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Building the
“Tiny Tim”
Stereo Amplifier
Part 2 – By
Leo Simpson &
Nicholas Vinen
Having introduced this compact stereo hifi amplifier in our October
issue, let’s start building it. Here we describe how to assemble the
amplifier board and power supply and also how to prepare the case.
s explained earlier, this amplifier is a beef-up version of
the Hifi Stereo Headphone
Amplifier and is suitable for driving
a wide range of speakers – especially
the “Tiny Tim” speakers featured in
our October issue.
Note that to complete the amplifier,
some additional parts will be required
beyond those specified in Part 1 – see
the parts list in this article.
Start by assembling the main amplifier/preamplifer PCB. It’s coded
01309111 and measures 198 x 98mm.
First, though, there is a little surgery
required on the PCB tracks which will
allow it to operate with higher power.
On the PCB overlay there are eight
links shown. However, the PCBs purchased from the SILICON CHIP online
shop –
80 Silicon Chip
– (and, presumably, any supplied in
kits) will be double-sided so these
links will already be in place, courtesy
of PCB tracks.
However, these boards may also
have top-side tracks connecting the
points labelled “A” to “D” (near the
heatsinks at lower left). If so, you will
need to cut these (use a sharp knife to
cut sections out of the tracks and then
check, with a multimeter, that there
is no continuity between the points).
If you have made your own board
or yours is supplied as a single-sided
type, you will obviously need to install
the links. Use 0.7mm diameter tinned
copper wire.
And regardless of whether yours is
a single or double-sided board, you
will need to cut the two tracks on the
underside shown of the board, marked
with red “x”s on the PCB overlay
diagram. As before, use a sharp knife
then check that there is no continuity between A&B and C&D with your
Now you can start fitting the components, starting with resistors, noting that two (both 680Ω) have ferrite
beads slipped over their leads before
they are soldered in place. Check each
resistor against the colour-code table
and also with a DMM set to Ohms to
ensure you have the right value. Note
that you may want to leave the resistor
pads labelled A and B unsoldered at
this point, with the resistor leads left
long; this will make it easier to join
wires to them later.
With the resistors in place, follow
with the 14 1N4004 diodes, taking
care to ensure they are all correctly
The main PCB for the
Tiny Tim amplifier, containing
both preamplifier and power amplifier.
The board is the same as that used in the HiFi
Headphone Amplifier project from September/
October 2011 but requires slight modification and
of course an upgrade of components. With the mods
described here it will achieve 10W music power
into 4 or 8Ω speakers and 8W RMS into 4Ω.
orientated. In each case, the stripe
faces to the left or the bottom of the
board. The four BAT42/BAT85 smallsignal Schottky diodes (D15-D18) near
IC1 (upper-left) can then go in. Their
orientations vary so take care.
If you are using sockets for IC1-IC3,
solder them in now with the notches to
the right as shown. Alternatively, you
can solder the ICs direct to the board
with the same orientation.
The MKT and ceramic capacitors
are next on the list, followed by the
16 small-signal transistors. There are
three different types so be sure to install the correct type at each location.
Use a small pair of needle-nose pliers
to crank the transistors leads so that
they mate with the board holes and
check that each transistor is correctly
The two 500Ω trimpots can now
go in. That done, fit PCB pins at test
points TP1-TP4 plus another two to
support the tinplate shield between
inductors L3 & L4. Then, mount the
electrolytic capacitors but leave the
two 4700µF filter capacitors out for
the time being. Note that four of the
capacitors are labelled as 50V types
(a higher rating such as 63V is fine).
As with the resistors, the capacitor
leads labelled C and D are best left
unsoldered until later.
The four BD139/140 transistors
which are not mounted on heatsinks
can go in next. You will need to bend
their leads to fit the triangular pad
pattern originally intended for a TO92 transistor, as shown on the overlay
diagram and photos. The metal mounting faces of each pair face towards
each other.
Note that some BD139/140 transistors may lack a metal face; in this case
you will need to look at which side
has the transistor type number printed
on it (which is opposite the mounting
face) and ensure that these sides face
away from either other.
Winding the inductors
The two air-core inductors (L3 & L4)
are wound on small plastic bobbins.
It is much easier to wind them if you
make a winding jig, as shown in the
panel on P84.
