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APRIL 2025
ISSN 1030-2662
9 771030 266001
00* NZ $1390
The VERY BEST DIY Projects!
HDMI video up to 1280 x 720 Four USB Type-A connectors 3.5-inch audio socket Programmable using MMBasic DS3231 real-time clock -
Transmitter Module
» drop-in replacement for commercial
» easy-to-build, with just a few parts
» good for short range communications
adjustable rotation speed, direction and LED brightness
Vol.38, No.04
April 2025
11 3D-MID and IMSE
3D-MID (mechatronic integrated devices) and IMSE (in-mould structural
electronics) are two similar processes used to create three-dimensional
parts with integrated mechanical and electronic functions.
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM
Manufacturing technology
34 The Power Grid’s Future, Part 2
Continuing from last month, we look at how solar and wind generators are
connected to the grid to match demand and improve stability. This is done
via various types of inverters, with voltage & inertia control for grid stability.
By Brandon Speedie
Electricity generation
48 Antenna Analysis, Part 3
In the final part of this series, we explain how to calculate the bandwidth of
an antenna matching network. Bandwidth is important for antennas, as it
determines the range of frequencies at which they are effective.
By Roderick Wall, VK3YC
Radio antennas
64 Precision Electronics, Part 6
So far we have covered analog circuitry, but nowadays a lot of circuits are
designed with digital components too, such as a microcontroller. And these
digital/analog signal conversions introduce their own errors.
By Andrew Levido
Electronic design
24 The Pico /2/ Computer
Not to be confused with our previously published Pico Computer from
December 2024, the Pico/2/Computer has an HDMI-compatible video
output, four USB host ports and is optimised for use with MMBasic.
By Peter Mather & Geoff Graham
Computer project
58 Rotating Light for Models
This simple circuit acts as a rotating LED light display, with adjustable
brightness, speed and direction. It’s a flexible project that uses SMD or
through-hole LEDs of any colour, and works great with model kits and more.
By Nicholas Vinen
Model/toy project
72 433MHz Transmitter Module
The 433MHz band is good for short-distance communications and does
not require a licence. You can build this 433MHz transmitter module that is
a drop-in replacement for commercial versions.
By Tim Blythman
Radio control project
82 Power LCR Meter, Part 2
This isn’t just any old LC Meter; it can deliver currents up to 30A for
measuring core saturation of inductors rated up to 1H. And it measures
capacitors to 1F and resistors down to small fractions of an ohm.
By Phil Prosser
Test equipment project
Page 11
Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Part 3: Page 48
Page 58
for Models
Editorial Viewpoint
Mini Projects
Silicon Chip Kits
Online Shop
Circuit Notebook
Serviceman’s Log
Vintage Radio
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes & Errata
1. Discrete 555 timer
2. Weather monitor
1. 8x8 RGB LED matrix display with WiFi
2. Interchangeable dual triode valves
Astor APK superhet by Jim Greig
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
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(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
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Editorial Viewpoint
Ferrite beads are not inductors
I often see ferrite beads drawn in circuit diagrams as if
they are inductors, with “Lx” designators. While many
circuit designers likely realise that they are not true
inductors, treating them as such could cause confusion,
especially for those reading the diagrams. This might
lead them to assume that a ferrite bead is just another
type of inductor, when in reality, it serves a very different
Ferrite beads clearly exhibit some inductance – as do
most components, including wires and PCB tracks – but their operation does not
rely on it. At their simplest, ferrite beads are just a piece of wire passing close to
(or through a hole in) a piece of ferrite.
Some of the confusion may stem from the fact that ferrite is used as a core
material in high-frequency inductors and transformers. However, in those
applications, the ferrite core is surrounded by multiple turns of wire to create
significant inductance. In contrast, a ferrite bead typically has just one or a few
turns and thus a relatively low inductance.
Ferrite is a ceramic material that contains iron oxide. Like other magnetic core
materials, it provides a path for magnetic flux, but only up to a certain frequency.
Beyond that, ferrite becomes highly ‘lossy’, converting much of the magnetic
energy to heat, due to hysteresis and eddy current losses within the ferrite material.
