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Items relevant to "A Knock Detector For The Programmable Ignition":
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20W Class-A
Amplifier; Pt.2
This fully assembled chassis shows what the
Stereo Class-A Amplifier will look like. The
preamplifier/remote volume control module
and the loudspeaker protection module will
be described in following issues.
In Pt.2 this month, we present the construction details
for matching left and right channel mirror-image
modules, together with the circuit and construction
details of the power supply.
Pt.2: By Leo Simpson
20 Silicon Chip
Fig.6: follow this parts layout diagram to build the left channel power amplifier module. Be sure to
use the correct part at each location and make sure that all polarised parts (transistors, diodes and
electrolytic capacitors) are correctly installed.
HE NEW PC boards are longer than
the original SILICON CHIP July 1988
modules. This is mainly to spread the
two power output transistors further
apart on the large single-ended heatsinks. This has the effect of spreading
the central hot spot produced by the
original module and allows us to use
the heatsinks more efficiently.
This time around we have also
designed mirror image PC boards, for
the left and right channels. This has
been done to achieve a better wiring
layout within the amplifier chassis
and also to optimise the residual noise
performance in both channels.
Both PC boards measure 146 x
80mm and are coded 01105071 (left)
and 0110572 (right). To ensure reliable connections to the PC boards, we
have specified chassis-mount QuickConnect single-ended male spade
terminals which have a mounting hole
for an M4 screw.
These connectors are normally used
for high current connections but we
are using them here because we want
to ensure very low resistance connections. They have the advantage over
normal soldered connections to the PC
board in that they can be repeatedly
connected and disconnected without
problems, when an amplifier is being
assembled and checked.
By the way, we do not recommend
staked Quick-Connect spade lugs for
this application as they are not as reliable, particularly after they have been
reconnected a few times.
With the same thought in mind
about reliable terminations, the audio
signal connection to each module is
made via an on-board RCA socket.
This is much better than using soldered connections for shielded cable,
as they are bound to look messy after
being disconnected and reconnected
just once.
One module or two?
Before we start on the assembly
details, there are a few other points
to note. The first pertains to whether
you are building a single PC board
module to be used as a mono amplifier (unlikely, but we have to consider
it). If so, note that R1 is a 0W link, as
shown on the circuit of Fig.5 in last
month’s issue.
Alternatively, if you are building
left and right modules for a stereo amplifier, R1 must be changed to a 10Ω
resistor (in each channel). This is done
to reduce the possibility of circulating
currents in the completed stereo amplifier which could compromise the
performance, particularly separation
between channels.
Transistor quality
To ensure published performance,
the MJL21193 & MJL21194 power
transistors must be On Semiconductor
branded parts, while the 2SA970 lownoise devices must be from Toshiba.
Be particularly wary of counterfeit
parts, as reported by us in the past. We
recommend that all other transistors
used in this project be from reputable
manufacturers, such as Philips (NXP
Semiconductors), On Semiconductor
and ST Microelectronics. This applies
particularly to the BD139 & BD140
output drivers.
The component layouts for the mirror reverse boards are shown in Fig.6
(left) and Fig.7 (right).
Begin each board assembly by installing the wire links, the two 1N4148
diodes (D1 & D2), and the resistors
and capacitors. The resistor colour
codes are shown in Table 1 but we
strongly advise that you also check
each value using a multimeter before
it is installed.
Make sure that the diodes and elecJune 2007 21
Fig.7: this is the layout for the matching right-channel power amplifier module. It’s almost a mirror
image of the left-channel board.
trolytic capacitors are installed with
the correct polarity.
That done, you can then install the
fuse clips. Note the each fuse clip has
a little lug on one end which stops
the fuse from moving lengthways. If
you install the clips the wrong way
around, those lugs will stop you from
fitting the fuses.
Next, install the two 0.1W 5W resistors followed by trimpot VR1 (this
must go in with its adjustment screw
oriented as shown). The small-signal
(TO-92) transistors (2SA970s, BC546s
& BC556s) can then be installed. As
supplied, these transistors usually
have their leads in a straight line,
although the centre lead may sometimes be cranked out. They have to be
splayed outwards and cranked to fit
nicely into their allocated positions.
The way to do this is as follows.
First, grip the three leads adjacent
to the transistor body using a pair of
needle-nose pliers and bend the centre
lead back and up by about 70°. That
done, grip each of the two outer leads
in turn and bend it outwards and up
by about 70°. Finally, grip each lead in
turn at the end of the pliers and bend
it downwards again – see photos.
