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The Luxeon LED Spotlight being
used as a headlight on a Greenspeed
pedal-powered recumbent trike. The
car in the main beam is 35 metres
away. Note also the broad, lower
intensity illumination immediately
in front of the trike. Even on roads
that have no street lights, sufficient
illumination is provided to allow
pedalling at up to 75km/h.
Universal High-Energy
LED Lighting System
Last month, we introduced our brilliant new Luxeon LED lighting
system and described how it works. This month, we look at its
construction and describe how to make a very effective Luxeonpowered spotlight.
Lighting System is built on a PC
board coded 11004061 (104 x 79mm)
and is housed in a diecast aluminium
box (115 x 90 x 55mm). An aluminium
box was used because it provides
sufficient heatsinking for Mosfets Q1
& Q2 and for the battery pack (this
44 Silicon Chip
heatsinking is needed at high charge
and discharge rates).
In addition, the aluminium housing
is rugged and weatherproof.
Board assembly
Fig.2 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Begin construction by care-
fully checking the PC board for breaks
or shorts between the copper tracks.
Repair any defects (rare these days),
then install PC stakes at all the external wiring points. Follow these with
all the low-profile parts including the
wire links, resistors, small capacitors
and the diodes.
It might look like a bland box
but there’s a lot inside! Visible is
the cover for the LDR (left) and
at right, the on/off pushbutton
and the battery status LED. The
weatherproof Luxeon output
cable can also be seen.
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board as shown here. Note that R1 is a surface
mount resistor and is installed on the copper side of the board. Note also that
the 4700mF capacitor is mounted on its side – see photos.
Once these parts are in, you can
install the surface-mount resistor (R1)
on the copper side of the PC board.
You will have to refer to Table 5 to
determine which of the two provided
surface-mount resistors is installed.
Next, install the electrolytic capacitors, voltage regulator REG1 and the
transistors but leave the two Mosfets
out for the time being. Make sure that
these parts are all correctly orientated
(the same goes for the diodes).
Note that the 4700mF capacitor is
not mounted vertically – instead, it is
positioned on its side (see photo). Be
sure to leave sufficient lead length to
allow for this positioning.
When winding T1 and L1, use a
generous smear of silicone sealant
under and over each winding layer.
Also smear silicone on the top and
bottom of the mating surfaces of each
core half. Note that both L1 and T1
require 0.5mm spacers to separate
their pot cores (these can be made
Winding the inductors
Inductor L1 and transformer T1 can
now be wound. L1 simply consists of
38 turns of 0.63mm enamelled copper
wire on an FX2240 pot core and bobbin
assembly. By contrast, T1’s windings
depend on the LEDs being driven (see
Table 5). It’s also easy to make – just
wind on the primary turns, then neatly
wind on the secondary turns over the
top – see Fig.3. The windings can go
in either direction.
Table 4: Capacitor Codes
Value μF Code EIA Code IEC Code
100nF 0.1µF
.001µF 102
Table 3: Resistor Colour Codes
330W 1W
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet yellow brown
red red yellow brown
green blue orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange orange brown gold
yellow violet black brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black orange brown
red red black orange brown
green blue black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
not applicable
yellow violet black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
May 2006 45
Table 5: Transformer Winding Data & LED Current
Transformer (T1)
LED Wiring
1 x 1W
Individual LED
(VR4 adjust)
(0.63mm ENCU)
(0.63mm ENCU)
22 Turns
13 Turns
Total LED
10W 5W
2 x 1W
16 Turns
22 Turns
22W 5W
17 Turns
33 Turns
22W 5W &
10W 5W in
4 x 1W
Two lots of
series 2 x 1W
in parallel
26 Turns
32 Turns
10W 10W
6 x 1W
Three lots of
series 2 x 1W
in parallel
26 Turns
36 Turns
6.8W 10W
22 Turns
17 Turns
3.3W 5W
26 Turns
36 Turns
6.8W 10W
26 Turns
36 Turns
10W 10W
1 x 3W
2 x 3W
1 x 5W
As shown in this table, the number of turns wound on the transformer, the value of resistor R1 and the adjustment of
trimpot VR4 all depend on the LEDs that are to be driven. In addition, this table shows whether the LEDs are wired in
series, parallel or a series/parallel combination. Note: there is no option to use five 1W LEDs.
from 0.5mm plastic sheet). These
spacers sit between the central bosses
of the pot cores.
