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Part 1: by Nicholas Vinen
Compact HiFi
headphone Amplifier
This Headphone Amplifier is easy to build, sounds great,
doesn’t cost too much to make and fits into a compact instrument case.
It’s ideal for beginners or just those who want to get the best out of a set of traditional wired
headphones. It’s powered by a plugpack, so no mains wiring is required.
t has been a while since we’ve published
a headphone amplifier. The reason I
decided to design a new one is that
my last design (in the September &
October 2011 issues;
Series/32) had excellent audio quality,
but was a bit overkill for many people.
It was fairly large, somewhat expensive to build and consumed a fair bit
of power, but you can’t really fault the
resulting sound quality.
Before that, we published the Studio
Series Headphone Amplifier (November 2005;,
which was not an integrated design
(it required a separate power supply
board), didn’t really fit into any particular case and was a fairly basic design
with modest output power and had
decent but not amazing audio quality.
I thought there was room for something in between: an amplifier with
excellent audio quality that fit neatly
into a compact case and wasn’t
too difficult or expensive to build.
That’s precisely what this is. It’s also
beginner-friendly and has the handy
feature of two stereo inputs that are
mixed with independent volume
Fig.1: the Amp’s distortion versus frequency for four
common headphone/earphone load impedances. Distortion
is lower for higher load impedances due to the lower output
current required; the 600W curve is higher mainly due to the
lower test power due to voltage swing limitations.
Silicon Chip
That means you can connect two
sound sources such as a TV and a
computer, a CD player and a TV or
something like that. With the separate
volume controls, it’s easy to account
for different output levels from those
devices, and you can also easily mute
one if both are active. If you want to
save time and money, you can build
it with just one stereo input.
You have the choice of 3.5mm or
6.35mm jack sockets for the output
(or both, optionally connected in
parallel). Power is from a 9-12V AC
1-2A plugpack, a type that’s readily
Fig.2: this shows how distortion varies with the output power
level, at a fixed frequency. The onset of clipping is around
0.9W for an 8W load, due to current delivery limitations; a
little over 1W for 16W; around 0.75W for 32W; or 90mW for a
600W load due to voltage swing limitations.
Australia's electronics magazine
Complete Kit (SC6885; $70)
Features & Specifications
🎼 Drives stereo headphones with impedances from 8Ω and up
🎼 Two outputs to suit 3.5mm or 6.35mm jack plugs
🎼 Two stereo RCA inputs with independent volume controls
🎼 Powered by a 9-12V AC plugpack
🎼 Power on/off switch and power indicator LED
🎼 Signal-to-noise ratio: 103dB with respect to 250mW into 8Ω
🎼 Total harmonic distortion: <0.0025% <at> 1kHz, <0.01% <at> 10kHz
(see Figs.1 & 2)
🎼 Frequency response: 10Hz to 100kHz, +0,-0.2dB (16Ω load; see Fig.3)
🎼 Channel separation: >70dB <at> 1kHz (see Fig.4)
🎼 Maximum output power (9V AC supply): 0.9W into 8Ω, 1W into 16Ω,
0.75W into 32Ω, 80-140mW (12V AC) into 600Ω
🎼 Class-AB operating mode (Class-A at lower power levels)
🎼 Inexpensive and easy to build
🎼 Fits into compact 155×86×30mm ABS instrument case
available from most suppliers. There
is an onboard power switch and power
indicator LED.
The headphone amplifier section
is based on common low-noise, low-
distortion op amps with transistor
buffers to boost the output current. It
will drive any headphones from 8W to
600W. It won’t deliver a ton of power,
but should be more than enough for
any headphones, up to a watt (or
maybe more) per channel.
If you really wanted to, you could
use it to drive a pair of high-efficiency
speakers to modest sound levels (eg,
for use with a computer). While it
isn’t really designed for that task, it
will work as long as the speakers are
efficient enough and you’re close to
This design uses all through-hole
parts and it fits into a really nice little snap-together compact case that’s
just 155mm wide, 30mm tall and
86mm deep. So it takes up barely any
room. The modest power consumption
means it only gets a little warm during
typical use, despite being unvented.