Install each transistor on the PC
Fig.8: follow this diagram to attach the BD139 and BD140 transistors to
their respective heatsinks. Note that each transistor is electrically isolated
from its heatsink using a silicone insulating washer.
22 Silicon Chip
board after dressing its leads. Note
that transistor pairs Q1 & Q2 and Q3 &
Q4 are installed with their flats facing
each other.
Make sure that you don’t install
the TO-92 transistors in the wrong
positions. Inadvertently swapping
2SA970s for BC556s will not have any
dire consequences, except that the amplifier will not be as quiet as it would
have been. But swapping BC546 NPN
transistors for BC556 or 2SA970 PNP
transistors will cause serious damage
when the amplifier is first powered up.
You have been warned!
The idea is to work carefully and
This close-up view shows one of the
BD139 transistors (left-channel amplifier board). A second BD139 mounts
on the other side of this heatsink.
Follow this photo in conjunction with Fig.7
when building the right-channel amplifier
module. Note that the output transistors (Q12
& Q14) must be electrically isolated from the
heatsink using thermal washers (see Fig.9).
patiently through the assembly process. Check each step against the
diagrams and photos as you go. Care
and patience now will be rewarded
later when you turn the amplifier on.
The TO-126 transistors Q10, Q11 &
Q13 are fitted to U-shaped flag heatsinks before they are soldered to the
PC board. More specifically, Q10 and
Q11, both BD139s, are mounted on
opposite sides of the same flag heatsink (see Fig.8) while Q13, a BD140, is
mounted on a separate flag heatsink.
Note that each transistor must have a
silicone rubber pad to isolate it from
the heatsink – see Fig.8 and the photos.
Note also that the 100pF ceramic
capacitor at the collector of Q9 should
be an NPO type (ie, with zero temperature coefficient). NPO capacitors have
a black spot or strip across the top. If
your 100pF capacitor does not have
this black labelling, it is not NPO.
Other types may change their capacitance markedly with temperature,
which is undesirable.
Winding jig
The next step is to wind the 6.8mH
inductor. To do this, you need about
1.5m of 1mm enamelled copper wire
which is close-wound onto a plastic
bobbin. This bobbin may have an in-
ternal diameter of either 11.8mm or
13.8mm, depending on the supplier.
As shown in the photos, we made up
a small winding jig for the bobbin, as
this enables a really neat job. It consists
of an M5 x 70mm bolt, two M5 nuts,
an M5 flat washer, a piece of scrap PC
board material (40 x 50mm approx.)
and a scrap piece of timber (140 x 45
x 20mm approx.) for the handle.
The leads of the TO-92 transistors are cranked to fit the PC board using a
pair of needle-nose pliers. These photos show how it’s done.
June 2007 23
Above: these photos show how to make a simple jig from scrap material
to wind the 6.8mH inductors (see text). First, the bobbin is slipped over
the collar on the bolt (1), then the end cheek is attached and the wire
threaded through the exit slot (2). The handle is then attached and the
coil wound using 25.5 turns of 1mm enamelled copper wire (3). The
finished coil (4) is secured using a couple of layers of insulation tape and
a band of heatshrink tubing.
In use, the flat washer goes against the
head of the bolt, after which a collar is
fitted over the bolt to take the bobbin.
This collar should be slightly less than
the width of the bobbin and can be
wound on using insulation tape.
Wind on sufficient tape so that
the bobbin fits snugly without being
Next, drill a 5mm hole through the
centre of the scrap PC board material,
followed by a 1.5mm exit hole about
8mm away that will align with one of
the slots in the bobbin. That done, the
bobbin can be slipped over the collar
and sandwiched into position between
the washer and the PC board (which
acts as an end cheek).
Align the bobbin so that one of its
slots lines up with the exit hole in the
end cheek, then install the first nut
24 Silicon Chip
and secure it tightly. The handle
can then be fitted by drilling a 5mm
hole through one end, then slipping
it over the bolt and installing the
second nut.
Winding the choke
Begin by feeding about 40mm of the
wire through one of the bobbin slots
and the exit hole in the jig (loosen the
handle if necessary to do this). Bend
this end back through 180° to secure it,
then tighten the handle and wind on
25.5 turns as evenly and tightly as possible. Finish by bending the remaining
wire length through 90° so that it aligns
with the opposite slot.
