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And now . . .
the perfect partner for our AM receiver:
By John Clarke
The Super-9
FM Radio
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
This FM radio is easy to build and provides excellent performance. An
entirely analog design, it has a sizeable internal speaker, with the ability to
drive stereo headphones or external speakers. It can be battery
or mains powered and is tuned with a hand-span dial.
It looks great in its custom case, and building it is
an excellent way to learn how FM radio works.
ur “Super-7” AM Radio (November & December 2017) has proven to be very popular. So we’ve developed this high-quality FM
Radio with many of the same features. That includes ease of construction, good looks and great performance. It takes full advantage of the
high audio quality that FM broadcasts are capable of reproducing. And it can
receive in stereo, too.
It’s powered from a 9V battery (making it truly portable) or 9V DC plugpack,
and it automatically switches from battery to the plugpack when plugged in.
Power consumption is moderate, so a small 9V battery should last for several hours of listening.
All the components mount on one double-sided PCB (printed circuit board)
which fits into a custom-designed acrylic case with a transparent back. That’s
so the components are protected but you can still see its workings. It has a
large hand-span tuning dial showing the current frequency plus many of the
available FM radio stations around Australia.
Once built and aligned, you will have a fully functioning radio. And that’s
something the average person with basic soldering skills can do, as long as you
follow our instructions. Besides the usual soldering and mechanical assembly
using screws, nuts and spacers, you just need to wind a few coils.
This FM Radio would make a great learning aid for people studying electronics. Most modern FM receivers use one or two integrated circuits (ICs), with a
few external components.
However, for this design, we have opted for a more discrete approach, so that
the major circuit blocks are all clearly separated.
Although we have used a few ICs, each only performs one or two major tasks.
The circuit is therefore discrete in the sense that each functional block is separate, and that makes it easy to understand what it does and how it works.
Audio output
Signal level
Stereo threshold
Signal level (V)
Output level (dBV)
Fig.1: these curves show how the unit’s
performance varies with signal strength.
The blue “Audio output” curve shows the
test tone output level, with the cyan and
red curves showing the corresponding
noise levels. The distance between the
Audio output and mono/stereo noise level
is the signal-to-noise ratio for that input
level. The corresponding voltage at TP
SIGNAL is also shown in green, using the
right-hand axis. Full limiting does not
occur until the RF input reaches about
45µV, while stereo cuts out below 30µV.
Stereo noise level
Mono noise level
RF input level at 98MHz (µV)
20 1 9
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2019 27
What is FM?
Going back to the
times when radio was
been three basic methMODULATION
ods of encoding a radio frequency wave,
The first of these
is CW, or continuous
wave. If the RF carrier
is fixed at one particular
frequency and the level,
20 1 9
or amplitude, is held
constant, the only way
that information can be conveyed is by switching the RF signal on and off. This is the
technique used for Morse Code and other types of digital transmission, as shown in (A).
Next to come was called amplitude modulation, or AM. Here a second signal is modulated, or mixed, with the radio carrier, which causes the RF signal level to vary in sympathy with the second signal. This makes it is possible to transmit speech, music or even
video. This is shown in (B).
A receiver that’s tuned to the carrier frequency can detect these changes in amplitude
to reproduce the varying signal. But this type of encoding is quite prone to interference.
Part of the reason for this is that the signal amplitude necessarily dips at times, and at
these points, it can be more easily overwhelmed by interfering signals. Also, any distortion of the carrier waveform distorts the signal.
The third method is called frequency modulation (FM). Instead of varying the carrier
amplitude, information is conveyed by varying the carrier frequency, again in sympathy with the incoming speech, music or video signal. This is shown in (C). Note that the
waveform amplitude is constant. At the receiver, the variations in carrier frequency are
detected (or demodulated) to recover the original signal.
Any variations in amplitude that may occur in the received signal are effectively ignored.
Therefore, FM receivers are far less prone to interference than their AM counterparts.
Broadcast band FM transmitters modulate the RF carrier by a maximum of 75kHz
above and below the carrier frequency, which is typically around 100MHz. They also include pre-emphasis, whereby audio signals above 3.1831kHz (50µs time constant) are
boosted. These signals are subsequently restored to normal in the receiver using a complementary de-emphasis circuit.
The idea behind using pre-emphasis and de-emphasis is to reduce high-frequency
noise, which may be injected by the modulating/demodulating circuitry or by interfering
signals. By boosting high frequencies before transmission, then cutting them after reception, any high-frequency noise picked up along the way is also significantly attenuated.
The radio is aligned with the aid of a
simple 10.7MHz oscillator, which you
can also easily build yourself. Along
with the FM Radio construction details, we’ll have a project for one of
these next month.
Apart from that, the only other items
required for alignment are a multimeter and a plastic trimming tool.
These days, many components are
only available in surface-mounting
packages. Some of those can be quite
tricky to hand-solder.
We have done our best to use mainly through-hole components in this
Radio, but in some cases, we had no
choice. However, those few SMDs
Silicon Chip
we’ve had to use can be soldered without too much difficulty, since they only
have a few pins and the pins are not
that closely spaced.