To wind the first coil, first secure
the bobbin to the jig with one of its
slots aligned with the hole in the end
cheek. That done, feed about 20mm
of a 1m-length of 0.8mm-diameter
enamelled copper wire through the
hole, then carefully wind on 20.5 turns
before bending the end down so that
it passes through the opposite slot in
the bobbin. Trim the “finish” end of
the wire to 20mm (to match the start
end), then secure the winding with a
layer of insulation tape and remove the
bobbin from the winding jig.
A 10mm-length of 25mm-diameter
heatshrink tubing is used to finally
secure the winding. Slip it over the
outside and gently heat it to shrink
it down (ie, be careful to not melt the
The second coil is wound in exactly
the same manner. Once it’s finished,
scrape the enamel off the leads on both
inductors and tin them before fitting
them to the PCB.
Further modifications
The tracks cut earlier allow us to
reconfigure the power supply so that
the output stages run off the unregulated ±20V rails but to do that, we also
need to run four insulated wires on
the underside. It is simply a matter
of connecting the pads labelled A-A,
B-B, C-C and D-D.
To join A-A and B-B you can use
light duty wire as these only need
to be able to carry enough current to
power the preamplifier; even Kynar
(wire wrapping wire) or bell wire is
suitable. The two shorter runs, C-C
and D-D, can carry in excess of 1A so
medium- or heavy-duty hook-up wire
is more suitable.
Completing the PCB assembly
The tinplate shield between the two
inductors can now be installed. This
shield measures 35 x 15mm and can
December 2013 81
Fig.6: complete
overlay and wiring
diagram for the main
PCB. Note the two
tracks to be cut and
the insulated wire
links to be installed
to make it suitable
for higher power
be cut from the lid of a large tin (or
similar) using tin snips. File the edges
smooth after cutting, then temporarily
position it between the two PC pins
and mark their locations.
That done, hold the shield in an
alligator clip stand and melt some
82 Silicon Chip
solder onto either side at the marked
locations. It may take 10 seconds or
more to heat it enough for the solder
to adhere.
Finally, flow some solder onto the
tops of the two PC pins before fitting
the shield in position and remelting
the solder to secure it.
Mounting the heatsinks
The two regulators and six power
transistors are mounted on six large
flag heatsinks. These have two posts
which pass down through the PCB for
© 2013
20 OR 30VA
1A Slow Blow
Here’s the underside of the power
supply board, completely covered
with a sheet of fibre insulation.
Fig.7: same-size PCB component overlay with
matching photo below. This PCB can also be used as a
general-purpose supply with appropriate transformer.
"Tiny Tim"
leads can then be soldered. Repeat
this procedure for the 7912 regulator.
The two TIP32 power transistors
(Q12 & Q24) are mounted in identical fashion to the regulators. By contrast, the heatsinks for the two TIP31
power transistors (Q11 & Q23) have
the BD139 VBE multiplier transistors
mounted on the other side. Be sure to
insulate all the transistors from the
heatsinks using silicone washers and
insulating bushes as necessary.
The power connector, power switch
and LED, input and output sockets
and volume control potentiometer
are not fitted to the board; instead,
most of them are chassis-mounted and
connected with flying leads We’ll get
to that later. First, let’s assemble the
power supply.
Power supply
support. Two of the heatsinks have two
transistors mounted on them, one each
side (see overlay and photos).
Start by loosely fitting the 7812 and
7912 regulators to their heatsinks. Note
that, in each case, the regulator’s metal
tab must be isolated from its heatsink
using an insulating bush and silicone
That done, fit the 7812 regulator
assembly through the lower set of
holes just above CON3 and D3. If the
heatsink has “solderable” pins, flip
the board over and solder one, then
double-check that it is sitting perfectly
flush with the board before soldering
the other. Since you have to heat up
quite a bit of metal, it could take 15
seconds or more before the solder
adheres to the post.
Alternatively, if the heatsink doesn’t
have “solderable” pins, use pliers to
bend the tabs outwards far enough so
that it is secured to the board.
Having secured the heatsink, check
that the insulating washer is properly
aligned with the regulator and tighten
the mounting screw. The regulator’s
Before fitting any components, use
the power supply PCB as a template
to cut a sheet of fibre insulation (often
sold as Presspahn or elephantide) to
100 x 75mm and drill through the four
mounting holes to make corresponding holes in the Presspahn sheet. Also
make a hole corresponding with the
transformer mounting hole and enlarge this to 5.5mm diameter.