The windings can now be secured
using a couple of layers of insulation
tape, after which the bobbin can be removed from the jig. Cut off the excess
Here’s another view of the fullyassembled right-channel power
amplifier module, attached to
its heatsink. After mounting the
output transistors, it’s a good
idea to use a multimeter (set to a
high ohms range) to confirm that
they are correctly isolated from
the heatsink. You should get an
open-circuit reading between the
heatsink and each of the transistor
Fig.9: this diagram shows the mounting details for the output
transistors (left), along with the heatsink drilling diagram (above).
Note that the transistors are mounted with a lead length of 9mm
using the method detailed in the text. Be sure to deburr the
mounting holes using an oversize drill, to prevent punch-though of
the insulating washers.
June 2007 25
Fig.10: the power supply circuit uses a centre-tapped
transformer with 16V windings to drive a bridge
rectifier and six 10,000mF filter capacitors.
wire at each end, leaving about 10mm
Finally, complete the choke by fitting some 20mm-diameter (9mm wide)
heatshrink tubing over the windings.
Be careful when shrinking it down
with a hot-air gun though – too much
heat will damage the plastic bobbin.
You can now test fit the finished
inductor to its PC board, bending its
leads as necessary to get the bobbin to
sit down flush on the board. It’s then
just a matter of stripping the enamel
from the wire ends and tinning them
before soldering the choke in place.
Power transistors
The two output transistors must
be installed with their plastic bodies
exactly 9mm above the surface of the
PC board. In practice, you have to
first mount the two transistors on the
Fig.9 shows the mounting details for
each device. Note that it is necessary
to use a thermal insulating washer to
electrically isolate each device from
the heatsink.
First, check that the mounting
areas are smooth and free of metal
swarf (deburr the holes if necessary
using an oversize drill), then loosely
secure each device to the heatsink
using an M3 x 20mm machine screw,
flat washer and nut. That done, cut a
couple of 9mm wide cardboard spacers
about 40mm long – these will be used
to space the transistor bodies off the
PC board.
Next, turn the heatsink assembly upside down and slip the PC board (upside down) over the transistor leads.
Push the board down so that the cardboard spacers are sandwiched between
the board and the transistor bodies,
then line everything up square and
lightly tack solder the centre lead of
each device.
It’s important to now check that
everything lines up correctly. The PC
board should sit exactly 10mm below
the edge of the heatsink, while each
end of the board should be 77mm from
its adjacent heatsink end (it helps to
mark these points beforehand).
Make any adjustments as necessary,
then complete the soldering and trim
the device leads. That done, you can
tighten the mounting screws that secure the transistors to the heatsinks,
making sure that the insulating washers are correctly aligned. These screws
should be tight to ensure good thermal
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
26 Silicon Chip
2.2kW 1W 5%
10W 1W 5%
6.8W 1W 5%
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
red red red gold
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
green brown brown brown
red violet brown brown
brown black brown brown
blue grey black brown
brown blue black brown
brown black black gold
blue grey gold gold
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
green brown black black brown
red violet black black brown
brown black black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
brown blue black gold brown
The power supply module carries the six 10,000mF 35V
filter capacitors plus two LED circuits to indicate that the
supply is working correctly.
Fig.11: here’s how the build the power supply board. Install the Quick-Connect terminals first so that there’s no
risk of damaging the expensive 10,000mF capacitors if a tool slips while tightening the screws. The capacitors
can then go in, followed by the resistors and the LEDs.
coupling between each device and the
Finally, check that each device is
electrically isolated from the heatsink
using a multimeter. You should get an
open-circuit reading between each
device lead and the heatsink metal.
By the way, we recommend highefficiency thermal insulating washers
for the MJL21193 & MJL21194 output
devices (see parts list last month).
Typical low-cost silicone rubber
washers performed poorly in our lab
tests, resulting in at least 5°C higher
transistor running temperatures.
On a similar theme, adequate airflow
up through the heatsink fins is vital to
amplifier survival and long-term reliability. This means that the amplifier
must be operated in a well-ventilated
area – those heatsinks do get hot (typically 30°C above ambient).
That completes the assembly details
of the power amplifier modules. Next,
we need to discuss the power supply
circuit and construction of the power
supply module.
Shielded power transformer
As noted last month, this new
design dispenses with the regulated
power supply and uses a bridge recti-
fier and a bank of filter capacitors.
Fig.10 shows the circuit. As can be
seen, it employs a centre-tapped transformer with 16V windings to drive a
bridge rectifier and six 10,000mF 35V
electrolytic capacitors (30,000mF on
each side) to provide balanced ±22V
DC supply rails.
