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Vol.17, No.4; April 2004
7 Review: Adilam RFID Evaluation Kit
Radio frequency identification is fast becoming the standard for many tracking
and identification tasks. Here’s a low-cost way to get started – by Peter Smith
8 Looking Into LEDs
Their history, recent developments and what’s available – by Ross Tester
12 Hands-On PC Board Design For Beginners; Pt.3
Here’s how to print Autotrax PC board designs from within Windows. There’s
also a step-by-step procedure for etching your own boards – by Peter Smith
56 Worldspace Radio Via Satellite In Australia
All you need is a satellite dish and a special receiver to open up a whole new
world of “radio” broadcasts – by Garry Cratt
81 Review: Redback 8-Channel Pro Mixer
Looking for a good-quality 8-channel mixer? Take a look at the Redback A4425
from Altronics – by Ross Tester
Step-By-Step Guide To Making Your
Own PC Boards – Page 12.
22 Loudspeaker Level Meter For Home Theatre Systems
Having trouble adjusting the channel levels in your home theatre system? This
simple project makes the job easy – by John Clarke
32 Shut That Mutt
Got a problem with barking dogs? Shut ’em up with this high-powered screamer. It gives an ultrasonic blast that only they can hear – by Branko Justic
60 A Smart Mixture Display For Your Car
A 10-LED display indicates the fuel mixture, while a small buzzer sounds if the
mixtures go dangerously lean – by Julian Edgar & John Clarke
68 The ESR Meter Mk.2; Pt.2
Loudspeaker Level Meter For Home
Theatre Systems – Page 22.
Building, calibrating and using this handy test instrument. There’s also a
comprehensive section on troubleshooting – by Bob Parker
75 PC/PICAXE Interface For UHF Remote Control
Simple circuit lets you control the Oatley Electronics 4-Channel UHF Transmitter
using a PC or PICAXE – by John Holliday
28 Circuit Notebook
(1) Curve Tracer Adaptor; (2) Logic Probe With Sound; (3) 7.2V Battery
Replacement For Camcorders; (4) Stroboscope Uses White LEDs
40 Serviceman’s Log
Shut That Mutt
– Page 32.
A mixed bag of tricky problems – by the TV Serviceman
82 Vintage Radio
The art of cannibalism & making do – by Rodney Champness
Publisher’s Letter
Order Form
Product Showcase
Silicon Chip Weblink
Ask Silicon Chip
Notes & Errata
Market Centre
Ad Index
Smart Mixture
Display For Cars –
Page 60.
April 2004 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Peter Smith
Ross Tester
Jim Rowe, B.A., B.Sc, VK2ZLO
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Enquiries
Leo Simpson
Phone (02) 9979 5644
Fax (02) 9979 6503
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness, VK3UG
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Stan Swan
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 003 205 490. ABN 49
003 205 490 All material copyright
©. No part of this publication may
be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
Printing: Hannanprint, Noble Park,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $76.00 per
year in Australia. For overseas
rates, see the subscription page in
this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 8, 101 Darley St,
Mona Vale, NSW 2103.
Postal address: PO Box 139,
Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Phone (02) 9979 5644.
Fax (02) 9979 6503.
E-mail: silchip<at>
Technical people should
be held in high regard
Do your friends and work-mates think of you as
a “techie”? As some sort of nerdy person or even
a “geek” who knows about technical stuff but is
otherwise a retiring sort of person, confined to the
“back room”? If so, then that is a pretty common
situation and one that I think is rather sad.
I hate the word “techie” and “geek”, for that
matter. To my mind, these are terms of deprecation, often used by IT and marketing people in
particular, to describe someone who understands
stuff that they don’t. If you think of yourself as a “techie” then consider the
In reality, you are a “technocrat” – part of a shining elite, a person who has
taken the time and trouble to inform himself (or herself) about technology
in a world where the vast majority of people are blissfully ignorant. Sadly,
not only are the majority of people ignorant about technology but they are
too lazy to do anything about or consider it “beneath them” as they occupy
themselves with astrology, aromatherapy, water divining, crystal therapy,
the latest fashion fad or other such trivialities.
In effect, any person who makes the effort to be fully informed about the
technology which surrounds and affects every part of our lives is more in
control. For example, if you don’t know that high intensity halogen or gas
discharge lamps present an ultraviolet radiation hazard, how can you do
anything about it? If you don’t understand anything about car electronics,
how can you make choices about the best sort of car to buy, or know the
best way to drive it?
Similarly, if you don’t know anything about TV, DVDs and home theatre
systems, how can you possibly make the best decision when the time comes
to buy such things?
Or say you hear on the news that mobile phone towers are dangerous, do
you panic when one is about to be installed a kilometre away (the normal
public reaction) or are you the one to reassure others? And as someone who
is better informed, you can point out that the real danger is probably from
the mobile itself, rather than the distant transmitting tower.
It should be clear then that people who are technically well-informed,
whether as part of their job or interest, whether they read magazines such as
SILICON CHIP and others, are not just “techies”; they really are a “clever elite”,
the technocrats. Give yourself a pat on the back. Increase your self esteem.
In fact, as technical people we need to make an effort to correct the tendency of the general public to undervalue people with technical skills. Of
course, this does not just apply to people skilled in electronics; it applies
to skilled people generally.
And this is not to say that we need to go around with “tickets on ourselves”,
thinking that we are superior to other people. But it is a far cry from being
regarded as a lowly “techie”, isn’t it?
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
* Recommended and maximum price only.
2 Silicon Chip
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2004 3
Dealer inquiries
Atlas LCR analyser endorsed
I recently received my “Atlas LCR
Passive Component Analyser” as a
prize for my Circuit Notebook contribution in the November 2003 issue. I
have to say thank you for such a fine
instrument. I have never had such an
accurate professional piece of test gear
with such a simple interface. I will
be putting it to good use in my future
circuit designs.
Just a comment though about the
initial review in the August 2003 issue of SILICON CHIP. On page 17 you
specified a capacitance range of 0.4pF
to 10µF. This is not correct; it is in fact
0.4pF to 10,000µF (I thought it was
good with the 10µF rating, so imagine
my surprise).
When measuring large capacitors,
anything above 1000µF gets displayed
in mF which stands for milli-farad not
microfarad as in the past (Mfd). It will
measure below 1Ω as well but still has
0.1Ω resolution.
Philip Chugg,
Launceston, Tas.
Uninterruptible power
supplies can be lethal
I recently found my young nephew
proposing to add an external battery
to his UPS unit to increase the time
he had to shut down during a power
failure. Closer investigation showed
this UPS to be a transformerless design
and the battery pack was at 240VAC
power mains potential!
To add an external battery to such
a unit would create a serious hazard
where least expected, right on a computer desk. I believe that such units
should carry more than the usual
“No serviceable user parts inside”
Bob Nicol,
MicroZed Computers,
Armidale, NSW.
USB and Windows 95
Thanks for a great electronics magazine! I always enjoy reading it each
month - just love the cartoons in the
Serviceman’s Log!
I would like to point out a small error in the article on flash drives in the
4 Silicon Chip
March 2004 issue. In the feature panel
on page 22 about the USB system, in
the last paragraph you state that Windows 95 is too old to support USB. In
fact, the last two versions of Win95 do
support USB.
I have the installation disk for
Win95 and it clearly states that it supports USB, printed on the disk itself.
The website has
more details about which versions of
Win95 are or are not able to run USB.
Ray Chapman,
via email.
Comment: the site you refer to does
make reference to USB and Win95
but you don’t have to read very far to
realise that Win95 is indeed useless as
far as USB is concerned.
Cheap turntables spoil
LP to CD transfers
Thank you for the valve preamp
article in the November 2003 issue.
As a vintage radio restorer, I found
the theory informative and I am currently considering how to best adapt
the power supply to portable valve
broadcast receivers. But valves as
state-of-the-art audio? Maybe for those
people who have way too much money
and like the cheery sight of open circuit output valves imitating miniature
light-houses but please don’t change
the name of your publication to “Thermionic Bottle” just yet.
I want to comment on another technology of the past that currently seems
to be enjoying a resurgence of popularity, namely, the LP record. Recently, in
a number of places, advertisements are
popping up suggesting that now is a
wonderful time to consider committing all the obsolete vinyl that lurks
in garages and cupboards to CD-ROM
and MP3, using the capabilities of the
modern home PC.
On the surface, this is a splendid notion and even a modest multimedia PC
has recording capabilities far beyond
anything that could realistically be
achieved with cassettes. But I am more
than a little concerned when I look at
the types of turntables being offered
to play these records.
One of the greatest benefits of CD
when it first appeared was that, overnight, an entire generation of cheap
turntables were exposed as acoustic
abominations and instantly rendered
Now in this day and age, what are
we being offered to provide the source
material for our high-quality domestic
digital recorders? More cheap and
nasty turntables! Talk about retro;
one of the models I saw advertised
just recently was so nasty it had a
ceramic(!) cartridge moulded directly
into its flexible, resonant, non-counterweighted plastic arm! It was obsolete
40 years before it was made!
This would be laughable were it
not so sad. Vinyl has its limitations
but when combined with a quality
playback system, it can still deliver
a beautiful and satisfying musical experience. Anyone using one of these
monstrosities would immediately be
disappointed with the results and will
probably give up the entire exercise
after a short while.
Most people like myself who have a
substantial LP collection will by now
have invested in quality equipment to
protect their treasures and unlock the
music within. Anyone serious about
transcribing LPs to CDs should do
their homework and choose quality
equipment as well. Many bargains can
be had in the secondhand market and
most good audio stores can still supply
magnetic cartridges and styli. Believe
me, it is worth the effort.
Arthur Wight,
Geelong, Vic.
Quadrifilar antenna works well
for weather satellite reception
I was particularly interested in two
points of the recent Weather Satellite
Receiver project - the recommended
antenna and the preamp design. I have
been receiving the NOAA pictures
every day since 1990 and have been
through a lot of experiments and ended
up with a home-brew quadrifilar antenna, a GaAsFet preamp as described by
Gary Cratt in your August 1989 issue, a
Hamtronics kit receiver and Jerry Dahl’s
software and V5 hardware.
My software does not tolerate “dropouts” so any antenna with any overhead nulls will lead to automatic restarts. This eliminates the Lindenbladt
and the “Zapper” Turnstile/reflector is
not a lot better. The quadrifilar gives
a strong, solid signal as soon as it gets
above the horizon.
Concerning preamps, my experience is that any design that does not
have a low resistance DC path at its
input is unlikely to survive the first
thunderstorm! Gary Cratt’s design is
perfect in this regard and the quadrifilar being a loop type antenna helps.
I have built many of them – all have
been unconditionally stable and the
original is still in daily use. I have not
had to replace the original FET.
Another item of interest in the January issue was your reply on page 90
to the man who wanted to get his rain
gauge to read in hundredths of an inch.
I had the same wish and made a funnel
out of flashing copper. The important
dimension is the catchment area and
I will spare the maths but we need a
173.6mm diameter circle made from
a one-inch wide strip of copper 22.25
inches (545mm) long (with a little
more for overlap) soldered to the rim
of the funnel.
Another ring 80mm in diameter is
soldered to the bottom of the funnel to
fit inside the top of the gauge. Measurements correlate well with those from
my old “bottle on a post” gauge and I
have the historical feature as well as a
reading any time of day or night.
Ken Orr, ZL1ADT,
Auckland, NZ.
Happy ending after
amplifier troubleshooting
I was happy to see an email I sent to
you last year, regarding the SC480 blowing fuses, published in the January 2004
issue. Predictably, the fault turned out
to be dodgy soldering. I couldn’t find
the culprit and had to touch up all the
soldering on the board to fix it.
I used two SC480 amplifiers to build
a stereo unit and it is truly amazing to
hear the power of 40 REAL watts per
channel. For speakers, I used Digitor
250mm woofers and 25mm tweeters
in 70-litre vented boxes and am very
pleased with the results It has powerful bass and good quality over the
whole range.
I would like to say thank you for
publishing the SC480 in SILICON CHIP
last year.
Joe Kelly,
via email.
Comment: we’re glad you finally got
a good result. By the way, on normal
music program material, the SC480 will
deliver a lot more than 40W; with 8-ohm
speakers you will be getting more than
70W per channel before clipping.
Clarification of intent
with valve preamplifier
Now that now you have produced a
hifi version of the valve preamplifier
(February 2004), there seems to be no
doubt that the original was intended for
guitarists, n’est pas? So, since NFB was
never used in valve guitar preamplifiers,
that still leaves the question wide open
as to what you (all) thought you were
doing putting NFB on a guitar preamp
that was supposed to provide so-called
“valve sound”. Or did you guys simply
assume that guitar preamps used NFB,
similar to hifi preamps?
It seems to me there is a lack of clarity about where you were/are heading
and why. I still think some insight as
to how you got on this valve path is
needed to clear the air.
Roly Roper,
via email.
Comment: yes, the valve preamplifier
presented in November 2003 was
intended mainly for guitarists and
musicians. That was confirmed in the
February issue. And yes, valve preamplifier circuits in guitar amplifiers
didn’t normally have feedback.
However, we could not present an
external preamp design which did not
take into account the loading effects of
following amplifier stages which would
typically be solid state designs with reasonably low input impedances. After
all, “valve sound” doesn’t normally
involve lousy frequency response,
does it?
Therefore, we had two choices, both
April 2004 5
Mailbag: continued
of which of we took: (1) present the first
design which had a cathode follower
stage to allow reasonably low output
impedance; and (2) present the NFB
(negative feedback) design which does
have a low output impedance and
quite low distortion but still maintains
a reasonably gentle overload characteristic. The intention was clearly
explained in the first column on page
29 of the November issue. This design
gives audibly better performance than
the first version without NFB.
If you are absolutely set on getting
“valve sound” without NFB, then build
the version with the cathode follower.
Valves have lots of drawbacks
The revived interest in valves is ridiculous in the age of semiconductors.
All audio valves have the following
(a) Their characteristics deteriorate
with time – (i) they lose gain; (ii) they
lose emission; and (iii) their curves
change, so distortion increases.
(b) They become noisy with age, some
worse than others. As well, all pins of
the valve socket tend to oxidise and so
become noisy.
(c) They become microphonic, some
worse than others.
(d) They use lots of power and so
generate too much heat.
(e) They use dangerous voltages.
(f) Power output stages usually require
transformers, which have their own
This is quite apart from their initial
poor linearity, poor noise performance
and poor reliability and cost, compared
to semiconductors. If people want the
“sound of valve amplifiers”, then that
can be incorporated in a much better
semiconductor amplifier. The linearity
in particular can be accommodated
with diode/resistor pairs to produce
both the distortion and overload characteristics of valves.
I used to design and build valve
equipment, including audio amplifiers many years ago. I welcomed
transistors, both bipolar and FET, as
every part of the equipment improved
dramatically. Then ICs enabled lower
costs with much more complex and
improved circuits. Along the way we
6 Silicon Chip
learnt a lot about the old valve amplifiers and their shortcomings, as well
as many improved design ideas that
valves did not allow.
There is still some way to go in
improving audio amplifiers, such as
auto gain control so that the power
amplifier cannot overload. I remember
doing this about 25 years ago by using
4066 ICs and a resistive divider at the
input of the amplifier but none of the
manufacturers at the time were interested. Perhaps this could be an idea for
SILICON CHIP, using modern ICs?
Let’s not go backwards because some
people cannot think for themselves.
Bruce Withey,
Grafton, NSW.
Unfair comments about
power generation
I think your comment on David
Peters letter on solar cells and nuclear
power on page 6 of the February issue
were less than fair.
For a start, even the ABC science
website lists the time for solar cells
to produce the energy used in manufacturing them as three years and the
payback as possibly never. The web
page you quoted tells us nothing. It is a
synopsis of a paper and there is nothing
there that gives any chance of checking
or verifying anything said on it. Other
sites suggest a cost for solar voltaics
of around twice that for wind power.
If solar power is so viable why is noone building large scale (ie, 100MW)
solar power installations? There are
plenty of people doing this for wind
In any case there is a problem in
integrating intermittent sources of
generation such as solar or wind into
existing networks. This cost rises
about linearly with the proportion of
intermittent power. In a predominantly
thermal system such as Australia’s, this
means that the marginal effective contribution to total energy of intermittent
sources of energy declines to zero at
about 10% of total energy. To increase
the proportion of energy contributed by
intermittent sources beyond this you
need to add energy storage, just as is
the case in non-grid situations such as
Collyn River’s vehicle.
This storage can be pumped storage
hydro, batteries, flywheels, hydrogen
storage or whatever. All of these are
expensive and contribute to a lowering of overall efficiency. For example,
Hydro Tasmania is looking at improving the proportion of wind power on
King Island by redox battery storage
and the Antarctic Division is looking at
doing the same in Antarctica by using
a hydrogen system. What makes this
worthwhile is the cost of generation
by other means, in Antarctica’s case
about $1/kWhr from diesel generators,
compared to base-load coal in NSW at
about 2 cents/kWhr.
Your comments on nuclear power
seem similarly uninformed. I attended
a seminar on global warming run by
the Royal Society in Hobart and there
was a paper delivered by a professor
which seemed very convincing. He
went through the energy balance of
the world as a whole and showed that
the only way to reduce greenhouse
emissions by a significant amount
without massive economic dislocation
is by using nuclear power. Given the
present record of nuclear power and
taking into account Chernobyl and
what and why things were done in the
past, and what is likely to be done in
the future, I can see no ethical reason
not to use nuclear power.
I cannot see the point of your comments on thermal efficiency. While the
thermal efficiency of present pressurised water baseload stations is about
33% which is lower than modern coalfired stations, the thermal efficiency of
the next generation of nuclear power
stations is expected to be about 46%,
improving to over 50% as improvements are made in materials of construction. This is directly comparable
to the best coal-fired stations.
Let me ask a hypothetical question
– the only other prospect (other than
nuclear) for schedulable large scale
non-fossil fuel generation in Australia
is geothermal, most likely from the
Cooper Basin in South Australia and
NSW. Such generation will certainly
release large amounts of heat to the
atmosphere and may have a thermal efficiency less than that of a pressurised
water nuclear reactor: are you saying
that we should not use it?
Graham Shepherd,
New Town, Tas.
Review: Adilam
RFID evaluation kit
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a rapidly evolving
technology that’s set to become the standard for all kinds
of tracking and identification tasks. Here we take a look at
a low-cost RFID evaluation kit that’s available from Adilam
RFID tagging is already commonplace in Australia. “Drive-through”
transponders for the tollway, microchipped pets and car immobiliser keys
are just a few examples. Soon, if you
travel on public transport in NSW,
you might be using a credit-card style
RFID “ticket”.
In other parts of the world, RFID is
being used from everything from vehicle tyre identification, library book
and DVD checkout, electronic purses,
automated petrol purchases to school
student tracking.
Fig.1: received tag ID codes are
transmitted in ASCII format via the
on-board serial interface – you simply
connect the board to a PC running
serial terminal software to see the
received codes. Note that several
characters are added to each 40-bit
code string for housekeeping. A
complete description of the ASCII
format is provided with the kit.
Developers looking to take advantage of this technology can now do so
at a very affordable price with help
from Adilam Electronics. Adilam have
just announced an ultra-low cost RFID
evaluation kit suitable for demonstrating and evaluating many different
styles of “read-only” tags.
The kit includes a small, preassembled reader board and four tags
of various shapes and sizes from Sokymat. The kit can be used stand-alone
or connected to a PC via a free serial
port for tag ID code display.
The kit is based around a single
encapsulated reader module from ID
Innovations. This 26 x 25mm hybrid
“ID-12” module integrates all of the
reader electronics including the field
coil. Also included on the board
is a regulated power supply, piezo
buzzer, LED and rudimentary RS232
This is a close proximity, passive
system operating at 125kHz. Read
range is specified at 12cm+ but actual
distance will depend on tag type and
environmental conditions.
The ID-12 module is designed to read
unique ID (EM 4001 compatible) tags.
When a tag is brought within range, it
is energised by the reader’s magnetic
field. Once the tag receives sufficient
energy, it modulates the reader’s field
to transmit its 40-bit ID code.
When the ID-12 module receives a
valid tag transmission, it sounds the
piezo buzzer and flashes the LED. In
addition, it retransmits the received
ID code out of one (or two) of its serial
interface pins.
For connection to a variety of existing systems, the ID-12’s serial interface can be configured via on-board
links to transmit the code in ASCII,
Wiegand26 or Magnetic Emulation
formats. As supplied, the demo kit is
configured for ASCII format, with the
ID-12’s serial output wired directly to
an on-board D-9 connector.
For a really simple but effective
demonstration, all you need to do is
connect the board to your PC’s serial
port via a standard 9-way cable and
launch any serial terminal application.
Fig.1 shows the results of several tag
“scans” as they appear in HyperTerminal.
The board could also form the basis
of a simple development system, with
incoming ID codes stored, validated,
etc. A simple demo program that saves
the received codes in a file is available
for download from Adilam’s web site
(see below).
More information
For more details on the RFID Evaluation Kit, check out Adilam’s web site at
At time of writing, the kit was priced
at $50 plus GST, which includes a preassembled PC board and four assorted
tags. Adilam also supply a large range
of commercial readers, tags and various supporting components. Phone
1800 800 482 (Australia) or 0800 366
257 (NZ) for more information.
To learn more about RFID and how
it works, check out the July 2003 edition of SILICON CHIP, still available as
a back issue (see page 89)!
Four tags of various shapes and sizes
from Sokymat are provided with the
April 2004 7
What’s available, how much, where from?
Looking Into LEDs
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are everywhere. They’re
available in all colours of the rainbow and range from
quite dim indicators through to spectacular-brightness
lights suitable for finding your way in the dark.
one are the days when LEDs
were just used as replacements
for dial lamps and indicators.
I remember (probably back in the
early ’70s) when a then-much-younger
Dick Smith used to advertise what was
a pretty pedestrian multi-band radio
receiver with, wait for it, a “LED Lamp
Indicator” which moved up and down
the dial as you tuned it. Wow! (Of
course he sold thousands!).
That was only about a decade
after LEDs were first commercially
produced. Even then, they were still
relatively expensive and were rather
dim by today’s standards. LEDs have
certainly come a long way, even in
those thirty-ish years. But let’s go back
even further and have a look at where
LEDs came from.
A brief history of LEDs
LEDs have been around in one form
8 Silicon Chip
Ever wondered what’s inside a LED?
By Ross Tester
or another for almost one hundred
years (although there is some uncorroborated evidence that the phenomenon was first noted back in 1861).
In 1907, Joseph Henry Round
observed a very dim yellow glow
from a piece of Silicon Carbide (SiC)
when subjected to small electric currents. This was in the form of a “Cat’s
Whisker” diode used commonly in
ensuing decades as a detector for
crystal set radio receivers. (Galena was
commonly used but Silicon Carbide
also worked).
Jump forward twenty years: German
experimenters working with phosphor
materials made from Zinc Sulphide
doped with Copper (ZnS:Cu) also produced a dim light – unfortunately, too
dim to be of much practical use.
Then in 1936, a report was published by George Destriau on the emission of light by Zinc Sulphide (ZnS)
At left (facing page) is an array of high
brightness and special effect LEDs, LED
fittings and collimators/diffusers. On the
left are some of the Luxeoon Star range
of 1W, 3W and 5W high brightness LEDs
(from Prime Electronics or ATA). In the
middle, what look like standard LEDs
are in fact microprocessor-controlled
flashing coloured LEDs, also from Prime
Electronics, who also supplied the lenses.
The various LED fittings are from Jaycar.
powder and an electric current. Destriau is widely credited with inventing
the term “electroluminescence”.
While limited experimentation was
no doubt going on over the years, it
wasn’t until the 1960s that the first
LEDs, only somewhat as we know
them today, were produced, following
British (and perhaps German) research
of the previous decade.
These were based on the semiconductor Gallium Arsenide (GaAs).
Unlike modern GaAs LEDs, which
produce visible (usually red) light, the
first laboratory LEDs produced only
infrared light and even then had to
operate at supercool levels to work –
usually by immersing them in liquid
Professor Nick Holonyak Jr. (1928 - )
is credited with developing the first
practical visible-spectrum (red) LEDs
in 1962. These were produced using
Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP)
on a GaAs substrate. Using GaAsP allowed much more efficient red LEDs
to be made and also allowed orange
light for the first time.
Another decade on and Gallium
Phosphide (GaP) LEDs were producing a pale green light. The first yellow
LEDs were actually dual GaP chips in
one package, one producing red and
the other green. True yellow-emitting
LEDs using Silicon Carbide (SiC) were
produced, at least on an experimental
basis, a little later. However, these suffered a similar problem to those first
SiC yellow LEDs – low light output.
In the 1980s, superbright LEDs
started to appear, using Gallium Aluminium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAlAsP) – first in red, then in yellow, then
in green. Around the turn of the decade, the first of the ultrabrights started
appearing, using Indium Gallium
Aluminium Phosphide (InGaAlP) in
orange-red, orange, yellow and green
Blue LEDs started to appear in the
early 1990s. The first used Silicon
Carbide, but this gave way to the much
These close-ups of
the 1W ultra-white
LEDs from Oatley
Electronics show some
of the structure deep
inside the LED. These
are rated at 20 lux,
drawing 300mA at
3.6V. They retail for
about $15 each.
brighter blue of Gallium Nitride (GaN)
around the middle of the decade and
the even brighter Indium Gallium
Nitride (InGaN) blue and green LEDs
late in the decade.
The next big breakthrough came
with white LEDs which, in fact, do not
have diodes emitting white light. They
are in fact a high-intensity blue LED
with the chip coated in a fluorescent
phosphor. The phosphor absorbs the
blue light and then fluoresces at the
chosen colour – white is the most
common but virtually any colour can
be obtained using this technique.
The most recent LED development,
only now beginning to appear on the
market, is the ultraviolet LED which
produces no visible light but causes
other colours to fluoresce (you’ve
probably seen this effect with socalled “black light” fluorescent tubes
at a disco).
So as we can see (pardon the pun),
LEDs have gone through virtually the
entire “light” spectrum from infrared
through all visible colours to ultraviolet. Experimentation is continuing
to see just how far up the spectrum
diodes (no longer called LEDs!) can
be made to emit.
Really bright LEDs
The story of LEDs is not just about
colour. As we have noted, superbright and then ultrabright LEDs have
changed the way we think about the
devices: first a curiosity in the laboratory, then an indicator device on a
panel; later fashioned into shapes conveying messages (numeric and alphanumeric displays); then combined into
arrays of colours, capable of displaying
colour pictures; and of course, most
recently into lighting devices in their
own right.
Already, many LEDs are so bright
that you risk eye damage by looking
straight into them. Lasers carry warnings about eye damage – it won’t be too
long before many LEDs do too!
The development of LEDs as lighting
devices continues – already they are
being sold to replace many other forms
of domestic, industrial, automotive
and outdoor lighting.
It is perhaps only the relatively high
price of the devices that prevents their
wider usage. That will change in time,
probably sooner rather than later.
With more efficient use of electricity
high on the agenda in many areas (eg,
California with their blackouts last
winter) the high efficiency of LEDs as
lighting devices, not to mention their
longevity, is being viewed with more
and more interest.
Measuring light output
It’s not easy to compare apples with
apples when it comes to the brightness
of LEDs, or any other light source,
because so many different units are
applied – invariably, the ones which
make the device look best to the manufacturer (or their PR firm!).
High brightness LEDs are generally
rated in Watts, similar to traditional
Back and front of
the Luxeon Star
3W LEDs from
Prime Electronics
and ATA. The back
is all heatsink,
designed to be
bolted to a larger
heatsink. These
are also available
in 1W and 5W
models, ranging in
price from $15.95
to $54.45.
April 2004 9
This particular Luxeon
Star/O is a
1W version of those
on the previous
page, here fitted
with a built-in
20° reflector.
They’re a little
over $20 each
from Prime
Collimating lenses are
designed to mount
directly onto all
standard Luxeon
Star 1W, 3W and
5W LEDs. They
are available in
wide, medium,
narrow and
elliptical beams.
light bulbs, or in Lux, while ordinary
(ie garden-variety) LEDs are usually
quoted in mCd (millicandela), the
candela being one of the seven base
SI units.
One problem is that the candela as
a unit for coloured LEDs is that it is
based on light at a particular frequency
(540 x 1012Hz) – green. That’s fine
for green LEDs (well, LEDs of that
particular green) but what about red
LEDs which will have little, if any
green output?
A second problem is that the light
output is defined as being in a particular direction. When a LED “viewing
angle” is quoted, this is defined as the
point off-axis where the light ouput is
reduced by 50%. All LEDs are directional; as a general rule the higher in
brightness, the more extremely directional they become.
There are several types of lenses and
collimators available which reduce
this, to an extent.
To add further to the confusion,
someone comes along and rates their
LEDs in Lux, which is a measure of
illuminance, (defined as lumens per
square metre squared) – not a measure
of lamp brightness at all!
As you can see, there’s much more
to the light output of a particular LED
than noting its claimed “output”. At
SILICON CHIP, we’ve seen 2000 and
3000mCd white LEDs that, at least to
the naked eye (and that’s what matters!) easily outperform LEDs rated at
10000 and even 15000mCd.
There is no such thing as a perfect
light source – one where all of the
energy applied is converted to light.
In an incandescent bulb (a lamp with
a glowing filament), for example, there
is a lot of energy lost as heat. “Cool”
flourescents and even LEDs lose energy as heat, though nowhere near as
much as filament bulbs.
The light output of a bulb is measured in lumens per watt.
Incandescent bulbs, the most common form of light, are cheap to buy
but are inefficient, generating from
about 16 lumens per watt for a domestic tungsten bulb to 22lm/W for
a halogen bulb. Fluorescent tubes are
more efficient, from 50 to 100lm/W for
domestic tubes. While they allow large
energy savings, they require special
starting and driving circuitry and are
bulky and fragile.
LEDs have fallen somewhere between incandescent and fluorescents
in terms of efficiency - up to 32lm/W
– and are more robust than either.
Until now, they have been expensive,
although their cost is falling.
If you want to delve deeper into the
way LEDs (or any other light sources)
are rated and measured, there are literally thousands of pages of information
available on the ’net. Google a few key
words such as LED brightness output
and ratings and you’ll see what we
Looking into LEDs
We deliberately chose the title to
this short article because these days,
that’s something you must not do.
