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U sinA sian
El e c d ul e s
P a Row e
Li-Ion and LiPo
Charger Modules
These modules are
designed to charge
Lithium-ion and Lithium-ion polymer cells.
One is low-cost and has a simple design,
while the other sports an inbuilt DC-DC
boost converter to provide a regulated output
voltage from the Li-ion/LiPo cell, since its
voltage varies as it charges and discharges.
s noted in the feature article on
page 88 of this issue, lithiumion (Li-ion) and lithium-ion polymer
(LiPo) cells and batteries are rapidly
overtaking all earlier kinds of rechargeable energy storage. They're now being used in just about all mobile and
cordless phones, in the USB Power
Bank devices used to recharge them,
in laptop and tablet PCs and in many
portable power tools.
Not only that, but it now looks like
Li-ion/LiPo batteries are the preferred
power source in the most successful
current generation electric cars, as
well as providing some small scale
grid storage.
So it's not surprising that Li-ion/
LiPo charging modules have now become readily available on popular
internet venues like eBay and AliExpress and we will be looking at three
examples in this article.
From here on, we’re assuming that
you are already familiar with the operation of Li-ion/LiPo cells. If not please
read the primer article on page 88.
Basic charger modules
Probably the most common charger modules you'll find on the web are
those based on the TP4056 charge
controller chip, like the one shown
in the photo at lower right. These
modules are quite tiny, measuring
44 Silicon Chip
only 26 x 20mm and they're currently
available for just a few dollars each,
even in small quantities.
There are a few minor variations
but most are very similar to the one
pictured; and they are all slight variations of the circuit shown in Fig.1.
Some are fitted with a micro-USB type
B socket on the input side, while others have the slightly larger and more
rugged mini-USB type B socket. You
might choose this type since microB sockets can be a bit fragile and can
even part from the module PCB when
you're removing the USB cable.
Having said that, micro-B cables are
very common and cheap as they are
used to charge most modern smartphones so that’s a fairly strong reason
to prefer the micro version, even if it’s
a bit more fragile.
As shown in Fig.1, there's little in
one of these modules apart from the
TP4056 controller chip itself. Made by
Chinese firm Nanjing Top Power ASIC
Corp, the TP4056 comes in a compact
SOIC-8 package and provides all of the
functions of a single-cell Li-ion/LiPo
battery charger, powered from a 5V
USB-compatible supply.
It follows the standard CC-CV charging protocol, with a maximum current
of 1000mA (1A) in CC (constant current) mode and a maximum voltage
of 4.2V (±1.5%) in CV (constant volt-
age) mode. Charging is automatically
terminated when the charge current
falls to 10% of the programmed value.
The charging current in CC mode can
be programmed by changing the value
of the Rprog resistor connected between
pin 2 of the IC and ground. As supplied,
the module has a 1.2kW resistor fitted,
corresponding to a charging current of
1000mA. If you want a lower charging
current, you can select a higher value
resistor – as shown by the table at lower
right in the diagram.
For example, if you replace the resistor with one of 2.0kW, the charging current in CC mode will drop to around
580mA. However, that should only be
necessary if the cell you’re charging
has a capacity of less than 1Ah which
would make it quite small, and even
some cells under 1Ah would be OK being charged at 1A; if in doubt, check
the manufacturer’s ratings for that cell.
As well as performing all of the
charge control functions, the TP4056
also controls two indicator LEDs to
signal the charger's current state.
Red LED1 glows brightly during both
charging modes (CC and CV) and ceases glowing when charging is terminated. Green LED2 only lights when
charging is terminated. Both LEDs remain off if the USB input voltage is
too low (<4.0V) or there is no cell or
battery connected.
Note that if you want to power the
charger from the USB port of your PC
or laptop, it would be a good idea to
change the value of Rprog to 2.4kW so
that the charging current is reduced to
around 500mA; this is the maximum
that should be drawn from the USB
port of a PC (even though many ports
will allow you to draw 1A if you try,
at least for a short period). But if you
are powering the charger from one of
the 5V/1A USB plug packs, Rprog can
be left at its default value of 1.2kW.
That's about it for the basic versions of
the USB powered Li-ion/LiPo charger.
They're cheap as chips but they actually do quite a good job of charging
single cells and parallel-cell batteries.
Do keep in mind though that the
TP4056 is a linear device, utilising an
internal P-channel Mosfet to reduce the
incoming supply voltage of say 5.5V
down to the charging voltage of the
cell, which could be as low as 3V when
fully discharged. At a 1A charge current, that’s a dissipation of (5.5V - 3V) ×
1A = 2.5W which is quite substantial
for an SOIC-8 package and it’s likely
to get quite hot under this condition
(even more so if you run the chip at its
maximum input supply rating of 8V).
