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Stereo Class-A
Amplifier; Pt.4
P r ea m p l i f i er & Rem o t e Vo l u m e Con t r o l Mo d ul e
In Pt.4 this month, we present a high-performance Stereo
Preamplifier & Remote Volume Control module. It’s a lownoise, low-distortion design specifically engineered for the
Class-A amplifier but which can also be used with other
stereo power amplifiers.
Depending on your requirements,
you have several options when it
comes to using the new Class-A Stereo
Amplifier. Basically, the unit can be
combined with a high-quality external
preamplifier or used as a standalone
Typically, an external preamplifier
will be necessary if you want to connect several signal sources and switch
14 Silicon Chip
between them; eg, select between a CD
player, DVD player and a tuner. The
Class-A Stereo Amplifier would then
function simply as a power amplifier, with the signal from the external
preamp fed directly to the inputs of the
power amplifier modules. In this case,
all you would need to build into the
chassis are the left and right-channel
Class-A Power Amplifier modules
(May & June 2007), plus the Loudspeaker Protector & Muting Module
(July 2007).
If you do elect to use an external
preamplifier, then the SILICON CHIP
Studio Series Stereo Preamplifier (October 2005, July 2006) makes the ideal
companion unit. By the way, don’t be
put off by the 102dB signal-to-noise
ratio quoted for that unit in the July
Preamplifier Features & Performance
Main Features
High performance design – very low noise and distortion
Designed for the Class-A Stereo Amplifier but can also be used with
other power amplifier modules
On-board remote volume control circuit with motorised potentiometer
and muting
Measured Performance
Frequency response............... flat from 10Hz to 20kHz, -3dB <at> 100kHz
Input impedance.....................................................................~22kW
Output impedance..............................................................100W
Harmonic distortion................................. typically <.0005%
Signal-to-noise ratio....... -125dB unweighted for 1V input
Channel crosstalk................................... typically -125dB
ultra-low noise and distortion, but
with more than enough gain (with the
“wick” wound right up) to drive the
20W Class-A Amplifier modules to full
power output. In fact, if you were to
wind the wick up too far, the amplifier
will be driven well into clipping and
horrible distortion.
That pretty much defeats the purpose of building a high quality amplifier, so don’t do it!
This preamplifier is almost identical in configuration to our Studio
Series Stereo Preamplifier (October
2005). It’s a 2-chip design employing
a dual op amp IC in each channel, the
first stage providing the gain and the
second stage acting as a buffer for the
volume control, to present a constant
low output impedance to the power
amplifier modules.
Low-noise op amps
2006 issue. That was a misprint – the
correct figure is 110dB, so the Studio
Series Stereo Preamplifier is an excellent performer that’s quite up to the job
(especially considering its distortion
is typically less than .0005%).
Alternatively, many readers will
want to use only one signal source,
typically a CD or DVD player. In that
case, the Class-A Stereo Amplifier can
be used as a standalone unit but you
do need to add a volume control. If
your CD player is already fitted with
an output level control, you may be
tempted to dispense with a volume
control on the amplifier but that could
be a mistake.
Just imagine what a blast you will
get from the amplifier and loudspeakers if you turn on the CD player and
it has been inadvertently set to full
output level. The result would not
only be deafening but it could easily
blow your tweeters.
The simplest solution which we
would recommend is to feed the
signal in via a dual-gang 10kW log
pot and we’ll show you how to do
that next month, if you want to use
that option. This simple scheme does
have its problems though. First, the
input signal level may be insufficient
to drive the amplifiers to full power
output, even when using a CD player.
The amplifier modules have an input
sensitivity of 625mV for full power
but some recordings may give average
output signal levels well below this.
Second, using a simple volume
control varies the input impedance to
the power amplifiers, thereby slightly
degrading the signal-to-noise ratio.
Admittedly, we’re splitting hairs some
what here but this is after all a true
audiophile’s amplifier.
So how do you eliminate those
problems and achieve the level of
performance we want? The answer is
to incorporate a high-quality preamplifier module into the Class-A Stereo
Amplifier chassis. This will result in
an attractive self-contained package
that we think will appeal to many
people – particularly those who just
want to use a single CD/DVD player.
The preamplifier module described
here meets the above criteria. It’s a
minimalist design, which delivers
The original Studio Series Preamplifier was based the high-performance
OPA2134 op amps from Burr-Brown.
These are specified at an extremely
low 0.00008% harmonic distortion
at 1kHz and the harmonic distortion
(THD) for the completed preamplifier
was typically less than 0.0005%.
