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100W Hybrid Switchmode/
Linear Bench Supply, Pt.3
In this third and final instalment on our 40V/5A DC input bench
supply, we take the completed PCB and fit it into the case, along
with the chassis-mounting hardware and wiring. We also answer
some reader questions about the supply.
VER THE LAST two months, we
have described the operation of
our new bench power supply and
given the construction details for
the PCB. This supply is somewhat
unusual in that it runs off a 12-24V
input such as a 12V battery or old PC
or laptop power supply. It also combines a switchmode buck/boost circuit
with a linear regulator to give a wide
output voltage range, low noise and
fast-acting current limiting.
It’s built into a case from Altronics which will be supplied with two
pre-fitted LED panel meters for dual
metering, ie, simultaneous voltage
and current read-out. The voltage and
84 Silicon Chip
current are adjustable in 0-40V and
0-5A ranges using multi-turn pots for
accuracy. There is also a pushbutton
to view the current limit setting to
make it easier to adjust. Since the
current limiting is linear in nature,
the supply can be used as a voltage or
current source.
Now let’s go over the final steps to
complete and test the power supply.
Preparing the panel meters
In addition to trimming the leads
and fitting plugs to suit the connectors
on the PCB, we need to tweak the two
LED panel meters slightly. This is best
carried out by first removing them from
the front of the case, which is done
by squeezing the clip on one side and
then pushing that side forward until
it pops out the front. You can then
squeeze in the clip on the other side
and remove the unit.
The actual panel meter is inside a
plastic housing with a rear plate that’s
held on by four more clips, two on
either side. Gently push these in with
the tip of a flat-blade screwdriver; you
don’t want to snap the plastic. Once
you’ve popped one side up, the rear
panel should then come off easily and
you can pull the PCB assembly out.
The first thing to do is remove the
short circuit between pins 2 & 3 of the
header connector. This can be done
by simply running a hot iron between
them a couple of times, taking care
not to damage any of the surrounding
components. Do this for both panel
We also need to change the position
of the decimal point on one panel meter. By default they read up to 199.9
which suits us for voltage but for current, we need it to read up to 19.99,
ie, with the decimal point between
the second and third digits rather than
third and fourth.
This modification is done by clearing a solder shorting ‘link’ on the
board and making another one. These
solder ‘link’ positions are between an
exposed track and three small rectangular pads near R4 at lower-right, next
to the MKT capacitor. Left-to-right they
are labelled S, B and Q (see the instruction sheet supplied with the meter).
You will need to clear the short from
track L to pad S and instead short track
L to pad B. That’s just for the ammeter;
leave the other meter (for voltage) with
L and S connected.
If you’ve installed trimpots VR7 &
VR8 on the PCB you can put the meters
back into their plastic housings and
snap the backs on. Otherwise, leave
the backs off as you’ll need access to
the meter trimpots later.
Connecting cables
The next step is to fit polarised
header plugs to the bare ends of the
supplied hook-up wires. Trim them all
to the same length of around 100mm,
then strip the ends and crimp them
into the pins which are supplied with
the polarised header plugs. This is
Running The Supply From A Higher Voltage
We’ve already had enquiries as to whether it’s possible to run this unit from a
higher voltage DC supply and the answer is yes, with a few small modifications. As
stated in the previous articles, old laptop and PC power supplies are quite suitable
and will typically supply 12-17V, while a typical 6-cell lead-acid battery is also suitable,
giving a supply of 13-14.5V while being charged and 12-13V the rest of the time.
However if you have a 24V (12-cell) lead-acid battery or battery bank, as used
in many trucks, boats, caravans and off-grid power systems, it’s not a good idea
to connect the bench supply as originally designed. That’s because the battery will
approach 30V during charge, well above the recommended maximum supply of 24V.
There are a few simple changes which will allow operation up to 40V, although
we recommend keeping the supply below 30V to avoid excessive dissipation in
REG1 due to the relatively high current drawn by the LED panel meters.
These are as follows:
(1) The nine 10µF 25V SMD input bypass capacitors for the switchmode section
should be replaced with nine 4.7µF 50V capacitors (ie, identical to those used in
the output filter bank). You could use 10µF 50V capacitors instead, to maintain the
same capacitance but we don’t think this is necessary.
(2) The 100µF 25V input bypass capacitor for REG1 should be replaced with a
47µF 50V/63V electrolytic capacitor.