Ferrite beads take advantage of this property to suppress unwanted highfrequency signals by dissipating their energy, effectively acting as a frequencydependent resistor rather than an inductor. Unlike an inductor, a ferrite bead
does not store energy or resonate. It simply increases its effective resistance in a
targeted frequency range to block unwanted signals.
Ferrite beads are available with all sorts of resistances and curves, with the
resistance peaking at different frequencies depending on the exact construction
of the bead. At very high frequencies, the impedance of the ferrite bead drops as
the parasitic capacitance across it starts to cause the signal to bypass it.
While you can make a ferrite bead yourself, by passing a wire through a ferrite
core, they are also available as pre-built SMD ‘chip’ devices that you can simply
solder across pads on a board. Pre-formed through-hole beads are also available
but are less common these days.
A bead’s peak resistance can range from a few ohms up to a few kilohms,
although most fall between 100W and 1kW. Many have a DC resistance well under
1W and can handle from a few hundred milliamps to several amps. However, those
with a higher peak resistance usually also have a higher base resistance at DC.
The impedance peak is usually between 100MHz and 1GHz and can be fairly
broad, allowing the bead to block RF signals over a wide range of frequencies
(to some extent, at least). Much of the impedance is real resistance, but not all.
The accompanying figure from the
TDK MPZ1608 data sheet should give
you some idea of the behaviour of a
range of different ferrite beads.
So, rather than thinking of
ferrite beads as inductors, it’s more
accurate to consider them as a lossy
impedance element that selectively
dampens high-frequency signals. That
distinction matters.
The 2020-2024 block of Silicon Chip
PDFs on USB is now available (see
p95). Order the set at
by Nicholas Vinen
9 Kendall Street, Granville NSW 2142
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
How to stop CDI failures leaving you stranded
I refer to Vincent Stok’s letter concerning his Programmable Ignition tribulations published on page 8 of the January 2025 issue.
My first forays into alternative ignition system building
began with a CDI while I was an electrical engineering student back in 1970. It struck me at the time that it would be
unwise to install it permanently wired. Instead, I installed
it via a Mate-and-Lock connector pair.
I kept and continue to keep an extra “dummy” male connector in my glove box, with the terminals bridged in such
a way that whenever it is substituted for the CDI connector,
the vehicle is instantly returned to the Kettering ignition
system with which the car was built.
This strategy has served me well because, some years
later, the CDI suffered a series of inverter oscillator transistor lockups on very hot days. The fast reset strategy was
to switch the ignition off momentarily and then carry on
until the car could be parked and the quick change act performed. When the weather cooled, the CDI could be just
as quickly returned to service.
Of course, this state of affairs couldn’t be tolerated for
long, so the transistors were soon swapped for other types
with far better temperature tolerance. As you have probably
guessed, thanks to the quick change system, I could still
drive the car while the CDI was on the workshop bench
having its transistors swapped.
That CDI has now run faultlessly since 1980, although
in the meantime, I tested and proved several other prototype CDIs, dwell extenders and programmable ignitions
on my old faithful, and on other vehicles, but always with
the quick change wiring arrangement.
All this has led me to discover another benefit of the
quick change. It can be used to quickly determine whether
an ignition failure has taken place within the alternative
ignition system or in the original vehicle wiring. Therein
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 5
lies a couple of amusing original vehicle ignition system
wiring failure stories for another day.
In conclusion, I strongly recommend that a quick change
arrangement be installed whenever anyone fits any sort of
after market ignition system. Make sure those who regularly drive your car are aware that the system exists and
show them how to perform the quick change.
George Clauscen, East Oakleigh, Vic.
Making a variable AC power supply
The ‘One Identity’ Factor
A time machine would work on individual atoms, not on larger items like
living bodies. When those atoms travel back in time each of them can only
exist once; each atom with take up the identity it had before and proceed
to exist in its previous role.
This could have quite unexpected results for living bodies. The group of
atoms that you called your body five years ago is significantly different
from the group that you now own.
The Loop
You make a time machine and to test it out you set it to take you back
one second. You press ‘start’ and it takes you back to where you were a
second ago; you relive that second then the machine triggers again and you
spend the rest of your life living that one second loop over and over again.