This time we’ve gone even one better
and specified the National Semiconductor LM4562 dual op amp. This new
device is specified at just 0.00003%
harmonic distortion at 1kHz, which is
even lower than for the OPA2134. In
fact, it is far below the measurement
capability of any commercially available equipment, including our own
Audio Precision test gear. Just how the
low distortion is verified is revealed
elsewhere in this issue.
As a result, the performance of the
module on its own is actually far better
than the completed stereo amplifier.
Just running with its own regulated
supplies (and not connected to the
amplifier), the preamplifier module
delivers harmonic that’s typically less
than 0.0005%, a measurement which
is more or less meaningless because
it is about the same as the Audio Precision equipment. Furthermore, its
signal-to-noise ratio with respect to a
1V input signal is around -125dB unweighted (22Hz to 22kHz bandwidth)
and separation between channels is
also around -125dB.
Ultimately, it is not possible to get
this fantastic performance from the
completed stereo amplifier. And why
not? The main reason is that residual
August 2007 15
Fig.1: each channel of the preamp is based on a low-distortion LM4562A dual op amp (left channel only shown).
IC1a has a gain of two while IC1b functions as a unity gain buffer to provide a constant low-impedance output.
noise and hum from the power supply
degrades the overall measured result,
even though the finished amplifier is
extremely quiet.
Would it be possible to get a better
measured distortion performance? The
answer is a qualified yes, provided
we had completely separate power
supplies for both channels. The same
comment applies to channel separation and residual noise. Such a solution would be a lot more expensive
and would probably involve two separate power amplifiers – the so-called
“mono block” solution.
By the way, there’s no source selection built into the preamplifier, as
we’re assuming that you will be us-
ing it with just a single source. If you
do want to switch between different
sources, then you will need to use an
external switch box (or an external
preamp as indicated above).
Remote volume control
OK, we just couldn’t help ourselves
– we just had to include remote volume
control as part of the preamp design.
After all, no sound system is complete
these days without remote volume
control and this one has all the “musthave” features.
The design is similar to an earlier unit which we published back in
June 2002 and subsequently used in
the Ultra-LD Stereo Amplifier. How-
Altronics Has The Complete Kit
A complete kit of parts for the 20W Class-A Stereo Amplifier is available
from Altronics, 174 Roe St, Perth, WA 6000, Australia. This kit comes with
all the necessary parts, including a pre-punched custom metal chassis and
front and rear panels with screened lettering. In addition, Altronics sells the
various modules separately, for those who don’t need the complete amplifier.
Browse to for the details.
16 Silicon Chip
ever, by using the recently-released
PIC16F88-I/P chip, as opposed to the
PIC16F84 used in the earlier design,
we’ve been able to eliminate an LM393
comparator IC and the low-voltage
reset circuitry.
That aside, the features of this new
unit are identical. Again it uses a
motorised potentiometer. Press the
“Volume Up” and “Volume Down”
buttons on your remote and the pot
rotates clockwise and anticlockwise. It
takes about nine seconds for the pot to
travel from one end to the other using
these controls.
For finer adjustment, the “Channel
Up” and “Channel Down” buttons
can be used instead. These cause the
pot shaft to rotate only about 1° each
time one of these buttons is pressed.
Alternatively, holding one of these
buttons down rotates the pot from one
end to the other in about 28 seconds.
If any of the buttons is held down
when the pot reaches an end stop, a
friction clutch in the motor’s gearbox
slips so that no damage is done.
Automatic muting is another handy
feature. Press the “Mute” button” on
the remote and the pot automatically
rotates to its minimum position and
the motor stops. Hit the button again
and it returns to its original position.
Don’t want the pot to return all the
way to its original setting? Easy – just
hit one of the volume control buttons
when the volume reaches the desired
A couple of LED indicators – “Ack”
and “Mute” – are used to indicate the
status of the Remote Volume Control.
The blue “Ack” (acknowledge) LED
flashes whenever an infrared signal is
being received from the remote, while
the orange “Mute” LED flashes while
the muting operation is in progress and
then remains on when the pot reaches
its minimum setting.
So how does the unit remember its
original setting during muting? Well,
the microcontroller actually measures
the time it takes the pot to reach its
minimum setting. Then, when the
Mute button is pressed again to restore the volume, power is applied to
the motor drive for the same amount
of time.
By the way, some readers may wonder why we did not incorporate the
Digital Remote Volume Control published earlier this year, in the January
& February 2007 issues. After all, it
works well and has the advantage of
an attractive blue LED digital display.
