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Part 3: the windmill platform – by Glenn Littleford*
The windmill platform has to perform several tasks. It must support the
thrust and weight of a propeller, support the alternator and drive shaft
from the propeller, include some sort of tail furling system, provide a
mounting point to the tower, be strong enough to survive high winds and it
must be easily maintained and modified. If possible, it should also allow
some means of getting the generated current from the alternator to the
ground without the power leads becoming twisted, stressed or breaking.
100 Silicon Chip
his windmill platform is available as a kit consisting of laser-cut steel parts, stainless steel nuts and
bolts and a set of new bearings. The steel sections
are grade 250 mild steel, 8mm thick, and designed to fit
together easily.
Also included are the 4mm steel propeller hub plates,
machined propeller adapter, a 200mm length of steel rod
and a 100mm length of steel tube (these form part of the
propeller hub and tail assembly).
Not included with the kit is the tail boom, a 1000mm
length of 22mm steel tube, or tail. Why aren’t they included?
Well, the whole kit packs into a 350mm square box for
delivery. If the tail boom and tail was included, a much
larger package would be needed and the extra delivery costs
would far outweigh the cost of the tail parts themselves.
You can pick up a length of 22mm steel tube for less than
$10 new (or from the local scrap metal yard for a couple
of dollars) and the tail fin can be made from a small sheet
of scrap plywood or steel.
The tail boom and tail fin (3mm aluminium, approx
600mm by 500mm) can be included with the windmill
kit if requested.
If you decide to make your own tail fin (and I recommend you do), why not get creative with your design? I’ve
seen tail fins shaped and painted like chickens, pigs and
cattle dogs.
Fig.1 shows the windmill platform parts. The platform is
designed to be easily assembled. You will need only some
basic tools and access to a welder.
There are two new bearings included with the kit: a 6005
(which is the same one F&P use in their washing machines);
and a heavy duty 56205 bearing and F205 carrier to support
the weight and thrust of the propeller.
The windmill platform is designed to be bolted onto a
car wheel hub at the top of your mast. We are using a car
Tack and weld the hinge tube and tail boom to the tail
Fig. 1: view of all the laser-cut steel parts
making up the windmill
hub for strength and reliability. Car hubs are designed to
carry over a ton so you will never need to worry about this
bearing failing,
But there is a disadvantage: because we use a car bearing
our drop wire needs to feed down the side of the windmill
Mount the base plate in a vise, fit and tack-weld the front
and rear bearing supports. Check they are square before
fully welding.
February 2005 101
Fig. 2: alternative to using a car hub
bearing. If the wind in your area
changes direction several times a day
you might need to use a yaw bearing
like this.
Fig.3: top view of the
windmill platform
showing the stator and
bearings placement.
and mast, not down the middle of it. So after a few wind
changes (a windmill changing direction to face the wind
is called a “yaw”) you may find your drop wire wrapped
around the mast.
On my windmill I have a rope tied to the tail with a
tennis ball attached to the end that I can reach from the
ground. About once a week I grab the tennis ball and walk
the windmill around to unwind the drop wire. The rope is
also handy to point the windmill in one direction by tying
the rope to a tower guy wire.
If you are in a location where the wind changes direction several times a day, you might want to look at another
option (see Fig.2).
Using this design you can feed the drop wire down the
middle of the mast, allowing the windmill to spin around
several times before the twist in the drop wire becomes
a problem. Occasionally you would still need to untwist
the wire.
This approach is not as strong and reliable as the car
bearing. A better option still would be to use the car hub
and bore a 10mm hole down the center of the stub axle.
Doing so shouldn’t weaken the hub enough to be a concern,
but you will need access to a good lathe and some sharp
drill bits as stub axles are very hard!
Fit the hinge rod, short and long hinge plates and tail stop
plate, tack and fully weld.
Once the weld has cooled, clean up the metal work with a
wire brush, then apply a few coats of paint to prevent rust.
102 Silicon Chip
Commercial windmills overcome the yaw problem by
using a set of slip rings and brushes to connect the drop
wire to the windmill. This is a little complicated to explain
here but it has been done by windmill enthusiasts.
I’ve chosen the common Holden hub pattern for this
windmill as these are readily available from trailer supply outlets. If you have another hub pattern that you want
to use, the kit can be supplied to suit at no extra charge,
providing the hub diameter does not exceed 140mm.
The tail used on our windmill is of the self furling type,
which means the tail is designed to turn the windmill out
of the wind if the wind speed or load on the windmill
blades exceeds a safe point.
So how does it work? You will notice the windmill propeller is offset to one side of the mast by exactly 100mm.
So as the wind blows against the propeller, the whole
windmill will want to turn away from the wind.
Our tail is on a hinge of sorts, angled back and angled
out to the opposite side of the propeller. This angle means
the tail wants to turn downward and out (just like when
you are asked to move a mate’s fridge, as soon as you lean
the fridge back the door opens and gets in the way ). We
have placed a stop on the hinge, so the tail will stop when
it is pointing directly back from the windmill.
When the windmill in running in normal winds, the
weight of the tail is enough to keep the tail against this
stop and therefore keep the propeller facing the wind (remember the tail will always be downwind). As the wind
speeds up the force against the propeller will reach a point
where it exceeds the weight of the tail. The propeller will
start to turn out off the wind and the tail will turn upward
on the hinge.