Radio performance
The performance of this FM Radio
is shown in Fig.1 and described in the
Features & Specifications panel.
The minimum usable RF signal
level is around 35µV, at which point
the audio signal level is about 3dB
down. With 100µV from the antenna,
the mono signal-to-noise ratio is 70dB,
which is quite good.
The ultimate signal-to-noise ratio in
mono is 85dB (ie, with a sufficiently
Australia’s electronics magazine
strong signal). Few commercial tuners would match that. The ultimate
stereo signal-to-noise figure is 75dB,
also very good.
So while this is not the most sensitive FM Radio ever devised, it provides
excellent performance on all local stations, with good reception for signals
up to, say, about 70km away. In fact,
this FM Radio sounds better than all
but the best commercial receivers (and
probably most FM receivers made in
the last 10 years or so).
Before you read the description below of how the FM Radio works, you
may wish to first refresh your knowledge of FM Radio by reading the explanatory panel at left.
Block diagram
The Super-9 Stereo FM Radio is
based on the superheterodyne principle. Fig.2 shows its general configuration.
The antenna at upper left picks up
signals in the FM band. These signals
are fed to a bandpass filter, a parallel
resonant circuit comprising one inductor (L1) and two capacitors. These
heavily attenuate signals outside the
88-108MHz FM broadcast band.
These signals then pass to a tuned
RF amplifier stage. This stage has a
parallel resonant circuit that is tuned
by inductor L2 and varicap diode VC1.
VC1 has a capacitance that changes
with applied voltage. By adjusting the
applied voltage, the RF amplifier can
be tuned to any nominal frequency
from 88 to 108MHz.
Therefore, it only amplifies signals
at the desired frequency and attenuates the rest.
The tuning voltage comes from a
tuning potentiometer (VR1), and the
voltage is processed in the control
voltage circuit to provide the required
range for VC1 to tune over the broadcast band.
Following the RF amplifier, the signal is fed to the mixer (Q2 & T1), where
it is mixed with the local oscillator
signal. This tracks the tuned RF amplifier frequency, which is achieved
using a second varicap diode (VC2)
in combination with inductor L3. The
local oscillator tracks 10.7MHz below
the tuned RF signal carrier. In other
words, it is adjustable from 77.3MHz
to 97.3MHz.
So for example, if the FM Radio is
tuned to 102.5MHz, the local oscillator will be at 91.8MHz (102.5MHz
Features & specifications
Tuning range:.................................
range:................................. 88-108MHz (FM broadcast band)
50dB quieting sensitivity: ........ 20µV
Signal-to-noise ratio: .................. 85 dB mono, 75dB stereo with 150mV input (see Fig.1)
Distortion (mono): ....................... 0.39% <at> 1kHz, 100% deviation; 0.31% <at> 1kHz, 75% deviation; 0.8% <at> 6kHz, 75% deviation
Distortion (stereo): .................... 0.7% <at> 1kHz, 75% deviation; .7% <at> 6kHz, 75% deviation
Frequency response: .................... 30Hz-20kHz, +0,-1dB with 150Ω
150Ω load (-3dB at 27Hz with 32Ω
32Ω load)
Demodulator output: .................. 190mV RMS for 100% deviation at 1kHz
De-emphasis time constant: .... 50µs
Frequency capture range:..........
range:.......... ±200kHz
Operating voltage range: ......... 9-12V DC
Current consumption: ................ 75mA <at> 9V with low volume
- 10.7MHz). The 10.7MHz frequency difference is a standard value for
broadcast-band FM receivers.
Tuning of this oscillator is also via
VR1, with the control voltage for VC2
processed in the same control voltage
block, to provide the required tuning range.
The local oscillator frequency is
fine-tuned (to ensure the correct
10.7MHz gap) via the automatic frequency control (AFC) signal from the
demodulator block (described below).
This produces a voltage that controls the capacitance of varicap VC3,
which is connected to the local oscillator. AFC is voltage feedback to keep
the local oscillator in-lock with the
tuned signal, so the FM Radio does
not drift off station.
This also produces a snap-in effect,
whereby the station suddenly locks in
as the tuning approaches the station
Note that the tuned amplifier is not
affected by AFC. However, the RF stage
bandwidth is sufficiently broad that it
does not need to track precisely with
the local oscillator.
Superheterodyning of the two signals takes place in the mixer. By the
way, the word “heterodyne” refers to
a difference in frequency or beating
effect, while the “super” prefix refers
to the fact that the beat frequency is
supersonic or ultrasonic (ie, beyond
the range of human hearing).
Four signals are produced as a result of mixing the tuned and local
108 MHz
108 MHz
(L1, 47pF & 39pF
(Q1, L2 & VC1)
(Q2, T1, 47pF
77.3 – 97.3MHz
(IC1, VR2, VR3)
(Q3, Q4, L3,
L4 & VC2)
(IC3, L5,T2)
Fig.2: the incoming RF signal passes through a bandpass filter
and is then fed to a tuned RF amplifier stage. The tuned signal
20 1 9
is then mixed with the local oscillator signal to produce a
10.7MHz IF signal. This is then further amplified, filtered and fed to the demodulator. A stereo decoder and amplifiers for
the left and right channels provide stereo for headphones and mono drive for the in-built loudspeaker.