The simple answer is that its distortion performance is not good enough
to match that of the class-A amplifier.
Fig.2: the IR receiver module used in the Remote Volume Control circuit
contains a lot more than just a photo diode. This block diagram of the
internals reveals an amplifier plus discrimination and demodulation
circuits, all in the 3-pin package. After the 38kHz carrier is removed, the
data appears on the “OUT” pin (1) ready to be processed by the micro.
Preamplifier circuit details
OK, so much for the background
stuff. Let’s see how it all works, starting
with the audio preamplifier.
Fig.1 shows the circuit details, with
just the left channel preamp stages
shown for clarity, along with the power
supply. The right channel preamp
circuitry is identical to the left.
The audio signal from the source
is AC-coupled to the input of the first
op amp (IC1a) via a 4.7mF capacitor,
while a 22kW resistor to ground provides input termination. In addition,
the signal passes via a low-pass filter
formed by a 100W resistor, a ferrite
bead and a 560pF capacitor. This attenuates radio frequencies (RF) ahead
of the op amp input.
IC1a operates with a voltage gain of 2
(+6dB) by virtue of the two 4.7kW feedback resistors. The 4.7kW resistor and
220pF capacitor combination roll off
the top end frequency response, with a
Fig.3: this graph shows the frequency response of the whole amplifier (including
the preamplifier), taken at a power level of 1W into 8-ohms. It’s almost ruler flat
from 10Hz to 20kHz and then rolls off gently to be -3dB down at about 100kHz.
-3dB point at about 150kHz. This gives
a flat response over the audio spectrum
while eliminating the possibility of
high-frequency instability.
Note, however, that the -3dB highfrequency point for the entire amplifier
is about 100kHz – see Fig.3.
The output from IC1a (pin 1) drives
one end of potentiometer VR1a (20kW)
via a 22mF non-polarised coupling
capacitor. The pot acts as a simple
voltage divider and the signal on its
wiper is fed to the input (pin 5) of op
amp IC1b.
The wiper of the pot is also
AC-coupled, this time using a 1mF
non-polarised capacitor. This is done
to prevent any DC voltage appearing
across the pot, which if present would
cause an irritating sound during wiper
IC1b is used as a unity-gain buffer.
This stage allows the preamp to provide a low-impedance output regardless of volume control setting. A 22mF
non-polarised capacitor couples the
audio signal to the output via a 100W
resistor, which is included to ensure
stability when driving the cable and
amplifier input capacitance. This reAugust 2007 17
Fig.4: the Remote Volume Control section is based on a PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller (IC3). This processes the signal
from infrared detector IRD1 and controls the pot motor via H-bridge transistors Q1-Q4.
sistor, together with the ferrite bead
in series with the output, also helps
to attenuate RF noise that might
otherwise find its way back into the
preamp circuit.
Power supply
Power for the circuit is derived directly from the ±22V terminals on the
power supply board (described in June
2007). Diodes D1 & D2 provide reverse
polarity protection, after which each
rail is further filtered using a 220mF
electrolytic capacitor. Two 3-terminal
regulators – REG1 and REG2 – then
provide ±15V supply rails to power
the op amps.
In addition, +22V and 0V outputs
are provided from the power supply (via a separate terminal block).
These outputs are used to power
the Loudspeaker Protector & Muting
Module when the amplifier is finally
Remote volume control circuit
Now let’s take a look at the circuit
for the Remote Volume Control – see
18 Silicon Chip
Fig.4. The three critical components
are the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller
(IC3), the motorised potentiometer and
an infrared receiver/detector module
In operation, the microcontroller
monitors the demodulated infrared
signal from IRD1. It then decodes
this signal and drives the pot motor
according to the RC5 code (see panel)
sent by the handheld remote.
IRD1 only has three leads but it is
not a simple device; in reality, it is a
complete infrared detector and processor – see Fig.2. First, it picks up the
38kHz infrared pulse signal from the
remote and amplifies this to a constant
level. This is then fed to a 38kHz
bandpass filter and then demodulated
to produce a serial data burst at IRD1’s
pin 1 output.
From there, the demodulated signal
from IRD1 is fed into IC3’s RB0 input
(pin 6). Operating under program
control, the microcontroller then reconstitutes the demodulated data into
byte-wide format using the Philips
RC5 protocol specification.
Basically, the Remote Volume Control can be operated on one of three
modes within the RC5 Code. These are
TV1, SAT1 and SAT2 and the desired
code is selected using jumper links
LK1 & LK2 at the RB7 & RB6 inputs
of IC3.