Galactic Movement
Astronomers tell us that the Milky Way galaxy is moving in relation to other
galaxies at 580 kilometres per second. No-one knows where stationary
actually is. If you set your time machine for one second forward it will take
you to where your starting point will be in one second’s time. That could
be a few hundred kilometres into outer space or underground.
It is recommended that you time your first trial for when the constellation Virgo is just above the horizon, take a parachute and if there is water
anywhere near have an EPIRB in your pocket.
Get your copy for just $5.50:
Beware! The Loop is available as an EPUB, MOBI & PDF
RRP $5.50 | available as an EPUB, MOBI and PDF
Silicon Chip
E-ISBN 9780645945669
I read with interest your reply to Andrew Hannan regarding the use of an audio amplifier as the basis for a variable
50Hz AC power supply. I agree that, for most applications, using a variac is a simple solution. Many years ago, I
tried using an audio amplifier as an inverter and promptly
destroyed several 2N3055 transistors.
Recently, I required a reliable electronically controlled
variable 0-500V AC 50Hz power supply for a test jig. I used
two Silicon Chip CLASSiC-D amplifiers as an inverter driving two 60-to-240V 160 VA transformers in bridge mode. I
used an XR2206 function IC to generate the 50Hz sinewave.
An Arduino Mega 2560 module provides DC modulation to the XR2206, and the two transformer 240V output
windings are in parallel for 0-250V <at> 1A or in series for
0-500V <at> 500mA. The inverter drives both inductive and
capacitive loads with no ill effects and has proved to be
One change I made to the Classic-D amplifier modules
was to remove the 5.6kW dead-time resistor to increase the
Mosfet dead time. The AC current waveform when driving
a capacitive load is a sinewave.
With the Mega2560, the test program uses pin 44 (PWM)
running at 31kHz integrated into a variable DC modulation
voltage. By using analogWrite(PWM, n); the output voltage
from the inverter secondary windings when in parallel is
n = the required voltage, ie, analogWrite(PWM, 120); gives
an output voltage of 120V AC.
Andrew Fraser, via email.
Educational articles appreciated
The more theoretical articles, such as “Precision Electronics” and “Antenna Analysis” are a good addition to
Silicon Chip. I am enjoying them. Such material does not
always have to live inside textbooks.
Paul Howson, Warwick, Qld.
Comment: we try to keep this type of article as accessible as possible. For example, we avoid heavy mathematics, although an understanding of basic algebra will help
the reader.
On the COMPAC and SECOM undersea cables
I was very interested in David Maddison’s article on
undersea cables in the December 2024 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/17304). In 1963, the Commonwealth Overseas
Pacific Cable (COMPAC) was opened by the Queen and I
recorded this on my old Pyrox wire recorder.
In 1967, the S-E Asian Commonwealth Cable System
(SECOM) cable was also opened by her, and I was also able
to record this on the same machine. These historic recordings contain quite an amount of technical information in
the introduction. There are links to each of them (underneath the photo) at the website:
On the COMPAC recording, after the introduction by
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April 2025 7
the Queen (which, by the way starts after a long pause –
apparently they couldn’t switch her in quick enough), the
Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom (Douglas-Home),
Canada (Pearson), Australia (Menzies) and New Zealand
(Holyoake) each have their say.
This may be of interest to anyone wishing to learn more
about these two projects.
Christopher Ross, Tübingen, Germany.
Another method for extracting ROM data
Reading Dr Hugo Holden’s article on extracting ROM
data from old microcontrollers in the January 2025 issue
( brought back memories of
a similar experience I had back in 2010, when I needed to
extract the EPROM data from a pre-programmed Motorola
MC68705R3 microcontroller.
What helped was that in the 1980s and 1990s, I was using
the Motorola MC68705P3, MC68705U3 and MC68705R3
microcontrollers and had built the recommended programming board as described in the data sheets.
These microcontrollers are programmed in a similar way
to the MC1468705G2 as described by Dr Holden – they program themselves by running a built-in Bootstrap Program,
which copies the contents of an external EPROM holding
your program into its own internal EPROM.