There’s really nothing tricky to the
construction. The only slightly fiddly
Fig.3: the Amp’s frequency response is very flat for all
load impedances within the audible range (20Hz–20kHz).
The deviation above 20kHz is due to the output filter. The
vertical shifts are due to the Amp’s output impedance (the
level reduces slightly for lower load impedances).
Includes the case but not a power supply
bits are winding the inductors for
the output filter (which only takes a
few minutes) and mounting the output transistors and heatsinks, which
is only difficult because the thermal
paste can get on your fingers.
There is one adjustment per channel
for quiescent current. It’s easy to make
by monitoring the voltage between
pairs of test points with a DMM while
twiddling a trimpot.
With a circuit that isn’t too difficult
to understand and straightforward
construction, this should be a good
project for relative beginners.
At low signal levels, up to around
5mW (8W), 10mW (16W) or 20mW
(32W/600W), the Headphone Amplifier operates in Class-A mode. Many
headphones and earphones will produce reasonable volume levels at such
powers. If your headphones require
more power, or there are loud transients (like drum hits), the amplifier
will automatically switch to Class-B
(this is known as Class-AB operation).
The resulting performance is pretty
good – not as good as our very best
amplifiers, but certainly well above
average. It’s better than ‘CD quality’
under most conditions (which equates
to about 0.0018% distortion at 1kHz
with a 96dB signal-to-noise ratio).
Fig.4: there’s a small amount of signal bleed between
channels but it’s attenuated by more than 70dB at 1kHz
and below, so it is unlikely to be noticeable. Most stereo
content has less separation than this anyway.
Australia's electronics magazine
December 2024 45
The power supply section is on the left, signal input/
mixing in the middle and power output on the right.
The performance was
measured with a 9V AC
plugpack; using a 12V
plugpack will give the same or better
Fig.1 shows how the total harmonic
distortion plus noise (THD+N) level
varies with frequency at 250mW (a
high level for headphones!) into four
common headphone load impedances.
The performance is excellent for 32W
headphones, well below 0.001% even
up to several kilohertz. It’s almost as
good for 16W, reaching only around
0.0015% at 1kHz for 16W & 600W
Even for the relatively low impedance of 8W, more typical for loudspeakers, the THD+N is just 0.0025%
at 1kHz for a fairly high output level
(250mW) and remains below 0.01%
up to 10kHz.
Fig.2 shows how THD+N varies
with power level. As the performance
is essentially limited by noise, it is
a steadily descending line until the
point where it goes into clipping. That
figure will give you a pretty good idea
of how much power can be delivered
with the 9V AC supply.
Fig.3 shows the frequency response,
which is basically flat across the audible spectrum. Fig.4 shows the channel
Silicon Chip
separation, which we think
is pretty reasonable. You’re
unlikely to notice any signal bleeding
between the channels.
Note that the maximum power
delivery into high-impedance loads
will depend on the supply voltage.
Testing with a 9V AC plugpack, we
got around 90mW into a 600W load
before clipping, but we’d expect closer
to 150mW with a 12V AC plugpack.
Most headphones and earphones are
well below 600W, so they are unlikely
to run into voltage swing limitations
even with a 9V AC supply.
more than annoyance. It didn’t always
happen, but it’s still a good idea to take
the headphones off before switching
the amplifier off.
We also tested it by plugging in
the Exteek C28 Bluetooth adaptor
(reviewed in the September 2024
We connected it to one input using
a 3.5mm jack to twin RCA plug lead.
That worked fine, and the Amp’s gain
was more than enough to drive the
headphones to deafening levels from
its relatively low-level output.
Subjective testing
The full circuit diagram is shown
in Fig.5. We’ll start by describing the
input section and volume control, then
the power amplification section, then
the power supply. This description
is for the full version of the circuit;
later, we’ll explain two ways it can
be cut down.
The stereo input signals are applied
to either of dual RCA sockets CON2
& CON3. They pass through an RF
rejecting filter comprising ferrite
beads, 100W series resistors and
470pF ceramic capacitors to ground.
This should help eliminate any RF
(eg, AM radio or switch-mode hash)
picked up by the signal leads that
I tested the Amp with a pair of
Philips SHP9000 32W headphones
(which, in my opinion, are excellent). As expected based on the flat
frequency response and low distortion, the sound quality was topnotch, with lots of punchy bass,
plenty of treble and no audible noise
or artefacts.
