time. They can easily be three or four (or many more) pages of closely written
script and they can be loaded with questions. You see some of these letters
featured in the “Ask Silicon Chip” pages and it is not unusual for a reader to
ask six or more questions, often on unrelated topics. Such letters take a great
deal of time to read and then formulate the answers. One letter can easily take
an hour. I or someone else might be able to answer four out of five questions
easily but the fifth might take half an hour or more and that is after doing a
considerable amount of looking at older issues, data books and so on.
Even an apparently simple request can take an inordinate amount of time.
For example, one the letters I’ve answered today concerned the 2A SLA Bat
tery Charger published in the July 1996 issue. The reader wanted to know
how to alter it to drive a laptop computer and how to reduce its output to
12V. By the time I had read the letter several times to make sure I understood
the problem, then referred back to the original article, worked out the circuit
changes and wrote the letter, it had taken me 20 minutes. And that was for a
straightforward letter. Some of them are really curly.
Quite often we also get letters where people ask about designs featured in
other magazines, some of which are no longer published. In some cases we
can answer but in others we just can’t. Nor can we provide design information
on topics which have not been published in the magazine. We are always
happy to receive suggestions but some we cannot respond to.
If this sounds like a great long moan, it is not meant to be. We love to see
those letters come in, even though we may shudder at the time it might take
to answer them. So perhaps readers can help make sure their letters will be
answered. First, keep the letters brief, to no more than one page, if possible.
Second, please don’t ask too many questions or for lots of detail. Remember
contiued on page 45
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
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Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
Pt.5: The Floodlighting Of Buildings
Floodlighting a building or monument
requires special techniques to produce an
impressive result. In this chapter, we look at
the various tricks employed and the lamps
used for floodlighting.
Buildings are usually floodlit so that
their appearance can be aesthetically
appreciated at night. Floodlighting is
quite different to other specific forms
of illumination (eg, for roads), which
means that the criteria employed for
floodlighting are also quite different.
Floodlighting is not used to simply
light every surface of a building even
ly but instead to emphasise certain ar
4 Silicon Chip
chitectural characteristics. A designer
who created a floodlighting system
that gave a natural stone building a
strong green colour cast and made it
look bland and boring wouldn’t be
classed as very successful!
Lamp types
A wide variety of lamps can be
used for floodlighting, with the most
appropriate lamp type depending on
the actual application.
Incandescent lamps that are fitted
with a built-in reflec
tor (eg, PAR
lamps) can be used for temporary
installations where only small areas
need be illuminated for short periods.
However, the poor luminous efficacy
of incandescent lamps means that
they are not an ideal light source for
long hours of use.
Tungsten halogen lamps have
higher efficacies than ordinary tung
sten lamps and their availability in
compact shapes and with built-in
reflectors allows them to be used in
small luminaires. Both tungsten and
tungsten halogen lamps are easily
dimmed although, of course, the lat
ter’s lifespan suffers with dimming.
However, the excellent colour ren
Fig.1: a symmetrical floodlight spreads its beam equally
in all directions from the central longitudinal axis – see
Fig.3: the light distribution for a
symmetrical floodlight. Here, the
horizontal and vertical patterns are
the same, so only one line is shown.
dering of both types of lamps pro
vides significant advantages in some
Fluorescent lamps have some
limited floodlighting applica
where they can be used to illuminate
linear features such as low walls or
parapets. By contrast, high pressure
mercury lamps are used for both gen
eral floodlighting and for highlighting
certain features. They are especially
suitable where their ‘cool’ light can
be used to accentuate blue or green
Metal halide lamps have a higher
efficacy than high pressure mercury
lamps and also give better colour
rendering. Sodium lamps in high
pressure form can be used to give a
warm colour appearance to brown,
red or yellow objects. By contrast,
low pres
sure sodium lamps, with
Fig.2: a bi-symmetrical floodlight has different beam spreads
on each axis, but each spread is symmetrical either side of a
central plane – see Fig 4.
Fig.4: the pattern of light distribution
for a bi-symmetrical floodlight. In this
case, the horizontal spread is broader
than the vertical spread.
Fig.5: an asymmetric floodlight can
sharply attenuate the beam in certain
directions, as shown by the solid line
on this graph.
Fig.6: an asymmetric floodlight has
different beam spreads along each axis
and can sharply attenuate the light in
one or more directions – see Fig.5.
March 1998 5
Fig.7: the Philips building in Eindhoven has been very carefully floodlit. Note the different colour
temperature lamps employed at both the extreme right and left of the photo, and the fountain in the
foreground which has been brightly lit.
Fig.8: the building can be broken up into its architectural
components, each of which is illuminated differently: (A) low,
wide, flat vertical surfaces (facades); (B) tall, narrow vertical
surfaces (columns); (C) specific architectural features (accents).
their monochromatic yellow spectral
output, are suitable only when you
want everything to appear yellow!
By far, the most commonly used
lamps in floodlights are the metal hal
ide and high pressure sodium types.
Luminaire types
Fig.9: when illuminating facades,
medium beam projectors should be
placed at a distance (d) that’s one
quarter the height of the building (h).
6 Silicon Chip
Floodlights are classified on the
basis of their general pattern of light
distribution. They fall into three basic
groups: (1) rotationally symmetrical;
(2) bi-symmetrical; and (3) asym
A rotationally symmetrical beam
spread is produced by a floodlight
that has a round face, as shown in
Fig.1. This type of floodlight produces
the same angle of spread in both the
horizontal and vertical planes (and at
all other angles in between).
Fig.3 shows the photometric out
line for a version that has a medium
width beam. On this diagram, ‘y1-y2’
is represented by the dotted line and
shows the vertical spread of light,
while ‘x1-x2’ (solid line) shows the
horizontal spread. As it is a symmet
rical floodlight, the spreads are the
same and so just a single (solid) line
is shown.
A bi-symmetrical floodlight (Fig.2)
Fig.10: the Philips Atria SVF100 is suitable for the illumination of columns. It
has a beam spread of only 12 degrees and uses a high pressure sodium lamp
with a maximum power rating of 100 watts.
has a rectangular face. In this case,
the width of the beam differs between
the vertical and the horizontal planes
Finally, an asymmetric floodlight is
one that typically has a wide beam in
one plane but throws the light much
further in one direction than the other
in the other plane. It is easier to see
this on the photometric diagram than
it is to describe it – see Fig.5. A typ
ical asymmetric floodlight is shown
in Fig.6.
Architectural considerations
Buildings can be broken down
into a number of different elements
which require different floodlighting
techniques or equipment. Fig.7 shows
the Philips building in Eindhoven
at dusk, while Fig.8 identifies the
different architectural elements that
are individually illuminated.
Facades are best lit by using high
pressure sodium or metal halide
projector luminaires, depending on
the colour rendering required. When
using medium spread bi-symmetrical
floodlights, the projectors should be
placed at a distance from the building
one-quarter that of its height. Fig.9
shows this in diagrammatic form.
A suitable floodlight for this appli
cation is the Philips 616 Decoflood
(Fig.12). This unit can use lamps rated
at up to 150 watts, has a light output
ratio of 0.58 and a bi-symmetrical
beam spread. The electrical control
gear for the lamp is built into the
Columns need a different type of
floodlight and luminaire location if
they are to be shown at their best. In
this case, narrow-beam projectors are
placed much closer to the building to
illuminate the columns, with Fig.11
showing the recommended approach.
A suitable luminaire for this type of
application is the Philips SVF100
(Fig.10). This can be fitted with a
high pressure sodium lamp having
a maximum power of 100 watts and
gives a symmetrical beam spread of
just 12°. The luminaire is aimed so
that the maximum beam intensity is
at the top of the column.
Architectural accents – such as
statues or other relatively small
highlights – are illuminated by sym
metrical beam projec
tors, with the
Fig.11: columns are illuminated with
narrow-beam projector luminaires,
positioned quite close to the building.
It is recommended that ‘d’ be 1/12th of
‘h’ and that the beam be aimed at the
top of the column.
object bathed in one or more pools of
light. An example of such a luminaire
is the Philips 607 Decoflood, which
is available in either high pressure
sodium or metal halide forms with
lamps of up to 400 watts power. It
has a light output ratio of 0.83 and
its aluminium reflector gives a very
narrow beam.
Several of these floodlights are
March 1998 7
Table 1: Typical Illuminance Values
(Illuminance in Lux)
Building Material
Luminaire location
The direction from which the build
ing or monument is to be viewed will
help determine the position of the
lights. If glare and distraction are to
be reduced, the lights should be kept
out of sight of the viewing points and
this is sometimes done by partially
locating the luminaires underground.
Alternatively, asymmetric floodlights
can be used which direct no light at
all behind the body of the luminaire.
Floodlights are often aimed so that
Brightly Halide Sodium Clean
Li t
Lamp Surface Surface
Li t
Li t
Light Stone
Dark Stone
Aluminium Cladding
(natural finish)
Fig.12 (left): the
Philips 616 Decoflood
is suitable for
illuminating building
facades. It is
available in either
high pressure sodium
or metal halide lamp
forms. The control
circuitry is contained
within the housing.
often used in a given situation so
that the feature can be “modelled”
by the light.
Correction Coefficient
they act differently on adjoining parts
or planes of the building. Fig.13(a)
shows the lights positioned so that the
each facade will each appear to have
a different brightness when viewed
from position ‘V’. Using these lighting
angles will also help bring out any
textures that may be present on the
two surfaces. Conversely, Fig.14(b)
gives equal illuminance across both
surfaces and will make any surface
texture less visible.
Illuminance values
The illuminance required to give
the right degree of visual impact
depends on a number of factors, in
cluding the environment in which the
building is situated. If it stands alone
in a dark space, less illuminance will
be needed to give the same impact.
Conversely, a bright environment will
require a higher degree of illuminance
to give the same visual impact.
If the building has a dark surface
finish, a higher illu
m inance will
be needed. A dark surface can be a
characteristic of the materials from
which the building is constructed
or can be the result of fouling over a
period of time.
Another aspect to consider is the
texture of the building material. In a
normal installation where the light
is directed up at the building, the
smoother the surface, the lower the
amount of reflected light that will
reach the viewer. Finally, if the lamp
chosen has a high spectral output
that’s close to the colour of the build
ing, less illumination will be required.
Table 1 gives some recommended
illuminance values, with the values
valid for tungsten lamps having a col
our temperature of 2800K. If you were
designing a floodlighting system, you
would certainly hope to be illuminat
ing a light-coloured stone building!
The floodlighting of buildings
requires careful planning and con
sideration of the luminaire and lamp
types to be used. Next time you pass
a floodlit building at night, it’s worth
studying how the designer has gone
about the task.
Next month, in Part 6, we will take
a look at the low pressure sodium
vapour lamp.
Fig.13: with the floodlights positioned at ‘S’ and the viewer at ‘V’, in (a) the
relative brightness of the two walls will appear different and the textures will be
strongly modelled. In (b) the brightness will be even and the lighting flat.
8 Silicon Chip
Acknowledgement: thanks to Philips
Lighting for making available the illustrations used in this article.
Fig.1: LabVIEW 5.0 features a new Instrument Wizard that
simplifies the configuration of GPIB, VXI and RS-232 instruments.
The Instrument Wizard automatically identifies and tests the
instruments connected to the system, installs the required drivers
and then generates application examples using these drivers.
New version has more features and is easy to use
Labview 5.0 Virtual
Instrumentation Software
LabVIEW has been around for 11 years and has
become known as the leading software package
for instrumentation and control. Any engineer
or technician familiar with Windows 95 should
take to it like a duck to water.
It is now over a decade since Lab
VIEW was first released. This graph
ical programming software from Na
tional Instruments was introduced as
a development tool to design, develop
and modify instrumentation systems.
The goal of LabVIEW has always been
to simplify programming tasks so that
scientists and engineers could fully
utilise the capability of PCs and at the
same time get their jobs done quickly
and easily.
Since its first release, LabVIEW has
grown to become the industry-lead
ing development software for data
acquisition, test and measurement
and analysis applications. National
Instruments refers to LabVIEW as a
programming environment, in much
the same way as Windows 95 is an
environment. So much so, that quite
a few third parties have developed
LabVIEW applications and these
have been updated with the release
of Version 5. So there is effectively
a whole suite of new software and
As PCs continue to find use in more
and more demanding applications,
software developers are constantly
looking for ways to get more out of
them. Many software developers are
also taking advantage of software de
velopments that include ActiveX and
Java to enhance their applications.
Some of the features of the new
version of LabVIEW are as follows:
Instrument Wizards
Used in some other Windows 95
programs such as Microsoft Word,
Wizards are incorporated into Lab
VIEW 5. These simplify the con
figuration of GPIB, VXI, serial and
computer-based instru
m ents. The
Instrument Wizard automatically
identifies and tests the instruments
connected to the system, installs the
required drivers and then generates
application examples using these
drivers – see Fig.1.
March 1998 9
Fig.2: LabVIEW 5.0 features a new ActiveX automation server that gives the
users the ability to remotely call LabVIEW programs from other programming
languages such as Visual Basic, Visual C/C++, Lab Windows/CVI, standard C
languages, Microsoft Excel or even another copy of LabVIEW.
Not only does the Data Acquisition
(DAQ) wizard automatically generate
a solution for the user, it also creates
the LabVIEW block diagram so that
users can modify the application
as their needs change. These DAQ
Wizards have also been added to the
Macintosh platform.
ActiveX Containers
This feature of LabVIEW allows peo
ple to share code across programming
environments. Reusable components
or objects of code that are written in
one language but can be called from
a variety of other environments are
important simply because they allow
code to be reused that would otherwise
need to be completely rewritten.
The most common type of reusable
component is an ActiveX control
and these can be embedded into any
ActiveX container – see Fig.2. Today,
the most popular ActiveX containers
are Visual Basic and Visual C++. With
the introduction of Version 5.0, Lab
VIEW is now an ActiveX Container.
10 Silicon Chip
This means that users can easily drop
any ActiveX control or document
onto a LabVIEW front panel, edit it
by clicking on it and control it using
a graphical approach on the block
diagram. Thus, a user might embed
a National Instruments Component
Works control, a web browser control,
a HiQ Notebook, an Excel spreadsheet,
a Word document, a calendar control
or any of more than a thousand other
controls and documents available
over the Internet and in software
This means that users are no
longer limited to the built-in controls
available in LabVIEW but can take
advantage of controls written in other
languages. Equally important, they
do not need to do any complicated
programming to take full advantage
of these other controls.
Automation Servers
These allow integration of LabVIEW
programs into other applications. For
example, Visual Basic is often used as
a tool for developing front-end appli
cations for databases. LabVIEW, on
the other hand, is an industry-leading
software tool used to develop data
acquisition and production test sys
tems. If a user could integrate the two
applications together, or call LabVIEW
programs from Visual Basic, then they
would have the flexibility to use both
tools in an application that stores
production test data in a database.
LabVIEW 5.0 features an Auto
mation Server that gives users the
ability to “remotely” call LabVIEW
programs from outside the LabVIEW
environment. Thus, the user can call
a Lab
VIEW Virtual Instrument (VI)
from any ActiveX Automation client,
such as a program written in C, Visual
Basic, a Microsoft Excel macro or even
from another copy of LabVIEW.
Thus, much in the same way that a
user calls a DLL from a program, now
they can call a LabVIEW program from
another application. In addition, the
user can control the entire LabVIEW
development environment itself from
another program.
Distributed Computing Tools
These are used to easily create dis
Fig.3: another feature of LabVIEW
5.0 is Translation Tools for
multilingual user interfaces and
software translation. This enables
the same LabVIEW program to be
run in numerous languages.
tributed LabVIEW applications that
will execute on computers across a
heterogeneous network.
Certain applications require that
their execution take place on multi
ple machines. If users must quickly
execute extremely intensive routines,
they may want the ability to divide the
tasks onto different computers. Or if
remote acquisition requires the user
to collect data from various locations,
a distributed system may also be the
best approach.
Typically, distributed systems are
complex to write because they require
a great amount of overhead code to
pass data between the computers or
to execute calls on remote machines.
With LabVIEW 5.0, users can create
distributed systems with ease.
Suppose a user has a collection of
acquisition routines and wants to call
each of them at any time from any of
several locations. Many programming
environments require networking
functions to send commands and
data to other computers; those remote
computers must constantly listen for
a connection. To send and receive
data, the user must perform tedious
data conversions to send information
across the network.
With LabVIEW 5.0, users simply
create their initial pro
grams, load
them on all machines where they
might execute and then write a simple
program to call them at a specified
location. When users execute the
“controller” program, it simply reads
the specified target and executes the
function at that location.
When using the ActiveX interface
the server automatically launches
LabVIEW if it is not already open,
so LabVIEW does not need to run
constantly on the target computer.
The user can choose to display the
program on the target machine as it
runs or have the program execute in
the background.
worldwide are well documented and
easy to use. In addition, as interna
tional markets continue to grow, it
becomes ever more important that
both documentation and software be
translated into the end-user’s native
language – see Fig.3.
With the new documentation tools
in LabVIEW 5.0, users can automat
ically generate software documenta
tion in the form of HTML (hypertext
mark-up language) and RTF (rich text
format) formats. Thus, with the click
of a mouse, an entire user manual,
function reference manual or online
help system can be generated. No
other tool makes the tedious task of
this documentation so simple.
Translation tools
These help large application de
velopment by providing the ability to
compare graphical code to determine
the differences between them – see
These are used to create multilin
gual user interfaces and facilitate the
translation of software.
Software developers face several
challenges to make their software
successful worldwide. Good docu
mentation is often a time-consuming
task which some people choose to
ignore. However, studies indicate that
the most successful software packages
Graphical differencing tools
To address the requirement of
high-performance, very reliable ap
plications on PC platforms, modern
operating systems, such as Windows
March 1998 11
Fig.4: the Graphical Differencing Tool in LabVIEW 5 enables the differences between two programs to be highlighted. This
enables new versions of instrumentation programs to be generated quickly.
Fig.5: the LabVIEW-based Intellichart from Densitron (Kent, England) is a paperless chart recorder with a TFT colour
display, touch screen controls and LAN interface in a robust case. It was designed for clean room environments as
encountered in activities such as microchip production or food processing. The graphical tools in LabVIEW 5 mean that
users can easily set parameters such as trigger level, scan speed, paper speed, X scale and so on. For further information,
contact National Instruments or the web site at
12 Silicon Chip
Now available: the complete index to all
SILICON CHIP articles since the first issue
in November 1987. The Floppy Index
comes with a handy file viewer that lets
you look at the index line by line or page
by page for quick browsing, or you can
use the search function. All commands
are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available:
this file lets you quickly check out the
Notes & Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index
but a complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file
viewer is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
Floppy Index (incl. file viewer): $A7
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Stepper Motor Controller Software (January 1994): $A7
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Diskinfo.exe (Identifies IDE Hard Disc Parameters, August 1995): $A7
Computer Controlled Power Supply Software (Jan/Feb. 1997): $A7
Spacewri.exe & Spacewri.bas (for Spacewriter, May 1997): $A7
I/O Card (July 1997) + Stepper Motor Software (1997 series): $A7
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(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
NT and Windows 95, as well as
Sun Solaris, are “multi-threaded”.
Applications that take advantage of
multi-threading have a number of
benefits, including better CPU utili
sation, better system reliability and
user interface response and the ability
to take advantage of multiprocessor
However, only a few applications
today are multi-threaded, simply
because it is difficult to implement.
LabVIEW Version 5.0 solves this
problem because, as a dataflow pro
gramming language, it is inherently
parallel in nature. This makes it nat
ural for users to create code that can
execute simultaneously in separate
threads. Thus, it is the ideal language
in which to develop multi-threaded
LabVIEW multi-threading technol
ogy is built into every virtual instru
ment (VI), or LabVIEW program, so it
is not necessary for the user to learn
any new programming techniques. In
fact, the user does not even need to
know what multi-threading is to ben
efit from it. However, for expert users
who want to have specific control
over threads, such as changing thread
priorities, the flexibility is available in
a straightforward dialog box option.
All of the complex tasks of thread
management are transparently built
into the LabVIEW execution system,
such that users need never concern
themselves with the tedious details of
thread management. Thus, while tex
tual-based programmers must learn
new and confusing programming
practices to create a multi-threaded
application, a LabVIEW user simply
writes a VI (virtual instrument) as he
or she always has. And to make an
existing LabVIEW VI multi-thread
ed, users simply have to load their
LabVIEW programs into Version 5.0.
For a more complete explanation of
multi-threading and its benefits, there
is an Application Note titled “Creat
ing Multi-threaded Applications to
Maximise System Performance and
For further information on Lab
VIEW 5.0 or the full range of instru
mentation products, contact National
Instruments Australia, PO Box 466,
w ood, Vic 3134. Phone (03)
9879; fax (03) 9879 6277. Readers
can also access information by email
at: info.australia<at> or at
March 1998 13
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Unit for
electric guitars
Are you playing electric guitar without a
sustain pedal? What? In this day of
electronics and technology, you don’t have
a sustain pedal? Add one now and have a
more fulfilling musical life and set out on the
path to fame and fortune.
If you’re a guitar player without
a sustain pedal you must be feeling
pretty deprived. But now you can fix
all that by building this new design. It
can give you really long sustain notes
and will help make the sound much
more live.
18 Silicon Chip
Sustain is just one of many effects
that can enhance the sound from a
guitar. Some effects produce deliber
ate distortion – eg, distortion pedals
(previously called fuzz pedals) – so
that they sound harsh, while others
are more subtle and add in frequency
response shaping or envelope modula
tion. The sustain effect works by con
trolling the signal from your guitar so as
to maintain a constant level of sound.
When you pluck the string on your
guitar, it initially produces a high level
of oscillation which ultimately dies
away to nothing. This is reflected in
the volume of the note – quite loud
when initially plucked and then decay
ing away quite fast. A sustain circuit
modifies this natural decay so that the
volume remains fairly constant as the
sound from the string itself dies away
to nothing.
Some guitar sustain pedals are rel
atively crude and provide the sustain
function by amplifying the guitar
signal and clipping the waveform
Fig.1: some guitar sustain pedals work simply by
clipping the waveform when the level becomes too
high. The top waveform is a sinewave signal with
12dB higher bursts occurring every 125ms. The lower
trace is the waveform with a clipping circuit added.
This degree of clipping can sound pretty awful.
Main features
• Low distortion
• Separate Attack
and Decay
• Sustain/Bypass (In/Out) switch
• Matched in and out levels
when the level becomes too high. The
oscilloscope waveforms of Fig.1 show
this type of sustain. The top waveform
is a sinewave signal with 12dB higher
bursts occur
ring every 125ms. The
lower trace is the waveform with a
clipping circuit added. Note how the
higher signal bursts are clipped hard
to provide flat top limiting which con
stitutes considerable distortion – it can
sound pretty awful.
Such a clipping circuit cannot be
considered to be a pure sustain unit
since it adds in very high distortion. If
distortion is wanted, this can be added
in with a distortion pedal.
The Sustain pedal circuit described
here produces much lower distortion
than the clipping circuit but still
maintains the output level over a wide
signal range. The oscilloscope wave
Fig.2: these waveforms show the response of the
sustain circuit with the same input waveform as in
Fig.1. Note how the lower waveform remains
sinusoidal over its full duration.
forms of Fig.2 show the response of
the sustain unit under the same type of
pulse waveform as the clipping circuit
referred to in Fig.1. The upper trace is
the pulsed input.
Note how the lower waveform
remains sinusoidal over its full dura
tion. Note that the initial attack of the
waveform is more or less preserved
and that the waveform does still decay
away eventually. These times can be
adjusted with the Attack and Decay
How it works
Fig.3 shows the block diagram of the
circuit. The guitar signal is applied to
a gain-controlled amplifier which
provides the output signal. The sig
nal produced at the amplifier output
is full-wave rectified and filtered to
produce a DC level which is depend
ent on the signal level at the gain
controlled amplifier output. This DC
level is compared against a reference
level set by VR3 in the error amplifier
IC2a. The error signal is then fed back
to the gain controlled amplifier in
order to maintain a constant output.
Fig.4 shows the full circuit. It
comprises six op amps, four in IC1 (a
TL074) and two in IC2 (an LM358).
Q1 is a 2N5484 JFET which provides
the variable gain feature for IC1.
Fig.3: the block diagram of the circuit. The guitar signal is applied to a
gain-controlled amplifier which acts to provide a more constant output
March 1998 19
Fig.4: the circuit employs op amp IC1a and Mosfet Q1 as the gain controlled
amplifier while IC1b, IC1c and diodes D2 & D3 act as a precision full-wave
Signal input from the guitar is
AC-coupled via a 1µF capacitor to
pin 3, the non-inverting input of op
amp IC1a. The 22kΩ resistor biases
pin 3 to +5V while the 10Ω series
resistor acts as a “stopper” to reduce
the possibility of RF breakthrough.
JFET Q1 is used to dynamically
vary the gain of op amp IC1a; this is
the gain-controlled amplifier referred
to earlier in Fig.3. The gain of IC1a
is set by the 10kΩ feedback resistor
between pins 1 & 2, in conjunction
with the drain-source resistance of
JFET Q1 and the 100Ω source resis
tor. If the JFET is biased on hard, the
drain source resistance is low and the
corresponding gain is high.
Note that the JFET does not pass
DC because of the associated 47µF
capacitor. As well as blocking DC
and effectively setting the DC gain
of the circuit to unity, the 47µF ca
pacitor also sets the low frequency
20 Silicon Chip
rolloff of the circuit. High frequency
rolloff above about 16kHz is provid
ed by the .001µF capacitor between
pins 1 & 2.
Rectifier & envelope control
Op amps IC1b & IC1c, plus diodes
D2 & D3 and associated resistors form
the full wave rectifier. When the sig
nal from IC1a goes negative, the out
put of IC1b goes high, forward biasing
D3. The gain for negative signals is set
by the 20kΩ input and 20kΩ feedback
resistors to a value of -1. The signal
at the cathode of D3 is coupled to the
inverting input, pin 9, of IC1c via the
10kΩ resistor. Gain for IC1c is set at
-10 by this 10kΩ input resistor and the
100kΩ feedback resistor. Overall gain
for the input signal is therefore -1 x
-10 = +10.
However, there is an extra path
for the input signal via the 20kΩ
resistor to pin 9 of IC1c. This path
gives a positive signal at the output
of IC1c with a gain of -5. Adding the
two gains gives us +5. So when the
input signal is negative, the output
at pin 8 of IC1c is negative.
For positive input signals diode D2
conducts and clamps the output of
IC1b to +5V. Signal then passes via
the 20kΩ resistor connecting to pin
9 of IC1c. IC1c inverts the signal and
provides a gain of -5. Therefore, posi
tive input signals result in a negative
output at pin 8 of IC1c.
So, regardless of whether the input
signal swings negative or positive,
the output at pin 8 of IC1c always
swings negative. Thus we have a
full-wave rectifier.
The 10pF capacitor across the
20kΩ feedback resistor for IC1b
prevents instability while the 0.1µF
capacitor across the 10kΩ feedback
resistor of IC1c provides a measure
of filtering. The full-wave rectified
signal is filtered using D4, VR1,
VR2, the 10kΩ resistor and the 10µF
capacitor. Diode D4 allows the 10µF
capacitor to be charged via VR1 but
only discharged via VR2 and the
series 10kΩ resistor. This allows
separate control over the attack and
decay times.
Error amplifier
IC2a is the error amplifier. It
compares the rectified signal from
D4 with the DC voltage (Vadj) at its
pin 2 and it amplifies the difference
between these two signals by a factor
of 5.7, as set by the 10kΩ input and
47kΩ feedback resistors.
Reference. Vadj, the DC reference
fed to the error amplifier, comes
from op amp IC2b and is set using
trimpot VR3.
