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The Electronic Control Unit
for a four cylinder
common rail BMW
diesel. [BMW]
Diesel Engine
ast month we looked at the
mechanical make-up of the
common rail diesel fuel injection systems that have revolutionised
diesel-powered cars.
The systems used extremely high
fuel pressure, electronically controlled
injectors and complex exhaust aftertreatment to provide very high specific
torque outputs with low fuel consumption and low emissions.
But how does the electronic control
system work? In this article we look at
the electronics of the system.
The engine management system in
a diesel common rail engine needs to
• Very high fuel injection pressures
(up to 2000 Bar)
• Variation in injected fuel quantity,
24 Silicon Chip
intake manifold pressure and start
of injection to suit engine operating
• Pre-injection and post-injection
• Temperature-dependent rich air/fuel
ratio for starting
• Idle speed control independent of
engine load
• Exhaust gas recirculation
• Long term precision
As with current petrol engine management systems, the driver no longer
has direct control over the injected
fuel quantity.
Instead, the movement of the accelerator pedal is treated as a torque
request and the actual amount of fuel
Part 2
by Julian Edgar
injected in response is dependent on
the engine operating status, engine temperature, the likely affect on exhaust
emissions, and the intervention by
other car systems (eg traction control).
Figure 1 shows an overview of the
inputs, outputs and internal processes
in the Bosch common rail management
Management Functions
• Starting
The injected fuel quantity and start
of injection timing required for starting
are primarily determined by engine
coolant temperature and cranking
Special strategies are employed for
very cold weather starting, especially
at high altitudes. In these conditions,
the turbocharger operation may be
suspended as its torque demand –
Fig.1: an overview of a common rail diesel engine management system. The input signals to the ECU are on the left and
include accelerator pedal position, intake mass airflow, fuel rail pressure and engine speed. Not shown here but also
often included is a wideband exhaust gas oxygen sensor. The outputs (right) include the control of the fuel injectors,
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and fuel rail pressure. Inside the ECU (middle) control strategies are implemented for
idle speed, smooth running control, quantity of fuel injected, starting point of injection, and many others. [Bosch]
May 2006 25
• Idle Speed Control
The set idle speed depends on engine
coolant temperature, battery voltage
and operation of the air conditioner.
Idle speed is a closed loop function
where the ECU monitors actual engine speed and continues to adjust
fuel quantity until the desired speed
is achieved.
Fig.2: along with many other variables, three dimensional ECU maps are
used for both injection start timing and smoke limitation. [Bosch]
though small – may be sufficiently great
as to prevent the car from moving off.
• Driving
In normal driving, the injected fuel
quantity is determined primarily by
the accelerator pedal sensor position,
engine speed, fuel and intake air temperatures.
However, many other maps of data
also have an effect on the fuel injection
quantity actually used. These include
strategies that limit emissions, smoke
production, mechanical overloading
and thermal overloading (including
measured or modelled temperatures
of the exhaust gas, coolant, oil, turbocharger and injectors).
Start of injection control is mapped
as a function of engine speed, injected
fuel quantity, coolant temperature and
ambient pressure. Figure 2 shows example data maps for start of injection
and smoke control.
• Rev Limiter
Unlike a petrol engine management system which usually cuts fuel
abruptly when the rev limit is reached,
a diesel engine management system
progressively reduces the quantity
of fuel injected as the engine speed
exceeds the rpm at which peak power
is developed. By the time maximum
permitted engine speed has been
reached, the quantity of fuel injected
has dropped to zero.
• Surge Damping
Sudden changes in engine torque
output can result in oscillations in the
vehicle’s driveline. This is perceived
by the vehicle occupants as unpleasant surges in acceleration.
Active Surge Damping reduces the
The parts that make up a BMW four cylinder diesel engine. The fuel injection system components are at bottom right –
visible are the injectors and common rail, the high pressure pump and the ECU. [BMW]
26 Silicon Chip
tity for that cylinder is increased. If
the engine speed is above the mean,
the fuel injection quantity for that
cylinder is decreased. Figure 4 shows
this process.