The final step in the construction of
these components is to force silicone
into the gaps on the outside of the
cores. Clean up the edges with a sharp
knife when the silicone has set.
Important: if you do not use sufficient silicone, the inductor and
transformer will emit buzzes and
squeals – so use plenty of it!
Having completed winding the inductors, they can be installed on the
PC board. Be sure to orientate T1 so
that its secondary winding goes to the
right, so that the leads connect to the
bridge rectifier (D3-D6).
Other parts
Switch S1, the battery charge/
discharge LED (LED1) and the LDR
Fig.4: Mosfets Q1 & Q2 must be
insulated from the metal case
using insulating washers and
Nylon screws, as shown here.
Note that the Nylon screws should
be cut to length.
Changing the PWM Frequency
Fig.3: transformer T1 is wound
using 0.63mm enamelled copper
wire – see Table 5. The windings
can be made in either direction.
To reduce noise, the windings
should be sealed with silicone, as
described in the main text. Note
that a 0.5mm spacer is inserted in
the middle of the cores for both T1
and inductor L1.
46 Silicon Chip
During normal operation, a faint “squeal” is emitted from the electronic circuitry
or more specifically, from the transformer. This can be quietened if a higher (13kHz)
PWM frequency is selected, rather than the default 7.8kHz.
The downside is that the dimming functions will not work as precisely. To change the
frequency, first select position 14 (E) on the BCD switch. That done, wait for the red
LED to come on and then turn off, then select another switch position. The frequency
will change from 7.8kHz to 13kHz, which is virtually inaudible in this application.
If you select position E again, the PWM frequency will revert to 7.8kHz.
To provide clearance, the stand-offs
within the box must be removed. This
can be done by using a large-diameter
drill bit followed by a high-speed deburring tool or a grinding stone held
in the chuck of an electric drill.
can now all go in. In each case, leave
sufficient lead length to allow these
components to be bent back out of the
way when fitting the PC board into the
box. The LED must be mounted with
its leads bent at right angles, so that it
can later be pushed through a matching
hole in the side of the case.
Before the PC board can be fitted into
the box, the integral stand-offs need
to be removed. This can be achieved
using a large diameter drill, followed
by a high-speed deburring tool or a
grinding stone held in the chuck of
an electric drill. Wear safety goggles
when performing this job.
Once the standoffs have been removed, position the board inside the
case and mark out and drill the four
corner mounting holes. These holes
should be countersunk, so that the
heads of the Nylon mounting screws
The electronics are a tight fit in the box, with one capacitor being placed on its
side. Be sure to wind the inductors tightly, to minimise audible high-frequency
noise from them.
sit flush with the lower surface of the
box. That done, temporarily secure
the board in position using 4mm-long
Nylon spacers and 3M x 12mm Nylon
screws and nuts – see Fig.5.
Note: the four 4mm-long Nylon
spacers are made by cutting two 9mm
spacers in half.
Mounting the Mosfets
The next step is to determine where
the mounting holes go in the case for
the two Mosfets. To do this, first crank
their leads slightly as shown in Fig.4,
then slip them into their board mounting holes. Next, push the two Mosfets
down into their holes until they are
about 12mm proud of the board and
position them so that their metal tabs
sit flat against the case.
You can now mark out their tab
mounting holes from inside the case.
Once that’s done, remove the PC board
(and the Mosfets), transfer the hole
locations to the outside of the case and
drill them to 3mm. These two holes
Mounting The PC Board Inside The Case
Fig.5: the PC board is mounted inside the case on M3 x 4mm Nylon spacers and
secured using M3 x 15mm Nylon screws and nuts.
May 2006 47
Adjusting The Charging Current
In its default condition, the Universal High Energy LED Lighting System is designed
to be used with a power source that can recharge the batteries at up to 700mA. Note
that because of the temperature rise that occurs primarily in the batteries, this is the
maximum recommended continuous charge rate.
However, there are some applications where better results can be gained by altering
this charge rate. For example, if you’re using a solar cell, you may have a maximum
charging current capability of only 300mA available. On the other hand, if you’re using
a human-powered generator that can develop discontinuous bursts of 1A, you may
want to charge at this higher rate.
As a result, the charging current can be set anywhere from 100mA to 1A in 50mA
Note that the charging current referred to here is the current delivered to the
Universal High Energy LED Lighting System, not the current supplied to the battery.