Now begin assembly, follow the
overlay diagram of Fig.7. Fit the two
resistors, then the bridge rectifier –
make sure its + symbol lines up with
that shown on the PCB overlay. Follow
with the terminal block (wire entry
holes towards board edge) and then
the fuse holder.
We need to install the two pin headers next but there’s a bit of a trick here.
In the October issue, we showed the
power switch connected between the
Neutral pin of the mains power plug
and the transformer primary/fuse.
While this will work, it means that
the transformer and fuse are live even
when the power switch is off.
December 2013 83
Fig.8: finally, the only
other PCB which requires
assembly, the “MiniReg”
universal power supply
(used here to power the DAC)
which we published in the
December 2011 issue.
Of course, when opening up the unit
for any reason (eg, to replace the fuse)
it is always a good idea to ensure that
it is unplugged but in case somebody
fails to do this, it is safer to have the
switch between the mains plug Active
pin and the rest of the circuit. Note
that it’s possible for mains Active and
Neutral to be swapped in house wiring
so this doesn’t guarantee safety (hence
the advice to always unplug a device
before servicing it) but this is a safer
arrangement most of the time, ie, when
the house wiring is correct.
Now since we’re recycling the mains
cord from a set-top box (or whatever
other device you decide to rat), we
don’t know how it’s wired. We checked
two set-top boxes – both from the
same manufacturer – and found that
the mains cords were wired opposite
to each other. So you will need to set
your DMM on continuity mode and
work out which pin of the header plug
is wired to Active (normally indicated
with an “A” or “L” moulded into the
plastic mains plug housing).
Once you’ve determined that, you
can install the two pins headers with
an orientation such that the Active
wire will go to the terminal marked
“A” on the board (ie, the one directly
adjacent to the switch header). This is
easier than trying to swap the pins to
the polarised plug.
With the two headers in place,
connect the mains cord to the lefthand header (leave the other end
unplugged!) then double-check that
the Active pin on the plug is electrically connected to the left-hand pin
of the switch header. If not, you will
have to remove the left-most header
and re-install it the other way around.
Once you have verified that, fit the two
electrolytic capacitors.
Now before mounting the transformer, feed a cable tie through one
of the two large holes at upper-right
and then back up through the other,
so that it passes under the board in the
space between them. Make sure it’s the
right way around to do the tie up later,
then place the sheet of Presspahn you
prepared earlier under the board and
feed the transformer mounting bolt up
through this and the hole on the PCB.
Check that the corner screw-holes
more or less line up and then slide
the transformer’s rubber pad over the
bolt, place the transformer on top (with
wires exiting on the top side) and use
the rest of the mounting hardware supplied with the transformer to loosely
hold it in place. Typically this consists
of another rubber pad, a metal dish, a
spring washer, a flat washer and a nut.
Rotate the transformer so that the
wires line up with the wire pads on the
right-hand side and then tighten the
nut (but not too tight!). How you proceed depends on which transformer
you are using.
Jaycar MT2086:
The primary and secondary leads
will need to cross over to reach the
appropriate pads. Luckily, the primary
leads are double-sheathed and so pro-
A Winding Jig For The Inductors
The winding jig consists of an M5 x 70mm bolt, two M5 nuts,
an M5 flat washer, a piece of scrap PC board material (40 x 50mm
approx.) and a scrap piece of timber (140 x 45 x 20mm approx.)
for the handle.
The flat washer goes against the head of the bolt, after which a
collar is fitted over the bolt to take the bobbin.
This collar should have a width that’s slightly less than the width
of the bobbin and can be wound on using insulation tape. Wind
on sufficient tape so that the bobbin fits snugly over this collar.
84 Silicon Chip
Next, drill a 5mm hole through the centre of the scrap PC board
material, followed by a 1.5mm exit hole about 8mm away that will
align with one of the slots in the bobbin.
The bobbin is then slipped over the collar, after which the PC
board “end cheek” is slipped over the bolt. Align the bobbin so
that one of its slots lines up with the exit hole in the end cheek,
then install the first nut.