Also included in the power supply
circuit are two LEDs and two 2.2kW
resistors to provide a visible indication
that power is present on the supply
rails. This is very handy when you
are working on the amplifier. Finally,
there are two 100nF MKT polyester
continued on page 30
June 2007 27
Measuring Ultra-Low Harmonic Distortion
How good are our new Class-A audio amplifier
modules? Well, they are too good to measure on
our Audio Precision test gear, as we shall see.
Back in 1998 in the class-A amplifier article, we noted the great difficulty
in measuring the very low distortion
of the circuit. The main problem is
that, at lower power levels, circuit
noise tends to completely obliterate
the measurement. Even at full power
(20W), the noise in the signal is quite
To put that into perspective, the
signal to noise ratio of the new amplifier with respect to full power is
-115dB unweighted (ie, with a noise
bandwidth from 22Hz to 22kHz)
which is very, very low. How low?
Think of a noise signal which is only
22 microvolts! Compare that with the
total harmonic distortion which is typically .0006% (-104dB or 76mV) and
you can see that noise is a significant
part of the measurement.
In the July 1998 article we demonstrated a method to remove the noise
component of a THD (total harmonic
distortion) signal using the averaging
feature of a Tektronix TDS360 digital
scope. The noted audio designer,
Douglas Self, devised this method.
This technique can filter out virtually
all the random noise signal to leave
the harmonic content displayed.
Fast-forward nine years to June
2007 and we can do the same procedures using our vastly more capable LeCroy WaveJet 2Gs/s 200MHz
digital oscilloscope. We often feature
screen grabs from this scope to
demonstrate circuit performance.
However, the LeCroy WaveJet does
not allow us to perform normal sampling and averaging on the same
signal simultaneously and we wanted
to do this in order to more clearly
demonstrate the dramatic effect of
noise averaging using a digital scope.
What to do?
It turns out that LeCroy have a
much higher performance scope
which would let us do this procedure. So, thanks to Charles Holtom
of Trio Smartcal (phone 1300 853
407), we managed to gain access
to a LeCroy WaveRunner 10Gs/s
600MHz scope.
We performed three tests to dem
onstrate the extremely high performance of our new amplifier. The
accompanying three scope screen
grabs each show three signal traces.
In each case, the top trace is the
fundamental – ie, a 1kHz sinewave.
The trace below that is the residual
THD signal after the fundamental
Scope1: the THD measurement of the amplifier at 1kHz and 20W. Note the much cleaner averaged
bottom trace (green).
28 Silicon Chip
1kHz sinewave has been nulled out
by our Audio Precision automatic
distortion test set. Both these traces
are displayed using normal scope
sampling so all the noise in the signal
is clearly shown as a large random
The bottom trace is displayed using the averaging technique and is in
fact the average of 128 sweeps of the
trace. Furthermore, we have applied
a degree of digital filtering to limit the
noise in the displayed signal.
Scope1 shows the measurement
of the new amplifier at 20W. The total
harmonic distortion was .00056%.
To explain this, the middle trace
represents an RMS voltage which is
.00056% of 12.69V, the signal level
needed for 20W into an 8-ohm load.
As presented on the scope, the middle trace has a mean (ie, average)
value of 4.54mV RMS. Now look
at the averaged trace (bottom). Not
only is it almost completely devoid
of random noise (revealing the true
harmonic content) but its RMS value
is only 1.96mV RMS. This enables us
to recalculate the true harmonic dis-
This photo shows the
prototype modules
under test using the
LeCroy WaveRunner
scope and our Audio
Precision test set.
These tests also
allowed us to optimise
the wiring layout in
the test chassis.
tortion to be around .00024%! Wow.
By the way, the scope displays a full
set of measurements for channel 3
(blue) and channel 4 (green), including instantaneous value, mean, min,
max and standard deviation.
Scope2 is even more dramatic as
it demonstrates the THD measure-
ment at a power level of 1W. Here,
the measurement is .001%, much
worse than for full power but in this
case the fixed residual noise level of
around 22mV is much more significant compared to the THD residual
which is 56mV. In this case, the THD
. . . continued next page
Scope2: the THD measurement of the amplifier at 1kHz and 1W. Here the residual noise (trace 2 –
blue) is much greater and the averaged trace (green) is much cleaner.
June 2007 29
Scope3: the THD measurement of the Audio Precision test set at 1kHz and 600mV.
Measuring Ultra-Low Distortion:
continued from previous page
trace is 2.2mV RMS compared to the
averaged trace (bottom) of 531mV.