The programming board uses a 4040 CMOS counter
connected to the external EPROM’s address lines so the
Bootstrap Program can sequentially access each byte of the
external EPROM by pulsing the 4040’s clock input.
So, to extract the data from an already-programmed
microcontroller, I looked for any weakness in the program/
verify procedure. I discovered that as long as I didn’t apply
the 21V programming voltage to the microcontroller, the
program/verify cycle would still run, but no bytes in the
internal EPROM were changed.
Next, I needed a copy of the Bootstrap Program to see
what it did. On a breadboard, I connected nine LEDs to the
output lines of a spare microcontroller, having programmed
it to read each byte of the Bootstrap Program and display it
slowly on eight LEDs. The ninth LED was used as a ‘data
ready’ indicator, which flashed to indicate a new byte was
being displayed.
Then I simply wrote the bytes down in hexadecimal (115
bytes for the P3, 120 bytes for the U3 and R3). The circuit
and code I used can be found here: http://matthieu.benoit.
Silicon Chip
Disassembling the Bootstrap Program revealed that when
it runs, it first copies itself into RAM and continues running from there. After it finishes programming the internal
EPROM, it lights the ‘programmed’ LED. It modifies a few
lines of its own code so that when it runs again, it compares the contents of the external EPROM with its internal EPROM.
If all bytes are correct, it lights the ‘verified’ LED, then
stops. My disassembled listing of the Bootstrap Program for
the MC68705U3 and R3 is here:
Looking closely at the verify procedure, I noticed two
things. Firstly, if all bytes verified correctly, the Bootstrap
Program executes a bclr (bit clear) command at the end to
output a 0, which lights the verified LED. However, if a byte
did not verify, the Bootstrap Program would change the bclr
command to a bset (bit set) and the LED would not light.
Secondly, unlike Dr Holden’s MC1468705G2, which
stops when a byte does not verify, with the MC68705P3,
U3 and R3, the verify procedure continues running until
the whole internal EPROM has been tested.
That’s where I found the weakness: each time a byte does
not verify, it changes the bclr command to a bset, whether
or not it has already been changed.
So I figured that if I measured the period between clock
pulses used to increment the 4040 counter, I’d get a certain time for bytes which verify but a slightly longer time
if a verify failed, because the Bootstrap Program performed
the extra step of changing the bclr into a bset (it takes 28us
I unplugged the 4040 counter and external EPROM from
my programming board and connected the required lines
to a National Instruments USB6009 interface, and the clock
pulse from the 4040 to a PCI6023E interface. Using LabView, I could fake the external EPROM and run the program/verify procedure for each byte of data from 00 hex
to FF hex in turn.
This produced 256 files containing the time intervals
between clock pulses, one file for each value tested. The
whole procedure took about 15 minutes. Another LabView
program found the times in each of the 256 files where verification was correct, and before long, I had the contents of the
EPROM of the pre-programmed MC68705R3 (except for the
last byte). More detail on this procedure can be found here:
Since I was only interested in getting the EPROM contents from one microcontroller, I didn’t continue to develop
a stand-alone reader but others have gone further, as can
be seen here:
Peter Ihnat, Wollongong, NSW.
Windows 11 and planned obsolescence
I agree with your comments about Windows 11 requiring
a Microsoft account to log on and not being able to use it
offline (Editorial viewpoint, February 2025). That would
make the PC unusable if the internet went down and you
wanted to do something on it you didn’t need internet for.
However, there are ways around this. Check out Tom’s
Hardware for solutions to this problem. I do not have and
never will have Windows 11, unless I buy a new PC, which
I am not likely to do anytime soon or most likely ever.
I have several older computers and laptops, and I have
Windows 10 on some of them. Windows 10 also requires a
Microsoft account to log on if you just go through the normal
Australia's electronics magazine
installation steps. But if you tell it that you don’t have internet, then it will let you log on with a local account instead.
Apparently, this does not work for Windows 11, so it
needs a work-around to enable logging on with a local
account. The hardware requirements for Windows 11 ‘in
the name of security’ are overboard and are the reason older
hardware will not support Windows 11.