The current supplied to the batteries is dependent on both the input voltage and
the charging voltage. At input voltages between about 8.6-12.6V, the battery charging current is similar to the input current. Above 12.6V, however, the battery charging
current increases with input voltage. For example, at 18V input, the battery is charged
at about twice the current that is supplied to the input. This is possible because the
charging circuit is a power converter – it converts the high input voltage into a lower
voltage to correctly charge the battery and at the same time, increases the battery
charging current.
To change the charging current from its default value of 700mA, just follow these
two steps:
(1) Set the BCD switch to Mode 15 – marked as ‘F’ on the switch. The green indicator
LED will then flash at a 1-second rate, to show the charging current that has been set.
Each flash equals 50mA and there is a 2-second break between each flash group. For
example, at the default 700mA charge rate, the LED with flash 14 times, then there
will be a 2-second delay, then it will flash 14 times again, and so on.
(2) To alter the charge current, press the pushbutton switch and hold it down, counting
the number of flashes. Let the pushbutton go when the required current value has
been reached. The LED will acknowledge the new setting with a revised flash number.
Note that if the BCD switch is changed while the current reading is being flashed,
the LED will continue to flash the code until it finishes its sequence.
Note also that plugpacks are not generally used at their full rating. This means that
if you have (say) a 700mA-rated plugpack and you set the charging current to 700mA,
you can expect the plugpack to become quite warm.
R1 (arrowed) is a surface-mount resistor that is placed on the copper side of the
PC board. Also visible here are the cable ties used to hold transformer T1 and
inductor L1 in place.
48 Silicon Chip
Adjustments &
Test Points
VR1 – sensitivity of the Light
Dependent Resistor
VR2 – sensitivity of the
VR3 – reference voltage
VR4 – Luxeon LED current
S1 – operator’s pushbutton
S2 – Mode BCD rotary switch
TP1 – test point for setting
reference voltage
TP2, TP GND – test points for
measuring voltage across R1 to
set LED current
must then be carefully deburred using
an oversize drill so that the inside surfaces are smooth and free of any metal
swarf which could later puncture one
of the insulating washers.
The next step is to remount the PC
board inside the case, after which the
two Mosfets are mounted in position.
Bolt them to the side of the case using
M3 screws, then use a sharp pencil (or
a fine-tipped pen) to mark where their
leads meet the PC board.
Before removing the board again,
you also need to mark out the hole
locations for the cable gland, the
pushbutton switch, the indicator LED
and the charging socket. Similarly, if
the LDR is not going to be mounted
remotely, a hole also needs to be made
for this component (this can go in the
lid or in the side of the case).
The accompanying photos show the
locations of the various holes. Be sure
to position these holes accurately – installing the PC board and its associated
hardware in the case requires care, as
clearances are very tight. If you don’t
need such a compact assembly (or the
Universal High Energy LED Lighting
System is being incorporated into
other equipment), then feel free to
use a larger box – but don’t forget to
adequately heatsink Q1 and Q2. Suitable alternative heatsinks are 19 x 19
x 10mm U-shaped designs.
Having marked the hole locations,
remove the PC board and the Mosfets
from the case once again. The Mosfets
can now be finally soldered to the PC
board – just push them down until the
pencil marks on their leads meet the
board surface, then carefully solder
these leads to their respective pads.
Now drill the holes in the case for
the other parts. The square cutout for
switch S1 is best made by drilling a
hole that’s smaller than the finished
size and then filing to the required
rounded rectangular shape.
Once that’s been done, the PC board
can be finally mounted in place (see
Fig.5) and the two Mosfets (Q1 & Q2)
secured to the side of the case. Fig.4
shows the mounting details for the
Mosfets. Note that they must be electrically isolated from the metal case. This
is achieved by using a silicone washer
and by using M3 x 15mm Nylon screws
and nuts to fasten them in position.
Having secured them, switch your
multimeter to a low “ohms” range
and check that the device tabs are
indeed correctly isolated from the
metal case.
The switch, indicator LED and the
LDR can now be pushed through their
respective holes and secured in place
with silicone sealant.
The cells, main fuseholder and thermistor are glued to the inside of the
lid using silicone sealant – see Fig.6.
Note the location of the thermistor – it
should be placed in the centre of the
battery pack.
Make sure that the cells sit hard
against the lid and leave plenty of
time for the sealant to fully cure before
moving the assembly. We used C cells
that did not come with solder tags but
since soldering directly to NiMH cells
is not recommended, we suggest you
use cells with tags. Use 7.5A wire for
the batteries, 5A wire for charger leads
and twisted pair light-duty hookup
wire for the NTC thermistor.
