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Introducing the
Micromite, Pt.1
. . . an easily programmed powerful
Want a powerful microcontroller in your next custom project but
you are concerned about how to program it? Behold the Micromite!
It’s a low-cost 28-pin PIC32 microcontroller which comes loaded
with a Microsoft-compatible BASIC interpreter with all the
features you need. And programming with MMBasic is dead easy.
This month we describe its features, show how to drive it and how
to use it to build a GPS-Controlled Digital Clock.
ELIEVE US! Even if you’ve never
programmed a micro before, now
you can do it! If you thought PICAXE
was good, just check out the Micromite!
MMBasic has all the power that
you need including a huge amount of
memory, floating point numbers, string
handling, arrays, 19 I/O pins, two
serial ports, I2C, SPI, 1-Wire and PWM.
You can write, test and save your program on the chip (it even includes a
full-screen editor) and it is very easy
This low-cost 28-pin PIC32 chip
includes a full-featured BASIC
interpreter with the capability of
driving 19 I/O pins, two serial
ports, I2C, SPI, 1-Wire and PWM.
It can also handle up to five
servos, infrared remote control,
distance sensors, temperature
sensors and much more.
28 Silicon Chip
to get something up and running.
When you have finished, you can
lock down the chip and it will automatically run your program at start up.
For people who remember our Maximite series of computers, we are using
the same Microsoft-compatible BASIC
programming language but it’s now
running inside a cheap 28-pin IC. The
result is not quite a Maximite . . . but
it’s close. Instead of using a keyboard,
video & USB, it uses serial I/O for the
console and instead of using an SD
card, it stores its program in internal
flash memory.
Other than that, the Micromite runs
the same full MMBasic with all its high
level features including easy control
of its I/O pins, powerful mathematics
and a full range of communications
It has extra features such as being
able to: (1) change the processor’s clock
speed (to reduce power consumption),
(2) put the chip to sleep (80µA sleep
current) and (3) set a password to prevent someone from listing/changing
the program, etc.
As far as performance is concerned,
it’s no slouch. Our benchmark clocks
it at 21,748 lines/second (the Colour
Maximite does 27,340) and it has a
total of 42KB memory for the program
plus variables (the Colour Maximite
has 31KB). Everthing happens inside
the chip; the only extra component
needed is a 47µF capacitor.
The power supply requirements
are tiny. The Micromite is powered
from a 2.3V-3.6V rail and consumes
between 4mA and 25mA, depending
on the clock speed selected. This can
be provided by a couple of 1.5V AA
cells or a simple power supply.
Where’s the PCB?
Readers familiar with the Maximite
might ask “where’s the PCB with a
display, I/O connectors, etc?” There is
none! What? How can that be?
The answer is to not think of the
Micromite as a computer but as a
programmable microcontroller which
you build into a circuit and program
in place. If you want to experiment
with the chip, you can plug it into a
solderless breadboard as shown on
the opposite page. Once you have the
hang of how it works, you then design
a circuit around it and develop your
program while it is in the circuit.
This “in circuit development” is
very productive as it allows you to
develop and test small parts of the
program as you go. For example, if
your project was a home-brew controller, you could develop and test
the temperature sensor first, then the
power control and so on. The final
program would just string these modules together.
Quick demonstration
For a lot of people, microcontrollers
are a mysterious technology. If you
buy one and simply connect it into a
circuit, it will do nothing. That’s because you must first write and install
a software program for it. That usually involves installing the required
compiler, linker and other software on
a desktop computer, then learning a
complex programming language such
as C or Assembler.
As a result, most people’s experience with microcontrollers simply
consists of buying a pre-programmed
chip as part of a kit. But then you cannot change what it does to suit your
preferences, since all the instructions
are encoded in a cryptic hex file; unless, that is, you have the original
source code, a compiler and a programmer to reflash the firmware. You
also need to understand the language
used for the source code to make any
The Micromite is completely different and we will now show you how
it’s programmed by quickly demonstrating how to flash a LED on and off.
To begin, the Micromite is programmed via a serial terminal. You
have many choices here and we will
go into these later. Once it’s connected,
you will be presented with the Micro
mite’s command prompt (a greater
than symbol, ie ‘>’).
At this point you can enter the
command EDIT and the Micromite’s
full screen editor will start up. Fig.1
shows the editor in action with the
LED flashing program already entered.
The first line of the program configures an output pin (pin 15 in this
case) as a digital output (DOUT). The
program then enters a continuous loop
where the output is repeatedly set high
and then set low again, with a pause of
250ms between each state. This is as
simple as it gets and is all that that is
needed to make a LED cycle on and off.
When you exit the editor the program will be automatically saved to
the Micromite’s internal flash memory
Fig.1: the inbuilt editor is very useful as it allows you to edit, save and run
your programs directly on the Micromite. You don’t need a host computer,
compiler or other special software (other than a terminal emulator).
If you want to experiment with the chip you can plug it into a solderless
breadboard. Then, once you have the hang of how the chip works, you can
design a circuit around it and develop your program while it is in circuit.
This test set-up is running the flashing LED program shown in Fig.1.
which is non-volatile. This means that
you will never lose your work, even if
you remove the power.
If you now type RUN at the command prompt, the program will run,
flashing the LED on and off. It’s a very
simple program but it does illustrate
how the Micromite can interface to
external circuitry.
