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4 The Y2K Bug & A Few Other Worries
Vol.12, No.1; January 1999
The Y2K Bug & Other
Worries – Page 4.
You’ve got more to worry about than January 1st, 2000 – by Bob Dyball
& Greg Swain
40 4.8MW – Blowing In The Wind
A look at Australia’s first grid-connected wind farm – by Leo Simpson
73 Electric Lighting; Pt.10
The design and construction of lights in cars – by Julian Edgar
86 How To Listen To Community AM Radio
Have you heard of these new radio stations? – by Rick Walters
18 High Voltage Megohm Tester
Resistance measurements far beyond where a DMM will go – by
John Clarke
32 Getting Going With BASIC Stamp
Tester –
Page 18.
Our experimenter’s board makes it easy – by Ross Tester & Bob Nicol
54 A LED Bargraph Ammeter For Your Car
It’s easy to build and even easier to connect – by Rick Walters
62 Keypad Engine Immobiliser
There’s no need for a hidden “kill” switch – by John Clarke
29 Satellite Watch
The very latest on satellite TV – by Garry Cratt
68 Serviceman’s Log
How long is a couple of months? – by the TV Serviceman
80 Radio Control
Operating model R/C helicopters – by Bob Young
Getting Going With
The BASIC Stamp – Page 32.
88 Vintage Radio
Improving AM broadcast reception, Pt.3 – by Rodney Champness
Publisher’s Letter
Circuit Notebook
Product Showcase
Order Form
Ask Silicon Chip
Notes & Errata
Market Centre
Advertising Index
LED Bargraph Ammeter For Cars
– Page 54
January 1999 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Ross Tester
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
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the subscription page in this issue.
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Unit 8, 101 Darley St, Mona Vale,
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E-mail: silchip<at>
ISSN 1030-2662
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2 Silicon Chip
Wind power and
marketing hype
This month we feature a short story on the new
wind farm at Crookwell in New South Wales. This
was opened in August last year but for a number
of reasons the story had to be delayed until this
issue. It is a good development for the electricity
industry in this country but it is nowhere near
as significant as the marketing people have tried
to make it out to be.
To hear the speeches on the opening day, you
would think the management people at Pacific
Power had invented wind power! The truth
turned out to be somewhat more prosaic, as I found when talking to the Danish
commissioning engineer from Vestas Wind Systems A/S; it was a straightforward
turnkey project.
In fact, on the opening day, in spite of there being hordes of people from the
various power companies, I could not find one Australian engineer who could
give me any technical background on the project. Years ago, Australian engineering would have had a very significant part in a project of this type and it
probably would have been much larger.
Crookwell was promoted as the first “grid connected” wind farm in Australia.
The publicity handout was very careful about that point “grid connected”. But
at no time did they mention other wind power installations in Australia and
especially not the one at Esperance, WA which has nine turbines, compared
with Crookwell’s eight.
The reason that the two power companies involved, Pacific Power & Great
Southern Energy, were heavily promoting the Crookwell wind farm was to
publicise their commitment to “Green Power”. This concept of Green Power
has been heavily promoted to their customers and it has been very successful.
At last count, over 30,000 people had agreed to pay more for their electricity,
quite a few in the mistaken belief that they were going to somehow be supplied
with the “green stuff” through their electricity mains.
The fact is that a wind farm with a total capacity of 4.8MW is tiny indeed
compared with the total generating capacity of New South Wales or any of the
other states. We’re talking of tens of Gigawatts here, not megawatts. Of course,
half the trouble is that the public doesn’t know what a megawatt is, let alone a
Gigawatt. A Gigawatt is equal to 1000 Megawatts. Nor has it probably dawned
on these enthusiastic green power customers, that while it might be a windy
place at Crookwell, it doesn’t blow all the time and when it doesn’t, there is no
“green power” being generated from that source.
In any case, all the Crookwell wind power is supposedly going to the Great
Southern customers and Pacific Power customers won’t get a look-in.
To get some idea of how small 4.8MW is, you have to think in terms of
two medium-powered railway locomotives, or perhaps 12 large semi-trailers.
Throughout Australia there are many hundreds of such locomotives and many
thousands of semi-trailers. If we wanted one Gigawatt of wind power, we would
need 1,666 wind turbines, each rated at 600kW. At Crookwell, we’ve got eight.
Isn’t that exciting!
If Australians are really concerned about greenhouse gases, they should not
be hoodwinked by marketing hype about green power. They should be getting
serious about energy conservation. It is clear to me that most people don’t even
know what energy conservation is! It means not driving your car when you can
take the train and a whole host of other measures.
And it means not wasting electricity. If every Australian could turn off one
60W electric light bulb, or in other words, permanently reduce their electricity
consumption by that amount, Australia’s generating capacity could be reduced
by one Gigawatt. That makes 4.8MW of wind power seem puny indeed. Reckon
it will happen?
Leo Simpson
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And A Few Other Worries
The Year 2000 bug is not the only bug
that computer users have to worry about
as we approach the end of the
millennium. There are other problems
lurking in the background as well.
Suppose someone mentioned these
dates: 1st January 1999, 21st August
1999, 29th February 2000, 1st July
2000 and 18th January 2038? Would
they mean anything to you? No? –then
how about an easy one? What about
the 31st December 1999?
Of course, the latter will immediately evoke a response. It’s the end of
the century and the end of the millennium; a time for parties and revelry.
OK purists, the 31st December 2000 is
really the end of the millennium (not
31st December 1999) but guess when
the big party is going to be held. The
rollover from the year 1999 to the year
4 Silicon Chip
2000 seems far more significant than
from 2000 to 2001, so let’s not be too
It will also be far more significant
to those who own and operate computers. The concern is that not all
computers will continue to operate
correctly when the year 2000 ticks
over, due to hardware and/or software
limitations. Indeed, if you listened
to some of the doom and gloom
merchants, you could be forgiven
for wondering if the Earth will stop
spinning at midnight of the 31st December, 1999.
Certainly, if you work as a computer
programmer, you could well be left
wondering if the patches you’ve put
in place in the computer system will
do the job when the year 2000 ticks
over. Some IT (information technology) workers in critical industries
may even have to remain at work on
31st December 1999 to monitor the
rollover, just in case problems are
However, there are a few other dates
that are likely to cause problems as
we approach the year 2000 and in the
years immediately afterwards. Let’s
find out what those dates are and
what effect they might have on our
computer systems.
1st January 1999
The first critical date that might
cause problems is 1st January 1999.
Yes that’s right, 1999!
This year sees the introduction of a
new currency – the “Euro” – in the European Union, although the coins and
notes aren’t due for release until 2002.
If you deal with Europe or European
currencies and need to handle the
Euro, then you may have to upgrade
your software to handle this new currency. This could include both your
operating system, plus other software
such as spreadsheets, accountancy
packages and even word processors.
According to Microsoft’s website,
Windows 98 already has support for
the Euro and Windows NT5 will have
it when it’s finally released. Meanwhile, users with NT4 can update
using the “NT4 Service Pack 4” or the
“NT4 Euro Update Pack”. Windows 95
users should also check the Microsoft
website for a special update patch.
In addition, replacements for the
Comic Sans MS and
fonts with the Euro symbol, as well as
some of the more common True Type
fonts (Arial, Courier New and Times
New Roman), are available by following the links from the Euro section of
Microsoft’s website.
Registered MS Office users may
also download an updated Euro-ready
Tahoma font.
However, even if you have the correct fonts, this won’t make your software work in Euros. Check with your
software supplier to find out what will
best suit your needs or whether you
can upgrade existing software.
But do you really need to update?
As with most things, look before you
leap. If you don’t deal in Euros, then
there’s no need to act. Instead, you can
wait and take care of the problem as
your software is progressively upgraded in the normal manner.
As a matter of interest, estimates
of costs to companies and banks in
Europe range from 25% of the year
Fig.1: Microsoft’s
year 2000 website
includes detailed
information on
operating systems
and applications. It
also includes Y2K
fixes that can be
downloaded and
applied to problem
Fig.2: the Microsoft
year 2000 web site
has links to
numerous “Year
2000 Tools” that can
be used to assess
Microsoft products.
There are also links
to numerous third
party suppliers with
Y2K diagnostic
utilities, some of
which can be
downloaded for free.
2000 costs to as much as two or three
times the cost of year 2000 conversion.
21st August 1999
What’s the significance of this
seemingly innocuous date? Well, this
date is the week zero rollover for GPS
Fig.3: Dell’s website has some excellent material on the
Y2K problem. There’s a complete product list of Dell
machines, a number of Y2K test tools that can be
downloaded, and a several easy-to-follow articles on the
Y2K problem.
navigation systems.
In greater detail, the 21st August
1999 is the last day of week 1023 of
the GPS system. However, the system
was only designed to count from 0 to
1023 in the first place. This means
that on the 22nd August 1999, the
Fig.4: if you have a Dell computer, you can check its Y2K
status and, if necessary, download a BIOS update or
software patch.
January 1999 5
What About Apple Computers?
If you’ve got an Apple Mac, you
can afford to be a little smug here.
According to Apple, the Mac OS
(operating system) has always
correctly handled dates between
1st January 1904 and 6th February
2040. What’s more, the current
Mac OS date and time utilities
correctly handle dates between
30,081 BC and 29,940 AD.
Apple also state that all applications which use the Mac OS
date and time utilities will have no
problems when the year 2000 rolls
around. However, there could be
GPS satellites will be broad
that it is week 0.
Some GPS ground systems will just
stop working, having severe problems
with the rollover. Others may need
only a simple modification, often
back at the factory, to make sure that
they continue working properly and
display 22nd August 1999 instead of
6th January 1980, or something worse.
Most GPS systems made over the
last couple of years should have no
problems but be sure to check with
your supplier that yours will work
properly. If you have a GPS mapping
system for your computer, it might
also pay to check with the supplier
(as well as the supplier of the GPS)
for any updates.
9th September 1999: 9/9/99
This could be a real sleeper in some
applications. That’s because software
writers occasionally used 9/9/99 to
indicate unknown information. Basically, this was a date that was never
supposed to happen during the life
of the program. It means that some
applications will fail before the year
2000 is reached.
31st December 1999: Y2K Bug
Given the publicity, there must
be few people who haven’t heard
the “Year 2000 Bug”, also known as
the “Millennium Bug” and the “Y2K
Bug”. It refers to the fact that many
computer systems will not roll over
correctly from 31st December 1999 to
1st January 2000, but will roll over to
1900 or 1980 instead.
The older the computer, the more
6 Silicon Chip
problems with applications that
don’t do this. Once again, it’s best
to check with the company that
supplies the software.
One issue affecting the Apple
Mac is that the Date and Time
control panel only allows the year
to be set in the range from 19202019. However, it’s possible to
set dates beyond 2019 using the
SetDateTime toolbox.
There are a few other issues
and owners are best advised to
visit the Apple website for further
likely it is that it has the Y2K bug.
Many applications will break down as
well and again, the older the application, the more likely it is that it will
suffer year 2000 problems.
So how did it begin? Basically, the
problem can be traced back to the early
days of computing and the practice
of using only two digits to represent
the year. That practice, possibly introduced to save storage space, was
Embedded Controllers
It’s not only computers that
could strike problems in the
year 2000. Many of today’s
so-called “high-tech.” systems
contain embedded controllers
and these are commonly used
in medical equipment, car computers, traffic lights, industrial
process control, office equipment, PABXs, airconditioning
plants, building access controls
and alarm systems, to name
just a few.
Of course, only some of these
controllers are date dependent
but those that are could cause
problems in the year 2000 if not
replaced or modified. The effects, of course, will depend on
the equipment. In some cases,
the equipment will continue to
operate normally (although it
will report the wrong date) but
in other cases, the equipment
could malfunction or cease
working altogether.
subsequently carried over into the
age of the PC.
If you “dig down” into the hardware
of a PC, you’ll find a real-time clock
(RTC) chip. This RTC keeps track of
the time and date and updates the
CMOS memory which is backed up
by an onboard battery when the machine is off. The year information in
the CMOS is passed on to the system
BIOS in 2-digit format each time the
machine boots.
What happens is that the BIOS
receives the 2-digit count from the
RTC, adds this to 1980 (Microsoft’s
base date) and stores the year as four
digits (eg, 1980 + 18 = 1998).
This all works fine until we get to
the year 2000. At this point, the RTC
rolls the year from 99 to 00 but the
century field remains fixed at 19. As
a result, the RTC rolls over to 1st January 1900 instead of 1st January 2000.
The next step depends on the system BIOS itself or more specifically, on
what type of BIOS is built into the PC.
When the machine is rebooted, some
BIOSes will simply reflect what is in
the system clock and will show 0101-1900. Other BIOSes will interpret
year 00 as 01-01-1980. As a result, the
system rolls over from either 1999 to
1980 or from 1999 to 1900.
However, there’s a complicating
factor. Microsoft operating systems
(Windows and DOS 6.22) don’t recognise 1900 as a valid date. Instead,
when the operating system boots, it
automatically resets the system clock
to 4th January 1980; or at least, this
is what happens with DOS 6.22, Windows 3.1x and Windows 95.
Windows 98, Windows NT 3.51
(Service Pack 5) and Windows NT
4 behave differently. According to
Microsoft, these operating systems
include a BIOS “fix” which automatically resets the year 1900 to 2000.
However, some BIOSes will revert to
1900 every time the system reboots.
In that case, Microsoft’s BIOS fix
will only work until the year 2001 is
reached. When that happens and the
system BIOS rolls over to 1901, the
fix will not work and the operating
system will revert to 1980.
Now let’s inject an air of reality
here. Generally, it’s older machines
that have BIOSes with this type of
problem. You’re not likely to be running Windows NT or Windows 98 on
a 486 and if you are, it’s probably time
for an upgrade anyway.
Check Out These Websites
The Year 2000 Problem
Mi crosoft's year 2000 websi te. Lots of information on operating systems
and appli cations plus numerous links to various dianosti c utili ti es, etc.
Information on Novell products and Y2K compatibi li ty.
Lots of i nformation on the Y2K probl em plus links to manufacturers.
The NSW Government's year 2000 information websi te. Lots of information
plus links to other state government websi tes and the Commonweal th
Government's websi te.
Year 2000 website for the US Government Small Business Administration.
The Bri tish Government's Action 2000 websi te.
The Year The Earth Stands Stil l - an interesting vi ewpoint on the year 2000
problem. Read i t wyou're sti ll compl acent.
Some Use ufl Y2K Diagnostic Utilities Saphena Computing's DOSCHK.EXE diagnosti c utili ty.
Preci se Publi shing's diagnosti c uti li ty. /nstl_ymark2000.htm
NSTL's YMARK2000 diagnosti c utili ty.
RighTime's Test2000 diagnosti c utili ty.
Computers Suppliers & Y2K
Lets you check your Dell system for compliance. Bi os updates and dri vers
can be downloaded wnecessary.
www.del l /com/ap/au/year2000/index.htm
Euro Information
European Union's official Euro websi te.
Mi crosoft's Euro websi te.
Bitstream Fonts Euro websi te.
Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Navigation System
Austral ian Mari time Safety Authori ty. /gps/geninfo/y2k/defaul t.htm
GPS date rollover issues pl us a list of GPS manufacturers.
US Coast Guard Navi gation Information Centre.
Donating Old PCs To Schools
Note that if a non-compliant machine
is left running during the rollover, the
DOS date will be updated correctly
to 01-01-2000. However, that doesn’t
necessarily mean that all applications
will work correctly. Some applications
take the date from the BIOS rather than
from the operating system.
Typequick's link to put business in contact wi th school s that need PCs.
What’s more, if the BIOS date reverts to 01-01-1900 or 01-01-1980,
the operating system date will also be
incorrect when the machine is next
booted. However, if you manually
correct the date in the CMOS setup,
many machines will maintain the
correct setting from that point on and
even re-booting will not cause any
The Award 4.50g BIOS can pose
particular problems. Some versions
of this BIOS will not allow any year
that’s less than “94”, which means
that 1900 becomes 1994 and 2000,
2001, 2002, etc become 2094. This
January 1999 7
is a small utility
that can
automatically test
your PC for Y2K
compliance. It
starts by saving the
current date and
time, then resets the
time to 5 seconds
before midnight on
Fig.6: next, the
program counts
down to midnight
on 31/12/1999. An
on-screen display
shows the progress.
Fig.7: finally, the
program displays
the results and offers
advice on a fix. As
can be seen, this PC
has gone back to
means that the machine will roll over
from 1999 to 1994 and you cannot
correct the situation by manually
resetting the BIOS clock.
Although many RTCs in recent machines are still technically non-compliant, a “fix” is incorporated into the
BIOS to overcome the Y2K problem.
Basically, the BIOS corrects the date
in the CMOS at bootup time and this
is subsequently passed on to the operating system. Most (but not all) of
the later Pentium machines fall into
this category and so will correctly
roll-over to the year 2000.
In greater detail, the CMOS RTC
almost always fails to increment from
1999 to 2000 (except for the very latest
RTCs) but this usually doesn’t matter
– very few programs access it directly
(and these would now usually be considered obsolete). What does matter is
that the BIOS fixes the problem so that
8 Silicon Chip
both the BIOS and operating system
dates are correct.
Testing your system
So how can you check to see if your
system rolls over to the year 2000 correctly? Again look before you leap; if
you rush in and change the date and
time on your PC to a few minutes
before the year 2000, there could be
unforeseen consequences.
For example, if you have a program
that is only registered for a certain
period of time, it may stop working.
In addition, anything that schedules
events, including e-mail delivery,
could cause lots of problems. Even
year 2000 compliant applications
could cause problems if you move the
clock forward to the year 2000, run
the program, then change the clock
back again.
The best way to test your system is
to use a bootable floppy disc (created
using DOS 6.22 or later). That way,
you can avoid writing any information to the hard disc, which may alter
vital files. Make sure that the machine
on which you create the bootable floppy is clean of viruses, then change the
boot order in your BIOS (CMOS) setup
to A: C: (normally it should be on C:
A: or C: only, to prevent accidental
infection if a virus-infected disc is
left in the A: drive).
Although not considered totally reliable, a manual check can give a good
indication as to how your system will
behave when the year 2000 ticks over.
The basic procedure involves setting
the system clock to one minute before
midnight on 31/12/1999 and then
observing what happens when the
system rolls over into the year 2000.
However, to properly determine the
system’s behaviour, you need to test
two conditions:
(1) what happens if the machine is
switched off during the rollover; and
(2) what happens if the machine is
left switched on during the rollover
and then rebooted.
First, boot from the floppy disc to
the A: prompt and change the date
and time to one minute before midnight on the December 31st 1999. You
do this by first typing “date” (without the inverted commas) at the A:
prompt and then typing in the new
date (ie, 12-31-1999). This done, type
“time” and change the time to 23:59.
Note that this procedure not only
changes the operating system clock
but also changes the date and time in
the BIOS and RTC as well.
Now turn the PC off, wait a couple
of minutes, then switch the machine
back on and check the date, day and
time in the BIOS (ie, CMOS) setup.
PCs with non-compliant BIOSes will
usually drop back to 01-01-1980 or
to 01-01-1900 but some will go to
Now exit the BIOS setup without
making any changes, boot from the
floppy disc and check the date – just
type “date” (without the inverted
commas) at the DOS prompt and hit
the Enter key. If the BIOS previously
indicated 01-01-1980, then this date
will also be shown when you type
“date” at the DOS prompt. However,
if the BIOS previously reverted to 0101-1900, DOS 6.22 will change this to
4th January 1980 (04/01/1980).
You can now check to see what
Fig.8: Y2000RTC is another free diagnostic utility. You can either run Y2000.exe from DOS or Y2000W.EXE from
Windows 3.1x or Windows 95/98. These three screen grabs show the test results from a typical 486 PC.
happens when the machine is left
on. Once again, boot from the floppy,
change the date and time to a couple
of minutes before midnight on 31st
December 1999 and leave the machine
running during the rollover. Now reboot the machine and check the date.
If the machine is non-compliant, you
will find that the DOS date will be
incorrect after the reboot.
Assuming a non-compliant system,
try manually setting the date to the
year 2000 (eg, 1/1/2000) in the BIOS
setup, then switch the PC off and
reboot from the floppy disc. Recheck
the date in the BIOS setup, then allow
the machine to boot to the A: prompt
and check it again. If the year is still
2000, this means that you should only
have to reboot the PC and manually
alter the date in the BIOS setup once
when the year 2000 arrives. After that,
the machine should be OK.
Finally, don’t forget to reset the date
C-Time Rollover
Talk to anyone with Unix, or a
Unix related system, and they’ll
probably be laughing while we
PC and Windows users are sorting out the Y2K problem.
Why? Well they usually (but
not always) write software using a special date/time library
(CTIME), in which dates start
from 1970 and don’t run out
until 18th January 2038. After
that, they have a real problem,
because the date resets to 1970
People using Unix can still
have problems, as their appli
cations might deal with dates
in a 2-digit manner – so not all
of them will be laughing at us.
and time to the correct values before
booting from the hard disc.
TSRs & BIOS cards
As indicated previously, some
machines can revert to the year 1900
each time they are turned on. The only
way around this problem is a BIOS
upgrade, a TSR “fixup” routine or a
new motherboard (it’s probably time
to upgrade anyway).
A TSR (terminate and stay resident)
patch is basically a software routine
that’s loaded via the autoexec.bat file
when the machine boots. In operation,
the TSR fix checks the date in the
BIOS and applies a correction if a date
prior to 1980 is returned. A TSR isn’t
exactly foolproof though and might
not work with some programs. It will
also be lost if you reformat the hard
disc drive (unless you remember to
reinstall it), or can be inadvertently
bypassed if you boot from a floppy
disc or CD ROM.
Alternatively, an add-on BIOS card
which plugs into an expansion slot on
the motherboard can be used to solve
the problem in most machines. Its
advantage is that the fix is permanent
but it costs more than a TSR fix.
Basically, the add-on card acts as
an extension to the existing BIOS.
It works by changing the century
register in the RTC to 20 if a value of
less than 80 is returned from the year
register. However, as with TSR fixes, a
BIOS card might not work with some
If your motherboard has flash
BIOS, you may be able to download
and upgrade the BIOS yourself. Just
be sure to get the correct BIOS for
your particular motherboard from
the manufacturer’s web site. A word
of warning, though – updating the
BIOS is not a job for the novice. If you
make a mess of things, you could end
up with a machine that won’t boot.
Another approach is to replace the
BIOS chip itself. However, that may
only be feasible if your machine is less
than two or three years old.
Test software
A more reliable (and easier) way of
testing your machine is to use one of
the many commercial software packages that are now available. “Check
How To Manually Test
Your PC For The Year 2000
Step 1: Boot from a floppy
disc created using DOS 6.22
or later.
Step 2: type “date” (without
the inverted commas) and
change the date to 31-121999.
Step 3: type “time” and
change the time to 23:59 (ie,
to one minute before midnight).
Step 4: switch off, wait for
two minutes, then reapply
power and enter the BIOS
setup. Check the date. If the
year isn’t 2000, then your
machine is non-compliant.
Step 5: exit the BIOS setup
without saving and allow the
machine to boot from the
floppy disc.
Step 6: type “date”. Machines
with non-compliant BIOSes will usually show either
January 1st 1980 or January
4th 1980.
Step 7: Reset the date and
time to the correct values.
January 1999 9
Fig.9: File Manager will display a garbled year for files created on or after 1st
January 2000 if your version of winfile.exe is dated earlier than 11/3/97. A fix is
available from Microsoft but be sure to download the correct version for your
operating system.
2000 PC” from Greenwich Mean Time
is one such example. This comprehensive package not only checks your
PC for year 2000 compliance but can
also fix any BIOS problems it does
find using a BIOS fix utility (for most
BIOS types, that is). It can also scan
your applications and data files and
offer advice on fixing any problems.
Other commercial Y2K auditing
tools include McAfee 2000 Toolbox,
OnMark 2000 Access, Norton 2000
and Express 2000 Suite.
There are also lots of utilities
available on the Internet for checking
whether your computer will correctly
roll over to the year 2000. Many of
these are free for personal use and
are quick and easy to use. As well as
checking for year 2000 rollover, many
check other critical dates as well.
One example is “DOSCHK.EXE”
from Saphena Computing in the UK.
The archived file can be downloaded
from their website in less than a minute (see table for website address) and
you simply copy the unzipped files to
a directory on your boot floppy before
running the program.
Basically, the program takes the
tedium out of having to manually
reset the time and date and reboot
the computer on several occasions.
It’s also more comprehensive than the
manual reboot test, since it separately
tests the RTC, the BIOS and the operating system. A panel summarises the
results at the end of the test (see Fig.7).
Do You Really Have To Fix Year 2000 Problems?
If you only use your PC at home
to play games and/or for letter
writing, you probably don't really
need to worry about the Y2K problem. On the other hand, if the PC is
used in business and to run date
sensitive applications, then you
really must take action to ensure
Y2K compliance. If you don’t, you
can run into all sorts of problems,
particularly with accountancy,
payroll, database and spreadsheet
In fact, the impact of non-compliant systems and applications
10 Silicon Chip
on businesses could be extremely
serious. Many businesses rely
on the integrity of their data to
function correctly and, unless
Y2K problems are fixed, could
lose money and even end up with
financial difficulties.
There are also the legal aspects
to consider. In fact, this is a potential minefield that ranges all the
way from companies taking action
against suppliers to shareholders
taking action against company
directors that fail to adequately
address Y2K issues.
Another interesting millennium
checker is Y2000RTC from Precise
Publishing, another UK company. You
can download (around
90KB) from their website and, after
unzipping, run Y2000.exe from DOS
or Y2000W.EXE from Windows 3.1x
or Windows 95/98. Fig.8 shows the
test results from a typical 486 PC.
If problems are discovered, you can
install a driver file which, according
to Precise Publishing, solves the
problem by correcting the RTC. Precise Publishing even state that it can
fix the “94” problem associated with
Award 4.50G BIOSes. This driver file
isn’t included in the free test program
but has to be purchased separately.
YMARK2000 from NSTL (USA) is
also well worth downloading. This
interesting utility does more than
just check the year 2000 rollover.
It also checks for correct leap year
support for the years from 2000-2009
and checks the RTC for compatibility
with the Motorola MC146818 chip (if
the RTC isn’t compatible, non-DOS
operating systems and programs that
read the clock directly may fail).
In addition, YMARK2000 checks
to see if the date can be set manually
if the rollover to the year 2000 fails.
By the way, all the above diagnostic
programs test the RTC, which invariably fails except on the very latest
machines. Howev
e r, as discussed
above, the CMOS RTC date is unimportant unless you have one of those
rare programs that accesses it directly.
It is the BIOS date that really matters.
Yet another interesting diagnostic
program is Test2000 from RighTime
in Miami. This program first carries
out a real-time BIOS rollover test. It
then resets the date to 29-02-2000 and
reboots the machine to see if valid
year 2000 BIOS dates are retained (the
BIOS retention test). The results are
shown on-screen and are also written
to a text file called Test2000.tst on the
root directory of the hard disc.
If the machine is non-compliant,
Test2000.tst indicates whether the
problem can be fixed using a proprietary utility program (Y2KPCPro).
29th February 2000
The year 2000 is a leap year but
apparently not all systems or applications will recognise it as such and
will miss the day altogether. Such
systems will incorrectly roll from
28th February 2000 to 1st March 2000.
The reason for this confusion is
that the year 2000 is a special case
that occurs once in every 400 years.
The rule is that a year is a leap year if
it is divisible by four but not by 100.
However, there is an exception – if
the year can be divided by 400, then
it is a leap year.
Confused? Let’s look at the year
1900. This is divisible by four and
by 100 but not by 400, so it wasn’t a
leap year. However, the year 2000 is
divisible by 400, so it is a leap year.
As a result, many sources suggest
that the system be checked to ensure
that it rolls correctly from the 28th
to the 29th February 2000 and from
there to 1st March 2000. In fact, most
year 2000 diagnostic utilities automatically check the system to ensure
that the leap year will be handled
That said, there’s a wealth of opinion that states that the leap year problem doesn’t exist since the standard
RTC automatically provides for a leap
year if the year is divisible by four.
This means that the year 2000 will be
correctly interpreted as a leap year but
it won’t hurt to check anyway.
Y2K web sites
There’s a wealth of information on
the World Wide Web on the Y2K problem and it’s well worth visiting some
of the sites listed in the accompanying
panel. In addition, you will be able
to obtain a list of other suspect dates.
It’s also a good idea to check out the
web sites for your BIOS supplier and
your computer (and/or motherboard)
supplier. They will have tested many
more dates and times than you would
normally be able to check and may
have patches or BIOS updates available for older PCs.