Then you have the hardware/software scenario where
new peripherals such as printers do not have drivers for
older operating systems. My mate bought a new printer
when his old printer carked it and he could not get drivers for Windows 7, so he had to upgrade to Windows 10,
which he found to be sluggish compared to Windows 7
and new updates every few minutes (almost).
One way out of this is to use Linux, but as you pointed
out, if you need a particular software package that is not
available on Linux, you have to stick with Windows. I
have various versions of Linux that I installed on several
older laptops to have a look at them, but I mostly only use
one with Lubuntu that we use for catch-up TV when our
recorded program is corrupted and unwatchable.
On top of all this, we now have subscriptions for new
versions of software, whereas previously it was a one-off
license fee. So if you need new features, you have to switch
to a yearly subscription with ongoing cost.
Personally, I have no need for any software that requires
a license and I use freeware programs such as OpenOffice
and many others. There’s a lot of good free software out
there for the home user.
I can see no end to all this, and even mobile phones
become redundant when existing standards are discontinued. Even 4G phones won’t work on 4G if they don’t have
a specific feature. We found this with an iPhone 5S, which
won’t work on 4G, even though it is a 4G phone.
Bruce Pierson, Dundathu, Qld.
Can Windows and Linux coexist?
I agree with your editorial in the February issue on staying on Windows 10 rather than ‘upgrading’ to Windows 11.
I too have my PC set and customised with many programs
that would take countless hours to install on Windows 11
(if they would work at all). Then I would have to change
all the settings again.
We use Windows 11 at work, and I hate it with a passion. You mentioned Linux. I was wondering if it is feasible
to have Linux and Windows 10 installed on the same PC
with a dual boot system, and only connect to the internet
when using Linux for downloads, emails etc. Would it be
that easy, or would your PC still be at risk?
Thanks for your time and a great magazine.
Geoff Coppa, Toormina, NSW.
Comment: You can definitely dual-boot Linux and Windows 10/11, and share files between them, but it’s inconvenient to reboot whenever you need to run a Windows-only
A better solution may be to run Windows in a Linux VM.
It works, but the performance is not great for highly interactive programs like Altium Designer, CorelDraw, Adobe
Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign etc unless you can get GPU
pass-through working (typically requiring a second GPU
in the computer). GPU pass-through on virtual machines
works in theory, but we found that there are lots of obstacles in practice.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
M echatronic
I ntegrated
D evices
I n
M ould
S tructural
E lectronics
This article discusses the new and related multidisciplinary technologies of Mechatronic Integrated Devices (MIDs) and In-Mould Structural Electronics (IMSE).
Both techniques involve depositing metal tracks on
three-dimensional plastic surfaces, with components
soldered on top, but they are made differently.
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM
Photos above from top-to-bottom: an injection-moulded part prior to structuring
laser activation and structuring of the part; visible conductive tracks added; the
conductive tracks have been metallised; an SM4007 diode has been soldered to
the conductive tracks. Source: LPKF –
echatronic Integrated Devices
were known as Moulded Interconnect Devices until they were renamed
in 2010. Mechatronic is a portmanteau
of mechanical and electronics.
They are devices with integrated
mechanical and electronic functions,
comprising an injection-moulded or
3D-printed plastic body (the “circuit
carrier”) onto which are printed electrically conducting tracks, similar to
those on a circuit board. Electronic
components can then be soldered to
those tracks.
Also known as 3D-MIDs, these
devices have been likened to three-
dimensional printed circuit boards
(3D PCBs).
By integrating both electrical and
mechanical functions, space and volume can be saved. That’s especially
useful in miniaturised devices like
smartphones and tablets, mechatronic
modules in motor vehicles (such as
accelerometers) and medical devices
(such as implantable prosthetics or
hearing aids).
The mechanical aspects of a 3D-MID
relate to the moulded carrier substrate,
which may form part of a connector,
support structure for a high-powered LED, interconnector to another
Australia's electronics magazine
component, carrier for a specialised
sensor or printed antenna etc. Examples of these will be given later.
Apart from miniaturisation, additional advantages of MIDs include the
integration of mechanical and electrical or electronic components into
the one assembly and the possibility
of new functionality not achievable
in other ways. Almost any shape can
be made.