Many of today’s ultrabright LEDs are
more than powerful enough to cause
you pain; perhaps even damage to
your retina.
Multiple LED arrays fitted in
miniature bayonet cap (left)
and miniature Edison screw
(right) assemblies, intended to
replace standard torch globes.
These are just some of the
versions available from Jaycar
and retail for a little under $30 each.
10 Silicon Chip
The unit of measure commonly
used to describe LED intensity is
the millicandela (mcd). 1000mcd =
1cd. Candelas measure how much
light is produced as measured at the
light source in a specific direction.
The unit of measure commonly
used for most other light sources is
the Lumen. Lumens measure how
much light actually falls on a surface.
How do you convert lumens to
mcd? There is not an exact conversion as they are different types
of measurement but here is a rough
conversion: If you divide the number
of lumens by 12.57 you can get an
approximate equivalent in candelas
but this itself can be misleading as
there is no qualification of direction.
There’s been an adage around since
the invention of Lasers: never look a
laser in the eye. We’d also apply that
to LEDs.
Types of LEDs
Several SILICON CHIP advertisers
regularly feature a variety of LEDs.
We’ve already covered the standard,
high brighness, super bright and ultra
bright models – available in virtually
every colour of the rainbow (and then
But now there are even LEDs with a
built-in microprocessor chip to drive
various colour displays from the same
LED – fading, for example, from red to
green to blue and then various combinations of those colours, in various
flash and fade sequences.
Of course, they’re significantly more
expensive than “standard” LEDs but
that will change over time, just as the
price of all other LEDs has fallen.
Other LEDs of significance (to this
article) are combinations of LEDs in
various fittings, designed to replace
standard globes or lamps. For example,
there are now several MES or MBC
(miniature Edison screw or miniature bayonet cap)
fittings with highbrightness LEDs
Another innovation is a replacement for 20W and
Halogen replacement highbrightness LED fitting from
Jaycar. These sell for around
$30 each.
50W halogen bulbs, now used by their millions in home,
office and shop lighting. While architects love ’em, we have
always been critical of their energy wastage (they run very
hot) and their proven ability to cause fires if combustible
material is too close.
The heat has also been a big problem in closed shop
window displays, where it has little chance of dissipating.
Now you can buy a fitting, the same size as the halogens,
consisting of twelve high brightness LEDs. We haven’t done
tests to see how the light levels compare but these look very
promising. And we would expect them to last significantly
longer than halogen bulbs.
This short look at current LED development is by no means
exhaustive – there are plenty more suppliers around and
there are also many more types. We’ve just scratched the
surface of the subject here – and we haven’t even mentioned
some of the work being done in street signs, traffic lights,
etc. Again, there’s a wealth of information on the ’net if you
want to delve into LEDs further!
Supplier Websites:
Prime Electronics
Oatley Electronics
Jaycar Electronics
Alternative Energy Assoc.
Bright sun
Hazy day
Cloudy bright
Cloudy dull
Very dull
Full moon
Operating theatre
Shop windows
Drawing office
Living rooms
Good street light
Poor street lighting
Illuminance (lux)
50k - 100k
25k - 50k
10k - 25k
2k - 10k
100 - 2k
1 - 100
0.01 - 0.1
0.001 - 0.01
Luminance (cd m-2)
3k - 6k
1.5k - 3k
600 - 1.5k
120 - 600
6 - 120
0.06 - 6
0.0006 - 0.006
0.000006 - 0.00006
5k - 10k
1k - 5k
300 - 500
200 - 300
50 - 200
50 - 100
300 - 600
60 - 300
18 - 30
12 - 18
3 - 12
How bright are ‘things’? This table gives you some idea
of the level of luminance and also the illuminance in lux.
When you consider that ultrabright LEDs are quoted as
around 20 lux, there is still a fair way to go . . .
April 2004 11
For Beginners; Pt.3
In this final instalment, we describe how to
print Autotrax PC board designs from within
Windows. We also present a low-cost method
for making your own PC boards at home.
NCE A BOARD layout is complete,
a full-size printout of the design
allows you to quickly verify that everything will actually fit. You can position the components in their intended
positions on a paper mock-up of the
assembly and check for interference
between adjacent components, as well
as verify component footprints.
If the PC board is to be installed
in an enclosure, you can use a paper
cut-out of the board to check that it
will fit as intended. In addition, if the
design includes components that must
protrude through panel-work (LEDs,
switches, etc), then you can often use
the printout as a drilling template.
Autotrax includes a separate program called “Traxplot” for printing
tasks. Unfortunately, the list of printers
it supports is now rather dated, meaning that it probably won’t work with
your particular model. As Traxplot is
a DOS-based program, it can’t “see”
Windows printers – it uses its own
printer driver.
The problem is worse in Windows
NT, 2000 & XP, where the printer is
jealously guarded by the operating
system, locking out DOS-based drivers
altogether. Luckily, with the addition
of some free software and an extra step
in the process, you can still print your
designs from within Windows. Let’s
have a look at what’s involved.
Printing basics
Fig.1: load your
.PCB file via the
File menu as the
very first step.
Fig.2: Traxedit’s Options menu. Set the “Type of Plot” to
the layer that you wish to print. A “Check Plot” prints all
selected layers (see Fig.3) superimposed on one another.
12 Silicon Chip
As well as being able to print to a
variety of old (by today’s standards)
printers and plotters, Traxplot can
generate Postscript output. Postscript
is a very powerful, universal printing
language supported by many high-end
printers and photo typesetters.
Traxplot can also be configured
to send its Postscript output to a file
rather than a printer port. So all we
need is Windows-based software that
can read Postscript files and print them
out and there are quite a number that
can do this. For example, CorelDraw
and Photoshop can both handle Postscript files.
For those who don’t already have
a program that can read Postscript,
we’ve included details of a free viewer
that can be downloaded from the
Getting started
As well as being able to print each
layer individually (which we’ll see
later on), Traxplot can print layers superimposed on one another – in a similar format to what you see on-screen.
The top overlay is shown in grey (not
colour, unfortunately) to differentiate
it from the tracks and pads on the bottom layer. The result is quite legible
and works well for simple single-sided
layouts. This is called a “check plot”
and it’s ideal for verifying component
fit. Let’s see how it’s done.
Launch Traxplot and you’ll be presented with the main menu (Fig.1).
The first job is to load the .PCB file, so
press <F> to get to the “File” menu.
Next, press <P> to change the “Path”
and edit the displayed value to point
to wherever you’ve saved your .PCB
files. The default location is C:\AUTOTRAX.
That done, press <L> to choose the
Load entry and you will be prompted
for the file to be loaded. Simply hit
<Enter> here to see a list of all the .PCB
files in the chosen directory. Now use
the arrow keys (or mouse) to highlight
the PSU.PCB file (created last month)
and press <Enter> again to load it.
By now, you will have noticed that
the menu system is similar to that in
Traxedit. To select an entry, highlight
it using the mouse or arrow keys and
then press <Enter> or click <Left
Mouse>. Usually (if it’s unique), the
first letter of an entry acts as a shortcut.
To back up one level, hit <Esc> or click
Right Mouse.
Once you’ve loaded the demo design, hit <Esc> to return to the main
menu. Next, press <O> to select Options and bring up the “Setup Options”
menu (Fig.2). Change the “Type of
Plot” to “Check Plot” and the “Pad
Hole Guide Size” to 20 thou or thereabouts. Other settings can remain at
their default values.
Again from the main menu, press
<S> and then <C> to get to the “Check
Plot Setup” menu. This is where
you choose which layers should be
printed. As shown in Fig.3, you need
only turn on the “Bottom Layer”, “Top
Overlay” and “Multi Layer Pads” for
a single-sided layout.
The last task is to define and configure the output device. Press <S> to
Fig.4: you’ll find
all the Postscript
options under the
Setup -> Postscript
Fig.3: for a check plot, enable the
layers that you want printed via the
Setup -> Check Plot menu.
get to the “Setup” menu (Fig.4), then
highlight “Postscript” in the available
list and press <Enter>. The “Postscript
Setup” menu appears (Fig.5).
Next, highlight “Type” and press
<Enter>. Press <Enter> again to accept the default driver path of C:\
TRAXPLOT and you’ll be presented
with a list of all the available Postscript
drivers. Simply highlight “Postscript
1200dpi A4” in the list and press
Finally, highlight “Device” in the
“Postscript Setup” menu and press
<Enter>. This entry determines where
Traxplot sends the Postscript output.
Choose “File” and press <Enter>, and
you’ll be prompted for the filename.
Hit <Enter> again to accept the default,
which in this case is C:\TRAXPLOT\
PSU. There’s no need to add an extension to the filename, as Traxplot will
assign this automatically, according
to the type of printout. For example,
the file for a check plot will be named
PSU.SCK, whereas for a bottom layer
print, it will be PSU.SBL.
Note the options for scaling and
correction. Generally, these should
remain as shown. However, if you find
that your printer has a small, consistent scaling error (eg, slight stretching
of the length), you may be able to
compensate for it by adjusting these
OK, we’re all set. Returning to the
main menu, highlight “Postscript” and
press <Enter> to create your check
Fig.5: use these settings for Postscript output. Of course, the “Device” file
name can be changed to whatever you desire. Don’t change the “offset”
and “correction” parameters unless you know exactly what you’re doing!
April 2004 13
Fig.7: GSview allows you
to convert images to a
variety of graphics formats.
Individual layers can then
be edited in your favourite
graphics program. In the
example shown here, we’ve
colour-coded each layer and
superimposed them for an
eye-catching effect.
Fig.6: after generating a Postscript
file of the design in Traxplot, it can
be viewed and printed from within
Windows using a variety of different
programs. Here we’re using GSview
for the job (it’s free!).
plot. If all goes well, you will get a
report of “Postscript File Generated”
and a new file named PSU.SCK will
have been created in the C:\TRAXPLOT folder.
Postscript viewer
As mentioned previously, many
popular Windows-based graphics
packages are capable of displaying
and printing Postscript files. If you
don’t already have one of these, then
we suggest Ghostscript and GSview,
a free interpreter and viewer that you
can download from www.cs.wisc.
edu/~ghost. Make sure that you download the Windows (Win32) versions!
Ghostscript must be installed first,
followed by GSview. Installation is
simply a matter of double-clicking on
the downloaded files and following
the prompts.
Once installation is complete,
launch GSview and load the PSU.
SCK file created earlier. Note that in
the GSview “Open” dialog, you must
change the “Files of Type” to “All
Files (*.*)” in order to see files with
extensions other than the defaults. A
“DSC Warning” message will appear
when the file is opened; click on the
“OK” button to continue. Fig.6 shows
the loaded image.
You may find that some images
Silicon Chip Binders
Each binder holds up to 12 issues
SILICON CHIP logo printed on spine & cover
Price: $A12.95 plus $A5.50 p&p each. Available
in Australia only. Buy five and get them postage
Just fill in & mail the handy order form in this
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5644 & quote your credit card number.
14 Silicon Chip
appear to be “cut off”. This can be
corrected by enabling the “EPS clip”
setting on the “Options” menu. GSview includes a host of other settings,
allowing you to change things like
media size and orientation. There’s no
need to change any of these for now.
To print the image, select File -> Print
from the main menu.
You can also save the image in a
variety of graphics formats via the File
-> Convert menu. This gives a great
deal of flexibility in how a design is
displayed. For example, you might
want to print a multi-layer design
with each layer displayed in a different colour. To do this, print each layer
separately from Traxplot, then export it
in the desired format and manipulate
it using your favourite graphics package. We produced a colour version of
the demo design to show the effect
(see Fig.7).
Alternative printing methods
Apart from the methods described
above, there are a number of other
ways of obtaining high-quality prints
of your PC board designs. For example, “LaserPC” looks ideal for those
producing sophisticated designs requiring film output. Check out http:// for more
Another method involves the installation of a special Traxplot printer
driver that produces .PCX file output.
The resultant .PCX files can be displayed, printed and converted to any
graphics format using free Windows
Note that during in-house tests, we
found that the PCX driver failed to
scale the output correctly when using
high resolutions (1200dpi) and large
board sizes. Apparently, this is caused
by a limitation within Traxplot, not a
bug in the driver itself. Nevertheless,
this driver would be an excellent way
of producing prints of smaller designs
(and board graphics for the Internet)
with little effort. You can obtain a copy
Thanks go to Matthias Hartl, the
author of the PCX driver, and Airborn
Electronics for making the driver (and
a lot of other useful Autotrax information) available for free!
Board manufacture
If careful examination of the check
plot doesn’t reveal any problems, then
Making Your Own PC Boards: Step-By-Step
Laser print or photocopy the bottom
layer onto the dull (emulsion) side
of the Press-n-Peel film as described
in the text. Cut out the result with
scissors, leaving about a 5mm border
around the image.
The idea is to heat the entire
board evenly, until it reaches the
temperature of the iron. The time
required will vary according to
your iron and the size of the board.
Generally, somewhere between
1.5 and 4 minutes should do it. Of
course, you shouldn’t use steam!
Prepare a section of blank PC board
that is at least 5mm larger than the
image size. Using a fine file, remove
any burrs from around the edges
that may have resulted from cutting
or shearing. Thoroughly clean the
copper with a new scouring pad
or steel wool (not sandpaper). Use
plenty of water and a drop or two
of liquid soap. The surface should
be evenly bright and perfectly
clean. Flush under running water
to remove any traces of soap and
dry thoroughly with a clean, lintfree cloth. You must NOT touch the
copper surface of the board with
your fingers.
Position the Press-n-Peel film image
side down on the copper and centre
it within the available space. Now
“iron on” the film using only light
downward pressure. A piece of
plain paper between the iron and
the film helps to prevent burning
and sticking. The film manufacturer
suggests a temperature of between
135°C and 162°C. Apparently, this
should be somewhere between the
“acrylic” and “polyester” settings on
a typical iron.
Clean off the Press-n-Peel image
just before you’re ready to drill and
populate the board. Again, use a
scouring pad with liquid soap and
running water.
Quench the board and film under
cold running water, and then gently
peel off the film. The board will be
hot, so take care! Our result wasn’t
too bad for a first attempt. It appears
that we applied the iron for a little
longer than necessary, as the image
was slightly “smeared”.
Etch the board using ferric chloride
or Ammonium Persulphate per
the directions included with the
chemical. Here we’re using a
commercial etching tank complete
with a fish tank heater and an
aerator. If you’ve never done this
before, we suggest that you refer to
the “Making Photo Resist PC Boards
At Home” feature in the March
2001 issue of SILICON CHIP. Note that
these chemicals (especially Ferric
Chloride) are highly corrosive!
After drilling and cutting to the
correct size, we’re ready to assemble
the boards. Note how the slight
image smearing (see step 5) resulted
in “rough” copper edges – but the
result is still quite useable! A coating
of circuit board lacquer can be
applied to prevent corrosion.
April 2004 15
Fig.8: multiple designs can be laid out for printing with the aid of Traxedit’s
Block operations. Leave enough space between the board outlines so that you’ll
be able to separate them without difficulties after the etching and drilling
your design is almost ready to go. If
you’ll be sending it to a board manufacturer, then it is imperative to first make
sure that it meets all of the manufacturer’s requirements. This will include
things like the inclusion of corner cut
marks/routing outlines, layer identification, minimum clearances and valid
hole sizes. These requirements vary
between manufacturers, so we’ve not
listed them here.
All manufacturers that we know of
will accept your designs in Protel .PCB
format. This is a big advantage for the
casual designer, as it means that there’s
no need to learn how to create Gerber
and NC drill output files.
By way of explanation, Gerber files
are used to photoplot your design onto
film, whereas NC drill files are used
to control the drilling machine. The
manufacturer will produce these files
from your Autotrax .PCB file.
Making your own PC boards
If you have a little spare time and
want to save some money, you can
make your own PC boards at home.
Traditionally, this has involved the
use of light-sensitised PC boards, UV
exposure and chemical etching. This
is still a favoured method, particularly
with the availability of reliable, low-cost
pre-sensitised PC board material.
You can refer to our article entitled
“Making Photo-Resist PC Boards At
Home”, published in the March 2001
issue of SILICON CHIP, for details of
this method.
Another method gaining popularity
eliminates the need for light-sensitised
PC board material (and therefore UV
exposure) altogether. It allows you to
transfer your designs directly onto
untreated PC board copper – ready
for etching! This is achieved with the
relatively new “Press-n-Peel” system.
Just Press-n-Peel!
The basic materials needed for this
system are blank PC board, Press-nPeel transfer film, a standard clothes
iron and a full-size printout of your
The PC board pattern is first laser
printed or photocopied onto the Pressn-Peel film, which is then “ironed on”
to the bare copper. Following this, the
sheet of film is peeled away, leaving
behind a black resistive coating defining the layout image. Then all that’s
required is the usual etching process
to expose your masterpiece!
The procedure for preparing a
design for etching is depicted in an
accompanying panel. The first step
requires you to print the design onto
the Press-n-Peel film, so let’s look how
this is achieved in some detail.
Printing the pattern
Fig.9: two copies of two images laid up and ready for printing onto the Pressn-Peel film. Because the film is ironed-on emulsion side down, board images
must be printed in reverse (text shown in mirror image). This is the default
(“normal”) orientation in Traxplot. However, if you’re using a photographic
method that requires the opposite (“flipped”, or “right reading”) orientation, it
can be changed via Options -> Flip Layer Setup.
16 Silicon Chip
A print of the bottom layer of a design is easily obtained using the methods already described above. Note,
however, that you need to change the
“Type of Plot” setting in the Traxplot
Options menu from “Check Plot” to
“Bottom Layer” (Fig.2). In addition,
it’s important that the “Pad Hole Guide
Size” is set to 20 thou or thereabouts.
This generates a smaller-than-life size
“hole” in the middle of each pad, to
be used as a target when drilling the
If you have a laser printer, you can
print directly onto the Press-n-Peel
file. Be sure to do a test print on plain
paper first! If you have an inkjet printer, you must first print the design onto
paper and then photocopy the result
onto the Press-n-Peel film.
Note that you should set you printer
(either laser of inkjet) to its maximum
print density. The print density is
usually configurable from the printer
“Properties” menu.
To produce multiple copies of the
same design or a number of different
designs on the same section of PC
board, simply arrange all of the designs
in a single .PCB file before printing. For
example, we used the Block operations
in Traxedit to make three additional
copies of the demo design, arranged so
that they fit across the bottom of a sheet
(Fig.8). The Block -> Read command
can be used to import other designs.
Doing it on the cheap
A similar method to that described
above uses “toner transfer” from a
sheet of plain paper, rather than specialised sheets of blue film. All you
need in this case is an ordinary laser
or photocopied print of your artwork.
Of course, the results won’t necessarily
be as “sharp” or as repeatable as those
that can be achieved with Press-n-Peel
film – but if you’re on a tight budget,
it’s worth a try. Check out the February 2001 issue of SILICON CHIP for all
the details.
Did you know . . . ?
Finally, Postscript (.EPS) format
images of most of the PC boards
published in SILICON CHIP can be
downloaded from our web site at siliSC
Converting From Positive To Negative
Undoubtedly, some readers will
prefer to use a photographic process
for making their boards. In many
cases, a negative, rather than positive image of the PC board pattern is
required for the exposure. This can
easily be produced by converting the
Postscript image to graphics format
and “reversing” it before printing. Let’s
look at an example.
With the board image open in
GSview, select File -> Convert and
choose the “bmpmono” format at
600dpi. When entering the filename,
be sure to append a “.BMP” extension.
The newly created bitmap file
can then be opened in almost any
graphics package and converted
to a negative. We used “Irfanview”,
which is available for free download
from To get
the image to print properly (and to
reduce file size), crop it down so as
to include just the board with a small
border around the edge. To convert to
a negative, select Image -> Negative
from the main menu. If your graphics
program lacks this option, then simply
use the palette editor to change black
to white and vice-versa. Fig.10 shows
a negative image of the demo design
ready for printing.
Important: never “resample” or
Fig.10: if you’re using a photographic process instead of the
“Press-n-Peel” method described
here, then you may need a negative
rather than positive image. Here
we’ve used Irfanview to reverse the
blacks and whites.
“resize” the image – it must remain
untouched (at 600dpi) to ensure
sharp edges and accurate scaling.
Always do a test printout and check
board dimensions before going any
Electronics TestBench
Electronics TestBench is a valuable 128-page collection of 20 top test equipment projects from the pages
Includes: Power Supplies, Semiconductor Testers, Inductance Meter, Cable & Wiring Tester, Pink Noise
Source, Zener Diode Tester, Crystal Checker, Sound Level Meter, Insulation Tester, Logic Probes, Low
Ohms Tester, Remote Control Tester, Telephone Exchange Simulator, High-Voltage Insulation Tester.
SPECIAL PRICE: $9 (INC P&P & GST). Note: may be shop-soiled.
Order by phoning (02) 9979 5644 & quoting your credit card number; or fax the details to (02) 9979 6503; or mail
your order with cheque or credit card details to Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
April 2004 17
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The Loudspeaker Level Meter
is built into a small plastic
case and is just the shot for
quickly adjusting the level of
each channel in a home theatre
system or public address system.
Level meter for
home theatre systems
Setting up a home theatre system? Lucky you. Want to adjust
all the speaker levels precisely? Here is the way to do it, with
this handy little Loudspeaker Level Meter. It has its own inbuilt
microphone and a 10-LED bargraph display to let you quickly
set all channels to the same relative level. And you can use it to
set up the levels in a PA system as well.
OU MIGHT THINK it is a straightforward matter to set up the levels
in your home theatre system but depending on your room layout and the
physical positioning of the various
speakers, it can be surprisingly tricky.
This is especially the case when you
are trying to get an overall good balance at a number of listening positions.
Without the correct balance, the
surround effect will not be the best
it can be. Balance between the centre
speaker and the left and right channels
is critical since they present the front
sound-scape. And as is often the case
in many home theatre systems, if the
centre loudspeaker is too dominant, it
will detract from the imaging.
With the Loudspeaker Level meter,
you can set up the levels accurately
and quickly. It is just a small box
22 Silicon Chip
with a 10-LED bargraph display on
the front. Controls include the power
switch and a level adjustment. On the
base is a small electret microphone for
monitoring the sound level from the
In use, each loudspeaker is driven
with a noise signal in turn and the
Loudspeaker Level Meter is placed at
the listening position and aimed at the
speaker. The LED bargraph meter level
adjustment is set so that it reads 0dB
for one loudspeaker. Then the noise
level of each of the other loudspeakers
is adjusted at the amplifier so that they
are all the same. Generally, they can be
adjusted to within 1dB of each other.
Relative measurements
Note that the Loudspeaker Level
Meter does not give an absolute sound
level measurement; it is a relative
measurement only, with respect to a
reference level, usually 0dB, set by
the level control knob. You can then
measure sound levels up to 6dB higher
or 13dB lower than the reference 0dB
Most sound level meters incorporate
frequency “weighting” to emulate
the perceived loudness at different
loudness levels. However, since this
Level Meter is intended for loudness
comparisons over a relatively narrow range, no frequency weighting is
In addition to frequency response,
sound level meters can respond rapidly or slowly to changes in sound
levels. The Loudspeaker Level Meter
LED display has a response similar
to VU (Volume Unit) meters used
Main Features
10 LED dot bargraph display
-13dB to +6dB display range
Level control
Attack and decay rate follows
VU standard
Portable battery powered unit
in recording studios to set the audio
levels for recording. VU response is
very similar to the perceived loudness
heard by the ear for various signals that
include sudden transients.
Dot/bar display driver
The heart of the Loudspeaker Level
Meter is the readily available National
Semiconductor LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver IC which is configured to
drive 10 LEDs in dot mode. We have
used the LM3914 in preference to the
LM3915 which gives a logarithmic
display or the LM3916 which gives a
VU response, because the LM3914 is
so cheap and readily available.
The drawback of the LM3914 when
used as a decibel display is that it
has a linear rather than the preferred
logarithmic display characteristic.
This explains the rather unusual labelling of the 10 LEDs, which turns out
to be quite useable in practice. LEDs
5 & 6 correspond to -1dB and +1dB
respectively and when they are both
illuminated, the level is in between,
at 0dB.
Fig.1 shows the internal components of the LM3914 display driver. It
comprises a stack of 10 comparators,
each with its non-inverting input connected to a resistor string between the
RHI input (pin 6) and the RLO input
(pin 4). All the inverting inputs of the
comparators monitor the input signal
at pin 5, via the internal buffer op amp.
If the input voltage is above the
threshold set on comparator 1, LED1
will light. Similarly, if the input voltage exceeds the threshold voltage for
comparator 2, LED2 will light, and so
on. Not shown is the internal circuitry
which allows only one LED to light at
a time, instead of a whole bar of LEDs
which would otherwise result for a
high signal level.
Internal 1.25V reference
The internal 1.25V reference allows
Fig.1: the LM3914 LED display driver IC includes 10 comparators, a 1.25V
voltage reference and a signal-input buffer stage.
the IC to be set up to display the range
of voltages required. The resistor between the REFOUT and REFIN pins (7
& 8) sets the reference current, so with
the 1.2kΩ resistor shown, the current is
1.25V/1.2kΩ or 1.04mA. This current
flows through the resistors connecting
the REFIN pin to ground (0V).
April 2004 23
Fig.2: block diagram
of the Loudspeaker
Level Meter. The
microphone signal
is amplified by
IC1, then precision
rectified and filtered
before being applied
to the bargraph
display driver (IC3).
Since we are using 510Ω and 3.3kΩ
resistors in series the voltage at the
REFIN pin will be 1.04mA x (510Ω +
3.3kΩ) or 3.96V. The voltage at the
junction of the 3.3kΩ resistor and
510Ω resistor will be 1.04mA x 3.3kΩ
or 3.43V. So this gives us RHI of 3.96V
and RLO of 3.43V and so the input voltage applied to pin 5 will light LEDs
1-10 when the voltage goes between
3.43V and 3.96V. This is a nominal
0.53V range.
Block diagram
The block diagram for the Loudspeaker Level Meter is shown in Fig.2.
As shown, the microphone signal is
amplified by IC1 with the gain set
using VR1. Then the signal is preci-
sion rectified and filtered (IC2) before
being applied to the bargraph display
driver (IC3).
Circuit details
The full circuit is shown in Fig.3.
The electret microphone is powered
via a 22kΩ resistor from a decoupled
supply connecting to the 9V supply
rail. The decoupling comprises the
10kΩ resistor and 470µF capacitor and
is required to prevent the supply rail
changes which occur when different
LEDs light up from being injected back
into this amplifier.
The decoupled supply also applies
a bias voltage to pin 3 of op amp IC1
via 100kΩ and 330kΩ resistors. Signal
from the microphone is coupled into
Parts List
1 PC board code, 01104041,
123 x 59mm
1 plastic utility case, 130 x 68 x
1 front panel label, 65 x 125mm
1 electret microphone insert
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 knob to suit
1 50kΩ 16mm log potentiometer
1 50kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR2)
1 9V battery
1 9V U-shaped battery holder
1 9V battery clip lead
1 M3 x 6mm screw
1 M3 nut
11 PC stakes
1 50mm length of single core
shielded cable
1 TL071, LF351 op amp (IC1)
1 TL072, LF352 dual op amp (IC2)
1 LM3914 dot/bar display driver
24 Silicon Chip
1 16V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
2 1N914, 1N4148 diodes (D1,D2)
1 1N5819 Schottky diode (D3)
5 5mm green LEDs (LEDs1-5)
5 5mm red LEDs (LEDs 6-10)
2 470µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 47µF 16V PC electrolytic
3 1µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 1µF NP electrolytic
1 100nF (0.1µF) MKT polyester
1 56nF (.0056µF) MKT polyester
1 100pF ceramic
1 10pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 10kΩ
1 330kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 300kΩ
1 3.3kΩ
1 220kΩ
1 1.2kΩ
1 150kΩ
1 510Ω
2 100kΩ
1 27Ω
3 22kΩ
IC1 via a 1µF capacitor.
IC1’s gain is set by the ratio of the
feedback resistance between the output (pin 6) and the inverting input (pin
2) to the 100Ω resistor from pin 2. The
low frequency response rolls off below
about 34Hz due to the time constant of
the 100Ω resistor and 47µF capacitor.
In practice, IC1’s gain is adjustable
from 48 (when potentiometer VR1 is set
to minimum) to about 548 (when VR1 is
set to 50kΩ). However, if the gain is set
to values above about 100, the inherent
bandwidth limitation of the TL071 op
amp begins to reduce the gain at higher
audio frequencies. For example, at a
gain of 300, the response will typically
roll off above 10kHz. This limitation is
not important in this application – we
merely note it for readers who may
want to employ this circuit in a more
critical application.
Precision rectifier
The output from op amp IC1 is
coupled via a 1µF capacitor to the full
wave precision rectifier which consists
of diodes D1 & D2 and op amps IC2a &
IC2b. Its operation is as follows:
When the input signal goes positive,
pin 1 of IC2a goes low and forward
biases diode D1. The resulting gain of
the signal at the anode of diode D1 is
set at unity by the 22kΩ resistor. This
inverted signal is fed to op amp IC2b
via a 150kΩ resistor.
IC2b’s gain is -6.66, as set by the ratio
of the 1MΩ feedback resistor and the
150kΩ input resistor. Thus, the overall
gain due to this signal path is IC2a’s
gain (-1) times IC2b’s gain (-6.66), or
In addition, the positive-going input
signal is applied via a second path to
IC2b, this time via a 300kΩ resistor.
The gain of IC2b for this signal is -3.33,
due to the ratio of the 1MΩ feedback
resistor and the 300kΩ input resistor.
Thus, the overall signal gain at the
Fig.3: this is the complete circuit diagram for the Loudspeaker Level Meter. IC1 is the microphone preamplifier,
while IC2a and diodes D1 & D2 make up the precision rectifier. The output from the precision rectifier is filtered by
IC2b and fed to the pin 5 input of the LM3914 LED display driver (IC3).
output of IC2b is +6.66 - 3.33 = 3.33.