One site that’s well worth checking
out is
This large site hosts detailed infor
mation on Microsoft operating systems and applications and includes
Y2K fixes that you can download
and apply to any problem programs.
It also has links to year 2000 “White
Papers”, a sec
tion with frequently
asked questions (FAQs), and links
to external suppliers and companies
offering Y2K diagnostic utilities.
Yo u s h o u l d a l s o c h e c k o u t and the NSW
Government’s site at www.y2k. If, after all this, you still
feel complacent about the prob-
Year 2000 BIOS Card From Microgram Computers:
All You Have To Do Is Plug It In
The “FIX-IT 2000/CI-5050 Millennium Card” from Microgram
Computers is designed to solve
the year 2000 rollover problem in
PCs with non-compliant BIOSes. It
features it’s own real time clock
(RTC) and an enhanced BIOS chip
to ensure that the year 2000 rolls
around correctly.
The card is easy to install – it
simply plugs into a spare ISA slot
on your PC’s motherboard. Onboard jumpers allow you to set the
I/O port and ROM BIOS addresses
but in most cases the default settings will be OK.
A nifty feature is an on-board
lem, check out Gary North’s site:
Operating systems
Fortunately, Microsoft’s operating
systems are either year 2000 compliant or compliant with minor issues.
They all store and manipulate dates
in 4-digit formats and all correctly
recognise 2000 as a leap year.
What this means is that Microsoft
operating systems won’t break down
when the year 2000 rolls around,
although you may discover a few
CMOS backup facility. This allows
you to save the CMOS settings
from the motherboard and restore
them later if necessary. The settings may either be restored manually or automatically each time
the system is powered up. This is
designed to overcome corruption
of the CMOS settings, either due
to viruses or end-user mistakes.
The FIX-IT 2000/CI-5050 Millennium Card costs $129 (incl. tax)
and is available from Microgram
Computers, Unit 1, 14 Bon Mace
Close, Berkley Vale 2261. Phone
(02) 4389 8444; fax (02) 4389 8388;
or email sales<at>
quirks. For example, the File Manager
included with Windows 3.1x, Windows For Workgroups and the early
releases of Windows 95 will display
a garbled year for files created on or
after 1st January 2000. The year 2000,
for example, displays as 19:0, while
2020 displays as 19<0.
Note, however, that these are only
display artefacts; the underlying system date is handled correctly.
Basically, your File Manager will
have the garbled date problem if
your winfile.exe file is dated earlier
January 1999 11
There’s Lots More To The Year 2000 Problem!
This article is intended as a
general guide to the Year 2000
problem only and is by no means
exhaustive. Because of the wide
variations that exist in computer
hardware, operating systems and
applications, it is impossible to
offer specific advice that covers
all situations.
If you are involved in any sort
of business that operates computers, then you cannot afford to
ignore the year 2000 problem. In
particular, it’s vital that you seek
than 11/3/97. A fix is available from
the Microsoft year 2000 website –
just be sure to download the correct
version for your operating system, as
follows: w31filup.exe for Windows
3.1x, wfwfilup.exe for Windows For
Workgroups, and w95filup.exe for
Windows 95.
Even Windows NT Workstation 4.0
has some quirks and various fixes are
available. However, the problems are
all of a minor nature and most users
won’t even notice them.
What ever your operating system,
visit the manufacturer’s web site and
check out the details for yourself.
This is where the fun really begins.
Just because your hardware is Y2K
compliant, it doesn’t mean that your
applications will behave as expected.
professional help in overcoming
year 2000 problems and that all
systems and applica
t ions be
thoroughly tested well before 2000
rolls around.
Please note that Silicon Chip
Publications Pty Ltd makes no
claims as to the reliability or
completeness of the various test
procedures described in this article. Nor do we make any represent
ations regarding the suitability of
the diagnostics utilities referred to
for your particular situation.
In particular, applications that specify
the year using just two digits can cause
problems and that particularly applies
to spreadsheet, accountancy, payroll
and database programs.
As an example, if a date in a spread
sheet is specified as 21/10/27, how is
this interpreted? Is the year 1927 or
2027? It all depends on the application
but the wrong result could easily make
a mess of superannuation calculations or of any calculations that rely
on future projections. In fact, a file
can even give different results when
opened in different versions of the
same application.
It’s important to ensure that your
applications are year 2000 compatible and that the data is interpreted
correctly. Many spreadsheet and data
base programs rely on Windows itself
to set the default date display format.
Fig.10: many applications
rely on Windows itself to
set the default date display
format. For this reason,
it’s a good idea to set the
Windows short-date display
to “d/MM/yyyy” via the
Regional Settings applet in
the Control Panel.
12 Silicon Chip
For this reason, it’s advisable to set
the Windows short-date display to
“d/MM/yyyy” using the Regional
Settings applet in Control Panel – see
Check with the software supplier.
Do they have a certificate of compliance or some other guarantee that your
software will work correctly? Do you
need to upgrade? Answers to these
questions are best provided by the
company that produced the software.
Once again, check the manufacturer’s web site for Y2K information; it
may be possible to make your software compliant by downloading and
applying patches. Often, however, it
will be better to upgrade your applications to the latest versions and apply
any patches (if necessary) from there,
particularly for applications that are
used in business.
What if things don’t comply? If
you’re running outdated software on
an old 486 machine, it’s probably best
to go for a completely new system.
You might even consider donating the
old 486 to a school so that students
can learn valuable computer skills.
The Typequick website (see panel),
includes a link to help you get in
touch with schools that are interested
in receiving “retired” PCs.
It’s not sufficient just to bring individual computers and applications
up to speed. If you are in business,
you must con
sider what happens
when you exchange data with others,
either via a local network, via email
or by some other means. You also
have to consider what happens if
you exchange data between different
Look out for all the small things
–things like third party add-ons, mac
ros and formulae in spreadsheets and
other applications. These can all have
problems, especially if you’ve been
using a 2-digit year format. They can
even cause problems with applications that are, by themselves, year
2000 compliant.
Finally, it’s important to realise that
there’s no magic cure-all for the Y2K
problem. Each site must be tested on
its own merits and the appropriate
solutions implemented. But even
though most of the problems are wellknown, not many of the thousands of
individuals specialising in the Y2K
problem will give a 100% guarantee
that their solutions will work without
any hiccups.
Antennas for UHF & VHF
TV reception
the socket to the pencil proved too
much and we just put up with the
poor picture and waited (apparently
in vain) for the change to UHF. Then
along came your article on the FM
antenna in the March 1998 issue. As
this would cover the bandwidth of
Channel 3 it seemed an ideal solution.
I constructed it as per your instructions and erected it with a diplexer
above the bow-tie. Low and behold
we get a perfect, interference-free
reception of Channel 3 and, with
a splitter, every FM station within
100km roars in.
J. Lowe,
Heatherbrae, NSW.
Radio interference
from power lines
When I retired and moved to Heath
erbrae (NSW) some 11 years ago, it
was stated that all local TV channels
telecasting from Mount Sugar
would move to the UHF band. Due
to the stupidity of a previous government, or their advisers, Channels
3, 4 and 5 were allocated bandwidth
in the international FM band. The
first to move out was the ABC which
moved from Channel 5 to the then
new Channel 5A. Then very shortly
afterwards they established a new
UHF channel. Station NBN also was
to vacate their spot in the FM band
and move to UHF.
On the strength of all this I built
your bow-tie reflector UHF antenna
which gave perfect results on UHF. I
have been waiting ever since for NBN
to close down their VHF transmitter
and re-establish in the UHF band.
The main reason is that there is some
interference with their VHF signal
here. My wife “discovered” that if
the coax lead was removed from the
wall socket and a pencil placed so that
the pencil “lead” made contact with
the inner socket, an excellent picture
could be obtained if the setup was
placed on the floor. The mind boggles!
However, the nuisance of moving
the coax lead back and forth from
I must make a clarification of the
Vintage Radio article in the November
1998 issue. I am referring specifically
to the comment regarding interference from high voltage power lines.
It is the mistaken belief by the majority of people within the trade that
interference on high voltage power
lines is caused by arcing. Whilst I
was employed in the Department of
Transport and Communications and
its other names over a period of 23
years I did quite a bit of research on
interference to radio, TV and radio
communications reception, and
methods of improving reception.
The only time that an arc creates
interference is at the instance the arc
is established and when it is extinguished, not during the time that the
arc is present. High voltage power line
interference is caused by sparking,
much the same as the spark coil in a
car causes sparks. Arcs may well be
produced as well but because of the
oscillatory nature of the waveforms,
there are many sparks.
On HV power lines, there are both
capacitive and resistive currents
flowing over and through insulations, pins, cross arms, braces, nuts
and bolts, etc between phases. If this
current is constant, no interference is
produced. However, interference is
produced if within this leakage path
there is a spot/area that has a high re-
sistance but a low dielectric strength.
Sparks will be produced across or
through this area once the breakdown
voltage is exceeded, towards the peak
on each half wave.
Interference will be produced
where there is any abrupt change in
the current flowing. The harmonics
of the basic 100Hz mains interference
(every half cycle) can extend to hundreds of megahertz in many cases.
Generally, the majority of interference occurs where wooden high
voltage transmission poles are used.
As the wood dries out it shrinks and
the hardware becomes loose, which
often gives a discontinuous leakage
path between phases. Instances like
the high insulation resistance but
weak dielectric strength areas as
mentioned in the previous paragraph
occur. These sparks are often inside
the cross arms and initially when dew
or rain falls, the conductivity on the
outside of the pole and its hardware
t ures increases, resulting in
increased interference as the area
with the weak dielectric has a greater
amount of sparking across it. This will
continue until the area with the weak
dielectric is completely wet and then
all the discontinuities that cause the
interference will be removed.
It is usually found that the interference increases as the dew settles then
suddenly ceases late in the evening
once these discontinuities are wet. To
overcome these discontinuities the
hardware on the high voltage section
of the wooden pole is tightened and
the problem usually disappears. The
interference is more likely in the summer and autumn periods where the
pole hardware is dry and has shrunk.
With sustained rain, interference is
rare except where cracked insulators
or faulty high voltage surge diverters
are evident.
With salt-encrusted HV hardware
and insulators, the resistive current
is greater than what it would be on
inland installations. There can be
a substantial loss of power in some
locations due to this high leakage.
R. Champness,
Benalla, Vic.
January 1999 13
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Build this:
Megohm Tester
This high-voltage
insulation tester
can measure
resistances from
1-2200MΩ. It is
battery powered
and displays the
readout on a 10step LED bargraph
OU CAN USE this Megohm
Tester to check the insulation
of your 240VAC mains appliances, high voltage capacitors and
high value resistors. As well, it can be
used as a Go/No Go Tester for testing
Voltage Dependent Resistors (VDRs,
also known as MOVs or metal-oxide
varistors). In a pinch, it could also be
used to check SCRs and Triacs (high
voltage blocking test).
It uses an inbuilt inverter to generate a high voltage which can be
selected as 100V, 250V, 500V, 600V
& 1000V and the insulation reading
is indicated on a bargraph display
(dot mode) using an LM3914 display
These days, virtually all appliances
are operated from the 240VAC mains
supply, either directly or stepped
down to a lower voltage using a
transformer. However, for all its
18 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: this block diagram shows the basic building blocks of the
Megohm Meter. It uses a step-up converter to generate the test
voltage. A voltmeter with a LED bargraph display shows the results.
advantages there is a downside to
electricity and that is its potential to
kill. Under normal circumstances,
if appliances are well-insulated and
correctly earthed, there should not be
any cause for concern about safety.
However, should there be an insulation breakdown within an appliance, there is the possibility that the
appliance can become dangerous.
This is particularly true for earthed
items where this connection has
failed, which is why safety switches
are a good idea. There is, however, no
substitute for an appliance which has
excellent insulation between Active
and Earth and between Neutral and
This is where the SILICON CHIP
Megohm Tester comes into play because it allows you to check the integrity of the appliance insulation under
high voltage conditions. It operation,
the tester applies a high voltage (up to
1000V) between the terminals being
checked and accurately displays the
insulation resistance up to 2200MΩ.
You could of course use an ordinary
multimeter to check the insulation
but this isn’t a valid test. This is because a multimeter only produces a
very low test voltage (around 1.5V)
and most insulation breakdown
occurs at much higher voltages. By
applying a high voltage between the
test points, the Megohm Tester overcomes this problem.
Another problem with a multimeter
is that it will only show overrange
for “good” insulation measurements
rather than an actual value of the
resistance. This is because insulation
resistance measurements usually result in readings of hundreds of Meg
ohms rather than the nominal 20MΩ
maximum value for a multimeter.
So an ordinary multimeter cannot
really tell you how good the insulation is and nor can it test under high
voltage conditions.
Naturally, the appliance being
tested must be unplugged from the
mains socket during the test procedure. Note, however, that the on/off
switch on the appliance itself may
have to be switched to the ON position, in order to get a valid reading. If
this isn’t done, the mains switch will
effectively isolate the Active and Neutral wiring inside the device from the
Main Features
LED bargraph display
Five test voltages from 1001000V
Measures from 1MΩ to
2200MΩ (2.2GΩ)
Can test VDRs and MetalOxide Varistors (MOV)
Battery operated
Overrange indication
External voltage indication
Discharge path for charged
Overcurrent trip-out at 10mA
test leads and give misleading results.
Note also that the Megohm Tester
only checks the integrity of the insulation between Active and Earth
and between Neutral and Earth. It
doesn’t check the integrity of the
Earth connection itself. This means
that if the Earth connection has failed
(eg, there’s a break in the Earth lead),
the unit will usually in
dicate the
overrange (OR) condition.
The point here is that if you are
checking a mains ap
pliance, you
should always independently check
the integrity of the Earth connection
itself by some other means, either a
multimeter switched to a low Ohms
range or a continuity tester.
Main features
As can be seen from the photos,
the SILICON CHIP Megohm Tester is
a self-contained unit with just a few
self-explanatory controls. It can measure high values of leakage resistance
for six different DC test voltages:
100V, 250V, 500V, 600V and 1000V.
In addition to checking mains
insulation, it can also test capacitors
for leakage. A 10-LED bargraph display is used to indicate the leakage
resistance, while a 3-position range
switch selects either x1, x10 or x100
scale readings, thereby allowing
measurements from 1-2200MΩ. The
measurements are made via insulated
external test leads.
The front panel also includes an
indicator which shows whether
there is an external voltage present
between the two test points. The
output impedance is low enough to
discharge any capacitors which may
pose a nasty shock hazard after the
test procedure – see panel.
The Megohm Meter is also fitted
with an overcurrent trip circuit.
This immediately shuts down the
high voltage supply if the current
through the probes exceeds 10mA.
This current setting is sufficiently
high to prevent nuisance tripping
when measuring insulation resistance
but low enough to prevent the probes
causing a bad shock if you accidentally get across them.
Block diagram
Refer now to Fig.1 for the block
diagram of the Megohm Tester. It is
powered by a 9V battery and this
is stepped up to the required high
voltage using a transformer in a
January 1999 19
Fig.2: this is the full circuit diagram for the Megohm Meter. IC1, a TL494 switchmode converter IC,
is used to drive step-up transformer T1 via Q1, Q2 and Q3 to produce the test voltage. IC2a
provides the 10mA overcurrent trip feature, while IC3 functions as a high-impedance buffer
amplifier stage for the LED bargraph display driver (IC4).
20 Silicon Chip
switchmode configuration. The high
voltage output is then applied to the
Test switch (S4) and is also monitored
via resistors on switch S2a to derive a
feedback voltage. This feedback voltage controls the switchmode supply
so that it automatically maintains the
selected output voltage.
Test switch S4 (a pushbutton type)
is wired so that it normally selects
the external voltage indicator circuit.
This means that LED13 lights if an
external voltage is present across the
test points. This indicator circuit will
also discharge the external voltage if
it has been stored in a capacitor.
When S4 is pressed, the high voltage supply is switched through to the
positive test terminal instead. Any
leakage current between the positive
and negative test leads is then fed to
a current-to-voltage converter which
is simply a resistance selected via
Range switch S3.
The resulting voltage is then fed to
a high input impedance voltmeter circuit which is calibrated to display the
resistance across the test terminals.
This voltmeter circuit consists of an
amplifier stage based on op amp IC3
plus a LED bargraph display based
on IC4.
Note that this is no ordinary voltmeter since it cannot draw any significant current via the test terminals,
otherwise false readings will occur. In
fact, a simple calculation will tell us
just how small the currents flowing
between the test terminals are.
Let’s assume a 1000V test voltage
and a 2000MΩ (2GΩ) resistance between the test terminals. In that case,
the current will be only 500nA (500
x 10-9). The same resistance at 100V
will give a current of just 50nA.
Op amp IC3 provides the high input
impedance for the voltmeter circuit,
while IC4 drives the LED bargraph
display. This display uses 10 LEDs to
form the bargraph plus an overrange
LED which indicates that the next
range should be selected.
Finally, the 10mA trip circuit
monitors the current through the
current-to-voltage converter. If the
current exceeds 10mA, the trip circuit
shuts down the high voltage supply.
Pressing Reset switch S5 restores the
supply to normal operation.
Circuit details
Fig.2 shows the full circuit of the
Megohm Tester. It uses four ICs, a
Fig.3: the top trace of this scope readout shows the gate drive to Mosfet Q1
when the 100V test voltage range is selected, while the lower trace shows the
waveform for the 1000V range. Note how the pulse width increases for the
higher test voltage.
small transformer, Mosfet Q3 and a
handful of other components.
The high voltage output is produced by using IC1 to switch step-up
transformer T1. It does this via Mosfet
Q3 and buffer transistors Q1 & Q2.
IC1 is a TL494 switchmode controller
which incorporates a nominal 5V
This Megohm Meter is capable of charging capacitors
to very high voltages (up to
1000V). Depending on their
value, such capacitors are
capable of providing a severe
electric shock which, in some
circumstances, could even
prove fatal.
For this reason, always allow
the capacitor to fully discharge
via the External Voltage LED
after releasing the Test switch.
This involves leaving the test
leads connected to the capacitor until the LED has fully
Finally, use your multimeter
to confirm that the capacitor
has fully discharged before
disconnecting the test leads.
reference, an internal oscillator, two
op amp error amplifiers and two output drivers. The outputs can be used
in either push-pull or single-ended
mode but in our application, we have
used the latter configuration.
The RC components at pins 5 & 6
set the oscillator frequency to around
22kHz. The outputs appear at pins 9
& 10 and drive buffer transistors Q1
& Q2 which in turn drive Mosfet Q3
to switch T1.
The step-up converter uses the
two windings in transformer T1 to
produce up to 1000VDC. When Q3 is
turned on, current flows through the
primary winding via the 9V supply.
When Q3 is subsequently switched
off, the voltage across the primary is
stepped up in the secondary winding and delivered to a .0056µF 3kV
capacitor via diodes D1-D3. These
diodes are rated at 500V each and
so together provide greater than the
required 1000V breakdown voltage.
The voltage across the .0056µF 3kV
capacitor is sampled via a voltage divider consisting of two series 4.7MΩ
resistors and a resistor selected by
S2a. The sampled voltage is then
fed to pin 16 of IC1. This pin is the
non-inverting input (+IN2) of an internal error amplifier which monitors
the sampled voltage.
The gain of this op amp stage is set
January 1999 21
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04301991, 87 x
1 front panel label, 90 x 152mm
(note: two versions available –
see text)
1 plastic case, 158 x 85 x 52mm
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 2P6W rotary switch (S2)
1 2P3W slider switch or 1P3W
1 SPDT momentary pushbutton
switch (S4) (Altronics S1393)
1 SPDT momentary pushbutton
or SPST push-to-close switch
1 red banana panel mount socket
1 black banana panel mount
2 insulated test leads with banana
plugs and insulated probes
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
1 9V alkaline battery
1 9V battery holder
1 EFD30 transformer assembly
1 150mm length of red hookup
1 150mm length of blue hookup
1 150mm length of yellow hookup
1 150mm length of green hookup
1 400mm length of mains rated
1 5m length of 0.25mm ENCW
1 100mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 19mm knob
16 PC stakes
1 TL494 switchmode controller
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC2)
1 TL071, LF351 op amp (IC3)
by the 4.7kΩ resistor between pins
15 & 14 (the +5V reference) and by
the 4.7kΩ and 1MΩ resistor in series
between pins 15 & 3. The associated
0.1µF capacitor rolls off the response
above about 1.5Hz, while the unfiltered 4.7kΩ resistor allows the op
amp to respond quickly to sudden
The op amp output is at pin 3 and is
22 Silicon Chip
1 LM3915 log bargraph driver
2 BC337 NPN transistors (Q1,Q4)
1 BC327 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 MTP6N60E 600V N-channel
Mosfet (Q3)
1 BC557 PNP transistor (Q5)
2 3mm red LEDs (LED11,LED12)
1 10-LED bargraph (LED1LED10) (Jaycar ZD-1700 or 2 x
Altronics Z 0179)
1 bi-colour LED (LED13)
3 1N4936 fast recovery diodes
4 1N4148, 1N914 switching
diodes (D4-D7)
3 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
5 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.22µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .001µF MKT polyester
1 .0056µF 3KV ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
2 4.7MΩ 1 W 1 15kΩ
1 1MΩ
1 12kΩ
1 820kΩ
4 10kΩ
1 430kΩ
1 9.1kΩ
1 180kΩ
3 4.7kΩ
2 100kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
1 91kΩ
1 1.8kΩ
1 82kΩ
1 1.2kΩ
1 75kΩ
3 1kΩ
1 56kΩ
1 680Ω
3 47kΩ
1 180Ω
1 43kΩ
3 100Ω
1 39kΩ
1 27Ω
2 33kΩ 1W
1 1Ω
1 22kΩ
Test resistors
2 10MΩ
1 x 3.9MΩ 1W (see text)
1 15kΩ
also compared internally with a sawtooth waveform which operates at the
oscillator frequency. This frequency
is set by the 47kΩ resistor on pin 6
and by the .001µF capacitor on pin 5.
The resulting pulse width modulated signal appears at pins 9 & 10
(E1 & E2) of IC1. This drives pushpull pair Q1 & Q2, which in turn
drive the Mosfet (Q3). If the voltage
on pin 16 of IC1 rises above the +5V
reference, the duty cycle of the pulse
width waveform reduces to lower the
output voltage across the .0056µF
Conversely, if the voltage on pin
16 goes below 5V, the duty cycle increases to increase the output voltage.
As a result, the high voltage output is regulated so that the voltage
on pin 16 of IC1 equals the voltage
on pin 14 (ie, +5V nominal). Thus,
when S2a is in position 1, the division ratio is 43kΩ/(4.7MΩ + 4.7MΩ
+ 43kΩ) = .00455. So if the reference
voltage is 4.75V (minimum value)
the output voltage will be regulated
to 4.75/.00455 = 1043V. Note that
we offer a method of reducing this
value later on in the article should
the voltages be more than 10% high.
Similarly, the other four switch
positions give regulated output voltages of (nominally) 600V, 500V, 250V
and 100V.
The 10µF capacitor at pin 4 of IC1
provides a “soft” start for the high
voltage converter circuit. When
power is first applied to the circuit,
pin 4 is initially pulled to the +5V
reference via the capacitor. This
prevents any pulses from appearing
at pins 9 & 10. The pulses then begin
to appear and gradually widen as
the capacitor charges via the 4.7kΩ
resistor to ground. Full regulation of
the output voltage occurs once the
capacitor has fully charged.
3V supply
A +3V reference is required for the
remainder of the circuit and this is
derived from the +5V reference via
a voltage divider consisting of 10kΩ
and 15kΩ resistors. The resulting +3V
rail is filtered using a 10µF capacitor
and applied to pin 3 of op amp IC2b
which is wired as a voltage follower.
Its output appears at pin 1 and is
decoupled using a 100Ω resistor. A
100µF capacitor provides further filtering for the resulting +3V reference.
When Test switch S4 is pressed, the
test voltage is applied to the positive
(+) test terminal. As a result, a leakage
current will flow between the positive and negative test terminals (ie,
between the test points) and through
one of three pairs of resistors selected
by Range switch S3.
This leakage current also flows
through the 100Ω resistor between
the wiper of S3 and the +3V refer-
The PC board can accommodate either two 5-LED bargraph displays (as shown
here) or a single 10-LED display. Make sure that all parts are correctly oriented
and note that Mosfet Q3 (near transformer) is bent over so that it will clear the
front panel.
ence. The voltage developed across
this resistor (and thus the current
through it) is monitored by pin 5 of
op amp IC2a (via the associated 47kΩ
and 2.2kΩ series resistors). Pin 6 of
IC2a is biased to +4V by the 10kΩ
and 39kΩ voltage divider network
between the +5V rail and ground.
If the current through the 100Ω
resistor rises above 10mA, the voltage across it will be greater than 1V.
When added to the 3V reference, this
means that the voltage on pin 5 of
IC2a rises above +4V. IC2a is wired as
a comparator and so its pin 7 output
now switches high.
This does three things. First, it
turns on transistor Q4 which in turn
lights LED11, the overcurrent indicator. Second, it pulls pin 16 of IC1
high via diode D4, which shuts down
the high voltage supply. And third,
it pulls pin 5 of IC2a high via D5 so
that the comparator (IC2a) is latched
with its output high.
Normal circuit operation can now
only be restored by pressing the Reset
switch (S5). This pulls the voltage
on pin 5 of IC2a below the voltage
on pin 6 and so pin 7 switches low
and the switchmode converter starts
working again.
Voltmeter circuit
As indicated previously, IC3 and
IC4 form a high-impedance voltmeter. IC3 (TL071) functions as a buffer
amplifier which monitors the voltage
across the resistors selected by S3.
This op amp offers a very high input
impedance of about 1,000,000MΩ
(1TΩ) and has a nominal 200pA
input current.
The gain of IC3 is x10 for the
1000V position of S2b and x100 for
the 100V setting. The remaining
test voltage positions (250V, 500V
& 600V) give gains between these
two figures. These gain adjustments
are necessary to compensate for the
different currents that flow through
the selected detector resistors when
different ranges are selected.
The 0.22µF capacitor between pins
2 & 6 rolls off the frequency response
above about 0.8Hz, thereby filtering
out any hum pickup. The 100kΩ input
resistor at pin 3 protects the input
from damage if the test terminals are
shorted (even at the 1000V setting),
Test voltages................................................... 100, 250, 500, 600 & 1000V
Test voltage accuracy after adjustment...............................................<10%
Display readings......................................1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Reading ranges...................................................x1MΩ, x10MΩ & x100MΩ
Current drain................................................................ 50mA <at> 1000V out
January 1999 23
Fig.4: install the parts on the PC board as shown on this wiring diagram.
Note that the leads from the test terminals are terminated on the copper
side of the PC board.
Fig.5: (left) the wiring details for
the step-up transformer. The 10turn primary is wound on first,
followed by the 70-turn secondary
– see text.
24 Silicon Chip
while diodes D6 & D7 limit the input
voltage swing to 0.7V above and below the 3V supply.
VR1 is the offset adjustment. It allows the output at pin 6 to be trimmed
to 3V under no-signal conditions.
S3 is used to switch one of three
series resistor pairs in series with
the 100Ω resistor on its wiper, to give
the x1, x10 and x100 ranges. Position
1 selects a total of 128Ω, position 2
selects 1.28kΩ and position 3 selects
12.78kΩ. At first glance, these may appear to be unusual values. However,
they have been selected to correspond
to the 1.28V full-scale reading for the
LM3915 LED bargraph driver (IC4).
IC3’s output is applied to the pin 5
input of IC4 via a 1kΩ resistor. IC4 is
a logarithmic LED bargraph display
driver, connected here to drive LEDs
1-10 in the dot mode. Each step represents 3dB (ie, a 1.41 ratio), giving
a total range of 30dB. The internal
reference is 1.28V and this sets the
maximum sensitivity of the display.
The overrange indicator circuit
relies on the fact that when IC4 overranges, all the LEDs are off. By including a 100Ω resistor in series with the
commoned LED anodes, the voltage
across it can be monitored using PNP
transistor Q5. When a LED is on, the
voltage across the 100Ω resistor is
greater than 0.7V and so Q2 is biased
on. This shorts out LED12 and so the
overrange indicator is off.
However, if all the LEDs are off (ie,
when IC4 overranges), the voltage
across the 100Ω resistor is zero and
Q5 is off. This removes the short from
across LED12, which now lights via
its 1.8kΩ current limiting resistor.
LED13 is the “External Voltage”
indicator. This bicoloured LED is
wired in series with two 33kΩ 1W
resistors between Test switch S4 and
the +3V reference.