MIDs can provide a reduction in the
number of parts required, a reduction
in manufacturing cost, fewer materials required overall, reduced assembly
cost and time, optimal placement of
components and reductions in development time and ultimate weight.
Related to 3D-MIDs are In-Mould
Structural Electronics (IMSEs) or
In-Mould Electronics (IMEs). With
IMSEs, conductive tracks are incorporated into the item being fabricated at the time of moulding, typically using electrically conductive
inks, rather than conductive metallic
tracks being added after moulding, as
with 3D-MIDs.
Discrete electronic components
such as LEDs, switches and capacitive controls can also be incorporated
at the time of moulding. A typical
application for this technology might
be a control panel or a lighting panel
such as in a car or aircraft (we’ll give
examples of these later in the article).
The history of MIDs & IMSEs
3D-MIDs were first developed in
the 1980s, but they were not initially
a success, perhaps because there was
not a sufficient demand for the advantages they offered at the time. Also,
the technology was not sufficiently
well developed. Challenges included:
• It was expensive.
• It took a long time for a product
to get to market.
• Design changes were difficult due
to tooling being hard to change.
• There was a lack of production
• There was a separation of specialists who did not work together, such
as those working on electronics and
those working on the moulded components and the metallisation aspects.
• Engineers were not very familiar
with the technology.
Today, there is an increasing
demand for 3D-MIDs due to their
advantages. Those include more electronic packaging options and a greater
April 2025 11
Fig.1: an example of
IMD. Unlike IMSE, no
electronic tracks are
printed here (this was
the predecessor of IMSE).
The untrimmed film is
on the left (note the print
registration markings). On
the right is the film after it
has been moulded into a
plastic body and trimmed.
Source: www.dekmake.
Fig.2: a 3D-MID antenna module
made using laser direct structuring.
The components are on the inside
surface. Source:
Fig.3: a 3D-MID from CIS containing
a cell, ICs, capacitor, LED, resistors
and switch. Source:
Fig.4: a 3D-MID component for a CCD sensor (left) and
integrated into a system with standard PCBs (right) by Distant
Focus Corporation. Source:
Fig.5: a 3D-MID
sun sensor for an
automotive climate
control system.
Source: HARTING;
Fig.6: a 3D-MID position sensor
component for Adaptive Cruise
Control (ACC) system from
Continental AG. This version is
smaller and cheaper than a PCBbased version and allows for the
optimal location of components.
Silicon Chip
flexibility in design and miniaturisation of assemblies. The technology
has improved with better materials,
better processes, rapid prototyping
and reduced development time due
to CAD/CAM (computer aided design
and manufacturing).
It also helps that 3D printing has
become commonplace and engineers
are now more familiar with it.
A major development in the field
of 3D-MIDs was laser direct structuring (LDS), which enabled an electrically conducting track in any desired
pattern to be created without contact
using a laser beam. This process was
developed by LPKF and will be discussed later.
IMSEs are a newer but related technology to 3D-MIDs. They have their
origins with in-mould decoration
(IMD), a process introduced in the
1970s where a printed decorative pattern is incorporated into a moulded
plastic part.
With IMD, a carrier film with the
desired pattern is put into a mould
designed for plastic injection moulding, then plastic is injected into the
mould. The pattern is incorporated
into the moulded part (see Fig.1).
The area of the mould where the pattern film is placed should be as flat as
possible to avoid excessive distortion
(we’ll have more details on this later).
This process was rapidly adopted
after its introduction. Then, with
the mobile phone boom of the 1990s
and the requirement to print keypads
and buttons with labels moulded
into them, its adoption was further
An enhancement of in-mould decorating was to print the pattern with
an electrically conducting ink, which
enabled the direct moulded-in integration of electrically conducting tracks.
Electronic components such as LEDs
for lighting or backlighting could then
be attached to these tracks. Thus, IMSE
was born.
Digital printing techniques further
enhanced design possibilities. IMSE
has become very popular since the
early 2000s.
Examples of 3D-MID and
IMSE devices
Fig.7: a light assembly with LED made
using 3D-MIDs. Laser direct structuring
was used to print the tracks. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
As few people are familiar with
3D-MID or IMSE technology, we will
start by presenting a few examples.