This won’t cook the chip since it
has thermal regulation, which essentially means that it reduces the charging current if it gets too hot. But it does
mean that it will take longer to charge
the cell if you run into thermal limiting and the charging process won’t be
terribly efficient. Considering the size
and cost of these modules, that really
isn’t a problem.
Fancier versions
In addition to the basic charger modules, there are more elaborate versions
available as well. One of the most popular of these is shown on the next page.
It's made by the firm Elecrow, based
in Shenzen, China, and is about four
times the size of the basic modules,
measuring 68 x 49mm.
The circuit is shown in Fig.2. The
actual Li-ion charger section is based
around IC2 at the top. This is a Consonance CN3065 chip, which functions
in much the same way as the TP4056
device used in the basic modules. As
before, the CC mode current level is
set via the resistor Rprog connected
between pin 2 (Iset) and ground, and
the default value of 2.0kW for this resistor gives a charging current of 900mA.
The CN3065 again follows the
Fig.1: circuit diagram for the basic TP4056 module. Note that many modules of
this type will differ slightly from this circuit diagram.
standard CC-CV protocol, with mode
switching at 4.2V±1% and charging
terminated when the current in CV
mode drops to 10% of the programmed
CC level. An interesting extra feature
is that the cell voltage level at which
the device switches from CC mode to
CV mode can be raised above 4.2V by
adding an external resistor between
pin 5 (BAT) and pin 8 (FB). This will
result in it reaching full charge sooner.
As with the TP4056, the CN3065
provides outputs to drive two LEDs.
LED1 lights during charging, while
LED2 lights when charging has terminated. Incidentally, the CN3065 is in
a very tiny (3 x 3mm) DFN-8 leadless
SMD package.
Another nice feature of the Elecrow
PSB01012B charger is that it provides
a choice of two DC inputs. One is via
CON2, the mini USB input socket,
while the other is via CON1, a JST
2.0mm socket designated as the input
from a solar photovoltaic panel. (A second JST 2.0 socket [CON3] is used for
the Li-ion cell connection.) Schottky
diodes D1 & D2 are used to feed the
two inputs to IC2, so no input switching is required.
Note that the D- and D+ USB data
lines of CON2 are taken through to
USB output socket CON4, a standard
USB type A socket. That's because the
PSB01012B is not just a charger but in
effect a USB Li-ion power pack as well.
It's also the reason for on-off switch S1,
in series with battery connector CON3.
But note that S1 will need to be in the
ON position for charging to take place.
The other half of the Elecrow PS-
B01012B module provides a regulated
+5V supply from the varying output
of the Li-ion cell. This is the function
of the circuitry around IC1, REG1 and
IC3, in the lower half of Fig.2.
IC1 is the actual output voltage regulator. This is an Intersil ISL97516 device, described as a high frequency,
high efficiency step-up (boost) voltage
regulator which operates in a constant
frequency PWM mode. It's in a very
small MSOP-8 package.
The ISL97516 operates at a nominal frequency of 620kHz or 1250kHz,
selected by connecting pin 7 (Fsel) to
ground or pin 6 (Vdd). As you can see
from Fig.2, in the Elecrow module it's
programmed for 620kHz. The switching FET inside the device has a max-
This TP4056 module shown uses a
micro-USB[2] connector, but there are
some that instead use mini-USB[1].
August 2017 45
Fig.2: circuit diagram for the Elecrow PSB01012B charger module which utilises a CN3065 instead of the TP4056 detailed
earlier (the CN3065 is functionally identical to the TP4056).
imum current limit of 2.0A and an
on-resistance of 200mW. As a result,
it's claimed to deliver over 90% conversion efficiency – quite impressive.
The input voltage range of the
ISL97516 is rated at 2.3-5.5V, which
is well suited to its application here.
The output voltage range is specified
as 5-25V. The actual output voltage is
determined by the proportion of the
output voltage fed back to pin 2 (FB)
of the device, via a resistive divider.
In the Elecrow module, the divider
formed from the 43kW and 15kW resistors programs it to give an output of 5V.
Other attractive features of the
ISL97516 include sensing of the current
in the switching FET for thermal overload protection and a soft start feature
which allows slowing down of the internal oscillator's startup by connecting
a capacitor from pin 8 (SS) and ground.
As you can see in the Elecrow module,
a 27nF capacitor is used for this.
