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Higher power, loads more features . . .
Deluxe Touchscreen
PCB assembly and calibration
We introduced our new Deluxe eFuse last month and described
its hardware. Now we will get onto building it. All components
mount on a single PCB which then attaches to the front panel
and the whole thing fits into a Jiffy box. We’ll also go over the
testing and calibration procedures.
his Deluxe eFuse can handle
higher currents and voltages
than our earlier and simpler
eFuse design in the April issue (www.
Based around the Micromite LCD
BackPack, it uses a 320x240 colour
touchscreen for feedback and control.
Last month we featured the full circuit
and described how it works, and now
we will cover its construction.
Before you start, you’ll need to obtain the PCB and gather the various
parts, as detailed in the parts list below. We have made a few changes in
the circuit, in the light of having built
a second prototype, and these have
been incorporated into the final
PCB design.
As shown in
the circuit diagram last month
(Fig.3), PNP
transistor Q2 is
driven directly
from the output of
This causes a
problem when Q1 is
switched off, ie, when
the positive load is disconnected (as it is when
the unit is first powered
That’s because IC2’s
negative power supply is
ground (0V) and when Q1
62 Silicon Chip
is switched off, as there is no current
feedback, IC2b’s output will try to go
down to 0V.
That is below V+H (ie, the V+H rail
is about 10V below V+ so normally
at least +2V) and this will cause Q1’s
collector-base junction to become reverse-biased.
This, in turn, allows IC2b to pull
down the V+H rail, increasing its own
supply voltage, potentially to damaging levels.
Luckily, the solution is simple:
we’ve simply placed a 1N4148 small
signal diode (D17) in series with
Part two: by
Q2’s collector, preventing its collector-base junction from becoming reverse biased.
We’re also changing the two 22Ω resistors to 15Ω, as we discovered that
the SenseFET current ratio for Q1 and
Q3 is 500:1, not 1000:1 as we stated in
the first article.
Thus, the current through these
sense resistors is twice what we had
expected and so the voltages are also
doubled. Reducing the resistor values
brings the operation back closer our
initial design parameters.
Finally, we decided to change
Q19 from a BC557 to a
BC327, to ensure it’s reliable at the current level
it operates at. The pinouts
are identical so no PCB
changes were required.
All components are
mounted on the single 132 x 85mm PCB
coded 18106171.
Note that the
binding post/
banana terminals need to be
attached to the
front panel/lid before they can be
mounted on the PCB, so
we’ll get to that last.
Everything else is
ICs must be oriensoldered to this
tated with the
PCB first. Refer
notch/pin 1
to the overlay
dot towards
diagrams, Fig.4
the top of the
(top side) and
Fig.5 (bottom
Fit all the
side) as guides
TO-92 packduring assembly.
age devices
As noted last
next, which
month, while this
includes REG1
circuit is based
plus seven
on the Micromite
BC547 and
LCD BackPack
seven BC557
(originally detransistors.
scribed in FebCrank the leads
ruary 2016), we
out into a trianhave incorporatgular pattern
ed its circuitry
using small
on the same PCB
pliers, to suit
as everything else,
the PCB pads,
to reduce cost and
before soldering
simplify construction.
each one in place with the orientation
place; it’s labelled 47µF on the PCB shown in Fig.4.
So you only have to assemble the
silkscreen, in case a tantalum type is
one PCB.
As with the diodes, be careful not
fitted, but a 10µF ceramic SMD capaci- to get the similar-looking devices
Start by fitting all the resistors. It’s
tor is perfectly adequate.
best to check the values using a mulmixed up.
Now fit the 28-pin DIL socket for
timeter since the colour bands can be
IC1, with its notched end towards the Fitting the larger components
easily confused (eg, orange can look
bottom of the PCB. You can use sockets
like red). The two 1Ω resistors are
Now you can mount regulators
for the other four ICs but we suggest REG2-REG4 and Mosfets Q5-Q8, all
0.5W types and may be 5% while all
you solder these straight to the board of which are in TO-220 packages
the others can be 0.5W or 0.25W 1%
as this will result in better long-term and mounted flat on the top side of
metal film.