You now have the Micromite doing
something useful (if you can call flashing a LED useful). If that’s all you want
it to do, you can then instruct MMBasic
to always run this program whenever
power is applied. That’s done by entering the command OPTION AUTORUN
ON at the command prompt.
To test this, simply remove the
power and then reapply it again. The
Micromite should immediately begin
flashing the LED.
If you now disconnect the serial
console, it will sit there flashing the
LED forever (well, for as long as the
battery lasts). And if you ever need
to change something (for example, to
flash a second LED), it’s just a matter
of re-attaching your serial terminal to
the Micromite while it’s still in circuit
and editing the program as required.
That’s the great benefit of the Micro
mite – it’s very easy to write and
change a program.
The Micromite is essentially a MicroMay 2014 29
POWER (+2.3 TO +3.6V) 13
ANALOG POWER (+2.3 TO +3.6V)
Fig.2: these are the pin connections for the Micromite while below are the functions that each pin can be used for. The
pins marked with colour labels are used for power and serial data communications, etc and cannot be used for general
I/O. The other pins can be used for the following functions:
• ANALOG: these pins can be used to measure voltage (AIN).
• DIGITAL: can be used for digital I/O such as digital input (DIN), digital output (DOUT) and open collector output
can be used to generate an interrupt (INTH, INTL and INTB).
can be used to measure frequency (FIN), period (PIN) or counting (CIN).
• 5V: these pins can be connected to 5V circuits. All other I/O pins are strictly 3.3V maximum.
• COM xxx: used for serial communications.
• I2C xxx: used for I2C communications.
• SPI xxx: if SPI is enabled, these pins can be used for SPI I/O.
• PWM xxx: PWM or SERVO output (see the PWM and SERVO commands).
• IR: can be used to receive signals from an infrared remote control (see the IR command).
• WAKEUP: can be used to wake the CPU from a sleep (see the CPU SLEEP command).
Note: the mnemonics in brackets are the modes used in the SETPIN command.
chip PIC32MX150F128 microcontroller programmed with the MMBasic
firmware (available on the SILICON CHIP
website, along with the Micromite
User Manual). Blank chips can be
purchased for $3-$4 from element14,
RS Components, Digi-Key etc or direct
from Microchip. You will also need
a programmer such as the PICkit3 to
install the MMBasic firmware.
An easier option is to purchase a
pre-programmed chip from the SILICON
CHIP Online Shop for $15 (plus postage) and we will even throw in the
47µF capacitor that you need.
A panel later in this article lists the
chips that you can use. Essentially,
they are available with two frequency
ratings (40MHz and 50MHz) and in a
variety of package styles.
When the Micromite starts up, its
clock frequency will be set at 40MHz
but this can be changed to 48MHz under program control. We have tested a
number of 40MHz chips at 48MHz and
they worked fine, so the decision as to
exactly which chip you want to use
30 Silicon Chip
is up to you. The chip that’s supplied
pre-programmed from the SILICON CHIP
Online Shop is rated at 50MHz and has
19 I/O pins (see below).
You can also use the PIC32MX25
0F128 series of chips from Microchip.
These have two pins dedicated to a
USB controller (which is not used in
the Micromite) so these chips only
have 17 I/O pins available to your
BASIC program. MMBasic will also
run on the 44-pin surface-mount chips
in the PIC32MX150F128 range and
these give you a 33 I/O pins to play
with. We’ll have more to say about this
chip in a follow-up article.
I/O pins
Fig.2 shows the pin-outs of the Micromite and the capabilities of each
I/O pin. It would be worth copying and
laminating this diagram as you will
find yourself referring to it often when
designing with this microcontroller.
In MMBasic, the pin numbers are
the same as the physical pin numbers
on the chip. So, for example, PIN(15)
= 1 will set the physical pin 15 on the
chip high.
Nine of the 28 pins are dedicated to
functions such as power and ground
so that leaves 19 pins that you can use
in your program. All the I/O pins can
be set as digital inputs or outputs. An
input uses TTL voltage levels, has a
high input impedance (typically 1MΩ)
and a Schmitt trigger buffer which
ensures a clean transition from high
to low. The pins that are marked ‘5V’
can be connected to a 0-5V source,
while the remainder are limited to
3.3V maximum.
When used as digital outputs each
I/O pin can source or sink about 10mA.
This can be used to directly drive a
LED via a resistor (typically 82Ω) or
a transistor which can in turn control
a relay and some other high-powered
Ten of the pins can also be set to
analog inputs. In this mode, the input
is returned as a floating point number
representing the voltage on the pin. For
example, when measuring an alkaline
cell, the reading might be 1.246.
The four pins marked COUNT can
be used for measuring frequency (up
to 400kHz), measuring the period
between input pulses or simply as a
counter counting the number of pulses
on the input over time.
If by now you are fretting about
remembering and using all these
functions, the Micromite firmware
download on the SILICON CHIP website includes a comprehensive user’s
manual (over 63 pages). We will also
explore the above features and more
in detail next month.
Specialised functions
Many of the pins on the Micromite
are also used for more specialised
functions. For example, the pins
marked COM1 and COM2 can be used
for serial communications.
COM1 is especially versatile; it can
run at up to 230,400 baud and will
support RS-232 signals without a
transceiver, as well as 9-bit transfers
with RS-485 support.