(3) Zener diode ZD2 should be changed to a higher voltage type. The recommended
value to use is 39V however with the above example (ie, running from a 24V leadacid battery), 33V would also be an acceptable choice.
While REG1 will run hotter with a higher input voltage, under load the switchmode section will likely run somewhat cooler (due to the lower input current) and
it may be able to supply a little more current at higher output voltages than would
be available with a regulated 24V DC input.
done by folding the two small metal
leaves over the exposed portion of the
wire and the larger ones over the insulated section and then squeezing them
down hard with needle-nose pliers to
hold the wires in place.
Note though that unless you have a
specialised crimping tool for this kind
of pin, this will be insufficient to retain
the wire so you will then also need to
solder the exposed copper in place.
Use only a small amount of solder and
don’t get any on the outside of the pin
or it won’t go into the plastic block.
Once all four wires have pins attached, slide them into the slots in
the header block and push them in
until they click into place. The wires
must be ordered as shown in Fig.7 last
month (see photo below).
If you get them wrong, you will have
to use a small tool to push gently on
Below: the view inside one of the panel meters. For both meters,
you need to remove the short circuit between pins 2 & 3 of the
header connector at left. You also need to move the position of
the decimal point on one meter (used to indicate current) by
clearing the short between track L and pad S at bottom right and
instead shorting track L to pad B (see text).
Above: the panel meter with the cover
back in position. Both meters are
connected to the main PCB via a 4-way
cable fitted with polarised header plugs
at each end.
June 2014 85
VR1 and VR2 need to be connected
86 Silicon Chip
12-24V DC
Connecting VR1 & VR2
Fig.8: these full-size front and rear panel artworks can be copied or downloaded in PDF format from the SILICON CHIP website
and used as drilling templates. Another set can then be laminated and attached to the case.
Load on/off
the metal flange which retains each
pin in the block so that you can slide
them out.
to the board in order to test it. You can
temporarily fit two 10kΩ 9mm linear
potentiometers if you have these on
hand; there are pads to do so and this is
quite convenient but expensive if you
have to purchase them. The alternative
is to wire up the chassis-mount pots
you intend to use with the unit and
use them off-board.
The 10-turn types generally have
three solder lugs arranged front-toback, with the two on the pot body
being the ends of the track and the one
at the rear the wiper. However, this
isn’t necessarily a standard so you really do need to measure the resistance
between the terminals to determine
which is which. Basically, with the
pot fully anti-clockwise, there should
be minimum resistance between the
left-most and centre pins on CON5 &
The most convenient way to wire
the pots up is to get cables with 3-way
female headers on the end, chop them
in half and solder the bare ends to the
pot, however this does mean that the
plugs can go into CON5 and CON6
either way around so it would be easy
to accidentally reverse the action of
one or both pots.
A better but more laborious approach is to make up cables using
ribbon cable or light-duty hookup wire
with a polarised plug on the end, as
described above for the panel meters
but with three wires this time.
Initial checks
Having wired up VR1 and VR2, turn
them both full anti-clockwise. Fit LK2
but leave the shorting block off LK1
entirely. With S1 off (up), connect a
12-24V power supply to CON1 and
measure the current drain. You can do
this by leaving F1 out and connecting
a DMM in amps mode across the two
fuse clips. There may be a small pulse
of current when power is first applied
but this should quickly drop to just a
few microamps after a second or so;
ie, the DMM should read zero unless
set on a low current range.
Assuming that’s OK, switch on S1
and check the new current reading.
It should be just under 100mA. If it’s
over 200mA or unstable, switch off
and check for faults (eg, incorrectly
orientated parts, bad solder joints, etc).
If the current reading is acceptable,
you can then check some voltages.
The mounting screws of Q1, REG1 and
REG2 make convenient ground points
(ie, for the black probe).
These voltages should be as follows:
bottom-most pin of REG1 = 11.6V to
12.4V (nominal 12V); top-most pin of
REG2 = 4.8V to 5.2V (nominal 5V);
either end of the 10Ω resistor above
The PCB fits neatly inside the instrument case and is secured using self-tapping screws into integral mounting posts.
Be sure to modify the supplied panel meters as described in the text.
D5 = approximately -10V; bottom-most
pin of REG3 = -4.8V to -5.2V; left-most
lead of the 470Ω resistor below VR4
= -2.5V.
