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February 1999 1
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Vol.12, No.2; February 1999
4 Installing A Computer Network
Network types, hubs, switches and routers – by Bob Dyball & Greg Swain
18 Traction Control Systems
Using electronics to make your car corner better – by Julian Edgar
34 Making Front Panels For Your Projects
Producing professional project panels for peanuts – by Ross Tester
80 Electric Lighting; Pt.11
High intensity discharge lighting for cars – by Julian Edgar
Installing A Computer Network –
Page 4.
24 Low Distortion Audio Signal Generator; Pt.1
Produces both sine & square waves and has a 4-digit frequency
readout – by John Clarke
40 Command Control Decoder For Model Railways
New circuit uses fewer parts and feeds smooth DC to the loco
motors – by Cam Fletcher
66 Build A Digital Capacitance Meter
It measures values up to 2µF and displays the results on an LCD
meter – by Rick Walters
Low Distortion Audio Signal
Generator – Page 24.
73 A Remote Control Tester
Simple unit for checking recalcitrant remote controls – by Leo Simpson
84 LEDS Have Fun
You can build it has a dice, a chaser, a doorbell, a ladder game, a timer or
just to provide a random display – by Leo Simpson
56 Serviceman’s Log
The set that languished and died – by the TV Serviceman
Build A Digital Capacitance
Meter – Page 66.
60 Radio Control
Model R/C helicopters; Pt.2 – by Bob Young
87 Vintage Radio
The classic Atwater Kent Model 32 – by Rodney Champness
Publisher’s Letter
Order Form
Product Showcase
Circuit Notebook
Ask Silicon Chip
Notes & Errata
Market Centre
Advertising Index
LEDS Have Fun –
Page 84
February 1999 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Ross Tester
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Enquiries
Leo Simpson
Phone (02) 9979 5644
Fax (02) 9979 6503
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
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2 Silicon Chip
Sending mail by email
We learn by doing, don’t we? And the production of our web-site has been a big learning
experience for us at SILICON CHIP magazine.
First of all, there was all the learning involved
in getting the web-site operational and there
was more learning involved in fixing the obvious and not-so-obvious faults. Even now, it
is not perfect but it has generated a very good
response amongst our readers.
Another learning experience has involved
our experience with email. It certainly comes
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We do try to answer the email as promptly as possible and generally log-on
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often the answer to a particular email is not available on the day it comes
in and in fact, it might not get answered for a week or two, as happened
recently when I was away on a long-overdue holiday.
Having said that, people can make it much easier for us to reply to their
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the more complex they are, the harder it is for us to answer them on the spot.
Second, please, please, do not send us email with attachments unless you
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Then, instead of answering the letter on the spot, we have to separately open
up the document, produce the answer as a text file, then load it back into the
email program and so on. The process is often made harder because people
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If you want to ask us something, do it by email, plain and simple. Sending
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Oh and finally, if you are sending us email, please include your mailing
address and perhaps a fax number. If an email “bounces” as they occasionally do, we can then send the answer via fax or mail. Also we like a mail
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Installing A
Computer Network
What sort of computer network do you want
in your home, school or small business?
Should you run coax or twisted pair cable
and when do you need a hub? Here's a
primer on basic network planning.
Getting a new computer network
up and running can sometimes be just
as challenging as ironing the bugs out
of an existing one. However, before
implementing a new network, there
are a few things you need to consider.
To begin with, you need to know the
4 Silicon Chip
basics of network wiring so that you
can sensibly plan the layout. You also
need to think about how the network
might need to be expanded in the future. This could involve connecting
adjoining buildings, adding additional users or modifying the system to
cater for extra network traffic.
Many aspects of networking affect
each other, so you need to consider
them all before going ahead. The
wrong choices can break a network
and lead to frustration and added
expense later on.
A computer network is made up of
a number of different components.
Apart from the PCs, you need network
cards (one for each PC), network
cable and, depending on the type of
network, a hub, router or some other
Network cabling standards are
based on the Open Systems Interconnection model (or OSI model), as
released by the International Stand-
ards Organisation (ISO) in 1984. The
OSI model helps separate the different
functions of a network into seven
“layers”. These layers are shown in
Table 1.
Although there are some grey areas, most networking protocols fit the
OSI model. In practice, this means
that different networking protocols
can successfully coexist on the same
network. This concept is known as
“protocol independence”, which
means that a network designer can
use the same hardware for different
protocols. A simple example of this
might involve viewing web pages
across an intranet using IPX/SPX
instead of, say, TCP/IP.
We’ll look more closely at the OSI
network layers a little later, when we
get to repeaters, switches, bridges and
Simple 10Base-2 Network
Max. Segment Length = 185 metres
Workstation 1
Workstation 30
50 Terminator
“T” Connector
FIG.1: A 10BASE-2 NETWORK has all the
PCs wired along a single line, in a “bus”
configuration. Each network interface card
(NIC) is fitted with a T-piece and these are
connected using lengths of coaxial cable
fitted with BNC connectors. A 50Ω coax
terminator is fitted to each end of the
network. A disadvantage with this type of
layout is that a break anywhere in the coax
generally brings the whole network down.
Ethernet is the most widely used
LAN technology today and supports
virtually all popular network proto
cols. It operates according to the Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
Detect (CSMA/CD) access method.
OK, let’s find out what this mouthful of jargon really means. The name
might sound complicated but the
principle is really quite simple.
CSMA/CD allows multiple work
stations to access a network by “listening” until no signals are detected
(Carrier Sense). If a station has traffic
to send, it then transmits and checks
to see if more than one signal is present (Collision Detect). Each station
only attempts to transmit if it detects
that the network is free.
If a packet of data is transmitted and
a collision takes place, the stations
transmitting immediately stop and
enter a random countdown period
before attempting to re-send the data.
Planning your network
Many small to medium-size networks had humble beginnings. Often,
they started “life” as just a couple
of PCs networked together in an
office, with additional workstations
and servers progressively added as
required. However, there’s a limit to
how far you can go with an ad hoc
approach. Keep adding equipment
and, sooner or later, you’re going to
run into problems.
It’s important to realise that there
are a number of ground rules for
wiring up a network. For example,
the maximum distance between
workstations and the number of work
stations that can be added are directly
related to the type of cable used.
If you need to add lots of work
stations or cover large distances, it
will be necessary to add repeaters
and/or bridges to connect different
sections of the network together. In
addition, you may have to add switches (or routers) to break up network
traffic in areas that are heavily used.
Basically, a switch filters unnecessary
traffic from individual segments of the
network, so that it is faster overall.
In addition to the number of users,
bandwidth requirement is an impor-
tant consideration. Networks operating at 10Mb/s have been the standard
in small installations until recently
but the new 100Mb/s systems offer
substantial performance benefits (at
a cost) and are gaining in popularity.
Common cable types
Most small-to-medium networks
are run using either coaxial cable or
Cat.5 twisted pair cable fitted with
RJ45 connectors (the latter look like
American-style miniature telephone
connectors). However, there are other
choices, including optical fibre, and
these are summarised in Table 2. Note
that the cable is at the “Physical Layer” of the OSI model.
Table 1: The OSI Model
Data Type
Appli cation
Interface between the user's appli cation & the network
Establishes data formats, transl ates data, provides data
compression & encoding/decoding functions
Allows server names to ident wy devices & uses these to
establ ish connections between devices
Breaks up data from the session layer and reassembl es i t
to provide reliabl e connection-ori ented data transmission
Datagrams &
Gets the data through the network vi a the most effi cient
route, using swi tching, routing & addressing
Logi cal Li nk Control sub-layer (LLC); maintai ns the link
between network devices
Data Li nk
Physi cal
Medi a Access Control sub-l ayer (MAC); handl es physi cal
addressing, ensuring onl y one devi ce uses the network at
a time
Transl ates data into binary format for transmission across
physi cal medi a
February 1999 5
10Base-T/100Base-TX Network
FIG.2: A 10BASE-T NETWORK uses a “star” topology,
whereby individual workstations are connected to a central
hub using inexpensive twisted pair cable. This type of
network is more reliable than the bus network shown in
Fig.1, since a broken cable only affects one workstation.
NETWORK are fitted with RJ45
connectors which plug directly into the
network cards in the individual PCs
(left). The other ends of the cables are
then plugged into the ports on the hub
(see above). The hub shown here has
eight regular ports, which means that
it can accommodate up to eight PCs on
the network. It also has an “uplink”
port so that additional hubs can be
easily added as the network expands.
6 Silicon Chip
As mentioned above, the type
of cabling you choose depends on
your network requirements and on
the “topology” of the net
work. So
let’s take a look at the more popular
(1) 10Base-2: this option is based
on thin, screened 50Ω coaxial cable.
For this reason, it also known as a
thin-Ethernet system, or as “Thinnet”.
Its advantages are that it’s inexpen
sive, simple to use and good in highnoise environments.
Fig.1 illustrates a simple 10Base-2
network. Note that all the workstations are wired along a single line, in
a “bus” arrangement. Each network
interface card (NIC) is fitted with a
T-piece and these are connected together using lengths of coaxial cable
fitted with BNC connectors. A 50Ω
coax terminator must be fitted at each
end of the network.
Up to 30 workstations can be connected in this fashion. The maximum
length of the network specified for
10Base-2 is 185 metres (without repeaters) and the workstations must
be at least 0.5-metres apart.
A disadvantage with this type of
layout is that a break anywhere in
the coax generally brings the whole
network down. In addition, 10Base-2
can only be used in half-duplex mode,
the network card either transmitting
or receiving at any given time (but not
both at once).
10Base-2 is mainly used where relatively few users need to be connected
over a long distance (up to 185 metres)
and where speed is not an overriding
(2) 10Base-5: also called thick-Ethernet or “Thicknet”, this standard is
based on “thick” 50Ω coax. Unlike
10Base-2, the individual network
cards are connected to the cable via
transceivers and special AUI (application user interface) drop cables
fitted with DB15 connector plugs. A
50Ω terminator is fitted to each end
of the cable.
The advantage of 10Base-5 is that it
can accommodate up to 100 stations
over a distance of 500 metres without
a repeater. However, this standard is
not often used these days, since the
thickness of the cable makes it difficult to run. It also requires network
cards fitted with DIX connector sockets and is rather expensive for small
to medium networks.
(3) 10Base-T & 100Base-TX: per-
Table 2: Network Cabling Standards
Cable Spec.
S peed
Min. Length
Max. No.
Max. No.
Of Nodes
Max. No.
Of Nodes/
Star or bus
600 m
Arcnet Plus
Star or bus
UTP or
optica yibre
Coax: 600m
U T P : 120m
FO: 3500m
Bu s
30 0
Bu s
Optica yibre
Cat.5 UTP
102 4
Cat.3-5 UTP
Opti ca yibre
102 4
Token Ring
or opti cal
4Mb/s or
U T P : 45m
S T P : 101m
U T P : 72
S T P : 260
haps now the most popular standard,
this uses twisted pair cable to connect
individual workstations to a central
hub or repeater. This arrangement is
known as “star” topology, as shown
in Fig.2. A 10Base-T network runs at
10Mb/s, while a 100Base-TX network
runs at 100Mb/s.
Generally, Cat.5 unshielded twisted
pair (UTP) cable is used but shielded twisted pair (STP) cable may be
necessary in electrically noisy areas.
These cables are fitted with inexpen
sive RJ45 connectors which plug
directly into the hub and into most
network cards.
Since all workstations in a 10Base-T
network are wired in a “star” arrangement, a broken cable only affects
“traffic” to and from one workstation.
For this reason, 10Base-T networks
are more reliable than 10Base-2 networks using bus topology. 10Base-T
networks have an edge in speed over
10Base-2 (and 10Base-5) systems too,
if the network cards are used in “full
duplex” mode.
Both UTP and STP cables are available in solid core and stranded core. It
is important to use the correct cable in
a given situation, as the performance
differs between the two types. The
maximum distance (segment length)
between the hub and a workstation is
100 metres and the rule is 10 metres
maximum for stranded-core “patch”
cables and 90 metres maximum for
solid core “LAN” cables.
In a simple 10Base-T network,
patch cables are used to connect
individual workstations directly to
the central hub, as shown in Fig.2.
This means that the maximum distance between any two workstations
Patch Panel
Wall Outlet
Solid core cable; 90m max.
Patch cables; 10m max.
used to connect a workstation back
to a hub for distances greater than 10
metres. This diagram shows how a
mixture of patch cable and solid-core
cable can be used to connect a
workstation to a hub via a wall outlet
and a “patch” panel. (Namlea Data
is 20 metres. If greater distances are
required, solid-core LAN cable must
be used. Fig.3 shows how a mixture
of patch cable and LAN cable can be
used to connect a workstation to a hub
via a wall outlet and a “patch” panel.
Apart from less noise immunity (if
using UTP), the main disadvantage of
10Base-2 is the need to buy a “hub” to
connect all the workstations together.
However, 10Mb/s hubs are now a
relatively low-cost item, with typical
8-port units selling for about $135.
By contrast, an 8-port dual-speed
10-100Mb/s hub will set you back
$500 or more.
If you already have a 10Mb/s hub
and you are planning a new network,
consider buying 10-100Mb/s network
cards instead of ordinary 10Mb/s
cards (the dual-speed cards are not
that much more expensive). In addition, you should buy Cat.5 cabling
instead of settling for Cat.3 cable. This
will allow you to easily upgrade to
a 100Mb/s network later on, simply
by replacing your existing 10Mb/s
hub with a 100Mb/s unit. Although
100Mb/s hubs are still expensive,
their prices are rapidly dropping
and so this approach offers an easy
upgrade path if you need the extra
bandwidth later on.
(4) Arcnet: an older networking
standard than Ethernet but still used
February 1999 7
Using Repeaters To Extend A Network
Segment 2
Segment 1
Segment 4
Segment 3
Segment 5
Collision Domain
FIG.4: REPEATERS CAN BE USED to extend a 10Base-2 network beyond the basic
185-metre limit. The 5-4-3 rule applies here. This rule states that the network is limited to
five segments, four repeaters and three groups of workstations. (Namlea Data Systems).
in some installations. The length of
cabling is limited by a maximum
propagation delay limit of 31ms.
(5) Token Ring: requiring special
network cards, this system is usually more expensive than 10Base-2
or 10Base-T Ethernet networks. It is
useful in situations where there is
relatively heavy network use, since
each workstation is forced into taking its turn for network access. A
multistation access unit (MAU) is
required to terminate the cables from
the workstations.
(6) 10Base-FL & 100Base-FX Optical Fibre: often used where large distances are required and in situations
where high levels of electromagnetic
interference are present. Fibre optic
cabling can be interfaced to Cat.5
twisted pair cabling via converters,
transceivers or hubs fitted with fibre
optic ports.
Generally, fibre optic cabling is
used in large profession
al installations where performance considerations outweigh the cost.
Repeaters and the 5-4-3 rule
Often, it will be necessary to extend a network further than the basic
recommended distance. In that case,
you may need to add a repeater, to
overcome signal losses in the cable.
A repeater is one of the simplest devices you can use to extend a network.
It can be considered as a “black box”
that amplifies the signals coming into
it, before passing them on to other devices on the network. Repeaters cannot change packet or protocol types;
nor can they “segment” a network to
reduce traffic congestion.
There are “rules” defining how
many repeaters you can use in a network, since too many would cause
timing problems and data collisions.
With Ethernet technology, the number
of repeaters is limited by the “5-4-3”
rule. This rule states that the network is limited to five segments, four
repeaters and three groups of work
stations (ie, only three segments can
be connected to workstations). Fig.4
Adding Hubs To A 10Base-T Network
Hub 1
Hub 2
Hub 3
Hub 4
Collision Domain
FIG.5: EXTRA HUBS CAN BE ADDED to increase the number of ports as the network grows.
A 10Base-T network can have up to four cascaded hubs, each spaced up to 100 metres apart
using Cat.5 cable. A 100Base-TX network is limited to two hubs spaced no more than five
metres apart but this can be increased using a bridging port. (Namlea Data Systems).
8 Silicon Chip
shows the basic scheme.
You can also use repeaters to connect networks in two different buildings together and to link networks
using different types of cable.
Some companies, such as Black
Box, stock many specialised converters and interface options to patch
different types of networks together
and/or to extend them over large distances (eg, via fibre optic cable). This
equipment can dramatically extend
the maximum distance covered by a
given network.
Low-Cost Network Starter Kit
Hubs are basically multi-port repeaters and are used in 10Base-T (and
100Base-TX) networks to connect
servers and workstations together in
a star configuration. A passive hub
doesn’t do much more than provide a
way to connect the various parts of the
network. By contrast, an active hub
can extend the coverage of a network
just like a dedicated repeater.
As the network grows, additional
hubs can be added to increase the
number of available ports. In practice, this involves cascading the hubs
together, as shown in Fig.5. The maximum distance between hubs is 100
metres for 10Base-T and 5 metres for
100Base-TX. If you wish to cascade
100Base-TX further than five metres,
a bridging port must be used.
As well as their regular ports, many
hubs also come with an uplink port.
When two hubs are cascaded together, the uplink port on the first is
connected to one of the regular ports
(it doesn’t matter which one) on the
second. The uplink port on the second hub can then be used to cascade
a third hub, and so on. Fig.6 shows
how this is done.
Provided you use an uplink port to
connect to the next hub, regular Cat.5
patch cable can be used. Alternatively, hubs that don’t have uplink ports
can be cascaded by connecting two
regular ports together via a crossover
cable. You don’t use a crossover cable if you connect to an uplink port,
because the pins connec
tions are
already crossed over in the socket.
As an alternative to cascading,
some hubs can also be “stacked” to
create one logical hub. This involves
using a special cable to connect the
hubs together via their “stack” ports.
This facility is particularly important
in Fast Ethernet environments where
or in a small business, this
10Base-T “Network Starter
Kit” from Namlea Data Systems contains all the parts
you need to create a local area
network (LAN). It comes with
an 8-port hub, three network
cards, three 5-metre Cat.5
cables and a plugpack power
As supplied, you can network
up to three PCs. Up to eight PCs
can be connected by adding extra network cards and cables as
Two versions are available: (1)
Cat. 39NSK0803I with ISA cards;
and (2) Cat. 39NSK0803P with
PCI cards.
A 100Base-TX fast Ethernet
starter kit is also available. This
version contains a 100Mbs 4-port
only two repeater counts are allowed.
Hubs are usually non-intelligent devices and will simply pass
everything to all workstations. Don’t
forget to apply the 5-4-3 rule when
hub, two PCI cards and two 5-metre cables (Cat. 39NSK0402F).
Namlea Data Systems (NDS)
is a company that specialises in
networking equipment, including
switches, hubs, print servers,
routers, patch panels, cables and
a wide range of connectors and
For further information, contact
Namlea Data Systems, 22 Cleg St,
Artarmon, NSW 2064. Phone (02)
9439 6966; fax (02) 9439 6965.
cascading hubs. This means that
you have to ensure that you have no
more than four ports between any
two “nodes” or points on a network.
As well as the usual RJ45 sockets,
February 1999 9
Cascading Hubs Via The Uplink Port
Hub 3
Hub 2
some hubs are also fitted with a BNC
connector to allow cascading via 50Ω
(10Base-2) coaxial cable. By using
coax, the hubs can be up to 185 metres apart – a useful increase on the
100-metre limit imposed by Cat.5
UTP cable. As before, each connector
is fitted with a T-piece, the coax run
between the T-pieces, and the open
ends fitted with 50Ω terminators.
This simple feature can save on the
cost of buying a repeater. For example,
let’s say that you have two hubs 160
metres apart, each connected to a
10Base-T network. Provided the two
hubs are fitted with BNC connectors,
you can easily connect these two
10Base-T networks together using
10Base-2 coaxial cable.
If the distance between the hubs
was 1.5km, you could add two repeat-
Hub 1
FIG.6: HUBS ARE CASCADED together by connecting the “uplink”
port of the first hub to a regular port on the second hub and so on.
Hubs that don’t have uplink ports are cascaded by connecting two
of their regular port together via a special crossover cable.
ers and connect everything together
using three 500-metre segments of
10Base-5 coax. However, this would
require hubs fitted with 15-pin AUI
ports to accept the thick coax. Altern
atively, you could use one segment of
optical fibre cabling.
Bridges are mainly used to connect two similar Ethernet networks
together. In addition, they can also
be used to “segment” a busy network
to decrease data collisions and boost
performance. Bridges work at the Data
Link Layer of the OSI model.
To get the best from a bridge, it’s
important to break the network into
segments by grouping workstations
and servers that work together – see
Fig.7. This is done to minimise traffic
between different segments. Often, in
a business situation, this is simply
done on a departmental basis (eg,
the accounts department’s server and
workstations on one side of a bridge
and the shipping department’s server
and workstations on the other side).
Just as with repeaters, there are
some specialised bridges to connect
networks that use different network
media (eg, to convert between Token
Ring and Ethernet).
Ethernet switches
Although hubs can be used to increase the size of a network, too much
traffic can slow things down. When
this happens, switches, bridges and
routers can be used to increase the
performance by partitioning the network and by filtering network traffic.
Linking Two Networks Via A Bridge
two similar Ethernet
networks together or to
segment a busy network
to decreases data
collisions and boost
10 Silicon Chip
Switches are basically multi-port
bridges. They not only partition a
large network into smaller “domains”
but also filter unnecessary traffic from
individual segments of the network.
These two steps markedly reduce the
incidence of data collisions, making
the network faster and more efficient.
If your network is getting a little
tired, with too many users wanting
too much bandwidth, replacing an
ordinary hub with a switch can give a
worthwhile increase in performance.
Networking Gear From MicroGram*
IF YOU WANT your first network
to be fast, this kit can deliver the
goods. It contains all the hardware components required to
build a 100Mb/s network for two
PCs, including a 4-port hub, two
10/100Mb/s PCI network cards and
two Cat.5 cables. Up to four PCs
can be supported by purchasing
additional network cards and cables. Cat. 11900.
Routers work within the network
layer of the OSI model. As the name
suggests, they find the best “route” for
data in large, complicated networks.
Routers are more “intelligent” than
switches or bridges, as they use either
MAC (media access control) addresses, IP addresses or other common
addresses to determine the best path
for data to travel.
For example, an IP router can divide a network into various “subnets”
so that only traffic destined for particular IP addresses can pass between
Routers do not pass “non-routable”
network protocols, such as the popular NetBEUI protocol. What’s more,
they are not for the fainthearted, since
setting them up can be a little tricky.
As with a bridge, a router slows down
network traffic as it filters the data
to determine the route. However,
this filtering “overhead” is relatively
insignificant compared with the vast
improvements overall that a router
can bring to a large network.
A special version of a router, known
as a “Brouter”, can handle both routable (eg, TCP/IP) and non-routable (eg,
NetBEUI) protocols.
Network troubleshooting
If a network or part of a network
doesn’t work correctly, try to analyse
the problem. Confronted with a problem, many people rush in and swap
network cards about or fiddle with
cables and protocol settings without
really thinking about the problem.
First, make sure that the problem
isn’t simply due to user error. If it
isn’t and you’re convinced that it’s
either a hardware fault or a software
fault, try starting with a basic network
consisting of just a few machines.
If the network was functioning but
a problem suddenly develops, check
THIS 100Mb/s 5-PORT HUB card mounts
on the backplane of a PC (typically the
server) but does not plug into a slot – it
only connects to the power supply. The
companion display unit (below) mounts
in a spare 3.5-inch drive slot. Cat. 11294.
*MicroGram Computers, Unit 1, 14 Bon
Mace Close, Berkeley Vale, NSW 2261.
Phone (02) 4389 8444; fax (02) 4389
8388. Web site:
IDEAL FOR SOHO (small office/home
office) users, this single unit combines
a network card and a 5-port hub into
one. It plugs into a spare PCI slot on the
motherboard (no external power supply
needed) and can auto-sense either 10Mb/s
or 100Mb/s operation. Four RJ45 ports on
the backplane connector allow up to four
more PCs to be networked to the main
unit. Cat. 11295.
features automatic internal switching, to allow
communications between ports running at 10Mb/s and ports running at
100MBps. It supports stacking (up to four units can be stacked to form
one logical hub) and includes a switched uplink port (port 8). Cat. 11299.
February 1999 11
Common Networking Terminology
A hub is the central point of a
10Base-T network and provides a
means of connecting the various
elements of the network together
in star configuration. Hubs come in
various sizes, ranging from 4 ports
up to 24 ports or more.
Additional hubs can be cascaded
or stacked to increase the number of
available ports as the network grows.
Uplink Port
This is a port that's used to connect directly to a regular port on
another hub, so that the two hubs
can be cascaded. The uplink port has
its pins configured to allow regular
patch cable to be used. If connecting
to see if it is reproducible. A simple
reboot can often clear up this sort of
Don’t overlook the obvious. Before
replacing network cards, check your
plugs and cables for loose connections. If one machine in a 10Base-T
network fails to work, for example, try
changing the patch cable to that machine. Most hubs, switches and other
network gadgets used for 10Base-T or
Token Ring networks have lights to
indicate that the cable is connected
and all is well.
As mentioned earlier, a break anywhere in the cable of a 10Base-2 (bus)
network will usually bring the whole
network down. You can quickly track
a regular port to another hub without
an uplink port, a crossover cable
must be used.
Print Server
A print server is a device with one
or more parallel ports and is used to
connect a printer (or several printers) to a network. Print servers are
intelligent devices, which have their
own network addresses and simple
setup software.
Cascading & Stacking
Cascading involves connecting
two hubs together to increase the
number of available ports. When
you cascade two hubs, you connect
them via RJ45 (Cat.5) cable. Hubs
down where the break is by progressively disconnecting the workstations
from one end, transferring the 50Ω
terminator to the free end as you
go. If you have more than about 10
machines, it may be quicker to split
the network into two halves, so that
you can identify which half has the
There are a number of excellent
tools for network diagnos
tics but
don’t forget your DMM. It can easily
check for shorts or open circuits on
a simple coax network.
To test a coax installation, first
disconnect the termina
t or at one
end, then check the resistance of the
terminator and the resistance across
Fig.8: if you have Windows NT, you can use the Event Viewer and Windows NT
Diagnostics utilities to help track down networking problems (assuming that the
hardware is OK). Alternatively, try using a dedicated diagnostics package.
12 Silicon Chip
can also be cascaded via a BNC or
AUI port (if fitted), to avoid wasting
a normal port. AUI ports require
special transceivers to connect them
to the network.
Stacking also increases the number of available ports and involves
connecting the hubs via a special
cable. The hubs must have special
connectors to allow this. Unlike
cascading, stacking creates a single logical hub and doesn’t add a
repeater count to the network.
Media Converters
Media converters are devices
that allow different cable types to be
connected together (eg, 10Base-2
to 10Base-T).
the cable connector. In both cases,
you should get a reading of about
50Ω. That’s because, when you measure across the connector, the DMM
should measure the resistance of the
terminator at the far end of the cable.
If the cable is short circuit, you will
get a low reading across the connector.
A high reading indicates that the cable
has gone open circuit.
Alternatively, an incorrect reading
across the connector could indicate
a dud terminator at the far end, so
remove it and check it independently
before condemning the cable. There’s
not much that can go wrong with a
terminator, however; it simply consists of a 50Ω resistor wired across
a BNC plug.
Don’t forget to check the T-pieces
if one or more workstations fails to
come up on the network. To do this,
reconnect the terminators to both
ends of the cable, then disconnect
the T-piece from its network card and
measure the resistance across it. You
should get a reading of about 25Ω (ie,
half the resistance of one terminator),
since the two terminators act as parallel resistors.