There was no noticeable noise
at switch-on with the headphones
plugged in, although more sensitive
headphones may make a noise. There
was sometimes a modest crack or
thump sound at switch-off, although it
was not loud enough to cause anything
Australia's electronics magazine
Circuit details
could otherwise be demodulated by
the following circuitry.
The signals are then AC-coupled
using back-to-back polarised electrolytic capacitors. This is a cheaper and
generally more compact configuration
than non-polarised electrolytic capacitors, and has no real disadvantages.
We use high-value coupling capacitors to retain good bass response, it
also keeps the source impedance low
for the following stages, to avoid noise
creeping in.
The capacitor voltage ratings here
are pretty high, so that if a faulty signal source delivering +18V or -18V
DC (or more) is connected to one of
the inputs, it won’t damage anything.
It’s important to AC-couple signals
to potentiometers to avoid crackle
when they are rotated. The signal is
applied to the top of the potentiometers, which act as variable voltage
dividers, the attenuated signal appearing at the wiper.
The potentiometers have a ‘logarithmic taper’, which is suitable for volume control since it better matches the
way we hear loudness. Linear potentiometers tend to give poor control at
the lower end of the volume range.
From the potentiometer wipers, the
signals are again AC-coupled to the following op amp buffer stages, so that
the op amp bias currents don’t cause a
DC voltage across the pots. Otherwise,
that can also cause crackle when the
pots are rotated.
Here we only need a polarised
capacitor because we know the op
amp input will be slightly positive
due to the bias current flowing out
of it. That is true for either of the op
amp alternatives specified (NE5532
or LM833, which should both perform well). 100kW resistors to ground
both DC-bias their input signal to 0V
and provide a path for that bias current to flow.
The signals from the two pairs of
buffers are then mixed using 10kW
resistors and the mixed audio is fed to
the power amplifier, on the right-hand
side of the diagram. The 1MW resistors
to ground provide a path for IC1’s input
bias currents to flow without IC2 and
IC3 having to sink it, although the circuit would still work if those resistors
were left out.
Parts List – Compact Headphone Amplifier
This section is based on dual lownoise op amp IC1 and medium-power
1 double-sided blue PCB coded 01103241, 148 × 80mm
1 155×86×30mm ABS instrument case
[Altronics H0377, DigiKey 377-1700-ND, Mouser 563-PC-11477]
1 9-12V 1-2A AC plugpack
1 PCB-mount right-angle miniature SPDT toggle switch (S1)
[Altronics S1320]
1 PCB-mount barrel socket to suit plugpack (CON1)
2(1) dual horizontal white/red RCA sockets (CON2, CON3)
[RCA-210; Silicon Chip SC4850]
1 PCB-mounting DPST 3.5mm stereo jack socket (CON4)
[Altronics P0092, Jaycar PS0133] AND/OR
1 PCB-mounting DPST or DPDT 6.35mm stereo jack socket (CON5)
[Altronics P0073 or P0076/P0076A] – not the taller version
4(2) small ferrite beads (FB1-FB4)
1 2-pin header with jumper shunt (JP1)
2(1) 10kW dual-gang logarithmic taper 9mm right-angle PCB-mount
potentiometers (VR1, VR2)
2 2kW top-adjust mini trimpots (VR3, VR4)
3(1) 8-pin DIL IC sockets (optional, for IC1-IC3)
Wire & hardware
1 2m length of 0.25-0.4mm diameter enamelled copper wire (for L1 & L2)
2 M3 × 16mm panhead machine screws
4 M3 × 10mm panhead machine screws
6 M3 flat washers
6 M3 hex nuts
4 No.4 × 5-6mm panhead self-tapping screws
2 TO-220 micro-U flag heatsinks (15 × 10 × 20mm)
2(1) small knobs to suit VR1 & VR2
4 small self-adhesive rubber feet
3 NE5532 or LM833 low-noise, low-distortion op amps (IC1-IC3) ♦
5 TTC004B 160V 1.5A NPN transistors, TO-126 (Q1, Q3, Q5, Q7, Q8)
3 TTA004B 160V 1.5A PNP transistors, TO-126 (Q2, Q4, Q6)
