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3-Way Fully Adjustable Stereo
Active Crossover
for Loudspeakers
This Stereo 3-Way Adjustable
Active Crossover is not only a fantastic
tool for loudspeaker design and development but it can also be
integrated into a 2-way or 3-way Active (powered) loudspeaker.
The crossover points and levels for tweeter, midrange and woofer
are fully adjustable with separate controls for each driver.
24 Silicon Chip
Stereo crossovers
3-bands (Bass, Mid and Tweeter) or 2-band use (low pass and tweeter)
Optional use of the bass output as a subwoofer output in 2-band mode
Adjustable crossover frequencies
Individual level controls for each band
Overall volume control
Balance control
Limiter for Bass output (optional)
Of course, passive crossovers can
be designed with steeper roll-offs,
but these are more complex and expensive.
Another drawback with passive
crossover design is that loudspeakers
are not simply resistive, even though
their nominal impedance may be 4Ω
or 8Ω, for example. Impedance varies with frequency so an 8-ohm loudspeaker may only have an impedance
of 8Ω at one frequency.
At other frequencies, the impedance
can be lower or higher; maybe much
higher than the nominal impedance.
So why does the impedance value
vary? Because all loudspeakers have
Loudspeaker impedance also varies because of cone resonances and in
the case of the woofer, due to the air
loading on the speaker cone inside the
box. These need to be compensated for
if the crossover is to work correctly.
(The lowest impedance value for
a loudspeaker will typically be just
above its cone resonant frequency and
will be close to its DC resistance).
This why you cannot take a passive
crossover off the shelf and hope that
it will work well with a random selection of drivers mounted in a given
Nor can you simply substitute a
tweeter or woofer for the original drivers in a loudspeaker system with a
passive crossover network – it is not
likely to work well!
Solving the problems
ost hi-fi loudspeaker systems
have passive crossover networks to separate the audio
signal into different bands, to suit the
tweeters, midrange drivers and woofers. Passive crossovers comprise inductors, capacitors and resistors.
This approach can be simple and
economical for a 2-way loudspeaker
(ie, with tweeter and woofer) but it can
be much more complex and expensive for 3-way loudspeakers (ie, with
a midrange driver added), especially
if there are big disparities between the
efficiencies of the different drivers and
if quite steep crossover roll-off slopes
are required.
With active crossovers, it’s easier to
produce steeper roll-off rates and the
signal level can be optimised for each
driver via its own amplifier.
In more detail, one of the major
disadvantages of a passive crossover
is that the changeover between the
separate frequency bands is usually
not very sharp.
A typical crossover slope is only
6dB/octave or maybe 12dB/octave,
in theory.
In practice, as we shall see, the slope
can be much less and that means there
is a wide frequency range over which
the two drivers will be both producing
the same sound frequencies.
That can mean that a woofer will be
fed with higher frequencies than it ideally should (eg, above 1kHz) and the
tweeter may be fed with lower frequencies (eg, below 1kHz). This means that
both drivers are operating outside the
regions where they produce the lowest distortion.
By contrast, active crossovers can
solve many of the above problems.
Firstly, the frequency overlap between
two loudspeaker drivers can be minimised by steep roll-off slopes.
Secondly, the impedance of each
driver does not affect the crossover
frequency. Nor is there any interaction
between the crossover components, as
can be the case in passive crossover
Thirdly, the electrical damping of
the driving amplifier is not reduced
by the impedance of the components
in a passive crossover.
This means better damping of woofer cone motion, ie, lower distortion
and less boominess.
OK, so active crossovers do have
advantages but most designs are not
easily adjustable without changing
lots of components.
Our new design is fully adjustable
September 2017 25
Fig.1: the stereo audio signal is split into three separate stereo signals covering different frequency
ranges, to suit the
woofers, mid-range drivers and tweeters. For a two-way system, the third signal can optionally be used for subwoofer(s).
for both crossover frequencies and
driver signal levels – just use the control knobs!
Low pass, high pass
Before we go any further we should
explain some terms which often confuse beginners: low-pass, high-pass
and band-pass filters.
Exactly as its name suggests, a lowpass filter is one that allows low frequencies to “pass” through it and it
blocks the higher frequencies.