The error amplifier drives the gate
of JFET Q1 via a 10kΩ resistor and
switch S2. The 10kΩ resistor between
the gates and drain of Q1 has the
effect of linearising the signal and
thereby reducing distortion.
Slide switch S2 is used to select
Sustain (in) or Bypass modes (out).
When Sustain is selected, the voltage
from pin 1 of IC2a controls Q1’s gate.
When S2 is in the out position, the
gate is held at a voltage set by VR4
and the 10kΩ resistor between gate
and drain. In this mode, the drainsource resistance of Q1 is constant
and so the gain does not vary. In use,
trimpot VR4 is adjusted so that the
same volume is experienced whether
the switch is in or out as the guitar
string is first plucked.
Power for the circuit is derived
from a 12V DC source which will usu
ally be a plugpack. Diode D1 protects
against reverse polarity connection,
while the 100µF capacitor decouples
the supply. LED1 indicates power
when S1 is switched on.
Most of the op amps are biased
from a 5V DC supply. This is de
Fig.5: all the components mount on the PC board, including the input and
output jack sockets. Note that IC1 and IC2 are oriented in different directions.
rived with zener diode ZD1 which
is supplied via a 1kΩ resistor from
the 11.4V rail, following D1. The
resulting regu
lated voltage across
ZD1 is filtered with a 10µF capacitor
and then buffered with op amp IC1c.
Typically, a guitar sustain circuit
such as this would be pedal operated
and perhaps the electronics would
all be mounted in the pedal housing
itself. However, some guitar players
would be just as happy mounting
the circuit board in a simple plastic
utility case and with simple switches
to operate it instead of a pedal.
With those thoughts in mind, we
are presenting this project in the
simplest possible form, as a PC board
with all circuit components mounted
on it. The PC board measures 105 x
60mm and is coded 01302981. It has
been designed to fit into a standard
UB3 plastic utility case measuring
130 x 67 x 43mm (Altronics Cat.
H-0153 or equivalent).
Fig.5 shows the component layout.
Before you install any parts on the
board, check it thoroughly against
the PC artwork shown in Fig.6 and
make sure that all holes have been
drilled. That done, install the two
Capacitor Codes
❏ Value IEC Code EIA Code
❏ 0.47µF 470n 474
❏ 0.001µF 1n0 102
❏ 10pF 10p 10
Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 3
❏ 6
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
red red orange brown
red black orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
red red black red brown
red black black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown black black black brown
brown black black gold brown
March 1998 21
Parts List
1 PC board, code 01302981,
105 x 60mm
2 DPDT slider switches (S1,S2)
2 6.35mm PC mount mono
unswitched sockets
1 10kΩ linear PC mount pot
1 100kΩ linear PC mount pot
2 knobs
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 PC stakes
1 40mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
Total harmonic distortion (1kHz) ................... 0.7% at 10mV input, 2% <at>
20mV, 0.02% <at> 200mV
1 TL074, LF347 quad op amp
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC2)
1 2N5484 N-channel JFET (Q1)
1 1N4004 1A 400V diode (D1)
3 1N914, 1N4148 signal diodes
1 5.1V 400mW zener diode
Signal to noise ratio at maximum
gain (with respect to 100mV)............................-60dB with 20Hz to 20kHz
filter (better noise figure at lower gains)
Output level versus input level............................. flat from about 10mV to
170mV input
Attack time ................................................................................. 5ms (max)
Decay time ................................................................................ 25ms (min)
Maximum gain ...............................................................................18 times
Frequency response .....................................-1dB at 20Hz; -3dB at 16kHz
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.47µF 63V MKT polyester
2 .001µF 63V MKT polyester
1 10pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 100kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 47kΩ
1 1kΩ
3 22kΩ
2 100Ω
3 20kΩ
1 10Ω
6 10kΩ
PC stakes, two links, resistors and
diodes, followed by the capacitors,
the LED and the two trimpots.
Make sure that the diodes and
electrolytic capacitors are installed
with correct polarity.
Next, install the two ICs and note
that they are oriented differently. Pin
1 of IC1 is adjacent to the two jack
sockets while pin 1 of IC2 faces the
other end of the board.
Slide switches S1 and S2 are in
stalled by inserting the switch pins
into the PC board and soldering in
place. If the pins are difficult to in
sert, crimp them with pliers first or
use tinned copper wire through the
22 Silicon Chip
Fig.6 actual size artwork for the PC board. It has been designed to slip
into a standard plastic utility box (UB3).
switch pins which then insert into
the PC board.
The JFET (Q1) is mounted with its
package oriented as shown on Fig.5.
The Attack and Decay potentiome
ters, VR1 and VR2, are PC types and
are soldered directly into the board.
Note that they have different values
so don’t get them swapped around
by mistake.
Finally, mount the two 6.35mm
PC sockets in position. They are PC
types too and solder directly into
the board.
Testing, testing
Connect up a 12V DC power supply
to the PC stakes on the board and
check that there is about +11.4V at
pin 4 of IC1 and pin 8 of IC2 when
S1 is on. Pin 7, pin 10 and pin 12 of
IC1 should have about +5V present.
You are now ready to test the sus
tain unit with your guitar. Switch
S2 to the Sustain setting (towards
S1) and play a few notes. Adjust
VR3 for best effect on the sustain.
You may also need to adjust the
volume level from your guitar to suit
the input range of the sustain unit
which operates best between 10mV
and 200mV.
Adjust the Attack control to set
the rate at which the note is reduced
in volume when the string is first
plucked. Then adjust the Delay control
to ensure that the note’s volume is
maintained as much as possible. SC
A nifty inverter
for compact
fluorescent lamps
Want to drive a number of compact fluorescent
lamps (CFLs) from a 12V supply? Here’s a low
cost way of doing it. The finished product fits
into a small plastic case yet will drive up to
three 11W CFLs at full brightness.
We have published a number of
inverters for fluorescent lamps in the
past but this is certainly the simplest.
It makes use of the internal circuitry
of CFLs and the result is a simple
low-cost inverter.
Before we go any further, perhaps
we had better explain what we mean
by a Compact Fluorescent Lamp or
CFL. If you visit the electrical section
of any large retailer or hardware store
you will find a range of CFLs rated at
between 10W and 40W. They have an
March 1998 23
Fig.1: the inverter consists of a CMOS oscillator with complementary outputs,
two Mosfets to drive the step-up transistors and a bridge rectifier with ultra-fast
diodes. The unsmoothed DC is then applied directly to the CFL which normally
runs from 50Hz 240VAC.
Edison screw base and run from the
240VAC 50Hz mains supply.
But you don’t have to run them from
240VAC 50Hz. They can be run from a
high voltage DC supply of about 340V.
How can this be?
Inside the circular plastic base of
the CFL is a bridge rectifier to convert
the incoming 240VAC supply to about
340V DC. This is then fed to an elec
tronic ballast circuit inside the CFL
to drive the folded fluorescent tube.
So because there is a bridge rectifier
inside the CFL, that means we can
power it from 340V DC (or therea
bouts) rather than 240VAC.
But the high voltage supply does
not even need to be smoothed DC.
It can be unfiltered DC, direct from
the inverter’s own bridge rectifier.
Fig.2: this is the voltage waveform at the drain of Mosfet Q5.
You can see that the waveform is close to 24V peak-to-peak.
Ignore the oscilloscope measurement of 32.2V peak-to-peak
because that includes occasional overshoots which are not
depicted in this waveform but are clipped by the 16V zener
24 Silicon Chip
So the fact that the high voltage DC
does not need to be filtered means
there is a further saving because high
voltage electrolytic capacitors are not
required. Neat, huh?
But if the CFL has a bridge rectifier
in it, why does the inverter need a
bridge rectifier at its output too? Well,
it is necessary and we’ll explain why
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the inverter circuit. It
uses an oscillator to drive a pair of
power Mosfets and a step up trans
former. Its output is then rectified and
fed to the CFLs.
Only one 74C14 hex Schmitt trig
ger, IC1, is used in the circuit. IC1a
and IC1b plus frequency determining
components C1, R1, and R2 form a
simple two-gate oscillator that pro
duces a square wave output at about
20kHz. IC1e and IC1f are connected
in parallel to invert and buffer the
output of IC1b. Then IC1c and IC1d,
also connected in parallel, invert and
buffer the oscillator signal again. So
now we have complementary (ie, 180°
out of phase) signals and these are
used to drive complementary emitter
follower pairs, Q1 & Q2 and Q3 & Q4.
We could have used the outputs of
IC1e, etc to drive the following Mos
fets, Q5 & Q6, but the emitter follower
drive gives faster and cleaner switch
ing because it is better able to charge
and discharge the gate capacitance of
the Mosfets. By ensuring fast switch
ing, there is less stress and power loss
Parts List
1 PC board, 115 x 36mm
1 plastic utility box, 129 x 68 x
1 Edison screw socket
1 or 2 11W compact fluorescent
lamps (CFLs)
1 step-up inverter transformer (T1)
1 prewound inductor (L1)
3 rocker switches (S1,S2,S3)
Fig.3: this the voltage appearing between one side of the
transformer secondary and 0V. This is 320V peak-to-peak
and the full output is 640V peak-to-peak.
in the Mosfets and that leads to better
Because of the complementary
signals driving the Mosfets, each one
turns on alternately to drive its half of
the transformer primary winding. The
Mosfet effectively switches the +12V
across one half of the transformer and
transformer action in the other half
means that 24V peak-to-peak appears
at each Mosfet drain.
The transformer primary is 7.5 turns
centre tapped (ie, 3.75 turns each half)
and the secondary has 100 turns. So
with 24V peak-to-peak across each pri
mary half, the total voltage appearing
across the transformer secondary will
be 640V peak-to-peak.
This is confirmed by the waveforms
shown in Fig.2 & Fig.3. Fig.2 shows
the voltage waveform at the drain of
Mosfet Q5. You can see that the wave
form is close to 24V peak-to-peak.
(Ignore the oscilloscope measurement
of 32.2V peak-to-peak because that
includes occasional overshoots which
are not depicted in this waveform.)
Fig.3 shows the voltage appearing
between one side of the transformer
secondary and 0V. This is 320V peakto-peak, exactly as theory suggests. By
the way, this waveform was recorded
with two 11W CFLs connected. Note
that the waveform frequency was
recorded as just over 20kHz.
We mentioned overshoots in the
primary waveform and these are
clamped, to protect the Mosfets from
voltage punch-through, by 16V zener
diodes ZD1 and ZD2 plus diodes D1
and D2. The fact that two 16V zener
diodes are employed, explains why
the oscillo
scope produced a meas
urement of 32.2V peak-to-peak for
the overshoots.
The transformer secondary drives
a bridge rectifier consisting of four
ultra-fast 1000V diodes, D3-D6. The
rectified output is fed to the CFLs via
a low-pass filter consisting of R5 & R6
in parallel together with capacitor C5.
R5 and R6 also limit the peak current
when charging any load capacitance;
eg, the filter capacitor in the CFL.
1 74C14, 40106 hex Schmitt
trigger (IC1)
2 C8050 NPN transistors (Q1,Q3)
2 C8550 PNP transistors (Q2,Q4)
2 2SK2175 N-channel Mosfets
2 16V 1W zener diodes (ZD1,
6 1NH42 ultra-fast diodes
2 1N4148 diodes (D7,D8)
Resistors (0.25W, 1% or 5%)
1 47kΩ
2 205Ω 2W
1 10kΩ
2 4.7kΩ
2 220µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF metallised polyester
(greencap) or monolithic
1 .0015µF metallised polyester
1 680pF 3kV ceramic
240VAC figure-8 or sheathed
twin cable, hookup wire, solder.
All parts for this project are available from Oatley Electronics who own the
design copyright. Their address is PO Box 89, Oatley, NSW 2223. Phone
(02) 9584 3563; fax (02) 9584 3561. The prices are as follows:
Earlier on we raised the issue of
whether there was any need for the
inverter to have its own bridge recti
fier when the CFLs have an internal
bridge. The reason the second bridge
rectifier is required is that the invert
er runs at 20kHz and this is done to
enable high efficiency and a small
step-up transformer to be used. If the
20kHz output from the inverter was
fed directly to the CFLs, their bridge
rectifiers would immediately blow.
So we use ultra-fast diodes to do the
rectification and then the CFL internal
bridges can handle the unsmoothed
DC without problems.
PC board plus on-board components plus one 11W CFL ................$25.00
Building it
Extra CFL...............................................................................................$11
All the components for the CFL
inverter are accommodated on a
Where To Buy The Kit
March 1998 25
Above: the inverter board steps up
12V DC to drive one, two or three
compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).
Make sure that all parts are correctly
Fig.4 (right): this is the component
layout for the PC board and the
wiring to the switches. Both the stepup transformer (T1) and the supply
inductor (L1) will be supplied ready
small PC board which measures 115 x
36mm. It is then mounted in a stand
ard plastic utility box measuring 129
x 68 x 41mm. This has a panel on it
with three rocker switches, one for
each CFL to be driven.
Fig.4 shows the component layout
for the PC board and the wiring to the
switches. This project will be supplied
as a kit from Oatley Electronics and
both the stepup transformer (T1) and
the supply inductor (L1) will be sup
plied ready wound.
When assembling the board, install
the resistors and diodes first. Make
sure that you don’t mix up the diodes
26 Silicon Chip
and zener diodes otherwise the project
will have a very brief life. Then install
the four transistors, followed by the
capacitors. Again, make sure that you
install the transistors in their correct
positions and that the electrolytic
capacitors have the correct polarity.
Next, install the transformer and
inductor L1, followed by the two
Mosfets and the CMOS IC.
Finally, connect all the external
wiring to the rocker switches and the
Edison screw sockets for the CFLs.
Check all your wiring very carefully
and then connect one CFL. Connect
the inverter to a 12V power supply or
battery. The CFL should immediately
light up. As is normal with any fluo
rescent lamp or CFL, they will take a
couple of minutes to reach maximum
Be careful not to come in contact
with the inverter’s output. It bites!
*Branco Justic is Managing Director of
Oatley Electronics.
650nM 5mW, 3-4V, case 125
x 39 x 25mm, lens, battery
holder NOW JUST:$20
Very efficient and properly driven fluorescent white light! Tubes last because
the filaments are heated! Inverter kit can
drive up to three 11W Compact FluoVISIBLE LASER DIODE MODULE KIT rescent lamps (CFL’s). Kit plus one
5mW/650nM The same as our "visible 11W CFL$25. extra CFL $11Ea.
laser diode kit" but a much smaller PCB.
Dimensions are 15mm X 40mm: $20
12 CHANNEL UHF REMOTE SPECIAL Just set the required
Ref: EA Mar 93. This system features a Amps - 0.1, 0.3, 0.5
12 channel keypad operated transmitter, and the time. Shuts 12Hrs
12 channel receiver supplied with a UHF off automaticly.
receiver module & 2 channel relay driver Charges any cell or
kit (can be used in multiples) All the battery from 0 - 15v.
0.1A 0.3A 0.5A
PCBs are solder masked & silk supplied with all
screened, the transmitter fits into a hand parts, box, knob,
held commercial case which has a switches, plugbattery compartment. At near1/2 price: pack, timer, label,
Transmitter kit: $22, Transmitter case: PCB & all components:$18
$11, Receiver kit: $28, Rly driver kit: $18
JUST ADD $20 TO THE TX-RX KIT laser diode module, 35x10mm diam.
3-4.5V: $32
New Windows/95 compatible (DEC
(DE101) etherworks LC/TP) DIGITAL
brand Ethernet computer cards with
software and booklet in original box.
Cards include boot ROM so one of the
computers does not even require a hard
disc. We don’t supply the commonly
A small plastic case
available cable which can also be made
suitable for enclosing the
up with RJ45 connectors and two
CCD camera, plus a very
strong multi angle and position twisted wire pairs: Diagram included.
adjustable universal joint swivel bracket Limited quantity: $50 for a pair.
plus screws: $6 - $4
The display changes every 5-60 sec,
Adjustable time. Countless possible
USED. Scrolls, flashes and reveals text displays from single to multiple flowers,
in all directions and much more. Now collapsing circles, rotating single and
Professional tuneable
with software, programming info and multiple ellipses, stars, etc. PCB + all
UHF A/V modulator with
schematic diagram. Has 12 large 5x7 PCB components, three motors &
built in Antenna booster
and a test pattern generator: As used in LED dot matrices (38 X 52 mm), very mirrors : $65 Or with above kit for $79!!
VCR’s. With each unit we also supply bright, in housing, 240Vac, 3 wire control
lead: $60.
parts for a 5V regulator $18 - $14
Great patterns that depend on the sound
or music picked up by an electret
Metal enclosed with telemicrophone. Inc. PCB, components
scopic antenna, A/V leads
microphone, 2 motors & 2 mirrors: $44
supplied: $35 - $25
Fresh stock standard battery plus one 650nM LASER POINTER SPECIAL
GEL/LEAD-ACID BATTERY CHARGER Light weight (2XAAA) pen sized pointer
Small kit which includes a microphone. for: $30
with 5mW/650nM laser diode, 140mm
Gives Line level output for use with the
long, 18mm diameter: $32
above Modulator or transmitter: $8 - $5
New improved kit that can drive larger New very small UHF Super-hetrodyne
A small LM386 based power amplifier kit motors and has optoisolation between receiver modules and matching
that can directly drive a speaker, needs the circuit and the computer. DB25 Saw resonators
connector provided on PCB. Needs a on 433.92 MHz.
the above Preamplifier: $9 - $6
standard cable for connection to a PC, (25mW power
TIME LAPSE RECORDING INTERFACE and a power supply for the motor drive limit!).The range of
New kit, now has relay contact outputs! section. PCB and all on board com- our proto.Tx-Rx was approx.
Can be directly connected to a VCR or ponents kit plus software and notes: $39 1Km! The first will be a 2 ch. remote
via a learning remote control: $30 - $20 or $49 with two used 1.8deg. motors !!!
control. $65: (1 Tx + 1 Rx.) avail. March
to suit,very small: $16 - $12
10mW 640nM LASER DIODE!!!
New 12V DC-1A 6" colour monitor, Finally a diode to suit LASER LIGHT
ready for enclosing, no box, just the tube SHOW. brighter than large He-Ne tubes!
and driver PCB’s: $65
10 LED: $14 - $10, 30 LED: $30 -$20
Avai. April: $69 . Driver kit,
housing & lens avail. ReDC
CONTROL duced prices when purchased
Brand new 240V 30cm enclosed EXPERIMENTERS PACK
with the two laser (pattern
computer monitor + a video conversion ONE 20A motor speed controller kit generators) on this page.
(similar to SC - Jun.97-$18) plus two
kit. Gives
small new 12VDC motors (40mm dia., STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER KITS
better res40mm length) plus one used car Kit includes a large used 1.8deg. (200
olution than
windscreen wiper motor (which have step / rev) motor & used SAA1042A IC.
TV’s!! Avail.
internal gear reduction) for: $32
early Feb.
Can be driven by external or an onLimited but
board clock; has a variable frequency
good qty.
clock generator. Ext switches (not inc.)
2SK2175 - MOSFETS 15A, TO220, 60V, or logic levels from a computer etc set
30W: 10 for $15, CA3140 - MOSFET CW or CCW rotation, half or full step
input op amp : 5 for $5, TL494 - operation, operation enable/disable,
MINIATURE FM TRANSMITTER (33 x switchmode power supply IC : 5 for $5, clock speed. PCB and onboard com23 x 10mm) enclosed in a small black NE555 - timer IC : 10 for $5, ICL7106 - ponents:$18 with 1 motor, $28 with 2
metal case. Built in switch & LCD display driver : $5, ICL7107 - LED motors.
microphone. Specifications: 88 to 108- display driver : $5, IRFZ44 MOSFETS
60V,0.028ohm on resistance,50A: 10 for SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY
MHz (adjustable), has a
$30 C8050 and C8550 transistors: 20 Compact ( 145 X 80 X 50mm ), in a
wire ant. attached,
for $5, CMOS IC’S 4001/ 11/ 13/ 16/ 17/ perforated metal case, 240V AC in, 12V
bat. life 60 hrs,
20/ 24/ 28/ 40/ 46/ 60/ 66/ 69/ 93 Any DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17
Range 50M:
mixture 10 for $8
$39 (Std. watch
battery LR44, inc.)
SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY laser engine as used in laser printers.
Compact ( 145 X 80 X 50mm ), in a With Polygon scanner motor with Xtal
Light flasher-chaser for flashing 20W perforated metal case, 240V AC in, 12V controlled driver PCB, 5mW/780nM
Halogen lamps. 12/24V - 2A AC DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17
laser diode in collimated housing,
operation for flashing 4-8 lamps. Suit
mirrors, lenses etc. Info on how to run
shops, discos etc. Even has adjustable UNIDIRECTIONAL ELECTRET
motor and laser included: $35
rate & sound trigger circuit. We supply MICROPHONE
the microphone, PCB plus all on board New quality product
components:$27 20W Halogen down- with clip, 3M lead,
Quality "Bell telephone" brand 28mm x
light lamps$4, Lamp connectors to suit 2.5mm plug: $4 Make
3.5mm. A great buy at: 10 for $3
$2.50. We should have some suitable a stage quality wireless
used inexpensive transformers to suit microphone by combining
mirrors, lenses etc. Info on running it with our FMTX MK2 transmitter kit: SPRING REVERB UNIT NEW!!!
$16 for the kit plus the microphone
motor & laser included: $35
Professional quality large 3 spring
reverb unit with 425 X 100 X 35mm
DOG SILENCER KIT- NEW IMPROVED metal housing and female
Our famous MAR-6 based masthead High power swept ultrasonic generator RCA connectors
amp. 2-section PCB (power supply sec. kit that can drive up to 4 piezo tweeters. plugs. Typical
can be indoors): kit $15. Plugpack: $6 Works on dogs & most animals. PCB & circuit
Weather-proof box:$2.50. Box for power all on-board components and horn piezo supplied.
supply: $2.50 Rabbit-ears ant: $7 tweeter: $33, extra tweeters $7 ea. clearance
Suitable 13.8V-1A DC plugpack $10.
(MAR-6 avail. sep.)available
price of ;$40
This is the actual 16 x 1 character
display used in a project in this issue.
No problems!!!: $16 Ea. or 3 for $40
The best "value for money" CCD
camera on the market! Tiny CCD
camera, 0.1 lux,IR responsive, high
resolution. It has a metal lens housing
and glass lenses, & performs better than
many cheaper models.
Pinhole (60deg.),
78 deg.; 92 deg.;
120 deg.; $89 or
$99 with a 150 deg.
Super bright at 400mCd $1.50 ea. 10 for
1Cd red 10 for $4,..300mCd green $1.10
ea. or 10 for $7,..3Cd red $1.10 ea. or
10 for $7,..3Cd yellow also in 3mm: 10
for $9 ; Super bright...FLASHING LEDs:
$1.50 ea. or 10 for $10...(Make small
torch! mix the red green & blue)
Geiger counter:$40,...Breath tester:
$40,..Music box: $11,..Ding dong doorbell: $3.50, Siren using a 10cm speaker:
$14,..Electric fence using used car coil:
$25,..Ultrasonic car alarm: $35,..1ch
UHF Central locking, Tx and Rx: $35,...4
door Central locking: $60,..2 Channel
UHF Remote Control, 1Tx + 1Rx: $45.
Std 4 line X 32, NEC D7227G IC’s.: $18
USA made wands. Sapphire tip, curly
cord & 5pin DIN plug. converts bar
codes to a digital pulses, 0.19mm spot
size is. Open collector output TTL /
CMOS compatible needs 5V supply. $45
suits 3 phase motors up to 1000V /
1000A against thermal & mechanical
overload & electrical fault conditions,
can be used as a shearpin, consists of
motor protection unit with built in current
transformers (wires pass through, no
physical connection motor wires), with a
3m cable linking it to a monitor unit with
a 6 digit LCD display for motor data,
settings and the cause of any trip if it
occurs, new, at a fraction of new cost:
$200 for the pair..
For high power applications: 2-3 phase
from a few Amps to over 1000A. can be
set to trip at 0.01 to 6.4A, has adjustable
trip time, N.O. & N.C. 440VAC/8A relay
contacts, 46mm diam. hole for core
balance, 2KV isolation etc., output
terminals for linear meter etc.
This unit is designed to monitor up to 2
groups of 3 temp. sensors and diplay on
a remote LCD controller (included with
above) user setable alarm states etc.
from -50 to +350 Deg.C. Requires
240VAC supply: $180
jewellers eye- piece with a plastic lens:
$3,... 50mm $8, 75mm $12,... 110mm
$15. SPECIAL: The set of four for $25
************ALL OF OUR KITS************
All kits come with quality made PCB’s
with screen printed component designation & solder mask.
PO Box 89 Oatley NSW 2223
Ph ( 02 ) 9584 3563 Fax 9584 3561
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
major cards with ph. & fax orders,
Post & Pack typically $6
Those summertime lightning blues
Every summer, after the hot humid days,
there follows the inevitable storm and
whether it is the El Nino effect or not, these
storms seem to be getting more violent. Or is
it that electronic devices are becoming more
One would have thought that, after
all these years, lightning would be
better understood but it doesn’t appear
to be. I watched a program recently
that went on to show that lightning
does indeed strike the same place
twice – sometimes even more. And
with older TV sets, the high humidity
causes insulation breakdown in the
EHT transformers and focus circuits.
The day after a storm is always hec
tic, with many confused people on the
phone. Some are surprised that their
electronic equipment isn’t working
and fail to make any connection with
mother nature’s major disturbance the
night before. Most of them just want
their gear fixed immediately but of
course, that’s not always possible.
For my part, I organise a stack of loan
sets so that people don’t become too
I never cease to be amazed by the
path lightning takes through a set –
it never seems to be logical or in a
straight line to earth. Sometimes the
damage can be particularly serious on
a set that did not appear to be near the
strike, while others right next to the
hit remain totally unaffected.
The fireball
One such case occurred when Mrs
Williams anxiously asked me to call.
She was certain that the whole lot
would be a complete write-off. When
I arrived at her house, she told me that
she was walking into the lounge room
when the lightning struck, hitting the
garage roof only a few metres outside
the front door.
28 Silicon Chip
And, according to the lady, a
fireball had come through the front
door and moved horizontally until
it hit the TV set. I must admit that I
was a bit sceptical about the fireball
bit but, even so, I half-expected the
AWA 2C6346 to be burnt to a frazzle.
I removed the back at arm’s length to
avoid getting soot on my clothes but,
to my surprise, it was exceptionally
clean for an 11-year old set.
I poked about, removed the chassis
and looked everywhere. There was no
sign of any damage and the fuse was
intact. In the end, there was nothing
for it but to switch it on. Fearing the
worst, I hit the power switch and
stood well-back but it was a total
anticlimax. The set came on perfectly
except that it gave a snowy picture,
which was fixed as soon as I recon
nected the antenna.
I then checked the VCR, a Panason
ic NV-G16A. Neither the controls on
the unit, nor on the remote control,
were working. I switched it off while
Mrs Williams brought in a cup of tea
and after 15 minutes I switched it
back on again.
The controls were now working
perfectly, as indeed was the remote
control. The one explanation appears
to be that a lightning surge can tem
porarily disable a microprocessor, by
applying false voltages to a wide range
of pins. And if one is lucky, it will
restore itself after a few on/off cycles.
Either that or there is a subtle in
termittent lurking in it somewhere.
In either case, there wasn’t much I
could do about it then. If, or when, it
reappears it will be time to try again.
So Mrs Williams was exceptionally
lucky; the only thing that had failed
completely was the Foxtel STV-100
cable decoder, which was Telstra’s
A weak effort
The next customer was lucky too,
as mother nature’s effort here was also
a pretty weak one. This time, the set
was an Italian-made Fujitsu General,
model FGS211 (BS950 chassis). This
too was dead and I soon discovered
that the mains fuse (F451) had blown.
