This is only a preview of the July 2001 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 31 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "The HeartMate Heart Rate Monitor":
Items relevant to "Do Not Disturb Telephone Timer":
Items relevant to "Pic-Toc - A Simple Digital Alarm Clock":
Items relevant to "A Fast Universal Battery Charger; Pt.2":
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NiCads NiMHs SLAs LiIONs Bike batteries Car batteries. . .
Part 2
For power tools, camcorders, R/C equipment and car batteries
Last month we introduced our new, improved Universal
Fast Charger for a huge range of batteries. Here’s the nitty
gritty: how to build it!
66 S
66 S
t’s arguably the only “high capacity” fast battery charger you’ll
ever need – ever again! It will easily
handle all the batteries you have in
your power tools – it will even charge
your car or motor bike battery!
And while it won’t handle low capacity “AA” cells it can charge their
big brothers – 1200mAh and above
– along with “C” and “D” types of
1200mAh or more. For a more detailed
list, see the panel at right or refer to
the full description of operation in last
The SILICON CHIP Universal Fast
Battery Charger is housed in a plastic instrument case measuring 257 x
190 x 85mm while the components
are mounted on a PC board coded
Main Features
Fast charges Nicad,
NiMH, LiION, SLA and Lea
d-Acid batteries
Suitable for 1.2V, 2.4
V, 3.6V, 4.8V, 6V, 7.2V, 8.4
V, 9.6V, 12V & 14.4V bat
from 1.2Ah to 4.2Ah plus
LiION 3.6V, 7.2V & 14.4V
Charges either 6V or
12V SLA batteries from 1.2
Ah to 4Ah
Charges 6V or 12V
Lead-Acid batteries of any
acity above 1.2Ah
Includes a discharge
r for Nicad batteries
Top-off charging at
end of fast charge plus pul
sed trickle charge for Nic
Voltage limited charge
ad & NiMH
for SLA & Lead-Acid bat
Voltage drop & tem
perature rise (dT/dt) full
charge detection for Nicad
Under and over-temp
& NiMH
erature cutout for battery
Over temperature cut
out for charger
Short circuit battery
Time-out protection
Fuse protection
Multi-LED charge ind
This photo shows the completed project, giving a good idea of where the various components are located. Probably the
most difficult part is winding the inductor (bottom right) but even this is a snack!
July 2001 67
Figs 1&2 show both sides of the PC board, with the relevant section of the
under-side shown below.
14106011 and measuring 121 x
If IC1 is the surface mount or “ T”
version, a small satellite PC board,
coded 14302982 and measuring 29 x
16mm is also required .
Transformer T1 is mounted sideways onto the rear metal panel as
shown in the photographs. Underneath its mounting position on the
case are several integral ribs and
bushes (mounting pillars). These must
be removed to allow the transformer
to sit flat.
The easiest way to remove the ribs
is with a sharp chisel (careful!!) while
the bushes are easily cut out with a
large, sharp drill bit.
The main PC board fits over four
integral bushes in the base of the case,
secured with self-tapping screws. Other bushes (under the board) may get in
the way of the PC board or components
– again, these can be easily removed
with a large drill.
Begin construction by checking the
PC board against the published pattern. There should not be any shorts
between, or breaks in, the tracks. If
there are, repair these as necessary.
68 Silicon Chip
1k 1W
1k 1W
PC stakes are used wherever connections need to be made to the PC board.
These are soldered in first, in the positions indicated. Doing these first also
acts as a guide to the positions of the
links and resistors, which can be soldered in next. Use the accompanying
table as a guide to working out which
resistor goes where – or measure them
with a digital multi-meter.
Note that some resistors are mounted as a parallel combination: one is
inserted as normal from the component side of the PC board while the
second (shown in red in Fig. 2 at right)
is soldered between the pigtails of the
first resistor on the underside of the
PC board.
