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Part 4: the nuts and bolts . . . by Glenn Littleford*
In our final article of the series, we look at a couple of
propeller options, the mast and further
refinements of the alternator.
This set of tim
ber blades w
ere carved
by Dennis La
and they are am. Length is 1150mm
performing w
ell on the
F&P windmil
reduce visual They’re painted blue to
March 2005 83
he propeller is the engine of the
windmill, taking the power of
the wind and converting it into
rotary force to drive the alternator. It
gets its power from the wind by effectively changing the wind direction and
slowing the wind down as it passes
through the propeller.
The air behind the windmill has
lost most of its forward direction and
is instead “swirling” in a spiral, until
it regains its forward direction some
distance downstream.
There is a lot of science and maths
involved in this process and I’ll only
touch on the basics here – you could
write a book on the subject and still
not cover everything.
Fig.2: a blade can be thought of as a
series of “stations”. Note the twist in
this blade.
The blades
Each blade has a flat or concave front
surface and a curved rear surface. As
the wind passes over the blade it provides Lift, driving the blade forward.
Our blade has an angle of attack, calculated to provide the most lift without
stalling and is usually around 5-10°.
So if we know the blade speed, angle of attack and wind speed we can
calculate the best overall angle for our
blade to provide the best lift, as well
as the chord, or width, of the blade
(see Fig.1).
We also need to allow for the fact
that the blades tips are travelling much
faster than the blade root (the point
closest to the center), so the tips must
have a different angle with respect to
the blade root. We call this the twist
of the blade.
The blade angles are calculated at
set points along the blade, called “sta-
The propeller blades need to extract
as much energy from the wind as possible and provide as must rotational
speed as possible. Propellers used in
power generation are designed to rotate faster than the wind speed. This
is called the TSR, or Tip Speed Ratio.
A propeller with a TSR of five means
the tips of the propeller are travelling
at five times the wind speed, so if the
wind speed is 25km/h, the tips are
travelling at 125km/h.
A good TSR for power generation
is between four and seven. A TSR of
over eight is achievable but at these
speeds the tip velocity is so high that
blade wear and noise become a serious problem.
Modern blades are designed like
aerofoils and need to factor in angle
of attack, lift, drag and stalling.
Fig.1: modern windmill blades are shaped
like the wings of an aircraft and use the same
principle of operation.
84 Silicon Chip
tions” (see Fig 2). On a 1m long blade
you might have 10 stations at 100mm
intervals so we need to calculate the
angle for each station.
Fortunately there are free calculators available on the internet that do
all the maths for us – we just type in
the basic figures and the calculator
will give us the best angles and chord
widths for each station.
Making it with wood
The windmill kit described last
month includes an adapter plate to
suit a set of timber blades, plus an
adapter to allow you to fit commercially available blades. The timber
blade adapter was designed to suit
blades carved from 140mm wide by
45mm thick timber planks, a common
size in treated pine.
Why use timber? Carved timber
blades can offer excellent performance, as we can achieve a near
perfect blade profile and have good
strength ( trees are very good at bending in the wind without breaking ).
But there is a catch: carving timber
blades is a very time consuming process, and you need patience and wood
working skills to produce a good set
of blades (The first blade is easiest, it’s
getting the other two exactly the same
as the first that’s hard).
If you have the time then I would
recommend making a set of timber
blades, as their performance is exceptional.
But if you are like me and couldn’t
cut a straight line if you life depended
on it, then factory-made blades are
another option. You can purchase
high quality extruded plastic blades
for about $35 each. The adapter in the
of PVC is a bit of an unknown. UV
light will weaken PVC and it could
shatter, sending sharp splinters in all
directions, so a safe operating life of
two years or less is expected.
Currently experiments are been
carried out by windmill hobbyists in
UV-protective paints and blade mounting, so time will tell if PVC is a viable
alternative to timber as a material for
home-made blades.
PVC is another windmill blade option,
but the long term reliability is yet
unknown and there is the fear of them
shattering under load.
windmill kit will allow you to fit three
or six blades, depending on your own
needs and location – six blades for low
wind areas and three for high wind or
costal windmill sites.
At the end of the this article are a
few links to websites about carving
timber blades and sources for factory
made blades.
There has been some development
in using large-diameter PVC pipe as
blade material. By cutting a PVC pipe
lengthways and reshaping the leading
and trailing edge with a file, you can
achieve a near perfect blade profile,
and the process is so simple you could
make a complete set of blades in a
few hours.
