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By John Clarke
Driving an amplifier into clipping can cause some unpleasant sounds and even
damage expensive speakers. So it is best to find out right away if you’re about to
run into clipping. This easy-to-build Amplifier Clipping Indicator is ideal for that;
its LED shows even the briefest of clipping events.
clipping indicator is a valuable
accessory for any audio amplifier.
It indicates when the amplifier has
reached its limit and is clipping the
peaks of the audio signal. In practice,
quite a lot of clipping can occur before
you notice it and even brief clipping
events can cause tweeter damage.
That’s because when an amplifier
is clipping, it ‘squares up’ the waveform; the result contains lots of higher-
frequency harmonics, which can easily damage the tweeters in loudspeaker
Our Amplifier Clipping Indicator
flashes its LED whenever clipping is
detected. That’s considered to be any
time the amplifier output is within
about 4V of the positive or negative
supply rails. Most amplifiers will clip
within about 3V of the supply rail,
although some can require slightly
more headroom; choosing 4V gives a
small safety margin.
There can be a significant ripple
on the amplifier supply rails when
it’s delivering a lot of power (when
clipping is most likely to happen). So
a proper Clipping Indicator like this
one will compare the output waveform
to the instantaneous supply voltages
to compensate for that. Its thresholds
adapt as power supply voltages fluctuate.
A timer is included to extend the
duration of the LED lighting up, to
ensure even momentary clipping is
visible. The indicator LED is mounted
on the Clipping Indicator PCB, but
Silicon Chip
it also provides a connection for an
external LED mounted on the amplifier’s front panel.
This clipping indicator is presented
as a bare PCB designed to be housed
within an existing amplifier. You can
build a single unit for a mono amplifier or two for monitoring two channels in a stereo amplifier.
Power for the circuit is derived from
the amplifier’s supply; it only draws
a few tens of milliamps, so it won’t
affect the amplifier’s maximum output power to any significant degree.
When building a stereo version, you
could use a single, common LED to
indicate clipping from either channel
or a separate LED indicator for each
channel. The second PCB does not
require the full complement of components for the common LED version.
The clipping detector circuit is
shown in Fig.1. A few components
don’t have values: resistors R1a, R1b,
R2 and R3 and zener diodes ZD4 and
ZD5. Their values depend on your
amplifier’s power supply voltage.
Table 1 shows the component values
required to suit amplifiers with supplies ranging from ±10V to ±80V.
The clipping detector generates positive and negative reference voltages.
For the positive reference, zener diode
ZD1 generates a voltage about 4.7V
below the V+ positive rail. Resistors
R1a and R1b limit the current through
ZD1 to approximately 10mA; together,
Australia's electronics magazine
they connect across the V+ and 0V
amplifier supply rails. The generated
voltage is shown on the circuit as V+
− 4.7V at Q1’s emitter.
The 4.7V between this rail and V+ is
also used to power timer IC1. We allow
5mA for IC1’s supply and 5mA to bias
ZD1. More on IC1’s operation later.
Zener diode ZD2 and resistor R2
between the V− supply and 0V generate the negative reference; R2 limits
the current through ZD2 to about 5mA.
Detecting positive clipping
The positive reference voltage (V+
− 4.7V) is connected to the emitter of
NPN transistor Q1. Its base goes to the
amplifier’s output via a 100kW current-
limiting resistor, while diode D2 stops
Q1’s base-emitter junction from being
Just before clipping, the amplifier
output voltage will rise above the V+
− 4.7V reference plus Q1’s base-emitter
on-voltage of about 0.7V. Q1 switches
on when the amplifier output voltage
is within 4V of the positive supply. It
then sinks current via diode D1, the
100W resistor and zener diode ZD3.
The anode of ZD3 connects to the
pin 2 trigger input of IC1, and as this
voltage drops, timer IC1 starts running.
This means that IC1’s pin 3 output goes
high, switching on Q4 and the indicator LED (LED1) via a 1kW current-
limiting resistor. A second external
LED will also be lit if connected to the
external LED connections.
IC1 is a CMOS version of the 555
Fig.1: the Clipping Indicator monitors
the amplifier’s output and lights LED1
whenever it comes within about 4V
of either supply rail. NPN transistor
Q1 detects positive signal excursions,
while PNP transistor Q2 detects when
the signal approaches the negative
rail. IC1 lights the LED for at least
110ms each time clipping is detected.
timer and is set up to operate as a
monostable timer. Timing is initiated
when the pin 2 trigger input goes
below a third of its supply voltage.
With a 4.7V supply, the trigger point
is 1.56V above the V+ − 4.7V rail or
3.13V below the V+ supply rail.
Pin 2 is usually held at V+ by a
100kW pull-up resistor. However,
when current flows through ZD3, D1
and Q1, the voltage at pin 2 goes low
enough to trigger the timer.