When inserting the smaller diodes
and zeners, take care with their orientation and be sure to place each type in
its correct place. Solder in the ICs and
transistors, also taking care to orient
them as shown.
As mentioned before, IC1 may be
supplied as a surface-mount type. If
so, it must first be soldered onto the
small carrier PC board, which in turn
is connected to the main PC board with
wire links or pin headers.
Parts List – Universal Fast Battery Charger II
1 PC board coded 14106011, 121 x 173mm
1 PC board coded 14302982, 29 x 16mm (required for
T version of IC1)
1 front panel label 244 x 75mm
1 plastic instrument case 250 x 190 x 80mm
1 aluminium rear panel to suit above case
1 heatsink 109 x 75 x 33mm (DSE H-3460 or
1 18V 6A mains transformer (T1) (DSE M-2000 or
1 ETD29/16/10 transformer assembly with 3C85 cores
(L1) (Philips 2 x 4312 020 37502 cores, 1 x 4322 021
34381 bobbin, 2 x 4322 021 34371 clips)
1 NTC thermistor (DSE R-1797) (NTC1)
2 3AG panel-mount safety fuse holders (F1,F2)
1 630mA slow-blow 3AG fuse
1 7A fast-blow 3AG fuse
1 SPST Neon illuminated mains rocker switch (S1)
1 SPDT centre-off toggle switch (S2)
1 2-pole, 4-position rotary switch (S3)
1 4-pole, 3-position rotary switch (S4)
1 single pole, 10-position (1P10W) rotary switch (S5)
1 80°C thermal cutout (TH1)
1 momentary normally off push button switch (S6)
1 black 4mm heavy duty banana panel socket
1 red 4mm heavy duty banana panel socket
1 black 2mm micro banana panel socket
1 red 2mm micro banana panel socket
1 black 4mm heavy duty banana plug
1 red 4mm heavy duty banana plug
1 black 2mm micro banana plug
1 red 2mm micro banana plug
5 M4 screws x 10mm
6 M4 nuts and star washers
4 M3 screws x 10mm and nuts
1 M3 screw x 25mm and nut
4 self-tapping screws to mount PC board
4 insulating bushes for TO-220 and TO-218 packages
2 TO-218 insulating washers
2 TO-220 insulating washers
31 PC stakes
1 7.5A mains cord with plug
1 mains cord grip grommet
2 1mm spacers 10 x 5mm to gap L1
1 600mm length of red hookup wire
1 600mm length of green hookup wire
1 600mm length of blue hookup wire
1 600mm length of yellow hookup wire
1 600mm length of black hookup wire
1 300mm length of red heavy-duty hookup wire
1 300mm length of black heavy-duty hookup wire
1 150mm length of 0.8mm tinned copper wire
1 2m length of 1mm enamelled copper wire
1 55mm length of 15mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 50mm length of 25mm diameter heatshrink tubing
10 small cable ties
2 solder lugs for earth terminals
2 10-way single in-line pin headers (if IC1 is surface
mount “T” version)
5 5mm LED bezels
1 TEA1102 or TEA1102T fast charge IC (IC1)
1 4093 quad Schmitt NAND gate (IC2)
1 4020 binary divider (IC3)
1 TIP147 PNP power Darlington transistor (Q1)
1 TIP142 NPN power Darlington transistor (Q2)
2 BC337 NPN transistors (Q3,Q5)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q4)
2 MUR1550, BYW81P/200 fast recovery diodes
(D1, D2)
1 1N4004 1A diode (D3)
3 1N914 or 1N4148 diodes (D4-D6)
1 35A 400V bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 12V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 11V 400mW zener diode (ZD2)
5 5mm red LEDs (LED1-LED5)
1 1000µF 63VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 100VW MKT polyester (Philips 373 series)
1 3.3µF bipolar electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.18µF MKT polyester
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 820pF MKT polyester or ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 330kΩ
1 150kΩ
5 100kΩ
1 68kΩ
4 33kΩ
2 27kΩ
1 22kΩ
2 18kΩ
1 15kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 2.2kΩ 0.5W
2 1kΩ 1W
1 680Ω
1 68Ω
2 0.1Ω 5W
3 220kΩ
2 82kΩ
1 30kΩ
1 20kΩ
2 12kΩ
1 3.3kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 10Ω
Heatsink compound, solder, etc.