When the signal goes negative, diode D2 is forward biased and so IC2a’s
output is clamped at 0.6V above the
pin 3 reference voltage. IC2a is therefore effectively out of circuit and IC2b
then simply amplifies the signal on its
own, giving a gain of -3.33. Since the
input signal is negative, the output
is inverted, at +3.33 times the input.
Thus the precision rectifier can be seen
to provide a positive output with gain
of 3.33 for both positive and negative
going inputs.
VU response
IC2b also provides low pass filtering of the rectified signal to conform
roughly to VU (volume unit) standards
where the output reaches the input
level after 300ms and overshoots by
about 1.5%. The filtering is
rated using the 100kΩ and 1MΩ resistors, the 56nF and 1µF capacitors and
the parallel combination of the 300kΩ
and 150kΩ resistors. These together
provide the 2.1Hz rolloff frequency
and a Q (quality factor) of 0.62. The
rectified signal is then applied to the
input (pin 5) of IC3, the LM3914.
Trimpot VR2 is connected between
the REFADJ pin (pin 8) and a 220kΩ
resistor to ground and provides a DC
reference voltage to pins 3 & 5 of IC2b.
This is adjusted to 3.43V when there
is no signal from the microphone and
this will light LED1 on the display.
With sufficient signal from the microphone, level control VR1 is then
adjusted to light LEDs 5 & 6, indicating
a level of 0dB. Varying the signal from
this level will range the display from
+6dB to -13dB. LED1 only shows that
the signal is below -13dB.
A 9V battery supplies the circuit
via a 1N5819 Schottky diode (D3) to
provide reverse polarity protection
while minimising the voltage drop
across the diode; this allows more
life from the battery. The 470µF capacitor decouples the supply to the
LEDs, while a 27Ω resistor and 100µF
capacitor further decouple the supply
for IC1, IC2 and IC3.
The 16V zener diode (ZD1) allows
the circuit to be powered from a 12V
car battery instead of a 9V battery. The
circuit could also be run from a 9V DC
plugpack although this would limit its
portability while doing tests.
All the parts for the Loudspeaker
Level Meter fit on a PC board coded
01104041 and measuring 123 x 59mm.
It is housed in a plastic case measuring
April 2004 25
Fig.4: install the parts on the PC board as shown here, taking care to ensure that all polarised parts are
correctly orientated. Potentiometer VR1 is secured by soldering its metal body and terminals to adjacent
PC stakes (see text).
130 x 68 x 43mm. You can begin the
assembly by checking the PC board
for any shorted tracks or breaks in the
copper pattern. Also check that the hole
sizes are correct for the switch and PC
stakes. You will need 2mm holes for the
switch and 1mm holes for the PC stakes.
The corners of the PC board need to be
shaped so that the board will clear the
corner pillars of the box.
Start with the low profile components such as the ICs, links and the
resistors. Make sure that you place
the TL071 in the IC1 position and the
TL072 in the IC2 position – swapping
them won’t work at all! The resistors
can be selected by using a multimeter
to verify their values. Alternatively,
use the colour code table to select
the values.
Trimpot VR2 and capacitors can be
installed next, taking care to place the
polarised electrolytics with the correct polarity. The NP (non-polarised)
capacitor can be installed either way.
Then install the PC stakes and the
switch (S1).
The shaft of the potentiometer (VR1)
may need to be cut to length to suit
the knob. VR1 is mounted about 3mm
off the PC board and soldered to the
four PC stakes which surround the pot
body. Scrape the passivation coating
from the pot body at the PC stake positions before soldering it in position.
The three terminals are soldered to
three adjacent PC stakes.
Drilling the case
The PC board assembly is secured to the back of the front panel by doing up the
switch and pot nuts. A metal clamp is used to secure the battery.
26 Silicon Chip
The lid of the box should now be
drilled for the 10 5mm LEDs, the
switch and pot. You can use the label
artwork in this article as a drilling template. That done, place the LEDs into
their holes on the PC board, ensuring
the polarity is correct. Fit the lid of
the box over the switch and pot and fit
their nuts. That done, push each LED
into its front panel hole and solder
each one so it protrudes from the lid
by about 1mm.
The battery is fitted into a U-shaped
battery clip which is secured with an
M3 x 6mm screw and nut – see the
photo for the positioning and
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
Value μF Code EIA Code IEC Code
100nF 0.1µF
56nF 0.56µF
tation of the battery clip. A tip for
mounting the clip: place the nut over
the hole on the inside of the clip and
then push the base of the battery into
the clip to hold the nut; then the clip
can be easily fastened to the inside of
the box with the screw.
Next, drill a hole in the base of the
case for the electret microphone insert – make it a tight fit. Then wire up
the microphone using a short length
of shielded cable. Finally, solder the
battery clip leads to the underside of
the PC board at the power supply PC
stake terminals.
Fig.5: check your board for defects by comparing it with this full-size etching
pattern before installing any of the parts.
Carefully check all your work,
then switch on and check that the
LED display works. You may need to
adjust VR2 so that the lefthand LED
lights with no noise applied to the
If nothing happens, check the
voltages. There should be about 8V
between pins 4 & 7 of IC1, between
pins 4 & 8 of IC2 and between pins 2
& 3 of IC3. Check that the display LEDs
light up when you whistle or make a
noise. Adjust VR1 and check that the
sensitivity increases when it is turned
In use, you will need a noise signal
Fig.6: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front
panel, if necessary.
to allow setting up the speaker levels.
If you are simply setting up a stereo
system or measuring sound levels in
a PA system, you can use a pink noise
source. We published a suitable pink
noise source in the January 1997 issue
of SILICON CHIP. Alternatively, you can
use inter-station noise from an FM
tuner (ie, set it to a frequency where
there is no signal).
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
orange orange yellow brown
orange black yellow brown
red red yellow brown
brown green yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
orange orange red brown
brown red red brown
green brown brown brown
red violet black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
orange orange black orange brown
orange black black orange brown
red red black orange brown
brown green black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
brown red black brown brown
green brown black black brown
red violet black gold brown
April 2004 27
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Curve tracer
This unit employs a dual trace
oscilloscope with X-Y function as a
display to test and demonstrate the
action of circuits and components
such as transistors, diodes, zener
diodes, and terminated and unterminated transformers.
A low frequency sinewave (ie
10Hz - 1kHz) is applied to op amp
IC2a via potentiometer VR1 to set
the “X” and “Y” levels for the X-Y
display on the scope. The output of
IC2a is applied to the X input via R4
and IC2b and also to Probe 1 via the
contacts of relay 1. IC2b provides a
low impedance drive for the X input
and also isolates the X input cable
capacitance from probe 1.
The current flowing into the
probes develops a voltage across
R4 which is processed by IC2d
and applied to the CRO Y input to
represent current.
The scope display thus represents
an X-Y graph where voltage across a
circuit under test is displayed on the
X axis (horizontal) and the current
though it displayed on the Y axis
(vertical). With a calibrated scope
this equates to 1mA/V.
IC1 and a relay are included
to enable two probes to be used
and comparisons made between
a known good device and a faulty
one. The relay should be a low capacitance reed type.
By using the scope’s X and Y
gain controls, the sinewave applied
to the device under test should be
adjustable from a few millivolts up
to 24V peak-peak to get a very useable display. Thus, the unit can be
used on voltage sensitive devices
and at the othR. Ray
er end of the
is this m ner
scale apply
winner nth’s
enough voltPeak At f the
las LCR
age to check the
operation of, say,
a 10V zener diode.
Note that all devices should be tested in the
unpowered condition. If used for
in-circuit tests, the effects of circuit
components will need to be taken
into account.
Shielded coax leads should be
used for the X and Y inputs and
the probe leads should have zero
resistance. Normal scope probes
should not be used as these usually
have significant built-in resistance
which will interfere with measurements.
R. Rayner,
Willow Vale, NSW.
Depending on whether the level applied to the probe is high or low, the
window comparator turns on LED1
(high) or LED2 (low). The 1.2MΩ and
680kΩ resistors set the probe signal to
a midrange value when the probe is
open-circuit, thereby preventing either
LED from being lit.
If a pulse signal is present, the output of IC1a will toggle the clock input
of flipflop IC2a. This drives LED3
continued on page 91
Logic probe
with sound
This logic probe can be selected to
operate on TTL or CMOS logic levels,
depending on switch S1. A string of
resistors associated with switch S1
sets the threshold levels for a window
comparator comprising IC1a and IC1b.
28 Silicon Chip
7.2V battery replacement
for camcorders
This circuit lets an external 12V SLA battery power a
camcorder which normally has an inbuilt 7.2V battery. Such
batteries can now be very difficult or expensive to obtain
for earlier model camcorders.
In essence, the circuit is a standard LM317 adjustable
regulator with resistors R1 & R2 set to provide 7.2V (depending on the accuracy of the 1.25V internal reference).
If the resulting output voltage is low, it can be increased by
reducing the 130Ω resistor and vice versa.
The circuit can be assembled on to the Eliminator PC
board, as featured in the May 1992 issue (48 x 61mm, code
04104921) or the simple DC power supply PC board, featured
in the March 2004 issue (36.8 x 68.6mm, code 04103041).
The regulator should be fitted with a flag heatsink.
Note that the circuit should be disconnected from the
tery when not in use, otherwise its quiescent current (from
the LED and regulator) will flatten the SLA battery.
April 2004 29
As you can see, we pay good
money for each of the “Circuit Notebook” contributions
published in SILICON CHIP.
But now there’s an even better
reason to send in your circuit
idea: each month, the best contribution published will win a
superb Peak Atlas LCR Meter
valued at $195.00.
So don’t keep that brilliant
circuit secret any more: send it
to SILICON CHIP and you could
be a winner!
Stroboscope uses white LEDs
This stroboscope circuit uses 16 high-brightness
white LEDs in a torch housing and it provides a
signal output to a frequency counter to provide a
rev counter display.
IC1 is 555 astable multivibrator and it provides
a signal to IC2, a 4046 phase lock loop. IC2 and
the two 4017 Johnson decade counters, IC3 & IC4,
make up a frequency multiplier with a factor of 60
(IC3 divides by 10 while IC4 divides by six). The
multiplied frequency is taken from the VCO (voltage
controlled oscillator) output of IC2 at pin 4 and this
becomes the signal to drive the frequency counter.
Its output reading is the speed of the shaft being
measured in RPM.
A narrow positive-going pulse train to turn on Q1
and the LEDs is obtained from pin 3 of IC4. This has
the advantage of giving a much sharper marker line
(on the shaft) illumination.
The unit can be powered from a 12V 500mA plugpack or a suitable battery.
(Editorial note: at switching frequencies above
100Hz (6000 RPM) the persistence of the phosphor of
the white LEDs will make the circuit ineffective. To
run the circuit at much higher frequencies, substitute
LEDs without phosphors; eg, red, green or yellow or
a mixture of these).
K. J. Benic,
Forestville, NSW. ($40)
30 Silicon Chip
Electric bikes /scooters
Unlike a lot of others these have
Australian approvals
including "C" TICK.
Great kit for
Caving, fishing
or anything that
(NEW) POLYCRYSTALLINE needs a bit of
on the
S O L A R P A N E L S : light
subject. Uses
High quality Polycrystalline, energy efficient super bright
aluminium framed, water proof LEDs for long battery life. This kit comes with all
supplied including the 2X AA batteries
panels. (Available Now)... SP5 5W parts
required. Features include adjustable elastic
SOLAR PANEL (Dimensions 190 x straps, pushbutton on/off, adjustable tilt angle and
350 x 25mm). Weight: 0.72kg. more. The straps can be removed to use the kit as
a torch. Partially assembled, some soldering is
required to complete the kit. $12
This simple to construct heater
will make your pet feel very
comfortable this winter: your pet
will love you for it. It is cheap to
run and very easy to assemble.
Everything pictured is included
This portable light weight scooter folds up for easy
in the kit, even the 9V AC <at> 1A plug-pack. All you need is
carrying & storage. Features include variable speed Buy a number of solar panels, LED
a little insulation under the heater, and an old blanket or
control, adjustable / removable seat, hand lever style
rag on top of it. KIT PRICE:(K185) $18
brake. Brake & throttle can be swapped from side to side. lamp kits & SLA battery/s & save 10%
Telescopic handlebars to suit most riders. It comes
complete with mains charger & batteries.
This kit contains a 240-9VAC 2.2A Plug-pack, 2M
Speed: 12km/h
x 200mm of plastic mesh & 7M quality double
Motor: 100W
insulated 0.7 ohm/Meter heating cable. This kit
Produces 25 Lumens
Battery: 12V x 2, 4.5A
would be great for beer brewing, heating a bed or
of rich, saturated White light (No UV)
Range: ~14km
incubator or just about anything. The cable can be
G.W: 10kgs N.W: 8kgs Meas: 740X130 (deck) x 930mm. Lights with 3.42 VDC
woven into the mesh to form a flat heater or
NOTE: These scooters are not toys & should only be used Fully dimmable
wrapped around an object to be heated. A
under adult supervision & only where approved by local Up to 100,000 hour lifespan
Instant light (< 100 ns turn-on time)
fantastic bargain at $25 K185A
New mini LUXEON LED switch
mode driver kit available soon!!!
We believe that our 5mm ULTRABRIGHT This kit (K208) uses a 240VAC plug-pack, a small
WATERCLEAR LED’S give you the MOST LUX FOR PCB and components to make a small 12VDC /
YOUR BUCKS, this applies even when their multiple
1A power supply. The kit will take 7805, 06, 08, 09,
arrays are compared to the high Lux LED's!
TO220 regulators (only 7805 supplied). $11.50
5mm WHITE… ULTRABRIGHT….80C (15000 mCd)
THE FOLLOWING HAVE A BUILT IN IC THAT Unlike our previous ass’y this one comes with a 1L
PRODUCES A COLOUR SEQUENCED LIGHT SHOW: insulated tank for cooling water. As used in
gravity fed water coolers.. The
5mm RED-GREEN……….….........70C
tank can be easily removed for
5mm RED-BLUE…………............70C
refrigerator applications
All the required electronics for remote control at 433MHz but some additional metal
(UHF) of DC motors that operate garage doors, gates, & plate/heatsink may be
shutters. Motor & mechanical parts are not supplied. required. Complete 12V
Provision for upper & lower limit switches, The kit uses assembly including the
motor current sensing to stop the motor if the door hits an heatsinks, fan, peltier &
This is an excellent electric bike with a robust design & obstruction (this feature can also be used to eliminate the tank: $37.
good power. Comes with a 12 volt battery & 200 watt limit switches). Circuit includes a
motor, cruises at 18km/h for approximately 20km. 2 minute timer with a MOSFET
240V-12V power supply PCB
Features include variable speed, adjustable handlebars switch for operating
suit the above cooler / heater:
& seat, lights, front & rear suspension, inflatable wheels, a 12V courtesy
This PCB can be connected to
side stand & more. It comes complete with mains charger. light. Security
the thermistor which is in the
Unlike a lot of others these have Australian electrical code has over 1/2
tank so that the temperature is controlled. DANGER
approvals including C-TICK.
million combinations.
Speed: 18km/h
Uses the pre-built &
Motor: 250W
pre-tuned (RX7) UHF
Battery: 12V 12AH
receiver module with a security decoder IC. Published in These serial interface low cost printers
Range: ~20-35km
Silicon Chip Magazine December 1993. KIT PRICE: are in excellent condition and were
G.W: 27KGS N.W: 24kgs.
(K023B) $42
made in England. They are supplied
with ribbon (already installed). This
To suit the above garage door remote control.
is a rugged printer useful for Point
The small key fob transmitter has 4 buttons (allowing 4 of Sale applications. It is capable of
channel operation) and a mini telescopic antenna (range being used on a wide variety of
tested at ~200m). Uses a pre-built and pre-aligned hardware platforms - not confined to
433MHz UHF transmitter module. The transmitter is a PC. Any equipment with a std
partially assembled, only the case has to be assembled RS232 port is capable of utilising
and screwed together. Operates from 12V lighter battery this printer. Operation Manual can
(supplied). Transmitter kit includes transmitter module, be downloaded from our web site.
MBR2535L SCHOTTKY DIODES:25A / 35V 3 for $2 12V battery and key-fob case. $12
On special for this month <at> $30
NDP606A MOSFET: 60V / 48A, 0.025ohms
4 for $2
And don't forget to subscribe to
ANRITSU 12V DC RELAY: Model # SZ-2103. 4 for $2
ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 35V / 2200uF: 5 for $2 This kit uses a 240VAC plug-pack, a resistor and a LED. our bargain corner to be notified
ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 100V / 1000uF 5 for $2 Great for use where a soft source of permanent light is
$$$ FOR YOUR BUX $$$
PR 59
Got a problem with barking dogs? Shut ’em up
with this high-powered ultrasonic screamer.
It has an external microphone to pick up the
dog’s first bark and then it gives them a blast that
only they can hear. They’ll soon learn to keep quiet...
Design by Branko Justic*
32 Silicon Chip
Never place your ears (or anyone elses!)
near the tweeters when this device is
operating, even ultrasonically.
The sound output is high enough
to cause hearing damage.
et’s face it, barking dogs can
make life a misery. And as luck
will have it, the people who own
barking dogs seldom have enough
consideration to anything about it.
This Dog Silencer lets you do something about it. And you can solve the
problem without your neighbours
ever having to know that you
have acted.
This updated version of the Dog
Silencer, first published in July
1999, incorporates a microphone
to sense the dog’s barking. It then
triggers a 2-second ultrasonic warbling blast that will quickly teach
most dogs to keep a low profile.
If you don’t want to use the
microphone facility, the Dog Silencer also has a pushbutton to
allow you to trigger the ultrasonic
blast at will.
Because the sound will be in the
range of 20-32kHz, humans cannot
hear it but most dogs can.
Of course, we don’t claim that the
Dog Silencer will be effective on all
dogs. Ideally, the Dog Silencer should
be within 20 metres of the offending
canine to be most effective.
Nor will the Dog Silencer work if the
offending dog is deaf – many old dogs
tend to be deaf, although they usually
don’t have a barking problem.
And of course, some dogs are like
their owners – just plain stupid – and
very little can be done to stop them
barking (the dogs that is, not the
Never place your ears (or anyone elses!)
near the tweeters when this device is
operating, even ultrasonically.
The sound output is high enough
to cause hearing damage.
Nor will the Dog Silencer stop all
barking. Even when cured of their
incessant barking habit, most dogs
will still bark when people come into
their territory.
Kangaroos too?
This unit is also claimed to be suitable as a deterrent to kangaroos on
the road, especially when driving at
night. In this case, it would need to be
operating all the time while a vehicle
is being driven in kangaroo country.
We cannot vouch for its effectiveness in this application – kangaroos
are in relatively short supply on the
suburban streets of Sydney. Hey,
maybe that proves it works?
As you can see from the
photos, the Dog Silencer comprises two piezoelectric tweeters, a small box
to house the electronics and a
plugpack power supply.
If you want to use it in a car,
it can be powered from the 12V
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the full details of
the circuit. It is based on a TL494
pulse width modulation (PWM) controller. This device is widely used in
power supplies but is suitable for any
PWM application.
The key functions of the TL494
which we need to know about for this
circuit are:
• The internal oscillator which has
its frequency set by the capacitor at
April 2004 33
34 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: it might look a bit complicated but it’s actually quite simple. A microphone picks up the dog’s bark, a high gain amplifier triggers a burst of
modulated oscillation above human hearing range but within the dog’s hearing range. This is amplified and fed to a pair of tweeters.
This is the sine wave signal across the tweeters, operating
at 25kHz. Note that at this frequency, the tweeters may still
be audible, at 12.5kHz.
pin 5 (Ct) and the resistance at pin
6 (Rt).
• A 5V reference at pin 14. This
can be used as a 5V supply for rest of
the circuit.
• A “dead-time” control input at
pin 4. This can be used to enable or
disable the internal oscillator.
• Two 200mA output transistors
with their emitters at pins 9 & 10.
• An internal flipflop which halves
the oscillator frequency to drive the
output transistors with complementary (ie, out of phase) pulse trains.
None of the usual control features of
the TL494 are used here. The internal
oscillator typically runs at between
50kHz and 60kHz (depending on the
setting of VR1) and this is divided
by the internal flipflop to drive the
internal output transistors and thus
the external output transistors Q4 &
Q5. These drive the centre-tapped
transformer which steps up the 12V
supply to a square wave of around 30V
peak to peak.
This is used to drive the parallelconnected tweeters via inductor L1.
The inductance of L1 and the capacitance of the two tweeters form a series
resonant circuit which removes the
harmonics of the waveform to produce
a fairly clean sinewave of around 60V
peak to peak.
That’s the essence of the operation
of the TL494 driving the tweeters, with
the rest of the components providing
features like frequency modulation,
bark detection, timeout and so on.
The output frequency to the tweeters
is frequency modulated to (hopefully)
make it more annoying to dogs. Dogs
The frequency modulated output of the tweeters (top trace)
is controlled by the 3Hz sawtooth waveform from the
programmable unijunction transistor, PUT1.
In this screen shot, the tweeters are being driven at
21.45kHz (top trace) but their output (as picked up by a
microphone) is quite audible at 10.8kHz (lower trace).
have never told us that it is more annoying but we hope it is.
Actually, by suitably adjusting trimpot VR1, you can make the tweeter
output audible and we can vouch for
the fact that the frequency modulation
certainly does make it more annoying
for us humans.
Frequency modulation
The frequency modulation is provided by the programmable unijunction transistor (PUT1) and transistor
Q3. PUT1 is connected to oscillate
at around 3Hz and the 2V sawtooth
waveform at its anode is fed to transistor Q3 which is connected as an
emitter follower.
The output waveform is fed to pin 6
of IC2 via a 47kΩ resistor modulate the
output frequency fed to the tweeters
While the tweeters are driven by a sinewave, the output
from the transformer is actually a square wave, as shown
April 2004 35
Fig.2: here’s how to wind the transformer. The coils are actually wound on some form of mandrel – we use the shank
of a twist drill – then transferred to the centre post of the ferrite cores. The choke is wound in a similar way.
by about 3kHz or so.
Looking now at the audio section
of the circuit, trimpot VR2 provides
DC bias to the electret microphone, as
well as serving as the audio sensitivity control.
Its output is fed to Q1 which acts
a crude high gain amplifier, followed
by Q2 which provides further amplification and clipping of the signal. This
is arranged so that sufficiently positive
peaks of the audio signal will exceed
the positive threshold of Schmitt trigger
gate IC1a and cause its output to go low.
Trigger & timeout
When pin 3 of IC1a goes low it
charges the 1uF capacitor at the input
of IC1d, via diode D2. This causes
IC1d’s output to go low and this condition is inverted by IC1c to turn on
LED1 and to enable the oscillator in
IC2 via diode D3.
IC1d also now charges the 1µF capacitor at the input to IC1b via a 470kΩ
resistor. This causes IC1b’s output to go
low and this pulls the collector of Q2
low, via diode D1, effectively muting
the output of the microphone audio
amplifier stages.
The 1µF capacitor at the input of
IC1d now discharges so the operation of IC2 is enabled for only about
two seconds, ie, a 2-second burst of
It takes a further half a second or
so for the 1µF capacitor at the input
of IC1b to also discharge, before the
clamp on Q2 is released, to allow the
36 Silicon Chip
cycle to repeat, if necessary.
Power supply
A 12V DC plugpack was used to
power the prototype but a 9V AC plugpack would be just as suitable because
the circuit includes a bridge rectifier
and suitable filter capacitors (9VAC x
1.4142 = 12.7VDC).
The plugpack could be replaced by
a suitable 12V DC battery (such as a
car battery).
To sum up, a loud noise (or a dog
barking) is sensed by the electret and
this triggers the timeout cycle controlled
by IC1. During the next 2.5 seconds or
so, the circuit can’t be retriggered by
further noise because the microphone
audio stage has been disabled.
Pushbutton S1 provides a manual
Parts List – Dog Silencer Mk2
1 PC board, coded K112, 125 x
1 Mini pushbutton switch SPST
1 choke, 8.5T on ferrite core
1 transformer, 2x 10T & 8T on
ferrite core
1 electret microphone
2 tweeters
2 cable ties
1 IC socket, 16 pin
1 IC socket, 14 pin
various lengths red and black
hookup wire
3 C8050 NPN transistor (Q1-3)
3 1N4148 diode (D1-3)
1 2N6028 PUT (PUT1)
2 TIP41C NPN Power Transistor
2 BA159 or 1NH42 diode (D4,5)
1 4093B (IC1)
1 TL494 (IC2)
1 BR1 bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 red LED (LED1)
1 2.2nF (code 222 or 2n2)
3 100nF (code 104 or 100n)
1 470nF (code 474 or 470n)
3 1µF 16V electrolytic
3 100µF 16V electrolytic
1 1000µF 16V electrolytic
2 47Ω
1 100Ω 2 120Ω 0.5W
1 330Ω 1 1kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
2 4.7kΩ 2 10kΩ 1 22kΩ
1 33k Ω 1 47kΩ 1 68kΩ
1 100kΩ 1 150kΩ 4 470kΩ
1 2.2MΩ
1 10kΩ preset pot, PC mounting
1 5kΩ preset pot, PC mounting
1 utility case, 130 x 68 x 40mm
1 self-adhesive front panel
1 panel mounting SPST pushbutton switch
1 9VAC/2A (or 12VDC) plugpack
Fig.3: everything except the tweeters, microphone and power supply fit on a single PC board. The optional pushbutton
switch is used if you want to put it on the front panel – it connects in parallel with the PC board mounted switch.
trigger function, as it pulls the input of
IC1a high whenever it is pressed.
Putting it together
The electronics is housed on a single
PC board which can mount in a small
utility box.
In the basic kit, you’ll get the PC
board and all the electronics plus the
two tweeters. Oatley Electronics also
have a suitable box which also comes
with a second pushbutton switch, to
be wired in parallel with the on-board
one and mounted on the front panel
of the box.
A 9VAC 2A plugpack is also available to power the kit. This gives more
than enough to drive the tweeters to
full output – in fact, another two tweeters could be added if a really wide-area
coverage was required.
The method of mounting the board
is a little different to “normal” but
we’ll cover this a little later.
There is a transformer and a choke
(L1) which you need to wind but fear
not, they are quite simple and we’ll
also give you detailed instructions on
these shortly.
Otherwise, the PC board is assembled pretty much as normal - inspect
the board for defects first, then mount
the small passive components (ie, resistors and capacitors), followed by the
larger electrolytic capacitors (watch
the polarity!).
Finally, at least as far as the small
components are concerned, the semiconductors.
Of course, you need to pay careful attention to the orientation of the
semiconductors – follow the PC board
overlay (fig.2) and you shouldn’t go
In the prototype, the acknowledge
LED was mounted on the PC board
but if you are putting the project in
a case, you may wish to mount this
LED on the front panel. If so, it can be
connected via a short length of ribbon
cable or similar.
Again, watch the polarity.
The “hardware” can now go on –
the two preset pots and the various
cables which connect the electret
microphone (use the shielded cable),
the power supply (plugpack) and the
two speakers.
Note that the tweeters are polarised
so it’s a good idea to use small diameter
red and black hookup wire for these to
ensure that you get the polarity right
at the tweeter end.
Here’s a close-up view of the choke –
the transformer is wound in a similar
manner but there are more coils, of
course. Note how the turns are all
tightly wound together.
All that’s left now is the transformers and choke.
Winding transformers
Many constructors are hesitant
about projects where you have to
wind your own transformers. Well,
try this one – and you’ll find out how
easy it is.
There is one transformer and one
choke to wind. The choke is simplest,
so we’ll start with that. It consists of
8.5 turns of the enamelled copper wire,
wound over a 10mm former.
The former (or “mandrel”, to give
it the correct name) we most usually
use is a 10mm twist drill, because we
know its diameter exactly (it’s stamped
on the drill!).
Keep the windings tight and right
alongside each other.
When complete, slide the coil off the
drill and slide the two halves of the
ferrite core through the coil. Hold the
two halves together with tape and cut
the ends of the coil to a length appropriate to soldering onto the PC board.
Scrape away the enamel insulation
from the ends of the coil with a sharp
blade, ready for soldering.
The completed coil is secured to the
PC board with a cable tie and the bared
ends of the coil are pushed throught
their appropriate holes on the board
and soldered.
The transformer is similarly wound,
except that there are three coils wound
instead of one: two primaries and a
April 2004 37
be on the same side of the drill.
When completed, if necessary,
use some tape to hold the coils in
place, then wind the single secondary coil of eight turns over the top
of the primary.
The secondary winding start
and finish should be on the opposite side of the drill from the
primary starts and finishes. It’s
important to know which are
the start and finish ends of each
primary coil so that you get them
into the right places on the PC
board. It doesn’t matter which
way around the secondary winding goes – the start and finish are
Slide the completed primary/
secondary coils off the drill and
onto the centre of the transformer
core and complete in the same way
as you did the choke.
This only applies if you have
purchased the optional box.
The case is used “upside down”
– that is, the normal lid of the case
Here’s a shot of the completed project just before the PC board is turned over and
becomes the base and the front
mounted in the box. We’ve left the LED on the PC board but it would make more sense
panel affixes to the normal bottom
to mount it on the front panel, along with the second switch.
of the case.
The PC board mounts componentsto the former side-by-side, the result
For maximum efficiency, the pribeing that you have two coils exactly down, sitting on the top of the lidmary coils need to be identical, or
mounting pillars, while the lid screws
the same.
balanced – that is, exactly the same
Take the two lengths of wire for your on in the normal way. Then the whole
length, starting and finishing at exactly
primary and grasp together tightly. thing is turned over. Confused? Maybe
the same place.
Wind the ten-turn primary coils, the photographs will help clear it up
To achieve this, the primaries are
tightly and neatly, keeping the turns a little!
wound in “bifilar” mode – that is, two
The pushbutton switch which
together. The start and finish should
lengths of wire are wound as one on
Resistor Colour Codes
38 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
red red green brown
yellow purple yellow brown
brown green yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
blue grey orange brown
yellow purple orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow purple red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
orange orange brown brown
brown red brown brown
brown black brown brown
yellow purple black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
red red black yellow brown
yellow purple black orange brown
brown green black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
blue grey black red brown
yellow purple black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow purple black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
orange orange black black brown
brown red black black brown
brown black black black brown
yellow purple black gold brown
comes with the box is connected in
parallel with the on-board switch.
