This is only a preview of the January 2014 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 34 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "Arduino-Controlled Fuel Injection For Small Engines":
Items relevant to "Bass Extender Mk2 For HiFi Systems":
Items relevant to "PortaPAL-D: A Powerful, Portable PA System, Pt.2":
Items relevant to "Build A LED Party Strobe":
Items relevant to "Li'l Pulser Mk2: Fixing The Switch-Off Lurch":
Items relevant to ""Tiny Tim" 10W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.3":
Completing the
“Tiny Tim”
Stereo Amplifier
Part 3 – By
Nicholas Vinen
In this final instalment we finish building the Tiny Tim amplifier by fitting
all the modules into the case and wiring it up. We’ll also look at testing the
unit, its final performance and some other useful tidbits.
t this stage, you will have
finished building the main amplifier PCB and power supply
and you should also have prepared the
case, including drilling holes in the
base for mounting the modules.
But before we screw them in, it’s
easiest to do some of the wiring first.
Start with the wiring between the
two chassis-mount RCA sockets, the
slide switch, the RCA plugs for the
DAC and the leads to connect to the
amplifier PCB. This wiring is shown in
the upper-left corner of Fig.6 on page
82 of the December 2013 issue.
Strip and tin the wires to go to the
PCB but leave these loose; the rest of
the wiring can be completed in-place.
Note that depending on how close
you have mounted the RCA sockets to
the slide switch, it may be impractical
to use shielded cable for these connections, in which case you will have to
use ordinary hook-up wire instead. In
88 Silicon Chip
this case, keep the wires as short as
possible and run the two signal wires
close to the ground wire(s) to minimise
hum pick-up.
Fitting the DAC
With that done you can then mount
the DAC board. As explained last
month, to save space we fitted ours
directly above the RCA sockets and
slide switch and we used a combination of various Nylon tapped spacers,
nuts and screws to support it.
Essentially, what you need to do
is fit the DAC connectors and switch
through the rear panel holes you made
earlier and measure how high it sits
above the bottom of the case, then pick
the next shortest tapped M3 spacers
you can get.
Experiment with how many M3
nuts or washers you need to fit to the
screws before attaching the spacers
so that the DAC board naturally rests
on these spacers when it is in place.
It’s then just a matter of using a few
more Nylon M3 screws to hold it in
place on the top. The holes on the
DAC board are a bit bigger than usual
for M3 screws but the screw heads
should be sufficiently large to hold it
down. Otherwise, use Nylon washers
under the screw heads. You can then
plug the two RCA cables you soldered
earlier into the DAC outputs.
Output & pot wiring
The next step is to fit the front panel
components and connect wires in
preparation for the final assembly. This
wiring consists of the following runs;
again, refer to Fig.6 in the December
2013 article:
1) Two red wires from the left and
right channel pins on the headphone
socket, long enough to reach the amplifier board, plus a black ground wire of
a similar length.
04/09/13 16:00:31
20Hz-80kHz bandwidth
20Hz-22kHz bandwidth
Frequency (Hz)
Distortion vs frequency at full scale output for the AC1631 DAC module.
It’s an oversampling type DAC, rather than delta-sigma, hence the rather
steep rise in distortion with increasing frequency. But when the output is
filtered with the 20Hz-22kHz bandpass filter (red trace, simulating human
ear response), most of the distortion harmonics are eliminated. Comparing
this graph to the others shows that when using a digital input, the DAC is
generally the limiting factor in performance.
Mounting modules & testing
04/09/13 16:02:53
AC1631 DAC Frequency Response, full scale output
left output
right output
Amplitude Variation (dBr)
First, fit the power supply module
in place by screwing its four tapped
spacers into the bottom of the case. Use
three short steel M3 machine screws
and a Nylon M3 machine screw for
the right-rear corner, ie, the mounting
posts which already has a Nylon screw
in the top.
Cut a 60 x 40mm piece of fibre
insulation (eg, Presspahn) and then
score and fold it 45mm from one end.
Drill two holes in this to correspond
to the two holes in the bottom of the
case, near, the power supply board
and attach it using M3 Nylon machine
screws and nuts, as shown in the photos. This prevents any wires which
may come loose from contacting any
of the mains-potential components
on the PCB.