A few precautions
Before moving on to the setting-up
procedure, there are a couple of precautions you need to observe. First,
always make sure that the power is
off when working on the circuit. This
Fig.6: the four 4500mAh cells, the fuseholder and the thermistor are glued
to the lid using silicone sealant. They must be wired as shown here.
can be done by removing the main
battery fuse.
Second, after the circuit has been
running, the 4700mF capacitor must
be discharged. To do this, press the
switch twice in modes 1, 2 or 3 to
momentarily light the Luxeon LEDs.
Incidentally, transformer T1 becomes hot when powering a full
Luxeon load and at high charge rates,
the batteries also become quite warm.
meter to check that there is battery
voltage between pins 5 & 14 of IC1. If
there is sufficient charge in the battery
pack, this voltage will be 5V.
(2). Adjust the reference voltage: con-
Setting up
Make sure that the battery pack is
connected with the correct polarity,
then install the fuse. You now need
to go through the following setting-up
(1). IC1 power check: Set S1 (the BCD
Mode switch) to F, then use a multi
Matching The Light From Multiple Luxeons
If the Luxeons are wired with parallel connections, it is best to match the
devices so they each have a similar brightness. Devices with exactly the
same type number printed on the back are generally the same in terms of
voltage drop at the rated current.
If you find that one or more Luxeons in a series/parallel connection is dimmer
than the rest, it is not well matched with the others. In that case, reduce the
drive current using VR4, so that the brighter LEDs are not over-driven.
Fig.7: in most cases, wiring the
Luxeon LEDs is straightforward.
However, when running four 1W
or six 1W Luxeons, series/parallel
arrangements must be used, as
shown here.
May 2006 49
This version of the spotlight differs a little
from the one described in the text in that
aluminium – rather than U-PVC plastic –
has been used to form the front rim. The
aluminium rim was machined from the base of
an old BCF aluminium fire extinguisher. When
there’s usually plenty of airflow, the heatsink
shown on this light is effective with a 5W
Luxeon LED. In non-ventilated applications, a
larger heatsink should be used.
Making a LED-Powered Spotlight
– use it as a bicycle headlight
Here’s how to build a durable and effective LED-powered spotlight – great
for use as a bike headlight or for use as
hand-held long-range lighting system.
The light output is just outstanding – in
fact, when you consider its miserly 5W
power consumption, it’s nothing short
of fantastic.
Apart from the electronic control
you only need a handful of parts. The
accompanying parts list shows what
you need.
Building it
OK, let’s build it. First, cut a hole
about 65mm in diameter in the centre
of the plastic plumbing cap. Sand the
edges smooth and then use silicone
to glue the lens within the cap. This
assembly forms the focusing lens.
Next, drill holes in the heatsink to
allow small nuts and screws to be
used to attach the LED to the heatsink.
Drill an additional pair of holes in the
heatsink to allow the power supply
50 Silicon Chip
wiring to the LED to pass through the
heatsink. Alternatively, these wires
can pass through a hole drilled in the
stainless steel drinking cup.
Now use a file to shorten the plastic
legs of the collimating lens so that it
sits squarely over the LED, legs resting against the heatsink and the centre
of the collimator in contact with the
LED. Place some heatsink compound
under the LED and then attach it to
the heatsink using the small screws
and nuts. Check that the heads of the
screws do not short the power supply
connections to the LED (you may want
to use Nylon nuts and bolts).
Once the LED is in place, glue the
collimating lens securely in place. That
done, pass the wiring through the
heatsink and solder it to the LED, then
seal the holes through the heatsink
with silicone.
The next step is to cut a 35mm
hole in the centre of the bottom of
the stainless steel cup. If the spotlight
is to be permanently mounted, drill
the cup for any brackets that will be
needed. Deburr all holes, then position
the heatsink on the bottom of the cup
so that the LED and collimator lens
project through the 35mm hole.
Finally, mark and drill the holes to
bolt the heatsink to the cup, sealing
this join with silicone.
Test the operation of the LED with
the focusing lens in place. The assembly should throw a very bright spot
of light about 600mm wide on a wall
three metres away. This beam angle is
ideal for a long-range bike headlight,
or for a general-purpose spotlight or
high-powered torch.