1 3mm blue LED with diffused lens (LED1)
2 1N5819 40V 1A schottky diodes (D1, D2)
♦ only one is required for cut-down version (unbuffered or single-channel)
Capacitors (maximum 20mm height)
4 1000μF 25V low-ESR electrolytic (5mm pitch, maximum diameter 13mm)
2 470μF 10V electrolytic (5mm pitch, maximum diameter 10mm)
8(4) 100μF 50V electrolytic (5mm pitch, maximum diameter 8mm)
4 100μF 25V low-ESR electrolytic (5mm pitch, maximum diameter 8mm)
4(2) 100μF 16V electrolytic (5mm pitch, maximum diameter 8mm)
2 10μF 50V electrolytic (2.5mm pitch, maximum diameter 6.3mm)
2 100nF 63V MKT
3(1) 100nF 50V MKT, ceramic or multi-layer ceramic
4(2) 470pF 50V NP0/C0G ceramic
2 100pF 50V NP0/C0G ceramic
Resistors (all ¼W 1% unless noted)
2(0) 1MW
4(2) 100kW
7(3) 10kW
4 4.7kW
2 3kW
4 1kW
2 220W
4(2) 100W
2 10W 1W 5%
4 1W ½W (5% OK)
n number in bracket refers to quantities for the single-channel version
Australia's electronics magazine
Power amplifier
December 2024 47
Fig.5: the full Headphone Amplifier circuit; the two stereo inputs are at upper left, the buffer and mixer left of centre,
the output section at upper right and the power supply at lower right. It’s all pretty conventional, but note the use of
capacitance multipliers rather than regulators to provide reasonably steady V+ and V− rails without requiring a specific
AC supply voltage.
transistors Q3-Q8. As the left and
right channels are essentially identical, we’ll stick to describing the right
channel, with the corresponding left-
channel designators being given in
brackets (parentheses).
The incoming signal is fed into the
non-inverting input, pin 3, of IC1a.
IC1a is configured as a non-inverting
amplifier with a default gain of four
times (12dB), although that can be
changed by varying the 3kW and 1kW
resistor values between the output and
the feedback point, the pin 2 inverting
input of IC1a.
The bottom end of the divider is connected to signal ground via a 470μF
capacitor rather than directly, reducing the amplifier DC gain to unity. That
way, the circuit doesn’t amplify the op
Silicon Chip
amp’s inherent offset voltage (or any
other offsets in the circuit).
Most of the current to drive the
headphones is supplied by NPN transistor Q3 (Q5) and PNP transistor
Q4 (Q6), which are complementary
emitter-followers. As the base voltage
of Q3 rises, it sources more current into
the output via its 1W emitter resistor,
reducing its base-emitter voltage until
it stabilises.
Similarly, when Q4’s base is pulled
down, its emitter pulls the output down
and it too stabilises at a more-or-less
fixed base-emitter voltage differential.
As Q3 and Q4 both have base-emitter voltage drops of around 0.7V when
conducting a few milliamps, if we
arrange for a difference of around 1.5V
between the two bases (with Q3’s base
Australia's electronics magazine
voltage being higher than Q4’s), a small
amount of current will constantly flow
from the V+ rail, through Q3, the two
1W emitter resistors, then Q4 and back
to the V- rail. This is called the quiescent current.
By having a small quiescent current,
we keep Q3 and Q4 in conduction all
the time, and we only have to vary
the amount of conduction to smoothly
control the output signal, rather than
switching Q3 or Q4 on when needed.
This is called Class-AB (sometimes
Class-B) and it has the benefit of minimising (and ideally, virtually eliminating) crossover distortion.
Crossover distortion is an undesirable step in the output voltage as it
passes through 0V, which an AC audio
signal does frequently.
To achieve the required ~1.5V
between the bases, we have NPN transistor Q7 (Q8), which acts as a ‘Vbe
multiplier’. There are 4.7kW resistors
from the V+ and V- rails connected to
its collector and emitter, which provide a small bias current of about 3mA
through it.