There was no visible damage and
the cause turned out to be switching
transistor T401 (BU508A), which was
shorted. The bridge rectifier hadn’t
been damaged, as I would have ex
There was, however, one weird side
effect. The sound was fractionally low
and this turned out to be transistor
TR702 (BC547C) in the audio preamp
circuit. This transistor had become
leaky and so that problem was easily
No lightning
The next problem was not quite so
easy. There are some customers who
insist that their equipment was dam
aged during a storm but subsequent
investigation proves that this was not
the real cause.
In this case, the customer brought
in a VCR that was now showing fine
horizontal interference lines when
playing tapes. Initially, it looked to
me as though an electro had dried out
in the power supply, thereby causing
ripple in the power supply to the
video head preamplifier. As it turned
out, the true cause was rather sneaky.
Underneath a small metal can,
soldered as a component screen onto
the printed board, was some of the no
torious brown goo. It was completely
concealed and it had corroded and
shorted the tracks underneath a drop
out compensation circuit. Removing
it and cleaning the board restored the
picture, so the problem was hardly
due to a lightning strike!
The 76cm Toshiba
There was no doubt about the next
job. Mr Johns owns a 1989 76cm
Toshiba (model 329P8A) and lives on
the first floor of a block of units. This
is a huge set and weighs in at around
50kg. Faced with this, I elected to go
to the mountain.
The fault was described as a
horizontal line across the screen. I
removed the back and quickly dis
covered that R327, a fusible 6.2Ω
1W resistor feeding 27V to pin 7
of the vertical output stage (IC303,
AN5521), was open circuit. Access
to most of this circuit is not easy but
nevertheless, I decided to replace the
resistor and IC together to save time.
When I switched it back on, it only
took a second or so before the resistor
burnt out again. Naturally, it was the
last resistor of that type in my toolbox.
This time, I looked more carefully at
the set and soon noticed that IC361
(TDA8145) on the U905B DPC-2
board was very hot. In addition, the
PC board was dark all around it. I
decided to leave the set where it was
and lend Mr Johns a portable until I
could order in the necessary parts.
A few days later I returned and re
placed IC361 and resistor R327. This
time the resistor lasted a few seconds
longer before failing and the IC was
still getting extremely hot. It was then
that I spied what had to be the real
culprit: coil L464 on board U905C
DPC-1. This coil (TLN3061) had be
come so hot it had melted its plastic
insulation and was burnt black.
Well, I knew I didn’t have a replace
ment coil and it might be a long wait
for another one. Because the part was
in the horizontal deflection correction
circuit I decided to try it without the
coil in circuit to see if I had some sort
of vertical deflection.
This turned out to be a colossal
mistake. Initially, at switch-on there
were a few noises I hadn’t heard be
fore, then a very loud one. After that,
there was silence and all life ceased
to exist inside the set.
I had blown the line output transis
tor (Q404) and vapourised the 145V
rail which feeds Q404’s collector via
resistor R444 (0.82Ω, 2W) and pin 2
of the horizontal output transformer.
Again, the thought of negotiating a
76cm TV set down a flight of stairs,
lifting it into a vehicle big enough to
carry it and then getting it into the
workshop was too horrible to con
template. I left the set where it was
and went home.
The next day I ordered the parts
which arrived almost immediately.
Third time lucky? No, you guessed
it; there was more trouble to come.
Despite replacing all the parts, the
line output transistor (Q404) got very
hot and failed yet again. There had to
be another short nearby and after a
while I found that diode D440 (ERC0615) in Q404’s collector circuit was
shorted. I didn’t have one of these to
hand but I did have an FR307, another
line output transistor and a 0.82Ω
resistor for R444.
Pincushion distortion
This time, success at last! The pic
ture was restored and I checked the
HT rail, refitted the back and recon
nected the external speaker and AV
connections. With it all back together
again I was enjoying a nice cup of tea,
when Mr Johns and I both noticed
that the tennis wasn’t quite right.
No, I don’t mean that someone was
chucking a wobbly; instead, I mean
March 1998 29
Serviceman’s Log – continued
lightning strikes. One way of quoting
for such sets, where damage appears
to be severe, is to price a replace
ment chassis rather than fixing it to
component level. Sometimes it is a
safer proposition but in some cases,
the cost of a replacement chassis is
simply too high to make it econom
ically viable and the set either has
to be repaired at component level or
written off.
The unluckiest victim
that the picture was all wrong in the
east/west direction, with noticeable
pincushion distortion.
“Oh bother!” I said (rather untruth
fully) as I removed the back again.
I quickly found the three east/west
controls – R358 width, R356 keystone
(trapezoid) and R359 DPC (pincush
ion) – and marked their positions
with a felt-tip pen before twiddling
each one in turn. This had no effect;
all three appeared to be totally inop
This seemed to suggest that IC361
had failed again; either that or I was
indeed going to have to manhandle it
back to the workshop so that I could
use the CRO to trace the waveforms
around this circuit. Please – not that!
A stroke of luck
Well, it was at this stage that my
luck turned for the better. Earlier
in the piece, I had sensibly had the
foresight to fit a socket for IC361. This
30 Silicon Chip
meant that I could easily replace it
without having to first unsolder the
module that it was on (U905B) in or
der to gain access to the copper side.
As it turned out, the IC had failed
again and the new one finally fixed
the last problem.
But why had IC361 failed the sec
ond time? The answer is that it was
almost certainly a byproduct of L464’s
failure and/or any of the other failures
that occurred after replacing IC361
the first time.
I realigned the three controls using
a crosshatch generator and settled
down to a replacement cup of tea
before replacing the back. I then had
another cuppa to make sure that it
was still working – while watching
the tennis – and I would probably
have stayed for a third if Mr Johns
hadn’t made some subtle comment
about how busy I must be.
The above story just goes to empha
sise the good and bad luck aspects of
The unluckiest of the lightning
victims was undoubtedly Mr Evans,
with Yours Truly suffering collateral
damage on the side. He was watching
the spectacle that night when there
was a strike a few streets away. The
lights and power flickered and his
Fujitsu General TV set, an FG2012
with a Goldstar PC-04A chassis, went
completely dead.
When I called, I removed the back,
expecting just the fuse to have gone.
However, not only was fuse F581 in
tact but the switchmode power supply
was actually working. But that was as
far as it went and I noticed that some
of the printed wiring had evaporated.
That was enough for me; it was back
to the workshop.
Later, I found that the missing print
ed wiring involved the sub-switch
on the mains power switch, SW851.
The latter is a pushbutton toggle type
which opens or closes the two con
tacts directly in the incoming 240V
power line to the power supply. It also
performs several functions via the
sub-switch (P801). These functions
involve the various rails out of the
power supply and also include the
control of relay RL801 in the 112V
rail from pin 17.
The vaporised sub-switch wiring
led to four NPN transistors – Q704,
Q705, Q713 and Q714 – in the
standby/on switching circuit and
this had also been destroyed. All
this damage was duly repaired but
this only allowed the standby LED
LD701 to turn on. By this stage,
there should have been 112V on
the collector of the horizontal out
put transistor (Q402), applied via
relay RL801. However, the relay was
not being activated.
This set provides a test function
here although this is not shown on
the circuit. A 2-pin male connector,
P702, is connected between pin 41
of the main IC (IC701) and chassis
(pin 41 drives the damaged NPN
transistor circuit mentioned above).
By bridging these pins, the relay could
be switched on via Q801S and Q713.
Unfortunately, the horizontal output
stage started but then died.
My next stop was Q401, the hori
zontal driver transistor. A waveform
check at its collector indicated that
it was delivering only low ampli
tude pulses. The collector voltage is
derived from pin 6 of the EHT trans
former (T801) which should be at
28V. After following a number of false
leads, I finished up at D401 which
connects between the 18V rail from
the switchmode power supply and the
28V rail. This diode was short circuit.
At last, I seemed to be getting
somewhere, as a snowy raster now
appeared. Unfortunately, no control
functions were available at the front
panel or via the remote control and
I still had no sound. On the other
hand, I now had clear confirmation
that IC701 was faulty; pin 41 still
needed to be bypassed, whereas it
should have been doing the job itself.
So, regardless of any other faults in
the set, this IC it had to be replaced.
In fact, I finished up replacing two
IC701s. No, I didn’t replace the same
one twice; there are two separate ICs
marked IC701 on the circuit – the
original 42-pin PCA84C640P/030
device and an 8-pin PCD8572 device
connected to it. But just to confuse
matters, the 8-pin device in the set
was marked X24C02P and designated
Anyway, I now had a picture but
there was still no sound and the au
tomatic tuning wouldn’t lock in. It
took the replacement of IC401 to fix
most of this. This IC is a TDA1940
and, among other things, provides
sync separation, a burst generator and
vertical and horizontal sync outputs.
Next on the replacement list was
IC601 (TBA-120T) which provides
the sound IF functions. Changing
this restored the sound. I now had a
working set – well, sort of.
No remote control
The one thing left not working was
the remote control. This involves
a 3-terminal package (PA1) which
contains an infrared sensor and a
lifier. One terminal goes to
chassis, one is fed from a 5.6V source
and the other delivers pulses to pin
35 of IC701.
At least, that is what should hap
pen but no pulses could be seen on
the CRO.
I removed the PA1 and disassem
bled it. It was fitted with a GL3274
IC (IC1) which is not obtainable.
However, I was able to purchase the
entire package for $32 plus tax.
This fitted, the pulses could now be
seen at pin 35 but there was still no
remote control action. I checked the
5V rail for ripple and replaced ZD701,
a 5.6V zener, as it was down to 4V but I
was getting nowhere. I confirmed that
the remote controller was working
properly and transmitting the correct
data patterns, using another TV set.
And this is where the exercise
came to an abrupt halt. I was forced
to the conclusion that the faulty pre
amplifier (IC1) had damaged the new
microprocessor (IC701), this probably
involving the internal circuitry asso
ciated with pin 35. And this meant
that the microprocessor would have
to be replaced a second time to restore
the remote control function.
But enough was enough. This IC is
an expensive item and is time-con
suming to fit. And even if I did fit it, I
could not be 100% sure that that was
the only fault still involved.
So I had to call it quits. It was a
difficult decision, con
sidering the
amount of time, money and frustra
tion that had been expended but I
had to make it. I told the owner that
I couldn’t economically repair the
set and advised him to settle with his
insurance company. I would make no
charge, of course; the loss was mine.
By mutual agreement I acquired the
set which was working but without
the remote control function. I hoped
that I might be able to salvage it in
the long term and recoup some of my
losses but right now, it was a write-off.
In fact, this is a classic example of
how a repair can get out of hand; the
time taken to diagnose and repair each
successive stage eventually exceed
ed the value of this 1992 48cm TV
set. Sometimes, it is hard to decide
where to stop; the next component
replaced may be the last one needed
to complete the job. And it is virtually
impossible to estimate the total cost
of the repair without actually making
it. Talk about a catch 22 situation!
It’s not the end
End of story? Well, I thought so
when I put the set aside a few weeks
This advertisment
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March 1998 31
ago and then, more recently, when I
had finished writing the above notes which I have left exactly as I originally
wrote them – ready to go to the Editor.
In fact, it was only the intervention
of a weekend which held them up.
Boots and all
And then, quite by chance, a similar
model set came in for a minor service.
I was sorely tempted – could I solve
the mystery once for all? It wouldn’t
cost anything, except time, so I
jumped in, boots and all. I “borrowed”
IC701 from the new arrival and fitted
it to the written off set.
The moment of truth had arrived;
I switched it on and tried the re
mote control. It still didn’t work –
everything was the same as before
with normal pulses into pin 35 of
IC701 but with no response. Obvi
32 Silicon Chip
ously, the fault wasn’t in the IC as I
had thought.
But where was it? The preamp had
been replaced and was generating
normal pulses; or was it? More to the
point, did I have the correct preamp?
I began to recall some discussion over
the part number. Fujitsu’s spare parts
division had been most helpful and
had quoted me for a type 106-042A.
I noted at the time that the unit in
the chassis was a 106-042B and this
was also shown in the manual. I did
draw attention to this difference but I
was assured that the “A” version was
a direct replacement. Nothing unusu
al about that; it happens all the time.
But now I was more than a little
suspicious. I went back to Fujitsu
and began delving a little deeper. In
fact, it didn’t take long to confirm
my suspicions; the two units were
not interchangeable. They both did
the same kind of job and generated
similar – but not identical – pulses.
In greater detail, the pulses from
the type “A” preamp are inverted
compared to those from the type “B”
unit. That’s fine for an IC designed
to accept that type of pulse train but
not for IC701.
Fujitsu were most apologetic and
promised to send a re
p lacement
immediately. But I couldn’t wait. I
“pinched” the preamp from the set
on the service bench and fitted it in
my set.
And bingo, it worked – at long last
the set was complete and working
normally. It’s hard to describe one’s
feelings in situations like this. After
all the hard work, there was finally a
happy ending and I would be able to
recoup some of my losses.
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
Build this 5-element
FM antenna
for better reception
What’s your FM reception like? Pretty poor?
Does the music sound distorted or are there
lots of sibilants on voice? If so, you need a
proper FM antenna, not a bit of wire hanging
out the back of your tuner. Why not build this
5-element Yagi antenna which is designed
specially for the FM band? You’ll be amazed
at how good those stations can sound.
34 Silicon Chip
It’s amazing isn’t it. People spend
thousands of dollars on their hifi
equipment and then just hang a bit of
wire out the back of the gear to pick
up the FM stations. Well, the music
might sound first class from CDs but
it will definitely not be up to par from
the FM stations.
This doesn’t make sense really.
Most people know that they need a
good antenna for TV reception; the
same applies to FM. The same recep
tion problems that plague TV also
Fig.1: this diagram shows all the details of the 5-element antenna. At top is a plan view while
the other diagrams show hardware and element mounting details.
March 1998 35
Bill of Materials
2.3 metres of 19mm square
aluminium tubing with 1.8mm
wall thickness
8.5 metres of 10mm diameter
aluminium tubing with 1mm
wall thickness
1 piece of thick Perspex, 120 x
40 x 3mm
1 U-bolt and clamp to suit mast
4 8G x 13mm screws
2 8G x 32mm screws
2 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
roundhead screws 70mm long
1 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
roundhead screw 60mm long
2 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
roundhead screws 32mm long
2 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
roundhead screws 19mm long
7 3/16-inch or 4mm ID split or
7 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
2 3/16-inch Whitworth or M4
wing nuts
2 3/16-inch or 4mm ID flat
Note: all screws, washers and
nuts should be stainless steel
Mast and wall mounts or bargeboard mount (hockey stick style),
300Ω-to-75Ω in-line balun (for
outdoor use), semi-air spaced
coax cable (Hills SSC32 or
equivalent), plastic cable ties,
silicone sealant.
affect FM stations. You wouldn’t put
up with just a bit of wire hanging out
of your TV so why compromise with
FM signals?
If you do, you are bound to get
weak signals and multipath reception
which is the same effect as “ghosting”
on TV. Multipath causes bad distor
tion and you can only cure it with a
good antenna.
Sure, if you live in a strong signal
area, you might get away with just a
tap off your existing TV antenna but a
separate FM antenna will always give
better results. And if you changed over
to a UHF TV antenna or pay TV, you
36 Silicon Chip
What Is A Yagi Antenna?
The Yagi is not a new antenna
design by any means. It was developed by H. Yagi and S. Uda at Tohoku
Imperial University in Japan in 1926.
In the VHF (very high frequency)
bands, of which the FM band (88108MHz) forms a small part, most
antennas depend on electrically
resonant elements; ie, elements
which are a half-wavelength at the
frequency of interest.
In its simplest form, the Yagi
consists of a dipole element and an
additional slightly longer parasitic
element behind it, called the reflector.
More complex designs have shorter
parasitic elements in front of the
dipole and these are called directors.
The reflector and directors are
referred to as parasitic elements
because they also resonate over a
frequency range similar to that of the
don’t have that option. So what FM
antenna to buy? There are only a few
available and of those that are, few
are suitable for fringe areas.
To be specific, the most common
FM antenna available is a 3-element
Yagi which gives, at best, about 6dB
gain with respect to a simple dipole.
These are OK in strong signal areas but
if you want more than just a couple of
stations at reasonable signal strength,
you need more gain; ie, you need a
“fringe-area” antenna. You also need
more directivity to cope with poor
reception conditions where multipath
is a real problem.
After looking at what’s available,
we decided to design and build our
own. Actually, we ended up building
a number of variations before settling
on the design presented here.
The new antenna is a 5-element
Yagi array. It has a folded dipole, a
single reflector and three directors. It
has an estimated gain of between +8dB
and +9dB with respect to a dipole
and an improved front-to-back ratio
compared to a 3-element array.
Narrow acceptance angle
As well as an improved front-toback ratio, this antenna is also more
directional. To put it another way, it
has a narrower acceptance angle. This
dipole. Part of the electromagnetic
energy they capture is re-radiated
and picked up by the dipole. Hence
the director and reflectors add considerably to the signal which is picked
up by the dipole on its own.
By suitably dimensioning the reflector and directors, it is possible
to determine the overall frequency
coverage of a Yagi antenna, its gain
and its directional characteristics. In
general, the more elements in a Yagi
array, the higher will be its gain and
the smaller the forward acceptance
There is a law of diminishing
returns though. Above a cer
number of parasitic elements, no
useful increase in gain is obtainable.
There is a definite trade-off between
the practical size of a Yagi and the
amount of gain it provides.
means that reflected signals coming
in from the side of the antenna will
be suppressed. This is worth
because the more suppression you
can obtain for reflected signals, the
less distorted the resulting stereo
sound will be.
In other words, if you have prob
lems with distorted sound from FM
stations (due to reflected signals or
“multipath”), you should get a notice
able improvement with this antenna.
Apart from reducing multipath
problems, the big reason to build this
antenna is to obtain lots more signal
than you would get from a random
piece of wire or the common twinlead
dipole wire antenna that is supplied
with many tuners. Furthermore, be
cause it will be installed outside your
home, the signal pickup will be even
better. In fact, our observations show
that with a good FM antenna such as
this, it is possible to pick up stations
(in stereo) which may be more than
160km away.
Finally, by feeding more signal to
your tuner, even from your strong
local stations, you will improve the re
ception. There will be less distortion,
better separation between channels
and less hiss in the background.
In fact, with a good FM tuner
combined with a good antenna, it
can be difficult to pick the difference
between a CD player and the same
piece of music “off air”. Does that
sound outrageous? Well, it’s not, as
far as average CDs are concerned even
though CD players have far superior
noise and distortion compared to
signals broadcast on FM.
Tools you will need
Most enthusiasts will have all the
tools needed for this project. You will
need a hacksaw, electric drill and a
vice. It would also help if you have
a drill press but you can do without
this. Apart from an antenna clamp
(U-bolt and V-block bracket), no spe
cial hardware or fittings are required.
Making this antenna is very straight
forward. If you have all the materials
available you can probably do it in a
single afternoon.
Fig.1 shows all the details of the
5-element antenna. It shows the di
mensions of all the elements and the
various hardware bits you will have
to make to assemble the antenna. At
top is a plan view showing the length
of all five elements and their spacing
along the boom.
The dipole insulator plate has wing nut terminals to connect 300Ω ribbon or
a 300Ω-to-75Ω balun. The plate is made from Perspex, Lexan or other acrylic
material. The square boom makes mounting easy.
Screws & nuts
After a few years’ exposure to the
elements, many antennas are in a poor
state. Aluminium may not “rust” but
it does corrode, particularly in seaside
areas or in metropolitan areas where
there is a lot of industrial fallout. This
corrosion can be a lot worse if you
don’t use the right screws and nuts.
We recommend the use of stain
less steel screws, nuts and washers
throughout, whether for machine
screws or self-tappers. They do cost
more but they last indefinitely. Don’t,
on any account, use brass screws.
When used to attach aluminium
elements these will corrode away
almost before your eyes. Nor do we
mend galvanised, bright zinc
or cadmium plated steel screws. In
seaside areas these can be visibly cor
roded with just a few days’ exposure.
In rural areas, well away from the
sea or city pollution, you can probably
get away with galvanised screws but
the antenna will last longer if you
paint it.
Starting work
Before you start, make sure you
have obtained all the aluminium and
hardware listed in the Bill of Materi
This topside view of the antenna shows how the folded dipole is attached to the
square boom. Note the short section of aluminium tubing which acts as a spacer
between the underside of the boom and the dipole insulator plate. Whitworth or
other machine screws hold it all together.
als. After all, you will be frustrated
if you get half-way through and find
you can’t progress further because you
lack screws or some other item. Get
‘em all before you start.
Cut the boom to length first. It is
2222mm long. It is made of 19mm
square aluminium tubing which
makes drilling and assembly easier.
If you are experienced in metalwork
and have access to a set of V-blocks
and a drill press, you could substi
tute 25mm diameter tubing for the
boom. In fact, you could use 25mm
less steel round tubing which
is readily available from plumbing
supply stores.
While you’re at it, cut the folded
dipole spacer which also uses the
19mm square tubing. It is 50mm long.
March 1998 37
The ends of the folded dipole are fabricated using 42mm lengths of aluminium
tubing shaped to mate with the upper and lower pieces. They are held together
with a 70mm long machine screw, nut and split washer.
will have the elements skew-whiff.
A few words of advice on drilling is
appropriate here. Drilling in thin wall
aluminium tubing can be a problem
and many people tend to end up with
holes that are more triangular than
round. The way around this problem
is to drill all the large holes (ie, all
10mm holes) undersize and then ream
them out to the correct size using a
tapered reamer.
Be careful when reaming holes out
though because it is quite easy to get
carried away and then end up with
holes that are oversize. Use a scrap
piece of 10mm tubing to test when
the holes specified at 10mm are the
correct size.
Each director element and the
reflector is held in the boom with a
self-tapping screw, as shown in dia
gram A of Fig.1. Drill a 3mm hole at
the centre point of each element but
only through one side. Don’t mount
the elements on the boom yet though
because the dipole should be assem
bled and mounted on the boom first.
Making the dipole
The mast clamp and V-block assembly can be purchased from electronic parts
or automobile accessory retailers. We strongly recommend hot-dip galvanised
types if possible. Avoid cadmium plated or zinc plated clamps which can rust
quite quickly, particularly in seaside areas.
You should have a piece of tubing
about 120mm long left over as scrap.
Don’t throw it away. It will come in
handy later.
Now cut the 10mm diameter tubing
for the director, three reflectors and
parts for the dipole. Remember the old
adage about “measure twice and cut
once”. It’s hard to lengthen elements
that are too short. Note that the three
directors are all the same length (ie,
Next, centre-punch the boom for all
holes prior to drilling. Note that the
38 Silicon Chip
boom is 2222mm long and the total of
the element spacings along the boom
is 2182mm – see the plan diagram on
Fig.1. Mark the hole centre position
for the reflector element first, 20mm
from one end of the boom, and then
work your way along.
If you have a drill press which lets
you drill all the element holes square
through the boom you are fortunate.
If not, mark the hole centre positions
on both sides of the boom and drill
from both sides. If you don’t get the
element holes lined up properly, you
The folded dipole is made from five
pieces of 10mm aluminium tubing,
three long and two short. The detail
of its assembly can be seen from the
diagram at the bottom of Fig.1. Two
short tubes, shown as diagram E on
Fig.1, are cut and shaped so that they
key in with the top and bottom ele
ments of the dipole. Further detail is
shown in the accompanying photos.
The top and bottom pieces of the
dipole are held at each end with a
70mm long 3/16-inch Whitworth or
M4 screw, together with a nut and
lock washer. At the centre, the lower
halves of the dipole are terminated
on an insulating plate (shown in dia
gram D of Fig.1). This plate is made of
3mm acrylic (Perspex or Lexan). The
dipole halves are each secured to the
insulating plate with a 19mm long
3/16-inch Whitworth or M4 screw,
nut and lockwasher.
Terminals for the dipole are pro
vided with two 32mm long 3/16-inch
Whitworth or M4 screws, each fitted
with a nut and lockwasher plus a wing
nut and flat washer.
The insulating plate is secured to
and spaced off the main boom via a
section of square tubing, shown as a
“folded dipole spacer” in diagram F of
Fig.1. The insulating plate is secured
to the spacer with two 8-gauge 32mm
Do you have trouble drilling round holes? You’ll do better
by drilling the holes undersize and then reaming them out
to exact size with a tapered reamer.
long self-tapping screws which go
through the spacer and into the boom.
The top piece of the dipole is then se
cured to the boom with a 60mm long
3/16-inch Whitworth or M4 screw, nut
and lockwasher.
The details of the dipole insulating
plate and fixing to the boom can be
seen in the accompanying photos.
Note that while we used white Per
spex, you could use a piece of clear
material if that is what you have on
hand. However, note our remarks on
painting, later in this article.
By this time the antenna looks just
about complete. You need to add the
antenna clamp, to enable it to be at
tached to the mast and you will need a
300Ω-to-75Ω balun to match it to 75Ω
coax cable. You can use 300Ω ribbon
if you wish and omit the balun but
to obtain the most interference-free
signal, we recommend coax cable for
your installation.
Unfortunately, many antenna
clamps are sold with a cadmium plat
ed and passivated finish. These have a
“gold” finish. This is barely adequate
for inland areas but rusts quickly in
sea air. We may seem to be paranoid
about corrosion but since the SILICON
CHIP editorial offices are only a few
hundred metres from the seaside we
are very aware of just how quickly
metal hardware can rust and corrode.
If you can, buy antenna clamps that
are hot dip galvanised. These last a
The reflector and director elements are attached to the
boom using self-tapping screws. Ideally, all screws, nuts
and washers should be stainless steel to avoid corrosion.
lot longer than the cad-plated jobs.
U-bolts and clamps intended for auto
exhaust systems are generally quite
good in this respect. But be aware that
zinc “plated” fittings are not as rust
resistant as galvanised types. Zinc
plated fittings have a smooth bright
appearance while hot dip galvanising
is unmistakable – it has quite a rough
If you really want to gild the lily, go
to a ship’s chandlers and buy stainless
steel U-bolts and clamps. They’ll last
forever; well just about.
We suggest that the ends of all the
elements and the boom be stopped
up with silicone sealant. This will
stop them from whistling in the wind.
Better still, you can buy Delrin plugs
to suit the square aluminium tubing.
These look neater.
It is also a good idea to paint your
antenna, if you live in an area where
corrosion is a problem. If nothing else,
the dipole insulating plate should be
painted as acrylic material does dete
riorate in sunlight (ie, UV).
We suggest you leave the antenna
for a month or so to weather it and
then paint it with an etch primer.
Finish it with an aluminium loaded
paint such as British Paints “Silvar”.
When you have finished your an
tenna you need to carefully consider
its installation. There is no point in
going to a lot of trouble making it if
you don’t install it properly.
Try to install your new antenna well
away from existing TV antennas as
these can have quite a serious effect
on the performance. Similarly, nearby
metal guttering, electric cabling, metal
roofing or sarking (ie, reflective insu
lation such as Sisalation) can have a
bad effect on antenna performance.
And don’t forget the effect of a hot
water tank which may be lurking just
beneath the roof tiles.
If you live on a busy street, try to
install your antenna as far away as
possible from the traffic side of your
house. That way you will minimise
ignition noise from passing traffic.
Finally, install the antenna as high
as possible above the roof and gutter
ing. If that is a problem, try to install
the antenna so that it is at least a half
wavelength away from the nearest
metallic object such as guttering or
roofing. This means a distance of
about 1.5 metres away from guttering.