Pins 3, 14 & 25 can be used for SPI
(Serial Peripheral Interface) communications which can run at up to 10MHz,
while pins 17 & 18 support the I2C
protocol at speeds up to 400kHz as
either a master or a slave. In addition,
any I/O pin can be used for 1-Wire
communications and MMBasic even
includes a special function to conveniently get the reading from a DS18B29
temperature sensor chip. In practice,
multiple temperature sensors can be
used and this makes the Micromite
ideal for temperature control and
There are five pins marked PWM
and these can generate a pulse width
modulated (PWM) signal of between
20Hz and 500kHz. This feature lets you
control devices that require an analog
input voltage, such as motor speed
controllers or test equipment. This
function is also useful for dimming
the backlight of LCD modules under
program control.
Each PWM output can also control
a servo using the SERVO command, so
you can control up to five such devices.
The IR function pin (pin 16) can be
used to receive signals from an infrared
remote control. This will work with
any Sony-compatible remote control
and MMBasic will do all the work
for you in decoding the signal and
handling features such as automatic
repeat. This allows your
Micromite Specifications
Power Supply
Supply Voltage:
Current at 48MHz:
Current at 5MHz:
Sleep current:
2.3-3.6V (3.3V nominal) <at> 5-25mA; 4V absolute maximum
26mA typical (plus current from the I/O pins).
5mA typical (plus current from the I/O pins).
80µA typical (plus current from the I/O pins).
Digital Inputs
Logic Low:
Logic High:
Input Impedance:
Freq. Response:
2.5-3.3V on normal pins; 2.5-5.5V on pins rated at 5V
>1MΩ. All digital inputs are Schmitt trigger buffered
up to 200kHz (pulse width 20ns or more) on the counting inputs (pins
Analog Inputs
Voltage Range:
Input Impedance:
analog measurements are referenced to the supply voltage on pin 28 and
the ground on pin 27. If the supply voltage is precisely 3.3V, the typical
accuracy will be ±1%.
>1MΩ (for accurate readings, the source impedance should be <10kΩ)
Digital Outputs
Current draw or sink: 10mA (absolute maximum 15mA per pin or 200mA for the whole chip)
Maximum Open Collector Voltage: 5.5V
PWM Output
Frequency range:
Duty cycle:
20Hz to 500kHz
0-100% with 0.1% resolution below 25kHz
Communications Speeds
Console Serial:
COM1 Serial:
COM2 Serial:
default = 38,400 baud; range = 100bps to 230,400bps (at 40MHz)
default = 9600 baud; range = 10bps to 230,400bps (at 40MHz)
default = 9600 baud; range = 10bps to 19,200bps (at 40MHz)
10Hz to 10MHz (<at> 40MHz clock speed); limited to one quarter of the
clock speed.
fixed at 15kHz
Timing Accuracy
All timing functions (the timer, tick interrupts, PWM frequency, baud rate, etc) dependent on the
internal fast RC oscillator which has a specified tolerance of ±0.9% but typically is within ±0.1%
at 24°C.
Flash Endurance
Over 20,000 erase/write cycles. Every program save incurs one erase/write cycle. In a normal
program development it is highly unlikely that more than a few hundred program saves would
be required.
based project to be remotely controlled
with just a few lines of BASIC.
You can also generate IR commands
from within MMBasic, so that one
Micromite could control another via
infrared using an appropriate IR LED.
Driving an LCD module
Another handy feature built into
MMBasic is the ability to directly
control low-cost LCD modules with
one, two or four display lines. By using
just one program instruction, you can
display whatever data you would like
on these modules.
An associated feature is the ability
to connect a 4 x 3 or 4 x 4 keypad and
easily read the key presses using your
BASIC program. This, along with the
LCD driver, makes it easy to build
things like burglar alarms, reticulation
controllers, home-brew controllers
and more, all based on the Micromite.
We will describe these features in
greater detail next month and give
some example circuits.
Loading the firmware
As mentioned earlier, you can
purchase a Micromite chip preprogrammed with MMBasic from the
SILICON CHIP shop. That’s the easy
May 2014 31
+2.3 TO +3.6V
47 µF 6V
Fig.3: here’s how to connect a blank PIC32 chip to a PICkit3 programmer
to load the MMBasic firmware. Once connected, you use MPLAB IPE (free
from Microchip) to program the device.
+2.3 TO +3.6V
(CAN BE 2 x AA
(38,400 BAUD, 8 BITS,
47 µF 6V
Fig.4: follow this diagram to connect the Micromite to a serial terminal.
The easiest option is to use a USB-to-serial converter (eg, Jaycar Cat.
XC4241) or the USB-To-RS232C Serial Interface described last month.
option but you could also purchase
a virgin chip (ie, blank) and load the
firmware yourself.
That’s done using a programmer
such as the Microchip PICkit3. These
are reasonably cheap and there are
clones on eBay that are even cheaper.
If you install the free Microchip
MPLAB X development environment
on your computer, you will find that it
includes the MPLAB IPE which is an
independent programmer that knows
how to drive the PICkit3.
You connect the PICkit3 to the blank
PIC32 chip as shown in Fig.3. It’s then
just a matter of instructing MPLAB IPE
to program the device after which you
can disconnect the programmer as it
will not be needed again (unless you
wish to later re-program the chip with
an updated version of the firmware).