Normally, both these inputs are
pulled high via internal resistors in
IC3 but they can be pulled low using
links LK1 & LK2. In operation, IC3
monitors these inputs and compares
the selected code with the incoming
serial data from IRD1. If the detected
code is correct, the motorised potentiometer will be driven according to
the pushbutton command sent by the
remote control.
Motor drive
The motorised potentiometer is
driven by four transistors (Q1-Q4)
arranged in a H-bridge configuration.
These in turn are driven via the RB2RB5 outputs of IC3 via 1kW resistors.
The motor is off when the RB2-RB5
outputs are all set high. RB4 & RB5
turn PNP transistors Q1 & Q3 off,
while RB2 & RB3 turn NPN transistors
Q2 & Q4 on. As a result, both terminals
of the motor are pulled low and so the
motor is off. Note that the emitters of
Q2 & Q4 both connect to ground via
a common 10W resistor (more on this
The transistors operate in pairs so
that the motor can be driven in either
direction (to increase or decrease the
volume). To drive the potentiometer
clockwise, port RB3 goes low and turns
off transistor Q2, while RB4 goes low
and turns on Q1. This means that the
lefthand terminal of the motor is taken
to +5V via Q1, while the righthand
terminal of the motor is held low via
Q4. As a result, current flows through
Q1, through the motor and then via Q4
and the 10W resistor to ground.
Conversely, to spin the motor in the
other direction, Q1 & Q4 are switched
off and Q2 & Q3 are switched on. As
a result, the righthand motor terminal
is pulled to +5V via Q3, while the
lefthand terminal is pulled low via Q2.
The voltage across the motor depends on the voltage across the common 10W emitter resistor and that in
turn depends on the current. Typically,
the motor draws about 40mA when
driving the potentiometer but this
rises to over 50mA when the clutch is
slipping. As a result, the motor voltage
is around 4.5-4.6V due to the 0.4-0.5V
drop across the 10W resistor (the rated
motor voltage is 4.5V).
Current sensing & muting
Once the pot’s wiper reaches its
fully clockwise or anti-clockwise
position, a friction-type clutch in the
gearbox begins to slip. This prevents
the motor from stalling, while also
allowing the user to manually rotate
the pot shaft if necessary.
The muting function depends on
the microcontroller’s ability to detect
when the wiper is “on the stops”. It
does this by indirectly detecting the
increase in the motor current.
In operation, VR2 samples the voltage across the 10W resistor when the
motor is running. The resulting signal
at its wiper is then filtered using an
18kW resistor and a 100nF capacitor
(to remove the commutator hash from
the motor) and applied to IC3’s analog
AN2 input (pin 1).
This analog input is measured (by
IC3) to a resolution of 10-bits, or about
5mV. Provided this input is below
200mV, the PIC microcontroller allows
Parts List
1 PC board, code 01208071, 201
x 63mm
1 Alpha dual-ganged 20kW log
motorised pot (VR1) (Altronics
Cat. R2000)
1 1kW (code 102) horizontal trimpot (VR2)
1 DIP 18-pin IC socket
2 DIP 8-pin IC sockets
5 2-way PC-mount screw terminal blocks, 5.08mm spacing
(Altronics Cat. P2034A – do
not substitute)
1 3-way PC-mount screw terminal block, 5.08mm spacing
(Altronics Cat. P2035A – do
not substitute)
1 4MHz crystal (X1)
4 ferrite beads (Altronics Cat.
1 3-way SIL pin header, 2.54mm
1 2-way SIL pin header, 2.54mm
1 2-way DIL pin header, 2.54mm
2 jumper links to suit headers
1 6.35mm panel-mount singleended spade connector
1 6.35mm spade connector
4 M3 x 25mm tapped standoffs
4 M3 x 6mm screws
1 M4 x 10mm screw
1 M4 nut
1 M4 flat washer
1 M4 star washer
1 250mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 150mm length of red hookup
the motor to run. However, as soon as
voltage rises above this 200mV limit,
the motor is stopped.
When the motor is running normally, the current through it is about
40mA which produces 0.4V across the
10W resistor. VR2 is used to attenuate
this voltage and is adjusted so that the
voltage at AN2 is slightly below the
200mV limit.