While gravity wants to pull the tail back down, the force
of the wind keeps the tail downwind, where it balances
against the force of the propeller trying to turn the windmill around.
As the wind picks up the tail will lift higher, until it
reaches the top hinge stop. At this stop the tail is almost
in line with the propeller, which is almost at right angles
to the wind.
The furling is adjusted by adding or removing weight
The bearing, bearing plate and spacer plate fit into the
stator as shown. The gap in the spacer plate is to clear the
welding on the rear bearing support.
from the tail or changing the tail boom length. If you find
your windmill is turning out of the wind too early, try
adding some weight to the tail, or move the tail further
out (and vice-versa if the tail doesn’t furl early enough).
This method of furling is very simple and reliable and
has been in use for hundreds of years.
Putting it all together.
Included with the windmill kit is a full set of detailed
instructions but I’ll show you the basics here to give you
an idea of how the windmill is assembled.
All the steel parts in the kit are laser cut. Laser cutting
leaves a loose flaky edge on the steel, and this needs to be
removed – easily done with a wire brush or coarse sand
Also check that the 6005 bearing fits into the bearing
plate. As this part is laser cut it should be a nice fit but
sometimes parts are a little too tight. If so, grab a metal file
and file off any excess metal until the bearing slides snugly
into the adapter.
Secure the base plate in a vise and slide on the front and
read bearing supports, then tack-weld together. Check all
is square before fully welding (either stick or mig welding
is fine). Allow to cool before proceeding. Next fit the tail
stop, short and long hinge plates and hinge rod to the base
plate and weld together, making sure you have the tail stop
plate the right way around (see Fig.1).
You will also need to weld the tail brace to the hinge
tube and tail boom. If you use a length of galvanised pipe
for your tail boom, be warned that welding galvanised steel
gives off some very toxic fumes, so use a gas mask with
suitable filter and weld in a well ventilated area.
Once the parts have cooled down give them a going over
with a wire brush to remove any welding splatter and slag,
Then paint them with a good metal paint, such as “Killrust”
or engine enamel.
Press the 6005 bearing into the bearing plate. It will sit
flush on one side but on the other side, the side which fits
into the F&P stator, it will poke out 4mm.
Using the four 6mm bolts, fit the stator retaining plates,
stator, bearing plate and sparer plate to the rear bearing
Almost finished: the stator, drive shaft and front bearing
February 2005 103
support on the windmill platform (see Fig.3).
Now slide in the drive shaft from the front until it pokes
out the back of the stator, screw on and tighten the drive
shaft retaining nut, and then tap the drive shaft forward
until the retaining nut is home. Add a drop of Loctite to the
retaining nut, being careful not to get any on the bearing.
Next slide on and secure the front bearing using the four
12mm bolts. The front bearing has a grease nipple, so pump
in some bearing grease to fully lubricate the bearing, then
tighten the two grub screws onto the drive shaft.
Check that the drive shaft spins freely. If there is any
resistance, loosen and re-tension the stator bolts.
Now screw on the magnet hub. The hub is designed to
mesh with the shaft spline while the plastic retaining nut
will slowly feed the hub over the stator as it is tightened.
Try rotating the hub to check that the hub is not binding
against the stator.
You should feel a distinct cogging as the hub rotates –
this is normal. Be aware that the stator will be generating
electricity as you rotate the hub, so treat the connections
as live and possibly shocking!
Mount the windmill level. I use a “test stand” for this.
It’s basically a mast about 1.5m high.
Apply a little grease to the tail rod and slide on the tail
boom, making sure it can rotate freely. If it’s a little tight,
remove any burs or seams inside the tail hinge tube with
a round file.
Now with the windmill level and the tail pointing directly
out the back of the windmill, position the tail fin on the tail
boom, clamp with a couple of G-clamps and check that it
is straight up and down. Then mark and drill the tail fin
bolt holes. It’s not critical that the tail fin is vertical but it
definitely looks better.
cool breeze, plus you only need to run two wires from the
windmill to your battery’s positive and 0V terminals.
If you place your rectifier near your batteries, you will
need to run three wires from the windmill (or six if you
plan to experiment with delta/star configurations) but you
won’t have to worry about water ingress into the rectifier
or taking your windmill down if the rectifier fails.
The windmill base plate includes a few extra bolt holes
for mounting the rectifier, and a 20mm hole to suit the
supplied cable retainer to support the drop wire.
The kit
The windmill kit is available via my website, www. The web site includes detailed instructions, a bunch of photos of my windmill creations, and
other windmill projects including a “Mini-Mill” using a
stepper motor from an old PC floppy drive.
Next month
In the final part
to this series,
we will look at
a couple of propeller options,
basic propeller
blade designs,
and some options for a mast.
Mounting the rectifier
As we mentioned last month, the output of the windmill
is AC and you need to rectify that to DC before using to
charge batteries, etc.
You can mount your rectifier either on the windmill (at
the top of your mast), or at your battery bank. One advantage
of mounting on the windmill is that the rectifier is up in a
Screw on the magnet hub and check that there is no
binding or scraping. Remember the stator terminals will be
live while the hub is rotating.
104 Silicon Chip
With the windmill mounted level, fit the tail boom and
align the fin vertically, then drill and bolt to the tail boom.