32 Silicon Chip
Note that unlike the Maximite, the
Micromite doesn’t have the ability to
update its firmware itself. So you will
need the PICkit3 if an MMBasic update
is released and you wish to upgrade.
That said, we made a considerable
effort to remove any bugs and the
firmware has been checked by a team
of over 40 beta testers for a couple of
months, so we believe that the need
for this will be unlikely.
Connecting it
Once you have the chip running
MMBasic, you can connect it into a
circuit. A solderless breadboard makes
it easy to experiment. With this set-up,
you can program and test the Micromite chip with external devices such
as LEDs, button switches and sensors.
Fig.4 shows the basic terminal con-
nection diagram. As previously stated,
the power supply voltage can range
from 2.3-3.6V (3.3V recommended)
and can come from a couple of 1.5V
AA cells or a conventional supply. The
Micromite’s current drain is modest
(25mA maximum plus the current
drawn by any external LEDs, etc), so
a simple power supply would be fine.
Generally, it’s good design practice
to install a 100nF bypass capacitor
close to each of the power supply pins
but this is not critical and they are not
shown in this diagram.
The capacitor connected to pin 20
is essential and is used to stabilise the
internal 1.8V regulator that powers
the chip’s CPU. It must be a highquality capacitor (not an electrolytic)
and should have a minimum value of
10µF with an ESR (equivalent series
resistance) of less than 1Ω. The recommended type is either a 47µF tantalum
or a 10µF multilayer ceramic.
Console connection
You also need to connect a serial
terminal to the pins reserved for the
console. The console defaults to
38,400 baud, eight bits, no parity and
one stop bit. The voltage levels are TTL
which means that idle is voltage high
(3.3V), the start bit is voltage low, data
logic 1 is voltage high and the stop bit
is voltage high.
This is standard in the microcontroller world so you will not have any
trouble finding something to connect
to it. Probably the easiest option is to
use one of the many USB-to-serial converters available such as Cat.XC4241
from Jaycar (its output switch should
be set for 3.3V operation). If you look
on the internet, you will find thousands more with prices as low as $5.
The USB-To-RS232C Serial Interface
described in the April 2014 issue of
SILICON CHIP could also be used. However, since its output swing is 5V and
the Micromite’s serial interface can
only handle 3.3V, you need to install
a 1kΩ resistor in series with pin 12.
In fact, this is a good idea regardless,
as it will protect the chip in case you
hook up a RS-232 port or other serial
adaptor that works above 3,3V.
These converters plug into a spare
USB port on your computer and at
the other end provide a TTL level
serial output which can be directly
connected to the console input/output
pins of the Micromite.
Another option is the SILICON CHIP
ASCII Video Terminal which we will
describe in a following article. As
well as containing a USB-to-serial
converter, this cheap gadget will also
take an input from a standard PS/2
keyboard and output either composite
or VGA video on a suitable monitor.
This means that you can develop and
run your Micromite programs without
a host computer.
You may be tempted to directly connect an RS-232 serial device, such as
a PC’s serial port, directly to the Micromite’s console pins. Don’t do this,
as RS-232 uses ±12V for signalling
and you could easily damage your
Micromite. If you do want to connect
an RS-232 device to the console pins,
you must use a converter.
ASCII serial terminal
Now that you are connected you
need a terminal emulator running
on your computer. This is a piece of
software that emulates an ASCII serial terminal. Anything typed on your
computer’s keyboard will be sent to
the Micromite via the USB-to-serial
converter and any output from the
Micromite will be displayed on your
computer’s screen.
It’s important that your terminal
program emulates a VT100 terminal
as the program editor built into the
Micromite uses that scheme to control
the cursor and to display things like reverse video. For Windows, Tera Term
is the best choice and the Micromite
was written by
Jim Hiley and can
be installed on a
Windows or Linux
PC. It allows
you to edit your
program on the
PC and then, with
a single mouse
click, transfer it to
the Micromite for
has been extensively tested with it.
When installed with the correct
drivers, the USB-to-serial converter
appears as a serial COM device on your
PC, eg, as COM17. In the Tera Term
set-up menu, you should select the
COM number and set the other items
to 38,400 baud, eight bits, no parity
and one stop bit.
If you don’t know the COM number
for your USB-to-serial converter, you
can check this in Device Manager (under Serial Ports). Alternatively, you can
select each port found by Tera Term in
turn and test it by pressing return (ie,
a trial and error process). When you
find the Micromite (ie, the correct port
is selected), you will be greeted by the
command prompt (ie, >).
If you are using the ASCII Video Terminal (described in a future issue), it’s
even easier – just connect a keyboard
and a monitor and set the jumpers to a
baud rate of 38,400. You don’t need a
terminal emulator as the ASCII Video
Terminal emulates a VT100 terminal,
so you can edit your programs on the
Micromite using only this device.
In fact, the Micromite and the ASCII
Video Terminal together provide most
of the facilities of the original Maximite in two 28-pin DIP ICs.
Program editor
This is a typical USB-to-TTL serial
converter that you can use with the
Micromite. The serial interface is
connected to the Micromite’s console
pins, while the USB interface goes
to a standard PC. You can use a
terminal emulator such as Tera Term
to connect to the Micromite and edit/
run your programs. A converter like
this can also be used with MMEDIT
which gives you much better editing
As stated, the built in editor is very
useful as it allows you to edit, save and
run your programs on the Micromite.