When the motor reaches the end
of its travel, the extra load imposed
by the slipping clutch increases the
current and the voltage applied to the
AN2 input rises above 200mV. This is
detected by IC3 during muting and the
microcontroller then switches the H-
1 150mm length of black hookup
2 100mm cable ties
2 LM4562 op amps (IC1, IC2)
1 PIC16F88-I/P programmed
with “Low Noise Preamp Volume.hex” (lC3)
1 infrared decoder (IRD1)
1 7815 15V regulator (REG1)
1 7915 -15V regulator (REG2)
1 7805 5V regulator (REG3)
2 BC327 PNP transistors (Q1,Q3)
2 BC337 NPN transistors (Q2,Q4)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
1 3mm blue LED (LED2)
1 3mm orange LED (LED3)
2 220mF 25V PC electrolytic
1 100mF 25V PC electrolytic
4 100mF 16V PC electrolytic
4 22mF NP electrolytic
1 10mF 16V PC electrolytic
2 4.7mF NP electrolytic
2 1mF NP electrolytic or MKT
5 100nF MKT polyester
1 10nF MKT polyester
2 560pF ceramic
2 270pF ceramic
2 22pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
4 100kW
7 1kW
2 22kW
6 100W
1 18kW
1 22W
1 10kW
1 10W
4 4.7kW
bridge transistors (Q1-Q4) accordingly
to immediately stop the motor.
Note that AN2 is monitored only
during the Muting operation. At other
times, when the volume is being set by
the Up or Down buttons on the remote,
the voltage at AN2 is not monitored.
As a result, the clutch in the motor’s
gearbox assembly simply slips when
the potentiometer reaches its clockwise or anticlockwise limits.
Pressing the Mute button on the
remote again after muting returns the
volume control to its original setting.
This is the “Mute Return” feature referred to earlier.
Note also that connecting IC3’s RA4
August 2007 19
Fig.5: follow this parts layout diagram to build the Preamplifier & Remote Volume Control board. Be
sure to use the correct part at each location and take care with components that are polarised. The
leads to the motor are strapped to the underside of the board using cable ties.
input to ground via LK4 disables this
feature. Conversely, to enable Mute
Return, LK3 is used to pull RA4 to
Indicator LEDs
LEDs 1-3 indicate the status of the
20 Silicon Chip
circuit. The red Power LED (LED1)
lights whenever power is applied to
the circuit and provides power on/off
indication for the entire amplifier.
The other two LEDs – Ack (acknowledge) and Mute – light when their
respective RB1 and RA1 outputs are
Fig.6: bend the leads for IRD1
and the three LEDs as shown here
before installing them on the PC
board. The centre line of each lens
must be 4mm above the board
pulled high (ie, to +5V). As indicated
previously, the Ack LED flashes when
ever the RB0 input receives an infrared
signal from the remote, while the Mute
LED flashes during the Mute operation
and then stays lit while the volume
remains muted.
Crystal oscillator
Pins 15 and 16 of IC3 are the oscillator inputs for 4MHz crystal X1,
which is used to provide the clock
signal. This oscillator runs when the
circuit is first powered up for about
1.5 seconds. It also runs whenever an
infrared signal is received at RB0 and
then for a further 1.5 seconds after the
last receipt of signal, after which the
oscillator shuts down.
Note, however, that this shut down
does not occur if a Muting operation
is still in process.
Make sure that the motorised pot is correctly
seated against the PC board before soldering its
terminals, otherwise its shaft won’t line up with
the front panel clearance hole later on.
This selects the TV1 infrared remote
control code and this will be suitable
for most applications.
However, this code may also operate
your TV and so we have provided options to select another code to prevent
this from happening. The table in Fig.4
shows the linking options used to select either the SAT1 or SAT2 code. For
example, installing LK2 (and leaving
LK1 out) sets the code to SAT2.
Power for the circuit is derived
from the amplifier’s 22V DC
supply and is fed in via a 22W
resistor and a 100mF decoupling capacitor. The resulting rail
is then applied to regulator REG3
which produces a +5V supply rail
to power IC3, IRD1 and the H-bridge
driver stage for the motor. A 10mF capacitor decouples the output of REG3,
while the 100mF capacitor across IRD1
prevents this device from false triggering due to “hash” on the 5V rail.
Shutting down the oscillator in the
absence of an infrared signal from
the remote ensures that no noise is
radiated into sensitive audio circuitry
when the volume control is not being
Waking up again
As just stated, when there is no IR
signal from the remote, the circuit
goes to “sleep” (ie, the oscillator shuts
down) and so no noise is produced.
However, as soon as it receives an
IR signal, the circuit “wakes up” and
drives the potentiometer. It then shuts
down after about 1.5 seconds if it does
not receive any further IR signals.