Take care when installing the an
tenna. Safe working with ladders is
particularly important. Take your time
and don’t take risks. You don’t want
to end up in hospital.
Line up the antenna so that it is
aimed at the main FM stations of
interest. If you are really keen, you
could consider installing a rotator, to
obtain the very best reception from
all stations.
March 1998 39
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March 1998 41
Norbiton Systems PC
bus digital I/O kit
Norbiton Systems, based in Western Australia,
has released a range of PC boards which, when
interconnected, provide a complete data
acquisition system. The individual PC boards are
available as kits or can be purchased assembled
and tested for a reasonable additional cost.
All the PC boards appear of the
highest quality, being double-sided
with plated-through holes and silk
screened overlays. This type of board
is not recommended for beginners to
learn to solder on.
The currently available boards
are the computer interface card
(NS_PC101), a LED interface card
(NS_LED), a system condi
t ioning
card (NS_16_8), 2 power supply cards
(NS_DC_DC and NSDC_DC1) and a
42 Silicon Chip
utility card (NS_UTIL1).
The computer interface (I/O) card
must be plugged into an empty slot
on your PC motherboard and jumpers
set to assign it a free address. The as
sembled board is supplied jumpered
to 170 Hex but if this address is cur
rently in use (often by a sound card)
then the supplied software allows you
to locate a free address.
This interface card allows your
program (in Basic, Pascal, Assembler
or any other) access to 48 lines, pro
grammable in groups of eight as either
inputs or outputs. Forty of these lines
are fed via a 50-way ribbon cable to
the power supply card. The other
eight are brought out to a header on
the I/O card.
The power supply card produces
5V DC for the rest of the Norbiton
system from an external 11-35V DC
power supply or a suitable battery
and prevents any loading of the
computer’s power supply by these
additional cards. If ±12V are needed
(for the conditioning or utility cards),
then an inverter module (NSDC_DC1),
which generates these voltages, can be
plugged onto the power supply card.
The output from the power supply
card can be connected to the LED
card, again via a 50-way cable which
loops the I/O card outputs through the
power supply and picks up the power
supply voltages. The LEDs on this
card monitor the status (high, low)
of 40 output lines from the I/O card.
The LED card is connected to the
utility card, again with a 50-way ca
ble. The utility card has a 1580-hole
prototyping board mounted on it
along with a 25-way “D” connector
and a stack of jumpers. It has access
to any three of the five I/O groups
by using these jumpers and can use
the internal 5V supply for loads up
to 2A or an external supply if higher
currents are needed.
The conditioning card, believe it or
not, is connected to the utility card
with a fourth 50-way cable. This type
of connection is relatively cheap and
simple, the only drawback being the
limited current capacity, as already
This card has 16 opto-isolated in
puts which can be operated by 12V or
24V equipment. 12 are wired for logic
high input, the other four have toggle
switches to select active low or active
high input. All inputs have LEDs to
monitor their status.
The card also has eight single-pole
changeover relays with a contact
current rating of 10A. Again the
relay drivers are opto-isolated from
the logic and each relay has a LED to
show its state.
The board’s inputs (16) and outputs
(8) are link selectable to any of the 5
groups in the 50-way cable and only
use 24 of the 40 lines, leaving 16 free
for other functions.
What can it do?
So much for the introduction. What
can it do?
This is certainly where the beginner
can become unstuck. The documen
tation is sparse but adequate for an
yone used to PC interfacing and STE
or VME bus equipment but for those
(such as schools) who have purchased
the system for beginners, the material
supplied is inadequate.
There needs to be a set of instruc
tions which take you, step by step,
from opening the computer and plug
ging in the I/O card, through program
ming the interface (probably in Basic
as this is often taught in schools), right
through to explaining in much greater
detail how the individual ports are
This should be followed with code
examples which allow single instruc
tions to be issued which, for example,
will turn one individual LED in a
selected group on and off.
As I have said previously, it’s all
there, it just needs to be much more
readily accessible and user friendly.
I guess this last statement really
sums it up: a great system, well
thought out and flexible, but lacking
the documentation which makes it
a pleasure to use instead of a chore.
From our discussions with Norb
iton we understand that they have
arranged to have the documentation
upgraded as soon as possible.
Some of the pricing is as follows:
The interface card kit (NS_PC101kit) is $129, the LED interface card
kit (NS_LED-kit) is $99, the system
conditioning card kit (NS_16_824K5) is $265 and the utility card kit
is $245. These prices include sales
tax and there are reductions avail
able during March and April. Fully
assembled versions of all the boards
are available.
Where to buy it
Further information on pricing
and availability can be obtained from
Norbiton Systems, PO Box 687, WA
6968. Email Norbiton<at>
This advertisment is out of date and has been
removed to prevent confusion.
March 1998 43
Internet a boon
to business
Your correspondent Bob Young
(Mailbag, January 1998) bemoans the
fact that his tightfisted customers are
now using the Internet “free to scour
the world for the cheapest source
of supply”. I find it ironic that your
correspondent rightly criticises the
heavy government and taxation bur
den on small business in this country
and then goes on to give his solution
to the problem – the replacement of
one tax with another!
High tariffs were OK in the 1950s
when Australia’s population doubled
to buy all the tariff-protected goods
and commodity prices were high. But
today when Australia insists on sell
ing its services and commodities into
a free market, then selective tariffs
on low volume manufactured items
make no sense whatsoever.
He has overlooked the only practi
cal solution to his problem. He must
follow his customers onto the Internet
and sell worldwide too. He must set
up and promote his own website and
his R/C products. If that is not enough,
then he must assemble his products
overseas in more friendly manufac
turing environments.
Please do not tell me that this cannot
be done by a single businessman in
present-day Australia. I can offer two
electronics examples of people who
have done it and done it successfully.
The first is Don McKenzie at don You will have seen his
ads for years in the classifieds of the
electronics magazines. In the last few
years his market has moved from being
entirely Australia-based to one where
today more than 60% of his business
is overseas. He relies on his website
to do the selling for him. His current
classified ads just give his website
address and nothing else.
Increasingly he just sells electrons;
he never sees the physical goods he
advertises. He just takes the order from
one country, arranges delivery from
the supplier in a second country, and
takes the credit card payment infor
mation in a third country, Australia.
The second case is my own, kitsrus.
com, where I am based in Australia
44 Silicon Chip
along with my major designer Frank
Crivelli, yet all kit assembly, banking
and shipping is done by my three girls
in Hong Kong. I have almost no sales
in Australia (the major retailers have
their own in-house kits and do not
want a second range). I sell worldwide.
Orders come to me by email to my
home/office in Melbourne. I pass the
orders by email to Hong Kong.
Most correspondence to customers
is done by me at my leisure from our
holiday house at Lorne or my home.
When I visit Hong Kong it takes me
at most two minutes to redirect all
my email from my Melbourne server
to my Hong Kong server. My Com
paq Armada laptop contains all my
business data and communication
programs. The location of my man
agerial, screen-based activity can
be anywhere on Earth where it is
convenient for me at any particular
You can easily check the detailed
activity on our websites by looking at
the access statistics. You can do this
for yourself at
stats, and
No passwords or ‘www’ are needed.
Don & I try to offer services to our
customers equal to those provided by
much larger companies. Conversely,
our customers cannot readily guess
from our websites whether we are a
big or small business.
What your correspondent has miss
ed is that about five years ago the world
began a communications revolution.
Distance is dying. Country borders
are eroding. The cost of voice & data
communication whether next door or
around the world is fast approaching
zero. The convergence of a whole
range of technologies is changing the
world we live in general and the way
business and government are conduct
ed in particular. These technologies
include high-capacity fibre optics
telephone links, digital, interactive
and switched TV, digital compression,
falling cost of computing, satellites,
mobile telephones and the Internet.
It has already been shown that
young (under 40), affluent and edu
cated people are the most receptive to
these rapidly emerging technologies.
For expansion of the ideas men
tioned above see “The Death of Dis
tance”, by Frances Cairncross, 1997,
Harvard Business School Press. I
bought my copy on the Internet from using a Mastercard
issued by a Hong Kong bank and it
was delivered straight to my door in
Melbourne by courier.
Peter Crowcroft,
EMC regulations
and big business
The letter from H. Nacinovich in
the January 1998 issue of SILICON CHIP
regarding EMC regulations posed the
question whether big manufacturers
were likely to be concerned with the
costs associated with EMC.
At the risk of appearing highly
cynical, I would suggest big busi
ness probably has (as always) had
significant input in the framing of
these regulations. Obviously larger
manufacturers can readily absorb the
additional cost burden involved yet
they always seem to influence the
regulators to the detriment of smaller
concerns. You can bet that any aspects
of the regulations unacceptable to
them have been firmly stamped on
whilst those aspects which are likely
impediments to small business would
be refined and enhanced.
Whenever did Joe Blow Small
Manufacturers P/L have any real in
put to government except at election
time and then only to be patted on
the head with glib reassurances of
government’s total dedication to the
ideal of small business.
Thirty something years of listening
and talking to politicians regarding
the concerns of small business have
left me sufficiently disillusioned
about serious government interest in
us let alone the impact of regulations
on the viability of our businesses. No
wonder H. Nacinovich has not seen
any comment from big business, they
are simply unconcerned at another
nail in our coffin!
The real truth is that governments
of all persuasions as well as the
executive public service are totally
addicted to the concept that big is
good and that multinational is even
If you consider that EMC regu
lations are a burden, wait for GST
which is being openly pushed by big
business. Whilst superfi
cially GST
is probably a more equitable system,
the cost benefits to big business will
be enormous yet small business will
encounter an administrative and cost
burden nightmare or have I simply
become paranoid?
I. Purdie,
Pendle Hill South, NSW.
Upgrade article
was timely
I’ve just had to change a mother
board so Ross Tester’s article entitled
“A Heart Transplant For An Aging
Computer” in the December issue was
timely. Now the reason for the change
was that the CMOS battery in the
real-time clock (RTC) chip (“Odin”
OEC12C887) failed and the chip is
no longer obtainable except at some
ridiculous price. There was no sep
arate battery in the system and no
provision to add one externally.
It struck me that in the photo of the
ASUS board on page 5 of that issue,
here was an identical-looking RTC
chip down on the bottom edge, also
without any sign of a separate battery.
I don’t know if this particular board
has a socket for one but it exposes a
trap for new players. Anyone buying
a new or secondhand computer or
buying a new motherboard should
make sure either that there is a CMOS
battery external to the RTC chip or
there is a socket on the motherboard
to take one or, like me, they could end
up with an orphan when the battery
gives up the ghost.
Now I have read somewhere that
these batteries are supposed to last
10 years. Well, mine lasted 14 months
(just outside the warranty).
I also have another older machine
with a similar type of plug-in RTCplus-battery chip, only this one is the
“Dallas” chip. I’m told that these are
somewhat more readily available but
in any case are not interchangeable
with the Odin.
It could be argued that by the time
the battery fails it’s time to upgrade
the computer or its motherboard but
that seems to be a pretty drastic solu
tion for what is normally a $6 problem
and we shouldn’t have to accept it.
The second bit of advice, which
may seem pretty irrelevant at the
time you are all fired up to buy a new
computer, is to get memory chip-sets
of a size such that whatever your total
RAM size is to be, you don’t fill the
four available banks. Ross explained
it but it needs emphasising.
If you fill the available space with
the smaller RAM “sticks” at the start
it will be slightly cheaper at the time,
but when you eventually decide to
increase the RAM you will have to
throw all those old chips away. Sure,
you could try to find a buyer for them,
but that will not be easy because by
then everybody else will be having
the same problem.
If you don’t specify the bigger chips
when you buy the computer, you may
be given the smaller sticks (4Mb or
8Mb) or the smallest size that will fill
the four banks. That is because they
are the cheapest option for the dealer
to supply. He’s unlikely to explain it
to you because it’s money in the bank
for him further down the track. The
trouble is, you will be paying twice
over at some further time when you
A final bit of advice is to ensure that
you get a board whose BIOS handles
the transition to the year 2000 – and
fully. It’s easy to forget these things in
the heat of the moment. Both the BIOS
and the software must be “compliant”
but at least if the BIOS is correct it’s
P. Dawes,
Orange, NSW.
Publisher’s Letter – continued from page 2
that we will need to refer back to the article concerned and this can take a lot
of time. You may be very familiar with the article, having just read it, but if
it’s more than a couple months old we will need to take time to refresh our
memories and then formulate the answers.
Second, please type the letter or use a word processor, if at all possible. We
do have trouble with handwritten letters – often, we cannot even decipher
people’s names.
Finally, please be patient. Remember that even though we may have received
it within an instant of you pressing the button to send it to our fax machine, it
could take a day or two before we can even read it. In fact, this desire for instant
replies is one reason why we have not yet published our email address or set
up a Web page – we know it will increase correspondence and we know that
readers will be frustrated because they have not received an instant response.
So there you are. I have come clean. I do apologise for not answering some
readers during 1997 but eventually reality dawns. If you can help us by being
brief and to the point, we will have a much better chance of replying to your
Finally, I must make comments about two articles in this month’s issue.
The first is the one on floodlighting of buildings. Now while the article is
presented in a straightforward technical fashion, it is a subject that arouses
strong feelings in many people and I’m one of them. Simply put, a great deal
of floodlighting is extravagant, wasteful and unnecessary. While there are
good reasons for lighting up some buildings for some of the time, most of the
time it is just a serious waste of energy. If Australia is to make any progress at
all on greenhouse gas emissions, this is one issue that should be addressed.
Second, I know that many readers enjoy the regular articles by John Hill
on Vintage Radio. After exactly 10 years of unbroken contributions, John has
decided to retire. We thank John for his great contribution over the years and
wish him many years of happy retirement.
For those of you who really look forward to reading Vintage Radio in every
issue, I am glad to announce that Rodney Champness will take over the Vintage
Radio column, starting next month.
Leo Simpson
March 1998 45
Build this multi-purpose
Fast Battery Charger
For tools, camcorders, R/C equipment & car batteries
Last month, we presented the circuit
and operating details for this charger.
This month, we conclude with the
construction details and parts list.
The Multi-Purpose Fast Battery
Charger is housed in a plastic instru
ment case measuring 257 x 190 x
85mm. All the circuitry is mounted
on one PC board coded 14302981 and
measuring 121 x 173mm. Two versions
of the TEA1102 battery management
IC are being made, a 20-pin dual inline package (DIP) and a 20-pin surface
mount package. We have made pro
vision for the surface mount version
of the TEA1102 by means of a small
46 Silicon Chip
carrier PC board coded 14302982 and
measuring 29 x 16mm. We’ll talk more
about this aspect later on.
The power transformer (T1) is
mounted sideways on the rear metal
panel of the case, as shown in the
photographs. Note that the inte
ribs and bushes within the case will
need to be removed in the area where
the transformer mounts.
The ribs can be removed with a
sharp chisel while the bushes are eas
ily cut out with a large, sharp drill bit.
The main PC board is secured with
self-tapping screws into the four bush
es under the corner mounting holes
in the PC board. Remove the other
integral bushes under the board with
a large drill.
The component layout for the main
PC board is shown in Fig.1.
Before you install any parts on the
PC board, it is wise to check it against
the pattern of Fig.5. There should not
be any shorts or breaks between tracks
or any undrilled holes. Fix any defects
before proceeding.
Then you can begin by installing
the PC stakes at the various external
wiring connection points on the PC
board. Next, install the wire links and
resistors and then the diodes and zener
diodes. Take care with their orienta
tion and be sure to put each type in
its correct place.
As already noted, the TEA1102 (IC1)
Fig.1: this component layout shows IC1 as a conventional dual in-line package but it may be supplied
as a surface mount package. In that case, you will need to use the carrier PC board at right.
may be supplied as a conventional
dual in-line package (DIP) which can
be soldered directly into the PC board
or it may be a surface mount type. If
you have the surface-mount type, you
will need to mount it on the carrier
board. This is coded 14302982 and
measures just 29 x 16mm. It is assem
bled as follows.
First, check the pattern for shorts
between the tracks and then pre-tin
the copper lands where the IC pins
will be placed. This done, insert and
solder the two 10-way pin headers
into the PC board so that the plastic
holders are on the opposite side to the
copper pattern.
Next, place the surface-mount IC
in position and, using a fine-tipped
soldering iron, apply heat to each pin
so that it melts the solder on the PC
land. Check that each pin is soldered
by measuring between the pin header
connection and the IC pin with a mul
timeter set to read Ohms. Check also
that there are no shorts between pins.
When the carrier board is complete,
March 1998 47
Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
Fig.2: the main switching
inductor is bifilar wound, with
two strands of 1mm enamelled
copper wire.
it can be inserted into the main PC
board and soldered in position. Make
sure that the IC is oriented correct
ly. The remaining ICs can now be
installed, taking care to orient them
correctly, as shown in Fig.1.
The two power transistors and two
power diodes are mounted with their
metal flanges towards the edge of the
48 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
orange orange yellow brown
red red yellow brown
brown green yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
grey red orange brown
blue grey orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red violet orange brown
red red orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown green orange brown
brown red orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
orange orange red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
blue grey black brown
brown black black brown
PC board. Do not cut their leads short
because you will have to bend them to
enable the flanges to be mounted on
the rear panel for heatsinking; we’ll
come to that later.
You can install the capacitors next.
The electrolytic capacitors must be
oriented with the correct polarity ex
cept for the 3.3µF bipolar type which
can go in either way.
The five LEDs are installed so that
they stand with about 12mm of lead
length above the board. Later they will
be bent over to protrude through the
bezels in the front panel. Be sure that
they are oriented correctly.
Winding L1
L1, the main switching inductor, is
wound on a plastic transformer bobbin
which is then soldered into the main
board. Fig.2 shows how it is wound.
Two lengths of 1mm enamelled copper
wire are bifilar wound from one side
of the bobbin to the other.
You need to strip the enamel from
the ends of two lengths of 1mm wire
and then solder them to pins on the
one side of the transformer bobbin.
The actual pins used on each side of
5-Band Code (1%)
orange orange black orange brown
red red black orange brown
brown green black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
grey red black red brown
blue grey black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red violet black red brown
red red black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown green black red brown
brown red black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
Capacitor Codes
❏ 0.1µF
❏ 0.0018µF 1.8n
820pF 820p
the bobbin are not important since
the pins on each side are connected
together by the PC pattern. Now bifilar
wind on 10 turns (ie, both lengths of
wire at the same time), with each turn
placed neatly on the bobbin Once
wound, terminate the wires onto the
pins on the opposite side of the for
mer. Again, the actual pins used are
not important and you will need to
ensure that the enamel is stripped off
the wire ends before soldering.
Insert one of the core halves in place
and secure it with a clip. Now place
the 1mm spacers on the two faces of
the inserted core and install the sec
ond core half in place and secure it
with a clip. You now have a finished
inductor and it can be soldered into
the main board either way around.
The large finned heatsink on the rear panel is necessary to keep the output
devices (Q1, Q2, D1 & D2) cool. Use cable ties to keep the wiring neat and tidy.
Rear panel hardware
Now insert the PC board into its
correct position in the case and mark
the centres for the power transistor and
diode mounting holes on the rear panel.
Remove the rear panel and drill out
these holes plus two holes for the cord
grip grommet and fuseholder in the
position shown on the wiring diagram.
Also 4mm holes are required for the
transformer mounting and the earth
termination plus the bridge rectifier
which mounts above D1.
Do not forget the holes to mount the
thermal switch THS1. Holes for the
transistors, diodes and rectifier must
be deburred with a larger drill to pre
vent punch-through of the insulating
washers and to ensure a flat contact to
the heatsink.
Fig.3: the power transistors and power diodes are mounted as shown
here. After mounting, use a multimeter to confirm that their metal tabs
are indeed isolated from the rear panel.
Place the heatsink against the rear
panel and mark the hole positions on
it for drilling. Note that you must line
up the heatsink so that the screws for
Q2, D1 and the rectifier pass through
the heatsink between the heatsink fins.
Drill out and deburr all the holes.
Attach the PC board to the case with
the supplied self-tapping screws. Ap
ply a smear of heatsink compound to
the flat face of the heatsink and secure
each of the transistors and diodes to
the rear panel and heatsink with a
screw, nut, insulating washer and in
sulating bush. Fig.3 shows the details.
If you use mica washers apply a
smear of heatsink compound to the
mating surfaces before assembly. The
silicone impregnated washers do not
require heatsink compound. Check
that the metal tabs of the devices
are indeed isolated from the case by
measuring the resistance with a mul
timeter. Apply a smear of heatsink
compound to the face of the rectifier
before securing it to the rear panel. It
is not necessary to insulate the rectifier
case from the rear panel.
Fit the AC power cord into its
cordgrip grommet and secure it into
March 1998 49
Fig.4: this diagram shows all the details of the wiring from the PC board to the front
and rear panels. Take care with the mains wiring and shroud all exposed mains
terminals with heatshrink tubing.
50 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: check your etched PC boards against these full-size artworks before
mounting any of the parts.
Below: the thermal cutout (THS1) is mounted on
the rear panel above Q1, Q2, D1 & D2, along with
the bridge rectifier and power transformer.
March 1998 51
Parts List
1 PC board, code 14302981,
121 x 173mm
1 PC board, code 14302982, 29
x 16mm (required for SMD
version of IC1)
1 front panel label, 244 x 75mm
1 plastic instrument case, 257 x
190 x 85mm
1 aluminium rear panel to suit
above case
1 heatsink, 109 x 75 x 33mm
(DSE H-3460 or equivalent)
1 18V 6A mains transformer (T1)
(DSE M2000 or equivalent)
1 ETD29/16/10 transformer
assembly with 3C85 cores (L1)
(Philips 2 x 4312 020 37502
cores, 1 x 4322 021 34381
bobbin, 2 x 4322 021 34371
1 NTC thermistor (DSE R1797)
2 3AG panel mount safety fuse
holders (F1,F2)
1 630mA slow blow 3AG fuse
1 7A fast blow 3AG fuse
1 SPST neon-illuminated mains
rocker switch (S1)
1 SPDT centre-off toggle switch
1 DPDT toggle switch (S3)
1 4P3W rotary switch (S4)
1 2P6W rotary switch (S5)
1 80°C thermal cutout (THS1)
1 momentary pushbutton switch
with normally open contacts
1 black 4mm banana panel
1 red 4mm banana panel socket
1 black 2mm micro banana
panel socket
1 red 2mm micro banana panel
1 black 4mm banana plug
1 red 4mm banana plug
1 black 2mm micro banana plug
1 red 2mm micro banana plug
5 M4 screws x 10mm
the rear panel hole. Also, secure the
fuseholder and transformer with 4mm
screws, star washers and nuts. Attach
the earth wire (green/yellow stripe) to
the solder lug or crimp lug and secure
to the rear panel with a screw, star
washer and nut.
52 Silicon Chip
6 M4 nuts and star washers
4 M3 screws x 10mm and nuts
1 M3 screw x 25mm and nut
4 self-tapping screws to mount
PC board
4 insulating bushes for TO-220
and TO-218 packages
2 TO-218 insulating washers
2 TO-220 insulating washers
25 PC stakes
1 7.5A mains cord with 3-pin
1 mains cordgrip grommet
2 1mm spacers, 10 x 5mm, to
gap L1
1 600mm length of red hookup
1 600mm length of green
hookup wire
1 600mm length of blue hookup
1 600mm length of yellow
hookup wire
1 600mm length of black hookup
1 300mm length of red heavy
duty hookup wire
1 300mm length of black heavy
duty hookup wire
1 150mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 2m length of 1mm enamelled
copper wire
1 55mm length of 15mm
diameter heatshrink tubing
1 50mm length of 25mm
diameter heatshrink tubing
7 small cable ties
1 solder lug for earth terminal
2 10-way single in-line pin headers (if IC1 is surface mount)
5 5mm LED bezels
1 TEA1102 or TEA1102T fast
charge controller (IC1)
1 4093 quad Schmitt NAND gate
1 4020 binary divider (IC3)
Front panel details
The front panel can now be drilled
out to accept the switches, terminals,
fuseholder and the LED bezels. The
front panel artwork can be used as a
template for drilling. Attach the label
in place after drilling and cut out the
1 TIP147 PNP power Darlington
transistor (Q1)
1 TIP142 NPN power Darlington
transistor (Q2)
2 BC337 NPN transistors
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q4)
2 MUR1550 fast recovery diodes
1 1N4004 1A diode (D3)
2 1N914, 1N4148 diodes
1 35A 400V bridge rectifier
1 12V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 11V 400mW zener diode
5 5mm red LEDs (LED1-LED5)
1 1000µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 100VW MKT polyester
(Philips 373 series)
1 3.3µF bipolar electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 0.0018µF MKT polyester
1 820pF MKT polyester or
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 330kΩ
1 12kΩ
3 220kΩ
2 10kΩ
1 150kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
3 100kΩ
1 3.3kΩ
1 82kΩ
2 2.2kΩ 0.5W
1 68kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
4 33kΩ
2 1kΩ 1W
2 27kΩ
1 680Ω
2 22kΩ
1 68Ω
1 18kΩ
1 10Ω
1 15kΩ
2 0.1Ω 5W
Heatsink compound, solder,
machine screws and nuts, etc.
holes with a sharp hobby knife.
The two rotary switches require
their shafts to be cut down to about
12mm long, with a hacksaw. Their
shaft rotation should be adjusted for
only five positions for S5 and two
positions for S4. This is done by
Fig.6: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
SLA (6V&12V)
Battery Capacity
Check your work carefully before doing any voltage tests.
Then apply power and measure the voltage between the TP
GND on the PC board and pin 12 on IC1. You should measure
about +12V DC. Check that pin 14 and pin 16 of IC2 and IC3
are at +12V. Pins 1 & 16 should be at + 4.25V.
Switch S3 to the NiCd & NiMH position and check that
the “no battery” LED lights.
Measure the output voltage on the plus and minus termi
nals. It should measure about 10V on the 6V battery selection.
When connecting the thermistor, check that the voltage at
pin 8 of IC1 is at about +2V when the temperature is around
25°C. If you heat up the thermistor slightly by holding your
finger and thumb tightly around its body, the voltage should
drop. If the temperature rises, then it is either a very hot day
and your body temperature is lower than that of the air or
you have the wrong type of thermistor.
When charging a battery, make sure you select the correct
battery type and voltage on the front panel switches. Also
set the timer for the closest timeout period for the particular
battery capacity.
If you are charging a lead-acid battery, the timeout setting
does not matter. You may wish to check the charge current
which should be made with an RMS meter or a digital oscil
loscope which reads RMS.
If a standard multimeter is used, you can expect the
reading across the two 0.1Ω resistors in parallel to be about
200mV. An RMS reading should show about 300mV which
is equivalent to 6A. To vary the current slightly, change the
value of the 3.3kΩ resistor at the IB input of IC1; larger for
less current, smaller for more.
Note that the heatsink and Q1 will run hot on fast charge
and so the charger should be provided with sufficient venti
lation to prevent the thermal cutout operating. The TP CELL
and TP GND PC stakes can be monitored to measure the cell
voltage of the connected battery.
Note: charging current is best determined by checking the
charging time of a discharged battery. If it's too long, the current can be increased slightly by using a larger value resistor
at pin 2 of IC1. A 3.9kΩ resistor will increase it by about 10%.
If the charge time is too short, the battery may be suffering
from memory effect. Try a few discharge & charge cycles.
The timeout period can be increased to suit larger batteries
by increasing the value of the 820pF oscillator capacitor. SC
FUSE (7.5A)
6V & 12V
removing the locking collar from beneath the star washer
and nut and rotating the switch fully anticlockwise. Now
re-insert the locking washer into position five for S5 and
position two for S4.
