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SiDRADIO: an integrated
SDR using a DVB-T dongle
. . . incorporating a tuned RF preselector/amplifier, an
up-converter & coverage from “DC to daylight”
Last month, we introduced our SiDRADIO communications receiver
and described the circuit and PCB assembly. This month, we show
you how to make and fit the various metal shields and complete the
construction by installing it all in a plastic instrument case.
S STATED last month, the PCB
assembly and its companion
DVB-T dongle are housed together in
a low-profile ABS instrument case.
Since the case itself provides virtually no EMI shielding (apart from new
front and rear panels which are made
from double-sided PCB laminate), the
fairly high sensitivity of the front-end
circuitry means that extra shielding
must be added to achieve an acceptable level of performance.
In fact, three separate shields are
necessary: (1) a small vertical shield
in the front centre of the PCB (see Fig.6
78 Silicon Chip
in Pt.1 and the internal photos), (2)
a lower horizontal shield and (3) an
upper horizontal shield.
Fig.10 shows the details for the
small vertical shield. It’s made from
0.8mm-thick sheet aluminium or tinplate which is first cut to size and then
bent up in a small bench vise.
A 3.5mm hole near the front of the
mounting flange allows this end to be
secured under the PCB’s front-centre
mounting screw, while a second hole
(at the rear) lines up with a matching
hole near the centre of the PCB.
Once this shield has been made,
secure it to the PCB via its rear mounting hole using an M3 x 9mm machine
screw, lockwasher and nut (feed the
screw up from underneath the PCB).
This not only secures the shield in
place but also ensures that it is connected to the PCB’s earth copper.
Fig.11 shows the dimensions and
cutting details of the lower horizontal
shield but note that this diagram is
drawn half size (50%) for space reasons. This shield is cut from 0.25mm
copper foil or tinplate and requires
a small semicircular cut-out near its
front centre, to provide clearance for
3.5mm HOLE
(SCALE: 50%)
Fig.11: the lower horizontal shield is cut from 0.25mm-thick copper foil
or tinplate and requires a semi-circular cutout as shown so that it clears
the tuning knob. Note: diagram drawn to 50% scale.
3.5mm HOLE
the tuning knob (note: PCB laminate
material is too thick for the bottom
When it has been cut to shape, this
shield can be fitted inside the bottom
of the case and secured using doublesided foam tape. Note that, depending
on whether the case comes from Jaycar
or Altronics, it may be necessary to
cut away a number of central pillars
using side-cutters or a chisel, so that
they don’t foul the shield.
Note also that you must leave a small
area of exposed copper (or tinplate)
near the lower lefthand (front) corner
so that you can solder a short length
of hookup wire to it. The other end
of this wire is then later connected to
the GND terminal pin (TPG2) in that
corner of the main PCB.
The upper horizontal shield is
simply a rectangle measuring 195 x
150mm and is cut from either blank
PCB laminate or tinplate. This is secured inside the top of the case using
double-sided foam tape. As with the
bottom shield, you need to solder a
short length of hook-up wire to it, this
time at the left rear (ie, roughly above
Fig.10 (left): here’s how to bend and drill the vertical shield
that’s mounted on the main PCB. It’s bent up from 0.8mmthick sheet aluminium or tinplate.
CON3). This wire is subsequently used
to connect the top shield to the PCB
earth copper via TPG3.
Front and rear panels
Although the case is supplied with
ABS front and rear panels, they cannot
be used here as they don’t provide any
shielding. Instead, these panels are
replaced with custom panels made
from doubled-sided PCB material.
These PCB front and rear panels (code
06109132 and 06109133) are available
from SILICON CHIP (see our website)
and are supplied pre-drilled with
red solder masking and silk-screened
lettering for a professional finish (see
Both panels also have a solder pad
at one end (on the inside) so that they
can be connected via short lengths of
hook-up wire to the adjacent earth
(TPG) pin on the main PCB. This, together with the added shields, ensures
adequate RF shielding for the sensitive
front-end circuitry.
Preparing the case
The upper half of the case needs no
preparation at all, apart from fitting
the upper shield as described earlier.
However, as stated above, it may be
necessary to cut away some central
pillars on the lower half of the case.
In addition, it’s necessary to remove
a 30.5mm long section of the ribs on
either side of the front-panel mounting slot, to provide clearance for the
tuning knob. This can done using a
hand-held rotary tool after first marking the section to be removed, using
the front panel as a guide.
Just remove enough material from
the ribs to bring them down to the same
level as the inside bottom of the case.
Adjusting the rotary switch
Before fitting rotary switch S2 to the
front panel, you first need to trim its
shaft to about 9mm. It then needs to
be converted from a 6-position switch
to a 5-position switch.
That’s done by first rotating the
switch fully anticlockwise and removing the mounting nut and lock-washer.