Normally, one side of LED13 is directly connected via S4 to the positive
test terminal. If there is an external
voltage at the test terminals, current
can flow from the positive test terminal, through LED13 and the 33kΩ
resistors, and back to the negative test
terminal via the resistors selected by
switch S3. The LED glows red for DC
voltages of one polarity and green for
DC voltages of the opposite polarity.
If an AC voltage is present, both colours will come on together to display
Note that the LED will begin to glow
Now with 240V AC + 12V DC operation
PLUS fully automatic voltage detection
Use these REFLEX® chargers for all your
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SAVES MONEY & TIME: Restore most Nicads with
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NEED TO DISCHARGE: charge standard batteries in
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Batteries always remain cool; this increases the total
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For a FREE, detailed technical description please
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2567 Wilmot Rd., Devonport, TAS 7310
Fig.6: check your PC board for defects before mounting the
parts by comparing it with this full-size etching pattern.
for external voltages of about 30V and
will be fully lit at 240V. Basically,
this circuit is intended to discharge
any residual voltages that may be left
following the test procedure. This
can commonly occur when testing
capacitors for leakage or if an internal capacitor in the appliance being
tested is charged to the test voltage.
Power for the circuit comes from
a 9V battery via switch S1. There are
several 100µF and 10µF capacitors
across the supply and these are used
to decouple the 9V rail.
The SILICON CHIP Megohm Tester is
built on a PC board coded 04301991
and measuring 87 x 135mm. Fig.4
shows the assembly details.
Begin construction by checking
the PC board for any defects by
comparing it with Fig.6. This done,
install PC stakes at the external wiring
positions. These are located at the
(+) and (-) battery wiring points, the
wiring points for S3 and the (+) and
(-) output terminal points.
Next, install the links and resistors.
Table 2 shows the resistor colour
codes but we recommend that you
check each value on your digital
multimeter just to make sure.
The ICs and diodes can now be
installed, taking care to ensure that
each part is correctly oriented and
that it is in the correct location. This
done, install trimpot VR1 and the
capacitors (the electrolytics must be
correctly oriented), followed by the
Note that transistors Q1, Q2, Q4
January 1999 25
Use medium-duty hook-up wire for the leads to the test terminals and keep
them separated as shown here. The leads from the 9V battery holder are also
terminated on the underside of the board.
and Q5 should all be mounted close
to the PC board. Just push them down
onto the PC board as far as they will
comfortably go before soldering their
leads. Don’t get these transistors
mixed up – there are three different
types involved here.
Mosfet Q3 is mounted using its
full lead length so that it can be bent
horizontally over transistors Q1 and
Q2, to allow clearance for the case
lid (see photo). Note that its metal
tab faces transformer T1.
Now for the switches. First, cut the
shaft for S2 so that the knob can be
pushed down close to the threaded
collar. This done, lift the locking tab
located under the nut and star washer
and rotate it to position 5. Finally,
solder the switch to the PC board and
check that there are now only five
positions available for this switch.
Switches S1, S4 & S5 are also
directly mounted on the PC board.
Note particularly that S4 and S5
Table 1: Capacitor Codes
26 Silicon Chip
must be oriented correct
l y, with
their common (COM) pins located
as shown (S4 goes in with its COM
terminal towards the bottom edge of
the board, S5 with its COM terminal
towards the top).
If you are using a 2-pin push-toclose switch for S5, then solder it
in with its pins in the COM and NO
Transformer winding
Fig.5 shows the winding details
for transformer T1. It is wound on an
EFD30 former using 0.25mm enamelled copper wire (ENCU).
The primary winding goes on first.
Strip back the insulation on one end
of the wire using a hot soldering iron
and terminate this end on pin 1 of
the former. Now wind on 10 turns
side-by-side in the direction shown
on Fig.5 and terminate the free end
on pin 5. Cover the primary winding
with a layer of insulating tape.
The secondary begins at pin 9 and
must also be wound in the direction
shown. You will need to wind on
the 70 turns in several layers. Cover
each layer with insulating tape before
winding on the next and terminate
the winding on pin 6.
The transformer is now completed
by sliding the cores into each side of
the former and securing the assembly
with metal clips. Finally, install the
completed transformer on the PC
board, making sure that it is oriented
correctly; ie, pin 1 to top left.
The LEDs can now all be installed
at their appropriate locations but
don’t solder them just yet – that step
comes later. Once again, these must
be oriented correctly (the anode lead
is the longer of the two). The exception is LED13 which can really be
installed either way around.
Two different bargraph displays
can be used in this cir
cuit: (1) a
single 10-LED bargraph from Jaycar;
or (2) two 5-LED bargraphs from
Altronics. Which ever type you use,
be sure to install the bargraph with
its LED anodes to the left, as shown
on Fig.4. Splay the leads slightly so
that the bargraph remains in position
but again leave the leads unsoldered.
Final assembly
The Altronics bargraph is slightly
longer than the Jaycar bargraph, so
we have designed two different front
panel labels to suit. Just choose the
appropriate front panel for your bargraph. Affix this panel to the lid of
the case, then drill and file the holes
for the LED bargraph, LEDs11-13 and
switches S1-S5.
You will also have to drill two
holes in one end of the case for the
output terminals. These should be positioned near the bottom of the case,
to provide clearance for the PC board.
Table 2: Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
As shown in the photos, the PC
board is mounted on the lid of the
case and is secured by nuts on the
switch collars. Before mounting the
board, it will be necessary to first run
short lengths of hookup wire to slide
switch S3. This done, secure S3 to
the lid using its mounting screws and
install one nut on each of S1, S4 & S5.
The lid can now be fitted over the
switches and secured by installing the
nut on rotary switch S2 and by fitting
extra nuts to S1, S4 & S5. If necessary,
adjust the nuts on the underside of
the lid so that the lid is parallel to
the PC board.
Once the lid has been secured, push
the LED bargraph and the separate
LEDs into their respective holes, then
solder their leads.
All that remains now is to fit the
battery holder and the test terminals
to the case and complete the wiring.
The battery holder can either be glued
to the base of the case using epoxy ad-
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet green brown
brown black green brown
grey red yellow brown
yellow orange yellow brown
brown grey yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
white brown orange brown
grey red orange brown
violet green orange brown
green blue orange brown
yellow violet orange brown
yellow orange orange brown
orange white orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
brown green orange brown
brown red orange brown
brown black orange brown
white brown red brown
yellow violet red brown
red red red brown
brown grey red brown
brown red red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
brown grey brown brown
brown black brown brown
red violet black brown
brown black gold gold
hesive or secured with small screws.
Use 250VAC-rated cable for the leads
to the positive and negative test terminals and keep the leads separate
to eliminate leakage between them.
Note that the leads from the test
terminal and from the battery holder
terminate on the underside of the PC
It will probably be easier to check
voltages on the PC board if it is
detached from the lid. A word of
warning here – don’t touch any part of
the circuit during the test procedure
otherwise you could get a nasty shock
from the high-voltage converter.
To test the unit, install the battery,
apply power and check that either a
bargraph LED or the overrange (OR)
LED lights. If this doesn’t happen,
check that the LEDs are oriented
Now check the supply voltages.
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black yellow brown
brown black black yellow brown
grey red black orange brown
yellow orange black orange brown
brown grey black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
white brown black red brown
grey red black red brown
violet green black red brown
green blue black red brown
yellow violet black red brown
yellow orange black red brown
orange white black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
brown green black red brown
brown red black red brown
brown black black red brown
white brown black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown grey black brown brown
brown red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
brown grey black black brown
brown black black black brown
red violet black gold brown
brown black black silver brown
There should be about 9V across
pins 1 & 8 of IC1, pins 4 & 8 of IC2,
pins 4 & 7 of IC3 and pins 2 & 4 of
IC4. In addition, check for about 3V
between TP2 and the negative side
of the battery.
Now switch the unit off, select
the 1000V or higher range on your
multimeter and connect the positive
lead of the meter to the cathode of
D3. Reapply power and check for
the correct test voltages as selected
by rotary switch S2.
If the voltages are all high by about
10% or more of the correct value,
substitute a 3.9MΩ 1W resistor for
one of the 4.7MΩ resistors.
Assuming that all is correct so far,
switch off again, connect your multimeter between test points TP1 & TP2
and select the DC mV scale. Set the
Range switch on the Megohm Meter
in the x1 position and slowly adjust
VR1 until you obtain a 0mV reading.
You can now check the calibration
January 1999 27
Fig.7: here are the full-size front panel artworks for the Megohm Meter. The
panel at left suits the Altronics 5-LED bargraph displays, while the panel at
right suits the Jaycar 10-LED display.
by connecting the test terminals to a
20MΩ resistor (ie, two 10MΩ resistors
in series). Select the x1 Range and
press the Test switch. The display
should indicate either 16MΩ or
22MΩ. Check that you get the same
reading for all the test voltages, as
selected by S2.
The current trip circuit can be
tested by connecting a 15kΩ resistor
across the test terminals. Select the
100V position and press the Test
switch; the display should read below
1MΩ. Now select the 250V position
and press the Test switch again. This
time, the overcurrent trip LED should
light. The display should also show
a reading but this should be ignored.
28 Silicon Chip
Pressing the Reset switch (Test switch
released) should extinguish the
overcurrent LED and restore normal
Once all the tests have been completed, attach the lid and install the
unit in the case.
Testing capacitors
If a capacitor is being checked for
leakage, be sure to select the correct
test voltage (ie, do not exceed the
capacitor’s voltage rating) and always
wait until the capacitor charges before taking the reading. If necessary,
hold down the Reset switch if the
overcurrent trip LED lights, to override this feature.
Note that the lowest test voltage
is 100V. This means that the Megohm Meter is not suitable for testing
low-voltage electrolytic capacitors.
Take care with fully charged capacitors since they can give a nasty
electric shock. Always discharge the
capacitor after testing by releasing
the Test switch with the probes still
connected. When you initially release
the Test switch, the External Voltage
LED will light to indicate that the
capacitor is charged. Wait until this
LED has extinguished before removing the test probes.
When checking appliances, always
check that the earth is intact by measuring with your multimeter between
the earth pin on the mains plug and
the metal body of the appliance. You
should measure zero ohms.
Compiled by GARRY CRATT*
Panamsat will enhance Pacific coverage
Panamsat 8 was successfully launch
ed November 4 and com
m enced
testing late November from 166°E
longitude. Although there were a few
anxious moments when the much
publicised live video coverage of the
launch failed, the Proton launch was
a complete success from the Baikonur
Cosmodrome in Russia.
The satellite will greatly enhance
the coverage offered by Panamsat in
the Pacific, though K band coverage
appears to exclude PNG and New
This much publicised meteor shower, caused by the close proximity of
the Earth and the tail of Comet Tempel-Tuttle every 32 years, threatened
to disrupt world satellite communications on November 17. Military satellite operators moved satellites out of
regular orbits in order to avoid possible
damage, whilst the rest of the world
waited for news of communications
Fortunately, only 1000 or so particles entered the Earth’s atmosphere,
far short of the previous estimates of
4000-5000 meteorites, providing viewers in New Zealand with a spectacular
sight of “shooting stars”.
Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region,
cloud obscured the view from most
There have been many changes
during the last few months on this
satellite. NHK’s analog service finally
ceased on October 30, leaving CNN
as the only remaining analog service
on this satel
lite apart from several
itinerant services.
The BBC commenced operations
on 3743MHz, vertical polarity, SR
21800, FEC 3/4, in preparation for
their move from the California bouquet
last December.
A bouquet of 4 channels (LBC
Latest Aurora Timetable For ABC & SBS Digital Services
The latest Aurora timetable for
the introduction of replacement
digital ABC and SBS services are
as follows. The project has been
delayed many months by equipment
incompatibility but these problems
now appear to be resolved.
Central Australia:
December 10: Imparja, ABC NT,
ABC SA commence digital operation.
February 9: ABC NT BMAC service
February 26: ABC SA and Imparja
BMAC service ends.
North Eastern Australia:
February 26: QSTV, ABC Qld
and SBS Qld commence digital
May 6: QSTV, ABC and SBS NE
beam BMAC service ends.
South Eastern Australia:
March 12: ABC and SBS commence digital operation.
May 20: ABC and SBS SE beam
BMAC service ends.
Replacement ABC and SBS digital
services are about to be introduced on
Optus B3 – see panel below.
Australia, RAI International, ART
Australia and ANT 1 Greece) commenced early November on 3778MHz,
vertical polarity, SR 13331, FEC 3/4.
The service is due to be encrypted
this month, as part of a commercial
service. This bouquet replaces earlier
tests conducted with an SR of 6619.
A new service called the “Fashion
Channel” appeared late November on
3799MHz, vertical polarity, SR 2533,
FEC 3/4. This is a weak signal and
requires a very carefully adjusted dish
system for good reception. Although
testing at present, the service will
bring MCM Rock and MCM Classical
and one Jazz channel to Asiasat 2
sometime in the first quarter of 1999.
This channel was previously carried
on Hotbird 5, located over Europe.
Viewers have also noted the demise
of TVSN on this satellite.
*Garry Cratt is Managing Director of AvComm Pty Ltd, suppliers of satellite TV
reception systems. Phone (02) 9949 7417.
January 1999 29
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
9V battery
This battery checker gives a simple
Go/NoGo test for the common 9V
battery in its alkaline and carbon-zinc
forms. The advantage of the device
is that, unlike a conventional DMM,
there is no need to switch on, select
the appropriate range, handle probes,
interpret the reading and then switch
off. It also applies a reasonable load
current, something that does not
happen when you test a battery with
a multimeter.
Yes, there is a simple battery checker
with a visual display on the market but
its display is imprecise. The circuit
described here can be adapted to a
wide range of voltages but is presented
to suit a standard 9V type such as an
Eveready 216.
IC1 is an ICL7665 under/over voltage detector in an 8-pin package. It has
two internal comparators, essentially
independent of each other but sharing
the same reference voltage (1.3V). Each
comparator has two outputs which
can change state,
depending on the
actual voltage being measured. The
input for comparator 1 is at pin 3
while the input for
comparator 2 is pin
6. Trimpots VR1
and VR2 are used
to set the battery
voltage above and
below which the
respective comparator outputs will
turn on their associated LEDs.
In practice, VR1 is set so that LED1
turns on for battery voltages of 8V or
more. VR2 is set to turn on LED2 for
battery voltages below 7.5V and LED3
comes on at times when the battery
voltage is between 8V and 7.5V. Naturally, you can select lower set voltages
for VR1 and VR2, depending on your
battery requirements.
Resistor R3 sets the load test current
at around 20mA, to which must be
added the current drawn by LED1,
LED2 or LED3. The ICL7665 itself
draws only a few microamps.
Another version of this circuit was
used to test 9V nicad batteries but the
load test current was increased to 0.5A.
This is far too heavy for a pushbutton
switch, so the load test button was
used to apply base current to a power
transistor with an 18Ω 5W resistor in
its collector circuit.
Ben Critchley,
Elanora, NSW. ($25)
lates at about 0.5Hz, as set by trimpot
VR1, and alternately flashes LED1
and LED2.
IC2, an LM3905, commences its
timeout cycle as soon as power is applied and its pin 7 output goes high
to apply power to the positive side of
the buzzer. However, the buzzer can
only sound when pin 3 of IC1 is low;
ie, only at those times when LED1
is alight. After about 45 seconds, as
determined by the setting of trimpot
VR2, IC2’s pin 7 output (NPN emitter)
goes low and so the buzzer is turned
off. Reverse current through the buzzer
is prevented by diode D1.
R. Sewell,
Annandale, NSW. ($25)
audible alarm
This simple alarm circuit could be
used with the 12V SLA battery charger
featured on page 20 of the December
1998 issue. Alternatively, it could be
used anywhere an audible alarm needs
to be sounded for a defined period,
after which a visual alarm indication
Once triggered, the alarm will sound
for about 45 seconds and continues to
alternately flash two LEDs until the
power is removed.
The circuit consists of a 555 timer
(IC1) operating as an astable mul
tivibrator. This is used to alternately switch red and green LEDs. An
LM3905 timer (IC2) operates in the
timeout mode to switch off the audible alarm.
In normal operation, the 555 oscil30 Silicon Chip
Balanced input &
bridging module
This circuit can be used for bridging
both channels of a stereo amplifier or
two mono amplifiers. The circuit uses
a TL074 quad op amp and 1% metal
film resistors should be used throughout to ensure simultaneous clipping
levels and identical overall response
from both outputs.
Op amps IC1a and IC1c provide
the balanced to unbalanced conversion, while IC1d is an inverting stage.
Switch S1 provides selection from a
stereo or mono source.
If unbalanced input operation is
required, simply ground the inverting
(-) input terminals and connect the
signal between the non-inverting (+)
terminals and GND.
S. Williamson,
Hamilton, NZ. ($30)
PC stake
the PC board, crimp the end and presto – it won’t fall out. You then solder
it and it will not fall out when you
attempt to solder wires to it.
This PC stake crimper was made
out of a worn-out pair of long-nosed
pliers. The noses were ground off
using an electric grinder first and the
remaining noses were given a flat edge.
While doing this job, it is important
to regularly dip the pliers in water to
keep them cool, otherwise the steel
will lose its temper. The accompanying photo and diagram shows the tool
and how the stakes should be crimped
and soldered. The stakes should be
crimped to about twice their original
diameter, not paper-thin.
Alex Mattill,
Hampton Park, Vic. ($30)
Here is a solution to a problem
that many electronics enthusiasts
have with PC stakes. You solder it
in, but when you go and solder a
wire onto it, nine times out of ten
the heat causes the solder on the
stake to melt and it either comes off,
or ends up askew to the board, looking rather unprofessional. Worse
still, you may get a dry solder joint
on the stake or the wire.
The solution is this PC stake
crimper. You insert the stake into
Low current
shunt regulator
This circuit will provide a reference voltage
adjustable between 0.9V
and 2.5V. Apart from the
lower voltage, the regula
tion is much better than a
3.3V zener and its operation starts at only 1µA.
The “knee” characteristic is also quite sharp. If
the voltage is set to 1.1V at 2µA, it
rises to 1.11V at 250µA up to 2mA,
1.12V at 8mA and 1.16V at 70mA.
A BD140 could replace Q4 if higher
Circuit Ideas Wanted
power was needed. D1 provides
temperature compensa
t ion and
should be thermally bonded to Q1.
A. March,
North Turramurra, NSW. ($25)
Do you have a good circuit idea.
If so, why not sketch it out, write a
brief description of its operation &
send it to us. Provided your idea is
workable & original, we’ll publish it
in Circuit Notebook & you’ll make
some money. We pay up to $60
for a good circuit but don’t make
it too big please. Send your idea
to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO
Box 139, Collaroy, 2097.
January 1999 31
Getting Going With
In these days of 32-bit microprocessors handling millions of instructions
per second and running at speeds in the hundreds of MHz, why on earth
would anyone want to use a strange 14-bit processor which can only
handle BASIC programs no bigger than 256 bytes . . .
and screams along at just 2000 BASIC instructions per second?
The answer is simple: because you CAN! Or is it because YOU can!
To program most microprocessors
you need to be an expert in machine
language code. Not so with the BASIC
If you know BASIC, you should be
able to program it to do, well, whatever you want to (as long as you can
do it in 256 bytes!). Even if you don’t
know BASIC, it’s not too hard to learn.
You’d know what D-I-Y stands for,
of course. Now the BASIC Stamp lets
you T-I-Y (think it yourself) before
you D-I-Y.
But what is this BASIC Stamp,
You’ve probably heard of PIC microcontrollers. Made by Microchip (USA)
and intended for control use, they’re
found in countless applications and
sold in the millions upon millions (bet
your computer mouse even has one in
it!). In normal applications, they’re
programmed once and that’s it.
As versatile as they are for original
equipment manufacturers, though,
PIC chips are not particularly useful
for hobbyists and experimenters; at
least not in their own right.
That’s where the BASIC Stamp
comes in. Back in 1993, Chip Gracey
(no kidding, his name is Chip!) of
the US company Parallax combined
a 16C56 PIC microcontroller with a
93LC56 electrically erasable PROM,
loaded in a BASIC interpreter, enabled 8 input/output ports and a few
other goodies... and the BASIC Stamp
was born.
The version of the BASIC Stamp 1
we are using is supplied as a self-contained module, housed on a tiny (36 x
10mm) PC board and terminated to a
row of 14 header pins at 0.1-inch spacing. These mate with either a standard
14-pin header socket or even half of a
32 Silicon Chip
28-pin IC socket. Components are all
surface mount types which means it’s
just as well you don’t have to do any
assembly (no pun intended) on the
BASIC Stamp PC board.
The reason it is called the BASIC
Stamp is that the original design fitted
onto a PC board the size of a postage
stamp. Today it’s just a tiny bit larger
with a few more components.
Fig.1 shows the circuit diagram
of the BASIC Stamp. In fact, this is
slightly different to the model we are
using because ours also has an onboard 5V regulator, allowing supplies
of up to 15V or even higher. Because
of its very low drain (1-2mA, ignoring
input/output or I/O requirements),
it is eminently suitable for battery
operation (a 9V battery will last for
weeks). In real-world applications
the I/O current cannot be ignored, so
a 9VDC plugpack of a few hundred
milliamps or so is generally preferred.
Speaking of I/O, any of the eight
pins will source up to 20mA or sink
up to 25mA, with the proviso of a total
loading of 40mA (source) or 50mA
(sink). This makes the BASIC Stamp
capable of directly driving LEDs, piezo buzzers, speakers and even some
sensitive relays. With buffering, of
course, much more can be driven.
For programming, the BASIC Stamp
connects to the parallel port of any
IBM-compatible personal computer
running good, ol’fashioned DOS.
That’s right, you don’t need Windows
– 1, 2, 3, 95, 98, NT, 2000 or any other
And when we say any PC, we mean
any PC – here’s a good reason to fire
up the old XT or 8088-based machine
that’s been languishing in the garage
for 10 years!
(Of course, if you want to use the
latest Pentium II 450, go right ahead.
Better still, we’ll swap you a perfectly
good XT and throw in a Sydney Harbour Bridge ...)
Sure, the BASIC Stamp will only
handle 256 bytes of programming
(around 80-100 instructions). But in
these days of long-winded and often
superfluous coding, that teaches you
to be efficient, even miserly! We mentioned before that it is programmed
in BASIC. That’s not strictly true;
it’s Parallax’s own version of BASIC
called PBASIC. The structure is much
the same except that lines of code
are not numbered, they’re labelled.
However, if you know good old garden
variety BASIC (in any of its forms) you
shouldn’t have too much difficulty
with PBASIC.
PBASIC has a suite of 33 commands. The usual BASIC ones such
as GOTO, FOR-NEXT, IF and so on
are there but there are a few new ones
necessary for the Stamp’s role as a
logic controller chip. Any command
works with any I/O pin.
If you don’t know BASIC, here’s
the perfect opportunity to learn. It’s
a lot simpler than trying to learn
machine language, C or other more
recent languages. (BASIC, including
a detailed manual, was supplied with
most computers up until about the
’386 days. If you don’t have a copy,
it can be picked up for a song or even
a few notes).
The BASIC Stamp PC Board
Having waxed eloquent about the
BASIC Stamp’s features, the way it
is supplied is rather inconvenient to
use, not to mention risky.
Taking the latter point first, the
BASIC Stamp sells for around $80
yet, as far as we can tell, contains no
reverse polarity protection (despite
the on-board regulator). Our first
reaction was how we would feel if
we’d just spent eighty bucks and saw
it disappear in a wisp of smoke . . .
As far as incovenience goes, you obviously have to be able to interface to
the microprocessor board – somehow.
In the past, we’ve seen a number of
designs in magazines using perforated
strip board. We shudder.
If you’re building up a $10
circuit, strip board might be good
enough but remember, the BASIC
Stamp is worth $80! To use strip
board you have to cut tracks and
it’s easy to miss one or more. It’s
also very easy to short between
tracks with copper swarf, especially using the old “big drill in
small hole” track-cutting routine.
No! Strip board is a definite
no-no as far as we are concerned –
especially for this type of project.
The only logical solution was to
design our own PC board which
would not only accommodate the
BASIC Stamp module, it would
also allow us to include some
other components which would
make the whole thing that much
more user-friendly. That includes
reverse polarity protection and
some on-board supply decoupling
Fig.1: a somewhat simplified circuit diagram of the BASIC Stamp, with the
or smoothing.
actual module shown bottom right, same size. IC1 is a PIC microprocessor,
Because of the previously-mennormally one-time-programmable but in this configuration receives its data from
limitations on the BASIC
IC2, a 256-byte EEPROM (electrically erasable, programmable, read-only memory).
Stamp I/O, we have included a
An on-board 4MHz ceramic resonator sets operating speed. The ‘‘brownout’’ circuit
ULN2003 buffer. This is a 7-way
shown top left automatically resets the device if the supply falls below 4V.
January 1999 33
The SILICON CHIP version of the
BASIC Stamp experimenter's kit. The
thicker lead ending in the DB-25 plug
connects to the parallel port on any
IBM-compatible PC. The thin lead
is for power – in this case a 9VDC
The close-up photo of the PC board
itself reveals a 16-way pin header
(which allows connection to all
BASIC Stamp pins), reverse-polarity
protection diode and power supply
decoupling capacitor, the BASIC
Stamp module (end-on in its 14-way
header socket), the ULN2003 buffer IC
and a variety of input sensor devices
and output devices – LDR, 10-turn
trimpot, piezo buzzer, LED and DPDT
relay. Also provided are plenty of I/O
pads for further experimentation.
open-collector Darlington driver
which has a maximum collector current of 350mA or 500mA (depending
on brand) for each buffer so it can
drive significantly larger loads. We’ve
also included a double pole change
over (DPDT) relay, driven by one of
the ULN2003 outputs. And before
anyone thinks we’ve forgotten the
usual suppression diode across the
relay contacts, each of the ULN2003
outputs has one built in.
Jumping ahead of ourselves, the
ULN2003 gets quite hot – no, very
hot. But it's rated at 150 C so there's
no great problem. Just thought we'd
warn you in advance!
There’s also a LED, an LDR, trimpot
and piezo buzzer mounted on the
board. These will be used in some
simple programs which you can use
to try out the BASIC Stamp – before
you start writing your own! Into the
bargain, we’ve also included some
spare tracks and pads which would
accommodate other components for
uses as yet undreamed of.
Putting it together
Assembly of the PC board is very
simple, as it should be with just a
handful of components. Start with the
PC stakes (the relay outputs) then the
Parts List for Timer Projects
1 BS1-IC BASIC Stamp module with
stamp1.exe operating software, PC
parallel port connection cable and
power connection cable (see text)
1 ULN2003 7-way peripheral driver
1 1N4004 or similar diode
1 LED, any type
1 1kΩ 1/4W resistor
1 20kΩ, 10-turn vertical trimpot
1 light-dependent resistor
1 100µF 25VW electrolytic capacitor
34 Silicon Chip
1 12V mini relay with DPDT contacts
1 small piezo buzzer
1 PC board, 103x55mm, coded
1 16-way header pin set, 0.1in spacing
1 14-way header socket, 0.1in spacing
3 (or 6) PC stakes (as required)
1 plugpack supply, approx 9-12V DC
<at> 400-500mA output
(to suit application)
resistor, LDR, LED and diode – their
pigtails will give you the wire you
need for the link and the two connection wires for the piezo buzzer.
It’s probably a good idea to fit the
socket terminal strip and pin header
next, before any of the larger components start crowding the board. The
socket can go either way around.
Ideally, the pin header and the
sockets on the power and output leads
should be marked some way so that
they will never be incorrectly connected. We used some bright red nail
polish to paint a red stripe on the base
of the third pin in from one end of the
header, and some quick-drying paint
to put a stripe on the next (fourth) pin.
We used yellow ’cause we had some.
We painted matching stripes on the
output lead socket (a red stripe on the
+ lead) and on the output lead socket
(a yellow stripe on the end of the
socket with the green wire attached.
In retrospect, green would have been
a better colour to use!). If you don’t
have any paint, try coloured correction fluid.
When later connecting the sockets
to the pin header, it’s just a matter of
connecting colour to colour.
Having marked the pin header in
this way, it must be mounted with the
marked pins closest to the diode (the
red pin, marking the positive supply,
actually lines up with the diode).
The pins are closely spaced, so
check very carefully between each pad
after soldering for dags shorting out
pads. If necessary, use a multimeter
or a magnifying glass.
Next the large components – the
relay, trimpot and electrolytic capacitor – can be soldered in place,
followed by the piezo buzzer. As the
photograph shows, this is mounted
edge-on to the PC board with the pins
connected to vertical wires soldered
to the appropriate PC pads.
After checking thoroughly, carefully insert the BASIC Stamp module into
the 14-way socket. Take care that all
pins actually go into the socket and
mate properly – it’s easy to bend them.