UTP and STP cables, as used for
10Base-T, are usually wired straight
through. They can be easily tested for
shorts or open circuits using a DMM.
Crossover cables are slightly trickier
to check, since you have to know
which pins are crossed over.
If you have a CRO, you can use
it to test for attenuation, either due
to long cable runs, poor connectors
or kinks in the cable. If a cable has
been kinked, or bent at too sharp an
angle, this can cause severe attenuation. This is something which can be
detected on a CRO, but which cannot
be picked up by a DMM.
Software sleuthing
If the connectors and cables are
OK but the network still refuses to
function, some software sleuthing
may help. For example, if you have
Windows NT, you can use the Event
Viewer (click Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer) to
track errors. You should also check
the various tabs under Windows NT
Diagnostics (especially the Network
tab) to see if there are any problems.
Alternatively, you could try monitoring the network using a dedicated
commercial package; eg, the Netmon
utility included with SMS. Another
good hardware and software package
is Black Box’s “Ethertester”.
Networking Test Gear From NDS*
CABLE TESTER detects shorts
and open circuits in UTP/STP
cables terminated with RJ45,
RJ12 and RJ11 modular plugs.
The main unit (Cat. 35RJTST6)
is all that’s necessary for testing
patch leads, while the “Network
Cable Terminator” must also
be included for remote testing
(Cat. 35RJTST7 for both units).
Similar units are also available for checking thin Ethernet
(10Base-2) cables and for testing Ethernet ports (eg, on a hub
or network card).
this handy device can measure
crosstalk, attenuation, resistance,
impedance, cable length, capacitance and the attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio. It can be used to print
easy-to-read certification reports,
features customised “auto-testing”
and can capture data and upload it
to your PC for later analysis using
specialised software. Cat. 35RJPS.
Specialised test gear
There’s also a vast range of specialised network test gear that’s mainly
used by professional installers. Included in this range are dedicated
cable testers, signal tracers, protocol
analysers and time domain reflect
ometers (TDRs). You can even get all
these functions combined into one
dedicated unit!
TDRs can determine where a break
has occurred in a cable. They do this
by measuring the time it takes for a
signal to travel down the cable and be
reflected back, to give the distance to
the break. This makes the TDR an invaluable tool for quickly locating any
cabling or socket wiring problems.
Advanced cable testers can typically measure crosstalk, attenuation, resistance, impedance, cable
length, capacitance and the attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio. Some can even
look at such things as CRC (cyclic redundancy checking) errors, protocol
and network statistics, collision errors, and overall network utilisation.
Our thanks to Peter Elderton of Namlea
Data Systems (phone 02 9439 6966) for
their assistance in the preparation of this
article and for permission to reproduce
material from their catalog.
*Namlea Data Systems, 22 Cleg St, Artarmon,
NSW 2064. Phone (02) 9439 6966; fax (02) 9439
to check continuity and wiring configuration in Cat.5 cables and can
also measure cable length. A tone
function allows cables to be traced.
Cat. 35RJMS.
10Base-T cable (2-pair, 4 wires)
70-metre cable
February 1999 13
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Control Systems
Using electronics to make
your car corner better!
Many of the world’s car manufacturers are
now adopting traction control systems for
their vehicles. These systems, often fitted in
conjunction with all-wheel drive, reduce the
likelihood of a car leaving the road during
Many car manufacturers now have
traction control systems and these
come under a variety of names. Lexus
use the acronym “VSC” for “Vehicle
Stability Control”. Mitsubishi call it
either “Active Yaw Control” or “Active Stability Control”, depending on
which technical strategy is followed.
Delphi (GM’s electronic arm) tag their
system “Traxxar” for some incomprehensible reason, while Nissan uses
Fig.1: understeer occurs when
the front of the car slides first.
An understeering car will tend
to head straight on, rather than
following the corner.
18 Silicon Chip
the ghastly acronym “ATTESA ET-S”
for their 4-wheel drive system which
incorporates stability control.
Finally, Mercedes Benz call such
systems “ESP”, for “Electronic Stability Program”. Such is the sophistication of the system, it could stand
for “Extra Sensory Perception” – and
that’s as good a reason as any for sticking with the term “ESP” throughout
this article.
Fig.2: oversteer occurs when
the rear of the car slides first.
An oversteering car will spin
if no correction is made.
Whew; that’s got the nomenclature
out of the way!
Good drivers, bad drivers
A vehicle transmits all its cornering and acceleration forces through
the contact areas of its tyres. Each of
these contact “patches” is only about
the area of a large shoe print and
four of these must control a vehicle
with a mass of perhaps 1.5 tonnes
and travelling at speeds of 30m/s or
more. Viewed in this light, it can be
seen that hard braking, cornering and
acceleration can be very much a balancing act – exceed the levels of grip
provided by the tyres and regaining
control could require a very skilled
driver indeed.
However, most of us aren’t skilled
drivers, especially in an emergency
situation where a combination of hard
cornering and braking may be needed.
This type of swerve, brake, recover
situation often results in a complete
loss of control, unless the driver is
skilled at such manoeuvres.
But what if an electronic system was
constantly measuring and evaluating
individual wheel speeds, steering
input angle, vehicle yaw and vehicle
acceleration? Such a system could
react far faster than a human driver
and, using algorithms developed
through extensive testing, take the
appropriate action to ensure vehicle
stability. In short, it would eliminate
those heart-stopping moments when
the back of the car attempts to overtake the front – a boon for those who
drive in icy conditions!
It would also prevent loss of control
if the road condition changes suddenly or if the driver makes an error, such
as entering a corner too quickly.
But do such systems work? Early
in its ESP development, Mercedes
Benz placed 80 of its vehicle owners
in the Mercedes driving simulator in
Berlin. At 100km/h, an icy situation
was suddenly simulated on four road
bends, the vehicle’s grip on the road
decreasing by more than 70% within a
few metres. Without any form of ESP,
78% of the drivers left the road. By
contrast, when the ESP system was
activated, all drivers safely negotiated
the bends.
Data collected by the General
Motors Safety Center indicates that
29% of severe accidents in the USA
are caused by loss of vehicle control.
This means that ESP systems can play
an important role in vehicle safety –
both by negating the effects of driver
behaviour and by allowing the driver
to retain control in changing road
Cornering behaviour
Routine driving behaviour occurs
well within the limits of tyre adhesion. This means that the cornering
forces developed between the road
and the tyres remain proportional
to the tyre slip angles. It also means
that, at a given speed, the yaw rate of
the vehicle remains approximately
proportional to the steering angle.
However, if the vehicle speed or
steering angle continues to increase, a
point is reached where the cornering
forces no longer increase. When this
occurs, small changes in lateral forces
can produce large changes in the slip
angles of the front or rear tyres. Conversely, large changes in slip angles
can result in little or no change in
lateral forces.
When the limits of adhesion are
reached, a cornering vehicle behaves
in two distinct ways. If the front tyres
are the first to lose grip, the car is said
to understeer. The behaviour of an
understeering car is shown in Fig.1.
The car leaves the road on the outside
of the corner, because the front wheels
are “under” steering; ie, not steering
Conversely, if the rear tyres lose
grip first, the car oversteers. Fig.2
shows the path that an oversteering
car takes. As can be seen, if no correction is undertaken, oversteer can
result in a spin.
It’s important to realise that the
amount of lateral grip that a tyre can
develop depends on both the cornering and acceleration loads placed on
it (among other things). A powerful
Fig.3: speed sensors are integrated into the hub of the car. Here the cable going
to the sensor can be seen just to the left of the drive shaft.
rear-wheel drive car may be prone
to “power oversteer”, where lateral
traction is lost because the rear tyres’
grip is overcome by the magnitude
of the torque being applied. Under
a combination of heavy braking and
strong cornering, a loss of lateral grip
will occur at much lower cornering
accelerations than if a steady speed
was being maintained. These factors
influence the ESP control strategy,
which is most effective in active
4-wheel drive cars.
any control corrections, it must know
how the vehicle is currently behaving. It does this by using a number of
sensors, which are distributed around
the car.
All cars fitted with ESP have an
anti-lock braking system (ABS) fitted.
This means that individual wheelspeed sensors are already present.
It also makes it relatively easy to
implement a system that controls the
vehicle by separately braking individual wheels.
In most vehicles, the speed sensors
Signal inputs
typically use a toothed wheel rotating
Before an ESP system can perform
past an inductive sensor. Fig.3 shows
a Lexus speed sensor, as
seen in its normal (installed) state. The cable
going to the sensor can
be seen just to the left of
the driveshaft.
In addition to speed
sensing, ESP systems
also require a means of
detecting the steering
angle, vehicle yaw rate
and vehicle acceleration.
The steering angle sensor
detects the amount and
direction of steering lock
being applied.
Lexus vehicles use an
optical sensor to perform
this function (see Fig.4).
This particular device
Fig.4: the Lexus steering angle sensor uses
uses three photo interan optical design. Three sensors are used
rupters, which work in
in conjunction with a slotted disc.
conjunction with a slotFebruary 1999 19
Fig.6: the Lexus GS300 yaw
sensor. It is normally located
beneath the centre console in
the cabin.
Coriolis Force
The Lexus yaw rate sensor uses a piezoelectric
vibration type rate gyro.
The resonator is shaped
like a tuning fork, with
a vibrating portion and a
Yaw Rate
detecting portion mount
Right Turn
Left Turn
ed at 90° to each other
Fig.5: the Lexus yaw rate sensor uses a
and located on each arm
piezoelectric vibration type rate gyro. The
of the fork – see Fig.5. To
resonator is shaped like a tuning fork, with
detect the yaw rate, an AC
a vibrating portion and a detecting portion
voltage is applied to the
mounted at 90° to each other and located on
vibrating portion, exciteach arm of the fork. To detect the yaw rate,
ing it. During yaw motion,
an AC voltage is applied to the vibrating
the detecting portion of
portion, exciting it. The detecting portion of
the assembly is distorted
the assembly is then distorted by a certain
amount and direction by the Earth’s Coriolis
by the Earth’s Coriolis
force acting on the arms of the fork.
force, which acts on the
arms of the fork.
The result is an output
voltage from the sensor,
ted disc. Two of the sensors detect which is proportional to the direction
steering angle and direction, while and magnitude of the yaw rate. Fig.6 is
the third is used to determine the
a photograph of one of these sensors.
neutral position of the steering wheel.
As indicated earlier, the magnitude
Self-checking mechanisms are built of acceleration (braking, acceleration
into the sensor.
or cornering) also influences the ESP
The vehicle yaw rate is a critical control strategy that is selected. Veinput for ESP systems. The yaw rate hicles use an accelerometer to detect
is the speed at which the vehicle is this characteristic. The Lexus accelturning around a vertical axis passing erometer is located in close proximity
through the centre of the car. Yaw rate
to the yaw sensor and consists of two
sensors are usually positioned in the
weighted semiconductor elements.
middle of the car – directly behind
These are mounted at 90° to one
the gearshift lever in the case of the
another, with each at 45° to the lonLexus models. However, the Delphi gitudinal axis of the car – see Fig.7.
Traxxarä system locates this sensor The outputs from the two sensors are
under the rear parcel shelf.
fed to the ESP control unit, which
20 Silicon Chip
calculates the horizontal acceleration
in all directions.
Depending on how the ESP system
is integrated with other electronic
systems in the car, additional sensors
may be fitted to detect brake fluid
pressure and throttle opening. In most
cars, these sensors are already present
and so they can be included in an ESP
system for very little additional cost.
Signal outputs
The outputs of most ESP systems
are used to actuate individual wheel
brakes and reduce drivetrain torque
to selected wheels. In no system is the
steering angle automatically changed,
so the wheel isn’t suddenly wrenched
from your grip as the computer takes
over! In 4-wheel drive cars, an ESP
system changes the front/rear torque
distribution, while one Mitsubishi
model can even change the side-toside torque distribution!
Many ESP systems use braking as
their primary control mechanism. The
Lexus GS300, for example, integrates
the hydraulic aspects of the ESP, ABS
and conventional braking systems
into one package. Instead of having a
separate hydraulic master cylinder,
vacuum booster and ABS hydraulic
control unit, these systems are all incorporated into one firewall-mounted
An impressive array of hardware
is built into this compact unit, as
follows: (1) a pump and pump motor;
Fig.7: the Lexus
accelerometer uses
two sensing elements
mounted at 90° to
each other, with the
assembly at 45° to the
longitudinal axis of
the car.
(2) a nitrogen-charged pressure accumulator; (3) three pressure switches;
(4) a relief valve; (5) the brake fluid
reservoir; (6) the master cylinder; (7)
the brake booster, which applies accumulator pressure; (8) four switching
solenoid valves, to direct fluid pressure to any or all of the wheels; and (9)
four pressure control solenoid valves
that regulate the hydraulic pressure
applied to each wheel’s brake.
A photograph of this marvel is
shown in Fig.8. Note the small lifting
hooks positioned on the assembly (we
can only conclude that it’s installed
using a small block and tackle)! Other
vehicles in the Lexus range retain a
more traditional approach but this integrated hydraulic unit clearly shows
the way of the future.
The engine torque is reduced by
reducing the throttle opening. The
Lexus models use electronically-controlled throttle bodies, so this is easily achieved. Other systems retard
camshaft timing (when variable cam
timing system is used), reduce the
ignition advance or even bypass individual fuel injectors.
Fig.9 shows a block diagram of the
complete stability control system
used in the Lexus GS300.
Mitsubishi uses a Torque Transfer
Differential in their Automatic Yaw
Control system. This differential is
able to regulate the amount of torque
being transferred to each wheel on
the one axle. Currently, only the rear
axle can be controlled in this manner.
The system works by using an
electrically-controlled hydraulic
unit which engages wet multi-plate
clutches by varying amounts, to give
the active torque split. Fig.10 shows
the system, which is being used in
4-wheel drive performance cars and
is said to be especially effective in
sharp corners.
Nissan’s ATTESA ET-S 4-wheel
drive system has a similar wet multi-plate clutch system. It is used to
distribute torque to the front wheels as
required, to give maximum stability.
Other outputs of an ESP system
include self-diagnostic codes, a dash
Fig.8 (below): the Lexus GS300
hydraulic assembly. It integrates the
ABS hydraulic control unit, the brake
booster and the control valves for the
stability control system.
February 1999 21
Fig.9: the Lexus GS300 stability control system. Inputs include wheel speeds,
steering angle, deceleration and yaw rate. As indicated on the diagram, the
same system is used for anti-lock brakes, traction control and vehicle stability
control purposes.
light (or gauge) to warn the driver
when the system has activated, and
another warning light to indicate that
the system is inoperative.
Control strategies
Designing input sensors and output
actuators for an ESP system is relatively straightforward but that doesn’t
apply when it comes to writing the
software. Developing ESP control
algorithms that work effectively in
all situations is apparently quite
difficult. In fact, some systems have
quite different software, depending
on the market that the car is aimed at.
Delphi, for example, use a different approach in the rear-wheel drive
Chevrolet Corvette sports car to that
used on several front-wheel drive
Cadillac models. As with suspension
22 Silicon Chip
tuning, what is best for one market
sector is not necessarily best for another. That also implies another thing:
when ESP systems become common,
look out for “hot” programs that will
be available on the aftermarket!
When a vehicle is understeering,
braking of the inside rear wheel
substantially reduces the amount of
understeer that occurs. This can be
easily understood if you again look
at Fig.1. The vehicle is attempting to
negotiate a righthand bend but the
front of the car is sliding wide.
If the righthand rear wheel was
slowed while the other wheels continued to turn at their normal rate, the
car would attempt to pivot around this
wheel to the right. This would allow
the car to successfully negotiate the
bend in the road, instead of under-
steering off the road to the left.
In the rear-wheel drive Lexus cars,
both rear wheels are braked and the
engine torque output is reduced – see
Fig.11. Toyota presumably adopted
this approach because the car is designed to initially understeer if the
cornering speed is too great. Simply
slowing the car thus provides the required reduced understeer. Research
from Delphi has shown that braking
the inside front wheel can also significantly correct understeer but this
applies only at small slip angles.
When a vehicle is oversteering,
the most powerful corrective braking
mechanism that can be employed is
to brake the outside front wheel to
near lock-up. In Fig.2, this would be
the front lefthand wheel. If this wheel
is braked but the others continue at
normal speed, the car would attempt
to pivot around to the left, thereby
reducing the amount of oversteer.
The Lexus system does just this
but it’s not always quite that simple.
At times, the Lexus also brakes the
rear wheels during oversteer. This is
likely to occur (in conjunction with a
reduction in engine torque) when too
much throttle is being applied.
While the yaw change that occurs
with the slowing of a single wheel
is the major corrective mechanism,
another factor also has a significant
affect. Earlier, it was stated that the
grip of a tyre depends on both the
cornering and the longitudinal loads
placed on it. When an ESP system
is activated, the car is at the limits
of adhesion and then one wheel is
suddenly braked! The braked tyre
will thus slide sideways more easily
than it did before the braking loads
were imposed.
Let’s now take another look at the
oversteering vehicle in Fig.12. When
the front lefthand wheel is braked,
its lateral grip is also reduced. This
means that the car will have less
front-end grip and so the front of the
car will start to move to the left – ie,
in the same direction that the back
is heading! So this effect also acts to
decrease oversteer.
In an active 4-wheel drive car, the
control strategy is based on reducing
the amount of torque that’s transferred
to the end of the car that’s sliding. For
example, the Nissan Skyline GT-R is
a rear-wheel drive car for most of the
time. However, if power oversteer
occurs during cornering, torque is
transferred to the front wheels, thereby reducing the torque load on the
rear tyres and also pulling the car in
the steered direction. Some forms of
the Nissan system do not use a yaw
sensor, the torque split control being
based only on the inputs received
from accelerometers, wheel-speed
sensors and the throttle position.
With 2-wheel drive cars, a typical
control algorithm consists of the following steps:
(1) Calculate the desired values of
vehicle yaw rate and slip angle, using
the steering angle and vehicle speed;
(2) Using the difference between the
desired and measured yaw rates and
between the desired and estimated
slip angles, determine the desired
change in yaw that should be applied
to the vehicle;
(3) Select the wheel(s) to which
the brakes should be applied and
determine the desired magnitude of
braking pressure or brake slip.
Fig.10: Mitsubishi’s Active Yaw Control allows the amount of torque being
channelled through each rear wheel to be varied by means of a Torque Transfer
Control Moment
Control Moment
Fig.11: the Lexus system brakes
both rear wheels to control
understeer. Other systems brake
just the inside rear wheel, creating
a correcting yaw moment.
Closed loop control can be used
during braking so that maximum
retardation of the chosen wheel occurs. This prevents the need for an
estimation of the surface coefficient
of friction.
The major parts suppliers to vehi-
Fig.12: oversteer in the Lexus
is controlled by braking the
outside front wheel (car shown
here making a right turn).
cle manufacturers have stated quite
clearly that adding an ESP system to a
car already equipped with ABS can be
done quite cheaply. That makes it very
likely that stability control technology
will find its way into a wide range of
cars in the near future.
February 1999 23
Low distortion audio
signal generator; Pt.1
A low distortion wide frequency range audio
oscillator is always a useful test instrument for
your work bench. This Audio Signal Generator
produces high quality sine and square waves
and incorporates a 4-digit frequency readout
and switched output attenuator.
If you’re an enthusiast who likes
to dabble with audio equipment, you
won’t get too far unless you have a
high-quality audio signal generator
and preferably, an AC Millivoltmeter
to go with it. We published an AC Millivoltmeter in the October & November 1998 issues and now we present
a matching Audio Signal Generator.
This completely new audio signal
generator effectively supersedes both
the Digital Sine-Square Generator
from the July 1990 issue of SILICON
CHIP and the High Quality Audio
24 Silicon Chip
Oscillator from January 1990 issue.
While the new generator does not
have the ultra-low distortion of the
January 1990 circuit, it is much
simpler in its range and frequency
switching and it actually has better
distortion below 100Hz. As well, the
new design is considerably simpler
in construction.
Operating features
As you can see from the photos, the
new Audio Signal Generator comes in
a standard plastic instrument case and
Sine or square wave output
10Hz-100kHz range
Fast settling time
Digital frequency readout
Stepped attenuator with fine
Sync output for oscilloscope
Display off switch
has four knobs and a 4-digit display
on the front panel. On the lefthand
side are the frequency controls: a
4-position range switch and a variable
frequency knob. Then there are the
amplitude controls which comprise
the 8-position attenuator and the
vernier control knob.
There are three toggle switches, one
to select sine or square wave output,
one to ground or “float” the instrument and one to turn off the frequency
display. This last-mentioned switch is
included so that when you are doing
critical measurements with the oscillator, you can switch off the display
and thereby eliminate any multiplex
hash from the sinewave signal.
Finally, there are two BNC sockets,
one for the main sine/square output
and one for the sync output to an
Settling time
Where this new design is notably
superior to our previous high quality
design is in settling time. Many very
low distortion audio oscillators suffer
from a long settling time whereby
the output amplitude bounces badly
after each change in frequency. Our
new signal generator has a negligible settling time and the frequency
control knob can be swept rapidly
from one extreme to the other on the
three lowest ranges without any level
change occurring.
On the highest frequency range,
there is a short duration dip in output
level at around 60kHz if the control
knob is swept too quickly.
The new Audio Signal Generator
is also far superior in its output level
flatness versus frequency compared
to both previous oscillators. Output
level flatness is of particular importance in an audio signal generator. If
you wish to make measurements of an
amplifier’s frequency response from
20Hz to beyond 20kHz, any variation
in level from the generator will also
be measured at the amplifier output.
This will lead to an incorrect amplifier response measurement. Similarly
when checking a filter, any generator
level variation will be reflected in the
filter’s response.
Sine & square output
This latest Audio Signal Generator
can produce either a sine or square
wave output with the latter being
particularly useful for measuring the
slew rate of amplifiers. The 33ns rise
and fall times of the square wave
output correspond to a 300V/µs slew
rate for a 1V signal. This is more than
adequate to check any audio amplifier’s response to square waves.
Also included is a sync output
which can be used to lock an oscilloscope to the output waveform. This
output is constant in level (280mV
Fig.1: the “state variable oscillator” comprises three op amps, two
of which are configured as integrators and the third as an inverter.
RMS), regardless of the output level
set on the attenuator.
The output attenuator provides
eight steps, ranging from 3.16V down
to 1mV, in 10dB steps. There is also a
variable control (vernier) which can
reduce the output level to zero.
The output frequency is displayed
on a 4-digit LED readout. It has a
relatively fast update time so that the
output can be varied quickly using the
frequency adjust control without having to wait for the display to catch up.
State variable oscillator
Our new Audio Signal Generator is
based on a “state variable oscillator”.
As shown in Fig.1, it comprises three
op amps, two of which are configured
as integrators and the third as an inverter. Each integrator has a frequency
response which reduces with increas-
ing frequency at 6dB/octave (10dB/
decade) and they each introduce a
90-degree lagging phase shift.
We have shown the output of op
amp 1 as being the reference waveform with 0° phase shift. Its output is
coupled to the inverting input of op
amp 2 via resistor R2. Op amp 2’s gain
is -1, as set by the input and feedback
resistors which have the same value
(R2). The negative gain figure comes
about because op amp 2 is an inverter.
The output of op amp 2 is 180° out
of phase to its input. Op amp 3 is
an integrator producing a 90° phase
shift and this is followed by op amp
1 producing another 90° phase shift.
The phase changes through three op
amps add up to 360° and so we have
the perfect recipe for an oscillator.
The oscilloscope waveforms of
Fig.2 show how the circuit oscillates.
Fig.2: these
demonstrate the
operation of the
state variable
oscillator. The top
trace shows the
output of op amp
1 while the lower
trace is op amp 2.
Note that the lower
trace is 180° out
of phase to the top
trace. The centre
trace, op amp 3,
lags behind the
lower trace by 90°.
February 1999 25
Fig.3: the block diagram shows that the state variable oscillator of Fig.1 needs a lot more circuitry for a practical
instrument. The frequency of the state variable oscillator is multiplied by four to drive the digital counter circuitry.
The top trace shows the output of op
amp 1 while the lower trace is op amp
2. Note that the lower trace is 180° out
of phase compared to the top trace.
The centre trace, from op amp 3, lags
behind the lower trace by 90°.
The frequency of oscillation is
equal to 1/(2πR1.C1), provided that op
amp 2 has a gain of -1. An oscillator
of this type will produce an output
level which is only limited by the
amount of peak-to-peak swing from
the amplifiers. In other words, the
output will rise until the circuit clips,
which is hardly what we want for a
low distortion design.
To prevent this from happening,
some form of feedback is required
to maintain a constant signal level.
VRx introduces amplitude control by
applying a small amount of negative
feedback from op amp 3’s output to
the input of op amp 2.
A practical oscillator would require
an automatic amplitude control which
monitors op amp 1’s output and varies VRx accordingly to maintain the
output level. VRx could be any device
which can vary signal level and could
be a FET, transistor or even a light
dependent resistor. Unfortunately,
these devices all introduce some form
of distortion into the signal, either by
their non-linearity or via the control
circuitry which drives them. Interest26 Silicon Chip
ingly, some of this distortion is then
reduced via the 6dB/octave low pass
rolloff from op amp 3 to op amp 1.
Block diagram
The complete block diagram for the
Audio Signal Generator is shown in
Fig.3. The oscillator itself comprises
op amps IC1a, IC1b and IC2a, with the
integrator components VR1a & VR1b
and capacitors selected by 2-pole
switch S2a & S2b. The sinewave
output of IC1b is applied to several
sections of the block diagram.
Firstly, it is applied to the precision
rectifier (IC4a, IC4b) which converts
it into unfiltered DC. This DC signal
is compared in error amplifier IC5a
against a reference DC voltage set
by trimpot VR5. Buffer transistor Q5
drives LED1 and LED 2 which illuminates light dependent resistor LDR1.
The above components form a feedback loop so that the signal applied to
the LEDs varies the LDR’s resistance
to maintain a constant signal level at
IC1b’s output. As already noted, the
DC output from the precision rectifier
is not filtered and this means that the
error amplifier (IC5a) will be fed with
the same raw DC. However, the filtering of this control loop is achieved
by virtue of the slow response of the
LDR – it ignores the harmonics in
the signal.
The waveforms of Fig.4 show the
action of the control loop. The top
trace is the output of IC1b, while the
middle trace shows the rectified signal
applied to error amplifier IC5a.
The third trace shows the drive
to the LEDs. These are short pulses
which occur at the peak of the sine
As well as driving the precision
rectifier, IC1b’s output is applied to
the output level control VR2b and
the sync output. VR2b is buffered
by op amp IC5b which drives the
attenuator switch S5. The attenuator
provides 10dB steps in signal levels
from 3.16V to 1mV.
IC1b also drives the Schmitt trigger
IC3b which produces a square wave
output which is fed to paralleled
CMOS inverters in IC6. These give
the square wave signal very fast rise
and fall times.
Fig.5 shows the square wave rise
and fall times at 33ns and 30ns, respectively.
Frequency multiplier
We now come to the frequency
display part of the block diagram
and there are a few unconventional
features in this section.
First, there is the frequency multiplier. This uses a diode mixer to add
the signal outputs of IC1a, IC1b, IC2a
Fig.4: these waveforms show the action of the control loop
for the state variable oscillator. The top trace is the output
of IC1b while the middle trace shows the precision
rectified signal applied to error amplifier IC5a. The third
trace shows the drive to LEDs 1 & 2
Fig.6: these four waveforms are added together in a diode
mixer to obtain a frequency multiplication of four.
and IC2b. These signals are shown in
the oscilloscope waveforms of Fig.6.