July 2001 69
should be written on each component. The electrolytic capacitors
must be oriented with the correct
polarity (with the exception of the
3.3µF bipolar type which can be
mounted either way). Now install
the trimpot.
In similar fashion to the power
transistors, the LEDs solder to the
PC board and also emerge through
the front panel. To allow this, the
LEDs are inserted through the
board with just enough length
poking through to allow soldering.
The LEDs are then bent over over
Fig.3: the detail of the inductor winding. It
so that they can protrude through
has two windings but both go on as one.
the holes in the panel. We don’t
have to remind you to make sure
The power transistors and power
they’re the right way around, do
diodes solder to the PC board but are we? No, we didn’t think so. . .
also secured to the rear panel and
The inductor (L1) is wound with
heatsink. They are oriented with the two lengths of 1mm enamelled copper
metal flange towards the edge of the
wire, wound in “bifilar” mode – the
PC board and are positioned above two lengths are wound as one with
the board with sufficient lead length
each turn of the winding actually being
to allow them to reach their mounting
two turns side-by-side, one from each
holes on the rear of the case.
length of wire.
Capacitors can be soldered in next.
Fig.3 explains this method of windThe accompanying capacitor table
ing. First, if the wire is supplied as a
shows the various codes, one of which
two-metre length (as specified in the
parts list) cut it exactly in half. Now
let’s see . . . each length will be, uhh,
um, too hard . . .
Next remove the insulation from
one end of each of the two lengths of
wire and terminate (solder) the two
ends onto two pins on the underside
of the transformer bobbin. The actual
pins used doesn’t matter since they are
connected together on the PC board
Now wind on the two windings of
20 turns by holding both lengths of
wire between your thumb and forefinger and winding them on as one (ie,
Once wound, cut the excess wires
off, strip the insulation from their ends
and terminate the wires onto the pins
on the opposite side of the former.
Again, the actual pins used are not
Insert one core in place and secure
with a clip. Now place the 1mm spacers on the two faces of the inserted core
and place the second core in position,
securing it with the clips supplied.
Insert this inductor assembly into the
appropriate place on the PC board and
solder in place.
An angled view of the rear of the case, particularly showing the method of mounting the power transistors and diode, the
thermistor (with the red wires), bridge rectifier (block in the middle), transformer and mains wiring. Note that all mains
wiring must be insulated with heatshrink tubing, as shown on the fuseholder at right of picture.
70 Silicon Chip
That pretty much completes the PC
board assembly – all that's left now is
to mount the board (and everything
else) inside the case.
Place the PC board into the case
(on its four bushes) and mark out the
positions for the power transistor and
diode mounting holes on the metal rear
panel (a fine-tipped felt pen is ideal).
Remove the rear panel from the case
(it slides out) and drill out these holes
plus two holes for the cord grip grommet and fuseholder in the position
shown on the wiring diagram.