Trimpot VR3 (VR4) is connected
across the transistor such that we can
vary the collector-base and emitter-
base resistances. The ratio of those
resistances causes a multiple of its
mostly fixed base-emitter voltage
(again, about 0.7V) to appear between
its collector and emitter. By adjusting
the trimpot for a gain of a little over
two times, we get the required 1.5V.
You will note that its collector and
emitter connect to the bases of Q3 & Q4,
so that voltage appears across them. It
is stabilised by a 10μF capacitor as the
output swings up and down (and thus
the bias in Q7 varies slightly).
Australia's electronics magazine
The 10kW resistor across the trimpot
prevents Q7 from switching off fully
if the trimpot is intermittent, which
would cause a high current to be conducted by Q3 & Q4, possibly damaging them.
Another thing you might notice is
that Q7 is the same type of transistor as
Q3, even though it only needs to handle a tiny current and power. That is
because Q3’s base-emitter voltage will
vary as it changes in temperature. By
December 2024 49
mounting Q7 in contact with Q3, the
bias voltage changes proportionally,
so Q3 always receives the correct bias
Q4 is the complementary type to Q3;
while we are not tracking its temperature directly, its dissipation will very
closely match that of Q3, so its temperature should as well, and thus its
base-emitter voltage will be very similar to Q4’s. So the thermal tracking by
Q7 will compensate for temperature
changes in both output transistors and
their required bias voltages.
The 1W emitter resistors provide a
little local negative feedback for Q3 &
Q4 and also help to stabilise the quiescent current, by making the exact bias
voltage across their bases less critical.
The junction of these resistors is the
amplifier output, which is fed to the
headphone socket(s) via an RLC filter
comprising a 10W resistor in parallel with a 4.7μH inductor and then a
100nF capacitor to ground.
This filter is there to isolate the
amplifier output from the headphones,
so that any reactance at the headphone
socket (eg, from cable capacitance or
driver properties) cannot destabilise
the amplifier and cause it to oscillator. The values have been chosen so
the filter doesn’t change the overall
frequency response when combined
with typical headphone impedances.
Finally, there is a 1kW resistor
between the output of op amp IC1a and
the junction of the 1W emitter resistors. That means the op amp’s output
contributes a tiny bit of current to the
amp output, helping to cancel out any
small amounts of distortion caused by
the output stage that the feedback loop
is too slow to handle.
CON4 gives you the option to use
the smaller type of headphone jack,
while CON5 is the larger and more
robust type. If both are fitted, inserting a plug into CON5 will disconnect
the ground path for CON4, unless
there is a shorting block on jumper
JP1. If there is, both headphones will
be driven in parallel. JP1 must also
be shorted if CON5 is omitted so that
CON4 can be used.
Output transistors
We chose the TTA004B (PNP) and
complementary TTC004B (NPN)
because they are inexpensive, compact
and designed for audio use. They have
a high maximum collector voltage of
160V (not that useful in this application), a high transition frequency of
100MHz, low output capacitance and
a reasonably high continuous current
limit of 1.5A each.
While they don’t have a super high
current gain, it is pretty good at 140280 at 100mA (typically >200). All
these properties combine to make
them good as part of a feedback loop
to deliver a reasonable amount of current while minimising distortion. The
current gain (beta [β] or hfe) is still usefully high at 1A (around 100).
They are also very linear, having a
very flat hfe curve from 1mA to over
100mA. So overall, they are excellent
medium-power audio transistors.
Power supply
Fig.6: we can omit IC1 & IC2 by coupling the signals from the wipers of VR1
& VR2 directly to the non-inverting inputs of IC1 & IC2 and removing the
redundant pair of DC-biasing resistors. This will still work and save a bit of
money, but the volume controls will have some interaction.
Rather than an unregulated or a regulated supply, we have opted for a
capacitance-multiplier type supply.
This has the advantage of delivering
much smoother rails to the op amps
and output stage than an unregulated
supply, without the power loss of a
regulated supply or pinning us to a
particular regulated supply voltage.
The incoming low-voltage AC from
the plugpack is converted to pulsating
DC by the full-wave voltage doubler
formed by schottky diodes D1 and
D2. Schottky diodes are used here to
minimise the voltage loss, so we can
get decent output power from just 9V
AC, and to improve efficiency. They
achieve that by having a low forward
voltage drop when in conduction.