The output of the diode mixer is
a waveform with a fundamental frequency which is four times the sinewave at IC1b’s output. Comparator
IC3a squares the multiplier output, as
shown in Fig.7. The top trace is the
output of IC1b, the middle trace is
the mixer output applied to IC3a and
the bottom trace is the output of IC3a.
This frequency multiplication
enables the digital readout to have a
relatively fast update time. The signal
Fig.5: these are the square wave rise and fall times.
Fig.7: these waveforms shows the action of the diode
frequency multiplier. The top trace is the output of IC1b,
the middle trace is the mixer output applied to IC3a and
the bottom trace is the output of IC3a.
is then divided by 10 and 10 again,
with each of these signals applied to
the range selector. The range selector
output drives the counter and display
Circuit details
Fig.8 shows the circuit for the
Audio Signal Generator. It uses 12 ICs,
four 7-segment LED displays, several
transistors, regulators and switches,
plus various resistors, capacitors and
IC1b, IC2a and IC1a comprise the
state variable oscillator. These op
amps are LM833 types which have
low distortion and low noise, making them ideal for this application.
Switches S2a and S2b select the various frequency range capacitors for
the integrators while the dual-gang
potentiometer VR1a and VR1b adjusts
the resistance for continuous frequency control. The 8.2kΩ resistors at the
inputs to IC1a and IC1b limit the
maximum frequency for each range.
Inverter IC2a is set with a gain of -1
using the 100kΩ resistors from pin 6
February 1999 27
28 Silicon Chip
Fig.8: the circuit can be broken down
into a number of sections. In the
middle is the state variable oscillator
and the square wave driver. At the
top is the frequency multiplier and at
the bottom is the frequency counter
to pin 7 and the input resistor to pin
6 from the output of IC1b. Trimmer
capacitor VC1 is used to compensate
for phase shifts in the oscillator at high
frequencies. It is adjusted so that the
oscillator does not become uncontrollable at the highest frequencies.
The precision full wave rectifier
comprises op amps IC4a and IC4b
together with diodes D1 and D2 and
associated resistors. When the input
signal goes negative, IC4b’s output
goes high and the gain, set by the
10kΩ input and feedback resistors, is
-1. This signal is seen at the cathode
of D1 and is coupled to the inverting
input of IC4a via the 10kΩ resistor.
Gain is set for IC4a by the 10kΩ input
resistor and the 47kΩ feedback resistor at -4.7. Overall gain for the input
signal is therefore (-1 x -4.7) = +4.7.
Note, however, that there is an extra
path for the input signal via the 20kΩ
resistor at pin 6 of IC4a. This produces
a positive signal at the output of IC4a
with a gain of 47kΩ divided by the
20kΩ resistor or -2.35. Adding the
two gains gives us +2.35.
For positive signals the output of
IC4b is clamped due to the conduction
of D2. Signal then passes via the 20kΩ
resistor connected to pin 6 of IC4a.
IC4a inverts the signal and provides
gain of -2.35. Since the input signal
is positive the signal at pin 7 of IC4a
is negative.
Thus for positive input signals
the output at IC4a is negative, with
a gain of -2.35. For negative signals
the output of IC4a is also negative,
with a gain of 2.35. So a full-wave
rectifier results.
Note that the output of IC1b is
AC-coupled to the precision rectifier,
to prevent any DC offset in the signal
from affecting the rectifier operation.
Error amplifier
Op amp IC5a is the error amplifier.
It compares the preci
sion rectifier
output with the reference voltage
set at its pin 3 input. This reference
voltage sets the sinewave output level
February 1999 29
Audio Signal Generator – Parts List
1 PC board, code 01402991, 122
x 141mm
1 PC board code, 01402992, 210
x 73mm
1 front panel label, 249 x 76mm
1 plastic case, 256 x 190 x 84mm
2 aluminium panels, 249 x 76mm
1 red transparent Perspex sheet,
59 x 21 x 2.5mm
1 6672 30V centre-tapped mains
transformer (T1)
1 IEC mains panel socket with
1 insulating boot for IEC socket
1 250mA 2AG 250VAC fuse (F1)
1 IEC mains cord
1 SPDT mains rocker switch with
neon indicator (S1)
1 3-pole 4-position rotary switch
2 SPDT toggle switches (S3,S6)
1 DPDT toggle switch (S4)
1 single-pole 12-position rotary
switch (S5)
1 100kΩ 24mm dual-gang linear
pot (VR1)
1 10kΩ 24mm dual-gang linear
pot (VR2)
1 100kΩ horizontal trimpot
3 10kΩ horizontal trimpots
1 8.5-50pF trimmer capacitor
2 BNC panel sockets with
insulating kits
1 TO-220 heatsink, 28 x 25 x
4 19mm knobs
21 PC stakes
1 40-way pin header (broken into
groups of five)
1 600mm length of 0.7mm tinned
copper wire
1 300mm length of 7.5A green/
yellow 250VAC rated wire
1 400mm length of 7.5A brown
mains wire
1 300mm length of 7.5A blue
mains wire
1 100mm length of yellow hookup
1 100mm length of blue hookup
1 100mm length of green hookup
4 M4 screws x 9mm
4 M4 nuts
4 M4 star washers
2 M3 screws x 9mm
2 M3 nuts
2 M3 star washers
4 self-tapping screws
and is adjusted with VR5. The error
amplifier has a gain of about 70, as
set by the 330kΩ resistor and 4.7kΩ
resistor at pin 2. The 3.3pF capacitor
across the 330kΩ resistor provides a
high frequency rolloff of 146kHz and
prevents any tendency to spurious oscillation. IC5a’s output is buffered by
transistor Q5, connected as an emitter
follower. It drives LED1 and LED2 and
these illuminate LDR1 for amplitude
control of the state variable oscillator.
IC1b’s output is fed via two back-toback 470µF capacitors to the sinewave
level control, VR2b. The other half
of this dual-ganged potentiometer is
the square wave output level control
(VR2a). VR2b is connected to pin 5
of op amp IC5b which amplifies the
signal by a factor of 2 and drives the
output attenuator, switch S5. This
switch has eight positions giving
30 Silicon Chip
4 LM833 op amps
1 LM319 high-speed dual
comparator (IC3)
1 74C14, 40106 hex Schmitt
trigger (IC6)
1 74C926 4-digit counter/7segment display driver (IC7)
1 4017 decade counter (IC8)
1 4093 two-input quad Schmitt
NAND gate (IC9)
1 4518 dual 4-bit decade counter
1 555 timer (IC11)
1 4052 dual 4-channel analog
switch (IC12)
1 7815 +15V 1A 3-terminal
regulator (REG1)
1 7915 -15V 1A 3-terminal
regulator (REG2)
1 7805 +5V 1A 3-terminal
regulator (REG3)
1 7905 -5V 1A 3-terminal
regulator (REG4)
5 BC337 NPN transistors (Q1-Q5)
8 1N4148, 1N914 switching
diodes (D1-D8)
4 1N4004 1A 400V rectifier diodes
1 LDR (LDR1), Jaycar RD-3485 or
4 HDSP5303 common cathode
7-segment LED displays
2 high intensity (1000mcd <at>
20mA) red LEDs (LED1,LED2)
2 1000µF 25VW PC electrolytic
2 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 330µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 35VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 25VW PC electrolytic
6 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.56µF MKT polyester
1 0.47µF MKT polyester
3 0.18µF MKT polyester
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .039µF MKT polyester
2 .018µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
1 .0047µF MKT polyester
2 .0018µF MKT polyester
1 .0015µF MKT polyester
2 180pF ceramic
2 10pF ceramic
1 3.3pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 560kΩ
7 4.7kΩ
1 470kΩ
1 3.3kΩ
1 360kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
1 330kΩ
4 1kΩ
1 120kΩ
2 510Ω
5 100kΩ
1 470Ω
1 47kΩ
2 160Ω
1 20kΩ
2 51Ω
9 10kΩ
9 39Ω
2 8.2kΩ
1 27Ω 5W
1 5.6kΩ
1 16Ω
1 7.5Ω
Heatshrink tubing, solder, black
sealant, etc.
steps of 10dB each. The ninth position connects the output connector
to ground. The output impedance
is around 600Ω, depending on the
attenuator setting.
Switch S3 connects the circuit
ground to case (mains Earth) when
closed. When the switch is open, the
circuit earth is connected to mains
Earth via a 0.47µF capacitor. This
switching arrangement allows the
Frequency range: 10Hz-100kHz in four ranges
Total harmonic distortion (THD): 0.02% at 3V out from 20Hz to 2kHz
with frequency display off; (.03% with display on); .04% at 10kHz
(display off) and 0.1% at 100kHz
Output flatness: ±0.1dB from 20Hz to 100kHz; ±0.35dB from 10Hz to
Maximum output: 3.16V RMS on sine wave; 3.16V peak on square wave
Attenuator: seven steps in -10dB increments plus vernier
Attenuator accuracy: within ±0.5dB for all ranges
Output impedance: 600Ω (nominal)
Sync output: 280mV RMS sine wave
Square wave rise and fall times: typically <33ns
Frequency readout resolution: 1Hz for 10-1000Hz ranges, 10Hz for
1-10kHz range and 100Hz for 10k-100kHz range
Frequency accuracy: typically less than 5% uncalibrated (can be
Frequency readout update time: 312ms (3.2 per second)
signal generator to be earthed when
necessary or disconnected if a hum
loop is evident.
Square wave generation
To obtain a square wave, IC1b’s
output is applied to comparator IC3b
which is connected as a Schmitt trigger with positive hysteresis applied
between its pin 7 output and pin 9 via
a 100kΩ resistor. Pin 9 is also tied to
the midpoint of the ±5V supplies via
10kΩ resistors. The positive hysteresis sets the switching thresholds for
pin 10 at +0.24V and -0.24V respect
ively. So when the input goes above
+0.24V, pin 7 goes low and when the
input goes below -0.24V, pin 7 goes
high. Note that IC3b’s output is an
open collector stage which requires a
pullup resistor. This resistor is only
connected when switch S4a is selected for square wave output.
The output from IC3b is further
squared with Schmitt trigger inverter
IC6a which drives the five paralleled
inverters IC6b-IC6f. They drive trim
pot VR6 and dual-gang pot VR2a.
Frequency multiplier
As discussed previously, diodes D3,
D4, D5 & D6 mix the sinewave outputs
from IC2a, IC1a, IC2b and IC1b. The
resultant waveform is squared up in
Schmitt trigger IC3a. Because the output of IC3a is a single open-collector
NPN transistor and its load resistor is
connected to the +5V rail, and the control pin (pin 3) connected to ground,
the output swing is limited to 0V and
+5V which is what is needed for the
following divider stages.
The output of IC3a connects to the
4518 dual BCD counter, IC10. The
two counters produce a total division
of 100 at pin 14. The output of IC3a,
the Q4 output from IC10a and the Q4
output from IC10b are all connected
to IC12, a 4052 analog switch, and
this acts as the range switch for the
display. Depending on the voltages
fed to its inputs at pins 9 & 10 from
switch S2c, IC12 selects one of the
inputs and feeds it out at pin 13.
When range switch S2c is in positions 1 & 2, pins 9 & 10 of IC12 are tied
low via 4.7kΩ resistors. This selects
the pin 12 input from IC3a. When S2c
is in position 3, diode D7 pulls pin 9
of IC12 to the +5V supply and so IC12
selects the signal at pin 15 which is
the divide-by-10 signal from IC10a.
Position 3 of S2c also applies 5V to
the decimal point (DP1) of display
DISP2 via a 39Ω resistor.
Position 4 of S2c pulls pin 10 of
IC12 high and pin 9 high via diode
D8. This selects the pin 11 input of
IC12 which is the divide-by-100 signal
from IC10b. Decimal point DP2 is now
selected and driven via a 39Ω resistor
on DISP3.
The signal from pin 13 of IC12 is
applied to the pin 6 input of Schmitt
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February 1999 31
The construction of the Audio Signal Generator involves two PC boards, with
very little else in the way of interconnecting wiring. We’ll publish the full
constructional details in Pt.2 next month.
NAND gate IC9d. The second input at
pin 5 is under control from the timebase signal derived from IC11.
IC11 is a 555 timer which is connected in the astable (free running)
mode. The capacitors at pins 2 &
6 are charged via the series 360kΩ
and 120kΩ resistors and discharged
via the 120kΩ resistor. The result is
a pulse waveform at pin 3 which is
high for 0.25 seconds and low for
62ms. This is inverted with IC9a and
inverted again with IC9b. IC9b controls the pin 5 input to IC9d and this
gates through the signal from pin 13
of IC12 to the clock input (pin 12) of
counter IC7.
Each time pin 3 of IC11 goes low,
pin 15 (Reset) of IC8 is pulled low
via IC9b. Also the high output at pin
10 of IC9a allows oscillator IC9c to
operate and it clocks IC8. This is a
32 Silicon Chip
decade counter and it provides the
latch enable (LE) and Reset signals
for IC7. When pin 2 of IC8 goes high,
it latches the counted signal in IC7
into the display. After that, pin 7 of
IC8 resets IC7 for the next count cycle.
The latched count signal in IC7 is
indicated on the 7-segment LED displays. IC7 drives the display in multiplex fashion via transistors Q1-Q4.
This has the advantage of a reduced
number of connections between the
counter and the 7-segment displays
but it does have the drawback of all
multiplexed displays and that is increased “hash” on the supply rails.
Inevitably, some of this hash finds
its way into the audio output of the
signal and to eliminate that problem
we have included toggle switch S6
into the circuit.
S6 disconnects the +5V supply to
pin 18 of IC7 and this turns off the
displays. Note that the clock, LE and R
signals are still be applied to IC7 even
when the +5V rail is switched off.
However, this will not cause damage
to the counter IC.
Power supply
The power supply uses a fairly large
power transformer and this is mainly
required to satisfy the current drain
of the 4-digit 7-segment LED display.
The transformer secondary windings
are connected as a 30V centre-tapped
output to drive a bridge rectifier and
two 1000µF filter capacitors. The resulting ±20V DC rails are applied to
a +15V regulator (REG1) and a -15V
regulator (REG2) and these supply the
op amps. The +20V supply is also fed
to a +5V regulator via a 27Ω dropping
resistor while the -20V rail feeds a -5V
regulator directly.
This completes the circuit description. Next month we will give the full
constructional details.
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February 1999 33
Panels for
One of the
questions we’re
often asked here
CHIP is “how do
you make those
front panels on
your projects?”
The answer:
We cheat!
Every project, whether it's one
published in a magazine or one you
design and build at home, needs a
dress panel.
Dymo labels have their place . . . but
not on a front panel! However, we’ve
seen these – or worse, hand lettered
panels – on many projects over the
years, including some submitted to us
for publication. It might be a brilliant
design but it looks cheap and nasty. If
only the designer knew how easy it was
to make it look professionally built!
We make our front panels using basic resources which the vast majority
of readers would either have, or have
access to. And once you know how
simple it is to make a professional
looking front panel, you’ll never again
have an excuse to leave that project in
an “almost finished” state.
So how do we do it? And more to
the point, how can you do it?
Believe it or not, few of the projects
you see published in SILICON CHIP
now have a metal dress panel (that's
the external panel you see, not to be
confused with the inner panel which
usually is metal or plastic).
Once upon a time, of course, virtually all dress panels were made of
metal – usually aluminium. Older
readers may remember a product
called “Scotchcal”, made by 3M and
introduced more than twenty years
There were many variations of
Scotchcal, the most popular being a
photosensitive aluminium sheet with
Here's a close-up of the dress panel of our new Audio Signal Generator featured elsewhere in this issue. Bet you didn't
realise that panel is made out of paper, did you?
34 Silicon Chip
a self‑adhesive backing. A piece of
Scotchcal was exposed to UV light
through a negative or positive film
which contained the image of the
panel required.
Slosh‑developed using a proprietary developer and cotton balls, a
quick, easy and very professional front
panel resulted. After drying and coating with a thin spray of clear lacquer,
the adhesive backing was removed
and the panel was stuck in position
on the case, ready to be drilled, cut
or shaped as required.
Why are we telling you all this? For
two reasons – one, it leads on to the
way we are making panels today and
two, because many readers would be
unaware of the detail it took to present
good looking projects.
Sadly, Scotchcal went off the market. There were a few similar products
which appeared and disappeared
over the years, a recent one being
Dynamark. But even that became difficult to obtain – even for a magazine
which was able to buy in reasonable
quantity. For the reader, wanting just
a small sheet for the very occasional
panel, it was nigh impossible.
Incidentally, we’ve heard rumours
that one reason products such as these
went off the market was the suspicion
that some of the developers used
contained some quite nasty ingredients – you know, the ones that make
laboratory rats and mice grow spare
heads and that sort of thing.
Anyway, back to the story: the
difficulty in obtaining these products
made us start looking for alternatives.
As you might expect, we design our
panels on computer “in house” to suit
the project under development. We
either use a CAD package or more
usually, a graphics package. As well
as printing, these programs have the
option of outputting files in a variety
of ways, not the least of which is as a
file which another service provider,
such as a specialist panel maker, can
For example, in a commercial
process, the file might be used for
making a silk screen, allowing mass
production. Not surprisingly, one‑offs
using this method are prohibitively
expensive. Scratch that idea.
There were other options available
to us, particularly through the people
who put together kits for our projects.
But we were looking for a viable method for our readers.
If you’re not reproducing a panel from the SILICON CHIP website or photocopying
one from the magazine, you’ll need to draw up your own. The easiest way is
with one of the commercial graphics packages now available. A tip: if making a
“reversed” panel (such as shown here, white type on black background),
prepare it first the other way around (black on white) and either reverse
everything when it's finished or print it as a negative.
For a while we tried photographic
images, using the same type of high‑
contrast photographic paper used
extensively in the printing and graphic
arts industry.
While these worked reasonably
well, they had a major disadvantage. Even if the paper was properly
“fixed”, in time the image started to
fade. While good enough for a short
term solution, after a time we had to
replace the front panel. Scratch that
idea as well.
In recent years, a couple of other
products have come onto the market.
They looked promising at first but (at
least the ones we tried) proved too
fiddly; too difficult to achieve consistently acceptable results. Scratch
them, too.
The along came the laser printer.
The first models didn’t produce a great
Here is our paper label, laser-printed directly onto standard 80gsm bond.
Compare this to your screen image to make sure nothing has gone awry.
February 1999 35
Ready to start with everything we need: we have the label,
a roll of clear self-adhesive plastic, a sheet of thick
cardboard, a can of spray adhesive, a sticky tape dispenser, a clear plastic rule and a surgeon’s scalpel fitted with
a new blade. We also had an old newspaper handy for the
overspray from the spray glue. The light box is handy but
is certainly not essential.
black but in recent years, laser printers
have made great progress in this area.
In a properly adjusted, modern laser
printer, blacks are solid, dense blacks
and whites are just that – white.
For a while, we played (for want of
a better word) with clear film designed
for laser printers. Perhaps this could
be used? Try as we might, though, we
could never get the blacks on the film
to match anything like the rock-solid
blacks on plain paper. Scratch that
But this started us thinking (always
a bit of a worry, that . . .). If the blacks
on paper were so good, could we
simply use a laser print of our front
panel artwork? Would it need special
paper? Would it be accurate enough?
How would we protect the surface?
How would we stick the panel on?
After some experimentation, we
came up with the answers to those
questions (which in order are yes, no,
yes, read on and read on!) and in the
process came up with a dead simple
yet highly effective method of making
dress panels.
Well, it must be highly effective
– because it’s managed to fool most
Stick the label back down onto the cardboard again and
commence cutting out the internal holes with straight edges.
Another tip: use a cheap plastic rule because, no matter
how careful you are, you’ll take nicks out of it. And most
important, be extremely careful when using a scalpel against
a rule. The photos do not quite show a superb scar on my
finger, still there after twenty years, from doing exactly what
we have photographed. I learnt the hard way (the irony is I
was cutting out artwork for a safety sticker!).
36 Silicon Chip
Fix the label to the cardboard using sticky tape on the
edges. Cut a piece of contact slightly larger than your label
and remove its backing paper. Commence sticking the
contact to the label from one corner, using your flat
fingernail as a burnisher. Burnish diagonally back and
forth, working to the opposite corner of the label removing
any air bubbles as you go. Burnish to a consistent finish.
people into believing we have discovered a secret source of Scotchcal
or Dyna-mark material!
The laser print
Obtaining dense blacks and white
whites were only part of the equation.
We also needed to ensure that (a) the
laser print was dimensionally quite
stable (ie, it didn’t stretch or shrink
markedly in one or both directions)
and (b) that the printer didn’t leave
any heater or wheel marks or other
imperfections on the surface (which
can happen on solid sections).
When cutting circles, it’s much easier to hold the scalpel
in roughly the same spot and rotate the work underneath.
You need to be quite accurate when cutting small holes,
especially ones not covered by knobs or large nuts.
Finally, cut the panel away out of the paper. Again, be
careful cutting against the rule! You might prefer to use a
metal rule but you can’t see underneath a metal rule and
it’s also easier for the blade to run up the metal edge and
into your finger.
If you have any air bubbles in the plastic film, they can be
removed by piercing them with the very tip of the scalpel
blade and burnishing out with your fingernail. It is essential
that the blade be very sharp with only the faintest nick in
the surface. Imperfections can also be hidden with a black
felt-tipped pen.
It took a little mucking around with
the density control on our laser printer
but eventually we were able to achieve
the results we wanted.
And no, we didn’t have to use any
special paper – we use the standard
80 gsm five-dollar-a-ream bond paper
all of our laser printing is done on.
Not only that, we were able to duplicate the results using a photocopier. As
long as your copier is capable of dense
blacks with no streakiness or marking
(either in the blacks or whites) you
can use your copier to make panels.
That means the front panel artwork
Unstick the label from the cardboard, turn it over and stick
another sheet of plastic film on the opposite side. Use the
same techniques (eg working from one corner, etc) but you
don’t have to be quite so careful with the back because it
won’t be seen. Any air bubbles, though, should be removed.
we almost always publish in SILICON
CHIP can be the basis for your panels!
Protecting the surface
We first tried a number of spray‑on
products but, without exception, they
weren’t up to the task. They allowed
the panel to be marked or scratched
too easily.
The penny dropped one night
when I was putting the cutlery away
in the kitchen drawer after washing
up. (OK, darling, I lied. When I was
watching you put the cutlery away . .
.). I looked at the self‑adhesive plastic
All cut out – and ready for gluing. Use plenty of
newspaper because spray glue does just that – sprays
everywhere and glues! There are many types of spray
glue available; we used 3M 75 Repositionable Adhesive –
it allows you to move the panel after placing in position
to get the fit just right. Don't use too much spray glue – a
little goes a long way. Most spray glues also require the
nozzle to be cleaned after use by spraying the can upside
down for a short period.
covering on the shelves and noticed
how little it was damaged – even with
continuous use.
Was that plastic covering available
in clear (as distinct from the most
attractive floral pattern in the cutlery
drawer, which might tend to detract
from a front panel)? I contacted a couple of suppliers and confirmed that it
was indeed available in clear. To be
truthful, it’s more translucent than
clear but that’s actually an advantage,
as we will see shortly.
We printed a few front panels from
artwork we’d done and proceeded to
Speaking of fit, a light box is handy (though not essential
–an outside window and daylight also works) to check
the line‑up of your panel holes to the underlying holes. If
necessary, peel the label off and re‑stick it. If you find that
some holes are just slightly out, try placing the knobs etc
in position and check the "fit" – perhaps a little bit of error
won't matter.
February 1999 37
This method of producing panels is just as applicable to your own one-off
projects as it is to published magazine projects.
Design your panel to suit your project, PC board layout and so on, drawing
a rough version on paper. Draw any knobs, switches, meters or other components approximately right size so you get a feel for their positioning (and
also to make sure nothing is over the top of anything else!)
Some designers like to cut out little circles and shapes representing the front
panel components so they can move them around to get the most pleasing
“look”. It’s up to you. You don’t have to be a Michaelangelo – the panel simply
needs to look good but also be functional.
Sometimes you will design a dress panel to fit an existing case or panel
layout. That’s another option.
When you are satisfied that everything is where you want it on your rough,
carefully measue and mark your drawing with the sizes of component holes
(yes, the holes, not the size of its knob or nut, etc), then also dimension it so
that everything is fixed in position.
Now’s the time to start work on your computer. As mentioned before, we
generally use a graphics program such as Corel Draw to prepare our panels.
There are lots of similar programs to choose from – just as long as it allows
you to accurately place components to a measure.
If you don't have such software, there are loads of shareware graphics
programs available on the web. Alternatively we've seen superseded versions
of big $$$ commercial software selling very cheaply in all sorts of places –
eg, genuine new Corel Draw 5 for $19.95 at Woolies supermarkets just after
Christmas (current version 8 sells for $1200+).
Regardless of whether you want your final panel positive (black type on
white background) or negative (white type on black background) you will find
it much easier to design your panel as a positive image, then reverse it later.
We generally draw the outside of the panel to size, then pull down guide
rules (vertical and horizontal) to the positions of our front panel controls. It
is usual (for best appearance) that as many controls as possible are located
on the same vertical and horizontal lines, so guides make it easy to place
components in a line.
Place circles, rectangles, etc, the same size as holes in the underlying
metal or plastic panel or case (not the same size as the knob or switch nut!).
At the centre of the hole we usually place a cross‑hair target to make final
location and gluing easy.
A tip about type: one easy way to ruin a good looking panel is to use too
many type fonts. Have a look at commercial panels and those published
in the magazine. With rare exceptions, you’ll find a bare minimum of fonts
used – often just one, with perhaps a second (more decorative?) font for the
name. If a logo is used, it’s important to choose a font that neither clashes
nor competes with it.
Also, for normal panel labelling it’s better to stick to the basic fonts. Normally,
serif fonts (which have little tails on the tops and bottom of the letters like this)
are best left to “body copy” or printed matter like this magazine.
On a panel, it’s much more pleasing to the eye to use one of the “garden
variety” sans‑serif fonts (which look like this – notice, no tails?). Fonts such
as Helvetica, Arial, Dutch, Futura or similar are fine.
What if you want a negative image (ie, white type on a black background)?
If you are drawing up your own panel, it would be rare these days to find
any drawing or imaging software which would not allow you to print a negative image. If downloading from the website, Acrobat Reader can also print
negative (File- Print- Setup - Properties- Graphics- Print as negative image).
38 Silicon Chip
cover them with the self‑adhesive film.
It took a couple of attempts to get the
technique right, particularly when
it came to cutting out the holes for
controls, switches, etc. Again, more
of that in the step‑by‑step pictures.
The advantage of a translucent film
instead of a fully transparent film is
that it looks much more natural. Indeed, our film‑covered front panels
have the appearance of the matte aluminium panels of old, with a lacquer
coating. Clear film looks, well, shiny
and fake.
The brand of the material we used
is Raeco “Magic Cover” but there are
many others available. It’s actually
sold as clear book covering and is
available at most department stores,
stationers and even supermarkets.
Woollies have 1.5m rolls for less than a
dollar (they even have it in translucent
colours. Now there's a thought!).
The method of applying the film
and the equipment to do it also took
some experimentation. After trying a
variety of burnishing tools (to evenly
apply the film), in the end we came
up with a “digital” instrument which
is free of charge. It won’t take long
to find – just look down your arm at
those long pointy things. Notice the
hard bits on the tips? Yes, your flat
fingernails make ideal burnishing
tools! (Of course, if you bite your nails
you’re gonna get scratches).