It’s also easy to insert the module backto-front: make sure the components
on the module face the input socket.
Figs.2 & 3: the circuit (above) and PC board layout (below) for BASIC
Stamp experiments and circuit development. With the components shown
either the simple or complex timer can be built but the large number of
spare pads make adapting this exclusive SILICON CHIP design very easy.
What else do you need?
Now that you’ve finished the BASIC
Stamp PC board you’re just itching to
get going, right? Whoa! It’s simple, but
not quite THAT simple. There are a
few more things you'll need.
First and foremost, you need
software that will allow your PC to
communicate with (and program) the
BASIC Stamp. For BASIC Stamp 1
(which we are using) the software is
stamp1.exe. You’ll also need connecting cables and, unless you’re already
a wizz at PBASIC and programming,
some form of driving instructions.
Fortunately, there’s an easy way
to get all this in one package. Dick
Smith Electronics stores stock the
BASIC Stamp Development kit which
contains all of the above for less than
$150. It also includes a certificate
entitling you to three months free
technical support.
The BASIC Stamp manual, by the
way, is more than 460 pages thick
so it’s no lightweight. It contains 23
application notes to try out and also
contains information on the higher
spec’d BASIC Stamp II.
Fig.4 (below): use this PC board layout to make your own board or to
check commercial boards. The pattern is also available for download (in
Adobe PDF format) from the SILICON CHIP website:
January 1999 35
Both these books from Dick Smith
Electronics will be invaluable for
anyone interested in the BASIC
A Few Stamp FAQs
Before we conclude our look at the
BASIC Stamp, we’ll try to answer a
few FAQs (for those not into webspeak, that stands for frequently asked
‘‘Programming and Customizing
the BASIC Stamp Controller’’ (left,
$77.95) has nearly 300 pages with
many BASIC Stamp projects to try.
It also includes a CD-ROM with a
variety of software tools and the
BASIC Stamp applications, along
with the stamp1.exe software.
“Can the program storage memory be increased?” No, the PBASIC
interpreter only addresses 8 bits
of program space, which results
in the 256-byte limitation. Using a
larger EEPROM won’t make any
difference. It is possible to use
external memory for storing lookup
tables and extra data – you’ll find
information on this in the BASIC
Stamp manual.
“Can the BASIC Stamp support
floating point maths?” No, it only
works with integer maths, which
means fractions are out. If your
program required the BASIC Stamp
to divide 7 by 2, it would give you
the answer 3, not 3.5.
“Speaking of maths, how does
the BASIC Stamp evaluate maths
expressions?” Strictly left to right
– not, as you might expect, following
maths conventions. For example, a
BASIC Stamp would evaluate 1+2x3
as 9, not 7. That is, it would work it
out as (1+2)x3, not 1+(2x3).
“What is the BASIC Stamp’s
life?” Hard to say! A program is
guaranteed to stay in memory for
40 years but there is a finite limit to
the number of times the EEPROM
can be reprogrammed. Fortunately,
that limit is about 10 million times so
you’re hardly likely to reach that in
a hurry. However, swapping files to
and from the EEPROM (in an effort
to overcome the 256-byte limitation)
could reach this limit much more
quickly, so this is not recommended.
“How do I get more than 25mA
output current from the I/O
lines?” You don’t – that’s one of
the quickest ways to blow up the processor. That is precisely the reason
we added the ULN2003 buffer: it can
sink up to 350mA collector current
per output (not 500mA as you might
see claimed). If you drive all seven
ULN2003 inputs gates from the BASIC Stamp I/O you'll still be under
the 40mA maximum output limit.
36 Silicon Chip
The ‘‘BASIC Stamp Manual’’
(below) is part of the BASIC Stamp
Development Kit ($149) which also
includes the cables and software.
If you already
have a working
knowledge of the
BASIC Stamp and
don’t want to buy
the Development
Kit, an alternative
would be to buy the
programming cable
(also available from
Dick Smith Electronics – Cat K-1407
<at> $19.95).
Another very
handy reference is
the Scott Edwards
book, “Programming and Customizing the BASIC
Stamp Computer”
(you guessed where
from – Cat B-4807 <at> $77.95). It contains a host of very detailed information, projects and even a CD-ROM of
software tools including the stamp1.
exe program.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch
Let’s assume you have the BASIC
Stamp board completed, the programming cable to connect to your PC and
copies of the experimental software.
Ah! Experimental software – we haven’t mentioned that yet, have we?
The experimental BASIC programs
(as distinct from the executable
stamp1.exe) are all listed overleaf.
Simply type them as a text file in any
word processor or text editor and save
them with the names shown.
But if you don't feel like doing all
that typing, don't! All listings are
available from the “Software Downloads” page on the SILICON CHIP website – – and
the best part of all is they are free! So
before we get too much further down
the track type out the software or log
on to the website and download it.
There are four programs – adjust.
bas, test.bas, simple.bas and complex.
bas. All four files come to less than 6kB
so they’ll only take a few moments to
download. That is, unless you want to
explore the SILICON CHIP website while
you’re there!
OK, so we’re ready to go.
The first step is obvious: connect
the programming cable to the BASIC
Stamp and to your PC’s parallel port.
About now you’ll be starting to think
"Perhaps I should have put the paint
spots on those cables. Which way
around do they go?" Plug in power
and turn on the computer (the IBM
compatible, that is).
We mentioned a moment ago that
the software is tiny. Even stamp1.exe
is only 14kB. Therefore it is perfectly
practical to run the BASIC Stamp
software from a floppy-disc-only
computer. Yes, we really did mean
any IBM compatible!
If you have a hard disc, of course,
it’s preferable to run it from that, if
only because you’ll never misplace the
floppy disc. Create a directory called
STAMP1 and copy stamp1.exe and the
four BASIC programs into it. It makes
sense to include the STAMP1 directory in your DOS “path” statement,
especially if you’re going to be doing
a lot of experimenting with files.
Which ever you choose, floppy or
hard disc directory, go to your DOS
prompt and log on to that disc or
directory. Load the operating software for the BASIC Stamp 1 module,
Once stamp1.exe is loaded, you
should have an almost blank, blue
screen as shown overleaf. Fear not!
You haven’t loaded one of Mr Gates’s
blue screens of death. Your next step
is to load the experimental BASIC
programs which you downloaded.
Just a reminder – these are just ideas
to get your creative juices flowing.
Once you’ve played with the BASIC
Stamp, you could come up with a
whole host of ideas!
Where to get help
The BASIC Stamp project described
here and the accompanying software
is, of necessity, very elementary – just
enough to whet your appetite to develop bigger and better applications using
this simple, yet clever little module.
Because of its simplicity, we imagine that very few constructors will
have any difficulties with this project
as published but that may not be the
case as you expand your horizons. So
where do you go when you need help?
If you buy the Dick Smith Electronics development kit, you will receive
a certificate entitling you to three
months software support through
the Australian distributors, MicroZed
Computers. This is available by phone
(02) 6772 2777; fax (02) 6772 8987
or email – support<at>
au Note that support is available
for STAMP product and software
obtained only through Dick Smith
Electronics or MicroZed.
You can also obtain information and
support through the Microzed web
A great deal more information and
backup support is available from the
Parallax website, www.parallaxinc.
com There’s even an evaluation copy
of stamp1.exe to help you decide if
you want to buy the real thing.
As mentioned before, if you don't
feel like typing them out the four
PBASIC programs – adjust.bas, test.
bas, simple.bas, and complex.bas – are
all available from www.siliconchip.; however technical support
is not available from this website nor
from SILICON CHIP magazine.
* Bob Nicol manages MicroZed Computers,
authorised Australian distributors of Parallax
Inc's products.
January 1999 37
Loading BASIC Stamp software is a three-part process:
first load the application software (stamp1.exe) into your
IBM-compatible PC;
second load the PBASIC program (*.bas) from disc into your
third download it to the BASIC Stamp module.
Load stamp1.
exe from the
DOS prompt (it
doesn’t matter
whether you
do it from DOS
itself or from a
DOS Window.
Our screen
shots show the
latter). A nearly
blank blue
screen should appear as above.
Type ALT L
(ie, hold down
the Alt key and
touch the L key
at the same
time). This will
bring up a
menu of the
*.bas software
in your
directory. In
this case we are choosing adjust.bas.
Type ALT
R to run.The
program takes
about a second
(or less) to
download to the
and if all is OK,
will run immediately. The
which appears
shows how much BASIC Stamp memory is taken from total
memory, the red or dark portion showing memory used.
Once loaded,
it stays until
another is
loaded. If there
are ‘‘debug’’
lines in your
PBASIC program they will
show up on the
first loading.
38 Silicon
ilicon C
38 S
Setting the LDR – adjust.bas
’adjust.bas - LDR threshold setting - Silicon Chip January 1999
’This short program allows setting of the LDR to an appropriate level
’LED is on pin 6 via ULN2003 Solenoid driver chip
’LDR is on pin 5, adjust the potentiometer, when LDR is in light
’then hold finger over LDR adjust so that LED goes off
‘this segment looks at LDR
‘turn LED off
‘Goto subroutine named LED
‘go back to beginning, to look again
‘this segment turns LED on
‘this line does just that
‘go back to look at LDR again
First of all, load the “adjust.bas” program. This lets you set the
threshold of the LDR between light and dark. Now you can adjust
the trimpot. If the LED is on, turn the pot anticlockwise to the point
where it just turns off, then back again until it just turns on. Put
your finger over the LDR and the LED should turn off. Note that
this setting applies to the light levels in that room at that point – if
you change locations you might need to run adjust.bas again.
One point to keep in mind: the BASIC program loaded into EEPROM is going to stay there for a long, long time – it’s guaranteed
for 40 years, even with power removed. It will also keep operating
even if the PC which programmed it is turned off and/or disconnected. You can erase the contents of the EEPROM by loading
another program – which is exactly what we are going to do now.
The simple timer – simple.bas
’Simple.bas - Simple Timer - Silicon Chip January 1999
’this segment looks at LDR
’turn relay off
IF PIN5 = 0 THEN RELAY ’Goto subroutine named RELAY
’go back to beginning, to look again
’this segment turns relay on
’this line does the job
’this line turns LED on too, to enable
’line remove first apostrophe in line
PAUSE 20000
’Stamp marks time for 20 seconds
’go back to look at LDR again
The simple timer is an example of a BASIC Stamp application
which may or may not be particularly useful – but it’s an interesting
example nevertheless.
Do you have a deep cupboard or storeroom which doesn’t have
a light of its own, or where the light can’t reach into the furthest
corners? This BASIC Stamp program might solve that problem.
It is designed to sit in a cupboard or room and sense when the
cupboard or storeroom door is opened, allowing some light in. The
LDR in the circuit senses the light and the microprocessor pulls in
a relay (via the interface chip).
This can then be used to turn on an additional light (battery operated?) in that dark corner. Overkill, when you can do the same thing
with an LDR and transistor? Probably. But these applications are not
intended to be so much practical as examples of what can be done
with the BASIC Stamp. You will have noticed that no details are given
for the connection to the light – that’s the easy part!
Once again, follow the “adjust.bas” steps to load the software.
Note that the additional light must not be in the field of view of the
LDR, otherwise the system becomes a closed loop and the additional
light will be locked on all the time. With the software as it stands, the
light will stay on for 15 minutes.
The BASIC Stamp test – test.bas
’Test.bas - test components on timer PCB - Silicon Chip January 1999
SOUND 7,(100,1000)
‘beep piezo sounder for 1 second
‘relay on
‘LED on
DEBUG “pin 5 getting logic “, #PIN5, “ from LDR”,CR
IF PIN5 = 0 THEN ALL_OFF ‘turn everything off
‘turn everything on
‘tedious, but let’s do it again
‘this section of the program turns all devices off & beeps
‘LED off
‘relay off
SOUND 7,(100,10)
‘one beep each time around
‘back to the tedious bit
DEBUG “ * * * * * * “, CR
‘separates DEBUG lines on screen
‘LED on
‘relay on
SOUND 7,(120,5,120,5)
‘two short beeps each time around
‘back to the tedious bit
This little routine puts all of the on-board components through
their paces just to make sure everything is working properly. Apart
from that, it doesn’t do very much except demonstrate how the
program interacts with the hardware!
Loading the program is exactly the same as loading the adjust.
bas above, with the obvious exception of the program name!
What this will do is sound the piezo buzzer for 2 seconds, light
the LED, close the relay and pulse the piezo buzzer. It will stay in
that state until you block the light to the LDR, when the LED goes
out, the relay drops out and the buzzer tone drops and quickens.
The complex timer – complex.bas
(listing at right)
Aunty Maud has left you with her much loved but rather delicate pot plant with strict instructions to water it every evening.
Alas, you’ve forgotten it for the last three days and the pot plant
is looking, well, not well. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had another
brain to do it for you? BASIC Stamp has a brain!
With the complex timer software loaded it will sense dusk,
turn on the relay for a minute (or whatever other time you set
from about 1/1000 of a second (!) right up to a minute – or more
correctly, 65,535 milliseconds). That’s as the program is written
– but if you wanted to, you could add extra “pause” statements
and eventually drown the poor plant, the dog and the next door
neighbour’s oak tree.
The timer doesn’t trigger again until the next dusk. The program
takes into account that night time is just a bit longer than the normal
watering cycle of the system. And if you’re really clever in setting
the LDR threshold and writing code, it could even detect full cloud
cover and skip those days. It also takes into account daylight but
will ignore a torch or car headlights flashed on it.
It really does have a lot of features but there are many more
which could be incorporated – it just depends on how clever you
want to be at adapting the complex.bas program.
Exactly how you water Aunty Maud’s pot plant is left up to you
– there’s a relay output to turn on your ingenuity, we’re sure (or is
that a mixed metaphor?). A windscreen washer pump or a valve
connected to an overhead bucket are both ideas that spring to
mind. But the purpose of this software is not so much to demonstrate what to do but how it can be done and modified to suit your
requirements. Now, who's into hydroponics . . .
These program listings are also available for
downloading free of charge at the SILICON CHIP
’Program for Complex Timer - Silicon Chip January 1999
’by Bob Nicol, MicroZed Computers
’DEBUG statements are used in this program. They show on your PC screen the first time
'you load the program and NOT when program is run again.
’DEBUG statements should be disabled with an apostrophe, and the program loaded to the
'Stamp again when you have finished editing and checking the program to suit your needs
’pin assignments and settings, plus some startup fiddles:
’PIN 0 output to pin 7 of ULN2003 to drive relay on pin 10
’Make sure pin 0 is low
’PIN 1 Not used set low
’PIN 2 Not used set low
’PIN 3 Not used set low
’PIN 4 Not used set low
’sets pin 5 as an input to accept LDR level
’PIN 6 output to pin 4 of ULN2003 to drive LED on pin 11 of ULN
’turn LED on
PAUSE 1000
’leave LED on for 1 second
’Then turn LED off and make sure pin 6 is low
’PIN 7 output to piezo sounder
SOUND 7,(100,200)
’make a noise on start up
’B2 accumulates number of times LDR (PIN 5) is low
’B3 accumulates number of times LDR (PIN 5) is high
’B4 accumulates count for reset B2
’W4 accumulates darkness events
’B5 Flags ACTION already done
’This program module keeps looking at LDR
’and initiates action when LDR is dark
’long enough to be a valid condition
’shows if LDR on pin 5 is in dark(0) or light(1)
PAUSE 1000
’wait one second
’goto increment_D to add 1 to B2
’goto increment_L to 1 to B3
B4 = B4 + 1
’add 1 to B4
DEBUG “LDR has been looked at “,#B4,” times”,CR,CR
PAUSE 1000
’wait one second
’B2 hasn’t increased, go to DECREMENT
’to reset B2, B3 & B4
’keep going around this loop
’LDR has seen darkness
‘PC screen shows we are in increment
B2 = B2 +1
’B2 gets one more added to it
’intercept Action, already done
’LDR has seen at least 10 Dark signals
B3 = B3 +1
B2 = 0
B4 = 0
SOUND 7,(60,100,80,100,100,100,120,100)
PAUSE 2000
B2 = 0
W4 = W4+1
B5 = 1
DEBUG “Darkness has occured “,#W4,” times”,CR
B2 = 0
B5 = 0
B3 = 0
’get back to looking at LDR signal
’LDR has seen light
’B3 gets one more added to it
’seen enough light to make change
’reset dark and light variables
’there has been no valid darkness
’show on PC screen decrease happened
’set darkness count to zero
’set false counts to zero
’go back to looking at LDR signal
’Darkness criteria met, do something about it
’audible warning of action
’show on PC screen we are doing it
’turn relay on via ULN2003
’turn LED on via ULN2003
’stay that way for 2 seconds
’turn relay off
’turn LED off
’reset B2
’keep count of times turned on
’show on PC screen count of events
’go back to looking at LDR signal
’this is a loop to stop action already taken
’show on PC screen
’reset B2
’go back to keep looking at LDR
’Stop HOLDOFF cycling
’Show on PC screen
’when B5 is 1 HOLDOFF is used
’reset light counts
’go back and keep looking at LDR
ANUARY 1999 39
1999 39
On August 26th, 1998, Australia’s first
grid-connected wind farm
was officially opened near
Crookwell, NSW.
Using eight 600kW wind turbines,
the $10 million wind farm can produce up
to 4.8MW of electricity, enough to meet
the average demand of
several thousand
homes and save up to
8000 tonnes per
year of carbon
dioxide emissions.
in in Vestas
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This company
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the computerised
the computerised
why it
it was chosen
itoring system
this assembly
assembly of
of eight 600kW
wind turbines.
turbines. Calling
Calling it
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The wind turbines
turbines have
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possibly makes
makes it
it sound a
installed on aa privately
privately owned
project than
than it really
grazing property carrying
carrying sheep
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and cattle and will
will not
not affect
the installation
installation of
of many more
farming activities
activities in
in any
any way,
with the bottom of
of the
the blade
blade arc
more than 20 metres
has has
supmetres above
above the
the Danish
by the
40 Silicon Chip
Fig. 1: this cut-away
diagram shows the main
components inside the
nacelle of the Vestas
600kW wind turbine.
By any standard, these 600kW
wind turbines are large and stately
machines. They are installed on a
45-metre high tubular steel tower and
they have three blades with a rotor
diameter of 44 metres.
The choice of rotor diameter depends on the prevailing wind conditions at the site. For any given power
rating, higher wind speeds mean a
smaller rotor diameter while lower
wind speeds require a larger dia
meter, to enable the optimum output
to be obtained. While consistently
windy, the Crookwell site has relatively low wind speeds so it required the
largest size rotors.
The 3-bladed rotor drives a planetary gearbox which steps up the
nominal rotor speed of 28 revs per
minute to drive the 3-phase alternator
at around 1560 rpm. The alternator’s
output voltage is 690V AC and this is
fed to a transformer near the base of
the tower where it is stepped up to
11kV AC. The generated electricity is
then sent to a substation where it is
stepped up to 66kV for connection to
the New South Wales grid.
When seen from a distance, the large
rotors seem to be rotating quite slowly.
After all, 28 rpm is just a little less than
one revolution every two seconds.
However, when you see them up close,
the reality is different. Since the rotor
diameter is 44 metres, the blade tips
are moving at no less than 230km/h. In
fact each blade makes a very audible
swish as it whizzes round.
From further away, say 200 or 300
metres, the wind turbines are eerily
silent, any slight noise they make
being drowned out by the wind that
drives them.
Interestingly, the wind turbines require a certain minimum wind speed
before they start generating. For this
Vestas model, auto start-up occurs at
a wind speed of about 15km/h but
the turbine does not reach full power
output until the wind speed hits about
Above that speed, the generator
output stays constant until the wind
speed hits 72km/h (which is a real
gale, 8 on the Beaufort scale). When
the wind speed exceeds 72km/h, the
blades are feathered, cutting out the
generator to prevent damage. Fig.2
Technical data
Vestas V44-600kW Wind Turbine
Swept area
Number of blades
Power regulation
Pitch + OptiSlip
Air brake
Hub height
Start-up wind speed
Cut-out wind speed
Asynchronous, 1500 - 1560 rpm
Nominal power output
600kW, 50Hz, 690V AC 3-phase
Planetary gear/parallel shafts
Microprocessor-based monitoring of all turbine
functions, plus OptiSlip regulation of output and
OptiTip pitch regulation of the blades
January 1999 41
Other wind turbine
Crookwell is not the first wind
farm in Australia although it is
the first to be connected to the
state grid.
The first Australian wind farm
was installed at Esperance in
Western Australia some years
ago. It consists of nine 225kW
wind turbines, giving a maximum
output of 2MW.
There is also a pair of 225kW
wind turbines installed on Thursday Island and a 150kW machine
is running at Coober Pedy in
South Australia. We have also
seen a large wind turbine running
near Newcastle.
By the standards of other parts
of the world, the Crookwell wind
farm is a small project. In Europe
in particular, wind farms with
ratings of many megawatts are
the norm.
For example, in Denmark, the
24MW Rejsby Moor wind farm
employs 40 wind turbines while
in Carno in Wales, 56 wind turbines are installed. There are even
large offshore installations. For
example, Denmark has two offshore installations with 10 wind
turbines installed off the east cost
of Jutland.
Presently, Vestas is involved
in the commissioning of a large
wind farm on the northernmost
tip of the North Island in New
Zealand, employing 48 660kW
wind turbines.
This is one of the windiest sites
in the world, with average wind
speeds of 11m/s (40km/h).
Further information on wind
power around the world can be
obtained from CADDET, the Centre for the Analysis And Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy
Technologies. This organisation
was founded in 1988 by the International Energy Agency. They
have two websites:
Further information on Vestas
wind turbines can be obtained at
42 Silicon Chip
Fig. 2: the power curve for the 600kW wind turbines installed at Crookwell.
Computer control prevents them starting up until the windspeed, measured by
an anemometer mounted on the turbine body, reaches 15km/h. They are shut
down (blades feathered and braked) when the speed exceeds 72km/h.
shows the power curve of the 600kW
Even with the auto cut-out system
for high wind speeds, wind gusts still
present a big problem for a large wind
turbine. Sudden gusts are extremely
tough on the mechanical components
of wind turbines and can cause undesirable fluctuations on the grid.
This problem has been solved by
Vestas with a system called “Opti
Slip”. Combined with the “OptiTip”
pitch adjustment system, this allows
the speed of rotation of both generator
and rotor to vary by as much as 10%
during a gust of wind. This not only
helps eliminates flickering but also
minimises the strain on the main components of the wind turbine.
If you would like to view the Crook
well Wind Farm, it is on the left side
of the Goulburn to Crookwell road
about half-way between Pejar Dam
and Crookwell.
Minimising the effect of windspeed changes
Harnessing wind power to generate
electrical power has always had to face
the practical reality that the wind doesn't
always blow – and when it does, it is forever changing both strength and direction.
Variations are not welcome in any generating system, especially one connected
to the power grid. Electricity authorities go
to great trouble to keep the supply voltage
as constant as possible.
The mini "weather station" on the tur-
bine's tail keeps the blades facing the wind,
while Vestas' proprietary "OptiSlip" design
can compensate for a variation in blade
rotational speed of up to 10%.
The graphs above show actual measurements from a Vestas 600kW Wind Turbine
demonstrate the varying relationship
between windspeed and generator rpm
over time. Note, though, that the output
remains constant at 600kW, minimising
fluctuations on the electricity grid.
New Fluke multimeters:
rugged & affordable
Philips has released two new rugged, reliable and affordable digital
multimeters from Fluke, designed for
the Asia-Pacific electronics market.
Apart from the usual voltage-current-resistance-diode ranges, the
Fluke Model 17 and 19 DMMs offer
several of the most-wanted features
for the electronics technician such
as Min/Max/Average Record that
captures the lowest and highest
readings for recording power supply
drift, line voltage changes or circuit
performance while parameters are
being changed. The DMMs have a
wide AC voltage input bandwidth of
100kHz for accurate measurement of
audio, video, monitors, and switching
power supplies.
They also feature autoranging, a
frequency counter (0.5Hz-200kHz)
and duty cycle measurement. Both
meters are supplied with Fluke TL-19
test leads, a 9V battery and a User’s
The new DMMs are designed and
manufactured to the latest safety
standards of IEC 61010-1, 1000V Overvolt-age Category I, 600V Overvoltage
Category II. The Fluke 17 and 19 have
been submitted for independent testing and certification to CSA and UL
For more information, contact
Philips Test & Measurement, 34 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde, NSW, 2113. Phone
(02) 9805 4486; fax (02) 9805 4170;
E-mail TMI_Inquiry<at>
You can also visit Fluke’s website
Keep those cords tidy!
Over the years many methods
have been tried to contain messy
cords. Most have failed.
Now a new Australian product
– Clipaway – claims to provide an
easy and convenient solution to
the problem. Clipaway clips come
in a variety of sizes to suit all types
of cord (even rope) up to 12mm
They're available from Woolworths/Big W, BBC/Hardwarehouse
and other leading retailers.
Hybrid panel meters
from Yokogawa
digital hybrid LCD
meter from
features a
of 31 segments for representing 0-100% of full
scale plus a 31/2 digit, 8mm 7-segment
digital readout. Accuracy is 0.25% of
indication, plus one digit.
The display, model no 2302, is
housed in a standard 96mm DIN
package with a depth of only 48mm.
It is backlit by a 12V halogen bulb
for long life, uniform colour and
Models are available as DC and AC
voltmeters and ammeters, measuring
mV to kV and mA to kA and a variety
of other units. Special models are
available on order.
For more information contact
Yokogawa Australia, phone (02) 9805
0699; fax (02) 9888 1844; email measurement<at>
Duratech soldering
station from Jaycar
This 60W Duratech Soldering Station, now available from Jaycar Electronics, has an adjustable temperature
range of 150-450oC + 3 oC. For process
applications the temperature dial can
be locked in place with the Allen key
The soldering pencil is of lightweight construction with a ceramic
heater and has an extremely flexible
silicone rubber cord. The robust case
includes a stainless steel tray for storing spare tips (seven tips are supplied).
It sells for $189 and comes with a
12-month warranty.
For further details contact any Jaycar Electronics store or call the head
office at 8-10 Leeds St, Rhodes, NSW
2138. Phone: (02) 9743 5222 fax: (02)
9743 2066
Radio frequency counter
This lowcost 10MHz3GHz counter
has no connections. All
the operator
needs to do
is extend the
antenna of
the Aceco
FC1001 and
the 8-digit
LCD shows the frequency of any transmitter in range with 100Hz resolution.
Enquiries to Computronics Corp
Ltd, Locked Bag 20, Bentley Business
Centre, WA 6983. Phone (08) 9479
1177, fax (08) 9470 2844.
January 1999 43
21-inch professional
monitors from Hitachi
Intended for high-end applications
such as DTP, imaging, CAD and engineering is the new range of CM81X
high-accuracy monitors from Hitachi.
With up to 1856 x 1392 resolution,
they offer Windows PnP setup.
For further information contact
Hitachi Australia Ltd, 13-15 Lyonpark
Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113. Phone (02)
9888 4100, fax (02) 9888 4188
NATA directory
The National Association of Testing
Laboratories (NATA) has released its
1998/99 Annual Directory of laboratories for companies wishing to test,
calibrate, inspect or measure their
materials, products or equipment.
Almost 2500 NATA-accredited labs
are listed. NATA accreditation is recognised worldwide.
is priced at
$140 and
is available from
7 Leeds St,
NSW 2138.
Phone (02)
9736 8222,
fax (02)
9743 5311.
Fluke T2 Electrical Tester Safety Recall
Philips Test & Measurement is
recalling some Fluke T2 Electrical
Testers to repair a potential product
malfunction which may present a
safety hazard to users.
The malfunction is caused by
corrosion of the battery contact to
the PC board inside the Tester which
can lead to intermittent operation.
If the malfunction occurs, users
may believe that no voltage is present when the reverse is true. This
represents a safety hazard.
Only Fluke T2 units with serial
numbers less than 70524051 are
affected and only then if they do
not have the letter “R” stamped after
the serial number. Those units have
already been repaired.
Customers with affected units
should return them to the service/
calibration centre at Philips Test
& Measurement (phone 02 9805
4486 for shipping arrangements). A
sealant will be applied to the battery
contact to prevent corrosion and the
“R” will be stamped after the serial
Philips Test & Measurement urges
all owners to return their Fluke T2
instruments as soon as possible,
even if they have not experienced
any malfunction.
For further information, contact
Philips Test & Measurement Business Electronics Service Centre, 2
Green-hills Ave, Moorebank, NSW
2170. Phone (02) 9805 4486.
Central Coast Amateur Radio Field Day
One of the most-anticipated annual
events in the radio and communication area, the Central Coast Field Day,
is on again next month, on Sunday,
February 28 at Wyong Race Course,
Howarth Street, Wyong.