Follow with the diodes and zener
the PCB. In each case, bend all three
Note that the four 8-pin sockets/ leads down through 90°, 6mm from
diodes, taking care to orientate them
as shown in
the bottom
of the packNote that
age, then feed
there are three
them through
different dithe PCB holes
odes types
and affix the
used: 1N4004
tab firmly us(x1), 1N4148
ing a 6mm
(x13) and
M3 machine
1N5819 (x3)
screw, shakeas well as two
proof washer
different types
and nut. You
of zener dican then solode (15V [x6]
der and trim
and 33V [x2])
the three pins.
so also check
Next, fit
Fig.4 carefully
LED1. Oriento make sure
tate it with the
the right dilonger (anode)
ode goes in the
lead to the left
right location.
and push it
If you’re usall the way
ing an SMD cadown onto
pacitor on IC1’s Fig.4: top side overlay diagram for the Deluxe eFuse PCB with a matching photo
the board
above. All the components are mounted on this PCB, with most on the top side. The
VCAP pin,
before soltouchscreen LCD module is mounted on top but only the dotted outline is shown, so
now would be you can see where the components go underneath. Note that there are some slight
dering it in
a good time differences between this final PCB layout and the latest prototype, shown in the photos
place. Now
to solder it in so that the high-current binding posts have more clearance.
mount the
August 2017 63
Fig.5: an overlay diagram
showing where components
are mounted on the underside
of the PCB. Q1 and Q3 are
mounted vertically on this
side so that they project down
into the box and have plenty
of surrounding air for cooling.
The fuses are mounted on this
side also, as they would foul
the lid on the top side. The two
trimpots also go on the bottom,
so you can still access them
with the touchscreen in place,
allowing you to perform the
calibration while watching the
screen. The photo on the facing
page matches this overlay.
four ceramic disc and 14 multi-layer
ceramic capacitors, using the values
and locations shown in Fig.4. These
are not polarised.
Follow with the two 10µF electrolytic capacitors near REG1, which are
polarised; the longer leads should go
through the holes towards the bottom
of the board. If using a 47µF tantalum
instead of the SMD ceramic, it can go
in now and it is also polarised, with the
lead marked + on the capacitor body
going in the hole towards the bottom
of the PCB.
Now fit 14-pin female header CON4.
To ensure it’s straight, we suggest you
attach the four 12mm tapped Nylon
spacers that support the LCD first.
These go on the top side of the board,
held in by 6mm M3 machine screws
fed through from the underside.
Plug the 14-pin socket into the
touchscreen pin header, then feed
it through the PCB and temporarily
screw the LCD module to the PCB using a couple of extra machine screws.
Make sure you don’t damage the
touchscreen when you flip the board
over and solder the header, then remove it again and put it aside until
later. You can leave the tapped spacers
in place
Bottom side components
The follows components are soldered on the opposite side of the board:
the blade fuse holders for F1 and F2,
trimpots VR1 and VR2, Mosfets Q1 and
Q3 and their heatsinks and serial communication header CON3 (see Fig.5).
64 Silicon Chip
Solder VR1 and VR2 in place first, in
the usual manner, followed by CON3.
Note that F1 and F2 may be supplied
as two separate clips or one pair of
clips held together with a plastic base.
The type with the plastic base is easier to fit but make sure they are rotated
correctly so that they line up with the
silkscreen outline. Regardless, push
the clips fully through the PCB and
then solder on the opposite side.
You will need a very hot iron and be
careful that the clips are not resting on
anything which might melt while doing so. It may take some time for the
solder to form proper joints so keep
feeding more solder/flux in slowly until you get good-looking fillets.
Before soldering Q1 and Q3, you
need to bend their leads to fit the staggered pads on the PCB.
This involves bending all five leads
out slightly to the front (labelled side)
of the package, by a couple of millimetres, then bending the two outer
leads, plus the centre lead, forward
by another 4mm. Verify that the leads
fit through the holes, then loosely attach both to the inside of the “U” heatsink (as shown in Fig.5) using an M3
machine screw, shake-proof washer
and nut.
You can now push the whole assembly down onto the board, with
the heatsink posts going through their
mounting holes and the five Mosfet
leads as before. Make sure the heatsink is pushed all the way down and
the Mosfet is straight, then do up the
machine screw/nut tightly.
If your heatsink has solderable
posts, solder these in place now; as
with the fuses, this will take a lot of
heat and probably some time; you may
have to wait for the soldering iron to
get the whole heatsink pretty warm
before the solder will take.
We prefer the solderable type of
heatsink but the types available from
Jaycar/Altronics have anodised aluminium posts. In this case, they will
just rest in the holes and the Mosfet
lead solder joints will support the
Regardless of the type of heatsink
used, now you can solder and trim the
five Mosfet leads. Make sure the solder
joints are nice and solid since two of
them carry the full load current. These
may take a little more soldering before
they form good fillets due to the large
copper area connected to those pads.
Plug in blade fuses F1 and F2 now.