Cut it out!
Cutting the panel out (actually
cutting the various holes) is perhaps
the most difficult part of the whole
operation. Remember, you need to cut
through two layers of plastic and one
of paper. The most difficult things to
cut out are small circles for mini panel
switches and the like. They have small
nuts so any slip you make is likely to
be visible.
The most essential ingredient is a
v‑e‑r‑y sharp knife. A typical hobby
knife is not really adequate for the
task. We use a surgeon’s scalpel with a
new blade. Just be careful – you know
why surgeons use them!
Where a straight cut is involved,
don’t use scissors. Always use a knife
and a guide to make sure you get the
cut straight. No matter how good you
think you are with a pair of scissors,
straight cuts aren’t!
Another tip: when choosing front
panel components for your projects
(eg, panel meters), if possible go for the
And here is the finished panel, ready for final assembly.
When you are assembling the project, take extra care when
placing the panel into a slotted case or when tightening
nuts on pots and switches.
one with an escutcheon or surround
to hide edges.
Stick it, by gum!
Our first attempts at gluing the panel
to the case where slightly less than
successful because of the type of glue
we were using. Again, we experimented to find the right one.
What we required was a glue which
will stick to anything – metal, plastic,
paper, you name it – and one which
wouldn’t shrink as it dried. And there
weren’t all that many glues which
will do that without causing damage
to the panel.
I then cast my mind back a year or
twenty to a glue commonly used in the
graphic arts industry (before computers were invented) – spray adhesive.
It’s not cheap but what the hell, we
bought a can of it and tried it on a
paper panel . . . with instant failure.
Our good‑looking panels suddenly
looked awful!
The problem was that the glue
“bled” right through the paper label,
turning it into, well, it’s hard to explain. But it wasn’t the effect I was
looking for. How could I stop the glue
bleeding into the paper?
The answer turned out to be right
under my nose: the self‑adhesive
plastic sheet. By placing a piece on the
back of the label as well as the front,
a plastic/paper/plastic sandwich if
you like, I solved the problem completely. Result: no more bleed‑through
– and a more durable panel into the
You don’t need much spray glue –
just a couple of seconds is more than
adequate. Don’t overspray or you will
get runs of glue which might harden
to become visible ridges.
Speaking of pots and switches, their knobs and nuts can
hide a multitude of sins. As you can see, the hole cutouts are
no work of art but are hidden when the knobs and nuts are
fitted. If you find a blemish which did not become hidden, a
black Pentel pen can often fix it for you!
Incidentally, there are several types
of spray glue available. We use a
“repositionable” glue which means
you don’t have to be spot on when
you first place the label on the case. If
you have to move it slightly, you can.
(Come to think of it, that was always
a major hassle with Scotchcal and
Dynamark – you couldn’t!).
Softly, softly
When assembling the project, great
care must be taken to prevent damage
to the panel. Needless to say, even a
plastic/paper/plastic sandwich panel
is not as tough as a metal one.
The biggest problem is when doing up pot nuts, switch nuts, etc. If
you’re not careful the nut or washer
can “grab” the plastic and twist it,
pulling it off the paper. This creates
an obvious flaw. Fortunately, pot nuts
usually have a knob over them to hide
any minor imperfections; with small
As you probably know, front panels recently published in SILICON
CHIP are now also published on our
These are normally in Adobe
Acrobat format, ready for printing
(if you don’t have a copy of Adobe
Acrobat Reader, you can download
a copy of it free of charge via our
All you need do is print the panel
out on a laser printer (or even a
quality inkjet printer) for use as
described in this article.
switch nuts you have to be very careful
Using tools such as spanners or
pliers to do up nuts etc also requires
care. Ensure the tool does not come
into contact with the panel itself.
Finally, be careful if your panel
has to fit into slots, as in some of the
two‑piece plastic cases commonly in
use. You need to take your time, making sure that the edges of the panel go
all the way down into the slot without
creasing or folding.
But still, even if you do botch it, a
brand new panel is only a few minutes
away, isn’t it?
Having said all that, when completed, these panels with their plastic coating are surprisingly robust. The plastic
can take quite a deal of punishment
and has the advantage of being easily
cleaned – a wipe over with a damp
sponge and it’s as good as new.
Just remember, though, that the edges of your panel are not sealed so if any
water gets in you might find yourself
making a new panel! (Naturally, the
same comments apply around any
holes cut in the panel).
Another option?
Since preparing this article a few
other thoughts have occured to us.
Notwithstanding the comments we
made earlier about clear film looking
a little fake, if you have access to a
laminator it might be worth a try.
Laminating would, of course, be
even tougher than our self-adhesive
plastic covering so would be even
more durable.
And while we haven't tried it, we
cannot see any reason why the spray
glue wouldn’t be just as effective on
a laminated plastic.
February 1999 39
Command Control
Decoder For
Model Railways
This decoder circuit takes a different approach
to the design featured in our May 1998 issue.
Instead of feeding switched power to the
locomotive motor, it feeds smooth DC which is
better for some motors, including coreless types.
Not only does this circuit use less components
but it ends up on a much smaller PC board.
Our series on Command Control for
model railways, which was presented
in the January to June 1998 issues of
SILICON CHIP, has created quite a deal
of interest. While there were some
initial problems with the supply of
ZN409CE servo decoder chips, these
have been overcome for the present
40 Silicon Chip
and so quite a few systems have been
As always though, someone can see
a better way or another approach and
so it is with this alternative decoder
design which feeds smooth DC to the
motor and also manages to dispense
with the need for the ZN409CE de-
coder. While achieving this result,
the circuit also manages to use less
components and is accommodated
on a smaller PC board. As a result, it
could be fitted into some N-scale locos
as well as smaller bodied British OO
or HO-scale locos.
Before we describe what this circuit does, we should briefly review
the function of the original decoder
circuit featured in the May 1998 issue
of SILICON CHIP. This was installed
inside a typical HO or larger scale
locomotive and was fed with track
voltage of about 11V DC with a superimposed 5.9V pulse waveform.
The pulse waveform consisted of
blocks of 16 pulses separated by a sync
“pause” and the width of each pulse
contained the speed and direction of
each locomotive on the 16-channel
system. Ergo, a maximum of 16 loco-
motives could be simultaneously
controlled on the system.
The decoder circuitry extracts
the particular pulse from the block
of 16 pulses and then that pulse
is decoded to drive a H-bridge
transistor circuit which drives
the locomotive motor. The locomotive can be driven at any speed
up to its maximum, in forward or
reverse direction. The H-bridge
feeds voltage and current to the
motor in switching mode at a
pulse rate of about 100Hz.
To fully understand the decoder operation and hence the
differences between it and the
circuit described here, you will
need to read the May 1998 article
in detail.
The pulsed mode of operation
is fine for most locomotive motors
and has the big advantage that
the driving transistors stay cool
and do not require any heatsinks.
However some model railway
enthusiasts prefer not to run their
locomotives with pulsed power.
The switchmode operation can
lead to noticeable armature and
gear-train noise and vibration,
especially at low speeds and it
can cause heating problems in
some coreless motors which are
popular with British model railway enthusiasts.
This alternative decoder design uses just three ICs and four
TO-126 power transistors for the
motor drive. The transistors need
to be mounted on the locomotive
body, chassis block, ballast weight
or other suitable heatsink to dissipate the heat produced because
the transistors operate in linear
mode rather than switchmode.
Ideally, the current drawn by the
locomotive will be around 0.1A
or less, to minimise this power
dissipation. If efficient can motors
are used, this small current drain
is certainly achievable.
Fig.1 shows the circuit diagram.
There are few similarities between
it and the circuit of the original
decoder published in May 1998
although the principle of operation is broadly the same, as far as
recovery of pulses is concerned.
From then on, the decoding of the
recovered pulse is quite different.
As already noted, the track
voltage is a 5.9V train of pulses
Fig.1: IC1 and IC2 extract the channel pulse from the 16-channel block while IC3a,
Q2, D5 & D6 produce a DC output which is proportional to the pulse width. IC3c &
IC3d provide the forward/reverse decoding.
February 1999 41
Fig.2: the decoder has the resistors and other small components mounted vertically to save space. The board
for the output transistors is optional as the transistors do require some heatsinking. Note the link under IC1.
Fig.3: this is the artwork for the two PC boards, shown twice actual size. Note that we have used small pads for
the ICs, to allow tracks to run between pins.
superimposed on 11V DC. This is fed
to a bridge rectifier consisting of diodes D1-D4. The bridge rectifier does
not “rectify” the track voltage; it just
allows the circuit to be independent
of the track polarity. The track voltage passes through unchanged, apart
from the small voltage drop across
the diodes.
After the bridge rectifier, we have
10V DC with a superimposed 5V pulse
train. This is fed to the 3-terminal
regulator REG1 to provide +5V for
the ICs. The unregulated DC is also
fed direct to the H-pack transistors,
Q3-Q6. We’ll come back to these later.
The track voltage is also fed via
the 10V zener diode ZD1 and a 470Ω
resistor to pins 6 & 2 of IC1, a 555 timer. The zener diode can be regarded
as a level shifter which effectively
removes the 10V DC, leaving just the
5V pulses to be fed to IC1.
IC1 is a 555 timer but its use in this
circuit is unconven
tional. Its main
function is as a Schmitt trigger to clean
up the pulse waveform after it has
been fed through the bridge rectifier
and zener diode.
42 Silicon Chip
Pin 7 of IC1 is internally switched
to 0V whenever pin 3 is low and so
C3, the 1µF capacitor at pin 7, is
discharged each time pin 3 goes low.
However, at the sync pulse interval,
which is the gap between each block
of 16 pulses, C3 has time to charge
up and turn on transistor Q1 which
then stays on for the duration of the
sync pulse. Q1 pulls pin 11 of IC2 low
and this is the “load” function for the
74C193 up/down counter.
IC2 actually extracts the wanted
pulse for the particular locomotive
from the block of 16 pulses. In effect, it
is loaded with the wanted pulse number by means of the binary data inputs
at pins 1, 9, 10 & 15. The counter then
counts down by 16 from the wanted
number and the recovered pulse appears at the “borrow” output, pin 13.
The magic of this system is that the
wanted pulse with its all-important
width information is recovered intact
and can then be fed to the following
decoder circuitry.
Going back to Q1 for a moment, it is
used to pull pin 11 low for the “load”
function. Normally, Q1 would need a
collector load resistor of, say, 1kΩ, to
make sure that pin 11 is pulled high
when Q3 is off; ie, a pullup resistor.
In this case though, pin 12 is used
to supply the pullup function. This
can only be done with the 74C193 or
40193B ICs. If you use other than 74C
or B series CMOS for this IC, you will
need to isolate pin 12 and provide a
1kΩ pullup resistor from pin 11 to
the +5V rail.
Decoder operation
As already noted, this circuit dispenses with the ZN409CE decoder
chip. Instead, the decoding operation
is performed by IC3a & IC3b in conjunction with Q2, D5 & D6. Pin 5 of
IC3a and the base of Q2 are biased at
+3.3V from pin 5 of IC1. This is not
a normal use for the threshold pin of
a 555 but it works in this application
and saves resistors which would
otherwise be required for a voltage
The recovered pulse output from
pin 13 of IC2 is applied via capacitor
C5 to the emitter of Q2 and to the
inverting input, pin 6, of IC3a via trim-
The prototype decoder was installed in a Hornby OO scale steam locomotive
and is small enough to fit into some N-scale locomotives. Since the output
transistors are driven in linear mode they need to be mounted on the locomotive
chassis for heatsinking.
pot VR1 and resistor R4. Normally, the
output of IC2 at pin 13 sits at close to
+5V and since pin 5 of IC3 is at +3.3V,
the output at pin 7 will be low (ie,
close to 0V). Diode D5 conducts and
so pin 6 is also held at +3.3V.
When the recovered pulse is delivered from pin 13 of IC2, pin 6 of IC3
is pulled low (ie, it is a “low-going”
pulse) via VR1 and R4 and so pin 7
goes high. D5 is now reverse-biased
and capacitor C4 charges, pulling
pin 6 lower. At the end of the input
pulse, pin 7 goes low again and C4 is
discharged via D5. In effect, IC3a acts
as an integrator of the recovered pulse
and produces a DC voltage which
is proportional to the width of the
recovered pulse.
Diode D6 and capacitor C6 act as a
peak detector or “sample and hold”
circuit. C6 is charged to the peak of
the integrator’s output and again, the
DC voltage across it is proportional to
the width of the input pulse. C6 needs
to be partially discharged each time
a new input pulse appears because
the new pulse may be narrower, corresponding to a new speed and direction setting. This partial discharge is
achieved with Q2 because its emitter
is fed with the input pulse from IC2.
Q2 acts like a grounded base stage,
turning on briefly when its emitter is
pulled low via C5, which enables it
to discharge C6.
Op amp IC3b acts as a unity gain
buffer for the sample-and-hold circuit
which drives the output amplifiers,
IC3c and IC3d. However, even this
part of the circuit is not as simple
as it appears. IC3c is connected as a
non-inverting amplifier and is biased
to +5V from the 3-terminal regulator.
By contrast, IC3d is wired as an inverting amplifier and its pin 3 is also
biased to +5V. Both IC3c & IC3d have
a gain of about 3.8.
Linear drive
Now when the output of IC3b is
around +6.5V no power is delivered
to the motor because the voltage
difference between pins 1 and 14 is
insufficient to bias on the respective
output transistors. Q3-Q6 look like
an H-bridge configuration as used in
the original decoder featured in May
1998 but the circuit function is more
akin to a push-pull complementary
emitter follower setup. When the output of IC3c goes up, IC3d goes down
and motor current flows via Q3 & Q6
while Q4 & Q5 are held off.
Similarly, when IC3c’s output goes
down, IC3d’s output goes up and
motor current flows in the opposite
direction through Q4 & Q5 while Q3
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown green yellow brown
orange white orange brown
red violet orange brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
grey red red brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
red red brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown green black orange brown
orange white black red brown
red violet black red brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
grey red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
red red black black brown
February 1999 43
Parts List
1 PC board, 64 x 16mm, code
1 PC board 15 x 16mm, code
1 25kΩ top adjust miniature
sealed trimpot (VR1)
The prototype PC board shown
here has been redesigned so that
parts no longer sit on top of the
ICs. The four output transistors
were directly bolted to the
chassis diecasting along with mica
or insulated heatsink washers and
connected to the decoder board
via flying leads.
& Q6 are held off.
Note that while two transistors are
always off, the other pair are driven
in linear mode instead of switch mode
so they will get hot, depending on the
amount of motor current.
The other point to consider is that
the motor does not get pure DC but
a portion of the track voltage. For
example, at full speed, the motor will
get about 9V DC plus the superimposed pulse waveform although its
amplitude is reduced in proportion.
In practice, this does not effect the
motor operation at all and it behaves
as though it is fed with pure DC.
Decoder PC board
The photos in this article show the
prototype decoder built into a Hornby
OO scale steam locomotive. This is a
tender-drive loco (ie, the motor is in
the coal tender) and so the decoder
has to fit in the limited space inside
the boiler. As built, the main decoder
board is mounted on the chassis while
the four output transistors dispense
with a PC board. Instead, they are bolted directly to the chassis diecasting
along with mica or insulated heatsink
washers and with flying wires back to
the decoder board.
We have redesigned the prototype
board so the layout shown in Fig.2 is
somewhat different to that shown in
44 Silicon Chip
the photos. The main decoder board
measures 64 x 16mm (code 09102992)
while the optional output transistor
board measures 15 x 16mm (code
09102991). In addition, the decoder
board may be cut in two and installed
in different parts of the locomotive,
with wires linking the two, if that is
necessary to fit it in.
Because both boards are so small,
you will need to take great care when
assembling them; the risk of solder
shorts bet
ween tracks is high. You
will need to use a temperature-controlled soldering iron with a small tip
and be very carefull when soldering
to the small IC pads. We have used
small pads for the ICs to allow tracks
between pins and for close component
Ideally, you should also use an illuminated magnifier for this close and
detailed work otherwise you are asking for trouble. Follow the diagram of
Fig.2 exactly, particularly with regard
to the orientation of the resistors and
other vertically mounted components.
The bridge rectifier is tricky since
the diodes are mounted vertically to
save space. Note that their pigtails
should be kept as short as possible
as well. The anodes of one pair of
diodes connect to the 0V rail while
the cathodes of the other pair connect
to the V+ rail. The two wires from the
1 555 timer (IC1)
1 74C193, 40193B
programmable up/down
counter (IC2)
1 LM324 quad op amp (IC3)
1 78L05 3-terminal 5V regulator
1 10V 400mW or 1W zener
diode (ZD1)
2 BC548 NPN transistors
2 BD433 NPN transistors
2 BD434 PNP transistors
4 1N4004 silicon diodes (D1-D4)
2 1N914, 1N4148 signal diodes
3 1µF 35VW tantalum
3 .01µF monolithics
1 .0022µF greencap (metallised
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 150kΩ
2 8.2kΩ
1 39kΩ
1 1.2kΩ
1 27kΩ
1 470Ω
1 22kΩ
1 220Ω
2 10kΩ
track (actually from the locomotive
wheel collectors) to the bridge rectifier
are made as aerial connections to the
paired diodes, in agreement with the
circuit of Fig.1.
The capacitors need to be as small
as possible and that means tantalum
for the 1µF units, monolithic for the
.01µF units and greencap for the
.0022. Other types will not fit.
When the boards are complete you
will need to temporarily connect a
motor and power up the power station. The encoder and decoder must
be set to the same channel. The full
procedure for setup and programming
is the same as described in the May
1998 issue of SILICON CHIP.
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inventory control
Digital Thermometer
reads to 1370°C
Need to read very high or very
low temperatures? Dick Smith
Electronics have a compact, handheld dual input digital thermometer with a range of –200 to +1370
degrees Celsius. Temperature
limits can be pre-set with an alarm
beeper sounding if the temperature
exceeds those limits.
Other features include auto
power off, data hold, dual temperature and temperature differential
displays and minimum/maximum
temperature and time recording. An
attached protective holster is supplied,
as are K-type thermocouples which
have a range of –40 to 260°C. (Other
thermocouples are required for the
maximum instrument range).
The instrument sells for $155 at
all Dick Smith Electronics stores
(cat Q-1437). For further information
contact Dick Smith Electronics, Lane
Cove & Waterloo Rds, North Ryde
NSW 2113. Tel (02) 9937 3200, Fax
(02) 9888 1507.
Desk-mount magnifier Lamp
Jaycar Electronics have available
a metal frame magnifier with inbuilt
22watt circular fluoro lamp. It is
intended to assist hobbyists, PCB assembly/inspection, jewellers, stamp/
coin traders, etc.
The magnifier itself is a 3-diopter
lens, mounted on a flexible extension
arm assembly extending to 990mm.
The base can be screwed onto the side
Snap-on Tools has introduced an
inventory and tool control system for
industry which it says will cut down
on lost or missing tools, reduce hoarding of tools and equipment, increase
staff and contractor productivity and
reduce equipment downtime.
The Tool Hound system is intended
for large organisations and controls the
issue and return of inventory items in
which large companies, government
departments and the like have millions
of dollars invested.
Tools, consumables, parts and
equipment can all be controlled by the
laser-based barcode scanning system
incorporated in Tool Hound.
The system is said to virtually eliminate the paper trail and delays of a
manual system. This ensures nothing
"falls through the cracks" because the
system knows where everything is at
any time.
The Windows-based system can
track an unlimited number of inventory items, people and locations. It
gives up-to the-minute status reports
and can incorporate radio frequency
communications to provide "real time"
inventory control.
For more information, contact Snapon Tools (Aust) Pty Ltd, 6/100 Station
Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2147. Phone
(02) 9837 9130; fax (02) 9620 9145
Manufactured in Australia
Comprehensive data available
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
of any desk or workbench (approximate allowable table top thickness
is 45mm.
The fluoro can be turned on or off
by a head-mounted switch connected
to a 2metre length mains cord and
plug. Replacement tubes are readily
available from most lighting stores.
For more details on the Desk Mount
Magnifier Lamp (QM-3525) contact
any Jaycar Electronics store or call
Jaycar Electronics 8-10 Leeds Street
Rhodes, NSW 2138 Ph: (02) 9743 5222
Fax: (02) 9743 2066
February 1999 53
Portable colour oscilloscopes from Yokogawa
Not many of us put up with monochrome TV these days – so why put
up with a monochrome oscilloscope?
Yokogawa has two lightweight portable scopes which have a DC-150MHz
analog bandwidth, four input channels, a maximum
sampling rate of
200MS/second ...
and 6.4-inch colour TFT displays.
two models, the
DL1540C and
the DL1540CL,
the latter being
a long-memory
model. The “C”
model can capture signals using
a record length of
120Kword, while
the “CL” stores signals up to 2Mword.
Both feature a zoom function which
can display up to eight traces simultaneously with the captured trace and
zoomed trace able to be displayed at
the same time.
They also have a “history” function
which allows the last 100 displays to
be recalled.
A built-in floppy disk drive allows
waveform data, panel setting information and screen dumps to be saved for
later use. Screen images can be output
in HPGL, PostScript, TIFF and BMP
formats. Printing of colour screen
images is also possible using an external colour printer connected via a
GPIB/Centronics adaptor.
Also available is an optional built-in
thermal printer.
For further information, contact
Yokogawa Australia on (02) 9805 0699;
fax (02) 9888 1844 or e-mail measurement<at>
Central Coast Amateur Radio Field Day
Just a reminder: Australia’s largest
field day, with new and used radio and
communications equipment for sale, is
on Sunday, February 28 at Wyong Race
Course, Howarth Street. Wyong.
Wyong station is an easy walk away.
For further information, contact the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club’s website,, or call the club on
(02) 4340 2500.
Free EMC wall chart for
labs and test centres
A highly informative wallchart
covering emission standards and
methods for RF radiated electromagnetic compatibility is now available
free of charge from Westek Industrial
Westek is the Australian distributor
of Schaffner-Chase EMC Instrumentation.
This is the first in a series which
will cover all aspects of testing to EMC
The chart is intended for laboratories or test offices where EMC testing
is carried out.
Along with the scope and required
tests and equpment for the common,
worldwide commercial standards,
the chart covers emission limits and
technical data such as field strength
conversion tables.
For your copy, or more information,
contact Westek Industrial Products Pty
Ltd, Unit 2, 6-10 Maria Street, Laverton
North, Vic 3026. Phone (03) 9369 8802;
fax (03) 9369 8006.
What a rat!
World of Robotics, the people
who supply a range of robotic kits
to build (see Silicon Chip December
1998) have available another rather
interesting robot product called
“The Duct Rat”.
It is a highly manoeuverable
visual inspection robot
equipped with a high
resolution colour video
camera feeding back to a
control unit which also
incorporates a Sony colour
monitor and VHS video
recorder. As its name
suggests, the Duct Rat is
intended for inspecting
ducts and pipes, detecting
faults and damage. It can
54 Silicon Chip
also be fitted with “dual-wip” (as
shown) or “tri-wip” cleaning heads
to clean out material and build-ups in
ducts and pipes. Other applications
suggested include law enforcement
and investigation of hazardous areas
or materials.
Fitted with tank-track (belt-type)
drive, the Duct Rat is “driven” from
the control panel via a 22-metre
cable. It is operated by low voltage
for operator safety, with low voltage
halogen lights providing illumination for the video camera.
Designed and made in
Australia by Stanton Robotics, the basic vehicle is
264mm long, 166mm wide
and 145mm high and weighs
For further information,
contact World of Robotics,
110 Mt Pleasant Rd, Belmont,
Vic 3216. Phone (03) 5241
9581; fax (03) 5241 9089; e-mail
Yamaha’s new home
theatre A/V receiver
Yamaha’s new “flagship” receiver,
the RX-V2095, has no less than seven
channels of amplification – five at
100W each for home theatre and 2 x
25W for effects channels.
Intended for state-of-the-art home
theatre applications, the receiver features Tri-Field/Duo-Field Cinema DSP,
HiFi DSP, DTS Digital Surround and
Dolby Digital processing.
It incorporates 36 surround sound
field programs that handle everything
from movies, music videos and sports
programs along with six hifi DSP
programs based on data from actual
performance venues.
Analog inputs are provided for
phono, CD, tape/MD, DVD/LD, TV/
DBS, 2x VCRs and Video Aux. Digital
inputs are provided for CD (both coax
and optical) and Tape, DVD/LD and
TV/DBS (all optical). Composite video
and S-video inputs are catered for with
DVD/LD, TV/DBS, 2 x VCRs and Video
Aux. Outputs include extensive speaker configurations, preamp outputs, a
Compact JBL home
theatre speakers
With a size of just 140 x 254 x
156mm (w x h x d), the new HLS410
2-way compact speakers from JBL are
the smallest members of the JBL HLS
Rated at 8 ohms, and with a frequency response (±3dB) of 75Hz to
20kHz, the speakers suit amplifiers in
the 15-100W power range. Sensitivity
is 86dB/W <at> 1m (driven with 2.83V
The woofer is a 100mm co-injection
moulded model while the tweeter is
a 10mm polycarbonate dome type attached to a constant-directivity horn.
Crossover is at 3kHz.
The speakers are claimed to be suited for use as rear speakers in a home
theatre system or as the front left and
right speakers.
Shielding allows the speakers to
be safely placed near a TV set in an
A/V system.
For more information, contact
the Australian distributor for JBL
speakers, Convoy International Pty
Ltd, Phone (02) 9700 0111; fax (02)
9700 0000, e-mail hifi<at>
au, or visit the Convoy website,
composite video monitor output and
a mono sub-woofer output.
The RX-V2095 also has an impressive
range of system connection options.
Two remote contols are included:
a multi-command learning-capable
remote control for the main listening
area plus one for a second zone.
The main zone and second zone
can simultaneously access different
audio sources.
The RX-V2095 is available in two
finishes: black, with a recommended
retail price of $2999 and gold at $3299.
Both have similarly-styled cases and
feature on-screen displays.
For further information, contact
Yamaha Music Australia, 17-33 Market St, South Melbourne Vic 3205.
Phone (03) 9693 5111; fax (03) 9699
2332. Information is also available at
Jaycar distributes Vulkan gas soldering tools
Jaycar Electronics has been appointed the exclusive Australian
distributor for the professional
“Vulkan” range of gas-powered
soldering tools.
The Vulkan cordless gas soldering iron can deliver the equivalent
of a 135W electric iron. It is made
in Ireland from a lightweight plastic and weighs just 110 grams. The
iron uses catalytic conversion for
most of its applications.
Fuel is standard butane gas,
stored in the tool’s translucent
handle for level indication.
Each refill provides three
hours continuous use at a
typical setting for electronics soldering.
Gas flow is adjustable
for a tip temperature
of 400°C to 1,200°C.
T h e Vu l k a n
iron has a 12
month warranty
and is available
in two forms – a
stand-alone version
(tool, cap and 2.4mm
chisel tip), cat no TS1200
selling for $89.00, or as a $129 professional tool kit (quality plastic
case, stand, soldering tool, flame
tip, hot blow tip, deflector for
hot blow, hot knife tip, cleaning
sponge, 2 metal storage trays, cap
and 2.4mm soldering tip), Cat No
A range of tips and accessories
is also available.
For more information, contact
Jaycar Electronics, 8-10 Leeds St
Rhodes NSW 2138. Phone (02)
9743 5222; fax: (02) 9743 2066.
