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ISBN 0 9585229 2 8
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Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 1
Test Gear To Build
Dual Tracking ±18.5V Power Supply......................................... 4
An In-Circuit Transistor Tester................................................. 10
Cable & Wiring Tester................................................................ 14
DIY Remote Control Tester....................................................... 19
Build A Digital Capacitance Meter.......................................... 22
A Low Ohms Tester For Your DMM......................................... 30
3-LED Logic Probe..................................................................... 35
Low Cost Transistor Mosfet Tester........................................... 38
Universal Power Supply Board For Op Amps........................ 44
Telephone Exchange Simulator For Testing............................ 47
High-Voltage Insulation Tester................................................. 56
10µH to 19.99mH Inductance Meter........................................ 64
Beginner’s Variable Dual-Rail Power Supply.......................... 73
Simple Go/No-Go Crystal Checker........................................... 80
Build This Sound Level Meter.................................................. 82
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Where To Buy Kits & PC Boards
Many of the projects described in this publication are available as
complete kits of parts from several electronics retailers. In particular,
try Altronics, Dick Smith Electronics, Jaycar Electronics and Oatley
The PC boards (but not for the Telephone Exchange Simulator) can be
ordered separately from RCS Radio, 41 Arlewis St, Chester Hill 2162.
Phone (02) 9738 0330.
Pink Noise Source..................................................................... 91
A Zener Diode Tester For Your DMM...................................... 96
40V 3A Variable Power Supply; Pt.1..................................... 104
40V 3A Variable Power Supply; Pt.2..................................... 112
Quick Circuit
Logic Probe With 7-Segment LED Display............................... 55
Multisim Circuit Design & Simulation Package.................... 120
The TiePie Handyprobe HP2................................................... 124
Motech MT-4080A LCD Meter................................................ 128
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench is a collection of test equipment projects published in Silicon Chip magazine. The
information presented herin has been checked for accuracy and is published in good faith. However, Silicon Chip Publications
cannot accept any responsibility for damage or loss, consequential or otherwise, arising from the use of information in this
publication. Silicon Chip Publications also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe
relevant government regulations and bylaws. Note that some of the projects described in this book employ a mains power
supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. When
working on these projects, use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC voltages
or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or others high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 3
Build this low cost
Dual tracking
±18.5V po-wer supply
Take a squiz at this: a dual tracking
power supply of modest cost giving up to
+ 18.5 volts DC. It has voltage metering,
a LED dropout indicator and short
circuit protection.
Sooner or later, every electronics
enthusiast needs a DC power supply. They used to get by with a
variable supply giving up to 15 volts
or so at around 500 milliamps but
today's circuits using op amps,
memory and logic devices need a lot
more than that. For op amps you
need balanced positive and
negative supplies of ± 15V while
some memory chips such as
EPROMs need ± 5V.
The problem with designing a
power supply for the enthusiast or
technican is that it is easy to get
carried away with fancy features
that are seldom used. The end
result is an expensive supply that
no one can afford. So we at SILICON
CHIP have put our heads together on
this project to produce a supply
which has good performance and
features while keeping the cost
within bounds.
What are the big cost items in a
power supply? That was the question we asked ourselves as we set
out to design this supply. The big
cost items are the transformer,
meter, case, filter capacitors and
printed circuit board. We could not
eliminate any of these components
in a self-contained power supply so
we selected them very carefully to
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
optimise the performance versus
price ratio.
For example, we selected a
transformer with a centre-tapped
30V winding rated at one amp. This
was much cheaper than a centretapped 44V 1.5-amp transformer
that we would have selected as first
choice if price was not so important. But we had to admit that the
times when enthusiasts want high
currents are fairly rare.
By picking the smaller transformer, we greatly cut down the
power dissipation in the circuit and
thereby reduced the heatsinking requirements, the size of the case and
the cost of the filter capacitors and
regulatprs, all for very little reduction in overall utility of the supply.
We also saved money by using a
smaller meter, smaller rectifier
diodes and so on.
The end result is a compact
power supply which will serve the
needs of the vast majority of electronic enthusiasts and technicians.
It will become another in a growing
list of SILICON CHIP test equipment.
- 14V
Fig.2: the circuit uses a 30V 1A transformer to drive a bridge rectifier and two adjustable 3-terminal regulators. ICl
inverts the control voltage provided by VR1 to drive the LM337. IC2 monitors the output ripple to provide drop-out
The SILICON CHIP power supply
has tracking positive and negative
DC outputs adjustable from ± 1.2V
to ± 18.5V. Both supply rails are
protected against short circuits and
2.0-r,;,- - . . . . . . . . - - - - , - - - - , . - - - - ,
~ 1.01-f'---+---
o,._._ _...,__ __.__ __.__ _
0 1.2
Fip, 1
Fig.1: this graph plots the maximum
output current for voltage settings
between ± 1.2V and ± 18V.
voltages generated by external
Maximum load current is 1. 7A
between ± 3V and ± 10V. When
the supply stops regulating, a LED
indicator lights.
You can use the power supply in
the conventional way to provide
balanced positive and negative
rails, or you can take the output
from between the positive and
negative output teminals and
thereby get more than 36 volts DC
output. The circuit is fully floating
(ie, not tied to mains earth) and so
the output can be referenced to
earth via the positive, negative or
0V rail.
What will it do?
Fig.1 shows the maximum output
current available for voltage settings between ± 1. 2 volts and ± 18
volts DC with the positive and
negative rails loaded. Up to 1. 7
amps is available for settings between ± 3 and ± 10V. Above 10V
the available current reduces, to
200 milliamps at ± 18 volts.
Remember that this performance
applies with both the positive and
negative rails loaded, so that by
taking the output between the
positive and negative rails, you get
get up to 1. 7 amps at 20 volts and
up to 200 milliamps at 36 volts.
Line regulation is within ± 5mV
of a given output voltage setting for
mains input variation between
220V AC and 260VAC. Load regulation at 1.7 amps is within 100mV at
a setting of 9 volts; ie, close to 1 % .
Ripple output (ie, 100Hz hum and
noise superimposed on the DC rails)
is less than lmV peak-to-peak for
load currents up to one amp. These
are excellent figures. Dinkum.
Note that the actual maximum
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 5
The supply is very easy to wire but you should take extra care with the mains
wiring. Use a cord-grip grommet to secure the mains cord.
available current from the power
supply will depend on the
temperature of the heatsink and the
amount of power being dissipated
in the regulator(s) for a given output
Circuit details
Fig.2 shows the complete circuit.
As already noted, it is based on a
30V centre-tapped 1A power
transformer, Arlec 6672A or
equivalent. Diodes Dl to D4 are
connected as a bridge rectifier
which, combined with the two
22001,lF filter capacitors, give plus
and minus DC rails of about 21
These unregulated DC rails are
fed to LM317 and LM337
3-terminal regulators to provide the
adjustable plus and minus supply
outputs respectively. We'll briefly
explain how these regulators work
before going on with the rest of the
circuit description.
· The regulators are designed to
give 1.25V between their output
and adjust terminals. With this in
mind, and the fact that the current
flowing out of their ADJ (stands for
ADJust) terminal is negligible, it is
easy to design a variable regulated
Fig.3: operating principle of the
LM317 3-terminal regulator. Rt
and R2 set the output voltage (see
supply. The circuit of Fig.3
demonstrates their operating
Two resistors are used to set the
output voltage in the circuit of
Fig.3. Rl is fixed while R2 is
variable. Since the voltage be~ween
the OUT and ADJ terminals is fixed
at 1.25V, the current through Rl
and R2 is also fixed. This gives a
simple formula for the output
voltage as follows:
Vout = 1.25(1 + R2/R1)
In our circuit Rl is 1200 while R2
is made up of of a 2.7k0 resistor in
parallel with VRl, a 5k0 potentiometer. The maximum effective
value of R2 is thus 1.75k0 and the
theoretical output voltage range is
therefore between 1.25 volts and
19.5 volts. However, the
unregulated DC voltage fed into the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
regulators is normally not quite
high enough to enable 19.5 volts
output to be delivered.
That explains the circuit as far
as the positive regulator (LM317) is
concerned but what about the
negative regulator'? It has an operational amplifier connected to its
ADJ terminal instead of a variable
resistor. What giveth'?
The idea of the op amp is to provide a mirror of the voltage at the
ADJ terminal of the positive
regulator. So if the ADJ voltage at
the positive regulator is + 10 volts,
the op amp will produce an output
of - 10 volts by virtue of the fact
that it is connected as a unity gain
inverting amplifier. So ICl ensures
that the negative regulator always
tracks with the positive regulator.
The 1200 resistor between the
ADJ terminal and output of the
LM337 is there for two reasons:
first, to give the required minimum
load for the regulator, and second
to set a load current flow into ICl.
This load current of 10.4 milliamps
impresses a voltage drop of 10.4V
across the lkO resistor at the output of ICl. This allows the op amp
to drive the ADJ terminal of the
LM3 3 7 regulator to - 17. 3 volts in
spite of the fact that the negative
supply rail to ICl is only - 14 volts.
The supply rails for ICl are provided by zener diodes D5 for the
positive line and D6 in series with
LED 1 for the negative line.
Diodes D7, DB, D9 and DlO protect the regulators from reverse
voltages which may be generated
by capacitive or inductive loads
connected across the outputs.
Drop-out indicator
When the regulators are working
as designed, the ripple voltage
superimposed on the DC rails will
be very low. However, if the current drain is higher than the
regulator can supply while still
maintaining about 2 volts between
its input and output terminals, the
ripple voltage will suddenly become
quite high. The output voltage will
fall rapidly if even more current is
called for and the ripple will go
even higher.
When this condition is beginning
to occur you may have no idea that
it is happening. You need a visible
1 plastic instrument case, 205
x 159 x 68mm
1 PCB, code SC041-188, 112
x 92mm
1 . Scotchcal front panel, 1 90 x
1 meter scale display, 52 x
• 43mm
1 6672 30V, 1 A transformer
1 single-pole pushbutton mains
1 DPDT mini toggle . switch
4 banana panel terminals (blue,
white, red and green)
1 5k0 potentiometer
1 knob
1 mains cord and plug
1 cord clamp grommet
2 solder lugs
1 aluminium panel, 196 x
64mm x 1.5mm
2 T0-220 insulating kits (mica
washer and bush)
1 MU45 panel meter, 0-1mA
1 LM31 7T positive adjustable
3-terminal regulator
1 LM337T negative adjustable
3-terminal regulator
1 TL071, LF351 FETinputop
1 741 op amp
9 1N4002 or equivalent 1A
6 1N914, 1N4148 small signal
1 12V 1W zener
1 15V 1W zener
2 5mm red LEDs
2 2200µF 25VW PC
2 1 OOµF 25VW PC electrolytic
4 1µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1 µF metallised polyester
Resistors (5%, 0.25W)
1 x 2.2MO, 2 x 47k0, 1 x.39k0,
X 22k0, 3 X 2 .7k0, 3 X 1k0, 1
2200, 1 X 1800, 2 X 1200
Solder, hookup wire, insulating
sleeving, screws, nuts, selftapping screws etc.
Putting it together
Close-up view showing how the 3-terminal regulators are mounted (see also
Fig.5). Use your multimeter to check that the metal tabs are isolated from
indicator. Hence, we have designed
a drop-out indicator using IC2.
ICZ is connected as an inverting
amplifier with a gain of about 800.
It monitors both the positive and
negative regulators via 2.7k0
resistors and a O.lµF capacitor.
Diodes Dl 1 and Dl 2 limit any noise
or ripple signal level to a maximum
of ± 0.7V.
The amplified ripple at the output
of IC2 is fed to a full wave rectifier
consisting of D13 to D16 via a lkO
limiting resistor, to feed a light
emitting diode, LED 2. The LED
begins to glow when the ripple at
one of the regulator outputs
becomes greater than about 4mV
peak-to-peak. At about 19mV p-p
ripple the LED is fully alight.
A lmA meter monitors the output
voltage via the lkO and 39kn
resistors. This gives it a full-scale
reading of 20 volts.
The supply is housed in a standard plastic instrument case
measuring 205 x 159 x 68mm
(Altronics Cat. No. H-0480 or
equivalent). All the circuit with the
exception of LEDs, switches and the
pot, is accommodated on a printed
circuit board measuring 112 x
92mm (coded SC041-188). Both
3-terminal regulators are bolted to
the rear metal panel of the case for
hea tsinking.
You can start assembly by checking the copper pattern of the board
for any breaks or shorts in the
tracks. Compare it with the pattern
published in this article.
With that done, you can install
all the small parts on the printed
board. These include the resistors,
diodes, links, small capacitors and
the two op amps. Make sure that
the ICs and diodes are correctly
oriented before soldering them into
place. Note that the two ICs face in
the same direction. Use the wiring
diagram of Fig. 4 to check each
stage of assembly.
Next, install the two 2500µF
capacitors and the two 3-terminal
regulators. The regulators should
be mounted so that their bodies are
about 10mm clear of the board, to
allow them to be easily bolted to the
back panel of the case.
We recommend the use of PC
pins for all external wiring from the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 7
L......<=,.-=,._,,.._~~Lo_v~-------:----;<at> Sl
Fig.4: follow this wiring diagram carefully and your supply should work first time. Use medium-duty 24 x 0.2mm
cable for connections between the PCB and transformer, and to the output terminals and Load switch (see text).
board. They simplify connecting it
up and give easy test points when
checking voltages.
The completed printed board is
supported on four of the integral
plastic standoffs on the base of the
case and secured with self-tapping
screws. The transformer must be
mounted directly onto the base of
the case. To do this, two of the standoffs will have to be removed or
drilled out and holes drilled for
3mm roundhead or countersunk
screws. Use lockwashers under the
two nuts.
Note that the mains earth wire is
terminated to a solder lug on the
rear metal panel of the case and
thence to a solder lug secured by
one of the transformer mounting
screws. The earth wire also goes to
the green GND terminal on the front
When the printed board has been
installed, slide the metal rear panel
into the case and mark the mounINSULATING
Deburr de burrs
Fig.5: mounting details for the
two 3-terminal regulators.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
ting hole positions for the two
regulators. The mounting holes
should be drilled for 2.5mm screws.
Fig.5 shows the mounting details
for the two regulators. Note that a
mica washer and insulating bush
must be used to isolate each device
from the metal panel.
Before securing the regulators,
make sure that the mounting holes
are free of burrs. Lightly smear
heatsink compound on the regulator
heatsink surfaces and the mating
areas on the metal panel. Then
screw the two regulators to the
panel as shown in Fig.5.
You should then switch your
multimeter to a low Ohms range
and use it to check that the metal
tabs of regulators are both isolated
from the metal panel.
You can then work on the front
panel. Kitset buyers can expect
that they will be supplied with a
screen-printed precut panel but if
you're working from scratch you
will probably have to make or purchase a Scotchcal panel. The artwork can be used as a drilling
template for the front panel. The
meter is supplied with its own
template for the four mounting
screws and 46mm diameter cutout.
This latter hole can be made by
drilling a series of small holes just
inside the circumference of the
marked circle and then filing the
resulting cutout to a smooth circle.
Having drilled all the holes, you
can affix the artwork to the front
panel. The material covering the
holes is then removed using a
Stanley utility knife.
Now the front panel hardware
can be mounted. In complete kits, a
new scale should be supplied for
the meter. This is easily fitted. Just
unclip the meter bezel, undo two
screws, remove the old panel and
replace it with the new and then
reassemble. Alternatively, you can
remove the existing scale, erase the
numbering and re-do it with
Complete the wiring by following
What's a dual
"Wotsa dual tracking power
supply anyhow and why would I
want one?" we hear you ask, in
your ardent quest for knowledge.
The word dual refers to the fact
that this power supply has two
supply rails, one positive and the
other negative. The word tracking refers to the fact that when
you adjust the positive supply,
the negative supply automatically
follows so that it has the same absolute value. So if you set the
positive output to plus 1 0 volts
DC, the negative rail will be very
close to minus 10 volts.
That's what you'd expect, isn't
Fig.4. Connecting wires to the
potentiometer, the two LEDs and
the meter can be light-duty hook-up
wire but the remaining wiring
should use heavier wire, such as 24
x 0.2mm insulated cable.
The 3-core mains cable should
have its outer insulation layer
removed for a length of about 10cm
so that the active lead can reach
the mains switch on the front panel.
The mains cord can then be
secured to the rear panel using a
cord-grip grommet.
The neutral lead is terminated
directly at the transformer, as is
the other lead from the mains
switch. Both the mains termination
on the transformer and the mains
switch itself should be sleeved with
plastic tubing to avoid the possibility of accidental shock.
When all the wiring is complete
you should check your work
carefully against Fig.4 and Fig.2
(the circuit diagram). With that
done, you can apply power and
check the voltages. The
unregulated voltages to the input of
the two regulators should be about
± 21 volts, while supplies to the two
op amps should be + 15V at pin 7
and - 14V at pin 4.
Now check that the positive and
negative supply rails can be varied
over the range from below 1.5V to
above 18V and that the two supplies track each other within
± lOOmV.
The dropout indicator can be
checked for correct operation by
connecting a 220 resistor across
either the positive or negative supply. Now, when the output voltage is
wound up above 15 volts, the LED
should light.
All that remains is to secure the
lid of the case and your power supit
ply is ready for work.
_, _
MU -45
Fig.7: this full-size artwork should
be used to replace the existing
meter scale. The old artwork is
removed by unclipping the meter
bezel and undoing two small
Fig.6 (left): this full-size
reproduction of the PC pattern can
be copied and used to etch your
own PC board.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 9
Do you have a boxful of unknown
transistors or a transistor circuit
that’s not working properly? This
simple tester will indicate whether
a transistor is working or not & tell
you whether it is an NPN or PNP
Build an in-circuit
transistor tester
F YOU’VE built a few projects,
then the odds are that you’ll have
a fair collection of transistors in
your junkbox. You will probably have
a good range of types as well, ranging from small signal to high power
After a while, it’s easy to forget
which ones are good and which are
suspect. And if you’ve bought one of
the semiconductor “grab bags” that
some retailers offer, you’ll undoubtedly have trouble determining which are
NPN and which are PNP types –unless,
of course, you have the appropriate
data books.
That’s where this simple Transistor
Tester comes in handy. It can test both
small signal and power transistors
and will indicate whether the device
is an NPN or PNP type. Basically, it
tells you whether a device is “go” or
“no-go” and can indicate the nature
of a fault – it cannot determine the
lead configuration or tell you anything
about the gain.
In addition, the project can be used
to test transistors that are already in
circuit. So if you have an AM radio, an
amplifier or some other device that’s
not working, this project will prove
invaluable for troubleshooting. You
don’t even have to bother pulling the
transistors out of circuit to test them.
The test results are indicated by two
LEDs mounted side-by-side on the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
front panel. If nothing is connected to
the test leads, both LEDs flash rapidly.
However, if a working device is connected, then one of the LEDs will go
out, depending on whether the device
is an NPN or a PNP type.
If the transistor is faulty, the result
will depend on the nature of the
fault. Both LEDs will flash if there is
a base-emitter short, while both LEDs
will go out if there is a short between
collector and emitter. A chart on the
front panel shows what the results
Circuit diagram
Let’s now take a look at the circuit
diagram - see Fig.1. It’s based on tran-
signals on the collectors of these
two transistors are complementary, their voltage levels will
be out-of-phase; ie, when one
is high, the other is low. This
causes both LEDs to flash alternately when power is applied,
provided no TUT is connected.
NPN test transistor
Let’s now see what happens
when we connect a working
NPN transistor as the TUT.
There are two conditions to
consider. The first is when
Q1’s collector is low and Q2’s
collector is high. In this case,
the NPN TUT is biased on and
so current flows through D3, D4
and the collector-emitter junction of the TUT. This means that
there will be about 1.2V across
D3 and D4, which is too low to
Fig.1: transistors Q1 & Q2 form a 5Hz
keep LED 2 on.
multivibrator which alternately switches
Thus, LED 2 will go out when
the collector & emitter terminals of the
the test transistor is conducting.
TUT high & low. If the device is good, one
LED 1 will also be off during
of the LEDs will alternately flash on & off.
this time, since it will be reverse
sistors Q1 and Q2 which are wired to
Now let’s consider what happens
operate as a standard astable multi
when Q1’s collector goes high and
vibrator. The frequency of oscillation Q2’s collector goes low. In this case,
is set to about 5Hz by the associated the TUT will be biased off and so LED
100kΩ resistors and 1µF capacitors.
1 will be on. At the same time, LED
2 will be reverse biased and so will
As a result, a 5Hz square-wave is
produced at Q1’s collector while a sec- remain off.
ond 5Hz waveform of opposite phase
Thus, if a working NPN transistor
appears at Q2’s collector. Q1 drives
is used as the TUT, LED 1 will flash
the emitter of the transistor under test on and off at a 5Hz rate, while LED 2
(TUT), while Q2 drives the base of the will be off at all times.
TUT via a 1kΩ resistor. The collector
PNP test transistor
of the TUT is driven via diode array
For a working PNP transistor, the
Note that these are universal inputs;
opposite occurs. When Q1’s collector
ie, both NPN and PNP devices connect
is low and Q2’s collector is high, the
to the same EBC test points without
TUT will be biased off and LED 2 will
any need for switching.
light. LED 1 will be reverse biased
The two LEDs are connected in re- during this time and will be off.
verse-parallel between the collectors
When the collectors subsequently
of Q1 and Q2. Because the 5Hz output
change state, the TUT will be biased
Fig.2: install the
parts on the PC
board as shown
here. The LEDs
are mounted
about 15mm
proud of the
board & clip into
two bezels on the
front panel.
1 plastic case, 82 x 54 x 30mm
1 PC board, code 04109931, 51
x 37mm
1 self-adhesive front panel label,
49 x 79mm
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 9V battery
1 9V battery clip lead
2 LED bezels
1 150mm length of black hookup wire
1 150mm length of yellow hookup wire
1 150mm length of blue hook-up
3 small hook clips
2 BC548 NPN transistors (Q1,Q2)
2 5mm green LEDs (LED1,LED2)
4 1N4148, 1N914 diodes (D1-D4)
2 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 100kΩ
3 1kΩ
on and current will flow through the
transistor, this time via diodes D1 and
D2. LED 2 will now be biased off, while
LED 1 will remain off due to the low
voltage across it. This voltage will be
equal to the voltage across the two
diodes plus the saturation voltage of
the transistor (ie, a little over 1.2V).
Thus, when a good PNP device is
used as the TUT, LED 1 goes out and
LED 2 flashes.
Crook devices
What if you connect a TUT with a
collector-emitter short? Regardless of
whether it’s an NPN or a PNP device,
neither LED will light because the
current will alternately flow through
each of the series diode pair. This
means that only about 1.2V will be
developed across the LEDs, which is
insufficient to turn them on.
If the base-emitter junction of the
TUT is shorted, then the transistor
will be unable to turn on and current
will flow through the 1kΩ base resistor.
Both LEDs will continue to flash since
the voltage developed across this 1kΩ
resistor is sufficient to allow them to
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 11
Fig.4: this full-size artwork can be
used as a drilling template for the
front panel.
Make sure that all polarised parts are correctly oriented & note particularly
that D1 & D2 face in the opposite direction to D3 & D4. The battery clip must be
modified slightly to allow the battery assembly to fit inside the case – see text.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9V battery.
Since there are only a few devices
in the In-Circuit Tran
sistor Tester,
the construction is a breeze. All the
components are installed on a single
PC board measuring 51 x 37mm and
coded 04109931.
Fig.2 shows where the parts go on
the PC board. You can mount the parts
in any order but make sure that the diodes, LEDs, transistors and electrolytic
capacitors are the right way around.
The two LEDs should be mounted so
that their tops are about 15mm above
the surface of the board, so that they
later protrude through two bezels
mounted on the front panel.
You can easily identify the LED
leads since the anode lead will be the
longer of the two.
The board can now be mounted inside a small plastic utility case. First,
attach the adhesive label to the lid,
then use it as a template to drill out the
holes for the LED bezels and the on/off
switch. In each case, it’s best to drill a
small pilot hole first and then carefully
ream the hole out to the correct size.
Three small holes are also drilled in
one end of the case to take the flying
Base, Emitter and Collector leads for
the TUT.
This done, the on/off switch and
LED bezels can be mounted and the
Fig.3: this is the full-size etching
pattern for the PC board.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
wiring to the PC board completed.
Use different colours for the test leads
and feed them through the holes in
the end of the case before making the
connections to the PC board. The PC
board is held in position by clipping
the two LEDs into the bezels.
The battery clip will have to be
modified to allow the battery assembly
to fit inside the case. This involves
removing the plastic cover from the
clip and soldering the leads onto the
sides of the clip eyelets.
Finally, the three test leads must
be fitted with hook-type test clips or
alligator clips. Alligator clips were
fitted to the prototype but you will find
that small hook clips are easier to use.
As soon as you switch on, you
should find that both LEDs flash at a
rapid rate. To test the circuit, you’ll
need two working transistors – one
an NPN device and the other a PNP.
Check that only the lefthand LED flashes when you connect the NPN device
and that the righthand LED flashes for
the PNP device.
If both LEDs stay on or both go out
and you are certain that the transistors
are OK, check that the two LEDs are
correctly oriented.
Finally, we should mention that the
In-Circuit Transistor Tester does not
work well with Darlington transistors.
This is because they have a higher saturation voltage than normal transistors
and so both LEDs will simply go dim
for a working device.
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This Cable and Wiring
Tester has a row of
four LEDs to indicate
the condition of a pair
of wires: open circuit,
short, reversed and
good. A diode is hooked
across the far end of the
wire pair to assist the
test which is done
automatically as soon
as you press the button.
Here’s an easy to build and simple to use tester
that will prove indispensable to anyone
involved in the installation or maintenance of
cables or wiring systems. Small enough to carry
in a pocket, the tester employs four LEDs to
speedily indicate the health of a pair of wires.
Tracing faults in cables, especially
those in large buildings can be very
difficult if you are working on your
own. If you have a partner and some
form of communication, you can use a
multimeter set to measure resistance at
your end while you get your partner to
apply a short circuit and then remove
it. With the short removed the meter
should show an infinite resistance,
and with the short applied a low
This is obviously difficult on your
own, as you would have to travel
between ends to place the short and
remove it in between taking readings
with the meter. Thankfully there’s an
easier way.
Diode testing
A technique that has been used for a
long time to test cable pairs is to place
a diode across the A and B wires of the
pair at the remote end. When a meter
is placed across the pair at the local
end, a low resistance will be obtained
with the meter leads connected one
way and a very high (ideally infinite)
sistance with the leads reversed.
This happens because the diode only
passes current in one direction; ie,
when the anode is more positive than
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
the cathode by about 0.7V.
A big advantage of the diode test is
that fault conditions such as a short or
open circuit can be diagnosed quickly.
If a pair has a short circuit somewhere
along its length, a low resistance will
be seen when the meter is connected
either way. Conversely an open circuit
will show an infinite resistance with
the meter connected either way.
The diode test will also show a
reversed pair; ie, where the A and B
wires get crossed along the way, as
the low resist
ance/high resistance
results will be opposite to those for a
good pair. This goes to prove that the
best ideas are sometimes the simplest.
Fig.1 illustrates the four common pair
combinations and the results obtained.
Easy to use
Carrying around an expensive
multimeter, continuously turning it
on and off and reversing the leads to
test pairs is tedious. With the Cable
and Wiring tester all you have to do is
connect the two test leads to the pair
under test and press the Test button.
The tester will automatically test the
pair and display the result on one of
four LEDs.
The orange LED (O) will flash to indicate an open circuit and the yellow
LED (S) will flash if the pair is short
circuit. A pair that is reversed will
cause the red LED (R) to flash, while
a pair that is in good condition will
cause the green LED (G) to flash. Of
course you will need to connect the
diode at the other end of the pair you
are testing.
Circuit description
The Cable and Wiring tester works
just like the manual diode testing
shown in Fig.1 but it does it automatically in two phases before it displays
the result. I will refer to these as phase
1 and phase 2. Fig.2 shows the circuit.
An oscillator is formed with IC2c,
one section of a 40106 hex Schmitt
trigger inverter, a 330kΩ resistor and
a 0.22µF capacitor. It produces a
square wave output with a frequency
of about 20Hz. IC2d, a 100kΩ resistor
and a 0.1µF capacitor form a delay
circuit. The output at pin 10 of IC2d
is a delayed and inverted replica of
the output from IC2c.
The reason for the delay circuit is
to separate the sample and display
pulses from the unstable periods when
the analog switches are swapping the
Fig.1: this series of the diagrams illustrates the method of testing a cable pair
with a multimeter and a diode connected to the far end. The Cable and Wiring
Tester runs through these tests automatically.
polarity of the line. The oscillator
controls the overall operation of the
tester and when its output is low, it
is in phase 1, and when its output is
high, it is in phase 2.
In phase 1, analog switch IC1a
connects wire A of the pair to pin 1
of IC2a, while IC1b connects wire B
to ground. If the pair is good (ie, not
reversed) and the diode is connected
Fig.2: the Cable and Wiring Tester works by alternately applying DC voltage to a cable pair in one direction
and then the other. The four possible conditions are indicated by the LEDs.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 15
Fig.3 (left): the component layout for
the PC board. Take care to ensure
that all polarised parts are correctly
Fig.4 (below): this is the actual size
artwork for the PC board.
ent on the wires being tested, most
likely in the form of static charges,
each input is protected with a series
680Ω resistor and a 9.1V zener diode.
A .001µF capacitor is also connected
between the two inputs to shunt any
RF signals that might otherwise be
picked up by the wires under test.
The tester operates from a standard
9V battery which should last quite a
long time. Note that the Test switch
is also the power switch and is connected in the negative supply lead
instead of the positive supply lead
as is normal practice. This was done
simply because it made the PC board
layout easier.
with its cathode to wire A, no current
will flow through this circuit and
pin 1 of IC2a will be pulled high by
the 4.7kΩ resistor. If the pair is short
circuit or the diode is connected in
reverse, current will flow and pin 1 of
IC2a will be pulled to ground.
Assuming that all is well, pin 2 of
IC2a will be low. IC2f, a 33kΩ resistor
and a 0.1µF capacitor form a mono
stable which produces a narrow negative pulse when the output of IC2d
goes high, which is only within phase
1. The negative pulse from IC2f closes
analog switch IC1c and charges the
0.22µF “memory” capacitor connected
to pin 12 of IC1c to the voltage present
at pin 2 of IC2a.
When the pulse ends, the gate
opens but the charge on the capacitor
remains as the only discharge path is
via the very high input impedance of
inverter IC2b. The high output of IC2b
is applied directly to the B input of
the 4028 BCD-to-decimal decoder IC3.
During phase 2 the states of IC1a
& IC1b are reversed and wire A is
connected to ground while wire B
is connected to pin 1 of IC2a. With a
good pair, current will flow through
the circuit and pin 1 of IC2a will be
pulled to ground. The output (pin 2)
of IC2a is connected directly to the A
input of IC3. IC2e, a 0.1µF capacitor
and a 100kΩ resistor form a monostable which produces a positive-going
pulse when the output of IC2d goes
low, which is only during phase 2.
This pulse is applied to the C input
of IC3 and effectively becomes an
enable input, as with this input low
none of the LEDs can be selected. One
of the LEDs will be turned on when
the C input is high, depending on the
state of the A and B inputs. Note that
the D input is permanently connected to ground. With a good pair, both
A and B will be high. The LEDs are
only turned on for the period of the
pulse from IC2e which has the added
benefit that the current drain from the
batteries is less than if a LED was on
In summary, the result of phase 1 is
stored in the memory capacitor until
the result of phase 2 is available, at
which point they are both applied to
the decoder and the respective LED
is turned on.
Since high voltages could be pres-
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
The Cable and Wiring Tester is
mounted in a small plastic case with a
row of four LEDs and a pushbutton on
top. At one end is a 3.5mm jack socket
to enable connection to a pair of wires.
Pressing the button flashes one of the
four LEDs depending in the test condition: Open (Orange); Short (Yellow);
Reversed (Red); and Good (green).
All the components apart from
the test socket are mounted on a single-sided PC board. Fig.3 shows the
wiring diagram. Begin construction
by soldering in the five tinned copper wire links, ensuring that they are
straight and lay flat on the board. Follow this with the resistors, the zener
diodes and the PC stakes.
Next, solder in the capacitors, remembering that the 22µF capacitor
is polarised and must be inserted the
right way. The integrated circuits can
be installed next, ensuring that they
are in the correct way. These are CMOS
types and can be destroyed by static
electricity, so earth yourself and take
care not to handle them too much.
The LEDs are installed with the
top of each LED 25mm above the PC
board. They should protrude slightly
from the lid of the case when it is fitted. Similarly, the pushbutton switch
is installed in a vertical position by
soldering its tags to two PC stakes.
Again, the switch should be at the
correct height with the case closed.
Install the PC board in the bottom
case half with four self-tapping screws.
If you find it won’t sit properly, you
can lightly file the edge of the board
or cut out the small plastic tabs inside
the edge of the case. Drill a hole in the
centre of the top endplate and mount
the 3.5mm test socket. Place the two
The four LEDs and the pushbutton switch are stood off the board so that they protrude through the lid of the case.
end plates in the slots on the bottom
half of the case. The bottom half has
four holes for the case mounting
screws while the top half has threaded
brass inserts.
Solder two wires from the socket to
the PC stakes on the PC board. Now
solder in the battery clip and trim the
length of the wires so that they sit
neatly with the battery positioned as
shown in the photographs. You may
find it necessary to cut off some of the
plastic tabs on the inside of the top half
to clear the battery clip when the two
halves are screwed together. Drill the
four holes for the LEDs and for the test
switch in the top half of the case. The
positions for these can be quite easily
found by firstly making measurements
with a ruler and then marking with a
pencil before drilling.
The test lead is made from a short
length of figure-8 cable. The type used
in the prototype was coloured red and
black. I soldered the red A wire to the
centre pin of the 3.5mm plug and the
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04411971, 51 x
1 plastic case, 120 x 60 x 30mm
1 3.5mm mono phono socket
1 3.5mm mono phono plug
2 small black alligator clips
2 small red alligator clips
1 normally open pushbutton switch
6 PC stakes
1 9 volt battery clip
4 No. 4 x 6mm self-tapper screws
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
1 5mm yellow LED (LED2)
1 5mm orange LED (LED3)
1 5mm green LED (LED4)
1 4053 triple analog selector (IC1)
1 40106 or 74C14 hex Schmitt
trigger (IC2)
1 4028 BCD-to-decimal decoder
2 9.1V 1W zener diodes
1 1N4004 diode (remote test
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 330kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
2 100kΩ
6 680Ω
1 33kΩ
1 22µF 16VW electrolytic
2 0.22µF MKT polyester
3 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
1 .001µF MKT polyester
Tinned copper wire, hookup
wire, figure-8 cable, small piece
of scrap stripboard, heatshrink
Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 6
4-Band Code (1%)
orange orange yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
orange orange orange brown
yellow violet red brown
blue grey brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
orange orange black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
orange orange black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 17
together. Now clip the tester leads to
the diode leads, with the red A wire
clips connected together and the black
B wire clips connected together. Press
the Test button and verify that the “G”
LED flashes.
Now reverse the connection to the
diode leads, press the Test button and
check that the “R” LED flashes. Once
you are happy with the testing, screw
the case together with the four screws
supplied, checking that the drilled
holes line up with the LEDs and switch
without placing stress on them.
Using the tester
The basic operation of the tester
should be quite apparent. Simply connect the diode to the remote end with
the red clip connected to the A wire,
the tester to the local end with the red
clip connected to the A wire, press
the Test button and monitor the LEDs.
Multiple wire cables
Another view of the prototype Cable & Wiring Tester. Power comes from an
internal 9V battery.
black B wire to the ground pin. To finish the lead, solder a red alligator clip
to the red wire and a black alligator
clip to the black wire.
The diode assembly can be made
next. It simply comprises a diode
soldered to a length of figure-8 cable
as before. Its anode is soldered to the
black wire and the cathode to the
red wire. I used a scrap piece of strip
board to give the assembly some mechanical strength and then covered it
with heatshrink sleeving to prevent
accidental shorting. The red alligator
clip is soldered to the red wire and
the black alligator clip to the black
wire. Finally, fit a good 9V battery
into the case.
With the assembly complete, press
the test switch briefly and check that
the “O” LED flashes at about 20Hz. If
it does, you can proceed with the rest
of the testing. If it doesn’t work, have
a good look at the assembly again and
check it for construction errors.
Plug the test lead into the socket
and connect the two alligator clips
together. Press the Test button and
check that the “S” LED flashes to
indicate that the wires are shorted
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
So far this article has referred to just
testing a pair of wires, such as those
in a telephone cable or Local Area
Network (LAN) cabling. However,
the tester can be used to test cables
with multiple wires even if they are
not paired.
The simplest way is to select one
of the wires as a common A wire and
then progress through the other wires
as a second B wire. If you are working
on cable that has, for example three
pairs, you might construct a multiple
diode lead with three diodes and six
leads so that you could check all the
pairs at one time.