Very carefully solder a couple of wires
to the on-board switch where shown
(it needs to be done this way because
when the PC board mounts in the box,
there is no room to get wires from the
copper side around to the front).
As we mentioned before, if we were
putting this project in a box we’d also
mount the acknowledge LED on the
front panel also.
Operating notes
While LED1 lights whenever the
circuit is triggered into oscillation, it
is useful to be able to hear the output
of the tweeters when you are first
checking its operation.
You can do this by rotating trimpot
VR1 clockwise. Place the tweeters face
down for this test and throw a cushion
over them because they are truly deafening in this mode. You could easily
do damage to your hearing if you are
When operation is confirmed, rotate
trimpot VR1 anti-clockwise until you
(and everyone else in your household)
can no longer hear the tweeters, each
time you press S1. Then rotate the
trimpot a little more anti-clockwise,
just to be sure.
If you have an oscilloscope, set
the output from the tweeters to at
least 30kHz. The reason for going
so high is because the tweeters can
be audible even though the drive
frequency is well above 20kHz. This
The completed PC board sits upside-down on the mounting pillars for the lid.
When the lid is screwed on, it holds the board in place, then the box is turned
over with the box bottom becoming the front panel and the lid becoming the
base. OK, so it’s a tad confusing. . . but you get the point, we hope!
is demonstrated in one of the scope
screen shots which shows an audible
output from the tweeter at 10.8kHz,
even though the drive frequency is
around 21.45kHz. Note that while
the tweeters may be inaudible, their
supersonic output is truly deafening
and can still be dangerous to your ears
at close quarters.
Where from, how much?
The various components of this
kit are available only from Oatley
The basic kit, with the PC board, all
on-board components and the tweeters (Kit K1112A) sells for $39.00. The
case and extra pushbutton (K112B)
is $5.00, while a suitable plugpack
(K112P) is $8.00.
Contact Oatley Electronics on
(02) 9584 3563 or via their website:
* Branko Justic is the owner of Oatley Electronics.
April 2004 39
A mixed bag of tricky problems
I’ve encountered more than my fair share of
difficult and unusual problems this month,
including a set that smoked for no apparent
reason. I even managed to “fix” one set
without being sure exactly what I had done.
Mrs Morris insisted on a house call
for her 1995 Sony KV-W32SN11 and
when I arrived at her place, I could
see the reason why. She lived in a
valley where the only way in or out
was via some very long and steep
steps. My AG-1 chassis service manual
had already told me that this set had
a 32-inch wide-screen picture tube
and weighed 73kg. Please, I prayed please let this fault be straightforward
and easy.
The set was dead and to my relief,
the reason was fairly obvious. A large
electrolytic capacitor (C1625, 1000µF
250V) had exploded and taken out
the T5A main fuse (F3601), leaving
an utter mess on the bottom left of
the cabinet.
Removing the F1 module where the
capacitor was mounted was like trying
to solve a Chinese puzzle. In fact, it
involved almost completely dismantling the rear AV-interface J Board but
it wasn’t immediately clear how you
undo the Meccano-like set of plastic
supports. What’s more, the service
manual was extremely vague on this.
However, I eventually worked out
which way the multiple, concealed,
interlocking, black plastic clips were
meant to be bent and which screws
had to be undone in order to remove
the assemblies.
The problem now was twofold.
First, why did this electrolytic capacitor blow? And second, was there any
damage to other circuits?
In line with most of Sony’s top-ofthe-range models, the circuitry was
very complex and the switchmode
power supply included what looked
like a push-pull FET oscillator mount40 Silicon Chip
ed in a really inaccessible part of the
motherboard. I have written before
about the repair of one such failure
of this power supply and it wasn’t
pretty – it involved replacing a ton of
very expensive parts.
This particular capacitor (C1625) is
a high-value, high-voltage type and is
mounted on the AC rectifier board (F1)
in series with another capacitor, C1624
– which is all pretty straightforward.
Perhaps the capacitor failed because
of a power surge or, in line with most
modern capacitors, perhaps it just
failed. I went briefly over the board
with an ohmmeter, looking for shorts,
but nothing showed.
In the end, I decided to order a
replacement and just “chuck it in”
and see. And so, a fortnight later, I
returned, fitted the new capacitor,
replaced the fuse and reassembled the
“Meccano”. I switched the set on and
all was well. Phew! – was I pleased.
Unfortunately, my joy was shortlived. Back at the workshop, I got a
distraught phone call from Mrs Morris
Items Covered This Month
Sony KV-W32SN11 TV set
(AG-1 chassis)
Sony KV-XS29M33 TV set
(BG-3S chassis)
Sony KV-ES34M31 TV set
(AG-3 chassis)
Philips 25PT4473/75R TV set
(L7.3A chassis)
Samsung CB5913WT TV set
(25P88MT chassis)
three hours later, to the effect that the
set had just exploded – again! Aghast, I
shot back to find that the same capacitor had “blown” again – but why?
I took the board back to the workshop and ordered yet another capacitor. When the new one arrived,
I connected the F1 board to the AC
mains on my bench and measured
the voltage across C1625. It read 350V.
Wow! – that’s 100V above the rating
of the capacitor. No wonder it blew!
Bundled in with the service manuals
for the AG-1 chassis was a circuit for
the KV-W32MH2 and I noticed with
interest that this circuit had C1625
rated at 350V. Had this been the case,
the capacitor would have survived but
how would the circuit behave?
There are three other circuits on
this board besides the bridge rectifier across the AC mains. There is a
relay-driven degaussing circuit, an
SCR control protection circuit on the
rectified DC and also an STR-81159A
“RECT-SW” (IC1601). The purpose of
the latter isn’t explained in the manual
but it looks like a Triac control circuit
which is connected to the Neutral of
the mains.
The output of the Triac goes to the
junction of two electrolytic capacitors,
C1624 and C1625. Presumably, its
function is to balance their capacitive
load but I really don’t know.
I ordered a new STR-81159A IC and
also tried to order the 350V version of
the capacitor (Part No: 1-115-457-11)
only to find it wasn’t available. As a
result, I had to make do with the 250V
version (Part No: 1-104-350-11). When
the new parts eventually arrived, I fitted them and then measured the voltages across them under no load. There
was now only +163V across C1625,
which was better. The only problem
was that the circuit showed +116.2V,
50V less than what I had. However, I
decided to ignore this on three counts:
(1) the board wasn’t under load; (2) I
had no idea why this was so; and (3)
as usual, there were many errors in the
service manual, especially with regard
to voltage readings. The voltage out of
this board is shown as being +255.2V
and yet when it arrives at Q605 on the
A Board, it has suddenly jumped to
260.6V! My cheap digital multimeter
measures it at +350V.
Anyway, I thought about this long
and hard and compared this with the
power supply in a Philips FL1.1 chassis. The Philips set just uses 330µF
and 100µF 400V capacitors in parallel
instead of two 1000µF units in series,
and the voltage reads +334V despite
being marked in the circuit as +285V.
I don’t think there is anything wrong
with my meter (apart from it being all
I can afford) – I think it was probably
just the ripple from the bridge rectifier
and that was causing it to read high.
Anyway, I refitted the board to Mrs
Morris’ set and it has remained working ever since – well, at least for the
last three months.
Just why the circuit is designed this
way is beyond me. Normally, it is because of cost but one 470µF capacitor
rated at 400V is a lot cheaper than two
1000µF capacitors rated at 250V, plus
one custom IC. I believe the reason is
so that the set can operate automatically from AC inputs ranging from 110V
60Hz to 240V 50Hz. In the old days, we
would have just used a multi-pinned
mains input selector plug.
Sony deflection fault
I was asked by a colleague to check
out a problem he was having with
a Sony KV-XS29M33 using a BG-3S
This set had a weird deflection
fault which was pretty hard to even
describe. For a start, the vertical scan
was reduced to about two thirds of
the screen, with severe compression
at the top, centre and bottom of the
picture. The picture was also flashing
at a rapid rate but apart from that, it
was perfect!
A quick check with an oscilloscope
showed the waveform to the vertical
deflection yoke to be distorted. Every
alternate positive pulse peak was
severed halfway, while the remaining
pulses each had a step.
I checked the voltages around the
vertical output IC (IC505, TDA8172)
and despite the usual errors in the
service manual, most were fairly close
to the values indicated. The exceptions
were pins 3 and 5, which measured
-3.6V and 2V instead of -13.2V and
0.2V respectively. I changed the IC and
all the electrolytic capacitors around
it, including those on the ±15V supply
rails, but no change in the fault symptoms was observed. I then replaced the
jungle IC (IC301, CXA21395) but again
it made no difference.
Unfortunately, servicing this set is
difficult at best because access is appalling. Nor is it an easy matter to take
voltage and waveform readings from
underneath the main chassis while
the set is on.
Acting on the advice of a colleague,
my next step was to check for dry joints
to surface-mounted resistors R322 and
R332 which run from pins 13 & 14 of
the jungle IC (IC301). I resoldered these
and all the other components between
this IC and the output but this again
had no effect, so I went back to being
By now, I had convinced myself that
the problem was in the output stage
and did not involve the jungle IC. After
all, a beautiful pattern (VD – waveform
13) was leaving pin 13 of IC301 but
was disappearing before it reached pin
1 of IC503. At the same time, a clean
VD+ waveform was leaving pin 14 of
IC301 and arriving at pin 7 of IC503.
Next, I disabled the vertical protection circuit, which originated from pin
3 of IC503, by shorting out the collector
and emitter terminals of Q509. I then
spent a great deal of time examining
all the components around the vertical output IC. During this process,
I disconnected each in turn while
watching the output waveforms on
the oscilloscope and measured them
all before reconnecting them.
I especially concentrated around
April 2004 41
Serviceman’s Log – continued
the vertical protection circuit before
returning the set to the customer.
Dead Sony
the vertical output to the deflection
yoke and the feedback circuit but my
suspicions were more and more being
directed towards the yoke itself. This
was a worry, considering its cost at
Finally, after checking just about
everything in this circuit, I compared it
with that of a Metz 6964 chassis which
uses the identical IC but has a much
better circuit diagram. However, it
would have been really good if I could
have compared it to another identical
working Sony TV.
It was time to take a closer look at
the deflection yoke. My first step was
to scrounge a deflection yoke from a
completely different TV (a Loewe) and
connect it in place of the Sony’s vertical yoke. The waveform immediately
cleared to a perfect sawtooth!
I was about to order a new yoke
when I noticed an additional PC board
on top of the coils that is not shown
anywhere in the service manual or
on the circuit diagram. The vertical
deflection signals are fed to this board,
with V+ (yellow) connected to T11
and V- (Brown) going to T6. On closer
examination, one of the three preset
42 Silicon Chip
pots on this board (VR2, 200Ω) had
obviously been getting very hot, to the
point where it had melted.
Fitting a replacement trimpot nearly
fixed the symptoms but there was
still cramping at the top and bottom
of the picture, no matter where it was
adjusted. I drew out the circuit and
found that it was part of a row of 10 resistors (three variable) in series across
the vertical output, with a succession
of coils in parallel. VR2’s wiper went
to pin 3 of plug CN1 (yellow) and I
traced this down to a convergence coil
underneath the yoke. And that’s when
I spotted it – the solid copper wire was
bent sharply around the plastic former
and the wire had been clearly severed
right on the edge.
Resoldering this wire fixed the
problem and all that was left was to
realign VR2. There are no instructions
for adjusting this factory set control
and it makes very little difference to
the picture. In the end, I set it at approximately the same position as the
wiper for the melted control and left
the TV on soak test.
It passed with flying colours and I
removed the link I had fitted to disable
Mark, a friend of mine, is very proud
of his 1999 Sony KV-ES34M31 (AG3
chassis) which he bought secondhand,
because it gave such an excellent
picture for watching his sport. But
he was very disappointed that his set
had died so soon and that it was out
of warranty.
The set is so big and heavy (84kg)
that I agreed to try to fix it at his
place. We put a thick blanket on his
dining room table before placing the
set on it.
When the power was switched on,
the green LED flashed once and then
the STANDBY/TIMER red LED flashed
twice, denoting an over-current protection (OCP) circuit operating in the
self-diagnosis system. I could also
momentarily hear the static of the EHT
as it initially charged the picture tube
before the set died again.
First, we removed the back and
examined the D board for anything
obvious. We then removed the two
base reflex speaker enclosures and released the leads from the harness clips
so that we could drag the chassis back
as far as it would go. That done, we
lifted it up at the back into the service
position, so that it was resting against
the CRT socket board (the length of
the leads just allows you to do this).
We also removed the AV Board (J) to
make access easier.
The OCP mode occurs when an
overcurrent on the +B 135V line is
detected by Q6610 and Q6609. When
these are switched on, the voltage on
pin 3 of IC001, the main controller
on the A Board, increases and the set
switches off.
I had a check list of components to
DC ohms test: Q6807 & Q6808 (the
line output and pin output transistors); Q6809 & Q6810 (the linearity
and M pin output FETs); optocoupler
PH6602; diodes D6826 & D6825;
R6645 (0.1Ω); R6866 (2.7kΩ, ABL);
and tuning capacitor C6831 (8200pF).
These all tested OK but were by no
means 100% eliminated by this simple
checking procedure.
Mark lives near the seaside and so
the flyback transformer (T6803) was
a high-risk failure component. This
costs around $245 and when it fails,
it normally also damages at least
Q6807 (2SC5480-01), which is worth
about $45! These sort of prices mean
that you don’t replace them without
first being reasonably sure that they
are faulty.
I removed the flyback transformer
and tested it with a shorted turns tester
across pins 1 and 2. It passed but once
again, not with 100% surety.
Next, with the flyback transformer
removed and a 75W globe fitted from
the +135V rail to ground, as well as a
link between pins 1 & 3 of CN6605/
CN1161 to override STANDBY, I switched the set on and measured 11 voltages
at various points around the primary
power supply: +15V, +10.5V, +17V,
-17V, +30V, +6.5V, +135V and +5V. I
also checked the +12V and +9V rails
and the voltage to pin 1 of IC6603. The
voltages were all there, although some
were a little higher than published,
and they weren’t pulsating.
At some time in the past, I had inherited some secondhand spares for this
set, one being a flyback transformer.
The problem was its status – did it still
work? I checked it with the shorted
turns meter and it read OK but as I have
said before, this is not a definitive test.
For starters, a short-circuited diode on
the overwind will not show. Of course,
there are more sophisticated flyback
transformer testers than mine available
but their price is commensurate. And
in a business of diminishing returns,
there is no cash to invest in high-tech
test gear.
Anyway, I decided to try pot luck
and fit it. Tails – I lost. The replacement flyback transformer was u/s and
took the line output transistor with
it. I refitted the original transformer
and replaced the transistor, then
checked the set to see if was back to
square one.
Well, blow me down! I switched
the set on, fully expecting it to show
the original symptoms, but this time
it was “heads – I win”! The set came
on perfectly.
Mark and I reassembled the TV and
ELAN Audio
The Leading Australian Manufacturer
of Professional Broadcast Audio Equipment
selected the Self Diagnosis Mode with
on the remote. This showed 002:002,
which means that the set had had two
cases of Over Current Protection. I
cleared the results display by pressing
8 and 0 on the remote, before switching
The set was now performing faultlessly and Mark was ecstatic. I wasn’t
as happy, as I wasn’t sure what I had
done to repair it which means it will
almost certainly fail again. If I have
2 Steel Court South Guildford
Western Australia 6055
Phone 08 9277 3500
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Studio Quality
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Designed for Professional Audio Monitoring during Recording and Mastering Sessions
The Perfect Power Amplifier for the 'Ultimate' Home Stereo System
For Details and Price of the RMA-02 and other Products, Please contact Elan Audio
April 2004 43
Serviceman’s Log – continued
really fixed it, I can only put it down
to one of four possible things I did:
(1) a dry joint was resoldered;
(2) the transistor was replaced (perhaps the original had developed a fault
under load?);
(3) a short was cleared on the I2C data
bus rail. For example, if there is a
short on either the SCL or SDA line,
very similar symptoms can be observed. One possibility is that R8491,
a 100Ω surface-mounted resistor (B-Y)
near the decoder (AV input Board J),
crosses over and shorts the data lines
on the PC board beneath. Unplugging
and disturbing the J board, as we did,
may have temporarily cleared this
fault and similarly with L104 and
IC6108; and
(4) when fitting the link on plug
CN6605, I had unplugged it and reinserted it which may have improved the
connection of the OCP line on pin 7.
Unfortunately, I really can’t be sure
of any of this and I am still half-expecting a recall, although it has now been
some time since the set was “fixed”.
A bizarre fault
I had a bizarre mysterious fault
occur the other day with a Philips
44 Silicon Chip
25PT4473/75R using an L7.3A chassis.
The set was dead and pulsating and
smoke was appearing near the flyback
The mystery was that the smoke
was coming from a black smouldering
mark under an earthed metal frame (or
heatsink) resting on the PC board.
I examined this area very carefully
but there was absolutely no way there
was any connection through the board
to the metal and yet the board was
burning here. It was somewhat like
the story of the Burning Bush in the
Old Testament – very spooky.
The nearest component to this spot
was a blue ceramic capacitor (C2463,
1nF 2kV) with no sign of any fault.
This capacitor was one of a series
of tuning capacitors across the line
output transistor and is fairly well
known to fail in both Philips and Sony
I decided to replace it with a 6kV
version anyway. When I had unsoldered the capacitor and turned it
upside down, I noticed a very slight
black crack on one of the legs and that
was when it all fell into place. Somehow, the capacitor was arcing across
the 12mm to the metal bracket via
the board – only the spark was invisible – and it was this that causing the
inexplicable “fire”. A new capacitor
fixed the problem completely.
The dodgy DVD player
With DVD players getting cheaper
and cheaper, it was inevitable that
these would be sold in your local
supermarket. Predictably, tears come
before bedtime, with one well-known
discount chain that imported them
directly from China selling a few that
were electrically unsafe.
My client, Bill, bought one on impulse (as it was so cheap) and tried to
connect it to his TV set, a Samsung
CB5913WT (circa 1990-1993). He
plugged the power lead in first and
then tried to plug the AV leads into
the TV. For his efforts, he received a
nasty electrical shock.
Nevertheless, he was no quitter.
Oblivious to the sparks, he persevered
until he finally got the plugs home but
he didn’t manage to get any picture.
What’s more, his TV now no longer had
any picture on AV and the TV sound
was weak and distorted.
He went back to the store he had
bought the DVD player from and got
his money back, plus a promise that
they would fix the TV for him. He then
phoned me up and told me his story.
I went round, expecting a straightforward case of a damaged output IC.
However, by touching the inputs to
the audio output IC, I soon discovered
that there was plenty of sound and that
the problem was further back inside
the TV.
I took it back to the workshop and
arranged to rent the manual. I was
informed by the librarian that there
were in fact at least three different
chassis for this model, which was
rather surprising. There was nothing
written anywhere on the model I had,
except SP-207 (02).
We took a guess and speculated that
it was an S60MT chassis and so the
manual for this was sent out. Unfortunately, it bore very little resemblance
to the set I had. Eventually we found
that the 25P88MT (MTTS2) chassis
was the best match.
Now I could see what was what, I
began by checking the B+ rails: 3.6V,
5V, 3 x 12V, ±13V, 2 x 16.5V, 27V, 33V,
155V and 200V. These were all OK, so
I decided to change the AN5836 Sound
Controller (IC601). Unfortunately, it
made no difference.
Following IC601, the sound was
fed via a TC4066BP analog switching IC (SIC202) which I socketed and
replaced, as they often give trouble. It
was in the course of this that I noticed
a small burnt piece of PC board track
near IC601. This track is part of the
earth return circuit and repairing it
restored the sound.
Next, I turned my attention to the
AV inputs and soon found that it
wasn’t only SIC02 that was faulty,
but also another TC4066B (SIC04),
two TC4053BP analog switching ICs
(SIC01 and SIC03) and the TEA2074
(SIC05). These were all replaced.
Most of the SCART and phono
inputs were working now but it still
wouldn’t select SVHS. Replacing the
SQ08 NPN transistor (R1002 substitute
KSC815-Y) meant I could switch all
parts of all the ICs correctly but the
control pulse wasn’t there from pin 20
of microcontroller RIC02 (SAB3035).
Not even the SVHS LED on the front
panel would light.
Replacing the microcontroller fixed
all the remaining symptoms.
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April 2004 53
New Catalog, Gas Sensors from Electus
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54 Silicon Chip
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Three New Flash Memory Products from SanDisk
SanDisk has a new line of inexpensive “Shoot & Store” flash memory
cards designed to allow users to save
their pictures indefinitely without
using a computer for downloading.
This gives a major incentive to
switch from film to digital photography and providing a durable, permanent way to store a lifetime of images.
With an initial suggested retail price
of $US14.99 each – a breakthrough in
the industry – the cards are expected
to allow people to order prints on a
“cost-of-use” basis that is equal to or
less than that of traditional analog film.
The company also announced other
new product additions: the world’s first
4GB CompactFlash card, which can
store more than 2,000 high-resolution
pictures, or more than 1,000 digital
songs or eight hours of MPEG 4 video;
also a 128MB Memory Stick PRO and
128MB Memory Stick PRO Duo card
(SanDisk Memory Stick PRO now of-
fers capacities
from 128MB to
2GB and 128MB
to 512MB respectively).
SanDisk Corporation
140 Caspian Ct, Sunnyvale, CA USA 94089
Tel: 0111 408 5420500
Fax: 0011 1 408 5420503
April 2004 55
Did you know there are more radio
“broadcasts” out there than those you can
receive on AM and FM? They’re called
WorldSpace. They’re not intended for “us”
but all you need is a satellite dish and a
special receiver to open up to the world . . .
AUSTRALIA by Garry Cratt
orldSpace Corporation was
founded in 1990 by Noah A
Samara and began with the
vision of using direct audio broadcasting by satellite to stop the spread
of AIDS in Africa. Now its vision is
expanded somewhat, providing audio,
data and multimedia services primarily to the emerging markets of (so far)
Africa and Asia.
The WorldSpace system can be used
as a powerful tool for spreading knowledge, allowing users to become better
educated, live a healthier lifestyle and
to become more aware of the environment in which they live. To implement
this vision, WorldSpace conceived
and built the first-ever satellite radio
infrastructure in the world.
In the past 12 years, the company has
built three and launched two satellites.
The full system comprises geosynchronous satellites with coverage over
Africa and the Middle East (AfriStar,
launched in October 1998), AsiaPacific (AsiaStar, launched in March
2000) and Latin America (AmeriStar,
yet to be launched). The three-satellite
constellation has a potential audience
of 4.6 billion people.
The organisation has so far invested
$US1.2 billion in the system.
The WorldSpace system technology
has been licensed and is being used in
the USA by the XM Radio Company
for the delivery of radio services in
S-band across the USA.
The WorldSpace satellites are based
56 Silicon Chip
on a 3-axis stabilised Eurostar 2000
platform which carries 28-metre solar
panels capable of supplying the 6kW
required by the 2750 kg satellite.
The AsiaStar satellite covering our
part of the world was supplied to Alcatel Espace (the WorldSpace prime
contractor) by Matra Marconi Space
and launched aboard an Ariane V
launcher. Signals are uplinked to the
satellite on X band (7025-7075MHz) in
FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple
Access) mode.
Unlike conventional C or Ku band
systems, the WorldSpace satellite
system uses the 1467-1492MHz “L”
band spectrum, which was allocated
for digital audio broadcasting by the
ITU at the World Administrative Radio
communication Conference of 1992.
Audio and data content is transmitted in encoded 128Kbps MPEG 2.5
layer 3 format. The satellite signal utilises circular polarisation to minimise
antenna pointing errors.
Using powerful beams, the two
existing satellites transmit three
overlapping areas of approximately
14 million square kilometres each.
The three beams allow for a mix of
continent-wide and region-specific
programming. Each beam can support
up to 50 radio programs.
It has been said that the use of digitalisation and audio data compression
technologies, combined with satellite
transmission, is the biggest single
breakthrough since the advent of
shortwave radio.
Users can purchase a WorldSpace
receiver and a “PC adaptor” to interface the receiver to a computer,
allowing them to download Internet
data, thus expanding the reception
capabilities beyond audio to digital
multimedia transmissions. This can
be delivered by satellite to audiences
located in areas where there is no, or
poor Internet access.
The WorldSpace receiver is also
available as a plug in card, to be internally fitted to a personal computer.
Listeners in the official coverage areas need only flip up the inbuilt 10cm
antenna or place the 10cm external
antenna on a windowsill to obtain near
CD quality reception.
For listeners in fringe areas, WorldSpace markets several Yagi antennas
(which unfortunately we found to be
of no use in Australia).
WorldSpace satellites use onboard
processing to allow broadcasters and
The target areas for AfricaStar and AsiaStar and the proposed AmeriStar
L-band digital audio broadcasting satellites. As you can see, theoretically there’s
not much signal available for eastern Australia. But there is some . . .
This single-band, consolestyle WorldSpace receiver
from Sanyo measures 260
x 80 x 180mm and weighs
about 1kg. This receiver
incorporates 36 memory
presets and includes a
clock radio and alarm.
In target areas, the inbuilt
antenna (the circular
“dish” on top) is all that
is required for reception.
multimedia content providers to chose
from two options for uplinking their
broadcast signals. One option allows
them to uplink their programs via a
shared hub, while the second option
allows for direct uplinking to the
satellite using a transmitter, encoder
and dish.
The satellite is accessed in FDMA
mode as this allows maximum flexibility when multiple independent
uplink stations are used.
In the studio, the broadcaster
multiplexes the audio programs on a
Broadcast Channel (BC). The uplink
station splits the BC into Prime Rate
Channels (PRC), each with a capacity of 16kbps for transmission to the
satellite. The uplink has the capacity
to accommodate up to 288 Prime Rate
The digital processor on board the
satellite demultiplexes and demodulates the Prime Rate Channels at
baseband and converts them to TDM
(Time Division Multiplexing) for Lband transmission of the signal to
The satellite operates a pair of 150W
travelling wave tube amplifiers operating in parallel. Within the 25MHz
downlink band there are 82 carriers,
labelled TDM 1-82.
Each beam has two carriers and in
the case of the AsiaStar southern beam,
these are TDM54 and TDM59.
Within each TDM there are 96 Prime
Rate Channels of 16 kpbs.
As can be seen from the AsiaStar
satellite footprint, the signal officially
reaches the northern part of Western
Australia. However, there is sufficient
signal spillover to allow reception in
most parts of Australia. Reception in
Karratha and Perth is possible with
a 1.2m dish while a 2.3m dish is required in Sydney. Signals have been
reported in Palau and Guam.
The AsiaStar TCR (tracking, control
and ranging) functions are provided by
the WorldSpace Regional operations
centre (ROC) in Melbourne. This is
backed up by a separate TCR centre
in Mauritius.
There has been a recent development
in future WorldSpace technology with
the introduction of a hybrid satellite/
terrestrial DBS delivery system concept. This new hybrid system has the
ability to extend the performance of the
digital system to deliver robust mobile
The system uses selective combining of digital signals from the satellite,
with the same digital signal received
and repeated by terrestrial stations of
a single frequency network.
In fact, the terrestrial transmission
could take place on existing VHF or
UHF bands, leading to the possibility of local traffic information and
advertising insertion at the terrestrial
transmitter site.
The terrestrial delivery system is
based on Multi Carrier Modulation
(MCM), a multipath resistant Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
technique that has gained wide acceptance for high-quality terrestrial
mobile reception.
The MCM system uses multiple
frequencies to avoid frequency selective fading and to narrow the receive
signal bandwidth to minimise delay
A new second generation WorldSpace receiver will be required, one
The “Afristar” satellite (a Eurostar
2000) launched atop an Ariane V
launcher in Guiana, October 28 1998.
that demodulates both the TDM signals from the satellite and the terrestrial MCM components. The receiver
will be backward compatible with the
present satellite service. The system
was trialled in South Africa (using
AfriStar) in late 2000 with successful
What does all this mean for
In 1993 the Australian government notified the ITU to reserve an
orbital location at 155.5°E longitude
for DBSTAR, a satellite to provide DSB
services across Australia. This notification was revised in 1999 to provide
enhanced coverage beyond Australia
into the southwest Pacific.
The WorldSpace hybrid DBS system could easily be used to provide
Australia with universal coverage of
all states and territories. All that is
required is government support for
the orbital allocation.
The WorldSpace regional control/operating centre in Melbourne.
April 2004 57
Receiving the “impossible” . . .
Picking Up WorldSpace on the East Coast
As you can see from the AsiaStar footprint, receiving its signal on the
west coast of Australia, especially the upper west, should be a doddle.
But the east coast, particularly at latitudes as far south as Sydney and
Melbourne, should be next to impossible (well, officially at least). We
like to take on challenges . . .
from the tiny “dishes” required
for in-target-area reception – but
it goes to prove that if you want
to go to the trouble, the signal
is there.
The patch antenna
We set out to determine the minimum requirements for a system in
Sydney and discovered that the combination of a WorldSpace patch antenna, homemade mounting bracket
and a standard 2.3m TVRO dish gave
quite good results on the southern
beam. We could not receive the west
or eastern beams of the satellite.
Obviously a 2.3m dish is a far cry
The patch antenna itself is
an active device, powered by
the receiver (3V) and contains
antennas for RHCP and LHCP
signals, a switching system and a
preamplifier. It is fed with small
diameter 75Ω coaxial cable and
terminated with an F-type male
plug. Extending the feed cable
with quad shield RG6/U had no
effect on the received signals.
The dish does not have to be
particularly accurate, as the L
band signal is quite forgiving of
reflector inaccuracies. AsiaStar
is located at 105°E longitude and
for Sydney this equates to a dish
azimuth of 298° and an elevation of
We used the metal plate supplied
with most dishes to cover the hole in
the centre of the dish (purely cosmetic)
as a mounting platform for the patch
antenna. By placing this plate at the
focal point (where the scalar rings
would normally be mounted in a sat-
Here’s how we mounted the antenna
to the backing plate – good ’ol Velcro!
ellite receiving system), a convenient
mounting position is created.