The handle is then fitted by drilling a 5mm hole through one
end, then slipping it over the bolt and installing the second nut.
The power supply PCB
is in the left rear corner,
with a protective shield
alongside. The DAC is
in the opposite corner
with its “MiniReg”
power supply in front.
Pretty much the whole
of the rest of the case is
taken up by the main
vide sufficient insulation to remain
safe in this configuration.
Trim both the primary and secondary leads to length so that they reach
their respective pads, leaving a little
bit of slack and allowing for the fact
that we are going to tie the primary
leads down to the PCB before soldering
them to the two pads. You can check
this by pushing them down onto the
PCB with a finger, between the two tie
holes, then arching them over to reach
the solder pads.
The secondary wires are colour-coded and go to the appropriate labelled
pads at the lower-right of the PCB. You
will probably need to trim these to
slightly different lengths so they will
all reach their respective pads.
Altronics M4915A:
This has the opposite wiring arrangement to the Jaycar transformer
so the primary and secondary leads
to not need to cross over. Note that
the colour coding is different though;
the white lead goes to the pad labelled
“yellow” while the others match up
with their respective colours. As with
the Jaycar transformer, you will need
to allow a bit of extra length for the
primary (blue and brown) leads to be
tied to the board before being soldered
to the pads labelled “Blue” and “Bl.” (it
doesn’t matter which goes to which).
Finishing the power supply
With the transformer leads trimmed
and stripped, run the two primary
leads through the cable tie you inserted
earlier and do it up tight, then trim off
the excess length. Solder all six leads
to the appropriate pads, as explained
above. Use two or three more cable ties
to lace the secondary leads together
well so that should one break loose,
it won’t go floating around (and also
to contain the magnetic field as much
as possible).
You can now fit the four tapped
spacers with the PCB and fibre insulation panel sandwiched inbetween. Use
a Nylon M3 screw in the upper-right
corner, near the mains tracks, to ensure
that a metal screw in the other end of
the Nylon spacer can’t possibly make
a connection through to the top of the
board, where a stray wire could make
the chassis live.
Insert a 1A slow-blow fuse into the
holder and clip the top cover on. We’ll
test the power supply board later once
it’s in the case.
DAC power supply
We’re using the MiniReg, described
in the December 2011 issue of SILICON
CHIP, to power the DAC, which runs off
6V DC at about 50mA. The MiniReg is
fed from the 12V rail from the amplifier
via the 2-pin plug soldered earlier. Follow the instructions in the December
2011 issue (or instructions accompanying the MiniReg kit) to assemble it.
Don’t worry about adjusting the output
voltage, we can do that later.
You will need to make up a short
(~50mm) 2-wire cable with a polarised
header plug on one end and a 2.5mm
inner diameter DC jack plug at the
other end, to suit the DAC. This should
be wired so that the inner conductor
of the DC plug is positive. Refer to the
MiniReg instructions to see which pin
is the positive output and which is the
negative. You will also need to short
out the switch terminal (eg, with a
jumper shunt).
The amplifier power indicator LED
can also be run from the MiniReg and
again this will require a 2-core cable
with a polarised header plug at one
December 2013 85
end. Make this one a bit longer – say
100mm. Cut the LED leads short and
solder the other end of the wires to
these, with the cathode (flat side of
LED lens) going to the terminal marked
“K” on the MiniReg PCB. Put these
cable assemblies aside, for now.
Cables for power, signal input and
output leads must be soldered to the
amplifier board along with shielded
cable to connect to the volume pot.
While you could solder these wires
directly to the board, doing so with
everything already in the case is awkward. Hence, we fitted PC pins to most
of these pads and soldered the wires
to these later.
There are a total of 17 required – two
for each input, three for the outputs,
six for the potentiometer connections,
three for the power supply wires and
one for the speaker ground returns.
However, upon reflection, we recommend soldering the power supply
wires directly to the underside of the
board, leaving 13 PC pins to fit.
Solder the pins in now, to the pads
shown on the overlay diagram. Note
that most of these holes are much larger than required for PC pins and some
will let the whole pin pass through. So
you will need some sort of a clamp (eg,
self-closing tweezers) to hold the pins
in while you solder them.