If all is working satisfactorily, use
silicone to glue the lens assembly
in place.
The performance of the prototype
Par t s Lis t
Making A Low-Cost 1W Luxeon LED Housing
1 5W Luxeon LED
1 narrow-beam collimating lens
(eg, Jaycar ZD-0420)
1 large finned heatsink to suit
the LED – eg, Altronics Cat.
H0520 or an ex-PC processor
1 stainless-steel drinking cup
1 U-PVC plastic plumbing cap
that fits over the open end of
the cup
1 magnifying glass (glass – not
plastic!) the same diameter as
the open end of the cup
Assorted small nuts and bolts
Note: in most cases, the cup mouth
will have a diameter of 75mm, making it easy to source the plastic cap
and magnifying glass.
Here’s how to make a durable and good-looking weatherproof housing for
a 1W Luxeon LED when it’s used with either Jaycar ZD-0420 or ZD-0422
You’ll need a PVC 25mm Class 18 pipe cap (about $3 from a hardware
store), some black silicone and a few hand tools.
Start by using a file and sandpaper to smooth away the raised writing to
be found on the back of the cap (this doesn’t do anything for the engineering
but a lot for the aesthetics!). That done, drill a hole for the cable entry and
also any other holes needed for mounting brackets. If used, the brackets
should be attached at this point. And if you intend painting the housing and
bracket, do it now.
Next, solder the wires to the LED, feed them through the hole in the housing
and position the LED at the bottom. Secure it in place with some silicone,
then shorten the legs on the collimator so that it sits over the top of the LED.
Carefully apply silicone around the upper part of the collimator, ensuring that
you seal the gaps.
You can now slide the collimator into place in the housing, making sure that
it engages with the LED. Use a rag to carefully wipe away the surplus silicone
but be sure to fill any gaps around the edge of the LED. Finally, place a little
silicone around the cable exit to seal this opening.
Note that because there is no provision for heatsinking, this housing is not
suitable for 3W and 5W LEDs.
unit – which is used as a bike headlight
– was outstanding. On a country road
lacking any street lights, and tested on
a very dark night with no moonlight or
starlight, sufficient illumination was
provided by the headlight to allow
for safe pedalling downhill at over
75km/h. Used as a handheld spotlight, it could easily illuminate trees
50 metres away.
If less power is required, a 3W LED
can be used in place of the 5W LED.
If the assembly is always going to
have airflow over it (eg, if it is being
used as a bike headlight), the 3W
LED can be bolted to the inside of a
single-wall cup and the cup itself used
as the heatsink. This saves having to
make the large hole in the bottom of
the cup and removes the need for a
separate, finned heatsink. A stationary 3W light should retain the finned
external heatsink.
If you want the best, though, the
5W design described above is it! But
if you simply want a compact but still
very effective spotlight beam, the 3W
Luxeon with the Jaycar narrow beam
collimator (Cat. ZD-0420) gives excellent results.
Finally, single-wall stainless steel
drinking cups can now be very hard to
find but Coastal Kitchen and Cutlery
on the Gold Coast (07 5526 9399)
have them in stock at $5.50 each. A
double-wall (ie, insulated) cup can
also be used but it is heavier and more
difficult to drill.
nect a multimeter between the negative battery lead and TP1. Adjust VR3
for 2.490V.
(3).Thermistor calibration: adjust trim
pot VR2 so that there’s 1.25V across the
thermistor terminals at 25°C.
(4). Connect the test resistor: wire a test
resistor across the Luxeon LED output
(ie, in place of the Luxeon LEDs). Table
5 shows the value to use. Also, use
Table 5 to check that both R1 and T1
are correct.
(5). Setting the LED current: set VR4
fully anticlockwise and set S2 to Mode
1. Switch on the system by quickly
pressing S1 twice. Measure the voltage between TP GND and TP2. Set the
correct voltage using VR4, according to
Table 5. Note: during this process, the
test resistor will get very hot.
(6). Connecting the LEDs: wire in the
Luxeon(s), making sure their polarity
is correct and ensuring the Luxeons
are adequately heatsinked! Again
The multi-position BCD switch (centre) sets the operating mode of the system.
Also visible is the Light Dependent Resistor (arrowed) that’s used in some modes
to automatically switch on the Luxeon LED as ambient light changes. Depending
on requirements, this LDR (arrowed) can either be mounted within the box (and
sensing the light through a cut-down neon bezel) or mounted remotely.