Some cabling systems use a special socket to terminate a multiple
pair cable. An example of this is an
RJ45 socket used in modern building
cabling where four pairs provide computer and telephone connections at
one socket. A plug could be adapted to
hold four diodes and plugged into the
remote socket while the tester could
be plugged into a mating socket at the
local end.
A switch would need to be incorporated in the tester leads to select the
pair to be tested. Finally the tester can
be used as a general continuity tester
to test diodes, speakers, audio/video
cables, etc. The tester will indicate a
short circuit with about 2kΩ or less
placed across the test leads but this
will vary from unit to unit and is dependent mainly on the characteristics
of the ICs used.
DIY Remote
Control Tester
Do you have problems with your infrared
remote controls? Are their batteries dead or is
it just that some of the buttons are not working?
These and other questions involving remote controls can be readily answered with this handy
Everyone loves their remote controls, don’t they? Whether they are
used to mute those irritating adverts
on TV or to fast-forward through
adverts on taped programs, they are
a real boon. And of course, they are
used on a multitude of other appliances these days so we are really lost
and frustrated when they don’t work.
It is at these times that remote
controls are instantly con
v erted
from items of utmost convenience
to items of extreme frustration. How
do you test them? You can’t see the
infrared beam that they are supposed
to emit so you don’t know if they are
functioning or not. Then again, they
might be functioning as far as some of
the buttons are concerned and others
might be dead. How do you find out?
On TV sets and other appliances
which have an “acknowledge” LED,
it is easy. Each time you press a
button on the TV’s remote control,
the “acknowledge” LED flashes and
you are instantly assured that all is
well. But the “acknowledge” LED
most likely doesn’t work when other
remote controls are pointed at it, so
there’s no help there. Some remotes
also have a telltale red LED and thus
they provide a good indication that
they are working; most don’t.
If you have a camcorder or video
camera you can generally use it to
check whether your remote is working. Just point it directly at the camera
and you will see the telltale flashes
in the viewfinder or monitor while a
button is pressed. How so? Because
most video cameras will respond to
infrared light.
But while that is handy to know,
it is not the most convenient setup if
you are plagued with a pesky remote
control that just does not want to
behave and do what it’s supposed to.
These thoughts were prompted by
my recent bout of wrestling with a
cantankerous remote control. It had
been becoming increasingly unrelia-
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 19
Fig.1: the circuit is based on an
infrared detector module which
drives the LED directly.
ble over a period of a few months. The
various users in the family responded
by slapping it, pressing its buttons
more fiercely and ultimately (shame)
by saying unseemly words to it. None
of these seemed to work as a cure.
Coincidentally, the remote control
tester to be described arrived in the
SILICON CHIP offices and I pounced on
it. The idea is simple. It has a membrane key on the small case. You press
it and then simultaneously press a
button on your suspect remote. If it
is working a LED on the remote tester
flashes brightly, in time with the data
modulated onto the infrared carrier.
This is far more convenient than
aiming the suspect remote at your TV.
The circuit of the remote control
tester is shown in Fig.1. It consists
simply of a 9V battery, a pushbutton
switch, a LED and an infrared receiver
module, M1. This infrared receiver
module is contained in a compact
tinplate case which houses a tiny
PC board. This mounts an infrared
detector diode, a surface mount
preamplifier chip and number of
other surface mount components. The
module would normally be mounted
behind a window in the front panel
of a TV, VCR, CD player or whatever
and would normally drive decoder
In this case, we don’t need any
decoding. Instead, we want the tester
to respond when any button on any
IR remote control is pressed. That
it does and it lights the LED on
its front panel for as long as any
button on the remote handpiece
is pressed.
The module has inbuilt
current limiting so it can
drive the red LED directly,
without resistors or any
other components being
Building it
The circuit of Fig.1 is so simple
that you really don’t need a PC board
to build it but one is available as part
of a kit from Oatley Electronics. The
kit comprises a surplus PC board, a
9V battery snap connector, a high
brightness red LED, the infrared receiver chip, a membrane switch and
a small plastic case measuring 123 x
36 x 23mm.
The PC board measures 60 x 30mm
and has been designed for a more
complex circuit so there are a lot of
vacant component positions. The
photos show how the PC board is
wired and how it sits in the case. Fig.2
shows the wiring layout.
Putting it together will only take
a few minutes but you do have to
be careful with the polarity of the
infrared detector, the LED and of
This is how the PC board
looks when all the parts
are installed.
course, the battery wires. The infrared
detector module straddles one end of
the PC board and lugs on the tinplate
case are soldered to adjacent copper
pads on the PC board.
The positive battery wire passes
through a hole in the PC board and
is then wired directly to pin 2 on the
module. The LED is wired directly
across pins 1 & 2 on the module as
well. The negative lead from the battery is wired to the membrane switch
and then to pin 3 on the module.
When you have the unit complete,
connect the battery and press the
membrane switch. The LED should
flash once. Then if you aim an infrared remote control at it and press
a button, the LED should flash for
as long as the buttons are pressed.
Remember though, you also need to
keep the membrane switch on the
tester pressed.
Fixing remote controls
Well, once you have an infrared
tester you will certainly be able to
work out whether your remotes are
working or not and whether some
buttons are defective. But it is entirely
another matter to fix them.
Let me tell you the story of the
remote control that started this story.
Well, the tester indicated that the
remote was indeed malfunctioning
and the TV was OK. But where was
the fault because one or two of the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
The PC board
assembly sits at the
top end of the case,
with the battery
occupying the other
end. Take care to
ensure correct battery
polarity – the
negative lead goes to
the switch.
buttons would work some of the time?
The first step was to check the
batteries, two AA cells being used
in this case. They were around 1.4V
each and although not fresh out of
the carton, they certainly should have
been good enough to run the circuit.
Most remotes will run quite happily
with cells that are down to 1.2V and
some will work with a lot less.
Mind you, the batteries are often
not the problem but corrosion of the
battery terminals can be quite obvious
when you take the trouble to look.
This can be most easily cleaned off
using a Scotch-Brite or similar scouring pad. Don’t use steel wool as it is
difficult, if not impossible, to ensure
that there are no strands of it left to
cause problems later.
While there was some corrosion on
the battery terminals of this cantankerous remote, that was not the problem. It still would not work reliably.
There was nothing for it but to pull
it apart. This involved removing one
screw on the back and then prising
the case carefully apart. That revealed
a long narrow PC board with just one
surface-mount IC, the infrared LED
and the contact patterns underneath
each rubber button. There were no
other components.
Older remotes can be expected to
have quite a few components on the
board and sometimes the fault can be
a fractured component or a broken
solder connection. This happens
because remote controls are often
dropped or sat upon.
In the case of this remote the
problem turned out to be blindingly
obvious. Not only had quite a lot of
food residue worked its way inside
the case around the buttons and along
the joins in the case but the PC board
itself was wet! A sticky liquid was
held between the rubber button sheet
Fig.2: this is the wiring layout of the remote control tester. It uses a surplus
PC board which fits into a small plastic case.
and the PC board. No doubt someone
had spilt drink over it at some stage.
Drink residues, especially beer
and cola, can be surprisingly hard to
remove in this situation and since the
PC board was largely bare in this case
I decided to clean it up using kitchen
detergent, thoroughly rinsed off with
clean water. I was sorely tempted to
dunk the whole PC board into the
washing-up detergent but thought
better of it. I also cleaned the rubber
keyboard membrane but this job must
be done carefully because it easy to
inadvertently remove the resistive
coating on the back of each button. It
is this resistive coating which completes the circuit for each button and
activates the remote control.
Having carefully rinsed off all the
detergent from the PC board and
Where To Buy The Kit
The complete kit for the remote
control tester is avail
able from
Oatley Electronics for just $5.95,
not including the 9V battery. They
also have the infrared detectors
available at $2 each or 10 for $15.
Oatley Electronics’ phone number
is (02) 9584 3563; fax (02) 9584
the keyboard membrane, the drink
residue appeared to be completely
removed but it turned out not to
be the whole cure. While it worked
better when it was reassembled, it
still would occasionally refuse to respond when some of the buttons were
pressed. And even more irritating,
sometimes none of the buttons would
work! OK, I then cleaned the board
and the button membrane again, this
time using methylated spirits.
This turned out to be effective and
the remote control then worked reliably – for a whole week! At the end of
that time, the most used button just
fell out! As you might expect, some
more unseemly words were uttered.
Several times!
There is no way that the missing
button could be stuck back into place
and since it was the one used to mute
the commercials, the whole situation
was rather frustrating. But wait!
There is a solution. I will replace
the missing button with a PC mount
snap action switch. They’re available
from Jaycar, Dick Smith Electronics
and Altronics, in various colours for
a dollar or so.
Yes, I will have to ream out the
button opening in the case but I’m
going to fix this remote, come hell or
high water!
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 21
Build A Digital
Capacitance Meter
Got a junk box with a stack of capacitors with the
values rubbed off? Maybe you are building a filter
& need to match some capacitors closely.
Or maybe you just can’t read the capacitor
labels. This neat little Capacitance Meter will
soon let you check their values. It measures
capacitors from a few picofarads up to 2µF.
Every multimeter will read resistance values but few will read capacitance or if they do, they don’t read
a wide enough range. This unit can
be built in several forms. It can be a
self-contained unit with its own digital
display or it can be built as a capacitance adaptor to plug into your digital
multimeter. And you can run it from
batteries or an AC or DC plugpack.
Our preferred option is to build it
as a self-contained instrument running
from a DC plugpack. Batteries are OK
but we prefer to do without them
wherever possible. If you only use
the item on infrequent occasions, the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
batteries always seem to be flat.
Our new Digital Capacitance Meter
is a simple instrument with no-frills
operation. It is housed in a small
plastic utility box with an LCD panel
meter and a 3-position switch labelled
pF, nF and µF. There are two terminal
posts for connection of the capacitor
to be checked and no On/Off switch.
To turn it on, you plug in your 12V
The unit will measure capacitance
values from just a few picofarads up
to 2µF. Its accuracy depends on calibration but it should be within ±2%.
Theory of operation
The theory of operation of the capacitance meter is simple and is illustrated in Fig.1. We apply a square wave to
Parts List
1 main PC board, code
04101991, 89 x 48mm
1 switch PC board, code
04101992, 44 x 30mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 68 x 41mm,
Jaycar HB-6013 or equivalent
1 front panel label, 120 x 55mm
1 3-pole 4-position rotary switch
1 knob to suit switch, Jaycar HK7020 or equivalent
1 power input socket, 2.1mm x
5.5mm, Jaycar PS-0522 or
1 red binding post
1 black binding post
2 3mm x 10mm countersunk
head screws
4 3mm nut
2 3mm star washer
1 20kΩ multi-turn top adjust
trimpot (VR1)
1 2kΩ multi-turn top adjust
trimpot (VR2)
1 100kΩ vertical trimpot (VR3)
1 74HC132 quad NAND Schmitt
trigger (IC1)
one input of an exclusive-OR gate and
feed the same square wave through a
resistor to charge the capacitor we are
measuring. The voltage on the capacitor is fed to the other input of the XOR
gate. While the capacitor’s voltage is
below the input switching threshold
the output of the gate will be high
(+5V). An XOR gate’s output is low
when both inputs are the same (low
or high) and high when they differ.
The larger the value of the capacitor the longer it will take to reach the
threshold and consequently the higher
the duty cycle of the output pulse
waveform (ie, wide pulses). Putting it
another way, if the capacitor is small,
it won’t take long for it to charge and
so the resulting pulses will be very
narrow. This pulse waveform is integrated (filtered) and fed to a voltmeter.
The circuit time constants are arranged
to make the voltage reading directly
proportional to capacitance.
How it works
Of course, like all theory, the practical realisation is a lot more complicat-
1 74HC86 quad exclusive-OR
gate (IC2)
1 TL071, FET-input op amp
1 2N2222, 2N2222A NPN
transistor (Q1)
1 78L05 5V 100mA regulator
2 1N914 signal diodes (D1,D2)
4 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 .01µF MKT polyester
1 12pF NPO ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1.5MΩ
2 20kΩ
3 100kΩ
4 10kΩ
1 39kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 100kΩ vertical trimpot (VR4)
Battery Option
1 SPST toggle switch (S2)
1 9V battery (216)
1 battery clip to suit
Plugpack Option
1 12VDC or 9VAC plugpack
1 panel mounting socket to suit
1 78L05 5V 100mA regulator
1 3.9V 400mW/500mW zener
diode (ZD1)
1 1N4004 1A power diode
1 470µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2kΩ resistor (0.25W, 1%)
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 8.2MΩ
1 15kΩ
1 820kΩ
1 10kΩ
2 220kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
1 20kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
Panel Meter Option
1 panel meter, Jaycar QP5550 or
1 TL071 FET-input op amp (IC4)
1 0.1µF MKT polyester capacitor
Hookup wire, machine screws &
nuts, solder.
ed. The circuit of the Capacitance Meter
is shown in Fig.2 and you may find
difficulty in seeing any resemblance
between it and the simple circuit of
Fig.1. Never fear; we will explain it all.
First, IC1a is a Schmitt trigger oscillator and it oscillates at a rate determined
by the switched resistors and the .01µF
capacitor. IC1a has an output frequency of 16kHz on the pF range, 160Hz
on the nF range and 16Hz on the µF
range. The (approximate) square wave
output is buffered and inverted by
gates IC2b, IC2c and IC2d which have
their outputs wired in parallel. These
outputs are fed directly to pins 9 and
12 of IC1 and through trimpot VR2 and
the 15kΩ resistor to the capacitor we
are measuring (CUT).
The XOR gate IC2a corresponds to
the single XOR gate shown in Fig.1.
Note that Q1, the transistor that discharges the ca
pacitor at the end of
each charge cycle, is a 2N2222. This
has been specified instead of the more
common varieties such as BC547 or
BC337, in order to get sufficiently fast
switching times.
Fig.1: this is the
principle of the
Digital Capacitance
Meter. A square wave
is fed to an XOR gate
and the time delay in
charging the
capacitor produces a
pulse waveform with
its duty cycle
proportional to the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 23
Fig.2: this circuit can be built as a
capacitance adaptor for a digital
multimeter or as a self-contained
instrument with its own LCD panel
meter. It can be powered from a 9V
battery or a DC plugpack, in which
case the circuit involving REG2 is
We use two of the Schmitt NAND
gates of IC1 (74HC132) as the inputs
to IC2a and this has been done to
ensure that these inputs make very
fast transitions between low and high
and vice versa. Without the Schmitt
trigger inputs, the XOR gate circuit of
Fig.1 tends to have an indeterminate
performance and the pulse output can
be irregular.
The “capacitor under test” (CUT)
charges via VR2 and the 15kΩ resistor and eventually the voltage at the
input of IC1c (pin 10) will reach its
switching threshold and pin 8 will go
low. The capacitor is then discharged
by transistor Q1 which is driven from
the output of oscillator IC1a. The cycle
then repeats, with the capacitor being
charged again. The waveforms of Fig.3
illustrate the circuit operation.
This output pulse from IC2a is integrated by a 220kΩ resistor and a 1µF
capacitor to provide a DC potential to
the pin 3 input of op amp IC3, which
is connected as a voltage fol
Trimpot VR3 is used to set the output
at pin 6 to zero when the input is zero.
This “offset adjust” is most important
as an offset as low as 1mV is equivalent to a reading of 1pF on the most
sensitive range.
Since the output of IC3 must be able
to swing to zero, IC3 needs a negative
supply rail and this is provided by
IC1b which is connected as a 10kHz
oscillator. Its square wave output is
rectified by diodes D1 & D2 in a diode
pump circuit. The resulting DC supply
is about -3V.
Stray capacitance
Even with no external capacitor connected, the stray capacitance on the PC
boards and the interconnecting-wiring
will have to charge and discharge. This
stray capacitance will thus be seen by
the rest of the circuit as a capacitor
connected across the terminals. In effect, the stray capacitance will slightly
slow the charging and discharging of
the real capacitor under test.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
To compensate for the stray capacitance, we’ve added a delay circuit to
the pin 13 input of IC1d. The idea is to
provide the same delay to IC1d as the
stray capacitance causes to pin 10 of
IC1c. Then both delays will cancel out.
The delay circuit consists of a variable
resistor (VR1) and a 12pF capacitor.
VR1 can be adjusted so that with no
external capacitor connected, the output of IC2a (pin 11) always stays low.
So far then we have described all
the circuit you need if you plan to use
your multimeter as the readout. The
output of IC3 is can be fed directly to
a digital multimeter and the reading in
mV corresponds to the capacitance in
pF, nF or µF. So if the reading is 0.471V
and you are switched to the pF range,
the capacitance is 471pF.
Digital panel meter
Unfortunately, we can’t simply
feed the output of IC3 to a digital
panel meter to make the instrument
self-contained. This is because currently available digital panel meters
appear to take their reference from
their 9V supply rail and so their input
voltage needs to be offset with respect
to the 0V line. That means that the
panel meter usually needs a separate
isolated 9V power supply which could
be a big drawback.
Fortunately, John Clarke has figured out an elegant way to solve the
As the negative input of the panel
meter sits around 2.6-2.8V below the
positive rail (say 6.3V for a 9V supply),
we need an op amp to shift the output
of IC3 from a 0-1.999V range to a 6.38.2999V range. IC4 does this for us.
The output of IC3 is attenuated by
a factor of 4 by the two 20kΩ resistors
and the 10kΩ resistor connected to pin
3 of IC4, while the gain of 2 is determined by the 10kΩ feedback resistors
connected to pin 2. The 1.5MΩ resistor
has a negligible effect.
Thus, the 0-1.999V variation at the
output of IC3 is translated to a 1V
swing at the input of the digital panel
meter. Resistors RA and RB are chosen
to be 10kΩ and 39kΩ respectively for
the meter’s attenuator, which gives
it a full scale sensitivity of 1V for a
display of 1999.
Trimpot VR4 sets the panel meter’s
readout to zero when the output of
IC3 is zero. The decimal points on
the display are all tied to the OFF
connection through 100kΩ resistors.
Fig.3: these waveforms show the operation of XOR gate IC2a. The bottom
trace is the oscillator square wave while the top trace is the output with
a small capacitor under test. The middle trace shows the output
waveform for a larger capacitor. The output waveform is then integrated
(filtered) to produce a DC voltage which is proportional to capacitance.
To illuminate a decimal point it is
connected to the ON terminal by S1b,
the second pole of the range switch.
Power supply
As already noted, the Capacitance
Meter can be run from a 9V battery
or from a DC or AC plugpack. If you
plan to use a 9V battery, then you will
have to fit an on/off switch instead of
the plugpack socket. The 9V battery
then feeds the panel meter, IC3 and
IC4 directly and the 3-terminal 5V
regulator REG1.
REG1 supplies CMOS gates IC1 and
IC2. This is necessary to ensure that
the meter’s calibration does not vary
with changing supply voltage.
If you plan to use a plugpack, more
circuitry is required and this involves
diode D3 and the additional 3-terminal regulator REG2.
Diode D3 ensures that a DC plug
pack cannot cause any damage if it
is connected with the wrong lead
polarity. It then feeds REG2 which is
jacked up by 3.9V zener diode ZD1 so
that it delivers 8.9V to IC3, IC4 and
the digital panel meter. REG2 also
supplies REG1.
PC board assembly
The Digital Capacitance Meter uses
two PC boards as well as the digital
panel meter. The main PC board
houses most of the circuitry while
there is a smaller board for the range
switch. Before starting assembly,
check each PC board for defects such
as shorted or broken copper tracks
or undrilled holes. The diagram of
Fig.4 shows the details of the two PC
boards and all the interconnecting
You can begin by assembling the
switch board which mounts just the
3-position switch and three resistors.
Note that the specified switch is a
3-pole 4-position rotary type and it
will have to be changed to give just
three positions. This is done by removing the switch nut and washer,
then prising up the flat washer which
has a tongue on it. Move the tongue
to the next anticlockwise hole and
refit the washer and nut. It may sound
complicated but once you are actually doing it, it will be straightforward.
Make sure the switch provides three
positions before you solder it to the
Next, fit and solder the links, resistors and diodes into the main board,
then mount the trimpots, capacitors,
3-terminal regulators and transistor.
By the way, the 78L05 regulators
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 25
Fig.4: this is the complete wiring
of the Digital Capacitance Meter.
The LCD panel meter is shown
as well as the optional regulator
(REG2) required for plugpack
Fig.5: this diagram shows the
connections and formulas to be
used when calculating a
capacitor’s value for the
calibration method. The digital
multimeter used is assumed to
have a typical accuracy of 2%.
Once everything fits OK, wire the
boards together following Fig.4 carefully. Make the leads long enough to
be able to test the unit on the bench
but not too long or they will be a nuisance when assembling the boards
into the case.
When all the wiring is complete,
check your work carefully and then
apply power to the unit. The display should light and you should be
able to make some measurements
on capacitors although the readings
probably won’t be too close to the
mark at this stage. It will be need to
be calibrated.
Calibration procedure
look like ordinary plastic TO-92 transistors because they have the same
encapsulation. They don’t work like
transistors though, so don’t confuse
them with the TO-18 metal-encapsulated 2N2222 transistor.
Finally, mount the op amps and
lastly, the two CMOS ICs.
Once the two PC boards are assembled, it is time to work on the plastic
case which needs the cutout for the
LCD panel meter and the other holes
drilled. The specified panel meter
comes with a bezel surround so you
don’t need to be ultra-neat when
making the cutout for it.
It is easier to drill all the holes
in the plastic case and check that
everything fits before wiring the units
together. If you don’t intend to use
the LCD panel meter you may be able
to use a slightly smaller case.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Now that you have a working capacitance meter how do you calibrate
it? We have used 1% resistors on
the range switch, so range-to-range
accuracy should be within 1%. The
basic accuracy of the instrument
is set by the .01µF capacitor at the
input of IC1a, along with VR2 and
the associated 15kΩ resistor. The
input thresholds of IC1 also affect
the accuracy. These input thresholds
can have a variation in excess of 1V
from device to device, when using a
5V supply.
If we could get a precise .01µF
capacitor we could specify an exact
resistor value to replace the 15kΩ
resistor and trimpot VR2. Unfortunately, this would not solve the
input threshold variation problem.
These two photos show how the PC
boards and the LCD module all fit
inside the plastic case. Note that the
LCD module is optional – see text.
As well, virtually all MKT capacitors
have 10% tolerance (K), so we accept
the supplied value of the capacitor
and adjust the trimpot to calibrate
the meter.
Having said all this, we still need
an accurately known value of capacitor to carry out the calibration.
One way is to obtain five or more of
the same value (preferably .015µF or
.018µF) and measure them all using
the uncalibrated meter. Having measured them, add up the values and
calculate the average and then use
the capacitor which is closest to the
average as the calibration unit. The
problem with this method is that the
whole batch could have its tolerance
in the same direction.
If you have a digital multimeter
there is a much better way. Power up
an AC plugpack and set your DMM
to read AC volts. Connect a 150kΩ
resistor and a .015µF or .018µF capacitor in series across the AC output.
Measure the AC voltage across each.
We then use the formula shown in
Fig.5 to calculate the capacitor value.
By measuring the voltage across
the resistor we can calculate the
current through the capacitor and
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 27
on the panel meter’s PC board until
the correct reading is displayed.
Fault finding
Digital Capacitance Meter
Fig.6: this actual size artwork for the front panel can be used as a drilling
template for the switch and the display cutout.
we then divide the capacitor voltage by the capacitor current to find
its impedance. This method should
give you an accuracy better than
2%, depending on your multimeter’s
AC performance, although it does
assume that the mains frequency is
exactly 50Hz.
Once you know the capacitor’s
value you can use it to do the calibration. Firstly, with power applied
and nothing connected to the input
terminals, connect your multimeter
to pins E & F on the main PC board.
Adjust trimpot VR1 until the DC
voltage at pin 11 of IC2 is a minimum
(5-10mV depending on the setting of
VR3). Note that it dips to a minimum
then rises again. Then adjust VR3
until the meter reading is 0mV.
Connect the known capacitor
to the input terminals and, on the
appropriate range, adjust trimpot
VR2 for the correct reading. If you
get close but cannot reach the value,
add an extra capacitor in parallel
with the .01µF capacitor on pin
2 of IC1, as explained in the fault
finding section.
If you elected to use the Digital
Panel Meter, carryout the calibration described above, then adjust
VR4 for a zero reading with no capacitor connected. This done, connect the standard capacitor across
the terminals and adjust the trimpot
Fig.7: the actual size
artworks for the two PC
boards. Check your boards
carefully before installing
the parts.
The first check to make, if the circuit is not working, is to measure the
DC voltages. Check that the input to
REG1 is around 9V with either battery
or plugpack supply. Its output should
be 5V ±5%. If any of these voltages
are missing, you will have to trace
from where they are present along the
track (or tracks) to where they vanish.
Obviously, if the 9V battery supply
measures low or 0V, disconnect it
quickly as you may have a short and
the battery will be rapidly flattened.
For this reason, it is wise to use a
bench power supply with an ammeter, if you have one, to do the initial
Next, check the negative voltage at
pin 4 of IC3. This voltage will vary depending on the current drawn by IC4
but it should be somewhere around
-3V. If there is no negative voltage, it
is likely that IC1b is not oscillating,
so check the soldering and tracks
around this device and the polarities
of D3 and D4. When it is oscillating
the DC voltage at pin 6 should be
about +2.3V. The AC voltage should
be around 2.75V.
Similar DC and AC readings should
be present at pins 3 and 12 of IC1 and
pins 3, 6 & 8 of IC2. If you discover
any voltages that are wildly different
then you have found one (or all) of
your faults.
If you cannot adjust trimpot VR2
to get the meter reading high enough
then add a 470pF or .001µF capacitor
in parallel with the .01µF capacitor at
pin 2 of IC1. Provision has been made
on the PC board for this additional
capacitor. The value will depend
on all the component tolerances, as
previously explained.
Using it
Always start from the pF range
and turn the switch clockwise if the
readout indicates over-range.
The pF range covers from 1-1999pF;
the nF range covers 0.1nF to 199.9nF
(or if you prefer .0001µF to .1999µF);
and the last range covers .001µF to
1.999µF. If you don’t like nanofarads,
and would like the middle range to
display µF, disconnect the P1 decimal
point wire from S1b. Of course, you
will have to alter the label lettering to
agree with this modification.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Oscilloscopes, multimeters, counters, generators, meters,
probes and a great range of test equipment kits ESR/low Ohm meter, short turns tester,
transistor tester and more!
__,......_ .;;., ~
--~ ·
This Low Ohms Tester plugs directly
into a digital multimeter and can accurately measure resistances down to
0.01Ω. It’s easy to build and runs off a
9V battery.
Low ohms adaptor
for digital multimeters
The ability to measure low resistance values is necessary when items
such as meter shunts, loudspeaker
crossover networks, inductors and
contact resistances are to be checked.
Unfortunately, a standard digital
multimeter can only accurately measure resistances down to about 5Ω.
Resistors with lower values will give
misleading results due to a lack of meter resolution. A couple of examples
will serve to illustrate this point.
First, let’s assume that a resistance
of 0.1Ω is to be checked on a standard
3-1/2 digit multimeter. In this case,
you would have to switch down to
the 200Ω range (the lowest you can
select) and the reading would be 0.1Ω
±1 digit (ie, ±0.1Ω). In other words,
Fig.1: block diagram of the
Low Ohms Tester. It works by
applying a constant current
through the test resistor (Rx).
The voltage across Rx is then
measured using a DMM.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
the resolution of the DMM limits the
accuracy of the reading to ±100%
which is ridiculous.
This situation quickly improves
with increasing resistance values. For
example, a value of 1Ω will result in
a reading of 1.0Ω ±1 digit, assuming
that the 200Ω range is used. This
represents an accuracy of 10%. For
values above 10Ω, the accuracy of
the instrument will be 1% or better
since the resolution of the reading is
considerably improved.
This Low Ohms Tester overcomes
the limitations of conventional digital multimeters for low values of
resistance. It does this by applying
a constant current through the test
resistor Rx. The resulting voltage de-
Fig.2: the full circuit
for the Low Ohms
Tester. REF1, IC1 and
Q1 form a constant
current source for
the test resistor Rx.
The resulting voltage
across Rx is then either
measured directly or
amplified by IC2 before
being applied to the
veloped across Rx is then amplified
and applied to the DMM which is set
to read in millivolts. Fig.1 shows the
basic scheme.
As shown in the photos, all the circuitry is housed in a compact plastic
case. This carries a power switch,
a 4-position range switch and two
binding post terminals for the test
resistor. The output leads emerge from
the top of the instrument and are fitted
with banana plugs. These simply plug
into the COM and VΩ terminals of the
The output from the Low Ohms
Tester is a voltage (in mV) which is
directly proportional to the resistance
Main Features
Measures from 0.01Ω to 100Ω
Four ranges
Outputs to a digital multimeter
Battery operated
being measured. In practice, you simply multiply the reading on the DMM
by the range setting on the tester to
get the correct value. For example, a
DMM reading of 5.6mV when the 0.1Ω
range is selected is equivalent to 5.6 x
0.1 = 0.56Ω.
From this, it follows that if the 1Ω
range is selected, the reading on the
DMM is directly equivalent to the
value in ohms.
Values from 100Ω down to 0.01Ω
can be measured via the tester. Below
this, errors start to be significant due
to contact and lead resistance.
Values above 100Ω can also be
measured via the tester but this is
rather pointless. That’s because the
DMM alone can be used to accurately
measure values above this figure.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.2 for the complete
circuit of the Low Ohms Tester. It
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 31
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
its “+” and “-” terminals. This
device is connected between the
positive supply rail and ground
via a 5.6kΩ current limiting resistor. VR1 allows the reference
voltage to be adjusted slightly
and is used for calibration.
Op amp IC1 and transistor
Q1 function as a buffer stage
for REF1. Because this stage is
simply a voltage follower, the
voltage on Q1’s emitter will be
the same as the voltage on pin 3
of IC1. This means, in turn, that
the voltage across the resistance
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board
selected by S2b is equal to the
and complete the wiring as shown here.
REF1 voltage.
As a result, a constant current
consists of a constant current source
flows through the selected resistance
(which supplies the current through and this current also flows through
test resistor Rx) plus an amplifier stage
Q1, test resistor Rx and diodes D1 &
to drive the DMM.
D2 to ground.
IC1, REF1 and Q1 are the basis of
In greater detail, when S2b selects
the constant current source. REF1
positions 1, 2 or 3, the 2.4kΩ resistor
is a precision voltage source which
is in circuit and so has the REF1 voltprovides a nominal 2.490V between age across it. If REF1 is adjusted to
2.4V, then 1mA will flow through the
resistor and thus through Q1 and Rx.
Conversely, when S2b selects position
4, the constant current source delivers
10mA to Rx (assuming that VR2 is
correctly set).
IC2 functions as the amplifier stage.
This operates with a gain of either x10
or x100, as set by switch S2a. Switch
S2c selects between the collector of
Q1 and the amplifier output at pin 6.
Thus, when position 1 is selected,
the amplifier is bypassed and the DMM
directly monitors the voltage across
Rx. Because the constant current
source supplies 1mA through Rx in
this position, the reading in millivolts
is directly equivalent to the value of
Rx in ohms.
Conversely, when positions 2, 3 or 4
are selected, IC2 amplifies the voltage
across Rx and drives the DMM via its
pin 6 output. IC2 operates with a gain
of 10 when position 2 is selected and a
gain of 100 when positions 3 or 4 are
selected. These gain values are set by
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
white brown orange brown
brown black orange brown
green blue red brown
red yellow red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
red black brown brown
brown black brown brown
white brown black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
white brown black red brown
brown black black red brown
green blue black brown brown
red yellow black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
red black black black brown
brown black black black brown
white brown black gold brown
the impedance seen by this input to
that seen by the pin 2 input. This ensures that equal currents flow in the
two op amp inputs and this in turn
minimises the output offset voltage.
VR3 nulls out any remaining offset
voltage and is adjusted so that the
DMM reads 0mV when Rx is 0Ω (ie,
when the test terminals are shorted
One interesting point is that the
lower end of Rx is two diode drops
above ground, due to series diodes
D1 and D2. This ensures that IC2
operates correctly when the output
is only 1mV above the lower Rx connection point.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9V battery via power switch S1. Two
47µF capacitors across the supply
provide decoupling and lower the
impedance of the 9V rail, while LED1
provides power on/off indication.
The PC board carries nearly all the parts and is mounted by clipping it into
the guide notches of a standard plastic case. Note that the locking collar of the
rotary switch (under the mounting nut) must be set to position 4, as described in
the text.
the 1MΩ, 10kΩ, 1kΩ & 91kΩ resistors
in the feedback network.
In position 2, all four resistors are
connected in parallel to give a feedback resistance of 900Ω. IC2 thus
operates with a gain of 1 + 900/100
= 10. In the other three positions,
only the 1MΩ and 10kΩ resistors are
connected and these give a feedback
resistance of 9.9kΩ. The gain is now
1 + 9900/100 = 100.
Note that the 0.1µF capacitor is
always connected across the feedback
path, to reduce any high frequency
The 91Ω resistor at pin 3 matches
Most of the parts are mounted onto
a small PC board coded 04305961 and
measuring 60 x 100mm. The board
clips into the integral side pillars of
a plastic case measuring 130 x 66 x
Begin construction by checking
the PC board for shorted tracks or
small breaks. Check also that it clips
neatly into the case. Some filing of the
PC board sides may be necessary to
allow a good fit without bowing the
case sides.
Begin the board assembly by
installing the PC stakes. These are
located at the three external wiring
points and at the con
nections for
switch S1. This done, insert the
single wire link (it sits immediately
beneath VR3).
Next, install the resistors (see table
for colour codes), then install the
diodes and ICs, taking care to ensure
that they are oriented correctly. The
capacitors can go in next – note the
polarity of the two 47µF electrolytic
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 33
1 PC board, code 04305961, 60
x 100mm
1 front panel label, 62 x 125mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 66 x 43mm
1 9V battery holder
1 9V battery
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 3-pole 4-way PC mount rotary
switch (S2)
2 10kΩ horizontal trimpots
1 100Ω horizontal trimpot (VR2)
1 12mm knob
2 banana plugs
2 banana panel sockets
6 PC stakes
1 6mm ID rubber grommet
1 20mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 300mm length of hook-up wire
3 2.5mm screws and nuts
2 CA3140E Mosfet input op
amps (IC1,IC2)
1 BC328 PNP transistor (Q1)
1 LM336Z-2.5 reference (REF1)
2 1N914, 1N4148 signal diodes
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester or
monolithic ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 91kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 200Ω
1 5.6kΩ
1 100Ω
1 2.4kΩ
1 91Ω
1 1Ω 1% (for calibration)
Hook-up wire, tinned copper
REF1 and Q1 can now both be installed. Note that these two devices
look the same so make sure that you
don’t get them mixed up. LED1 is
mounted on the end of its leads so
that it will later protrude through a
matching hole in the front panel. For
the same reason, switch S1 is soldered
to the top of the previously installed
PC stakes.
Rotary switch S2 is mounted directly on the PC board. Ensure that it
has been pushed fully home and sits
flat on the PC board before soldering
its pins. This done, loosen the switch
mounting nut, lift up the star washer
and rotate the locking collar to position 4. This turns what was a 12-position rotary switch into a 4-position
rotary switch. Check that the switch
operates correctly, then do the nut up
tight again so that the locking collar
is secured.
The board assembly can now be
completed by mounting the trimpots
and fitting the battery holder. Note
that VR2 is a 100Ω trimpot, while
VR1 and VR3 are both 10kΩ types
so be careful with the values here.
The battery holder is secured to the
PC board using the 2.5mm mounting
screws supplied with it.
Final assembly
It’s now just a matter of installing
the board and the ancillary bits and
pieces in the case. First, attach the
front panel label, then drill holes for
the LED, switches S1 & S2, and the two
test terminals. A hole will also have
to be drilled in the top of the case to
accept a small grommet.
The PC board can now be clipped
into the case, the test terminals
mounted in position and the wiring
completed as shown in Fig.3. This
done, check that the switches and
the LED line up with the front panel
holes. Adjust the height of the LED
and switch S1 if necessary, so that
they fit correctly.
The leads to the meter run through
the grommetted hole in the top of the
case. Keep these leads reasonably short
and terminate them with banana plugs.
It will be necessary to trim the shaft of
switch S2, so that the knob sits close
to the front panel.
Test & calibration
Now for the smoke test. Apply
power and check that the LED lights
(if it doesn’t, check that the LED has
been oriented correctly). Now check
the supply voltages on IC1 and IC2
using a multimeter. In each case,
there should be about 9V between
pins 7 and 4.
If everything is OK so far, check
the voltage between pin 3 of IC1 and
the positive supply rail (ie, the voltage across REF1). Assuming VR1 is
centred, you should get a reading of
2.4-2.5V. Pin 2 of IC1 should be at the
same voltage as pin 3.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
0.1Ω 0.01Ω
VALUE per mV
Fig.5: this full-size artwork can be
used as a drilling template for the
front panel.