You would need some large diameter (250mm), 10mm wall thickness
pipe. A concern is that the durability
Once you have made your blades
and mounted them on your windmill
you will need to balance them.
I can not stress how important balancing is. An unbalanced blade will
vibrate at high speed and cause bearing
failure or worse, blade breakage. At
low speed an unbalanced blade will
cause the windmill tower to wobble
and strain guy wire supports.
Balancing is best done in a windfree workshop with the windmill
mounted level, as it would be on top
of the mast.
To check the balance of your propeller, check for a heavy blade; the blade
that always wants to turn down. Add
weight to the light-side blade/s until
there is no noticeable heavy blade.
Once done, give the blade several
gentle spins and again see if there is a
heavy blade. Add weight to the light
sides until balance is best.
Weight can be added by drilling
and adding lead into the blade tips,
the lead glued in place with 24-hour
epoxy. To test if the weight is correct
The windmill kit includes these
adjustable plates, used to get the best
propeller balance possible.
before drilling, sticky-tape the weights
to the blade tips until you have the
correct balance, then permanently fit
the weights. Make sure the weights
are properly glued in - at high speed
there will be a lot of centrifugal force
on the weights and you don’t want
them coming out.
The windmill kit described last
month includes a set of adjustable
weights that are secured to the blades
with the boltholes at the blade roots.
The weights have slots that make fine
adjustment easy.
When you rotate the alternator by
hand you will notice a cogging action,
or a stiffness in rotation at certain
points. This is caused by the interaction of the magnets and the stator
Fig.3: decogging involves rounding off the stator poles to make the windmill easier to start in light winds. Far left is the
standard stator with square ends, creating a stiff magnetic resistance to overcome. Rounding off the stator, as shown
alongside, sacrifices some power but reduces cogging. The photo at right shows a decogged motor.
March 2005 85
poles. This can make the windmill
hard to start in light winds, as the
propeller needs to push the alternator
past the first cog.
Once started, cogging has little effect
on the windmill performance - and
in fact the windmill can continue to
operate in much slower winds than
was needed to get it started.
If you live in a high wind area, the
cogging effect is not a problem. But in
a low wind area, your windmill may
spend most of the time just sitting
there, doing nothing.
You could argue that if there is
not enough wind to get the windmill started, then there is not really
enough wind to generate any useful
power anyway so it’s better to have
the windmill stationary to save on
wear and tear. But if you do live in a
low wind area and want to extract as
much power as possible, even if it’s
only an amp or so, you might want to
consider de-cogging.
You can modify the F&P armature
to reduce cogging, at the expense of
a small amount of output power. Decogging involves reshaping the stator
poles with a power file (or hand file if
you have the time and strength).
From the factory the poles have
a square edge and are spaced about
0.5mm from the magnets as they rotate past.
This square corner gives a sharp
rise in magnet flux through the pole
producing more power but also increases cogging. If we round off the
corners we introduce the magnetic
Folding tower
flux slowly into the pole and reduce
cogging (Fig 3).
But as I said before, this will also reduce output power slightly. While cogging can’t be eliminated completely,
we can reduce it to a point where the
windmill will start in lighter winds.
Another way to reduce cogging is
to space the magnet hub out from the
You can try this by un-doing the
plastic hub retaining nut, effectively
sliding the hub off the stator. A more
permanent solution would be to fit
spacer washers onto the drive shaft
before fitting the magnet hub.
Again performance is lost, so you
need to find a compromise.
The Mast
Its not much good having a windmill
unless you can mount it in on something – the mast.
As a rule, the higher, the better. You
want to get the windmill up into a
clean breeze without any turbulence
from trees or buildings. While a 20m
mast would be great, it’s just not practical for most of us.
We do need to consider two things,
maintenance and safety. You will need
to get the windmill down from time to
time to do maintenance and modification, especially in the early days while
you are experimenting.
Once you have the windmill sorted
and making power, you would only
need to take it down ever year or so to
apply a little oil, check connections,
and remove bugs and frogs.
Fig.4: two common mast types are folding towers and tilt towers. Each have their
advantages but in all cases, use as many guy wires as practical.
Tilt tower
86 Silicon Chip
Yeah, frogs! Up here in the tropics
I had little green tree frogs climb the
mast and crawl into the stator at night,
only to get centrifuged the next day
when the wind picked up. A little
grease smeared around the base of the
mast put a stop to that.
The other consideration is safety. In
good winds the tips of your propeller
could be doing over 200km/h and
should be considered lethal.
Your mast should at LEAST be
high enough so it’s not possible for
anyone to reach the propeller blade
from ground level (even jump up and
reach), plus a safety margin – say another metre or so.