Hence, a circuit to drive a subwoofer
would be called a low-pass filter since
it only delivers frequencies below
200Hz or thereabouts.
Similarly, a high-pass filter is one
that allows high frequencies to pass
through it and it blocks low frequencies. The part of a crossover network
which feeds a tweeter is said to be a
high-pass filter, even though it may
consist of only one capacitor.
You would probably realise that as
the frequency drops, the impedance
of a given capacitor increases, hence
blocking the higher frequencies.
(Incidentally, the ultra-handy
S ILICON C HIP Inductance/Capacitance Ready Reckoner Giant Wall
Chart (see
au/l/aaek or
au/Shop/3/3302) demonstrates this
perfectly – you nominate a capacitance value and as you move up the
frequency scale, you can see that the
impedance increases. If you’re designing filter circuits, this chart is a must!).
If we cascade (ie, connect in series)
a high-pass filter with a low-pass filter, the combination will pass a band
of frequencies and we then refer to it
as a “band-pass filter.” We use a bandpass filter for the midrange output in
this active crossover circuit.
Other points you need to know
about high and low-pass filters are the
so-called cut-off frequency and the filter slope roll-off.
Typical filter slopes are specified in
dB/octave where the dB (decibel) term
is the attenuation. Typical slopes are
-6dB/octave (quite gradual), -12dB/oc-
Fig.2: eight active
filters are used to
produce the signals
for each channel,
along with four
variable attenuators,
a bass limiter. The
stereo volume and
balance controls
operate on both
26 Silicon Chip
Fig.3(a): this is the configuratio of each second-order low-pass filter, which is known as a Sallen-Key type. Its expected
frequency response is shown at right. Note that the variable resistances required are of the same value.
tave, -18dB/octave and -24dB/octave
(quite steep for a crossover network).
The filter slope applies for frequencies after the cut-off frequency. The
cut-off frequency is where the signal
output is -3dB down on the normal
For example, in a low-pass filter we
might have a cut-off frequency of 1kHz
(ie, -3dB point) and at slightly above
that frequency, the slope will be -12dB/
octave. And for the filters described
here, this means that the response at
2kHz (ie, one octave above) will be
-12dB and at 4kHz it will be -24dB.
Two or three filter bands?
Fig.1(a) shows the three filter bands
available with our new Active Crossover. While it may not be immediately
apparent, this involves two crossover
points and no fewer than four filters.
Starting from the left-hand side,
we have a low-pass filter for the bass
frequencies and it “crosses over” to a
high-pass filter for the midrange frequencies. Further up the audio spectrum, we have another low-pass filter
which blocks out higher frequencies
and then it “crosses over” to another
high-pass filter which handles the frequencies fed to the tweeter.
Note that when we shift the low
crossover frequency, we are actually
simultaneously changing the cut-off
frequencies of the respective low-pass
and high-pass filters – they are ganged
Similarly, when we shift the high
crossover frequency, we simultaneously change the cut-off frequencies
for the midrange low-pass and upper
high-pass filters.
Fig.1(a) shows the new Active Crossover used in a 3-way configuration,
with bass (woofer), midrange driver
and tweeters.
But Fig.1(b) shows that it could be
used in an alternative configuration
as a 2-way system with a midrange/
woofer and a tweeter, together with
an optional subwoofer. The circuitry
remains the same but the way you connect is a little different. We will talk
about that later.
Block Diagram
Fig.2 shows the block diagram for
the 3-Way Adjustable Active Crossover. Only the left channel is shown;
the right channel is identical.
It actually comprises four low-pass
and four high-pass filters. Hmm, we
just mentioned that only four filters
were needed to produce the three
bands shown in Fig.1. Why are there
now eight filters involved?
Patience, now – all will be revealed!
The left and right channel inputs are
fed to a stereo volume control (VR1a
and VR1b) and the signal is then buffered with op amps IC1a & IC1b and
their outputs connect to the balance
control, VR2.
After further buffering by op amps
1C2a & IC2b (for the right channel),
the signal is passed to two adjustable
high pass filters involving IC4 and IC5
(signal path in green) and also fed to
two adjustable low pass filters involving IC3 (signal path in blue).
The signal from the high-pass filters
is fed to the tweeter level control and
then to the tweeter output, CON2a.