Fig.3: Surge Damping is used to
prevent unwanted oscillations
in acceleration. The top diagram
shows the change in accelerations
without surge damping (a) and
with it (b). This alteration in car
behaviour can be achieved in two
ways. The lower diagram shows (1)
the effect of electronic filtering of
the accelerator pedal travel sensor
output signal, and (2) the active
correction of surge by increasing
the injected fuel quantity when the
engine speed drops and decreasing
it when the speed increases. [Bosch]
Fig.4: Smooth Running Control
addresses the fact that the torque
output of each cylinder is not
identical. To counteract this, the
system compares the engine speed
immediately after a cylinder’s
injection with the average engine
speed (in this case 800 rpm). If
the speed has dropped, the fuel
injection quantity for that cylinder
is increased. If the engine speed is
above the mean, the fuel injection
quantity for that cylinder is
decreased. [Bosch]
• Closed Loop Oxygen Sensor
As with petrol management systems, diesel management system use
oxygen sensor closed loop control.
However, in diesel systems a broadband oxygen sensor is used that is
capable of measuring air/fuel ratios as
lean as 60:1. This Universal Lambda
Sensor (abbreviation in German: LSU)
comprises a combination of a Nernst
concentration cell and an oxygen
pump cell.
Because the LSU signal output is a
function of exhaust gas oxygen concentration and exhaust gas pressure,
the sensor output is compensated for
variations in exhaust gas pressure.
The LSU sensor output also changes
over time and to compensate for this,
when the engine is in over-run conditions, comparison is made between
the measured oxygen concentration
of the exhaust gas and the expected
output of the sensor if it were sensing
fresh air. Any difference is applied as
a learned correction value.
Closed loop oxygen control is used
for short- and long-term adaptation
learning of the injected fuel quantity.
likelihood of these oscillations occurring. Two approaches can be taken.
In the first, any sudden movements
of the accelerator pedal are filtered
out, while in the second, the ECU
detects that surging is occurring and
actively counteracts it by increasing
the injected fuel quantity when the
engine speed drops and decreasing
it when the speed increases. Figure 3
shows this process.
• Smooth Running Control
Because of mechanical differences
from cylinder to cylinder, the development of torque by each cylinder
is not identical. This difference can
result in rough running and increased
To counteract this, Smooth Running Control uses the fluctuation in
engine speed to detect output torque
variations. Specifically, the system
compares the engine speed immediately after a cylinder’s injection with
the average engine speed. If the speed
has dropped, the fuel injection
Fig.5: this diagram shows the relationship between solenoid valve (ie injector)
current, solenoid valve needle lift and injected fuel quantity. At (a) the injector
is opened with a rapidly rising (but controlled) rush of current, at (c) the
current is decreased but is still sufficient to hold the injector open, at (e) the
current is switched off and the injector closes. The sawtooth pattern of low
current flow that can be seen at (f) is explained in Figure 6. [Bosch]
May 2006 27
This is especially important in limiting smoke output, where the measured
exhaust gas oxygen is compared with
a target value on a smoke limitation
map. Oxygen sensor feedback is also
used to determine whether the target
exhaust gas recirculation is being
• Fuel Pressure and Flow Control
The pressure in the common rail
is regulated by closed loop control.
A pressure sensor on the rail monitors real time fuel pressure and the
ECU maintains it as the desired level
by pulse width modulating the fuel
pressure control valve. At high engine
speeds but low fuel demand, the ECU
deactivates one of the pistons in the
high pressure pump. This reduces
fuel heating in addition to decreasing the mechanical power drawn by
the pump.
Other Management System
In addition to the control of the fuel
injectors, the diesel engine management system can control
• Glow plugs for sub-zero starting
• Glow plugs that heat the coolant,
providing adequate cabin heating
in cold climates
Fig.6: this diagram shows how the high voltage capacitor used to rapidly pull
open the injector is also in turn charged by the injector’s solenoid coil. (1)
battery, (2) current control, (3) injector solenoid windings, (4) current boost
switch, (5) capacitor, (6) diodes, (7) cylinder select switch. In phase (a), the
injector is opened rapidly by the supply of high current from the 100V booster
capacitor. In phase (b), the current supply for the injector switches from the
capacitor to the battery. A pulse width modulated holding current is then used
to maintain the injector in its open state (phase d) and during the transition to
this phase (c), the inductive spike generated by the reduction in current through
the injector is routed to the booster capacitor, so starting its recharging process.