Once you have finished these checks,
switch off S1 and disconnect the supply. If any of the voltages were wrong,
check the circuitry around the regulators and IC2.
Note that with the power switch on
and LK1 out, the output of the switchmode regulator section will be pulled
negative by the boost supply charge
pump but it should be clamped by D16
to a safe level of no lower than -0.3V,
to protect IC1.
Assuming all is OK so far, with the
power off, fit LK1 in the “TEST” position, then switch it back on. Check
the supply current; it should now be
stable at around 150mA. Turn VR2
clockwise, perhaps 10% of the way
through its rotation, then adjust VR1
and monitor the output voltage (ie, between the -OUT and +OUT terminals).
The output should change as VR1 is
rotated and be fairly stable up to the
input supply voltage, at which point
rotating VR1 further clockwise will
have little effect. Note that the supply
current will drop somewhat when
the output is ‘pegged’. If VR1 doesn’t
seem to do anything, try turning VR2
clockwise a bit, as the current limit
has not been trimmed yet.
You can now plug in the panel
meters and check that they operate
correctly. Start with the voltmeter and
check that its reading can be adjusted
with VR1; note that it won’t be accurate
though, we have yet to trim it. You may
notice REG1 and REG2 getting warm
with the panel meter connected as
it draws a fair bit of current (around
You can also now connect the ammeter and check that you don’t have
the meters mixed up, ie, it should have
two decimal places rather than one.
But note that it will only read zero
because (a) there is no load and (b) S2
is not connected yet. If you really want
to check it out, you can short pins 1 &
3 of the header for S2 and then check
that you can adjust it through a range
of (roughly) 0-5A with VR2.
Final tests
Now to finally check that it’s all
working properly. First, switch off and
remove power, then switch LK2 over
to the “RUN” position. Adjust VR1
to minimum and VR2 a little above
If possible, connect a pair of DMMs
or a scope to monitor the voltage across
D16 as well as the voltage at the output. You may want to insert the 10A
Part List Errata
In the parts list last month, we
specified 8 x BC547 transistors and
12 x BC557 transistors. While these
would seem to have a sufficient voltage rating (45V for a 40V supply),
due to the boosted voltage rails, some
transistors may be damaged during
operation at high output voltages.
As such, we suggest all constructors
substitute BC546/BC556 transistors
respectively for maximum reliability.
Also, we omitted a 200mm length
of 10mm diameter heatshrink tubing.
fuse now, if you haven’t already. If
you have a third DMM to measure the
amps, connect it across the fuse clips
but make sure it’s in amps mode (not
Re-apply power with S1 off and then
switch on. If possible, check the current drain. Without the panel meters
connected it should settle at around
120mA but with the meters connected
it will be closer to 400mA. There
should be around 1.2V across D16
(the minimum output of the switchmode regulator) and close to 0V at the
Now turn VR1 clockwise slowly.
June 2014 87
Can The Supply Be Used As A Battery Charger?
In short, yes, this supply can be used for charging batteries which use a constant current/constant voltage charge cycle. This includes Lithium Ion (Li-Ion),
Lithium Polymer (Li-Po), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LeFePO4) and (with some
manual input) lead-acid batteries including sealed/gel cells (SLA) and absorbed
glass mat (AGM).
Essentially, all you need to do is set the supply’s output voltage to the charge
termination voltage for your battery pack, set the current limit as high as you can
within the capability of the battery itself, connect the supply’s output to the battery
terminals and turn the load switch on.
The supply will then attempt to pull the battery’s terminal voltage up to the set
voltage. If it can’t, it will deliver the amount of current you have requested until the
voltage rises to the set point, then it will keep it there indefinitely. Caution should
be used with lead-acid batteries since generally the maximum voltage that can
be applied permanently is around 13.8V (slightly higher for SLA).
Higher voltages
Higher voltages can be used with lead-acid batteries for more rapid charging;
up to about 14.4V for wet cell and 15V for SLA. But the supply can’t be left on
permanently; the cells will begin to gas once they reach this voltage and the battery will be damaged if this continues for a long time. Typically, you would switch
the supply off once the charge current has dropped to about 10% of the set level,
or 30-60 minutes after the maximum voltage has been reached.