To calibrate the unit, follow this
step-by-step procedure:
(1) Monitor the voltage across REF1
and adjust VR1 for a reading of 2.4V
(this sets the constant current.
(2) Plug the Low Ohms Tester into
the DMM and short the Rx test terminals using a short length of 1mm
tinned copper wire.
(3) Select the 0.01Ω range and adjust
VR3 for a reading of 0mV on the DMM.
Check for a similar reading when the
1mΩ range is selected.
(4) Connect a 1Ω 1% resistor between the test terminals, select the
0.01Ω range and adjust VR1 again for
a reading of 100mV.
(5) Select the 1mΩ range and adjust
VR2 for a reading of 1V.
(6) Short the test terminals again
and verify that the DMM reads close
to 0mV for all ranges.
That completes the calibration procedure. The lid can now be attached
to the case, the knob fitted to S2 and
the unit pressed into service.
Ever been chasing a problem on a digital logic board and wasted a lot of time because you
were too lazy to get the scope out and plug it
in? What, you don’t even own one? This logic
probe will prove invaluable in
digital fault finding and only costs a few
All right. So what is a logic probe?
A logic probe is a small hand-held
device which indicates the logic
state at its input probe. The logic
level should only be ground (low)
or at the positive supply (high) but a
faulty device can have an output level
somewhere around half the supply.
Ideally, a logic probe should indicate
all three circuit states and that is what
this simple design does.
The probe has three LEDs which are
readily visible whether you are right
or left-handed. The red one indicates
a low level, the green one a high level
and the yellow one is lit whenever the
level changes from high to low.
You may wonder why we bothered
with the yellow indication. We have
just stated that if the level is low, the
red LED will light, if the level is high
the green one will be lit, and if the
level is changing from high to low
then obviously both will light.
The fault condition described above
can sometimes cause both LEDs to
come on and this would give us a false
indication. The yellow LED needs a
full high-low transition to light it,
thus eliminating any false indication.
How does it work?
As you can see from the circuit
of Fig.1 there is not much to it. A
4001 quad 2-input NOR gate is used
as it lets us make a monostable by
cross-coupling two gates. We’ll get
to that in a moment, so let’s start at
the input.
The probe tip is connected directly
to pins 5 & 6 of IC1b. The 10MΩ resistor holds those pins low and prevents
the input capacitance being charged
and staying high when the probe en
counters a momentary high level. The
output of IC1b is fed to pins 1 & 2 of
IC1a which in turn, drives the LEDs.
Note that since each gate effectively
inverts its input and there are two
signal inversions via these gates, the
output of IC1a is in phase with the
Thus when the input is low, the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 35
Fig.1: the circuit uses a 4001 quad 2-input NOR gate to
indicate high, low or fault logic conditions.
output of IC1a is low and the red LED
will be lit. When the input goes high,
the red LED will go out and the green
one will light.
The output of IC1b is also coupled
through a .001µF capaci
tor to one
input of IC1c. This input is held
low by the 10kΩ resistor to ground.
IC1c’s output, pin 10, is coupled via
the 0.18µF capacitor to the inputs of
IC1d. These inputs are held high by
the 100kΩ resistor which means the
output at pin 11 will be low.
A low to high transition at the
output of IC1b will pull pin 8 of IC1c
high and consequently pin 10 will go
low. This will pull pins 12 & 13 low,
taking pin 11 high and thus turning on
LED3. As pin 11 is also connected to
pin 9 of IC1c, it will hold the output
of IC1c low even after the initial logic
signal at pin 4 has charged the .001µF
The yellow LED will stay lit until
the voltage on the 0.18µF capacitor,
which is charging through the 100kΩ
resistor, reaches the switching threshold of IC1d. When it is reached, the
output of IC1d will go low, the yellow
LED will extinguish and the output of
IC1c will go high again.
Thus each high to low input transition will flash the yellow LED for
18ms. At low frequencies this is
readily apparent but as soon as the
input frequency is high enough, the
LED will appear to be lit continuously.
So just to sum up, if the red or
green LED is on, the logic circuit
being measured is indicating a valid
condition (ie, low or high), although
if you want a high and you get a low
you obviously have a problem.
Power for the Logic Probe comes
from the circuit being measured and
can be anywhere between 5V and
15V DC. Diode D1 protects the logic
probe if you accidentally make the
wrong supply connections (ie, wrong
polarity) to the circuit.
PC board assembly
We made the PC board as small
as possible, so you could fit it into a
smaller case than the one we used, if
you have one. We would have preferred a slightly narrower rectangular
case but the one we used is readily
available and inexpensive. On the
positive side, if you have large hands,
the size and shape of the specified
case is quite convenient to handle.
The assembly details for the Logic
Probe are shown in Fig.2 and are
quite straightforward. Don’t use an
IC socket for the 4001 as there is
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Fig.2: not shown on this wiring
diagram are the positive and
negative supply leads which clip
onto the circuit being measured.
Fig.3: actual size artwork
for the PC board.
not much depth in the case we have
specified. Use the PC stakes as they
are a convenient connection for the
LED leads. Keep the wires close to the
PC board when you solder them and
cut the top off the stakes or else they
will prevent you from assembling the
case properly.
Drill the three holes in the case for
This is the view inside the Logic Probe case. Note that the leads to the three
LEDs must be sleeved to avoid the possibility of shorts.
the LEDs and file a notch in the end
panel to bring the power wires out.
Make it small enough so that the wires
are lightly clamped when the case is
screwed together.
We secured the board inside the
case by using a small self-tapping
screw into one of the integral pillars.
But the pillar is very short and you
must be careful not to tighten the
screw too much otherwise it will
penetrate right through the case. If
you look closely at the inside photo
of the Logic Probe you will note that
we have placed a black fibre washer
underneath the screw head to avoid
this problem.
Another point to note about the
inside photo is that the LEDs should
have sleeving on their leads to avoid
A slot is cut in one of the end pieces of
the case for the power supply leads.
the possibility of shorts.
We used a probe from an old multimeter lead as the input prod but
failing this, a nail or a small gauge
screw with a filed point could be
pressed into service. I’m sure your
ingenuity won’t fail you here.
Connect the power leads to 5-12V
and the red LED should immediately light. If it doesn’t, you probably
have its leads reversed. Don’t worry
though, just make the connections
correctly and it should work properly.
Use your multimeter to measure the
voltage at pin 3 of IC1a. It should be
at ground potential; ie 0V.
Now put the probe on the positive
supply. This should extinguish the
red LED and light the green one.
As you remove the probe from the
supply, you should see the yellow
LED flash briefly. Tap the probe on
and off a few times until you see it.
The beauty of this device is that if
you connect it to a logic PC board with
a 5V supply, all the functions work
as described. But it can be connected
to any supply up to 15V with safety
and the logic thresholds will move to
track the supply.
It will work with all “C” & “HC”
devices as well as the older TTL range.
The upper frequency depends on the
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04104981, 50
x 26mm
1 small plastic case, Jaycar HB6030 or equivalent
1 red crocodile clip
1 black crocodile clip
3 5mm LED bezel clips
8 PC stakes
1 6mm long self-tapping screw
1 fibre washer (see text)
0.5m red hookup wire
0.5m black hookup wire
1 4001 quad 2-input NOR gate
1 1N914 small signal diode (D1)
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
1 5mm green LED (LED2)
1 5mm yellow LED (LED3)
1 0.18µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF MKT polyester or
monolithic ceramic
1 .001µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
1 10kΩ
1 100kΩ
3 1kΩ
supply voltage. With a 5V supply the
4001 should indicate up to 2-3MHz
and around three times this frequency
with a 15V supply.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 37
Low-cost trans
Mosfet tester f
base current from the DMM test circuit
may be less than it should be, another
source of inaccuracy.
Another drawback involves power
transistors. These typical
ly require
much more base current than small
signal transistors and so beta tests of
a power transistor using a DMM can
often give misleading results.
On the other hand, many of the top
brand digital multimeters do not have
a transistor test facility at all and this
is where the SILICON CHIP transistor
tester comes into its own.
Plug this adaptor into your
multimeter and measure the
beta of power transistors,
small signal types and small
signal Darlingtons. In this
case, the reading on the DMM
indicates that the transistor
has a beta of 81.
Transistor gain
This handy tester is designed to plug into a
digital multimeter to provide an accurate
measurement of transistor beta, to values up
to 50,000 & more. You can use it to test small
signal, power & Darlington transistors &, as a
bonus, it will also check Mosfets.
If you need to use transistors from
your junk box for your projects, it is a
good idea to test them before soldering them into circuit. Actually, this
is a good idea even if you have just
purchased the transistors because it
can stop you from soldering the wrong
type into circuit. But now that many
digital multimeters incorporate a simple transistor tester, why would you
want to build this adaptor?
Well, there are several drawbacks to
the typical “transistor test” facility in
most digital multimeters. First, most
will not measure transistor gains in
excess of 1000. Most ordinary transistors have a beta of less than 1000
but many Darlington transistors have
a beta far in excess of 1000 – up to
50,000 or more, in some cases. Also the
fact that Darlington transistors have a
base-emitter voltage drop of 1.2V or
more and they incor
porate internal
base-emitter resistors means that the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
You can use the tester to match transistors for gain or to decide whether an
unknown device is a Darlington (very
high gain) or a standard transistor. You
can also find out the transistor pin-outs
by trying all connection possibilities
until a valid gain measurement is
found. Similarly, you can determine
whether the device is NPN or PNP
by finding the polarity which gives a
gain reading.
Mosfets are used extensively in
SILICON CHIP circuits these days and
testing them can be difficult. With
this tester, you can obtain valuable
information about the condition of a
Mosfet. The test is not a gm measurement but it will give a good indication
of Mosfet gain.
The tester is housed in a small plastic case. Three flying leads with alligator clips are clipped to the device to be
tested. On the underside of the case are
two banana plugs which insert directly
into the “VΩ” and “common” inputs.
• Measure
s beta fr
om 1 to
• Plugs dir
over 50,0
ectly into
a digital
• Measure
s NPN a
r for beta
nd PNP
• Tests N-t
ype and
• Two test
pe Mosfe
• High beta se currents: 10µA an
• Battery o ccuracy and resolutio mA
n at mea
sured cu
• Suitable
for high im
• Short in
sistor &
for DMMs
0MΩ) mu
There are two toggle switches; one is
the NPN (N-type)/ PNP (P-type) switch
to select the device polarity and the
other is the 3-position range switch.
The digital multimeter is turned on
and a DC range selected, normally 2V
to start. Then you press the button and
the meter gives a reading. To convert
the reading to beta, just take the reading in millivolts. For example, if you
are on the 2V range and the reading
is 0.695V or 695mV, the transistor
beta is 695.
Alternatively, if the 200mV DC range
has been selected and the reading is
115mV, then the beta is 115.
Power is consumed only while the
Test button is pressed. If you want to
hold the reading on your multimeter,
press the “hold” button if it has one.
That is how we stored the reading for
the setup shown in the photograph
accompanying this article.
Fig.1: this is the basic beta
test setup with a fixed current
supplied to the base of the
transistor. If 100mV appears
across the 1Ω resistor, the
collector current is 100mA &
the beta is 100.
Fig.2: typical Darlington power
transistors have internal baseemitter resistors which means
that a minimum base current of
about 1mA is required to turn
them on. Most beta testers in
DMMs cannot supply this much
base current.
Multiplier switch
The 3-position multiplier toggle
switch needs some explanation. The
position marked “X1 POWER” is used
for testing power transistors and power Darlingtons. The other two settings
are used for small signal transistors.
The centre position marked “X1”
gives a result as described; ie, the
reading in mV is the beta. When on
the “X100” setting, the readings are
multiplied by 100 to give the actual
result. This position is intended for
small signal Darlington transistors
which can typically have a beta of
30,000 or more.
Mosfets are measured in a similar
Fig.3: this circuit shows the principle of operation of the Beta
Tester. The current source is shunted to ground by switch A.
When switch A opens, the current source drives the base of the
transistor & a voltage proportional to the collector current is
developed across R1. Switch B & capacitor C2 form a “sample
and hold” circuit which stores the voltage developed across R1 so
that it can be read as a DC voltage by the multimeter.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 39
S2: 1 : x1 POWER
2 : x1
ay 13
bx 2
100 15 b
11 A
Fig.4: the circuit of the Beta Tester uses a 7555 astable multivibrator (IC1) & a
4053 analog switch (IC2) to shunt the base current to the transistor.
manner to power transistors. A good
Mosfet will give a very high gain
If a device being tested has a short
between collector and emitter, the
“Short” LED will light. The LED will
also light when the wrong polarity is
selected for Mosfet and Darlington
Test method
Fig.1 shows the method of gain testing used in the circuit. The transistor
under test is connected in a common
emitter configuration with a 1Ω resistor for the collector load and a 1mA
current source for the base drive. A
transistor with a gain of 10 will produce a 10mV drop across the resistor.
However, there are a few problems
with this circuit. Firstly, for high gain
transistors, a high current will be
drawn from the supply and secondly,
some transistors will not handle the
The PC board is
mounted on the lid
of the case & secured
to it using the switch
nuts. Adjust the LED
leads so that it just
protrudes through the
lid after it is placed in
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Pulse testing
Because we cannot reduce the base
current we need to modify the circuit
in some other way to curb the excess
current which will otherwise be drawn
by high-gain transistors. Fig.3 shows
how this is done by pulsing the base
current with a short duty cycle. By
having a long period between each
base current pulse to the transistor,
the average collector current can be reduced to only a few milliamps. Capacitor C1 lowers the supply impedance
so that it can more easily deliver the
required high current pulses.
Switch A is normally held closed
by the pulse generator and thereby
shunts the current source to ground,
preventing the transistor from turning on. When switch A opens, the
current source drives the base of the
transistor and a voltage proportional
to the collector current is developed
across R1. Switch B and capacitor
C2 form a “sample and hold” circuit
which stores the voltage developed
D1 D3
D4 D2
120 1W
collector current without self-destructing.
Simply reducing the base current
and increasing the collector resistor
will drop the current but will not solve
the problem. This is because we need
the 1mA base current to drive power
Fig.2 shows the internal arrangement of power Darlington transistors.
This entails two transistors with the
emitter of the first transistor connected
to the base of the second transistor. In
addition, they also include base-emitter resistors. Resistor R1 can be as low
as 1kΩ while R2 is generally smaller
again. Since we must develop about
0.7V across the base and E1 of Q1
before transistor Q2 will switch on,
the base current into Q1 must be at
least 700µA.
Fig.5: follow this parts layout diagram when installing the parts on the
PC board. Note particularly the orientation of the contacts on switch S1
– see text.
across R1 so that it can be read as a
DC voltage by the multimeter. Hence,
when switch A opens, switch B closes
and “samples” the resultant collector
Resistor R2 is included for short
circuit protection. If a transistor is
connected incorrectly or if the collector and emitter leads are shorted
together, excess current will otherwise
flow. LED1 indicates whenever a short
is present and also lights briefly each
time the “TEST” button is pressed.
The type of measurement used in
Fig.6: typical pin-outs for various case
styles of transistor.
the beta tester gives us the DC gain or
hFE for the transistor. Mosfet devices are tested in a similar manner to
transistors. The current source will
charge up the gate to switch on the
Mosfet and a voltage proportional to
the Drain current will appear across
resistor R1.
Circuit operation
The complete circuit for the Beta
Tester is shown in Fig.4. IC1 is a 7555
CMOS timer connected as an astable
multivibrator set to run at about 43Hz
by the resistors and capacitor connected to pins 6 & 7. Its pulse train
output at pin 3 is high for 23ms and
low for 70µs.
Pin 3 of IC1 controls IC2, a 4053
triple 2-channel demulti
plexer. In
our circuit we are using the 4053 as a
2-pole switch, with IC2a closed when
IC2b is open, and vice versa. IC2a is
used to alternately shunt the base current to the transistor under test, while
IC2b is the sample-and-hold switch.
A crucial part of the circuit is the
2-pole toggle switch, S3. S3a & and
4-Band Code (1%)
orange orange yellow brown
blue grey red brown
brown black red brown
brown red brown brown
brown black brown brown
blue grey black brown
yellow violet black brown
brown black gold gold
5-Band Code (1%)
orange orange black orange brown
blue grey black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown red black black brown
brown black black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
yellow violet black gold brown
brown black black silver brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 41
The banana plugs are mounted close to the end of the
case & with a spacing of 19.5mm. Alternatively, set them
at the spacing to match your multimeter. Fig.7 at right
shows the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
S3b reverse the supply polarity to the
transistor under test so that NPN and
PNP devices can be tested. Since REF1,
an LM334Z constant current source
which supplies the base current, is
a polarised device, a bridge rectifier
ing of diodes D1-D4 ensures
that it is correctly polarised, regardless
of whether NPN or PNP devices are
being tested.
REF1 has its constant current programmed by the resistance connected
between its R and V- pins. This is
varied using 2-pole 3-position toggle
switch S2. This is actually a “2-posi
tion, centre-off” switch which is connected to vary both the base current
and the collector load resistor for the
device under test.
Position 1 of S2a connects a 68Ω resistor in parallel with a 6.8kΩ resistor
to provide a 1mA base current to the
transistor under test. In position 2, the
“centre-off” position, the 68kΩ resistor
by itself sets the base current to 10µA.
Positions 1 and 3 of S2b switch a 1Ω
resistor in parallel with 100Ω, while
the “centre off” position 2 leaves the
100Ω resistor by itself. Hence, for
power transistors and small signal
Darlingtons, the collector load resistor is 1Ω (shunted by 100Ω) while for
small signal transistors the collector
load is 100Ω.
Power for the circuit is derived
from a 9V battery which is applied
via pushbutton S1 to S3 via a 120Ω
resistor. This supply is decoupled with
two parallel 470µF capacitors which
provide the peak currents required.
When S1 is open, the supply rail
is discharged using the normally
closed contact to prevent any voltage
remaining on the circuit when the
switch is released. When the switch
is pressed, the 470µF capacitors are
initially discharged and so LED1 lights
momentarily. This provides a good
indication of battery condition at the
beginning of each test.
The Beta Tester is housed in a plastic utility case measuring 130 x 67 x
43mm. All the circuitry mounts on a
PC board coded 04306951 and measuring 92 x 61mm. This is secured to
the lid by the three switches.
You can begin the construction by
inserting PC stakes at the external
wiring points. This done, install the
resistors, links and diodes, followed by
the capacitors and lastly, the integrated
circuits. Make sure that the semiconductors and electrolytic capacitors are
correctly polarised.
The PC board is
attached to the lid of
the case and held in
place by the nuts of the
switches. Note that the
LED lead length needs
to be adjusted so that
the lens of the LED just
protrudes from the
front panel.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
the E and C terminals and with
S2 in the x1 power position
check that LED1 lights.
Now affix the Dynamark label
to the front panel and drill the
holes for switches S1-S3 and
LED1. The four corner holes in
the lid should also be drilled
out. One end of the case re
quires separate holes for the
three test leads which are fitted
with crocodile clips.
Drill 3mm holes for the
banana plugs so that they are
X1 +
mounted as close to the end of
the case as possible, 19.5mm
apart. The battery can be held
in place with a metal clamp or
with Velcro®.
You will need to remove the
internal ribs of the case so there
is sufficient clearance for the PC
board. You can do this job easily
with a sharp chisel.
Now connect up wires on the
board for the base, emitter and
collector test leads and for the
banana plugs. Attach the PC
board to the front panel by firstly placing a single nut on each
switch bush about 5mm down
from the top and then securing
the panel with a second nut
Fig.8: this full-size front-panel artwork for
on each switch bush. The LED
the Transistor Beta & Mosfet Tester can be
should be adjusted in height so
used as a drilling template for the case lid.
that it sits correctly in the front
panel hole.
Next, the switches can be installed.
Attach the meter output wires to
Note that pushbutton switch S1 must
the banana plugs and pass the B, C
be oriented in a particular way. You
and E wires through the holes in the
will find that its three contacts are
case. Terminate these wires to the
labelled C (common), NO (normally alligator or easyhook clips. Fit the
open; ie, when not pressed) and NC lid assembly into the case, attach
(normally closed). The contact posi- the screws and the tester is ready
tions should match the labelling on for service.
the copper pattern side of the board
(ie, NC contact toward the edge of
the board). Use the centre-off switch
Fig.6 shows typical pin-outs for
for S2.
various case styles of transistor. Use
Finally, LED1 is inserted so that it this to help with identifying the correct
sits at the same height as the switch
pin arrangement. When testing small
bushes. Do not cut its leads to length
signal transistors, use the x1 and x100
yet, so that it can be set to the correct small signal setting for S2.
height in the front panel later on.
There will be some differences
between readings on each range for
Initial tests
a given device under test. This is
Attach the battery clip leads to the
because transistor gain varies with
PC board and apply power. Connect
base current.
a multimeter between the negative
Mosfet “gain” values should be in
battery lead and pin 8 of IC1 and check
the region of 1000 or more and should
that there is about +8V present when
be tested on the x1 power position.
S1 is pressed. Similarly, check for a
The gate will only be pulled to about
similar voltage on pin 16 of IC2. Short
+6.5V due to the voltage drop across
1 PC board, code 04306951, 92
x 61mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 67 x 43mm
1 front panel label, 64 x 124mm
1 9V 216 battery & battery clip
1 SPDT momentary pushbutton
PC board mounting switch
1 DPDT centre-off PC mount
toggle switch (S2)
1 DPDT PC-mount toggle switch
7 PC stakes
2 banana plugs
2 3mm x 10mm screws & nuts
3 crocodile clips
1 50mm length of green hookup
1 50mm length of red hookup
1 100mm length of black hookup
1 100mm length of blue hookup
1 100mm length of yellow
hookup wire
1 100mm length of 0.8mm
diameter enamelled copper
1 7555, TLC555CN or
LMC555CN timer (IC1)
1 4053 triple 2-channel
demultiplexer (IC2)
1 LM334Z current source
4 1N4148, 1N914 signal diodes
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
2 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 330kΩ
2 100Ω
1 6.8kΩ
1 68Ω
2 1kΩ
1 47Ω
1 120Ω 1W
1 1Ω
REF1 and the bridge rectifier which is
usually not sufficient to turn a Mosfet
fully on. Consequently, the Mosfet will
be operating in the linear region.
Note that the polarity indication on
the multimeter will differ, depending
on the setting of the NPN/PNP switch
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 43
Low-cost circuit gives + 15V,
15V or ± 15V
Universal power supply
There is more than one way to skin a cat they
reckon, and the same applies to designing a power
supply. This small board enables you to obtain
+ 15V, - 15V or ± 15V DC from a number of
different transformer and rectifier combinations.
It's a problem that has confronted us on a number of occasions
over the years; many circuits require ± 15V DC rails or one or the
other and, in each case, a suitable
printed circuit board has to be
designed. So we decided to· solve
this problem for a number of different transformer combinations.
One common situation is when
you are powering a circuit from a
12VAC plugpack transformer but
you want ± 15V rails, using
3-terminal regulators. Sounds difficult? Nope, piece of cake. Just use
two half wave rectifiers to obtain
the positive and negative rails and
then follow with the regulators.
Or maybe you have a more conventional situation with a 12VAC
transformer such as the Ferguson
PF2851 (or equivalent). To obtain
± 15V DC the circuit is the same.
But if you have a 30VAC centretapped transformer such as the one
from Altronics (Cat. No. M-2855),
you then use a bridge rectifier,
followed by the filter capacitors
and 3-terminal regulators.
Anyway, you get the general
idea. We are presenting one PCB
pattern and showing how to use it
in four different ways, depending
on what your requirements a re and
This version of the universal power supply board uses half-wave rectifiers
and two 3-terminal regulators to give ± 15 rails (see Fig.1). Note that the LED
indicator circuit was added after this photo was taken.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
what transformer you are using.
Actually, there are other options
and we'll mention those later.
The board measures 71 x 52mm
(code 04106881) and was used for
the first time in the Studio 200
Stereo Control Unit, part two of
which was featured in the July
issue. We are using it again in the
AC Millivoltmeter described
elsewhere in this issue.
The circuit variations
Fig.1 shows the first circuit situation presented above and could be
used with I a 12VAC plugpack or
with any chassis mounting transformer with an output voltage or 12
to 15 volts AC. You can regard the
circuit in two ways. First, as two
half-wave rectifiers, Dl and D2, .
producing filtered but unregulated
DC supply rails of ± 18-22V, depending on the transformer secondary voltage.
The other way of regarding the
circuit of Fig.1 is as a conventional
half-wave voltage doubler circuit
which has been "centre-tapped" at
the junction of the two 1000µF
capacitors. Either way, the result is
the same.
Because Dl and D2 function as
half-wave rectifiers, the ripple
voltage superimposed on the DC
supplies will be 50Hz. This may or
may not be a problem but, for a
given current drain from the supplies, the ripple voltage will be
slightly more than twice the 100Hz
ripple obtained if the bridge rectifier circuit of Fig.2 is used.
Fig.2 may be used with the 30V
centre-tap M-2855 transformer
supplied by Altronics or the 24V
centre-tap model from Tandy (Cat.
No 273-7013). Following the bridge
rectifier diodes, the unregulated DC
voltage will be again be ± 18-22V,
depending on the transformer.
The 3-terminal regulators to be
used will normally be 7815 or
LM340T-15 (or other variants) for
supply roils
board for op amp circuits
::t 15V Supply (See Fig.1)
1 PCB, code 04106881, 71 x
1 2851 power transformer with
12.6V secondary
2 1N4002 silicon diodes
1 7815 3-terminal regulator
1 7915 3-terminal regulator
2 1000µ.F 25VW PC-mount
electrolytic capacitors
2 100µ.F 25VW PC-moun_t
electrolytic capacitors
2 0. 1µF metallised polyester
capacitors (greencaps)
1 red LED
1 1.5k0 0.25W resistor
Fig.1: this dual polarity version uses a 12-15V transformer to drive
half-wave rectifiers (D1 and D2) and two 3-terminal regulators.
Alternative ::t 15V Supply
(See Fig.2)
1 PCB, code 04106881, 71 x
1 M-2855 power transformer
4 1 N4002 silicon diodes
1 7815 3-terminal regulator
1 7915 3-terminal regulator
2 1000µ.F 25VW PC-mount
electrolytic capacitors
2 100µ.F 25VW PC-mount
electrolytic capacitors
2 0.1 µ.F metallised polyester
capacitors (greencaps)
1 red LED
1 1 .5k0 0 .25W resistor
Fig.2: in this circuit, a centre tapped transformer and bridge
rectifier are used to drive the 3-terminal regulators.
Fig.3: this single supply circuit uses D1 and D2 to provide full wave
rectification from a centre-tapped transformer.
the + 15V supply. For the negative
rail, the equivalent types are 7915
or LM320T-15 (or other variants).
The output side of the regulators
have 100µF and 0. lµF capacitors
connected to ensure good transient
response and stability. We also
made provision for a LED (light
emitting diode) power indicator fed
via a resistor from the positive
Fig.5: here are the pinouts for the
3-terminal regulators and the LED.
Single supply versions
Fig.3 is a single supply version of
the board using a 30V centre-tap
(CT) or 24V CT transformer. Here,
Dl and D2 provide full wave rectification and the resulting ripple is
100Hz. The unregulated DC voltage
will be between + 18-22V.
Fig.4 is a single supply circuit using a 12 or 15V transformer feeding
a bridge rectifier. Again, the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 45
can be 1.5k0 for + 12 or + 15V outputs, reduced to 6800 for 8V outputs and to 4700 for 5V outputs.
The LED can be omitted, of course,
in which case the limiting resistor
can be left out too.
Other variants
You can also produce a single
(positive) supply version of Fig.1 if
you wish, by leaving out D2, the
negative 3-terminal regulator and
the three associated capacitors. Or,
if you want a negative supply version, leave out Dl, the positive
3-terminal regulator and its three
associated capacitors.
Fig.4: single supply version using a 12·15V transformer and a
bridge rectifier. The unregulated DC voltage will be between
unregulated DC voltage will be between + 18-22V with ripple at
instead of the lO00µF units shown
on the circuits.
Less than 15V supplies
All the circuits presented here
are good for several hundred
milliamps but those which use full
wave rectification will naturally be
able to extract more current from
the given transformer.
If you want more current, a bigger transformer will be required
and the regulator(s) will have to be
fitted with heatsink(s). It is also a
good idea to go for bigger filter
capacitors; ie, 2200µF or 2500µF,
Want less than 15V? No problem,
you can install 12V regulators instead although for a given current
drain their dissipation will be
slightly higher.
You can also go for 5V or 8V
regulators if you wish although
then it would be wise to reduce the
transformer secondary voltage
from 30V CT to 15V CT for Fig.2
and to around 6-7V for Fig.1.
The LED current limiting resistor
-- ..£..g o~~:c::
Wiring them up
We have shown four w1rmg
diagrams for the circuits depicted
in Figs.1 to 4. There are only two
particular wrinkles to watch out for
when wiring up these boards. First,
watch out for the polarity of diodes
and capacitors. Second, note that
the pinouts for the positive and
negative regulators are not the
i"C) x;),-•
ifl!iis POSmVE
Fig.6: parts layout diagram for the circuit shown in
Fig.1. The value of R depends on the supply rail
(see text).
Fig.7: this parts layout diagram corresponds to the
circuit shown in Fig.2. Take care with component
« .. 'J
-__:::., g
Fig.8: parts layout the single supply version shown in
Fig.3. A centre-tapped transformer must be used.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Fig.9: parts layout for the circuit shown in Fig.4.
Don't forget to install the wire link.
This 2-line Telephone Exchange Simulator can be used to test
telephone handsets, fax machines, modems, answering machines
and other telephone equipment such as diallers on burglar alarms.
It contains the all the circuitry necessary to accept decadic (pulse)
or DTMF (tone) dialling.
Telephone Exchange
Simulator For Testing
Have you ever wanted to test the modem
section on a piece of electronic equipment but
were unable to afford the luxury of a small
PABX? Or are you in the production side of
electronics and need to simulate a telephone
exchange to test the finished
product? Well, this Telephone Exchange
Simulator can overcome these problems.
Testing faulty or new pieces of tele
phone equipment over the switched
network is illegal and can incur
large fines if you are detected. Best
not to do it. What you really need is
a test box which can automatically
detect decadic or tone dialling and
can display the progress of a call via
LEDs on the front panel. The unit to
be described can also be an interface
between your fax machine and PC,
enabling you to scan in documents
or pictures.
Modems and faxes present a real
problem if you want to test them.
Say you have a fully approved and
working modem or fax and you want
to test it out. Sure, you can legally
test them over the phone lines but
you need two phone lines to do it and
that’s not always easy. It might be easy
enough if you have two lines coming
into your residence but if yours is
a commercial organisation, getting
access to telephone lines which are
already connected to your PABX is
not convenient or legal either. So this
Telephone Exchange Simulator fills a
real need.
The Telephone Exchange Simulator
is housed in a plastic instrument case
and has a telephone socket on each
side. You can connect two telephone
handsets and place a call between
them, in either direction. The phones
can use either decadic (ie, pulse) or
tone (DTMF) dialling and the unit
will automatically detect either mode.
In the following example, a tele
phone will be used to illustrate the
call procedure but it could be any sort
of appliance that might use the public
switched telephone network (PSTN).
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 47
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
C Q9
PNl00 1N4007
RLYl _ _ _ _ _...;..:.::....:....._,..
--~ I
- -
- -
C22 +
1000 •
":" 4
10kt, 0.1
C12 .&.
20 PAO
22 PA2
24 PA4
C19.&. C27 ii
~I_ 1O.lI
.___ _ _-'-IAIN
XO 9
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 EN MC145436
lM 3.58MHz
.----'-14""' D4
XI 10
112 18
]l DS
l D2
I c2s J.i ~
0.l +35VW-.,.
rCo ' ~..~OLUME
C24 +
470 •
1 14 1 ,
47 _
~ f
-C30 +
470 •
. 1N4007
Fig.1 (left): the heart of the circuit is
the 68705P3 processor which controls
all the phone functions apart from
DTMF decoding which is done by IC3.
A call is made in this way: lift the
handset of one telephone and listen
for dial tone. At this point both the
should be on, signifying that a call is
in progress. Also an audible sound
should be heard from the internal
speaker. Start dialling, noticing that
the dial tone disappears and either
the DTMF LED or the LOOP LED are
flashing, in accordance with the digits dialled. If the exchange receives
a correct number, ring tone will be
heard in both the speaker and the ear
piece as well as an audible ringing of
the phone.
If the called phone is answered, the
second LOOP LED and the CONNECT
LED will light, showing that the call
is connected. A speech path is now
formed from one telephone to the
This simple test procedure will
not only enable you to test typical
telephone handsets but it is also very
useful for testing cordless phones.
And as already noted, it will let you
test fax machines and modems and
answering machines too.
Some useful terminology
Listed below are some terms that
may be useful:
On hook: the telephone receiver is
on the phone and the phone is disconnected from the line.
Off hook: the telephone receiver is
off the phone and the phone is connected to the line.
Dial tone: the sound you hear when
you first pick up the receiver before
you start dialling.
Ring tone: the sound you hear when
the exchange is calling the other end.
Busy tone: the sound you hear when
you have called the other end but their
phone is in use.
No progress tone: the sound you
hear when the wrong number has
been dialled.
How it works
Fig.1 shows the complete circuit of
the Telephone Exchange Simulator.
At the heart of the circuit is IC1, a
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 49
Where To Buy A Kit
A complete kit of parts for the Telephone Exchange Simulator is available
from the author who owns the design copyright. This kit includes all components, including the programmed microprocessor, transformers and case.
The price is $190.00 plus $8.50 for postage and packing. If the documented
source code is required on disk, please add a further $20.00.
Please make payments (Postal Orders only) payable to M. Zenere, 1/83
Headingley Road, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149. Telephone (03) 9806 0110.
Also available is a kit for the Magnetic Card Reader featured in the January
1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. The Card Reader can store up to eight magnetic
cards in memory and can be used as a door lock. The kit price is $68.00
plus $7 for postage and packing.
68705P3 single chip microcontroller.
This device is a complete computer
on a chip and controls the entire exchange simulator.
This device is somewhat old now
but as they are in plentiful supply
and fulfil the requirements of this
project, they were used. A review
of the functions of the 68705P3 was
featured in the September 1992 issue
Another key feature of the circuit
is the two Line Loop Detectors, comprising zener diode ZD1, diode D9
and transistor Q8 for the first detector
and ZD2, D13 and Q9 for the second
Line loop detectors
Line loop detectors are the curse
of the telephone exchange designer
and at first glance these two line
loop detectors may appear to be quite
simple but the amount of design time
and testing that went into this part
of the circuit was enormous. In fact,
more time was spent getting this part
of the circuit to work properly than
was spent on the rest of the project,
including writing the article.
The line loop detectors are used
to sense a low resistance loop in the
line; eg, someone has lifted a handset.
It was decided that a loop current
of 20-25mA minimum would be
required to cause the Simulator to
accept that a call was being made.
Looking at the line one circuit, we
can see that the basic telephone circuit is made up of +50V, resistor R15,
RLY2 contacts, the telephone handset
itself, RLY2 contacts, resistor R17 and
ground. With the telephone on-hook,
the line appears as an open circuit to
the exchange and as such, no voltage
is developed across R17.
When the telephone handset is
lifted, a low resistance loop is placed
across the TIP and RING of socket
J1 and as current flows through the
loop, a DC voltage is developed across
resistor R17. Just how much voltage
depends on the type of telephone,
modem or whatever is making the call.
But in any case, we need to produce
around 12V across R17 to get our 2025mA flowing through the circuit.
When the voltage across R17 reaches or rises above this level, the loop
detector comes into play. Zener diode
ZD2 conducts via diode D13 and feeds
current into the base of transistor Q9
to turn it on. This pulls pin 23 of IC1
low, which signals to the processor
that a call is under way.
“So what’s so hard about loop detection?” you may ask. Well not much
at this point but let’s go to the other
end where after the correct number
has been dialled by the calling end,
bursts of 50Hz ring current are fed out
to the called telephone.
The exchange is now in calling
mode and is sending bursts of 50Hz
at 200V peak-to-peak imposed on
50V DC at one instant and then in the
next, is sending 50V DC to line. This
means that at any time the called end
answers the call, the telephone may
be seeing anything between +150V to
-50V in the ring cycle or straight 50V
DC. In any case we want the exchange
to answer the call within a short time
and to turn off the ring current.
To help with the explanation, let’s
divide this up a bit.
Case 1: Relay RLY4 is not operated
as we are between ring bursts, thus we
are sending 50V DC to line. The circuit
path is now +50V, R16, RLY4 contacts,
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
the telephone, RLY4 contacts, resistor
R21 and ground (ie, 0V).
No current flows in the loop until
the telephone is answered at which
point more than 12V appears across
resistor R21. This causes zener diode
ZD1 to conduct via diode D9, causing
base current to flow into transistor Q8
which now turns on. This pulls pin
22 of IC1 low; the processor is now
Case 2: Relay RLY4 is operated as
we are sending ring current to the
line. The circuit path is now +50V,
ring transformer T1, RLY4 contacts,
the telephone, RLY4 contacts, resistor
R21 and ground.