You don’t need a host computer, compiler or other special software (other
than a terminal emulator). Fig.1 shows
what the editor looks like.
The editor is invoked with the
EDIT command. The cursor will be
automatically positioned where you
left off editing or, if your program has
just been stopped by an error, will be
positioned at the line that caused the
If you are used to an editor like Notepad, you will find that the operation of
this editor is familiar. The arrow keys
will move your cursor around in the
text, while home and end will take
you to the beginning or end of the line.
Page up and page down will do what
their titles suggest, the delete key will
delete the character at the cursor, and
backspace will delete the character before the cursor. The insert key toggles
between insert and over-type modes.
About the only unusual key combination is that two home key presses
will take you to the start of the program
and two end key presses will take you
to the end.
At the bottom of the screen, the
status line will list the various function keys used by the editor and their
action. These include save (F1), save
and run (F2), find (F3), etc. The editor
also includes the facility for marking
text which can be copied or cut to the
clipboard and inserted elsewhere.
By using this editor, you can write
your program and then save and run it
directly on the Micromite by pressing
the F2 key. If the program stops with
an error, pressing function key F4 will
run the editor again with the cursor
positioned at the line that caused
the error. This edit/run/edit cycle is
very fast.
Another convenient method of creating and testing your programs is to use
“MMEDIT” (see Fig.5). This program
was written by SILICON CHIP reader Jim
Hiley from Tasmania. It can be installed
on a Windows or Linux computer and
it allows you to edit your program on
your PC then, with a single button
May 2014 33
REG1 LP2950-3.3
10 µF
10 µF
47 µF 6V
16 x 2
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 GND
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Fig.6: the circuit details for our GPS-Controlled Digital Clock. The Micromite (IC1) decodes the output from the GPS
module, calculates the time zone offset and daylight saving adjustment and drives a 16 x 2-line LCD module. Power
comes from a 5V USB supply, as used to charge tablets and mobile phones.
click, transfer it to the Micromite for
Because it runs on a PC, MMEDIT
is very easy to use, with colour-coded
text, mouse-based cut and paste and
many more useful features such as
bookmarks and automatic indenting.
And because the program is running
on your PC, you can save and load your
programs to and from the computer’s
hard disk.
Fig.5 shows MMEDIT in action. The
most important feature is the righthand button on the tool bar (the icon
of a running man). When you click on
this button, the program will be immediately transferred to your Micromite
using the XModem protocol.
Following the transfer, a window
will automatically open and connect
to the Maximite’s console where you
can run and test your program. If
there’s an error or it needs tweaking,
it’s very easy to go back to the editor,
make the changes and transfer it to the
Micromite again.
MMEDIT can be downloaded from
Jim’s website at: http://www.c-com. It’s free although
Jim would appreciate a small donation.
GPS-controlled digital clock
We needed a small project to demonstrate the potential of the Micromite
and we decided that a digital clock
which used a GPS module for accurate
timekeeping was just the ticket. This
Recommended Micromite Microcontrollers
The following microcontrollers can be used for the Micromite:
PIC32MX150F128B-50I/SP: maximum clock speed = 50MHz; 28-pin DIL package.
PIC32MX150F128B-50I/SO: maximum clock speed = 50MHz; 28-pin surface mount
SOIC package.
PIC32MX150F128B-I/SP: maximum clock speed = 40MHz; 28-pin DIL package.
PIC32MX150F128B-I/SO: maximum clock speed = 40MHz; 28-pin surface mount SOIC
The following microcontrollers will also run the firmware but only 17 I/O pins will be available in MMBasic:
PIC32MX250F128B-50I/SP: maximum clock speed = 50MHz; 28-pin DIL package.
PIC32MX250F128B-I/SP: maximum clock speed = 40MHz; 28-pin DIL package.
34 Silicon Chip
GPS-Controlled Digital Clock uses just
10 components (including the connectors) so there’s not much to it.
Fig.6 shows the circuit details. Most
of the work is done in the Micromite
which decodes the output from the
GPS module, calculates the time zone
offset and daylight saving and then
drives an LCD which displays the date
and time.
Considering just how few components are used, the result is impressive.
The clock runs from a cheap 5V USB
power supply and displays the time
accurate to within a second. It never
needs setting and it automatically
compensates for daylight saving – just
the thing for your office desk!
The important point to remember
is that the program is not encrypted
in a hex file that you cannot change.
Instead, it’s an easy to read BASIC
program that you can modify to suit
your requirements. For example, you
might want to change how the time is
displayed and this can be done with
just a few keystrokes.
Alternatively, you might want to
display the speed and heading from
the GPS module instead of the time.
Again, that’s easily done with a few
keystrokes. You could also extend the
program to measure the room temperature and display that along with the
time, all using the BASIC programming
This is what our demonstration GPS-Controlled Digital Clock looks like. Because the program is written in BASIC you
can easily modify how the time is displayed. The rear view at right shows just how simple it is. The Micromite and
a GPS module do most of the work and there are just seven other parts plus the LCD module, all mounted on a small
piece of stripboard.