While no damage should occur if the supply’s input power is interrupted (or
switched off) with the battery connected and the load switch on, the supply will
draw some current from the battery. Therefore, once the battery has finished
charging, turn the load switch off before shutting down the supply entirely.
This current is approximately 8-16mA, depending on battery voltage. This flows
from the battery, through Q23’s body diode and into the output capacitor bank of
the switchmode supply. The linear regulator automatically shuts down when the
-5V rail is not present so relatively little current will flow in this condition. However,
it may eventually flatten a battery left connected.
As before, the output voltage should
increase but the reading across D16
should also increase at the same time,
remaining about 0.7V above the output. You should also now find that you
are able to turn the output voltage up
above the input supply voltage. But
do not turn it up much past 40V; we
haven’t set the maximum voltage yet
and this may be possible.
Of course, in theory, the circuitry
should limit the output to a safe level
but it’s best not to test your luck.
If you’ve gotten this far, chances
are everything is working properly
but before putting it in the case, it’s
probably a good idea to do a load test
and check that the current limiting
operates correctly. For this, you will
need to solder a length of tinned copper wire into the “-OUT” terminal (you
can re-use this wire later to connect it
to the binding post).
Having done that, use clip leads to
connect a 5W resistor of say 10-100Ω
between -OUT and +OUT (the easiest
way to connect to +OUT at the moment
88 Silicon Chip
is to clip on to the cathode of D13).
Next, turn VR1 and VR2 fully anticlockwise and switch the power back
on, then advance VR1 clockwise – the
current meter should still read (near)
zero. You can then rotate VR2 and
check that the current flow increases
Check that the unit is able to supply
at least a couple of amps but note that
the resistor may get quite hot as you
turn the voltage and current up. When
you’re satisfied it’s working properly,
switch the power off.
The next step is to adjust the trimpots. This includes VR3-VR6 on the
main board and either VR7/VR8 (if
fitted) or the calibration pots on the
panel meters.
First, set the output voltage range.
Turn VR1 fully anti-clockwise and
VR2 to about halfway. Measure the
voltage across the outputs with a DMM
and adjust VR4 for 0V. Now turn VR3
anticlockwise, then rotate VR1 fully
clockwise and adjust VR3 for 40V.
These controls should not interact
but you can re-check the zero voltage
setting if desired. Now adjust VR1 for a
non-zero output voltage (5V say), VR2
fully anti-clockwise and wind VR6 all
the way anti-clockwise, then slowly
advance VR6 until the output voltage
returns to the set voltage.
That done, connect a DMM set to
read amps across the output. The current flow should be low (a few milliamps). Turn VR5 fully anti-clockwise
and then advance VR2 fully clockwise.
Adjust VR5 to get a reading of 5A, then
disconnect the multimeter (don’t take
too long on this step).
To calibrate the voltmeter, set the
supply for a 40V output and adjust
VR7 or its onboard pot until that is
what it reads. For the ammeter, connect a DMM in amps mode across the
outputs as before, dial in a couple of
amps and then adjust VR8 or the ammeter pot until the readings match.
Case preparation
The case for this project is a 1U
half-rack plastic case; Altronics part
number H4996. However, Altronics
have produced a special variation of
this case, which has two rectangular
cut-outs on the front panel for a pair
of their 3.5-digit Q0588 LED Digital
Voltmeters, which are supplied with it.
They also supply and install an SPST
rocker switch.
The catalog number for this halfrack case with the two panel meters
and the mains switch is K3205. It’s
available at the special price of $59.50.
Since the case will be supplied with
these parts already installed, all you
have to do on the front panel is drill the
extra holes for the two pots and current
limit view pushbutton switch. There
are four holes required on the rear
panel, for the DC input socket, power
switch and output binding posts.
Front & rear panel artwork is provided in Fig.8 and these labels can be
attached to the front and back of the
case to aid in operation. These diagrams can also be used as a guide for
drilling the front panel holes. The front
panel hole locations aren’t especially
critical but for the sake of neatness, it’s
best to position them where shown.
The rear panel hole locations do
need to be accurate however, as the DC
input and switch holes must line up
with the components mounted on the
PCB. The binding posts holes can be
moved if required but be careful that
the internal portion of the posts won’t
interfere with Q23’s heatsink fins. We
haven’t placed them the usual 19mm
apart for this reason but depending
on how far your binding posts project
into the case, you may be able to move
them closer together.