Now assemble all components onto the front panel. Begin
the wiring as shown on the diagram of Fig.4, using coloured
hookup wire. The mains wiring must be done using mains
rated wire. Be sure to sheath the terminals for the fuse and
power switch with heatshrink tubing. Use heavy duty wir
ing for the connections between the rectifier and PC board,
the thermal switch and to the output terminals and fuse F2.
Tidy up the wiring with cable ties and insert the front panel
into the case with the LEDs protruding through their bezels.
You will need to make up some leads with banana plugs
and alligator clips to connect from the output terminals to a
battery. Also, the thermistor connections require a lead with
miniature banana plugs. We sheathed the thermistor wiring
in heatshrink tubing.
March 1998 53
Part 3: Power Station & Command Station Wiring
Last month we covered the description of
the Command Station which is really the
encoder portion of the system. This month
we describe the Power Station which
takes the signal from the Command
Station and feeds it to the track.
N ESSENCE, the Command Sta-
tion is just a big power supply and
it is modulated with the block
signals from the Command Station
Fig.1 shows the circuit. It uses a 30V
centre-tapped transformer to drive a
10A (or 35A) bridge rectifier BR1. This
feeds an 8000µF 75VW chassis mount
electrolytic capacitor (C1). By the way,
we specified the capacitor voltage at
80V, not because the voltage is high
but because the capacitor needs to be
physically large in order to give it an
Run your model railway with
54 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the power supply is essentially an adjustable 3-terminal regulator which is modulated by the 5V
signal from the encoder board.
adequate ripple current rating.
Ripple current is the AC current
which flows through the capacitor
as a result of it filtering the raw (un
smoothed) DC down to smooth DC.
As a rule of thumb, the ripple current
in the filter capacitors of a DC supply
such as this is roughly equal to the DC
current drain. So if we require 5A DC
we need filter capacitors with a total
ripple current rating of at least 5A.
The transformer is rated at 100VA
and so it should easily be able to de
liver up to 5A DC to the track.
The DC voltage across C1 is about
21-23V DC, depending on the actual
value of the 240VAC mains supply
and the loading caused by the various
locomotives on the track.
Now, to get back on track with this
article (pun intended), the smoothed
DC from capacitor C1 is fed to an
LM338K adjustable 3-terminal regu
We used this large plastic instrument case to accommodate both the Command
Station (encoder) and Power Station components. The front panel carries the
various indicator LEDs.
March 1998 55
Fig.2: component layout for the Power Station
PC board. Take care with parts orientation.
lator. This is controlled by a circuit
consisting of two NPN transistors (Q4
& Q5) and the associated resistors.
The two transistors act to modulate
the output of the adjustable regulator,
switching it between 11V DC and
16.9V DC, with the 5.9V difference
Below: a large finned heatsink is
required for the LM338K adjustable
regulator. Note that this heatsink must
be fully isolated from the heatsink
using an insulating washer and TO-3
mounting kit.
56 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: actual size artwork for the Power Station
PC board.
being the serial data stream from the
Command Station (encoder). Q4 & Q5
work in the following way:
When the signal from the Command
Station is low, transistor Q4 is off and
therefore Q5 is turned fully on, by
dint of the 10kΩ resistor R3. With Q5
fully on, the voltage drop between its
collector and emitter will be around
100mV or less and so the voltage de
livered by the LM338K will be largely
determined by trimpot VR1 and the
resistor network attached to the ADJ
terminal. During the setup procedure,
VR1 is set so that the output from
REG1 is 11V.
When the signal from the Command
Station is high, Q4 is turned on and
Q5 is turned off. With Q5 turned off,
trimpot VR1 is effectively out of cir
cuit, since no current flows through.
In this condition, REG1’s output is
close to 16.9V, as set by the ratio of
resistors R5 & R6. The average voltage
from REG1 is effectively about half
way between 11V and 16.9V and
therefore lies around 14V DC.
The light emitting diode LED7 func
Fig.4: this diagram shows the wiring
details for the Command Station and
Power Station circuitry. Take care
with the mains wiring and sleeve all
exposed mains connections with heatshrink tubing.
tions as a track power indicator while
the 1kΩ 1W resistor R7 is there merely
to ensure a minimum load current on
REG1. The 30V zener diode (ZD1)
across the output is to help prevent
commutator hash from locomotive
motors from upsetting the regulator
in any way.
In presenting this project we are
conscious that each model railway
enthusiast will have his (or her) pre
ferred way of installing the system
within the layout. If it is a small lay
out, only one power station is likely
to be required. On the other hand, if it
is a large layout, more power stations
March 1998 57
This inside view shows the almost completed prototype, without the wiring
from the Command Station module (lower right) to the various hand controllers
(see Fig.4 for details).
will be required. The Command Sta
tion presented last month has outputs
to drive four power stations.
Each power station would be con
nected to a portion of the layout and
each track section would be isolated
from the others by insulators in the
tracks. When a locomotive crosses
between sections, the relevant power
station outputs would be connected
together via the locomotive’s wheels
and chassis. However, this would not
represent a fault condition since each
power station would put out the same
track voltage.
All of this amounts to a restatement
of the operating concepts outlined in
the first article in this series, in the
ary 1998 issue. While all that
may be clear and obvious, it does
present a problem of presentation in
the magazine. Do we present a version
which would be applicable to a small
layout or a large layout? Our answer is
58 Silicon Chip
to present it in a way suited to a small
layout; ie, with the Command Station
driving one Power Station.
From this we then proceed to the
logical decision to install the Power
Station and Command Station in one
case, as our photos show. This leads
to a much more professional approach
than is used by many model railway
hobbyists. In particular, many mod
ellers are very casual about power
supply construction and wiring. They
often have a largish power transformer
and the rest of the circuitry laid out
on a piece of timber or sheet metal.
Often there is no cover, with the
whole assembly sitting on the floor
underneath the layout.
You don’t need to be a rocket
scientist to work out that this is an
accident waiting to happen but it is
quite commonplace.
So rather than present this project
with the Command Station and Power
Station is separate cases, we are pre
senting them both in the one large
case. This is neat, safe and cheaper
in the long run.
We selected a large plastic instru
ment case from Altronics (Cat H-0490).
It measures 355mm wide, 122mm high
and 250mm deep. It has plenty of room
inside for all the power supply (Power
Station) components and the encoder
PC board (Command Station).
Actually, there’s probably enough
room in this case for two Power Sta
tions, if you wanted to do it that way.
The front panel is bare except
for seven LEDs. Four of these come
from the encoder board and indicate
that the main clock is working (see
circuit description last month). The
other three LEDs are the track power
indicator (LED7) referred to above and
indicators for the +12V and +5V rails.
To be frank, only the track power
indicator (LED7) is really necessary
but a few LEDs do add interest, don’t
On the aluminium back panel,
there is an IEC mains power socket,
Fig.5: the mounting details for the
LM338 3-terminal regulator.
the on/off switch, the finned heat
sink for the 3-terminal regulator and
a pair of binding post terminals for
connections to the track layout. There
are also two access holes for cables to
the throttle panel and to other Power
Stations, if they are required.
Inside the case there is a steel base
plate which mounts the power trans
former, the bridge rectifier and other
hardware and it also makes it easy
to properly earth these components.
The small components of the power
supply shown in Fig.1 are mounted
on a PC board which measures 65 x
48mm (code 09103981). It is shown in
Fig.2. You can see that we have made
provision for an onboard filter capac
itor but this is not used in the version
we are presenting here. The capacitor
would only be used if a smaller ver
sion of the circuit without the large
8000µF capacitor was envisaged.
So in effect, the PC board layout
of Fig.2 shows only two transistors
(Q4 & Q5), the trimpot VR1 and a
few resistors. It will only take a few
minutes to solder all the necessary
components and the PC pins or stakes
onto the board.
When the board is assembled, you
will need to start work on the case.
You will need to drill seven holes in
the front panel to accommodate the
LED bezels. On the rear panel, there
will be cutouts for the on/off rocker
switch and the fused IEC power socket
and various holes for the heatsink,
binding post terminals, earth solder
lug and so on.
The steel baseplate will need to be
drilled to take the power transformer,
bridge rectifier, main filter capacitor
(8000µF) and the two PC boards. The
mounting positions of these compo
nents are not critical and you can
work out where you want to put them
by reference to the photos. You will
also need a hole in each corner of the
baseplate for a screw into an integral
pillar on the case bottom section.
Fig.4 shows how all the connec
tions are made between the two PC
boards and the rest of the power
supply components.
We have specified a fused IEC
power socket which makes the wiring
easier to and safer, into the bargain.
All the mains wiring should be run
in 250VAC-rated hookup wire and
all exposed connections should be
sheathed in heatshrink tubing. The
Earth wire from the IEC socket should
be connected to an adjacent solder
lug, as shown in Fig.4.
All the connections to the Com
mand Station (encoder) board and
the Power Station board can be run
in light-duty hookup wire. Do not
make the hookup between the encoder
and signal input to the Power Station
board until you have made the first
voltage check. Note that we have in
cluded a series 56Ω 5W wirewound
resistor in the 23V power connection
to the encoder board. This reduces the
power dissipation in the on-board reg
ulators, without otherwise affecting
the performance.
When all the wiring is complete,
check your work carefully and apply
power. You should then be able to
measure about 23V DC across the
main filter capacitor C1. Check the
outputs of the 12V and 5V regulators
on the encoder board.
Next, set trimpot VR1 on the Com
mand Station board so that the output
of REG1 is 11V. Then connect the
signal input of the Command Station
board to the +5V rail on the encoder
board. The output of REG1 should
now be close to +16.2V.
Disconnect the +5V rail from the
signal input and connect it instead to
the S1 output on the encoder board
connector strip.
You are now ready to make up
handheld throttles. We’ll discuss that
next month. By the way, some readers
have expressed concern about the
ZN409CE encoder ICs. These will be
available soon from Jaycar Electronics
(Cat ZK-8827) at $29.95 each.
Parts List
For Power Station
1 instrument case, 355mm x
250mm x 122mm (Altronics
1 steel baseplate (Altronics
1 aluminium back panel to suit
1 250VAC rocker switch (DSE
Cat P-7700)
1 IEC chassis-mount socket with
fuse holder (Altronics P-8324)
1 IEC mains cord (Altronics P
1 20mm 500mA fuse to suit IEC
1 100VA 15V-0-15V power
transformer (Altronics M-2170)
1 8000µF 75VW chassis mount
1 single-sided finned heatsink,
110mm x 33mm x 72mm
(Altronics H 0560)
1 TO-3 insulating kit (Altronics H
1 red binding post
1 black binding post
1 16-pin DIL IDC line plug
1 1m length 16-way IDC ribbon
1 grommet to fit 12.7mm
mounting hole
1 PC board, 65 x 48mm
7 panel mount 5mm LED bezels
6 PC stakes
3 solder lugs
6 M3 screws 10mm long
11 M3 screws 15mm long
17 M3 nuts
2 M4 screws 10mm long
1 M4 screw 20mm long
1 1kΩ horizontal mount cermet
1 bridge rectifier 400V, 10 or 35A,
1 LM338K adjustable positive
regulator (REG1)
1 30V 5W zener diode (ZD1)
2 PN100 NPN transistors
1 5mm red LED (LED7)
Resistors (1% or 5%, 0.25W)
2 10kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 820Ω
1 1.5kΩ
1 120Ω
1 1kΩ 1W 1 56Ω 5W wirewound
March 1998 59
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
RF noise
This low-cost circuit converts a
square wave input signal to wideband
noise. It does this by shaping the in
put waveform using an RC network
to accentuate the high frequency
harmonics. A feature of the circuit is
a relatively flat (within 2dB) output
noise spectrum in the band from
150kHz to 30MHz, which is one of the
bands specified for EMC compliance
testing by the current Australian/New
Zealand standards.
In fact, the effective noise spec
trum extends well outside this range,
which may make this generator
suitable for a number of applications
such as tuned circuit alignment, fil
ter testing and radio receiver input
noise figure measurements. Another
possible application is for calibration
of a quasi-peak detector for EMI meas
urements such as that published in
“Circuit Notebook” in the February
1998 issue of SILICON CHIP.
The input waveform is squared
up by IC1a, a 74LS14 fast low-power
Schottky Schmitt trigger to ensure fast
leading and trailing edges. Q1 boosts
the output current drive capability of
IC1, producing a very fast positive-go
ing leading edge in the waveform at
its collector. This is applied to the
inputs of transistors Q2-Q5 (connect
ed in parallel) which further boost
the output current level, featured by
a very fast (negative going) leading
edge waveform.
An RC network at the combined
output of Q2-Q5 shapes the output
waveform, giving very narrow nega
tive going spikes, characterised by a
uniform spectrum well into the tens
of Megahertz. Although both positive
and negative spikes (corresponding
to the leading and trailing edges of
the input waveform) are theoreti
cally generated at the output, only
the negative spikes are of significant
The way in which the pulse
shaping is achieved may be seen by
60 Silicon Chip
The circuit has a relatively flat
(within 2dB) output noise spectrum in the band from 150kHz
to 30MHz, which is one of the
bands specified for EMC compliance testing by the current
Australian/New Zealand standards. In fact, the effective noise
spectrum extends well outside
this range, making the circuit
suitable for a number of applications such as tuned circuit
alignment, filter testing and
radio receiver input noise figure
considering the output transistors as
switches and by assuming that the
time-constant of the RC output circuit
is much less than the time between
pulses. Assume initially that Q2-Q5
are off and that the 22pF capacitors
are charged to maximum voltage by
the 100kΩ collector resistors. In this
off state, the output voltage is zero
due to the low resistance path at the
output to ground.
Next, a positive voltage applied
to the inputs of Q2-Q5 causes these
transistors to switch on very rapidly,
forcing the output to a negative val
ue, due to the initial charge on these
capacitors. However, the capacitors
rapidly discharge via the output
resistance, resulting in a very brief
pulse at the output.
Turning off transistors Q2-Q5 al
lows capacitors C3-C6 to charge again,
in readiness for the next cycle.
The long time-constant for this
charging process suppresses the for
mation of significant positive spikes at
the output. This is significant only in
that it affects the pulse repetition rate,
which might have to be set to a spec
ified value for calibration purposes.
In order to work properly, this cir
cuit needs to be driven by a square
wave pulse generator with a 50Ω out
put impedance. A suitable circuit was
featured in the “Circuit Notebook”
pages of the November 1997 issue.
The input pulse rate may typically
be in the range 1Hz to 1kHz.
H. Nacinovich,
Gulgong, NSW. ($50)
strobe lamp
This mains-powered strobe lamp
uses readily available components but
will need to be installed on a carefully
designed PC board. It is not a project
for inexperienced constructors.
There are two sections to the power
supply: a high voltage section and a
low DC voltage section which is tied to
half mains potential. The high voltage
section involves direct connection of
the 240VAC mains supply to bridge
rectifier BR2, diode D1 and a 22µF
450VW filter capacitor to produce about
340V DC. This is used to charge a trigger
circuit consisting of a .022µF capacitor
and a C122D SCR.
The storage capacitor across the
xenon flash tube is also charged, via
the two 330Ω 10W resistors in parallel.
These must be mounted clear of the PC
board as they become quite warm when
the flash rate is high.
The low voltage section of the power
supply uses a 9V transformer, bridge
rectifier (BR1) and a 100µF 16VW ca
pacitor to derive 14V DC (approx.) to
run the 555 timer. This is connected as
a free-running multivibrator which os
cillates over a wide frequency range. Its
square wave output from pin 3 is cou
pled via a 0.47µF capacitor to the gate
of the SCR. Each time a positive-going
signal arrives at its gate it turns on to
discharge the 0.22µF capacitor via the
trigger transformer, T2.
Cheap ammeter
using LEDs
This is a low-cost alternative to
the LM3914 bargraph driver IC.
The circuit is intrinsically an amp
meter needing a burden voltage of
2-3V for proper operation. Placing
a resistor in series with the circuit
This produces around 6kV to fire the
xenon tube and this discharges the 16µF
450VW flash capacitor. The key parts
are available from Dick Smith Electron
ics stores: flash tube (Cat P-8164), trig
ger transformer (Cat M-0104) and flash
capacitors (Cat R-2857; two required).
The flash tubes are also available from
allows the unit to function as a
voltmeter with a “suppressed zero”
of about 2V.
With the components shown,
the circuit functions as an amme
ter with a full-scale deflection of
100mA. The overload LED comes
on at currents of over 100mA.
The temperature coefficient of
Altronics and Jaycar.
WARNING: all of the circuitry is at
lethal voltage levels and is capable of
supplying a lot of current. Construction
should only be attempted by those
experienced with high voltage work.
S. Williamson,
Hamilton, NZ. ($45)
the transistors’ Vbe (0.3% per °C)
would need to be compensated if
high accuracy was necessary. The
cuit was applied successfully
as a battery voltage monitor with
a resistor and a zener in series the
positive lead.
G. LaRooy,
Christchurch, NZ. ($30)
March 1998 61
Handsome is as handsome does.
The 500W amplifier is a big brute
but is very-well finished throughout.
Feedback on the
500W power amplifier
Reader reaction to the 500W amplifier featured
in the August, September & October 1997 issues
have been very enthusiastic and a good number
have now been successfully built. But it is only
recently that Dick Smith Electronics have
released their version of the kit and we were
interested to have a good look at it.
It’s one thing for us to labour to
produce a complex design for publi
cation and often quite another to see
the versions built by readers from
kitsets. Sometimes they’re not what
we expect and sometimes they are
very good.
62 Silicon Chip
So we were very interested to fi
nally see the Dick Smith Electronics
kit version of the 500W amplifier, as
built by one of their staff members. In
brief, while the kit has been produced
to a very high standard, it had not
been assembled to get the very best
performance of which it was capable.
We thought we might pass on what
we discovered.
The external appearance of the kit
set amplifier is quite professional and
pleasing to the eye. All metalwork,
except the front panel, has a black,
powder-coat finish. The front panel is
finished a wet sprayed charcoal and
both front are rear panel legends are
silk screened in white paint which
is very easy to read, even in subdued
All the cabinet panels are made of
steel. The base plate is 1.5mm thick.
The front sub-panel, back, sides and
top are 1mm plate and the front panel
is 2.5mm material. The turned over
edges of the vertical panels are fitted
with 4mm captive nuts and the top
and bottom panels have matching
4mm clearance holes for the 4mm
round head assembly screws. The
panel holes and nuts are in good
alignment, ensuring easy assembly.
The complete amplifier is very rigid.
Lifting at any corner does not flex the
case. Five large rubber feet are fitted
to the case to provide good support
for what is a heavy unit.
Removing the case top revealed a
well constructed amplifier with good
quality components throughout. Both
PC boards have an epoxy substrate
and the copper tracks are tinned. The
large toroidal transformer is made in
Australia by Harbuch Electronics Pty
Ltd. The chance of accidental contact
with the power supply electrolytics
has been eliminated by the provision
of a screen of Elephantide insulating
Instead of an XLR socket, this am
plifier had an insulated gold-plated
RCA socket for the signal input but
apart from that all the componentry
is pretty much as we specified.
Naturally, we were anxious to put
it to the test and while we did not
expect it to be below par, it was good
to find that it equalled the power
output of our prototype on both 8Ω
and 4Ω loads. Nor did it become too
hot. We understand that Dick Smith
Electronics also subjected it to full
power testing for long periods with
out any significant problems showing
up. There was some evidence of over
heating but we will come to that later.
Where the performance was below
par was with respect to noise and
distortion. For example, while our
prototype gave a signal-to-noise ratio
of 117dB unweighted, the DSE ver
sion was only -100dB. “Only -100dB!”
you might say but while that’s pretty
respectable it is not as good as it might
have been. Similarly, the distortion
was not as low as it should have been.
Wiring layout is important
There are several possible reasons
for these differences. First, the power
transformer orientation probably was
not quite optimum to obtain lowest
possible noise. While toroidal trans
formers do have low hum radiation
compared to conventional E-I trans
formers, their secondary winding ter
minations are still responsible for the
radiation of hum and rectifier buzz.
Inevitably there will be some dif
ferences in this regard between our
prototype transformer and the pro
duction transformers finally used in
the Dick Smith Electronics version.
So it is difficult for us to nominate
the precise orientation.
Anyhow, rotating the transformer
for minimum hum radiation can give
a reduction of several dB in noise. To
find the best orientation for the trans
former, you need an oscilloscope and
better still, a sensitive AC millivolt
meter or as we have, a distortion
measurement test set. If you have a
quiet location and very keen hearing,
it is also possible to do it by ear.
Doing the adjustment is not easy be
cause you need the amplifier powered
up and the transformer bolt loosened
off so you can rotate it while watching
the rectifier buzz on the oscilloscope.
The transformer leads are very stiff
and they make it hard to obtain the
optimum position. At the same time
you must be extremely careful not
to come into contact with any high
voltage yourself of cause any shorts.
In other words, you need to do it very
The pragmatic approach
Putting ourselves in the shoes of
a typical hobbyist constructing this
amplifier, we would not be inclined
to worry about getting the absolute
minimum noise out of the amplifier
unless rectifier buzz was audible in
the loudspeakers. As we said above,
-100dB is pretty respectable.
Second, and much more important
to obtaining minimum distortion and
noise, the power supply leads to the
PC board were not run in the same
way as in our prototype. They looked
neat and tidy but they were not right.
On page 59 of the September 1997
issue we were quite specific in stat
ing that “it is important to follow the
wiring details of Fig.5 quite closely”
and we went on to give details of the
transformer wiring. Well, perhaps we
should have been even more specific
and should have stated that the sup
ply wiring layout should be exactly as
shown in the photos. Why? Because
the orientation of the supply leads
and output wiring does have a major
effect on the harmonic distortion.
What happens is that the heavy cur
rents in the supply leads and output
wiring have an associated magnetic
field and this is radiated into the early
stages of the amplifier. This leads to
higher harmonic distortion.
In our prototype, the power supply
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leads were run close to the bottom
plate because this minimises harmon
ic radiation. But on the Dick Smith
Electronics amplifier the same leads
are run about 50mm above the metal
work and make a right-angled down
turn to the PC pins. Re-routing those
wires so that they can lie flat on the
chassis will have a very worthwhile
effect on the harmonic distortion.
Some readers may have wondered
why we go to the trouble of provid
ing large colour photographs of our
prototypes. It is not just to show off
the project or to use up more space.
We do it so that constructors can see
precisely what we have done. In most
cases, they should try to duplicate
wiring and other details as closely
as possible, unless they have the
skills and measurement equipment to
check the performance of the finished
project. This applies particularly to
audio equipment where wiring layout
is extremely important. Even the best
audio circuit will be below par if the
wiring layout is not optimised.
Mind you, there is a down side to
having large clear photos of projects
in the magazines and that is that it lets
March 1998 63
needs to be found. Winding
the coil with 1.25mm diam
eter enamelled copper wire
instead of the 1mm diameter
wire listed in the parts list
will also reduce the coil
Note: while we used and
specified a Philips 0.15µF,
275VAC capacitor at the
output of the amplifier,
this device is not rated for
the continuous applica
tion of the high
er audio
cies at full power.
A better choice of device
for this position is a Wima
MKC10 0.15µF 630VDC
carbonate or if avail
able a Philips MKP378 or
MKP379 0.15µF 630VDC
polypropylene capacitor.
Alternatively, you could
consider the Wima MP3-X2
range. These are metallised
paper 250VAC or 275VAC
RF interference suppressors
for class X2 service.
DC offset error
We also noted that a 30Ω
resistor was shunted across
the emitter resistor of Q2,
one of the input differential
pair tran
sistors. This had
apparently been done in order to get
the output offset voltage down to an
acceptable level and should not have
been necessary and indicated that one
of the devices must be leaky or faulty
in some other way.
We pulled the pair out and meas
ured them. One was made by National
Semiconductor and had a beta of about
100 while the other was unbranded
and give a beta reading of over 1000
and was probably leaky as well. No
wonder the DC offset could not be
adjusted to zero!
We replaced the input pair with Mo
torola (again!) devices and the shunt
resistor was removed. The output
offset voltage was then easily set to
zero with VR1’s wiper only slightly
off-centre. That is how it should be.
All told though, we were very grat
ified to see this amplifier. It is well
presented and anyone who built it
would be pleased with its perfor
mance and finish. The complete kit is
very good value at $799 (Cat K-5582)
and is available from all Dick Smith
Electronics stores.
The interior of the assembled 500W amplifier from Dick Smith Electronics. While all the
componentry was the best quality, the wiring itself did not duplicate the exact layout
shown in the photos of our prototype.
keen-eyed readers sometimes see that
we have made a mistake. Oh well . . .
of the mounting; a smear of heatsink
compound is all that is required.
Voltage gain stage
Heat buildup
There is another factor which can
be significant in the distortion perfor
mance of an amplifier such as this and
this concerns the driver and output
transistors. The output and driver
transistors can only be obtained from
Motorola so there is no problem with
substitutions – there aren’t any that
we know of.
However, we specified MJE340/350
transistors in the voltage gain stage
and in our experience, none are as
good as those made by Motorola; they
may be rated the same but their distor
tion is worse. For the record, we did
not specify Motorola MJE340/350s in
the parts list but perhaps we should
There was one other point concern
ing the MJE340/350s in the review
amplifier. They were mounted on their
heatsinks with interposing mica wash
ers. These insulators are not necessary
and only add to the thermal resistance
One of the tests Dick Smith Elec
tronics performed on their amplifier
was to run it at more than 500W out
put into a 4Ω load for a full working
day. This is a severe test of the output
coupling network but does not run the
output transistors at their maximum
dissipation. Maximum power dissipa
tion actually occurs at around 40% of
power output.
During the full-power test, the for
mer of the output choke (L1) melted
and the three 18Ω 1W resistors also
overheated. By any normal standard, a
full power test for 8 hours is a long way
from typical operating conditions.
During extensive testing of our
prototype, we had no problems with
individual components overheating.
If the amplifier is intended to be run
continuously at full power or at very
high levels with program material
of a small dynamic range then a coil
former with a higher melting point
64 Silicon Chip
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technology. 382 pages, in paperback, at
Servicing Personal
By Michael Tooley. First published 1985.
4th edition 1994.
Computers are prone to failure from a
number of common causes & some that
are not so common. This book sets out
the principles & practice of computer
servicing (including disc drives, printers
& monitors), describes some of the latest
software diagnostic routines & includes
program listings. 387 pages in hard cover
at $75.00.
The Art of Linear
By John Linsley Hood. Published 1993.
This is a practical handbook from one of
the world’s most prolific audio designers,
with many of his designs having been
published in English technical magazines
over the years. A great many practical
circuits are featured – a must for anyone
interested in audio design. 336 pages, in
paperback at $55.00.
Digital Audio & Compact
Disc Technology
Produced by the Sony Service Centre
(Europe). 3rd edition, published 1995.
Prepared by Sony’s technical staff, this
is the best book on compact disc technology that we have ever come across.
It covers digital audio in depth, including
PCM adapters, the Video8 PCM format
and R-DAT. If you want to understand digital audio, you need this reference book.
305 pages, in paperback at $69.00.
Power Electronics
Components, Circuits & Applications, by
F. F. Mazda. Published 1990.
Previously a neglected field, power electronics has come into its own, particularly
in the areas of traction and electric vehicles. F. F. Mazda
is an acknowledged authority on the
subject and he writes mainly on the many
uses of thyristors & Triacs in single and
three phase circuits. 417 pages, in soft
cover at $59.95.
Surface Mount Technology
By Rudolph Strauss. First published
This book will provide informative reading
for anyone considering the assembly of
PC boards with surface mounted devices.
Includes chapters on wave soldering,
reflowsoldering, component placement,
cleaning & quality control. 361 pages, in
hard cover at $99.00.