Parts List: GPS
Digital Clock
1 Micromite microcontroller
(available from the SILICON
CHIP Online Shop – see text)
1 2-line x 16-character LCD
module (eg, Altronics
Cat. Z7001 or Jaycar Cat.
1 GPS module (eg, EM408)
1 3.3V fixed voltage regulator (MCP1700-330, LP2950CZ-3.3, etc)
1 47µF 6V tantalum capacitor.
2 10µF 6.3V electrolytic or tantalum capacitors.
1 10kΩ trimpot
USB cable, stripboard, spacers,
machine screws & nuts
There are many different LCD mod
ules that you can use (with different
pin-outs). For this reason, we didn’t
design a PCB but instead built the
prototype on a piece of perforated
strip board which we piggybacked
on the back of the LCD module (see
above photo).
The 5V DC power supply uses a
USB charger/supply of the type used
with mobile phones, book readers, etc.
These are so cheap and plentiful these
days that it’s not worth designing a
dedicated unit.
The supply is connected to the clock
using a surplus USB cable. It’s just a
matter of cutting off the unwanted connector and soldering the wires direct to
This photo shows just some of the devices that the Micromite has inbuilt
support for and so are easy to add to your Micromite-based project. Shown
is an infrared remote control, ultrasonic distance measuring sensors, a
2-line LCD display, a battery-backed real time clock (RTC) and a servo
motor. Other devices not shown include temperature sensors, infrared
transmitters and 4x4 keypads. The full details will be in part 2 next month.
the board. The red wire is +5V and the
ground is black, although you should
check this first with a multimeter just
to make sure. The other two wires are
the signal leads and they can be cut
short since they aren’t needed.
The 5V supply is used to directly
power the LCD module but the GPS
May 2014 35
Fig.7: this is a typical data stream from an EM-408 GPS module captured
over one second. Each message is on a separate line and consists of the
message type at the start followed by a number of data fields separated
by commas. We are interested in the line beginning with $GPRMC as this
contains the current date and time.
SUB GetGPSRecord
DO WHILE INPUT$(1, #1) <> "$" : LOOP
FOR i = 0 TO 20
arg$(i) = ""
x$ = INPUT$(1, #1)
IF x$ = "," THEN EXIT DO
arg$(i) = arg$(i) + x$
' wait for the start
' clear ready for the data
' loop until a specific exit
' get the character
' new data item, new field
' end of record, so return with it
' add to the data
' keep going
' increment the field
Fig.8: getting data from the GPS involves loops within loops. The result is
that the global array arg$() is loaded with the contents of the GPS message –
one field to each element of the array.
module and Micromite require 3.3V
so we obtained this from a simple
3-terminal regulator.
The LCD is wired with its read/
write (R/W) line held low so that the
module is always ready to receive data
(we never read data from it). It’s also
connected in 4-bit mode so all data
must be sent as 4-bit “nibbles”. This
detail is handled by MMBasic which
has an inbuilt command to directly
drive this type of display.
GPS output
Before we describe how the program
works, we should quickly explain how
a GPS module outputs its data.
Normally, the data is transmitted as
a serial stream of characters at 4800
bits per second (bps). Some modules
use 9600bps or even 19,200bps but
they can be easily accommodated by
editing the BASIC program.
The format conforms to the NMEA
0183 standard and an example data
stream is shown in Fig.7. Basically, the
data is formatted into a series of 1-line
messages. Each message starts with a
dollar symbol ($) and is terminated
by an asterisk (*) followed by two
hex digits that are a checksum.
36 Silicon Chip
The individual fields within a message are separated by commas. The
first field is the type of message and
for our clock project we need the RMC
message which starts with the code
word GPRMC. The RMC message is
standard for GPS modules and they
all generate it.
Other messages produced by a
GPS module provide a variety of useful information including latitude,
longitude, altitude and the number
of satellites that the GPS module is
listening to.
Within the RMC message we are
particularly interested in the date (second field) and the time (tenth field).
The third field is also important; it
indicates if the module has a lock on
the satellites and has an accurate time.
Capturing GPS data
Interfacing to the GPS module is
done using the serial interface. The
command OPEN “COM1:4800” AS #1
will set that up for us.
We then need to capture each message and split it into the individual
fields. This is done by the function
GetGPSRecord() as shown in Fig.8.
Before this function is called, a
string array has to be created with
20 elements in it. This array is called
arg$() and the GetGPSRecord() function will fill it with the data fields of
the message (one field to each element
of the array).
We won’t go through the detailed
operation of this function but instead
leave it as an exercise for the reader.
However, the important section is the
seventh line which gets a character
from the GPS. Subsequent lines in
the program examine this character to
determine if it is the end of a field (a
comma) or the end of the message (an
asterisk), or if it is just part of a field.
Once this function has captured
a complete message it returns to the
caller (ie, the part of the software that
triggered this function) which then
checks the first field to determine if
it is the required message type (more
on that later).
Adjusting the time/date
The GPS unit provides the date and
time as individual numbers (month,
day, hours, etc). Once we have these
numbers, we need to adjust them to
take into account the local time zone
and daylight saving (GPS data is always transmitted as UTC time).