Remember, at this point the tele
phone is unanswered but a capacitor
in the phone passes the AC to the
bells or ringer and causes voltage
fluctuations across resistor R21. These
may well be enough to turn on the
line loop detector if the voltage rises
above +12V, causing the exchange to
think the phone has been answered.
This is where the problem lies, as
how can the exchange tell if the call is
being answered or it is being tricked
by the ring current? The answer lies
in the software.
Let’s assume that the capacitor in
the phone is quite large and is causing
a 50Hz AC signal to appear at the line
loop detector. This in turn is causing a
signal to be sent to the processor. Anything above 12V will cause the line
loop detector to be on and anything
below 12V will cause it to be off.
As the 50Hz AC ring signal is symmetrical, the line loop detector will be
on for less time than it is off. How can
this be? Well, a complete cycle takes
20ms so each peak is active for 10ms.
This would normally send a square
wave to the processor but as we need
to reach +12V before the loop detector
operates, the signal to the processor
now has a longer on time than off time.
When the call is answered, the line is
biased positive by the +50V rail on
one side of transformer T1.
This has the effect of lifting the
line DC potential and causing the line
loop detectors to be more on than off.
The signal to the processor now has a
longer off time than on time. During
the calling cycle the processor is doing
what we will call a data acquisition
on its associated line loop detector
port pin. In this case, line two’s line
loop detector is being read by the
software at 800 times a second and
a record is kept of its on and
off times. This information is
sent through a subroutine in
software and if the conditions
are right the call is deemed to
be answered.
Power supplies
The Telephone Exchange
Simulator requires five different supply rails to work
properly and these are derived mainly from a 12V AC
transformer. The different
sections are described below.
The logic side of the board
draws around 150mA and
its 5V rail is derived from
the 12V secondary winding
using a half-wave rectifier D1
and a 2000µF filter capacitor
C26. This feeds 3-terminal 5V
regulator REG1.
There are two 12V supplies
one of which powers the
audio section of the circuit
involving dual op amp IC2
while the other 12V rail
powers the relays. Separating
the relay circuitry from the
op amp section helps reduce
noise and distortion.
The first 12V source is
derived via diode D2 and capacitor C30, while the second
12V rail source is derived
from diode D1 and capacitors
C25 and C14.
+50V supply
Three diodes, D6, D7 &
D8 and three capacitors C22,
C23 & C24 make up a voltage
Fig.2: the component layout of the PC board. The LEDs are bent at rightangles to
tripler from the 12VAC and
protrude through the front panel.
this produces around 50VDC.
This voltage is used to drive
the telephone handsets and
provide our speech path to the other will stop sending ring current in a
When the processor is running
very short period. The two line re- properly, it toggles its EXCHANGE
lays RLY2, and RLY4 were needed to
OK port pin every second or so which
200V supply
totally isolate the high voltage from
temporarily turns on transistor Q5 and
The voltage to ring a standard issue
the rest of the circuit.
discharges C15.
Telstra phone is quite high and conWhile C15 is unable to charge via
Watchdog circuitry
sidering a customer could be over 4km
R18 and R26, the output of the 555
from the exchange a voltage of 200V
timer stays high, allowing the proThe watchdog circuitry is used to
peak-to-peak (70V RMS) is required. prevent the processor from “locking cessor to continue normal operation.
The simplest way to provide this is up” and thereby causing the unit to If the program were to lock up, Q5
to use a step-up transformer fed from
become inoperative. The circuit em- would remain off and allow C15 to
ploys a 555 timer IC4 which is used in charge thus switching pin 3 of the
Notice that one side of the output an astable mode to reset the processor.
555 low. The reset line of the prowinding is tied to +50V DC so that If allowed, IC4 would oscillate at a cessor would now be pulled low via
if the called end is answered in the
frequency of about 0.25Hz, as set by diode D11 and is held low until the
middle of a ring burst, the simulator
555 changes state. At this point the
the values of R18, R26 and C15.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 51
Professional Telephone Test Equipment
LB200 phone
test set.
LB100 phone
test set.
processor starts again and continues
its pulsing of its port pin.
Audio monitoring
When testing equipment, it is useful
to hear what is being sent from the
calling end or even from one caller to
another. With DTMF dialling, tones
are sent from the telephone to the
exchange and are decoded by a special
chip. If you suspect your telephone or
modem is not sending DTMF you will
be able to pick it up.
Capacitor C18 is used to provide
DC isolation between op amp IC2b
and the external telephone circuit.
When an AC signal appears (due to
DTMF, tones or voice) across C18
they are amplified by IC2b. This op
amp drives a complementary output
stage consisting of transistors Q6 &
Q7 and these drive the loudspeaker
via coupling capacitor C28.
Relay driver
One of the side-benefits to the
deregulation of the Australian telephone industry is increased access
to installation, service and maintenance work for approved personnel.
However, the availability of suitable
equipment has sometimes been a
A Brisbane company, Telephone
Technical Services, recognised the
tone generator
TG100 ►
tone tracer
need for a range of high-quality telephone and line test equipment and
is now importing the US-made “TestUm Inc” range.
Of particular interest are the phone
test sets (called “butt phones”)
which offer a broad range of testing
facilities. There are two in the range,
the “Lil’ Buttie” LB100 and the “Lil’
Buttie pro” LB200.
The big difference between
the two is an LCD panel on
the Pro model which reveals
even more information about
the line under test, including
on-hook voltage, off-hook
current, the number dialled,
stored numbers, setup and
call waiting information and
even call ID information.
Other equipment in the
Test-Um range includes the
TG100 tone generator, the
TT100 tone tracerm the
TP100 “Tell-All” tester for
both phone and data lines,
and similar devices.
For further inforrmation, contact Telephone
Technical Services on (07)
3286 6388, fax (07) 3286
6399, or visit their website
(see advert page 55).
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Under normal conditions the processor’s port pins are low, thereby
leaving the relay driver transistors in
the off state. When the processor wishes to enable a relay its associated port
pin goes high and causes base current
to flow to the transistor which turns
on to operate the relay. The diode
across each relay coil prevents any
spikes from damaging the associated
transistor when it turns off.
Tone injector
When making a call, certain tones
are sent to the calling end to inform
the user as to what’s happening; eg,
ring tone, busy tone or no progress
tone (wrong number). The tones are
injected in the following way. One
port pin is used to try and reproduce
all of the tones required. This process
comes pretty close to doing what we
IC2a is configured as an amplifier
with its gain set by trimpot VR1 and
resistor R10. The signal waveform
from the processors is rounded off by
R32 and C6 and it is then coupled by
C29 to the op amp which amplifies it
and sends it out to line via R13 and C7.
DTMF detection
DTMF (dual tone multi frequency)
detection is done using IC3, a Motorola MC145436 tone decoder which
receives the incoming tones via a
filter network comprising resistors
R12 & R14 and capacitor C11. When
Inside the Telephone Exchange Simulator. Note that the PC board and wiring
layout of the prototype pictured here has been fairly significantly modified in
the final PC board depicted in Fig.2.
a valid tone is detected the DV line
(pin 12) of IC3 goes high, signalling
to the processor that a digit is being
pushed. At this point the processor
enables the decoder’s output pins by
taking the EN line high (pin 3) and
reads in the data.
Assembly procedure
Most of the circuitry of the Tele
phone Exchange Simulator is accommodated on a PC board measuring
161 x 128mm. The components off
the board are the power transformer
and speaker.
By the way, the prototype shown in
the photos has undergone a number
of fairly substantial changes so the assembly notes apply only to the circuit
of Fig.1 and the PC component layout
of Fig.2. Note also that the prototype
photos show two power transformers
inside the rear panel but the final ver-
sion uses just one power transformer.
You can begin the PC board assembly by mounting the four standoffs,
one on each corner of the board. Next,
all of the resistors, links relays, diodes
and capacitors can be soldered in.
Screw the 7805 regulator to the heatsink with the screw, washer and nut
provided and solder this into place.
The remainder of the components,
with the exception of the ICs can then
be mounted.
This done, mount the two telephone sockets and transformer and
glue the speaker onto the side of the
case with some silastic.
You will need to drill holes for the
mains fuse and cordgrip grommet for
the mains power cord. The mains wiring can be run, taking care to insulate
with heatshrink any exposed termi
nals. Don’t forget to attach the earth
wire to a solder lug separately bolted
to the case rear panel. An earth wire
should also be run from this point
to a solder lug securely bolted to the
front panel (not shown on photo of
Temporarily connect up the sockets, speaker and transformer with
longer pieces of wire to enable you to
test the board out of the case.
Before proceeding, it is well to note
that although the ring transformer (T1)
looks fairly insignificant, it puts out
quite a bite if you get caught across its
output. I found this out the hard way!
Without any ICs plugged in, turn on
the power and check voltages around
the board, especially the supply rails
to the processor. If all is OK, turn off
the power and plug in the ICs. Turn
on the power again and use a small
screwdriver to short out the TIP and
RING connectors of each telephone
line in turn. Each time you do so,
the LOOP LED for that line should
come on.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 53
Use cable ties to neatly secure the wiring and insulate the terminals of the
fuseholder with heatshrink tubing, to prevent accidental contact with the mains.
Be sure to earth both the front and rear panels of the case (see text).
Plug a phone in at each end and lift
one of the receivers. Listen for dial
tone and use trimpot VR1 to set the
tone to the desired level. If the tone
level is too high, you may swamp the
DTMF from the phone, causing the
Exchange to miss any dialled digits.
Also at this time use the volume
control (VR2) on the front panel to set
the volume coming out of the speaker.
With the receiver off hook, hit some
of the keys on the telephone and listen for tones through the speaker. If
all seems well, you can shorten the
wires and solder them to the posts. If
you have connectors that are spaced
at 0.1 inch you can use these instead
of hard wiring.
Storing a telephone number
As this is a two-line telephone exchange simulator we need a telephone
number for each end. These are stored
in the serially fed EEPROM, IC5. Pick
up one end and wait for dial tone. Hit
*6805 and wait for two beeps before
dialling in your telephone number of
up to 20 digits in length. When this
is done, hit the # button to terminate
and wait for two beeps. You have
now programmed that extension with
its own number. Do the same for the
other end and yes, you are allowed to
have the same number at both ends.
Detailed talk-through
For this procedure we’ll assume a
phone is plugged in at each end.
Lift the handset for line one. This
causes a voltage of more than 12V to
appear across the line loop detectors,
thus signalling the processor.
The exchange now realises that
you want to make a call so it switches
RLY1 over and starts injecting Dial
tone out through its port pin, through
op amp IC2a where it is amplified,
through RLY1, through C1 and out
to the line.
At the same time, the tone is also
fed to op amp IC2b via C18 and R27
where it is amplified and buffered by
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
transistors Q6 & Q7. This audio is now
heard through the speaker. The user
starts dialling and the tones are passed
by C1 back through RLY1, through C10
and the filter network to the DTMF
decoder, IC3. Once a tone pair has
been recognised, DV (pin 12) on the
MC145436 goes high, signalling to
the processor to get the data in. The
digit is retrieved and stored until the
whole number is complete or until
it gets a wrong digit, at which time
the “No progress” tone is sent back
to the caller.
Once the correct number has been
loaded, the exchange starts toggling
RLY4, causing bursts of ring current
to be fed out to line. Also ring tone is
sent back to the user to indicate what
is happening. If the second phone is
answered, the line loop detector signals to the processor to stop sending
ring current and RLY4 remains in its
normal state.
The ring tone is stopped and RLY3
operates, causing a speech path to be
established. The call is now complete.
During the progress of the call the
LEDS on the front panel will be operSC
ating to indicate the progress.
Logic probe with
7-segment display
This logic probe uses a 7-segment
display to show logic states rather
than the conventional approach of
using LEDs.
The display shows “1” for a high
logic state and “0” for a low. This
can be useful when troubleshooting
8-bit decoding circuits.
The circuit uses an LM393 dual
comparator set up as a “window”
comparator. The switching thresholds of the two comparators are set
by the 3-resistor divider connected
to pins 5 & 2 while the input signal
is connected via a 10kΩ resistor to
pins 6 & 3. D9 & D10 provide input
protection while capacitors C7-C10
provide filtering to prevent false
When the input signal is high,
IC1a’s output goes low to turn on
segments a, b, c, d, e & f, via diodes
If the input signal is low, IC1b’s
output goes low to turn on segments
b & c via diodes D7 & D8.
Note that the circuit is only suitable for CMOS logic operating at 5V.
T. Jackson,
Dural, NSW. ($35)
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 55
Measure resistance up to 2200 gigohms!
Insulation Tester
This high-voltage insulation tester
can measure resistance from 1-2200
gigaohms. It is battery powered and
displays the readout on a 10-step LED
bargraph display.
In all cases, when ever mains-operated equipment has been built or repaired, it is wise to test the insulation
resistance between active and neutral
to earth. This will verify that there is
no leakage path to earth which could
lead to a serious breakdown later on
or pose a hazard to the user if the earth
connection fails.
Of course, a multimeter set to the
high ohms range can often detect
insulation problems but this is not
always a valid test. That’s because a
multimeter only produces a very low
value test voltage (around 1.5V) and
many types of insulation breakdown
occur at much higher voltages.
Another problem with a normal
multimeter is that it will only show
overrange for “good” insulation
measurements rather than the actual
value of the resistance. This is because
tion resistance measurements
usually result in readings of thousands
of megohms (ie, gigaohms – GΩ) rather
than the nominal 20MΩ maximum
value for a multimeter.
The Insulation Tester described here
is a self-contained meter which will
measure very high values of leakage
Fig.1: block diagram of the Insulation
Tester. The stepped-up high-voltage is
applied to the test terminals via a safety
resistor and the resulting voltage across
the detector resistance then measured.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
resistance for a number of test voltages.
It will also test capacitors for leakage.
A 10-LED bargraph display is used to
indicate the leakage resistance. A test
voltage switch selects between five
ble values, while a 3-position
range switch selects either x1, x10 or
x100 scale readings.
Block diagram
Fig.1 shows the block diagram of
the Insulation Tester. It is based on
a high voltage supply, produced by
stepping up from a 9V battery using
a converter. This converter can produce either 100V, 250V, 500V, 600V
or 1000V DC.
Note that, because of the high
voltages involved, a safety resistor is
included in series with the output.
This limits the output current to a minuscule level to (a) protect the circuit
when the probes are short circuit; and
(b) prevent the user from receiving a
nasty electric shock.
In operation, the leakage of the insulation under test causes a current to
flow between the test terminals. This
current is then monitored by the detector resistance between the negative
test terminal to ground. The higher the
leakage current, the higher the voltage
across the detector resistance.
This voltage is measured using
a special voltmeter circuit which is
calibrated to show the resistance on
a LED bargraph readout. This is no
ordinary meter since it cannot divert
any significant current away from the
detector resistance or false readings
will occur. And the currents involved
are extremely minute.
A simple calculation will tell us
exactly how small the currents flow-
• LED b
• Five
test volt
ages fr
om 100
• Measu
res from
to 2200G
Ω (2.2TΩ (1000MΩ)
• Battery
• Overr
the voltage across the detector resistor
without drawing any more than a few
picoamps (pA).
Circuit details
The prototype Insulation Tester was built into a standard plastic case. Be sure
to use good-quality test leads, as cheaper types will show significant leakage at
high test voltages.
ing between the test terminals are.
Assuming a 1000V test voltage and a
2000MΩ (2GΩ) resistance between the
test terminals, the current flow will be
just 1000/(2 x 109) = 500nA. The same
resistance at a test voltage of 100V will
allow only 50nA to flow.
At 2200GΩ (the upper measurement limit of the Insulation Tester),
the current flow is a minuscule 45pA
(45 x 10-12) when 100V is applied. As
a consequence, we need to measure
Fig.2 shows the full circuit of the
Insulation Tester. It uses six ICs, a
transformer, Mosfet Q1 and a number
of minor components.
The step-up converter uses the two
windings of transformer T1 to produce
up to 1000VDC. When Mosfet transistor (Q1) is switched on, it charges the
primary winding via the 9V supply.
When Q1 is switched off, the charge
is transferred to the secondary and
delivered to a .0033µF 3kV capacitor
via series diodes D1-D3. These three
diodes are rated at 500V each and
so together provide more than the
required 1000V breakdown.
Following the .0033µF capacitor, the
stepped-up voltage is filtered using a
4.7MΩ resistor and a 470pF capacitor. It is then fed to the positive test
terminal via a second 4.7MΩ resistor.
Note that these two 4.7MΩ resistors
provide the current limiting function
referred to earlier.
Q1 is driven by an oscillator formed
by 7555 timer IC2. This operates by
successively charging and discharging
a .0039µF timing capacitor (on pins 2
& 6) via a 6.8kΩ resistor connected to
the output (pin 3). Let’s take a closer
look at how this works.
When power is first applied, the
capacitor is discharged and the pin 3
output is high. The timing capacitor
then charges to the threshold voltage
at pin 6, at which point pin 3 switches
low and the capacitor discharges to the
lower threshold voltage at pin 2. Pin 3
then switches high again and so this
process is repeated indefinitely while
ever power is applied.
The voltage at the output of the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 57
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
I'" i
.., 16VWi
I I ,l~~i
....L. 200
IJ l
100 t,
S2 : 1 1000V
2 600V
3 500V
4 250V
5 100V
I 0.18
I ___
~ T
).) K
).) K
).) K
Fig.2: the circuit uses a step-up converter based on IC1a, IC1b, IC2 and Q1 to produce test voltages ranging from 100-1000V.
1 PC board, code 04303961, 86
x 133mm
1 adhesive label, 90 x 151mm
1 plastic case with metal lid, 158
x 95 x 52mm
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 2-pole 6-position rotary PC
board mounting switch (S2)
1 2-pole 3-position slider switch
plus screws (S3)
1 red banana panel mount
1 black banana panel mount
1 test lead set (see text)
1 9V battery
1 battery holder and mounting
1 EFD20 transformer assembly
(Philips 2 x 4312 020 4108 1
cores, 1 x 4322 021 3522 1
former, 2 x 4322 021 3515 1
clips) (T1)
1 150mm length of red hookup
1 150mm length of black hookup
1 150mm length of yellow
hookup wire
1 150mm length of green
hookup wire
1 400mm length of mains-rated
1 7-metre length of 0.25mm
1 80mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 20mm knob
4 small stick-on rubber feet
13 PC stakes
1 100kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
3 1N4936 fast recovery diodes
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC1)
1 7555, TLC555, LMC555CN
CMOS timer (IC2)
1 LM10CLN op amp and reference (IC3)
2 CA3140E Mosfet input op amps
1 LM3915 log bargraph driver
1 IRF820, BUZ74 or BUK455500A 500V N-channel Mosfet
1 BC557 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 10-LED bargraph (LED1-LED10)
1 3mm red LED (LED11)
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 10MΩ
1 36kΩ
1 8.2MΩ
1 22kΩ
1 4.7MΩ
1 20kΩ
4 4.7MΩ Philips VR37
1 1.2MΩ
1 11kΩ
1 820kΩ
3 10kΩ
1 470kΩ
1 9.1kΩ
1 390kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
1 180kΩ
1 6.8kΩ
2 120kΩ
1 1.8kΩ
3 100kΩ
1 1.2kΩ
2 82kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 56kΩ
1 100Ω
1 47kΩ
1 82Ω
1 43kΩ
converter is controlled by monitoring the voltage across a resistor
selected by S2b and feeding this to
an error amplifier. In greater detail,
S2b selects one of five range-setting
resistors. This, in conjunction with
two associated 4.7MΩ resistors, forms
a voltage divider across the converter
The voltage divider output is applied to error amplifier IC1a via a
10kΩ resistor. This stage is cascaded
with IC1b for high gain. IC1b’s output,
in turn, drives the threshold pin (pin
5) of IC2.
If the output voltage goes too high,
IC1b pulls pin 5 of IC2 slightly lower
so that the pulse width duty cycle to
Q1 is reduced. This in turn lowers
the output voltage. Conversely, if the
output voltage is too low, IC1b pulls
pin 5 of IC2 higher. This then increases
the duty cycle of the drive to Q1 and
so the output voltage also increases.
Basically, IC1a compares the voltage
divider output with a fixed reference
voltage applied to its pin 3. This refer-
ence voltage is provided by IC3a and
IC3b. IC3a is part of an LM10 dual op
amp which includes a 200mV fixed
reference at its non-inverting input
(pin 3). It amplifies this reference by
a factor of 10 to provide 2V at its pin
1 output.
IC3b is connected as a unity gain
buffer and provides a low impedance
output for the 2V reference. Note that
the reference voltage is taken from
the inverting input at pin 2, while the
output at pin 6 drives pin 2 via a 100Ω
resistor. This resistor isolates IC3b’s
output from the associated 100µF
decoupling capacitor.
4 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.33µF MKT polyester
2 0.18µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .0082µF MKT polyester
1 .0039µF MKT polyester
1 .0033µF 3kV ceramic
1 470pF 3kV ceramic
IC4, a CA3140E FET-input op amp,
functions as a buffer stage and is used
to monitor the voltage across the detector resistor. This op amp offers a
very high input impedance of 1TΩ
(1000GΩ) and a nominal 2pA input
current at the 9V supply. However,
this input impedance and current is
only valid if there is no leakage on
the PC board.
To prevent board leakage we have
added a guard track around the input
which is at the same voltage as pin 3.
This effectively prevents current flow
from the negative test terminal to other
parts of the circuit.
Test voltages ................................................100, 250, 500, 600 & 1000V
Test voltage accuracy ...................................<5%
Charging impedance ....................................9.4MΩ
Current drain 50mA ......................................<at>1000V out
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 59
the test terminals are shorted,
even at the 1000V setting.
Switch S3 selects one of three
possible resistance values for
the separate ranges. Position
1 selects a 128.2kΩ resistance
(120kΩ + 8.2kΩ), position 2
selects 1.282MΩ and position
3 se
lects 12.82kΩ. These are
unusual values but are necessary to correspond to a 1.28V
full scale reading for the LED
bargraph driver (IC6).
Because of the high impedance at the negative test
terminal, the input is prone to
hum pickup and so it is filtered
using a 0.18µF capacitor. Note
that the earthy side of this
capacitor is connected to the
output of IC5 rather than to
ground or to the 2V rail. This
arrangement ensures that there
is no DC voltage across the capacitor, thus giving the filter a
fast response time.
Conversely, if DC voltage had
been allowed to appear across
the capacitor, the circuit would
have taken a considerable time
to settle each time a measurement was taken.
Buffer stage IC5 (another
CA3140) monitors IC4’s pin 2
voltage via a 10MΩ resistor and
a 0.33µF capacitor. The output
from IC5 at pin 6 is thus a replica of the signal on pin 3 of IC4.
It is connected to the earthy side
of the 0.18µF filter capacitor, as
mentioned above.
Note that IC5 has been given
a slow response by connecting
a .0082µF compensation cap
acitor between pins 1 and 8.
IC4’s output is applied (via
a 1kΩ resistor) to the pin 5 signal input of IC6. This is a log
arithmic LED bargraph display
driver which switches on LEDs
1-10 in the dot mode. Each step
in the bargraph is 3dB (1.41)
apart, giving a total 30dB range.
Note that the lower threshold
(RLO – pin 4) of IC6 sits at the
+2V reference level provided
by IC3b. This means that the
upper threshold (RHI – pin 6) sits at
3.28V, since this pin sits 1.28V above
RLO as set by an internal regulator.
This 1.28V difference between RLO
and RHI sets the maximum display
sensitivity. The 1.2kΩ resistor on pin
Fig.3: install the parts
on the PC board exactly
as shown on this wiring
diagram. Check that the
LED bargraph display is
correctly oriented and be
sure to use Philips VR37
resistors where specified.
Trimpot VR1 (between pins 1 & 5)
is used to adjust the offset voltage at
the output (pin 6) of IC4, while S2a
sets the gain. This varies from x10 in
the 1000V position up to x100 for the
100V setting. These gain adjustments
are necessary to compensate for the
voltage change that occurs across the
detector resistance each time the test
voltage is changed.
The 100kΩ input resistor at pin 3 of
IC4 protects the input from damage if
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Bend Q1 over as shown in this photograph, so that it doesn’t foul the front
panel. The LED bargraph is installed so that its top surface is 19mm above the
PC board.
7 sets the LED brightness.
Q2 and LED11 provide the over
range indication. If any of the LEDs is
on, Q2 is biased on due to the current
flowing through the 82Ω resistor. As a
result, LED11 is off since Q2 effectively
shorts it out.
Conversely, if all the LEDs are out
(which equates to a very high resistance), Q2 is biased off and so LED11
now lights to indicate an overrange.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9V battery via switch S1. There are
several 100µF capacitors across the
supply and these are used to decouple
the 9V rail.
Most of the circuitry for the Insulation Tester is mounted on a PC board
Fig.4: the primary
of the transformer is
wound first & covered
with several layers
of insulating tape
before the secondary
is installed.
coded 04303961 and measuring 86 x
Fig.3 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Begin the assembly by installing PC stakes at the external wiring
points (11 in all). These are located at
the (+) and (-) battery wiring points,
the wiring points for S3 (1-4), the three
wiring terminals for switch S1, and at
the (+) and (-) terminal points.
Once the PC stakes are in, install
the resistors, diodes and ICs. Don’t
just rely on the resistor colour codes
– check each resistor using a digital
multimeter, as some colours can be
difficult to read. Take care to ensure
that the semiconductors are correctly
The capacitors can go in next,
followed by the transistors and the
trimpot (VR1). Note that Q1 must be
mounted at full lead length so that
it can be bent horizontally over the
adjacent .0039µF capacitor. This is
necessary to allow clearance for the lid
of the case, when it is later installed.
LEDs 1-10 (the bargraph) and LED11
can now be installed. Be sure to install the bargraph with its anode (A)
adjacent to the 82Ω resistor. It should
be mounted so that the top surface of
the display is 19mm above the board,
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 61
The completed PC
board mounts on the
back of the lid and
is secured using the
nuts for switches S1
and S2.
assembled PC board. This is fitted
with a self-adhesive front-panel label
measuring 90 x 151mm.
Begin the final assembly by affixing
the front panel label to the lid, then
drill out and file the holes for the LED
display, LED11, switches S1, S2 & S3,
and the two terminals in the end of
the case. Holes will also have to be
drilled in the base of the case for the
9V battery holder.
This done, the front panel can be
test fitted to the PC board. Check that
everything lines up correctly and
make any adjustments as necessary.
You may need to adjust the height
of the LED bargraph or LED11, for
example. When everything is correct,
set switch S2 fully anticlockwise and
move its locking tab (found under
the star washer) to position 5. This
ensures that S2 functions as a 5-position switch only.
The external wiring can now be installed. Use light-duty hookup wire for
the connections to S3 and the battery
holder and mains-rated cable for the
connections to the test terminals. Important: the leads to the test terminals
must be kept well apart, as any leakage
between them at the high test voltages
used will affect readings.
so that it will later fit into a matching
slot cut into the lid of the case. The
top of LED11 should be 20mm above
the board surface.
Switch S1 is soldered directly to its
PC stakes but with its pins touching
the top of the PC board. You may need
to cut the PC stakes to length to do this.
S2 is installed directly on the PC board
after first cutting the shaft to a length
suitable for the knob.
Transformer winding
Transformer T1 is wound with
0.25mm enamelled copper wire – see
Fig.4. The primary is wound first, as
follows: (1) remove the insulation
from one end of the wire using a hot
soldering iron and terminate this end
on pin 7; (2) wind on 20 turns sideby-side in the direction shown and
terminate the end on pin 3; (4) wrap
a layer of insulating tape around this
The secondary is wound on in
similar fashion, starting at pin 4. Note
that you will need to wind on the 140
turns in several layers. Use a layer of
insulating tape between each layer and
terminate the free end on pin 5.
The transformer is now assembled
by sliding the cores into each side and
then securing them with the clips.
This done, insert the transformer into
the PC board, making sure that it is
oriented correctly, and solder the pins.
A standard plastic case measuring
158 x 95 x 52mm is used to house the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
To test the unit, apply power and
check that, initially, one of the LEDs
in the bargraph display lights. Assuming that the test terminals are open
circuit, the bargraph reading should
then slowly increase until the over
range LED comes on. If this doesn’t
happen, check that the LEDs are oriented correctly.
Now check the circuit voltages with
a multimeter. There should be about
9V between pins 4 & 8 of IC1; between
pins 1 & 8 of IC2; between pins 7 & 4
of IC3, IC4 and IC5; and between pins
2 & 3 of IC6. There should also be a
reading of 2V at TP2.
If everything checks out so far, select
the 1000V (or higher) range on your
multimeter and connect the positive
meter lead to the cathode (striped
end) of D3. Now check for the correct
test voltages, as selected by S2. Note
that if the output voltage is measured
directly at the test terminals, the meter
will show only about half the correct
value because it loads the 9.4MΩ output impedance.
Next, set your multimeter to read
DCmV and connect it between TP1
Figs.5 & 6: here are the full size artworks for the PC board
and the front panel. Check your board carefully against
the above pattern before mounting any of the parts, as any
problems will be more difficult to locate later on.
and TP2. This done, set the range
switch to the x1 position and slowly
adjust VR1 until you obtain a 0mV (or
close to it as possible) reading. Note:
nothing should be plugged into the
test terminals during this procedure.
Once all the adjustments have been
completed, fit the front panel to the
board assembly and secure it by fitting
the nuts to switches S1 and S2. The
unit can then be installed in the case
and the knob fitted to S2 to complete
the assembly.
Test leads
It is important to note that maximum
resistance readings cannot be obtained
from this instrument if the test leads
touch each other or are twisted together, or if a standard test lead set is used.
For measurements up to and beyond
220GΩ, we recommend high quality
test leads such as those from the Fluke
range. DSE Cat. Q1913 test leads (or
an equivalent type) are also capable
of meaningful results above 220GΩ,
provided rubber gloves are worn and
the leads are not touching a common
Alternatively, you may be able to
improve on a standard test lead set by
Take care with fully charged capacitors
since they can provide a nasty electric
shock. Always discharge the capaci
tor after testing it by switching off
the Insulation Tester with the probes
connected. A 1µF capacitor will take
about 10 seconds to discharge using
this technique, while larger values will
take proportionally longer.
insulating the probes with heatshrink
tubing. In most cases the protective
shroud on the test lead banana plugs
will have to be cut away to allow them
to be inserted into the banana sockets.
You can now check the unit by connecting the test leads across the terminals of an unwired switch. The leakage
is then determined by first selecting
the x1 range and then switching to the
next range if necessary. If the display
indicates 1GΩ on the x1 range, then
the switch under test is either faulty
or its contacts are closed.
Note that the unit will display a
reading of 1GΩ even if the actual resistance is much lower than this.
Finally, when checking capacitors
for leakage, be sure to select the correct
test voltage. It is then necessary to wait
until the capacitor fully charges before
taking the reading.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 63
This easy-to-build test
instrument can measure
inductances over the
range from 10µH to
19.99mH with an
accuracy of about 5%.
It uses readily
available parts and
has a 4-digit LCD
Build this:
10uH to 19.99mH
Inductance Meter
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
be a handy test instrument in
many situations. It can be used
for servicing (eg, in TV sets), selecting
coils for RF circuits, checking coils
for switchmode power supplies and
for measuring coils in many other
The instrument to be described here
measures from 10µH to 19.99mH over
two ranges and has the twin virtues
of being easy to build and easy to
use. As shown in the photos, there
are just three front panel controls: a
range switch (µH or mH), a pushbutton
switch and a potentiometer. An AC
plugpack is used to supply power,
so there is no on/off switch to worry
To make a measurement, you first
connect the inductor to the test terminals and switch to the µH range.
You then press the “Null” button and
rotate the knob until the LCD panel
meter reads zero, or as close to zero
as you can get (ie, a null). This done,
you release the button and read the
inductance directly off the display.
If the meter over-ranges (ie, it only
displays a 1 at the lefthand digit), you
simply switch to the mH range before
reading the inductance value from
the meter. The value indicated on the
scale by the potentiometer is the DC
resistance of the inductor (although,
in practice, this reading may not be
all that accurate).
Block diagram
Fig.1 shows the block diagram of
the Digital Inductance Meter. It uses
a 3.2768MHz crystal oscillator (IC1a)
to generate a precise clock frequency
and this is divided by 20 and filtered
by IC5 to give a 163.84kHz sinewave
signal. In addition, the signal from the
divide-by-20 stage is divided by 100
and filtered by IC6 to give a second
frequency of 1638.4Hz.
Main Features
Two ranges: 10-1999µH &
Indicates inductor DC
Operates from a 9V AC plugpack supply
Accuracy typically 5% from
10µH to 19.99mH
Range switch S2a selects between
these two frequencies and feeds the
selected signal to a nulling circuit.
This circuit is used to null out the
DC resistance of the inductor being
measured. The output from the nulling circuit is then fed to positive and
negative peak detectors and these in
turn drive a digital panel meter (DPM).
Circuit details
Let’s now take a look at the circuit
diagram of the Inductance Meter – see
NAND gate IC1a and its associated
components function as a square wave
oscillator. It oscillates at a frequency
of 3.2768MHz, as set by crystal X1.
The 33pF, 270pF and 100pF capacitors
provide the correct loading for the
crystal and ensure that it starts reliably
when power is applied.
Pushbutton switch S1 is used to
disable the oscillator. Normally, the
output of IC1a (pin 3) clocks the pin
15 (CA-bar) input of IC2b. However,
when S1 is pressed, pin 1 is pulled
low and IC1a’s pin 3 output remains
high. We’ll explain why this is done
later on.
IC2b, part of a 74HC390 dual 4-bit
decade counter, divides the clock
signal from IC1a by 10. The divided
327.68kHz output appears at pin 9 and
in turn clocks pin 1 of IC3a.
IC3a is one half of a 74HC112 dual
J-K flipflop. In operation, it toggles its
Q and Q-bar outputs on each falling
edge of the clock pulse and thus divides the frequency on its pin 1 input
by 2. The resulting 163.84kHz square
wave signal on the Q output (pin 5)
is then applied to op amp IC5 which
is configured as a Multiple Feedback
Bandpass Filter (MFBF).
Because a square wave is made up
of a fundamental sinewave frequency plus multiple harmonics, we can
configure IC5 to recover virtually any
harmonic. In this case, we are using
IC5 to recover the 163.84kHz fundamental frequency, as determined by
the three resistors and two capacitors
between the output of IC3a and its
inverting input.
The recovered 163.84kHz sinewave
output appears on pin 6 of IC5 and
due to the bandwidth limitations of
the IC, it is a little “notchy”. For this
reason, it is further filtered using a
1.5kΩ resistor and a 470pF capacitor
to remove these high frequency artefacts. This filter circuit also reduces
the amplitude of the sinewave to
around 5V peak-to-peak. The filtered
sinewave is then fed to VR1 which
is the calibration control for the µH
(microhenry) range.
Similarly, for the mH range, IC3a’s
Q-bar output is fed to pin 4 of IC2a
which in conjunction with IC1c and
IC1d is wired as a divide-by-5 counter.
Its output appears at pin 3 and clocks
decade counter IC4. IC4 divides the
frequency on its pin 15 input by 10
and in turn clocks JK flipflop IC3b
which divides by two. The signal is
then fed to MFBF filter stage IC6, in
this case centred on 1638.4Hz.
The output from pin 6 of IC6 is a
1638.4Hz sinewave (also at 5V p-p)
and this is fed to calibration control VR2. Range switch S2a selects
between the two output frequencies
Fig.1: the block diagram for the Digital Inductance Meter. Two precise sinewave frequencies are
derived and these are fed to a null circuit which contains the inductor under test. The following
circuitry then measures the impedance of the inductor and displays its inductance in µH or mH.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 65
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04107991,
124mm x 101mm
1 plastic case, Jaycar HB6094
1 front panel label
1 Digital Panel Meter, Jaycar
QP5550 (or equivalent)
1 9V AC plugpack
1 chassis mount power socket, to
suit plugpack
1 DPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 pushbutton switch, (PB1),
Jaycar SP0710 (or equivalent)
1 speaker connector panel, Jaycar
PT3000 (or equivalent)
1 knob to suit front panel
1 ferrite core set, Altronics L5300
(or equivalent)
1 bobbin, Altronics L5305 (or
20m 0.25mm enamelled copper
2 5kΩ multi-turn trimpots (VR1-2)
1 10Ω wirewound potentiometer
(VR3) (see text for alternative)
3 20kΩ vertical mounting trimpots
1 3mm x 20mm bolt
1 3mm nut
1 3mm flat washer
1 3mm fibre washer
13 PC stakes
1 74HC00 quad 2 input NAND
gate (IC1)
1 74HC390 decade counter (IC2)
1 74HC112 dual JK flipflop (IC3)
1 4029 binary decade counter
and applies the selected signal to the
bases of transistors Q1 and Q2 via a
10µF capacitor.
Nulling circuit
OK, we now have two precise
frequencies, either of which can be
selected and fed to the bases of PNP
transistors Q1 and Q2. These are wired
in a nulling circuit. Let’s take a closer
look at their operation.