Initial testing
Before going any further, it’s a good
idea to verify that the power supplies
are working properly.
You can do this with a 12V DC plugpack, bench supply or battery. If your
test power supply is not current limited (eg, a battery), use a series 5W resistor of around 100Ω to protect the rest
of the circuit in case there is a fault.
First, connect the power supply
ground to the 0V connection at either
end of the PCB (eg, using an alligator
clip against the side of the board) and
the +12V output to the +IN terminal
(this can also be done with a clip lead).
the IC body.
If you haven’t already
plugged in IC2 and IC3,
do so now, noting that
their orientation is different from IC1.
Now you can also plug
the touchscreen into
CON4 and hold it in
place using the four
black M3 machine
screws with Nylon
washers under each
screw. These will
be important later when fitting
the lid.
the chip
If the 8-pin ICs have been soldered
to the board, expect around 30mA to
flow, or around 20mA if they are not
in circuit yet.
If using a series resistor, you can verify this by measuring the voltage across
the resistor, ie, with 100Ω the voltage
drop should be 100Ω x 0.02A = ~2V
or 100Ω x 0.3A = ~3V. Once you’ve
verified the current is OK, short out
the resistor so the circuit can operate
at the correct voltage.
Check the voltage between the 0V
and +IN terminals and ensure it is at
least 12V. Now measure the voltage
between 0V and the anode of D1. It
should be only a tiny bit less. If it’s
significantly lower, that suggests something is wrong with Q5 or its control
Then check the voltage between
pins 1 and 8 of IC4 (or its socket, if
it hasn’t been plugged in yet). You
should get a reading close to 10V (9.3610.14V). Next, measure the voltage between pin 8 of IC3 (or its socket) and
0V. You should get a reading of 4.755.25V. You should also get a reading
close to 3.3V between pin 1 of IC1’s
socket and 0V.
If any of these are wrong, switch
off and check for faults. If IC4 has not
been plugged in yet, switch the power off and plug it in, making sure it is
orientated correctly (ie, with the pin
1 dot at upper left) and then switch
the power back on. Check the voltage
between pin 8 of IC2 (or its socket)
and the +IN terminal. You should get
a reading of 8.5-9.5V.
Since IC1 is not in circuit yet, Q1
should be off and as a result, you
should find the voltage at Q7’s tab/
mounting screw is near 0V.
To check the operation of the negative power supply circuitry, disconnect your 12V power supply and this
time connect its positive output to the
0V terminal and its negative output to
the -IN terminal. You should measure
a similar current compared to the positive power supply.
Having shorted out the protection
resistor after checking the voltage (if
you’re using one), check the voltage
at -IN and make sure it’s at least -12V,
then check the voltage at the cathode
of D4 which should be just a tiny bit
closer to 0V.
As with IC4, you should get close to
10V between pins 1 and 8. Assuming
you get the correct measurement, if it
isn’t in its socket yet, switch off and
plug it in (again, being careful with
the orientation), then switch back on.
LED1 should light up at a relatively
dim level. You can then check that pin
4 of IC3 is around 6.5V below VIN-.
Also, check that the tab/mounting
screw of Q8 is near 0V (it may be floating around). This indicates that Q3 is
not conducting, which should be the
case at this point.
Testing more of the circuit
To do any further testing, you will
need to switch off and plug IC1 into
its socket. Make sure that its pin 1 dot
is aligned with the socket notch and
that none of the leads get folded under
If your microcontroller (IC1) hasn’t
already been programmed with the Deluxe
eFuse firmware, you will need to program it now.
If you have a blank PIC32 chip that
hasn’t even been flashed with the Micromite software yet, you will have
to do that before plugging it into the
board since there is no provision for
programming a blank chip on-board.
We expect most constructors will
either have a pre-programmed chip
or a Micromite.
If you have a bare Micromite chip,
plug it in and hook up a USB/serial
adaptor to CON3 using three or four
jumper leads. CON3 has the same
pinout as on the LCD BackPack. It
should be labelled alongside CON3
on the PCB silkscreen.
Connect GND on the USB/serial
adaptor to the GND pin (pin 4) of
CON3, TX on the USB/serial adaptor
to the RX pin (pin 3) of CON3, RX on
the USB/serial adaptor to the TX pin
(pin 2) of CON3 and optionally, the 5V
supply pin of the USB/serial adaptor
to the 5V pin (pin 1) of CON3.
If you decide to hook up the 5V supply lead, you can communicate with
IC1 without needing to apply external power to the Deluxe eFuse board.