The best method of securing the
patch antenna to the plate is to use
heavy duty “Velcro” strips. We found
that two strips, 150mm long, provided
enough support to hold the feed system in place.
Prior to affixing the Velcro strips
to the patch antenna, we found it
was necessary to remove the swivel
backing plate that is supplied with
the antenna.
This bracket is intended for use
where the patch antenna is mounted
on a window sill and is surplus to
requirements in our application. The
bracket can be removed using a Phillips screwdriver.
The photo above right shows the
internal components of the patch an-
(Left): the WorldSpace Digital
Receiver which we mounted as a
“patch antenna” at the focal point of
an old 2.3m mesh dish. We used the
metal plate from the centre of the dish
to mount the antenna on, as shown
above and right. Incidentally, in prime
(targeted) signal areas, you only need
this digital receiver – no dish!
58 Silicon Chip
Here’s what the WorldSpace receiving antenna looks like inside – not much
to it, is there? This antenna is all that is required in the targeted signal areas –
here it is used in conjunction with a 2.3m dish to extract the very small signal
available on the east coast.
tenna. The metal plate at right houses
the two antennas and the amplifier
and switching circuitry (underside
of plate).
It is also a good idea to waterproof
the antenna and this can be done using silicone sealant to cover the cable
exit hole and those housing the screws
securing the two halves of the patch
antenna housing.
We did try a combination of the
WorldSpace LNA and various third
party “coffee can” feeds with good re-
sults, even though they were designed
for GMS weather satellite reception at
1691MHz, some 200MHz away.
Stepping through the available channels gave us the following free to air
channels and our analysis of the content.
The antenna is intended to be used
indoors: one difficulty with using it
outside is that it is not waterproof.
Here we have applied a liberal dollop
of silicone sealant to the output cable
and a run of insulation tape around
the outside – just in case.
A program guide can be downloaded
from the WorldSpace internet site
No doubt there will be more
channels as the systems gains
A “coffee can” feed, intended for use
on the GMS weather channels on
1691MHz . . .
. . . here shown mounted to the same
2.3m dish. It too gave a good account
of itself.
April 2004 59
All the parts for the
Smart Mixture Display
are mounted on a small
PC board. This prototype
uses rectangular LEDs
for the 10-LED mixture
display but you can use
round LEDs if you prefer
– see text.
A Smart Mixture Display
For Your Car
Track your car’s fuel mixtures in real time, see the operating modes of
the ECU and be warned if a catastrophic high-load “lean out” occurs.
This Smart Mixture Display monitors your car’s oxygen sensor and
airflow meter outputs and gives an audible warning if mixtures go
dangerously lean.
HE SILICON CHIP Mixture Meter – first presented in 1995
– is one of the most popular
performance car electronic kits ever
produced. Literally thousands have
been built, each showing by means
of 10 coloured LEDs whether the air/
fuel ratio is rich or lean.
While such a design – which works
from the car’s standard oxygen sensor
– won’t give you an absolutely accurate
readout of the mixture strength, it’s far
better than having no indication at all
as to whether the car is running rich,
lean or at stoichiometric (the latter
means an air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1). As a
bonus, it also clearly shows if the car
is in closed or open loop mode
The new Smart Mixture Display pre60 Silicon Chip
sented here still displays the mixture
strength by means of 10 LEDs – red for
lean (red is for danger!), green for midrange mixtures and yellow for rich.
However, we’ve added three important
extra features with this new design:
(1). Better protection of the electronics
(in some cars, the old design was prone
to blowing its chip);
(2). An automatic dimming function
for night driving; and
(3). An audible lean-out alarm.
Lean-out alarm
The lean-out alarm is a great idea. It
monitors both the air/fuel ratio and the
engine load, sounding a buzzer if the
air/fuel ratio is ever lean at the same
time as the engine is developing lots
of power. So why is this important?
Well, if the engine – especially one
with a turbo – goes lean under high
loads, it’s almost certain that you’ll
instantly do damage. One Impreza
WRX that we know of lost part of an
exhaust valve this way.
What could cause this sudden and
catastrophic condition? Lots of things
– from a dying fuel pump to fuel starvation during cornering. Even a couple
of blocked injectors could cause a lean
condition. It’s not the complete answer
– there are some conditions that the
meter won’t register. However, in most
situations, it will act as an important
warning that things aren’t right.
The lean alarm works by also monitoring the voltage signal coming from
Fig.1: the circuit is based on an LM3914 dot/bar display driver IC. This accepts the signal from the oxygen sensor and
directly drives a 10-LED display. Op amps IC2a & IC2b and their associated components (including Q2 and the piezo
buzzer) provide the “lean-out” alarm feature.
the load sensor – usually the airflow
meter. Most airflow meters have an
analog output voltage that rises with
engine load, being around 1V under
light loads (eg, at idle) and close to
5V under high loads. If the output
voltage from the airflow meter is high,
the meter knows that the engine load
must also be high.
LED indicators
But what about the main section of
the Smart Mixture Meter – the LEDs?
How do they work?
In broad terms, the oxygen sensors
in most cars have an output voltage
that varies between 0-1V, with higher
voltages indicating richer mixtures.
The meter lights one LED for each
tenth of a volt coming from the sensor, so at 0.1V the far end red LED will
be on, at 0.2V the next red LED will
light up and so on. This doesn’t give a
precise indication of air/fuel ratio (see
the “Air/Fuel Ratio Measurement and
Oxygen Sensors” panel for the reasons)
but in practice, it’s still very useful.
So the oxygen sensor voltage is constantly displayed by means of the LEDs
and if the oxygen sensor output voltage
is low (ie, there is a lean mixture) at the
same time as the airflow meter output
is high (ie, a high engine load), the onboard piezo buzzer sounds.
However, most of the time (we hope
all of the time!), you won’t have to
worry about alarms sounding – instead
you’ll be able to glance at the dancing
LED as you drive along. Dancing?
April 2004 61
One of the most common causes of
turbo engine damage (along with
detonation) is a high load lean-out.
That’s what happened to this Impreza
WRX motor – and in just a moment
part of an exhaust valve was gone.
[Michael Knowling]
The exhaust gas oxygen sensor
delivers a mixture strength signal
than can be monitored by the 10-LED
Smart Mixture Meter. All cars made
in at least the last 15 years use an
oxygen sensor. [Bosch]
Won’t the illuminated LED stay constant if the air/fuel ratio isn’t changing?
One of the beauties of the meter is
that it will show when the ECU is in
closed loop operation, with the mixtures hovering around 14.7:1. This air/
fuel ratio – called stoichiometric – allows the catalytic converter to work
best, so at idle and in constant-speed
cruise, the air/fuel ratio will be held
around this figure.
To achieve this, the ECU monitors the oxygen sensor output. If the
mixtures are a bit richer than 14.7:1,
it leans them out a little. Conversely,
if the mixtures are a bit leaner than
14.7:1, it makes them slightly richer.
This constant cycling of mixtures
around the 14.7:1 point is called
“closed loop” and will cause the lit
LED to dance back and forth across
the meter – as much as two or three
LEDs either side of centre.
When some people see the LEDs
flashing back and forth in closed
62 Silicon Chip
loop operation, they quickly decide
that the meter is useless. After all,
the indication is “all over the place”!
However, it’s showing the very fast
oscillations that are actually occurring
in the mixture. By contrast, most aftermarket tail-pipe air/fuel ratio meters
aren’t sensitive enough to “see” this
Closed loop operation does not
occur in the following driving conditions: (1) during throttle lift-off; (2)
when the engine is in warm-up mode;
and (3) at wide throttle openings.
At these times, the ECU ignores the
output of the oxygen sensor, instead
picking the injector pulse widths
solely on the basis of the data maps
programmed into it.
When the throttle is opened wide,
the air/fuel ratio becomes richer, holding at that level. For example, the green
LED second from the end may light and
stay on. If you accelerate even harder,
then the very end green LED may light.
On the other hand, back right off and
it’s likely that all the LEDs will go out.
That’s because the injectors have been
switched off on the over-run and the
air/fuel ratio is so lean that it’s off the
scale. Watching the behaviour of a LED
mixture meter really is a fascinating
window into how an ECU is operating!
The mixture meter is also a vital
tool when undertaking engine modifications. For example, if a particular
LED lights at full throttle before and
after making engine modifications
(eg, to increase power), then you can
be fairly confident that the mixtures
haven’t radically changed (under the
same conditions, that is). Conversely,
if the lit LED shifts two along after the
modifications have been done, you
can be fairly sure that the mixtures
are different!
A word of warning though – the
Smart Mixture Display shouldn’t be
relied on when making major engine
modifications and/or working on expensive cars,
In summary, fitting the Smart Mixture Display to your car has three
major benefits – you can roughly track
your mixtures in real time, you can
see the operating modes of the ECU
and you can be warned if there is an
unexpected catastrophic high-load
lean out. Sounds good to us!
How it works
OK, let’s take a look at the circuit
details – see Fig.1. IC1 is an LM3914
dot/bar display driver. In dot mode, it
drives the LEDs so that as the voltage
at its pin 5 input increases, it progressively turns on higher LEDs. For example, at the lowest input voltage, LED1
is lit. At midrange voltages, LED4 or
LED5 might be lit and at the highest
input voltage, LED10 will be lit.
Trimpots VR1 and VR2 set the
voltage range for the LED display.
Normally, VR2 is set so that its wiper
is at ground and VR1 is set so that its
wiper is at 1V. Thus, the LED display
covers a 0-1V range which is the normal output variation of an automotive
oxygen sensor.
The LED brightness is set by the total
resistance from pin 7 to ground and we
vary this to dim the LEDs in darkness.
In bright light, the Light Dependent
Resistor (LDR1) is a low resistance
and this provides current to the base
of transistor Q1 which switches it on
to set the LED brightness at maximum.
Conversely, in darkness, LDR1 is a
high resistance and so transistor Q1
is off. This sets the LED brightness to
Trimpot VR3 adjusts the dimming
threshold. If it’s set fully clockwise
(ie, to minimum resistance), the LEDs
will be dimmed at a relatively high
ambient light level. As VR3’s wiper
is rotated anticlockwise, the dimming
begins at progressively lower ambient
light levels until eventually, the LEDs
are at maximum brightness in normal
Op amps IC2a and IC2b are used as
comparators to monitor the load and
oxygen sensor signals respectively.
As shown in Fig.1, IC2b monitors
the oxygen sensor signal at its noninverting input (pin 5), while VR4 and
its associated 10kΩ series resistor set
the voltage at the inverting input (pin
6). If the oxygen sensor signal level
is below the voltage on the inverting
input, then IC2b’s output (pin 7) goes
low and lights LED11.
Comparator IC2a operates in reverse
fashion. It monitors the load signal at
its inverting input (pin 2), while VR5’s
wiper sets the threshold for the noninverting input (pin 3). If the load voltage is above the level set by VR5, pin
1 of IC2a goes low and LED12 lights.
When the outputs of IC2a and IC2b
are both low, transistor Q2 is switched
on due to the base current through
5.6V zener diode ZD4 and the 2.2kΩ
resistor to ground. Q2 then drives the
piezo buzzer.
Fig.2: this diagram
shows where each
of the components is
placed on the main
PC board. Use this
diagram, the photos
of the completed
board and the parts
list to help you
assemble it correctly.
Now consider what happens if one
of IC2’s outputs goes high – ie, if the
oxygen sensor signal goes above VR4’s
wiper or if the load input signal goes
below the VR5’s wiper. In that case,
ZD4’s anode is pulled high via either
diode D2 or D3 (depending on which
op amp output is high). This causes
transistor Q2 to turn off and so the
alarm stops sounding.
This means that the outputs of IC2a
& IC2b must both be low for Q2 to
switch on and sound the alarm.
Note the 1MΩ input resistors in
series with the oxygen sensor and
load inputs. These prevent loading of
the circuits they are connected to and
ensure that the car’s ECU operation is
not affected in any way by the addition of the Smart Mixture Display. The
associated 10nF capacitors to ground
are included to filter voltage transients
on the inputs.
Power for the circuit is derived from
the vehicle’s +12V ignition supply.
Diode D1 prevents damage if the battery supply connections are reversed,
while the 10Ω resistor and 470µF
capacitor provide decoupling and
filtering. As a further precaution, 16V
zener diode ZD1 is included to prevent
voltage spikes from damaging the ICs.
The Smart Mixture Meter is straightforward to build, with all the parts installed on a PC board coded 05104041.
Fig.2 shows the assembly details.
Begin the assembly by installing the
wire links and resistors first. Table 1
shows the resistor colour codes but
it’s advisable to check each one with a
digital multimeter as well, as some of
the colours can be difficult to decipher.
The assembled PC board should look like this! Make sure that you observe the
orientation of the 12 LEDs, two ICs, seven diodes and the electrolytic capacitor.
Our prototype has rectangular LEDs for the mixture display but round ones are
generally easier to mount in a panel. They can also be mounted remotely from
the PC board to make it easier to package the meter in your car. Note that the
LDR must be able to see ambient light, otherwise it won’t work!
The diodes, capacitors and trimpots
can go in next, along with the two ICs.
Follow these with the two terminal
blocks and the piezo buzzer. Make
sure that you install the polarised
components the correct way around.
These parts include the diodes, ICs,
transistors, piezo buzzer and the 470µF
electrolytic capacitor. Follow the overlay diagram and the photo closely to
avoid making mistakes.
Finally, install the LDR and the
LEDs. The LDR can go in either way,
but the 10 bargraph LEDs must all be
installed with their anodes (the longer
of the two leads) to the left. LEDs 11
& 12 are installed with their anodes
towards the top – see Fig.2.
Note that you can use high intensity
LEDs if you want but because these
are more directional, they may in fact
not be any easier to see than normal
LEDs. You may also used round or
rectangular LEDs – the choice is yours.
We used rectangular LEDs in our
prototype for the 10-LED mixture
display and these were installed with
their leads bent through 90°, so that
they were in line with the edge of the
PC board – see photo. Alternatively,
April 2004 63
Air/Fuel Ratio Measurement & Oxygen Sensors
TOPIC OF measuring the voltage
of an oxygen sensor to quantify
air/fuel ratio is surrounded by misin-
formation. This is especially the case when
people are attempting to perform critical
tuning of modified engines while working
within a budget that calls for the use of a
low cost sensor.
Most exhaust gas oxygen sensors have
an output voltage of approximately 0–1V,
depending on the mixture strength (or
air-fuel ratio). In most cars, the oxygen
sensor is used in a closed loop process
to maintain an air/fuel ratio of about
14.7:1 (“stoichiometric”) during idle, light
load and cruise conditions. In this way,
emissions are reduced and the catalytic
converter works most effectively.
However, this project attempts to quan-
Fig.3: the output voltage from an
oxygen sensor changes rapidly as
the air/fuel ratio passes through
14.7:1. The degree to which the
response curve flattens on either side
of this ratio determines how useful
the sensor is at measuring mixture
strengths away from 14.7:1. [Ford]
Fig.4: the operating temperature
dramatically affects the output of
an oxygen sensor. Sensors mounted
close to the engine are particularly
affected by temperature variations.
64 Silicon Chip
tify air/fuel ratios on the basis of the sensor
output, which can be well away from the
stoichiometric point. Commercially available air/fuel ratio meters utilising oxygen
sensors - now widely used in automotive
workshops – do the same thing. However,
they use what are known as “wide-band”
sensors, as opposed to the “narrow-band”
sensors used in nearly all cars.
So what are the performance differences when it comes to wide-band sensors
and can narrow-band sensors still be used
to provide useful information?
The most common type of oxygen sensor is the zirconium dioxide design. In this
sensor, part of the ceramic body is located
such that exhaust gases impinge on it. The
other part is located so that it has access to
the atmosphere. The surface of the ceramic
body is provided with electrodes made of
a thin, gas-permeable layer of platinum.
Above about 350°C, the ceramic material begins to conduct oxygen ions. If the
proportions of oxygen at the two ends of
the sensor differ, a voltage proportional to
the difference in the oxygen concentrations
is generated. The residual exhaust gas
oxygen component is largely dependent on
the engine’s instantaneous air/fuel ratio –
thus the output voltage of the sensor can
be correlated with the air/fuel ratio.
Fig.3 shows the typical output characteristic of a zirconia oxygen sensor. As can
be seen, the output voltage varies rapidly
either side of the 14.7:1 stoichiometric
point. This is the characteristic curve
output of a narrow-band oxygen sensor,
as used in most cars. What is generally
not realised is that a so-called wide-band
sensor also has a very similar output, with
just a little more linearity in its response at
both ends of the air/fuel ratio scale!
In addition to the air/fuel ratio, the
output voltage of a sensor is heavily
dependent on its temperature. At very
low temperatures – below about 350°C
– the ceramic material is insufficiently
conductive to allow the sensor to function
correctly. As a result, the output signal of
a “cold” sensor will be either non-existent
or incorrectly low in voltage (note: the
minimum operating temperature varies a
little from sensor to sensor).
To overcome this problem, a resistive
heating element is often placed inside the
sensor to quickly bring it up to minimum
operating temperature. Once this occurs,
the heater is the usually switched off, with
the flow of exhaust gases then responsible
for heating the sensor.
The temperature of the sensor has a
major bearing on the output voltage, even
in the normal working range of 500-900°C.
Fig.4 shows the change in output voltage
characteristics of a sensor when it is at
550°C, 750°C and 900°C. (Note that here
the air/fuel ratio is expressed as Lambda
numbers – Lambda 0.75 is an air/fuel
ratio of 11:1).
As can be seen, temperature variations
can cause the output signal to vary by as
much as one third of the full scale! It is also
important to note that as the temperature
of the sensor increases, its reading for the
same air/fuel ratio decreases. Specifically,
one tested sensor had an output of 860mV
at 900°C, which corresponds to an air/fuel
ratio of 11:1 (which is very rich). The same
output voltage at 650°C would indicate
an air/fuel ratio of 14:1 (ie, much leaner).
The temperature of the sensor also has
a major effect on its response time. The
response time for a voltage change due to
a change in mixture can be seconds when
the sensor is below 350°C, or as short as
50ms when the sensor is at 600°C.
These temperature-dependent variations occur in all zirconia-based oxygen
sensors – wide-band and narrow-band.
So where does this leave us when we
want to source a cheap sensor for use in
measuring air/fuel ratios during tuning?
First, an oxygen sensor which still has a
variation in output well away from stoichiometric is required. Once that sensor
is found, its temperature should be kept as
stable as possible, while being maintained
above 350°C during the testing.
As part of a general research project
into the characteristics of common oxygen sensors, mechanic Graham Pring (a
modification enthusiast) and the author
(Julian Edgar) conducted an extensive
series of tests on professional air/fuel ratio
meters and sensors, both (supposedly)
wide-band and narrow-band. We found
that there were major variations between
the readings of professional air/fuel ratio
meters and that the use of a slightly used
sensor could make a dramatic difference
to the reading.
In short, when using zirconia oxygen
sensors away from stoichiometric ratios,
the professional meters were often not
accurate to even one full ratio, let alone
the one-tenth of a ratio shown on the
digital displays.
The best low-cost probe that we found
was the heated NTK-manufactured Ford
E7TF 9F472 DA sensor, which gave
Parts List
1 PC board, code 05104041,
121 x 59mm
1 plastic case, 130 x 68 x 42mm
2 PC mount 2-way screw terminals with 5mm pin spacing
1 12V piezo alarm siren with
7.6mm pin spacing
1 Light Dependent Resistor
((Jaycar RD3480 or equiv.)
1 100mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
Fig.5: this diagram shows the relationship between the air/fuel ratio and the
voltage output at different exhaust gas temperatures for the heated Ford E7TF
9F472 DA oxygen sensor (the best low-cost sensor we have found). This sensor
is sufficiently wide-band that it can be used in conjunction with a digital
multimeter to give a more accurate indication of mixture strength than is
achievable with the 10-LED meter.
lent results, even when compared with a
new Bosch wide-band sensor. The E7TF
9F472 DA is the standard sensor from
the Australian Ford Falcon EA, EB and
ED models.
To gain the best results from this sensor,
it should be mounted at the tailpipe with its
12V heater active. Any testing should be
consistent in approach so that the actual
temperature of the sensor (due to both
the internal heater and the exhaust gas)
remains similar during each procedure. For
example, the same warm-up and engine
loading sequence should be undertaken for
each test. By using the Ford sensor in this
way, results are sufficiently accurate and
a fast-response multimeter can be used
to monitor the sensor output. However,
realistically, an air/fuel ratio accuracy of
only about 1-1.5 can be expected.
With this warning kept in mind, Fig.5
gives an indication of the response curves
of the Ford sensor, measured at three different exhaust gas temperature ranges:
250–300°C, 300-450°C and 450–650°C.
However, tapping into the car’s standard oxygen sensor and using the 10-LED
Smart Mixture Display as described in the
main text will still give data that is very
useful. In fact, the lack of a digital readout
is actually an advantage, as it stops people
putting too much faith in numbers which
in all likelihood are not accurate to even
a full ratio.
The temperature of
the exhaust reduces
as it gets further
from the engine.
As this computer
simulation shows,
by the time it
reaches the tailpipe it is typically
only at about 200°C
whereas close to the
exhaust valves, the
gas temperatures
can be over 800°C!
[Network Analysis]
1 LM3914 display driver (IC1)
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC2)
2 BC327 PNP transistors
(Q1, Q2)
3 16V 1W zener diodes (ZD1ZD3)
1 5.6V 400mW zener diode (ZD4)
1 1N4004 1A diode (D1)
2 1N914 diodes (D2,D3)
4 5mm red LEDs (LED9-12)
2 5mm yellow LEDs (LED1,2)
6 5mm green LEDs (LED3-8)
1 470µF 16V PC electrolytic
2 10nF (.01µF) MKT polyester
1 200kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR3)
2 100kΩ horizontal trimpots
2 5kΩ horizontal trimpot
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 1MΩ
3 2.2kΩ
1 220kΩ
2 680Ω
4 10kΩ
1 10Ω
you can mount the LEDs vertically so
that they later protrude through a slot
(or a row of holes in the case of round
LEDs) in the lid of the case. Another
alternative is to use round LEDs which
are mounted remotely from the board,
to mimic the response curve of the
oxygen sensor – see photo.
Installing it in a case
It’s up to you what type of case you
mount the PC board assembly in. As
it stands, the board is designed to clip
into a standard plastic case measuring
130 x 68 x 43mm. Note that if your car
is very noisy, you may want to mount
the piezo buzzer external to the box
– or even fit a louder one. The buzzer
April 2004 65
up) and that the signal coming from the
airflow meter rises when the throttle
is blipped.
Note that the 0V connection for the
Smart Mixture Meter should be made
at the ECU.
Setting up
The step-by-step setting up procedure is as follows:
(1). Make sure that the “High” trimpot (VR1) is set fully clockwise and
that the “Low” trimpot (VR2) is fully
(2). Start the car, let the oxygen sensor warm up and confirm that the LED
display shows one illuminated LED. It
will probably move around, perhaps
quite quickly.
(3). Go for a drive and briefly use full
throttle. The end yellow LED should
light up. Back off sharply – the end red
LED should light and then the display
should blank for a moment before
resuming normal operation (ie, the
over-run injector shut-off is visible).
(4). Check that the illuminated LED
travels back and forth when the engine
is at idle (ie, the engine is in closed
loop mode).
Cars like this Ford XR6 Turbo are especially vulnerable to engine damage if
the mixtures go lean under load. The Smart Mixture Meter sounds an alarm
the instant there is a high-load lean-out, allowing the driver to back off.
can draw up to 60mA without causing
any problems to the circuit.
You will need to make four wiring
connections to your car. It’s easiest to
do that at the ECU, so you will need
to have a wiring diagram showing
the ECU pin-outs. The four connections are:
(1). +12V ignition switched;
(2). chassis (0V);
(3) oxygen sensor signal; and
(4) airflow meter signal.
Use the car’s wiring diagram to
find these connections and then use
your multimeter to check that they’re
correct. For example, when you find
the +12V supply, make sure that it
switches off when you turn off the ignition. In addition, you have to confirm
that there is a fluctuating signal in the
0-1V range on the oxygen sensor lead
(the car will need to be fully warmed
Adjusting the display to suit
your oxygen sensor
(1). If the end yellow LED never
lights, even at full throttle, adjust VR1
so that it lights when the mixtures are
fully rich.
(2). In closed loop, the moving LED
should move back and forth around
the centre LED. If the oscillations are
all down one end after adjusting VR1,
adjust the “Low” pot (VR2) again to
centre the display.
Adjusting the Lean Alarm
(1). Adjust the Load Threshold pot
(VR5) until LED12 comes on at reasonably heavy loads. For example, in a
turbo car, the pot should be set so that
LED12 first lights when there’s a little
boost showing on the gauge.
Fig.6: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
66 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
red red yellow brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
blue grey brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
red red black orange brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
brown black black gold brown
Silicon Chip
In this installation, round LEDs have been used for the mixture display, mounted
remotely from the PC board. Note how the owner has chosen to arrange the
LEDs to mimic the response curve of the sensor. This is a great approach if there
is sufficient room available. [Michael Knowling]
(2). Adjust the Oxygen Level Threshold pot (VR4) until LED11 comes on
for what would be regarded as a lean
condition at the above load; eg, so that
LED11 lights when the unit is showing
the last green LED (LED8) before the
red (LED9).
(3). When LEDs 11 & 8 come on together, the alarm sounds. If this occurs
when there’s no obvious problem, adjust VR4 until the alarm just no longer
sounds when running high loads.
Adjusting the dimmer
(1). Turn the dimmer sensitivity
pot (VR3) until the display dimming
matches your preferences – clockwise
will give a brighter display at night (so
you need to cover the LDR to simulate
night when you’re setting it!).
Lambda vs
Air/Fuel Ratio
The ratio of the mass of air to the
mass of fuel is the most common
method of describing the mixture
strength. So an air/fuel ratio of 13:1
means that there is a mass of 13kg
of air mixed with 1kg of fuel.
However, sometimes mixture
strength is quoted as a Lambda
(or excess air) value (λ). This is
defined as the air/fuel ratio divided
by the stoichiometric ratio (ie, on
typical road fuels, 14.7:1). So an
air/fuel ratio of 12:1 (rich) is 0.82
Lambda (12/14.7 = 0.82).
Uhh, Ohhhh – Check Your Car First!
In some cars, this meter simply
won’t work and there can be several
reasons for this.
First, it needs an oxygen sensor
that outputs a voltage between 0-1V,
with higher voltages corresponding
to richer mixtures. The vast majority
of cars produced over the last 15
years use this type of sensor but there
are exceptions, so be sure to use
your multimeter to check the oxygen
sensor output signal before buying
a kit.
Second, the car must use an
airflow meter with an output voltage
varying between about 1-5V, with
the higher voltages corresponding to
higher engine loads. However, some
airflow meters use a frequency output
signal and this circuit won’t work with
that type of design. Also, in non-turbo
cars using a MAP sensor, the sensor
voltage will go high whenever the
throttle is snapped open. This may
cause false alarms, as the air/fuel
ratio won’t immediately go rich.
By contrast, this design should be
fine in turbo cars using a MAP sensor.
Again, check the output of the load
sensor with a multimeter first.
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April 2004 67
The easy way to identify
faulty electros
Last month, we described
the circuit operation of the ESR
Meter Mk.2. This month, we describe how
to build, calibrate and use this very handy
test instrument. There’s also a complete
section on troubleshooting, in the unlikely
event that you strike trouble.
VEN IF THE ESR Meter’s operation seems complicated, at least
it’s easy to build. As you can
see in the photos, all the components
except for the battery holder, test
sockets and the pushbutton switch are
mounted on a single PC board. This in
turn is attached to the front panel using
spacers and machine screws.
The very first thing to do is glue
the display window to the inside of
the front panel, using a few drops of
an adhesive such as contact cement
around its edges. This can then be
put aside to dry while you assemble
the PC board.
68 Silicon Chip
Although a high-quality, soldermasked PC board is supplied, it’s still
wise to check it for defects. To do this,
illuminate the component side with a
bright light and examine the copper
side very carefully – preferably with
a magnifier – for any hairline fractures
in the tracks. Check also for any solder
“whiskers” or bridges and pay particular attention to any tracks which pass
between IC socket pads, where such
defects tend to congregate and hide.
Because of the need to make it fit
into a compact plastic case, the PC
board is tightly packed and the solder
pads are quite small. The last thing
this circuit needs is solder bridges
and bad joints, so be very careful with
your soldering. Always lift the iron
vertically from a just-soldered joint
and never wipe it sideways as so many
constructors seem to do!
Construction is easiest if you begin
by installing the resistors and diodes
first. Note that the kit for the Mk.2
version contains all 1% resistors.
It’s notoriously difficult to correctly
identify the colour bands on these, so
check each one’s value with an ohmmeter before soldering it to the board.
Table 1 will help you select the resistor
values prior to checking.
The larger components can now all
be installed. These parts include crystal XTAL1, the electrolytic capacitors,
trimpots VR1 & VR2, the transistors,
and the sockets for the LED displays
and IC2 & IC3.
Note particularly that the 7-segment
LED displays and LEDs are mounted
Fig.6: install the parts on the PC board as shown
here but don’t install IC2 or IC3 until after the
initial checks described in the text have been made.
on a 28-pin IC socket. Make sure that
this socket is flat on the PC board
before soldering its pins, otherwise
the displays will foul the Perspex
window when you later attempt to fit
the front panel.
As usual, take care with the orientation of the polarised components; ie,
the electrolytic capacitors, diodes and
transistors. You should also make sure
that the different transistor types all go
in their correct places. Don’t install the
socketed parts just yet, though.
Once everything’s on the PC board,
hold the component side up to a
bright light and carefully check for
any solder bridges or other problems.
In particular, check for light shining
through the holes of unsoldered joints
(this has been another common cause
of problems with this kit).
LED displays
Now for the LEDs and the 7-segment
LED displays. First, cut the leads of the
two decimal point LEDs down to about
8mm-long, then gently push them into
their places in the 28-pin socket. Make
sure that they are correctly oriented;
ie, the flat side of each LED must go
to the right – see Fig.6.