The signal from the low-pass filters is
fed to a second pair of adjustable highpass filters involving IC7 & IC8 and to
a second pair of adjustable low-pass
filters involving IC6.
The output from the second pair of
high-pass filters is fed to the midrange
level control and then to the midrange
output, CON3a.
The output from the second pair
of low-pass filters is fed to the bass
level control (signal path in red) and
then goes via the bass limiter (can be
switched in or out) to the woofer (or
subwoofer) output, CON3b.
Why do we need a bass limiter?
Because we envision that in some applications, the bass output will need
to be boosted substantially and that
could lead to overload of the woofer
or woofer driver amplifier on loud pas-
Fig.3(b) & (c): the Sallen-Key high-pass filter requires
two different resistances, however, the circuit at right
shows how we have reconfigured it for identical
resistance values so that ganged pots can be used.
September 2017 27
The equation for calculating the
fc for the filter is shown (in Fig.3(a))
though this calculation only applies
to a Butterworth filter.
High-pass filter
By swapping the resistors and capacitors in the circuit of Fig.3(a), we
can obtain a high-pass filter, as shown
in Fig.3(b).
Once again this arranged to have a
Butterworth response with a Q=0.7071
but instead of having capacitors with
values of C and 2C, we have resistors
of 2R, between the non-inverting input of the op amp and ground, and R
at the output of the op amp.
Both these resistive elements are
adjustable using potentiometers and
that presents a big problem since our
Active Crossover uses an 8-gang potentiometer for each crossover output;
each potentiometer element needs to
have the same value, eg, 10kΩ.
To solve that problem, we use an exFig.4: the simulated response of a single pair of Sallen-Key low-pass/high-pass
tra op amp, as shown in Fig.3(c). The
filters with a corner frequency of 1kHz (red) and the cascaded pairs of Sallensecond op amp is connected as a unity
Key filters (red), known as a Linkwitz-Riley arrangement. The flat green line
gain buffer and is driven from a voltage
shows the overall response when the signals are acoustically summed.
divider connected to the output of the
sages (hint: see page 33!).
filter which gives a roll-off slope of first op amp, to drive the bottom end
The bass limiter will prevent this 12dB/octave.
of the potentiometer (R).
while having negligible effect on the
The basic design is referred to as
This resistor now has half the sigsignal at other times.
a Sallen-Key filter (after R. P. Sallen nal current through it and so acts as
and E. L. Key of MIT Lincoln Labora- though it has a value of 2R – which is
Two-way configuration
tory in 1955).
what we want.
As noted above, this Active CrossoThe graph to the right of the circuit
So that shows the configuration of
vers can also be built as a 2-way system shows the roll-off slope beyond the all the low-pass and high-pass filters
with an optional subwoofer output. In cut-off frequency (fc). The passband in the circuit but it does not explain
that case, you would have a tweeter region refers to the frequencies below why we using four of each.
output (CON2a), the midrange/woofer fc where the signal level is mostly unThe reason is that the circuits of
output (CON2b) and the subwoofer affected by the filter.
Fig.3 are second-order filters and their
output (CON3b). The circuitry for IC6,
For this particular circuit, the filter filter slopes are equal to 12dB/octave
IC7 & IC8 could then be omitted.
has a Q of 0.7071 and has a Butter- which is not particularly steep – we
So now let us explain why we need worth response. The Q value means want twice that: 24dB/octave. So we
eight active filters in each channel that the frequency response below fc use identical cascaded low-pass and
rather than four.
remains as flat as possible rather than high-pass filters to get the desired reFig.3 a, & b show the basic circuits with any amplitude ripple or peaking. sult.
for the low-pass and highWe simulated the filter
filters used in our Active
circuits using LTspice to
obtain the actual responses
Let’s talk about the lowfor the filters.
If you wish to do some calculations of responses for these
pass filter first, as shown
If you use LTspice or are
filters, an excellent website is available. This calculates the filin Fig.3(a). This consists of
following our series on this
ter responses for the Sallen-Key configuration and shows plots
a single op amp together
in SILICON CHIP, you may
and filter Q for values of R and C.
with two identical (adwish to use the SPICE file.