In addition, the motor is enclosed
by a Mumetal shield which reduces
any radiated electrical hash from the
commutator brushes. A 10nF capacitor
connected directly across the motor
terminals also prevents commutator
hash from being transmitted along the
connection leads, while further filtering is provided by a 100nF capacitor
located at the motor output terminals
on the PC board.
Coding options
Links LK1 & LK2 at RB7 and RB6 are
used to program the different infrared
coding options. The default selection
is when both RB6 and RB7 are pulled
high via their internal pull-up resistors – ie, when LK1 and LK2 are out.
All the parts for the Preamp &
Remote Volume Control Unit are
installed on a single PC board coded
01208071 and measuring 201 x 63mm.
The external connections to the power
supply and to the audio input and
output cables are run via insulated
screw terminal blocks.
Fig.5 shows the assembly details. As
usual, begin by checking the board for
defects and for the correct hole sizes.
In particular, check that the motorised
pot and the screw terminal blocks fit
correctly and that the mounting holes
are correct.
That done, start the assembly by
installing the six wire links. You can
straighten the link wire by securing
one end in a vyce and then pulling
on the other end using a pair of pliers,
to stretch it slightly. The resistors can
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
red red orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
brown black red brown
brown black brown brown
red red black brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
red red black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown black black black brown
red red black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
August 2007 21
Avoiding An Earth Loop With IRD1
If the supplied infrared receiver (IRD1)
includes an external metal shield (see
photo), then steps must be taken to
insulate it from the chassis when the
preamplifier is installed. That’s because
the shield is connected to the centre
(GND) terminal of the device and a
short between the shield and the metal
chassis would create an earth loop. And
that in turn would inject hum into the
audio signal.
One method is to attach a short strip
of insulation tape to the inside of the
front panel, with a hole cut out to match
the hole in the panel. Alternatively, it
should be possible to insulate the front
of the device and arrange it so that it just
stands clear of the front panel.
then go in. Table 1 shows the resistor
colour codes but you should also check
them using a digital multimeter, as the
colours can sometimes be difficult to
Next on the list are the four ferrite
beads. These each have a wire link run
through them, which is then soldered
to the board. Follow these with the two
diodes (D1 & D2), then install sockets
for the three ICs. Make sure that each
socket is oriented correctly (IC3 faces
in the opposite direction to ICs 1 & 2)
and that it’s seated properly against
the PC board.
In fact, it’s best to solder two diagonally opposite pins of a socket first
and then check it before soldering the
remaining pins.
The MKT and ceramic capacitors
can now go in, followed by the nonpolarised capacitors and the polarised
electrolytics. Make sure that the latter
are all correctly oriented and note that
the 100mF capacitor to the left of LED3
must be rated at 25V (the other 100mF
capacitors can all be rated at 16V).
Now install the transistors and 3-terminal regulators. Transistors Q1-Q4 all
go in the remote volume control section and must be oriented as shown.
Be sure to use the correct type at each
location. Q1 & Q3 and both BC327s,
while Q2 & Q4 are BC337s. Don’t get
them mixed up.
The same goes for the three regulators. REG1 is a 7815, REG2 a 7915 and
REG3 a 7805 – again, don’t mix them
up. These parts should all be inserted
22 Silicon Chip
If your infrared receiver module has a
metal shield like this one, then be sure
to insulate it from the front panel as
described in the accompanying text.
Do not rely on the powder coating on
the chassis to provide insulation! That’s
asking for trouble.
as far down as they will go, with their
metal tabs facing towards the back of
the board. No heatsinking is required
for their metal tabs, since current requirements are only modest.
The 2-way DIL (dual-in-line) pin
header for LK1 & LK2 can now be installed, followed by the 3-way header
for LK3 & LK4. A 2-way pin header is
also used to terminate the motor leads
(just to the right of Q1 & Q3). To install
this header, first push its pins down so
that their ends are flush with the top
of the plastic, then install the header
from the component side and solder
the pins underneath.
This will give about 7mm pin
lengths to terminate the leads from
the motor, which are run underneath
the PC board.
Crystal X1 (adjacent to IC3) can be
installed either way around. Make sure
it’s seated correctly before soldering its
leads, then install trimpot VR2 and the
six screw terminal blocks. Be sure to
use the screw terminal blocks specified in the parts list – they give more
reliable connections when terminating
thin audio cable leads than the type
used on our prototype.