Radio Frequency
Principles & Practical Applications. By
Norm Dye & Helge Granberg. Published
This book strips away the mysteries
of RF circuit design. Written by two
Motorola engineers, it looks at RF transistor fundamentals before moving on to
specific design examples; eg, amplifiers,
oscillators and pulsed power systems.
Also included are chapters on filtering,
impedance matching & CAD. 235 pages,
in hard cover at $95.00.
Electronics Engineer’s
Reference Book
Edited by F. F. Mazda. First published
1989. 6th edition.
This just has to be the best reference
book available for electronics engineers.
Provides expert coverage of all aspects
of electronics in five parts: techniques,
physical phenomena, material &
components, electronic design, and
applications. The sixth edition has been
expanded to include chapters on surface
mount technology, hardware & software
design, semi-custom electronics & data
communications. 63 chapters, soft cover
at $125.00.
Audio Electronics
By John Linsley Hood. Published 1995.
This book is for anyone involved in
designing, adapting and using analog
and digital audio equipment. Covers
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tape recording, tuners & radio receivers,
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This is a very useful text for anyone
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more. Ideal for students. 367 pages, in
soft cover at $49.95.
Video Scrambling & Descrambling For Satellite & Cable TV
By Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets.
First published 1987.
This is an easy-to-understand book
for those who want to scramble and
unscramble video signals for their own
use or just want to learn about the
techniques involved. It begins with the
basic techniques, then details the theory
of video encryption and decryption. It
also provides schematics and details for
several encoder and decoder projects, has
a chapter of relevant semiconductor data
sheets, covers three relevant US patents
on the subject of scrambling and concludes with a chapter of technical data.
246 pages, in soft cover at $50.00.
✓ Title
Guide to Satellite TV
Servicing Personal Computers
Video Scrambling & Descrambling
The Ar t Of Linear Electronics
Digital Audio & Compact Disc Technology
Radio Frequency Transistors
Guide to TV & Video Technology
Electronic Engineer's Reference Book
Audio Electronics
Understanding Telephone Electronics
Postage: add $5.00 per book. Orders over $100
are post free within Australia. NZ add $10.00
per book; elsewhere add $15 per book.
March 1998 65
A liquid crystal
display driven from
a PC printer port
Last month we published a demo board which let
you manually feed text into a one-line alphanumeric
display by manipulating switches. This month we
take the same one-line display and hook it to the
parallel port of a PC to produce moving messages.
66 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: horribly complicated, innit? The display
requires 8 bits of data, a register select line, a
strobe line and a 5V supply.
Fig.2: the component overlay for the PC board.
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04104981, 81 x
1 Liquid Crystal Display with HD44780
1 25-way “D” male PC mount connector
1 20kΩ PC trimpot
1 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic capacitor
1 0.1µF MKT polyester capacitor
1 15-pin “D” male connector (for +5V
from games port)
Fig.3: actual size artwork for the PC board.
ID YOU DECIDE to have a go at
the demo board last month or
did you feel that all those
switches were just not worth the has
sle? Well, some of us at SILICON CHIP
are quite lazy too and they (no names,
no pack drill) thought that this sort of
drudgery is the sort of task that com
puters are ideal for. So the boss told
me, “Some readers won’t be bothered
with all that. You’d better do a version
which can be driven from the parallel
port of a PC”. Naturally I saluted and
said “It will be done”. And here it is.
So if you want all the hard work
to be done for you by a computer so
that you can display moving messages
or create, save and display your own
symbols, get stuck into this extremely
simple project.
It uses the same one-line 16-char
acter Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as
previously with an HD44780 control
ler. This is mounted on a small PC
board with a 25-way male D connector
to mate with a standard 25-way cable
from the parallel port. A trimpot and
a couple of capacitors complete the
assembly. The trimpot is used to ad
just the optimum contrast for different
LCD operating param
eters. The 5V
for the display can be provided by a
power supply or taken from the games
port of the computer. You could even
use the 9V battery and regulator setup
as in the previous article.
To get the display working requires
eight bits of data, a register select line,
a strobe line and a 5V supply. The
circuit arrangement is shown Fig.1.
The 8-bit data we use for the display
is the same eight bits that a printer
uses and we also use two of the printer
control lines for the other functions
we need; ie, register select (RS) and
When the register select line is
low (ground) it allows the computer
to send internal commands to the
LCD and when it is high (5V) we can
write to the LCD screen. The printer
port line we use to control the RS
line is port C bit 3. This is the only
line from this port that does not have
inverted logic.
When logic highs are output from
the computer to port C, only bit 3 will
be high; the other three bits (1, 2 and
4) will be low (inverted). From this
you can see that when we require the
March 1998 67
Listing 1: LCD Driver Program
10 REM Driver program for single line LC Display
11 ‘driven from the parallel port of a PC
12 ‘R.W. 23/11/97 V1.0
20 GOSUB 1000 ‘Initialise software routines
30 GOSUB 2000 ‘Initialise display
40 GOSUB 3000 ‘Write data to display
50 GOSUB 6000 ‘Scroll message back & forth
60 GOSUB 7000 ‘Scroll message to left & wrap
70 GOSUB 8000 ‘Create your own character
1000 ‘***********************
1010 ‘Initialisation routine.
1020 ‘***********************
1035 ‘A,B,S integers, D,K are strings, rest single precision
1040 DEF FNCEOL$ = STRING$(79 - POS(Q),” “)
1050 DEF FNCENTRE$(M$) = SPACE$((78-LEN(M$))/2) + M$
1400 PORTA = &H378 ‘This is LPT1, use &H278 for LPT2
1410 PORTC = PORTA + 2 ‘Define Port C. Port B is not used
1420 COMMAND = 0: CHR = 4: STH = 0: STL = 1 ‘Define function & STrobe
2000 ‘*******************
2010 ‘Initialise display.
2020 ‘*******************
2030 FUNCT = COMMAND: OUT PORTA,0 ‘Define RS & set LCD inputs low
2040 GOSUB 4040 ‘clock RS line low
2050 OUT PORTA,48: GOSUB 4000
2060 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .03 > TIMER: WEND ‘wait 30ms
2070 GOSUB 4000
2080 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .01 > TIMER: WEND ‘wait 10ms
2090 GOSUB 4000
2100 OUT PORTA,60: GOSUB 4000 ’16 character display
2110 OUT PORTA,14: GOSUB 4000 ‘display & cursor ON, UNDERLINE cursor
2120 OUT PORTA,1: GOSUB 4000 ‘clear home
2130 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .01 > TIMER: WEND ‘clear home can take 5ms
3000 ‘*******************
3010 ‘Write data to Port.
3020 ‘*******************
3030 FUNCT = CHR ‘Set register select line high
3040 GOSUB 4040 ‘Clock RS line high
3050 DAT = “Silicon Chip is a great magazine.”
3080 GOSUB 4000 ‘Clock full message into LCD from left hand edge
3090 NEXT
3100 GOSUB 5000 ‘Locate cursor at 64 decimal
3110 FOR A = 9 TO LEN(DAT): TOWRITE = ASC(MID$(DAT,A,1)) ‘Write nessage
3120 OUT PORTA,TOWRITE ‘starting at position 9 i.e. “C” for correct scroll
3130 GOSUB 4000 ‘Clock data into LCD
3140 NEXT
4000 ‘**********
4010 ‘Clock LCD.
4020 ‘**********
4030 OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STL ‘Set R/S line & take strobe low
4040 OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘Set R/S line, take strobe high.
5000 ‘***************************
5010 ‘Shift cursor to Position 9.
5020 ‘***************************
5030 FUNCT = COMMAND: OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘Set command mode
5040 OUT PORTA,64: GOSUB 4000 ‘Set CG to 9
. . . continued next page
68 Silicon Chip
strobe to be high we actually have to
output a low and vice versa.
If you look at Listing 1, on line 1420
you will see that STH (strobe high)
is defined as 0 (low) and STL (strobe
low) is defined as 1 (high). This allows
us to forget about the logic inversion
and just select the strobe logic level
we want. The strobe line is normally
held high and is taken low to transfer
information from the data lines to the
The LCD commands for the
HD44780 controller are listed in Ta
ble 1 and the character set is listed in
Table 2, as published in last month’s
After initialising the LCD, the
software (Listing 1), firstly writes a
string of text, which is longer than the
16 character window, to the display.
This message then scrolls backwards
and forwards until a key is pressed,
whereupon it will scroll in a contin
uous loop, disappearing on the left
side of the window, then scrolling in
from the right.
Another keypress will clear the
display screen then write a custom
symbol to the first eight positions.
The Listing should make it clear how
you code the symbol you want. With
a little ingenuity you can create and
place two or three symbols side by
side to make a shape.
With each of these functions writ
ten as a complete subrou
tine, you
should have no trouble customising
the Listing to suit your particular
Board assembly & testing
We will not insult you by telling
you how to assemble the PC board.
It should be quite apparent from the
overlay diagram of Fig.2 and should
not take more than a few minutes. Be
sure to double check the orientation
of the electrolytic capacitor for correct
The display will only draw 4-5mA
from its power supply so it does not
impose any significant load. If you
intend to power the display from the
PC, connect a wire from the battery
positive terminal to pin 1 on the 15way “D” connector, then plug the PC
board into the end of the cable, the
cable into the printer port and the 15
way connector into the games port.
Turn the computer on, load GW-Ba
sic or Q-Basic and type in listing 1.
If this gives you the horrors, you can
get the complete listing from SILICON
CHIP on a floppy disc at $7 plus $3
postage and packing.
Make sure that you enter the printer
port you intend to use on line 1400.
When you run the program the results
should be as previously described.
To change the message just enter a
different string for DAT in line 3050.
Don’t forget to enclose it in quota
tion marks and remember it is case
Understanding the display
The single line display we have
used has a few quirks. Instead of the
addresses of the 16 visible characters
being continuous from 0-15, the first
eight characters reside in addresses
0-7, while the second visible group
of eight reside at addresses 64-71.
All addresses are given in decimal
as this is how both versions of Basic
communicate with the printer port.
Note that we are talking about vis
ible addresses but there are actually
80 addresses available, 0-40 and 64104. This is the reason for subroutine
5000. After writing the full string of
33 characters starting from address 0
(lines 3060-3090), only the first eight
will display. We then call subroutine
5000 to move the cursor to display
position 9 or location 64. We then
write from the 9th character to the
33rd again but only the next eight
(“Chip is”) will show.
By changing or adding lines be
tween 40 and 999, changing the mes
sage in subroutine 3000 and creating
your own characters, you should soon
become an expert with Liquid Crystal
Our thanks to Branco Justic of Oat
ley Electronics for assistance in the
development of this project.
How To Get The Software
The software shown in Listing 1
is available on floppy disc for $7
plus $3 postage and packing.
Send your remittance or credit
card authorisation (Bankcard,
Visa or Mastercard) to Silicon
Chip Publications, PO Box 139,
Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Don’t forget to nominate whether
you want a 3.5-inch or 5.25-inch
floppy disc.
Listing 1: LCD Driver Program – continued
5050 OUT PORTA,192: GOSUB 4000 ‘Set DD to 9
5060 FUNCT = CHR: OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘Restore character function
6000 ‘************************
6010 ‘Scroll message to & fro.
6020 ‘************************
6030 FUNCT = COMMAND: OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘Set command mode
6040 LOCATE 25,1: PRINT FNCENTRE$(“Press a key to end this demonstration.”);
6050 OUT PORTA,24 ‘Shift data left
6060 FOR A = 1 TO LEN(DAT) - 1: GOSUB 4000
6070 K = INKEY$: IF K > “” THEN 6990
6080 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .5 > TIMER: WEND ‘Wait 0.5 seconds
6090 NEXT
6100 OUT PORTA,28 ‘Shift data right
6110 FOR A = 1 TO LEN(DAT) - 1: GOSUB 4000
6120 K = INKEY$: IF K > “” THEN 6990
6130 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .5 > TIMER: WEND
6140 NEXT
6150 GOTO 6050
7000 ‘***********************************
7010 ‘Scroll message to left continuously.
7020 ‘************************************
7030 FUNCT = COMMAND: OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘Set command mode
7040 LOCATE 25,1: PRINT FNCENTRE$(“Press a key to end this demonstration.”);
7050 OUT PORTA,24 ‘Shift data left
7060 FOR A = 1 TO LEN(DAT) * 32: GOSUB 4000
7070 K = INKEY$: IF K > “” THEN 7990
7080 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .5 > TIMER: WEND
7090 NEXT
8000 ‘**************************
8010 ‘Create your own character.
8020 ‘**************************
8030 ‘000 01110 decimal 14
The 1’s represent pixels that will
8040 ‘000 11011 decimal 27
be written (black)
8050 ‘000 00000 decimal 0
The 0’s will appear as background
8060 ‘000 00100 decimal 4
so the character will have the shape
8070 ‘000 10101 decimal 21
of the 1’s i.e. a crude smiley face
8080 ‘000 01010 decimal 10
Only the right 5 rows are significant
8090 ‘000 00100 decimal 4
The left 3 rows are ignored
8100 ‘000 00000 decimal 0
8110 FUNCT = COMMAND: OUT PORTC,FUNCT OR STH ‘set command mode
8120 OUT PORTA,1: GOSUB 4000 ‘clear home
8130 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .01 > TIMER: WEND ‘clear home can take 5ms
8140 OUT PORTA,64: GOSUB 4000 ‘Set RAM address 01000000
8150 FUNCT = CHR: GOSUB 4040 ‘Set character mode
8160 OUT PORTA,14: GOSUB 4000 ‘Start sending your character
8170 OUT PORTA,27: GOSUB 4000
8180 OUT PORTA,0: GOSUB 4000
8190 OUT PORTA,4: GOSUB 4000
8200 OUT PORTA,21: GOSUB 4000
8210 OUT PORTA,10: GOSUB 4000
8220 OUT PORTA,4: GOSUB 4000
8230 OUT PORTA,0: GOSUB 4000 ‘After the 8th bit
8240 FUNCT = COMMAND: GOSUB 4040 ‘change the RS line
8250 OUT PORTA,1: GOSUB 4000 ‘and clear/home the display
8260 T = TIMER: WHILE T + .01 > TIMER: WEND ‘Clear home can take 5ms
8270 FUNCT = CHR: GOSUB 4040 ‘Revert to character mode
8280 OUT PORTA,0: GOSUB 4000 ‘and load our character stored at location 0
8290 FOR B = 1 TO 7:GOSUB 4000: NEXT ‘Then write it to the next 7 locations
March 1998 69
New mains filters with
metallic flange
Schaffner has released the FN 9226
series IEC mains filter modules. They
are very compact, measuring 30.4 x
22.9mm and have a depth of only
22.9mm, making them suitable for a
wide range of applications including
computers, office automation equip
ment and medical apparatus (a class B
version caters for low leakage current
The filters have a metal flange, al
lowing them to be mounted directly
onto the internal face of equipment
panels, eliminating panel pre-assem
bly operations as needed for most
IEC inlet filters. There is a choice of
connections: PCB-mount, Fast-On or
solder lug.
The FN 9226 series filters are IEC
950 compliant. They have a maximum
operating voltage of 250VAC, current
ratings of 1, 3, 6 or 10A, and an operat
ing frequency range from DC to 400Hz.
For further information, contact
Westek Industrial Products Pty Ltd,
Unit 2, 6-10 Maria St, Laverton North,
Vic 3026. Phone (03) 9369 8802; fax
(03) 9369 8006.
Low voltage amplifier
delivers 1.5W
Analog Devices Inc have released
the SSM2211 which delivers up to
1.5W RMS into a 4Ω load and 1W
into an 8Ω load. It employs a single
supply of 2.7V to 5.5V and provides
a rail-to-rail differential output.
With its 4MHz bandwidth, the
SSM2211 provides a flat response
across the entire audio spectrum.
Nor does it need any external heat
sink to deliver its 1W output into
a 8Ω load.
At full power, harmonic distortion
is quoted at 0.2% and at 500mW,
distortion is less than 0.1%. Quies
cent current is 8.5mA and in standby
mode it consumes less than 100nA.
With a 5V supply, the power sup
ply rejection ratio (PSRR) is better
than 65dB (from 4.75V to 5.25V).
It comes in an 8-pin DIP or SO-8
surface mount packages.
For further information on the
SSM2211 low-voltage amplifier,
contact Hartec, 205A Middlebor
ough Road, Box Hill, Vic 3128.
Phone 1 800 335 623.
New technical standard released by the
Australian Communications Authority
According to a recent press
release, the Australian Commu
nications Authority has ushered
in a major milestone with the
release of new technical stand
ards for customer equipment
and cabling. These former Austel
standards have been significantly
revised and updated to reflect the
intentions of the Telecommuni
cations Act 1997 for a more open
and freer marketplace.
Unlike before, the new Telecom
munications Act only empowers
the ACA to adopt standards based
on four specific criteria: for the
protection of personal health and
safety, network integrity, and to
ensure inter-operability and ac
cess to emergency services.
70 Silicon Chip
As a result, the 30-odd previous
Austel technical standards have
now been rewritten and reduced
to just 21 to reflect this limited
In line with the Government’s
policy of industry self-regulation,
the old Austel technical standards
were revised by working groups
of the Australian Communica
tions Industry Forum, in cooper
ation with Standards Australia.
Standards Australia Technical
Committee IT/17 was responsible
for rewriting the ACA Standard
TS008 dealing with cabling.
Roger Lyle, Standards Austral
ia’s Associate Director for Com
munications Technologies, says
the standards had to be revised
by 31st December, 1997 otherwise
they would have lapsed.
“That gave the industry only
a few months to actually review
and rewrite them.” Mr Lyle said.
“It’s a credit to the industry that it
was able to respond and get them
out within such strict time con
straints. To ensure compliance
with the new regulatory regime,
it’s vital that users of the old
Austel Technical Standards now
obtain copies of the new ACA
Technical Standards”.
The new standards can be
purchased at Standards Australia
sales offices and agencies in all
state capitals or by phoning the
Customer Service Centre on 1300
654 646.
Wooden you like
a new TV?
German television manufacturer
Dual has released a range of luxury
TV sets with the rather unusual fea
ture of genuine timber cabinets. This
could be a refreshing change from the
unremitting charcoal or black plastic
cabinets used for virtually all TVs
these days.
Three models, known as the “Clas
sique Range”, are available and they
are finished in Mahogany or Oak.
A matching stand/cabinet, also in
mahogany or oak timber finish, is
available as an option.
Each set features a “Blackline S”
picture tube and a digi
tal chassis
to ensure the best possible picture.
All signals are processed in the dig
ital domain, preventing unwanted
interference degrading the original
signal. A digital chassis also allows
many convenience and performance
features not possible in analog-only
sets. In addition, the sets are mul
ti-system, allowing the playback of
video material from overseas.
The model TVM-7050M also fea
tures picture-in-picture (PIP) which
allows the viewer to watch a dif
ferent TV channel or another video
source on a small inset section of the
screen while watching their preferred
program on the main screen. This
requires the use of an external video
source such as a video recorder.
All three sets have Teletext and the
“Joy-Jog” remote control which has
only six buttons and a jog dial. An
on-screen menu shows the various
The Classique range is part of a
complete line-up of Dual TV sets
ranging in price from $1699 up to the
85cm set at $3499. Dual TV sets are
available from selected stores around
Australia. For further information,
contact Scan Audio Pty Ltd on 1 800
700 708; fax (03) 9429 9309.
ACN 073 916 686
NS_PC101 card for XT/AT/PCs
allows access to 48 I/O lines.
There are 5 groups (0 to 4)
available on a de-facto industrial
standard 50-way ribbon cable
used in STEbus and VMEbus
19" rack mount control systems.
The board uses 2 x 8255 ICs.
Multiple boards can be used if
more I/O lines are required.
NS_LED PCB gives visual
access to five groups (0 to 4) of
the NS_PC1OX. There is a total
of 40 status LEDs. The board
offers a 25-way “D” type female
socket. The lines are driven by
74244 ICs & configured as a
parallel printer port. This socket
gives access to printer port kits,
eg, stepper motors, LCDs, direct
digital synthesis.
NS_16_8 PCB is a system conditioning card with 16 optically
isolated inputs set-up for either
12V or 24V operation. The board
provides 8 single pole, double
throw relays with 10 Amp contact rating.
NS_DC_DC is a step down
converter with an input range
11 to 35V DC and an output of
5 volts DC at 5 Amps, with an
output ripple of approx 150mV.
There is an IN/OUT 50-way
connector isolating the 5V and
12V+ & 12V- rails of the PC
power supply. This segregates
PC’s power when working on
NSDC_DC1 module used with
converters is a 5V to 12V(+/-)
step- up converter. The board
utilises 743 switch mode IC with
2 x 12V regulators, with output
ripple of approx 200mV.
NS_UTIL1 prototyping board
has 1580 bread board holes access to any 3 groups (0 to 4) on
the 50-way cable pinout. Power
is available from the 50-way
cable format 5 volts at 2 Amps
& 12V+ 12V- at 1 Amp. There
is provision for array resistors
with either a ground or positive
common connection.
For brochure write to: Reply Paid 68, NORBITON SYSTEMS, PO Box 687, Rockingham WA 6968
Email: norbiton<at>
computers designed for the real world
Put some intelligence in your next project!
MC112 - 68HC11 processor, 32k RAM,
32k EPROM, serial, parallel, timers, A/D
converters, BUFFALO software with
inbuilt assembler / disassembler and bootloader. $220
Postage and handling $10.
Available soon - ARM-based RISC, DSP and PIC systems
• Parallel
• Microcontrollers
• Ultra low power
• High Performance
• Data Acquisition
• Control Systems
• Neuro-fuzzy
• 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit
Embedded Pty Ltd
Level 5
371 Queen St
GPO Box 2603
Brisbane 4001
(07) 3236 5977
(07) 3221 0549
March 1998 71
A 68HC11-Based
Embedded Computer
When most people think of a computer
system, they think of a PC. But the most
common form of a computer system is the
embedded or dedicated computer. Everyone
has embedded computers built into their TV,
VCR, microwave oven and so on.
Embedded Pty Ltd designs and
manufactures embedded computer
systems for industrial, scientific and
consumer applications. Their work
horse is the MC112, which is based
on the Motorola 68HC11. It’s easy
to program and has lots of features.
Embedded Pty Ltd has been
approached many times by elec
tronics hobbyists wanting a simple
controller for some project on which
they were working. Typically, they
were looking for a small, 8-bit mi
crocontroller with EPROM, static
RAM, parallel I/O and often analog
inputs as well. Since such systems
Multimedia projector
does not need a PC
Mitsubishi Electric has launched
their LVP-X100A Multimedia Data/
Video LCD Projector which can run
computer-based presentations with
out a computer. Its built-in PCMCIA
(Flash Memory) card driver means
the projector is self-contained.
Software is supplied to enable pres
entation contents to be downloaded
onto a PC card which slots into the
The remote control unit allows
full control of the projector as well
as providing an IR beam pointer
for cursor control of the on-screen
menu or for smooth writing and
72 Silicon Chip
just aren’t available through the
larger electronics retail chains,
Embedded have decided to give
away the design of their MC112
computer for non-commercial use,
so that anyone can build their own
embedded microcontroller.
The MC112 is a small comput
er system based on the Motorola
68HC11 microcontroller (MCU). In
addition to the “standard features”
of the MC6800 family, the 68HC11
has a 16-bit timer with four stage
programmable prescaler, a serial
communications interface (SCI), an
8-bit pulse-accumulator, real-time
drawing. You can enlarge segments
of your presentation to show detail
during the show, or use the Pic
ture-in-Picture function to display
a second picture (data or video) on
screen at the same time. The LVPX100E has six inputs, for two PCs,
two video inputs and two PC cards.
The picture size is 51cm to 762cm
diagonal and contrast ratio is 200:1.
Electronically controlled zoom,
focus and keystone correction are
also available.
For further information, contact
Mitsubishi Electric Austra
lia Pty
Ltd, 348 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere
2116. Phone (02) 9684 7777; fax (02)
9898 0484. Internet address: www.
interrupts, 256 bytes of static RAM,
an 8-channel analog-to-digital con
verter and onboard EEPROM.
The MC112 also has a 32K
EPROM and a 32K static RAM.
32K may not sound like a lot but
in embedded applications, it’s
huge. If you were using the MC112
to record 8-bit temperature values
from a sensor once every 30 min
utes, 32K corresponds to 1.8 years
worth of data!
The MC112 also has an optional
MC68HC24 Port Replacement Unit
(PRU) for additional parallel I/O.
With the MC112, you get up to 32
parallel I/O lines or 16 parallel I/O
plus 8 analog input channels and 8
timer channels. The MC112 meas
ures just 65 x 90 mm (small enough
to be included inside an electronics
project) and runs from 5V DC. Its
block diagram is shown in Fig.1.
For those who would rather
buy than build, the MC112 will be
available as a complete unit from
Embedded Pty Ltd. As sup
by Embedded, the MC112 will in
Register of Year 2000
compliant software
Many businesses have done nothing
to ensure that their software will have
no problems when the clock ticks over
to the year 2000. Now at least there
is a register of Year 2000 com-pliant
products and organisations, launched
by Standards Australia and the Aus
tralian Computer Society.
The register of compliant products
can be accessed free of charge through
Standards Australia’s web site at www. or directly at www.
The site provides a comprehensive
list of Year 2000 compliant software
and hardware products in Australia
and New Zealand, as defined by the
Standards Australia publication SAA/
clude the public-domain BUFFALO
monitor software in its EPROM.
This includes an inbuilt assembler
which allows you to enter and run
machine code and/or assembly
language programs directly and to
examine the contents of memory
and the processor’s registers.
BUFFALO also provides a set of
software tools to make the program
mer’s life easier. These subroutines
include facilities for printing to the
screen, reading from a keyboard,
and so forth.
The address and data buses of
the 68HC11 are multiplexed and
demultiplexing is achieved using
a 74HCT573 octal latch (U4). The
address strobe, ~AS, causes the
74HCT573 to latch and hold the
low-order address lines at the start
of the memory cycle. The interrupt
lines (~IRQ and ~XIRQ) and ~RE
SNZ MP77:1998, “A Definition of Year
2000 Requirements”.
Non-compliant products generally
depend on the date being represented
by only two digits and when 2000
rolls around, they may interpret the
“00” in the “2000” as “1900”, causing
anything from wrong data entry to total
system failure.
Visitors to the web site can obtain
further information about the com
pliance of a product or a vendor by
clicking on the name of the organisa
tions listed on the register. Hyper links
then take the visitor to the vendor’s
home page.
Vendors pay a one-time registration
fee for entry into the register and a fee
for each product. The register will be
updated each week.
Note that none of the products in
SET have 4.7kΩ pull-up
resistors. The MC112 also
has a Low Voltage Inhibitor
(LVI), MC34064, for gener
ating a power-on reset. The
LVI looks like a transistor
and provides an active-low
reset whenever power falls
below a preset value. Thus,
when power is applied to
the MC112, the LVI holds
the system reset until it is
Port D is the serial inter
face, with bit 0 as the receive
data input and bit 1 as the transmit
data output. The Tx and Rx lines
are converted to RS232 levels by a
MAX202 (U2). This is to allow the
connection of the MC112 to a sim
ple terminal or PC. The MC68HC11
has an onboard 8-channel, 8-bit
ADC. This is made available to the
user through a 16-pin IDC header
labelled PORTE on the PC board.
This may also be configured as a
general-purpose digital I/O port
under software control.
The MC112 is available as a
complete unit, including ROM pre
programmed with BUFFALO, user’s
guide and cables, for $250. Postage
and handling is $10.
For further information, contact
Embedded Pty Ltd, GPO Box 2603,
Brisbane, Qld 4001. Phone (07) 3236
5977; fax (07) 3221 0549.
the register have been independently
tested for year 2000 compliance. The
vendors must sign a self-declaration,
declaring the products in question are
year 2000 compliant, before they can
be listed on the register.