The thing to remember here is
that the emitter of a PNP transistor
is always 0.6V more positive than
its base (0.6V more negative for an
NPN transistor). Thus, if the base of
Q1 is at 5.7V, its emitter sits at 6.3V.
Because the supply voltage is 9V, this
means that 2.7V must appear across
4 LM318 op amps (IC5, IC7-IC9)
1 TL071 op amp (IC6)
1 TL072 dual op amp (IC10)
1 7809 TO-220 9V regulator (REG1)
1 78L05 TO-92 5V regulator (REG2)
1 79L05 TO-92 -5V regulator (REG3)
2 BC559 PNP transistors (Q1,Q2)
4 1N914 silicon diodes (D1-D4)
2 1N4004 1A power diodes (D5,D6)
1 3.2768MHz crystal (X1), Jaycar
RQ5271 (or equivalent)
4 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
7 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
7 0.1µF monolithic ceramic
5 0.1µF MKT polyester
3 .01µF MKT polyester
1 .0047µF MKT polyester
1 470pF ceramic or MKT polyester
2 270pF NPO 5% ceramic
1 220pF NPO 5% ceramic
3 100pF NPO 5% ceramic
1 33pF NPO 5% ceramic
2 22pF NPO 5% ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 8.2MΩ (select on test)
1 1MΩ
2 5.6kΩ
2 820kΩ
3 4.7kΩ
2 200kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
5 100kΩ
2 1kΩ
1 68kΩ
2 470Ω
1 47kΩ
2 270Ω
1 33kΩ
1 180Ω (calibration)
2 20kΩ
4 100Ω
14 10kΩ
1 3.3Ω (calibration)
1 7.5kΩ
the associated 270Ω emitter resistor
and this translates into a current of
10mA through the resistor.
This (constant) current will also
flow in the collector circuit of Q1,
regardless of the load resistance (provided this resistance is not too large).
If the base of Q1 is now modulated by
a sinewave, its collector current will
vary sinusoidally, the average still
being 10mA.
Q2 has the same value of emitter
resistor as Q1 so its collector current
will be the same as Q1’s; ie, 10mA.
This collector current flows through
potentiometer VR3 to ground.
Note that high beta (gain) transistors
are used for Q1 and Q2 to reduce the
base current, which is a small fraction
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
of the emitter current.
Because the current through Q2 is
10mA, VR3 (10Ω) will have the same
voltage across it as an inductor with
a 10Ω resistance connected between
Q1’s collector and ground. This position is labelled on the circuit as
“DUT”, which means “Device Under
Test”. The scale for VR3, on the front
panel, is calibrated from 0-10. We will
come back to it shortly.
Q1’s collector is connected to the
positive (red) input terminal of the
inductance meter, while the other
input terminal is connected to ground.
When an inductor is connected across
these terminals, a voltage appears
across it. This voltage consists of two
components: (1) a voltage due to the
DC resistance of the inductor (as just
described); and (2) a voltage due to
the inductive reactance.
In operation, Q1 drives pin 3 of
differential amplifier stage IC7 via a
resistive divider (10kΩ & 20kΩ), while
Q2 drives the pin 2 input via VR3. IC7
and the following parts, including
the LCD readout, function as a digital
Before taking a measurement, the
resistive voltage component must be
cancelled out. This is done by pressing
switch S1 which shuts down oscillator stage IC1a and effectively “kills”
the sinewave signals selected by S2a.
Potentiometer VR3 is then adjusted so
that the signal on pin 2 of differential
amplifier stage IC7 is the same as the
signal on pin 3, as indicated by a 0.00
reading on the LCD readout.
Note that when the meter reads
zero, the control knob on VR3 indicates the inductor’s DC resistance on
the calibrated scale.
Making the measurement
If S1 is now released, the selected sinewave modulates the 10mA
collector current of Q1. This in turn
generates a sinusoidal voltage across
the inductor (DUT), the amplitude of
which is proportional to the inductance. The resulting sinewave signal
from IC7 is subsequently rectified by
peak detectors IC8 & IC9, summed
Fig.2: the complete circuit diagram
of the Digital Inductance Meter. IC1
is the oscillator, while ICs2-5 divide
the oscillator signal to produce the
two precise sinewave frequencies.
Constant current sources Q1 & Q2
form the null circuit.
15 CA IC2b
12 - 7 4HC390
13 CB
o 1.I.
1 .
H [}-----I
33pF.L •
+ +
470pF w uHVRl
15 lcK
11 J
PO 4
163 ' 84kH z
n n, n•m
~--------------1......,.__ +9V
+ + E' +6.3V
0.1! 470~
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 67
+ ~~~•~VR4
0.1! 4.7k
IC4 Pl 12
4029 p2 13
1.QJu/D +10
B/D 9
1 18
I- t
+2 -Q 6 I
2 K
1 C-
4 116
3.27 68MHz
1Wo oWG ,l~ia
_ _ _ _.......,...... 5v
Pl IP2 P3
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board as shown here, taking care to ensure
that all polarised parts are correctly oriented. Note that two 8.2MΩ resistors are
shown connected to pin 2 of IC7 but only one is used in practice and is selected
on test (see text). Note also that the metal case of the pot is connected to earth
via one of its terminals.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
in IC10b and applied to the digital
panel meter.
IC8 is used to detect and rectify the
positive sinewave peaks. It works like
this: when the output of IC7 swings
positive, pin 6 of IC8 swings negative
and charges a 100µF capacitor via D4
and a series 100Ω resistor to the peak
level of the waveform. As a result, the
voltage across the 100µF capacitor is
equal to but opposite in polarity to the
peak positive input voltage.
D4 prevents the 100µF capacitor
from discharging as the input level
falls and the voltage on pin 6 starts to
rise. In addition, D3 is reverse biased
during this time and so has no effect.
Conversely, when IC7’s output
swings negative, IC8’s output swings
positive and is clamped by D3 so that
it is 0.6V above the virtual earth input
at pin 2. As a result, the voltage across
the 100µF capacitor is “topped up”
only during positive signal excursions
at the output of IC7.
IC9, the negative peak detector,
works in exactly the same way but
with opposite polarity. It charges its
100µF capacitor to the positive peak
of the applied waveform. Thus, the
positive peak voltage is represented
by a negative DC voltage, while the
negative peak voltage is represented
by a positive DC voltage across the
lower 100µF capacitor.
Due to the bandwidth limitations of
the ICs, this rectification is not perfect
at the higher frequency. This limits the
accuracy below 10µH and readings
below this value should only be used
for comparison measurements.
The output signals from the positive and negative peak detectors are
summed in amplifier stage IC10b. This
stage operates with a gain of .056, as
set by the 5.6kΩ and 100kΩ feedback
resistors, to match the signal to the
sensitivity of the DPM (200mV FSD).
IC10b drives op amp IC10a which
operates with a gain of two and this
then drives the IN+ input of the panel
Note that the IN- input of the panel meter takes its reference from the
9V supply rail and normally sits at
about 6.3V. As a result, IC10a must
also operate as a level shifter. This is
achieved by biasing pin 3 of IC10 to
half the IN- reference voltage (using
two 10kΩ resistors). Thus, under no
signal conditions, pin 1 also sits at
6.3V and the meter reading is zero.
Trimpot VR6 is used to compensate
Table 1: Capacitor Codes
IEC Code EIA Code
.01µF 10n
.0047µF 4n7
33pF 33p 33
22pF 22p 22
for any offset voltage at the output of
IC10a and allows us to set a zero reading on the DPM when the output of IC7
is at ground. Similarly, VR4 and VR5
compensate for any offset voltages at
the outputs of the peak detectors.
Range switch S2b switches the decimal point on the panel meter, so that
it displays the correct value when we
switch from µH to mH. In effect, this
switch divides by 10 while S2a divides by 100, so that we get an overall
range division of 1000 when switching
from the µH to the mH range.
Power supply
Power for the Digital Inductance
Meter is derived from a 12VAC AC
plugpack supply. Its output is halfwave rectified by diodes D5 and D6
to derive +12V and -12V rails and
these are filtered and fed to 3-terminal
regulators REG1 & REG3 respectively.
Quite a few changes were made to the PC board of the Digital Inductance Meter
after this photograph was taken.
Table 2: Resistor Colour Codes
Value 4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
grey red green brown
grey red black yellow brown
1MΩ brown black green brown brown black black yellow brown
grey red yellow brown
grey red black orange brown
red black yellow brown
red black black orange brown
brown black yellow brown brown black black orange brown
68kΩ blue grey orange brown
blue grey black red brown
47kΩ yellow violet orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
33kΩ orange orange orange brown
orange orange black red brown
20kΩ red black orange brown
red black black red brown
10kΩ brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
7.5kΩ violet green red brown
violet green black brown brown
5.6kΩ green blue red brown
green blue black brown brown
4.7kΩ yellow violet red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
1.5kΩ brown green red brown
brown green black brown brown
1kΩ brown black red brown
brown black black brown brown
470Ω yellow violet brown brown yellow violet black black brown
270Ω red violet brown brown
red violet black black brown
180Ω brown grey brown brown brown grey black black brown
100Ω brown black brown brown brown black black black brown
3.3Ω orange orange gold brown orange orange black silver brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 69
This photograph shows the
completed Digital Inductance
Meter with the calibration
inductor connected to its test
terminals – see text.
REG1 provides a +9V rail, while REG3
provides a -5V rail. In addition, REG1
feeds REG2 which provides a regulated +5V rail.
The ±5V rails supply most of the
op amp stages, while the +9V rail
supplies the digital panel meter and
the constant current sources in the
null circuit. The +12V rail is used
for the positive supply to IC10, as its
output needs to swing up to near the
9V supply of the DPM.
Putting it together
Building the circuit is a lot easier
than understanding how it works.
Most of the parts are mounted on a
single PC board and this is coded
04107991. This, together with the digital panel meter, fits inside a standard
plastic case with a sloping front panel.
As usual, check the PC board for
etching defects by comparing it with
the published pattern (Fig.4). Any
defects should be repaired before
proceeding. In addition, part of the
PC board will have to be filed away
along the bottom lefthand and bottom
righthand edges, so that the board
will fit between the mounting pillars
of the case.
Check also that the body of switch
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
S1 fits through its matching clearance
hole in the board. Enlarge this hole
with a tapered reamer if necessary,
so that it clears the switch. The same
goes for the threaded bush of pot VR3.
Fig.3 shows the assembly details.
Begin by fitting 13 PC stakes for the
external wiring points, then fit the
11 wire links on the top of the board
(including the one under VR3). This
done, fit the resistors, diodes and
transistors. Table 2 shows the resistor
colour codes but check them with a
DMM as well, just to make sure.
Take care to ensure that all the
transistors and diodes are installed the
correct way around and make sure the
correct part is used at each location.
Once these parts are in, install the
capacitors (watch the polarity of the
electros), the regulators and the ICs.
We used IC sockets in the prototype
but suggest that you solder your ICs
directly to the PC board. Again, be
sure to use the correct device in each
location and note that the ICs don’t
all face in the same direction.
The trimpots can now all be installed, followed by poten
(VR3). As shown in the photo, VR3 is
installed from the component side of
the PC board and is secured using a
nut on the copper side. Its terminals
are connected to their pads on the PC
board using short lengths of tinned
copper wire.
Once the pot is in, you have to run
two insulated wire links between its
terminals and points CT & CW on the
PC board – see Fig.4. These points are
located near Q2, towards the bottom
righthand corner. Note also that the
metal case of the pot is connected to
earth via one of its terminals.
That completes the board assembly.
Before placing it to one side though,
go over your work carefully and check
for errors. In particular, check for
missed solder joints and incorrectly
placed parts.
Final assembly
Next, attach the artwork to the front
panel and use it as a drilling template
for the switches, the potentiometer,
the test terminals and the panel meter. The square cutout for the meter is
made by first drilling a series of small
holes around the inside of the marked
area, then knocking out the centre
piece and filing the edges to shape.
This done, use a sharp chisel to remove the short mounting pillar inside
the case, to prevent it from fouling the
panel meter. You will also have to drill
a hole in the top rear panel for the
3.5mm power socket – see photo. Be
sure to position this hole so that the
socket clears the panel meter when it
is mounted.
The various components can now
all be installed in the case, starting
with the switches and the input connector block which carries the test
terminals. Bend the lugs on the input
connector block so that they are parallel to the front panel, to prevent them
shorting to the PC board. The board
can then be fitted inside the case and
secured using two self-tapping screws
into the short mounting pillars.
Before fitting the digital panel meter, it should have a link fitted from
N to OFF (to disable the polarity
indication). In addition, you have to
fit three 100kΩ resistors from P1, P2
and P3 to OFF. These modifications
are all shown on Fig.3 (do not forget
the link).
The panel meter we used has an
external dress bezel with two captive mounting screws. This bezel is
mounted from the front and the panel
meter then fitted over the screws and
secured using nuts and fibre washers.
The assembly can now be completed by running the point-to-point
wiring. Note the connections between
S2 and the panel meter. In particular,
the middle lefthand terminal of S2
goes to the ON pad on the meter board
(not to resistor P3). By contrast, the
top and bottom lefthand terminals
are connected to the resistors on P2
and P1 respectively.
Fig.4: two insulated flying leads must be run on the copper side of the
PC board, between the pot terminals and points CT & CW, as shown
in this diagram.
Test & calibration
Before you begin testing, you need
to wind an inductor which is used
later during the calibration procedure.
To do this, wind around 300 turns of
30 B&S wire on the L5305 bobbin, then
fit the cores and clamp them together
using a 20mm bolt, flat washer, fibre
washer and nut.
Once the coil has been wound,
clean and tin the ends, then connect
a 180Ω 1% resistor in parallel with it.
Now put the coil to one side – you’ll
need it shortly, for Step 7 of the following procedure.
To test the unit, apply power and
check that D5’s cathode is at about
12V. This voltage will depend on the
particular plugpack you use and is
not too critical. Next check the +9V,
Fig.5: check your PC board by comparing it with this full-size etching
pattern before installing any of the parts.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 71
+5V and -5V rails – these should all
be within 5%. The panel meter should
show a reading of around 16.00 or
160.0, depending on the range.
Now check the supply rails at the
IC pins. If these are OK, you are ready
to calibrate the instrument using the
following step-by-step procedure:
Step1: connect a multimeter across
the test terminals and set it to a range
suitable for measuring 10mA DC.
Step 2: press S1 and check the current on the multimeter. It should be
close to 10mA.
Step 3: release S1, rotate VR3 fully
anticlockwise (0Ω), remove the multimeter and connect a 3.3Ω resistor
across the test terminals.
Step 4: switch your multimeter
Fig.6: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
to a low voltage range and connect
it between pin 6 of IC7 and ground.
Short switch S1’s terminals using an
alligator clip, then adjust VR3 (on the
front panel) for a 0V (or as close as you
can get) reading on the multimeter.
Step 5: connect the multimeter
across the 100µF capacitor at the output of IC8 and (with S1 still shorted)
adjust VR4 for a reading of 0V. Now
adjust VR5 for 0V across the 100µF
capacitor at the output of IC9.
Step 6: adjust VR6 for a zero reading
on the panel meter and remove the
shorting clip from S1.
Step 7: remove the 3.3Ω resistor
from the test terminals and fit the
inductor that you wound earlier (with
its parallel 180Ω 1% resistor).
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Step 8: rotate VR3 to the zero ohms
position and measure the voltage on
pin 6 of IC7. It must be adjusted to
zero by fitting a resistor between pin
2 and either the +5V or -5V rail. Two
sets of pads have been placed on the
PC board for the resistor, from pin 2
to each supply. Our unit needed an
8.2MΩ resistor to the negative rail.
Step 9: set S2 to µH and adjust VR1
until the panel meter reads 174.9.
Step 10: switch to the mH range
and adjust VR2 for a reading of 17.49.
That completes the calibration procedure. You can now close the case
and begin using your new inductance
By the way, if you find that you
cannot zero (or null) the panel meter
when measuring an inductor, even
with VR3 rotated fully clockwise,
it means that the resistance of the
inductor is greater than 10Ω. Despite
this, the inductance reading displayed
when S1 is released should be close
to the correct value.
What if it won’t work?
If you have problems, the first step
is to check your sol
dering. In particular, look for missed solder joints
and shorts between adjacent tracks
and IC pins.
A few voltage checks can also help
pinpoint problems. First, check for
+ 2.5V on pins 5, 6 and 9 of IC3. Pin
6 of IC5 and pin 6 of IC6 should be
around 0V DC and 4-5V AC. Most
meters will give quite a low reading
on the AC output of IC5. As long as
you get an indication, the signal is
probably OK. The bases of Q1 and Q2
should be at 5.7V and their emitters
at 6.3V. The collector of Q2 should
read 100mV.
Note that when the unit is working
properly and there is no inductor
across the terminals, the meter will
read around 16.00 or 160.0, depending on the range. This is due to the
positive peak detector swinging to
full output and is normal.
VR3 can be changed if you wish
to measure inductors with DC resistances greater than 10Ω. For example,
a 25Ω pot will allow inductors with
resistances up to 25Ω to be measured.
Naturally you will have to recalibrate
the potentiometer scale or you can
simply multiply the front panel readSC
ing by 2.5.
Beginner’s Variable
Dual-Rail Power Supply
If you’re just beginning in electronics, then
you’ll probably baulk at building a mainsoperated power supply. This project uses a
plugpack which means that you can make
your own variable dual-rail power supply
without worrying about mains wiring.
When it comes to experimenting in
electronics, power supplies are a bit
of a “chicken and egg” situation. To
experiment with circuits, you need a
power supply but unless you have the
necessary knowledge already, building
a mains-powered supply is beyond
most beginners.
The alternative is to run all of your
circuits from batteries or buy a readymade supply. Either option is expensive. So in the interests of making it
easier to start experimenting, we’ve
come up with this dual-rail power
supply which runs from a 16V AC
plugpack. It’s capable of providing output voltages ranging from ±1.25V DC
to ±15V DC at currents up to 500mA
(see Fig.1).
The beauty of this design is that it
doesn’t require any external mains
wiring! All the mains wiring is contained inside the plugpack, leaving
you with just the low-voltage AC
output which connects straight into
the project.
In order to keep costs down, the
output voltage is varied in 11 switched
steps. This eliminates the need for
an output voltage meter since the
precise value can be directly read off
the switch position. The 11 switched
voltage ranges are: 1.25V, 1.5V, 3V,
4.5V, 5V, 6V, 7.5V, 9V, 12V, 13.5V &
15V. Both supply rails are protected
against short circuits and voltages
generated by external loads, while
a LED indicator lights if the supply
stops regulating.
Another worthwhile feature is the
provision of a “load” switch. This
allows the power to the load to be
switched on and off while keeping the
supply switched on.
The output current capabilities of
the supply are relatively modest but
should be more than adequate for
most projects. Fig.1 plots the maximum current that can be delivered
at various output voltages. As can be
seen, the supply is capable of deliv
ering 250mA or more for voltages
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 73
Fig.1: this graph plots the
maximum output current
from the supply for
voltage settings between
1.5V & 15V (16VAC 1A
plugpack). The supply
is capable of delivering
250mA or more over most
of the range.
from 1.5V up to about 14V, with a
maximum of 500mA at 7.5V. Note
that these figures assume a 16VAC
1A plugpack supply.
By now, some readers will be asking
“what is a dual-rail power supply?”
It’s quite straightforward really – a dual-rail power supply has both positive
and negative output voltage rails, as
well as the ground (or zero volt) rail.
Most projects and circuits you build
will only require the positive output
and the ground rail. This is basically
the same as if you connected a battery
of the same voltage to the circuit you’re
However, you’ll also come up
against circuits which use operational
amplifiers (op amps) and these require
both posi
tive and negative supply
rails. That’s where the dual-rail power
supply comes in. It can power op amp
circuits with ease and so is just that
much more versatile than a standard
single rail supply.
An important feature of this design
is that the negative supply rail automatically tracks the positive supply
rail. This means that the two rails
always have the same absolute value.
Thus, if you set the positive output to
+12V, the negative rail will be at -12V.
And here we should clear up a
common misconception regard
dual rail supplies. Despite what many
people think, it’s quite possible to
use the positive and negative rails to
obtain a much higher output voltage
than is possible by simply connecting
between one of these rails and the
0V rail.
For example, if you want a 30V single-rail supply, simply set the supply
to give ±15V and connect the circuit
across these outputs. Another way of
looking at this is simply to consider
that there is 30V between the two outputs. So a dual-rail ±1.25-15V variable
power supply can also function as a
2.5-30V single rail supply.
How it works
The circuit for the Beginner’s Dual
Rail Power Supply uses only standard
components which you can find in any
virtually electronics store. If you’ve got
a parts bin handy, you’ll probably have
a few parts that are suitable already.
Let’s take a look at the circuit – see
Fig.2. The plug pack takes care of all
of the mains wiring and steps the
240VAC mains voltage down to a suitable 16VAC for our circuit. This is fed
via power switch S1 to rectifier diodes
D1 & D2 to produce unregulated plus
and minus DC rails of about 20V.
These DC rails are filtered by two
470µF electrolytic ca
pacitors and
fed to LM317 and LM337 3-terminal
regulators. These provide the adjustable plus and minus supply outputs
In the case of the positive rail, the
LM317 (REG1) does most of the work.
Its output voltage is set by the 120Ω
and 2.7kΩ resistors on its ADJ terminal and by the resistive divider string
associated with switch S3. These components form the feedback network
around the regulator IC.
Basically, switch S3 sets the output
voltage from REG1 by setting the resistance between the ADJ terminal and
the 0V rail. When the ADJ terminal is
connected to 0V, the output voltage
is +1.25V. This voltage can then by
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
1 plastic case, 198 x 113 x
1 PC board, code 04110941,
102 x 57mm
1 front panel label
1 red 4mm binding post
1 black 4mm binding post
1 blue 4mm binding post
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 DPDT toggle switch (S2)
1 12-position 1-pole rotary
switch (S3)
1 knob to suit S3
2 LED bezels
1 16VAC 1A plugpack
1 3.5mm power socket
2 mini U heatsinks
4 rubber feet
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC1)
1 LM317 3-terminal regulator
1 LM337 3-terminal regulator
6 1N4004 rectifier diodes
6 1N914 diodes (D7-D12)
2 15V 1W zener diodes
2 5mm red LEDs (LED1,LED2)
2 470µF 25VW electrolytics
2 100µF 25VW electrolytics
4 1µF 63VW electrolytics
1 0.1µF 63VW MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 4.7MΩ
2 330Ω
2 47kΩ
1 270Ω
1 22kΩ
1 220Ω
2 3.3kΩ
1 180Ω
1 2.7kΩ
2 150Ω
3 1kΩ
2 120Ω
1 680Ω
1 56Ω
1 560Ω
1 27Ω
1 470Ω
Machine screws & nuts,
washers, hook-up wire.
stepped up to a maximum of +15V by
using S3 to progressively switch in
additional resistors in the string.
The 1µF capacitor between the ADJ
pin and ground ensures that any residual noise from the mains is kept to a
minimum. Finally, the output voltage
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 75
2 LM358
This is the view inside the prototype. Note the two small heatsinks fitted to the
two 3-terminal regulators. Take care to ensure that the regulators are correctly
oriented – each device is installed with its metal tab towards the centre of the
PC board.
from REG1 is filtered by a 100µF electrolytic capacitor and fed to the load
via switch S2a.
Negative regulation
The negative regulator (REG2) works
in a similar manner to REG1. It’s made
to track the positive rail by using IC1a
to provide a mirror of the voltage on
the ADJ terminal of REG1. For example, if the ADJ voltage of REG1 is at
10.75V (to produce a 12V output),
then IC1a will act to produce -10.75V
on the ADJ terminal of REG2.
This is achieved by connecting IC1a
as a unity gain invert
ing amplifier.
Its inverting input (pin 2) is fed from
the ADJ terminal of REG1 via a 47kΩ
Fig.2 (left): the circuit uses two
adjustable 3-terminal regulators
(REG1 & REG2) to provide the positive
& negative supply rails. IC1a inverts
the control voltage applied to the
ADJ terminal of REG1 to drive REG2,
while IC1b drives D9-D12 & LED 2 to
provide dropout indication.
resistor, while the associated 47kΩ
feedback resistor sets the gain to -1.
The non-inverting input is biased to 0V
via a 22kΩ resistor to ensure minimum
output offset.
The output of IC1a drives the ADJ
terminal of REG2 via a 1kΩ resistor.
This 1kΩ resistor is inside the feedback loop and is there so IC1a can
actually drive the ADJ terminal to the
maximum required value of -13.75V
(when the output voltage is set to
±15V). This is outside the operating
range of the LM358 because its supply
rails are ±15V. The result of all this
is that the negative output voltage
of REG2 tracks the positive output
voltage of REG1.
The ±15V supply rails for IC1 are
produced by zener diodes ZD1 and
ZD2, while LED1 provides power
indication. Diodes D3, D4, D5 and D6
protect the regulators from any reverse
voltages which may be generated by
capacitive or inductive loads con
nected across the outputs.
Dropout detection
When the regulators are working as
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
intended, the ripple voltage superimposed on the DC rails will be very low.
However, if the current drain is higher
than the regulators can supply while
still maintaining about 2V between
their IN and OUT terminals, the ripple
voltage will suddenly become quite
high. At this point, the output voltage
will fall quite rapidly if even more
current is called for and the ripple will
go even higher.
What this means of course is that
the power supply is unable to provide
sufficient current to the load and is
dropping out of regulation. This undesirable condition is indicated by
the dropout indicator circuit and this
is based on IC1b and diodes D9-D12.
IC1b is connected as an inverting
amplifier with a high gain, as determined by the ratio of the 4.7MΩ feedback resistor to the impedance of the
0.1µF input capacitor and the 3.3kΩ
resistors which monitor the positive
and negative supply rails. The two
back-to-back diodes, D7 & D8, limit
the maximum input signal to ±0.7V.
When ever either regulator drops
out of regulation (eg, if an output is
shorted to ground), the ripple output
increases greatly. Because it operates
with such high gain, IC1b squares up
this signal to produce a square-wave
ZD1 1
output at pin 7. This output drives a
bridge rectifier consisting of D9-D12
via a 1kΩ current limiting resistor.
The bridge rectifier in turn drives
LED 2 and this begins to glow when the
ripple at one of the regulator outputs
exceeds about 4mV peak-to-peak. By
the time the ripple reaches 19mV p-p,
the LED is fully alight.
An optional metering circuit is also
shown on Fig.2, although we haven’t
included it in the prototype (the appropriate connection points are on
the PC board). All you have to do is
calculate what resistance should be
added in series with the meter to give
a full-scale reading at 30V.
For example, if you have a 0-1mA
meter movement, then by Ohm’s Law
R = V/I = 30/.001 = 30kΩ. Making R1
4 3
2 1
Fig.3: use medium-duty (24 x 0.2mm) hookup wire for all wiring connections
& take care to ensure that switch S3 is wired exactly as shown. Resistors R1 &
R2 can be left out of circuit if you don't intend installing an output meter.
= 27kΩ and R2 = 2.7kΩ will be near
enough, especially when the internal
impedance of the meter is taken into
All of the components for the Beginner’s Power Supply are installed
on PC board coded 04110941 and
measuring 102 x 57mm. Before commencing construction, check the
board carefully against Fig.4 for any
shorts or breaks in the tracks. If you
find any, use a dash of solder or a
small artwork knife where appropriate to fix the problem.
Fig.3 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Start by installing PC stakes
at the external wiring points, followed
by the wire links, resistors, diodes,
capacitors and ICs. Make sure that all
polarised parts are correctly oriented
and check the resistor values on your
multimeter before mounting them on
the board. Table 1 shows the resistor
colour codes.
Note that diodes D1-D6 are all
1N4004 types, while the remaining
diodes are the smaller 1N914 types.
Pin 1 of the IC is adjacent to a small
notch or dot in one end of the plastic
The metal tabs of the two 3-terminal
regulators must be oriented exactly as
shown on Fig.3; ie, the metal tab of
each device goes towards the centre
of the board. Do not confuse these
two regulators – REG1 is an LM317
type while REG2 is an LM337. Once
mounted, they can be fitted with small
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 77
finned heatsinks to aid cooling.
After the board assembly has been
completed, you can install the resistors
around switch S3. As supplied, this
switch will be a 12-position type. It
is easily converted to an 11-position
type by lifting the locking ring at the
front of the switch bush and rotating
it to position 11. This done, solder
the resistors to the switch terminals
exactly as shown on Fig.3, starting
at terminal 1 and continuing in an
anticlockwise direction to termi
11 (note: in most cases, the terminal
numbers are marked on the back of
the switch).
If you have a switch that doesn’t
have the terminals marked, here’s
an easy way to find terminal 1. All
you have to do is rotate the switch
fully anticlockwise, then use your
meter to find which terminal
is now connected to the wiper. This
will be terminal 1 and you can begin
by soldering the 27Ω resis
tor to it.
The remaining resistors can then be
installed exactly as shown.
Check the resistor values carefully
as they are mounted. If you make a mistake, then one or more of the voltage
ranges will be wrong. It’s also a good
idea to trim the resistor leads back as
you go so that you don’t end up with
a tangled mess. Don’t forget the wire
link between the switch wiper (near
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board
the centre) and terminal 11.
The Beginner’s Power Supply is
designed to fit into a plastic zippy
case measuring 198 x 113 x 62mm.
The front panel is actually one of
the long sides of the case, while the
PC board is mounted on the bottom
of the case. The whole unit is then
turned upside down so that the lid
becomes the base.
The first step is to attach the front
panel label (bottom nearest the lid),
then use this as a drilling template for
the front panel items. The PC board
can also be used as a template to mark
out its four mounting holes, while
an additional hole will be required
in the rear panel to accept a 3.5mm
power socket.
Note that it’s best to initially drill
all holes to 3mm. These can then be
enlarged where necessary using a
tapered reamer.
Final assembly
Once the holes have been completed, mount the various items in place.
Fig.3 shows where each component
should be placed. Note that the range
switch (S3) must be oriented so that
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet green brown
yellow violet orange brown
red red orange brown
orange orange red brown
red violet red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
green blue brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange orange brown brown
red violet brown brown
red red brown brown
brown grey brown brown
brown green brown brown
brown red brown brown
green blue black brown
red violet black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black yellow brown
yellow violet black red brown
red red black red brown
orange orange black brown brown
red violet black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
green blue black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange orange black black brown
red violet black black brown
red red black black brown
brown grey black black brown
brown green black black brown
brown red black black brown
green blue black gold brown
red violet black gold brown
Fig.5: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
the pointer on the knob aligns with
the 1.25V marking on the front panel
when the switch is rotated fully anticlockwise.
Binding posts are used for the three
output terminals. We suggest that you
use red for positive, black for 0V and
blue for the negative. The PC board
is secured in the case using machine
screws and nuts, with additional nuts
under each corner of the board acting
as spacers.
The wiring can now be completed
as shown in Fig.3. It’s a good idea to
use different coloured wire for each
section, as this will make it easier to
check your wiring later on. Take care
with the orientation of the LEDs – the
anode lead is always the longer of the
two and the cathode will be adjacent
to the flat edge on the LED bevel.
Now for the smoke test. Connect a
16VAC 1A plugpack supply, switch
on and use your multimeter to check
the voltage between the “+” and “0V”
terminals for each switch posi
In each case, the measured voltage
should correspond to the switch position. The negative rail can then be
checked in similar fashion; ie, by connecting the multimeter between the
“-” and “0V” terminals.
If everything checks out, the power
supply is ready for use. If you strike
problems, check the supply rails
to the 3-terminal regulators and to
IC1. You should find +20V on the
IN terminal of REG1, -20V on the IN
terminal of REG2, +15V on pin 8 of
IC1, and -15V on pin 4 of IC1. If any
of these voltages are incorrect, switch
off and check D1, D2, ZD1 and ZD2
as appropriate.
If the measured output voltages
don’t correspond to the switch settings, check the resistor string around
S3. You may have some of the resistors
in the wrong positions.
Additional heatsinking
As the unit stands, the output current capability is limited by the modest
amount of heatsinking. That’s because
the two 3-terminal regulators have
inbuilt thermal overload protection
which means that they automatically
throttle back when they start to get
too hot.
As an option, you can slightly increase the output current capability
by increasing the heatsinking. This
additional heat
sinking can be obtained by substituting an aluminium
lid for the plastic lid of the case. The
two regulators are then bolted to the
lid using TO-220 isolating kits (ie, a
mica washer and insulating bush) to
provide electrical isolation and their
leads connected to the PC board via
flying leads.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 79
This photo shows the completed
Crystal Checker. If the crystal is
working, the LED will light.
A Simple Go/No-Go
Crystal Checker
This simple circuit will help you sort through
that pile of crystals lying on your workbench. If
the crystal works, the LED lights. Best of all, it
can use parts which you probably already have
in your junkbox.
If you’ve had a go at building any
RF projects in the past you’ll probably
have a couple or maybe quite a few
crystals lying around. Crystals are
quite fragile components because of
their construction. Unlike a resistor
or capacitor, if you drop one on the
ground from a decent height, it’s a
50-50 bet whether it will work again.
Testing them is not a breeze either.
You just can’t take out your trusty
multimeter and plug the crystal in. In
fact, the only real way is to try it in an
oscillator circuit. And that’s exactly
what this little Crystal Checker does.
The crystal is placed in the feedback
network of a transistor oscillator. If
it oscillates, meaning that the crystal
works, a LED lights up. If the crystal
doesn’t work, the LED stays off. You
can’t get much simpler than that.
Note that if you have overtone
crystals, the circuit will not tell you
whether or not the crystal is operating at the designated frequency, just
whether or not it will oscillate at its
fundamental frequency.
Circuit description
Let’s take a look at the circuit in
Fig.1. As you can see, there are only
two transistors, a couple of diodes, a
LED and a few other components. Q1
is a BF199 RF transistor and with its
associated components forms an untuned Colpitts oscillator. The crystal
forms the main element of the circuit.
Positive feedback comes from the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
emitter through the .001µF capacitor
back to the crystal and base.
If the crystal works, the circuit will
begin oscillating immediately and a
waveform will appear at the emitter
of Q1. If you look at this on your oscilloscope, you could expect to see a
rough sinewave with and an amplitude
of about 2V peak-to-peak, depending
on the frequency.
Diodes D1 and D2 rectify the signal from the emitter of Q1 and the
resulting DC voltage is fed to the base
of transistor Q2. Once this voltage exceeds 0.6V, transistor Q2 turns on and
lights LED 1. As soon as the crystal is
removed, the circuit stops oscillating
and the LED goes out.
As a point of interest, if the crystals
you have are less than 10MHz, then
you could probably get away with
a BC548 for Q1. The BC548-series
transistors have a high FT (gain-bandwidth product) of about 100MHz or
so but they don’t tend to work well
in oscillator circuits above about
10MHz. FM microphones often get
away with a BC548 but the output at
the required 100MHz or so is quite
Fig.1: the circuit
of the Crystal
Checker is
shown with a
BF199 for Q1
but a BC548 will
work with many
crystals under
Construction of the Crystal Checker
is a snap and shouldn’t take you any
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 47kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 1kΩ
Fig.2: this sample waveform was
taken from the emitter of Q1 with
the scope probe set to 10:1 division.
The crystal was an American TV
intercarrier type with a frequency
marking of 3.579545MHz. The onscreen measurement shows the
frequency as 3.5MHz, well within the
accuracy of most oscilloscopes. As
you can see, the signal amplitude is
about 2.4V peak-peak.
more than an hour or so. All of the
components except the 9V battery fit
on a small PC board, coded 04106941,
and measuring only 52 x 40mm.
Before you begin any soldering,
check the board thoroughly for any
1 BF199 RF NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q2)
2 1N914 signal diodes (D1,D2)
1 5mm green LED (LED1)
1 10µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.1µF 63VW MKT polyester
2 .001µF 63VW MKT polyester
1 100pF ceramic
low – in the order of millivolts which
is too low for our application. Below
10MHz, they work quite well with a
good output voltage. Why not try one
out and see what you get. You can’t
damage the crystal and it’s always fun
to experiment!
Power is supplied by a 9V battery
which is bypassed by a 10µF electrolytic capacitor. We haven’t specified
a power switch mainly for the reason
that it would double the cost of the
parts! Besides, once you’ve checked
all your crystals, you can unclip the
battery and use it on something else.
You could also experiment with
different supply rails. The circuit
should work well with any voltage
between 6V and 15V although if you
are using a BC548 for Q1 and a supply
voltage of less than 9V, it may not like
the higher crystal frequencies. Again,
experiment and see for yourself! The
quiescent current should be around
3mA, pushing up to 6-8mA with the
LED on.
1 PC board, code 04106941, 52
x 40mm
4 PC stakes
1 9V battery
1 battery clip
D2 D1
Fig.3: the component layout diagram for
the PC board. We suggest connecting a
pair of leads with crocodile clips to make
connections to the crystal.
shorts or breaks in the copper tracks.
These should be repaired with a small
artwork knife or a touch of the soldering iron where appropriate.