Mounting the motorised pot
It’s absolutely critical to seat the
motorised pot (VR1) correctly against
the PC board before soldering its leads,
If this is not done, it won’t line up
correctly with its clearance hole in the
amplifier’s front panel later on.
In particular, note that the two lugs
at the rear of the gearbox cover go
through slotted holes in the PC board.
Use a small jeweller’s file to enlarge
these if necessary.
Once the pot fits correctly, solder
two diagonally opposite pot terminals
and check that everything is correct
before soldering the rest. The two gearbox cover lugs can then be soldered.
Once the pot is in place, the motor
terminals can be connected to the two
pin header at the other end of the board
using light-duty hook-up cable. These
leads are twisted together to keep them
tidy and pass through a hole in the
board immediately behind the motor.
As shown, they are then secured to the
underside of the PC board using cable
ties and connected to the header pins
(watch the polarity).
Don’t forget to solder the 10nF
capacitor directly across the motor
terminals. As previously stated, it’s
there to suppress motor hash.
Mounting the LEDs
Fig.6 shows the mounting details
for the infrared receiver (IRD1) and
the three LEDs. As shown the centre
line of each lens must be 4mm above
the board surface.
So how do you mount the LEDs
accurately? Easy – just cut 11mmwide and 4mm-wide templates from
thick cardboard. The 11mm template
serves as a lead bending guide, while
the 4mm template is used as a spacer
when mounting the LEDs – just push
each LED down onto the spacer and
solder its leads.
Hint: you can use sticky tape as a
“third hand” to hold each LED and the
template in place during soldering.
IRD1’s leads should also be bent as
shown in Fig.6 and the photos. This
will allow a small amount of “give” in
the leads when the lens later contacts
the back of the front panel (ie, it will
allow IRD1 to “spring” back slightly
and keep the lens against the panel).
Finally, complete the board assembly by installing the quick connector.
As with previous boards, it’s held in
place using an M4 screw, a flat washer,
a shakeproof washer and a nut (see
Fig.3 last month).
Initial checks
Before plugging in any of the ICs,
it’s a good idea to check the supply
voltages. However, if you don’t have
the power supply running yet (or a
suitable bench power supply), this
can wait until the final assembly in
the chassis.
Assuming you do have a power
supply, connect the +22V, -22V & 0V
leads to CON6 and switch on. Now
check the voltages on pins 8 & 4 of the
two 8-pin IC sockets (ie, between each
of these pins and 0V). You should get
readings of +15V (pin 8) and -15V (pin
5) respectively.
Similarly, check the voltage on pin
14 of IC3’s socket – you should get a
reading between 4.8V and 5.2V.
If these voltages are correct, switch
off and plug the ICs into their sockets,
taking care not to zap them with static
electricity. Note that IC1 & IC2 face one
way while IC3 faces the other way.
Remote volume control testing
If you don’t have a dual power supply, then you can check out the remote
volume control section only using a
single rail 9-15V supply (connect this
between the +22V and 0V terminals on
CON6). As before, check the voltage
on pin 14 of IC3’s socket (it must be
between 4.8V and 5.2V), then switch
off and plug IC3 into its socket.
In addition, insert the jumper link
for LK3, to enable the Mute return
feature but leave LK1 & LK2 out for
the time being (to accept the TV code
from the remote).
Further testing requires a universal
remote control. These range from single TV remote controls with limited
functions to elaborate models capable
of operating many different types of
Note, however, that simple TV
remote controls will only operate
this project using the TV code (026).
That can cause problems if you have
a Philips TV set located in the same
vicinity as the amplifier, as the remote
control will probably operate the TV
as well. This is easy to solve – just use
a multi-item remote control so that a
different code can be used (either 424
for SAT1 or 425 for SAT2)
An example of a TV-only remote
control is the Jaycar AR-1703. Multiitem remote controls include the
Altronics A-1009 and the Jaycar AR1714.
Programming the remote
The best approach here is to initially program the remote control for
a Philips brand TV (just follow the
instructions supplied with the unit).
In most cases, programming involves
Universal Infrared Remote Controls
The Remote Volume Control circuit is designed to work with most universal (“onefor-all”) infrared remotes. It recognises the RC5 protocol that was originally developed
by Philips, so the remote must be programmed for a Philips (or compatible) appliance
before use.
Most universal remotes are provided with a long list of supported appliances and
matching codes. To set the remote to work with a particular piece of gear, it’s usually
just a matter of entering the code listed for the manufacturer (in this case, Philips),
as detailed in the instructions.