Low-cost laser
diode module
Oatley Electronics have a new laser
diode module which has automatic
power control (APC) circuitry but its
PC board is much smaller than previ
ous modules. The finished assembly is
44mm long and would fit into a tube
with an internal diameter of 15mm. It
requires 3-5V DC at about 45mA. Its
output is 5mW at 650nm.
Priced at just $20, it is available from
Oatley Electronics, PO Box 89, Oatley,
60VA to 3KVA encased toroids
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
NSW 2223. Phone (02) 9584 3563; fax
(02) 9584 3561.
Large LCD clock
is easy to see
How many
times have you
wished for a
digital clock
that you could
see from a rea
sonable dis
tance across
the room? So
many digital
clocks have such tiny figures that only
the young and those with super acute
vision can see them to tell the time.
Now here is a clock which you really
can see from a good distance. Its digits
are no less than 65mm high and even
this relatively middle-aged writer has
no trouble seeing the time of day from a
distance of more than 20 metres away.
The clock can be set to display 12
or 24-hour time and has three minor
displays, with 18mm high digits, for
the date (day and month), day (eg,
SAT) and the temperature in Celsius
or Fahrenheit.
It runs on two AAA cells and can
be wall hung. Its overall dimensions
are 210mm wide, 230mm high and
maximum depth is 30mm although
the fascia is curved so that its apparent
thickness is less.
Price of this wonder-clock? Just
$89.95 from all Jaycar Electronics
stores and dealers. (Cat XC-0230).
March 1998 73
A fault with a difference
One intriguing aspect of vintage radio
repairs is the number of obscure faults that
one has to deal with from time to time. Few
repairs are straightforward and there is often
a hidden and challenging problem to solve.
It’s not really surprising that vintage
radio receivers can produce obscure
faults. No doubt the age and poor con
dition of some of these old receivers
has some bearing on the matter.
A classic example of this was a
fault in an old 1932 model Precedent,
an early 5-valve superhet with 2.5V
valves and an 8-inch (200mm) elec
trodynamic loudspeaker.
The restoration had been without
incident and the set worked quite well
for an old timer. However, there was
an annoying problem that resulted
in noticeably distorted sound when
the set was hot. Turn the set off and
then on again a few hours later and
it would be OK.
It took quite some time to establish
a connection between the fault and
the length of time the receiver was
in operation. The problem never be
came apparent until the set had been
operating for several hours. From then
on, the distortion would gradu
creep in. After several unsuccessful
attempts at locating the fault, the
problem was finally traced to the
To cut a long story short, gradual
heat build up in the field coil cre
ated physical distortion between
the speaker frame and the field coil
housing. Twisting the housing with
one hand would increase or decrease
the audible distortion, depending on
which way it was twisted.
This heat induced warp eventually
caused the voice coil to foul the centre
pole of the electromagnet. Once that
happened, the sound deteriorated
until the unit was switched off and
the speaker cooled.
It was noticed that although the
voice coil did not rub on the magnet
when the speaker was cold, it was
very close on one side. As there was
no central “spider” on the cone, I de
cided to reposition the pole piece to
see if that would solve the problem.
One favourable aspect of early elec
trodynamic loudspeakers is that they
are held together with good old-fash
ioned nuts and bolts. This allows
them to be taken apart for repairs. In
later years, speakers were riveted or
spot welded together, which made
dismantling extremely difficult, if not
Several nasties
The large bolt head on this Precedent loudspeaker at top holds the central pole
piece in place, making it easy to remove for repairs.
74 Silicon Chip
The Precedent speaker was of the
nuts and bolts variety and it required
little effort to remove the field coil and
the central pole piece of the electro
magnet. This revealed several nasties.
First, despite being plated, the pole
piece was now very rusty. This had
the effect of enlarging its diameter,
thus reducing the clearance between
it and the voice coil.
Second, the field coil was wound
on a cardboard spool which was a
loose floating fit on the pole piece.
Vintage Radio
This pole piece shows
obvious signs of
damage. Note the scuff
marks at the end where
the voice coil has been
rubbing against it.
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mixer with four inputs + mic input,
headphone output and metering.
The speaker cone on this unit is still attached to the frame. Note the “spider” in
the centre of this model, which is used to position the cone.
Shrinkage over the years had caused
this problem.
The cardboard spool is perhaps the
cause of most faults that develop in
electrodynamic loudspeakers. The
spool absorbs moisture from the at
mosphere when the speaker is not in
use. When the field is operative, the
heat generated within the coil drives
the moisture out of the cardboard and
it condenses on the cold pole piece.
Even though the iron was originally
electroplated, 60 plus years of heating
and cooling can eventually result in
severe rusting and a fouled voice coil.
Moisture in the field coil spool
can also cause electroly
sis which
was possibly the main cause of field
winding failure. If moulded bakelite
had been used instead of cardboard,
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Fax (02) 9477 3681
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March 1998 75
This back view shows the speaker frame and voice coil. The coil is wound on a
thin cardboard former which often goes out of shape over the years, especially if
the cone has sagged.
A typical field coil housing. Unlike the Precedent loudspeaker, this unit has the
pole piece riveted in place which makes repairs more difficult.
mic speaker fields may
have been more reliable.
Proposed repair
The proposed repair for the Pre
cedent loudspeaker was to clean
up the pole piece and reposition it
centrally in the voice coil. However,
the job would not really be complete
unless something was also done about
the moisture absorbent cardboard. So,
after leaving the spool out in the Sun
to dry for a few hours, it was given
76 Silicon Chip
several coats of clear lacquer to seal it.
A couple of thin cardboard wash
ers were also made, so that the field
coil would be held firmly in place
and these washers were sealed from
moisture too.
All that remained was to reassemble
the speaker and the distortion prob
lem would be solved. Unfortunately,
one cannot really expect to solve dif
ficult problems as easy as that.
It would appear that electrody
namic loudspeakers were originally
assembled from rear to front. In other
words, the cone was glued into posi
tion last. Putting a speaker together
with the cone already in position is
not so easy. No matter how the bolts
that hold the frame and field housing
together were jiggled and twiddled,
the voice coil always rubbed on the
pole piece.
After going through this routine
often enough to realise that it wasn’t
going to work, the situation called
for drastic measures. The pole piece
was set up in a lathe and a quarter of
a millimetre was turned off its diam
eter at the front where it fits into the
voice coil.
After that, no further problems were
experienced with the speaker’s assem
bly. The cone moved freely without a
hint of interference.
Now one would expect that increas
ing the clearance between the pole
piece and the voice coil would reduce
the speaker’s sensitivity. If that’s the
case, it was by no means noticeable.
What’s more, if the same problem
arises again with other speakers, I will
have no hesitation in taking a skim
off the pole piece in order to give it
adequate clearance.
Because the voice coil is wound on
a thin cardboard former, it is asking a
lot to expect it to be perfectly round
50 or 60 years after it was made.
Reducing the pole piece diameter is
one way of compensating for an outof-shape voice coil. A cone that sags
and loses its form is one reason that
voice coils go out of shape.
While on the subject of voice coils,
remember that they are only glued
to the speaker cone and a touch of
lacquer to reinforce the area of at
tachment is highly recommended. If
you have ever encountered a speaker
with a loose voice coil or voice coil
winding, you will appreciate the need
to pay attention to that part of the
speaker while it is accessible.
Other methods
There are other ways of clearing
fouled voice coils without having to
resort to the drastic methods previ
ously described.
One way is to move the cone in
and out while applying side
pressure to the cone. In other words:
try to loosen the dust, grit and barna
cles by forcing the inside of the voice
coil to rub gently on the pole piece.
After that treatment, lay the working
was used. Unfortunately,
this speaker is of slightly
different construction,
which just goes to show
that some may be easier
to repair than others
(note the “spider” shown
in the photograph of this
One pr o b lem t h a t
would arise if doing a
similar repair on this
second speaker is the
fact that the pole piece is
riveted in place instead
of being held by a bolt,
as was the case with the
Precedent speaker.
No money
In conclusion, I see
little point in spending
large sums of money on
old radios, especially
The hole in this backing plate is a neat fit around the voice coil. In some instances, this hole
when the price of some
may require enlarging so as to clear a coil that has gone out of shape.
repairs exceeds the re
ceiver’s value. This par
speaker face down on the workbench Once again, give the speaker a run ticularly applies to replacement field
for a while so that any rubbish can in the face down position so that the
windings and speaker cones where
work its way out of the gap.
gritty granules can find their way out. one can easily spend $100 on an old
If that fails to do the trick, slide a
In my case, the repaired Precedent
speaker restoration.
thin piece of shim brass between the speaker was reinstalled in its cabinet
Why pay to have these things done
voice coil and the pole piece, work before I realised it had the potential when they can often be restored by
ing it all the way around if possible. for a Vintage Radio story. So for the either a straightforward repair or by
This procedure is likely to be more purpose of supplying photographs, combining various good components
effective than the previous method. another electrodynamic loudspeaker
into one working unit?
This 2.5kΩ field coil is wound on a cardboard former.
Sealing the cardboard with lacquer will help to
moisture-proof it.
Most electrodynamic loudspeakers employed a
hum-bucking coil which was used to neutralise hum
induced by the field coil.
March 1998 77
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; 4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2;
Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D & D/A
Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1; SteamSound Simulator Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (0-500kHz); Burglar
Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Simple Electronic Die; LowCost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal Burning Power Station.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to
Know About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The
Story Of Amtrak Passenger Services.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback
Monitor For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV
Interference; The Burlington Northern Railroad.
September 1990: Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple
Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band; the Bose Lifestyle
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Make Dynamark Labels.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum
Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector; Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1;
GaAsFet Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM
Stereo Radio, Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax,
RTTY & Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2;
2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive
Formats & Options; The Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch;
Balanced Input & Output Stages; Operating an R/C Transmitter;
Index to Vol. 2.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar
Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR; Build
An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To 9V DC
Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A Simple
6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout For
The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The Dangers
of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A
Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC,
Pt.2; Build a Turnstile Antenna For Weather Satellite Reception.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A Power
Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter; Experiments
For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic
Switch For Car Radiator Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping
With Damaged Computer Directories; Guide Valve Substitution
In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory;
Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell;
Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote Control
For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher
For Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads,
Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
August 1992: An Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers;
Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; MIDI Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal
Stereos; A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service
Tips For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active
Antenna Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High
Quality Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries;
Random Wire Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For
Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1; Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.2;
Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal Wideband
RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout
Timer For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2;
Using The UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian
VFT Project.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads; Remote
Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V Light Chaser;
Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical Approach To
Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk,
Pt.3; Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo Audio
Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How
To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter; Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Build A LowNoise Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power
Supplies; Speed Alarm For Your Car.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; Build A 4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers,
Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In To Satellite TV.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System; The Story of Aluminium.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders;
A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
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June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The
Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; A Windows-Based
Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Windows-based Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why
They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake
Light Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern
Cross Z80-Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger;
Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit
Transistor Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
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IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency Inverter
For Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote
Control, Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Engine Management,
Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic
Timer For Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamp. & Line
Filter; 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio
Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Mother
board Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio
Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel
Decoder For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video
Security System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For
Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains On
A Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite TV
Ground Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder (Uses Pressure
Sensing); Adding RAM To A Computer.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; LED
Stroboscope; 25W Amplifier Module; 1-Chip Melody Generator;
Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE
Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill
Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design;
Engine Management, Pt.4.
September 1995: Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible
Vader Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio Lab PC
Controlled Test Instrument, Pt.2.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder;
12-240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V
Adjustable Power Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags
– How They Work.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways, Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer
& Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876)
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple
LED Chaser; Engine Management, Pt.6.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings;
Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2;
Knock Sensing In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance
Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control; Dual
Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine Management, Pt.8; Passive Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For
Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based
Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine Management, Pt.11.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night
Viewer; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR
Remote Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad
Batteries For Long Life.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC
As A Reaction Timer.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Diode Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems;
20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; Build A High Voltage Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser;
Simple Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
November 1996: Adding An Extra Parallel Port To Your Computer; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent
Light Inverter; How To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build
A Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For
Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Using An Auto
transformer To Save Light Bulbs; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (for Sound Level
Meter Calibration); Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1;
Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: Computer Problems: Sorting Out What’s At
Fault; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled Moving
Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.2;
Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic
Power PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Model
Railways; Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Audible Continuity Tester;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Avoiding Windows 95 Hassles With Motherboard
Upgrades; Simple Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For Cars;
Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train Controller; Installing A PC-Compatible Floppy Drive In An Amiga 500;
A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Windows 95 – The Hardware Required; Teletext Decoder For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL Converter; Neon Tube Modulator
For Light Systems; Traffic Lights For A Model Intersection; The
Spacewriter – It Writes Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal
Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled
Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1;
Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed Controller
For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For A Stepper
Motor; Fail-Safe Module For The Throttle Servo; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible Interface
Card For PCs; Points Controller For Model Railways; Simple
Square/Triangle Waveform Generator; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For Radio Control Receivers; How
Holden’s Electronic Control Unit works, Pt.1.
August 1997: The Bass Barrel Subwoofer; 500 Watt Audio Power
Amplifier Module; A TENs Unit For Pain Relief; Addressable PC
Card For Stepper Motor Control; Remote Controlled Gates For
Your Home; How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit Works, Pt.2.
September 1997: Multi-Spark Capacitor Discharge Ignition; 500W
Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.2; A Video Security System For Your
Home; PC Card For Controlling Two Stepper Motors; HiFi On A
Budget; Win95, MSDOS.SYS & The Registry.
October 1997: Build A 5-Digit Tachometer; Add Central Locking
To Your Car; PC-Controlled 6-Channel Voltmeter; The Flickering
Flame Stage Prop; 500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.3; Customising
The Windows 95 Start Menu.
November 1997: Heavy Duty 10A 240VAC Motor Speed Controller; Easy-To-Use Cable & Wiring Tester; Regulated Supply For
Darkroom Lamps; Build A Musical Doorbell; Relocating Your CDROM Drive; Replacing Foam Speaker Surrounds; Understanding
Electric Lighting Pt.1.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed;
Stereo Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low
Ohms Tester For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
December 1997: A Heart Transplant For An Aging Computer;
Build A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Two-Axis Robot With Gripper;
Loudness Control For Car Hifi Systems; Stepper Motor Driver
With Onboard Buffer; Power Supply For Stepper Motor Cards;
Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.2; Index To Volume 10.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
January 1998: Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.1 (runs off
12VDC or 12VAC); Command Control System For Model Railways,
Pt.1; Pan Controller For CCD Cameras; Build A One Or Two-Lamp
Flasher; Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.3.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket;
Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the
Windows Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter
For Fluorescent Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
February 1998: Hot Web Sites For Surplus Bits; Build A Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger, Pt.1; Telephone Exchange Simulator
For Testing; Command Control System For Model Railways, Pt.2;
Demonstration Board For Liquid Crystal Displays; Build Your Own
4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.2; Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.4.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver
For Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2;
Dual Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Pre
amplifier;The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; Infrared Stereo
Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF
Amateur Radio Receiver; Feedback On Programmable Ignition
(see March 1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With
LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1;
Oil Change Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car Sound;
Pt.2; Remote Control System For Models, Pt.2.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable;
Power Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter
For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link,
Pt.2; Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988
to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, May 1990, August
1991, February 1992, July 1992, September 1992, November
1992 and December 1992 are now sold out. All other issues are
presently in stock. For readers wanting articles from sold-out
issues, we can supply photostat copies (or tear sheets) at $7.00
per article (includes p&p). When supplying photostat articles or
back copies, we automatically supply any relevant notes & errata
at no extra charge. A complete index to all articles published to
date is available on floppy disc for $10 including p&p.
October 1994: How Dolby Surround Sound Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Build A Talking Headlight Reminder;
Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Build A Temperature
Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic Engine Management,
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell
Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock Braking Systems;
How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
March 1998 79
Norton Utilities V2 For Win95; Pt.3
No matter how big your hard disc drive is,
it’s all too easy for it to become cluttered
with obsolete or duplicate files. This is where
Norton’s “Space Wizard” utility comes in
handy. It goes through the drive and
searches for files that can be safely deleted.
When the Space Wizard utility is
started, it asks you to choose between
an Express deletion process or a
Comprehensive deletion pro
cess –
see Fig.1. We will concentrate on the
Comprehensive process here, because
the Express method is in fact just a
scaled down version.
In the Express process, you are
asked just a few questions such as
“Do you want to empty the Recycle
Bin now?” You are also asked to select
which file types you want deleted.
Space Wizard looks through the hard
drive and also locates other files that it
believes can be deleted, such as *.tmp
files and any files inside a “Temp”
As with all of Norton’s programs,
you are taken systematically through
the process. However, no matter how
advanced this program is, there are
some things to watch out for. For ex
ample, I have a Root Directory called
Fig.1: Space Wizard offers two methods of creating disc
space: Express and Comprehensive. The latter method
will recover much more disc space.
80 Silicon Chip
“Temp”. At first this directory was
in fact just a temporary one, which
held files that I could delete when
required. However, I now use this
directory to hold quite a few files that
I want to keep.
As you might expect, Norton’s
Space Wizard automatically marks
all the files in this folder for deletion.
Initially, I got around this by manually
deselecting the files I wanted to keep
but this took quite some time as there
was lots of files. So, if you make a
habit of using the Temp directory to
hold files that you might want to keep,
then you have a couple of choices:
(1) Temporarily change the name of
the directory before running Space
Wizard; or
(2) Permanently change the name of
the directory to something else and
then create a new Temp directory.
Note that you must create a new Temp
Fig.2: Space Wizard selects all files which it regards as
temporary but you have the option of deselecting any files
you want to keep.
Fig.3: Space Wizard also displays a list of “commonly
discardable files”. These are not automatically selected
for deletion; you choose the files to be discarded.
directory because some programs rely
on its presence in order to function
The comprehensive method
The Comprehensive method does
much more than the Express method
when it comes to recovering space on
your hard disc drive. It includes all
the functions already described for
the Express method and, in addition,
it searches the entire hard disc drive
for infrequently used files, duplicate
files and “commonly discardable files
and folders”. Let’s take a closer look
at what it offers.
The operational procedure is quite
Fig.4: Space Wizard can track down files which have not
been used for a nominated period of time. Once again,
you tick the files that you want to delete.
straightforward. After starting Space
Wizard, you choose the Comprehen
sive method, press Next and then
select which hard drive you want
to find room on. Space Wizard then
scans the hard disc drive and comes
back with a series of questions.
The first question is: Do you want
to empty the recycle bin? Select yes
so that it can delete the bin contents.
Space Wizard will then select files
which are generally temporary; eg,
*.tmp and any files located in Temp
folders (Fig.2). It is a good idea to
check through these and deselect any
files that you want to keep.
Next, you are shown a listing of
Fig.5: want to track down files larger than a certain size?
No problem – Space Wizard can display all files larger
than a nominated value between 1Kb and 999Mb.
commonly discardable files (Fig.3).
These are not selected for deletion but
can be – the choice is yours.
Many people will have files on their
hard disc drive which haven’t been
used for months, if not years. These
files remain there mainly because they
have been forgotten about but Space
Wizard can track them down. All you
have to do is choose the period of time
since the files were accessed (from one
day to 999 years). You then tick the
files that you want to delete (Fig.4).
What about large files? In this case,
Space Wizard searches the drive for
files larger than a nominated value
between 1Kb and 999Mb and presents
Fig.6: Space Wizard can locate files that have the same
size, time and date. These are all checked using a binary
comparison method to make sure they are identical.
March 1998 81
Fig.8 (above): all other applications should be shut down
before running Space Wizard to avoid error messages like
the one shown above.
Fig.7 (left): as a final step, Space Wizard displays all the
files that have been selected for deletion. You then have a
choice of actually deleting files, compressing selected files
and storing them as a “zip” file, or moving certain files to
a new location.
you with a list, as shown in Fig.5. If
you now click on the Allocated tab,
the files will be sorted in size order,
either from smallest to largest or vice
Another possibility is duplicate
files. To track these down, Space Wiz
ard goes through the hard drive and
locates files that have the same size,
time and date. These files are then
checked using a binary comparison
method to make sure that they are
identical, even though their names
may be different (Fig.6).
Be careful what you delete here. A file is stored in both
the Windows directory and the root
directory and both are used. Do not
delete any files that you are unsure
The final step
The final step is crucial. Space
Wizard displays all the files that
have been selected for deletion and
this will be your last chance to keep
any wanted files. However, if you are
unsure as to whether or not you can
live without some of these files, you
can compress them and store them as
a “zip” file in a designated location
on the hard drive. That way, if you
find that you actually needed a file,
you can uncompress it.
Save Network Hassles With Quick Log-On
Do you have two or more computers on a small Win95 local
area network with resources shared back and forth between
them? If so, this can create problems during boot-up because
one computer cannot connect to the resources shared on
another computer until that computer has been switched on.
If you do try to map the drives on a computer that is switched
off, you will get an error message. However, depending on the
setup, this may be unavoidable, because it is impossible to
boot all the machines simultaneously.
Fortunately, the way around the problem is quite simple.
Here’s what to do: double click the Network icon in the Control
Panel, then choose Client For Microsoft Networks from the list
of installed components and click the Properties button. This
brings up the dialog box shown at right. Now all you have to do
is choose Quick Logon from the Network Logon Options list.
From now on, Windows will simply log you onto the network
when you boot but won’t try to reconnect the drives until you
use them.
82 Silicon Chip
For the remaining files, just select
them and click the Delete button and
they will be gone (Fig.7).
Another option is to move all the
files to a new location, so that you can
easily delete them later on if they are
not needed.
By the way, while I was writing this
article, I ran Space Wizard at the same
time. When Space Wizard performed
its first scan, it came up with the error
message shown in Fig.8. This was
because that particular file was in use
by Word. It is therefore a good idea
to shut down all other applications
before running Space Wizard, to avoid
similar messages.
Computer hardware problems
Auto detect & hard
disc drive parameters
Enjoy playing with your computer’s CMOS
setup? Well, watch out. If you change the
hard disc setup from a “User” type to “Auto
Detect”, the machine may no longer boot.
Here’s why auto detect doesn’t always work.
When you buy a new hard disc
drive, one of the first things to do is
to check the manual for the drive’s
“parameters”. Alter
natively, these
parameters are usually also printed on
a sticker attached to the drive itself.
Your Drive parameters consist
of: (1) number of heads; (2) number
of cylinders; (3) number of sectors
(4) landing zone; and (5) write pre
compression. These parameters are
required by the computer so that it
knows how big the drive is and, more
importantly, where to go on the drive
in order to retrieve data.
For example, to retrieve a certain
string of data, it may read sector 7
head 3 on the drive. That’s fine but
what if you change the parameters
of the drive, either intentionally or
accidentally? This can easily happen
if you install a new motherboard or
transfer the drive to another comput
er, for example.
The most common error is using
Auto Detect (in the system BIOS) on
a drive that’s come from a machine
in which it was “assigned” it’s para
meters by the person who originally
installed it.
If it’s a boot disc, you may find that
the machine will no longer boot up.
Alternatively, if it’s a non-boot disc,
you may no longer be able to retrieve
files or the files may be corrupted,
with lots of lost clusters.
The reason for this is quite simple.
Auto detect doesn’t actually read
the settings that have been manually
assigned to the drive. Instead, it re
trieves the drive’s parameters by read
ing the manufacturer’s data from the
drive itself. Because of this, it follows
that if the original manually-assigned
parameters differ from the parameters
stored in the ROM, then using auto
detect will cause data errors.
This doesn’t matter if it’s not a boot
drive and you no longer need the data
that’s stored on it. In this case, you can
just reformat the drive and carry on.
The drive will be auto-detected each
time you start the computer and all
will be well.
If it is a boot drive and/or you do
need access to the data, then you will
have to manually assign the required
drive parameters if auto-detect causes
problems. How do you know if it’s
wrong or not? The most simple checks
to do are:
(1). Try to boot the machine. If the
settings are incorrect, the machine
won’t boot (because it can’t find the
system). Be sure not to run Scandisk
with the autofix option, otherwise you
could trash your data;
(2). Run CHKDSK or Scandisk (no
autofix) on the drive. This quickly
checks the drive and if the settings
are incorrect then you will receive
hundred’s of errors.
Parameter selection is very im
portant. If you lose your parameters
you can spend hours trying different
combinations and still not guess the
correct settings. My advice is to al
ways write them down.
Before leaving this subject, it’s
worth noting that many BIOS’s offer
two different auto detect options.
The first is the auto detect in the
BIOS setup. You activate this in or
der to automatically enter the correct
drive parameters in the main menu
when it is first installed. You then
save those parameters so that the
machine doesn’t have to auto detect
the drive each time it’s started.
This is used for most computer
setups and the detected parameters
can be written down and stored with
the computer (so that they can be later
manually re-entered in a different
setup if necessary).
The other method involves select
ing ‘Auto’ as the drive type in the
main menu. This way, the system
will auto detect the drive every time
you start up. This is a simple way of
installing drives, however you are
generally not presented with the set
tings. Only the size is shown so that
if you transfer the drive to another
machine without auto detect and you
don’t know the settings, it can’t be
correctly set up.
Finally, I have seen different moth
erboards return different para-meters
for the same hard disc drive when
using auto detect. Admittedly, this
only occurs with some older mother
boards; I haven’t encountered any
modern motherboards that give this
sort of problem.
So be careful when playing with
hard disc drives – it’s all to easy to
lose your precious data and wind up
with a door stop if you don’t know
exactly what you are doing.
March 1998 83
Jet engines in model aircraft; Pt.3
Last month we looked at the input of air to the
jet engine via the compressor and we established
that the radial or centrifugal compressor was
the best choice for model jet engines. This month
we look at the diffuser, combustion chamber and
Having accelerated the air to the
outside edge of the com
p ressor
wheel, it is now time to collect the
air, achieve the full measure of com
pression possible and remove as much
turbulence in preparation for the entry
of the air to the combustion chamber.
To do this we use a diffuser (stator or
collector ring). Here we are faced with
some difficult choices.
Essentially, diffusers may be divid
ed into two categories, bladeless and
bladed diffusers.
Professional engine men refer to
the bladeless diffuser as a bladeless
annular space. They are easy to man
ufacture and can be quite efficient if
designed correctly. As there are no
blades there is no flow breakaway.
The main advantage of the bladeless
diffuser is that the compressor as a
whole has excellent self-regulatory
The disadvantages are that they
must be of a larger diameter than the
bladed diffuser and that they cannot
smooth out the twisting motion im
parted to the airflow by the compres
sor. As the overall diameter of the
finished engine is very important to
the modeller, the increased diameter
is a serious drawback.
Therefore, the best solution for a
model turbine is the bladed diffuser
with the blades set back from the com
pressor, leaving a clear annular space
where the airspeeds are the highest
84 Silicon Chip
and most unevenly distributed. The
wedge-shaped diffuser blade can be
useful for mounting the diffuser to
the outer casing. Screws can be fair
ed into the wedge with a minimum
disturbance to the airflow.
The action whereby the air is
slowed and compressed in the diffus
er is a complex mix of subtle factors.
If you are interested in model aircraft
jet engines, this book by Thomas
Kamps and entitled Model Jet Engines
is a good one to have. It’s published
by Traplet Publications UK (ISBN 0
9510589 9 1).
The spiral law governing action of
a fluid in a centrifugal compressor
states that the product of the radius
(r) in the diffuser system and the
speed (cu) in the peripheral direction
is constant (spiral law: r x cu = con
stant). Thus, as the radius increases,
the speed is reduced.
This basic law plays an important
role in model jet engines and an
interesting analog is found in the
common tea cup. As we stir a cup
of tea we speed up the centre of the
mixture but at the edge the speed is
the slowest. This causes an increase
in the fluid pressure and the level of
the fluid at the wall of the cup rises,
leaving a dish or well at the centre;
the faster the rotational speed, the
deeper the well.