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2019 29
This page and
opposite: front and rear views
of the complete FM receiver, before it is
mounted in its Acrylic case. Everything mounts on
this single PCB – but note that these shots are of an early
prototype, hence a few “stray” components which are taken care of
on the finished PCB. (Production PCBs will be black to highlight the dial markings).
oscillator signals. These comprise
the two original signals and the sum
and difference frequencies. One of
these is <at> 10.7MHz ±75kHz, due to
the fixed difference between the RF
carrier and local oscillator.
The mixer output is fed to a bandpass filtering comprising transformer T1 and a 47pF capacitor. This filter is tuned for a centre frequency of
10.7MHz, so it rejects the other three
signals and just keeps the 10.7MHz
difference signal. This then passes to
an amplifier stage, providing a gain of
about 60 times (53dB).
A much sharper-edged bandpass
filter follows, which prevents signals
passing through outside of a 280kHz
band centred at 10.7MHz (ie, 10.7MHz
The big advantage of producing a
fixed frequency signal to process is
that we now only need to provide further gain at one frequency, rather than
for the whole 20MHz broadcast band
range, which would require complicated tracking filters.
The amplifier, limiter and demodulator block includes a three-stage
amplifier for this IF signal, to ensure
that this signal is driven into limiting.
Limiting is where the amplification factor is so high that the signal is
clipped to the same level, even with
a greatly varying input signal level.
This is done to eliminate any amplitude variations in the tuned signal
before it is fed into the demodulator.
This is one of the factors that enables
FM tuners to reject atmospheric and
electronic noise that mainly affects RF
signal amplitude.
The amplifier, limiter and demodulator block also provides the AFC signal (mentioned above) and the audio
signal output. This is obtained using
Fig.3: the FM stereo
encoding scheme,
with the L+R signal
extending out to 15kHz.
The pilot signal at
19kHz is 10% of full
modulation. The L-R
signal is from 23kHz to
38kHz (a 15kHz
bandwidth) and also from
38kHz to 53kHz with the
38kHz carrier suppressed
(ie, not transmitted).
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Australia’s electronics magazine
a quadrature detector comprising inductor L5 in series with a tuned circuit with variable inductor L6 and a
parallel capacitor.
This tuned circuit is adjusted to resonate at 10.7MHz. The inductor produces a fixed 90° phase shift while the
tuned circuit provides an additional
leading or lagging phase shift with
frequency. A mix of these signals then
produces a varying voltage that is the
audio output.
Stereo decoding
Most FM radio stations broadcast in
stereo for separate left (L) and right (R)
channels. This is done by encoding
the sum (L+R) and difference (L−R)
signals in the FM transmission using
a 38kHz subcarrier. This is shown
in Fig.3.
For mono reception, just the L+R
signal is used. Since the left and right
channels are the same for a mono signal, the L+R will be the same as 2L.
For stereo reception, the left channel
is derived as the sum of L+R and L-R
(giving 2L) and the right channel is the
difference of L+R and L-R (giving 2R).
The left and right channels are decoded using a 19kHz pilot signal,
which is exactly half the frequency of
the 38kHz suppressed subcarrier. The
phase of the pilot signal allows the left
and right sum and difference signals
to be decoded.
Fig.3 shows the FM stereo encoding
with the L+R signal extending out to
15kHz. The pilot signal at 19kHz is
just 10% of the full modulation. The
L-R signal is from 23kHz to 38kHz
(a 15kHz bandwidth) and also from
38kHz to 53kHz with the 38kHz carrier
suppressed (not transmitted).
The audio signal is processed in the
stereo decoder (IC4) that separates the
audio into left and right channels. This
also includes the necessary 50µs deemphasis to compensate for the preemphasis in the transmitted signal.
Amplifiers IC5 and IC6 provide the stereo signal output to drive headphones.
Stereo decoding occurs only when
headphones are connected — switch
contacts within the headphone socket
control whether there is stereo or mono
output from IC4. Without the headphones connected, the sound is from
the single loudspeaker in the Radio, so
reception is in mono. Audio amplifier
IC5 drives the loudspeaker.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.4 (overleaf) for the
full circuit of the Super-9 Stereo FM
Radio. Its main components are dualgate Mosfets Q1 and Q2, high-frequency transistor Q3, video amplifier IC2,
amplifier/limiter/demodulator IC3,
stereo demodulator IC4 and audio amplifiers IC5 and IC6.
The function of each stage is shown
on the circuit, and each stage can be
directly related to the block diagram
Starting at the antenna, the incoming
RF signal is coupled to the junction of
two capacitors (39pF & 47pF) which,
together with parallel inductor L1, form
the input bandpass filter. A 1kΩ resistor is included in parallel with L1 to
reduce the filter Q, so that it covers the
entire FM band without adjustment.
This input filter helps to prevent signals with frequencies outside the FM
band from entering the circuit and possibly overloading the following stages.