For the low pass filter C1 is the capacitor that needs to be
justable) resistors R and
This file (Active filter.asc)
twice in value to C2. R2 is double the resistance of R1 in the
two capacitors, C and 2C.
will be available from the
high pass filter.
(2C is actually two identiSILICON CHIP website.
For a cut-off of 1kHz (fc), use 22nF for C (44nF for twice the
cal capacitors in parallel).
Fig.4 shows the results
value) and 5.11543kΩ for R (10.23086kΩ for twice the value).
The op amp is connected
for the low-pass filter when
as a unity-gain buffer and
the cut-off frequency is
For the high pass filter see:
because it uses two RC net1kHz. The response for the
works, it is a second-order
single stage Butterworth
For the low pass filter see:
28 Silicon Chip
Calculating R & C
September 2017 29
Fig.5: the main portion of the Active Crossover circuit, built around 22 LM833 dual low-noise/low distortion op amps. The
layout is similar to that of block diagram Fig.2, so you should be able to identify the corresponding sections. VR3-VR6 are
four eight-ganged 10kΩ linear potentiometers which allows the corner frequency of each set of four active filters which
makes up a crossover network to track. So only two adjustments need to be made to change the crossover point for either
bass/midrange or midrange/tweeter. The bass limiter and power supply sections of the circuit are shown separately.
30 Silicon Chip
September 2017 31
filter is 3dB down at the cut-off frequency. At 10kHz (one decade away)
the response is down by 40dB, as expected. That’s a 40dB per decade (or
12dB/octave) roll-off.
When the two filters are cascaded,
we get a response that is referred to as
“Butterworth squared” (also called a
Linkwitz-Riley) filter. The combined
filter Q is 0.5; obtained by multiplying the Q (0.7071) of each Butterworth
stage together. The cascaded filter response is 6dB down at fc and 80dB
down at 10kHz.
Putting it another way, the combined filter slope, beyond fc, is 24dB/
Similar results for the low-pass filter are also shown in Fig.4; -3dB down
at 1kHz for the single stage and 6dB
down at 1kHz for the cascaded filters.
At 100Hz (one decade away), response
is 40dB down for the single stage filter
and 80dB down for the cascaded filter.
We use the Linkwitz-Riley filters
because when both the low and high
pass filters are summed, acoustically
the response is flat.
Using the Linkwitz-Riley filters
means that there are no dips or peaks
in the frequency response across the
crossover frequency region.
For more information on LinkwitzRiley filters, see
The left and right channels have separate frequency adjustments. Ideally,
both left and right channels should
be able to be adjusted together for the
same crossover frequencies. However,
we were not able to do this easily and
we shall see why later.
Main circuit
The main circuit of the Active Crossover is shown in Fig.5 and again, this
only shows the left channel. Just so you
can recognise the various low-pass and
high-pass filters, dual op amps IC4 and
IC5 are the cascaded first and second
high-pass filters while dual op amp
IC3b and IC3a are the cascaded first
and second low-pass filters.
All op amps in the circuit are
LM833s for very low noise and distortion.
Similarly, dual op amps IC7 and
IC8 are the cascaded third and fourth
second high-pass filters while dual op
amp IC6b and IC6a are the cascaded
third and fourth low-pass filters.
Also note that all the potentiometer elements for the filters of IC3, IC4
and IC5 are part of the same 8-ganged
potentiometer, VR3. Similarly, all the
potentiometer elements for the filters
of IC6, IC7 and IC8 are part of the same
8-ganged potentiometer, VR4.
However, that means that this Active Crossover is not able to simultaneously adjust the crossover frequencies
in both channels; each channel must
be done separately. If we wanted to
do both channels simultaneously, we
would need 16-element pots and that
is simply not practical.
However, the level adjustments for
each channel output are made using
dual ganged pots, so these are done
Now let’s track the signal through
the crossover circuitry. The input signal is applied to an RF suppression
network comprising ferrite bead L1,
a 100Ω stopper resistor and a 10pF
capacitor. The signal is then coupled
to the volume control VR1a via a 22µF
non-polarised capacitor.