According to Bernoulli’s theorem,
the total energy in the flow must al
ways remain constant. Therefore, if
the speed decreases as the air moves
out, away from the compressor into
the larger diameter diffuser, the pres
sure goes up, as in the tea cup. So
contrary to what one might expect,
compression is due largely to the
centrifugal force applied to the air
leaving the compressor and moving
outwards into a space of a larger di
ameter, and not due to the change in
volume between the compressor and
the diffuser.
True, this change in volume will
also cause a slowing of the airflow
with the subsequent increase in pres
sure but not of the order required.
In fact, if the size of the annular
non-bladed duct is increased, there
is a danger of the airflow breaking
up into turbulence with a severe loss
of efficiency. For this reason, some
bladeless diffusers have a cross sec
tion which tapers to a more narrow
section as the diameter increases,
This close-up view shows the JPX-T-240 turbine engine fitted to Kevin Dodds’
(Tingalpa, Qld) A-10 “wart hog”. The maximum engine speed is 122,000rpm!
Note the discoloration on the rear of the fuselage from the exhaust.
forcing the air to move more quickly
to the outer edge.
Here we come across another dis
advantage of the centrifugal or radial
compressor. To get a worthwhile
increase in diameter in the diffuser
we need to have a diffuser of ap
proximately twice the diameter of
the compressor. Practical experience
has established that this figure may be
cribbed somewhat but a minimum ra
tio is around 1.6 times the diameter of
the compressor wheel if we introduce
vanes or guides into the diffuser. Thus
it is the diffuser that most contributes
to the dumpy appearance of the model
jet engine.
With blades in the diffuser, we now
have real cause for concern because
the path of the air leaving the com
pressor rim is a very complex func
tion. It requires careful calculation
to get the diffuser blades set at the
correct angle so as to minimise flow
breakaway on the guide vanes.
What must be kept in mind with
these engines are the very high air
speeds involved. In an engine using
a shaft speed of 100,000 rpm and a
66mm diameter compressor, the rim
speed (Rs) of the compressor is given
by the formula Rs = n x d x π/60, where
n is the shaft speed and d is the diam
eter. This works out to 345.5 metres
per second or 1243.44km/h. But wait,
I hear you cry, that is in excess of the
speed of sound!
Not so, for we are working with air
at higher temperatures and pressures,
so the speed of sound in the medium
is much higher. Even at rim speeds as
high as 450m/s, the sound barrier can
not be exceeded inside these engines.
However these are phenomenally
high airspeeds and if the diffuser
blades are set incorrectly then there
are serious rami
fications. Unfortu
nately these are the sorts of speeds
required if the Reynolds numbers
are to be moved up into a reasonably
efficient range.
Yet model jet engines can be throt
tled down successfully to much lower
speeds, such is the amount develop
ment work that has been poured into
this the most difficult of all modelling
dreams. If any reader is interested in
a full mathematical analysis of the
model jet engine then there is a very
good book on the subject written by
Thomas Kamps and entitled Model
Jet Engines, available from Traplet
Publications UK (ISBN 0 9510589 9 1).
If we can slow the air by 50% in the
diffuser, we will convert about 75% of
the speed energy to pressure energy, as
the energy in the gas is proportional
to the square of its speed. Thus, re
turning to our motor using a 66mm
compressor at 100,000 rpm, we find
that typical throughput of air will be
about 1.35 - 1.75kg. As the thrust of
the motor rises in proportion to the
throughput, the higher figure is the
more acceptable. At this point the
compressor will deliver a compres
sion ratio of about 1.9:1.
Another important factor in the
compressor/diffuser design is the
expansion angle of the diffuser blades.
The blades start off more close
spaced and gradually move apart as
they move out to the rim of the dif
fuser. This divergence angle is known
as the expansion angle and it plays a
large part in the compression of the
incoming air. Too shallow an angle
will mean more losses as the air will
stay in the duct longer and boundary
layer losses will rise.
Typical expansion angles are
around 15 degrees which calls for 24
blades in the diffuser. Smaller angles
will call for more blades and more
friction losses. For this reason it is
better to use blades which are curved
forward slightly, forming gently wid
ening ducts.
This type of diffuser and a radial
compressor with retro curved blades
will result in an engine capable of
rapid throttle response and which will
be quite resistant to surging.
The compressed and stabilised air
now passes to the combustion cham
ber and we haven’t even got to the
March 1998 85
Table 1: Model Jet Engine Fuels
Densi ty (kg/l )
H0u (MJ/kg)
Boi l i ng Range (oC)
JP1/Jet A
Fuel tank Capaci ty (ml )
(5 mi nutes, 30N thrust)
Fl ammabi l i ty/Fi re
H i gh
H i gh
Very Hi gh
(1) Li qui d under pressure; (2) Suffi ci ent for 5 mi nutes of powered fl i ght at a thrust
of 30 Newtons (speci fi c consumpti on = 0.3kg/N/h)
H i gh
Source: Model Jet Engi nes, by Thomas Kamps
hard part yet. Is it any wonder that
the model jet engine took so long to
The combustion chamber
Single stage turbines and compres
sors take up little space but not so the
combustion chamber. This is why
model jet engines do not look at all
like their full-size cousins from the
outside. Actually, the proportions are
almost reversed. In the full-size motor,
the combustion chamber is a short
section between the compressor and
turbine, whereas in the model engine
the combustion chamber is the largest
There are other difference between
model and full-size turbines in terms
of specific power. Model size com
pressors and turbines are less efficient
than industrial aircraft engines. If the
engine is to run at all, the turbine must
extract most of the available energy
from the exhaust flow at the turbine.
As a result, there is little left in the
residual exhaust flow to produce
thrust. For this reason, the shape of
the tail-cone is vitally important; a
correctly shaped tail-cone can increase
the thrust dramatically.
The low residual thrust combined
with the low compression ratios avail
able in the model engine means that
only 3 - 8% of the energy contained in
the fuel is turned into thrust. Howev
er, due to the low mass of the model
engine, thrust to mass ratios are much
the same as full-size engines. The
drawback in the model engine is fuel
consumption. Modellers wishing to
use a jet in their new model should
leave plenty of space for the fuel tank.
Table 1 shows the most common fuels
suitable for use in model turbines.
Early model jets used propane gas
but there was some risk with this fuel.
Theoretically, the jet engine is not re
86 Silicon Chip
stricted to one type of fuel, the main
requirement being that the maximum
energy is released during combustion.
In practice, most jets are designed to
run on one of the many mineral oil
products commerc ially available.
Alcohol fuels such as methanol are
not suitable due to their low energy
densities. These days, most model en
gine manufacturers choose kerosene.
The design of the combustion cham
ber is critical. If this component falls
short in any way, there are serious
consequences, the most drastic being
the destruction of the motor.
If combustion is uneven, then the
incoming air will not be heated to full
temperature in parts of the combustion
chamber. The enthalpy of this portion
of the air rises only slightly and con
sequently does little work on its way
through the engine. Worse still, to
compensate, the rest of the air must
become that much hotter to keep the
engine running. The result is uneven
speed distribution in the turbine and
lower overall efficiency. In the worst
case, the engine will not run at all.
The purpose of the combustion
chamber is to heat the air in order that
it can do more work when it is decom
pressed than was required to heat it. If
the air is heated during decompression
then this effect is largely nullified.
For this reason, combus
tion must
be contained inside the combustion
chamber as much as possible. If the
flames are too long, they will extend
into the turbine area and the turbine
will overheat. The clue for this prob
lem is high exhaust gas temperature.
Mixture considerations
Stable combustion can only be
achieved if a stoichiometric mixture
is present. This is referred to as an air
surplus of one. A mixture is said to
be rich if the air surplus is less than
one and lean if it is greater than one.
A lean mixture can result in the flame
being blown out if the throttle is closed
suddenly because the compressor is
still delivering a large quantity of air
to a weak flame.
If the mixture is too rich, the flame
burns yellow due to glowing carbon
particles. These cannot be fully burnt
because the necessary oxygen is ab
sent. The result is a layer of soot depos
ited on the combustion chamber walls.
When using kerosene or diesel, sto
ichiometric combustion occurs with a
fuel/air ratio of 14.7:1 and results in
burn temperatures of about 2000°C,
even in model engines. To reduce
this temperature to the desirable 650850°C, cool air must be introduced by
dividing the combustion chamber into
two parts. These are called the primary
and secondary zones.
In full-size engines, high combus
tion chamber temperatures (900°C)
are a real problem and nickel based
alloys (Nimonic or Inconel) are the
usual solution. In a model engine, this
heating is not so severe due to the low
er compression ratios. This means the
air temperature is not as high from the
compressor and therefore the cooling
effect is much greater.
A neat trick is to drill small holes
(1-1.5mm dia.) in the primary zone to
introduce cooling air. This air forms a
thin, cool boundary layer and protects
the combustion chamber primary zone
from the stoichiometric temperatures.
As a result, V2A sheet steel is OK for
the combustion chambers.
On the other hand, it is desirable
that the cooling air in the secondary
zone penetrates deeper into the com
bustion chamber and this calls for
larger holes. The number, size and
location of the holes has a large effect
on the overall exhaust gas temperature
and temperature distribution and is a
key factor in the engine design.
The aim is to obtain perfectly even
heating with as short a flame length as
possible and with all fuel completely
burnt. The exhaust gas heat must be
directed away from the root of the tur
bine blades, as the stresses are highest
at this point. Most heat is directed
towards the centre of the turbine disc,
towards the shaft and bearings.
By now, the reader should be aware
of why it took so long to make one of
these engines run at all. Did Mr Ball
ever have those engines running in
1947? I really doubt it.
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Controller modification
for halogen lamps
Currently I am working on a rather
complex design, on contract. One of
the many requirements is to supply
power to 12V, 18W incandescent
lamps, with constant brightness, from
a supply which can vary from about
13V to 26V. This calls for a PWM
power supply.
Generally, I don’t like to reinvent
the wheel. I thought, what a beauty,
SILICON CHIP just published a cou
ple of designs which I could draw
ideas from (the high current speed
controller for 12V/24V motors in the
June 1997 issue and better still, the
regulated power supply for darkroom
lamps in the November issue). I must
admit that at first I was impressed by
the simplicity of these two designs
by Rick Walters and I believed they
would work, as claimed.
So I duly bread-boarded the basic
circuit and when I found that it did
not regulate the brightness of the
lamp at all, I copied the circuits,
one after the other, precisely. To no
avail. For hours on end, I checked
and rechecked the component val
ues, connections, different brands of
the TL494, lamps, etc. The weirdest
Golf buggy jumps
when stopping
I recently purchased and assem
bled the kit for the High Current
Speed Controller as described
in the June 1997 issue and I am
pleased to say that, with one minor
exception, it works most satisfacto
rily. I have it in use on my electric
golf buggy and as the course on
which I mostly play is quite hilly, it
gets a good opportunity to demon
strate its ability.
The one exception I mentioned
is that when it is switched off, a
momentary surge of full power is
88 Silicon Chip
thing, however, is the fact that all volt
age measurements, and waveforms,
are correct, according to the design,
as it is, for what it is. In addition, I
also used my digital light meter which
shows more than three times increase
in brightness, in the range of 13V-26V.
All in all, it was a very frustrating
exercise. (L. B., Springvale, Vic).
• We used tungsten lamps in the
development of the regulated supply
for darkroom lamps, although it was
contained in a metal box to prevent
us all going blind during the devel
opment. Howev
er, the anticipated
supply voltage variations were in the
order of +5% and -10%, not the 100%
you are talking about.
We have checked the circuit with
a 50W halogen lamp and the com
pensation resistors R3 and R4 are
not quite correct for it. We fitted a
1kΩ 10-turn trimpot between the two
resistors with the wiper to IC1 pin
1. With hindsight, we should have
included it in the original unit to set
the compensation exactly.
With around 3V on pin 1 of IC1 the
(analog) lightmeter barely moved over
the range 210V to 260V. We set the
output to 12V with the Variac set to
240V then varied the AC input. Each
time the 10-turn trimpot is adjusted
delivered. Any suggestions you can
offer to solve this problem would
be appreciated. (F. R., Hazelwood
North, Vic).
• We are not able to explain how
the circuit can deliver a surge at
switch-off unless you are switching
the supply to the 3-terminal regula
tor while leaving the supply to the
motor permanently connected. If
this is the case, the solution is to
switch off the supply to the motor
at the same time as the rest of the
circuit is powered down.
If that is not convenient in your
setup, try switching the supply line
after the 3-terminal regulator.
the output voltage needs to be reset,
but it only took a couple of adjust
ments to get it correct.
We should also offer a caution
about breadboarding a prototype of
this circuit. If you are not careful
about the circuit layout it is quite
easy to obtain the situation where
load current is flowing in the same
common impedance as the feedback
or compensation currents. If this
happens, it will wreck the line and
load regulation.
I am writing to you in sheer des
peration. I have a problem with my
project, the Speakerphone described
in the May 1988 issue of SILICON
CHIP. The problem I am experiencing
is that when the unit is switched on,
I can easily hear the other party’s
voice through the speaker but the
transmission of my voice through the
electret microphone is very soft, from
a distance of say, 30-40cm; when my
mouth is only a few centimetres away,
the other party can hear very well.
I have followed the instructions
to the letter except that some of the
resistors are of 1% tolerance, which
I assume causes no problems. The
microphone is sealed at the rear and
I even put some more Blu Tak on the
rear for extra sealing. I have rechecked
the circuit many times and also had a
fellow electronics enthusiast go over
the circuit but to no avail. Finally, I
bought a new chip but this did not
solve the problem.
I was not able to do the initial check
to test the output on the pins of the
chip as I do not have a power supply
with a suitable voltage.
Once having solved the problem,
my intention is to adapt a headset and
mike to the Speakerphone. Would you
please advise me where to connect
the mike. My thoughts would be to
perhaps attach the wires to where the
electret mic is and a switch to switch
High power
enlarger queries
I am very interested in the Regu
lated Power Supply for Darkroom
Lamps, described in your No
vember 1997 issue. However, my
enlarger is of larger format than the
usual 35mm. It uses a 24V 250W
halogen lamp, with corresponding
ly higher current requirement to
the design in the November issue
(10.4A versus 8.3A).
Could you advise whether the
operating voltage can be increased
to 24V and if so, whether the com
ponent ratings of the components
have the margin to handle the
higher wattage? If not, could you
indicate the order of modifications
necessary to provide for the 250W
I suspect a 300VA transformer
would be required with higher
secondary voltage to provide the
“overhead” for the control system.
Maybe the diode heatsinking may
need upgrading as well. I suspect
that the control system will still be
designed to “drop” about 15V, so
a transformer secondary of about
30V is indicat
ed. Beyond these
comments, I seek your advice. (R.
K., Wembley Downs, WA).
• We see no real problem with
your modification. You will need
a larger case to house the 300VA
between the mic on the headset and
the mic in the Speakerphone case.
Would you please advise me as to
whether there have been any notes or
mods published that I have perhaps
I am also chasing a circuit which
will enable me to attach a mic and
headphone to interface with the
standard Telstra issue phone. I un
derstand there are commercial units
that do this job.
Finally, has S ILICON C HIP ever
published a project to allow a fax
machine to be operated on one phone
line, allowing the fax to distinguish
between the normal phone call and a
fax call, in which case the fax inter
cepts the fax call only? With my fax
I have to switch my machine over to
auto mode, in which case the machine
transformer which should have a
secondary voltage of 27-30V. The
Jaycar MT-2136 should be fine.
As you suggest, the bridge rectifi
er may need a better heatsink, with
perhaps a bigger aluminium plate
for the transformer, on which the
bridge heatsink can be mounted.
We also suggest that you use two
Mosfets, both with heatsinks.
The major problem will be the
input voltage at REG1. This is
specified as 35V maximum and
you will end up with 45V, off load.
A 12V 5W zener diode in series to
the input should help. The resis
tor feeding the power LED should
be increased to 2.2kΩ. R3 should
be increased to about 33kΩ and a
5kΩ or 10kΩ potentiometer fitted
between R3 and R4. The wiper
should be taken to pin 1 of IC1.
Set the wiper of VR1 to 2.4V
and adjust this new control until
the light output is constant, as
you vary the input voltage with a
load connected. You will find one
end of the new control will give
increased light output as the input
voltage increases and the other end
will reduce the light output as the
input voltage increases. The two
controls will have to be “juggled”
to keep the nominal output voltage
at 24V with 240V input, while the
light output is constant over -10%
+ 5% mains variation.
answers all calls, or operate it man
ually after I have been advised that a
fax is about to be sent down line. (B.
A., Mooroolbark, Vic).
• The electret volume is probably
low because of the insensitivity of the
particular microphone used in your
circuit. Try another electret micro
phone in its place such as the Jaycar
Cat. AM-4008. This has a sensitivity
of 66dB. Alternatively, Oatley Elec
tronics (phone 02 9584 3561 or fax 02
9584 3561) have high sensitivity types
of about 55dB which are better still.
A circuit to add on a headset for
the Speakerphone was published in
the November 1988 issue. Photostat
copies can be obtained for $7.00 (in
cluding postage) by calling our office.
Headsets for telephones should
be available through telephone sales
outlets such as Telecom and Optus. A
headset phone is also available from
Dick Smith Electronics.
Unfortunately, a fax machine can
not distinguish between a voice or fax
call until it is answered and the fax
tone is detected. This can be remedied
by what is called a “Duet” line where
you have two separate phone num
bers for the same phone line – one for
the fax and the other for the phone.
The phone ring is different for a fax
call and so the machine automatically
answers it unless the call is voice in
which case the phone rings normally.
Contact your phone service provider
for information on this facility.
More bass punch for
a music system
Three months ago my 14 year old
son saved up his “odd job” money
and bought an Akai AC-MX 46 Mini
System, twin cassette/CD/radio, with
two fairly small speaker boxes. The
amplifier output is only 5W per chan
nel and the speakers have a quoted
frequency response of only 95Hz to
18,000Hz. He thought that it would
be OK but it’s not taken him long to
realise that he needs lots of “bass
boost” to sound even near good. So
now he wants something better.
His search through SILICON CHIP
and the Jaycar and DSE catalogs have
turned up the December 1993 25W
amplifier module, to drive a 12-inch
paper cone woofer (Jaycar Cat CW2125) in about a 4.5 cu.ft. enclosure,
facing down, raised off the carpet
about 10cm.
The first problems are that the input
sensitivity for the 25W amplifier is
not stated and there is no provision
for a volume control. How can he add
one? On the input or as a variation to
the feedback loop? The only outputs
from his Akai unit are the 4Ω speaker
clips. I assume he will need to some
how mix these into one channel for
the amplifier input, without upsetting
the normal speakers.
We have not “got into” the Akai
amplifier. It may be possible to find
a suitable point to pick up a line out
and fit a socket on the back panel. I
hesitate as the unit is still under guar
antee, although it would probably
be the better way to go. Your recom
mendations please. (R. F., Laura, SA).
• The input sensitivity of the am
plifier will depend on the maximum
March 1998 89
Avoiding charger
I noted the problems of a cor
respondent with his 10A bat
charger, as featured on page 82 of
the January 1998 issue. He may
find that changing the 4.7kΩ resis
tor in the secondary of the driver
transformer to 12kΩ will help keep
the Mosfet saturated and running
cooler during prolonged heavy
Other suggestions include pot
ting the inductor to stop the core
whistling and insulating the 15V
regulator from the heatsink to avoid
the current sensor being bypassed.
This situation can arise if the battery
being charged happens to be earthed
to the same source as mains earth;
eg, a motor-home auxiliary battery.
This brings me to the override
switch and R1 (27kΩ). A 12V battery
would have to be pretty sick not to
initially set the 6V op amp output
high. Its own 56kΩ pull-up resistor
power output which in turn, is de
pendent on the supply rails. If you
build the amplifier with ±25V supply
rails, its maximum (unclipped) power
output will be 25W into an 8-ohm
load. Under this condition, the input
sensitivity will be 200mV RMS.
A 10kΩ potentiometer may be
installed at the input to serve as a
volume control. The left and right
signals from the 4-ohm music system
speakers may be mixed together via
4.7kΩ resistors.
However, if you want to use the
25W module as a bass channel only,
you really need a crossover network
as well, so that the module only han
dles bass frequencies. The closest we
have come to meeting this need was
the subwoofer crossover in December
Super glue degrades
FM circuit
I built the FM Stereo Transmitter
and did the alignment. It just would
not work, as M. N., of Bankstown
stated in the “Ask Silicon Chip” pag
es of the December 1997 issue. The
multiplex and pilot tones were pres
90 Silicon Chip
would then be in parallel with R1.
It seems therefore that R1 should be
at least 56kΩ.
Alternatively, for a dead-flat 12V
battery, 56kΩ would be ideal to
get things started since the initial
charge rate should be limited. This
would also get 6V batteries started.
Come to think of it, a rather dead
24V battery charging at 12V and
two op amps active could possibly
be induced to greater effort with the
override switch as well.
One final point: I understand that
pins 9 & 10 of the TL494 can sink
up to 200mA and this is sufficient
to drive a diode. It seems therefore
that an optocoupler could well re
place the transformer and switching
transistors. With the zener being
tied to 55V via a suitable limiting
resistor and bypassed during the off
cycle via the coupler output, this
would reduce costs and provide the
Mosfet gate with a genuine floating
DC pulsed drive. (J. L., Ferny Hills,
ent but no oscillation or RF output.
The cause turned out to be that I had
used a cheap super glue to fix the coil
formers in position. Cleaning it off the
surrounding tracks gave some output.
The total solution was to scrape the
surface of the board so as to remove
any trace and use nail polish to glue
them. Now the unit works well. (G.
H., Fairview Park, SA).
Speed control
for fans
I am considering building the 5A
drill speed controller published in
the September & November 1992 is
sue of SILICON CHIP. I want to use it
to control the speed of a ceiling fan.
I am sick of replacing the existing
controller which has burnt out several
times. Do you foresee any problems?
(M. B., Para Hills, SA).
• Don’t even think about it. The drill
speed controller is only suited to mo
tors with brushes and commutators.
By contrast, virtually all 240VAC fans
are shielded pole types; ie, a variant
of an induction motor. The trouble
with the drill speed controller is that
it applies what is virtually chopped
DC to the motor and this will not work
with an induction motor.
The solution is to use the fan speed
control featured in the January 1990
issue. In essence, this is a conven
tional light dimmer with snubber
circuits and it is used in conjunction
with the tapped iron-cored inductor
which is the basis of the conventional
fan speed control. The relevant back
issue is available from the SILICON
CHIP offices at $7 including postage.
Model railway
speed indicator
I was wondering if it would be
possible for you to design a kit for an
HO scale speed indicator. I have seen
one reviewed in “Model Railroader”
magazine and would like to obtain
one. (K. M., Altona, Vic).
• Such a project is certainly feasible
but it is a little too specialised for us
to feature it in SILICON CHIP magazine.
Even if we did publish it, it is unlikely
that any of the kitset suppliers would
decide to make it available. In that
case, the best way to obtain a unit
would be to buy it direct from the
US supplier.
Query on
Multi-Spark CDI
I am building the Multi-Spark CDI
described in the Septem
ber 1997
issue and I am thoroughly confused.
There is no value shown for C3 on the
circuit or wiring diagram but the parts
list quotes three different values. I’ve
read right through the text and I can’t
find any mention of this, so am I going
nuts? (P. O., Oberon, NSW).
• Sorry about that. It is fairly easy to
miss but the information you want is
on the circuit diagram on page 20 of
the September issue, in the bottom
righthand corner. C3 should be 0.47µF
for a V8, 0.15µF for 6-cylinder and
0.12µF for a 4-cylinder. C3 determines
how many sparks are produced for
each firing, as shown in Table 1 on
page 23 of that article.
Amplifier PC
board change
I have a question concerning the
500W power amplifier re
cently de
scribed in SILICON CHIP. I am hoping
you can explain why, on page 25
(August), page 55 (September), page
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I recently obtained a Microtec
scanner and a feature of this par
ticular scanner is that you can loop
the printer through the scanner. But
the setup did not work too well.
I am still not exactly aware what
is going wrong but sooner rather
than later the computer could not
find the scanner again after using
the printer.
As my computer was still under
warranty, I did the right thing and
took it to the retailers and asked
them to install another parallel
port. When I got the computer back
it worked for about 10 minutes and
then crashed. It did not take long
to work out that the reason for the
crash was the new parallel port.
This was after several restarts and
a good deal of very bad language.
All these troubles disappeared
magically after pulling out the
offending parallel port card.
However, this left me with a
scanner, a spare parallel port and
about $400 down the drain. I got
around the scanner problem for
a while by plugging it into LPT1
so that the computer could find it
at switch-on and then, after doing
all the scanning, unplugging the
scanner and plugging the printer
in. Then I purchased the December
1997 issue of SILICON CHIP and lo
and behold there was your article
59 (September), page 69 (October) and
page 73 (October) the photos show that
Q4 & Q5 are positioned so that their
flat surfaces are touching to achieve
thermal bonding while Q1 & Q2 are
positioned so that their round surfaces
with the answer in full detail. You
have to reserve the IRQ and DMA
for PnP not to have a lash at it. Ten
minutes after reading your article,
what I thought was a useless spare
parallel port was back in the com
puter and after reserving the IRQ
for it has been working like a beauty
ever since.
You realise, of course, that all of
this is leading up to a question. I
only have one (1) IRQ left on my
computer. Does that mean that
somewhere in the near future a
program is going to fail for lack of
IRQs or DMAs? As you can see I am
not sure at all how it works.
Why and what for have you got
two versions of Quick Time on
your computer? Tweak UI looked
interesting too. What is it?
Is there such a thing as a PnP
parallel port? I always thought that
if you set the jumpers on an addon card to occupy a certain IRQ,
then the computer automatically
reserved it for that device. (R. M.,
Robinvale, Vic).
• We will answer your questions
in order. First, you should not have
software problems because only
one IRQ is left. IRQs are predomi
nantly required by hardware devic
es and unless you add additional
hardware into your computer
which requires IRQs there should
be no problem.
Unfortunately, the limited num
ber of IRQs in a computer is a
are touching? Have you inserted Q1 &
Q2 incorrectly, because in the overlay
drawing on pages 56 & 57 (September)
Q1 & Q2 have their flat surfaces facing
each other? (R. L., Melbourne, Vic).
• You are very observant. There is
legacy of the good old days when
designers believed that no-one
would ever need more. Little did
they know . . .
QuickTime for Windows lets
you play QuickTime video clips.
It is generally loaded as an add-on
to software requiring it and often
comes on the same set of discs or
CD-ROM as that software.
The reason there were two
versions on our computer is that
one is the 16-bit version while the
other is the 32-bit version. We’ve
left the older 16-bit version there
in case it’s required by some older
Tweak UI is a handy utility that’s
included in Microsoft’s PowerToys.
As its name suggests, it lets you
tweak the Windows 95 interface.
It’s often included on the CD-ROMs
that come with some computer
magazines or you can download it
from the Microsoft web site.
Printer ports are not regarded as
PnP devices; they are usually set
up as part of the basic operating
system and stay there forever more.
PnP devices are often switched
around or upgraded as the user’s
needs or demands require.
Setting the jumpers on a legacy
(ie, non PnP) card to occupy a
certain IRQ is no guarantee that
the IRQ will be reserved, as you
have found with your parallel port.
Reserving IRQs in the system BIOS
is the only way to ensure success.
no mistake. The photos show one of
our prototype amplifiers while the
published pattern and parts layout
has been changed to enable the tran
sistors to be mounted with flat faces
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
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CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices Act
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March 1998 93
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96 Silicon Chip
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From the publishers of “SILICON CHIP”
March 1998 97