The indexing plate is then lifted up
and replaced with its pin going into
the hole between the ‘5’ and ‘6’ digits
November 2013 79
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80 Silicon Chip
moulded into the switch body.
Check that the switch now has five
positions, then fit a flat washer over
the indexing plate, followed by the
lock-washer. The switch can then be
fitted to the front panel and secured
with its mounting nut.
Once the switch is in position,
cut 12 x 40mm lengths of light-duty
hook-up wire (eg, from a short length
of multi-colour ribbon cable). Remove
about 5mm of insulation from the ends
of each wire, lightly tin the bared ends
and solder two of these wires to the
centre (rotor) lugs on the rear of the
switch. The other 10 wires should
then be soldered to outer lugs 1-5 and
7-11 – see Fig.6 in Pt.1.
Note that these digits are moulded
into the rear of the switch and you
must solder each one to its corresponding number on the PCB (the
switch diagram in Fig.6 is representative only). The rotor connection lugs
are identified as ‘A’ and ‘C’ (the latter
going to the “rotor B” pad on the PCB).
The rear panel carries the two
antenna sockets and has a cutout
to provide access to the USB socket.
Note the two earth leads running
from TPG2 to the rear of the front
panel and to the bottom horizontal
shield. Note also that the mounting
screw used to secure the central
shield near transformer T1 is
fed up from the underside of
the PCB.
Final assembly
Now for the final assembly. The first
step here is to mount the PAL/Belling
Lee socket (CON4) on the rear panel.
This must be fitted with its earth lugwasher, lock-washer and nut on the
inside and orientated so that the earth
lug is at the same level as the rear centre pin. The earth lug must also be to
the right of the centre pin, as viewed
from inside the case (see Fig.6 in Pt.1).
Next, remove the mounting nut
from HF input socket CON3, leaving
the lock-washer in place, then fit the
rear panel over CON3. That done, refit
the mounting nut but don’t tighten it
up fully at this stage. Adjust the panel
so that CON4’s centre pin rests on its
rectangular connection pad on the top
of the PCB just to the rear of RLY1.
The front panel can now be fitted to
the main PCB assembly. First, remove
VR1’s mounting nut but leave the
lock-washer in place, then attach the
panel with VR1’s shaft, LED1 and toggle switch S1 all passing through their
matching holes. VC1’s tuning knob
should also be protruding through its
clearance slot, while the body of rotary
switch S2 should be just resting on the
top of the PCB.
Once it’s in place and lined up
correctly, fit a flat washer to VR1’s
threaded ferrule and then refit its
mounting nut to hold it all together.
The completed assembly can then be
lowered into the case, with the front
and rear panels slipping down into the
matching slots on either side.
During this procedure, make sure
that the end of the earthing wire for
the lower shield is accessible, down
at the front lefthand corner.
Once it’s in place, check that the
main board is seated properly, then
fit the 10 4-gauge x 6mm self-tapping
screws to secure the PCB inside the
case. These screws all mate with
the small mounting pillars that are
moulded into the bottom of the case.
Note that the screw in the front centre position on the PCB also passes
through the front hole of the vertical
shield plate.
The next step is to solder all the
wires from the rear of rotary switch
S2 to their correct terminal pins on the
PCB. It’s just a matter of matching the
pin numbers and letters on the switch
to those on the PCB.
Earthing wires
Next, solder the end of a short piece
of hook-up wire to the earth pad on the
back of the front panel (near S2), then
solder the other end of this wire to the
adjacent PCB earth pin (TPG2). The
wire from the lower shield should then
also be connected to TPG2. This connects both the front panel and lower
shield to the main PCB’s earth copper.
Similarly, connect TPG3 to the earth
pad just to the right of CON3 on the
rear panel. That done, connect CON4’s
earth lug to its PCB pad using a short
length of tinned copper wire.
The assembly can now be completed
by fitting the control knobs to band
switch S2 and to RF gain pot (VR1) and
then plugging in the DVB-T dongle.
Fitting the DVB-T dongle
As shown in Fig.6 in Pt.1, the DVBT dongle fits into the cut-out at the
righthand end of the PCB, with its USB
plug mating with CON2 at the rear. If
necessary, it can be further secured using hook and loop material (eg, Velcro)
attached to the underside of the dongle
and to the bottom of the case.
The DVB-T dongle’s RF input is
connected to the PCB via a 100-120mm
length of 75Ω coaxial cable fitted with
a PAL/Belling Lee plug (or whatever
plug is needed for your dongle) at one
end. The other end is simply stripped
and the centre conductor and screening braid soldered to the appropriate
PCB pins.