The signal from the wiper of VR1is
buffered by IC1a and its output is con-
Fig.6: the bass limiter circuitry, which prevents bass drivers which are driven with significant levels of gain from
being overloaded. It uses pairs of LEDs and LDRs to form a variable gain amplifier for each channel, similar to a
compressor but with a much longer attack and decay times.
32 Silicon Chip
Coming soon: a 3-way active dipole loudspeaker
One of the main reasons why we have produced this
highly flexible 3-way active crossover is that we are developing a 3-way active dipole loudspeaker with some
most unusual features. For a start, there is no enclosure.
All three drivers are mounted on a simple baffle. How can
that possibly work? Don’t you need some sort of enclosure
in order to produce adequate bass response? Normally, the
answer is a resounding “yes!” but we have taken a similar
approach to speaker design in producing a dipole loudspeaker – it radiates equally from the front and rear of the baffle.
Doesn’t that lead to bass cancellation? Yes it does but a
dipole enclosure can work well in a small room provided there
is considerable bass boost. That is just not possible with a
passive crossover but our new 3-way active crossover makes
it quite simple to achieve, because it allows large differences
in the signal power applied to each driver.
We hope to feature this most interesting loudspeaker system
in a few months. Watch out for it!
nected to one side of the balance balance control, VR2.
The balance control has a limited
range of action and it works as follows.
When centred, there is an equal loss
in signal level for both channels that
amounts to -1.42dB.
When the pot is rotated off centre,
more signal is shunted to ground in
one channel than in the other channel.
When the balance pot is rotated
fully in one direction, it causes a loss
of 8.3dB in one channel and slight
increase in the other. So there is an
overall 8.9dB change in level between
one channel and the other.
Following the balance control, the
signal is again buffered by IC2a and
then fed to the first high-pass and first
low-pass filters involving IC4 and IC3,
So the signal progresses through the
first and second high-pass filters of IC4
and IC5 and also to the first and second low-pass filters of IC3b and IC3a.
Then the respective tweeter and
midrange signals are fed to the respective level controls, involving VR7b
and VR8b.
These are Baxandall circuits which
give a logarithmic response when
using a linear potentiometer. This
is highly desirable since we want to
use linear dual ganged pots and these
have far better matching and tracking
between channels than logarithmic
taper pots.
Two op amps are involved for each
level control. The tweeter control,
VR7b, involves op amp IC15a, configured as buffer, and IC16a, an inverting
op with a gain of 4.5.
Hence the overall gain range of the
circuit is from unity to 4.5 which is
more than adequate for this application. Another advantage of this Baxandall level control is that it reduces
noise at the lower gain settings.
Further filter stages
The output of the second low-pass
filter involving IC3a is also fed to the
third and fourth high-pass filters involving op amps IC7 and IC8 and also
to the third and fourth low-pass filters
involving IC6b and IC6a.
The output of the fourth high-pass
filter IC8a is fed to the midrange level
control VR9b involving op amps IC19a
and IC20a.
Finally, the output of the fourth
low-pass filter IC6a is fed to the bass
level control VR10a involving op amps
IC21a and IC22a.
However, the bass level control can
also be fed to the bass limiter which can
Fig.7: the power supply section of the circuitry, which is on the same PCB as the rest. Power can come from either an
AC plugpack or centre-tapped mains transformer. The transformer output is rectified, filtered and regulated to
produce the ±15V supply rails for the op amps.
