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Live off the grid and need to generate your own power?
Or maybe you have lots of space and you’d just like to take
advantage of that old adage, “the wind is free . . .”
Part 1 - Looking at Options
by Glenn Littleford
10 Silicon Chip
This windmill uses a small stepper motor from a computer floppy drive to charge nicad batteries.
lternative energy generation
for the home is on the increase,
with many domestic installation options on the market, including
solar, water and wind generators.
But the initial cost of a “free” power
supply is considerable and it can take
many years, if ever, to pay for such an
In this article. we look at a new trend
in home-made windmills – and next
month show you how you can build
your own 300W windmill.
Home-made wind generators have
been around for decades, with designs
as varied as the people who build
them. But why would you build your
own windmill?
Why not buy a ready-made one, or
use solar cells. After all, solar cells
are reliable and virtually maintenance
The answer is simple: cost!
You can’t make your own solar cells
at home; they need specialised equipment and clean rooms. But you can
build your own wind generator for a
fraction of the cost of a similar power
sized solar array or commercial wind
Opposite: a motor from a Fisher &
Paykel washing machine provides
up to 300W in this 2-metre diameter
Another advantage of a wind generator is it will generate power whenever
there is a breeze, night or day!
There are downfalls to wind generation. The wind is not as reliable
as solar energy; windmills need occasional maintenance; and location
can be a problem.
(A 10m high tower with a 2m diameter windmill in your typical suburban
backyard might be frowned on by your
neighbors and local authorities).
The best option for the serious
home power generation installation
is a combination of solar and wind.
There will be days of full sunshine
and not the slightest hint of a breeze,
or days with heavy rain clouds and
strong winds.
If you have the space and a location
with good year-round winds, then a
home-made windmill could be a viable alternative to solar cells. Building
your own windmill requires no special
abilities or equipment. All you need
are some basic handyman skills, a few
tools and the time to assemble and
Using the wind
There is a lot of energy in the wind.
Power is proportional to the square
of speed, so a 40km/h wind has four
times the power of a 20km/h breeze.
As an example, a theoretical perfect-
ly efficient windmill which produces
200W in a 20km/h breeze would rise
to 800W in a 40km/h wind and a massive 6400W in a 80km/h storm gust (if
it survives!).
But what sort of windmills are we
talking about?
First up, a few simple rules about
windmills: they behave in a very similar way to your typical car engine with
a power and torque curve and different
speeds for maximum power or torque.
Ideally, you need to operate your windmill at its peak power output.
The number of blades and their
size also affects the speed, torque and
power for a given wind velocity:
MORE BLADES = less speed,
less power but more torque,
perfect for pumping water.
LESS BLADES = more speed.
= less speed but more power.
Two other factors to consider are turbulence and wind-shadow. Turbulence
can be caused by the disrupted wind
from one blade to the next, or anything
up-wind of the windmill – and will
have a big effect on efficiency.
Wind shadow is the effect the windmill mast has on the propeller as each
blade passes the mast. This shadow
causes a sudden pressure change beDecember 2004 11
Windmills need to be clear of any turbulence to run effectively.
hind the propeller blade and results
in vibration.
As a rule, a 3-bladed propeller is
the best compromise between power,
torque and speed. A 2-blade propeller
will run faster but there are dramatic
vibration problems with 2-blade windmills during wind direction changes
and they are therefore not recommended. A typical home-made wind
generator with a 3-blade propeller
diameter of 2m will spin from 100 to
600rpm and is capable of generating
over 500W.
Windmill blades can be made from
just about anything – wood, steel,
fiberglass, carbon fibre, etc . . . I’ve
even seen a windmill using eight
wheelbarrows! Wood is the most
common material for the DIY handyman, its cheap, easily formed, strong
and flexible (remember, trees are very
good at bending in the wind without
The profile of a well-designed windmill blade resembles an aircraft wing,
giving lift on the trailing edge. There
also needs to be a slight twist along
the length of the blade.
The blade tip is traveling much
faster than the part of the blade closest
to the centre of the propeller, so needs
to have less angle of attack.
You also need to consider tip speed.
A 2-meter diameter propeller spinning
at 500rpm has a tip speed of 188kmh.
Any airborne dust or unfortunate
insects will be very abrasive at this
For windmill blades made from a
soft material, such as timber, a layer of
wear-resistant material – eg, aluminum
tape or fibreglass – should be applied
to the leading edge.