Otherwise, you will need to provide
at least 9V between the VIN+ and 0V
You can then follow the instructions
in the accompanying panel to set up
the Micromite and load the BASIC
program into it.
When you switch the unit back on,
it will automatically check the V+H
August 2017 65
Parts list – Deluxe eFuse
1 double-sided PCB, coded 18106171, 132 x 85mm
1 ILI9341-based 2.8-inch LCD touchscreen with 320x240 pixels and 14-pin serial interface
(SILICON CHIP online shop Cat SC3410)
1 UB1 Jiffy box (157 x 95 x 53mm)
1 laser-cut black acrylic lid to suit UB1 Jiffy box (SILICON CHIP online shop Cat SC4316)
2 50kΩ mini horizontal trimpots (VR1,VR2)
4 red 50A heavy duty binding posts (CON1a,CON1c,CON2a,CON2c) (Altronics P9225)
2 black 50A heavy duty binding posts (CON1b,CON2b) (Altronics P9226)
1 4-pin male header, 2.54mm pitch (CON3)
1 14-pin female header, 2.54mm pitch (CON4)
2 30A+ ATO/ATC blade fuse holders (F1,F2)
2 35A or 40A ATO/ATC blade fuses (F1,F2)
2 6021-type PCB-mounting flag heatsinks (for Q1,Q3) (element14 1317054, Jaycar HH8504, Altronics H0637)
6 M8 shake-proof washers
6 M8 spring/split washers
12 M8 flat washers
4 M3 x 12mm tapped Nylon spacers
13 M3 x 6mm machine screws
4 M3 x 8mm black machine screws
9 3mm ID shake-proof washers
4 3mm ID 6mm OD 1mm thick Nylon washers
9 M3 hex nuts
1 28-pin narrow DIL socket (for IC1)
2 8-pin DIL sockets (optional, for IC2 & IC3)
1 PIC32MX170F256B-I/SP or PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP microcontroller programmed with the
Micromite Mk.2 firmware V5.0.3 or later (IC1)
2 LT1490ACN8 dual “Over-The-Top” rail-to-rail op amps (IC2,IC3) (SILICON CHIP online shop Cat SC4319)
2 NE555/LM555 timers, or equivalent (IC4,IC5)
1 MCP1700-3302E/TO 3.3V low-dropout linear regulator (REG1)
1 LM337T adjustable 1A negative linear regulator (REG2)
1 7805 1A 5V linear regulator (REG3)
1 LM317T adjustable 1A positive linear regulator (REG4)
2 BUK7909-75AIE 75V 120A 5-pin SenseFETs (Q1,Q3) (SILICON CHIP online shop Cat SC4317)
7 BC557 PNP transistors (Q2,Q4,Q9,Q10,Q13,Q14,Q21)
2 IPP80P03P4L04 30V 80A P-channel Mosfets (Q5,Q7) (SILICON CHIP online shop Cat SC4318)
2 IRF1405 55V 169A N-channel Mosfet (Q6,Q8)
7 BC547 NPN transistors (Q11,Q12,Q15-Q18,Q20)
1 BC327 500mA PNP transistor (Q19)
1 3mm red high-brightness LED, 50mA rating (LED1) (eg, Jaycar ZD0104)
6 15V zener diodes (ZD1-ZD6)
2 33V zener diodes (ZD7-ZD8)
3 1N5819 schottky diodes (D1-D3)
1 1N4004 1A diode (D4)
13 1N4148 signal diodes (D5-D17)
1 10µF 6.3V X7R SMD ceramic, 3216 package (1206 imperial) OR
1 47µF 10V tag tantalum
2 10µF 50V electrolytic
4 1µF multi-layer ceramic
10 100nF multi-layer ceramic
4 220pF ceramic
2 10pF ceramic
Resistors (all 0.25W, 1% metal film unless otherwise stated)
4 2.2MΩ
4 1MΩ
2 390kΩ
8 100kΩ
2 3kΩ
2 1kΩ
2 680Ω
2 100Ω
66 Silicon Chip
2 30kΩ
2 15Ω
2 27kΩ
6 22kΩ
2 1Ω 0.5W 5%
5 10kΩ
Uploading the BASIC code to the BackPack
Having established a serial console connection to the
PIC32 (programmed with the MMBasic 5.2 firmware)
using a USB-serial adaptor, you will need to set up the
display and touch panel as detailed in the February 2016
article on the LCD BackPack.
Note that the BackPack (and, if attached, the main board)
can be powered from the PC during the programming
Once you have the touchscreen set up and working, you
need to load “Deluxe_eFuse_v1.BAS” into the Micromite.