February 1999 55
The set that languished & died
Some customers get rather attached to their
TV sets, particularly if they’ve given years
of trouble-free service. Fortunately, a full
military service isn’t usually necessary.
My main story this month concerns
an NEC FS6325 63cm TV set. At first
glance, this looks like a stereo TV set,
with its twin speakers and left and
right input sockets, but it doesn’t have
a stereo decoder.
If anyone wants the stereo feature,
they would have to do what the Wilsons had done – purchase a hifi VCR
and use the AV leads to get the full
effect. However, the TV set had failed.
It had apparently been “languishing”
for some time before finally passing
away completely during the night.
Mr Wilson wanted to know whether
it should be buried with full military
honours because it was now getting
on a bit, or could I perhaps “perform
a Lazarus”? After all, it had been a
good set.
In the past, I have repaired several
TV sets of this series. These are genuine NEC sets (ie, made by NEC) and,
generally speaking, are very reliable.
The genuine NEC sets are easily identifiable as they use a PWC number
for each printed wiring board. In this
case, the main board was PWC 3517.
Most of the problems that do crop
up are associated with dry joints to
the power diodes on the secondaries
of the horizontal output and chopper
transformers. For this reason, I felt
relatively confident that the set could
be fixed on the spot and arranged to
make a house call that afternoon.
In due course, I settled myself
behind the set and, with the help
of an electric screwdriver (how did
I manage before I acquired this?),
made short work of releasing the back.
Access to the underside of the main
board is rather tricky until some of the
wiring harness is unplugged. When I
56 Silicon Chip
did this, I was relieved to see that my
diagnosis was spot on and resoldered
a very dry joint to D621 (which supplies the 130V rail). I also checked
D522 in the 12V rail but it was OK.
I was so confident that I had fixed
the problem that I replaced the back
and returned the set to its original
position before switching it on.
Unfortunately, my confidence was
short-lived. It did come on for a few
seconds but then, much to my disgust,
it died again.
Hoping that this was just a temporary aberration, I tried switching it off
and on again. This time, the picture
and sound came on for half a minute
before going off. Was this what Mr
Wilson meant by “languishing” before
it died? “Well, sort of”, he replied.
Apparently, they had been forced to
switch it off and on a number of times
before it would stay on. It’s problems
like this that put a complete downer
on your day. I hadn’t counted on this
and I had other appointments to keep.
My options were either to delve back
into the set or take it to the workshop.
One last effort
I decided to remove the back again.
I looked around for dry joints and
resoldered a few suspects but nothing really caught my eye. In the fault
condition, the multimeter indicated
130V on the collector of Q502 (the
horizontal output transistor) and also
on its driver transistor Q501. The
130V on Q502 was OK but not on
Q501. If this was functioning normally
and drawing normal current, its collector should have been around 54V.
And that told me that the horizontal
oscillator, embedded somewhere in
IC701 and coming out on pin 6, was
not functioning.
By now, it was obvious that I was
going to be late for my next appointment and so I quickly checked the
other rails. The 28V rail for the sound
was OK and so were the 17V and 5V
rails. But that was as far as I could
go for the time being; the set would
have to go back to the workshop. I
quickly cleaned up, cleared some
space in the truck and carried the set
out. Fortunately, this set only weighs
about 30kg.
The next day, I tackled the set again
as soon as I had my compulsory coffee
fix. I tried tapping the chassis, heating
and freezing but it made no difference
and I was now quite sure that this
wasn’t a dry-joint fault. I followed
the 12V rail via R599 to an 11V zener
diode, then on to pin 8 of IC701 via
D598. This is the soft start-up voltage,
to fire the oscillator before it is taken
over by the 12V rail via D599. The
zener diode – ZD501 (13V) – checked
out OK.
It was time to review the situation.
At the moment of switch-on, the entire
set was apparently working OK. However, after a few seconds, something
was shutting down the oscillator and
the voltage on pin 8 of IC701 dropped
dramatically. One possibility was that
the microprocessor on the CPU board
was at fault, as it supplied the sync
input to pin 16 of IC701.
Some sets have an arrangement
whereby the set will switch off automatically after a few minutes when
a TV station closes down at night.
This is done by using a timer on the
sync input to the jungle IC, which
cuts off the horizontal oscillator. In
this case, I felt that this was unlikely
as the set rarely stayed on for more
than a minute.
It was only then that I noticed (and
recognised from the old Rank Arena
days) transistors Q2001 and Q2002
in an x-ray protection circuit. This
circuit shuts off the drive to Q501’s
varying, it settled down. Obviously
here was the problem but was it
the horizontal output transformer
or a problem with the EHT regulation? I put the second channel
of the CRO on the collector of
Q502 (pin 10, T502) and noted
that although the secondary
waveform on pin 2, was varying, the primary on pin 10
wasn’t. This was all I needed
to condemn the horizontal
output transformer.
I phoned Mr Wilson with
the good news that I had
found the fault. The bad
news, of course, was the need
to replace T502, its cost, and
the time taken to order the
replacement. He reluctantly
accepted the reality of the situation and a new one was ordered.
From then on, it was plain sailing. The transformer arrived in
a few days, was duly fitted and
the set returned. So far I haven’t
heard any more from it or the
The white line
base if the pulses from the horizontal
output transformer, T502 pin 2, go too
high (Q501 is the horizontal driver
transistor). And I remembered how
much trouble this little circuit used to
cause. The transistors became leaky,
their gain was critical and there were
modifications that had to be done to
the early versions.
I shorted test point TP2001 to chassis to disable the protection circuit
and the set stayed on indefinitely, so
I was at least on the right track. Unfortunately, after spending over half
an hour checking all the components
in this safety circuit I couldn’t find
anything wrong. Finally, I put the CRO
onto pin 2 of the horizontal output
transformer (T502) and checked the
waveform. As luck would have it,
the set now stayed on permanently
with or without TP2001 connected
to chassis.
I left the set on test and went on
with something else. Every so often
on my way to the kettle for a slurp at
my life support, I glanced at the set
and the CRO but everything was still
going fine. Eventually, I needed the
CRO for another job and so the NEC
was left alone, still switched on. Once
or twice, I think I noticed the width
vary momentarily but it may have
been an optical illusion.
Anyway, this went on for well over a
week and a rather petulant Mr Wilson
was now phoning quite frequently,
wanting to know when Lazarus could
come home. I told him the truth which
was a mistake, as he was singularly
unimpressed. Eventually, we finally
agreed that I would deliver it if it was
still working after one more week.
The day before delivery, the weather turned damp and when I switched
the set on that morning, it coughed
and died. I’m afraid I called it a few
nasty names but at least it had failed
before I’d delivered it to the customer. I reconnected the CRO and this
time I watched the waveform before
it died and I noticed it was getting
really large.
With TP2001 shorted to chassis
again, the set stayed on and though
the waveform was initially large and
M r s S i n c l a i r ’s To s h i b a
289X9M arrived unannounced
while I was out, with a note
attached describing the fault as
a “white line across the screen; was
intermittent, now permanent”.
Interestingly, the set modestly advertises that it can handle 18 different
TV systems. I didn’t even know there
were that many in use. However, I
suppose if one adds up all the small
differences, combinations and permutations between each country it
could be that many. The last list I saw
included CCIR system M, which made
13 systems – obviously there must be
at least five newer ones since then.
Australia has the peculiar distinction
of having two systems: CCIR B and
G (one system for VHF and another
for UHF).
Anyway, I digress. I was hoping the
fault might be attributable to dry joints
on the vertical output IC (IC303).
Access to the chassis – especially
the vertical timebase – was very poor.
However, my diagnosis was correct.
IC303 had several dry joints and I
hoped that resoldering would be all
that was necessary. Unfortunately, I
was too late; the fault was now permanent, the set having been run in
this condition for too long.
February 1999 57
Serviceman’s Log – continued
It didn’t take long to work out that
there was no voltage reaching pin 7 of
IC303 and this was due to R327 being
open circuit. In fact, it was so badly
burnt I couldn’t read its value and
I didn’t have a circuit for this exact
model. I did, however, have circuits
for the 289X7M and 289X8M models
but they each had a different value
for this part, one indicating 8.2Ω and
the other 4.7Ω. I chose a 10Ω resistor
as, at the time, I didn’t have anything
smaller. At switch-on, this component
began to smoulder, indicating a probable short in IC303.
I replaced the IC and at last had
a picture and the resistor ran cool.
The linearity was poor and this was
attributable to two red electrolytic
capacitors. Both C303 (1µF, 50V) and
C317 (2.2µF, 50V) had spat the dummy and leaked onto the board. After
cleaning up the corrosion and fitting
new 105°C capacitors, the picture
was at last perfect. I left it on soak
test for a day or two before the lady
picked it up.
However, that wasn’t the end of
the story. A week later it magically
reappeared, with another note saying
that there was a kink in the picture
about two-thirds of the way up the
screen. Disappointed, I rechecked and
replaced everything I had done, just in
case but it wasn’t until I replaced the
previously replaced R327, this time
with a smaller value (4.7Ω), that the
fault was finally cleared. I can only
surmise that the 10Ω resistor I had
fitted earlier had been weakened when
58 Silicon Chip
it smouldered and subsequently had
gradually increased in value.
Anyway, I have my fingers crossed
that this will be the last I see of this
set for quite a while. I’m sure Mrs
Sinclair feels the same.
A write-off
Mr Berry was very distressed;
someone had broken into his house
and tried to steal his TV set. I say
tried because the thief found that the
window was too small for the Philips
25GX1885 59cm model (Anubis BB
chassis) that he was trying to steal.
So in true caring style, the robber
dropped the set about a metre from
the window sill to the concrete floor
and then made his escape. Amazingly, the set still worked but the case
was cracked and the tube had a deep
scratch in it.
Fortunately, the set was insured so I
checked the replacement prices: $185
for the cabinet and $1035 for the tube.
The set only cost $999 new, complete
in its box, and the insurance company
took the logical option to replace it
with a new set.
So that let me off the hook. And, in
any case, I wouldn’t want a scratched
picture tube hanging around the shop
until it had been let down to air. I have
seen what an imploding tube can do
when it goes off.
Secondhand sets
And now for a change of pace. Some
time ago, I accumulated a number of
working secondhand sets and decided
to display them for sale in the shop.
If nothing else, it would get them out
of the way and bring in a few dollars.
One of these was a secondhand Teac
Televideo MV1440 which I switched
on every day. Although I have an
antenna distribution amplifier, there
were too many of these sets and not
enough antenna sockets for all of
them, so some were connected to
VCRs, some to the external antenna
and some to indoor antennas. Recep
tion from the external antenna is good
but, as I am located in a valley, it is
poor from an indoor antenna.
Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon
for someone to come in when I’m extremely busy and want to check out
every – and I mean every – item on display. This bloke chose such a moment
but wasn’t particularly interested in
any of the sets that were switched on
and running. Instead, he wanted to see
a 34cm NEC that was tucked on a top
shelf, in an inconvenient corner and,
of course, attached to only an indoor
antenna. I couldn’t persuade him that
any of the others was a better buy; he
was insistent that he should see this
one work.
I explained, “Yes, it works very well
but as it’s only connected to an indoor
antenna, there will be some ghosting”.
The customer seemed very intent on
this set so, after nearly killing myself,
I climbed up through a precariously
presented display, found the power
lead and plugged it in. The picture
was bright and sharp but obviously
ghosting and I could see that the customer’s eyes were glazing over and he
had moved onto the Teac Televideo
VCR which was playing tapes.
“Well?” I asked him, “do you want
the NEC”. “No”, he said; “I don’t want
a TV set with ghosting”. I tried to explain that the ghosting was only due
to the antenna but it was pointless; he
had completely lost interest and was
now intent on the Teac.
Obviously, this bloke had the attention span of a gnat. I had to work fast.
The Teac was easily accessible and
I could swap an antenna lead with
another set to demonstrate the off-air
reception. Now this set had been in
the window for months – for some
reason it just hadn’t sold. Not that I
had worried too much; I figured that
it would sell sooner or later.
Anyway, when I tried to demonstrate the off-air reception, the sound
was OK but there was no picture. I
Fig.1: the circuitry around the vertical output IC (IC303) in the Toshiba
289X9M. Dry joints on this IC sometimes cause problems but, in this case,
R327 had also burnt out.
didn’t panic immediately as I felt sure
that it was the AV switch incorporated
in the BNC socket that was sticking but
after fiddling with it for five minutes,
the customer said he would call back
later when it was working. “Yeah and
pigs might fly,” I thought.
Embarrassed and feeling somewhat
foolish, I picked up the offending
Televideo VCR and took it into the
workshop. I really couldn’t understand why it was working yesterday
but not now but I suppose this is
how everyone feels when something
breaks down.
I connected a signal generator into
the AV BNC socket and the set gave
a very clear picture. This could only
mean that the video was being lost
between the video detector and this
After removing the chassis, I followed the circuit back from the BNC
socket switch until it disappeared
underneath an electrolytic capacitor
soldered onto the copper side of the
board. This capacitor was anchored
by a black substance, which on closer
examination turned out to be the old
brown corrosive glue we all like to
curse. I removed the hardened black
substance and located the track underneath it, which had corroded clean
through. I then fitted a link across the
gap and reassembled the TV set.
It now worked perfectly and was
back in the showroom window with a
good antenna and running on Channel
9 for the cricket. Now I wonder – will
that bloke ever come back?
I thought it was just too bad that the
glue had corroded right through the
track in the last 12 hours – I deserve
The snowy Philips
Mr and Mrs Grogan own a Philips
28GR671 TV, which employs a G111-S
chassis. They live in a nice spot on the
side of a hill with magnificent views.
However, because the VHF transmitters are on the other side of the hill,
they were dependent on reception
from a UHF translator.
Because they were apparently not
getting good reception, especially on
SBS and Ch.2, they decided to subscribe to cable TV. However, when this
was installed they were still getting
snowy pictures, which indicated a
problem with the TV set itself.
In this case, the RF output of the
set-top converter was connected to
the antenna terminals of the TV set
via a combiner (the external antenna
fed the other input of the combiner).
This meant that, as far as the TV set
was concerned, the cable signals were
just like an off-air UHF signal.
Because everything was on UHF, I
was surprised to see that the higher
channels – 7, 9 and 10 on Band V –
were giving good reception; it was
just the lower ones on Band IV that
were snowy. I checked the antenna installation out and everything seemed
OK. I then connected the antenna to
a portable loan set I had with me and
there was no problem with that.
At this stage, I decided to put the
problem into the “too hard” basket
and to take the set back to the workshop. At least, I would have time to
think there and sort out this rather
perplexing problem.
When I subsequently connected the
set to my antenna, all the stations were
perfect with no snow at all. Puzzled
by this, I assumed that the set must
have come good in the truck on the
way back, and though I tried tapping,
heating and cooling, I couldn’t fault
the reception on any channel. In the
end, I could only take the set back to
the Grogans and make some rather
weak excuses.
When I finally got it back into its
resting place (no mean feat, as it is a
big and heavy set), I switched it on
and was horrified to see that it was
still snowy on the lower channel numbers. I just couldn’t believe it – what
was I overlooking? It just didn’t make
sense. I spent half an hour rechecking
thing before admitting defeat
and taking it back to the workshop
where, of course, the reception was
still perfect.
Eventually, I realised that it was
possibly an AGC fault. However, when
I adjusted the RF AGC control (VR
301212), I found that it was already set
to its optimal position and could take
the set from snow to signal overload
as expected.
Next I tried fitting a 6dB attenuator but this made no difference on
my powerful antenna distribution
system. However, when I got to 18dB
attenuation, I finally managed to recreate the situation the Grogans were
experiencing – the higher channels
were better than the lower ones. I
reached in to have another go at the
AGC control when my hand brushed
against the tuner and I noticed the
snow momentarily clear up.
Well, that was it. There was a bad
connection between the tuner’s metal case and the main metal chassis
frame. The problem was not that the
tuner wasn’t earthed, rather that it
wasn’t supplying a ground rail for
other circuits in the small signal, IF
and AGC areas. Anyway, that fixed up
the fault even when it was back at the
Grogans’ home.
February 1999 59
Model R/C helicopters; Pt.2
Following last month's introduction to flying
radio control helicopters, here we look at some
of the mechanical aspects. By any standard,
model helicopters are extremely complicated
In some respects, model helicopters
are more complex than real helicopters. They are more difficult to fly than
other R/C aircraft too but all of this is
part of the attraction; helicopters are
a lot of fun.
Flying one represents a complete
departure from the traditional aspects
of R/C model aircraft. In some respects
it is almost easier to have no previous
R/C aircraft experience when fronting
up to these exotic little machines.
This at least saves you from having to
unlearn heavily conditioned reflexes
built up over many years of fixedwing flying.
Last month I mentioned the problem of helicopter emergency procedures being the exact opposite to
those of fixed wing aircraft; in a fixed
wing aircraft we instinctively chop
the throttle and pull up elevator when
things suddenly go pear-shaped. In a
helicopter this would be catastrophic;
the correct course is usually to apply
full throttle and full forward cyclic
The latter course results in an increase in altitude from the increased
power, collective pitch and translational lift component introduced by
increasing the forward speed. It also
moves the helicopter into clean air,
away from any vortexes generated
during hovering.
These actions are quite contrary
to fixed-wing procedure. Add to this
the facts that helicopters obey a more
complex set of aerodynamic laws and
that building a model helicopter is
more akin to model engineering than
aircraft modelling in the traditional
sense. It then becomes obvious that
helicopter fliers live in a dramatically
different world to the conventional
Fig.1 is an isometric view of the
internals of a small modern helicopter, the Robbe Schluter Futura Super
Sport .60. The “.60” designation,
by the way, refers to the capacity of
engine required for the size of the
aircraft – in this case, 0.60 cubic inch
The Futura Super Sport .60 is an
interesting design featuring some
novel mechanical approaches to
A typical example of today’s radio controlled model helicopters is the Robbe Schluter Moskito Expert. Learning to fly an
aircraft like this will take the average person many, many hours and probably involve a fair number of “hard landings”.
60 Silicon Chip
Fig 1: some idea of the
complexity of a model
helicopter can be
gained by this
exploded view of the
Futura Super Sport .60
from the Robbe
Schluter catalog.
A more detailed view
of the power plant is
shown overleaf.
February 1999 61
Fig. 2: it is perhaps not surprising that things can, and do, go wrong. This drawing shows more detail of the engine,
cooling and starting components. Refer to the text for an explanation of many of the numbered parts.
long-standing problems. The main
transmission is fully exposed and the
designers have utilised a toothed belt
drive from the clutch bell to the first
driving pulley.
The idea of using the Cobb belt is
to isolate the vibration from the motor
as much as possible.
The system works well and reliably. It is interesting to note that Tony
Montanari, my old flying mate from
my days in the early 1970’s, built his
own helicopter back then and used
Cobb belts, so the idea is far from
new. I certainly prefer them to straight
gears. They are quieter, more durable
and much easier to replace, being
available almost anywhere.
Referring back to Fig.1, let us step
through the mechanics in logical order. The very first thing that hits you
is the overwhelming complexity of
the drawing. The machine is a maze of
linkages, drive belts and bits of metal,
all stuck together with a million nuts
and bolts. Where are the balsa, solar
62 Silicon Chip
film and plywood?
There isn’t any if the machine is
fitted with fibreglass rotor blades.
If you are an old-time modeller and
yearn for gluing bits of wood together
with Tarzan’s Grip then this is not the
game for you. About the only balsa
you will find in these models is on
the trailing edges of the composite
rotor blades.
Instead you must swap your modelling knives and razor planes for some
fairly fancy screwdrivers, Allen Key
sets, socket sets etc, for you are now
in the land of Meccano sets.
And here begins the first lesson.
Screws, nuts and bolts under constant
vibration will all tend to shake loose
over a period and extreme care must
be exercised in assembly to ensure
absolutely nothing ever comes adrift.
Believe me, it only takes one loose
screw to cause a very serious accident
with a model helicopter.
In the course of those three years of
helicopter flying, I learned an awful
lot in the hardest way possible. I once
had a throttle linkage come adrift
and the throttle stayed set at just on
neutral buoyancy, which meant that
the model was bouncing up and down
and drifting all over the field.
I was on my own at the time and
the model was the large Schluter
Huey-Cobra and with a full tank.
My main worry was that the throttle
would gradually vibrate to full throttle and the model become airborne.
With no collective and no autorotation, when the fuel finally ran out
there was going to be a messy result!
I had no alternative but to grab the
tail boom and get under the model
with the rotors whizzing inches from
my head.
I finally managed to remove the fuel
line and shut down the engine but that
is the sort of thing that can result in
serious personal injury.
There are many ways to lock screws
and nuts, Loktite being one of them.
Loktite will let go under fairly intense
heat but on the field it can be awkward
to make adjustments with Loktited
screws and nuts. My favourite method
is to use contact cement. It peels off
readily and can be dissolved with
methylated spirits if required. But it
holds those nuts and bolts under all
The opening photograph shows
a complete Robbe Schluter Moskito Expert as flown by Melbourne
helicopter whiz, Nick Csabafy. This
helicopter uses the more traditional
fully enclosed reduction gearbox,
with a reduction of around 1:9 or 1:10.
Amongst the millions of problems
facing the model helicopter pioneers,
gearbox reduction ratios were one of
the big ones.
Taking their lead from full-size helicopters, they were running the main
rotor too slowly. They had forgotten
the problems introduced by scale
effect. Once again Reynolds numbers
reared their ugly heads. Over and over
in model development we encounter
this problem.
Once rotor speeds were increased,
things started to move in the right
direction. Thus reduction ratios are
a very important factor in model
helicopter design. Reduction ratios
of 1:10 result in a main rotor speed
of approximately 1,000 RPM.
Referring to Fig.2 we can see that
the Futura is built around a pair of
cleverly designed “U” shaped plates
(4100). These provide the mounting
for the engine, transmission, main
rotor bearing blocks (4102, 4103),
tail boom (4135) and servo mounts.
In short, everything hangs off these
The fuselage for this model is similar to the Moskito shown in Photo
1. The beauty of this type of fuselage
shell is that all exhaust gases are
blown clear of the motor. Nick has
even fitted a tuned pipe exhaust to
his Moskito which pushes the exhaust
gases even further away from the carburettor. Now the point here is that
running a motor without a propeller
inside a completely enclosed fuselage gives rise to several very serious
First and most obvious is that
without the stream of air provided
by the propeller, the motor is going
to run very hot. Thus helicopters
use a cooling fan (item 4124) fitted
inside a streamlined housing to provide adequate cooling. While on this
point, the correct type of fuel is also
a very important issue in helicopters.
Incorrect oil types and mix ratios will
result in the engine overheating and
plenty of auto-rotation and engine
overhaul practice.
Secondly, it is most important to
ensure that the exhaust gases are
pumped outside the fuselage and that
they are not sucked back in during
extended hover in still air. These
gases are very hot and depleted of
oxygen. As the carburettor is gulping
great quantities of air it can draw in
these hot, oxygen-depleted gases,
further overheating the engine and
degrading the engine performance
markedly. Watch for exhaust leaks
after each flight and for telltale signs
of the exhaust gases being drawn back
into the fuselage during operation.
This was the most serious problem
we faced with the Huey Cobras. The
engines drowned in their own exhaust
effluent. Before we modified the
cooling arrangement the motors ran
hot and sagged badly, particularly in
hover. Large cooling gills cut in the
fuselage sides and covered with fine
mesh plus a ram air-scoop from the
dummy jet intake cured the problem
completely. The airflows around hovering helicopters are very complex
and can do some very strange things,
so stay alert to these types of problem,
particularly in still air.
Attached to the cooling fan is the
main clutch (4123) and the clutch
housing (4105) is integral with the
tooth belt pinion. In operation, the
clutch engages when the engine
RPM reach a pre-determined level.
It’s not all fun and games: model R/C helicopters have practical business uses too! Here an X-cell .60, built and flown by
Bob Haines from Brisbane, carries aloft a specially mounted video camera for aerial filming. Still cameras can also be
mounted in this way – they're especially popular with real estate agents. Sure beats $1000 an hour or more to hire a full
size helicopter!
February 1999 63
This allows the main rotor drive to
be disengaged for starting and to
ease the load on the engine when in
idle. The motors are started with an
electric starter and a boss is usually
provided to allow ready access for the
starter cone.
The belt drives the first reduction
gear, a Nylon-toothed pulley (3099)
which is fitted with a second reduction pinion (4114). This drives the
second reduction gear (3099), an internal straight cut gear. From here the
drive goes straight to the main rotor
via an elaborate set of bearings, the
most important of which is item 4448,
the Sprague clutch. This is a special
type of bearing that free-wheels in one
direction and locks up in the other
Its function is to allow the main
rotor to be driven from the motor but
when the motor stops the main rotor
can free-wheel to allow auto-rotative
decent. This is the heart of the modern
I once fitted one of these bearings
to an early Kavan Jet-Ranger that was
not designed for auto-rotation. However, I thought I would get smart and
separate the collective and throttle
controls at the same time, in order to
make practicing auto-rotations easier. What a mistake! I got excited on
the first flight and reduced the pitch
without reducing the throttle.
The rotor RPM shot up and I could
literally see the blades stretching in
front of my eyes. I thought the blades
were going to come off. We had all
heard horror story of blades coming
off and I thought this was it. I chopped
the throttle and the Sprague clutch
disengaged and the blades kept flying
around at the same speed. It seemed
to take forever for those blades to slow
down but at least they stayed on the
The most amazing thing however
was that all I had to do to stop the
blades was gradually increase the
pitch. I could have done that without
increasing the engine RPM and re-engaging the main clutch. Instead I just
stood there mesmerised by the whirling rotor blades. It was a classic case
of inadequate training in emergency
procedures. You just cannot approach
any aviation-related activity with a
half-baked mental attitude.
You are in boots and all, right from
the moment that aircraft leaves the
ground, because you only get one go
64 Silicon Chip
Fig. 3: gyroscopic precession means that an action expected to occur at one
point will actually occur about 90 degrees of blade rotation later. Thus to raise
the rear of the helicopter (the action at point B) the control must be exerted at
point A, which would normally be expected to give forward/aft control.
and it has to be right the first time. I
went straight back to the factory and
re-coupled the collective and throttle
servos. All went well after that.
Item 4418 is the bevel gear drive for
the tail rotor. The tail rotor is fitted
with a pitch control mechanism and
provides the anti-torque stabilisation
as well as the yaw control. Because the
motor is driving the main rotor in one
direction, the fuselage will attempt to
rotate in the opposite direction.
The tail rotor prevents this from
occurring, however it does introduce
a complication. There is a reaction
set up that pushes the helicopter
sideways and this must be offset by
some tilt in the main rotor disc. We
will look at this next month in the
flying section.
The main rotor assembly is made up
of the two main blades and two smaller paddles. The action of the paddles
is quite complex but essentially they
are the equivalent of trim tabs on
fixed-wing aircraft. The cyclic pitch
controls are fed into the paddles and
the paddles move the main blades.
There is an added complication
here in the form of gyroscopic precession. This means that any control
variation must be introduced 90° out
of phase with the main rotor location.
The action occurs 90° later (in the
direction of the rotor rotation).
Thus to raise the rear of the rotor
disc to move the helicopter forward,
the correct blade must be increased in
pitch on the forward (rotational) side
of the helicopter – see Fig.3
Is it any wonder that the early pioneers had so much trouble getting
these things to work?
They are a brilliant piece of engineering and are now commonplace
and quite manageable, even for tyro
modellers. The human mind never
ceases to amaze me. In technology
nothing seems impossible. Sadly in
sociology, nothing seems possible!