When you’re satisfied that the board
is OK, start by installing the resistors
and diodes, followed by the capacitors
and transistors. Be sure to follow the
overlay diagram (Fig.3) carefully, as
some of these components are polarised and won’t work if you install them
the wrong way around.
Finally, solder in the LED and the PC
stakes for the battery and the crystal.
You might like to make up a pair of
short alligator clip leads to connect
the crystal – see photo.
Testing the circuit is pretty much
the same as normal use. Find a crystal that you know works,
preferably something
between 32kHz to 4MHz,
pop it in and connect the
9V battery. If the circuit
works, you should see the
LED light.
If it doesn’t, check that
the components are in
their correct locations
and check the orientation
of components such as
the LED, transistors and
Fig.4: this is the full size artwork
diodes. In addition, check
for the PC board. Check your board
the solder con
carefully against this pattern before
for dry joints or shorts
mounting any of the parts.
between tracks.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 81
Build This
Sound Level
This Sound Level Meter adaptor will
measure sound pressure levels from
below 20dB up to 120dB with high
accuracy. It connects to any standard
digital multimeter and has inbuilt
filters for A and C-weighting.
Noise can have a huge affect on the quality of our lives. A
reliable measuring instrument is a must for those interested
in finding out just how much noise is in their environment.
Just how much noise is present at any time is very
subjective. If you are confined to a soundproof room for
a period of time, even the sound of a pin dropping will
seem quite loud. But if you are in a normal home or office
environment, the dropping of a pin is likely to be completely inaudible. And even the sounds of people on
the telephone or using computers may be completely
drowned out if a semi-trailer passes down your street
or a jet flies overhead.
The above examples show just how exceptional
our ears are in responding to the possible range of
sounds in our environment. In fact, we could expect
to experience a sound pressure range of about three
million to one. Because of this huge range of values sound pressure levels are usually expressed in
decibels, a logarithmic ratio where 20dB (decibels)
is equivalent to 10:1; 40dB is 100:1 and 60dB is
1000:1, all compared to a reference level. The
overall 3,000,000 to 1 range can then be expressed
as 130dB (20 log 3,000,000).
Since the dB is a ratio it must be referenced to
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Main Features
Connects to any digital multimeter
Calibration method uses loudspeaker & pink noise source
A and C weighting plus flat (unweighted) filters
Slow, Fast and Peak response
a particular pressure level of 20.4µPa
(micro Pascals). Usually sound pressure levels are quoted as so many dBSPL, indicating that the 0dB reference
is 20.4µPa.
On the dBSPL scale, 0dB is virtually inaudible, 30dB might be the
sound level in a quiet rural area with
no wind while a noisy home kitchen
might be 80dB or more. Heavy traffic
can easily be 80-90dB while a suburban train in a tunnel can produce
100dB. Electric power tools or pneumatic drills can easily run at 110dB
and some can go into the pain level
at 120dB.
Measuring SPL
The S ILICON C HIP Sound Level
Meter is designed to produce accurate
readings of sound pressure which are
displayed on a digital multimeter. It
Fig.1: this graph shows the differences between A and C-weighting and flat
(unweighted) responses in the Sound Level Meter.
comprises a handheld case with a
short tube supporting the microphone
at one end of the unit. Flying leads
with banana plugs connect to the
A slide switch provides A-weighting
and C-weighting filters to tailor the
measurement readings. A-weighting
is called for in many measurements to
Australian standards although it is not
really appropriate for louder sounds
where C-weighting or a flat response
(unweighted) can give more meaningful results. Fig.1 shows the differences
between A and C-weighting and flat
(unweighted) responses in the Sound
Level Meter.
Slow and fast response times are
provided as well, so that sudden noise
can be filtered out, if need be.
A “peak detect” facility has also been
included which will give an indication
Fig.2: the block diagram of the Sound
Level Meter. IC4b controls the gain
of IC2 so that the output from the
full-wave rectifier is constant. IC4b’s
output is attenuated by IC3b and fed
to an external multimeter.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 83
Fig.3: apart from the use of a VCA (IC2), an unusual feature of the circuit is
the use of IC5 to evenly split the 18V supply. This has been done because the
negative rail is subjected to a higher current drain than the negative rail, which
would shorten the life of battery B2.
of the noise waveform shape. If there
is no or little difference between the
peak and the fast reading then the noise
waveform can be assumed to be relatively sinusoidal. If, however, the peak
level is greater than the fast reading,
then the noise waveform has a lot of
transient bursts. These may result in a
low average value as shown on the slow
or fast response settings but are easily
captured by the peak detect circuitry.
The cost of the Sound Level Meter
has been kept low by using a multi
meter as the display.
Logarithmic conversion
As already noted, the Sound Level
Meter will read from below 20dBSPL
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
to 120dBSPL, a range of 100dB. That’s
a pretty stiff requirement. The circuit
has to provide a direct logarith
conversion over 100dB, producing an
output of 10mV per dB.
In practice, the signal fed to the multimeter ranges from 200mV at 20dB
to 1.2V at 120dB. This means that all
readings can be made on the 2V range
of the multimeter; there is no need to
switch ranges.
Fig.2 shows the block diagram of
our sound level meter. Signal from
the microphone is amplified by op
amp IC1a and then fed to either the A
or C-weighting filters which involve
switch S2 and op amp IC1b.
IC2 is a voltage-controlled amplifier
(VCA) which can either amplify or attenuate the signal from IC1b, depending on the voltage at its control input.
This input operates in a logarithmic
fashion so that small control voltage
changes can produce large variations
in the output signal.
IC2’s output is full wave rectified
by IC3a & IC4a and the rectified signal
fed to the Slow, Fast or Peak filters
involving switch S3. The resulting
DC voltage is compared in error amplifier IC4b against a 20mV reference.
IC4b’s output then controls the VCA
so that it produces a constant output
regardless of changes in the microphone signal.
As well as driving the control input
of the VCA, IC4b drives op amp IC3b
which modifies the signal so that it
provides the required 10mV per dB,
to drive the external multimeter.
Circuit description
Fig.3 shows the complete circuit
for the Sound Level Meter. It uses five
ICs, three of which are dual op amps
(IC1, IC3 & IC4). IC2 is the VCA, which
can be considered as an op amp with
a DC gain control. IC5, a TL071 single
op amp, is used to accurately split the
18V battery supply; more of that later.
The microphone is an electret type
which is biased via a 10kΩ resistor
from the +9V supply. Its signal is coupled to op amp IC1a which has a gain
of 7.9 (+18dB), as set by the 68kΩ and
10kΩ feedback resistors. This gain has
been selected for the specified microphone and will need to be altered if
other types are used.
IC1a drives both the C and A-weighting filters. These are selected at positions 1 and 2 of switch S2a respectively. Position 3 selects IC1a’s output
directly for the flat or unweighted
signal mode. IC1b is simply a unity
gain amplifier to buffer the filters and
prevent loading of the filter signal.
IC1b’s output is fed to IC2 via switch
S2b and a 10µF coupling capacitor.
Note that in positions 1 and 3 of S2b,
the 4.7kΩ and 12kΩ resistors are connected in series while for position 2,
the 4.7kΩ resistor is bypassed. This
allows a 3dB higher gain for IC2 when
A-weighting is selected. The gain adjustment is necessary to maintain the
Fig.4: waveforms from the precision full-wave rectifier. The top trace (Ch1)
shows the input sinewave while the lower trace (Ch 2) is the rectified version.
Note that the RMS values are slightly different due to small offsets in the op
same 1kHz signal level applied to IC2
for all positions of switch S2.
IC2 is an Analog Devices voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA). It
has a dynamic range of 117dB, .006%
distortion at 1kHz and unity gain, and
a gain control range of 140dB. The DC
control input operates at -30mV per
dB gain change. IC2’s gain is set by
the voltage at pin 11 and the ratio of
resistance between pins 3 and 14 and
the input at pins 4 & 6.
The 100kΩ resistor between pin 12
and the +9V rail sets the bias level for
the output at pin 14. This bias can be
selected for class A or B operation.
Class A gives lower distortion but
slightly higher noise. We opted for
class B bias for best noise performance. A .001µF capacitor between
pins 5 & 8 compensates the gain control circuitry.
Precision rectifier
IC2 is AC-coupled to the precision
full wave rectifier formed by op amps
IC3a & IC4a. For positive signals the
output of IC3a goes low to reverse bias
diode D1. Positive-going signals are
then summed in inverter IC4a via the
20kΩ resistor R1 to produce a negative
output at pin 7. The gain is -1. Diode
D2 and the 20kΩ series resistor limit
the op amp’s negative excursion.
For negative signals D1 conducts
and IC3a acts as an inverting amplifier
with a gain of -1 to sum into IC4a via
R5. Negative-going signals are also
summed in IC4a via R1. Since the
voltages across R1 and R5 are equal
but opposite and the value of R5 is
exactly half R1, the net result of the
sum into IC4a is a negative output with
an overall gain of 1.
So for positive signals applied to
the full wave rectifier the gain is -1
and for negative signals the gain is 1.
Thus IC3a and IC4a form a precision
full wave rectifier. The 10kΩ and
5.6kΩ resistors at IC3a’s and IC4a’s
non-inverting inputs minimise any
offset voltages in the op amps.
Fig.4 shows the oscilloscope waveform of the precision full wave rectifier. The top trace shows the input
sinewave while the lower trace is the
rectified version. Note that the RMS
values are slightly different due to
small offsets in the op amps.
The switched feedback across IC4a
provides filtering of the rectified signal
as well as gain control. In the ‘slow’
setting of S3a, the 20kΩ resistor sets
the gain and the 470µF capacitor
controls the response. Similarly, for
the ‘fast’ setting of S3a, the 100µF capacitor sets the response. In the ‘peak’
position of S3, diode D3 charges the
10µF capacitor to the peak value of the
waveform while the 12kΩ resistor sets
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 85
Fig.5: follow this diagram
when installing the parts on
the PC board and take care to
ensure that all polarised parts
are correctly oriented. Note
that REF1 and a number of
capacitors must be laid flat on
the PC board (see text).
the gain. This is lower than the 20kΩ
value used in the other S3 positions
so that the output at the wiper of S3b
is the same as for the slow and fast
settings when a sinewave is applied.
VR1 allows precise adjustment of
this calibration, providing a divide
by 4.6 to 1.8 range. VR2 is the offset
Error amplifier
If, after reading the circuit description so far, you are unclear about its
operation, do not despair. Let’s summarise what really happens. Op amp
IC4b, the error amplifier, is really the
The filter signal at the wiper of
S3b is monitored with error amplifier
IC4b. This has a gain of -100 (ie, it is
an inverting amplifier) and compares
the rectified signal from switch S3b
against the -20mV reference at the
non-inverting input, pin 3. IC4b’s
output drives pin 11 of IC2.
The -20mV reference is derived
from the 2.49V reference REF1 via
560kΩ and 4.7kΩ resistors. REF1 is
an LM336-2.5 preci
sion reference
diode which has facility for a small
amount of adjustment although it is
not used here.
REF1 is also used to provide a calibration offset for op amp IC3b. IC3b
attenuates the logarithmic DC control
voltage for IC2 to convert its nominal
30mV/dB calibration to 10mV/dB.
The big picture
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
33p 33
12p 12
heart of the circuit. It continually adjusts the control voltage fed to IC2 so
that the negative DC voltage fed from
the wiper of S3b to its pin 2 is always
very close to the -20mV at its pin 3.
In fact, VCA IC2 does not really
operate as an amplifier for most of the
time. For example, when a signal of
120dBSPL is fed to the microphone,
the output of IC1a and IC1b is close to
clipping; ie, around 14V peak-to-peak
or 5V RMS. This is heavily attenuated
by IC2 so that around 30mV RMS (see
Fig.4) is applied to the input of the
precision rectifier, IC3a.
Actually, it is only for signals of
around 20mV or less from IC1b that
the circuit involving IC2 has any gain;
the rest of the time it is attenuating
and the actual degree of attenuation
depends on the size of the signal coming from IC1a. Typically, the control
voltage delivered by IC4b ranges from
about +3V, corresponding to maximum
attenuation in this circuit, to about
-1V, corresponding to maximum gain.
Hence, IC4b makes sure that its two
inputs are very similar, and in doing
so, it produces a control voltage which
happens to be 30mV/dB. This is then
further attenuated by IC3b to produce
an output of 10mV/dB which can be
read out as a measure of the sound
pressure level. Looked at this way, the
output voltage read by the external
multimeter is almost just a byproduct
of the overall circuit operation.
The assembled PC board
is secured to the base of
the case using four small
self-tapping screws.
Battery supply
Two 9V batteries in series provide an
18V supply. The 18V is divided using
two series connected 10kΩ resistors,
to produce a 0V reference and this is
buffered by op amp IC5. IC5’s output
feeds a 100Ω resistor and two 100µF
capacitors. These decouple the op
amp’s output and ensure that it has
a very low output impedance at all
frequencies of interest. The result is a
dual-tracking supply which is nominally ±9V.
Now why go to all that trouble when
we could have used the midpoint of
the two 9V batteries to do the same
thing? The reason is that there is more
current drain from the negative rail
in this circuit and so the negative 9V
battery would normally be discharged
faster than the positive 9V battery.
This would be a problem because the
circuit require more negative output
By using the op amp split supply
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 6
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 9
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 2
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
red red green brown
green blue yellow brown
brown grey yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
blue grey orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
red yellow orange brown
red black orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown red orange brown
brown black orange brown
grey red red brown
blue grey red brown
green blue red brown
yellow violet red brown
orange white red brown
brown green brown brown
brown black brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
red red black yellow brown
green blue black orange brown
brown grey black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
blue grey black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
red yellow black red brown
red black black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown red black red brown
brown black black red brown
grey red black brown brown
blue grey black brown brown
green blue black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange white black brown brown
brown green black black brown
brown black black black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 87
REF1 is mounted on its side as
shown in Fig.5, to allow room for
the battery to lie on top of the PC
board. For the same reason, the
.001µF capacitor near IC2, the
0.18µF capacitor near VR2 and
the 100pF capacitor near VR1
should be inserted so that they
lie flat on the board.
The electrolytic capacitors
must be oriented as shown.
Insert and solder LED1 at the
end of its leads to allow it to
protrude through the front panel
when assembled. Insert trimpots
VR1 and VR2 and cut the ‘A’
PC stakes slightly higher than
the trimpot height. This will
prevent the batteries pressing
on the trimpots and altering the
set values.
This battery holder was made by soldering several pieces of double-sided PC board
Now fit the assembled PC
material together. The three smaller pieces fit into the integral slots moulded into the
board into the base of the case
lid of the plastic case.
and secure it with four small
self-tapping screws. Wire up the
method, the current drain from the
per tracks. Repair any faults before 9V battery clips and multimeter leads
two 9V batteries must always be the
assembly of components. Begin by as shown. Prepare the two wires for
same and the battery life will be exinserting the two links and all the switch S1.
tended. For the same reason, LED1 is
tors. The accompanying table
Fit the Dynamark adhesive label to
connected across the full 18V supply
can be used as a guide for the resistor
the lid of the case and drill and file
via a 10kΩ resistor.
colour codes. Alternatively, use your
out the holes for the switches and
multimeter to check each resistor as
LED. Attach S1 with the screws and
it is installed.
connect its wiring.
Next, insert and solder in the PC
The S ILICON C HIP Sound Level
The rear end panel can be drilled
stakes. These are located at all external
Meter is housed in a plastic case
to accept a small grommet. Pass the
measuring 150 x 80 x 30mm and wiring points, the ‘A’ positions and for
multimeter leads through the gromuses a PC board coded 04312961 the eight switch terminal locations for metted hole and attach the banana
and measuring 67 x 120mm. The S2 and S3.
plugs to it.
microphone is held inside a copper
Next, the ICs can be inserted and
Microphone mounting
tube which protrudes from the front
soldered in. Take care with the oriof the case. This is done to prevent entation of each and make sure that
An 80mm length of 12.7mm copper
sound reflections from the case from IC5 is the TL071 (or LF351). Diodes tube is soldered to a 12 x 30mm piece
upsetting the reading.
D1-D4 can now be inserted, taking care
of 1mm thick copper sheet (or PC
to ensure that they are also correctly board). The copper sheet becomes a
Fig.5 shows the component layout
oriented. Switches S2 and S3 can be flange for easy attachment to the front
for the PC board. You can start construction by checking the PC board mounted by soldering their pins to the end piece of the box. Drill holes in
top of the PC stakes.
for any shorts or breaks in the copthe flange and front end plate to allow
Fig.6: this is the set up
used for calibrating
the Sound Level Meter.
It relies on using a
speaker of known
sensitivity. Most
manufacturers quote
sensitivity figures for
their loudspeakers.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
it to be secured with two screws and
nuts. Also drill a hole central to the
flange and end plate for the shielded
cable to pass through the tube. The
tube and flange can be painted if
Connect the microphone using
shielded cable and attach some heat
shrink tubing around its body. Shrink
the tubing down with a hot air gun
and insert the wire and microphone
into the tube.
Leave the microphone flush with
the end of the tube. The flange can be
attached to the end plate of the case
with the screws and nuts. The shielded cable is clamped with a solder lug
attached to one of the screws.
The batteries are held in place on
the lid of the case using three pieces
of double-sided PC board (73 x 5mm)
which are inserted in the integral
slots. Two pieces of double sided PC
board, measuring 30 x 15mm, are soldered in place between the transverse
pieces so that they provide a snug fit
for the battery and clip assemblies.
Check that the lid will fit onto the
base of the case.
Voltage checks
Switch on and connect the red
multimeter lead from the Sound Level Meter to the common input of the
multimeter and then measure voltages
on the circuit with the other lead of the
multimeter. Check that there is +9V at
pin 8 of IC1, IC3 and IC4; at pin 7 of
IC5; and at pin 2 of IC2. There should
be -9V at pin 4 of IC1, IC3, IC4 & IC5
and at pins 10 & 16 of IC2.
REF1 should have -2.49V at its
anode and pin 3 of IC4b should be
-20mV. LED1 should also be lit.
Connect both output leads from the
sound level meter to the multimeter.
‘A’ response .......................................... -18dB at 100Hz, -10dB at 20kHz (see Fig.1)
‘C’ response ......................................... -5dB at 20Hz, -13dB at 20kHz (see Fig.1)
Overall flat response (input
versus multimeter reading) .................. -3dB at 28Hz and 50kHz
Log conversion accuracy at
multimeter output ................................ <0.5dB over a 100dB range from 0.550V
RMS to 5.5µV input level
Temperature stability ............................ <10mV (1dB) change per 30°C
Slow response time constant ............... 9.4 seconds
Fast response time constant ................ 2 seconds
Peak response ...................................... 1.5ms attack; 120ms decay
Power ................................................... 12-18V at 32mA
Microphone Performance (ECM-60P A version)
Sensitivity �������������������������������������������� -56dB ±3dB with respect to 0dB+1V/µbar <at>
Microphone response .......................... within ±3dB from 50Hz to 3kHz and ±6dB
from 3kHz to 8kHz. Above 8kHz and below
50Hz unspecified.
Maximum SPL ..................................... 120dB
Note: filter responses measured at VCA output with control input (pin 11) grounded.
the multimeter reading is 400mV. If
it is greater than 400mV, rotate VR1
slightly clockwise.
Conversely, if the multimeter reading is less than 400mV, rotate VR1
slightly anticlockwise. Now measure
the difference again with the 0dB/
-60dB switch. You will note that the
reading will now not be 1V for the 0dB
setting. However, what we are looking for is a 600mV change between
the 0dB and -60dB pink noise level
settings (ie, 10mV per dB). After some
repeat adjustments of VR1 it should
be possible to obtain close to 600mV
variation between the 0dB and -60dB
Calibration now only requires the
Calibration is done in two steps and
a pink noise source is required for both
steps. We will describe a suitable pink
noise source in next month’s issue of
SILICON CHIP and we assume that you
will also build that or have access to
an equivalent source.
First, connect the pink noise source
to the electret microphone input of
the sound level meter. Select 0dB on
the pink noise source (equivalent to
60mV RMS) and adjust trimpot VR2
for a reading on the multimeter of
1V DC. Now switch to -60dB on the
pink noise source and check that
Fig.7: check your etched PC board against this full-size artwork before installing
any of the parts.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 89
1 plastic case, 150 x 80 x 30mm
1 PC board, code 04312961, 67 x
1 front panel label, 75 x 144mm
1 ECM-60P type A electret
microphone (sens. -56dB with
respect to 1V/1µbar at 1kHz)
3 pieces of double sided PC
board, 73 x 5mm
2 pieces of double sided PC
board, 30 x 15mm
1 DPDT slider switch and mounting screws (S1)
2 DP3P slider switches (S2,S3)
1 50kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
1 100kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR2)
2 9V battery snaps
2 9V batteries
1 black banana plug
1 red banana plug
1 250mm length of shielded cable
1 500mm length of black hookup
1 500mm length of red hookup
1 50mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
30 PC stakes
2 3mm x 10 screws and nuts
4 small self-tapping screws (to
secure PC board)
1 solder lug
1 small rubber grommet
1 small cable tie
1 SSM2018P voltage controlled
amplifier (IC2)
1 TL071, LF351 op amp (IC5)
4 1N914 signal diodes (D1-D4)
1 LM336-2.5 2.5V reference
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
3 LM833 dual op amps
12mm diameter heatshrink tubing,
1 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
5 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.56µF MKT polyester
1 0.22µF MKT polyester
1 0.18µF MKT polyester
2 0.15µF MKT polyester
1 .047µF MKT polyester
2 .0027µF MKT polyester
1 .001µF MKT polyester
1 100pF ceramic
1 33pF ceramic
1 12pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 2.2MΩ
2 12kΩ
1 560kΩ
9 10kΩ
1 180kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
3 100kΩ
1 6.8kΩ
1 68kΩ
1 5.6kΩ
1 33kΩ
2 4.7kΩ
1 24kΩ
2 3.9kΩ
1 22kΩ
2 150Ω
6 20kΩ
1 100Ω
1 18kΩ
offset adjustment trimpot VR2 to be
set. This is done using the setup shown
in Fig.6.
You will need an amplifier, the pink
noise source and a woofer or tweeter
with known sensitivity. All manufacturers of loudspeakers provide a sensitivity rating for their units and these
are specified as a dBSPL when driven
at 1W and at 1m on axis. Note that if
you use a tweeter, the manufacturer’s
specified filter should be used when
making the measurement.
For example, a loudspeaker may be
rated at 88dB when mounted on a baffle and driven from a 2.828V AC source
at a distance of 1m. The loudspeaker
impedance is 8Ω. Note that 2.828V
into 8Ω is equivalent to 1W.
Use your multimeter to measure the
voltage applied to the loudspeaker and
set the amplifier’s volume control to
deliver 2.828V AC for an 8Ω system
and 2V AC for a 4Ω speaker. Be sure
to set your amplifier’s tone controls to
the flat settings (ie, centred or switched
off) and make sure that the loudness
switch is off.
Now connect the multimeter to the
sound level meter (with the unweight
ed and slow settings selected) and
with the microphone at 1-metre and
on axis to the speaker. Adjust trimpot VR2 to obtain the loudspeaker
sensitivity. For our 88dB example,
the multimeter should read 0.88V or
880mV DC.
Alternatively, if you have a calibrat
ed sound level meter, adjust VR2 for
the same readings. Make sure that both
sound level meters are set with the
same filtering and responses.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Fig.8: this is the
actual size artwork
for the front panel.
You can use this Pink Noise
Source as an aid to cali
brating the Sound Level Meter
described last month. It can
also be used as a general
purpose signal for setting the
balance between loudspeakers
in a multichannel (2, 4 or more
channels) system and for PA
While noise is usually considered a nuisance, it
can be useful in some cases. In audio applications
it provides us with a signal which covers the entire
audible spectrum. This means that there is every
conceivable frequency from 20Hz up to 20kHz, all
in the one signal.
Armed with this type of signal we can obtain
frequency response measurements and a wideband sound level output for loudspeakers. Also it
provides a standard sound for subjective listening
tests. With an analyser and equaliser we can also
adjust the frequency levels from a loudspeaker in
a particular room so that it provides a flat response
across the audible spectrum.
All of these measurements assume that the noise
source has a flat frequency response or an equal
energy per octave. This is called “pink” noise.
The energy from 20Hz to 40Hz must be the same
as that from 10kHz to 20kHz even though there is
Pink Noise
For sound level meter
calibration & signal balancing
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 91
29 AUG 96 14:15:39
Main Features
Pink noise signal output
Battery operated
0dB and -60dB levels
Power-on LED
Fig.1: the spectrum (signal output versus frequency) of the Pink Noise Source.
Since the noise source is random, a second response test would no doubt reveal
a slightly different result, with perhaps dips in response where slight peaks are
shown and vice versa.
only a 20Hz difference in frequency for
the lowest octave and a 10kHz range
for the upper octave. Fig.1 shows the
spectrum (ie, signal output versus
frequency) of the Pink Noise Source
featured in this article.
By contrast, the noise from electronic circuits is “white”. It has a 3dB
rise in output per octave of frequency
since it has equal energy per constant
bandwidth. So the octave band from
20Hz to 10.02kHz will have the same
energy level as the octave between
10kHz and 20kHz.
Rose-coloured filter
To convert white noise to pink
noise we need a filter which has a
3dB/octave or 10dB/decade rolloff.
This is a little tricky since a normal
single pole low pass filter will roll off
at 6dB/octave (or 20dB per decade).
A “pink” filter is achieved by rolling
the signal off in four discrete steps,
Fig.2: the pink noise circuit uses a transistor noise source, two op amps for
amplification and some passive filtering.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
introducing fur
ther filtering as the
frequency rises.
Fig.2 shows the pink noise circuit.
It uses a transistor noise source, two
op amps for amplification and some
passive filtering.
An NPN transistor, Q1, is connected
for reverse breakdown between the
emitter and base, with current limiting
provided by the 180kΩ resistor from
base to ground. This provides a good
white noise source but it only produces a low signal level.
Op amp IC1a amplifies this noise
by a factor of 101. IC1a is AC-coupled
and biased to the 4.5V half supply
rail to provide a symmetrical swing
at its output, pin 1. The 0.27µF input
capacitor and bias resistor roll off the
response below 0.6Hz. Similarly, the
2.2kΩ resistor and 100µF capacitor
in the feedback path at pin 2 roll off
response below 0.7Hz. High frequency
rolloff above 153kHz is provided by
the 4.7pF capacitor across the 220kΩ
Following pin 1 of IC1a is a passive
RC filter to roll off the frequency response at 3dB per octave. This filter
Fig.3 (left): the component
layout and wiring details.
Note that the two switches
are mounted on PC stakes
and be sure to mount all
polarised components with
the correct orientation.
Capacitor Codes
Fig.4: check your etched PC board against this full-size artwork before
installing any of the parts.
Output levels ..................................60mV RMS at 0dB; 60µV at -60dB
Maximum output load .....................1kΩ (for <1dB error in 60dB attenuator)
Frequency spectrum ......................<0.25dB 20Hz to 20kHz (see Fig.1)
Power supply ..................................7.6 to 9V at 7mA
is accurate to ±0.25dB from 10Hz
to 40kHz, assuming the use of close
tolerance capacitors. The spectrum
response shown in Fig.1 is that of the
prototype using normal 10% tolerance
Note that the signal levels shown in
Fig.1 are the actual levels at the instant
the measurement was taken. Since
the noise source is random, a second
response test would no doubt reveal a
slightly different result, with perhaps
dips in response where slight peaks
are shown and vice versa.
The pink noise output is AC-coupled into op amp IC1b which has a
gain of 46. This has a low and high
frequency response rolloff similar to
IC1b’s output is AC-coupled to
switch S2. Note that a non-polarised
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
red red yellow brown
brown grey yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black orange brown
blue grey red brown
orange black red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
orange black brown brown
brown black brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
red red black orange brown
brown grey black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
brown black black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
orange black black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
orange black black black brown
brown black black black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 93
Fig.5: this is an actual size artwork for
the front panel.
The construction is easy since all parts except for the RCA output socket are
mounted on the PC board.
(NP) capacitor is specified. This is
because the noise source is designed
to connect to the Sound Level Meter
which would reverse polarise a normal
electrolytic type. Switch S2 selects the
full output (0dB) or a divide by 1000
using the 100kΩ and 100Ω resistors
for a -60dB output.
The 4.5V half supply is derived
from a 10kΩ resistive divider which
is decoupled using a 100µF capacitor.
The power LED is driven via a 2.2kΩ
resistor while the whole supply is
decoupled using a 100µF capacitor.
The Pink Noise Source is housed
in a plastic case measuring 130 x 67
x 41mm. The circuitry fits onto a PC
board coded 04312962 and measuring
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
104 x 60mm. The wiring details are
shown in Fig.3.
Begin construction by checking the
PC board for defects. This done, install
the resistors and install PC stakes at
the switch positions. The PC stakes
are required to allow the switches to
be mounted above the PC board.
The capacitors can be mounted next,
while ensuring correct orientation of
the electrolytics. The 10µF NP capacitor can be mounted either way around.
LED1 is mounted with its leads at full
length, so that it can protrude through
the front panel lid. Splay the leads
slightly to give the LED some vertical
adjustment, without one lead shorting
to the other.
Next, insert transistor Q1 and IC1.
Attach the battery holder using small
self-tapping screws from the underside
of the PC board. The toggle switches
can be soldered in place on top of the
PC stakes.
Attach the Dynamark adhesive label
on the lid of the case and drill out the
holes for the switches, LED bezel and
1 plastic case, 130 x 67 x 41mm
1 PC board, code 04312962,
104 x 60mm
1 self-adhesive label, 61 x
2 SPDT toggle switches (S1,S2)
1 panel mount RCA socket
1 9V battery holder
1 9V battery
1 3mm LED bezel
8 PC stakes
3 small self-tappers for the
battery holder
1 TL072 dual op amp (IC1)
1 BC548 PNP transistor (Q1)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
4 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF NP PC electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 0.27µF MKT polyester
2 .047µF MKT polyester
1 .033µF MKT polyester
1 10pF ceramic
1 4.7pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
2 1MΩ
1 3kΩ
2 220kΩ
3 2.2kΩ
1 180kΩ
1 1kΩ
2 100kΩ
1 300Ω
2 10kΩ
1 100Ω
1 6.8kΩ
corner mounting locations. Also drill
a hole in the end of the case for the
RCA socket. Attach the socket and
clip the PC board in place against the
integral side pillars of the box. Wire
up the RCA socket as shown in Fig.3.
Finally, insert the battery and attach
the lid with the LED bezel in place.
Take care to ensure that the LED
protrudes through the bezel before
tightening the case screws.
You can test the unit by connecting
the output to an amplifier and speaker.
Apply power and listen to the noise
which should occur after several seconds. Alternatively, look at the signal
on an oscillo
scope. A multimeter
should give an AC reading of around
60mV on the 0dB range and 0V on the
-60dB position of S2.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 95
Build this useful test accessory
A zener diode tester
for your DMM
Plug this simple adaptor
into your DMM and you can
directly read the values of
zener diodes. It covers the
range from about 2.2V right
up to 100V.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
you have stashed away which
cannot be used simply because
their value is unknown? In many cases, the type number will be missing
(rubbed off) or will be very difficult
to read because the print is so small.
And even if it can be read, the type
number will not directly give you the
value you anyway – instead, you have
to look it up in a data book.
This Zener Tester is the answer to
this problem. It plugs directly into
your DMM, so that you can directly
read the breakdown voltage of the zener being tested. The unit can measure
all the common types from very low
values of around 2.2V right up to 100V.
It’s best for 400mW and 1W power
devices, although it will also provide
a reasonably accurate measurement
for 3W zeners.
Testing zener diodes
Testing zener diodes has always
been difficult. This is because the current needed to test a low-voltage zener
is vastly different to that required for
a higher voltage type.
In the past, many zener testers
tried to circumvent this problem by
applying a constant 5mA and then
reading off the value of breakdown
voltage. Thus, for a 5V zener, the
power dissipated would be 25mW
and for a 30V zener, 150mW. While
these values may appear OK, let’s see
why the constant current idea does
not work in practice.
Fig.1 shows the typical zener
characteristic. In the forward direction, the zener behaves as a diode
and begins to conduct at about 0.7V.
Conversely, in the reverse direction,
there is very little current flow (as
in a normal diode), until the “knee”
is reached. At this point, the zener
breaks down and the voltage remains
essentially constant over a wide range
of currents.
Note the maximum power position
(the power rating of the zener) and the
10% maximum power location. These
two power limits set the operating
range of the zener.
If the current is taken below the
10% maximum power position, the
zener voltage will drop markedly as
it follows the knee in the curve. This
means that if we read the zener voltage
below the 10% position, the reading
will be well under the correct zener
voltage which can only be obtained
Fig.1: the typical zener characteristic. In the reverse direction, there is
very little current flow until the “knee” is reached, at which point the
zener breaks down and the voltage remains virtually constant over a wide
range of currents.
at higher currents.
Note: some zener diode types have
a very sharp knee, which enables the
diode to operate at very low currents
Tests 400mW and 1W zener
Test range from 2.2V to 100V
Connects to a multimeter for
zener voltage reading
Battery powered
Constant power testing at
while maintaining its rated breakdown
Fig.2 shows the curves for both 1W
and 400mW zener diodes for voltages
from 3-100V. The lower two traces
show the 40mW (10% of 400mW)
and the 100mW (10% of 1W) power
curves, while the upper two traces
show the maximum power curves for
400mW and 1W.
To properly test 400mW and 1W
diodes, we must have the zeners operate between the 100mW and 400mW
curves. In this way, we will be above
the 10% power point for both types
and below their maximum limits.
The trace (dotted) for a zener tester
using a constant 5mA current shows
Zener diode test power �������������������� 200mW
Test power linearity �������������������������� within 10% of 200mW for zener
diodes from 4V to 100V; less than
3.5% change for battery supply
variation from 6-9V
Battery current drain ������������������������ 35mA <at> 9V; 47mA <at> 6V
Open circuit output voltage �������������� 112V nominal
Overall efficiency ������������������������������ 63%
Converter efficiency ������������������������� >90%
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 97
Fig.2: voltage vs.
current curves for
both 1W and 400mW
zener diodes, for
voltages from
3-100V. The lower
two traces show
the 40mW (10% of
400mW) and the
100mW (10% of 1W)
power curves, while
the upper two traces
show the maximum
power curves for
400mW and 1W.
that while zeners from 20-80V fit
between these limits, the maximum
dissipation is exceeded for 400mW
diodes above 80V. At the other end,
the 10% limit prevents 1W diodes
from giving accurate readings below
20V (for 400mW diodes, the limit is
extended to below 8V).
One way around this is to use a
fixed resistor tester operating from
a 110V supply. This will enable all
400mW and 1W zener diodes to be
tested down to about 3V. Note, however, that this type of tester will go
close to the 400mW limit at about
At the same time, the tester will also
need to provide up to 1.42W of power
to dissipate 40mW in a 3V zener. This
represents an efficiency of just 3%.
While efficiency may not appear to
be a problem, it does present a strain
on a small 9V battery when it is called
upon to deliver 160mA.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
The final trace shows the 200mW
power curve and this fits neatly between the limits specified. The SILICON
CHIP Zener Tester follows this curve
closely. It always provides the same
power to the zener diode, regardless
of voltage. And, as a bonus, battery
drain is much lower at 35mA.
Block diagram
The Zener Tester is based on a high
voltage supply, produced by stepping
Fig.3: block diagram of
the Zener Tester. It uses a
converter to step up the
voltage from a 9V battery
so that high-voltage
zeners can be tested. The
error amplifier and pulse
controller ensure that
the power delivered to
the zener diode remains
up from 9V using a converter – see
Fig.3. This converter produces up to
about 112V, so that high-voltage zeners
can be tested.
The current supplied to the converter is monitored by error amplifier IC1b
which in turn drives a pulse controller (IC2). This maintains a constant
current to the converter from the 9V
battery. Since the battery voltage is
also constant, the power delivered to
the converter and thus to the zener is
also constant.
In practice, this means that the
converter alters its current output depending on the zener voltage. At high
zener voltages, the current is low and
at low voltages, the current is high.
A LED reference is used to provide
a fixed voltage for the error amplifier,
so that current can be maintained.
Note that this reference is also compensated for input voltage, so that as
the battery voltage falls, the reference
voltage rises and allows more current
flow through the converter. This
maintains the constant power to the
converter, regardless of variations in
the supply voltage.
A standard digital or analog mul-
timeter is used to read the value of
zener voltage.
How it works
The full circuit for the Zener Tester
is shown in Fig.4. It consists of just a
few low-cost components and a stepup transformer.
The step-up circuit uses the two
windings of transformer T1 to produce up to 112V. Mosfet transistor
(Q1) is used as a switch to charge the
primary winding via the 9V supply.
When Q1 is switched off, the charge
is transferred to the secondary and
delivered to a 0.1µF capacitor via
diode D1.
The advantage of using a 2:1 stepup transformer is that the voltage
developed across Q1 is only half that
developed across the secondary winding. This means that a 60V Mosfet can
be used rather than a 200V type.