Next, insert the two 7-segment
displays, ensuring that their decimal
points are at the bottom and that they
are properly seated. It might be necessary to snip a bit off their leads to get
them to sit flat on the socket.
External wiring
When all the components are on
the board, solder two 150mm lengths
of hookup wire to the battery pads on
the PC board - red to “+” and black
to “-”.
The pushbutton switch terminals
and test lead sockets are quite close
to the PC board once everything has
been mounted on the front panel. As a
result, you can connect them to the PC
board using resistor lead offcuts. Alternatively, you can use short lengths
of the supplied hookup wire.
Solder these leads to the PC board
now but don’t connect them to the
switch or test sockets for the time
Initial checks
With IC2 and IC3 still out of their
sockets, connect the supply leads to
the batteries (or a 9V DC power supply), with a milliammeter in series
with one of the supply leads.
Initially, you shouldn’t see any
current being drawn. Now short the
pushbutton switch wires (the righthand ones when looking at the front)
and check that the current drawn is
now about 6mA. If it’s significantly
higher or lower, start looking for assembly errors (component placement
errors, missed solder joints and solder
Assuming the current checks OK,
connect the negative lead of a voltmeter to the negative battery lead, then
check that there’s +5V on pin 5 of IC2’s
socket and on pin 16 of IC3’s socket.
If everything’s OK to here, disconnect the 9V supply and the milliammeter. That done, discharge any static
April 2004 69
Fig.7: the PC board is attached to the underside of the front panel using 15mm-long tapped spacers, flat washers
and M3 x 6mm machine screws.
electricity you may have accumulated
by touching something earthed, then
install IC2 (Z86E0412PSC) and IC3
(4094) in their sockets. Double-check
to ensure that these are both oriented
correctly – their indented pin 1 ends
are to the left.
Next, set both VR1 and VR2 to their
mid-range positions, then separate
the pushbutton switch leads and
reconnect the 9V supply. Now short
the pushbutton leads again and keep
them shorted.
At this point, you should see
something on the 7-segment LED displays, preferably “-” on the lefthand
one. After five seconds, the displays
should blank for a moment as the
microcontroller does a basic check of
the circuitry. If the next thing you see
is “.8.8” for two seconds, it means that
the board has passed the tests and is
probably OK.
However, if you see an “F” on the
lefthand display and a digit or “A” on
Fig.8: you will
need to make up
this simple circuit
to set the battery
warning trip point
(7V). Alternatively,
you can use an
existing variable
power supply.
the righthand one, the microcontroller
has detected a problem. In that case,
go to the “Fault Codes” panel to find
out what to check for.
At this point, you can mount the test
lead sockets onto the front panel – see
Fig.7. Note that plastic insulating rings
are supplied with these sockets. As
shown in Fig.7, these must be installed
between the lugs and the front panel,
not under the tops of the sockets.
Many constructors of the Mk.1 version
overlooked this and placed the lugs
directly on the metal panel, thereby
short-circuiting them!
Next, mount the pushbutton switch,
using small pliers to gently tighten the
nut and being careful not to slip and
scratch the panel. That done, fasten
the standoffs to the board using 3mm
screws, then mount the whole assembly on the front panel using the black
countersunk 3mm screws supplied.
If the LED displays foul the Perspex
window, use the supplied washers
to further space the board from the
front panel.
Finally, complete the assembly by
connecting the wires to the pushbutton switch and test lead sockets, and
by soldering the supply leads to the
battery holder.
This is what the underside of the
front panel looks like, prior to
fitting the PC board. The Perspex
window can be secured using
contact cement.
70 Silicon Chip
Now for the calibration. The stepby-step procedure is as follows:
(1). Plug in the test leads, then push
the button. You should see “-” on the
lefthand display, indicating that the
Check These Fault Codes If It Doesn’t Work
HAT IF IT doesn’t work? In that
case, the Mk.2 ESR Meter’s
firmware allows the microcontroller
to do some basic testing of the electronics, to help you narrow down a
problem to one area of the board.
Before doing the self-test, it’s very
important to first set VR1 to the centre
of its adjustment range and make
sure that the meter’s supply voltage
is in the range of 8.5-9.5V.
Now switch the meter on by pressing and continuing to hold the button
down, regardless of what the displays
are showing. After five seconds,
they’ll go blank for a moment, then
show a test result for two seconds.
The meter will then switch off by itself
after you release the button.
If everything is more or less OK,
you’ll see “.8.8” on the displays (this
shows that all the display segments
and decimal point LEDs are working).
However, if the microcontroller has
detected a major problem, it will flash
a fault code consisting of an “F” on the
lefthand display and a character from
0-9 or an “A” on the righthand one.
Experience has shown that by
far the most common cause of ESR
meter kits not working properly is defective soldering. When a fault code
directs you to a particular part of the
circuit, carefully check (using a bright
light and magnifier) for solder whiskers, non-soldered joints and track
damage such as lifted solder pads.
If you can’t see anything abnormal,
start checking for incorrect components and component placement
errors such as transistors of the
wrong type or with their leads in the
wrong holes. If that doesn’t show up
anything, you might have received a
defective component in the kit, though
this is very rare.
OK, here’s a list of what the fault
codes indicate:
F0: Q11 is not discharging C10.
Check around Q11 (BC338), R21
(10kΩ), R22 (470kΩ) and pin 4 of
IC2 (Z86E0412).
F1: C10 is charging too quickly.
Check that R22 really is 470kΩ and
that R19 & R20 are 10kΩ. Make sure
C10 is 470nF (0.47µF, code “474”).
Check also for soldering and com
ponent placement problems around
transistors Q9 & Q10 (BC558).
F2: C10 is charging too slowly (or
not at all). Check around Q9, Q10
(BC558), R22 (470kΩ), R19 & R20
(10kΩ) and C10 (470nF).
F3: Pulse amplifier output bias
<440mV (ie, at collector of Q8).
Check R13 (100kΩ) & R14 (220kΩ)
for correct values and check that
D6 isn’t reversed. Check around Q7
(BC548), Q8 (BC558) and around pin
8 of IC2 plus associated components.
F4: Pulse amplifier output bias >1V.
Carry out the same checks as for
“F3” code. Check also that D5 isn’t
F5: A test current source is permanently on. Check area around
Q3, Q4 & Q5 (all BC328); R5, R7
& R9 (2.2kΩ); and pins 15, 16 &
17 of IC2.
F6: No output from pulse amplifier.
This fault is usually due to the banana
sockets being installed with their
plastic spacers in the wrong place
and the solder lugs touching the front
panel, thereby short-circuiting them
(see Fig.7). If that’s not the problem,
check around C7 (33nF), R12 (1kΩ),
D3 & D4 (1N4002), C5 (100nF) and
C6 (47µF bipolar).
F7: Q3 not sourcing current. Check
around Q3 (BC328), R5* (2.2kΩ),
R6 (10kΩ) and pin 15 of IC2.
F8: Q4 not sourcing current.
Check around Q4 (BC328),
R7* (2.2kΩ), R8 (1kΩ) and
pin 16 of IC2.
F9: Q5 not sourcing current.
Check around Q5 (BC328), R9*
(2.2kΩ), R10 (100Ω), IC2 pin 17.
FA: Q6 not switching on. Check
around Q6 (BC338), R24 (10kΩ) and
pin 1 of IC2.
Obviously, the microcontroller
can’t perform detailed tests on every
component, so it’s possible that your
meter is malfunctioning even though
the self-testing hasn’t shown up a
For example, if the meter is behaving strangely, “freezing” up or giving
absurd readings on some values of
test resistors, the most likely cause is
a mix-up in the values of R6 (10kΩ),
R8 (1kΩ) and R10 (100Ω).
On the other hand, if the meter produces readings but there’s something
wrong with the displayed characters,
this is almost certainly due to one
or more solder bridges between the
pins of the large socket holding the
displays, or around IC3.
If the meter doesn’t stay switched
on when you push the button, check
around Q2 (BC338), R3 (15kΩ), R29
(2.7kΩ) and pin 2 of IC2. If it switches
off when you short the test leads, R2
(4.7kΩ) may be the incorrect value
or Q1 (BC328) may have a low current gain.
Finally, if you can’t get the meter
into the test mode, zero it or switch
it off, check for solder “whiskers”
and open
pin 3 of
IC2, R4
and D2.
If none of the above has helped
you to identify the problem, there’s
a page of fault-finding information on
my website:
Do a Google search for “ESR meter
faultfinding” if you can’t find it.
Also Ben Cook in Perth will get
your meter working for a reasonable
fee plus postage and handling. You
can contact him at: benok<at>iprimus.
* The R5/7/9 area of the board seems
to be a “magnet” for solder bridges
and whiskers.
April 2004 71
Driving The ESR Meter Mk.2
HE ESR METER is extremely
simple to operate but there are a
few precautions to follow. First, here’s
its basic step-by-step operation:
(1). Insert the plugs of the test leads
into their sockets.
(2). Press the button so the “-” symbol
appears on the display.
(3). Hold the test probes tightly together – the test lead resistance is
(4). With the probes still together,
press the button again to give a
zeroed reading of “.00”.You can repeat
this at any time.
(5). Measure the capacitor’s ESR (it
should be discharged first). A reading of “-” indicates a reading greater
than 99Ω.
(6). When you’ve finished measuring, press the button with the probes
separated. The meter switches off
when you release the button.
(7). When the battery is getting low,
“b” flashes once per second and the
display dims to conserve the remaining battery capacity.
(1). Beware charged capacitors:
the very first thing to do is to make
certain that the equipment you’ll be
using the ESR Meter on is disconnected from all power. Most electrolytic capacitors will be discharged by
the circuitry around them within a few
seconds of the power being switched
off. However, be warned that filter capacitors in power supplies can remain
dangerously charged, especially if
there’s a fault.
Before using the meter, make sure
that all power supply capacitors are
fully discharged. You can do this using well-insulated probes that include
a series 100Ω 5W or similar power
resistor. Don’t just short the capacitor’s terminals together; it can not only
damage the capacitor but can also be
Always allow several seconds to
ensure a complete discharge. Apart
from the risk of surprise and injury to
you, large charged capacitors can seriously damage the meter. If you think
your ESR meter might be accidentally
connected to electrolytics that are
charged to high voltages, consider the
extra protection idea described in the
“Optional Modifications” panel.
(2). Watch out for interference: the
meter can produce unsteady indications if its test leads pick up strong
horizontal deflection signal voltages.
To avoid this, be sure to keep it away
from operating (CRT) TVs and monitors when making measurements.
(3). Use straight test leads: don’t
use self-retracting “curly” test leads
with your meter. Their inductance can
Identifying Defective Electrolytics
F YOU’RE getting the idea that it’s
tricky to identify defective electrolytics, relax! Experience has shown
that in almost every case, a capacitor’s
ESR needs to rise to at least 10 times
its normal value to cause a circuit
malfunction. Often, you’ll find that it’s
risen to >30 times its normal value, or
is so high that the meter just displays
“-” (ie, >99Ω). So, with few exceptions,
the electrolytic capacitor(s) causing a
fault will be very obvious.
It’s for this reason that the front
panel figures don’t need to be extremely accurate or complete. When
you encounter an electrolytic whose
72 Silicon Chip
value or voltage isn’t on the chart,
it’s sufficient to assume that its ESR
should be similar to that of a capacitor
adjacent to it on the chart.
If you have any doubts, it’s best
to compare the meter’s reading on a
suspect capacitor with that of a new
capacitor of the same value and voltage rating.
Note that the electrolytics which
fail are often the ones that are close
to heat-generating components such
as power semiconductors and resistors, so check these first. It will save
time if you mark each good capacitor
with a felt-tipped pen as you go, so
cause measurement errors. Also, be
very careful not to confuse the ESR
Meter’s test leads with those from
your multimeter! Keep them well
What else can it do?
Since publication of the Mk.1 design
in 1996, I’ve received a lot of feedback
from imaginative ESR Meter users
regarding other uses for it. The full list
is on my website at http://members.
htm but here are some of the best
(1). Resistance Measurement: as
stated previously, this meter is really
an AC ohmmeter with an equivalent
test frequency of about 100kHz and
capable of measuring non-inductive
resistances from 0.01Ω to 99Ω. As
such, it can be useful for locating short
circuits on PC boards by showing the
resistance of a copper track decreasing or increasing as you approach
or move away from the short. For
example, this is useful when trying to
identify which one in a paralleled set
of power transistors is shorted (thanks
Mike Diack).
You can also make your own very
low-value resistors by measuring
out a length of nichrome or similar
resistance wire to give the required
resistance. In addition, the ESR Meter can be used to check the contact
resistance of switches, connectors
and relays.
you know which ones still need to
be checked.
Traps to avoid
All test equipment can produce
misleading indications under some
conditions and the ESR Meter is no
different. Because it is basically a
high-frequency AC ohmmeter, it can’t
discriminate between a capacitor with
a very low ESR and one which is
short-circuit or very leaky.
In general, electrolytics with high
ESR will cause faults such as switching power supplies losing regulation or
failing to start, high-frequency noise in
signal circuits, and distorted scanning
waveforms in monitors and TV sets.
In vintage equipment, they can cause
Just remember that any significant
amount of inductance will cause measurement errors.You can’t measure the
DC resistance of a choke, transformer
winding, video head or a roll of electrical cable, for example.
(2). Basic Signal Generator: the
meter’s test signal is a 500mV P-P
(open circuit) burst of 8µs pulses at a
2kHz rate, repeated several times per
second. As a result, it can be used as
a signal source for basic checks on
amplifiers, loudspeakers and other
audio components (thanks Joe Lussy).
The meter’s readings might
become unsteady after a lot
of use, due to oxidation or
loosening of the test lead
sockets. Heavily spray
the test lead plugs with
contact cleaner of the
kind which evaporates
completely (eg, CRC
“CO” Contact Cleaner),
then repeatedly insert
and withdraw them from
their sockets before it dries.
If the test lead sockets have
become loose, gently retighten them with long needlenose pliers.
If the test probes have developed
a resistive layer of oxidation, give
them a wipe with a tissue soaked in
tuner cleaner like CRC 2.26 or similar
(thanks Joe Sopko).
hum and low frequency instability
(“motorboating”), etc.
Conversely, leaky or shorted capacitors are likely to disturb the DC
conditions of the circuit they are in,
producing quite different kinds of
faults. Tests with a multimeter should
locate these. That said, in several
decades of working on electronic gear,
I’ve encountered less than a dozen
shorted electrolytics but hundreds
with high ESR)!
If you find an electrolytic giving an
ESR reading which seems too good
(low) to be true, disconnect it from
the circuit and measure its resistance with an ohmmeter – it might be
short-circuit. In fact John Robertson
from “John’s Jukes” in Canada found
The 6 x AAA-cell battery
holder is secured to the bottom of
the case using double-sided foam
meter is seeing an ESR/resistance
that’s greater than its maximum reading of 99Ω.
(2) Short the test leads together. The
meter will display their resistance,
typically 0.2-0.5Ω. Pushing the button
again with the leads shorted should
change the display to “.00” as the meter zeros out their resistance. However,
that a cheap digital multimeter on a
low ohms range can be connected in
parallel with the ESR Meter without
them disturbing each other. Doing
this allows the multimeter to show up
those rare shorted electrolytics while
you simultaneously check the ESR.
In some circuits such as in computer motherboards, switching power
supplies and TV/monitor deflection
stages, electrolytic capacitors are connected directly in parallel. In that case,
a good capacitor can make the ESR
of a (parallel) bad one appear to be
much lower than it really is. You need
to be aware of the circuit your suspect
capacitor is in and disconnect it from
circuit before making a measurement
if necessary.
it’s normal for this reading to change a
bit, due to variations in contact resistance between the probes (remember
that we’re measuring hundredths of
one ohm!).
(3) Connect the supplied 68Ω 1%
calibration resistor to the probes and
carefully adjust VR2 until the meter
reads “68”. That done, check that it
Beware Of Good ESR With
Reduced Capacitance!
There’s one more failure mode that
you need to be aware of: when the
ESR remains perfectly OK but the
capacitance has dropped by a large
amount. This is apparently quite rare
but when it does happen, it can cause
a lot of confusion
If your ESR Meter shows that all
the electrolytics seem OK but some
strange fault is still present, try disconnecting and checking each capacitor
in turn with a capacitance meter. Alternatively, you could try temporarily
connecting new capacitors in parallel
with any suspect units (after turning
the power off and discharging them).
April 2004 73
reads the supplied 5.6Ω calibration
resistor reasonably accurately.
Optional Modifications
Battery warning setup
Heavy-duty protection
Skip this bit if you disabled the automatic switch-off function by leaving
one lead of R25 disconnected (see the
“Optional Modifications” section).
This adjustment is easiest if you
have access to a variable DC power
supply. If not, you’ll need to temporarily build the little circuit shown in
Fig.8. The adjustment procedure is
as follows:
(1). With the meter off, unplug the
test leads and turn VR1 fully anticlockwise (as viewed from the copper
side of the PC board).
(2) Adjust the supply voltage to 7.0V,
then switch the meter on.
(3). Slowly turn VR1 clockwise until
the display brightness suddenly drops
slightly and the “b” battery warning
indication begins flashing on the
righthand display.
(4). Turn the meter off, wind the power
supply back up to 9V, then switch the
meter back on and check that the battery warning triggers when you drop
the supply back to 7.0V.
And that’s it! If everything went as
planned, you can fully assemble your
new ESR meter and start finding defective electrolytic capacitors. But first,
read the panel entitled “Driving The
ESR Meter Mk.2” – it not only contains
useful hints but list the precautions
that must be followed as well.
To provide greater protection against connection to charged electrolytics,
some kit builders have connected an inverse-parallel pair of 1N5404 (or
similar) high-power diodes between the test lead sockets. So if you’re the
kind who’s likely to connect the meter to the 120µF input filter capacitor of a
240V-powered switching power supply without checking that it’s been properly
discharged, this modification is for you.
Reportedly, this protects the meter quite well, although it can result in
the probe tips being blown off by large charged capacitors. The resulting
surge current can also damage the charged capacitor and the power diodes
themselves. However, without the diodes, the resulting >600A current spike
destroys the microcontroller (IC2) and damages C6.
Improving battery life
If you’d like to get even more battery life out of the meter (and are feeling
a bit adventurous), you can replace IC1 (78L05) with an LP2950CZ-5.0 and
replace R26 (10kΩ) with a 27kΩ resistor. That done, adjust trimpot VR1 so
that the low battery warning triggers at 5.6V instead of the original 7.0V.
(Thanks to G. Freeman, South Australia for this idea which was published in
the August 1998 issue of “Electronics Australia” magazine).
Disabling automatic switch-off
If you’d like to power the meter from an external 9V DC supply and have it
operating continuously, just disconnect one end of R25 (47kΩ). This disables
the automatic switch-off function but note that the low battery warning will no
longer work if you do this.
Of course, you can easily reconnect R25 if you change your mind in the
For more modifications, including a buzzer to help you discriminate between good and bad electrolytics without having to look at the meter, go to my
ESR Meter Hints web page at
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
74 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet yellow brown
red red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown green orange brown
brown black orange brown
blue grey red brown
yellow violet red brown
red violet red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
red red brown brown
brown grey brown brown
brown black brown brown
blue grey black brown
green blue gold brown
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black orange brown
red red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown green black red brown
brown black black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
red red black black brown
brown grey black black brown
brown black black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
green blue black silver brown
PC or PICAXE interface
for UHF remote control
For those wishing to experiment with home
automation or extensive remote control,
the popular PICAXE chips or a personal
computer can be interfaced with the 4-channel
transmitters and receivers from Oatley
Electronics, as featured in the June 2003 issue.
HE ORIGINAL Oatley Electronics
4-channel UHF transmitter board
had manual pushbuttons but these
can be omitted for computer control.
In fact, one transmitter can control
the four channels on up to 16 separate remote receivers – that’s up to 64
computer channels altogether!
This circuit concept uses the eight
data lines from a PICAXE18A or the
parallel printer port of any PC. Since
the PC situation is the more complex, I
will limit the article to describing how
to interface the parallel printer port of
a PC to the transmitter. I will assume
the reader is familiar with the article
in the June 2003 issue.
The circuit
The circuit uses a quad NAND
Schmitt trigger gate (74HC132) and
four PNP transistors (Q2-Q5) to replace
the four pushbuttons in the original
design. All lines from the computer’s
parallel port are connected via 470Ω
resistors and all have 22kΩ pull-down
resistors, to avoid damage to the NAND
package or to IC1.
Fig.1 shows how the four lowest
data lines (lower nibble) are used to
control the transmitter encoding pins
(1-4) of IC1. So instead of these pins
being permanently hard wired into a
fixed encoding pattern, they are now
under computer control. The remaining encoding pins of IC1, pins 5-8, are
left unconnected.
Because encoding pins 1-4 can be
either high or low, as determined by
D0-D3, up to 16 different combinations
are possible, so that the transmitter
can individually control up to 16
different receivers, each with its own
unique code.
Note that because the data lines can
only be high or low, the “open circuit”
condition of the transmitter security
encoding cannot be used in this circuit. This does result in less combinations being available but that does not
reduce the utility of the circuit.
Data on D0-D3 represents some
binary number, so if we output the
number 10 (1010 binary) using these
four data lines, this effectively encodes
transmitter pins 1-4 as LOW, HIGH,
Table 1: QBASIC Code
lowernibble = 12
'set variable “lowernibble” to required receiver code
channels = 14
'set variable “channels” to required channel combination
uppernibble = 16 * channels 'put channel combination into the upper nibble
outputdata = lowernibble + uppernibble 'combine the two nibbles
OUT 888,outputdata
'put the data on the data lines D0-D7 (LPT1)
Once you know what you are doing, the above lines can be condensed into one:
OUT 888,(12 +16*14)
The Oatley Electronics 4-channel UHF
transmitter board includes an SM5023
trinary encoder IC and a pre-built
UHF transmitter module (mounted on
the underside of the board).
LOW, HIGH. Therefore a receiver with
its corresponding decoding pins 1-4
hard-wired in the same pattern (LOW,
HIGH, LOW, HIGH) would accept
the transmission of data while other
receivers with different hard-wired
patterns would not.
From here on, I will identify a
receiver by the binary number (or
decimal equivalent) of the hard-wired
pattern of pins 1-4 on its decoding
chip, with pin 1 being the least significant bit. As with the transmitter,
pins 5-8 of the decoding chip are left
As noted above, the four pushbutton
switches on the transmitter (IC1) in the
original design have been replaced by
four BC558 transistors. Each transistor
and its associated 10kΩ base resistor
can be conveniently installed in the
four holes vacated by the pushbutton
switch. Each transistor is driven by a
NAND gate (74HC132) which in turn
is controlled by a data line from the
printer port. The four channels of the
transmitter are thus controlled by the
upper four data lines (upper nibble)
If D4 is low, for example, the output
pin 3 on the 74HC132 is high and Q2
is therefore off. This corresponds to
channel A being off. If, on the other
hand, D4 is high, Q2 will be on, thus
turning channel A on. A similar situation holds for the other three channels
April 2004 75
Fig.1: the interface circuit uses a quad NAND Schmitt trigger (74HC132) and four PNP transistors (Q2-Q5) to replace
the four pushbuttons in the original design.
– they will be on if their data line is
high and off if their data line is low.
In a similar manner to the encoding
pins, the four channels can be turned
on in any combination by using the
appropriate binary number output on
data lines D4-D7. If, say, we output the
number 7 (0111 binary) to the upper
nibble, channels A, B and C would
be on, while channel D would be off.
As each individual channel is activated by its own data line, each channel can be thought of as the number
represented by that data line. So channel A alone is turned on by outputting
“1” (0001), B alone by “2” (0010), C
alone by “4” (0100) and D alone by “8”
(1000). That means that the channels
76 Silicon Chip
are individually represented by the
successive powers of 2.
If we wanted to turn on both B and
C but no other, we would output 6 (2
+ 4 = 0110). If we wanted all channels
on we would output 15 (1+2+4+8 =
1111), while outputting 0 would turn
all channels off. That is, to turn on a
combination of channels, we simply
add the numbers representing the
individual channels.
Before exploring this issue, we
might now tackle the software problem of putting the correct data on the
correct data line. I will illustrate this
using QBASIC commands. First, de-
cide which receiver is to be addressed;
let us suppose it is the one coded 12.
This means the lower nibble needs to
be 12. Next, decide which channels
on receiver 12 need to be turned on;
channels B, C and D, say. This means
the upper nibble needs to be 14. The
printer port address is 888 (decimal).
The QBASIC code shown in Table 1
could be used.
One last word of warning. If you
write some software to control items in
the home, you need to think about the
consequences of what might happen if
some piece of equipment is turned on
when it is not supposed to be on. How
can this happen? Even if your software
is perfect, never allowing such terrible
things to happen while the software is
in control, the computer is not always
under software control. During the
boot up process (or an automatic reboot after a power supply failure), your
computer (including the printer ports)
is at the mercy of the BIOS, MSDOS
or perhaps Windows. The amount of
fiddling that can go on with the data
lines of the printer ports during the
boot up process is beyond belief.
With my computer, when booting
with MSDOS 6, no data lines on port
888 were set high, while with Windows 98, D3 was left high. This means
that the computer is quite safe to boot
using a QBASIC control program running under MSDOS. It is also safe to
operate under Windows 98, because
while D3 is high and could be a valid
receiver address, the upper nibble data
lines are always low, meaning no data
will be sent. This was the reason for
assigning the lower and upper nibbles
the way they were. You will have to
monitor the data lines of your own
system to see if there might be a safety
problem during the boot up process.
This is where the 74HC132 might
come in handy again. Instead of making pins 1, 4, 9 & 12 permanently
HIGH, they could instead be connected
to a control output which could be kept
LOW during the boot up process. The
control output would then be changed
to HIGH under software control.
Suitable control sources might be
found in the auxiliary output channel
890 or by using one of the data lines
D0-D7 which remain unaffected dur-
ing the boot up process.
As for using the PICAXE as a control
source, the 18A is ideal, having eight
dedicated output data lines. The 08
suffers from only having four output
pins. Here we could use two outputs
for addressing and two switching
channels. This would allow four receivers to be addressed but only two
channels on each could be switched.
The available outputs could also be
split in other combinations according
to your need.
So go ahead, the whole world of
home automation lies before you. SC
Footnote: further information on
parallel port interfacing and programming is available from
April 2004 77
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Product Review
by Ross Tester
Redback 8-channel
ltronic Distributors recently
submitted one of their “Redback” brand professional quality mixers for evaluation and review.
First impressions are important
– and the Redback mixer certainly
makes a good first impression. It is
a very smart looking unit, mounted
in a black 1-unit rack-mounting case,
around 150mm deep.
On the front panel are the eight individual channel level controls, a master
level control, a five-LED “VU” meter,
power and signal LEDs, headphone
socket and power switch.
We were rather pleased to see traditional (rotary) pots used for the level
controls. Common practice in many
(most?) mixers these days is to use
slider pots. That’s fine if the mixer is
always used in a controlled (ie, inside,
air-conditioned) environment. But
if you don’t - you take the mixer on
the road, or to “events” - the chances
are that slider pots will become noisy
much quicker than rotary pots. A small
point, perhaps – but one that experience has taught us is important!
Above each channel level control is
a pair of screwdriver-adjustable treble
and bass controls giving +/-10dB and
10kHz and 100Hz boost and gain.
Clever move, making them relatively
tamper resistant: in the majority of
cases, you’d want the tone controls to
be “set and forget”, without the possibility of “knob twiddlers” changing
your settings.
On the rear panel are all the inputs
– each channel has a balanced XLR
mic socket (200-600Ω with 1.25mV
sensitivity), along with a stereo pair
of (unbalanced) RCA sockets (100kΩ).
Selection of the input is achieved
by a four-way DIP switch immediately above each XLR socket. The
DIP switches on channels 1-6 also
allow these channels to be selected
as priority channels (overriding other
inputs); select the “aux” input sensitivity (100mV or 1V); and also allow
phantom power (12V nom) to be
turned on/off (for those microphones
which need it).
Channels 7 and 8 are slightly different: they are dedicated line inputs and
here the DIP switches can only select
the input sensitivity.
Output is by way of a 3-pin male
XLR socket (600Ω, balanced 0dBm)
and/or dual RCA sockets.
Also on the back panel are the 3-pin
IEC mains input, a 3.5mm DC output
socket and a preset VOX mute level
If the outside of the case impresses,
the inside does perhaps more so. There
are three double-sided PC boards.
One handles the inputs and outputs
(fixed to the back panel by the XLR
and RCA sockets); one handles the
level selection, LEDs and headphone
socket (fixed to the front panel) while
the largest board has the power supply
and the main mixing circuitry itself.
Also on the main board are two sets of
headers, handling a chime/alert/evacuation tone generator and a compressor/
compander (both optional).
The tone generator is used where the
mixer is used in a building and various
tones are required. These take priority
over other signals.
The compressor/compander is used
when a CD or DVD is used as a background music source to maintain a
relatively consistent output level. This
eliminates the constant adjustment of
volume levels which would otherwise
be required, given the wide dynamic
range of such sources.
In use
We gave the Redback A4425 a run
for its money replacing a “known
quantity” mixer in a large public
address system. A variety of input
devices was used, including standard
microphones, radio mics, a CD and
tape player. It performed flawlessly;
indeed, was a pleasure to drive.
If you are looking for a high quality,
high performing mixer you’d find it
hard to beat the Redback A4425. The
fact that it is made in Australia and
comes with a two-year guarantee is
a bonus.
Recommended retail price is
$649.00 (or $595 for two or more)
and it is available from all Altronics
outlets, most resellers or from AltronSC
ics mail order.
The rear panel is pretty busy with eight XLR/RCA inputs, outputs and DIP switch input selectors.
April 2004 81
Vintage Radio
Vintage radio parts: the art of
cannibalism & making do
Obtaining suitable parts is one of the real
challenges when it comes to restoring vintage
radio receivers. And the best source for
these parts? Answer: other old vintage radio
receivers that aren’t worth restoring!
At first glance, the title of this article would seem to be completely
foreign to vintage radio. However, as
you’ll quickly see, it’s now becoming
increasingly difficult to source many
Salvaged parts can really look
like junk until they are cleaned
and sorted. Unfortunately,
both the dial-scale and the
loudspeaker in this box have
seen better days.