Other things can and do go wrong:
blades can come off and towers can fall
over. My first tower fell over after days
of heavy rain had soaked the ground
around the guy wire supports and then
a storm pulled one guy wire support
(a star picket embedded in concrete)
right out of the ground.
So you want to make sure your
windmill is placed in a position where
such a failure could not do any harm
to people or property.
As a general rule most towers
require council approval and such
approval is rarely given if your tower
could fall onto your next-door-neighbour’s property.
I highly recommend you talk to an
structural engineer when designing
your windmill mast. Consideration
will need to be made of soil type,
tower height, weight (about 25kg for
a completed windmill) and wind
loading, based on the diameter of the
windmill blade.
I use a folding mast for my own
windmill. The mast pivots in the middle and I use a small hand winch to
raise or lower the windmill. It takes
about three minutes and the design
means I can work on the windmill
without any assistance.
The mast pole is 70mm diameter
5mm wall galvanised pipe, and is 7m
high when upright.
The base is bolted to a buried concrete block 500mm round x 500mm
deep. There are three 8mm guy wires,
each attached to concrete blocks
300mm round by 700mm deep. So
far this new mast has performed well
and survived several storms with no
For higher masts you would need to
look at a gin bar setup and use more
guy wires. The more guy, wires the
better – they stop mast wobble and give
you peace of mind (see Fig 4).
Some Useful Links . . .
Battery Charger
Hugh Picket at www.scoraigwind. has detailed instructions on
windmill building and in particular
timber blade design and carving.
Once your windmill is up and going you need some way to regulate
the output. Most windmills are used
for charging battery banks, so a charge
controller must be able to switch the
windmill over to a load once the
batteries are fully charged or battery
damage is likely.
A commercial controller available is
the Plasmatronic range of solar/wind
charge controllers, and feature programmable switch over voltages and
logging. Or you could build your own.
My own charger is based on a PICAXE
chip and uses power mosfets to handle
all the heavy current switching. The
design is a work in progress but the
circuit diagram and program listing
is available on my web site.
(Also see the note below).
I have a couple of 12V car batteries
wired in parallel as storage. The system powers a string of garden lights
modified to take 5W 12V light bulbs, a
50W 12V bed side lamp and a DC water
pressure pump. I also have a small
300W inverter on standby to power the
TV when the power goes out.
Shutting down the windmill.
The windmill kit described last
month includes a furling system that
will turn the windmill out of the wind
safely if the wind speed or alternator
load are excessive.
But if you’re expecting a storm, or
plan to go away for a few days it’s
always a good idea to shut down the
Once a windmill is shut down the
propeller is stopped or only spinning
slowly and therefore presents less area
to the wind. Only when a propeller
is at operating speed will it reach its
maximum wind load and exert the
maximum force against the tower (a
stationary propeller has a relatively
small wind loading).
We can shut down the windmill in
two ways. If you have a rope attached
to the tail you can pull the windmill
out of the wind and tie the rope to one
of the guy wire anchors.
Another option is to short out the
windmill by connecting the output
leads together. This will usually slow
the windmill down to a safe speed
unless the wind speed is too high, in
which case the windmill will con-
Michael at has
been using F&P motors as generators for many years and sells F&P
parts, water wheels and complete
windmills using F&P motors. He also
sells high quality blade sets suited to
our windmill kit. has a collection of windmills made from car parts
and scrap materials. OtherPower also
hosts the FieldLines message board,
a great place to share idea’s and ask
Plus my own web site at has more information on the F&P windmill, as well as
other windmill creations and ideas.
tinue to run and possibly burn out
the stator.
In finishing, there has been a great
deal of interest in home made windmills in the last few years and recently
in using the F&P Smartdrive motor as
an alternator.
Windmills offer a very cheap source
of power compared to solar, You can
build a 300W windmill for less than
$300 with a bit of workshop activity
and scrounging around – that’s $1 per
watt compared to solar cells at close to
$10 per watt. And there is a lot of satisfaction is generating your own power
from something you built yourself.
On the internet you can find a
wealth of knowledge on home made
windmills. I’ve included some links
which you should find useful but there
are a whole lot more on the ’net. SC
While this practical Windmill series
from Glenn Littleford has now concluded, next month we plan to bring
you a Wind Turbine Regulator and
Dummy Load, developed independently by Oatley Electronics. This
design will suit virtually all of the wind
generation systems in use today as
well as many hydro-electric, solar and
other “alternate” energy sources.
March 2005 87