Your first instinct might be to do
this by adding the time offset to the
hours field, then checking if it has
overflowed and then adjusting the day
of the month accordingly. However,
this quickly gets complicated because
you might have to adjust the month
or even the year while taking into
account leap years. And then there’s
the possibility of having to account
for a negative time zone (ie, west of
Because the Micromite runs a powerful BASIC interpreter which can
handle large numbers we simply convert the date/time into minutes since
midnight on the 1st January 2014. As
the years go by, this can become a very
large number but MMBasic can cope
with large numbers. In fact, it will be
able handle the time in this format up
to the year 2045 when it will be over
15 billion minutes.
With this conversion, it’s then
easy to add or subtract the time zone
and make comparisons to see if the
resulting time is subject to daylight
saving adjustment.
The conversion itself is done by the
function GetMins() which is shown in
Fig.9. This function is supplied with
the year, month, day and time and
returns with the number of minutes
since the start of 2014.
We also need to know when daylight
saving starts and ends and this is done
by the function GetDST(), as shown
in Fig.10. It is fed the current year,
along with the month and hour that
DST starts and ends. It then figures out
what day the first Sunday of the month
falls on. It then returns the number of
minutes from the start of 2014 that
daylight will start or stop.
For example, this year, daylight sav
ing in Australia will start at exactly
400,440 minutes since the start of
2014. All we need then do is compare
the current number of minutes with
this number and if it is greater we need
to add one hour for daylight saving
(unless, of course, daylight saving has
already ended).
Note that you’ll need to set a flag
(UseDST) in the software to indicate
whether daylight saving is relevant to
your area. Note also that the daylight
saving calculations are correct for Australia and overseas readers will need
to adjust the calculations to suit their
local daylight saving rules.
Converting to time/date
Once we have the number of minutes (ie, representing the current time),
we need to convert it back to the date
and time format that we are familiar
with (eg, 5th May 2014).
This is done with the GetDate$()
and GetTime$() functions. Fig.11
shows the GetTime$() function which
extracts the individual elements
(hours, minutes and seconds) and
then converts them to strings. By using
the powerful string handling features
of MMBasic, these are then joined
together to make one complete string.
The GetDate$() function is similar
in operation to GetTime$() and so is
not shown here.
Putting it together
Now all we need to do is put all these
functions together to make our main
program which is shown in Fig.12.
This starts by calling our function to
get the next message from the GPS
module. We want the RMC message
which contains the time so we keep
looping until we have that.
Inside the RMC message, we look at
the third field which will contain the
letter “A” if the module has locked
onto sufficient satellites to get an
FUNCTION GetMins(yr, mth, day, hr, min)
GetMins = (yr - 14) * (365 * 24 * 60) + ((yr - 13) \ 4) * (24 * 60)
GetMins = GetMins + (md(mth) * (24 * 60))
GetMins = GetMins + ((day - 1) * (24 * 60))
GetMins = GetMins + (hr * 60)
GetMins = GetMins + min
IF (yr - 16) MOD 4 = 0 AND mth > 2 THEN GetMins = GetMins + (24 * 60)
Fig.9: this is how we convert date/time into a simple number, ie, the number
of minutes since 1st January 2014. With this single number, it’s much easier
to change the time zone and detect when daylight saving begins and ends.
FUNCTION GetDST(yr, mth, hr)
LOCAL d, m
m = GetMins(yr, mth, 1, hr, 0)
' minutes to the 1st day of the month
d = ((m \ (24 * 60)) + 3) MOD 7
' day of the week that this falls on
GetDST = m + (((7 – d) MOD 7) * 24 * 60) ' minutes to the first Sunday
Fig.10: this function calculates when daylight saving (DST) will start or end.
It takes the current year and the month and hour when DST starts/ends
and returns the number of minutes to the first Sunday in that month. It’s
then easy to compare this number to the current date/time (in minutes) to
determine if daylight saving has started or ended.
FUNCTION GetTime$(minutes)
LOCAL hr, min, am$
am$ = "AM"
hr = (minutes \ 60) MOD 24
IF hr > 12 THEN am$ = "PM" : hr = hr - 12
IF hr = 0 THEN hr = 12
min = minutes MOD 60
GetTime$ = STR$(hr) + ":"
GetTime$ = GetTime$ + RIGHT$("0" + STR$(min), 2) + ":"
GetTime$ = GetTime$ + RIGHT$("0" + STR$(sec), 2) + " " + am$
Fig.11: this is how we convert the minutes value back into time, displayed
as hours, minutes and seconds in 12-hour format. The function returns the
result as a string of text characters which can be sent to the LCD for display.
The GetDate$() function (not shown) does the same thing for the date.
rate time. If not, we display a message
on the LCD and jump back to find the
next message from the GPS.
Once we have an RMC message
with an accurate time we can extract
the year, month, etc as individual
numbers. The GPS module provides
this as a string (ie, a series of ASCII
characters), so we convert them to
numbers using the MMBasic VAL()
It’s then quite simple to convert the
data/time to minutes, add/subtract the
time zone and adjust for daylight saving. Finally, this time is converted back
to a string of characters and displayed
on the LCD.
The LCD command is one of a series of powerful commands built into
MMBasic for communicating with
special hardware devices. In this case,
the LCD command only needs to know
the line on the LCD module to display
the data, the length of the line (the C16
symbol means 16 characters) and the
text to display.
The LCD command then does all
the work required to transfer the text,
centre it on the specified line and display it on the LCD module. It cannot
get much easier than that.