Wyong is approximately one hour
from Sydney via the Newcastle freeway with free off-street parking, or an
electric train from Sydney stops only 5
minutes walk from the site. Admission
is $10 or $5 concession.
Organised by the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc, the Field Day is
Australia’s largest, with new and used
radio and communications equipment
for sale. The flea market and disposals areas are always popular, with
bargains from both traders and other
amateur enthusiasts.
Many commercial communications
organisations arrange special displays
for the field day and there are also
displays from clubs and groups with
special interests ranging from vintage
radio to satellite communications.
For further information, contact the
Central Coast Amateur Radio Club’s
website,, or call the
club on (02) 4340 2500.
Upgrade Your Analog Phone to Digital For Minus $1.00
Dick Smith Electronics have
come up with a pretty compelling
argument for those who have not
yet upgraded their analog mobile
phone to digital.
They will upgrade your analog
phone to a new Philips ‘Twist’
digital, charge no connection fee,
keep you on a $10 per month plan
if you wish, automatically divert
calls from your old analog number
. . . and give you a dollar!
It’s all part of a move designed to
get existing analog users to upgrade
to digital before the analog network
is scrapped on January 1, 2000.
According to DSE, there are more
44 Silicon Chip
than 1.8 million analog phones still
in use and even though extensive
publicity has been given to the
close-down, the changeover to
digital needs a boost.
In conjunction with Telstra's
Budget 10 plan, Dick Smith Electronics will give $50 trade-in on a
working analog phone. And with
phone prices under this deal starting at $49 you could actually walk
away with a new phone and a dollar
in your hand!
Other models available under the
plan include a Motorola Jazz for
$59, Panasonic G450 or Ericsson
GA628 for $79 and a Nokia 5110
for $129 – all less the $50 trade-in.
The most important feature of
this plan, though, is the $10 monthly charge. It’s the first time digital
phone users have had access to this
low fee. Apparently this has been
one of the main reasons low-usage
analog phone owners have not
converted to digital.
To take advantage of this offer,
contact any Dick Smith Electronics
store. Users must stay connected to
Telstra Mobilenet for a minimum of
24 months. Some other conditions
apply to this offer.
Further information is available
at any Dick Smith Electronics store.
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January 1999 53
A LED bargraph
for your car
Keep an eye on the charging and discharge of
your car’s battery with this LED ammeter. It has
10 rectangular LEDs and will indicate charge
and discharge currents up to 25 amps. No
alterations need to be made to your car’s wiring
as it monitors the voltage drop across the
negative strap to the battery.
Very few cars these days have a
“proper” ammeter; they just have a
single idiot light to indicate that the
battery is being discharged. But when
it goes out, you have no idea of how
much current is going into the battery
and nor, for that matter, do you ever
54 Silicon Chip
know how much current is being
pulled out.
Even when cars did have ammeters
they were not what you would call a
precision meter movement; they gave
a very rough approximation of what
was happening. Well, now you can im-
prove on this situation with this LED
ammeter. It has 10 rectangular LEDs,
five green to indicate that the battery
is being charged, and one yellow and
four red to show discharge conditions.
Each LED covers a range of 5A, so
the display indicates from -25A (discharge) to +25A (charge). We used a
yellow LED for the 0-5A discharge
indicator as this will most likely be
the one normally illuminated when
the motor is not running or at idle.
Every ammeter needs a shunt which
is placed in the current path. In effect,
the ammeter measures the voltage drop
across the shunt which is a very low
resistance. The question is “How do
you install a suitable shunt in series
with the battery?” The answer is that
you don’t. There is already a shunt
there in the form of the negative lead
Fig.1: the circuit of this LED Ammeter works by monitoring the voltage drop
across the negative battery strap. This will have a resistance of a few milliohms
and so a current of say 20A will produce a voltage of around 40mV or so. This
is amplified by IC1a and IC1b and then fed to the LM3914 to produce a LED dot
from the battery to the car’s chassis.
This lead will typically have a resistance of only a couple of milliohms but
this is enough to produce a voltage to
be measured by our circuit. It amplifies
the voltage across the “shunt” and
feeds it to a LED bargraph driver IC.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the circuit. Op amp
IC1a monitors the voltage across the
negative battery strap and amplifies
by a factor of between 10 and 210, depending on the setting of trimpot VR1.
The amplified voltage at the output
of IC1a is fed to the inverting input of
IC1b via a 2.2kΩ resistor. This op amp
stage has a gain of 10 and the output
is fed to the input of IC2, an LM3914
LED bar/dot linear display driver.
IC2 needs an input voltage increasing from zero to 1.25V to sequentially
light each LED at its outputs (pins 1
& 10-18). With that voltage range, the
LEDS will switch for every 125mV
increase in input voltage. The only
problem is, we want to measure
positive and negative currents so we
effectively need a centre-zero display.
This would correspond to the voltage
where the fifth LED is about to turn off
and the sixth LED is about to turn on.
This “centre-zero” voltage corresponds to +625mV (ie, 5 x 125mV)
so we need the output of IC1b to be
sitting at this voltage when the battery
is not being charged or discharged.
This is done by feeding a portion of
the 1.25V internal reference of IC2,
which is available at pin 7, to pin 5,
the non-inverting input of IC1b.
The amount of this input offset to
pin 5 is set by the voltage divider resistors, 22kΩ, 1kΩ and 160Ω.
Another offset voltage which must
be dealt with is the DC voltage at the
output of IC1a when it has no input
voltage (ie, no charge or discharge
current to the battery). This output
voltage will change over a wide range
as trimpot VR1 is altered. Accordingly,
trimpot VR2 is included to inject an
equal and opposite voltage into the
inverting input of IC1b (pin 6) to cancel this effect.
To recap, with the battery receiving
no charge or discharge, the input to
IC1a will be zero volts and the voltage
at the non-inverting input of IC2 will
be half the reference voltage at pin 7
of IC2. This will cause LEDs 5 and 6
to light.
When the battery is being charged,
one of LEDs 6 to 10 will illuminate
depending on the charging current.
Conversely, if the battery is being discharged, one of LEDs 1 to 5 will light,
depending on the current being drawn.
Actually, there will be times when
there is a transition from one LED to
the next and so two adjacent LEDs
can be on.
At night the LED display is dimmed,
whenever the car’s headlights are
turned on. PNP transistor Q1 has its
8.2kΩ base resistor connected to the
headlight switch. When the headlights
are turned, Q1 turns off to reduce the
current flowing through the LEDs.
The initial brightness of the LEDs
is set by the 680Ω resistor from pin
6 of IC2 to the emitter of Q1. The
night-time brightness is reduced by
switching off Q1, which puts the
2.2kΩ resistor in series with the 680Ω
Negative supply rail
So far, the circuit should seem relatively straightforward but you may
wonder why the 555 timer is included.
Does it really need to be there? Well,
yes it does. Since the current into or
out of the battery can be negative or
positive, it stands to reason that the
input voltage to IC1a can be negative or positive as well. This means
that the output of IC1a and IC1b can
swing below the 0V line and for this
to be possible, IC1 needs a negative
supply rail.
This is what the 555 is used for. IC3
is set up as an oscillator running at
around 9.5kHz and its output at pin
3 drives a “diode pump” consisting of
diodes D1 & D2, together with the two
10µF capacitors. The circuit produces
January 1999 55
a negative rail of about -5V which is
adequate to run IC1.
Assembling the PC board
Fig.2: this is the component overlay for the PC board.
Do not get the colours of the LEDs mixed up. LEDs 1-4
are red, LED5 is yellow and the remainder (LEDs 6-10)
are green.
The entire circuit, including the 10
LEDs used in the display, is accommodated on a PC board measuring
74 x 59mm and coded 05101991. The
component overlay is shown in Fig.2.
Before you install any components,
check the PC board against the artwork of Fig.4 for any defects such as
broken tracks, shorts between tracks
or undrilled holes. Fix any faults and
then proceed by inserting and soldering the resistors and diodes, then
the ICs and the 10 LEDs followed by
the capacitors. The diodes, LEDs and
capacitors are polarised and must be
inserted the correct way, so double
check them before soldering.
Finally, fit and solder the five PC
stakes. We used thin figure-8 flex to
connect to the battery and the car
electrics. This flex had a striped black
lead which is handy when wiring DC
circuitry. When wiring the input, you
can use the plain lead to the battery
negative pole connection and the
black striped lead for the connection
to the earth strap at the car’s chassis.
For the 12V supply, you can use the
plain lead for the connection to D3
and the striped lead for the earth connection. The DIM connection can be a
single length of hookup wire.
Make one final check of the diode
and capacitor polarities, before the
big test.
Bench-testing the ammeter
Fig.3: here’s how two adjustable DC power supplies
can be used to bench-test the LED Ammeter. Effectively,
what we are doing is to use supply one (PSU1) to
simulate the voltage drop across the negative battery
strap while the second power supply (PSU2) provides
power to the circuit in place of the 12V battery. PSU2
should be set to deliver 12V while PSU1 can be set to
provide anywhere between 0V and 12V.
56 Silicon Chip
If you have two DC power supplies
it is far easier to do the initial test in
your workshop. If you don’t, then skip
to the in-car test. If you do have two DC
supplies, Fig.3 shows how to connect
them for the bench test.
Effectively, what we are doing is
to use supply one (PSU1) to simulate
the voltage drop across the negative
battery strap while the second power
supply (PSU2) provides power to the
circuit in place of the 12V battery.
PSU2 should be set to deliver 12V
while PSU1 can be set to provide anywhere between 0V and 12V.
Connect the accessories switch wire
to the positive terminal on the PSU2
supply and connect the other wire of
the pair to the common or negative
terminal of PSU2 (depending on how
the supply is marked). Set the output
to +12V.
Fig.4: this is the actual size artwork
for the PC board. Check your board
carefully before installing any of the
You can either mount the LEDs directly on the PC board as shown here or you
can mount them separately and connect them via rainbow cable.
Wire the resistors across PSU1 as
shown in Fig.3 and connect the leads
as shown. You will need to connect
the negative terminals of the two
supplies together with a length of
hookup wire. Set the output voltage
of PSU1 to 12V, turn the supply on,
and adjust VR2 until the leftmost red
LED (LED1) is illuminated.
Wind the output voltage of PSU1
down and the LEDs should light in
sequence. Connecting the DIM wire
to the accessories lead should reduce
the LED brightness.
In-car testing
Connect the plain lead marked
‘to accessories switch’ to the battery
positive, the black lead of the pair
to the chassis. Connect the plain
lead of the other pair to the battery
negative terminal and the striped
We mounted the unit in a small plastic case but you will probably want to
mount the LEDs on the dashboard.
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
grey red red brown
blue grey red brown
red violet red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
brown blue brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
grey red black brown brown
blue grey black brown brown
red violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
brown blue black black brown
January 1999 57
Table 1: Typical Lamp Ratings In Cars
Parking lights (front)............................................................................... 5W
Tail lights................................................................................................ 5W
Licence plate.......................................................................................... 5W
Dashboard parking indicator............................................................... 1.4W
Reversing lights.................................................................................... 21W
Brake lights.......................................................................................... 21W
High level brake light......................................................................... 18.4W
Dashboard brake indicator.................................................................. 1.4W
Headlights (high beam/low beam)................................................ 60W/55W
Dashboard high beam indicator.......................................................... 1.4W
Table 2: Total Load When Lights On
Parking Lights + licence plate.................................................26.4W (2.2A)
Reversing Lights.........................................................................42W (3.5A)
Brake Lights............................................................................61.8W (5.2A)
Headlights (low beam + parking + licence plate)................136.4W (11.4A)
Headlights (high beam + parking + licence plate)...............256.4W (21.4A)
ground lead to the chassis end of the
battery strap. Turn trimpot VR1 fully
anticlockwise and adjust trimpot VR2
until the green and yellow LEDs are
both alight.
Turn on the parking lights and
adjust VR1 until the yellow LED is
illuminated. Now turn on the headlights and the second or third red
LED should illuminate (depending
on the current drawn by them and
the setting of VR1). Connect the DIM
lead to the battery positive and the
LED’s brightness should reduce. Turn
off the headlights.
Final calibration
To do the final calibration, you
will need to know the wattage of the
various lights in your vehicle. You
should be able to find this information in your owner’s handbook or
in the service manual. For example,
find out the total wattage drawn by
You don’t have to modify the car’s wiring to monitor the current. Instead, the
unit operates by monitoring the voltage across the main earth strap between the
negative terminal of the battery and the vehicle chassis, as shown in this
temporary lash up.
58 Silicon Chip
the parking lights, brake, reversing
lights and headlights (low and high
beams). Knowing the wattage, you can
calculate the current drain for various
light combinations. For example, you
can operate the reversing and parking
lights separately and together and
then you can add the headlights, in
low and high beam settings. Do not
forget that when you switch to high
beam, low beam will still be on.
Current calculations
Typical lamp ratings in cars are
as shown in Table 1. Except for the
dashboard indicators, these lamps
come in pairs, so the total load for
the following lights on is as shown
in Table 2.
From this, you can see that if you
switch on the headlights to low beam,
as well as the reversing lights, you
will get a total current drain of 14.9A
and this is close enough to 15A to be
used as a load current for the 15A
indication. Similarly, if you switch
the headlights to high beam, as well
as the reversing lights, you will get a
total current drain of 24.9A and this
is close enough to 25A to be used
as the full load current for the 25A
Naturally, the current can be expected to vary depending on the
battery’s charge but it will be close
enough for this calibration job.
The Ammeter will have to be installed in the car and the five wires
connected as indicated in Fig.1. You
may mount the PC board directly
behind the dashboard, or elect to fit
it in the small plastic box we have
specified in the parts list.
If you do use the box, mount the
PC board on the lid using a 3mm nut
as a spacer and bring the leads out
through the hole.
VR1 will have to be adjusted to get
the correct LED lit for the particular
load. Don’t forget that the currents are
only nominal and can probably vary
by ±10% or more depending on the
battery voltage.
There is no need to step the LEDs in
5A increments, as the setting of VR1
will determine the step size. Once
VR1 is set, VR2 must be readjusted to
light the two centre-scale LEDs with
no battery drain; ie, with all lights off.
If your unit doesn’t appear to work
properly, check the following voltag-
Parts List
1 PC board, code 05101991, 75
x 60mm
1 plastic case, Jaycar HB-6075
or equiv.
3 6mm x 10mm countersunk
6 3mm hex nuts
3 3mm spring washers
5 PC stakes
1 200kΩ multiturn trimpot (VR1)
Altronics R-2390 or equiv.
1 10kΩ multiturn trimpot (VR2)
Altronics R-2382 or equiv.
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC1)
1 LM3914 LED bar/dot linear
display driver (IC2)
1 555 timer (IC3)
1 LM7808 or LM7809 TO-220
voltage regulator (REG1)
1 BC558 PNP transistor (Q1)
2 1N914 silicon diodes (D1,D2)
1 1N4004 silicon diode (D3)
4 5mm x 2mm red LED (LED
1-4), Jaycar ZD-1760 or equiv.
5 5mm x 2mm green LEDs (LED
6-10), Jaycar ZD-1765 or
1 5mm x 2mm yellow LED (LED
5), Jaycar ZD-1770 or equiv.
14 Model Railway Projects
Shop soiled but H
Our stocks of this book are now limited. All we have left are newsagents’
returns which means that they may
be slightly shop soiled or have minor
cover blemishes. Otherwise, they're
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Yes! Please send me _____ copies of 14 Model Railway Projects at the special price
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Card No.
2 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 .01µF MKT polyester
Signature___________________________ Card expiry date______/______
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 100kΩ
1 2.7kΩ
2 22kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
1 10kΩ
3 1kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
1 680Ω
1 6.8kΩ
1 160Ω
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Silicon Chip Binders
es. IC1a pin 8 +8V (or +9V with 7809),
IC1a pin 4 -5V, IC2 pin 3 +12V, IC3
pin 6 +1.25V. If you are within 20%,
everything is probably fine. If the negative voltage is missing or low then
the problem is around IC3.
Heavy board covers with 2-tone green
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SILICON CHIP logo printed in goldcoloured lettering on spine & cover
If the dimmed LED intensity is not
to your liking vary the value of the
2.2kΩ resistor at the emitter of Q1.
Making it smaller will increase the
dimmed brightness, increasing it will
do the opposite.
Each binder holds up to 14 issues
Price: $12.95 plus $5 p&p each (Aust. only)
Just fill in & mail the handy order form in this
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January 1999 59
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More protection for your car with the . . .
Engine Immobiliser
This project takes the Engine Immobiliser
described last month and adds a keypad.
When you stop your car and turn the engine
off, you hit any key to enable the Immobiliser.
To start the car again, you must enter the
correct 4-digit code, otherwise the car will
stall every time it is started.
For good protection against car
thieves the Engine Immobi
liser described last month works well but you
do need a concealed switch to operate
it and this can be a drawback. Using
a keypad to enable the Immobiliser is
much more elegant. The design uses
a standard 12-button keypad, labelled
62 Silicon Chip
from 0 to 9 plus asterisk (*) and crosshatch (#) keys.
Four buttons must be pressed in
the correct sequence before you turn
on the ignition. The car can then be
started in the normal way.
You can program in any 4-digit code,
including the “*” and “#” buttons, by
means of links on the PC board. This
means that you can set the combination to say, #123, 1223 or whatever.
You cannot trick the keypad circuit
into disarming the Immobiliser by
pressing all keys at once, by disconnecting the battery and reconnecting
again or any other jiggery-pokery. The
code must be entered in the correct
sequence. If you enter the wrong
code, you can start again by pressing
any key which is not used in the code
sequence, followed by the correct code
The Immobiliser is armed by pressing any key which is not used in the
combination code.
A LED flashes to indicate when the
Immobiliser is active and it goes out
when the correct code is entered.
The keypad can only be used when
the ignition is turned off. It does not
Fig.1: this circuit has two parts. IC2 and diodes D3, D4 & D5 detect when a key is pressed while IC3, IC4 & IC5
detect when the code is entered in the correct sequence to deactivate the Engine Immobiliser via the output at
pin 10 of IC4.
respond to any buttons when the
ignition is switched on. This means
that you can only arm the Immobiliser
once you have switched off the engine.
Similarly, to disable the Immobiliser,
you must enter the correct code before
switching on the ignition.
The reason for this approach is so
that the Immobiliser cannot be activated by the keypad when the car is in
motion; if this happened the car could
possibly be stopped in a dangerous
situation if any of the keypad buttons
was inadvertently touched.
As with the basic Engine Immobiliser described last month, the keypad
version becomes active when power to
the ignition is switched on, provided it
has already been armed. If the ignition
is off, the Immobiliser circuit is off
and the only current drain from the
battery is that drawn by the keypad
Main Features
Keypad operation to restore normal ignition.
4-digit code entry.
Any of 12 keys can be used for the code.
Any order, sequence or duplication of code is allowed.
LED flashes when ignition is disabled.
LED is off when correct code entered to enable normal ignition.
Keypad disabled when power to ignition is switched on.
Normal ignition cannot be restored by disconnecting and reconnecting
battery supply.
System is armed by pressing a key when the ignition is off (which is not
part of the code).
Can be used in unarmed mode by not pressing a key.
January 1999 63
Fig.2: this is the
modified circuit of
the Engine
published last
month. Q4 responds
to the high signal
from the keypad
circuit and disables
circuit itself. This draws about 6mA
which should not be a problem for the
car battery.
Circuit details
The keypad circuit is shown in
Fig.1. The keypad itself has 12-keys
which are connected in a matrix of
three columns and four rows. As
shown on the circuit, the columns are
labelled C1, C2 & C3 while the rows
are marked R1, R2, R3 & R4. If, for example we press the “1” key, then there
will be a connection between row R1
and column C1. Similarly, if the “9”
key is pressed, row R3 is connected to
column C3, and so on.
The keypad circuit has two functions. First, it must detect when
buttons are pressed and second, it
must detect if they are pressed in the
correct order.
The first part, detecting when buttons are pressed, is relatively easy
and is accomplished with the 4017
decade counter, IC2. This chip is
clocked at about 100Hz by a Schmitt
trigger oscillator, IC6a, and four of
its outputs are connected to the four
rows of the keypad matrix.
As IC2 is clocked, its outputs cycle
high and low and nothing happens
until a key is pressed. The column
associated with the key is then connected to that key’s row and when that
row goes high, perhaps a millisecond
later, the key column goes high as
well. Each of the three columns is
monitored by a diode and so the
“high” signal is fed via diode D3, D4
or D5 to the “clock enable” line (pin
13) of IC2. This stops IC2 and so the
key just pressed will have its column
and row both high.
IC2 will not start counting again
until the pressed key is released.
Key detection
Four 2-input AND gates, in IC3, are
used for key detection. Why only four,
considering that there are 12 buttons
on the keypad? The reason is that
only four digits are used in the code.
Each 2-input AND gate has one input
connected to a row and one connected
to a column, depending on the “hard
wire” programming.
If we consider IC3a, for example, its
inputs are shown connected to row
R1 and column C2 and so if key “2”
is pressed, both inputs of IC3a will
be pulled high and its output at pin
3 will also go high.
So far then, we have described how
each correct key-press is detected and
the four outputs of IC3 will go high if
the correct keys are pressed. But the
circuit must also detect if the those
keys have been pressed in the correct
sequence. This is where IC4 and IC5
come into the picture.
Sequence detection
Fig.3: this is the modified component layout for the Engine Immobiliser, with Q4
and three resistors added in.
64 Silicon Chip
IC4 is another 4017 decade counter but it is not clocked in the same
way as IC2. It is clocked each time a
correct button in the code sequence is
pressed. Let’s see how this happens.
Say, for example, button 2 is pressed.
This will cause the output of AND
gate IC3a to go high and pull pin 13
of NAND gate IC5a high as well. At
the same time, pin 12 of IC5a will be
high because the “0” output of IC4
(pin 3) is high. This will cause pin
11 of IC5a to go low and pull pin 14
(the clock input) low via diode D6.
But nothing happens until you take
your finger off button 2. This kills the
column signal to IC3a, takes pin 3 of
IC3a low and so pin 11 of IC5a goes
high. It is this “low to high” transition
that causes IC4 to be clocked and its
“1” output, pin 2, goes high.
The next button in our sample
4-bit code is 4. Provided this button
is pressed, pin 4 of IC3b goes high,
as does pin 9 of IC5b. Its pin 8 will
already be high, since it is connected
to pin 2 of IC4 and so pin 10 will go
low, again pulling pin 14 of IC4 low
via diode D7. Again, when button 4
is released, pin 10 goes high and IC4
is clocked by one count, so that its
“2” output, pin 4, goes high.
By now, you should see how the
sequence is going. The next button
in the 4-bit code is 5 and pressing it
causes pin 3 of IC5c to go low and
pull pin 14 of IC4 low via diode D8.
The end of the correct sequence is
when you press button 9 and then
take your finger off the button. This
again causes IC4 to be clocked and its
“4” output, pin 10, goes high. This has
two results. First, its high output is
fed to the Engine Immobiliser board,
to disable its operation. Second, it
disables Schmitt trigger oscillator
IC6d and LED1 stops flashing.
This view shows the Engine Immobiliser PC board with the extra parts added in
the bottom lefthand corner. You have to add one transistor and three resistors,
with the 10kΩ resistor to the left of the IC replacing a wire link.
Invalid keys
So far we have seen what happens
when you press the correct buttons
in sequence. But what happens when
someone else has a go and gets it
Previously we noted that each
time a key was pressed, a column is
connected to a row and when the row
output from IC2 went high, one of
the three diodes D3, D4 or D5 would
feed the high signal to the CE pin and
stop the counter while ever the key
was pressed.
That same high signal is also fed via
an RC delay circuit (10kΩ and .01µF)
to the reset pin of IC4 but if a correct
key has been pressed, this reset signal
is suppressed by diode D10 and one
of the four diodes D6-D9.
The RC delay in the reset signal line
ensures that when a “correct” key is
pressed, IC4 is not reset. So if keys
are pressed in the correct sequence,
IC4 is clocked forward with each key
press. On the other hand, if a couple
of correct keys are pressed and then
Fig.4: the component layout for the keypad. The 4-digit code is programmed by
installing links on the board to the left of IC2.
a wrong key, IC4 will be reset and
its “0” output goes high. The correct
sequence must now be entered in full
for the Immobiliser to be deactivated.
Ignition monitoring
Transistor Q5 and gate IC6b monitor the +12V line from the ignition
keyswitch. With the ignition switch
off, Q5 is off and pins 1& 2 of IC6b are
high and so pin 15 of IC2 is held low.
Hence, IC2 is continually clocked by
IC6a and the circuit is waiting for
buttons to be pressed.
When the ignition is turned on, Q5
turns on and pulls pins 1 & 2 of IC6b
low. Thus, pin 15 of IC2 is pulled
high, which is the reset condition.
IC2 is prevented from clocking and
so the circuit cannot respond to any
buttons being pressed.
By the way, we have used the “2”,
“6”, “7” and “3” outputs of IC2 to
drive the keypad switch rows and so
the rows are not scanned in sequence.
The reason for doing this was to
make the layout of the PC board more
Power for the circuit is derived
from the car battery and this is decoupled via a 39Ω resistor and a 100µF
electrolytic capacitor. This effectively
filters any hash on the supply line.
The 16V zener diode ZD6 clamps any
voltage above 16V to protect the ICs
from damage.
Immobiliser circuit
The Engine Immobiliser circuit
published last month is modified by
the addition of one transistor to make
it work with the keypad circuit. The
January 1999 65
header for the ribbon cable to
the keypad.
Next, insert the links which
can be made using the tinned
copper wire or component
pigtails. Before you can insert
the links associated with the
keypad, you need to decide
on the 4-digit code.
Have a look at the component overlay diagram in Fig.4.
You will notice that there is
an area on the board to the left
of IC2 which has seven tracks
labelled R1-R4 and C1-C3.
These correspond to the four
rows and three columns of
the keypad.
Each of the four keys to
be programmed has two
link connec
tions, with the
lefthand side link connected
to one of the four rows and the
right-hand connected to one
of the three columns.
In our example code shown
on the circuit, key 2 is
grammed as row 2 and
column 1; key 4 key is
programmed as row 1 and
column 1; key 5 is row 2
and column 2; and key 9 is
The keypad board in the prototype was mounted above the Engine Immobiliser board
row 3 and column 3. Table 1
in a standard plastic case, with the keypad attached to the lid. Alternatively, you can
shows the coding needed for
mount the keypad separately on the dashboard.
all keys.
Having installed all the
modified circuit is shown in Fig.2.
the Immobiliser PC board is shown links to program the 4-digit code, you
The circuit operation is as de- in Fig.3 while the component layout can now install the resistors, followed
scribed last month, since the addi- for the keypad PC board is shown in
by the diodes. Then install the 16V
Fig.4. This board is the same size as zener diode and the transistor.
tional transistor is off at all times
unless a valid 4-digit code has been the Engine Immobiliser board and is
The ICs must be inserted with the
fed into the keypad. When that hap- coded 05401991.
correct polarity as shown and make
pens, the base of Q4 is pulled high
sure that you insert the correct type in
and it turns on to pull pin 4 of IC1
each position. Finally, the capacitors
low. This causes IC1 to stop oscillatYou can begin construction by
can be installed, taking care that the
ing and its output at pin 3 goes low.
checking the PC board for shorts
electrolytics are oriented with the
This causes all transistors, Q3 to Q1,
between tracks, breaks in the tracks,
correct polarity. The 0.1µF capacitors
to turn off and the Immobiliser circuit or undrilled holes. Fix any defects (if
may be marked as “100n” or “104”
then has no further effect on the car’s
any) and then fit PC stakes into the while the .01µF capacitor may be
ignition system.
holes for the external wiring points marked as “10n” or “103”.
The modified wiring diagram for on both boards. We used a 7-way pin
The assembly procedure for the En-
Resistor Colour Codes
66 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
red red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
orange white black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
red red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
orange white black gold brown
Parts List
1 plastic case, 130 x 67 x 43mm
4 M3 screws x 6mm
2 15mm long tapped spacers
1 1m length of heavy duty black
automotive hookup wire
1 1m length of heavy duty red
automotive hookup wire
1 1m length of light duty red
automotive hookup wire
1 1m length of heavy duty yellow
automotive hookup wire
1 150mm length of hookup wire
Fig.5: actual size artwork for the PC board.
Table 1:
Programming Links
gine Immobiliser board was featured
last month and we expect that most
users will assemble and get it going
on its own before making it work with
the keypad board.
The two boards can be housed
in several ways. We stacked the PC
boards in a plastic case measuring
130 x 67 x 43mm and mounted the
keypad onto the lid. However, you
could mount both boards underneath
the dash and mount the keypad on
the dash itself. We’ll leave that up
to you.