Recalculating the harmonic distortion in the same way again gives a
result of .00024%. This clearly shows
that the harmonic distortion does not
increase when the power level of the
amplifier is reduced.
Well, that’s great but it is not the
whole story because when we measure the Audio Precision distortion test
set itself, its THD is .0004% at 1kHz
at a level of 600mV.
Scope3 shows the equivalent
process and after averaging the
harmonic distortion, the reading is
capacitors to provide a high frequency
bypass filter on each supply.
However, the real feature of the
power supply is the magneticallyshielded toroidal power transformer.
Most people would be aware that
standard toroidal power transformers
have quite a low leakage inductance
and therefore little hum radiation
30 Silicon Chip
.00024%. But isn’t that the same as
the above readings for the amplifier?
Yep. So in fact, we don’t know how
good the amplifier really is. Based
on these figures, it might be less
than .0001% but we have no way of
As a further exercise, we were able
to do spectrum analysis using the
LeCroy WaveRunner’s FFT facility.
However, while that showed the first
harmonic content at down below
.0001% for the Audio Precision’s
generator and similar low figures for
the amplifier, the tests simply did not
let us make any further estimates.
By the way, measuring a level of
.0001% with respect to a 600mV
signal actually refers to a signal comwhen compared to conventional EI
laminated transformers. That is correct
but the hum radiation from a standard
toroidal power transformer is still not
low enough when used in conjunction
with these high performance class-A
amplifier modules, as we found with
our 1998 design.
Because of the constant power
ponent of just 6mV. The FFT analysis
was able to measure harmonics out
to the 19th, at much lower levels,
so we were looking at harmonic
components as little as -130dB with
respect to the fundamental signal
level. This is far below the amplifier’s
residual noise level; such is the capability of the LeCroy WaveRunner
oscilloscope. It has 11-bit precision,
enabling accurate measurements
even at just a few microvolts.
So when you look at the overall
harmonic distortion figures published
in Pt.1 (and to be published in future
months for the completed stereo amplifier) remember that they don’t tell the
true story. This amplifier is actually too
good for us to measure properly.
demand of about 100W drawn by the
two modules, the transformer still has
quite a significant hum field and this is
a real problem when it is operated in
close proximity to the amplifier modules. Our solution in the 1998 design
was to use a separate power box, to
keep the transformer well away from
the modules.
This life-size view shows the fully assembled left-channel amplifier module. Note that some minor changes were
made to the PC board (just to the right of the RCA audio input socket) after this module was assembled
This time around, we are specifying a shielded toroidal transformer,
to keep the leakage inductance much
lower. This employs a number of long
strips of grain-oriented steel wound
around the outside of the finished
transformer and then covered in several layers of insulation. The unit looks
just like any other toroidal transformer
but the hum field is much lower.
In addition, the transformer is oriented to give the best performance
when it is finally installed in the
chassis. As shown in the specifications
panel last month, the end result is
excellent, with extremely impressive
signal-to-noise ratios and harmonic
distortion figures.
We will discuss this further in a
future article.
Power supply assembly
The PC board for the power supply
accommodates the capacitors, the
two LEDs, their resistors and that’s
it. The 35A bridge rectifier mounts
on the chassis which is necessary to
remove the significant amount of heat
produced by it.
The power supply PC board is coded
01105073 and measures 135 x 63mm.
As with the amplifier modules, all the
connections to it are made via chassismount Quick-Connect male spade
terminals which have a mounting hole
for an M4 screw.
Fig.11 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. Install the Quick-Connect
terminals first. As shown, three doubled-ended terminals are installed at
the DC end of the board (ie, the same
end as the LEDs), while three singleended termainals are installed at the
bridge rectifier end.
Once all the Quick-Connect terminals have been tightly secured to the
PC board, you can then install the
six PC-mount electrolytic capacitors.
Make sure that you mount them with
the correct orientation otherwise there
will be an almighty bang when you
first turn on the power!
Finally, mount the MKT capacitors,
the resistors and the two red LEDs.
That’s it – the power supply board is
Next month
Next month, we will describe the
Loudspeaker Protector module, with
the Preamplifier & Remote Volume
Control Module to follow. And just in
case you are wondering, the remote
volume control will be achieved using a motorised pot and will work
with a standard universal remote
In the meantime, don’t be tempted
to power up the amplifier modules –
there’s a set procedure to follow with
regards to setting the quiescent current
through each output stage.
June 2007 31