4mm holes are required for the
transformer mounting and the earth
termination plus the bridge rectifier
mounting position above D1, along
with the holes to mount the thermal
switch TH1. All holes should be deburred with a larger drill, especially for
the semiconductors to prevent punch-
Capacitor Codes
Resistor Colour Codes – Universal Fast Charger
No. Value 4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
1 1MΩ brown black green brown
brown black black yellow brown
1 330kΩ orange orange yellow brown orange orange black orange brown
3 220kΩ red red yellow brown
red red black orange brown
1 150kΩ brown green yellow brown brown green black orange brown
5 100kΩ brown black yellow brown brown black black orange brown
2 82kΩ grey red orange brown
grey red black red brown
1 68kΩ blue grey orange brown
blue grey black red brown
4 33kΩ orange orange orange brown orange orange black red brown
1 30kΩ orange black orange brown orange black black red brown
2 27kΩ red violet orange brown
red violet black red brown
1 22kΩ red red orange brown
red red black red brown
1 20kΩ red black orange brown
red black black red brown
2 18kΩ brown grey orange brown brown grey black red brown
1 15kΩ brown green orange brown brown green black red brown
2 12kΩ brown red orange brown
brown red black red brown
1 10kΩ brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
1 4.7kΩ yellow violet red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
1 3.3kΩ orange orange red brown
orange orange black brown brown
1 2.2kΩ red red red brown red
red black brown brown
3 1kΩ brown black red brown
brown black black brown brown
1 680Ω blue grey brown brown
blue grey black black brown
1 68Ω blue grey black brown
blue grey black gold brown
1 10Ω brown black black brown
brown black black gold brown
Here’s a similar view to the facing page, this time looking from rear to front and showing the switch wiring. Follow the
wiring diagram and photos and you should have no difficulties. Note that the front panel is plastic, providing insulation
from the mains. If a metal panel is used, it must be securely earthed back to the main earth point on the rear panel.
July 2001 71
This charger is not
suitable for charging
cells and batteries
with capacities
below 1.2AH and
voltages below 6V.
AA and AAA Nicad
and NiMH cells
should not be
connected to this
charger as the "No
Batt" LED will light
due to the cell
voltage rising above
2V with initial
charging. However,
the charger will
charge a 6V AA
Nicad battery pack
(2) When charging
older cells either
singly or in series
it is important to
ensure that their
contacts are clean
to prevent voltage
drops across these
connections. High
connections will
prevent the charger
from operating
correctly as it will
detect a high voltage
per cell and simply
indicate "no Battery".
In addition the
connecting leads
from the charger to
the cell or cells must
be rated at 7.5A or
more and be no
longer than necessary
to prevent voltage
Fig.4: the complete wiring diagram of the
charger, shown with the two panels laid out
and flat. The earth lug (top of drawing) should
ideally be a crimped type, not a solder type.
The front panel should be
the plastic one supplied with
the case. If a metal panel is
used it must be earthed back
to the main earth point on
the rear panel.
The thermistor mounted on its flying
leads. Connection to the front panel is
via miniature banana plugs.
through of the insulating washers and
to ensure a flat contact to the heatsink.
Place the heatsink against the rear
panel and mark out the hole positions
for drilling into the heatsink.
Note that you must line up the
heatsink so that the screws for Q1, Q2
D1, D2, bridge rectifier and thermistor
will pass through the heatsink between
the heatsink fins. Drill out and deburr
these holes.
Attach the PC board to the case with
self-tapping screws.
Apply a smear of heatsink compound to the flat face of the heatsink
and secure the transistors and diodes
to the rear panel and heatsink with
a screw, nut, insulating washer and
insulating bush.
If you use a mica washer apply a
smear of heatsink compound to the
Fig.5: Cross-section through the heatsink, panel, semiconductor and its mounting hardware. It’s vital that the power transistors and diode are insulated from
the rear panel.
mating surfaces before assembly. (Silicone-impregnated glass fibre washers,
much more common these days, do not
require heatsink compound.)
Check that the metal tabs of the
devices are indeed isolated from the
case by measuring the resistance to
the case with a multimeter – it should
show open circuit.
Apply a smear of heatsink compound on the face of the rectifier (BR1)
before securing it to the rear panel. It is
not necessary to insulate the rectifier
case from the rear panel.
Pass the mains cord through its
cord-grip grommet and secure the
grommet into its rear panel hole. Also
attach the fuseholder and secure the
transformer with 4mm screws, star
washers and nuts. Attach the earth
wire (green/yellow stripe) to the solder
lug (or preferably a crimp lug) and
secure to the rear panel with a screw,
star washer and nut.