Following the input filter, the RF signal is fed via ferrite bead FB1 to one gate
(G1) of dual-gate Mosfet Q1. Q1 operates in a common-source configuration.
Its quiescent current is set by the 330Ω
source resistor, bypassed by a 10nF capacitor to ensure maximum AC gain.
The gain is set to a high value by biasing G2 above its cut-off voltage, at
around 4.5V, by the two 10kΩ bias resistors connected in series across the
9V supply.
Q1’s drain load is a portion of coil
L2, which ultimately connects to the
9V supply. The junction of L2 and the
47Ω decoupling resistor is bypassed by
a 10nF capacitor. As a result, L2 is effectively grounded at this point, as far
as RF signals are concerned.
Scope1 shows
the sinewave
output of the
local oscillator,
as measured at
TP1. This is low
in distortion (low
in harmonics) to
improve image
rejection. It also
has low frequency
jitter so that noise
is not produced
in the audio
signal after FM
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2019 31
Fig.4: each stage in the circuit of the Super-9 Stereo FM Radio
is labelled and can be related to the block diagram, Fig.2.
Dual-gate Mosfet Q1 forms the heart of the tuned RF amplifier, while Q2 is the mixer and Q3 the local oscillator. IC2
and IC3 form the IF amplifier stages while L6 and associated resistor and capacitor form the quadrature detector for
IC3, in conjunction with L5. Varicap diode VC3 provides Automatic Frequency Control for the local oscillator and is
controlled from IC3’s AFC voltage output.
The full L2 coil is tuned using the
220pF capacitor connected in series
with varicap diode VC1. The 220pF
capacitor reduces the tuning capacitance adjustment range to 88-108MHz.
This capacitor also prevents DC voltage from reaching the anode (A1) from
L2. The anode is then grounded via a
68kΩ resistor so that its DC bias is 0V.
We’re using a dual varicap diode to
minimise signal excursions from modulating the overall total capacitance of
the varicap VC1.
So if one of the varicap diodes has
signal across it that reduces its capacitance, the opposite varicap diode
connected in reverse will have a sig32
Silicon Chip
nal that increases its capacitance. So
these effects cancel out.
Tuning is via adjustment of potentiometer VR1. This would normally
have an adjustment range of 0-5V, over
a travel of 300°.
A mechanical stopper is used to restrict the travel range to 180°, so it has
a usable voltage range of 1-4V.
Op amp IC1b amplifies this voltage. When calibration trimpot VR2 is
set for minimum resistance between
pins 6 and 7 of IC1b, IC1b’s output
range is 1-4V.
With VR2 set for the maximum
10kΩ resistance between these pins,
the amplification is 1.5 times (10kΩ
Australia’s electronics magazine
÷ 20kΩ + 1), giving an output range
of 1.5-6V. VR2 can be set to an intermediate position for a gain value between 1.0 and 1.5.
VR2 is used to adjust the upper tuning frequency to 108MHz when VR1 is
set for the maximum 4V at its wiper.
The lower 88MHz tuning frequency
(with VR1’s wiper at 1V) is adjusted
by manipulating the inductance of
coil L2, by slightly compressing or
expanding it.
The tuning voltage from the pin 7
output of IC1b is reduced by a factor
of two using a voltage divider comprising two 4.7kΩ resistors. This voltage
is then filtered by a 10nF capacitor
and applied to the common cathode
of varicap diode VC1 via a 68kΩ resistor. The resistor is included to provide
a high resistance to the capacitor, so
that the resonance of the tuned circuit
is not loaded.
Local oscillator
NPN transistor Q3 and its associated
components make up the local oscillator. Its base is DC biased to about 4.5V
by the two 10kΩ resistors connected
across the 9V supply and by its 560Ω
emitter resistor. The collector load is
L4 to its series 47Ω resistor to 9V, with
the junction of the two bypassed to
ground by a 10nF capacitor.
Q3’s base is also connected to a tuned
circuit comprising inductor L3 and varicap diode VC2. The other end of L3
is connected to ground via a 10nF ACcoupling capacitor, so that the DC biasing of Q3’s base is not affected by L3.
Similarly, a 220pF capacitor between Q3’s base and the anode of VC2
isolates the base DC voltage from the
varicap diode and reduces the overall capacitance variation for the tuned
circuit from the varicap, as for the
tuned RF amplifier. A 68kΩ resistor
from the anode of VC2 to ground sets
its DC bias to 0V. We are using a dual
varicap here for the same reasons as
described above.
Australia’s electronics magazine
The oscillation frequency is determined by L3’s inductance and VC2’s
capacitance. Oscillation is caused by
feedback between L4 and L3. These
are mounted adjacent to each other
to provide some magnetic coupling
between them.
This type of oscillator is known as
an “Armstrong” or “Meissner” oscillator, after the original developers of
the configuration. It’s also sometimes
called a tickler oscillator due to the
‘tickler’ coil L4 exciting the tuned circuit incorporating L3.
Transistor Q4 is a buffer connected in
an emitter follower configuration. This
provides a test point at the emitter (TP1)
November 2019 33
for frequency measurement. Without
Q4, an oscilloscope probe or frequency
meter connected to the emitter of Q3
would alter the oscillation frequency.