For the power supply, solder 100mm
lengths of heavy-duty wire to the
4700µF capacitor terminals. We have
left fitting these capacitors until now
so that you can wind the wire around
the leads before soldering. Colour code
the wires as shown.
Two more black heavy-duty wires
then need to be soldered to the large
ground plane area above these capacitors, for the speaker outputs. If
you have a commercially-made board,
you will need to scrape away some of
the solder mask to allow this. If you
like, you can drill a hole through the
board and feed the wires in from the
top and you can even fit a PC pin or
two so the wires can be later soldered
to the top of the board, if you want to.
You will also need to connect wires
to run the DAC from the regulated
+12V rail on the amplifier board. Take
light duty figure-8 cable about 50mm
long (or two strands from a ribbon
cable) and crimp/solder them into
a 2-way polarised header plug. The
other ends go to the pads shown in
86 Silicon Chip
Parts List
(in addition to parts listed in Part 1)
17 PCB pins
2 chassis-mount RCA sockets, one red & one white (or black)
1 panel-mount DPDT miniature slide switch (Jaycar SS0821, Altronics S2010)
1 sheet fibre insulation (eg Presspahn or elephantide), at least 100 x 115mm
1 100mm length 8mm diameter black heatshrink tubing
1 200mm length 5mm diameter black heatshrink tubing
4 M3 Nylon tapped spacers & various M3 Nylon nuts (to suit DAC installation)
6 M3 x 10mm Nylon machine screws
2 M3 x 6mm Nylon machine screws
4 M3 x 5mm machine screws
3 M3 Nylon nuts
2 M2 x 10mm machine screws and nuts
1 jumper shunt
3 2-pin polarised header plugs with crimp pins
20 small cable ties
3 small adhesive wire saddles/clamps
1 100mm length 8mm diameter red heatshrink tubing
1 panel, 2mm plastic or 1mm aluminium, large enough to cover rear panel of case
1 5mm LED bezel clip (optional)
Fig.7, with 12V to pin 1 of the plug. A
pin 1 indicator is normally moulded
into the plastic plug housing.
Chassis preparation
A number of holes must now be
drilled in the front, rear and base of
the case, to attach the various connectors and mount all the modules.
Start with the rear panel which needs
holes or cut-outs for the four speaker
terminals, analog RCA input sockets,
analog/digital selector switch and
DAC inputs.
If you are using a case which originally housed a commercial piece of
equipment (in our case, a set-top box),
there will be many holes in the rear
panel, most of which are not in the
right location to re-use. The simplest
way to solve this is to attach a new
rear panel on top of the existing one,
covering these up, which you can then
drill and cut new holes in.
This panel can be metal or plastic,
providing it is strong enough. We used
a 2mm thick plastic front panel from
an instrument case that we had spare.
Don’t use thinner plastic as it isn’t
strong enough. A sheet of aluminium
or tinplate is also suitable.
Cut the panel to the same size as
the rear panel of your case, or at least
large enough to cover up all the holes
except that for the mains cable. Place
this over the rear of the case and drill
at least two 3mm holes through both.
We put one at the end near the mains
cable and another in the middle.
Feed through short machine screws
and tighten these onto nuts to hold the
panel in place. If one of the holes is
near where the mains power supply
will go, use a Nylon screw and nut
You can now mark out the positions for the four binding posts which
should go near the middle of the rear
panel, but not too close to the power
supply mounting location – leave at
least 10mm separation. We spaced
them apart by about 20mm with 5mm
extra between the two pairs; if you put
them much closer together than this,
this makes connecting wires awkward.
Now mark positions for the TOSLINK and RCA socket inputs of the
DAC board in the right-hand rear corner, as well as a rectangular cut-out for
its selector switch to fit through. Since
this switch body sticks out further
than the TOSLINK connector, a slot
will need to be cut to fit the whole
thing through.
We elected to place the stereo RCA
analog input sockets and analog/digital selector slide switch underneath
the DAC inputs as there wasn’t enough
room in our case to place them side-byside. You may want to do the same. In
this case, make sure the holes for the
DAC inputs and switch are towards
the top of the case.
With the positions for all these
connectors marked out, start by drilling pilot holes right through both the
original rear panel and the new panel
on top. Enlarge the holes for the binding posts and RCA sockets until the
connectors fit through. Ideally, the
binding posts and RCA connectors
should be a snug fit.