May 2006 51
Be Sure To Provide Adequate Heatsinking
Heatsinks must be used with both 3W
and 5W Luxeon LEDs. Even the 1W
LEDs, which normally don’t require
additional heatsinking, can do with
some additional heatsinking when
run continuously at full power in hot
In all cases, keeping the LED junction
temperature low will give greater light
output and longer LED life.
The size of the required heatsink
depends on:
• the nominal power of the LED;
ABOVE: a processor heatsink
• whether it is run at maximum
salvaged from an old PC is ideal
for cooling 3W & 5W Luxeon
• whether it is on continuously or is
LEDs. Remove the old heat
flashed (and if flashed, the duty cycle);
transfer pad in the centre using
solvent, before attaching the LED.
• the ambient temperature;
• the thermal resistance of the heatsink.
If there is plenty of space available, it pays to simply run the best heatsinking
possible. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the aluminium face
of the PC board used for the LED is thermally connected to the heatsink. The
heatsink must be absolutely flat (no burrs from drilled holes) and a smear
of heatsink compound should be placed between the LED’s PC board and
the heatsink. In addition, the LED should be held in place securely with nuts
and bolts.
Ex-PC processor heatsinks are excellent for Luxeon LEDs, with older
486-sized heatsinks suiting 3W LEDs and larger heatsinks from later model
PCs suiting the 5W LEDs. If ventilation is poor, the fan that’s often found
attached to these heatsinks should be retained.
If the LED drive voltage is nominally 6.8V (as it is when running a single
5W LED or two series 3W LEDs), the fan can be wired directly across the
Luxeon output. It will rotate more slowly than if fed from 12V but it will still
spin fast enough to greatly improve heatsink performance.
Note that the current should be increased to take into account the fan draw.
The required increase in the setting of VR4 can be calculated by multiplying
the fan current in amps at 6.8V by the value of R1, which in these LED
applications is 0.2W. Typically, it’s about a 15mV increase.
In short, be generous with the heatsinking and if the heatsink gets hot
during operation, consider using a larger unit. Alternatively, consider adding
a fan if you haven’t already done so.
Where To Buy Programmed PICs
For those capable of doing their own programming, the software (luxeon.
hex) for the PIC16F88-E/P microcontroller used in this project will be available
for download from our website.
Alternatively, you can purchase a programmed microcontroller from SILICON
CHIP for $25.00 including postage anywhere within Australia, or $30.00 by
airmail elsewhere.
Note: it's unlikely that a complete kit of parts will be offered for this project.
However, you should have little difficulty buying the parts separately from
parts retailers. The PC board can be purchased from RCS Radio.
52 Silicon Chip
measure the voltage between TP GND
and TP2 and make the final adjustments using VR4 and Table 5.
The reason that the test resistor
is initially used in place
of the Luxeon LED is for
safety. If you have made a
major mistake that results
in uncontrolled current at the
output, the resistor will simply get
a bit hotter. And that’s much better
than blowing an expensive LED –
something that can happen in the
blink of an eye.
As mentioned last month, when the
system is switched off, it’s normal for
the battery monitor LED to flash momentarily every second or so.
Wiring the supply plug
If you’re using a plugpack and/or
car cigarette lighter plug to charge the
Universal High Energy LED Lighting
System, you’ll need to wire a 2-pin
DIN plug to the power source.
In the case of a plugpack, cut off
the original DC plug and separate and
bare the ends of the cable. Slip the DIN
plug cover over the cable, then use a
multimeter to determine the polarity
of the plugpack output. Solder the
positive lead to the smaller of the two
DIN plug pins and the negative to the
larger pin.
Make sure that the connections
cannot touch one another – you may
want to use some electrical tape or
heatshrink around the soldered connections.
Finally, slip the DIN plug cover back
over the plug and use a multimeter
to confirm that the voltage polarity
is correct.
The procedure is similar for a cigarette lighter plug. In this case, you have
to connect a 5A (minimum) figure-8
cable between the lighter plug and
the DIN plug (don’t forget to first slip
the cigarette lighter plug and DIN plug
covers over the cable).
Connect the smallest DIN plug pin
to the tip of the cigarette lighter plug.
The larger DIN plug pin then goes to
the side (chassis) connection of the
cigarette lighter plug.
Despite its unassuming appearance,
the Universal High Energy LED Lighting System required a major investment in time and effort. The result is a
LED lighting system that’s unmatched
in flexibility and application.