There are several options but a
common car alternator is not one of
them, at least not without modificiation (most beginners to home-made
wind generation try to use a surplus
car alternator, without much success).
While cheap, readily available and
capable of producing over 600W, a
car alternator needs to be spun at over
2000rpm before it will generate any
useful power.
A windmill large enough to drive
an alternator to its full power capacity
would not spin fast enough (the larger
and more powerful the windmill, the
slower it will spin), so you would need
a mechanism to step up the windmill
speed to over 2000rpm.
You could use a gear set, chain or
belt drive but these have disadvantages, including noise, unreliability,
poor starting and reduced efficiency.
You need a generator that will
produce power at low speed, which
is why most successful home-made
windmills use permanent magnet
Large Permanent Magnet DC Motors, like those used in electric wheel
chairs and golf buggies are one option.
Unfortunately, these are expensive,
have relatively low output when used
as a generator and need to have the
brushes replaced from time to time.
Modified Car Alternators: some
success can be achieved by replacing
the standard armature with a new
machined armature containing perma-
So much for the propeller. What
can we use for a generator on a
12 Silicon Chip
The iconic Aussie outback windmill: big and lots of blades for lots of torque. It’s
great for pumping water but not much use when it comes to generating power!
nent magnets. While results are better
at low speed than a standard alternator,
output is still not good.
Modified Induction Motors: single
or 3-phase induction motors can be
modified by fitting permanent magnets to the armature. This is done by
machining the armature (in a lathe),
down to a size that will allow you to
glue magnets to the armature.
By using strong Neodymium magnets, a typical 1HP induction motor
can supply over 10A. The available
current is limited by the gauge of the
copper wire in the windings, so some
hobbyists rewind the motor with
heavier wire with good results – in
excess of 30A.
A disadvantage of modified induction motors is the power curve.
Peak power will be reached at a low
RPM, any faster and the power drops
off dramatically. This is due to the
high number of laminations in the
stator, giving a poor high-frequency
Switched DC motors: ie Stepper
Motors, such as used in most computer equipment, can make fantastic
generators! They have good frequency
response over a wide operating speed,
are readily available and cheap. Larger
motors can be sourced from industrial
equipment, motion systems and some
domestic appliances, including washing machines (more on this later).
One disadvantage of these motors
is the cogging effect. Cogging is the
vibration you can feel when you try to
rotate a stepper motor and is caused
by the interaction of the magnets and
In a windmill applications this can
make the windmill hard to start in light
winds, as it needs to overcome the first
“cog” to get going. Once motion has
started, the cogging effect has little
impact on performance, other than a
slight vibration and whirring noise.
While most motors can be modified
to reduce cogging, it’s reasonable to
suggest that if the wind isn’t strong
enough to start the windmill, then it’s
not really windy enough to generate
any useful power anyway.
Air Core Generators: one way to
reduce the cogging effect is to remove
any magnetic material – ie, laminations – from within the coils of your
generator. Of course this will reduce
the overall efficiency of the generator
as the magnetic path isn’t concentrated
around the coils.
Don’t want to do it yourself?
Oatley’s “off-the-shelf” alternative
As this article was being prepared
for publication, we became aware of
this alternative wind generator kit from
Oatley Electronics in Sydney.
If you’re not into rewinding or otherwise modifying motors – or want it
NOW! – this “ready to rock and roll”
kit could be just what you are looking
for – especially as everything you need
comes in the kit!
The completed generator, mounted
on its mast, is shown above. What
you see (in pic below) is what you
get – three-phase alternator, mount-
ing plate, three blades, tailfin, nosecone, three-section mast, heavy duty
cable, even the stainless steel guy
wires, turnbuckles, ground anchors,
nuts and bolts . . . in fact, all the hardware you’ll need. Also included is a
rectifier with voltage and amperage
The generator is capable of 200W
output at 12V (or 24V) and the kit sells
for $699. Freight must be added and
be warned: it’s pretty heavy!
For more information, visit the Oatley website,
December 2004 13
in a violent storm . . . and nothing more
rewarding than having it survive with
no damage!
Using the power
Regulating windmill power is a little
more tricky than for solar cells. Solar
cells can be open circuited when the
storage battery has reached full charge.
This is not a good idea for windmills.