Q1 is driven by an oscillator formed
by 7555 timer IC2. This operates by
successively charging and discharging
a .0039µF capacitor via a 6.8kΩ timing resistor connected to the output
(pin 3).
When power is first applied, the
.0039µF capacitor is discharged and
the pin 3 output is high. The capacitor
then charges to the threshold voltage
at pin 6, at which point pin 3 goes low
and the capacitor discharges to the
lower threshold voltage at pin 2. Pin
3 then switches high again and so the
process is repeated indefinitely while
ever power is applied.
The current through Q1 is monitored by measuring the voltage across
the 1Ω source resistor. This voltage is
filtered using a 120Ω resistor and a
0.1µF capacitor and applied to error
amplifier IC1b. Its output (pin 7) directly drives the threshold pin (pin
5) of IC5.
If the current is too high, IC1b
pulls pin 5 of IC2 slightly lower, so
that the pulse width duty cycle to Q1
Fig.4 (below): the circuit diagram of
the Zener Tester. IC1b is the error
amplifier and this controls the
duty cycle of oscillator IC2. IC2 in
turn drives Q1 which switches the
primary of step-up transformer T1.
The secondary output of T1 is then
rectified via D1 and applied to the
zener diode.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 99
The PC board fits neatly into a standard plastic case,
with room for the battery at one end. Take care to
ensure that the test terminals are correctly wired.
is reduced. This in turn reduces the
current. Conversely, if the current is
too low, IC1b pulls pin 5 of IC2 higher.
This increases the duty cycle of the
drive to Q1’s gate and thus increases
the current.
IC1b compares the average current
value with a reference at its pin 5
(non-inverting) input. This reference
is derived from the power supply and
LED1 via IC1a.
In operation, pin 2 of IC1a monitors
a voltage dependant reference derived
from a voltage divider (100kΩ & 560Ω)
across the supply rails. This reference
is fed to pin 2 via a 100kΩ resistor,
while a 100kΩ feedback resistor gives
the amplifier a gain of -1 for this signal
Similarly, the 1.8V that appears
across LED1 is divided using 100kΩ
and 2.4kΩ resistors to give about
42mV at pin 3 of IC1a. IC1a then amplifies this signal by a factor of 2 (1 +
100kΩ/100kΩ) to give 84mV.
To understand how this all works in
practice, let’s assume that the power
supply is at 9V. In this case, the voltage across the 560Ω resistor will be
50mV and so the output (pin 1) of IC1a
will be at 84 - 50 = 34mV. However,
if the power supply falls to 7.5V (for
example), then the voltage across the
560Ω resistor will be 42mV. The pin
Fig.5: this diagram
shows the winding
details for the stepup transformer (T1)
– see text. Note that
both windings are
wound in the same
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
1 output of IC1a will now be at 84 42mV = 42mV.
Thus, as the supply voltage goes
down, the reference voltage applied
to pin 5 of IC1b goes up. This ensures
that greater current is supplied at lower voltages, to maintain the constant
power. As the accompanying specifications panel shows, this scheme
works well, with the power varying by
only 3.5% for battery voltage ranging
from 6-9V.
Power supply
Power for the circuit is derived from
the 9V battery via switch S1. Note that
the battery condition is indicated by
the brightness of the LED. If LED1
is dim, then it is time to change the
battery. The fact that the circuit will
work down to below 6V means that
battery life is quite good.
Construction of the SILICON CHIP
Zener Tester is straightforward, with
most of the parts mounted on a PC
board coded 04302961 (56 x 104mm).
Begin construction by checking the
PC board for shorted tracks or small
breaks. In addition, the corners of the
PC board will need filing out so that
it will fit inside the case. The actual
shape is shown on the copper side of
the PC board.
This done, install PC stakes at the
Fig.6 (right): make
sure that transformer
T1 is correctly
oriented when
installing the parts
on the PC board
(ie, pin 1 to bottom
left). Fig.7 (far right)
shows the full-size
PC pattern.
external wiring points – see Fig.6.
These are located at the positive (+)
and negative (-) battery wiring points,
at the positive and negative terminal
connection positions, and at the
switch (S1) and LED1 positions. Once
these are in, install the two wire links
(next to IC1 and next to IC2).
Next, install the resistors, followed
by the diodes and ICs. Table 1 lists the
resistor colour codes but it is also a
good idea to check them using a digital
multimeter. Make sure that the diodes
and ICs are correctly oriented.
The capacitors can now be installed,
taking care to ensure that the 100µF
electrolytic is oriented correctly.
This done, install Mosfet Q1 on the
board (metal tab towards IC2). LED1
is mounted on the end of its leads, so
that it will later protrude through the
front panel. Similarly, switch S1 is
soldered on the top of its corresponding PC stakes.
end on pin 6; (2) wind on 20 turns
side-by-side in the direction shown
and terminate the free end on pin 3; (4)
wrap a layer of insulating tape around
this winding.
The secondary is wound on in
similar fashion, starting at pin 5 and
winding in the direction shown. Note
that the 40 turns are wound on in
two layers (20 turns in each), with a
layer of insulating tape between them.
Terminate the free end of the winding
on pin 4.
The transformer is now assembled
by sliding the cores into each side of
the former and then securing them
Transformer winding
Transformer T1 is wound using
0.25mm enamelled copper wire – see
Fig.5. The primary is wound first, as
follows: (1) remove the insulation
from one end of the wire using a hot
soldering iron tip and terminate this
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 2
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue brown
yellow violet yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
blue grey red brown
red yellow red brown
brown black red brown
green blue brown brown
brown red brown brown
brown black black brown
brown black gold gold
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black green brown
yellow violet black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
blue grey black brown brown
red yellow black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
green blue black black brown
brown red black black brown
brown black black gold brown
brown black black silver brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 101
Fig.8: this full-size artwork can be
used as a drilling template for the
front panel.
The test leads are fitted with banana plugs (red for positive, black for negative),
so that they can be plugged into standard multimeter terminals. The zener
breakdown voltage is the read directly off the multimeter display.
with the clips. This done, insert the
transformer into the PC board, making
sure that it is oriented correctly, and
solder the pins.
Final assembly
A plastic case measuring 64 x 114 x
42mm is used to house the assembled
PC board. This is fitted with a self-adhesive label measuring 55 x 103mm.
Begin the final assembly by affixing
the label to the front panel (lid), then
drill out mounting holes for the LED
bezel, switch S1 and the two banana
plug terminals. You will also need to
drill a hole in one end of the base to
accept a small grommet. This done,
mount the two test terminals (red for
positive, black for negative) and fit
the grommet and LED bezel in place.
Next, fit the board inside the case (it
sits on four integral mounting pillars)
and secure it using four small self-tapping screws. The lid can now be test
fitted to check that the switch and LED
line up correctly with the front panel.
Adjust them for height as necessary,
then solder the battery clip leads to
their respective PC stakes.
Finally, run short lengths of hookup wire from the PC board to the test
terminals. Additional leads are then
attached to the test terminals and
brought out via the grommet fitted to
one end of the case. Terminate these
leads using banana plugs (red for positive, black for negative). This lets you
plug the leads directly into a standard
DMM or analog multimeter.
You are now ready to test the unit.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Apply power and check that the LED
lights. If is doesn’t, check that the LED
is oriented correctly. Now measure the
voltages on IC1 using a multimeter.
There should be about 9V DC across
pins 4 & 8 and a similar voltage between pins 1 & 8 of IC2.
If these voltage checks are correct,
plug the output leads into your multimeter and press the Power button.
Check that the meter reads 112V. If it
doesn’t, switch off immediately and
check for wiring errors.
If everything is OK so far, connect a
1kΩ resistor across the test terminals
and check the voltage again (press the
Power button). This time, you should
get a reading of about 14V across the
resistor, which means that the resistor
is dissipating about 200mW. If this
reading is quite different, check that
the voltage across LED1 is 1.7-1.8V
and that about 42mV at present on
pin 3 of IC1.
Assuming a fresh battery, you
should also get about 50mV across the
560Ω resistor. If the latter two reading
are incor
rect, check the associated
voltage divider resistors.
If all is working correctly, you are
now ready to measure zener diodes.
1 PC board, code 04302961,
104 x 56mm
1 plastic case, 64 x 114 x 42mm
1 front panel label, 55 x 103mm
1 pushbutton momentary contact
switch (S1)
1 9V battery and battery clip
1 red banana socket
1 black banana socket
1 red banana plug
1 black banana plug
1 EFD20 transformer assembly
(Philips 2 x 4312 020 4108 1
cores, 1 x 4322 021 3522 1
former, 2 x 4322 021 3515 1
clips) (T1)
1 2-metre length of 0.25mm
enamelled copper wire
1 100mm length of red hook-up
1 100mm length of black hookup wire
1 30mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
8 PC stakes
4 3mm screws
1 small grommet
1 3mm LED bezel
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC1)
1 7555, TLC555, LMC555CN
CMOS timer (IC2)
1 MTP3055E or A version
N-channel Mosfet (Q1)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
1 1N4936 fast recovery diode
1 56V 3W zener diode (ZD1)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF 400VDC polyester
1 .0039µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
2 1kΩ
1 470kΩ
1 560Ω
4 100kΩ
1 120Ω
1 6.8kΩ
1 10Ω
1 2.4kΩ
1 1Ω
There’s just one important thing to
watch out for here – be sure to connect
the zener diode to the test terminals
with the correct polarity; ie, cathode
(banded end) to positive, anode to
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 103
40V 3A variable
power supply; Pt.1
This 1.23-40V adjustable power supply is designed for heavy-duty work. It uses a high-efficiency switching regulator circuit
& features preset current limiting, full overload protection & an LCD panel meter for
precise voltage & current readouts.
By far the biggest advantage that this
elegant new power supply has over
other designs is its high-efficiency
switching regulator circuitry. In this
type of circuit, the regulator is either
fully on or fully off at any given instant
and so it dissipates very little power,
even when delivering high current at
low output voltage.
In practical terms, this means that
the regulator generates very little heat
and so we don’t need to use large and
expensive heatsinks. And that in turn
means that we can greatly simplify the
construction and pack the required
circuitry into a much smaller case
than would otherwise be required for
a conventional design employing a
linear regulator.
In fact, by employing switchmode
operation, the regulator in this circuit
generates less than 10W under worst
case conditions. By contrast, a linear
regulator in an equivalent 40V supply
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
would need to dissipate around 120W
when delivering 1.23V at 3A! This is
an enormous amount of heat to extract
and would require a large finned heatsink to keep the regulator temperature
within specification.
This is one power supply that can
continuously supply a high output
current without suffering from thermal overload problems. By contrast,
a linear regulator has inherently high
dissipation, especially at very low output voltages (due to the high voltage
across the regulator), and this severely
limits its output current capability.
Another very commendable feature
of the circuit is the low level of ripple
and hash in the output. Achieving this
is not always easy in a switchmode
design but we’ve done it using a combination of extra filtering and careful
circuit layout. As shown in the specifications panel, the output noise and
ripple is just 5mV p-p at 24V, reducing
to a minuscule 1mV p-p at 3V.
Main Features
Output voltage continuously
adjustable from 1.23V to 40V
• Greater than 3A output current
capability from 1.23-28V
• Digital readout of voltage, current or current limit setting
• 10-turn pot for precise voltage
• Adjustable current limit setting
• Current overload indication
• Regulation dropout indication
• Output fully floating with respect to earth
• Load switch
• Low output ripple
• Short circuit & thermal overload protection
• Minimal heatsinking
Fig.1: the voltage vs. current characteristics of the supply. It is capable of
supplying a hefty 3.8A over the range from 1.23V to 28V. Beyond that, the
available output current decreases due to the transformer regulation.
These are excellent figures for a
switching design and are comparable
to those achieved by linear circuits.
The switching hash is also very low.
It is far less than in previous designs
and, in fact, is below the ripple level.
Digital readout
Do you need to precisely monitor
the output voltage or current, or accurately set the current limit? Well, with
this power supply you can because
it uses an LCD panel meter to give a
digital readout of voltage or current.
A single toggle switch selects the
measurement mode.
A 10-turn pot makes it easy to set
the output voltage to the exact value
required, while the current limit is
set by first pressing the Set button
and then adjusting the Current Limit
pot until the LCD shows the required
value. In addition, there are two LEDs
on the front panel and these provide
current overload and regulation dropout indication.
There’s one other control on the
front panel that we haven’t yet mentioned – the Load switch. This simply
connects or disconnects the load (ie,
the device being powered) from the
supply rail and eliminates the need
to switch the supply off when making
connections to the output terminals.
It also allows the output voltage and
current limit values to be set before
power is applied to the load.
Output capabilities
Fig.1 plots the performance of the
supply. As shown, it is capable of
Fig.2: how a switching regulator
operates. When S1 is closed &
S2 is open, current flows to the
load via L1 which stores energy.
When S1 subsequently opens &
S2 closes, the energy stored in
the inductor maintains the load
current until S1 closes again.
supplying a hefty 3.8A over the range
from 1.23V to 28V. Beyond that, the
available output current decreases due
to the transformer regulation. However, there is still 2.2A available at 30V,
1.4A at 35V and 600mA at 40V.
The load regulation is excellent at
the higher voltages but is not as good
Vout = 1.23(1 + R2/R1)
Fig.3: a basic switchmode
voltage regulator based
on the LM2576 IC. In this
circuit, an internal 3A
switching transistor takes
the place of S1 in Fig.2,
while diode D1 takes the
place of S2. The output
voltage is set by the ratio
of R2 & R1, which feed
a sample of the output
voltage back to an internal
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 105
The circuit is based on the National
Semiconductor LM2576HVT high
voltage adjustable switchmode voltage
regulator. Fig.2 shows how a switching
regulator operates.
In operation, S1 and S2 operate at
high speed and are alternately closed
and opened. These two switches control the current flowing in inductor L1.
When S1 is closed and S2 is open, the
current flows to the load via inductor
L1 which stores up energy. When S1
subsequently opens and S2 closes,
the energy stored in the inductor
maintains the load current until S1
closes again.
The output voltage is set by adjusting the switch duty cycle and is
equal to the input voltage multiplied
by the ratio of S1’s on time to its off
time. Capacitor C1 is used to filter the
resulting output voltage before it is
applied to the load.
Fig.3 shows a complete voltage regulator based on the LM2576 IC. It is a
5-pin device which requires just five
extra components to produce a basic
working circuit. Its mode of operation
IC3d, IC5
Fig.4: this diagram shows all the relevant circuit
sections. Switching regulator IC1 forms the heart
of the circuit & adjusts its output according to the
setting of VR1. IC2 amplifies the voltage across
current sense resistor R1 & the amplified voltage
is then fed to IC3a where it is compared with
the output from VR2 to derive the current limit
setting. A 3½-digit LCD panel meter provides
precise readout of the voltage & current settings.
Basic principle
at lower voltages. This is because of
higher losses in the circuit due to the
higher pulse currents involved at low
voltage settings. The line regulation
is less than 0.1% for a 10% change
in mains voltage – see specifications
is the same as that described in Fig.2
except that here a 3A switching transistor is used for S1, while an external
diode (D1) is used for S2.
What happens in this case is that
when the transistor is on, the current
flows to the load via inductor L1 as
before and D1 is reverse biased. When
the transistor subsequently turns off,
the input to the inductor swings negative (ie, below ground). D1 is now
forward biased and so the current
now flows via L1, the load and back
through D1.
The output voltage is set by the ratio
of R2 and R1, which form a voltage
divider across the output (Vout). The
sampled voltage from the divider is
fed to pin 4 of the switcher IC and
thence to an internal comparator
where it is compared with a 1.23V
reference. This sets Vout so that the
voltage produced by the divider is
the same as the reference voltage (ie,
Apart from the comparator and the
switching transistor, the regulator IC
also contains an oscillator, a reset
circuit, an on/off circuit and a driver
stage with thermal shutdown & current limiting circuitry. The incoming
supply rail is applied to pin 1 of the
IC and connects to the collector of
the 3A switching transistor. It also
supplies an internal regulator stage
which then supplies power to the rest
of the regulator circuit.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Basically, the LM2576 uses pulse
width modulation (PWM) control to
set the output voltage. If the output
voltage rises above the preset level,
the duty cycle from the driver stage
decreases and throttles back the
switching transistor to bring the output voltage back to the correct level.
Conversely, if the output voltage falls,
the duty cycle is increased and the
i ng transistor conducts for
longer periods.
The internal oscillator operates
at 52kHz ±10% and this sets the
switching frequency. This frequency
is well beyond the limit of audibility
although, in practice, a faint ticking
noise will occasionally be audible
from the unit due to magnetostrictive
effects in the cores of the external
One very useful feature of the
LM2576 that we haven’t yet mentioned is the On/Off control input at
pin 5. As its name implies, this allows
the regulator to be switched on or
off using an external voltage signal.
This feature is put to good use in
this circuit to provide the adjustable
current limiting feature, as we shall
see later on.
Block diagram
Although the LM2576-ADJ forms
the heart of the circuit, quite a few
other parts are required to produce
a practical working variable supply.
Fig.4 shows the full block diagram of
the unit.
Power for the circuit comes from
the 240VAC mains. This feeds power
transformer T1 and its output is rectified and filtered to provide a 42V DC
supply which is then fed to the input of
the switching regulator (IC1). VR1 sets
the output voltage from the regulator
and essentially forms one half of the
voltage divider shown in Fig.3.
IC3c monitors the input and output
voltages from the regulator and lights
a LED when the difference between
them is less than 3.3V. This indicates
that the circuit is no longer regulat
ing correctly. Following the regulator,
the current in the negative rail flows
through the sensing resistor R1. The
voltage across this resistor is then
amplified by IC2 and applied to comparator stage IC3a.
R1 has a value of just .005Ω, while
IC2 operates with a gain of 200. This
means that IC2’s output voltage is
numerically equivalent to the current
(in amps) flowing through R1 (ie, IC2’s
output increases by 1V per amp). So,
in addition to driving IC3a, IC2 is also
used to drive the LCD digital voltmeter
(via S4, S3 & IC4) to obtain current
IC3a and potentiometer VR2 provide
the current limiting feature. In operation, IC3a compares the voltage from
IC2 with the voltage set by VR2. This
voltage can be anywhere in the range
from 0-4V, corresponding to current
set limits of 0-4A. The circuit works
as follows.
If IC2’s output rises above the
voltage set by VR2 (ie, the current
through R1 rises above the set limit),
IC3a’s output goes high and turns off
the switching regulator via the On/
Off control. The current through R1
now falls until IC2’s output falls below
the voltage from VR2, at which point
IC3a’s output goes low and switches
the regulator (IC1) back on again. The
current now rises until the regulator
is switched off again and so the cycle
is repeated indefinitely.
By this means, IC3a switches the
regulator on and off at a rapid rate
to limit the current to the value set
by VR2.
IC3a also drives comparator stage
IC3b and this lights an indicator LED
when ever current limiting takes
place. Switch S4 selects between
the outputs of IC2 and VR2, so that
either the load current or the current
Minimum no load output voltage ......................................... 1.23V ±13mV
Maximum no load output voltage ....................................................... 40V
Output current ...........................................................................see graph
Current limit range .................................................................. 10mA to 4A
Current limit resolution .................................................................... 10mA
Line regulation ........................<0.1% for a 10% change in mains voltage
Voltmeter resolution........................ 10mV from 1.23V to 16.5V (approx);
100mV from 16.5V to 40V
Current meter resolution ................................................................. 10mA
Meter accuracy .................................................................1% plus 2 digits
Load regulation
no load to 3A <at> 24V ......................................................................1.5%
no load to 3A <at> 12V .........................................................................2%
no load to 3A <at> 6V ........................................................................2.8%
no load to 3A <at> 3V ........................................................................4.2%
Output ripple and noise
3A <at> 24V ................................................................................ 5mV p-p
3A <at> 12V ................................................................................ 2mV p-p
3A <at> 6V .................................................................................. 1mV p-p
3A <at> 3V .................................................................................. 1mV p-p
limit setting is displayed on the LCD
panel meter.
This makes it easy to set the current
limit. All you have to do is press S4
and rotate VR2 (the Current Limit control) until the required value appears
on the digital readout.
Immediately following R1 is a filter
stage which is based mainly on inductor L2. This filter removes most of the
ripple and high frequency noise from
the positive and negative supply rails.
The two supply rails are then applied
to the load via S2.
Finally, the 3½-digit LCD panel
meter is used to display either the
output voltage, the output current or
the current limit setting, depending
on the positions of switches S3 and
S4. The selected signal voltage is
applied to the panel meter via signal
conditioning amplifier IC4, which
provides the required level shifting
and attenuation.
For voltages up to about 18V, the
display resolution is 10mV. It is then
switched to a higher range with 100mV
resolution to prevent over-range for
output voltages above 20V. This task
is performed using IC3d and IC5.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.5 for the full circuit
details. It contains all the elements
shown in the block diagram of Fig.4.
We’ll go through each of the major
sections in turn.
Transformer T1 is supplied with
mains power via fuse F1 and power
switch S1. Its 30VAC secondary is
full-wave rectified using diodes D1-D4
and filtered using two parallel 4700µF
50VW electrolytic capacitors. The
resulting 42V DC supply is applied to
the switching regulator (IC1).
Note the 100µF capacitor connected
between pins 1 & 3 of IC1. This capacitor is necessary to prevent circuit
instability and is mounted as close to
the IC as possible.
D5, L1, the two parallel 1000µF
capacitors and VR1 form the basic
switchmode power supply block (see
Fig.3). D5 is a Schottky diode which is
rated at 10A and 60V. It has been specified in preference to a conventional
fast recovery diode because of its low
forward voltage drop. As a result, there
is very little heat dissipation within
the diode and this leads to increased
The output from IC1 feeds directly
into L1, a 300µH induc
tor. This is
wound on a Philips ETD29 ferrite
core assembly with a 1mm air-gap to
prevent core saturation, as can occur
when DC currents flow in ungapped
core windings.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 107
The 3A-40V Adjustable Power Supply is easy to build since most of the parts are
mounted on a single PC board & the LCD panel meter is supplied ready made.
No large heatsinks are required in the design because the switching regulator
(IC1) dissipates very little power, even at low-voltage high-current settings.
VR1 and its associated 1.5kΩ resistor provide voltage feedback to pin 4
of IC1, to set the output level. When
VR1’s resistance is at 0Ω, the output
from the regulator (pin 2) is equal to
1.23V. This output voltage increases as
the resistance of the pot increases. The
680Ω 5W resistor connected across
the regulator output discharges the
two 1000µF capacitors to the required
level when a lower output voltage is
Filter circuit
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Regulator dropout
Comparator IC3c and its associated
parts form the regulator dropout indicator depicted on the block diagram.
In this circuit, a sample of the output
voltage is applied to pin 8 of IC3c and
compared with a sample of the regulator input voltage at pin 9. Zener diode
ZD2 provides an offset, so that IC3c
only switches its output (pin 14) low
when the voltage across the regulator
drops below 3.3V.
In this situation, IC1 is no longer
Fig.5 (right): the main switching
regulator circuit is based on IC1, L1
& D5, while IC2, IC3a & VR2 control
the ON/OFF input of IC1 to provide
the current limit feature. IC4 provides
signal conditioning for the DVM02 panel meter, with IC3d & IC5
providing automatic range switching.
Inductor L2 and its associated 100µF
and 0.1µF capacitors make up the filter
circuit shown in the block diagram
(Fig.4). This LC network effectively
attenuates the switching frequency
ripple by a factor of 10.
In practice, L2 consists of two separate windings (L2a, L2b) on the same
toroidal core. These two windings are
phased so that the flux developed by
L2a is cancelled by the flux developed
by L2b. This type of winding arrangement provides what is known as DC
compensation and is done to prevent
core saturation.
As shown in Fig.5, L2a is used to
decouple the positive supply rail,
while L2b decouples the negative rail.
The inductor thus effectively filters
any common mode signals, while the
100µF and 0.1µF capacitors across the
output attenuate any remaining spikes.
The resulting filtered voltage is
then applied to the output terminals
via load switch S2. Additional filtering is applied at this point using a
0.33µF capacitor across the terminals
and a 0.1µF capacitor between the
negative terminal and mains ground.
Note that this 0.1µF capacitor must be
rated at 250VAC to comply with safety
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 109
LM336-5 A
VR3 10k
b 15 RANGE
. 005
~2. 8V
1 PC board, code 04202941, 222
x 160mm
1 front panel label, 250 x 75mm
1 plastic instrument case, 260 x
190 x 80mm
2 aluminium front & rear panels
for above case
1 M-2170 30V 100VA mains
transformer (Altronics)
1 LCD voltmeter module (Altronics
Cat. Q-0560)
3 captive head binding posts (1
red, 1 black, 1 green)
1 2AG panel-mount fuseholder
1 500mA 2AG fuse
1 TO-220 heatsink, 26 x 30 x
15mm (Jaycar Cat. HH-8504)
1 SPDT mains rocker switch with
neon indicator (S1)
1 DPDT paddle switch (S2) (DSE
Cat. P-7693 or equiv.)
1 SPDT toggle switch (S3)
1 DPDT momentary pushbutton
switch with common terminal at
side (S4) (Altronics S-1394)
1 ETD29 transformer assembly
with 3C85 core (Philips: 2 cores
4312 020 3750 2; 1 former
4322 021 3438 1; 2 clips 4322
021 3437 1)
1 RCC32.6/10.7, 2P90 ring core
(Philips 4330 030 6035)
2 15mm diameter knobs
1 mains cord & plug
1 cord grip grommet
2 5mm LED bezels
26 PC stakes
5 self-tapping screws to mount PC
2 4mm screws nuts & washers
4 3mm screws, nuts & star
1 3mm countersunk screw, nut &
star washer (use a dress screw
if the front panel is screen
6 crimp lug eyelets for 3mm screw
2 solder lugs for 9mm thread
1 TO-220 insulating bush &
12 cable ties
1 50kΩ 10-turn pot (VR1)
1 1kΩ linear pot (VR2)
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR3)
1 5kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR4)
regulating and IC3c lights LED 2 to
provide a warning that the supply has
dropped out of regulation.
low input offset voltage and input bias
current specifications. This is necessary to ensure that IC2’s output will
be at 0V when no current is flowing
through R1. The OP77GP used here
typically has an input offset voltage
of just 50µV and an input bias current
of just 1.2nA.
Because its inputs operate at close
to ground potential, IC2 must be powered from both positive and negative
supply rails. The positive supply rail
for IC2 (and for the remaining ICs) is
derived from the output of the bridge
Current limiting
The current sense resistor (R1) is
wired into the negative supply rail
before L2b and consists of a short
length of 0.4mm enamelled copper
wire. As explained previously, the
voltage across it is multiplied by 200
using IC2, so that IC2’s output delivers
1V per amp of load current.
In this application, IC2 must have
Wire & cable
1 2-metre length of 1.5mm
enamelled copper wire
1 3.5-metre length of 0.8mm
enamelled copper wire
1 60mm length of 0.4mm
enamelled copper wire
1 200mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 25mm length of 1.0mm
enamelled wire (for use as a
feeler gauge)
1 600mm length green/yellow
mains wire
1 1.5-metre length of red hook-up
1 1.5-metre length of black hookup wire
1 1.5-metre length of green hookup wire
1 1.5-metre length of blue hookup wire
1 200mm length of 3-way rainbow
1 200mm length of red 32 x
0.20mm hook-up wire
1 200mm length of black 32 x
0.20mm hook-up wire
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
1 LM2576HVT-ADJ high voltage
adjustable switchmode voltage
regulator (IC1) (NSD)
2 OP77GP op amps (IC2,IC4)
1 LM339 quad comparator (IC3)
1 4053 CMOS switch (IC5)
1 LMC7660 switched capacitor
voltage converter (IC6)
4 1N5404 3A 400V diodes (D1-D4)
1 MBR1060 Schottky diode (D5)
1 1N4148 signal diode (D6)
1 9V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 3.3V 400mW zener diode (ZD2)
1 LM336-5 5V reference (REF1)
2 5mm red LEDs (LED1,LED2)
2 4700µF 50VW electrolytic
2 1000µF 63VW electrolytic
2 100µF 63VW electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.33µF 63VW MKT polyester
4 0.1µF 63VW MKT polyester
1 0.1µF 250VAC polyester
1 330pF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 4.7kΩ 0.5W
2 100kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
1 91kΩ
1 1.5kΩ
2 47kΩ
5 1kΩ
1 22kΩ
1 680Ω
1 15kΩ
2 680Ω 5W
3 10kΩ
1 220Ω
1 6.8kΩ
2 100Ω
Insulating tape, solder, heatshrink
tubing, heatsink compound, 4.7Ω
5W resistor (for load testing).
rectifier via a 680Ω resistor and 9V
zener diode ZD1. IC6, an LMC7660
switched capacitor voltage converter,
generates the -9V rail for IC2.
In operation, IC6 first charges the
10µF capacitor between pins 2 & 4 to
9V. It then reverses the connections
of the capacitor so that it can charge
a second 10µF capacitor at pin 5 with
negative polarity. This process is repeated continuously at a rate of about
10kHz so that the resulting output is a
relatively smooth DC voltage.
Comparator stage IC3a monitors
the output voltage from IC2 and
compares this with the voltage on
its inverting input, as set by current
limit control VR2. This potentiometer
and its associated 220Ω resistor form
a voltage divider network which is
connected across 5V reference REF1.
In operation, VR2 sets the voltage
on pin 4 of IC2 at between 0V and
4V, corre
sponding to current limit
settings of 0-4A.
Because IC3a is an open collector
device, its output at pin 2 is connected
to the positive supply rail via a 2.2kΩ
pull-up resistor. If the voltage at the
output of IC2 is greater than that set
by VR2, pin 2 of IC3a is pulled high
by this resistor. This also pulls pin 5
of IC1 high and switches off the regulator to provide current limiting. At
the same time, pin 6 of IC3b is pulled
high via D6, and so pin 1 switches low
and LED 1 lights to indicate current
When the current subsequently
falls below the preset limit, pin 2
of IC3a switches low again and the
regulator turns back on. Thus, IC3a
switches the regulator on and off at a
rapid rate to provide current limiting,
as described previously. The 1MΩ
resistor and 330pF capacitor at pin 6
of IC3b provide a small time delay so
that LED 1 is powered continuously
during current limiting.
Fig.6: this scope photograph shows
100Hz ripple at the output terminals
of the power supply when driving a
3A load at 12V.
Fig.7: this is the 100Hz ripple for a
3A at 24V. Note the increase in ripple
with the higher voltage.
Digital panel meter
IC4 forms the basis of the signal
conditioning circuit. This op amp is
wired in differential mode and operates with a gain of 0.01, as set by the
resistor feedback networks on pins 2
and 3. Its output appears at pin 6 and is
applied to the I/P+ input of the digital
voltmeter (DVM-02).
The DVM-02 is a standard panel meter with differential inputs (I/P+ and
I/P-) and requires a 9V power supply
between its BAT + and BAT- terminals.
Its I/P- input is fixed at 6.2V (ie, 2.8V
below the positive supply) and this
reference voltage is used to bias pin
3 of IC4 via a 1kΩ resistor. This bias
produces an offset at the output of
IC4 and ensures that the voltage fed
to the digital voltmeter is within its
operating range.
This signal conditioning is necessary because the DVM-02 cannot
be used to directly measure voltages
within 1V of either supply rail.
The voltage range of the DVM-02 is
selected by bridging pads on the volt-
Fig.8: this is the high frequency
switching noise as seen on a 100MHz
oscilloscope using a 10:1 probe.
meter PC board. In this case, only the
200mV and 2V ranges are used. The
decimal point is selected in a similar
manner (ie, by bridging DP1 or DP2
to DP COM).
In operation, switch S3 selects
either the positive output rail or the
output of IC2 to provide voltage or
current measure
ment, respectively.
The resulting voltage signal on the
wiper of S4b is then applied to pin
3 of IC4 via VR4 and its associated
series resistors. Alternatively, pressing
S4 applies the voltage on the wiper of
VR2, so that the current limit reading
will be displayed on the DVM-02. This
occurs regardless of the setting of S3.
In summary then, IC4 divides the
voltage at point D by 100 and adds this
to the 6.2V reference signal. Thus, if
we are measuring an output voltage of
20V for example, IC4’s output will be
at 6.2 + 20/100 = 6.4V. This is 200mV
greater than the reference voltage at
I/P- which means that the meter will
display 20.0 – assuming suitable range
and decimal point switching.
Range switching
IC3d and IC5 provide the range and
decimal point switching, so that this
operation is completely automatic.
IC3d is wired as a Schmitt trigger and
monitors the voltage between point D
and the negative output rail (point X)
via a voltage divider (47kΩ and 10kΩ).
IC3d’s output drives the A, B and C
inputs of IC5, a 3-pole 2-way CMOS
analog switch. In this application,
one switch pole (pole ‘b’) is used for
range selection and another (pole ‘c’)
for decimal point selection. The third
switch pole is left unused.
When the voltage at D is less than
18V, IC3d’s output is pulled high and
pole ‘b’ connects to the ‘by’ position
so that the 200mV range is selected. At
the same time, pole ‘c’ connects to the
‘cy’ position so that decimal point DP2
is selected. This allows the display to
read from 0.00 to 18.00 volts (approx.)
with 10mV resolution.
However, if the voltage at point D
rises above 18V, the output of IC3d
switches low and so the A, B & C inputs of IC5 also go low. Pole ‘b’ now
connects to the ‘bx’ position and pole
‘c’ to the ‘cx’ position, so that the 2V
range and decimal point DP1 are now
selected. The display can now read
from 18.0 to 40.0 volts with 100mV
resolution (note: the most significant
digit is not used in this mode).
Because Schmitt trigger IC3d operates with about 3V of hysteresis (as
set by the 100kΩ feedback resistor),
the voltage at point D must now drop
below about 15V before pin 13 switch
es high again to select the 200mV
range on the DVM-02. The voltage at
point D must then be increased above
18V again to select the 2V range. This
small amount of hysteresis prevents
display jitter at settings close to the
range changeover point.
That completes the circuit description. Next month, we will describe the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 111
40V 3A variable
power supply; Pt.2
This month, we complete the 3A-40V Adjustable
Power Supply by describing the construction,
testing & setting up procedures. Most of the parts
mount on a large PC board, so the assembly is
A large PC board coded 04202941
(222 x 160mm) carries the bulk of
the electronic circuitry, including
the power transform
er. This board
is mounted on pillars moulded into
the base of the case and secured using self-tapping screws. Most of the
remaining parts are mounted on the
front panel and are connected to the
PC board via insulated leads.
Board assembly
Fig.9 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Begin by checking the board
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Fig.9 (facing page): install the parts
on the PC board as shown on this
combined layout & wiring diagram.
The leads marked with an asterisk (*)
must be run using 32 x 0.2mm wire
in order to carry the heavy currents
The S ILICON C HIP 3A-40V Adjustable Power Supply is housed in
a standard plastic instrument case
measuring 260 x 190 x 80mm. This is
fitted with aluminium front and rear
panels, the rear panel providing the
necessary heatsinking for the switching regulator (IC1). In addition, these
aluminium panels are connected to
the mains earth to ensure safety and
play an important role in shielding the
supply circuitry.
Do not, under any circumstances,
use plastic panels for this project.
for etching defects by comparing it
with the published pattern. Usually
there will be no problems but it’s always best to make sure before mounting any of the parts.
If everything is OK, start the assembly by installing PC pins at all external
wiring points, then install the resistors and wire links. Table 1 lists the
resistor colour codes but it’s best to
also check them on your multimeter
as some of the colours can be difficult
to decipher. Note that the two 680Ω
5W resistors should be mounted about
1mm above the board to allow air
circulation, while the 4.7kΩ resistor
13 12 11 10 9
0.1 250VAC
8 7
5 4
15 16
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 113
The switching regulator (IC1) is bolted to the rear panel for heatsinking but
must be isolated from the panel using an insulating bush & washer. A separate
TO-220 style heatsink is fitted to diode D5.
The connections to the LCD panel meter are made by soldering leads to the
terminals on the back of the PC board. Use a small fine-tipped soldering iron for
this job. A few dabs of epoxy resin can be used to hold the panel meter in place.
adjacent to zener diode ZD2 must be
rated at 0.5W.
The link designated R1 must be
run using 0.4mm diameter enamelled
copper wire (note: this is the current
sense resistor). Tin each end of the
link (scrape away the enamel at each
end first) before mounting it on the PC
board. This will ensure a good solder
joint at each end of the link. Do not
use any other type of wire for this
link, otherwise you will have trouble
calibrating the supply later on.
Next, install the ICs, zener diodes,
diodes, REF1 and the trimpots. Solder
only the two outside pins of IC1 at
this stage (do not trim the leads) so
that it can be later easily adjusted to
line up with its mounting hole in the
rear panel. Make sure that the ICs and
diodes are correctly oriented and be
sure to use the correct part number
at each location on the board. Zener
diode ZD1 should be mounted with
a small loop in one end to provide
thermal stress relief.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Diode D5 is mounted on a small
TO-220 style heatsink fitted with two
locating lugs. Smear the metal tab of
the diode with heatsink compound,
then bolt it directly to the heatsink
using a machine screw and nut (no
mica washer necessary). The resulting
assembly can then the fitted to the
board and the leads soldered.