Scope1 shows the sinewave output of
the local oscillator, as measured at TP1.
Automatic Frequency Control is provided for the local oscillator using varicap VC3, which is coupled to the L3
tuned circuit via a 2.2pF capacitor.
A single varicap diode is used since
the signal level is very low across it, so
the signal does not affect its capacitance
very much. Its control voltage is derived from the tuning voltage produced
by IC3, which will be described later.
The local oscillator is also tuned using VR1. Op amp IC1a provides amplification of the voltage from VR1’s wiper,
adjusted using VR3. The resulting tuning voltage is applied to the common
cathode of varicap diode VC2 via a 68kΩ
resistor, similarly as for VC1.
VR3 is used to set the upper local oscillator frequency to 97.3MHz
when VR1’s wiper is at 4V. The lower
77.3MHz setting (with VR1’s wiper at
1V) is made by compressing L3’s windings slightly for a lower frequency or
expanding it for a higher frequency.
Mixer stage
The output from the local oscillator
at Q4’s emitter is coupled via a 4.7pF
capacitor to one gate (G2) of dual-gate
Mosfet Q2. The 4.7pF and 330pF capacitors form a capacitive voltage divider, greatly reducing the local oscillator voltage applied to Q2, so as not to
overload the mixer.
Mosfet Q2 functions as the mixer
stage. It mixes the local oscillator signal with the tuned RF signal fed via a
220pF capacitor and FB2, to its other
gate input (G1). The bias for G2 is set to
about 4.77V by two 10kΩ resistors and
the 330Ω resistor from Q2’s source to
ground, while G1 is biased to 0V by a
470kΩ resistor. FB2 prevents parasitic
oscillation in Q2.
Q2’s drain load is a tuned circuit,
peaked at 10.7MHz using a 47pF capacitor and an adjustable ferrite-cored
inductor which is the primary of IF
transformer T1 (between pins 1 & 2).
Since the pin 2 end of the primary is
grounded for radio frequencies via a
10nF capacitor, the winding is effectively connected in parallel with the
47pF capacitor.
As a result of this tuning, Q2 operates as a very efficient amplifier over a
narrow band centred on 10.7MHz. Fre34
Silicon Chip
quencies outside the wanted band (including the original RF signal, the local
oscillator signal and the sum of these)
are rejected. It is only the 10.7MHz difference signal that appears at the secondary of T1.
Further gain
The secondary winding of T1 (pins 3
& 4) couples the signal to the differential inputs (pins 1 & 8) of video amplifier IC2. Its inputs are DC-biased at half
supply via a 10kΩ/10kΩ resistive divider across the 9V supply, with a 10nF
filter capacitor to reject noise. The 10Ω
resistance between pin 2 and 7 of IC2
sets its gain to around 400 times (52dB).
Ceramic filter
The output of amplifier IC2 is fed to
ceramic filter XF1 via a 330Ω resistor.
This resistor provides the 330Ω source
impedance required for the filter to
work as designed. The filter output
feeds into another 330Ω load resistor,
again required for impedance matching.
XF1 provides further rejection of unwanted signals outside the 10.7MHz
±75kHz IF range. It is a bandpass filter with a 10.7MHz centre frequency
and a 280kHz bandwidth. The filtered
signal then goes to input pin 1 of IC3,
the amplifier/limiter/detector. This is
a part specially designed for FM radio
It includes a three-stage IF amplifier
and limiter, quadrature detector and an
audio amplifier with a squelch feature.
Squelch switches the output off if the
signal level is so low that the output is
just noise.
IC3 also has a signal strength metering output at pin 13 and an automatic
frequency control (AFC) output at pin
7. The voltage at pin 7 varies above or
below the 5V reference voltage output
at pin 10, depending on whether the
signal frequency fed into pin 1 is above
or below 10.7MHz.
The 5V reference voltage is applied
to the cathode of VC3 for the local oscillator via a 47kΩ isolation resistor. The
AFC output is divided by two using a
47kΩ/47kΩ voltage divider, and this
becomes the anode voltage for VC3. So
when the tuning is spot on, VC3’s anode
is at 2.5V. If it starts to drift off station,
the AFC voltage will change, causing
VC3’s capacitance to change, bringing
the local oscillator back into tune.
The quadrature components needed for demodulation comprise a fixed
22µH inductor (L5), variable inductor
Australia’s electronics magazine
(L6) and the associated 100pF capacitor
and 3.9kΩ resistor. See the panel for an
explanation on how IC3 and quadrature
demodulation work.
L6 is adjusted to resonate at 10.7MHz
with the 100pF capacitor. The 3.9kΩ
resistor lowers the Q of the tuned circuit to provide a linear voltage variation with frequency, over the frequency
range of the FM signal.
Stereo decoding
The audio signal from the demodulator is fed to input pin 2 of the MC1310P
stereo demodulator, IC4, via a 2.2µF
coupling capacitor. IC4 decodes the left
and right channel information included in the transmitted FM signal. It also
provides the required 50µs de-emphasis
(in both mono and stereo modes), rolling off the audio frequency response
above 3.18kHz.