Having downloaded this from the SILICON CHIP website, grab
a copy of Jim Hiley’s Windows/Linux “MMEdit” program.
It is freeware and available from
MMedit.htm For Windows, download the setup file called
MMEdit.exe and run it. It will work on any Windows version since XP.
Run MMEdit and open the BASIC file mentioned above.
and V-L voltages and verify that they
are in the expected ranges. We’ve already verified they are in the required
ranges so it should boot up normally
but if a problem is detected, you will
get a message on the screen indicating
the problem and you can then switch
off and check the circuit for faults.
The Common Mode Rejection Ratio
(CMRR) of the two differential amplifiers must be optimised to give correct
current readings and trip levels. This
is relatively easy but requires some
test loads.
Power resistors are suitable; for example, a 33Ω 5W resistor can be used
to calibrate CMRR in both channels,
using two 12V plugpacks or batteries
(or a ±12V bench supply).
Power up the unit by applying +12V
to VIN+ and connect the 33Ω resistor
between VOUT+ and 0V, with a multimeter connected in series and set in
DC current measurement mode. Try to
let the resistor hang in free air since
it will get quite hot during this procedure. Set VR1 to its midpoint and
set the trip current to maximum, then
switch on the output. Adjust VR1 until
the reading on the LCD screen is close
to the reading on your multimeter.
Then disconnect the load and check
that the current reading falls to 0A. If
not, rotate VR1 as little as possible to
get a reading of 0A.
Re-apply the load current and
check that the reading is still correct.
If not, use the software current scale
calibration (see below) to correct it.
68 Silicon Chip
Next, ensure the “Auto crunch on load” option in the Advanced menu is selected and set up the COM port to communicate with the Micromite by selecting the “New...” option
under the Connect menu. You can then click the “Load and
run current code” button, right-most in the toolbar under
the menu (with the icon that looks like a blue stick figure
running while holding a torch).
You should get a progress dialog and the upload will
take around 30 seconds. If it fails, close this window and
re-check the COM port settings; make sure you don’t have
the port open in another program.
Once the upload is complete, the MMChat console window should automatically appear.You can then type in “OPTION AUTORUN ON”, press enter, then execute the “RUN”
command to start the program. The unit should then start
operating. Assuming it does, unplug the USB lead and proceed with the remainder of construction/set-up.
If you have another different value
power resistor, you can connect this
and verify that the current reading is
still correct.
The procedure to calibrate the negative channel is similar except that you
will need to apply +12V to VIN+ (for
the digital circuitry to operate) and
-12V to VIN-.
You can provide the -12V supply using a second 12V plugpack (with floating [unearthed] output) or battery, as
long as you connect its positive terminal to 0V and negative terminal to VIN-.
In this screen, you can also change
the default screen brightness, whether
the screen backlight dims and eventually turns off automatically and if
so, the duration of touch inactivity
required to activate the automatic
This can be useful to reduce the
extra current drawn from the supply, and resulting extra dissipation
in the case when using the unit for
extended periods. All these setting
are stored in flash so you only need
to set them once.
Software calibration
Finishing the assembly
While it isn’t strictly necessary, you
can also calibrate the voltage measurements, to compensate for variations
in resistor values, regulator outputs
and so on.
To do this, apply power as above but
connect your multimeter between VIN+
and 0V, in DC voltage measurement
mode. Access the calibration menu
by holding your finger in the centre of
the touchscreen for several seconds.
You can then use the + and – buttons
to adjust the VIN+ reading to match
what you’re getting on your DMM.
Then connect the DMM between VINand 0V and adjust the VIN- reading in
the same manner.
You can also use this screen to zero
the current readings for both channels
or adjust the current scaling factor in
software using the adjacent +/- buttons. This should only be necessary if
you can’t use the CMRR adjustment to
get accurate current readings at different current levels.
The lid requires a large, straight,
rectangular cut-out for the LCD touchscreen to fit through, four mounting
holes for the LCD module plus six
large, profiled holes for the high-current binding posts.
Since cutting all these accurately
would be time-consuming and difficult, we can supply a laser-cut replacement lid made from black 3mm
acrylic that already has all these holes
cut out precisely.
The plastic the lid is made from is
matte on one side and glossy on the
other. Since it’s symmetrical, you can
use it either side up, so you can choose
how you want the front panel of the
unit to look.
The rest of the assembly instructions will assume you’re using the
pre-cut lid.
Next month we’ll go over the remainder of the instructions, give some
sample screen grabs from the software
and describe its operation.
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