82 Silicon Chip
vintage radio parts. Genuine spares are
rare and are becoming rarer. Certainly,
it’s not unusual to hear someone ask
where they can get parts for an XYZ
radio, “to get it looking and working
like it did in 1925” or some other
similar question.
A bonanza of parts?
Rarely is this heading true, except
where someone has been a real “magpie” and hoarded every old radio and
spare part that came their way over
the last 40 years or so. Indeed, such a
collector would have a garage larger
than the home that he or she lives in.
The average collector has not been
involved in vintage radio for a long
period and certainly hasn’t got a huge
space to store equipment in – or even
an area to effectively display the collection, for that matter.
Scrounging from wrecks
Fortunately, the average collector
can obtain virtually all the parts that
are required for a restoration project
by using a little imagination. Often,
it’s possible to substitute a similar part
from another set or, in some cases, have
a damaged part repaired.
One of the best sources of vintage radio parts are the wrecks – the sets that
are not worth even trying to restore.
Their parts can be “cannibalised” and
used to “re-birth” a set that is in better
In fact, I’ve done this a number of
times and a favourite approach is to
make one good set out of two. Even
then, there are often many parts left
over that can be used in another receiver.
For example, I bought six HMV
“Little Nippers” circa 1955-60 at an
auction. They were a real bargain and
I have been able to faithfully restore
some and use the left-over parts from
the wrecks in other projects.
One project involved converting a
240VAC Little Nipper set to operate
on 32V DC, with the HT also operating
at 32V. After conversion, the modified set was compared with another
restored 240VAC “Little Nipper” and
this proved to be an interesting experiment.
In particular, I wanted to be able to
judge the effectiveness of the conversion. Externally, the modified receiver
appears quite normal and its performance is comparable to the original
unmodified radio. So why did I do
this? The answer is so that I could so
some research into a future article for
Another project I have in mind is
to build a power supply for batteryoperated radios, based on a wrecked
mantel receiver. The power supply
in a typical 1950s mantel radio has
almost ideal secondary power transformer windings to suit such a project,
so it’s not necessary to purchase an
expensive new transformer. In fact,
some of the information on this has
already been published – see the article on vibrator power supplies in the
December 2003 issue.
The point is that wrecks can be
very useful for parts when it comes to
restoring other sets, so don’t spurn a
wreck just because it is a wreck! It just
might have the very part you will need
to complete a future project. However,
don’t pay much for such a unit and if
you can scrounge it for nothing, then
so much the better.
Dial glass & mechanisms
A wreck can often be worth a lot just
because it has an intact dial-scale, so
look at the dial-scale carefully. In fact,
the value of a set drops dramatically
if its dial-scale is broken or missing.
A few members of the HRSA (Historical Radio Society of Australia) make
dial scales but because of the work
involved, they usually cost around
$30. And that’s if they have a scale for
the model you are interested in!
The dial mechanism itself usually
remains in a repairable condition – but
not always. A mechanism can sometimes be taken off a wreck and used
in another receiver, often one that’s a
different model or even comes from a
different manufacturer. However, be
aware that the mechanism, tuning capacitor and dial scale are all matched
together in particular receivers. For
example, a mechanism with a largediameter dial cord drum will have a
Tuning gangs used a wide range of different plate shapes, so it’s important
to substitute a unit with the same shape, capacitance range and tuning
characteristics if you have to replace a tuning gang during restoration.
long scale, while a small-diameter dial
drum will match a shorter dial-scale.
The dial-scale and the tuning
capacitor also need to be matched
together, otherwise the tuned stations will not match their locations
on the dial. There are three basic
tuning capacitor plate shapes as
shown in an accompanying picture.
These are: straight line capacitance,
straight line frequency, and a shape
that is a combination of straight line
frequency and capacitance, the latter
being the most common shape used
in later receivers.
As well as the dial-scale mechanism,
it’s also worth collecting the pulleys.
The wooden ones often get broken, so
it’s good to stock up on these.
Plugs and sockets
Many of the original plug and
socket types are no longer available,
so these should be stripped from any
wrecks you come across and put aside.
You can quickly remove them from
a chassis by cutting all the wires off
the terminals and then either undoing
their mounting screws or removing the
mounting circlip. The socket should
then be cleared and all the soldered
wire ends removed.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always an
easy task as some manufacturers fed
This batch of valves came from an old wrecked chassis. They
can be tested by substituting them in a working receiver.
April 2004 83
pulled apart – just heat each pin in
turn using a soldering iron, while
pulling the plug away from the glass
envelope. Lightly clamping the valve
base into a vyce can make this job just
a bit easier.
If the adhesive between the base and
the valve envelope is still intact, try a
few different solvents around the join
until one works.
Valve sockets are hard to come by,
although some types are available at
a price. However, by salvaging them,
you’ll save several dollars per socket.
Valve sockets occasionally give trouble, though – either due to broken
contacts or insufficient tension in the
IF transformers (IFTs)
These valve sockets were salvaged from a wrecked set and have been cleaned to
make them ready for use again. Valve sockets are always worth salvaging, since
many are no longer easy to obtain.
the wires through the terminal lugs
and then bent them over so that the
wires couldn’t come away – even if
they were never soldered! And with
up to four (or more) wires attached to
each lug, it can take quite some time
to remove them.
The best approach is to first remove
as much solder as possible from the
joint, either using desoldering wick
(they go under various trade names)
or a solder sucker. It will then usually
be possible to use a pair of sidecutters
to cut the wires where they sit proud
of the terminal, after which you can
remove the wire pieces using a hot
soldering iron.
Plugs are a bit different to deal with.
If there is a small amount of wire lead
still attached to the plug, simply heat
the tip with a soldering iron and pull
the lead out using a pair of pliers
once the solder is molten (the plug
can be held in a vyce while this is
being done).
As before, the excess solder can be
removed using a solder sucker.
Dud octal and pre-octal valves have
bases that are ideal for plug-in coils.
Valves with loose bases are easily
Old wrecks are a good source of
replacement IFTs of various shapes,
sizes and frequencies. However, when
removing them from old receivers, be
sure to check where each lead comes
from and label them accordingly. This
can be done by attaching tags, identifying the “plate”, “grid”, “AGC” and
“HT” leads.
If you don’t do this, you may find
that the transformer performs poorly
(or not at all) when used in another
set. That’s because its primary and
secondary winding connections may
be different to the original coil. Remember – the coupling between the
windings is optimised when their
connections are wired to the correct
points in the circuit.
The position of an IFT in the set is
important too. A “first” IFT should
always be used immediately following the converter valve. Similarly,
the second and (possibly) third IFTs
should be marked and used in their
correct relative positions.
If possible, make a note of the make
and model of the receiver the IFTs
have been taken from and note the
IF (intermediate frequency) that was
used as well. This will make it much
easier when it comes to selecting suitable IFTs for use in another receiver
later on.
RF, oscillator and aerial coils
Be sure to label IF transformers and
oscillator and aerial coils before
removing them from a chassis, so that
they can be identified later on. Their
windings should be clearly labelled
as well.
84 Silicon Chip
RF and oscillator coils rarely give
much trouble but are always worth
taking off a wreck. Once again, mark
where each terminal goes in the set.
Oscillator coils may have three or four
active terminals, depending on the
type of converter used.
These are the unusable parts from
the box shown at the start of this
article. The casualties include the
dial-scale, the loudspeaker, the
paper capacitors and
the chassis itself.
Aerial coils are the most likely to
suffer damage in a radio, particularly in rural areas where substantial
outside antennas were used. Nearby
lightning activity can and often does
burn out these coils, so intact units are
well worth salvaging.
Broadcast band aerial coils for sets
made after about 1935 have many different forms. The coil may be designed
for use with a long antenna, a relatively
short antenna, a very short antenna or
a loop antenna of some sort. For this
reason, it is important to make a note
of the make and model of the receiver
when removing an aerial coil. That
way, you can later replace a faulty coil
in a vintage radio receiver with one
that has similar characteristics.
Earlier broadcast coils were wound
onto large diameter coil formers and,
as such, are easy to repair – either by
joining a broken wire or by completely
rewinding the coil. Likewise shortwave coils can often be rewound, as
there are not many turns on them.
Power transformers
Occasionally, a power transformer
burns out in a receiver and a replacement is required. There are two ways
of replacing it – either have it rewound
(at considerable cost) or substitute an
equivalent unit. It is always nice to
have the set look original but sometimes a replacement can be made to
look similar to the original.
Before stripping a transformer from
a chassis, it would be wise to check
for any insulation breakdown between
the windings and the core. This
should be done using a high-voltage
tester if possible, otherwise an ohmmeter can be used to check for more
obvious shorts.
If that test is satisfactory, run the
transformer for some time with no
load. If it gets more than slightly warm
or it starts to have a burnt smell, it is
probably faulty and will not be worth
salvaging (unless you can rewind it or
have it rewound).
During this procedure, measure all
the AC output voltages from the transformer. Under no-load conditions, the
voltages should read slightly high; eg,
a 6.3V filament winding will probably read about 7.0V. If it does, it is
fairly safe to assume that the on-load
voltages will be about 10% lower.
Before removing the transformer
from the chassis, be sure to label all
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April 2004 85
Photo Gallery: 1940 Ultimate
Model FJ 5-Band Radio
(Cat. M1100) which has a 5kΩ tapped
primary winding and a multi-tapped
secondary loudspeaker winding. Although not designed to have DC
through its primary, it still makes quite
an effective loudspeaker transformer if
a replacement is unavailable.
If you are scrounging parts from
a wreck, check the windings on the
loudspeaker transformer using an
ohmmeter. If they are OK (ie, not open
circuit and no shorts to frame), then it
is well worth salvaging. As before, tag
the transformer leads and note both
the speaker impedance and the output
impedance or the valve if the necessary
information isn’t already marked on
the transformer itself.
Boasting five bands and five valves, the Ultimate Model FJ is a New Zealand-made
radio that shows clear English styling influences. It features wooden knobs and
an attractive cabinet that has inlaid bands separating the various wood veneers
that were used. The valve line-up is as follows: ECH35, 6K7-G, 6Q7-G, 6F6-G and
6U5 (“magic eye”). An unusual feature is the stainless steel valve shield fitted to
the 6K7-G, while the IF transformers are encased to zinc cans. (Set restored by
Maxwell L. Johnson; photo by Ross Johnson).
the windings with their voltages. In
particular, make a note of any primary
tappings so that you know how to
connect the mains supply (some transformers have tappings to suit different
mains voltages).
The current ratings of the windings
can be estimated by looking at the
valve line-up and the number of dial
lamps used. A typical 5-valve radio
using a rectifier with a 6.3V heater will
have a 6.3V heater winding rated at
3A, while the HT load will be around
50mA. Similarly, a 5-valve set with an
80 or 5Y3GT rectifier will have a 5V
2A transformer winding, as well as a
2-3A 6.3V heater winding.
Older sets will have 2.5V windings
and these will be rated for around 6A
or more in total.
Sets with more than five valves will
have one or more 6.3V heater windings
(usually more than one) that may have
a total rating of 6A, while the high
tension drain may be 80-100mA. If it
is known what valves were used, it
is easy to calculate the total current
drain by looking up valve data books.
86 Silicon Chip
Older sets used electrodynamic
loudspeakers, which have their field
coils in series with the HT supply
line. In these sets, the output voltage
of the HT winding on the transformer
will be noticeably higher than in those
sets which have permanent magnet
Many vintage radio receivers used
HT filter chokes and these are well
worth retrieving. The inductance in
Henries and the design current is generally stamped on the choke.
As with power transformers, their
winding should be checked for shorts
to frame.
Output transformers
An open circuit loudspeaker transformer (usually in the primary winding) is a common fault in vintage
radios. However, they can be rewound
and sometimes complete windings are
available for use with the existing iron
core. In addition, Dick Smith Electronics has a small line transformer
Any loudspeaker is well worth
keeping, provided its cone is not damaged beyond repair. Check also that
the voice coil is not open circuit and
that the voice coil is not rubbing in its
annular gap (sometimes this can be
adjusted). If it’s not marked, the voice
coil impedance is not greatly different to its DC resistance and you can
quickly check this using an ohmmeter.
Small components
There’s lots that can be salvaged
here. For example, tag strips can be
removed in much the same way as
valve sockets and some capacitors
(mainly mica types and occasionally
electrolytics) are worth removing.
Try to keep the lead lengths as long
as possible. However, this isn’t always
easy when a component lead has been
wound around and through a tag strip
Paper capacitors are usually too
leaky to be usable. However, some
restorers like a set to look completely
authentic and remove the innards from
paper capacitors and replace them
with more modern polyester units. It’s
a trick worth remembering with other
Resistors are also worth salvaging,
provided they haven’t gone high in
value. Even some of the large ones
that are faulty could be removed, cut
in half with a very fine saw and glued
back together again but with the sections not actually touching each other.
More modern resistors can then be
mounted underneath them and hidden
from view if absolute authenticity is
The large hardware items,
Silicon Chip
be restored if necessary, although that
is more a task that a skilled woodworker would take on.
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Never throw a radio out with any of
its knobs. Even if broken, many knobs
can be repaired and it will be cheaper
than getting some made or having to
buy them new. In most cases, you can
use an epoxy adhesive (eg, Araldite)
to repair broken knobs.
Occasionally, manufacturer’s logos
are also worth salvaging from a set,
especially the metal ones.
H SILICON CHIP logo printed in
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As well as the valves, lots of other parts are worth salvaging from wrecked
radio receivers. These include the tuning gang, valve sockets, transformers,
valve shields and the aerial, oscillator and IF coils.
ing switches and volume controls, are
particularly worth keeping. However,
some switches are “specials” for a particular set and may not suit anything
else. Unfortunately, volume controls
are often noisy but sometimes can be
cleaned with a contact cleaner spray.
Tuning gangs
Unless they’ve been damaged, the
tuning gangs used in the later sets
rarely need replacement. By contrast,
some of the very old ones corrode and
in some cases fall to pieces. These can
be replaced with a more modern tuning gang that has the same (or similar)
characteristics, so tuning gangs are
always worth saving.
Always store tuning gangs with the
vanes fully meshed, to prevent accidental damage.
Chassis and cabinet
By itself, a chassis is generally not
worth keeping. However, it’s a different story if it is in good condition, with
all or most of the components still in
place. In that case, it’s worthwhile
keeping it until a suitable cabinet
can be obtained (or you can obtain a
similar set with a good cabinet but a
poor chassis).
The same applies to cabinets and
some restorers will even adapt a nice
cabinet, if necessary, to suit a chassis that has no cabinet. Although the
resulting set will not represent any
particular model, it will in most cases
be typical of sets of that particular era.
Cabinets in very poor condition can
Valves & transistors
It’s a good idea to carefully remove
any valves in the set, clean them and
put them aside until they can be tested
in a working receiver that uses the
same valves. Note that the markings
on some valves can be very faint or can
easily be rubbed off, so use a marker
pen or similar to mark the valve type
on the glass envelope.
Germanium transistors are becoming rarer than valves, so any wrecked
transistor sets should have their transistors salvaged and tested for possible
later use.
Old wrecked radios are a wonderful
source of parts. Don’t throw them out
until anything that could possibly be
used in the future has been scavenged.
Alternatively, you may decide to leave
the chassis as it is and cannibalise it
for parts as required.
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April 2004 87
Silicon Chip Back Issues
Voice Operated Relay; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity
Tuner For FM Mics, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.12.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch For
Car Radiator Fans; Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-M DSB Amateur Transmitter; 2-Cell Nicad Discharger.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor For
Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential Input
Buffer For CROs; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers;
Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher For
Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads, Pt.3;
15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disk Drives.
December 1994: Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket; Remote Control
System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio Pt.1; High Or Low
Fluid Level Detector; Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.2.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY &
Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable AM
Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disk Drive Formats & Options.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips For
Your VCR; Active Antenna Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality Audio
Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire Antenna
Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer For
Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The UC3906
SLA Battery Charger IC.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated Switch
With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3; Active CW Filter.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Build A Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (0-500kHz); Burglar
Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Build A Simple Electronic Die; A
Low-Cost Dual Power Supply.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal Safety
Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The Electronic Cricket;
Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
October 1994: How Dolby Surround Sound Works; Dual Rail Variable
Power Supply; Talking Headlight Reminder; Electronic Ballast For
Fluorescent Lights; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.13.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector
Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal Stereos; A
Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel Indicator
For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Reaction Trainer; Audio
Mixer for Camcorders; A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter; ThreeFunction Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter; Digital
Clock With Battery Back-Up.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The Woofer
Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars.
May 1995: Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote
Control; Introduction To Satellite TV.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo
Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit Transistor Tester;
+5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled Microphone Preamp; How To Identify IDE Hard Disk Drive Parameters.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars; Wireless
Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote
Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; LED Stroboscope; 25W Audio Amplifier Module; A 1-Chip Melody Generator;
Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
November 1990: Connecting Two TV Sets To One VCR; Build An Egg
Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To 9V DC Converter;
Introduction To Digital Electronics; A 6-Metre Amateur Transmitter.
January 1994: 3A 40V Variable Power Supply; Solar Panel Switching
Regulator; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design; Engine Management, Pt.4.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun With
The Fruit Machine (Simple Poker Machine); Two-Tone Alarm Module;
The Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
February 1994:90-Second Message Recorder; 12-240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Engine
Management, Pt.5; Airbags In Cars – How They Work.
March 1991: Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo
Tuner, Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Wideband
RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876) Audio
Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model Railways; Voice
Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Engine Management, Pt.6.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo Audio
Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How To
Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Dual
Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water
Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning
In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal
Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control; Dual Electronic Dice;
Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine Management, Pt.8.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights; Ultrasonic
Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D & D/A Conversion.
June 1994: A Coolant Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW
Transmitter For Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs;
PC-Based Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
April 1995: FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Balanced Mic Preamp & Line
Filter; 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains On A
Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground
Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar
Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator;
DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators; IR
Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; Index To Vol.4.
March 1995: 2 x 50W Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For
FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote Control System For Models, Pt.3.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake Light Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Satellites & Their Orbits.
November 1993: High Efficiency Inverter For Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo
Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator;
Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A Junkbox
2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital Altimeter For
Gliders, Pt.3; A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.2.
February 1995: 2 x 50W Stereo Amplifier Module; Digital Effects Unit
For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With LCD Readout; Wide
Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars;
Remote Control System For Models, Pt.2.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For Model
Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video Security System;
Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For Models, Pt.1.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator; Antenna
Tuners – Why They Are Useful.
September 1990: 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple Shortwave Converter
For The 2-Metre Band; Taking Care Of Nicad Battery Packs.
October 1991: A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1; SteamSound
Simulator For Model Railways Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For Torches;
Dual Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Preamplifier.
September 1995: Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Keypad Combination Lock; The Vader Voice; Jacob’s
Ladder Display.
October 1995: 3-Way Loudspeaker System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways, Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB Transverter
For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement Detector.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter
For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller; Knock Sensing
In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic Card
Reader; Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote Control For The
Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries For Long Life.
April 1996: 125W Audio Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded
Petrol Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3.
May 1996: High Voltage Insulation Tester; Knightrider LED Chaser;
Simple Intercom Uses Optical Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: Stereo Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser;
Low Ohms Tester For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
July 1996: VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;.
August 1996: Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For Fluorescent
Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead
Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; IR Stereo Headphone Link,
Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur Radio Receiver;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF TV Antenna; PreChamp 2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn Simulator; 6V
SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper (For Resurrecting
Nicad Batteries); Electronic Engine Management, Pt.11.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Batteries; MiniVox
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable; 600W
DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; IR Stereo Headphone
Link, Pt.2; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent
Light Inverter; Repairing Domestic Light Dimmers; 600W DC-DC
Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
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December 1996: Active Filter For CW Reception; Fast Clock
For Railway Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build
A Sound Level Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Vol.9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source; Computer Controlled
Dual Power Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: PC-Controlled Moving Message Display; Computer
Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.2; Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding
Telephone Alarm; Control Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power
PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Model Railways; Build
A Jumbo LED Clock; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Simple Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For Cars;
Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train Controller;
A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Neon Tube Modulator For Light Systems; Traffic Lights For
A Model Intersection; The Spacewriter – It Writes Messages In Thin
Air; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: PC-Controlled Thermometer/Thermostat; TV Pattern
Generator, Pt.1; Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed Controller For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For Stepper Motors.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible Interface Card
For PCs; Points Controller For Model Railways; Colour TV Pattern
Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For Radio Control Receivers.
August 1997: The Bass Barrel Subwoofer; 500 Watt Audio Power
Amplifier Module; A TENs Unit For Pain Relief; Addressable PC Card
For Stepper Motor Control; Remote Controlled Gates For Your Home.
October 1997: 5-Digit Tachometer; Central Locking For Your Car; PCControlled 6-Channel Voltmeter; 500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.3.
November 1997: Heavy Duty 10A 240VAC Motor Speed Controller;
Easy-To-Use Cable & Wiring Tester; Build A Musical Doorbell; Replacing Foam Speaker Surrounds; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.1.
December 1997: Speed Alarm For Cars; 2-Axis Robot With Gripper;
Stepper Motor Driver With Onboard Buffer; Power Supply For Stepper
Motor Cards; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.2; Index To Vol.10.
January 1998: Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.1 (runs off
12VDC or 12VAC); Command Control System For Model Railways,
Pt.1; Pan Controller For CCD Cameras.
Cars; Build A PC Monitor Checker; Switching Temperature Controller;
XYZ Table With Stepper Motor Control, Pt.4; Electric Lighting, Pt.14.
September 1999: Autonomouse The Robot, Pt.1; Voice Direct Speech
Recognition Module; Digital Electrolytic Capacitance Meter; XYZ Table
With Stepper Motor Control, Pt.5; Peltier-Powered Can Cooler.
October 1999: Build The Railpower Model Train Controller, Pt.1;
Semiconductor Curve Tracer; Autonomouse The Robot, Pt.2; XYZ
Table With Stepper Motor Control, Pt.6; Introducing Home Theatre.
November 1999: Setting Up An Email Server; Speed Alarm For Cars,
Pt.1; LED Christmas Tree; Intercom Station Expander; Foldback Loudspeaker System; Railpower Model Train Controller, Pt.2.
December 1999: Solar Panel Regulator; PC Powerhouse (gives +12V,
+9V, +6V & +5V rails); Fortune Finder Metal Locator; Speed Alarm For
Cars, Pt.2; Railpower Model Train Controller, Pt.3; Index To Vol.12.
January 2000: Spring Reverberation Module; An Audio-Video Test
Generator; Picman Programmable Robot; Parallel Port Interface Card;
Off-Hook Indicator For Telephones.
February 2000: Multi-Sector Sprinkler Controller; A Digital Voltmeter
For Your Car; An Ultrasonic Parking Radar; Safety Switch Checker;
Sine/Square Wave Oscillator.
March 2000: Resurrecting An Old Computer; Low Distortion 100W
Amplifier Module, Pt.1; Electronic Wind Vane With 16-LED Display;
Glowplug Driver For Powered Models; The OzTrip Car Computer, Pt.1.
May 2000: Ultra-LD Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; LED Dice (With PIC
Microcontroller); Low-Cost AT Keyboard Translator (Converts IBM
Scan-Codes To ASCII); 50A Motor Speed Controller For Models.
June 2000: Automatic Rain Gauge; Parallel Port VHF FM Receiver;
Switchmode Power Supply (1.23V to 40V) Pt.1; CD Compressor.
July 2000: Moving Message Display; Compact Fluorescent Lamp Driver;
Musicians’ Lead Tester; Switchmode Power Supply, Pt.2.
August 2000: Theremin; Spinner (writes messages in “thin-air”);
Proximity Switch; Structured Cabling For Computer Networks.
September 2000: Swimming Pool Alarm; 8-Channel PC Relay Board;
Fuel Mixture Display For Cars, Pt.1; Protoboards – The Easy Way Into
Electronics, Pt.1; Cybug The Solar Fly.
October 2000: Guitar Jammer; Breath Tester; Wand-Mounted Inspection Camera; Subwoofer For Cars; Fuel Mixture Display, Pt.2.
April 2002:Automatic Single-Channel Light Dimmer; Pt.1; Water Level
Indicator; Multiple-Output Bench Power Supply; Versatile Multi-Mode
Timer; 6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control, Pt.2.
May 2002: 32-LED Knightrider; The Battery Guardian (Cuts Power When
the Battery Voltage Drops); Stereo Headphone Amplifier; Automatic
Single-Channel Light Dimmer; Pt.2; Stepper Motor Controller.
June 2002: Lock Out The Bad Guys with A Firewall; Remote Volume
Control For Stereo Amplifiers; The “Matchless” Metal Locator; Compact
0-80A Automotive Ammeter; Constant High-Current Source.
July 2002: Telephone Headset Adaptor; Rolling Code 4-Channel UHF
Remote Control; Remote Volume Control For The Ultra-LD Stereo
Amplifier; Direct Conversion Receiver For Radio Amateurs, Pt.1.
August 2002: Digital Instrumentation Software For Your PC; Digital
Storage Logic Probe; Digital Thermometer/Thermostat; Sound Card
Interface For PC Test Instruments; Direct Conversion Receiver For Radio
Amateurs, Pt.2; Spruce Up Your PC With XP-Style Icons.
September 2002: 12V Fluorescent Lamp Inverter; 8-Channel Infrared
Remote Control; 50-Watt DC Electronic Load; Driving Light & Accessory
Protector For Cars; Spyware – An Update.
October 2002: Speed Controller For Universal Motors; PC Parallel Port
Wizard; Cable Tracer; AVR ISP Serial Programmer; 3D TV.
November 2002: SuperCharger For NiCd/NiMH Batteries, Pt.1;
Windows-Based EPROM Programmer, Pt.1; 4-Digit Crystal-Controlled
Timing Module; Using Linux To Share An Optus Cable Modem, Pt.1.
December 2002: Receiving TV From Satellites; Pt.1; The Micromitter
Stereo FM Transmitter; Windows-Based EPROM Programmer, Pt.2;
SuperCharger For NiCd/NiMH Batteries; Pt.2; Simple VHF FM/AM Radio;
Using Linux To Share An Optus Cable Modem, Pt.2.
January 2003: Receiving TV From Satellites, Pt 2; SC480 50W RMS
Amplifier Module, Pt.1; Gear Indicator For Cars; Active 3-Way Crossover
For Speakers; Using Linux To Share An Optus Cable Modem, Pt.3.
February 2003: PortaPal Public Address System, Pt.1; 240V Mains
Filter For HiFi Systems; SC480 50W RMS Amplifier Module, Pt.2;
Windows-Based EPROM Programmer, Pt.3; Using Linux To Share An
Optus Cable Modem, Pt.4; Fun With The PICAXE, Pt.1.
March 2003: LED Lighting For Your Car; Peltier-Effect Tinnie Cooler;
PortaPal Public Address System, Pt.2; 12V SLA Battery Float Charger;
Little Dynamite Subwoofer; Fun With The PICAXE, Pt.2 (Shop Door
Minder); SuperCharger Addendum; Emergency Beacons.
February 1998: Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger, Pt.1; Telephone
Exchange Simulator For Testing; Command Control System For Model
Railways, Pt.2; Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.2.
November 2000: Santa & Rudolf Chrissie Display; 2-Channel Guitar
Preamplifier, Pt.1; Message Bank & Missed Call Alert; Protoboards –
The Easy Way Into Electronics, Pt.3.
April 1998: Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.1; 40V 8A Adjustable
Power Supply, Pt.1; PC-Controlled 0-30kHz Sinewave Generator; Build
A Laser Light Show; Understanding Electric Lighting; Pt.6.
December 2000: Home Networking For Shared Internet Access; White
LED Torch; 2-Channel Guitar Preamplifier, Pt.2 (Digital Reverb); Driving
An LCD From The Parallel Port; Index To Vol.13.
May 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.1; 3-LED Logic Probe;
Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.2; Command Control For Model
Railways, Pt.4; 40V 8A Adjustable Power Supply, Pt.2.
January 2001: How To Transfer LPs & Tapes To CD; The LP Doctor –
Clean Up Clicks & Pops, Pt.1; Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 2-Channel
Guitar Preamplifier, Pt.3; PIC Programmer & TestBed.
June 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.2; Universal High Energy
Ignition System; The Roadies’ Friend Cable Tester; Universal Stepper
Motor Controller; Command Control For Model Railways, Pt.5.
February 2001: An Easy Way To Make PC Boards; L’il Pulser Train
Controller; A MIDI Interface For PCs; Build The Bass Blazer; 2-Metre
Groundplane Antenna; The LP Doctor – Clean Up Clicks & Pops, Pt.2.
July 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.3; 15W/Ch Class-A Audio
Amplifier, Pt.1; Simple Charger For 6V & 12V SLA Batteries; Auto
matic Semiconductor Analyser; Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.8.
March 2001: Making Photo Resist PC Boards; Big-Digit 12/24 Hour
Clock; Parallel Port PIC Programmer & Checkerboard; Protoboards –
The Easy Way Into Electronics, Pt.5; A Simple MIDI Expansion Box.
August 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.4; I/O Card With Data Logging; Beat Triggered Strobe; 15W/Ch Class-A Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2.
April 2001: A GPS Module For Your PC; Dr Video – An Easy-To-Build
Video Stabiliser; Tremolo Unit For Musicians; Minimitter FM Stereo
Transmitter; Intelligent Nicad Battery Charger.
August 2003: PC Infrared Remote Receiver (Play DVDs & MP3s On
Your PC Via Remote Control); Digital Instrument Display For Cars,
Pt.1; Home-Brew Weatherproof 2.4GHz WiFi Antennas; PICAXE Pt.7;
A Digital Timer For Less Than $20.
May 2001: 12V Mini Stereo Amplifier; Two White-LED Torches To
Build; PowerPak – A Multi-Voltage Power Supply; Using Linux To
Share An Internet Connection, Pt.1; Tweaking Windows With TweakUI.
September 2003: Robot Wars; Krypton Bike Light; PIC Programmer;
Current Clamp Meter Adapter For DMMs; PICAXE Pt.8 – A Data Logger;
Digital Instrument Display For Cars, Pt.2.