September 2017 33
Parts List – Three-Way Active Crossover
main PCB, coded 01108171, 284 x 77.5mm
front panel PCB, coded 01108172, 296 x 43mm
rear panel PCB, coded 01108173, 296x 43mm
16VAC 1A (or higher current) plugpack
DPDT PCB mount push button switches (Altronics S1510) (S1,S2)
knobs to suit push button switches S1 & S2 (Altronics H6651)
two-way vertical stacked PCB-mount RCA socket (Altronics P0210) (CON1)
four-way vertical stacked PCB-mount RCA sockets (Altronics P0211)
knobs to suit VR3-VR6 (Mouser 5164-1227-J)
knobs to suit VR1,VR2,VR7-VR10) (Jaycar HK-7734)
TO-220 heatsinks, 19 x 19 x 9.5mm (Jaycar HH-8502)
PCB-mount 2.5mm DC power socket (Jaycar PS-0520, Altronics P0621A)
2.5mm DC line plug (Altronics P-0635A, Jaycar PP-0511)
3-way PCB-mount screw terminals with 5.08mm spacing (CON5)
5mm ferrite suppression beads (L1,L2)
ORP12 (or equivalent) LDRs (Jaycar RD-3480)
50mm length of 6mm diameter black heatshrink tubing
set of black Acrylic case pieces (SC4403)
16mm long M3 tapped spacers
9mm long M3 tapped Nylon spacers
M3 x 32mm machine screws
M3 x 5mm black machine screws
M3 x 6mm screws & nuts
self-adhesive or screw-on rubber feet
25 LM833D SOIC (SMD) dual op amps (IC1-IC25)
1 7815 +15V three-terminal regulator (REG1)
1 7915 -15V three-terminal regulator (REG2)
2 1N4148 diodes (D1,D2)
2 1N5819 Schottky diode (D3,D4)
1 W04 1.2A bridge rectifier (BR1)
2 5mm 7500mcd green LEDs (Jaycar ZD-0172) (LED1,LED2)
1 3mm blue LED (LED3)
2 470µF 25V PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
10 22µF NP 50V PC electrolytic
12 10µF 35V (or greater) PC electrolytic
20 120nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester
25 100nF X7R 50V SMD (1206) ceramic
20 22nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester
11 100pF X7R 50V SMD (1206) ceramic
2 100pF 50V ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%, through-hole or 1206 SMD as specified)
2 100kΩ
7 100kΩ SMD 8 22kΩ
2 10kΩ
1 5.6kΩ
8 2.2kΩ
2 2.2kΩ SMD 2 1kΩ
2 620Ω
8 150Ω
2 100Ω
26 10kΩ SMD
38 1kΩ SMD
Potentiometers and trimpots
1 10kΩ log dual 9mm potentiometer (Jaycar RP-8756) (VR1)
1 10kΩ linear single 9mm potentiometer (Jaycar RP-8510) (VR2)
4 10kΩ linear 8-gang 9mm potentiometers, Bourns PTD9081015FB103 (VR3-VR6)
4 10kΩ linear dual 9mm potentiometers (Jaycar RP-8706) (VR7-VR10)
1 5kΩ 25-turn top adjust 3296W style trimpot (VR11)
34 Silicon Chip
be switched in or out using switch S2.
Limiter circuit operation
The Limiter circuit is shown in Fig.6
and it acts on the signals from both
channels, left and right.
In essence, the bass signal from each
channel (left from IC22a; right from
IC22b) is fed to a passive attenuator
comprising a 10kΩ resistor, a 100kΩ
resistor to ground and a paralleled
light-dependent resistor (LDR). LDR1
is used for the left channel and LDR2
for the right channel.
Normally, the LDR resistance will be
very high and the reduction in signal
level will be less than 1dB. Op amp
IC23b buffers the signal from LDR1,
while IC23a buffers the right-channel
signal from LDR2.
Each LDR is located next to a LED
and both are encased in a light-proof
housing (made of heatshrink tubing).
So light from LED1 can reduce the resistance of LDR1 and LED2 does the
same for LDR2. Both LEDs are driven
with the same current so that the signal level in both channels is reduced
by the same amount.
The drive signals to LED1 & LED2 are
derived by dual op amps IC24 and IC25.
The bass signals from IC23a and IC23b
connect to the inverting inputs of IC24a
and IC24b via 1kΩ resistors which mix
the signals from both channels.
These amplifiers have a gain of 100
by virtue of their 1kΩ input and the
100kΩ feedback resistors.
The amplifiers also have their noninverting inputs connected to separate
voltage references formed using a resistive divider across the ±15V supply.
The attenuator comprises a 10kΩ resistor from the +15V supply, two 2.2kΩ
resistors and another 10kΩ resistor to
the -15V supply.
The centre point of the attenuator
where the two 2.2kΩ resistors meet is
connected to the ground (0V). A 5kΩ
trimpot (VR11) connects across the
two 2.2kΩ resistors and can be used
to adjust the voltages at TP1 and TP2.
With VR11 set for 5kΩ, the voltage
at TP1 and TP2 will be +1.57V and
-1.57V respectively. This voltage can
be reduced down to 0V, with VR11at
the opposite extreme.