The TOSLINK input, DAC selector
switch and analog/digital selector
switch require rectangular cut-outs
and these are too small to easily nibble so you will probably have to drill
a row of holes in each case and then
slowly file it into a rectangle using
needle files. You may find it easier to
temporarily remove the new rear panel
and file holes in the two panels separately before re-fitting it. Note that it’s
more important that the holes are neat
in the outer panel than the inner one.
Test-fit the DAC board and make
sure that it can be butted right up
against the rear panel. For the analog/
digital selector slide switch you will
need to file a slot for its actuator as
well as two small mounting holes for
screws. Once you have it in place and
do the screws up, check that the slot
is large enough for it to smoothly slide
to the end stops in both directions.
Make sure to de-burr all the holes
on both sides before fitting the connectors.
Front panel
You will also need to drill some
holes in the front panel, or if possible,
enlarge existing holes. Make sure you
don’t compromise the insulation for
the existing mains switch when doing
so as you will want to re-use it.
As you can see from the photos,
we drilled a hole at the left end for
a 6.35mm headphone socket and enlarged existing holes at right, near the
power switch, for the 16mm volume
control pot and 5mm power LED. You
may also have to cut away some of the
internal structure of the front panel
in order to get these to fit. We used a
plastic bezel to make the power LED
a snug fit in the hole, then glued it in
place using hot melt glue; you could
also use silicone sealant.
If there are any remaining holes in
the front panel near the mains switch,
file a piece of plastic to the shape of
each hole and glue it in place. We
used black plastic, to match the existing front panel, and glued them with
cyanoacrylate (“super glue”). As you
can see, the resulting seams are quite
First place the amplifier board near the
front-left corner and mark out its four
corner hole positions in the base. Then
drop the power supply PCB in at left
rear, close to but not right up against
the rear panel, and mark out its four
mounting hole positions.
Mark out two more holes, just to the
right of the power supply board, one
roughly in line with the rear mounting
holes and the other about 50mm closer
to the front of the case. These will be
used to hold a small Presspahn shield
in place, for extra safety.
With the DAC in position, mark
the locations directly below its four
mounting holes (eg, using a sharp drill
bit) although note that you may not be
able to fit pillars to suit all four if you
are putting the RCA sockets and switch
underneath it; also consider where the
wiring for these will go. Two or three
mounting holes are sufficient.
Finally, choose a location for the
MiniReg near the amplifier and DAC
boards and mark out positions for its
mounting holes too.
You can then remove all the modules from the case, drill all the holes to
3mm and de-burr them. There should
be about 17 mounting holes in total.
Testing the power supply
You can now temporarily install the
power supply PCB in the case, with
the mains connectors towards the rear
and plug in the mains cord and switch.
Make sure that the mains cord goes
into the right socket, ie, that closest to
the transformer. Ensure the fuse is in
place and the cover clipped on.
It’s a good idea to connect a DMM (or
two) to the low voltage outputs with
short lengths of wire (that can’t short
together!) and clip leads so that you
can check the output without having
to hold probes in place. But you can
use regular probes as long as you are
careful not to go anywhere near the
mains side of thing while the unit is
plugged in.
Check that there is no continuity
between either mains plug pin and
the case and that there are no loose
conductors near the power supply
board and switch the unit’s mains
switch to on. Then stand back, plug
in the mains cord and switch on the
power point. Check the voltages at the
output screw terminal of the power
supply. You should get pretty close to
20V between the middle terminal and
those on either side, with the positive
output being to the left. Ours measured
around +21.5V and -21.5V.
If that tests OK, switch off and
unplug the unit. If you didn’t get anything, there could be an open circuit
connection somewhere on the board
while if the fuse blows, that suggests
there is a short circuit somewhere. In
either case, you will have to remove
the power supply board and inspect
it carefully.
Wiring it up
With the modules built and all the
holes in the case drilled or cut and
de-burred, all that’s left is to fit the
modules and wire them up. We’ll go
through these remaining steps in Part
3 next month and also present some
performance data for the complete
Module mounting holes
The next step is to drill a series of
3mm holes in the bottom of the case
for mounting the various modules.
Here’s a view from the back to the front, showing how we made the bits fit into
what was originally a set-top-box case. Once the lid goes on you’d never know!
December 2013 87