Connect the mains cable to the leftmost pin header terminal and feed it
through its grommet at the rear of the
case (ie, the one that it went through
At this point, with the power supply
in the case, it’s probably a good idea
to check that it is working properly so
plug the switch in and check that it is
properly isolated. To do this, set your
AC1631 DAC THD+N vs Frequency, full scale output
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (%)
2) Two long red wires from the
switched left and right channels pins
on the headphone socket to run along
the bottom of the case and back to the
two red binding posts. Remember to
slip a couple of pieces of heatshrink
tubing over each wire before soldering them to the binding posts and it’s
also a good idea to wrap the exposed
copper strands securely around the
binding post pin before soldering it
(which will require a hot iron).
That done, slide the heatshrink over
the solder joint and shrink it down,
then repeat for a double insulating
layer (see photos). We attached several
adhesive plastic wire clips to the bottom of the case to hold these wires in
place, roughly along the paths shown
in Fig.6.
3) Two black wires from the black
binding posts, long enough to reach the
rear of the amplifier board and connect
to the ground plane. These should also
have two layers of heatshrink insulation over the solder joints.
4) Two stereo shielded wires soldered to the volume control pot, long
enough to reach to the pot connections
on the amplifier board. Wire these as
per Fig.6 last month.
Frequency (Hz)
The frequency response of the AC1631 DAC is pretty flat, being down by only
0.2dB at the high end (20kHz) and virtually flat to 20Hz at the low end. Note
that it does not handle Dolby Digital, DTS or other compressed audio streams
so if connected to a TV set or disc player, the unit should be configured to
output a linear PCM stereo digital signal. Most disc players and many TV sets
offer a “down-mixing” option, specifically to allow the digital audio output to
be connected to devices like this.
anuary 2014 89
Reproduced from last month, this photo shows the placement and
interconnection of the PCBs within the Tiny Tim amplifier.
DMM to high ohms range (ie, megohms) and connect one probe to the
mains plug Active pin and one to an
exposed piece of metal on the chassis.
Check that there is no connection (it
should read “oL” or similar).
Repeat the same test with the Neutral pin. Then check, with the power
switch on, that there is no connection
from the mains Active pin to any of
the three terminal block outputs on
the power supply PCB. This verifies
that the transformer insulation is intact. Assuming that’s all OK, switch
the DMM to DC voltage measurement
mode and check that the power supply fuse cover and adjacent Presspahn
shield are in place, plug in the mains
cord and turn it on.
Without touching the mains section
of the power supply board, measure
between the middle pin of the terminal block and either side. You should
get readings of approximately ±20V
(likely a bit higher). Switch off and
check that these drop to near 0V within
about 30 seconds. This confirms that
90 Silicon Chip
the power supply board is working and
you can then switch off and unplug
the mains and then the mains switch
from the power supply board.
Note that with some terminal blocks,
there may not be a good connection to
the screw on top when there is no wire
inserted so it’s best to probe the wire
openings if possible.
Amplifier module installation
Before fitting the amplifier module
to the case, make sure you have soldered the three power supply wires
as shown in Fig.6 last month and that
they are long enough to reach the
power supply output terminals when
it is in the case. A 2-wire cable should
also be attached for the 12V DC output
as described last month. If you fitted
sockets to the amplifier board, plug
in the ICs now but make sure their
pin 1 dot lines up with the notch on
the socket.
You can now mount the amplifier
module using four tapped spacers and
eight short M3 machine screws. The
MiniReg board is mounted in a similar
manner (note that no heatsinking or
regulator tab connection is required)
and the two-pin header you wired to
the amplifier board’s 12V rail earlier
can now be plugged into the MiniReg’s
input. Check the polarity, ie, ensure
the grounds of the two boards are continuous, eg, from the OUTPUT - pin of
CON4 on the Minireg to the tinplate
shield on the amplifier board.
You can also plug in the power LED
into the MiniReg now. But we don’t
want to connect the power supply
directly to the amplifier PCB just yet,
with the exception of the 0V (black)
wire which can go to the central output
on the power supply board. Leave the
other two (red and blue) loose for now.
Now solder the remaining wires to
the PC pins on the amplifier board,
specifically the six from the pot, three
from the headphone socket, four for
the inputs (from the chassis-mount
slide switch) and two from the black
binding posts.
It’s a good idea to slip a short length
of heatshrink tubing over each wire
before soldering (slide it far along
enough the wire that it doesn’t shrink
from the heat) and then shrink it down
over the solder joint when it’s cooled
to provide some strain relief.