Once the pin 3 output goes high, the
1μF capacitor at pins 6 and 7 of IC1
begins to charge from the V+ supply
through a 100kW resistor. When the
capacitor reaches two thirds of the supply (3.13V above the V+ − 4.7V reference), the pin 3 output goes low, and
this capacitor discharges into pin 7.
This sequence of events occurs
when the trigger voltage at pin 2 is only
low for a very short period. If the trigger voltage is low for longer than the
timing period, the pin 3 output will
stay high until pin 2 goes high again.
The timing period is about 110ms,
as set by the 100kW resistor and 1μF
capacitor values. IC1 acts as a pulse
extender for brief detection of amplifier clipping. It ensures that clipping
is shown on the LED for at least 110ms
(ie, a bit more than 1/10th of a second).
Detecting negative excursions
ZD2, PNP transistor Q2 and diode
D3 work to detect negative excursions from the amplifier. When the
amplifier output swings low, within
4V of the negative supply, transistor
Q2 switches on and, in turn, switches
on transistor Q3. This then pulls the
pin 2 trigger input of IC1 low via two
series zener diodes (ZD4 and ZD5)
and resistor R3.
Transistor Q3 is rated for a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 80V.
Without the two zener diodes, the
transistor could be subject to the total
of the V+ and V− supply rails and so
would only be suitable for use with
a maximum of ±40V supply rails. By
including the zener diodes, the voltage
at the collector is reduced to a maximum of around 66V.
While we could have used a transistor with a higher voltage rating,
they are not as readily available
as the BC546. Table 1 shows the
required values for resistors R2,
R3 and zener diodes ZD4 and
ZD5 for various amplifier supply voltages.
Resistor R3 is included to
limit current in zener diode
ZD3 when transistor Q3
Australia's electronics magazine
While this is not the simplest clipping detector circuit, it has the advantage of presenting an almost entirely
linear load to the amplifier output, to
minimise the possibility of any distortion due to loading.
Note that if you want to monitor
clipping in a stereo amplifier and use
a single indicator LED, you can dispense with the components in the blue
shaded areas for the second channel.
Interconnection is made between the
two PCBs at the top end of R3. This
way, a clip event at either input will
trigger IC1 on the board where it is
Alternatively, you can build two
complete copies of the circuit for independent channel clipping indication.
The boards are small and can
Figs.2 & 3: the board is not difficult to assemble; the components are fitted as shown at left. The diodes, LED, IC &
electrolytic capacitors are polarised. If you’re building a mono version or a stereo version to drive two independent LEDs,
build the fully populated version. For a stereo version with a single clip indicator LED, build one of each version and join
the indicated pad between the two boards (not present on the prototype PCB pictured).
be stacked to take up relatively little
The Amplifier Clipping Indicator is
constructed on a double-sided, plated-
through PCB coded 01112211 that
measures 54 x 60mm. There are two
overlay diagrams shown. Fig.2 is the
version used for a mono amplifier, or
for the left channel in a stereo amplifier (or both channels if you want independent clip indication).
If the second channel is built as
shown in Fig.3, clipping in either
channel will be indicated with a single LED.
Begin by fitting the resistors. First,
refer to Table 1 to select the resistor
value and power ratings for R1a, R1b,
R2 and R3. The parts list contains a
resistor colour code table, but you
should ideally also check each resistor using a digital multimeter (DMM)
before installing it.
Once these parts are in place, follow
with diodes D1, D2 and D3, orientating them correctly. The zener diodes
can be mounted next. ZD1 and ZD2 are
4.7V types, while ZD3 is rated at 3.9V.
The ZD4 and ZD5 voltages are as per
Table 1, or replaced with a wire link
if indicated.
Transistors Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 can
be mounted next. There are three different types (although Q1, Q3 & Q4
can all be BC546s if desired), so take
care to install each in its correct place.
The screw terminal blocks making
up CON1 need to be joined together
first by fitting each side-by-side by sliding the dovetail mouldings together.
Solder them in place with the wire
entry side of the terminals facing the
nearest edge of the PCB.
Now fit LED1 with its longer lead
inserted into the anode hole. Mount it
so that the top is about the same level
as the adjacent screw terminal.