The swash plate is the rotor head
control centre. This plate is tilted for
cyclic control and raised and lowered
for collective pitch control. This is
the plate in Fig.1 at the bottom of the
maze of linkages just below the rotor
and paddle junction.
A single screw is used to anchor
the main rotor blades in the modern
helicopter. This allows self-alignment
of the blades plus it largely eliminates
the danger of a blade splitting between
multiple bolt holes, especially if the
tip strikes the ground. This was a
major cause of blades flying off in the
early days.
The rest of the helicopter is largely
made up of brackets for mounting the
servos, receiver, battery pack, switch
harness, gyro and fuel tank. Anchor
points are also provided for mounting
the fuselage shell. All in all, it is a
very impressive package.
The second photograph shows an
interesting twist: a helicopter fitted
with a video camera. The model is an
X-cell heli by Bob Haines in Brisbane
(photo courtesy Max Tandy). Next
month we will look at flying one of
these little devils.
My thanks to: (1) Nick Csabafy, N. C.
Helicopter Services, Vic. (2) Max Tandy
Helicopters, Qld. (3) Drawings; Robbe
Schluter, Germany.
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February 1999 65
Build A Digital
Capacitance Meter
Got a junk box with a stack of capacitors with
the values rubbed off? Maybe you are building a
filter & need to match some capacitors closely.
Or maybe you just can’t read the capacitor
labels. This neat little Capacitance Meter will
soon let you check their values. It measures
capacitors from a few picofarads up to 2µF.
Every multimeter will read resistance values but few will read capacitance or if they do, they don’t read
a wide enough range. This unit can
be built in several forms. It can be a
self-contained unit with its own digital
display or it can be built as a capacitance adaptor to plug into your digital
66 Silicon Chip
multimeter. And you can run it from
batteries or an AC or DC plugpack.
Our preferred option is to build it
as a self-contained instrument running
from a DC plugpack. Batteries are OK
but we prefer to do without them
wherever possible. If you only use
the item on infrequent occasions, the
batteries always seem to be flat.
Our new Digital Capacitance Meter
is a simple instrument with no-frills
operation. It is housed in a small
plastic utility box with an LCD panel
meter and a 3-position switch labelled
pF, nF and µF. There are two terminal
posts for connection of the capacitor
to be checked and no On/Off switch.
To turn it on, you plug in your 12V
The unit will measure capacitance
values from just a few picofarads up
to 2µF. Its accuracy depends on calibration but it should be within ±2%.
Theory of operation
The theory of operation of the capacitance meter is simple and is illustrated in Fig.1. We apply a square wave to
Parts List
1 main PC board, code
04101991, 89 x 48mm
1 switch PC board, code
04101992, 44 x 30mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 68 x 41mm,
Jaycar HB-6013 or equivalent
1 front panel label, 120 x 55mm
1 3-pole 4-position rotary switch
1 knob to suit switch, Jaycar HK7020 or equivalent
1 power input socket, 2.1mm x
5.5mm, Jaycar PS-0522 or
1 red binding post
1 black binding post
2 3mm x 10mm countersunk
head screws
4 3mm nut
2 3mm star washer
1 20kΩ multi-turn top adjust
trimpot (VR1)
1 2kΩ multi-turn top adjust
trimpot (VR2)
1 100kΩ vertical trimpot (VR3)
1 74HC132 quad NAND Schmitt
trigger (IC1)
one input of an exclusive-OR gate and
feed the same square wave through a
resistor to charge the capacitor we are
measuring. The voltage on the capacitor is fed to the other input of the XOR
gate. While the capacitor’s voltage is
below the input switching threshold
the output of the gate will be high
(+5V). An XOR gate’s output is low
when both inputs are the same (low
or high) and high when they differ.
The larger the value of the capacitor the longer it will take to reach the
threshold and consequently the higher
the duty cycle of the output pulse
waveform (ie, wide pulses). Putting it
another way, if the capacitor is small,
it won’t take long for it to charge and
so the resulting pulses will be very
narrow. This pulse waveform is integrated (filtered) and fed to a voltmeter.
The circuit time constants are arranged
to make the voltage reading directly
proportional to capacitance.
How it works
Of course, like all theory, the practical realisation is a lot more complicat-
1 74HC86 quad exclusive-OR
gate (IC2)
1 TL071, FET-input op amp
1 2N2222, 2N2222A NPN
transistor (Q1)
1 78L05 5V 100mA regulator
2 1N914 signal diodes (D1,D2)
4 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 .01µF MKT polyester
1 12pF NPO ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 8.2MΩ
1 15kΩ
1 820kΩ
1 10kΩ
2 220kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
1 20kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
Panel Meter Option
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1.5MΩ
2 20kΩ
3 100kΩ
4 10kΩ
1 39kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 100kΩ vertical trimpot (VR4)
Battery Option
1 SPST toggle switch (S2)
1 9V battery (216)
1 battery clip to suit
Plugpack Option
1 12VDC or 9VAC plugpack
1 panel mounting socket to suit
1 78L05 5V 100mA regulator
1 3.9V 400mW/500mW zener
diode (ZD1)
1 1N4004 1A power diode
1 470µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2kΩ resistor (0.25W, 1%)
1 panel meter, Jaycar QP5550 or
1 TL071 FET-input op amp (IC4)
1 0.1µF MKT polyester capacitor
Hookup wire, machine screws &
nuts, solder.
ed. The circuit of the Capacitance Meter
is shown in Fig.2 and you may find
difficulty in seeing any resemblance
between it and the simple circuit of
Fig.1. Never fear; we will explain it all.
First, IC1a is a Schmitt trigger oscillator and it oscillates at a rate determined
by the switched resistors and the .01µF
capacitor. IC1a has an output frequency of 16kHz on the pF range, 160Hz
on the nF range and 16Hz on the µF
range. The (approximate) square wave
output is buffered and inverted by
gates IC2b, IC2c and IC2d which have
their outputs wired in parallel. These
outputs are fed directly to pins 9 and
12 of IC1 and through trimpot VR2 and
the 15kΩ resistor to the capacitor we
are measuring (CUT).
The XOR gate IC2a corresponds to
the single XOR gate shown in Fig.1.
Note that Q1, the transistor that discharges the ca
pacitor at the end of
each charge cycle, is a 2N2222. This
has been specified instead of the more
common varieties such as BC547 or
BC337, in order to get sufficiently fast
switching times.
Fig.1: this is the
principle of the
Digital Capacitance
Meter. A square wave
is fed to an XOR gate
and the time delay in
charging the
capacitor produces a
pulse waveform with
its duty cycle
proportional to the
February 1999 67
Fig.2: this circuit can be built as a
capacitance adaptor for a digital
multimeter or as a self-contained
instrument with its own LCD panel
meter. It can be powered from a 9V
battery or a DC plugpack, in which
case the circuit involving REG2 is
We use two of the Schmitt NAND
gates of IC1 (74HC132) as the inputs
to IC2a and this has been done to
ensure that these inputs make very
fast transitions between low and high
and vice versa. Without the Schmitt
trigger inputs, the XOR gate circuit of
Fig.1 tends to have an indeterminate
performance and the pulse output can
be irregular.
The “capacitor under test” (CUT)
charges via VR2 and the 15kΩ resistor and eventually the voltage at the
input of IC1c (pin 10) will reach its
switching threshold and pin 8 will go
low. The capacitor is then discharged
by transistor Q1 which is driven from
the output of oscillator IC1a. The cycle
then repeats, with the capacitor being
charged again. The waveforms of Fig.3
illustrate the circuit operation.
This output pulse from IC2a is integrated by a 220kΩ resistor and a 1µF
capacitor to provide a DC potential to
the pin 3 input of op amp IC3, which
is connected as a voltage fol
Trimpot VR3 is used to set the output
at pin 6 to zero when the input is zero.
This “offset adjust” is most important
as an offset as low as 1mV is equivalent to a reading of 1pF on the most
sensitive range.
Since the output of IC3 must be able
to swing to zero, IC3 needs a negative
supply rail and this is provided by
IC1b which is connected as a 10kHz
oscillator. Its square wave output is
rectified by diodes D1 & D2 in a diode
pump circuit. The resulting DC supply
is about -3V.
Stray capacitance
Even with no external capacitor connected, the stray capacitance on the PC
boards and the interconnecting-wiring
will have to charge and discharge. This
stray capacitance will thus be seen by
the rest of the circuit as a capacitor
connected across the terminals. In effect, the stray capacitance will slightly
slow the charging and discharging of
the real capacitor under test.
68 Silicon Chip
To compensate for the stray capacitance, we’ve added a delay circuit to
the pin 13 input of IC1d. The idea is to
provide the same delay to IC1d as the
stray capacitance causes to pin 10 of
IC1c. Then both delays will cancel out.
The delay circuit consists of a variable
resistor (VR1) and a 12pF capacitor.
VR1 can be adjusted so that with no
external capacitor connected, the output of IC2a (pin 11) always stays low.
So far then we have described all
the circuit you need if you plan to use
your multimeter as the readout. The
output of IC3 is can be fed directly to
a digital multimeter and the reading in
mV corresponds to the capacitance in
pF, nF or µF. So if the reading is 0.471V
and you are switched to the pF range,
the capacitance is 471pF.
Digital panel meter
Unfortunately, we can’t simply
feed the output of IC3 to a digital
panel meter to make the instrument
self-contained. This is because currently available digital panel meters
appear to take their reference from
their 9V supply rail and so their input
voltage needs to be offset with respect
to the 0V line. That means that the
panel meter usually needs a separate
isolated 9V power supply which could
be a big drawback.
Fortunately, John Clarke has figured out an elegant way to solve the
As the negative input of the panel
meter sits around 2.6-2.8V below the
positive rail (say 6.3V for a 9V supply),
we need an op amp to shift the output
of IC3 from a 0-1.999V range to a 6.38.2999V range. IC4 does this for us.
The output of IC3 is attenuated by
a factor of 4 by the two 20kΩ resistors
and the 10kΩ resistor connected to pin
3 of IC4, while the gain of 2 is determined by the 10kΩ feedback resistors
connected to pin 2. The 1.5MΩ resistor
has a negligible effect.
Thus, the 0-1.999V variation at the
output of IC3 is translated to a 1V
swing at the input of the digital panel
meter. Resistors RA and RB are chosen
to be 10kΩ and 39kΩ respectively for
the meter’s attenuator, which gives
it a full scale sensitivity of 1V for a
display of 1999.
Trimpot VR4 sets the panel meter’s
readout to zero when the output of
IC3 is zero. The decimal points on
the display are all tied to the OFF
connection through 100kΩ resistors.
Fig.3: these waveforms show the operation of XOR gate IC2a. The bottom
trace is the oscillator square wave while the top trace is the output with
a small capacitor under test. The middle trace shows the output
waveform for a larger capacitor. The output waveform is then integrated
(filtered) to produce a DC voltage which is proportional to capacitance.
To illuminate a decimal point it is
connected to the ON terminal by S1b,
the second pole of the range switch.
Power supply
As already noted, the Capacitance
Meter can be run from a 9V battery
or from a DC or AC plugpack. If you
plan to use a 9V battery, then you will
have to fit an on/off switch instead of
the plugpack socket. The 9V battery
then feeds the panel meter, IC3 and
IC4 directly and the 3-terminal 5V
regulator REG1.
REG1 supplies CMOS gates IC1 and
IC2. This is necessary to ensure that
the meter’s calibration does not vary
with changing supply voltage.
If you plan to use a plugpack, more
circuitry is required and this involves
diode D3 and the additional 3-terminal regulator REG2.
Diode D3 ensures that a DC plug
pack cannot cause any damage if it
is connected with the wrong lead
polarity. It then feeds REG2 which is
jacked up by 3.9V zener diode ZD1 so
that it delivers 8.9V to IC3, IC4 and
the digital panel meter. REG2 also
supplies REG1.
PC board assembly
The Digital Capacitance Meter uses
two PC boards as well as the digital
panel meter. The main PC board
houses most of the circuitry while
there is a smaller board for the range
switch. Before starting assembly,
check each PC board for defects such
as shorted or broken copper tracks
or undrilled holes. The diagram of
Fig.4 shows the details of the two PC
boards and all the interconnecting
You can begin by assembling the
switch board which mounts just the
3-position switch and three resistors.
Note that the specified switch is a
3-pole 4-position rotary type and it
will have to be changed to give just
three positions. This is done by removing the switch nut and washer,
then prising up the flat washer which
has a tongue on it. Move the tongue
to the next anticlockwise hole and
refit the washer and nut. It may sound
complicated but once you are actually doing it, it will be straightforward.
Make sure the switch provides three
positions before you solder it to the
Next, fit and solder the links, resistors and diodes into the main board,
then mount the trimpots, capacitors,
3-terminal regulators and transistor.
By the way, the 78L05 regulators
February 1999 69
Fig.4: this is the complete wiring
of the Digital Capacitance Meter.
The LCD panel meter is shown
as well as the optional regulator
(REG2) required for plugpack
Fig.5: this diagram shows the
connections and formulas to be
used when calculating a
capacitor’s value for the
calibration method. The digital
multimeter used is assumed to
have a typical accuracy of 2%.
Once everything fits OK, wire the
boards together following Fig.4 carefully. Make the leads long enough to
be able to test the unit on the bench
but not too long or they will be a nuisance when assembling the boards
into the case.
When all the wiring is complete,
check your work carefully and then
apply power to the unit. The display should light and you should be
able to make some measurements
on capacitors although the readings
probably won’t be too close to the
mark at this stage. It will be need to
be calibrated.
Calibration procedure
look like ordinary plastic TO-92 transistors because they have the same
encapsulation. They don’t work like
transistors though, so don’t confuse
them with the TO-18 metal-encapsulated 2N2222 transistor.
Finally, mount the op amps and
lastly, the two CMOS ICs.
Once the two PC boards are assembled, it is time to work on the plastic
case which needs the cutout for the
70 Silicon Chip
LCD panel meter and the other holes
drilled. The specified panel meter
comes with a bezel surround so you
don’t need to be ultra-neat when
making the cutout for it.
It is easier to drill all the holes
in the plastic case and check that
everything fits before wiring the units
together. If you don’t intend to use
the LCD panel meter you may be able
to use a slightly smaller case.
Now that you have a working capacitance meter how do you calibrate
it? We have used 1% resistors on
the range switch, so range-to-range
accuracy should be within 1%. The
basic accuracy of the instrument
is set by the .01µF capacitor at the
input of IC1a, along with VR2 and
the associated 15kΩ resistor. The
input thresholds of IC1 also affect
the accuracy. These input thresholds
can have a variation in excess of 1V
from device to device, when using a
5V supply.
If we could get a precise .01µF
capacitor we could specify an exact
resistor value to replace the 15kΩ
resistor and trimpot VR2. Unfortunately, this would not solve the
input threshold variation problem.
These two photos show how the PC
boards and the LCD module all fit
inside the plastic case. Note that the
LCD module is optional – see text.
As well, virtually all MKT capacitors
have 10% tolerance (K), so we accept
the supplied value of the capacitor
and adjust the trimpot to calibrate
the meter.
Having said all this, we still need
an accurately known value of capacitor to carry out the calibration.
One way is to obtain five or more of
the same value (preferably .015µF or
.018µF) and measure them all using
the uncalibrated meter. Having measured them, add up the values and
calculate the average and then use
the capacitor which is closest to the
average as the calibration unit. The
problem with this method is that the
whole batch could have its tolerance
in the same direction.
If you have a digital multimeter
there is a much better way. Power up
an AC plugpack and set your DMM
to read AC volts. Connect a 150kΩ
resistor and a .015µF or .018µF capacitor in series across the AC output.
Measure the AC voltage across each.
We then use the formula shown in
Fig.5 to calculate the capacitor value.
By measuring the voltage across
the resistor we can calculate the
current through the capacitor and
February 1999 71
on the panel meter’s PC board until
the correct reading is displayed.
Fault finding
Digital Capacitance Meter
Fig.6: this actual size artwork for the front panel can be used as a drilling template for the switch and the display cutout.
we then divide the capacitor voltage by the capacitor current to find
its impedance. This method should
give you an accuracy better than
2%, depending on your multimeter’s
AC performance, although it does
assume that the mains frequency is
exactly 50Hz.
Once you know the capacitor’s
value you can use it to do the calibration. Firstly, with power applied
and nothing connected to the input
terminals, connect your multimeter
to pins E & F on the main PC board.
Adjust trimpot VR1 until the DC
voltage at pin 11 of IC2 is a minimum
(5-10mV depending on the setting of
Fig.7: the actual size
artworks for the two PC
boards. Check your boards
carefully before installing
the parts.
VR3). Note that it dips to a minimum
then rises again. Then adjust VR3
until the meter reading is 0mV.
Connect the known capacitor
to the input terminals and, on the
appropriate range, adjust trimpot
VR2 for the correct reading. If you
get close but cannot reach the value,
add an extra capacitor in parallel
with the .01µF capacitor on pin
2 of IC1, as explained in the fault
finding section.
If you elected to use the Digital
Panel Meter, carryout the calibration described above, then adjust
VR4 for a zero reading with no capacitor connected. This done, connect the standard capacitor across
the terminals and adjust the trimpot
The first check to make, if the circuit is not working, is to measure the
DC voltages. Check that the input to
REG1 is around 9V with either battery
or plugpack supply. Its output should
be 5V ±5%. If any of these voltages
are missing, you will have to trace
from where they are present along the
track (or tracks) to where they vanish.
Obviously, if the 9V battery supply
measures low or 0V, disconnect it
quickly as you may have a short and
the battery will be rapidly flattened.
For this reason, it is wise to use a
bench power supply with an ammeter, if you have one, to do the initial
Next, check the negative voltage at
pin 4 of IC3. This voltage will vary depending on the current drawn by IC4
but it should be somewhere around
-3V. If there is no negative voltage, it
is likely that IC1b is not oscillating,
so check the soldering and tracks
around this device and the polarities
of D3 and D4. When it is oscillating
the DC voltage at pin 6 should be
about +2.3V. The AC voltage should
be around 2.75V.
Similar DC and AC readings should
be present at pins 3 and 12 of IC1 and
pins 3, 6 & 8 of IC2. If you discover
any voltages that are wildly different
then you have found one (or all) of
your faults.
If you cannot adjust trimpot VR2
to get the meter reading high enough
then add a 470pF or .001µF capacitor
in parallel with the .01µF capacitor at
pin 2 of IC1. Provision has been made
on the PC board for this additional
capacitor. The value will depend
on all the component tolerances, as
previously explained.
Using it
Always start from the pF range
and turn the switch clockwise if the
readout indicates over-range.
The pF range covers from 1-1999pF;
the nF range covers 0.1nF to 199.9nF
(or if you prefer .0001µF to .1999µF);
and the last range covers .001µF to
1.999µF. If you don’t like nanofarads,
and would like the middle range to
display µF, disconnect the P1 decimal
point wire from S1b. Of course, you
will have to alter the label lettering to
agree with this modification.
72 Silicon Chip
Do you have problems with your infrared
remote controls? Are their batteries dead or is
it just that some of the buttons are not working?
These and other questions involving remote
controls can be readily answered with this
handy tester.
Everyone loves their remote controls, don’t they? Whether they are
used to mute those irritating adverts
on TV or to fast-forward through
adverts on taped programs, they are
a real boon. And of course, they are
used on a multitude of other appliances these days so we are really lost
and frustrated when they don’t work.
It is at these times that remote
controls are instantly con
v erted
from items of utmost convenience
to items of extreme frustration. How
do you test them? You can’t see the
infrared beam that they are supposed
to emit so you don’t know if they are
functioning or not. Then again, they
might be functioning as far as some of
the buttons are concerned and others
might be dead. How do you find out?
On TV sets and other appliances
which have an “acknowledge” LED,
it is easy. Each time you press a
button on the TV’s remote control,
the “acknowledge” LED flashes and
you are instantly assured that all is
well. But the “acknowledge” LED
most likely doesn’t work when other
remote controls are pointed at it, so
there’s no help there. Some remotes
also have a telltale red LED and thus
they provide a good indication that
they are working; most don’t.
If you have a camcorder or video
camera you can generally use it to
check whether your remote is working. Just point it directly at the camera
and you will see the telltale flashes
in the viewfinder or monitor while a
button is pressed. How so? Because
most video cameras will respond to
infrared light.
But while that is handy to know,
it is not the most convenient setup if
you are plagued with a pesky remote
control that just does not want to
behave and do what it’s supposed to.
These thoughts were prompted by
my recent bout of wrestling with a
cantankerous remote control. It had
been becoming increasingly unreliaFebruary 1999 73
Fig.1: the circuit is based on an
infrared detector module which
drives the LED directly.
ble over a period of a few months. The
various users in the family responded
by slapping it, pressing its buttons
more fiercely and ultimately (shame)
by saying unseemly words to it. None
of these seemed to work as a cure.
Coincidentally, the remote control
tester to be described arrived in the
SILICON CHIP offices and I pounced on
it. The idea is simple. It has a membrane key on the small case. You press
it and then simultaneously press a
button on your suspect remote. If it
is working a LED on the remote tester
flashes brightly, in time with the data
modulated onto the infrared carrier.
This is far more convenient than
aiming the suspect remote at your TV.
The circuit of the remote control
tester is shown in Fig.1. It consists
simply of a 9V battery, a pushbutton
switch, a LED and an infrared receiver
module, M1. This infrared receiver
module is contained in a compact
tinplate case which houses a tiny
PC board. This mounts an infrared
This is how the PC board
looks when all the parts
are installed.
detector diode, a surface mount
preamplifier chip and number of
other surface mount components. The
module would normally be mounted
behind a window in the front panel
of a TV, VCR, CD player or whatever
and would normally drive decoder
In this case, we don’t need any
decoding. Instead, we want the tester
to respond when any button on any
IR remote control is pressed. That
it does and it lights the LED on
its front panel for as long as any
button on the remote handpiece
is pressed.
The module has inbuilt
current limiting so it can
drive the red LED directly,
without resistors or any
other components being
Building it
The circuit of Fig.1 is so simple
that you really don’t need a PC board
to build it but one is available as part
of a kit from Oatley Electronics. The
kit comprises a surplus PC board, a
9V battery snap connector, a high
brightness red LED, the infrared receiver chip, a membrane switch and
a small plastic case measuring 123 x
36 x 23mm.
The PC board measures 60 x 30mm
and has been designed for a more
complex circuit so there are a lot of
vacant component positions. The
photos show how the PC board is
wired and how it sits in the case. Fig.2
shows the wiring layout.
Putting it together will only take
a few minutes but you do have to
be careful with the polarity of the
infrared detector, the LED and of
course, the battery wires. The infrared
detector module straddles one end of
the PC board and lugs on the tinplate
case are soldered to adjacent copper
pads on the PC board.
The positive battery wire passes
through a hole in the PC board and
is then wired directly to pin 2 on the
module. The LED is wired directly
across pins 1 & 2 on the module as
well. The negative lead from the battery is wired to the membrane switch
and then to pin 3 on the module.
When you have the unit complete,
connect the battery and press the
membrane switch. The LED should
flash once. Then if you aim an infrared remote control at it and press
a button, the LED should flash for
as long as the buttons are pressed.
Remember though, you also need to
keep the membrane switch on the
tester pressed.
Fixing remote controls
Well, once you have an infrared
tester you will certainly be able to
work out whether your remotes are
working or not and whether some
buttons are defective. But it is entirely
another matter to fix them.
Let me tell you the story of the
remote control that started this story.
Well, the tester indicated that the
remote was indeed malfunctioning
and the TV was OK. But where was
the fault because one or two of the
74 Silicon Chip
The PC board
assembly sits at the
top end of the case,
with the battery
occupying the other
end. Take care to
ensure correct battery
polarity – the
negative lead goes to
the switch.
buttons would work some of the time?
The first step was to check the
batteries, two AA cells being used
in this case. They were around 1.4V
each and although not fresh out of
the carton, they certainly should have
been good enough to run the circuit.
Most remotes will run quite happily
with cells that are down to 1.2V and
some will work with a lot less.
Mind you, the batteries are often
not the problem but corrosion of the
battery terminals can be quite obvious
when you take the trouble to look.
This can be most easily cleaned off
using a Scotch-Brite or similar scouring pad. Don’t use steel wool as it is
difficult, if not impossible, to ensure
that there are no strands of it left to
cause problems later.
While there was some corrosion on
the battery terminals of this cantankerous remote, that was not the problem. It still would not work reliably.
There was nothing for it but to pull
it apart. This involved removing one
screw on the back and then prising
the case carefully apart. That revealed
a long narrow PC board with just one
surface-mount IC, the infrared LED
and the contact patterns underneath
each rubber button. There were no
other components.
Older remotes can be expected to
have quite a few components on the
board and sometimes the fault can be
a fractured component or a broken
solder connection. This happens
because remote controls are often
dropped or sat upon.
In the case of this remote the
problem turned out to be blindingly
obvious. Not only had quite a lot of
food residue worked its way inside
the case around the buttons and along
the joins in the case but the PC board
itself was wet! A sticky liquid was
held between the rubber button sheet
Fig.2: this is the wiring layout of the remote control tester. It uses a surplus
PC board which fits into a small plastic case.
and the PC board. No doubt someone
had spilt drink over it at some stage.
Drink residues, especially beer
and cola, can be surprisingly hard to
remove in this situation and since the
PC board was largely bare in this case
I decided to clean it up using kitchen
detergent, thoroughly rinsed off with
clean water. I was sorely tempted to
dunk the whole PC board into the
washing-up detergent but thought
better of it. I also cleaned the rubber
keyboard membrane but this job must
be done carefully because it easy to
inadvertently remove the resistive
coating on the back of each button. It
is this resistive coating which completes the circuit for each button and
activates the remote control.
Having carefully rinsed off all the
detergent from the PC board and
Where To Buy The Kit
The complete kit for the remote
control tester is avail
able from
Oatley Electronics for just $5.95,
not including the 9V battery. They
also have the infrared detectors
available at $2 each or 10 for $15.
Oatley Electronics’ phone number
is (02) 9584 3563; fax (02) 9584
the keyboard membrane, the drink
residue appeared to be completely
removed but it turned out not to
be the whole cure. While it worked
better when it was reassembled, it
still would occasionally refuse to respond when some of the buttons were
pressed. And even more irritating,
sometimes none of the buttons would
work! OK, I then cleaned the board
and the button membrane again, this
time using methylated spirits.
This turned out to be effective and
the remote control then worked reliably – for a whole week! At the end of
that time, the most used button just
fell out! As you might expect, some
more unseemly words were uttered.
Several times!
There is no way that the missing
button could be stuck back into place
and since it was the one used to mute
the commercials, the whole situation
was rather frustrating. But wait!
There is a solution. I will replace
the missing button with a PC mount
snap action switch. They’re available
from Jaycar, Dick Smith Electronics
and Altronics, in various colours for
a dollar or so.
Yes, I will have to ream out the
button opening in the case but I’m
going to fix this remote, come hell or
high water!
February 1999 75
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
24V output for
trickle charger
The 12V trickle charger
featured in the October
1998 issue of SILICON CHIP
created quite a deal of interest but inevitably some
readers wanted additional
In particular, some people wanted to be able to
trickle charge motorcycle
batteries and 24V battery
systems in recreational
vehicles and on boats.