Note that the locating lugs on the
heatsink go through two matching
holes in the PC board. Bend these lugs
slightly to secure the heatsink in place.
The capacitors can now all be installed on the PC board but watch the
polarity of the electrolytic types. Take
care when installing the three 100µF
electrolytic capacitors; two of these are
rated at 63VW while the third is rated
at just 16VW. The latter is installed
adjacent to ZD1.
Winding the transformers
Inductors L1 and L2 can now be
wound and installed on the PC board.
L1 is made by winding 50 turns
of 0.8mm enamelled copper wire on
its plastic bobbin former. Begin by
pre-tinning one end of the wire and
soldering this to terminal 10. This
done, wind on the first layer (with each
turn adjacent to the other) and cover it
with a single layer of insulation tape.
The remaining layers are then
wound in exactly the same manner
until 50 turns have been made, with
each layer covered by a single layer
of insulating tape. When the 50 turns
are on, solder the wire end to terminal
4 and wind a couple of layers of tape
over the completed windings.
Before assembling the transformer,
the centre leg on one of the ferrite
core halves must be filed down so that
there is a 1mm gap between the centre
cores. You will need a flat file for this
job – keep the file square to the ferrite
core surface to maintain an even gap
across the entire face.
A short length of 1.0mm-diameter
wire is used as a feeler gauge to check
the gap at regular intervals. When the
gap is correct, the cores can be inserted
into the bobbin and the metal retaining
clips snapped in place.
L2 is wound on a toroid former
using two 1-metre lengths of 1.5mm
enamelled copper wire – see Fig.10.
There are two separate 14-turn wind
ings, L2a and L2b, and these must
be wound in the directions shown
to ensure correct phasing. Wind the
turns on firmly and strip and tin the
Fig.10: inductor L2 is made by
winding two separate 14-turn
coils on a toroid former. Wind
the coils exactly as shown here,
to ensure correct phasing.
wire ends to ensure good solder joints
to the PC board.
L1 and L2 can now both be installed
as shown in Fig.9. Note that a plastic
cable tie is used secure L2.
Finally, transformer T1 can be secured to the board using 4mm screws,
washers and nuts.
Preparing the case
Some of the integral pillars on the
base of the case must be removed in
order to accommodate the PC board.
Fig.11: the mounting details for IC1. Smear all
mating surfaces with thermal grease before bolting
the assembly together.
To do this, first fit the board to the
base and use a felt-tipped pen to mark
its five mounting pillars (ie, the five
directly beneath the board mounting
holes). This done, remove the PC board
and remove all the unused pillars
using an oversize drill.
The five remaining mounting pillars
should also be cut down by about
1mm, so that the transformer will fit
within the case when the lid is on. In
addition, the case lid has a small raised
bar running across its centre and this
should be removed using side cutters
or a sharp chisel.
If you are building the power supply
from a kit, the front and rear panels
will be supplied pre-punched, while
the front panel will also come with
screen printed labelling. Alternatively,
if you are starting from scratch, drill
a mounting hole for two earth lugs in
the top lefthand corner of the panel,
then mount the two earth lugs using
a countersunk screw plus nuts and
washers (note: use a coutersunk dress
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 115
Use plastic cable ties to lace the wiring together & make sure that none of the
mains leads can come adrift & short against the case or other parts. The fuse
& power switch (S1) are both covered with heatshrink tubing, to prevent
accidental contact with the 240V AC mains.
screw if the front panel is supplied
screen printed).
The front panel label can now be
fitted and used as a drilling template
for the various holes. It’s always best
to drill small pilot holes first and
then carefully enlarge them to size
using a tapered reamer. The square
cutouts for the LCD panel meter and
for switches S1 and S2 can be made
by first drilling a series of small holes
around the inside perimeter of the
marked areas, then knocking out the
centre pieces and filing each cutout
to shape.
The DVM-02 module is initially
held in the front panel by making it a
force fit, so be careful not to make its
cutout too big. A small dab of epoxy
resin along each side of the module
(applied from the back of the front
panel) is then used to secure the LCD
module in position.
On the rear panel, you will need to
drill holes to accept the mains fuse
(F1), the cord grip grommet and three
solder lugs. The wiring diagram (Fig.9)
shows the locations of these holes. In
addition, you will also have to drill a
mounting hole for IC1.
The location of this mounting hole
can be determined by fitting the PC
board inside the case and sliding the
rear panel into position. Mark out and
drill the hole, then carefully deburr
it using an oversize drill so that the
surface is perfectly smooth. Finally,
refit the rear panel and adjust IC1 as
necessary before soldering its three
remaining pins to the PC board.
Fig.11 shows how IC1 is isolated
from the rear panel using a mica
washer and insulating bush. Smear
all surfaces with heatsink compound
before bolting the assembly together
(note: heatsink compound is unnecessary if you use one of the new silicone
impregnated washers). Finally, check
that the metal tab of IC1 is indeed
isolated from the rear panel using a
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
multimeter switched to a low ohms
The PC board assembly can now
be attached to the base of the case
using five self-tapping screws and the
various hardware items mounted on
the front and rear panels – see Fig.9.
Before mounting the potentiometers,
cut the shafts to a length to suit the
knobs and note that a large solder lug
is fitted to the shaft of VR1. A similar
large solder lug is also fitted to the GND
output terminal.
Important: if the aluminium panels
are anodised, you will need to scrape
away the anodising from around the
earth lug holes to ensure good electrical contact.
Final wiring
Fig.9 shows the final wiring details.
Begin this work by stripping back the
outer insulation of the mains cord by
170mm, so that the leads can reach
the mains switch (S1) on the front
panel. This done, push the mains cord
through its entry hole and clamp it
securely to the rear panel using the
cordgrip grommet.
The Neutral (blue) mains lead goes
directly to switch S1, while the Active
(brown) lead goes to S1 via the fuse.
Slide some heatshrink tubing over the
leads before soldering the connections.
After the connections have been made,
the tubing is shrunk over the switch
and fuse to prevent accidental contact
with the mains.
The green/yellow striped lead from
the mains cord connects directly to
the rear panel earth using a crimp lug
terminal. Additional green/yellow
earth wires are then run from the rear
panel earth to the front panel, from the
front panel to the power transformer
frame, and finally from the solder lug
on VR1 to an earth terminal at top right
on the rear panel.
Note that the two earth leads running between the front and rear panels
are critical in obtaining low residual
hash in the supply output. Do not leave
these leads out.
Light-duty rainbow cable is used
for wiring the LEDs, while most of
the remaining leads are run using
light-duty hook-up wire. The exceptions are those leads marked with an
asterisk (*). These must be run using
32 x 0.2mm wire in order to carry the
heavy currents involved (ie, to the
transformer secondary terminals, to
the output terminals and to switch S2).
Note that the heavy-duty leads
running from near L2 on the PC board
to switch S2 are twisted to prevent
noise pick-up from the switchmode
circuitry. Use plastic cable ties to
The centre leg on one of the ferrite
core halves used for L1 must be filed
down so that there is a 1mm gap
between the centre cores when the
inductor is assembled. The photo
below shows how the ferrite core is
pushed into the plastic bobbin.
lace the wires together, to give a neat
In addition, use several plastic
cable ties to lace the mains wires
together. This is an important safety
measure as it prevents any wire that
may come adrift from making accidental contact with any part of the
metalwork or vulnerable low-voltage
Be warned that the wiring to switch
S4 may present a few problems if the
switch specified in the parts list is not
used. This is because some momentary pushbutton switches have their
common (C) terminals in the middle
and their normally open (NO) and
normally closed (NC) contacts on the
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown black yellow brown
white brown orange brown
yellow violet orange brown
red red orange brown
brown green orange brown
brown black orange brown
blue grey red brown
yellow violet red brown
red red red brown
brown green red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
red red brown brown
brown black brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
white brown black red brown
yellow violet black red brown
red red black red brown
brown green black red brown
brown black black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown green black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
red red black black brown
brown black black black brown
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 117
Fig.12: check your etched PC board against this full-size pattern before installing any of the parts. The board
is coded 04202941 & measures 222 x 160mm.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
Before applying power, carefully check your work for any
wiring errors. This done, wind VR1 fully anticlockwise and set
VR2, VR3 and VR4 to centre position.
Switch on the supply and immediately check that the voltage
across ZD1 is about 9V. If so, check the reading on the digital
display. It should show about 1.23 volts if S3 (the Meter switch)
is in the “V” position, or about 0.00 amps if it is in the A position (note: the least significant digit will be incorrect until VR4
is adjusted later on).
If everything is OK at this stage, you can check the supply
voltages to each IC. Connect your multimeter negative lead to
the cathode of ZD1 and check the voltage at pin 7 of IC2 and
IC4, pin 3 of IC3, pin 16 of IC5 and pin 8 of IC6. These should
all be at +9V. Pin 4 of IC2 should be at about -9V.
If at any stage the voltages are incorrect, switch off immediately and correct the problem before proceeding.
The output voltage from the power supply should be adjust
able from 1.23V up to about 43V, with the dropout LED lighting at
about 42V (depending on mains voltage). Check that the voltage
reading on the panel meter changes from 2-digit resolution after
the decimal point to 1-digit resolution at 15-18V.
When the panel meter is set to read amps, the display may
initially read several digits above or below 0.00. This can be
corrected by adjusting VR4. This done, set the Current Limit
control (VR2) fully anticlockwise and press the Set switch
(S4). Check that the display still reads 0.00 – if not, adjust VR4
accordingly (the adjustment will only be slight).
Now press the current set switch and check that the display
reading can be varied from 0.00 up to at least 4.00A by adjusting
the Current Limit control. Note that the overload LED may light
when the control is fully anticlockwise. This is normal and the
LED will extinguish when the current limit reaches 10mA (0.01
on the display).
When measuring voltage, the panel meter should be accurate
to 1% without calibration. However, if you have an accurate
voltmeter, the trimpot on the back of the DVM-02 can be adjusted
to give even greater accuracy if required.
For current readings, the panel meter is calibrated by first
connecting a 4.7Ω 5W resistor across the output and setting the
supply to deliver 4.70V. The Current Limit control should now
be rotated at least half-way, to prevent the current limit feature
from operating. This done, switch S3 to the “A” position and
adjust VR3 until the meter shows 1.00 amps. Warning – the
resistor will become quite hot during this procedure.
The current limiting feature should now be checked for correct
operation. To do this, leave the 4.7Ω resistor in circuit and rotate
the Current Limit control anticlockwise until the overload LED
lights. This should initially occur at 1A but you should now be
able to set lower current limits by further reducing the control
setting. The power supply will squeal during current limiting
but this is normal.
Finally, you can check the power supply on various loads
and if you have access to an oscilloscope, you can observe the
output ripple.
Fig.13: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel. If you buy a kit, the panel will be supplied pre-punched & screen printed.
outside, whereas the switch we used has its common terminals
at one end.
If your switch has its common terminals in the middle, the
wiring shown in Fig.9 will no longer be relevant and you will
have to work out the connections from the circuit diagram
(Fig.5). The common, NO and NC terminals will usually be
marked somewhere on the body of the switch.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 119
Prototyping and testing
complicated electronic
circuits can be time
consuming. This
versatile package lets
you throw away the
hardware and design
and test on a computer
Multisim: for
advanced circuit
design & simulation
PEN ALMOST any piece of
electronic equipment these
days and chances are you’ll
see just one or two ICs, often with
hundreds of pins and only a handful
of discrete components. Usually, the
components are so small it’s difficult if
not impossible to identify exactly what
they are (resistor, capacitor, inductor,
or what?).
It’s easy to imagine the control and
precision needed to assemble these
miniature PC boards. What about the
design of the ICs themselves though
– how the heck do they design, prototype and test the circuits inside a
300-pin “mega-chip”? And how do
they make sure the ICs will work in
a real circuit before committing them
to manufacture?
Computer software, of course, is
the big answer. Ingenious software
developers have been able to create
virtual development environments
which allow the entire design and
test phase to be carried out without a
piece of hardware in sight.
Bringing the design elements together in this way has less obvious
advantages, too. For example, hardware engineers can work at a level
of abstraction above the underlying
logic elements, greatly increasing
design speed.
In this review, we look at Multisim
V6 from Electronics Workbench, a
collection of state-of-the-art circuit
design and simulation tools.
Multisim includes all the tools
necessary to take a design from inception to finished project and as such, a
detailed review would have to cover
an enormous amount of ground. We
cannot hope to do justice to all aspects
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
of the product in this short review, so
we’ve settled on describing some of
the main features instead.
Schematic capture
Designs are drawn in a familiar
Windows environment using the
Schematic Capture module.
As with all other schematic capture
programs, Multisim has a database of
the most commonly used components
(more than 16,000 in the Power-Pro
edition) that can be placed and wired
immediately. However, Multisim’s database is perhaps unique in that every
component has a simulation model
attached to it (we look at simulation
a little further on).
If a part that you want isn’t in the
database, Multisim includes a Symbol
Editor that allows you to create your
own, either from scratch or based on
an existing component (or “symbol”).
Wiring between components is a
simple matter of clicking on the start
and end points and Multisim makes
the connection automatically. Manual
control is possible too, of course. Once
wires and components are placed,
they can be moved by clicking and
Multisim includes a multi-level
undo feature but it performs more
like an “undelete” than an “undo”.
This means, for example, that deleted
symbols and wires can be restored but
operations like wire and component
movement cannot be undone.
Each node in the circuit is automatically assigned a unique node number
during the wiring process. Using a
feature called Virtual Wiring (“virtual”
because no actual interconnections
are shown), it is possible to connect
nodes together by manually assigning
the same node numbers. Typically, the
supply rails in a circuit are connected
in this way, resulting in less clutter
and more readability.
Readability is also one of the aims
of Multisim’s subcircuit feature. A
section or entire page of an existing
circuit can be defined as a subcircuit
and then used within another circuit.
An optional add-on module expands
the functionality of subcircuits even
further, allowing them to be saved
and edited just like any other schematic file.
Completed schematics can be exported in variety of formats to suit all
major PCB layout software packages.
However, the transition to PCB layout
is much smoother when using the
Electronics Workbench product –
Ultiboard. This is because Ultiboard
recognises information from Multisim
like component footprints and minimum track widths (gleaned during
simulation) without modification.
Fig.1: schematic entry and editing is a straightforward process. Fonts, colours
and label positions can easily be changed for a more professional look.
Fig.2: if a symbol is not in the
database, it can be created from
scratch or an existing symbol can be
modified using the Symbol Editor.
Types of simulation
As we mentioned earlier, simulation
provides a means of examining circuit
behaviour without having to physically construct it. Before we look at how
a simulation is performed in Multisim,
let’s touch briefly on the technologies
Multisim supports three different
simulation technologies – SPICE,
VHDL and Verilog.
SPICE is an analog circuit simulator, the core (or kernel) of which has
become an industry standard since
Fig.3: to access simulation model
information, it’s just a matter of
right-clicking on the component and
choosing properties. Models can be
created or imported from the model
its release to the public domain in
1972. A number of companies offer
SPICE simulators that expand on the
functionality and feature set of the
original release. A notable example
is XSPICE, which provides extensions
for digital logic simulation. Multisim
includes support for all of the most
popular SPICE extensions.
SPICE, by the way, is an acronym for
Simulation Program with Integrated
Circuit Emphasis!
VHDL and Verilog are hardware
description languages (HDLs) that are
used to both document and design
electronic systems.
VHDL was born out of a US Defence
Department contract and since its release in 1985, has been standardised
by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers). Verilog
started life as a proprietary hardware
modelling language and in 1990, it too
was released to the public domain and
standardised by the IEEE.
VHDL and Verilog provide a means
of designing and simulating complex
digital logic, especially Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs)
and Field Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGAs). Devices like our imaginary
300-pin “mega-chip” are designed
using these languages.
It is important to note that VHDL
and Verilog are behavioural level languages. They describe what a circuit’s
inputs and outputs are, what functions
are performed in the middle and how
long it all takes to happen. By contrast,
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 121
Fig.4: using Model
Makers to create
a simulation
model from the
manufacturer’s data
sheets. In this
example, we have
chosen to make
a BJT (Bipolar
Junction Transistor)
model. Model
Makers supports
many other model
“classes”, including
diodes, MOSFETs,
SCRs, op amps,
strip lines,
waveguides, etc.
when talking about digital logic, SPICE
could be described as a transistor/gate
level language.
Multisim provides simulation engines for all three of these standards
and what’s more, they can work together to co-simulate an entire mixed
mode analog and digital circuit at the
board level.
This is a big advance, as separate
simulators (often from different companies) were previously needed to
simulate mixed mode circuits – and
they rarely talked to one another!
More about models
We mentioned that all components
in the database are associated with a
simulation model. Simply put, these
models “tell” the simulator how components work.
Multisim supports SPICE, VHDL,
and Verilog models. In addition, where
a ready-defined model isn’t available,
Multisim provides a feature called
Model Makers. This feature allows
you to build an accurate simulation
model (analog or digital) directly from
the manufacturer’s data sheets. And
if that’s not enough, circuits can be
modelled at behavioural level using
the C programming language – Multisim calls this Code Modelling. Whew!
So, a simulator “knows” about components in a circuit by interpreting
their respective models. But how do
we “see” what the simulator is doing?
Simulation in action
Fig.5: view from the drivers seat – the
virtual oscilloscope.
Fig.6: this spectrum analyser costs a
lot less than its real world equivalent!
To examine the operation of a prototype circuit we have constructed, we
would apply appropriate stimulus to
the input and view the results at the
output. In a Multisim simulation, we
do exactly the same thing, except that
all our instruments are “virtual”.
Multisim includes a whole host of
virtual instruments that function just
like their real-world counterparts.
These include an oscilloscope, spectrum analyser, logic analyser, wattmeter, distortion analyser, network
analyser, Bode plotter, function generator, word generator and of course
a multimeter.
Forget hunting for those missing test
leads – simply drop your virtual instrument of choice onto the schematic
and wire it in! Double-clicking on the
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
instrument icon brings up its display
and control panel, with mouse-activated knobs and switches.
In addition to the function generator and word generator instruments,
Multisim provides other means of
applying stimulus to your circuits.
A whole class of components called
“sources” generate AC and DC currents and voltages, as well as clocks,
pulses, one-shots, etc. Specialist AM
and FM modulated sources for radio
frequency design are also included.
The parameters for each source (such
as amplitude, frequency, etc) are
individually controllable via their
property pages.
Well, this probably all sounds just
too complex if you are a beginner
to electronics. Connecting a logic
analyser to a 2-chip counter circuit
may seem like overkill but Multisim
has the bases covered here, too. A
class of components called “indicators” provides a voltmeter, ammeter,
logic probe, hex display, lamp and
bargraph, all of which operate like
their real-world cousins. For example,
the buzzer sounds the PC speaker and
the hex display segments “light up” in
line with their logic inputs.
While simulating the high-power
audio amplifier circuit published this
month, I unexpectedly discovered that
Multisim’s fuses actually go open-circuit when their rating is exceeded. As
far as I know, Multisim doesn’t include
sound effects or burning smells (I don’t
miss them)!
Virtual components
With the circuit complete and
instruments and sources connected
and configured, it’s then just a matter
Fig.7: the logic analyser is another of
Multisim’s virtual instruments. Setting
up triggers couldn’t be simpler.
the results on a chart or graph. Types
of mathematical operations include
arithmetic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, complex, vector, etc.
Programmable logic design
Fig.8: in this screen shot, we have a
virtual potentiometer (VR1) in circuit.
The properties page shows that it is increased and decreased with the “a” and
“A” keys, with each keystroke varying the value by 5%.
of hitting the simulate switch to start
the simulation running.
One of the features I really like here
is the ability to change component
values in the circuit without even
having to stop the simulation. This is
achieved by temporarily substituting
any components you would like to
vary with their “virtual” equivalents.
Virtual components (resistors, capacitors and inductors) can be increased
or decreased in value in real time by
hitting certain keys on your keyboard
– you decide which. Naturally, the
property pages for virtual components allow setting things like initial
value, percentage change with each
keystroke, etc.
Circuit analysis
We’ve talked about how Multisim’s
circuit simulator can display real-time
results on virtual instruments but it is
capable of far more. Using the SPICE
simulation engine, many different
types of analyses can be performed.
These include DC operating point,
transient, AC frequency sweep, Four
ier analysis and noise and distortion,
to name a few. The results from these
analyses are automatically graphed
and can be exported to other applications such as Excel or Mathcad.
Analyses results can be handed
to the Postprocessor module, which
performs mathematical wizardry according to your requirements and plots
Fig.9: the
Postprocessor can
act on results from
an analysis using
a variety of
operations. The
results can then
be displayed as a
graph or table, or
simply exported to
Excel or Mathcad.
As the name suggests, programmable logic devices (PLDs) are ICs containing many logic gates (or building
blocks) which are connected at programming time to perform the desired
functions. Our imaginary “mega-chip”
could be one of these.
In order to work efficiently with
devices of this complexity, designers
describe what they want in high level
programming languages like VHDL
and Verilog.
Multisim provides a complete
development environment for PLDs.
Using the inbuilt editor, the engineer
first enters a design using the VHDL
or Verilog languages. The result is
then passed to the simulator, which is
used to examine and debug the design.
Finally, an output file is generated for
programming into the target PLD.
Note that once a PLD design is complete, it can be simulated at the board
level just like any other component in
Multisim. The engineer would simply
create a symbol for the PLD and import
the VHDL/Verilog file.
Unfortunately, a detailed look at
PLD design is beyond the scope of
this article. If you would like to know
more about VHDL or Verilog, check
out the EDA industries web page at
Multisim really is an outstanding
package. It excels in the simulation
department, with features that would
make it attractive to both professionals
and educators.
Multisim is available in four editions, being Power Professional,
Professional, Personal and Education
– we reviewed the Power Professional
edition. Not all features are available
in all editions, and some tools, such
as the Ultiboard PCB layout and the
Programmable Logic Synthesis module must be purchased separately.
For further information or to order,
visit the Emona Instruments website
at or phone (02)
9519 3933.
Extensive information on the Multi
sim package can also be obtained from
the Electronics Workbench website at SC
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 123
The TiePie
Troubleshooting electrical/electronic equipment in
the field can be a real pain in the proverbial. Lugging
large, supposedly “portable” and usually expensive
pieces of test equipment around the country can
really test the nerves – as well as the muscles. Could
this be the answer?
TiePie Engineering, a Dutch company which specialises in computer
controlled measuring equipment,
has come up with a unique solution
to this field service dilemma in the
Handyprobe 2.
The Handyprobe 2 incorporates a
storage oscilloscope, spectrum analyser, voltmeter and transient recorder
all in a package that fits in the palm
of your hand!
The probe plugs into the parallel
port of any PC and in conjunction with
DOS or Windows software provides a
comprehensive range of data acquisition functions.
It is powered directly from the parallel port connection (no external supply
or batteries are required) so is ideally
suited for use with laptop computers.
In fact, the probe together with its
integral cable could easily slide into a
spare spot in most laptop bags.
With an input range of 0.5V to 400V
full scale and a maximum sampling
speed of 20MHz (TiePie also produce 1,2,5 and 10MHz versions), the
Handyprobe can handle just about
anything you can throw at it.
To keep the cost down, TiePie have
provided only single-channel acquisition in the Handyprobe 2. As with
most storage ‘scopes, the Handyprobe
includes a reference channel that can
be used to compare a stored measurement with a second (live) measurement, so a second channel is usually
not required. Instrument settings can
be saved and restored from disk at will.
Launching the Handyprobe 2 software displays a floating toolbar on
the Windows desktop (see Fig.1). The
toolbar provides access to all four of
the available instruments, as well as
to basic program settings (see Fig.2).
The ’scope, voltmeter and spectrum
analyser instruments can all be active
simultaneously, whereas the transient
recorder must run independently.
Let’s take a look at each of the instruments and their capabilities in a
little detail.
Storage oscilloscope
TiePie boast that their instruments
are “plug and measure”. We connected
the probe to our trusty Silicon Chip
Sine/Square Wave Generator, activated the oscilloscope and hit the Auto
SET button. In less than a second the
input was scaled nicely (both horizontally and vertically) and correctly
triggered (see Fig.3).
Auto SET places the instrument in
auto-ranging mode, so for many simple
measurements you may not need to do
any setup at all.
All instrument settings are available
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
from the main toolbar via pull-down
menus, with many often-used settings
also controllable with single-keystroke
Vertical axis
The CH1 pull-down menu provides
access to all vertical axis settings.
Input sensitivity ranges from 0.5V
to 400V full scale, configurable from
the Sensitivity selection (see Fig.4).
Alternatively, hitting the F5/F6 keys
clicks over to the next lowest/highest
setting - a bit like using that rotary
switch on CRT-based oscilloscopes.
Measured values can be enlarged
or reduced using the “Software Gain”
function – TiePie calls this vertical axis
A closely related function called
“Software Offset” applies a positive
or negative bias to the vertical axis.
Once again I was reminded of the conventional ‘scope and the equivalent
“position” knob (got to kick that habit).
Both the Software Gain and Offset can
also be changed directly on the display
by clicking and dragging points on the
vertical axis.
The Units of measure, Units of gain
and Units of offset functions provide
for custom vertical axis marking and
scaling, making tailoring for specific
measuring tasks quite simple.
Fig.1: the instrument toolbar provides a convenient way of
activating the instruments. All except the transient
recorder can be active simultaneously.
For example, suppose you have
a temperature probe whose output
changes by 1V for every 10 degrees
of temperature change. By setting the
Units of measure to “Degrees C” and
Units of gain to “10”, the vertical axis
displays temperature change directly
in degrees.
Other options on this menu allow
choices of true or inverted signal, and
either AC or DC signal coupling.
Horizontal axis
Unlike its more conventional analog
cousin, the digital scope’s timebase is
dependant on both the rate at which
the incoming signal is sampled and
how many samples are stored and
subsequently displayed across the
horizontal axis.
The Handyprobe 2 has a maximum
sampling rate of 20 million samples/
second and a memory depth (also
called record length) of 32,760. Both
the sample rate and record length are
configurable from the Timebase pulldown menu (see Fig.5).
Naturally, the Handyprobe software
automatically adjusts the time/div
values along the horizontal axis when
the sample rate and record length are
Also accessible from the Timebase
menu are two options that allow
closer examination of any part of the
acquired signal. Record View Gain provides horizontal axis magnification,
whereas Record
View Offset allows display of a
particular section
of the record.
Note the scroll
bar directly be- Fig.2: settings common to all instruments are accessible
low the horizon- from the toolbar. Although not mentioned in the text,
tal axis – this instrument calibration data can be defined on the
Hardware tab.
provides a much
more convenient
Noisy signals and glitches
way of panning through the record
than manually entering the Record
Noisy signals can be “cleaned up”
View Offset.
by using Handyprobe’s signal averaging feature.
A feature in digital ‘scopes that I’ve
often found useful is their ability to
Spotting a glitch on a real-time
display a number of samples prior to display is often impossible – but Tietriggering.
Pie have the bases covered here, too.
On the Handyprobe, the number Envelope mode keeps a record of the
of pre-trigger samples can be set an- highest and lowest samples since last
ywhere from zero to the maximum reset and compares these values to
record size. A second scroll bar at the each successive sample.
bottom of the display allows this value
When a sample that exceeds either
to be changed instantly.
of these limits is detected, a vertical
line is drawn on the display at that
point and the value is stored as the
As expected, the Handyprobe in- new lowest (or highest). Envelope
mode can be reset at any user-definable
cludes variable level triggering on a
rising or falling slope. Slope position, measurement interval – or it can run
level and hysteresis can all be set from indefinitely.
the Trigger pull-down menu. Easier
Saving settings & waveforms
still, these values can be changed by
clicking and dragging the trigger symThe good news is that once you’ve
bol next to the vertical axis - too easy!
got the instruments set up the way you
Auto level triggering is also selecta- want for a particular measuring task,
you can save those settings to disk for
ble; when active an “A” is visible next
later reuse. And there is no limit to
to the trigger symbol.
Fig.3: the “oscilloscope”. Comment balloons provide an
easy way of annotating waveforms before printing.
Fig.4: manually setting the input range.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 125
Fig.5: selecting the sample frequency
(or rate) from the Time base menu. The
faster the sample rate, the less time it
takes to fill an entire record. As shown
here, at 10kS/sec the record is filled in
just 100ms.
the number of settings files you can
create, either.
Another indispensable feature
allows waveforms (both live and reference channels) to be saved on disk
for later examination.
Accurate measurements
A variety of useful measurements
can be made quickly and easily
by using mouse-moveable cursors.
These are enabled from the Cursors
pull-down menu and once enabled,
a dialog box appears, listing all the
measurements made at the current
cursor positions.
Hard copy
A faithful copy of the displayed
waveform can be made at any time
by using the Print feature. Comments
can be added anywhere on the display
area with the aid of user-definable
comment balloons.
Balloons can have arrows that point
wherever you like (see our “Clipping”
balloon example on Fig.3). Balloon
shape and colour are customisable,
As shown in our example, a longer
(up to 3 lines) comment can also be
added to the top right of the printout.
In voltmeter mode, data is presented
to the user in a similar manner to a
conventional digital voltmeter (DVM),
and includes triple displays with bargraphs (see Fig.7).
The input signal can be either AC or
Fig.18: the transient recorder instrument. Here we’ve used the Units of measure
and Units of gain settings to simulate a thermocouple reading in thousands of °C.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
DC-coupled, with a range of between
0.5 and 400V full scale. Autoranging
is also supported.
Measurements can be made in true
RMS, peak-to-peak, mean, maximum,
minimum, dBm, power, crest, frequency, duty cycle or instantaneous
Quick “go-no go” tests can be made
by configuring the Set high value and
Set low value entries appropriately.
This function is also useful for monitoring a signal for out-of-range conditions, depending on how the sound
settings are configured.
To reduce duplication of settings
between instruments, TiePie have
slaved many of the settings together.
For example, the voltmeter actually
uses the record length and post-trigger
samples from the oscilloscope.
If either the oscilloscope or spectrum analyser is active though, their
settings override the voltmeter settings
as the voltmeter has lowest priority.
The frequency range setting is an
exception to this rule, as changing
it in the voltmeter affects all other
instruments. TiePie have included a
“use scope frequency” setting to avoid
potential frustration!
Spectrum analyser
If you work with filters, amplifiers,
oscillators, mixers, modulators, or detectors, you need a spectrum analyser.
Whereas oscilloscopes display signals
in the time domain (which is fine for
determining amplitude, time and phase
information) spectrum analysers display signals in the frequency domain.
The frequency domain contains certain information that is just not visible
in the time domain. To borrow several
examples from the Handy-probe user
(1). A sine wave may look good in
the time domain, but in the frequency
domain harmonic distortion is visible.
(2). A noise signal may look totally
random in the time domain, but in the
frequency domain one frequency may
be dominantly present.
(3). In the frequency domain it is
easy to determine carrier frequency,
modulation frequency, modulation
level and modulation distortion from
an AM or FM signal.
Fig.8 shows what a 200kHz square
wave looks like on the spectrum
analyser. Square waves are (theoretically) composed of an infinite number
of harmonics, some of which you can
Fig.7: the voltmeter alone could make
the TiePie Handyprobe an indispensable
instrument for all service personnel.
see on the left and right of the 200kHz
Without going into complicated
explanations, suffice to say that the
Handyprobe software uses Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) to calculate the
spectral components of the sampled
Measuring harmonics
An important feature of this instrument is its ability to measure Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD). This is
set up and displayed from the Measure pull-down menu. The number
of harmonics used to calculate the
THD is user definable and the results
can be displayed in decibels or as a
As with the oscilloscope, cursors
are provided for easy waveform measurement.
A multitude of other features match
those that we have already described
for the oscilloscope instrument.
These inlude display zooming, signal
averaging, copying live to reference
memory, saving waveforms to disk,
hardcopy output and saving/restoring
instrument settings.
Transient recorder
If you need to measure slowly
changing signals over a period of time,
the transient recorder is the instrument
of choice (see Fig.6).
Unlike the other instruments in
the package, the transient recorder
is direct registering. This means that
it displays each measurement as it
is made, rather than waiting for an
Fig.8: the spectrum analyser instrument really expands the
usefulness of the package.
entire record to be acquired. This is
necessary because at the lowest sample rate, it can take up to 189.6 days
to fill a record!
The different measurement and
display techniques used also mean
that other instruments cannot be active
when the transient recorder is active.
Many features of this instrument
are common to those found on the
oscilloscope and spectrum analyser,
so we’ll concentrate mainly on the
unique ones here.
Recording speed
Sampling time can be set anywhere
from 0.01 second to 500 seconds, with
a complete record variable from 1 to
32,760 samples.
The recording process can be interrupted at any time and the results
saved to disk or printed. It is also
possible to have the recorder run
continuously and automatically save
to disk at the end of each complete
record acquisition.
Note that at very high measuring
speeds, TiePie state that some data
samples may be lost due to the overhead of disk access.
During recording, the display can be
set to roll left as the trace reaches the
rightmost edge of the screen – a great
feature that reminds me of mechanical chart recorders with their drums
and pens.
Data gathered from the recorder will
most often be used for documentation
purposes, so the vertical axis custom
isation features really shine in this
instrument. Pre-defined choices for the
units of measure include Volt, Amp,
Degree C, Degree F, Watt, Percent,
Meter, Kilogram, Newton, Coulomb,
Bar and Hertz.
If you can’t find what you want in
that lot you can define your own in
five characters or less.
Text balloons of variable shape,
size and colour can be positioned
anywhere on the display, and colour
printer output is supported, too!
Need more speed?
If the Handyprobe 2 sounds great but
you need more bandwidth or another
channel, TiePie also offer the TiePieSCOPE HS801. This instrument is not
quite as portable as the Handyprobe,
but it adds a second channel, has five
times the sample rate (100M samples/
sec) and includes an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) instrument.
Software for the TiePieSCOPE
is practically identical to the
Handyprobe, notwithstanding the
additional support for the second
channel and the AWG.
Where to get it!
Self-running demos and complete
user manuals for the Handyprobe 2
and TiePieSCOPE are available for
free download from Tiepie’s web site
Our review unit came from the
Australian distributors of TiePie Engineering products,Melbourne-based
RTN, phone/fax (03) 9338 3306; email
A phone call to RTN will give you
the latest pricing.
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench 127
LCR meter
Some digital multimeters have facilities for testing
inductance, capacitance and resistance but none
really do a good job for all three, particularly as far
as inductance is concerned. This is where the
Motech MT-4080A LCR meter comes into its own.
HE MT-4080A is a multimetersized instrument with a large
liquid crystal display and eight
pushbuttons on its control panel. As
well, there is a three-way socket with
large contacts to take the measurement
adaptors. Of course, some components
with suitable leads can be plugged
straight in but most component measurements will be taken using one of
the adaptors.
All told, up to 10 component par
ameters can be measured: AC impedance and DC resistance from zero
up to 9999MΩ; serial and parallel
inductance from 0.000µH up to 9999H;
serial and parallel capacitance from
0.000pF to 9999F; equivalent series
resistance (ESR) from zero to 9999Ω;
Dissipation factor (for capacitors) from
0 to 9999; Quality factor (for inductors)
from 0 to 9999; and phase angle from
-180° to + 180°.
Not only can all these parameters be
measured but you can also use one of
five test frequencies: 100Hz, 120Hz,
1kHz, 10kHz and 100kHz. The two
lower frequencies are important when
measuring ESR of electrolytic capacitors while 100kHz is important when
measuring small inductors and dissipation factor in the smaller capacitors.
At most times though, the chosen test
frequency is likely to be 1kHz.
The test voltage level is also select
able, at 1V, 250mV or 50mV RMS or
1V DC (for DC resistance measurements). Furthermore, if you are making
measurements on a component that
is varying, you can select fast or slow
measurement speeds: 2.5 or 4.5 meas
The LCD panel will show two par
ameters for each measurement, plus
the signal level and frequency. For
example, when measuring a capacitor
Silicon Chip’s Electronics TestBench
it will display the capacitance in pF,
nF, µF or F (Farads) plus the Dissipation factor or ESR. Similarly, for an
inductor, it will display the inductance
in µH, mH or H (Henries) plus the Q
or ESR.
Accuracy of the MT-4080A is quoted
as ±0.2%. The instrument also has a
range hold and relative modes which
can be handy when selecting components against a standard value.
Two adaptors are available for
measurements plus a shorting bar attachment. The first adaptor is a 4-wire
probe for surface mount components
while the second is a 4-wire probe for
testing standard leaded components.
Power comes from two AA cells
which may either be alkaline or rechargeable NiMH. A constant current
charger is also supplied.
All told then, the Motech MT-4080A
is a well-thought out instrument that
is very straightforward to use. We used
it in our laboratory for several weeks
and found it a very reliable unit.
The MT-4080A is priced at $1142
plus GST. For further information,
contact Westek Industrial Pro
Unit 2, 6-10 Maria Street, Laverton
North, 3026. Ph (03) 9369 8802; fax
(03) 9369 8006.
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