IC1 can be soldered directly onto the
PCB, making sure its pin 1 is facing
as shown. Finally, install the capacitors. The 1μF capacitor must be oriented correctly, with its longer + lead
into the pad shown. You could use a
non-polarised 1μF plastic film capacitor, but it will be substantially larger
Table 1 – component values that vary with amplifier supply rail voltages
R3 (½W)
15kW 1W
15kW 1W
15kW 1W
75V (1N4761)
18V (1N4746)
15kW 1W
15kW 1W
15kW 1W
75V (1N4761)
9.1V (1N4739)
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
75V (1N4761)
wire link
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
33V (1N4752)
33V (1N4752)
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
12kW 1W
27V (1N4750)
27V (1N4750)
10kW ½W
10kW ½W
10kW ½W
22V (1N4748)
22V (1N4748)
9.1kW ½W
9.1kW ½W
9.1kW ½W
16V (1N4745)
18V (1N4746)
8.2kW ½W
8.2kW ½W
8.2kW ½W
12V (1N4742)
12V (1N4742)
7.5kW ½W
7.5kW ½W
7.5kW ½W
15V (1N4474)
wire link
6.2kW ½W
6.2kW ½W
6.2kW ½W
3.9V (1N4730)
wire link
5.1kW ½W
5.1kW ½W
5.1kW ½W
wire link
wire link
3.9kW ½W
3.9kW ½W
3.9kW ½W
wire link
wire link
3kW ½W
3kW ½W
3kW ½W
wire link
wire link
2kW ½W
2kW ½W
2kW ½W
wire link
wire link
1kW ½W
1kW ½W
1kW ½W
wire link
wire link
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and probably more expensive than the
If you’re building the two-channel
version to light a single clip indicator LED, build a second board as per
Fig.3 and solder a ~20mm length of
solid-core ‘Bell wire’ to the top of
that board, into the pad between ZD3
and Q4. It makes sense for the more
sparsely populated board to be at the
bottom of the stack as it lacks the LED,
and you’ll want to be able to see the
LED on the other board.
Alternatively, if you’re building a
two-channel version with separate
LED indicators, make a second identical board and don’t fit the vertical wire.
Mounting it & wiring it up
Parts List – Clipping Indicator (per channel)
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 01112211, 54 x 60mm
2 3-way screw terminals with 5.08mm spacing (CON1) OR
2 2-way screw terminals with 5.08mm spacing (CON1; for minimised
second channel)
1 7555 CMOS timer, DIP-8 (IC1●)
2 BC547 or BC546 NPN transistors (Q1, Q4●)
1 BC557 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 BC546 NPN transistor (Q3)
1 yellow, amber or red 3mm or 5mm LED (LED1●)
1 yellow, amber or red LED (optional; external LED●)
2 4.7V 1W (1N4732) zener diodes (ZD1, ZD2)
1 3.9V 1W (1N4730) zener diode (ZD3●)
3 1N4148 small-signal diodes (D1-D3)
2 zener diodes or wire link (ZD4▲, ZD5▲)
1 LED bezels (optional; for chassis-mounting external LED)
4 M3 x 6mm tapped Nylon spacers (or 15mm spacers for the upper board in
the stack)
8 M3 x 6mm machine screws (or 4 M3 x 15mm machine screws for the
upper board in the stack)
1 20mm+ length of solid-core hookup wire
(optional; to join stacked stereo version)
various differently-coloured hookup wires,
rated for amplifier supply voltage
1 1μF 16V PC electrolytic●
1 100nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester●
1 10nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester●
Resistors (¼W, 1% axial metal film)
6 100kW (● 4 required for minimised version)
1 10kW●
2 1kW●
1 100W
4 other resistors, values as per Table 1▲
● not required for the minimised second channel
▲ see Table 1 for values and power ratings
Use the board to mark out four holes
in a convenient location within the
amplifier chassis, ideally, between the
amplifier modules and speaker terminals, or at least near the terminals.
If it’s a stereo amplifier, you can
stack the two boards by feeding longer machine screws up through the
spacers on which the lower board is
mounted, then screwing some ~16mm
tapped spacers on top of the threads
once the first module is in place. If you
have space, you could mount the two
modules separately, eg, side-by-side.
Connect the Clipping Indicator(s)
to the amplifier’s V+, V− and 0V supply rails and the amplifier speaker +
output(s) to AMP OUT input(s) on the
Clipping Indicator module(s). Make
sure the wiring is suitably voltage-
rated, especially when the supply rails
are at high voltages from Earth.
The external LED connects to the A
and K terminals on the board. If you are
building the minimised stereo version
with IC1 and associated components
missing, feed the wire you soldered
earlier to the bottom board up through
the matching pad on the top board.
Solder it on top and mount the upper
board using longer tapped spacers and
short M3 machine screws.
In all cases, when using a second
Clipping Indicator module, all three
supply connections must be made
to both boards, along with the AMP
OUT terminal. The only terminals that
aren’t needed on the board with components missing are the LED A & K.
The external LED or LEDs can be
attached to the amplifier chassis using
suitable LED bezels, or (less ideally)
glued into tight-fitting holes using This shows the Clipping Indicator installed inside our upcoming 500W
neutral-cure silicone sealant.
Amplifier chassis.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2022 71
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