The panel overleaf describes how the
stereo signal is recovered.
The de-emphasised audio outputs
are from pin 4 for the left channel and
pin 5 for the right channel. The 3.3kΩ
resistor and 15nF capacitor at each output set the required 50µs time constant
(3.3kΩ x 15nF = 49.5µs).
The resulting left and right channel
audio signals go to integrated amplifiers IC5 and IC6 respectively. These are
used to drive the headphones in stereo
mode, via 220µF electrolytic capacitors
which remove the DC bias that’s present
at the amplifier outputs.
When the headphones are not connected, the IC5 drives the loudspeaker
in a bridge-tied load (BTL) arrangement.
So when pin 8 provides a positive signal swing, the pin 5 output provides a
negative signal swing and vice versa.
The result is that the loudspeaker is
driven with more voltage and hence
the amplifier provides more power (up
to four times as much), compared to if
only a single output from the amplifier
were used.
When driving the loudspeaker, we
want IC4 to produce a mono signal so
that the speaker reproduces a mix of
both the left and right channels (assuming reception is in stereo). But when the
headphones are connected, we want the
speaker to be switched off and IC4 to
provide stereo so that each headphone
driver receives a different signal.
Also, the headphones can only be
driven in single-ended mode rather
than BTL mode, because they share a
common ground connection. This is
because typical headphones
tors such as TRS types only have three
contacts: one for the left signal, one for
the right signal, and a common ground.
The LM4865 amplifier ICs we’re using have a clever solution to this. Pin
3 selects whether the output is singleended or BTL. The switching contact
for the tip connection in the headphone
socket goes to pin 3 of IC5 but is also
tied to +5V via a 100kΩ resistor.
With the headphones not plugged
in, the 150Ω resistor pulls pin 3 below
50mV, and this sets IC5 in the BTL mode
for driving the speaker.
Pin 3 of IC5 is also applied to the gate
of Mosfet Q5. Since this voltage will be
low, Q5 is off and so the second Mosfet (Q6) has its gate pulled to 5V by a
100kΩ resistor. With Q6 switched on,
it pulls pin 8 of IC4 to ground and this
disables stereo decoding. IC5 therefore
drives the speaker in mono.
When headphones are plugged in, the
switch contact in the headphone socket
opens and pin 3 of IC5 is pulled to 5V
via the 100kΩ resistor. This changes IC5
to single-ended operation, with output
pin 8 floating.
This prevents the speaker from being driven. Only pin 5 is driven, and
this powers the left headphone channel. At the same time, the gate of
Mosfet Q5 goes high, switching it on
and pulling the gate of Q6 low. So Q6
switches off and allows the voltage at
pin 8 of IC4 to rise, enabling stereo
IC6 is always used as a single-ended
amplifier, as its pin 3 is held high (5V)
via a 100kΩ resistor. That’s because
this IC is only used to drive the right
headphone channel.
How the CA3089 demodulator works
original and phase-shifted signals are then fed into a mixer,
followed by a low-pass filter. This arrangement effectively acts
as a phase detector, producing a voltage proportional to the
phase difference.
The reason that this works as a demodulator is that the phase
shift of the RLC network varies slightly with signal frequency;
it will be a bit less than 90° at frequencies below 10.7MHz and
a bit more than 90° at frequencies above 10.7MHz. Therefore,
the output voltage of the phase detector tracks the frequency
deviation of the incoming signal.
The phase shift is not exactly linearly proportional to frequency
variation; however, the frequency variation is a small percentage
of the carrier (±75kHz compared to 10.7MHz, or about ±0.75%).
The middle section of the frequency/phase curve is substantially linear, so this type of demodulator has very good performance. Distortion levels as low as 0.1% are possible with a
well-designed and tuned reactive network. As shown in the spec
panel, distortion is often a little lower for less than full deviation, because the demodulator is operating over a more linear
part of the curve.
For more details on its operation, see the CA3089 data sheet,
which can be downloaded from:
The block diagram of the CA3089 IC, extracted from its data
sheet, is shown at bottom. The incoming signal passes through
three separate balanced amplification stages, each with its own
level detector. The level detector output currents are summed
and fed to pin 13, allowing the signal level to be measured. Once
the signal enters limiting, that current reaches a maximum value.
The output of the last amplifier is fed to the quadrature detector, which converts the frequency deviation in the signal to
a varying output voltage, recovering the audio signal. The way
this demodulator works is shown below.