If you want to take our approach,
the PC boards are stacked on top of
each other using 2 x 15mm spacers.
Note that the integral side ribs in the
case will need to be removed using
a chisel and a hole drilled in the end
of the box for the wiring.
The keypad was secured to the lid
with four small (M2.5) screws or selftappers. Note also that if the keypad
is mounted on the lid as shown in
the photo you will need to cut slots
for its mounting feet in the sides of
the case, so that the lid can later be
placed in position.
Wiring & testing
The boards can be wired up using
automotive hookup wire. We used
light duty wires for all wiring except
for the wires to the ignition coil and
Connect the circuit boards to a 12V
battery or DC supply. Check that the
LED flashes at a one second rate and
that the LED stops when the 4-digit
code is entered into the keypad.
Press any other key (ie, not one included in the code) and check that the
LED flashes again. The keypad should
now be inoperative. Connect up the
ignition wire to the supply positive.
You can verify that the high voltage
transistor Q1 comes on by measuring
the resistance between its emitter and
collector. The transistor will be on
when the resistance is low.
If the circuit operates properly you
are now ready to install it into your
vehicle. Find a suitable position under the dashboard to mount the unit
and then locate the fused side of the
ignition circuit and the fused side of
the battery supply.
The wiring to these points should
be made using automotive connectors. Also you will need a chassis
point to connect the ground supply
of the circuit to the battery negative
1 PC board, code 05401991,
106 x 60mm
1 12-switch keypad with 4-row
and 3-column addressing
1 5mm LED bezel
6 PC stakes
1 7-way pin header
1 60mm length of 7-way rainbow
1 400mm length of 0.8mm
diameter tinned copper wire
2 4017 decade counters
1 4081 quad 2-input AND gate
1 4011 quad 2-input NAND gate
1 4093 quad 2-input Schmitt
NAND gate (IC6)
1 BC337 NPN transistor (Q5)
1 16V 1W zener diode (ZD6)
8 1N4148, 1N914 signal diodes
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 220kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 100kΩ
1 39Ω
9 10kΩ
terminal. This can be an existing
screw in the metalwork or a separate
self-tapping screw which secures
the eyelet terminal for the ground
lead in place. The connection to the
ignition coil should be made with an
eyelet terminal. This wire should be
concealed as much as possible. SC
January 1999 67
How long is a couple of months?
How long is a couple of months? This may not
seem to be very important, until an irate
customer disputes the time and details of your
last service job. A properly kept record system
could then prove vital but more on that later.
It’s been rather quiet as far as work
goes during the last month. Either not
much has failed or I need to change
my brand of breath freshener.
However, as well as the normal
boring repairs there have been a few
interesting cases. First, there was a
Casio SF-7900 Digital Diary which
had been literally drowned in shaving
cream (not too sure whether I can fix
that one yet). This was followed by
an NEC remote control that had been
68 Silicon Chip
savaged by a dog (not much of that
left), in turn followed by a dropped
Hitachi 34cm TV set sporting a smash
ed tube (its only remaining function
being landfill).
Difficult repairs take time, impossible ones take a little longer. One
set was delivered in a van, with two
very fit young men visibly straining
under the weight of a Philips Matchline 83cm TV set. Fortunately, I had
a trolley available – and where they
put this set down was where it was
going to be when they picked it up!
This monster was a model 33CE
7538/42R, employing a 3A chassis
(circa 1986-1988), which had been
bought at auction. Ironically, I already
had seen this very set at a competitor’s
secondhand store and I knew the tube
was virtually defunct, which was
why the proprietor had put it back to
auction. A new tube costs over $2000.
Anyway, the new owner also had
this information but because he had
bought it so cheaply, he wanted a
few other supposedly simple faults
fixed. These included a blue line at
the top and east-west distortion in the
corners. He was prepared to live with
the washed out picture.
To make things more difficult, there
was no remote control and no instruction booklet but, on the bright
side, I did have the service
manual on this 3A chassis.
At switch-on there was
nothing except the blue line
at the top. After 15 minutes
or so, a very dingy picture
appeared, with four vertical
kinks in the left and righthand
sides about 10cm from the corners.
The picture tube carried no label
and was already running flat out,
with the heater filaments glowing like
torches. Someone had shorted the two
series inductors feeding them in an
attempt to extract extra performance.
The line at the top of the picture
and the delay in coming on was
reminiscent of the Philips 2B chassis
described last month. And, in fact, the
circuits are very similar.
I removed the chassis (not easy)
and, with the help of the service
manual, set about replacing as many
electros as I could around the eastwest circuitry and vertical output
stage (especially C2555). I also fitted
an 82kΩ resistor from pin 26 to pin
6 on IC7355 (TDA4580), in the multi-standard decoder module. As mentioned last month, this is a standard
modification to cope with tube ageing.
When I switched on, the picture
came on much faster than before but
the east-west geometry was still a
mess. It was time to delve deeper into
the likely causes.
The geometry adjustments of this
set are performed using a remote control but not necessarily the one that
comes with the set. The remote control must have a Print or Sleep Timer
function on it which, when pushed
simultaneously with the mono button
on the front panel, will bring up a
display of four bars. You then select
two numbers corresponding to the
geometry control you wish to adjust
(e.g. 08 for east-west pincushion) and
then adjust the value with the remote
volume control.
Of course, I didn’t have one. But
while I waited to see if I could beg,
borrow or steal a remote control (models RC5991, RC5275, RC5375, RC53,
RC5, RC5610 are the only ones that
can do the job), I tried my hardest to
fix the other problems.
I found that by varying the screen
preset pot (R3472) on the neck of the
tube, as well as the greyscale, I could
vary the colour and shape of the line
at the top of the picture. I also found
that freezing the components around
the east-west output stage, along with
an increase in the beam current, also
varied the corner distortions.
I spent a long and fruitless time
replacing everything in the east-west
circuitry and found that the only
way to achieve any worthwhile improvement was to fit a 10kΩ resistor
across C2602. However, this still left
a pincushion effect which would
have to wait until a remote control
became available to see if it could be
In the meantime, I came to the
conclusion that some attempt to
rejuvenate the picture tube might be
worthwhile. And so it was that I dug
out my old home-made monochrome
picture tube booster and analyser.
This basically consists of a 15W lamp
in series with the cathode and grid of
the CRT across 240V AC.
The heater filaments are powered
from a separate variable multitap
transformer and when current starts
to flow, it is limited by the lamp. I
connected the tube pins directly to
this and switched on, not expecting
very much action. To my surprise, the
globe flashed quite vigorously on each
gun in turn, telling me that AC current
was indeed flowing healthily between
the grid and the cathode, even with
the filament at the normal 6.3V.
Next, I removed the shorts across
coils L5466 and L5465 and reconnected the CRT base. At switch-on, the
picture came up quickly and strongly
with a high-definition picture. I reset
the greyscale tracking and the picture
was excellent. The blue line and the
vertical kinks in the horizontal scan
on the left and right had all gone but
the east-west fault remained. I needed
the correct remote control.
Three weeks later, I finally managed to obtain one and dialled in the
digits. Not all the controls displayed
the value of the adjustment but apart
from that, the east-west pincushion
command (08) did function properly,
without any modifications to the set.
I did find it necessary to set up the
horizontal EHT Compensation (11)
as well as controls 07, 09 and 10, and
then save the settings with the remote
control’s PP and Standby buttons on
program 1 (PR1); the default condition
when the set is switched on.
Summing up the repair, it was really just a matter of rejuvenating the
tube and adjusting the controls. Of
course, I cannot guarantee how long
the rejuvenated tube will last, as the
procedure knocks off the oxide on the
poisoned cathodes. Nor can one tell
how much material is left behind, nor
how long before it, too, becomes poisoned. Anyway, the new owner has,
for the time being at least, acquired a
cheap large-screen TV set.
The Akai video
My next story concerns an Akai
play-only video machine, model
VP170. This set was only just out of
warranty and the problem was that a
cassette had jammed inside it and it
was switching off. When I shook the
unit, I could hear loose components
rattling around inside – not a good
I took the cover off and a small
piece of white plastic fell out but the
cassette couldn’t be moved. There was
nothing for it but to dismantle and
remove the entire deck. Once it was
out, the cassette ejector mechanism
was disengaged from the loading gears
and removed.
The fault causing this mess was
the righthand loading arm on the
ejector; a fault which is well known
to Akai service agents but not to lesser
mortals such as I. A replacement was
ordered, now modified with a fourcoil spring instead of three-coil type
After a lot of fiddling around, I managed to remove a sliding gear rack and
the mode select switch, to free the cam
gear. The ejector was then reassembled. This is not for the fainthearted
or “mechanically challenged” the first
January 1999 69
time one is confronted with this operation. However, after reassembling
everything I was relieved to find it all
worked properly.
Badged sets
With so many TV sets now manufactured in Asia, it is sometimes only
the badge which really distinguishes
different brands. I had two such sets
this month with vicious faults. The
first was an Akai CT1406A, while the
other was badged as a JVC C-14K1AU
but was exactly the same set electrically.
The CT1406A sounded straightforward enough, with the words “went
dead” written on the job sheet. Having
done many of these by now, I found
the usual ZD402 12V zener short and
resistor R425 (5.6Ω) burnt open on the
secondary of the horizontal output
transformer (pin 3 of T402). These
failures were caused by two electros
– C911 and C909 in the power supply
– drying out and allowing the two DC
supply rails to go high.
It was at this stage that I found I
had no vertical deflection. I replaced
IC401 (LA7830) but that wasn’t it. I
then re
placed tantalum capacitors
C417 and C416, along with C409 for
70 Silicon Chip
good measure – still no difference.
Some quick voltage checks showed
that I had 29V on pin 6 of IC401 and
24V on pin 3 but the CRO indicated
no vertical drive from pin 31 of IC301
to pin 4 of IC401. I replaced IC301 –
an AN5601K jungle IC – and finally
restored the vertical timebase. But
now all I had was a distorted blue
raster and none of the front controls
were working. A visual inspection
revealed that IC802, a TMS73047
microprocessor, had been corroded
by some liquid that had dried there,
so I replaced that as well.
By now, you would have thought
that all this hard work would have
delivered some decent results but my
misery continued. I couldn’t believe
how much was wrong with this 3-year
old TV set which still looked brand
new from the outside. Should I call it
quits and write off all the work done
so far? I decided to continue.
At this juncture, I still had the
distorted blue raster and limited intermittent control of everything. The
distortion was hard to describe but the
top quarter of the picture was black
with retrace lines and the remaining
three quarters was all blue as though
there was severe “hum” in the picture.
I went back to the jungle IC (IC301)
with the CRO and checked the RGB
colour outputs on pins 21, 24 and 25.
The CRO showed large square pulses to all guns. I checked diodes D307,
D308 and D309 and disconnected the
CRT socket (CN302) in case something was dragging it down. However,
after a lot of mucking about, it turned
out that diode D306 was leaky. I found
this only by comparing the voltages
and waveforms with the second set of
this story, as I had to literally fix them
side by side. D405 measured OK and
the “hum” was a distorted vertical
pulse going into pin 14 of IC301.
By now I had a good picture and
sound but still only had intermittent
control of the set, especially when
switching on. Eventually, I noticed
that flexing the board near the
cessor (IC802) varied the
symptoms and it didn’t take long to
find a hairline fracture in one of the
copper tracks. Resoldering this fixed
the last problem.
Now for the second set – the JVC
C-14K1AU. As already noted, I was
actually working on both sets together, alternating between the two. And
the JVC also suffered from no vertical
I followed the same search pattern
sequence as on the Akai, and was
beginning to suspect the jungle IC
(IC301) again. In addition to the three
capacitors I had already changed, I
also had a go at C321 and C326 but to
no avail. I was just about to remove the
IC and was comparing the impedance
of each pin with respect to chassis
when I noticed a sizeable difference
on pin 33. On the working set (the
Akai) it measured about 100kΩ but on
the non-working JVC set it was 1MΩ.
The soldering on this pin didn’t
look too crash hot so I reworked it,
after which it read the same as the
Akai. I fired it up and found to my
relief that it was working perfectly.
Fortunately, there were no other faults
and I sat back sipping my coffee and
contemplating why I ever became a
TV technician.
A surly customer
And now about that matter of service records, mentioned earlier. My
next customer was a surly Mr Borland
(not his real name) who brought in
his Sony VTX-100M (this is a multisystem TV stereo tuner, part of an expensive modular Profeel TV System,
2 lux. colour with
one of these lenses
3.6mm-92 deg./4.3mm
-78 deg.5.5mm-60 deg.
Special introductory
Price of just $189
+ $8 for audio module
B/W cameras also available.
Access up to 350 names
and their Ph./Fax No’s
just by the sound of your
voice. Easy to use ,small
pocket sized unit. Also up
to 13 min of vocal memo
notes, appointment book,
clock, Ph assistant etc.
Quality product made by
IBM, retails for $300, we
have limited quantity at:
IR SWITCH KIT: Ref: EA March 96.
Uses a commercial coded IR TX & a RX
kit. The Tx has one button & req. 9V. Size
115 x 33 x 22mm. The Tx uses an UM3750
(code/decode chip). The Rx uses a RX
module to pick up the 40KHz IR signal.
This demodulated code is detected & not
decoded. The detected level switches a
4013 (wired as a toggle flip flop) then a
relay. Can be used as a high security
remote. With UM3750 IC in the Tx PCB as
a decoder, a second IR Tx is used. UM3750 has 12 coding inputs. Use your own
PIN in the Tx & Rx. Note: you two TXs &
one Rx kit for high security remote. * IR
Switch Kit (with 1 TX):(K66S) $20 *Secure
IR Switch Kit (with 2 TXs): (K66C) $28
Contains an IR receiver diode,
amp tuned to 38KHz, a bandpass filter, an AGC section & detector circuit. $2 Ea or 10 for $15
March 96. Simple kit which uses a
commercial IR Transmitter and a Rx kit
which works with most remote controls.
The receiver uses a receiving module to
pick up the 40KHz IR signal. The output of
the receiver module is connected to the IR
LED driving circuit of the IR Tx. This retransmits, giving an extension in range of
up to 15 metres: (K66R) $20
Heavy duty 1.6M lead
4A fuse
Ideal for rally driver/co-driver communications or bike intercom. This is a new
(surplus) professionally made unit and
requires some minor wiring
& a cheap pair of head
phones for this & many more
applications. With 2 high
quality unidirectional
electret Noise
Cancelling Microphones with wind
filters &mounting clips.
Appears to have been
designed for a comm
unications system.
30 oz./in. torque, 2.5 deg. 144 step, low
voltage, compact 57 x 38mm: $14
With strong universal swivel
mount & 50X50X50mm
housing:$36 Just $30
With any camera purchase
These are some of the items that may still be for sale at our Web Site. See our
FREE ADS should be E-mailed with “FREE ADS” in the subject window
This kit is a redesign of our extremely popular inverter kit. The new
improved design uses a larger transformer and a SG3525 switch Mode
Chip.This very Efficient Driver kit can drive up to 11 X 10w CFL’s from
12vdc. And would be great for lighting the weekender or caravan Kit inc.
1 inverter & 1 CFL: $30 Extra CFLs $12
Programs up to 39 different types of PIC
chips, Software works under DOS, WIN
3.xx and WIN 95, Quick Easy construction,
Connects to Pc’s parallel port. Download fully
functional evaluation software from the Internet
register for a small fee. More details on our web page
Gosford Amateur Radio & Electronics Field Day
On Sun Feb 28,1999. Wyong race course 830am. This is the biggest sale day of new,
used & new surplus electronics, radio and computer equipment in Australia. Don't miss
out. If you can't attend on the day some Gosford bargains will be posted on our web site
from Fri Feb 26th until Mon Feb 29th and orders can be placed via the normal method
on those days only. Just take the F3 to the Alison Rd. turn-off in to Wyong or a 300M
walk from Wyong train station. More at....
92 date code, See Siemens web site.
Compatible with new series. Some gold
plating. High Quality co-axial
connectors.. Just.$19 for 24. You get.....
2x...43 - Panel or Line Push on Female
5x...106 - Straight Line Male Push On
2x...172 - Line Male Push On 45 Deg
7x...169 - Panel or Line Female
3x...171 - Line Female 90 Deg
2x...173 - Straight Line Male
2x...105 - Line Male 90 Deg
1x...30 - 90 Deg Line Male
An international supplier
Lists similar connectors
for more than 10 times The price!!!
As used in remote control devices AX5326 encoder, AX532-7 decoder with 4 bit
latched outputs, AX532-8 with Valid Data
output. These chips could be used to
control up to 16 items (relays etc.) down
one wire all with brief application sheet:
$3.50 or combo. of any 10 for $25
Set of 4 high quality Military spec.
lenses. Experiment with convergence,
divergence and magnification.
Could be used to
extend the range of
infra-red systems,
like IR communicators, PIRs & lasers. $7
12VDC - 240AC INVERTER Features
include modified square wave output,
Auto start with load sensing, Uses six
power MOS-FETS with minimal
heatsinking required. 200 - 600VA.
Dependant on trans former size. To save
money you can use an rewind your own
transformer. Basic kit includes pcb & all
on-board components +
4 X 60A MOSFETS. $35
Requires 240V to 8-0-8 V
Ring or
E-Mail for
More Details.
for our famous wiring kit with any order
can drive larger motors,
Has optoIsolation. Inc.
Software & notes: $40 Or
$50 with two Used 23
frame 200 step 1.8 Deg. motors!!
USA made, with 2.5m
curly cord & 5pin 240°
DIN plug. With an
Optical sensor, visible
Red LED, a photo IC detector & precision
aspheric optics. Converts bar codes to
digital pulses. Uses a Sapphire tip, pot
size 0.19mm. TTL / CMOS compatible
open collector output. Req.5Vsupply:
Very bright 650Nm laser pointer
in a high quality machined
metal housing
650Nm laser module
as used in the
above pointer.
**************NIGHT VISION***************
Hard to find deep IR tubes
As used in night
viewers. Tube plus
EHT power supply
kit plus suitable
eyepiece: $50
New quality product
with clip, 3M lead,
2.5mm plug: $4
Make a stage quality
wireless microphone
by combining it with
our FMTX MK2 transmitter kit:
$16 for the kit plus the microphone
************ OPTICAL PRISMS *********** Series I, 3,4 CHANNEL UHF RECEIVER:
Ref: EA Mar 94. Control up to 4 output
These are military spec.
optically pure glass prisms
relays. Uses a pre-built and pre-aligned
set in a diecast mount
UHF (304MHz) receiver module & security
(removable).They are in
coding ICs. Output relays have 5A contact
A1 condition and stored in
PO Box 89 Oatley NSW 2223
ratings and can be configured for toggling
Ph ( 02 ) 9584 3563 Fax 9584 3561 They will show colours
operation at each press of a Tx button or
orders by e-mail: oatley<at> of the spectrum on a wall
momentary operation when Tx button is
pressed. 1 X 3ch transmitter plus 1 X4ch
when placed in sunlight $12.50
major cards with ph. & fax orders,
We also have a small Quantity of very receiver:$50 extra Tx $15 is req. to access
the fourth relay. 12V operation. (K39) $70
large prisms “RING FOR DETAILS”
Post & Pack typically $6
Professional, fully assembled & tested fast
NICAD battery charger & discharger PCB.
Switch mode circuit. Has 6 ICs, 3 indicator
LED's, 3 power MOSFETS, a toroidal
inductor & many other compon-ents.
Nominal unreg. input 13.7V DC, 900mA
charge current. Appears to use volt slope
detection to end charge, also a timer
(4060) to end charge. We supply a
thermistor for temp sensing. Probably for
fast-charging 7.2V AA nicads. 3 trimpots
for adjustment + Basic info. $9 or 3 for $21
70mm HIGH 7 SEG.
(no data available)
JUST $20 FOR 7 (Dl2)
TELESCOPE Build your own,
with our high quality components: 1 X
eyepiece lens worth $5 + 1 X prism (to
invert the image) worth $12.50 + 1 X large
object lens worth $27 + construction plans
all for the price of just $35
MKIII. Automatically changes every 5 - 60
secs, & is adjustable. Each motor has 8
speeds, one motor is reversible, & one can
stop. Countless great displays from single
to multiple flowers, collapsing circles,
rotating single and multiple ellipses, stars,
etc. Easy mirror alignment with “Allen
Key”. Kit inc. PCB, all on board components, three small DC motors, mirrors,
precision adjustable mirror mounts: (K115)
+ very bright 650nM laser (LM2) module.
Stamp sized Xtal locked 433.9MHz
superhetrodyne receiver module $25
Small matching transmitter kit: $12 (K122)
COOLER / HEATER 3.3A<at>14V(GP1)
PELTIER: $27, 6A<at>15V(GP2) Peltier:
$35, both approx. 40X40X4mm, temp.
Control via supply voltage /current, will
even work from a 1.5V battery!! With data
sheet, diagram
& circuit for a
Fridge /
Ref EA Feb. 97.Gives a pulsed tone signal
when preset speed is exceeded. 12V
operation. A small PCB is provided for a
Hall Effect pick-up sensor. This assembly
is mounted near the drive shaft and
connected to the main PCB by three wires.
Kit inc. two PCBs & all on-board components, a small speaker, & two small
powerful 'rare earth' magnets: (K99) $22
TESTER For testing for insulation
breakdown or moisture ingress etc. of
cables or connectors etc. This kit will
deliver a genuine 500Vdc in to a 1M ohm
load!!! This means that unlike other cheap
kits it performs to AUSTRALIAN
STANDARD AS-3000. Kit inc. PCB, all onboard components, surplus meter movement plus instrument case for just $50
*** NEW *** NEW *** NEW ***
DOOR MINDER Uses include powerful
Passive IR detector, invisible fence / gate
& doorway monitor. Range: with 5 IR LEDs
40m (can drive 50 LEDs), can be boosted
with a torch reflector. The kit has on board
relay + active HI & active LO outputs for
relays etc Simple to construct PCB can be
cut into two for active mode Kit inc. PCB,
all on-board components, 5 IR LEDs +
salvaged new plastic case All for $18
Extra box + swivel mount $3
Serviceman’s Log – continued
circa 1986). His manner was aggressive from the start. “Remember this?,
he said. “I brought it in a couple of
months ago? Well, it’s doing the same
thing again”.
“And what was that, Mr Borland?”
“You know, it doesn’t work. There’s
no picture – just like before”.
Summoning up as much poise and
dignity as I could, I booked the job
in without further comment. When
he had gone, I looked up its service
history. It was just as I thought. The
unit was last in some three and a half
years ago for a “no stereo” problem,
caused by IC203, C251 and C253.
Hmmm! – that’s a bit different from
being in a couple of months ago for
no picture.
When I had a chance to look at it,
the fault was no off-air reception.
Once the lid is off, access is easy and
I started by checking the four voltage
rails from the power supply, which
were all OK.
Next, I checked the voltages to the
tuner, TU101, while in the search
mode. There was 12V at this point
and the band switching was all OK,
as indeed was the tuning voltage, varying from 0-30V. The only clue was
that the RF AGC didn’t seem to vary
at all. I checked the video output from
pin 13 of IC201 while still searching
on all bands. There was no output at
any time.
This brought me to IC201, a TDA–
4429T. In view of all the symptoms,
it was the most likely culprit. This IC
ran very hot even though it was fitted
with a heatsink. However, it was also
possible that either the tuner or IF
circuits were at fault. To be certain,
I substituted a test tuner that I keep
for just such occasions. This is a
freestanding rotary VHF tuner with
its own manually adjustable AGC.
There was still no picture and I was
now virtually certain that it had to
be IC201. When I checked the price
of this device, I was horrified to be
quoted a trade figure of $86. The
real problem now was informing Mr
I phoned him and presented the
facts. His response was typical: “But
you replaced that part before and I
haven’t used it since then – I don’t
think much of your guarantee”.
72 Silicon Chip
I couldn’t make much sense out of
his claim that the unit had not been
used since I last serviced it and said
so. I also calmly pointed out that it
had in fact been 31/2 years since I
last serviced it – not two months as
he claimed – and that I had replaced
entirely different components for
an entirely different problem. And
I couldn’t resist pointing out that in
12 years, this was only his second
problem with the unit.
It all washed right over him. He
abused me for a few minutes but I
was past caring what he thought. I
told him that that was my price for
the work that had to be done and that
I guarantee only the parts I fit and the
work I do, and nothing else. He could
either take it or leave it.
Finally, and ungraciously, he decided to accept the estimate and I placed
the order for the IC.
Three weeks later it arrived, I installed it and tuned in the stations;
my diagnosis was correct, much to
my relief. However, I was dismayed
to find that the pictures were very
poor and distorted, with severe
“pulling”. Adjusting the tuner RF
AGC pot, RV201, varied the quality
of the picture, which suggested an
AGC problem.
There were three electros near the
IC that could have dried out from
the heat. I thought it worth a shot
and replaced C216, C215 and C214
in that order. It wasn’t until I got to
the last one that I fixed the problem.
I installed 105°C capacitors instead of
the original 85°C types and mounted
C214 underneath the board on the
copper side, away from the heat
Mr Borland was still firing broadsides when he unappreciatively
picked the set up a few days later,
despite the extra work I had done at
no further charge. I guess there’s no
pleasing some people.
Sony monitors
In striking contrast, my last story
concerns a small firm of accountants
who have a fleet of Sony PD-1704S
computer monitors. These are rather
nice 17-inch SVGA multiscan monitors but are now getting long in the
tooth – they were made in 1992. So
far I have had four of them in, mostly
suffering from east-west distortion
The difference between this firm
and my last client was entirely in their
attitude. These accountants were in
no way pushy, understood that the
equipment was complex, and understood that the faults were intermittent
and required time to soak test. They
also appreciated the costs involved.
The problems were nearly all confined to a plug-in module DA(DC-1)
on the righthand side of PBG-626-S
(looking at the rear). This board
has nearly all the 23 preset controls
mounted on it and it didn’t take a
mental giant to determine the cause
of the faults. There are no less than
20 subminiature surface mount
electrolytic (CHIP) capacitors mounted on this board, some of which are
now leaking electrolyte and causing
There is a very simple test to determine whether a capacitor is faulty or
not and that is to heat its terminals. If
faulty, it will produce a pungent fishy
odour from the vaporising electrolyte.
However, it is an expensive exercise
to replace all these capacitors at one
time, even though it probably makes
more sense in the long run. (The
capacitors are expensive and it is
extremely time consuming and fiddly
to replace them).
So which are the critical ones? The
most common fault I had experienced
was a trapezoidal picture. By heating
and freezing the board, I eventually
concluded that C349, C331 and especially C334 were the worst culprits
and so I replaced them with ordinary
105°C 35V electros. When the old
capacitor is removed, it is necessary
clean off the electrolyte and repair any
corrosion to the PC tracks.
When freezing these capacitors,
slightly misleading results can sometimes occur due to water vapour
condensing on the electrolyte that has
oozed onto the PC board. One fault I
encountered caused the set to come
on, intermittently go off horizontal
frequency and then shut down. This
turned out to be C110 on pin 5 of
IC101, plus C311 and C309.
Anyway, the fault in this unit responded to the replaced capacitors
and to a general clean up of the leaked
electrolyte. And the accountants were
extremely happy and better still, paid
on the spot.
Pt.10: Automotive Lighting
The design and
construction of lights used
in cars – especially headlights –
has changed considerably over the
years. This month we look at
current headlight designs, while
in the next issue we will examine
automotive High Intensity
Discharge lighting.
anuary 1999 73
Sealed beams
reduced the
problem of glass
blackening and
being pre-focused
assemblies, gave
more consistent
results than
earlier designs.
the whole lamp body with systems
using manual levers and even pneumatics to do this.
Electric switching of filaments to
dip the beam was introduced in the
1930s. However, this was different to
the present system – in the dipped position one headlamp was extinguished
and the other mechanically dipped by
means of a solenoid. Twin filament
bulbs allowing the pure electrical
dipping of lights were introduced in
the 1940s.
Sealed Beams
Since vehicles have been driven at
night there has been a need for effective illumination of the road ahead.
Very early cars used lamps of polished
brass and copper that contained a
single candle. However, they could
scarcely light the way of the man
walking in front carrying the red flag!
This type of lamp was replaced
with lamps burning oil and in some
cases petrol, common until about
1910 when acetylene designs became
Early Lamps
The acetylene lamp used two containers mounted one above the other.
The lower one was filled with carbide
in solid form; the upper one contained
water which was dripped onto the
carbide, with the flow regulated by a
needle valve. The ensuing chemical
reaction released acetylene gas which
was transferred to the lamp itself
through a tube. Here it burnt with a
bright green flame. Some models of
this type of lamp even had a primitive
dipping function!