Drill each hole with a small pilot
drill then enlarge to them size using
either a series of larger drills or a taper
ed reamer. Remove any swarf using a
deburring tool or oversize drill bit. If
you want to attach labels to the front
and rear panels, do so now, after cutting out the matching holes.
Putting it together
Before proceeding, disassemble the
case so that you have four separate
pieces – front, back, top and bottom.
Don’t lose the screws.
Having already soldered leads to the
pots, you can now mount them on the
front panel and attach the knobs. It’s a
good idea to terminate the wires with
polarised headers so that they can’t
be plugged in the wrong way around.
The wiring diagram (Fig.7) in Pt.2 last
month showed how our unit was wired
but your pots may have different connections so check these first.
Similarly, solder wires terminated
in a 3-pin female header plug to the
pushbutton before fitting it to the front
panel and pushing the cap on. That
done, having prepared the panel meters earlier, pop them back into their
plastic housings and clip them into
the front panel. Remember that they
are configured differently; the meter
with track L shorted to pad B (ie, the
one you changed) is the ammeter and
this goes between VR2 and S2.
There is one more thing to do before
putting the board in the case and that
is to make up a cable to connect the
output to the load switch. Cut two
lengths of extra-heavy-duty hookup
wire, 240mm and 260mm long. Strip
about 6mm of insulation from each
end of both wires and crimp a 6.4mm
female spade connector onto one end
of each wire.
Now place them side-by-side in
a 200mm length of 10mm diameter
heatshrink tubing so that there is about
10mm between the base of each spade
connector and the end of the tube, then
shrink it down. Solder the free end of
the shorter wire to the +OUT terminal
on the PCB (near Q23). The other,
longer wire can then pass through the
The rear panel carries the power switch (S1), a hole to access
the DC socket and the two output terminals.
adjacent hole and should stick out the
top of the board by about 30mm. Strip
this end back a bit further, leaving
around 15mm of bare copper strands.
Now secure the PCB to the bottom
of the case using four No.4 x 6mm
self-tapping screws; don’t use longer
screws or they could damage the case.
While doing this, you will need to
make sure that the heavy-duty wire
runs diagonally under the board to
emerge near the opposite corner and
that the wires sit side-by-side and
avoid any posts or protrusions, otherwise it will be difficult to screw the
board down.
Push the crimp connectors onto
S1’s terminals (either way around),
then fit the front panel to the bottom
of the case using the self-tapping black
screws removed earlier. With that in
place you can plug in the two panel
meters, the two pots and S2. Pay careful attention to the orientation of any
connectors that aren’t keyed, especially that for S2.
This requires you to determine
the pushbutton switch’s common,
normally open and normally closed
terminals. That’s done by setting a
DMM on continuity mode and finding
the two terminals which are shorted
when it is not pressed (COM & NC).
You then press the button and the
two that are shorted must be COM &
NO. You can then plug its connector
into the header with the COM, NO &
NC connections as shown on the PCB
overlay diagram.
Rear panel connections
Now fit the binding posts to the
rear panel, making sure their wire
entry holes are aligned vertically
and that their nuts are done up tight.
That done, slip the rear panel over
S1 (enlarge the hole if it doesn’t fit)
and secure it to the base but don’t use
the supplied screws; use two black
M3 x 5mm machine screws instead.
The supplied screws are too long and
would interfere with projections from
the bottom of the PCB.
Check that a standard DC connector
will pass through the remaining hole
and mate with the socket on the board;
if not, remove the panel and enlarge
that hole. You can then wrap the bare
ends of the hookup wire attached earlier around the red (+) output binding
post and solder it in place.
For the negative output terminal,
loop a short section of tinned copper
wire around it, solder it in place, then
pass this down through the -OUT pad
and solder it there. If you need to remove the PCB from the case in future
(eg, to troubleshoot it) then you will
need to desolder the binding post
Finally, check that the fuse is in
place, You can then fire the supply
up for a final operational check. It’s a
good idea to wind the voltage and current knobs down to minimum before
powering up and to monitor the input
current initially. However, assuming
all the earlier tests were OK, as long as
the chassis wiring is correct, it should
operate correctly.
Check that it works by varying the
output voltage and current and perhaps connecting a testing load. It’s then
just a matter of fitting the lid using the
screws you kept from earlier and the
supply is complete.
June 2014 89