When the combined signal from
IC23a and IC23b swings positive but
less than the TP1 voltage, IC24b’s output will be high; ie, above 0V. When
the combined signal from IC23a and
IC23b swings negative but less
tive than TP2, IC24a’s output will be
low; less than 0V. In effect, IC24b &
IC24a operate together as a window
The signal from IC24b is inverted by
IC25b, change any negative-going signal to positive-going. Then the positive
going signals from IC25b and IC24a are
fed to diodes D1 and D2, respectively.
So any positive-going signal from
IC25b or IC24a will cause D1 or D2 to
conduct and charge the 100µF capacitor via the 1kΩ resistor.
IC25a monitors the signal across the
100µF capacitor and drives LED1 &
LED2 (in series) and these LED control
the resistance of LDR1 & LDR2 to limit
the bass signals when the exceed the
thresholds set by TP1 & TP2.
The time constant for the 100µF
capacitor to discharge via the 100kΩ
resistor is ten seconds. This time-constant prevents the audio signal from
being modulated by the limiter circuit.
The associated 1kΩ resistor sets the
attack time-constant to 100ms, so that
limiting does not instantly occur with
brief transients.
Note that the maximum 1.57V
threshold at TP1 and -1.57V threshold
at TP2 will start signal limiting for a
sine wave that’s 1.57V peak or 3.14V
peak to peak. That is about 1.1V RMS.
Power supply
Fig.7 shows the power supply circuit. It can be powered using a centretapped 30V transformer or a 16VAC
plugpack – either transformer feeds
the bridge rectifier via switch S1.
However, the bridge rectifier works
differently, depending on which transformer is used.
The 16VAC plugpack connects via
CON4 with one side going to ground
while the centre-tapped transformer
connects to 3-pin CON5. The net result
is only two diodes are involved when
the power comes via CON4 and S1a
and we have half-wave rectification
for the positive and negative rails fed
to the 3-terminal 15V regulators.
When the power comes via CON5,
the full bridge rectifier is involved.
Either way, the rectified DC is filtered
using 470µF capacitors.
Next month . . .
Have we whetted your appetite sufficiently with the description of the
Three-Way Active Crossover?
Next month, we’ll move on to the
construction, setup and use of this
1x 12-24V 40A 150V MPPT Solar Regulator
+ 4x FS272 72W Solar Panels.
Charge 12/24V batteries at 30/15A: 280W!!
IT118..... 249
PCBs for most recent (>2010)
SILICON CHIP projects are
available from the SILICON CHIP
PartShop – see the PartShop
pages in this issue or log onto
You’ll also find some of the
hard-to-get components to build
your SILICON CHIP project, back
issues, software, panels, binders,
books, DVDs and much more!
So in the meantime, use the parts
list opposite to start gathering the bits
you’ll need (there are some that aren’t
normally available from your local
lolly shop!) and get the PCB from the
SILICON CHIP online shop (they’re already available, priced at only $20.00
plus P&P) – and remember, if you’re a
SILICON CHIP subscriber, you get 10%
off all items from the shop (subscriptions and postage excepted).
While you’re about it, why not order
one of the giant L-C-R Wallcharts as
well – you won’t believe how handy
it will be in your workshop!
Framed Polycrystalline 30W and
50W SOLAR PANELS. Also available
is a 12/24V PWM 20A Regulator.
30W Solar Panel: IT119 .... $50
50W Solar Panel: IT120.... $80
20A PWM Regulator ........ $18
IT117 $5 Ea.
2x small 5V 4-Wire
2-Phase 25mm
Stepper Motors
+ 2x Driver modules
+ A 5V Universal regulated plugpack
Pack of 6:
IT117P.... $24
1/2M Long Bars... 36 high output Pure White LED's...
Heat-sinked by the Aluminum Bar... covered by a diffuser strip...
Around 700Lumens at 12V... 0.6A at 12V and 0.75A at 12.6V:
Includes 3X Custom Made Oyster Lights
(350mm Diam) and 1XFS-272 Solar Panel. 60!
Includes 8X 20W LEDs (45 X 45mm/33V)
and 1 x FS-272 Solar Panel
0428 600 036 branko<at>
September 2017 35