The regulated 5V output from IC1
appears across the 47µF capacitor at
the cathode of diode D3 and is then
filtered before being fed to pin 1 of the
USB output connector CON4.
46 Silicon Chip
So that's the boost converter/regulator section. But what about the rest of
the module's circuit, involving REG1
and two op amps in IC3? This additional circuitry is basically to monitor
the Li-ion/LiPo cell voltage, and signal
if it drops below a safe level. REG1 is
a Micrel MIC5205-2.5 low noise LDO
regulator, used to derive a 2.5V±1%
reference from the cell voltage.
This is fed to op amps IC3a and
IC3b which are used as comparators.
The second input of each “comparator” is fed with a proportion (0.6875)
of the cell voltage, derived by the resistive divider formed by 150kW and
330kW resistors.
This voltage is fed to the positive
input of the IC3a comparator and the
negative input of the IC3b comparator. As a result, when ever the divided-down cell voltage is above +2.5V,
IC3a turns on LED3 to indicate that
the cell voltage is OK.
By contrast, if the divided-down
cell voltage falls below +2.5V, IC3a
turns off LED3 and IC3b turns on
LED4 to indicate that the cell is nearing the limit of safe discharging. This
occurs at 2.5V ÷ 0.6875 = 3.64V, a little above the minimum recommended
discharge voltage to achieve the best
cell lifespan.
So the Elecrow charger module
with its inbuilt +5V output regulator
provides significantly more capabilities than the basic modules. It actually provides all of the functions needed for making your own USB Power
Bank, using a Li-ion or LiPo cell/battery of your own choosing. Plus it has
the ability to charge your Li-ion/LiPo
cell from a solar panel.
So although it will cost you significantly more than one of the basic modules, it's still good value for money.
Trying them out
I tried a couple of the basic TP4056based charger modules with both a
single 18650 Li-ion cell and a battery
of two parallel-connected 18650 cells.
The chargers did everything that
could be expected from them, charging
the cells repeatedly with no problems
– apart from the micro-B USB input
socket breaking away from one of the
modules when I tried to unplug the
track to pin 3 of IC1 and soldering it
to output pin 1 of IC3a instead.
However, note that this would cut off
the output at the aforementioned cell
voltage of 3.64V, which is a little high;
ideally, alarm LED4 should light before the cell is discharged to the point
where the output switches off. A second threshold in the range of 3.0-3.3V
would do the trick, but that would
require a number of extra components.
Smaller Elecrow module
The Elecrow charger module is a more advanced version of the smaller module,
and provides a 5V regulated supply from the Li-ion cell.[3]
cable from the USB plug pack. Hence
my suggestion to prefer the mini-USB
socket version.
I also tried out one of the fancier
Elecrow PSB01012B modules, although
this did involve getting hold of some
cables with the very small JST 2.0 connectors (for the Li-ion cell cables, to
connect to CON3).
As a charger, this one worked just as
well as the basic modules. But where
it really shone was on the output side,
being able to provide a regulated +5V
output (or reasonably close to it; about
4.85V) for the USB device connected to CON4's output, even for a load
drawing 500mA and with a partly discharged Li-ion cell with a terminal
voltage down to about 3.8V.
In fact, it kept providing this regulated output voltage even when the Li-ion
cell dropped down below 3.0V, after
about 40 minutes. Quite impressive!
(But not recommended if you want
your cell to last a long time.)
It might seem to be nit-picking, but I'd
like to have seen the Elecrow module's
regulated USB output closer to the nominal +5V under load than 4.85V. If you
calculate the expected output voltage for
IC1, you get 1.294V x (43kW ÷ 15kW + 1)
= 5.0V, so this is likely a component tolerance issue, requiring trimming.
This could be achieved by measuring the actual output voltage and then
paralleling the 15kW resistor with a
higher value SMD resistor, by soldering it on top. For example, in my case,
the output needs to be raised by (5.0V
4.85V) ÷ 4.85V = 3.1%, so a resistor of
15kW ÷ 0.031 = 483,870W or say 470kW
should do the trick.
I also think that ALARM LED4
should ideally be a red one, not another
green one as it is at present. It's right
next to green LED3, making it difficult
to see when LED4 has lit up. You could
fix this by de-soldering LED4 and fitting a red LED in its place.
My only other complaint about the
Elecrow module was that the very
small slider switch used for power
switch S1 was very flimsy. Perhaps it
had been damaged in transit, but at one
point the tiny actuator almost came out
of the switch body – not a good sign.