This section of the program is contained within a loop which repeats
forever. Every second, it will get an
updated time from the GPS, convert
the time and display it – forever
Note that these code fragments don’t
show you the whole program but
they do show how easy it is to write
a program in MMBasic. If you want to
build the GPS clock or examine the
May 2014 37
Main Features Of The Micromite
(1) The Micromite is a fast 32-bit CPU with
128K of flash memory and 32K RAM running a powerful BASIC interpreter. 20KB of
non-volatile flash memory is reserved for the
program, while 22KB of RAM is available for
BASIC variables, arrays, buffers, etc. This is
sufficient for quite large BASIC programs up
to 1000 lines or more.
(2) A full-featured BASIC interpreter with
floating point and string variables, long
variable names, arrays of floats or strings
with multiple dimensions, extensive string
handling and user defined subroutines and
functions. Typically it will execute a program
at 21,000 lines per second.
(3) Nineteen input/output pins are available
on a 28-pin chip. These can be independently
configured as digital inputs or outputs, as
analog inputs or configured for frequency
or period measurement and counting. Ten of
the pins can be used to measure voltages and
another seven can be used to interface with
LOOP UNTIL arg$(0) = "GPRMC"
IF arg$(2) <> "A" THEN
LCD 1, C16, "Searching"
LCD 2, C16, "For Satellites"
GOTO KeepSearching
5V systems. MMBasic can also be installed
on a 44-pin version of the chip, providing 33
input/output pins.
(4) Programming and control via a serial
console (TTL voltage levels) at 38,400 baud
(configurable). Once the program has been
written and debugged, the Micromite can be
instructed to automatically run the program
on power up with no user intervention. Special
software is not needed to develop programs.
(5) Inbuilt full-screen program editor. This
only requires a VT100 terminal emulator and
can edit a full 20KB program in one session.
It includes advanced features such as search
and copy, as well as cut and paste to and
from a clipboard.
(6) Easy transfer of programs from another
computer (Windows, Mac or Linux) using
the XModem protocol or by streaming the
program over the serial console input.
(7) Input/output functions in MMBasic will
generate pulses (both positive and negative
' get a GPS record
' we only want the RMC record
' "A" means valid record
' go back and keep looking
' extract the elements of the date/time from the GPS record
year = VAL(RIGHT$(arg$(9), 2))
' extract the date
month = VAL(MID$(arg$(9), 3, 2))
day = VAL(LEFT$(arg$(9), 2))
hour = VAL(LEFT$(arg$(1), 2))
' extract the time
min = VAL(MID$(arg$(1), 3, 2))
sec = VAL(MID$(arg$(1), 5, 2))
' convert the time to minutes and add/subtract the time zone and daylight saving
mins = GetMins(year, month, day, hour, min)
mins = mins + TimeZone * 60
' adjust for the timezone
' if we observe daylight saving
IF mins < GetDST(year, 4, 2) OR mins > GetDST(year, 10, 2) THEN
mins = mins + 60
' adjust for AWST DST
' convert the minutes back into the current date/time and display it
LCD 1, C16, GetDate$(mins)
LCD 2, C16, GetTime$(mins)
Fig.12: putting it all together. First, the correct GPS message is found, then
the date/time is extracted as numbers representing the year, month, etc.
These are converted to a minutes number which is then adjusted for the time
zone and daylight saving. Finally, this time is converted back to text and
displayed on the LCD. This loop repeats every second and never stops.
38 Silicon Chip
going) that will run in the background while
the program is running. Other functions
include timing (with 1ms resolution), BASIC
interrupts generated on any change on an
input pin and an internal real time clock.
(8) Comprehensive range of communications protocols implemented including I2C,
asynchronous serial, RS-232, IEEE 485, SPI
and 1-Wire. These can be used to communicate with various sensors (temperature,
humidity, acceleration, etc) as well as for
sending data to test equipment.
(10) Built in commands to directly interface
with infrared remote controls, the DS18B20
temperature sensor, LCD display modules,
battery-backed clocks, ultrasonic distance
sensors and numeric keypads.
(11) Up to five PWM or SERVO outputs can be
used to create various sounds, control servos
or generate computer controlled voltages for
driving equipment that uses an analog input
(eg, motor controllers).
(12) Special embedded controller features in
MMBasic allow the clock speed to be varied to
balance power consumption and speed. The
CPU can also be put to sleep with a standby
current of just 80µA. During sleep, the program state and all variables are preserved.
(13) A watchdog feature monitors the running program and can be used to restart the
processor if the program fails with an error
or is stuck in a loop.
(14) The running program can be protected
by a PIN number. This will prevent an intruder
from listing or modifying the program or
changing any features of MMBasic.
complete program, you can download
it from the SILICON CHIP website (free
for subscribers).
At the risk of labouring a point that
we made earlier, it’s easy to change
these functions to display different
data or change the format. All you need
to do is connect an ASCII terminal and
edit the program – then give it a run
to see if it worked. That’s the strength
of the Micromite; it’s incredibly easy
to program.
Next Month
Next month, we will go into more
detail on programming the Micromite.
We’ll also show you how to control it
via an infrared remote control, how
to measure temperature and much,
much more.
Finally, for helpful tips and support
check out the author’s web page at SC