The result is about 12V DC across
the two 1000μF capacitors (assuming a 9V plugpack), giving an unregulated ±12V supply. This will have
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Silicon Chip
an increasing amount of AC ripple as
the load on the supply goes up due to
those capacitors discharging between
peaks in the mains cycle. The ripple
will be 50Hz, not 100Hz, due to the
diode configuration.
We measured over 300mV of ripple
on our prototype with no signal, and
obviously that increases as we load
the output more.
We could add two regulators to
the output but they would need to be
matched to the plugpack; for example,
±12V regulators might work well if the
plugpack is 12V AC and thus develops sufficient input voltage for them
to regulate, but they would be useless
with a 9V AC plugpack. There’s also
the problem that under load, the ripple could cause the regulators to enter
Instead, we use capacitance multipliers formed by transistors Q1 &
Q2, operating as complementary
emitter-followers, with another set
of 1000μF capacitors between their
bases and ground. They are biased on
by 220W resistors from each collector
to the associated base.
You can think of these as ‘variable
regulators’ that produce a smoothed
output but with the output voltage
being related to the input voltage.
That’s because the base capacitors
charge to just below the average of the
input voltage due to the RC low-pass
filters formed by them and the 220W
Keep in mind that, as they operate
as emitter followers, the emitter voltage for a fixed load current is essentially a fixed amount below the base
voltage (around 0.7V). So if the base
voltage is steady, thanks to that lowpass filter action, as long as the collector voltages don’t drop too low due
to excessive ripple, the voltage at the
emitters will be essentially constant.
As a result, with say ±12V DC at the
collectors overlaid with several hundred millivolts of ripple (we measured
around 350mV in our prototype), the
outputs at their emitters will be close
to ±10.5V DC with much lower ripple (10mV in our prototype). That’s a
reduction of 35 times or 31dB.
While the amplifier section has good
ripple rejection, some may still be
audible in the output with 350mV+ on
the supply rails. We doubt any will be
detectable with just 10mV of ripple on
the supply rails, and the performance
figures support that.
Fig.7: if you only need one stereo input, the circuit can be further simplified
as shown here. Only one op amp, IC1, is required as there is no longer any
signal mixing.
There are four 100μF supply rail
bypass/filter capacitors after Q1/Q2
although, two of which are physically
located close to the output stages.
Thus, they are shown on the circuit
diagram at upper right. Putting them
closer to the output transistors means
less voltage drop during high-current
The power LED is connected
between the two rails so it doesn’t ruin
the symmetry of the device. Its current
is limited to around 2-3mA by its 10kW
series resistor.
There are two variations to this
circuit that can be built on the same
board. The first is the same as the full
circuit shown in Fig.5 but without buffer op amps IC2 & IC3. The differences
are only in that section, and they are
shown in Fig.6.
The signal path is the same as before
up to the wipers of the volume control potentiometers. Subsequently,
rather than being coupled to buffer op
amps, the signals are coupled directly
to the mixer resistors. This means that
the signal sources are driving a lower
impedance. Now the 1MW resistors
to ground are required, as otherwise
there would be no DC bias for the signals going to IC1a.
The relatively high value of the 1MW
DC bias resistors was chosen to avoid
Australia's electronics magazine
too much attenuation when combined
with the higher source impedances
due to the mixer resistors.
This version has the advantage of
retaining the two separate inputs but
with fewer components and lower
power consumption. However, due to
the way the signals are mixed, there
will be interactions between the two
volume controls. That means that if
you adjust the level of one source up
or down, the level of the other source
may also change a little.
If that’s likely to bother you, or you
bought a kit that came with all the op
amps, you might as well just build the
full version. But we thought we’d present this cut-down version as it doesn’t
require any modifications to the PCB,
just a few wire links need to be added
to bypass the missing op amps.
The other version is the simplest
configuration, with just a single stereo input. It is shown in Fig.7. In this
case, we don’t need the buffer op amps
since there is no longer any mixing
going on; the signal from the sole volume control can simply be coupled
straight to IC1.
Next month
The second and final article on this
Headphone Amplifier next month will
have the PCB assembly instructions,
case preparation, testing, adjustment
details and some usage tips.
December 2024 51
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