We now want to check whether the
amplifier module is working and the
best way to do this is to temporarily
connect a couple of 100Ω 5W safety resistors in series with the supply leads
so that if something is wrong, you will
have time to switch power off before
any damage occurs. This also reduces
the chance of a problem when adjusting the amplifier’s quiescent current.
If you have enough room, you can
insert one lead of each safety resistor
into one of the terminal block outputs
on the power supply board, screw it
down and bend it up so that the resistors stick up vertically. It’s then just
a matter of running a clip lead from
the other end of each resistor to the
appropriate power supply wire for the
amplifier module.
Make sure that the clip lead from
the red wire goes to the safety resistor
at the positive output terminal on the
power supply, which is furthest from
the corner of the board. If necessary,
use clip leads at both ends of the safety
resistors and they can sit outside the
case. But regardless, make sure that the
exposed metal of the alligator clips can
not make contact with anything else – a
good way to ensure this is to temporarily wrap them in electrical tape.
For now, do not connect the DC
output from the MiniReg board to the
DAC’s power supply input socket.
Re-connect the mains power switch,
do a final check to make sure there
are no stray wires that could short to
anything (especially near the power
supply board!) and turn trimpots VR2
and VR3 on the amplifier board fully
You can now plug the unit back into
mains, switch it on and check the voltage across each safety resistor using a
DMM set to DC volts mode.
Don’t go near the mains side of
the power supply. You should get a
reading below 10V in each case (typically around 8-9V); if not switch off
immediately and check for faults in
the wiring.
If the wiring looks OK but the
voltages are too high, there is likely a
problem with the component
Tiny Tim Amplifier THD+N vs Frequency, 2V RMS in
05/12/13 12:25:53
8Ω, 2 × 1W, 20Hz-80kHz bandwidth
8Ω, 2 × 1W, 20Hz-22kHz bandwidth
4Ω, 2 × 1W, 20Hz-80kHz bandwidth
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (%)
More testing
Frequency (Hz)
Distortion versus frequency from the completed amplifier under a variety of
conditions. This is somewhat higher than what was shown for the amplifier
module/power supply combination in the October 2013 issue. This is almost
entirely due to increased hum and rectifier buzz pick-up now that the boards
are mounted close together in the case. If we measure the distortion with
a 400Hz high-pass filter to eliminate mains 50Hz hum and its immediate
harmonics, the readings drop substantially, to around 0.0006%.
The distortion residual of the amplifier output at 1W with both channels
driven into an 8Ω load (green) compared to the output itself (yellow). As you
can see, it is mainly a combination of 50Hz, 100Hz and even order harmonics
of these frequencies, indicating that it’s due to hum pick-up from the power
supply. The actual distortion products at 2kHz and above can be seen
superimposed on this waveform at a much lower level.
anuary 2014 91
8Ω, both channels driven, 22kHz BW
8Ω, one channel driven, 22kHz BW
4Ω, both channels driven, 22kHz BW
4Ω, one channel driven, 22kHz BW
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (%)
12/05/13 12:28:04
Tiny Tim Amplifier THD+N vs Power, 1kHz, analog inputs
Power (W)
Distortion versus power for a 1kHz signal under various conditions. As is
typical, distortion is lower into 8Ω loads than 4Ω due to the lower output
current for the same power level. Continuous power output is below 10W
but music power (ie, the power available for short bursts) is higher than this,
at about 10W for both 4Ω and 8Ω speakers with both channels driven. Note
that despite the level of hum measured, even with the volume turned up and
our ear very close to the speaker we could barely make it out (inputs must be
terminated for this test).
Tiny Tim Amplifier Frequency Response, 2V RMS input
05/12/13 12:31:40
2 × 1W into 8Ω
2 × 2W into 4Ω
Amplitude Variation (dBr)
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency response of the complete amplifier. Note that this shows a much
greater roll-off at the high end (down by about 1dB at 20kHz) compared to
the graph published in the October 2013 issue. That’s because since taking
the earlier measurements, we decided to increase the input filter capacitors
to 4.7nF to give better attenuation for the harmonics in the DAC output. You
could lower this value slightly to give a slightly flatter high-frequency response
but then it would be less effective at attenuating DAC switching noise.