The first electric headlights were
powered by non-rechargeable batteries with quite limited life. The light
output of these lamps was little better
than oil or candle lamps, which meant
they made little headway against acetylene lamps. Only the introduction of
the generator saw the popularity of
acetylene lamps begin to wane.
Early automotive electric lighting
systems used a constant current dynamo complete with a magnetic cutout which disconnected the dynamo
from the battery when it rotated too
slowly to charge. A typical battery of
the time was described as a “12 volt 40
Actual Ampere Hour Accumulator”.
Headlights ranged in diameter from
12.7cm (5-inch) to 33cm (13-inch),
with systems normally incorporating
a switchboard complete with ammeter
and voltmeter.
Some lamps were even available
with sealed, gas-filled reflectors plated
in either silver or gold.
The brightness of these lights meant
that a dipping system was needed.
This generally took the form of moving
Many low beam headlights use a capped bulb. The
cap shades the bottom half of the reflector, preventing
light from being reflected in an upwards direction.
The edge of the cap demarcates the light/dark cut-off
on the road surface.
74 Silicon Chip
It is the luminaire design (comprising the bulb, reflector and lens) that
is critical to headlight performance.
Early reflectors used a system where
it was possible to vary the position of
the bulb in relation to the reflector,
leading owners to adjust the focus of
the light beam with, in some cases,
poor results.
To overcome this (and other) problems, the sealed beam was introduced.
This consisted of an integral lens,
filament and reflector – effectively
a large bulb with an inbuilt reflector
and diffuser.
A further advantage of sealed beams
over conventional bulbs was in reduced glass blackening. This occurs as
the tungsten of the filament vaporises
and is deposited on the inside of the
bulb. In a sealed beam there was a
very large area of glass on which the
tungsten could be deposited, resulting
in less blackening than previously
occurred when using small bulbs. The
sealed beam design also protected the
reflector from physical damage and
Some Citroen vehicles have used swivelling headlights that
turn in conjunction with the steering. The inner light that can
be seen here is so equipped.
(1) low beam filament
(2) cap
Fig. 1: a low beam headlight using
a capped bulb. Note how the
lower half of the reflector is not
used in this type of lamp. (Bosch)
The 17.8cm (7-inch) headlight
was standardised in the 1940s and
remained current until the 1970s.
The change in the style of cars then
required a smaller size and the 12.7cm
(5-inch) headlight was introduced.
Aerodynamic development of cars
in the 1980s reduced the popularity of
discrete round headlights and together with the introduction of halogen
bulbs, meant that some of the previous
advantages of sealed beams were no
longer valid. This resulted in the widespread adoption of headlights unique
to each model of car, using commonly
available interchangeable bulbs.
A bit like 40 years ago, really!
Current Headlight Design
The majority of headlight use,
especially for city driving, is on
low beam. This requires lamps with
sharply defined, bright beams giving
extended range on the passenger’s side
of the road without creating glare for
oncoming drivers.
Many low beam headlights use a
light source mounted forward of the
parabolic reflector’s focal point. A cap
The JE Holden Camira uses a
homofocal headlight reflector. From
left to right: the high beam inner light,
the homofocal combined high/low
beam and the indicator.
(1) Basic reflector; (2) Supplementary reflector.
Fig. 2: this graph shows the luminous
intensity on the passenger side, as a
function of the horizontal reflector
diameter. As can be seen, wide
headlights can have high luminous
intensities. (Bosch)
Fig. 3: a homofocal headlight uses
two reflectors within the one
housing. (Bosch)
within the bulb keeps the lower portion of the beam from being reflected
from the bottom half of the reflector
in an upwards direction. Fig.1 shows
this approach.
Other low beam headlights mount
the low beam filament above and
slightly to one side of the reflector
focal point. This causes almost all of
the effective luminous flux to be directed downwards and to the left (in
righthand-drive countries!). However,
this approach does not give the clearly defined light/dark cut-off of those
headlights using a capped bulb.
The edge of the cap in bulbs so
equipped demarcates the light/dark
cut-off on the road surface. While it
first might appear that this should
be as sharp a cut-off as possible, this
is not the case. For practical driving
reasons, the light/dark contrast must
not exceed a prescribed value. An
extremely high contrast will produce
unfavourable dynamic contrast of the
road surface during vehicle pitching,
leading to disorientation as the road
is alternately plunged into darkness
and then well lit.
To achieve a maximum visual range
with a minimum of glare, the light
distribution close to the vehicle is
critical. For example, there must be
sufficient illumination of both the
lefthand and righthand edges of the
road to allow cornering. In the past,
some manufacturers have mounted
headlights on swivels such that they
turned in conjunction with the steering. Citroen and Maserati did this on
some models. More recently “turning”
lamps that operate when the indicators
are on have been introduced.
As one would expect, the larger the
reflector and the higher it is mounted,
the more effective is the illumination
for a given power. Unfortunately
placing two 20cm headlights a metre
above the ground is practical only for
large trucks, not modern sleek and
aerodynamic cars! This has meant
that other strategies have needed to
be adopted to improve illumination.
Increasing the size of the reflector
is normally achieved by fitting wider
headlights. This is advantageous because the horizontal diameter of the
reflector is a major determining factor
Variable foci reflectors can be
optimised to produce whatever light
distribution is required, with the
entire reflector surface being
employed. This type of reflector is
used with a clear lens
Some headlight clusters incorporate
a variety of lamp designs. From left
to right – indicator, parking light,
projector style low beam, homofocal
high beam.
January 1999 75
(1) Bulb; (2) Basic reflector;
(3) Supplementary reflector.
(1) Lens; (2) Shield; (3) Reflector; (4) Bulb.
(1) Lens; (2) Shield;
(3) Reflector; (4) Bulb; (5) Auxiliary beam.
Fig.5: a projector headlight uses an
elliptic reflector and imaging optics
ahead of the bulb. (Bosch)
Fig.6: an auxiliary short-distance
version of the projector light uses a
stepped reflector and a shortened
shield. (Bosch)
Reflectors are available in a number
of different types. Stepped reflectors
consist of paraboloid sections of different focal lengths, allowing a shorter
effective focal length without the disadvantage of a tall reflector. Stepped
reflectors are available in two configurations – homofocal and bifocal.
A homofocal reflector uses a supplementary reflector which has a shorter
focal length than the main reflector.
This increases the effective luminous
flux with the supplementary reflec-
tor improving near-field and lateral
illumination. Fig.3 shows this type
of reflector, which is normally made
from plastic to accommodate the large
steps between the different parts of
the reflector.
The Holden Commodore VL and
some Camiras used this design in a
combined high/low beam application.
Bifocal reflectors use reflector sections with different focal points. Used
only in low beam applications, the design makes use of the lower portion of
the reflector which normally receives
no light. This section of the reflector is
shaped such that light from this area
is directed downwards, improving
near-field illumination. Fig.4 shows
this type of design. Note that the
two reflectors do not have a common
plane surface behind the bulb –they
are indeed stepped.
With computer aided design it is
possible to have reflectors with variable foci. The shape of the reflector
can be optimised to produce whatever
light distribution is required, with
the entire reflector surface being em-
ployed, even for low beam applications. This approach has been recently
adopted with multi-faceted reflectors
used with a clear lens.
Projector headlights use imaging
optics located in front of the light
source. Fig.5 shows this type of design.
A light opening area of only 28cm2 (the
equivalent of a 6cm dia-meter round
headlight) allows light distributions
of the type only previously achievable with much larger headlights. A
CAD-calculated elliptic reflector is
used in conjunction with a convex
lens. The light/dark contrast can be
defined with either a high degree of
sharpness or with an intentional lack
of sharpness, depending on the pattern
Alternative designs of this type of
lamp are also available. Fig.6 shows an
auxiliary short-distance lamp which
uses a stepped reflector. This taller
unit (130mm versus the previous design’s 80mm) has improved near-field
illumination. Both types of projector
lamp are used only in low beam applications.
Placing a translucent plastic panel in
front of the assembly shows the beam
pattern of each lamp. The projector
lens low beam has its highest intensity
in the middle, with a sharply defined
spread left and right.
The homofocal high beam is much
deeper, to light the near-field as well
as distant objects. On this car, this is
required because the low beam light
does not remain illuminated when
high beam is selected.
An H1 halogen bulb. This type is used
in fog lamps, supplementary high
beam and the low beam in 4-headlight
Fig.4: a bifocal reflector uses two
reflector sections with different
focal points. (Bosch)
in the achievable luminous intensity.
Data from Bosch indicates that if the
width of the reflector is doubled from
130mm to 260mm, the luminous intensity is approximately doubled at
the lefthand edge of the road surface
at a distance of 50 metres from the
vehicle. Fig.2 shows this.
Reflectors of the same size but with
different focal lengths perform differently. A reflector with a shorter focal
length develops a broader beam with
better close and lateral illumination.
Reflector Types
76 Silicon Chip
The problems of light/dark cut off
and glare are not experienced with
high beam designs. Instead, the light
source is always situated at the reflector’s focal point, resulting in a beam
parallel to the reflector’s axis. Fig.7
shows this type of design.
Reflectors can be made from sheet
steel or plastic. Steel reflectors are
galvanised or powder coated to protect
against corrosion. A coating is then
applied to smooth the surface, after
which a reflective aluminium layer
is applied by evaporation. A protec-
As in other forms of high intensity
lighting, the type of incandescent
bulb used in automotive applications
has moved from tungsten to tungsten
Halogen bulbs have a far higher
luminous efficacy than tungsten designs, with associated advantages in
alternator loading and cable thickness.
To preclude inappropriate fitting,
automotive bulbs have differently
shaped bases. Common categories are
R2, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H7. The table
below shows a variety of bulbs used
in headlight applications.
Category Nominal
High/low beam
Fog lamps, supplementary
high beam, low beam in
4-headlight systems
High beam
Fog lamps,
supplementary high beam
High/low beam
This advertisment
is out of date and
has been removed
to prevent
Ph (03) 9723 3860
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Fig.7: in a headlight used only for
high beam the light source is always
situated at the reflector’s focal point,
resulting in a beam parallel to the
reflector’s axis. (Bosch)
tive layer is then evaporated onto
the aluminium, hermetically sealing
the sheet steel. The reflective surface
typically has a residual roughness of
only 1/10,000mm. Plastic reflectors
are produced by injection or compression moulding.
Lenses are made from glass or polycarbonate. During construction, particular care is paid to surface quality to
ensure light is not deflected upwards,
causing glare problems.
The shape, number and location of
the prisms in the lens depends on the
type of reflector design used.
Low beam in 4-headlight
systems, fog lamp
ACN 069 935 397
30 Lacey St
Croydon Vic 3136
24 Langtree Ave
Mildura Vic 3500
January 1999 77
Silicon Chip
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September 1990: A Low-Cost 3-Digit
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Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
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June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; Build A
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78 Silicon Chip
Card No.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: High Efficiency Inverter For Fluorescent
Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren
Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For
Games Cards.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; Build A
LED Stroboscope; Build A 25W Audio Amplifier Module; A 1-Chip
Melody Generator; Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill
Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design;
Engine Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable
Power Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags In Cars – A
Look At How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876)
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple
LED Chaser; Engine Management, Pt.6.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings;
Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control;
Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine
Management, Pt.8.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For
Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based
Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine Management,
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night
Viewer; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: How Dolby Surround Sound Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Build A Talking Headlight Reminder;
Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Build A Temperature
Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic Engine Management,
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell
Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); How To Plot Patterns Direct
to PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket;
Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Prea mpl ifier.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer
With LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic Timer For
Darkr ooms; Balanced Microphone Preamp. & Line Filter; 50W/
Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Mother
board Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio
Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel
Decoder For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video
Security System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For
Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains
On A Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite
TV Ground Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE
Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For
Model Railways, Pt.1; Keypad Combination Lock; The Vader
Voice; Jacob’s Ladder Display; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer &
Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transv erter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller;
Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock
Sensing In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic
Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote
Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries
For Long Life.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC
As A Reaction Timer.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Diode Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems;
20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Audio Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; High Voltage Insulation
Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser; Simple Duplex
Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed; Stereo
Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low Ohms Tester
For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the
Windows Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For
Fluorescent Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier
Module; Masthead Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; IR Stereo Headphone
Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur
Radio Receiver; Feedback On Prog rammable Ignition (see March
1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable;
Power Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter For
Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; IR Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2; Build A
Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: Adding A Parallel Port To Your Computer; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter; How
To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound
System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible Interface Card For PCs; Points Controller For Model Railways;
Simple Square/Triangle Waveform Generator; Colour TV
Pattern Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For Radio Control
Receivers; How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit works, Pt.1.
August 1997: The Bass Barrel Subwoofer; 500 Watt Audio
Power Amplifier Module; A TENs Unit For Pain Relief;
Addressable PC Card For Stepper Motor Control; Remote
Controlled Gates For Your Home; How Holden’s Electronic
Control Unit Works, Pt.2.
September 1997: Multi-Spark Capacitor Discharge Ignition;
500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.2; A Video Security System
For Your Home; PC Card For Controlling Two Stepper Motors;
HiFi On A Budget; Win95, MSDOS.SYS & The Registry.
October 1997: Build A 5-Digit Tachometer; Add Central
Locking To Your Car; PC-Controlled 6-Channel Voltmeter;
500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.3; Customising The Windows
95 Start Menu.
November 1997: Heavy Duty 10A 240VAC Motor Speed Controller; Easy-To-Use Cable & Wiring Tester; Build A Musical
Doorbell; Relocating Your CD-ROM Drive; Replacing Foam
Speaker Surrounds; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.1.
December 1997: A Heart Transplant For An Aging Computer;
Build A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Two-Axis Robot With
Gripper; Loudness Control For Car Hifi Systems; Stepper
Motor Driver With Onboard Buffer; Power Supply For Stepper
Motor Cards; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.2; Index
To Volume 10.
January 1998: Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.1
(runs off 12VDC or 12VAC); Command Control System For
Model Railways, Pt.1; Pan Controller For CCD Cameras;
Build A One Or Two-Lamp Flasher; Understanding Electric
Lighting, Pt.3.
February 1998: Hot Web Sites For Surplus Bits; Multi-Purpose
Fast Battery Charger, Pt.1; Telephone Exchange Simulator
For Testing; Command Control System For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Demonstration Board For Liquid Crystal Displays; Build
Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.2; Understanding Electric
Lighting, Pt.4.
April 1998: Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.1; 40V 8A Adjustable Power Supply, Pt.1; PC-Controlled 0-30kHz Sinewave
Generator; Build A Laser Light Show; Understanding Electric
Lighting; Pt.6; Jet Engines In Model Aircraft.
May 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.1; Build A 3-LED
Logic Probe; Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.2; Command
Control For Model Railways, Pt.4; 40V 8A Adjustable Power
Supply, Pt.2.
June 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.2; Understanding
Electric Lighting, Pt.7; Universal High Energy Ignition System;
The Roadies’ Friend Cable Tester; Universal Stepper Motor
Controller; Command Control For Model Railways, Pt.5.
July 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.3 (Installing A Modem
And Sorting Out Any Problems); Build A Heat Controller; 15Watt Class-A Audio Amplifier Module; Simple Charger For
6V & 12V SLA Batteries; Automatic Semiconductor Analyser;
Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.8.
August 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.4 (Adding Extra
Memory To Your PC); Build The Opus One Loudspeaker
System; Simple I/O Card With Automatic Data Logging; Build
A Beat Triggered Strobe; A 15-Watt Per Channel Class-A
Stereo Amplifier.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
September 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.5 (Software
Problems & DOS Games); A Blocked Air-Filter Alarm; A WaaWaa Pedal For Your Guitar; Build A Plasma Display Or Jacob’s
Ladder; Gear Change Indicator For Cars; Capacity Indicator
For Rechargeable Batteries.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (For Sound Level
Meter Calibration); Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1;
Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
October 1998: CPU Upgrades & Overclocking; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.1; PC-Controlled Stress-O-Meter; Versatile
Electronic Guitar Limiter; 12V Trickle Charger For Float Conditions; Adding An External Battery Pack To Your Flashgun.
February 1997: Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled
Moving Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply,
Pt.2; Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For
Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
November 1998: Silicon Chip On The World Wide Web;
The Christmas Star (Microprocessor-Controlled Christmas
Decoration); A Turbo Timer For Cars; Build Your Own Poker
Machine, Pt.1; FM Transmitter For Musicians; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Beyond The Basic Network (Setting Up
A LAN Using TCP/IP); Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.9;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.1.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power
PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Model Railways;
Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Avoiding Win95 Hassles With Motherboard Upgrades;
Simple Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Loudspeaker
Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train Controller; A Look At
Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Teletext Decoder For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL
Converter; Neon Tube Modulator For Light Systems; Traffic
Lights For A Model Intersection; The Spacewriter – It Writes
Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled
Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1;
Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed Controller
For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For A Stepper
Motor; Fail-Safe Module For The Throttle Servo; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
December 1998: Protect Your Car With The Engine Immobiliser
Mk.2; Thermocouple Adaptor For DMMs; A Regulated 12V DC
Plugpack; Build Your Own Poker Machine, Pt.2; GM’s Advanced
Technology Vehicles; Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.2;
Mixer Module For F3B Glider Operations.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988
to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, December 1989, May
1990, August 1991, February 1992, July 1992, September
1992, November 1992, December 1992 and March 1998 are
now sold out. All other issues are presently in stock. For
readers wanting articles from sold-out issues, we can supply
photostat copies (or tear sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes
p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies, we
automatically supply any relevant notes & errata at no extra
charge. A complete index to all articles published to date is
available on floppy disc for $10 including p&p, or can be
downloaded free from our web site:
January 1999 79
Operating model R/C helicopters
This month, we will take a look at some of the
technical aspects related to the operation and
flying of model R/C helicopters. They are not
easy to fly, as we will find out.
September 19th, 1971. Place,
Doylestown Pennsylvania, USA and
a very much younger Bob Young was
standing engrossed, contemplating the
gruelling events of the last four days.
Today was the last day of the 1971
World Aerobatic Championships and
scheduled for demonstration flying,
which simply meant fun and lots of it.
Suddenly all pain was forgotten as
a magical sight suddenly commanded
complete attention. Here was a sight
that made the entire trip worthwhile.
Gone were all thoughts of the winter
months of early morning practice
sessions, the long nights of preparation and the strain of competing in a
contest alongside some of the best R/C
fliers in the world.
There in front of my eyes, drifting
inches above the ground, was not one
but two quite large model helicopters.
I was about to witness what was billed
as the first public demonstration of a
model helicopter.
Looking back at the flying from a
1998 viewpoint, Dieter Schluter (the
designer) and his friend put on a quite
tame demonstration that day, with
coordinated stall turns as the highlight
of the aerobatic routine.
But we were all stunned. In 1971
this was an amazing feat of model
aerodynamic engineering. Dieter
had gone where no other modeller
had been before and not content to
demonstrate one machine, floored us
with a synchronised display featuring
two helicopters. The display brought
the sky down. Flown with great authority, Dieter and his mate gave us a
never-to-be-forgotten show.
The difficulties facing the engineers
developing the model helicopter were
enormous. Not only were they faced
with scale effect and Reynolds numbers, they faced problems with inadequate engines, incredibly involved
mechanical linkages and finally,
keeping this untested mechanical
nightmare in one piece while learning
to fly at the same time. They had no
teachers because they were entirely
on their own. It was a truly difficult
task and the modern modeller owes a
great debt to the people who made it
all happen. The fact that these models
didn’t make an appearance until 1971
Fig.1: the major components of a model helicopter. (Diagram courtesy of Max Tandy R/C Helicopters Australia).
80 Silicon Chip
is a measure of the scope and difficulty
of the task.
My first helicopter
I knew of all of these difficulties
but I was hooked! I had to have one of
these machines and when I returned
to Sydney arrangements were made to
procure one of the Kalt (45 powered)
Huey Cobras, a smaller Japanese licence built version of the Schluter (60
powered) Huey. By modern standards
they were a primitive machine. Fitted
with a fixed pitch Hiller type head
with swash plate for pitch and roll,
throttle for climb/descend and tail
rotor pitch control for yaw/torque
compensation, they were simple indeed. There were no gyros or computer
radios in those days!
But they flew and they flew well.
Cooling was a major problem with the
motor buried deep inside a slab-sided
fuselage. Very large extra air vents had
to be cut into the sides and covered
with fine mesh and air ducting from
the dummy air scoop brought in cool
ram air once the helicopter started to
move forward which it rarely did for
the first two months.
For those first two months of learning to hover, the motors sat inside that
fuselage bathed in their own hot, oily
exhaust fumes, and in the Huey they
sometimes choked on these stale gases. Fresh clean air is a must and lots of
it. Because the motors ran at a higher
temperature, there was a much denser
smoke haze generated. I remember one
dead still, cool evening right at dusk.
The local baseball team was practising
in the park where I was flying and I
heard “Strike, talk about pollution!” I
looked up and found the whole park
covered in what looked like stage
smoke. It was an eerie sight.
For one hour every day after work
I religiously toiled at mastering the
hover. It was all very new and very
difficult; made even more difficult
by the fact that I had no-one to turn
to for help. I was one of the first in
Australia and very much on my own
in Sydney at least.
However I was fortunate to have as
my teacher from time to time, Yuri
Oki, the man who built the models
under licence in Japan. Oki insisted
that before an out-and-return flight
could be attempted I had to be able to
hover at eye level and over the same
spot, for an entire tank of fuel, about
15-20 minutes.
This Hughes 300 model helicopter was built by Mike Zimmerman. (Photo courtesy “Airborne” magazine).
This was advice that I was very
grateful for when I did eventually undertake my first out-and-return flight.
Now Oki was a wild man and he
loved to fly helicopters. He flew one
inside my factory when it was a bare
shell just after I moved into those
premises in February 1972. We nearly
gassed ourselves that night and in the
end we were all hanging out of windows gasping for breath.
We flew the model in the street
outside my factory and again over the
factory from the local park about 500
metres away. I shudder when I think of
all of this now, for just after that flight
I had my first motor cut out and with
no auto-rotation there was only one
way to go and that was down and not
very nicely at that. Fortunately, I was
quite low in the park at the time and
little damage was done.
Oki gave demonstration flights at
the Royal Easter Show on several occasions and on one such occasion he
asked me to call for him while he did a
flight around the clock tower at the far
end of the main arena. It was the most
January 1999 81
Fig.1: the main rotor blades in a helicopter are arranged so that
the pitch can be changed in each quadrant of the main rotor disc.
This is called the “cyclic pitch control” and is used for the main
pitch (fore and aft) and roll (lateral) control functions.
Fig.2: when a helicopter hovers
close to the ground in still air, the
air is forced down from the rotor,
hits the ground and rebounds. This
upward moving air is then drawn
back down into the rotor disc and
accelerated further, hitting the
ground and rebounding with even
more energy than before to create
a dangerous ground effect.
Fig.3 another dangerous situation. Air moving down through the
disc on the cliff side will reduce the lift on that side of the disc and
the helicopter will gradually begin to bank towards the cliff. Any
attempt on the part of the pilot to increase the lift on that side of
the disc will only serve to increase the velocity of the vortex,
further exacerbating the problem. The only answer once this
situation arises is to move forward into clear air and come around
again after the vortex has died away.
difficult pylon call I have ever made. I
still have visions of that model disappearing out of sight behind the tower.
It only took moments to reappear but
it seemed like an eternity.
They were fun days and we could
not get enough of it. Rumour has it
that Oki was asked to leave his hotel
one night after he flew a helicopter
82 Silicon Chip
in his room. As I said, he was a wild
man and loved flying. He was also
very good at it. It is typical of the man
that these days he is knee-deep into
model turbines.
I subsequently flew helicopters for
about three years after that and eventually gave it away to return to my first
love, aerobatic flying. One interesting
aside here: when I returned to aerobatics I was a far better pilot because
I had gained complete mastery of my
left thumb as a result of flying with
no gyro on the tail rotor. Helicopters
demand constant attention to the tail
rotor, hence the modern helicopter
with tail-rotor gyro. With no gyro
you become very adept with your left
thumb, a most important movement
in multi-point rolls on fixed wing
I do not agree with all of the modern
gadgets. It is like a concert pianist
using an electronic piano. However,
the modern crop of gadgets has made
life much easier for the tyro helicopter
pilot and it does not take anywhere
near as long to learn to fly now as it
took us.
How they work
So how do these fabulous machines
A helicopter is classified as a rotary
winged aircraft and the aerodynamics
of this type of machine are quite different to that of a fixed-wing aircraft.
Helicopters, both full size and models,
are very difficult to learn to fly, as they
require a great deal of dexterity and
Basically, the controls are as follows. The main rotor blades are arranged so that pitch can be changed in
each quadrant of the main rotor disc
– see Fig.1. This is called the “cyclic
pitch control” and is used for the main
pitch (fore and aft) and roll (lateral)
control functions. The lateral cyclic
pitch control corresponds to the aileron stick in a fixed wing aircraft and
the forward and aft cyclic pitch control
corresponds roughly to elevator.
“Cyclic pitch”, as the name suggests, alters the pitch of the main
rotor blades on a cyclic basis. Thus
to bank left, the pitch on each rotor
blade is reduced in the left quadrant
and increased in the right on each
cycle of the main rotor blades. To
move forward the pitch is reduced in
the forward quadrant and increased
in the aft.
Collective pitch control is used to
increase or decrease the pitch angle
of all blades over the entire cycle and
serves as the climb or descend control
in conjunction with the throttle. The
linkages required to achieve all these
pitch variations are very elaborate and
took a long time to develop.
There is also the problem of the
This Eurocopter “Tigre” model helicopter is 1.9 metres long and weighs just 7kg.
(Photo courtesy “Airborne” magazine).
increase and decrease of lift on the
advancing and retreating blade in
forward flight. This creates an unbalanced lift distribution across the
tional lift disc and was one
of the biggest problems facing the
pioneers of model helicopters. The
solutions to this problem are outside
the scope of this article and we may
deal with this one later.
The torque of the main rotor is
counteracted by the small tail rotor.
By increasing or decreasing the collective pitch on this small propeller,
yaw control can be effected. Loss of
tail rotor control is a serious business
and many helicopters have crashed as
a result, so routine maintenance on
this seemingly insignificant item is
very important.
The Americans lost over 5000 helicopters in Vietnam and one of the
favourite tricks of the Viet Cong was
to shoot at the tail rotor. There was an
interesting exhibit in the Canberra War
Museum of a tail rotor assembly of an
Australian helicopter that was riddled
with bullet holes.
The controls in a helicopter are
highly interactive and learning to fly
one of these models may become a
long drawn out affair. Great strides
have been made in transmitter and
gyro design and mixers and gyros have
simplified learning significantly.
Flying hazards
Flying helicopters is difficult and
fraught with hazards unknown in
fixed wing aircraft. To begin with,
there are two forms of lift equations;
one for hover and one for forward
movement. In the hover, lift is a function of blade area, rotor speed and
angle of attack of the blades. In forward motion, the blade area becomes
the total swept area of the blades; in
other words, the total rotor disc. This
is referred to as translational lift and
is a very important factor in helicopter
Heavy-lift helicopters are almost
always fitted with wheels and a fully
loaded takeoff is usually carried out in
much the same manner as a fixed wing
aircraft, with the machine running
along the ground to gain flying speed
before lifting off. In this manner the
extra lift obtained from translational
effects can be fully utilised.
Hover and vertical takeoff are an
inefficient and somewhat risky pair
of manoeuvres and used only when
circumstances dictate. Great care must
be exercised at all times in hovering
flight because of the problems arising
from vortex generation. Because they
shift such huge volumes of air, strange
60VA to 3KVA encased toroids
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January 1999 83
to the ground. Too late and the speed
will not be washed off sufficiently to
effect a safe landing. Helicopter pilots
are an intrepid lot.
Dangerous situations
A close up view of the Eurocopter “Tigre” model helicopter pictured on the
previous page. (Photo courtesy “Airborne” magazine).
things can happen when hovering
around obstacles.
Refer now to Fig.2 which shows a
helicopter hovering in still air and
in ground effect. Air is forced down
from the rotor, hits the ground and
rebounds. This upward moving air is
then drawn back down into the rotor
disc and accelerated further, hitting
the ground and rebounding with even
more energy than before.
In time, this doughnut-shaped ring
of air may obtain such a velocity that
the speed of the downgoing air entering the rotor disc may exceed the
climb rate of the helicopter and the
helicopter will gradually sink to the
ground, even with full power applied.
Now you will notice that I particularly stated that this happens in still
air. In a strong wind, the aircraft is
actually travelling forward relative to
the airstream to maintain hover over a
fixed spot. As a result, the dirty air is
swept away behind the helicopter and
it is almost impossible for vortexes to
form in strong winds.