I also think that it would be a good
idea if the unit could be set up to automatically switch off the output if the
cell voltage drops too low, to prevent
damage from over-discharge. Some
Li-ion and LiPo cells have internal
over-discharge protection circuitry
but many do not. It would
be possible to modify the
module to provide this
function, by cutting the
It was only after I had checked out
the Elecrow PSB01012B module that I
learned about their other “mini” module. Luckily I was able to get a hold of
one of these quickly, in order check it
out as well.
As you’d expect from the circuit
(Fig.3), its performance as a Li-ion cell
charger is very close to that of its bigger brother – it just takes a little longer
to charge, because of the lower default
charging current level.
It functions in a very similar manner but is significantly smaller (46 x
32mm), costs less and they have made
some tweaks to the design. It uses the
same CN3065 chip for charging as the
larger module. Unlike the larger module, it does not have a power switch,
so the load is always powered.
But I was particularly interested
in measuring the performance of its
DC-DC boost converter, because of
its greater simplicity. And here I was
pleasantly surprised, because the converter in the mini module was just as
good as the one in its big brother.
Even though its output voltage under 250mA of loading was slightly
lower at 4.80V with a cell voltage of
3.84V, it only dropped to 4.78V when
the cell voltage fell to the recommended minimum of 3.0V. So it might be a
lot simpler, but it’s just as impressive
in terms of conversion efficiency.
There isn’t much going
on underneath the
Elecrow module, except
for a few tracks and the
eight through-hole pads
provided for D+ and Dbiasing resistors.[3]
August 2017 47
Fig.3: circuit diagram for the smaller Elecrow charger module. The DC-DC boost converter is much simpler than the larger
Elecrow module and is based around an ETA1036-50 synchronous converter chip (IC2; SOT23-5). This allows for a drastic
simplification of the boost converter to a 2.2µH inductor, four SMD capacitors plus the IC. Q1 allows the incoming 5V
from USB or the solar cell to power IC2 directly, bypassing the cell.
The other differences are as follows.
Firstly, the input power socket is a micro type-B, rather than mini. Secondly,
the output current capability is lower,
at 500mA compared to 1A.
They have also added a JST 2.0
2-pin output connector in parallel
with the USB output, and added a
pass-through function, which feeds
the input voltage directly through to
the output when it is present, to reduce the load on the cell.
There are a couple of drawbacks to
this module, though. Note that the USB
and Solar inputs are wired in parallel
so there’s a possibility of current being
fed back into the USB source, which
would be bad. Also, if the USB sup-
The mini Elecrow module is a decent
bit smaller (46 x 32mm) than the
larger variant (68 x 49mm).[4]
48 Silicon Chip
ply voltage is high enough, Q1’s body
diode could allow current to pass into
the cell, bypassing IC1 and possibly
leading to over-charging.
This is likely a design oversight and
will probably be fixed in future revisions, but could be solved by placing
a diode in series with Q1; a notable
omission from the design.
The bottom line
Overall then, all of these modules
seem to work quite well. The basic
charger modules are fine if you just
want to charge a Li-ion/LiPo cell (or
two in parallel), although I would recommend the version with a mini-B
USB input socket rather than a microB socket, for the greater robustness.
With the enhanced Elecrow PSB01012B and mini variant, the main
reason to go for the larger PSB01012B
module is for its “through path” for
the USB signal lines between input
and output and for its use of the more
reliable mini-B USB input connector.
One final note: if you want to use either a basic charger module or one of
the fancier modules to charge one of
the flat pack LiPo cells, you’ll probably
need to get a matching charging cradle to make reliable connections to the
contacts on the end of the cell. These
cradles are available at a quite low
cost from sites like eBay or AliExpress,
although some of them come with their
own inbuilt chargers.
Finding the charging modules
You can purchase the modules featured in this article from the Silicon
Chip online shop, at the following
links. Postage within Australia is a flat
rate of $10 per order.
[1] TP4056 1A Li-ion/LiPo charger with
mini USB socket – $2.50 each; www.
[2] TP4056 1A Li-ion/LiPo charger with
micro USB socket – $2.50 each; www.
[3] Elecrow CN3065-based 1A Li-ion/
LiPo charger with 1A step-up circuit,
USB pass-through and power switch;
68 x 49mm, mini type-B USB input,
full-size type-A USB output, two JST
cables included – $35.00 each; www.
[4] Elecrow CN3065-based 1A Liion/LiPo charger with 500mA stepup circuit; 46 x 32mm, micro typeB USB input, full-size type-A USB
output, three JST cables included –
$15.00 each;
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