To achieve this, a bigger
transformer and a 2-pole
3-position switch is required. The transformer
(Altronics M-2170 or equiv
alent) has two tapped secondaries which are wired
in series as shown on the
circuit diagram. One pole
of the switch selects the
voltage fed to the bridge
rectifier, while the other pole varies the
voltage monitoring network associated
with transistor Q1.
audible alarm
Those readers who were interested in the timed audible alarm in the
January 1999 issue of SILICON CHIP
may like to consider this circuit
which will do the same job.
IC1a, a Schmitt trigger NAND
gate, oscillates at a low frequency
when power is applied and this
signal alternately flashes the green
or red LEDs which are driven via
IC1b and IC1c, respectively.
Gate IC1d provides the timer
part of the circuit. Initial
ly, the
33µF capacitor at pins 12 & 13 is
discharged and the output at pin 11
is high. This will cause the piezo
76 Silicon Chip
A larger heatsink than before will
be required for the 2N3055 power
transistor and the larger transformer
buzzer to sound each
time the output of
IC1a goes low.
The 33µF capacitor then charges
and takes pins 12 &
13 above the input
threshold of IC1d and
this causes pin 11 to
go low, thus stopping
the buzzer. The LEDs
will continue to flash
until the power is
Note that diode D1 prevents
reverse current flow through the
buzzer when pin 3 is high and pin
11 is low. Note also that the buzzer
must have its own inbuilt driver
will necessitate a bigger case than the
unit originally specified.
oscillator for this circuit to work.
Temperature controlled
fan for power amplifiers
This circuit could be employed
to switch the fan for large power
amplifiers which require forcedair cooling, especially those with
two heatsinks, such as the 500W
unit described in the August 1997
Two transistors are used as temperature sensors and one of these
may be mounted on each heatsink.
The temperature control method
relies on the temperature coefficient of the base-emitter voltage
of a silicon transistor. This voltage falls approximately 2mV per
degree of temperature rise.
One transistor or two can be
used as the temperature sensors, in
this case Q1a and Q1b. Their common base-emitter voltage can be
Bedside lamp/tape
recorder timer
This circuit will automatically
switch off a bedside light and/or tape
player after a nominated time. Sure,
there are plenty of timers capable of
doing the job but they can be difficult
to set, since a start and finishing time
is required. For a bedside lamp you
don’t want to have to set these times
each time you use it.
The device described here operates
from a single push of a button. It
controls both a bedside lamp and a
cassette player and you can use either
or both. It has two preset times, of 29
and 43 minutes, to cater for common
tape lengths.
IC1 is a 4060 timer/oscillator with
set between
350mV and
640mV by
trimpot VR1.
With a fixed
curre nt and
an ambient
of 20°C, the
voltage (Vbe) of the BD139 is about
625mV. If Vbe is set to say 545mV,
the transistor will not conduct
until its Vbe falls to 545mV; ie, the
junction temperature has to reach
60°C. The BD139s must be fixed to
the heatsinks using thermal compound and insulating hardware.
The BD680 driving the relay is
its oscillator frequen
cy set by the
components connected to pins 9, 10
& 11. The components at pin 12 provide a power-on reset. In operation,
each of the 10 available outputs go
high in sequence and this circuit uses
two of those outputs, Q12 & Q13, and
these are fed to switch S2 and diodes
D3 & D4.
When S2 is set to the 29-minute
position, the Q13 output eventually
goes high and turns on SCR1. This
removes the input voltage from the
solid state relay and so the bedside
lamp or tape recorder is turned off.
When S2 is set to the 43-minute
position, the Q12 and Q13 outputs
are fed to an AND gate consisting of
diodes D3 & D4. This means that when
the Q13 output eventually goes high,
a Darlington device. If only one
heatsink is used, only one BD139 is
required. The LED can be mounted
on the front panel to show when
the fan is on. The relay can be used
to control a 12V fan or a 240VAC
fan if it has suitably rated contacts.
S. Williamson,
Hamilton, NZ. ($25)
the Q12 output is low and so the net
output fed to the switch is still low.
After a further 15 minutes, Q12 goes
high and now both AND gate inputs
are high, allowing the SCR to be
turned on and the solid state relay to
be turned off.
Switch S1 is a convenience that
allows you to use the connected
appliances (bed light etc.) without
initiating the delay circuit. This is the
manual position and would presumably be the position you would leave
the device in, until the “delayed off”
function was required.
Note: solid state relays are available
from Farnell Electronic Components.
Phone (02) 9645 8888.
Brian Critchley,
Elanora Heights, NSW. ($30)
February 1999 77
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter;
Experiments For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch
For Car Radiator Fans; Coping With Damaged Computer Directories; Guide Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound
Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR;
Build An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To
9V DC Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A
Simple 6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector;
Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout
For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The
Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer
For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Build A Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies;
Speed Alarm For Your Car.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (covers 0-500kHz);
Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Build A Simple
Electronic Die; A Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal
Burning Power Station.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: A Low-Cost 3-Digit
Simple Shortwave Converter For The
Lifestyle Music System (Review); The
Battery Packs (Getting The Most From
Counter Module; Build A
2-Metre Band; The Bose
Care & Feeding Of Nicad
Nicad Batteries).
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory;
Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell;
Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote
Control For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio
Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher
For Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads,
Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
August 1992: Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers; Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; The MIDI
Interface Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal
Stereos; A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout);
An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.5.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads;
Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V
Light Chaser; Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical
Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders;
A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; Build A
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For
Transceivers, Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In
To Satellite TV, Pt.1.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV
Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D
& D/A Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1;
SteamSound Simulator For Model Railways Mk.II; Magnetic
Field Strength Meter; Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military
Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1;
A Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter
For Your PC, Pt.2; Build a Turnstile Antenna For Weather
Satellite Reception.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter; Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper; Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Story of Aluminium.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The
Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Build A Windows-Based Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Windows-Based Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why
They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake
Light Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern
Cross Z80-Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger;
Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit
Transistor Tester; +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
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78 Silicon Chip
Card No.
November 1993: High Efficiency Inverter For Fluorescent
Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren
Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For
Games Cards.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model
Railways, Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital
Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; Build A
LED Stroboscope; Build A 25W Audio Amplifier Module; A 1-Chip
Melody Generator; Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transv erter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2,
Pt.1; Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill
Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design;
Engine Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable
Power Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags In Cars – A
Look At How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876)
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple
LED Chaser; Engine Management, Pt.6.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings;
Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control;
Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine
Management, Pt.8.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For
Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based
Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine Management,
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night
Viewer; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: How Dolby Surround Sound Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Build A Talking Headlight Reminder;
Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Build A Temperature
Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic Engine Management,
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell
Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); How To Plot Patterns Direct
to PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket;
Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer
Controller; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2,
Pt.2; Knock Sensing In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller;
IR Remote Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad
Batteries For Long Life.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer
Stopper Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors;
Basic Logic Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2;
Use your PC As A Reaction Timer.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System;
Zener Diode Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For
PA Systems; 20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders;
Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones;
125W Audio Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For
Leaded Petrol Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; High Voltage
Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser;
Simple Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed;
Stereo Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low
Ohms Tester For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your
PC; Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control
Extender For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser; Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the
Windows Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter
For Fluoresc ent Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; IR Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF
Amateur Radio Receiver; Feedback On Prog rammable Ignition
(see March 1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable;
Power Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter
For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; IR Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2;
Build A Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Prea mpl ifier.
November 1996: Adding A Parallel Port To Your Computer;
8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light
Inverter; How To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A
Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For
Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer
With LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your
PC; Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For
Railway Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build
A Sound Level Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index
To Volume 9.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Control Panel For
Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (For
Sound Level Meter Calibration); Computer Controlled Dual
Power Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
April 1995: FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic Timer For
Darkr ooms; Balanced Microphone Preamp. & Line Filter; 50W/
Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
February 1997: Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled Moving Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual
Power Supply, Pt.2; Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm;
Control Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Mother
board Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio
Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel
Decoder For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For
Model Railways; Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video
Security System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For
Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
April 1997: Avoiding Win95 Hassles With Motherboard
Upgrades; Simple Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For
Cars; Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model
Train Controller; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains
On A Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite
TV Ground Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE
Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For
Model Railways, Pt.1; Keypad Combination Lock; The Vader
Voice; Jacob’s Ladder Display; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
May 1997: Teletext Decoder For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL
Converter; Neon Tube Modulator For Light Systems; Traffic
Lights For A Model Intersection; The Spacewriter – It Writes
Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled
Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator,
Pt.1; Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed
Controller For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For
A Stepper Motor; Fail-Safe Module For The Throttle Servo;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible Interface Card For PCs; Points Controller For Model Railways;
Simple Square/Triangle Waveform Generator; Colour TV
Pattern Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For Radio Control
Receivers; How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit works, Pt.1.
August 1997: The Bass Barrel Subwoofer; 500 Watt Audio Power
Amplifier Module; A TENs Unit For Pain Relief; Addressable PC
Card For Stepper Motor Control; Remote Controlled Gates For
Your Home; How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit Works, Pt.2.
September 1997: Multi-Spark Capacitor Discharge Ignition;
500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.2; A Video Security System
For Your Home; PC Card For Controlling Two Stepper Motors;
HiFi On A Budget; Win95, MSDOS.SYS & The Registry.
October 1997: Build A 5-Digit Tachometer; Add Central Locking To Your Car; PC-Controlled 6-Channel Voltmeter; 500W
Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.3; Customising The Windows 95
Start Menu.
November 1997: Heavy Duty 10A 240VAC Motor Speed Controller; Easy-To-Use Cable & Wiring Tester; Build A Musical
Doorbell; Relocating Your CD-ROM Drive; Replacing Foam
Speaker Surrounds; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.1.
December 1997: A Heart Transplant For An Aging Computer;
Build A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Two-Axis Robot With Gripper;
Loudness Control For Car Hifi Systems; Stepper Motor Driver
With Onboard Buffer; Power Supply For Stepper Motor Cards;
Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.2; Index To Volume 10.
January 1998: Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.1 (runs
off 12VDC or 12VAC); Command Control System For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Pan Controller For CCD Cameras; Build A One
Or Two-Lamp Flasher; Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.3.
February 1998: Hot Web Sites For Surplus Bits; Multi-Purpose
Fast Battery Charger, Pt.1; Telephone Exchange Simulator
For Testing; Command Control System For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Demonstration Board For Liquid Crystal Displays; Build
Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.2; Understanding Electric
Lighting, Pt.4.
April 1998: Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.1; 40V 8A Adjustable Power Supply, Pt.1; PC-Controlled 0-30kHz Sinewave
Generator; Build A Laser Light Show; Understanding Electric
Lighting; Pt.6; Jet Engines In Model Aircraft.
May 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.1; Build A 3-LED
Logic Probe; Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.2; Command
Control For Model Railways, Pt.4; 40V 8A Adjustable Power
Supply, Pt.2.
June 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.2; Understanding
Electric Lighting, Pt.7; Universal High Energy Ignition System;
The Roadies’ Friend Cable Tester; Universal Stepper Motor
Controller; Command Control For Model Railways, Pt.5.
July 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.3 (Installing A Modem
And Sorting Out Any Problems); Build A Heat Controller; 15Watt Class-A Audio Amplifier Module; Simple Charger For 6V
& 12V SLA Batteries; Automatic Semiconductor Analyser;
Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.8.
August 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.4 (Adding Extra
Memory To Your PC); Build The Opus One Loudspeaker System;
Simple I/O Card With Automatic Data Logging; Build A Beat Triggered Strobe; A 15-Watt Per Channel Class-A Stereo Amplifier.
September 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.5 (Software
Problems & DOS Games); A Blocked Air-Filter Alarm; A WaaWaa Pedal For Your Guitar; Build A Plasma Display Or Jacob’s
Ladder; Gear Change Indicator For Cars; Capacity Indicator For
Rechargeable Batteries.
October 1998: CPU Upgrades & Overclocking; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.1; PC-Controlled Stress-O-Meter; Versatile
Electronic Guitar Limiter; 12V Trickle Charger For Float Conditions; Adding An External Battery Pack To Your Flashgun.
November 1998: Silicon Chip On The World Wide Web;
The Christmas Star (Microprocessor-Controlled Christmas
Decoration); A Turbo Timer For Cars; Build Your Own Poker
Machine, Pt.1; FM Transmitter For Musicians; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Beyond The Basic Network (Setting Up
A LAN Using TCP/IP); Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.9;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.1.
December 1998: Protect Your Car With The Engine Immobiliser
Mk.2; Thermocouple Adaptor For DMMs; A Regulated 12V DC
Plugpack; Build Your Own Poker Machine, Pt.2; GM’s Advanced
Technology Vehicles; Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.2;
Mixer Module For F3B Glider Operations.
January 1999: The Y2K Bug & A Few Other Worries; High-Voltage Megohm Tester; Getting Going With BASIC Stamp; LED
Bargraph Ammeter For Cars; Keypad Engine Immobiliser;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.3; Electric Lighting, Pt.10
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988
to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, December 1989, May
1990, August 1991, February 1992, July 1992, September
1992, November 1992, December 1992 and March 1998 are
now sold out. All other issues are presently in stock. For
readers wanting articles from sold-out issues, we can supply
photostat copies (or tear sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes
p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies, we
automatically supply any relevant notes & errata at no extra
charge. A complete index to all articles published to date is
available on floppy disc for $10 including p&p, or can be
downloaded free from our web site:
February 1999 79
Pt.11: High Intensity Discharge Lighting For Cars
The headlights in some prestige cars no
longer use incandescent lamps. Instead,
metal halide gas discharge lights are
used and these have several advantages.
High Intensity Discharge lights
are widely used in industrial, commercial and outdoor environments.
They include high-pressure mercury
lamps, high and low-pressure sodium
vapour lamps, and metal halide lamps
(see earlier articles in this series). But
although such lights have been in
use for many years, the incandescent
lamp has reigned supreme in automotive headlights until quite recently.
Now, manufacturers of luxury cars
such as Lexus and BMW are introducing High Intensity Discharge (HID)
headlights on their vehicles. Lighting
80 Silicon Chip
manufacturer Hella has also recently released the Predator auxiliary
driving light, which uses the same
The advantages of HID lighting
include: (1) a higher colour temperature, resulting in better visibility and
sign recognition; (2) better efficacy;
(3) a very long bulb life; and (4) a
distinctive blue/white light appearance – which has some advantages
for vehicle manufacturers wanting
to display their technical prowess.
Fig.1 shows the differences in a scene
illuminated by conventional halogen
incandescent illumination (top) and
by Bosch High Intensity Discharge
lighting (bottom).
Xenon Metal Halide Lamps
The new HID automotive lighting
systems use metal halide lamps.
These lamps are filled with mercury,
metal halides and xenon gas. When
a high ignition voltage is applied to
the electrodes, the xenon gas in the
quartz bulb emits light. The starting
voltage initially applied varies from
manufacturer to manufacturer – Hella
use a starting pulse of 25kV, Lexus
20kV and Bosch 6-12kV. During the
starting phase, the Bosch Litronic
system can apply a current of up to
2.6A, which is substantially more
than the continuous operating current
of approximately 0.4A.
This initial pulse gives the very
quick start-up required in a headlight application, with the xenon gas
almost immediately emitting visible
light. As the temperature of the bulb
rises, the mercury vaporises, allowing
the discharge to occur. After that,
the metal halides in the mercury arc
separate and the lamp operates at full
brightness. Full illumination occurs
when the quartz bulb reaches its operating temperature of almost 1000°K.
Fig.2 shows a High Intensity Discharge headlight, as fitted to the Lexus
As you might expect, the new HID
lighting systems have quite a performance advantage over incandescent
systems. The 35 watt ‘D-1’ bulb in the
Bosch Litronic system, for example,
emits a luminous flux of 3000 lumens,
almost twice the intensity of an incandescent H1 halogen lamp. Hella
state that their 35W Predator spotlight
generates a luminance of 6000 cd/
cm2. By contrast, a 100W H1 halogen
globe in the same luminaire provides
a luminance of just 2500 cd/cm2.
The colour temperature of HID
lighting is also higher (4500°K) than
for conventional incandescent halogen lamps. Relatively large components of green and blue wavelengths
are emitted, giving the light an
appearance very similar to sunlight.
The life of the Bosch lamp is quoted
at 1500 hours, which roughly equates
to the total expected operating time
during a vehicle’s life. Hella go even
further, suggesting that their HID
lamp will last for 2500 hours – approximately 50 times the life of a
100W H1 halogen bulb! In addition, if
failure does occur, it doesn’t happen
suddenly as with incandescent lamps.
Another major advantage of the HID
lamps is their lack of susceptibility to
vibration. This makes the HID lights
very suitable for harsh environments
such as mining and off-road applications. The Hella spotlights are already
being used in professional rallying.
The much higher efficacy of HID lights
results in a reduced current draw for
the same degree of illuminance. Two
35W Hella Predators provide better
illuminance than four 100W incandescent driving lights, while at the
same time reducing the current drawn
from 33A to 5.8A (at a nominal 13.8V).
The use of HID lights in combined
high/low beam applications has occurred only very recently. Bosch’s
third generation Litronic system has
Fig.1: these two photographs show the difference between conventional tungsten
halogen lighting (top) and High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting (above). Note
the presence of the cyclist to the right in both pictures! (Bosch).
Fig.2: the Lexus GS300 low-beam High Intensity Discharge headlight.
high and low-beam capability within
the one headlight. Headlight dipping
can be achieved in two different
ways. The first technique moves a
shield within the luminaire, simply
blocking off the high beam component. The second technique moves
the bulb within the luminaire. Fig.3
February 1999 81
shows these techniques and the beam
patterns that result.
Electronic ballast
Fig.3: the most recent Bosch Litronic HID system has the ability to operate on
both high and low beams. To achieve low beam, either a shield is moved
within the luminaire (top) or the bulb itself is moved (middle). The resulting
beam spreads are shown at the bottom of the diagram. Note that a righthand
drive perspective is used. (Bosch).
The main functions of the electronic control system are to:
(1) ignite the gaseous discharge;
(2) regulate the current supply during
the warm-up phase;
(3) regulate the current supply during
normal operation;
(4) provide fail-safe operation.
Fig.4 shows a schematic diagram of
the Bosch Litronic system’s electronic
control circuit. A frequency of 10kHz
is used.
The fail-safe functions of the
controller are extensive. The Bosch
system switches off the headlamp if
damage occurs to the headlight’s glass
or if the lamp connection is exposed.
Interestingly, one reason that the lamp
is extinguished with a broken lens is
to reduce the chance of UV exposure.
The Lexus system switches off the
headlights if a voltage outside the
9-16V operating range is detected,
turning them back on again if the
input voltage reverts to normal.
However, if the lights are already illuminated and the battery voltage falls,
the lamps will stay on until there is
insufficient voltage for their discharge
to be maintained. If an open circuit
(including a missing bulb), short circuit or flashing bulb is detected, the
Light Control Computer switches off
the power to the lights.
In all systems, the electronic ballast is located in close proximity to
the light that it controls. Fig.5 shows
the layout of a first-generation Bosch
Litronic system.
Lamp level control
Fig.4: the Bosch Litronic electronic control circuit includes several fail-safe
systems. It even switches off the headlamp if damage occurs to the headlight’s
glass or if the lamp connection is exposed. (Bosch).
82 Silicon Chip
The very high intensity of HID
lamps makes appropriate headlight
level control very important. An interesting solution to this problem has
been adopted on the Lexus models,
which use a computer-controlled
stepper motor system to automatically swivel the reflectors within their
Information for the “Headlight
Levelling” ECU, which controls the
stepper motors, is derived from a
number of sources. First, height sensors are fitted to the suspension of one
front wheel and one back wheel. The
information from these is fed directly
to the ECU, along with information on
the individual wheel speeds as de-
is out of date
and has been
removed to
Fig.5: the first generation Bosch Litronic system used conventional
lights for high beam. The main components of this system were: (1)
electronic ballast unit with controller; (2) high voltage section; (3) HID
projector (low beam); (4) conventional high beam. (Bosch).
Fig.6: the most recent Bosch design
integrates headlight level control
into the HID system. (Bosch).
Fig.7: this is the “Predator” driving light
from Hella. Two 35W Predators outperform
four conventional 100W driving lights,
while reducing the current consumption
from 33A to just 5.8A.
As with other electronic
automotive innovations (eg,
anti-lock brakes and airbags), the
technology of HID lighting is almost
certain to trickle down to medi-
um-level cars in the near future.
Your next car could well use HID
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rived from the ABS (anti-lock
braking system) sensors.
As the vehicle is being driven, the Headlight Levelling
ECU calculates vehicle pitch
from the suspension height
sensors and the model’s wheelbase. The headlight reflectors
are then automatically adjusted to give the optimum beam
angle. The reason that a wheel
speed input is required is because the reflectors default to
a predetermined initial setting
if the speed is below 1.9 km/h.
The most recent Litronic
system from Bosch includes
headlight level control as an
integral part of the system.
Fig.6 shows the appearance of
this system.
ACN 069 935 397
30 Lacey St
Croydon Vic 3136
24 Langtree Ave
Mildura Vic 3500
February 1999 83
What can you do with a bunch of LEDs, a buzzer and a
PIC processor? Have a
lot of fun, that's what!
This little project has no less than
eight modes of operation including
random and chaser displays, doorbell
and alarm. It will only take you 10
minutes to build it.
84 Silicon Chip
Designed and produced in Australia, LED FUN is a kit based on a PIC
microcontroller and its small PC board
can be assembled to provide a wide
range of operating modes.
Let’s just list the eight possible
modes and their variations.
Mode 1 is a random LED display.
Press the pushbutton and the LEDs
chase, slow down and stop randomly.
The piezo buzzer clicks in time with
the LEDs lighting to give an acoustic
accompaniment. You could use this
as a dice for a board game.
Mode 2 is a LED chaser with three
patterns which are played in sequence. The first is a straight chaser
whereby the LEDs follow each other
and then loop back to start.
Second, the LEDs follow each other
and stay on to the end and third is a
strobe whereby the LEDs all flash on
in unison.
To use it, you press the pushbutton
and the LED pattern starts, slows
down and then picks up in speed.
You release the button when the speed
you want is happening. You can then
press the button and hold again for the
speed of the next pattern.
Mode 3 is a binary count-down
timer. You can set it to provide a
count-down period of one to 64
seconds and at the end of that time
the buzzer sounds for five seconds.
To set it, you press the button and
hold it for the required time. The
counter then times out, sounds
the alarm and flashes the LEDs for
five seconds. It can then be reset
for the same time by pressing the
button again.
Mode 4 is a ladder reaction
game. You get to climb the 6-LED
ladder if your reactions are quick.
To use it, you press the button
each time you hear a clock and a
LED flashes. You must press it very
quickly to keep the LED alight at
that level. Then the next LED flashes and you must press the button
again. If you’re really good, you’ll
get to the top.
Mode 5 is a blinking face display
using all seven LEDs. It blinks
randomly and changes expressions
by turning off some of the LEDs.
Mode 6 is a doorbell/alarm with
the blinking face and buzzer.
Mode 7 is a memory sequence game.
You start it and it gives a sequence of
a dots and dashes from the buzzer and
a LED which you must repeat with the
Get it right and the blinking face
flashes and the buzzer plays a tune
as your reward. The sequences then
get longer and harder and it is up to
you to keep persevering.
Mode 8 is a dice employing all
seven LEDs in the correct pattern. You
press the button and the dice chases
and then stops randomly. You then
“toss” again by pressing the button.
You can use it anywhere you would
use a die.
Fig.1: this shows all the LEDs and
resistors on the circuit but some are
omitted depending on what mode
you want.
All these functions are programmed
into the PIC microcontroller and all
you need to do is assemble the board.
Fig.1 shows the circuit and as you can
see, there is very little to it.
To select the actual mode you want,
you install the LEDs and resistors ac-
cording to Table 1. All the resistors in
Table 1 have the same value of 270Ω.
Board assembly
The board measures just 68 x
34mm. Its component layout is shown
in Fig.2. We’ve shown all possible
Mode Resistor LEDs
R4 only
R3 only
R2 only
8 R2,R3,R4 2-4,7,9-11
Use this table to select the parts you
need to install for the various modes
of operation.
Fig.2: again, the component
overlay shows all resistors
and LEDs but use Table 1
when installing the parts.
February 1999 85
most probably have missed a solder
connection or one (or more) of the
LEDs is the wrong way around.
Finally, if you’re prepared to add
a rotary switch, you could arrange to
make most of the modes available to
play at will.
Where do you get it?
LED FUN is available as kit of parts
from all Dick Smith Electronics stores
at just $14.95 (K-3167).
A PIC processor provides all the circuitry to drive the LEDs in this
fun project. You could put it together in 10 minutes. This life-size
view does not have the battery connector or piezo buzzer connected.
resistors and LEDs but you don’t install all of them, just those required
for the operating mode you want. The
assembly procedure is as follows.
First, install resistors R1, R5 & R6
and diode D1, followed by the 0.1µF
capacitor. Next, insert and solder the
8-pin socket for IC1. Then install the
other resistors and the LEDs for the
mode you want, making sure the LEDs
all go in the right way. The anode
of the LED connects to the positive
labelled hole on the board.
Next, solder in the pushbutton
switch and piezo buzzer.
You will be supplied with a 4-AA
Parts List
cell battery holder but only three cells
are required for the 4.5V supply. All
the cells are wired in series in the
holder so you need to solder a wire
to short out one cell position.
Take care when doing this job otherwise you will melt and distort the
battery holder. Then wire the battery
holder to the appropriate terminals
on the PC board.
Insert the PIC processor into its
socket, making sure that you install it
the right way around. Then insert the
three AA cells into the battery holder
and you should be up and running.
If it doesn’t work as it should, you
1 PC board, 68 x 34mm
1 PIC12C508 programmed
microcontroller (IC1)
12 red LEDs
1 1N4148, 1N914 diode (D1)
6 270Ω 0.25W resistors
1 0.1µF ceramic or monolithic
1 pushbutton switch (S1)
1 piezo buzzer
1 4 AA-cell holder
3 AA cells
Note: see Table 1 for resistors and
LEDs to be installed.
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Just fill in & mail the handy order form in this issue; or
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86 Silicon Chip
A piece of 1920s history:
the Atwater Kent Model 32
The Atwater Kent is a very collectable 7valve TRF receiver from the mid 1920s. It’s
a simple set but boasted some interesting
technical features, as we shall see.
It’s not often that anyone gets a
chance to work on one of these classic
sets from the 1920s. A friend who was
looking after a deceased estate asked
if I would check the set out to ensure
it was in good order. By doing this, it
was hoped that a better price would
be achieved when it was sold.
As might be expected, I jumped at
the chance to get my paws on such a
The previous owner had apparently
overhauled the set quite some time
before and it was reputed to be in
working order. However, my friend
wasn’t prepared to take a punt on this,
hence my involvement.
These old Atwater Kent radios are a
joy to behold and feature an attractive
polished wooden cabinet, single control tuning and four tuned RF stages.
The tuning capacitors are beautifully
made and are coupled together by
flexible metal bands to provide the
single knob tuning. Getting that lot to
track could be a problem, as described
later in the article.
Twin-filament rheostats and an
on/off switch completed the range
of controls.
This set featured no less than seven
valves. There are four stages of RF
amplification, a grid leak detector and
two transformer-coupled audio stages
feeding the loudspeaker. All stages are
triodes, with no neutralisation on the
RF stages. They are kept stable by the
use of a resistor in series with each RF
stage grid and because the valves had
such low gain.
Restoration work
Some of the 01A (or 201A) valves
now fitted to the set were higher
than those originally supplied, so
the valves were withdrawn before the
chassis was removed from the cabinet.
I didn’t want to knock the top off
BELOW: the chassis is easy to work
on, with all parts readily accessible.
Only one part (a 3MΩ resistor) proved
to be defective.