Which leads us to an interesting observation. One of the things that make
learning to fly a helicopter so difficult
for an experienced fixed-wing pilot
are the radically different emergency
In a model fixed-wing aircraft, in an
emergency, more often than not the
best procedure is to cut the throttle
84 Silicon Chip
and pull full up. This lifts the nose,
slows the model and settles it into a
glide, giving time for the pilot to stabilise the model and see what should
be done next.
By contrast, in a helicopter the procedure is usually to go straight to full
power and give down elevator (full
forward cyclic). This lifts the model
away from the ground and moves
the model into clean air (away from
vortexes) and increases translational
lift – all of which gains the pilot height
and time to think. The two reactions
are exactly opposite. Chopping the
throttle on a helicopter is catastrophic
because they come down like bricks,
especially in the days before auto-rotation.
Auto-rotation, by the way, is the
ability of the helicopter to convert
height into rotor RPM. In an auto-rotative descent, the main rotor blades
are put into free wheeling mode and
the pitch moved to a slightly negative
angle of attack. The downward motion
of the helicopter is used to spin up
the main rotor and this stored energy
is converted to lift at the last moment
before touch down.
The pilot must gauge the correct
moment to engage positive angle of
attack on the main rotor and this is a
very delicate operation. Too early and
the rotor will slow below minimum
lift RPM and the helicopter will crash
Moving back now to vortexes, Fig.3
shows an interesting variation on the
theme. Here we have a typical rescue
scenario, where someone has fallen
down a cliff into a difficult to reach
crevice. The air on the cliff side of the
chopper is trapped and will vortex
readily. By contrast, the air on the
open side is free to move away and
now we have a really dangerous situation on our hands.
Air moving down through the disc
on the cliff side will reduce the lift
on that side of the disc and the helicopter will gradually begin to bank
towards the cliff. Any attempt on the
part of the pilot to increase the lift on
that side of the disc will only serve
to increase the velocity of the vortex,
further exacerbating the problem and
if the situation gets out of hand the
helicopter could ultimately crash into
the cliff face.
The only answer once this situation
arises is to move forward into clear
air and come around again after the
vortex has died away. Hovering in
still air near trees, buildings and cliffs
is fraught with danger and must be
undertaken with great care.
I once got caught with a tail rotor
vortex in the early days, after hovering for a long time in still air at about
100 feet. I gradually lost tail rotor
control until even full opposite tail
rotor control would not stop the tail
from spinning around. I thought the
tail rotor servo had packed it in so I
had no alternative (or so I thought)
but to gradually bring the model down
and plonk it unceremoniously on
the ground with the fuselage slowly
rotating around the main rotor axis.
Fortunately, Oki was there that
day and he recognised it for what it
was and told me how to deal with it
correctly. The answer: full throttle
and full forward cyclic, thus moving
the chopper into clear air and establishing a weather vane effect on the
side area of the fuselage until the tail
rotor control re-established itself. It
never occurred again so I never had
the opportunity to put his instructions
into practice.
So there you have it: a look at the
art of flying model helicopters.
Community AM
radio: how do you
listen to it?
Do you wish to listen to your local
community AM radio station but find that
its frequency is “off the dial”? You can buy
a cheap radio to cover the extended band or
you can tweak your existing radio. We show
you how.
The frequency range of the Australian AM band is from 531kHz to
1602kHz but recently a range above
the top of the band (from 1611kHz to
1705kHz) has been allocated to “narrow band area services”. Community
radio stations have been allocated
frequencies in this new band. They
operate on low power and are only
meant, as the name implies, to cover a
small area within a radius of 20-25km.
They operate on a restricted bandwidth (narrow band) of ±3kHz and
because of this, they do not transmit
This Digitor AM/FM
radio costs $12.95 from
Dick Smith Electronics.
It already covers all
the new community
stations without
Alternatively, you can
tweak an old AM
receiver if you have
one lying around.
wideband hifi sound. (Other AM
stations do broadcast hifi sound but
you’d never know it because most AM
radios produce poor quality sound).
For their intended use, community
news and information, the narrow
audio bandwidth is not a major
The problem is that normal AM
receivers, and especially AM/FM
tuners with digital displays, will not
cover this additional range. The same
comment applies to car radios. So why
not design a down-converter which
would translate these stations into
frequencies which can be tuned by a
standard receiver? When we looked at
the cost of a small AM/FM radio, we
realised that the “converter” would
cost many times more than the radio.
We therefore decided that, in view
of the cost of a down-converter and
the relative difficulty in connecting it
to an AM/FM tuner or car radio, the
project was not really viable.
OK then, could we convert an “offthe-shelf” AM radio to cover this
extended band? Being the last of the
big spenders (and having to get the
money back from the boss), we bought
a $12.95 Digitor AM/FM pocket radio
from Dick Smith Electronics.
When we got it back to the lab and
opened the box, one of the interesting
things about the radio was its dial
coverage. It was scaled from 520kHz
to 1710kHz, which meant it should
already cover all the new stations.
Checking this range using a signal
generator showed that it actually
tuned from 537kHz to 1720kHz. So
who needs a converter? Just buy this
radio and the problem is solved.
Tweaking your own radio
Maybe you have an old AM radio
lying around and would like to try to
86 Silicon Chip
extend its high frequency coverage.
We can only give you a broad outline
of the procedure involved as the location of the components you have
to adjust will vary from one unit to
The simplest way to move the
tuning range higher is to reduce the
inductance of the local oscillator coil
(we are assuming that any set you
adapt will be a superheterodyne). Now
before we go any further we should
state the drawback of this sort of
modification. It will upset the tracking
of the gang over the tuning range of
the dial and so if you rely on stations
appearing at particular parts of the
dial, they will inevitably be shifted.
However, the aim of the modification
is to receive community radio stations.
Identifying the oscillator coil
Which one’s the oscillator coil?
If the receiver uses small metal can
coils, the oscillator will probably have
a red spot on its slug. To decrease
the inductance you need to rotate
the slug anticlockwise. Once this is
done, the aerial input coil should be
peaked for maximum volume on the
new frequency.
If there is no red dot then you face
a dilemma. If you are not the adventurous type, put the back on the radio
and put it back on the shelf. After all,
if you don’t twiddle anything, the
radio will still work as it did. On the
other hand . . .
The oscillator coil is the only one
that will move the received frequency
dramatically when the slug is moved.
Tune the radio to a local station
around 1500-1550kHz and rotate the
slugs 1/4 turn anticlockwise, one by
one. If the volume changes but the
audio stays clear, return the slug to
the original position and try the next
coil. The effect should be similar to
tuning slightly off frequency, where
the sound becomes slightly distorted
or sibilants become pronounced.
One of our photos shows the position of the oscillator coil in the radio
we purchased.
Once you have identified the oscillator coil, set the tuning pointer right
against the high frequency end stop,
then move it back a fraction. This
allows you to easily find your local
community station.
Now adjust the oscillator slug until
the station is heard at maximum level.
Keep backing off the volume control
The Digitor AM radio covers the range from 520kHz to 1710kHz and it uses a
single surface mount IC which is soldered on the copper side of the PC board.
This photo shows the position of the oscillator coil in the Digitor AM radio that
we purchased. Often, the oscillator coil will be identified by a red dot on its
slug. If there’s no red dot, try rotating the coil slugs 1/4 turn anticlockwise, one
by one, and observe the effect (see text).
as you turn the slug as it is easier to
distinguish this peak at low volume
The final step is to peak the aerial
trimmer on the gang. This tunes the
aerial coil on the ferrite rod to the new
frequency. There may be three or four
trimmers, so again follow the same
procedure. Move each in turn and if
it appears to have no effect, move it
back to the original position and try
the next one.
While these adjustments may upset
the tracking and sensitivity a little at
other frequencies, we feel that the
main aim is to get the best possible
reception on the new channel.
If you want a list of the broadcasting frequencies of community radio
stations in your area, contactthe Australian Communications Authority by
phoning (02) 6256 5555. Alternatively,
you can get this information via their
website at
January 1999 87
Improvements to AM broadcast
band reception; Pt.3
In our final article this month, we look at
making a practical antenna booster for AM
transistor radios. The circuit is basically a
separate broadcast-band tuned circuit.
Last month, mention was made of
the problems that occurred when antenna/earth connections were made
to the cheaper transistor radios. Often, the reception will be made worse
by these connections due to the poor
selectivity of such sets.
So what can be done to make these
sets quite useable with improved
antennas and earths? This was a
problem that exercised my mind for
quite some time. The solution turned
out to be relatively simple and very
I reasoned that if I could improve
the front-end selectivity of such receivers, their response to shortwave
transmissions would diminish, if not
completely disappear. But how could
this be done without delving into the
internals of the sets?
The answer is to connect the antenna and earth to a separate broadcast-band tuned circuit. By placing
this circuit near the set, sufficient
signal is then inductively coupled
into the receiver’s loop-stick antenna
to give a worthwhile improvement.
The tuned circuit arrangement is
virtually the same as for a crystal set
but without the detector and headphones.
A crystal set coil and tuning capacitor tend to be rather bulky, so a
ferrite loopstick antenna coil and a
small tuning capacitor were wired
You can make a simple antenna booster using a ferrite rod antenna and a
tuning capacitor to tune the AM broadcast band.
88 Silicon Chip
up instead. This was connected to
an antenna and earth and when the
receiver’s loopstick and the booster
were lined up a few centimetres apart,
a significant improvement in the performance was observed.
Measurements confirmed that the
improvement in set perfor
when used with the booster and a
reasonable antenna/earth system was
of the order of 14-20dB.
Many have been sceptical about the
performance of such a simple device
but I can assure you that it really does
work well. For this reason, I call it
the “AM Radio Reception Booster”.
It can even be demonstrated that
sitting a transistor set with a large
(eg, 200 x 13mm) ferrite rod antenna
alongside a mediocre set with a small
ferrite rod antenna will boost the
performance of the latter (provided
that the two sets are tuned to the
same station. This even applies when
the larger set is turned off. Naturally,
the improvement is nothing like that
obtained with an outside antenna and
earth attached to the booster but it
does prove that sets with bigger rod
antennas tend to be better performers.
The booster can be built into a
small plastic project box. A ferrite
rod antenna (either prewound or one
which you wind the coils yourself), a
tuning capacitor, a knob and a 2-way
screw terminal strip are all the major
parts required.
The circuit of the “deluxe” version
of the booster is shown in Fig.9.
Here’s how to build it.
First, obtain a 100mm length of
9.5mm diameter ferrite rod and wind
on 70 turns of 0.5mm diameter enamelled copper wire towards one end of
the rod. This tuned winding is tapped
at 7 turns from the earthy end.
Next, you need to wind on a bifilar
winding consisting of 15 + 15 turns of
0.5mm enamelled copper wire. This
must be spaced 20mm from the end
of the tuned winding.
To make the bifilar winding, first
put one end of two 500mm pieces
of the wire into a vyce. Place the
other ends into the chuck of a small
hand-drill and rotate the drill whilst
keeping modest tension on the wires,
until the wires are wound together
with a twist every 2-3mm. These two
wires are then wound onto the rod (15
turns) and are connected together so
that they are in series.
The junction of the start of one
winding and the end of the other becomes the centre tap, which may go
to earth in some instances. The start
of each winding is shown by a dot
on the circuit diagram. Nail polish
or other “plastic” glues will hold the
windings in position. You may care
to slip the first and last turns of each
winding under the adjacent one to
make it just that bit firmer.
One of the accompanying photographs shows a couple of variations
of the booster. If you are using a
plastic case, the ferrite rod can either
be glued in position or tied to the lid
using short lengths of spaghetti sleeving (this passes through holes drilled
in the lid). The tuning gang needs
to have a maximum capacitance of
300pF and is attached to the lid using
machine screws.
The commonly available twin-gang
plastic capacitors are quite suitable
for this job, if both sections are
paralleled and the trimmers set at
minimum capacitance. A few more
turns may be required on the tuned
winding if one of these is used, in
which case the antenna tap should
also be moved up the winding. Make
sure that a knob comes with the capacitor otherwise it will be difficult
to find a knob to suit.
If you really want to
keep costs down, you
can make a booster
using the parts from
a defunct AM pocket
portable transistor set.
could also be connected across these
two terminals. However, better results
with a loop may be obtained by using
the “Ant 1” and “Ant 2” terminals
at the top of the diagram. An earth
is optional but in a noisy situation
may give sufficient improvement to
be worthwhile.
With the booster connected to the
antenna and earth, move it close
to a transistor radio and adjust the
tuning knob for an improvement in
the received signal. Initially, the set
and the booster can be close together
while you adjust the tuning. However,
if your antenna system is large, the
amount of signal coupled into the set
from the booster may be enough to
cause overload. If this happens, just
move the booster away from the set.
Make sure that the booster is oriented for best performance - the loop
Testing it
Having assembled the AM Radio
Reception Booster, now is the time
to try it. The deluxe version gives the
user several options for obtaining the
best noise-free reception.
First, the booster may have an ordinary antenna and earth connected
to the terminals shown on the bottom
of the circuit in Fig.9. A loop antenna
Fig.9: the circuit of the AM Radio
Reception Booster.
stick in the receiver and the booster
should both be horizontal.
Although the deluxe version gives
the user a variety of options, it is usually not necessary to go to that amount
of trouble. For example, instead of
winding your own ferrite coil, try using a prewound ferrite loop antenna.
These have four wires coming out of
the windings and the pair with the
greatest resistance, as measured using an ohmmeter, are attached to the
tuning capacitor. The other two wires
go to the antenna system.
Adjust the coil on the rod so that
complete coverage of the broadcast
band is achieved (you may also have
to connect both sections of the tuning
gang in parallel). Note that the perfor
mance of this simple version will not
be quite as good as the deluxe version.
If you really want to keep costs
down, you can make a booster using
the parts from a defunct AM pocket
portable transistor set. Open up the
set, remove the speaker and the battery carrier, and mount a terminal
strip near the ferrite rod antenna.
Next, undo the PC board mounting
screws so that you have access to the
antenna leads where they connect
to the base circuit of the converter
transistor. Unsolder these and connect them to the new terminal strip.
Finally, reassemble the set, connect
the external antenna system to two
terminals on the front (or back) of the
set as shown in the photo, and your
booster is complete.
This is surely one of the most inexpensive methods ever to improve
radio reception. It costs just one
terminal strip and two self-tapping
screws, plus a defunct set that you
already own!
January 1999 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Digital tachometer
not an easy rider
I have recently purchased a Digital
Tachometer kit as described in the
August 1991 issue of SILICON CHIP.
It features a 4-digit, 7-segment LED
display which indicates zero to 9900
rpm. I’ve installed it on a Harley
Davidson motorcycle with billet machined housing for the LED display
which is connected to the circuit
board via ribbon cable.
My problem is that I had to change
RX to 170kΩ to get correct calibration
to suit a 2-cylinder engine. It works
fine but the count rate is too slow
(ie, 0.6 seconds). In the lower gears
the engine will beat the tachometer
update time. Is there a simple or practical way of reducing the count rate
time by modifying the circuit? Or is it
possible to multiply the input signal
by two or three? (B. V., Bateman, WA).
• There is no easy modification to
shorten the update time of the circuit
as it stands. The alternative is to increase the input frequency and then
reduce the update time.
The frequency could be multiplied
using the frequency doubler circuit
from page 44 of the October 1998 issue. The multiplication factor can be
increased to x16 or x32 by using the
Modifying the
multipurpose charger
I would like to add an extra
voltage setting to charge a 15.6V
battery pack for my cordless drill.
Could you please supply me with
the resistor values. Would it be
possible to feature a project or
circuit for a tacho for tuning chainsaws? (D. G., via email).
• The multipurpose charger is not
capable of charging a NiCd battery
with a nominal 15.6V output. The
total of 13-cells within this battery
pack require a supply voltage of
90 Silicon Chip
Q5 (pin 5) or Q6 (pin 4) output from
IC2, a 4020 divider. The capacitor
between pins 6 & 7 of the 4046 (IC1)
should be reduced to about 120pF.
The divider resistors at the pin 4
output of IC1 are not required.
A multiplication circuit is also used
in the digital tachometer from the
October 1997 issue. The multiplier
circuit is inserted between the pin 4
output of IC3f on the digital tachome
ter and the pin 1 input to IC4b. Connect pin 4 of IC3f directly to the pin
14 input of the 4046 multiplier and
the pin 4 output of the 4046 to the pin
1 input of IC4b.
Note that the 4046 and 4020 can be
operated from the 9V supply via the
digital tachometer.
The update time for the 555 timer
(IC1) can then be reduced by changing
the 2.2µF capacitor on pins 6 & 7. If
you multiply by 16, use a value of
0.15µF, or use .068µF if you multiply
by 32.
Magnetic shielding
for loudspeakers
I am looking for an easy way to
magnetically shield my speakers and
I was wondering if it is possible to
use ordinary off-the-shelf magnets
glued to the back of the speaker. If
at least 26V in order to provide a
full charge. The transformer only
delivers 18V RMS or 25V peak.
At this stage we cannot suggest
using a higher voltage transformer
since there are a significant number of other changes that would
need to be made to the circuit for
satisfactory operation.
We have not published a simple
tachometer which would directly
be suitable for tuning a chainsaw.
However, the Digital Tachometer
described in the October 1997
issue of SILICON CHIP could be
it is possible what kind of magnets
would you use and would it matter
what size the magnet was? (S. L.,
Ringwood East, Vic).
• We do not think your method will
work. You need a complete mildsteel shield to go around the existing
magnet structure and this must be
magnetised by a permanent magnet
to completely cancel the field from
the main magnet.
capacitor polarity
This may seem silly but could you
please explain what criteria governs
the polarisation of input\output
coupling ca
pacitors in AC circuits
(amplifiers, etc)? I understand why
they are there but have seen circuits
with differing polarisation. I am
particularly mystified by the “Guitar
Limiter” project in the October 1998
issue but the question could apply to
any of your power amplifier projects.
As far as the Guitar Limiter is
concerned, could you ex
plain the
polarisation of the following capacitors: input to IC1a (10µF); IC1a to
IC2 (2.2µF); IC2 to VR5 (1µF); VR5 to
IC1b (1µF) and IC1b to output (1µF).
Why is the 3.3µF capacitor from
the output of IC2 to the input of the
rectifier stage a non-polarised type?
And are C1 and C2 connected negative
to negative because of the forward
biased diodes D3 and D4. (M. B.,
Lawson, NSW).
• The reason the input capacitors
to the LM833 op amps are positive
to pins 5, 3, etc is that the internal
input transistors are PNP and their
bias currents cause a positive voltage
to be impressed across the input bias
resistors. Hence pin 3, pin 5, etc will
be positive with respect to GND.
Similarly, the outputs of the LM833
op amps can be expected to be slightly
positive with respect to GND. The
3.3µF and back-to-back 100µF capacitors (C1,C2) have been included
because pin 11 of IC2 can be positive
or negative, depending on the control
Current limit setting
for ignition
I have recently installed the ignition kit in my 1975 VW Passat and I
am very impressed that your design
worked well first time (responsive
engine, less pollution!) but with the
following reservation which I hope
you can clarify for me. In following
the instructions for “current limit
adjustment”, VR1 from fully clockwise to fully anticlockwise gives
a reading from 200mV to 225mV
respectively (not approaching the
suggested 250mV). Do I have a
problem with this? Should the 33Ω
resistor be increas
ed in value to
obtain a better balance?
The engine is 4-cylinder 1500cc
with a points type distributor, a 1Ω
ballast resistor, a single coil, a new
12V heavy-duty bat
tery, negative
earth and water cooling! I took
considerable care to heatsink each
semiconductor lead during solder-
setting produced by IC2. Also, VR2
and VR4 can affect the DC polarity – it
can be positive or negative, therefore
NP capacitors must be used.
Resurrecting the
40V 8A supply
I have built the 40V 8A power supply described in the April and May
1998 issues of SILICON CHIP. Unfortunately, it expired during testing and
I was wondering whether you could
shed any light on a possible cause.
To start at the beginning, it was
built from an Altronics kit and initial
testing seemed OK – well almost.
Unloaded, I discovered that adjusting
it to a lower voltage (say from 20V to
10V) would result in the supply output dropping to 0V. A bit of probing
revealed that the cause appears to be
the 7812 input voltage going too high
and the regulator shutting itself down
due to overvoltage.
I assume that when the output
voltage is wound down, the switching regulator effectively stops for a
bit while the output voltage falls to
the desired level. Because it is now
unloaded, the 12V rail current is
insufficient to drop enough voltage
across the 470Ω dropping resistor
ing. (M. K., Albury, NSW).
• Some ignition coils may have
too high a resistance to allow the
maximum current of 5A to be
obtained. To test this possibili
try shorting out the 100Ω resistor
from pin 8 of IC1. This will prevent the current-limit feature from
working. Now try measuring the
voltage across the 0.1Ω resistors as
described in the article (with the ballast resistor shorted out). If you still
get less than 250mV, then your coil
is one of those (with higher resistance). In that case, you don’t need
or want the current limit feature.
The 100Ω resistor should be
replaced with a shorting link and
so should the 0.1Ω current limit
resistors. You can then pull the
33Ω resistor and VR1 out of circuit.
On the other hand, if you now
measure more than 250mV, try
replacing the 33Ω resistor with a
lower value, such as 10Ω, and do
the adjustment again.
before the regulator. (A telling point
is 30 seconds or so after turning the
supply off once this happens, the supply will briefly restart as the voltage
on the main filter caps falls to a level
where the regulator restarts).
I fixed this behaviour by adding
another 470Ω 5W resistor from the
input of the regulator to ground. This
stabilises the input voltage to the regulator at around 25V (instead of the
35V or so before).
Actually that’s all a bit of preamble – I don’t believe it to be the
cause of the eventual failure. During
load testing the power supply would
“growl” at any current over about
1A. I assumed that was just winding
vibration. Anyway I dutifully cal
ibrated the ammeter at a current of
4A, growl notwithstanding. However,
there was about 1V p-p ripple on the
output –this was decidedly not within
specs (I was using a 2Ω dummy load).
I decided to push the current up to
the maximum 8A (OK it was dumb!)
and practically as soon as the current
was increased to this level, there was
a puff of smoke as Q1’s gate resistor
Q1 was shorted Gate to Drain and
its 47Ω gate resistor was open. I figure
that Q1 shorted and the resistor let
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go as it didn’t like trying to dissipate
50 odd watts! I have replaced Q1 and
its gate resistor and the 4049 driver.
During subsequent testing I have
discovered that the power supply
output has substantial 1kHz “ripple”
at certain voltages and current; eg,
with a 2Ω dummy load and currents
from 400mA to 1A, there is about .050.1V peak-peak sinusoidal “ripple”
on the output.
From 1A to about 1.5A the output
is clean with no ripple. Above 1.5A,
the 1kHz ripple returns at around
0.1-0.2Vpp, with audible buzzing
from the supply. I haven’t pushed the
current past 1.5A as I don’t wish to kill
another Mosfet. Below 1A, touching a
CRO probe to pin 1 of the TL494 will
reduce the ripple level by over half,
and sometimes remove it entirely.
Curiously, using a 4Ω dummy load,
the ripple is present from 800mA
through to 1.5A.
I have confirmed that the Mosfets
are switching at about 22kHz, checked
the 12V rail and the TL494 5V reference, double checked all components
and wiring, etc. Any ideas on a course
of action?
January 1999 91
Notes & Errata
Use Your old PC
Power Supply For
High Current Outputs, December 1998:
the circuit diagram on
page 75 incorrectly
shows the nega
terminal of the bridge
rectifier as being connected to earth. It
should go to negative
side of the bottom 220µF electro
lytic capacitor instead. Fig.1 (above
right) shows the correct circuit
Thermocouple Adaptor for DMMs,
December 1998: the 4.7kΩ resistor
from ZD1 to the 2kΩ trimpot VR2
is incorrectly shown as 47kΩ on the
wiring diagram of page 34. A 15kΩ
resistor has been omitted from the
parts list.
The current limiting and current
limit LED don’t agree too well. Pulling
4A say and winding the current limit
back would result in the current dropping appreciably (say to 2A) before
the current limit LED would light.
The power supply would growl even
worse during current limiting. Aren’t
the main filter caps a bit underrated
voltage wise? My supply measures
52V on the caps. I’m fearful of a bang
– or five! (A. W., Grange, SA).
• An audible squealing from the
power supply is normal when in current overload or when current draw
exceeds the output setting. This was
mentioned on page 57 of the April
1998 issue.
The 470Ω resistor at the input to
The accuracy of the current limit
LED can be adjusted by altering the
bias voltage on pin 10 of IC5b. You
may wish to use a trimpot (100kΩ) in
place of the 220kΩ and 100Ω resistors.
Adjust the trimpot so that the Overcurrent LED lights when the supply
just begins to current limit.
The 50V rating for the filter capacitors is satisfactory.
an amplifier
Fig.1: the corrected power supply circuit.
Improvements To AM Broadcast
Band Reception (Vintage Radio),
December 1998: the diagram on
page 67 shows the two twin flex
leads as being joined where they
connect to the antenna loop. This
is incorrect – there should be no
connection between the leads at
this point.
REG1 should be sufficient to reduce
its input voltage to below 35V. This
is because the combined regulator
and IC standby currents will total
more than 35mA to produce a 16.5V
drop from the 50V supply. However,
it will do no harm to add the extra
470Ω resistor in series to reduce the
voltage even further.
You will be able to reduce the output ripple from the power supply by
adding a small amount of capacitance
between pin 1 of IC1 and ground. This
will filter the feedback voltage from
the output of the supply before it is
applied to the pulse width modulation circuitry. Try 100pF or a larger
value until the squealing noise and
excess ripple disappears.
I have built an audio amplifier and
it was working OK but now isn’t. It
uses two MJL21194 and MJL21193
Mosfet transistors and I am afraid
that these might have blown but I
am not sure.
Do you have any extra information
you could send me about these transistors, such as how to test them? I
have checked the voltages that were
given in the instruction manual and
the negative side is fine, but the positive side reads as 0.2V instead of
55.8V! The positive (NPN) transistors
get extremely hot and the PNP transistors stay cold. (S. E., St. Ives, NSW).
• Just a small point, the two transistors you mention are bipolar types,
not Mosfets. You also did not mention
when the circuit was published so we
can’t be too specific in suggestions.
From your description, it appears that
you might have blown the positive
rail fuse.
If you are lucky, this might be all
you have damaged. If the transistors
are damaged they will usually have
a direct short between collector and
emitter and you can check this with
your multimeter (switch to a low
ohms range).
You should check the other transistors in the circuit to make sure that
they have not blown too.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to
the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact
with mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high
voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in
SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing
or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant
government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices
Act 1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
92 Silicon Chip
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January 1999 95
Circuit Ideas Wanted
Do you have a good circuit
idea. If so, why not sketch it
out, write a brief description
of its operation & send it to us.
Provided your idea is workable &
original, we’ll publish it in Circuit
Notebook & you’ll make some
money. We pay up to $60 for a
good circuit but don’t make it
too big please. Send your idea
to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO
Box 139, Collaroy, 2097.
SOLAR PANELS: buy by mail and
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Advertising Index
Altronics................................. 60-61
Av-Comm Pty Ltd.........................95
Dick Smith Electronics.....................
................................ IFC,OBC,14-17
Harbuch Electronics....................83
Instant PCBs................................95
Jaycar .............................. 45-52,95
ANY KITS assembled/calibrated:
professional, speedy service. Phone
Neville Walker (07) 3857 2752.
Microgram Computers...................3
Oatley Electronics........................71
WANTED: A Z-80 trainer that works,
preferably with manuals. Would prefer
a Microprofessor or similar. Phone
Colin Turner (02) 6231 7249.
Printed Electronics.......................95
sale of new and used radio and communication equipment at the Central
Coast Field Day, Sunday 28th Feb,
Wyong Race Course, just 1 hour north
from Sydney. Starts 8.30 a.m. Special
Field Day bargains from traders and
tons of disposals gear in the flea market. Exhibits by clubs and groups with
interests ranging from vintage radio,
packet radio, scanning, amateur TV
and satellite comms.; Ph (02) 4340 2500.
MicroZed Computers...................37
Procon Technology......................95
Quest Electronics........................25
RCS Radio...................................95
Scan Audio..................................77
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 78-79
Silicon Chip Bookshop.................93
Silicon Chip Subscriptions...........53
Silicon Chip Binders/Wallchart....85
Smart Fastchargers.....................25
Solar Flair/Ecowatch....................95
Truscott’s Electronic World...........77
We are losing our heritage of starry night skies. Poor, inefficient
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96 Silicon Chip
Zoom EFI Special......................IBC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
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Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
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