<at> 10.7MHz
20 1 9
The external RLC network (shown above as two capacitors,
an inductor and a resistor) is designed to produce a 90° phase
shift at the intermediate frequency; in this case, 10.7MHz. The
CA3089 Block Diagram
Australia’s electronics magazine
470 120K
November 2019 35
Parts list –Super 9 FM Receiver
1 double-sided PCB coded 06109181, 313 x 142.5mm
2 shield PCBs coded 06109183, 13 x 35.5mm
1 antenna mount extender PCB coded 06109184, 7.6 x 27mm
1 pot travel stopper PCB coded 06109185, 23 x 26mm
1 set of laser-cut acrylic case and dial pieces
1 1.1m telescopic antenna [SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP
Cat SC5163, Banggood Cat 1108129]
1 125mm (5-inch) 4Ω loudspeaker [Jaycar AS-3007]
1 Murata SFECF10M7FA00 10.7MHz ceramic filter (XF1)
[Digi-key, Mouser, RS components]
1 DPDT push-on/push-off switch (S1) [Altronics S1510]
1 round knob for switch S1 [Altronics H6651]
1 20mm diameter knob for VR6 [Jaycar HK7786]
1 32mm diameter knob for VR1 [Jaycar HK7741]
1 2.1mm or 2.5mm inner diameter PCB-mount DC socket (CON1)
[Altronics P0621/P0621A, Jaycar PS0519/PS0520]
1 6.35mm stereo switched jack socket (CON2) [Jaycar PS0190]
1 9V DC 250mA+ plugpack and/or 9V alkaline battery
1 9V PCB battery holder [Altronics S5048, Jaycar PH9235]
1 2-way polarised pin header, 2.54mm spacing (CON3)
1 2-way polarised plug to suit CON3
8 M3 x 15mm machine screws
8 M3 x 10mm machine screws
4 M3 x 15mm Nylon or polycarbonate machine screws
3 No.4 x 6mm self-tapping screws (for battery holder)
4 25mm long M3-tapped spacers
4 15mm long M3-tapped spacers
8 M3 flat washers
24 M3 hex nuts
18 PC stakes
1 300mm length of 0.8mm diameter enamelled copper wire (for
1 1m length of 0.125mm diameter enamelled copper wire (T1 & L6)
1 80mm length of 0.71mm diameter tinned copper wire
1 40mm length of light-duty figure-8 cable
Coils & ferrites
2 Neosid M99-076-96 K3 transformer assemblies (T1,L6)
(M76-403-95 Former K + M76-404-95 Can K + 76-409-95
Ferrite Cup Core S3/K3 + M76-410-95 Screw Core K3/F16)
[SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP Cat SC5205; two required]
2 RFI suppression beads, Philips 4330 030 3218 2 (FB1,FB2)
[Jaycar LF1250, Altronics L5250A]
1 22µH RF inductor (L5)
Parts for IF alignment oscillator (to be described next month)
1 single-sided PCB, code 06109182, 52 x 30.5mm
1 Murata SFECF10M7FA00 10.7MHz ceramic filter (XF2)
[Digi-key, Mouser, RS components]
1 74HC00N high-speed CMOS quad NAND gate, DIP-14 (IC7)
1 1N5819 40V 1A schottky diode (D1)
4 PC stakes
1 100nF MKT polyester capacitor
2 10nF ceramic capacitor
1 330pF ceramic capacitor
1 8.2pF COG/NP0 ceramic capacitor
Resistors (all 0.25W 1%)
1 1MW
1 330W
2 270W
1 1kW horizontal trimpot (code 102) (VR7)
Silicon Chip
1 LMC6482AIN dual CMOS op amp, DIP-8 (IC1) [Jaycar Cat
1 NE592D8R2G video amplifier, SOIC-8 (IC2) [Digi-key,
Mouser, RS Components]
1 CA3089E FM IF amplifier and demodulator, DIP-16 (IC3)
1 MC1310P FM stereo decoder, DIP-14 (IC4)
2 LM4865MX/NOPB power amplifiers, SOIC-8 (IC5,IC6)
[Digi-key, Mouser, RS Components]
2 BF992 dual gate N-Channel depletion mode Mosfets, SOT143B (Q1,Q2) [SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP Cat SC5165,
Mouser 771-BF992-T/R, RS Components 626-2484]
2 30C02CH-TL-E NPN VHF transistors, SOT-23 (Q3,Q4)
[Digi-key, Mouser, RS Components]
1 SUP53P06-20 P-channel Mosfet, TO-220 (Q7) [Jaycar
2 2N7000 N-channel Mosfets, TO-92 (Q5,Q6) [Jaycar
ZT2400, Altronics Z1555]
2 BB207 dual varicap diodes, SOT-23 (VC1,VC2) [Digi-key,
Mouser, RS Components]
1 BB156 (or 1SV304TPH3F) varicap diode, SOD-323 (VC3)
[Digi-key, Mouser, RS Components]
1 7805 5V regulator (REG1)
1 15V 1W zener diode (ZD1) [eg, 1N4744]
2 3mm LEDs (LED1,LED2)
2 220µF 16V PC electrolytic
2 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16V PC electrolytic
7 1µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 470nF MKT polyester
2 220nF MKT polyester
3 100nF MKT polyester
1 47nF MKT polyester
2 22nF ceramic
2 15nF MKT polyester
14 10nF ceramic
1 470pF ceramic
1 330pF ceramic
3 220pF ceramic
1 100pF C0G/NP0 ceramic
2 47pF C0G/NP0 ceramic
1 39pF C0G/NP0 ceramic
1 4.7pF C0G/NP0 ceramic
1 2.2pF C0G/NP0 ceramic
Capacitor Codes:
470n, 0.47 or 474
220n , 0.22 or 224
100n, 0.1, or 104
47n, 0.047 or 473
22n, 0.022 or 223
15n, 0.015 or 153
10n , 0.01 or 153
470p or 471
330p or 331
220p or 221
100p or 101
47p or 47
39p or 39
4.7p or 4p7
2.2p or 2p2
Resistors (all 0.25W, 1%)
1 1MW 1 470kW 1 120kW 4 100kW 4 68kW 3 47kW
1 33kW 2 20kW
1 16kW 13 10kW 1 5.1kW 4 4.7kW
1 3.9kW 4 3.3kW 3 1kW
1 560W
1 470W 4 330W
2 150W 3 47W
1 10W
2 Alpha 16mm 10kW linear taper potentiometers with 6.35mm
D-shaft, 23.5mm long (VR1,VR6) [Jaycar RP7510]
1 10kW miniature horizontal trimpot (code 103) (VR2)
1 10kW multi-turn top adjust trimpot (code 103) (VR3)
1 500kW miniature horizontal trimpot (code 504) (VR4)
1 5kW miniature horizontal trimpot (code 502) (VR5)
1 100kW miniature horizontal trimpot (code 104) (VR7)
Australia’s electronics magazine
How the MC1310P stereo decoder IC works
Shown above is the internal block diagram of the MC1310, based on what is
shown and described in the data sheet.