Say your windmill is spinning at
about 400 RPM in a strong wind,
pumping out 20A into a 12V battery. If
your regulator suddenly open-circuits
the windmill, it has no load and will
speed up to, say, 600 RPM. At this high
speed the unloaded windmill output
could reach over 50V.
If your regulator suddenly reconnects the battery, the windmill output
Yes, that’s a ceiling fan!
Modified by rewinding
and fitting permanent
magnets, output is up to
3A at 12V.
There have been some clever ways
to overcome this problem. One common design is to embed the coils in an
epoxy disc which is held stationary,
with magnets rotating on each side
of the disc.
Good results have been achieved
but there are disadvantages. Winding and gluing your own coils into a
non-metallic core stator is very time
consuming. And as the coils are embedded in epoxy, heat dissipation is
poor, making it very easy to cook a
set of coils.
Location, location, location
As they say in real estate, it’s all
about location. An effective windmill
needs clean air – that is, a breeze with
no obstacles. Obstacles can include
trees, buildings and even the contour
of the land.
As a rule, the higher the better – but
be practical. While a 20m mast might
be ideal, you need to get the windmill
up there and may need to bring it down
for maintenance. Five metres above the
nearest obstacle is a good start.
Do not mount the windmill on the
roof of your house! All windmills produce some vibration and while this is
almost inaudible on a mast, mounted
on a roof the vibration could be VERY
audible, especially if it finds some
Also consider safety – things can go
wrong. Blades can come off, towers
can fall down. So please locate the
windmill in a people-free area.
My personal preference is a 7-metre
tall folding tower made from 75mm
OD, 6mm-wall galvanised pipe. The
tower is supported by three 5mm stainless steel guy wires, each connected
to a steel post embedded in a 700mm
deep hole filled with concrete.
You may need to talk to your local
council before erecting a tower and
they may require a structural engineer’s plan before giving approval.
There is nothing more worrying than
watching your windmill buck around
Left: this strangelooking contraption
is my first-ever
VAWT (Vertical
Axis Wind Turbine)
windmill, with its
offset bearing shown
close-up at right.
They have lots of
torque and will start
in a light breeze.
Worth looking into
14 Silicon Chip
About the author...
Glenn Littleford started in electronics
at age 10, as a teenager assembled many
electronic kits, and was often called on
to fix electronic gadgets for friends and
family. The interest in computers started
at school with a crash course in programming TRS80’s (remember them?)
At 17, he started an apprenticeship with Telecom as a technician and
bought his first computer, a Microbee.
His Telecom training included radio
transmission, power supply systems
and computer programming. At age 25,
Glenn was made redundant as part of
the downsizing of Telstra.
After trying his hand in a range or jobs,
including a car mechanic and repairing
video arcade machines, he started his
own computer repair business.
The introduction of the GST in 2000
convinced Glenn it was easier to be an
employee and let someone else worry
about tax forms, so he started working as
a software developer for an e-commerce
business. In 2002, a new career direction
was offered as a laser operator.
The use of an industrial laser cutter
opened a whole new world to Glenn. Laser cutting gives you the ability to design
a part on a computer and five minutes
later hold the finished part in your hand.
The laser was used to design and build
the first of many windmills.
A new job offer to manage a laser cutting department and IT department for a
local engineering firm was too good to
resist, so Glenn made the move and now
works for Swift Engineering in Mackay,
A 7-metre tall folding tower made from 75mm OD, 6mm-wall galvanized pipe.
The tower is supported by three 5mm stainless steel guy wires, each connected
to a steel post embedded in a 700mm deep hole filled with concrete.
current will be excessive and can cause
Remember, the windmill is acting
like a big flywheel and will take some
time to slow down to a safe speed.
Excessive speed can also increase the
wear and tear on the windmill, especially bearings and blade tips.
So a suitable regulator will need to
switch the windmill output from the
battery bank to a dummy load, therefore keeping the windmill RPM down
to a reasonable speed.
I use four 100W 12V spotlamps,
wired in parallel – but you could also
use several electric heater elements.
I have heard of installations where
heating elements are mounted into the
hot water system, so once the batteries
are charged the windmill is helping to
provide hot water.
Building your own windmill can
be a very satisfying experience. I have
built several over the last few years,
learning from the failures and improving with each new design.
Next month, we will describe how
you can build your own 300W windmill using car and washing machine
parts, based on an Australian-made
short form windmill kit.
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December 2004 15