June 2001: Universal Battery Charger, Pt.1; Phonome – Call, Listen In &
Switch Devices On & Off; Low-Cost Automatic Camera Switcher; Using
Linux To Share An Internet Connection, Pt.2; A PC To Die For, Pt.1.
October 2003: PC Board Design, Pt.1; JV80 Loudspeaker System; A
Dirt Cheap, High-Current Power Supply; Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency
Meter; Long-Range 16-Channel Remote Control System.
July 2001: The HeartMate Heart Rate Monitor; Do Not Disturb Telephone
Timer; Pic-Toc – A Simple Alarm Clock; Fast Universal Battery Charger,
Pt.2; A PC To Die For, Pt.2; Backing Up Your Email.
November 2003: PC Board Design, Pt.2; 12AX7 Valve Audio Preamplifier; Our Best Ever LED Torch; Smart Radio Modem For Microcontrollers; PICAXE Pt.9; Programmable PIC-Powered Timer.
August 2001: DI Box For Musicians; 200W Mosfet Amplifier Module;
Headlight Reminder; 40MHz 6-Digit Frequency Counter Module; A PC
To Die For, Pt.3; Using Linux To Share An Internet Connection, Pt.3.
December 2003: How To Receive Weather Satellite Images; Self-Diagnostics Plug For Cars; PC Board Design, Pt.3; VHF Receiver For Weather
Satellites; Linear Supply For Luxeon 1W Star LEDs; MiniCal 5V Meter
Calibration Standard; PIC-Based Car Battery Monitor; PICAXE Pt.10.
September 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.5; A Blocked Air-Filter
Alarm; Waa-Waa Pedal For Guitars; Jacob’s Ladder; Gear Change
Indicator For Cars; Capacity Indicator For Rechargeable Batteries.
October 1998: AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.1; PC-Controlled Stress-O-Meter;
Versatile Electronic Guitar Limiter; 12V Trickle Charger For Float Conditions; Adding An External Battery Pack To Your Flashgun.
November 1998: The Christmas Star; A Turbo Timer For Cars; Build
A Poker Machine, Pt.1; FM Transmitter For Musicians; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.1.
December 1998: Engine Immobiliser Mk.2; Thermocouple Adaptor
For DMMs; Regulated 12V DC Plugpack; Build A Poker Machine, Pt.2;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.2; Mixer Module For F3B Gliders.
January 1999: High-Voltage Megohm Tester; Getting Started With
BASIC Stamp; LED Bargraph Ammeter For Cars; Keypad Engine Immobiliser; Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.3.
March 1999: Getting Started With Linux; Pt.1; Build A Digital
Anemometer; Simple DIY PIC Programmer; Easy-To-Build Audio
Compressor; Low Distortion Audio Signal Generator, Pt.2.
April 1999: Getting Started With Linux; Pt.2; High-Power Electric
Fence Controller; Bass Cube Subwoofer; Programmable Thermostat/
Thermometer; Build An Infrared Sentry; Rev Limiter For Cars.
September 2001: Making MP3s; Build An MP3 Jukebox, Pt.1; PCControlled Mains Switch; Personal Noise Source For Tinnitus; Directional Microphone; Using Linux To Share An Internet Connection, Pt.4.
November 2001: Ultra-LD 100W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Neon
Tube Modulator For Cars; Audio/Video Distribution Amplifier; Build A
Short Message Recorder Player; Useful Tips For Your PC.
December 2001: IR Transceiver For PCs; 100W/Ch Stereo Amplifier,
Pt.2; Pardy Lights Colour Display; PIC Fun – Learning About Micros.
May 1999: The Line Dancer Robot; An X-Y Table With Stepper Motor
Control, Pt.1; Three Electric Fence Testers; Heart Of LEDs; Build A
Carbon Monoxide Alarm; Getting Started With Linux; Pt.3.
January 2002: Touch And/Or Remote-Controlled Light Dimmer, Pt.1;
A Cheap ’n’Easy Motorbike Alarm; 100W /Channel Stereo Amplifier,
Pt.3; Build A Raucous Alarm; FAQs On The MP3 Jukebox.
June 1999: FM Radio Tuner Card For PCs; X-Y Table With Stepper Motor
Control, Pt.2; Programmable Ignition Timing Module For Cars, Pt.1;
Hard Disk Drive Upgrades Without Reinstalling Software?
February 2002: 10-Channel IR Remote Control Receiver; 2.4GHz HighPower Audio-Video Link; Assemble Your Own 2-Way Tower Speakers;
Touch And/Or Remote-Controlled Light Dimmer, Pt.2; Booting A PC
Without A Keyboard; 4-Way Event Timer.
July 1999: Build A Dog Silencer; 10µH to 19.99mH Inductance Meter;
Audio-Video Transmitter; Programmable Ignition Timing Module For
Cars, Pt.2; XYZ Table With Stepper Motor Control, Pt.3.
August 1999: Remote Modem Controller; Daytime Running Lights For
March 2002: Mighty Midget Audio Amplifier Module; The Itsy-Bitsy
USB Lamp; 6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control, Pt.1; RIAA Pre-Amplifier For Magnetic Cartridges; 12/24V Intelligent Solar Power
Battery Charger; Generate Audio Tones Using Your PC’s Soundcard.
April 2003: Video-Audio Booster For Home Theatre Systems; Keypad
Alarm; Telephone Dialler For Burglar Alarms; Three Do-It-Yourself PIC
Programmer Kits; PICAXE, Pt.3 (Heartbeat Simulator); Electric Shutter
Release For Cameras.
May 2003: Widgybox Guitar Distortion Effects Unit; 10MHz Direct
Digital Synthesis Generator; Big Blaster Subwoofer; Printer Port
Simulator; PICAXE, Pt.4 (Motor Controller).
June 2003: PICAXE, Pt.5; PICAXE-Controlled Telephone Intercom;
PICAXE-08 Port Expansion; Sunset Switch For Security & Garden
Lighting; Digital Reaction Timer; Adjustable DC-DC Converter For Cars;
Long-Range 4-Channel UHF Remote Control.
July 2003: Smart Card Reader & Programmer; Power-Up Auto Mains
Switch; A “Smart” Slave Flash Trigger; Programmable Continuity Tester;
PICAXE Pt.6 – Data Communications; Updating The PIC Programmer
& Checkerboard; RFID Tags – How They Work.
January 2004: Studio 350W Power Amplifier Module, Pt.1; HighEfficiency Power Supply For 1W Star LEDs; Antenna & RF Preamp
For Weather Satellites; Lapel Microphone Adaptor FOR PA Systems;
PICAXE-18X 4-Channel Datalogger, Pt.1; 2.4GHZ Audio/Video Link.
February 2004: Hands-On PC Board Design For Beginners, Pt.1;
Simple Supply Rail Monitor For PCs; Studio 350W Power Amplifier
Module, Pt.2; Using The Valve Preamp In A Hifi System; Fantastic
Human-Powered LED Torches; Shorted Turns Tester For Line Output
Transformers; PICAXE-18X 4-Channel Datalogger, Pt.2.
March 2004: Hands-On PC Board Design For Beginners, Pt.2; Build
The QuickBrake For Increased Driving Safety; 3V-9V (or more) DC-DC
Converter; The ESR Meter Mk.2, Pt.1; Power Supply Demo Design;
White LED Driver; PICAXE-18X 4-Channel Datalogger, Pt.3.
PLEASE NOTE: Issues not listed have sold out. All other issues are in
stock. We can supply photostat copies from sold-out issues for $8.80 per
article (includes p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies,
we automatically supply any relevant notes & errata at no extra charge.
A complete index to all articles published to date can be downloaded
free from our web site:
April 2004 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097; or
send an email to silchip<at>
12-inch subwoofer
for a car
What would I need if I wanted to
make a 12-inch subwoofer for my car?
(M. C., via email).
• Have a look at the subwoofer
articles published in October 2000
and May 2003. Both these designs
are based on 10-inch woofers but are
highly effective. We can supply the issues for $8.80 each, including postage.
Increased load for
light dimmer
The Touch/Remote Controlled Light
Dimmer (SILICON CHIP, January/February 2002) has a maximum lamp
power rating of 250W. I would like
to know why this circuit is limited
to 250W and how I can increase this
to 500W?
The Triac specified is a 6A 600V device but if a 250W load is placed on the
circuit then just over 1A will be drawn
through the Triac. Has this power limit
been set due to the Triac’s heat dissipation or due to current limitations in the
inductor? (P. S., via email).
• The 250W rating is set by the
amount of power the Triac can safely
dissipate without a heatsink. The
dimmer is designed to sit in a small
cavity in the architrave or wall but if
you can safely fit a reasonably sized
flat heatsink you can use the dimmer
with a 500W load. The inductor core
should be suitable as is but will run
Upgrade for PowerPak
multi-voltage supply
I would like to request a technical
upgrade on the PowerPak kit as featured in May 2001 issue. I would like
to increase the capacity of the supply
to around 4A or 5A, instead of 1A. Is it
possible to add a series pass transistor?
(B. R., via email).
• It could be done but with some dif-
Powering A PC From 12V DC
I have been looking into building
a multi-rail DC-DC converter (+3.3,
5, 12, -5, -12V) for powering a PC
from a car battery. I was looking
into modifying the 600W DC-DC
Converter, described in the October
& November 1996 issues, to achieve
this. I am just wondering if it is
possible to modify the feedback
circuits (D7, D8, IC3, VR1 and assorted resistors, etc) to allow for the
three positive rails to be monitored.
I was thinking along the lines
of two more 1N914s, two more
trimpots and two more fixed resistors (in the ratio of 12:5:3.3) to allow feedback on all three positive
rails. I realise I’d have to set them
all in isolation from the others to
maintain proper operation of the
protection circuits.
The major modifications I plan on
making are smaller/less MOSFETs
90 Silicon Chip
(I don’t need anything like 600W),
a transformer with three secondary
windings (centre-tapped for ±12V
and ±5V rails), current boosted 78xx
regulators for +12V & +5V, standard
79xx regulators for the negative
rails and a current-boosted LM317
adjustable regulator for 3.3V.
• You can alter the feedback to
suit the lower voltage. Note that
if you are using multiple outputs,
there will be one dominant output
which will determine the other
output voltages. So it is usually only
required to monitor one output and
control it via the feedback and the
other voltages will be determined
by this output.
Use of the regulators is a good
idea as well. You can delete the
Mosfets that are not needed.
Alternatively, why not just buy a
notebook computer?
ficulty. First up, it would be physically
very difficult to wire in additional
circuitry using the PC board and case
as supplied. Any high-power seriespass transistor would have to be in a
TO-3 can and mounted on the metal
case for heatsinking.
The design of the add-on circuitry
would need to account for whether you
needed to retain the low-dropout function. To keep dropout voltage as low
as possible at high current, you’d need
to use a germanium PNP or MOSFET
series pass element.
Also, you’d need to look closely at
the maximum power dissipation. For
example, it you wanted to get 5A at,
say, 5V output, that would equate to
roughly 37W dissipation in the pass
element. If just the case was being used
as the heatsink, it would very quickly
Video line amplifier
with peaking control
I am trying to find an affordable line
amplifier (or design) with peaking
control for my home projector using
component video input. Any suggestions? (C. R., via email).
• We published a video and audio
booster which amplified S video and
composite video signals in the April
2003 issue. A peaking control was
used in the Dr Video project (April
2002) which could be included in the
signal chain of the booster. These kits
are available from Jaycar Electronics.
Operating the sinewave
inverter at 60Hz
Can the EPROM program in the 2kW
Sinewave Inverter (Oct. 1992 – Feb.
1993) be adjusted to produce a 60Hz
output? (J. M., via email).
• We are not in a position to rewrite
the EPROM to provide a 60Hz output.
This is because it would require extensive testing and rebuilding of the
inverter to verify the operation.
Possibly the best way of providing
the 60Hz output is to run the EPROM
This is how IC1 & the R1/R2
divider should be mounted on
the copper side of the MiniCal PC
Notes & errata (2)
This revised circuit includes all the modifications for the VHF preamplifier.
Notes & errata (1)
Weather Satellite Receiver, December 2003: the S and G2 legends for
the BF998 RF amplifier MOSFET
were transposed on the underside
wiring diagram (Fig.4) on page 22.
Also, to make sure the RF stage remains stable when the RF gain is advanced, two 2.2nF SMD capacitors
should be added under the board
as shown, to provide additional
bypassing for the source and G2 of
the BF998 respectively.
Weather Satellite VHF Preamp,
January 2004: to prevent parasitic
oscillation of the preamp at UHF,
Modify the receiver board as shown
inductor RFC1 should be replaced
with a 100kΩ 0.25W resistor. We
also recommend adding three 2.2nF
SMD capacitors under the board
as shown, to provide improved
bypassing for the source and G2 of
the BF998 MOSFET.
MiniCal 5V Meter Calibration
Standard, December 2003: the
overlay diagram for the copper
side of the PC board (Fig.3) was
inadvertently shown in mirror image. The correct board orientation
and position of IC1 and the R1/R2
divider is shown above.
Studio 350 Power Amplifier Module, February 2004: the ±70V power
supply wiring colours shown on the
overlay diagram (Fig.1) disagrees
with the wiring colours shown on
the power supply wiring diagram
(Fig.6). In all cases, the +70V wiring
should be red and the -70V wiring
blue. The ±70V markings on the PC
board and diagrams are correct. The
wiring diagram for the SILICON CHIP
Online website is correct.
Logic probe with sound –
continued from page 28
This diagram shows the modifications to the VHF preamplifier.
address lines faster. The original
3.579545MHz crystal (X1) could be
replaced with a 4.2954540MHz crystal
instead. A crystal manufacturer could
cut this frequency for you; eg, HY-Q
International at
which either lights for each pulse
or continuously, depending on the
setting of switch S2.
Finally, the outputs of IC1a &
IC1b are connected by diodes D5
& D6 to the base of transistor Q1
which is connected to the Reset input of flipflop IC2b. This has a piezo
sounder (not buzzer) connected
between its Q and Q-bar outputs
so that it produces a sound which
echoes the input pulse signal.
Tom Hughes,
North Canterbury, NZ. ($40)
Alternatively, you could consider
using a 4046 phase lock loop frequency
multiplier (with a factor of 1.2) to obApril 2004 91
Proximity switch
I recently made your “Proximity
Switch for Mains Lights” (August
2000) but it will only briefly pulse
LED lamps I made using four 1W
Luxeons, driven by a small transformer built into the base. It works
great for switching incandescent
lights. Can the circuit be modified
in any way to work my lamp?
The transformer used in the lamp
is a regulated 3V DC <at> 1500mA
type with the four Luxeon amber
LEDs wired in parallel. I have had
it running OK overnight as a test.
The LEDs have a typical forward
voltage of 2.95V and maximum of
3.51V but as I am not regulating the
current, will it ‘drastically’ shorten
their life? (R. W., Albany, WA).
• The problem is due to the fact
that the load presented by the transtain the necessary 4.29MHz.
We presume you would also want to
adjust the output voltage as well as the
frequency to suit the 115V USA style
mains. This would mean reducing the
output from the DC-DC converter by
rewinding the power transformer and
changing the feedback components.
Note that the hardware (core and
bobbins) for the main transformer in
this project is now virtually impossible
to obtain.
Auto-zero for Studio
350 power amplifier
Well done on the Studio 350 power
amplifier module in the January 2004
issue! Just one question: Have you
considered using an op amp as a servo
amplifier to dynamically produce zero
DC offset voltage at the output instead
former and the four 1W Luxeons is
not enough to keep the Triac turned
on; ie, the load current is below
the Triac “holding current”. That
is why the circuit works OK with
an incandescent lamp load – the
current is sufficient.
There are two solutions and
these are to increase the load current to allow the specified Triac to
work properly or change the Triac
to one with a lower holding current (unlikely to be obtainable). On
the face of it, it will be difficult to
make the circuit work with such a
light load.
Your transformer setup is unlikely to overdrive the LEDs but since
they are being run in parallel, they
may not share the current evenly
and one might take the lion’s share
and eventually fail. To be really safe,
you need to drive each Luxeon with
its own circuit.
of using a trimpot (VR1) which is a
static adjustment?
If you have, why have you not used
it? Is it due to sonic audio reproduction reasons that the servo amplifier
degrades performance? (M. O., via
• We published an auto-zero module
in the September 1989 issue. It used a
National Semiconductor LMC669CCN
auto zero IC which may or may not
still be available. The circuit certainly
worked (within 0.1mV) and had no
effect on performance. However, we
don’t think it is worth including for a
general purpose amplifier.
Knock sensor
to retard ignition
I was wondering if anyone still made
the Knock Sensor kit described in the
April 1996 issue of SILICON CHIP. Could
it be interfaced with the Programmable
Ignition Timing kit described in the
June & July 1999 issues? Is it possible
to get hold of the plans for the kit?
If this is not available, is there another way to retard the ignition when
the engine starts to ping? (G. A., via
• It is possible to interface the Knock
Sensor project to the Programmable
Ignition Timing Module. It would be
used to switch to the second advance
curve when pinging started.
There are no kits available for the
Knock Sensor. However, the PC board
is available from RCS Radio at www. while the other parts
are readily available from kitset suppliers.
RIAA preamp for
magnetic cartridges
Being a long-time vinyl LP enthusiast, I have been scouring web sites
and catalogs for a 12V-powered phono
stage. Are some of those available
from DSE, Altronics, or Jaycar easily
converted to run on DC power?
Most modern amplifiers do not have
a phono stage on board and I’ve been
hoping to buy something readily available, assemble it and package it as a
stand alone unit at an entry-level price.
I suppose it could also be powered via
a 12V plugpack. Any suggestions? (W.
T., Winkleigh, Tas).
• Why do you want to run the preamp
from 12V? If you do so, its signal handling is likely to be seriously limited.
All our preamps have run from ±15V
and can be powered from a 30V centretapped transformer.
You might like to look at the designs
we featured in April 1994 and March
2002. We can supply these issues
for $8.80, including postage within
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such
projects should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be
carried out according to the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do
not accidentally come into contact with mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects
employing mains voltages or other high voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd
disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of
SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any
liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims
any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
92 Silicon Chip
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April 2004 93
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Carba-Tec Tools...........................94
Charles Cookson Pty Ltd.............94
Cygnus Logic Systems.................94
Dick Smith Electronics........... 18-21
Eco Watch....................................94
FreeNet antennas........................95
Gadget Central...........................IFC
Harbuch Electronics.....................54
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Newtek Sales...............................29
Oatley Electronics........................31
Prime Electronics.........................77
Quest Electronics....................55,94
RCS Radio...................................95
RF Probes....................................85
Silicon Chip Binders................67,87
Silicon Chip Bookshop..........96,IBC
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Silicon Chip Subscriptions...........53
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Silvertone Electronics..................94
Soundlabs Group.........................55
Splat Controls...............................11
Taig Machinery.............................94
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Telelink Communications.............55
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April 2004 95
CHIP BOOKSHOP 10% (Does not apply to subscriptions)
For the latest titles and information, please refer to our website books page:
Multiple authors $85.00
The best of subjects Newnes authors have written over the past few years,
combined in a one-stop maxi reference. Covers introduction to PICs and their
programming in Assembly, PICBASIC, MBASIC & C. 900+ pages.
PICAXE By David Lincoln (2nd Ed, 2011) $65.00*
A great aid when wrestling with applications for the PICAXE
series of microcontrollers, at beginner, intermediate and
advanced levels. Every electronics class, school and library should have a
copy, along with anyone who works with PICAXEs. 300 pages in paperback. 2011
by D W Smith. 2nd Edition - published 2006 $60.00*
by Douglas Self 2nd Edition 2006 $69.00*
A collection of 35 classic magazine articles offering a dependable methodology for designing audio power amplifiers to improve performance at every
point without significantly increasing cost. Includes compressors/limiters,
hybrid bipolar/FET amps, electronic switching and more. 467 pages in paperback.
By Douglas Self – First Edition 2010 $95.00*
The latest from the Guru of audio. Explains audio concepts in easy-to-understand language with plenty of examples and reasoning. Inspiration for audio
designers, superb background for audio enthusiasts and especially where it comes to
component peculiarities and limitations. Expensive? Yes. Value for money? YES! Highly
recommended. 558 pages in paperback.
Based on popular short courses on the PIC, for professionals, students
and teachers. Can be used at a variety of levels. An ideal introduction to the
world of microcontrollers. 255 pages in paperback.
PIC MICROCONTROLLER – your personal introductory course By John Morton 3rd edition 2005. $60.00*
A unique and practical guide to getting up and running with the PIC. It assumes no knowledge of microcontrollers – ideal introduction for students,
teachers, technicians and electronics enthusiasts. Revised 3rd edition focuses entirely
on re-programmable flash PICs such as 16F54, 16F84 12F508 and 12F675. 226 pages
in paperback.
by Douglas Self – 5th Edition 2009 $85.00*
"The Bible" on audio power amplifiers. Many revisions and
updates to the previous edition and now has an extra three
chapters covering Class XD, Power Amp Input Systems and
Input Processing and Auxiliarly Subsystems. Not cheap and not a book
for the beginner but if you want the best reference on Audio Power Amps,
you want this one! 463 pages in paperback.
by K.F. Ibrahim. Published 2003. $71.00*
By Bruce Carter – 4th Edition 2013 $83.00*
This is the bible for anyone designing op amp circuits and you don't
have to be an engineer to get the most out of it. It is written in simple language
but gives lots of in-depth info, bridging the gap between the theoretical and the
practical. 281 pages,
A guide to DVD technology and applications, with particular focus
on design issues and pitfalls, maintenance and repair. Ideal for
engineers, technicians, students of consumer electronics and
sales and installation staff. 319 pages in paperback.
by Sanjaya Maniktala, Published April 2012. $83.00
Thoroughly revised! The most comprehensive study available of theoretical and practical aspects of controlling and measuring
EMI in switching power supplies.
Subtitled Exploring the PIC32, a Microchip insider tells all on this powerful
PIC! Focuses on examples and exercises that show how to solve common,
real-world design problems quickly. Includes handy checklists. FREE CD-ROM includes
source code in C, the Microchip C30 compiler, and MPLAB SIM. 400 pages paperback.
By Garry Cratt – Latest (7th) Edition 2008 $49.00
Written in Australia, for Australian conditions by one of Australia's foremost
satellite TV experts. If there is anything you wanted to know about setting up
a satellite TV system, (including what you can't do!) it's sure to be covered
in this 176-page paperback book.
IN C By Luci di Jasio (2008) $79.00*
By Austin Hughes & Bill Drury - 4th edition 2013 $59.00*
This is a very easy to read book with very little mathematics or
formulas. It covers the basics of all the main motor types, DC
permanent magnet and wound field, AC induction and steppers and
gives a very good description of how speed control circuits work with these
motors. Soft covers, 444 pages.
By KF Ibrahim 4th Edition (Published 2007) $49.00
It's back! Provides a full and comprehensive coverage of video and television technology including HDTV and DVD. Starts with fundamentals so is
ideal for students but covers in-depth technologies such as Blu-ray, DLP,
Digital TV, etc so is also perfect for engineers. 600+ pages in paperback.
by Chris Bowick, Second Edition, 2008. $63.00*
The classic RF circuit design book. RF circuit design is now more important
that ever in the wireless world. In most of the wireless devices that we use
there is an RF component – this book tells how to design and integrate in a
very practical fashion. 244 pages in paperback.
By Jim Lowe Published 2006 $66.00*
Applicable to Australian trades-level courses including NE10 AC Machines,
NE12 Synchronous Machines and the AC part of NE30 Electric Motor
Control and Protection. Covering polyphase induction motors, singlephase motors, synchronous machines and polyphase motor starting. 160
pages in paperback.
by Malcolm Barnes. 1st Ed, Feb 2003. $73.00* Review
An essential reference for engineers and anyone who wishes
to design or use variable speed drives for induction motors.
286 pages in soft cover.
by Carl Vogel. Published 2009. $40.00*
by Ian Hickman. 4th edition 2007 $61.00*
A guide to RF design for engineers, technicians, students and enthusiasts.
Covers key topics in RF: analog design principles, transmission lines,
couplers, transformers, amplifiers, oscillators, modulation, transmitters and
receivers, propagation and antennas. 279 pages in paperback.
Alternative fuel expert Carl Vogel gives you a hands-on guide with
the latest technical information and easy-to-follow instructions
for building a two-wheeled electric vehicle – from a streamlined
scooter to a full-sized motorcycle. 384 pages in soft cover.
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You can also order and pay for books by cheque/money order (Mail Only). Make cheques payable to Silicon Chip Publications.
CHIP BOOKSHOP 10% (Does not apply to subscriptions)
For the latest titles and information, please refer to our website books page:
Multiple authors $85.00
The best of subjects Newnes authors have written over the past few years,
combined in a one-stop maxi reference. Covers introduction to PICs and their
programming in Assembly, PICBASIC, MBASIC & C. 900+ pages.
PICAXE By David Lincoln (2nd Ed, 2011) $65.00*
A great aid when wrestling with applications for the PICAXE
series of microcontrollers, at beginner, intermediate and
advanced levels. Every electronics class, school and library should have a
copy, along with anyone who works with PICAXEs. 300 pages in paperback. 2011
by D W Smith. 2nd Edition - published 2006 $60.00*
by Douglas Self 2nd Edition 2006 $69.00*
A collection of 35 classic magazine articles offering a dependable methodology for designing audio power amplifiers to improve performance at every
point without significantly increasing cost. Includes compressors/limiters,
hybrid bipolar/FET amps, electronic switching and more. 467 pages in paperback.
By Douglas Self – First Edition 2010 $95.00*
The latest from the Guru of audio. Explains audio concepts in easy-to-understand language with plenty of examples and reasoning. Inspiration for audio
designers, superb background for audio enthusiasts and especially where it comes to
component peculiarities and limitations. Expensive? Yes. Value for money? YES! Highly
recommended. 558 pages in paperback.
Based on popular short courses on the PIC, for professionals, students
and teachers. Can be used at a variety of levels. An ideal introduction to the
world of microcontrollers. 255 pages in paperback.
PIC MICROCONTROLLER – your personal introductory course By John Morton 3rd edition 2005. $60.00*
A unique and practical guide to getting up and running with the PIC. It assumes no knowledge of microcontrollers – ideal introduction for students,
teachers, technicians and electronics enthusiasts. Revised 3rd edition focuses entirely
on re-programmable flash PICs such as 16F54, 16F84 12F508 and 12F675. 226 pages
in paperback.
by Douglas Self – 5th Edition 2009 $85.00*
"The Bible" on audio power amplifiers. Many revisions and
updates to the previous edition and now has an extra three
chapters covering Class XD, Power Amp Input Systems and
Input Processing and Auxiliarly Subsystems. Not cheap and not a book
for the beginner but if you want the best reference on Audio Power Amps,
you want this one! 463 pages in paperback.
by K.F. Ibrahim. Published 2003. $71.00*
By Bruce Carter – 4th Edition 2013 $83.00*
This is the bible for anyone designing op amp circuits and you don't
have to be an engineer to get the most out of it. It is written in simple language
but gives lots of in-depth info, bridging the gap between the theoretical and the
practical. 281 pages,
A guide to DVD technology and applications, with particular focus
on design issues and pitfalls, maintenance and repair. Ideal for
engineers, technicians, students of consumer electronics and
sales and installation staff. 319 pages in paperback.
by Sanjaya Maniktala, Published April 2012. $83.00
Thoroughly revised! The most comprehensive study available of theoretical and practical aspects of controlling and measuring
EMI in switching power supplies.
Subtitled Exploring the PIC32, a Microchip insider tells all on this powerful
PIC! Focuses on examples and exercises that show how to solve common,
real-world design problems quickly. Includes handy checklists. FREE CD-ROM includes
source code in C, the Microchip C30 compiler, and MPLAB SIM. 400 pages paperback.
By Garry Cratt – Latest (7th) Edition 2008 $49.00
Written in Australia, for Australian conditions by one of Australia's foremost
satellite TV experts. If there is anything you wanted to know about setting up
a satellite TV system, (including what you can't do!) it's sure to be covered
in this 176-page paperback book.
IN C By Luci di Jasio (2008) $79.00*
By Austin Hughes & Bill Drury - 4th edition 2013 $59.00*
This is a very easy to read book with very little mathematics or
formulas. It covers the basics of all the main motor types, DC
permanent magnet and wound field, AC induction and steppers and
gives a very good description of how speed control circuits work with these
motors. Soft covers, 444 pages.
By KF Ibrahim 4th Edition (Published 2007) $49.00
It's back! Provides a full and comprehensive coverage of video and television technology including HDTV and DVD. Starts with fundamentals so is
ideal for students but covers in-depth technologies such as Blu-ray, DLP,
Digital TV, etc so is also perfect for engineers. 600+ pages in paperback.
by Chris Bowick, Second Edition, 2008. $63.00*
The classic RF circuit design book. RF circuit design is now more important
that ever in the wireless world. In most of the wireless devices that we use
there is an RF component – this book tells how to design and integrate in a
very practical fashion. 244 pages in paperback.
By Jim Lowe Published 2006 $66.00*
Applicable to Australian trades-level courses including NE10 AC Machines,
NE12 Synchronous Machines and the AC part of NE30 Electric Motor
Control and Protection. Covering polyphase induction motors, singlephase motors, synchronous machines and polyphase motor starting. 160
pages in paperback.
by Malcolm Barnes. 1st Ed, Feb 2003. $73.00* Review
An essential reference for engineers and anyone who wishes
to design or use variable speed drives for induction motors.
286 pages in soft cover.
by Carl Vogel. Published 2009. $40.00*
by Ian Hickman. 4th edition 2007 $61.00*
A guide to RF design for engineers, technicians, students and enthusiasts.
Covers key topics in RF: analog design principles, transmission lines,
couplers, transformers, amplifiers, oscillators, modulation, transmitters and
receivers, propagation and antennas. 279 pages in paperback.
Alternative fuel expert Carl Vogel gives you a hands-on guide with
the latest technical information and easy-to-follow instructions
for building a two-wheeled electric vehicle – from a streamlined
scooter to a full-sized motorcycle. 384 pages in soft cover.
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You can also order and pay for books by cheque/money order (Mail Only). Make cheques payable to Silicon Chip Publications.