The front panel can now be drilled
out to accept the switches, terminals
and fuseholder. We used bezels to
mount the LEDs – they hide a multitude of sins, especially holes that don’t
quite line up! A photocopy of the front
panel artwork (Fig. 6) can be used as a
template for drilling. Attach the rear
label in place after drilling and cut out
the holes with a sharp hobby knife.
The shafts of the rotary switches
need to be cut down with a hacksaw.
Many rotary switches supplied these
days are universal – the number of
positions required need to be set. If
this is the case, you will need to set
S5 as a 10-position, S3 as a 4-position,
and S4 as 3-position type.
Repeated from last month, this photo shows the mounting of the heatsink, transformer, mains lead and fuseholder. The
screws in the heatsink go right through the panel to hold the power transistors and diode in place.
74 Silicon Chip
July 2001 75
Fig.7: same-size drilling template for the rear panel.
Fig 6: same-size artwork for the front panel. Use a photocopy as a drilling template. This label must be paper or plastic, not metal, to ensure insulation integrity is
maintained between the wiring and the user. If a metal panel is substituted for the plastic panel ensure it is properly earthed.
This is done by removing the locking collar from beneath the star washer
and nut and rotating the switch fully
anticlockwise. Then reinsert the locking washer into position 10 for S5,
position 3 for S4 and position 4 for S3.
Now assemble all the front panel
components. Follow the wiring diagram, using coloured hookup wire.
The mains wiring must be done
using mains-rated wire, with the terminals for the fuse and power switch
sheathed (insulated) with heatshrink
Use heavy duty wiring for the connections between the rectifier and PC
board, the thermal switch and to the
output terminals and fuse F2.
Tidy up the wiring with cable ties
and insert the front panel into it slots
in the case with the LEDs protruding
through their bezels.
You will need to make up some
heavy-duty leads to connect from the
output terminals to a battery, using
heavy-duty banana plugs and large
alligator clips.
The thermistor, too, requires a connecting lead. This can be light-duty
figure-8 or twisted hookup wire, terminated in miniature banana plugs. The
thermistor leads themselves should
be sheathed in heatshrink tubing
where they solder to the connection lead.
Check your work carefully to ensure correctly placed components,
orientation of the polarised parts and
Test that the earth termination connects to the rear panel case by measuring the resistance between the earth
pin on the mains plug and the case. It
should be zero ohms (or very close).
Now apply power and measure the
voltage between the TP GND PC stake
and pin 12 on IC1. You should measure about 12VDC. Check that pin 14
and pin 16 of IC2 and IC3 are at 12V.
Switch S3 to the NiCd & NiMH position and check that the “no battery”
LED lights.
Connect the NTC thermistor and
check that the voltage at pin 8 of IC1
is at about 2V when the temperature
is around 25°C. Adjust VR1 for this
If you heat up the thermistor slightly by gripping tightly between your
finger and thumb the voltage should
drop. If the temperature rises then it
76 Silicon Chip
Figs.8 & 9: full-size artwork for the main PC board and the optional daughter board, required only for a surface-mount IC1.
is either a very hot day and your body
temperature is lower than that of the
air (unlikely during winter!) or you
have the wrong type of thermistor (eg,
a PTC instead of NTC).
When charging a battery make sure
you select the correct battery type and
voltage on the front panel switches.
Also set the timer for the closest timeout period for the particular battery
capacity. If you are charging a lead-acid
battery then the timeout setting does
not matter.
You may wish to check the charge
current using an RMS meter or a dig-
ital oscilloscope which
reads RMS. If a standard multimeter (ie, not a
true RMS type) is used,
you can expect the
reading across the two
0.1Ω resistors in parallel to be about 200mV.
An RMS reading should show about
300mV which is equivalent to 6A.
Note that the heatsink and Q1 will
run hot on fast charge and so the charger should be provided with sufficient
ventilation to prevent the thermal
cutout operating.