By the way, if your dongle came
with one of those el-cheapo baby
whip antennas, you can make use of
its antenna cable to avoid having to
make up a new one. Simply cut the
cable about 120mm from the dongle
plug end and connect this end to the
terminal pins on the PCB.
In fact, this is the best way to go if
your dongle uses a small MCX connector for its RF input.
Initial checkout
Your completed SiDRADIO is now
ready for initial testing. All that’s
necessary to do this is to move toggle
switch S1 to its upper position and
then connect CON1 to your PC via a
standard USB cable (ie, with a USB
type A plug at the PC end and a USB
type B plug at the SiDRADIO end).
Provided you have already installed
the RTL-SDR driver and an SDR application like SDR# (see the May 2013
article), Windows should recognise
the dongle as soon as the USB cable
is plugged in. Assuming that’s the
case, connect a suitable VHF/UHF
antenna to CON4 of the SiDRADIO
and fire up SDR#. You should now be
able to see any VHF-UHF signals that
are being picked up by the dongle in
the usual way, ie, just as if the dongle
were plugged directly into the PC’s
USB port.
If all goes well, click on SDR#’s
STOP button and switch on the
SiDRADIO using power switch S1.
Check that LED1 turns on, then check
the output from the DC-DC converter
(IC2) by measuring the voltage between ‘TP 12V’ and ‘TPG4’ on the
PCB (these two test points are just to
the right of the vertical shield plate).
You should get a reading of close
to 12.5V when gain control VR1 is
turned fully anticlockwise, dropping
to around 12.0V when VR1 is turned
fully clockwise.
You should also check the voltages at
the input and output of REG1, located
November 2013 81
Terminal pin TPG3 (to the right of
CON3) is connected to the earth pad
on the rear panel using insulated
hook-up wire, while a second lead
(shown here as the blue wire floating
at one end) must be connected from
TPG3 to the top horizontal shield.
just to the rear of T2. The voltage on its
input pin (on the right) should be very
close to 5.0V, while the output pin (on
the left) should be very close to 3.3V.
If these voltages all measure OK, the
SiDRADIO’s front-end LF-HF circuitry
is probably working correctly. If so,
connect a suitable LF-HF antenna to
CON3, use rotary switch S2 to select a
suitable band (say Band 3, 1-3.4MHz),
and set RF gain pot VR1 to mid-way.
That done, click on the small box just
to the left of the ‘Shift’ label in SDR#
on your PC and set it to make allowance for the 125MHz up-conversion.
Finally, click on SDR#’s ‘Play’ button
again to resume operation.
You should now see a spectrum
display of LF-HF signals and if you
set SDR# to scan in that part of the
spectrum centred on about 1.0MHz,
you should see a number of signal
peaks corresponding to various AM
radio stations. Then if you select one
of these peaks, you should be able to
tune it for maximum signal by nudging
the SiDRADIO’s tuning knob one way
or the other.
Note that the tuning is fairly broad
and not at all critical.
Note also that if the signal you wish
to tune is near the top of the band, you
may need to adjust the small trimmer
capacitors on VC1 to their minimum
settings (ie, fully unmeshed). They’re
easily accessed through small holes
in the top of VC1 and can be adjusted
using a small screwdriver or alignment tool.
You should now find that advancing RF gain control VR1 produces an
obvious effect on SDR#’s display. In
fact, if you turn VR1 up to ‘full bore’,
this may well cause the signal peaks to
rise above the overload level. In most
situations, you’ll rarely need to turn
the RF gain up that far.
Finishing up
There are no further adjustments
and the operation should now be quite
intuitive. All that remains is to solder
the end of the wire from the upper
shield plate copper to terminal pin
TPG3 on the main PCB (near CON3),
after which you can fit the top half of
the case into position and secure it
using the four supplied screws.
You May Need To Install
.NET Framwork 2.0
a reader has discovered that the SDR
software combination (Zadig + RTL-SDR
+ SDR#), as described in the May 2013
article, would not run on a PC with Windows XP (SP2) but would run on another
Windows XP/SP2 machine.
The solution was to install Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 and reboot.
Newer operating systems may come
with this preinstalled. If you do need to
install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, it
can be downloaded from the internet. Note
that this note also applies to the SiDRADIO.
You should also fit four adhesive
rubber feet to the bottom of the case,
so that it won’t scratch any surface it’s
placed on.
With the unit completed, you’re
now free to explore the LF, MF & HF
bands in the same way that you’ve
been exploring the VHF and UHF
bands. And of course, you can return
to exploring the VHF and UHF bands
at any time simply by switching the
SiDRADIO off and clicking again on
the box just to the left of SDR#’s ‘Shift’
label to de-activate the 125MHz frequency offset.
Finally, note that an article on using
the SiDRADIO to receive DRM (Digital
Radio Mondiale) broadcasts in the
shortwave bands is featured elsewhere
in this issue.
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