You’ll also note that different codes are provided for TV, CD, SAT, and so on. This
allows two or more appliances from the same manufacturer to be operated in the same
room and even from the same handpiece.
This multiple addressing capability can be useful in our application, too. Normally,
we’d program the remote to control a TV, as this works with the control module. But
what if you already have a Philips TV (or some other model that uses the RC5 protocol)? Well, in that case, you simply use the SAT1 or SAT2 code instead, as the Remote
Volume Control can also handle these!
Typically, to set a remote to control a Philips TV, you first press and hold “SET” and
then press “TV”. This puts the remote in programming mode, as indicated by a LED,
which should remain illuminated.
You then release both keys and punch in one of the listed Philips TV codes. For this
project, code 026 works well. The red LED should then go out, after which the remote
is ready for use. All universal remotes can be programmed in a similar manner but
if in doubt, try reading the instructions! If the first code listed doesn’t work with the
Remote Volume Control, then try another.
Once the remote has been programmed, the Remote Volume Control
must be set up to recognise the particular equipment address that
you’ve chosen (either TV, SAT1 or SAT2). The details on how to
do this are in the main text.
Although this project should work with any universal
remote, we’ve tested the following popular models: AIFA
Y2E (Altronics A-1013), AIFA RA7 (Altronics A-1009)
and Jaycar AR-1703. For all these models, the setup codes are as follows: TV = 026, SAT1 = 424
and SAT2 = 425.
Note, however, that the AIFA Y2E doesn’t
have a mute button.
simultaneously pressing the “Set” button and the button for the item that is to
be operated. In other words, press the
“Set” and “TV” buttons together and
enter a number for a Philips TV set.
In this case, the Altronics A-1009
uses the number 026 or 191 and the
Jaycar AR-1703 uses 11414. If you are
using a different remote control, just
select a number for a Philips TV set.
If you later find that this doesn’t work,
try another number for a Philips TV.
Having programmed the remote,
rotate trimpot VR2 fully anticlockwise.
That done, check that the motor turns
the potentiometer clockwise when the
remote’s Volume Up and Channel Up
buttons are pressed.
It should travel fairly quickly when
Volume Up is pressed and at a slower
rate when Channel Up is used.
Now check that the volume potentiometer runs anticlockwise using the
Volume Down and Channel down buttons. If it turns in the wrong direction,
simply reverse the leads to the motor.
Check that the blue Acknowledge LED
flashes each time you press a button
on the remote.
Next, set the pot to mid-position
and hit the Mute button. The pot will
rotate anti-clockwise and as soon as it
hits the stops, the clutch will start to
slip. While this is happening, slowly
adjust VR2 clockwise until the motor
Now press Volume Up to turn the
potentiometer clockwise for a few
seconds and press Mute again. This
time, the motor should stop as soon as
August 2007 23
This view shows the Preamplifier & Remote Volume Control module mounted inside the completed Class-A Stereo
Amplifier. The final assembly, wiring and adjustment details will be published next month.
the pot reaches its minimum position.
Note that a programmed timeout of
13-seconds will also stop the motor (if
it hasn’t already stopped) after Mute
is activated. This means that you have
to adjust VR2 within this 13s period,
otherwise the timeout will stop the
If it stops prematurely or fails to stop
at all (ie, the motor runs for the full 13
seconds), try redoing the adjustment.
Once the adjustment is correct, pressing the Mute button a second time
should accurately return the potentiometer to its original position.
As mentioned earlier, links LK1 &
LK2 change the codes for the infrared
transmission – see the table in Fig.4.
24 Silicon Chip
You will only need to install one of
these links (to select SAT1 or SAT2)
if you have a Philips TV. Remove link
LK3 and install link LK4 if the Mute
return feature is not required.
Note that with a new motorised
potentiometer, the clutch will require
a little “wearing in” to evenly spread
the lubricant in the slipping sections.
This can be done simply by turning the
pot shaft by hand a few times before
use. Readjust VR2 for best results after
you do this.
Avoiding a hum loop
Finally, note that the power supply
earth (0V) is not connected to the left
and right channel earth tracks on the
preamplifier PC board. This avoids
a hum loop, since the two channels
are normally earthed back through
the power amplifiers via their signal
However, if you want to use the
preamp on its own, both the left and
right channel signal earths on the
board must be connected to the 0V
rail for the power supply. This can
be done by connecting insulated wire
links between the relevant screw terminal blocks.
That’s all for this month. In Pt.5,
we’ll show you how to assemble all the
modules into a custom metal chassis
to produce a complete high-quality
class-A stereo audio amplifier.