The 76kHz oscillator at top middle has its
frequency set via an external capacitor and
resistor, which is usually connected in series
with a trimpot to fine-tune its frequency.
The 76kHz output is divided by two to get
38kHz, then again divided by two by a circuit
that incorporates a phase shift, to obtain a
19kHz signal that’s 90° out of phase with
the 38kHz signal. This is fed to the mixer at
upper left, where it’s mixed with the incoming signal, then fed to a low-pass filter, then
to a level detector to produce a DC voltage proportional to the difference product.
The resulting voltage indicates the phase
relationship between the 19kHz pilot tone
and the oscillator, allowing the oscillator to
be phase-locked with the pilot tone.
A second divider produces a 19kHz signal that’s in-phase with the oscillator, which
is fed to a second mixer. Its output then
goes to a low-pass filter and then a trigger, which is activated when a 19kHz pilot
tone is present, and the oscillator phase is
locked to it. This then activates the external stereo indicator, along with the stereo
switch, which admits the 38kHz signal to
the stereo decoder.
When that signal is present, the decoder recovers the L-R signal and then
combines it with the L+R signal to recover the left and right channel audio, which
is sent to the outputs. In the absence
of the 38kHz signal, the decoder feeds
the (L+R) mono signal to both outputs.
IC4 has a stereo LED indicator
(LED2) driven by pin 6, showing when
IC4 is decoding in stereo. Stereo is
available when a stereo jack plug is
inserted into CON2, and there is sufficient signal level in the received
radio signal for stereo decoding. All
Australian FM stations broadcast in
VR6 is the volume control, which
controls the gain of both amplifiers, IC5
and IC6. Padding resistors set its wiper
to product a voltage range of 0.8-3.4V.
Balance control potentiometer VR7
alters the voltage applied between the
pin 4 volume control inputs of IC5 and
IC6, so that when it is rotated off-centre, one amplifier (left or right) delivers more signal.
The maximum volume control signal of 3.4V prevents excessive volume from the headphones and also
prevent the loudspeaker from being
reversed, but unlike a diode, it has a
very small voltage drop when it is in
If the supply polarity is correct, the
gate of Q7 will be lower than its source,
and so the Mosfet switches on. ZD1
protects the gate from over-voltage.
LED1 lights up as a power indicator.
Linear regulator REG1 derives a 5V
supply for amplifiers IC5 and IC6 from
the incoming 9V, as they require, and
also supplies the tuning reference voltage for VR1.
That completes the FM Radio circuit description. Next month, we will
complete the project with full details
on its construction and alignment and
fitting it in its case.
20 1 9
Power supply
The FM Radio is powered either
from a standard 9V battery or 9V DC
plugpack. CON1 provides switching
so that when the DC power plug is inserted, the 9V battery is disconnected.
Switch S1 interrupts power from
both sources, to allow the FM Radio
to be switched on and off.
Mosfet Q7 is included for reverse
polarity protection. It will not conduct current if the supply polarity is
1 470kW
1 120kW
4 100kW
13 10kW
1 5.1kW
4 4.7kW
1 3.9kW
4 3.3kW
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
yellow violet yellow brown
brown red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
blue grey orange brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red black orange brown
brown blue orange brown
brown black orange brown
green brown red brown
yellow violet red brown
orange white red brown
orange orange red brown
brown black red brown
green blue brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
orange orange brown brown
brown green brown brown
yellow violet black brown
brown black black brown
Australia’s electronics magazine
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
yellow violet black orange brown
brown red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
blue grey black red brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red black black red brown
brown blue black red brown
brown black black red brown
green brown black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange white black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
green blue black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
orange orange black black brown
brown green black black brown
yellow violet black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
November 2019 37
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