When the injector is switched off (phase e), the inductive spike is again routed
to the booster capacitor. Between injector opening events, a sawtooth waveform
is applied to the closed injector (phase f1 and f2). This current is insufficient
to open the injector but the generated inductive spikes are used to further
recharge the booster capacitor until it again reaches 100V. [Bosch]
28 Silicon Chip
A cutaway view of a BMW common
rail diesel 6-cylinder in-line engine.
The electronically controlled fuel
injectors can be seen at the top of
each cylinder while one of the glow
plugs (rarely used except in very cold
ambient conditions) can be seen angled
into the combustion chamber. [BMW]
So what are these
co mm on ra il die sels actually like on
the road? The Audi
All roa d us es a 2.5
litr e tur bo ch arg ed ,
inj ec ted an d int ercooled diesel engine.
Its maximum torque
is 370Nm from 15002500 rpm and peak
power is 132kW at
4000 rpm. The car has
a mass of 1825kg and
uses a 5-speed automatic transmission.
Off the line there’s
a no tic ea ble he sitation as the turbo
bu ild s bo os t, the n
– wh oo oo sh – the
torque arrives and the
engine rockets around
to the 4500
rpm redline, pulling ha
rd all the way. The auto
slides to the
next ratio – which puts
engine revs back in the
middle of that
torque plateau – and sh
e’s off again.
Audi claim 0-100 km/h
in 10.2 seconds, but the
times are far faster tha
n this standing start tim
e would sug-
gest. You really only
notice the absence of
top-end power when
climbing long hills at
high speed.
In a wide mix of
driving biased more
towards freeway than
climbing mountains,
we avera ge d 10 .1
An d wh at ab ou t
that horrible diesel
rat tle ? Th ere ’s no
ge ttin g aw ay fro m
it – the TDi Allroad
is noisier than the
equivalent petrol engine version.
Despite extensive
dproofing – including a rubber bonnet
seal right around the
engine bay
– a distinctly different en
gine note can be heard
inside the
cabin. It’s more of a wh
ine that a rattle – thoug
h passers-by
hear a normal diesel. Bu
t at cruise the car is co
quiet – the unusual en
gine note can really on
ly be heard
when accelerating.
The Audi Allroad
• Switchable intake manifolds, where
at low loads air is forced through
turbulence ducts to provide better
in-cylinder swirl
• Turbocharger boost pressure control
• Switching of radiator fans
Injector Operation
The triggering of the injector can be
divided into five phases:
• In the first phase, the injector is
opened rapidly by the supply of
high current from a 100V booster
capacitor. Peak current is limited to
20A and the rate of current increase
is controlled to allow consistent
injector opening times.
• The second phase is termed ‘pickup current’. In this phase, the current supply for the injector switches
from the capacitor to the battery. In
this phase, peak current continues
to be limited to 20A.
• A 12A pulse width modulated holding current is then used to maintain
the injector in its open state. The
inductive spike generated by the
reduction in current through the
injector in the change from ‘pickup’ to ‘holding’ phases is routed to
the booster capacitor, so starting its
recharge process.
• When the injector is switched off,
the inductive spike is again
routed to the booster capacitor.
• Between actual injector events, a
sawtooth waveform is applied to
the closed injector. The current
used is insufficient to open the injector and the generated inductive
spikes are used to further recharge
the booster capacitors until they
reach 100V.
Fig.5 shows the relationship between injector current, needle lift and
fuel flow. Fig.6 shows the five phases
of injector operation.
European car manufacturers and
consumers have thrown their weight
heavily behind passenger cars equipped with diesel engines.
The major improvement in specific
torque outputs and the reduction in
fuel consumption and emissions have
been achieved with sophisticated electronic control of very high pressure,
individually controlled injectors. SC
The direct injection system
of a Jaguar 2.7 litre diesel
V6. The mechanical high
pressure fuel pump can
be seen, as can the two
banks of injectors fed
by their individual
fuel rails.
May 2006 29