February 1999 87
ious cables were also tidied up and
sheathed with new insulation. The
individual leads in the battery cable
were then identified and fitted with
white plastic tape markers. The function of each wire was noted using a
marker pen, so that they could later
be easily identified.
The moment of truth
The set was in excellent condition for its age and came complete with an
E-model Atwater Kent loudspeaker.
the valves as they are rather hard to
replace these days. The audio output
valve in this set is a 71A which is a triode with a gain of three (wow). It can
require upwards of -40V of bias too.
The instructions with the set said
to consult the valve manufacturer’s
data if you changed the output valve,
to determine the HT voltage required
and also the bias voltage. This would
have made life rather difficult for the
average user as he/she wouldn’t have
known what size bias or HT batteries
to obtain.
As might be expected for a set
this old, quite a few parts had been
replaced over the years. These parts
included the valves and a couple of
fixed components. The only component that proved to be defective
on this occasion was the 3MΩ grid
resistor on the detector, which had
gone open circuit. This was replaced
with a miniature resistor, which I hid
under the filament centre-tap resistor.
The remaining components in
this set proved to be in very good
order, with the capacitors showing
no measurable leakage and the other resistors all within 20% of their
88 Silicon Chip
nominal values. The circuit diagram
that I obtained had a number of errors
in the component values used. The
circuit diagram (with corrections) is
shown in Fig.1.
The second audio transformer had
been replaced with an AWA 3.5:1
ratio unit. Quite obviously, it wasn’t
original and it had only been attached
to the frame using a single bolt, which
had come loose. Although a unit that
looked original would have been preferable, the AWA transformer would
have to do. It was remounted using
two machine screws, nuts and washers and the wiring to it tidied up. This
remedial work greatly improved the
appearance of the replacement unit.
Valve socket corrosion
Further inspection of the chassis
revealed that the metal wipers on
the socket of the 71A valve were
black from corrosion. To fix this, the
valve was removed and the corrosion
sanded off the socket contacts. This
simple procedure ensured good contacts when the valve was subsequently
replaced in the socket.
Several rather messy joins in var-
Before applying power, I did a final check of both audio transformers
and the general wiring but could find
nothing else that might be amiss. I am
always very cautious with such old
sets, as the valves, in particular, are
very hard to replace.
The Atwater Kent required several
supply rails, as follows: A = 5-6V; B
= 22.5V and 67.5V; and -9V for the
C bias. By the way, the 71A triode
can be used with a B+ voltage of up
to 180V but this would require -40V
of bias. Finally, an aerial and earth
were connected and it was time for
the big test.
With the power applied, the valves
lit up nicely and I was able to tune in
quite a few stations across the band.
Here in Benalla (Victoria), a total of
15 stations were audible in daylight
but not all were of “entertainment
quality”. I wondered how well the
tuning tracked with four tuned stages
and decided to carry out a couple of
First, I found a small ferrite rod
and slid it into each of the eight coil
formers to assess what the tracking
was like on various parts of the band.
All except the first tuned circuit appeared to track quite well. Obviously,
the first tuned stage needed either
more inductance or more capacitance.
The tuning capacitor in this stage
did not appear to mesh any differently
to the others, so no point was seen in
fiddling with the ganged-drive system
to correct the problem. Instead, some
careful experimentation soon showed
that connecting a 6.8pF capacitor
across the tuning capacitor gave almost perfect tracking. That’s not bad
for a set made in 1926 and now over
70 years old.
Eight coil formers
An oddity of this set is that there
are eight coil formers (as can be seen
in one of the photographs) but only
four tuned circuits. Although this may
seem strange, there’s a simple explanation. Instead of using one former
Fig.1: the Atwater Kent is a TRF receiver with seven triode valves and four tuned stages.
for each tuned circuit, the Atwater
Kent uses two coil formers with series
wound coils. The plate winding for
each stage is mounted inside one of
the coils. I have no idea why they did
that, as it seems like extra work to me.
By the way, the set came complete
with an Atwater Kent E-model speaker and – would you believe it? – the
original installation and operations
manual (see photos).
As can be seen from the circuit
diagram, the set is remarkably simple
(like most of that era). It doesn’t use
neutralisation as other manufacturers
had the patent on that, so each triode
stage had to be made stable in its own
right. This was done by using series
grid resistors and low gain triodes.
The set uses four single-gang
tuning capacitors which are ganged
together using flexible metal bands.
Its tracking is remarkably good, even
without any trimming capacitors.
The set is stable, uses good quality
components throughout, is visually
appealing and works well for its type.
Neutralised triodes would have been
better performers but if you can’t use
them due to patent problems, you just
do your best.
Finally, the set’s performance could
be compared to the Astor “football”
of the 1940s. This set used two valves
in a TRF circuit with reflexing. They
are both classics of their individual
types and eras.
All in all, the old Atwater Kent is a
very collectable set and I understand
that it now has a new home.
The old Atwater Kent radio receiver even came complete with its original
instruction manual. It’s rare to find a receiver like that after all this time.
February 1999 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Command control
I have a few problems with your
Command Control project. The main
problem is the correct technique
of coding the receiver/decoder PC
board. Since I’ve never done anything
like this before, I would like to be
sure the first time. Please help. (L. F.,
Shorncliffe, Qld).
• As far as your sketch of the encoder
wiring is concerned, you seem a little
confused about the programming.
Yes, the (+) line is high and the (-)
line is low but you must link pins 1,
9, 10 & 15 individually high or low,
not join them all together as shown
on your sketch.
For example, as shown in Table 1,
to program for channel 2 operation,
you must connect pins 1, 9 & 10 low
and pin 15 high. You will need to solder short lengths of wire between the
four pins and the high or low solder
pads. You can’t just touch them; they
must be permanently soldered.
Your sketch of the control panel
seems to have a number of errors.
As outlined on page 85 of the June
1998 issue, the reason for having a
pair of RCA sockets associated with
each DIN socket is to allow forward
and re-verse operation of locos when
double heading. One RCA socket
(white) would be used for forward
operation, while the other RCA socket (red) would be used for reverse.
Satellite finder
I wonder if perhaps over the
last few years you have any circuit
designed for a “Satellite Finder”
suitable to locate a digital satellite
signal. In South Africa, we are
now receiving a very good quality
digital TV signal and whilst one
can use an analog receiver to find
the signal, a digital receiver has
too many delays built in to make
it an easy task.
90 Silicon Chip
So you would not short the pair of
RCA sockets together, as your sketch
shows. You only connect one RCA
socket to the 16-socket panel.
Thyristor &
diac tester
Could you tell me if there is a device to check thyristors and Diacs,
SCRs and voltage regulators, zener
diodes, etc. Is there a circuit diagram
for such a device? (A. P., Gladstone,
• The project which comes closest to
your requirements is the Automatic
Semiconductor Analyser featured in
the August 1998 issue
Colour TV pattern
generator fading
I recently constructed a Colour TV
Pattern Generator from SILICON CHIP.
Upon completion I found that colour
was fading in and out. I followed the
instructions and connected a capacitor across pins 11 and 14 of IC1. This
restored colour but the pattern was off
centre. Upon following instructions
to correct the centring, I achieved
centring but lost colour. Have you any
suggestions as to how to rectify this
problem? (B. C., via email).
• Our Notes and Errata for the Colour
TV Pattern Generator do not refer to
placing a capacitor from pin 11 to pin
14 of IC1. This capacitor would corOne can buy small portable
satellite finders here but at a high
price and I was wondering whether
any of your experts could come up
with a simple, inexpensive circuit
to build one. The intermediate
frequencies that are used here vary
from about 900MHz to 2.2GHz. (E.
D., Mmabatho, South Africa).
• We don’t have any suitable
designs for satellite finders but
we will put the question to our
readers: does anyone know of a
suitable design?
rect the colour reception by including
the front porch but would upset the
sync signal applied to IC11b. We have
published notes for correcting this
problem in the October 1997 issue.
Note that you may need to increase
or decrease the value of the 270pF
capacitor for satisfactory results.
Circuit wanted
for quartz clock
Could you please give the test
procedure and circuit diagram for a
quartz analog clock. The one I have
is a bit “upmarket” from the cheap
plastic units in electronics stores,
being nearly all brass. (G. R., Ashfield, NSW).
• In our experience, the quartz
movements used in upmarket clocks
are exactly the same as used in the
cheaper clocks. The only article we
have published which is relevant was
entitled “A Fast Clock for Railway
Modellers” in the December 1996 issue. That article did show the circuit
of a typical clock module. We can
supply back issues at $7 including
Command control for
slot cars
I read with interest your articles
on Command Control for Model Railways. Can you see any problem with
using this system to run a number
of Scalextric Slot Cars on each lane?
These run on 12V DC and draw no
more than 1A. They are scale 1:32
models and should accommodate
the decoder without a problem. Being primarily a model car enthusiast
and a new recruit to electronics, I’m
afraid I might be missing some glaring
reason why this idea wouldn’t work.
(P. H., Mudgeeraba, Qld).
• In principle, Command Control
should work with Scalextric slot cars
although we have not heard of anyone
doing it. We would be wary about the
amount of hash that would be present
on the common supply rail and this
8-channel remote
for outdoor use
I am writing in regards to the
8-channel IR remote control unit
published in the February 1996
issue of SILICON CHIP. I am trying
to design a mechanised target
pulling system for our local rifle
club. It consists of a programmable
timer (BASIC Stamp), a transmitter, receiver and a wiper motor to
drive the targets. We shoot at two
ranges, 25 and 50 metres. As all
the action is to be controlled by
the range officer (standing behind
the shooters), a cordless system
would be ideal.
What I need to know is will this
IR remote control work at a distance
of 50 (or so) metres in outdoor
daylight? If not can the unit be
modified to do so? I’ve seen similar IR remote control devices for
overhead cranes in factories, with a
range of about 60 metres (indoors).
Obviously the other option is a
could possibly cause problems with
decoder operation.
Bigger sparks from
ignition system
I refer to the Multi-Spark Capacitor Discharge Ignition system in the
September 1997 issue of S ILICON
CHIP and to a recent article I saw in
“Electronics World”, confirming what
I require and that is a bigger and higher
energy spark! This article states that
a minimum 150mJ-250mJ spark is required for most efficient combustion. I
assume a 250mJ spark is approaching
a desirable spark energy level.
Your article quotes the spark energy of your CDI at 45mJ. I assume
that that would be the energy (ie,
1/ CV2) in C2 for one spark. What is
the energy at the spark plug after coil
losses or are coil losses negligible?
The improvement I’d like to see is
a spark energy of over 150mJ/spark at
the spark plug, so that if the device
is set at only two sparks, one would
still get well over 250mJ of total spark
energy. Normal running rpm for a
4-cylinder or a 6-cylinder engine with
your device is only four sparks per
firing or 4 x 45 = 180mJ (assuming no
UHF transmitter. However I have
been right through the project list
on your web-site and can’t find any
UHF transmitter with the minimum
of four channels and range I need.
I would also like to try avoid
using a solid wire cable as we are
currently running out ropes and
using a separate person to pull the
targets. Running out wire cables
seems to defeat the purpose. Permanent wire cable would be better
but would need connectors on each
end (as all equipment must be removed after the shoot), all of which
would be exposed to the weather,
and unfortunately as the security
is poor, to vandals as well. (L. T.,
Sawtell, NSW).
• Infrared will not work in sunlight. We suggest that you use the
8-channel encoder and decoder circuitry described in February 1996,
together with the UHF transmitter
and receiver boards in the same
issue. It’s that easy and it will have
the range you want.
coil losses) and is only just over the
150mJ lower limit of the other article.
Why skimp on spark energy when
your device probably draws less current than one headlight on low beam?
As I see it, the easy avenues to increase spark energy are: (1) increase
the 300V supply (tempting because
of the V2 improve
ment). However,
for the present circuit, the maximum
easy increase would probably be only
about 50V (ie, add a 50V zener) before
requiring numerous other changes to
the high voltage power supply. Can
I add an extra zener diode without
causing circuit problems? (2) Increase
C2 to about 4µF. Very easy to do but
what other modifications would be
required for best results?
Assuming I increase C2 to 4µF, what
other changes would be required?
Increase the 275VAC power supply
capacitor? Increase IC1’s oscillation
frequency from 22kHz? I note that SILICON CHIP is associated with “ZOOM”
magazine. With the assistance of
ZOOM why not test the veracity of the
claims in the “Electronics World” article and do dyno, exhaust gas readings,
economy, etc but use your CDI system?
I have read claims that with a really
big spark (perhaps 1000mJ) you can
run an engine on diesel or kerosene
and at extremely lean mixtures.
I believe car engine management
systems would be largely unnecessary
if engines had a decent big spark. (J.
W., Carrara, Qld).
• We’re not keen on increasing the
spark energy from the Multi-Spark
CDI because we think it already has
more than enough for normal cars. But
we’ll tell you how it can be done and
then we’ll tell you why it shouldn’t
be done.
First, as you suggest, you can
increase the DC voltage from the
inverter to 350V, merely by adding
another 50V zener diode. The inverter
should be able to deliver the higher
voltage over most of the range but it
might tend to droop a bit at very high
spark rates.
Second, we have made provision
for a second 1µF dump capacitor on
the PC board so all you need do is to
add it in. Those two modifications
will increase the nominal spark energy, per spark, from 45 millijoules
to 122.5mJ. The formula to work out
the spark energy is given by:
E (joules) = 1/2CV2
where V is the voltage and C is the
capacitance in Farads.
By increasing the spark energy to
122.5mJ, with four sparks per firing,
the total energy per firing, is 490mJ or
almost half a Joule. For virtually all
running on a 4 or 6-cylinder engine
you will have at least six sparks each
time a cylinder fires, and this adds up
to a total spark energy of 270mJ with
the system as we described it, so we
see little reason to change.
We can’t answer your question
about coil losses in any detail. We
assume that the losses in older designs of ignition coil would be quite
high since the magnetic circuit is not
closed. More recent ignition coils are
much smaller and have a closed magnetic circuit and so the losses should
be much less but in these cases, we’re
talking about cars which have electronic ignition anyway.
Now we’ll give the reasons why the
design should be left as we described
it. First, there will inevitably be more
voltage stress on the circuitry and that
will ultimately reduce its reliability.
Second, you will put a lot more stress
on the ignition coil and the spark plug
leads and this really will reduce the
reliability, especially as far as the coil
is concerned. Push an ignition coil too
February 1999 91
Tacho for
I have built a digital tachometer from the August 1991 issue. I
hope you may be able to help me
with it. On my car it works fine,
so its construction is OK but I
bought it to run on a motorcycle
which is a twin cylinder with a
90° crankshaft. I tried running it
just off one cylinder as the ignition
is independent on each cylinder
(separate triggers and coils) but
even with more resistors at “RX”
it doesn’t work well. I tried using
diodes and triggering it off both
cylinders but they fire unevenly
and it would read say 900 RPM,
then 1300 RPM alternately.
The bike uses an alternator with
permanent magnets (I think). Can
you tell me how to alter the tacho
to trigger from the alternator?
Some outboard motors drive their
tachos that way, picking up the AC
before it’s rectified. My son and I
hard and it will break down internally.
This only has to happen a few times
and then the coil will fail every time
it is called upon to deliver high plug
voltages and this always occurs when
the engine is under heavy load.
While it might be OK to push the
system to its limits for a drag car, for
example, we don’t like the idea of the
ignition coil in a road car being more
highly stressed, especially if it is an
older car anyway.
Second, because you will be applying higher voltage and higher energy
to the ignition system, there is considerably more chance of crossfire and
this could easily lead to engine failure.
Third, applying more spark energy
will lead to faster erosion of the spark
plug gap. This will open up the gap
faster, leading to high plug voltages,
and again the risk of breakdown in the
coil and in the ignition leads. Once
they break over a few times, they’ve
had it. Some modern cars with high
energy ignition system already use
platinum-tipped plugs to reduce the
effects of electrode erosion.
Yes, some engines can run on diesel
or even kerosene. They are called diesel engines. Any scheme for running
a conventional petrol engine with
92 Silicon Chip
have built up a motorcycle each
from their 90° crankshafts to the
carbon fibre body work, exhausts,
ignitions, etc. We would like to
run the digital tachos on them, if
we can, as we enjoy constructing
things. (M. P., Kalaru, NSW).
• You could trigger the tacho–
meter from your alternator wind
ings. However, you need to obtain
the signal before the diodes rectify to DC and only tap from one
winding of the alternator unless
you use separate diodes to isolate
each winding.
The input circuit for the Digital
Tachometer will need to be altered
so that it is more sensitive. This
should only require the 33kΩ resistor which is normally required
to connect to the ignition coil to
be changed to a 1kΩ value. You
may find that the .022µF capacitor
in series with this resistor and
connecting to the base of Q1 may
need to be shorted out with a wire
link for best results.
huge spark and diesel fuel is ratbag
fringe stuff.
And no, we don’t agree at all with
your belief that engine management
systems would be unnecessary if engines had a decent spark. Engine management systems work so well because
they deliver the right mixture at the
right time under all load conditions
and then they deliver a good spark at
exactly the right time. A good spark
is only a small part of the formula for
good engine performance.
Mixer output
Is it possible to let me know the
output impedance from the main outputs on your 8-Channel Stereo Mixer
(November/December 1996)? I guess
it is determined by the LM833 op
amps. This is an important parameter
to know when using long cables. (R.
H., Mullumbimby, NSW).
• The source impedance of the main
outputs will be very low, less than
100Ω, due to the use of op amps with
a large amount of negative feedback.
However, for best performance the
load impedance should be 4.7kΩ or
Core for
battery charger
I have a question about the Auto
10A Battery Charger pub
lished in
the June 1996 issue of SILICON CHIP.
I recently bought an incomplete kit
on special, thinking both cores were
present. Unfortunately I only found
the core for L1 when I got home.
Since then I have been hunting
for a replacement core for T1. The
article does not specify the make or
type number (as it does for L1). Could
you give me the specs for the core
please? Also a suggestion where to
get it would be appreciated since I
cannot locate anyone who sells ferrite
E cores. I’ve tried Radio Spares, GEC
Electronics and all the smaller shops
like Tandy, etc.
I do have a ferrite core wound
transformer from an old monitor
which will fit but I think it only has
66 windings, rather than the 100 you
specify, and the wire is much thicker.
I think its ratio is 1:1 but I can’t test
it. How sensitive is the circuit to the
wire size, turns and turns ratio on T1?
(P. J., via email).
• T1 was a Jaycar LF-1270, which is
not listed in the current catalog. We
have no information on it although
we believe it was a Siemens core.
Farnell ( list
Siemens EFD25 series 1/2 Core P/N
200-300, Bobbin P/N 200-311, Clip
P/N 200-323.
These should be OK even if not
exact replacements. T1’s wire size is
not critical but the turns ratio is!
Increasing the 12V
charger output current
I have built the 12V “floating” battery charger as in the October 1998
issue. It works well but I have a couple
of questions:
(1) Can the charger be uprated to 4A
and if so what components need to
be changed? (I know the transformer
(2) I have an ammeter fitted to the
unit. Is there a way that this could be
connected to give the output current
to the battery? I do realise that Rs
removes the base drive to Q1 if the
current exceeds 2A.
One problem does exist: if the revised circuit works when I build it,
great; if not, I don’t have the equipment to see what’s going on and there-
fore repair any faults in the circuit.
(G.W., Braddon, ACT).
• Quite a few components would
need to be changed to make the circuit
capable of delivering 4A. You would
need to change the transformer, bridge
rectifier, the sensing resistor (halve it)
and the transistor heatsink needs to
be at least twice as large.
Frankly, we’re not keen on the idea,
especially if you’re not confident
about troubleshooting the circuit if
it doesn’t work first time.
Damaged speed
controller killed
the IGBT
We have built one of the 240VAC
speed controllers from the November
1997 issue to drive a new 2hp Hitachi
router. The unit tested brilliantly with
incandescent bulb and electric drill.
We then tried it on the above router
and excellent results even when
“hogging” into timber with a 12mm
cutter. So to the real reason we built
the controller: we needed a small
special purpose centrifuge and on the
cheap. Essentially, the same router is
mounted as for a router table with a
carefully balanced “pot” weighing 50g
mounted in the collet.
The router is run slowly up to about
8000 rpm over about one minute, held
at that speed for two minutes, then
switched off. The cycle is repeated
after about five minutes. So the router
is not working under any appreciable
load. We completed 10 cycles and
then switched the lot off. Next day
when we went to repeat the process
the unit would only run at full speed
and tests show that the IGBT is low
resistance across source and drain.
The DC supply is also down to about
5V but I guess this is because there
is an appreciable current through
the IGBT to ground. The 4050 gets
hot and removing it puts the DC back
up to 15V.
The unit and the router have done
only about four hours work in total;
the brushes appear new, as does the
armature. There has been no breakdown of the insulation between box
and IGBT. The kit was supplied by
Jaycar but I am not sure if the IGBT is
a genuine Siemens and at $39 a shot,
it’s not cheap. As we only want to run
up to about 10,000 rpm, could the gate
current be limited? How heat sensitive
is the IGBT? The unit was warm to
touch but it seemed well within usual
limits. Would adding a heatsink and/
or fan help? Sorry about the long and
involved story but do you have any
suggestions? (I. S., via email).
• The IGBT is well heatsinked with
the diecast case and is operating well
within its ratings even at 10A. Failure
of the device is most likely due to an
accumulation of heavy transient current or excessive voltage across it from
inductive loads. It would be prudent
to check the MOV (MOV1), the fast
recovery diode (D1) and the snubber
components (82Ω resistor and the
.01µF 250VAC capacitor) which are
mounted across Q1.
Note that poor solder connections
around any of these critical components could cause the IGBT to fail
because if any one of these is open
circuit while the unit is working, the
IGBT has no protection at all.
We’ve also heard of one user assembling this unit with “high tin”
solder. This invariably causes cold
solder joints or, if the soldering iron
is hot enough, it can cause damage
to the components. Needless to say,
his controller stopped working while
powered up although luckily no serious damage was done.
The BUP213 IGBT will have a
Interface card
draws high current
I built the “Flexible Interface
Card For PCs” as described in the
July 1997 edition. Could you tell
me what current it should draw
from the +5V line? It seems to be
drawing about half an amp and
is burning out the power supply
we have. (J. A., via email).
• The current drain from the 5V
rail should be quite modest, no
more than 50-100mA at a guess;
nothing like 0.5A. You have a
fault there somewhere.
Siemens logo on it if it is a genuine
component. The Siemens logo is a
large S which is sloped anti-clockwise
by about 45°. At the centre of the S is
a H sloped with the same angle.
We suspect that the 4050 (IC2), and
the 15V zener (ZD2) are also faulty
and should be replaced along with
the BUP213.
Increasing the value of the gate
resistor for Q1 will improve its short
circuit rating but at the expense of
increased dissipation due to slower
turn on and turn off times. The 10Ω
resistor could, however, be increased
to 47Ω without any undue effect on
its temperature rise. Gate current limiting will not limit the router speed.
You would need a tachometric circuit
to achieve that.
Notes & Errata
Turbo Timer, November 1998: The
100µF capacitor shown connected to
pin 6 of IC1 on Fig.2 (page 27) should
be 220µF to agree with the circuit
diagram on page 26.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to
the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact
with mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high
voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in
SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing
or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant
government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices
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February 1999 93
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RECEPTION in your home is now affordable. Send for your free info pack
This advertisment
is out of date and
has been removed
to prevent
containing equipment catalog, satellite
lists etc or call for appointment to view.
We can display all satellites from 76.5F
to 180F. AV-COMM P/L, 198 Condamine
Street, Balgowlah NSW 2093. Tel: 02
9949 7417 or 9948 2667. Fax: 9949
A NEW address for Acetronics
On-line PCB quotes, free software, DIY
PCB supplies plus many other items &
services. 02 9743 9235.
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SIMULATOR, SC February 1998. Test equipment without the cost of telephone lines.
SC January 1996. Holds up to 8 cards.
Use as a door lock. $65. Melbourne
9806 0110.
February 1999 95
Market Centre – continued
PICTUTOR: Programmer board + 32
tutorials for PIC84. Other models available. E.S.T. (02) 9789 3616. Fax (02)
9718 4762.
prices, hobbyists welcome. Sesame
Electronics (02) 9554 9760
sesame<at>; http://
laser power monitor, IR laser diode with
housing, greatly reduced price, e-mail
lmatthee<at> for details
and pictures.
dreams into reality. “An absolutely
marvellous book for the true ex
perimentalist!” Elektor Electronics.
SOLAR PANELS: buy by mail and save!
75 watt from $590.00, unbreakable s/
steel 64 watt $555.00. Largest manufactured: 120 watt $995.00, flexible
32 watt $475.00. Limited stock 22 watt
$195.00. All other sizes available, top
brands, lowest prices.
INVERTERS: budget inverters from
$110.00 (12V 140W). High quality pure
sine wave inverters from $390.00. Call
with your requirements.
WIND GENERATORS: wide variety
available, call with requirements.
TASMAN ENERGY Free call 1800
RTN Australia Parallax distributor:
Basic Stamps, SXKey develop
tools and SX chips. Wireless RF
modules, serial LCD modules, Basic
Stamp Bug, etc, etc. FerretTronics
>R/C servo control chips. NEW: Handy
Scope 2 from Europe, 2-channel/12-bit
portable measuring instrument, it’s a
voltmeter, digital storage CRO, transient
recorder and spectrum analyser. All in
a very small box powered off a parallel
port. DOS and Windows software provided. Ph/Fax (03) 9338 3306.
email: nollet<at>
station sprinkler controllers, 60 channel
temp monitor uses DS1820s over 500
metres. Has PC Data logging. Mantis
Micro Products,
WE PAY UP TO $60 for contributions to
Circuit Notebook. Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, 2097
ANY KITS assembled/calibrated:
professional, speedy service. Phone
Neville Walker (07) 3857 2752.
Bainbridge Technologies..............86
Dick Smith Electronics........... 14-17
Harbuch Electronics....................53
Instant PCBs................................95
Jaycar ................................... 45-52
Microgram Computers...................3
Printed Electronics.......................95
Procon Technology......................95
Quest Electronics........................31
Scan Audio..................................83
sale of new and used radio and communication equipment at the Central
Coast Field Day, Sunday 28th Feb,
Wyong Race Course, just 1 hour north
from Sydney. Starts 8.30 a.m. Special
Field Day bargains from traders and
tons of disposals gear in the flea market. Exhibits by clubs and groups with
interests ranging from vintage radio,
packet radio, scanning, amateur TV
and satellite comms.; Ph (02) 4340 2500.
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 78-79
We are losing our heritage of starry night skies. Poor, inefficient
outdoor lighting is causing glare and “light pollution”. This wastes
energy and increases greenhouse gas emissions.
You can help by joining SYDNEY OUTDOOR LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY (SOLIS). SOLIS aims to educate and inform about
quality outdoor lighting and its benefits. We also lobby councils, government and other bodies to promote good lighting practice. SOLIS meetings
are held third Monday night of each month at Sydney Observatory.
Individual membership is $20 pa. Donations are also welcome. Cheques payable
to “SOLIS c/- NSAS”, PO Box 214, West Ryde 2114.
96 Silicon Chip
Email: tpeters<at>
Advertising Index
Silicon Chip Bookshop.................65
Silicon Chip Subscriptions...........33
Silicon Chip Binders/Wallcht....OBC
Truscott’s Electronic World...........83
Zoom EFI Special......................IBC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
Own an EFI car?
Want to get the
best from it?
Youll find all you
need to know in
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