92 Silicon Chip
tion or the modifications to the amplifier board. Assuming the voltages are
OK, measure the voltage between each
pair of red/black binding posts (ie, the
output offset voltage). It should be
below 20mV. If it’s much higher than
that, there is a fault so switch off and
check your work carefully.
Otherwise, now is also a good time
to check the output of the MiniReg
board, either at CON4 or if you have
plugged it in, the DC plug (with the
red probe inserted through the end and
the black in contact with the outside
of the barrel).
Turn its adjustment trimpot and
check that the output voltage varies.
You can then set it to 6V±0.1V.
Next, connect the DMM between
TP1 and TP2 on the amplifier board
and slowly rotate VR2 clockwise. The
voltage should start out low (just a few
millivolts) and rise as you turn the pot.
Stop once it reaches 15mV.
Note that we indicated a reading of
30mV in the circuit diagram on page
61 of the October 2013 issue but have
found that the heatsinks run a bit
hot at idle; 20mV is plenty of bias in
practice. We’re setting it to 15mV now
because it will increase a bit once the
safety resistors have been removed.
Repeat this procedure for TP3/TP4
and trimpot VR3.
Check the voltage across the safety
resistors again. It should have increased to around 12V and they will
be getting a little warm.
Having passed those tests, the amplifier board is likely working but if
you want to be really sure, you can do
a live signal test by connecting a pair
of speakers and some sort of signal
source. But if you do this with the lid
open, you need to be careful not to go
anywhere near the power supply. In
fact we would switch off and unplug
the unit while connecting the speakers
and signal source.
Of course with this sort of test it’s
always a good idea to turn the volume
control right down before switching
back on and advance it slowly. While
the power switch is off you should
also check that the input selector slide
switch is in the appropriate position
for the analog inputs.
With the safety resistors in place,
only a small amount of power will be
available but you should be able to get
clean audio at a reasonable volume.
You can then switch off, unplug
the mains cord and wire the amplifier
module directly to the power supply,
making sure you hook up the wires to
the same terminals as you used earlier.
You can now also connect the output
of the MiniReg to the DAC board.
That should complete the wiring. To
keep it neat and safe, tie all the cables
into bundles or to adjacent posts so
that they can’t move and break loose
should the unit be subject to vibration
or shock.
If in doubt, refer to our photos (including those published last month) to
see how we did it. Your completed unit
should look much like ours although
obviously it will vary somewhat depending on which case you used.
Now is a good time to repeat the
live signal test but this time without
the safety resistors, you should have
the full power output of up to 10W per
channel available. Once it’s warmed
up a little bit, re-adjust VR2 and VR3
to get 20mV across the associated test
Assuming it all works and sounds
good, you can switch off, unplug the
mains cord and attach the lid, volume
knob and any other ancillaries to complete the unit such as feet. Make sure
the mains cord is properly anchored
Modifying the DAC for more output
The pre-built DAC board we have used in this project (Jaycar AC1631) has
an output of around 1V RMS while most CD/DVD/Blu-Ray players and high-end
DACs have an output closer to 2V RMS. This is generally not a big problem but
it does mean that if you are switching between the analog and digital inputs,
you will need to adjust the volume control each time.
Reader Gavin Krautz wrote to us to explain that he has this DAC and grew
tired of constantly changing volume levels when switching inputs; he came up
with a simple way to increase the DAC output level to around 2V RMS. As he
The DAC contains a BH3544 headphone amplifier to drive the outputs, which
has a default gain of 6dB. However, its gain can be reduced by inserting resistors in series with the signal going to pins 3 and 5 of the IC. In the Jaycar DAC,
these resistors (R25 and R27) are 90kΩ, which sets it gain to 0dB (ie, unity).
The formula given for the gain is 6dB + 20.log10(90kΩ÷(90kΩ + Rip)).
This means you can increase the output gain by up to 6dB by changing these
resistors. I initially considered making the output gain switchable, or shunting
R25 and R27 to increase the gain, but in the end I simply shorted them out to
restore the 6dB default and I have been very happy with the result.
Proposed Format for KitStop ¼ Page Ad
Silicon Chip Magazine January 2014
using the original method once the lid
is in place; in some cases the lid helps
to hold the cordgrip grommet in place.
The accompanying graphs show the
performance of the completed unit and
the integrated DAC. These measurements include power supply noise,
hum, RF pick-up in the wiring and so
on so they aren’t quite as good as the
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January 2014 93