3D-MIDs can have complex 3D
shapes with extensive conductive
tracks on both sides of the device; for
example, the antenna element shown
in Fig.2. With regard to antennas, 3D
design allows them to be optimised
for beam pattern, gain, efficiency and
for millimetre-wave frequencies, due
to the small size possible and high-
precision of the printed tracks and
device shape.
Another example is shown in Fig.3.
Fig.4 shows a 3D-MID to mount a
CCD (charge-coupled device) image
sensor, while Fig.6 shows a vehicular cruise control component, Fig.5
shows a sensor for a vehicular climate control system and Fig.7 shows
a light assembly.
These examples demonstrate the
versatility of this technique, and its
ability to make components that would
be difficult, expensive or impossible
to create with other processes. It also
allows miniaturisation compared to
conventional methods.
In Fig.9, the foreground shows the
front and the background shows the
rear of the panel with printed conductive tracks. The settings can be
changed via touch and movement
of the rubberised switch membrane.
Touches are detected by capacitance
changes in the printed tracks.
Fig.8 shows a “smart surface” in the
form of a panel for an aircraft cabin,
while Fig.11 is an example of a control panel for an electric car and Fig.10
is a circuit board with 3D structure.
Fig.8: an aircraft interior lighting
and indicator panel ‘smart surface’
made with IMSE technology by
Tactotek. Source:
Fig.9: an example of a control panel
made using IMSE. Source: www.
Fig.10: an IMSE circuit board with 3D
structure by DuPont, made using their
thermoformable electronic inks and
pastes to produce a 1.5mm-thick 3D
plastic surface. Some small electronic
components have been fitted. Source:
Making a 3D-MID
The basic steps for making a 3D-MID
1. A computer-aided design (CAD)
drawing is created of the plastic body
and the conductive track layout. The
section on Altium Designer below has
more details on this. Also see Fig.12.
2. Injection moulding or, in the case
of low-volume or prototype devices,
3D printing is used to make the plastic body – see the lead images.
3. Structuring is performed, more
specifically known as laser direct
structuring or activation. This is the
first part of the process by which
conductive circuit traces are created.
An infrared laser is used to write
the desired pattern on the injection
moulded part.
Chemical additives which had previously been mixed with the plastic
are activated by the localised heat of
the laser, converting a non-conductive
metal compound into isolated ‘islands’
Fig.11: an example of a control panel for an electric car with touch-sensitive
backlit switches and backlit indicators made using IMSE by SunChemical.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 13
of conductive metal, which become
nuclei for the plating process in step 4.
The traces can be quite fine. Harting
( states they
can produce conductive traces down to
75µm (0.075mm) width and spacing.
4. Metallisation – the conductive
metal track from step 3 has additional
metal such as copper, nickel or gold
(or a combination) added by an electroless method (no electrode), joining
together the metal islands described
in step 3. Additional metal can then
be plated on using electroplating. This
is a similar process to that of creating
vias on a PCB.
5. Assembly – surface mount devices
(SMDs) are attached to the conductive
tracks by fully or semiautomatic processes.
We will now discuss other process
steps for making 3D-MIDs and IMSE
devices in further detail.
Design and prototyping
Silicon Chip readers will be familiar
with Altium Designer, both because we
use it for our PCB designs and because
we regularly review it as it is updated.
Our last review, in the August 2024
issue (
mentioned its new 3D-MID capability
(on page 66).
Altium Designer can now be used
for the design of electronic aspects of
3D-MIDs and IMSE devices (Figs.12
& Fig.13). The mechanical components themselves are designed in a
CAD tool for 3D mechanical design
like SolidWorks. The Altium product is designed to integrate with such
software. There is a video on this at
LPKF ProtoLaser 3D
The LPKF ProtoLaser 3D is an example of a machine for creating PCBs
and 3D-MID prototype components
using laser direct structuring to write
conductive tracks onto plastic – see
Figs.14 & 15. The ProtoLaser 3D can
import designs from conventional layout software.
The part might first be 3D printed.
In 3D printing, a three-dimensional
structure is built up one layer at a time.
For prototyping and low-volume production, components can be produced
by 3D printing and then processed to
incorporate conductive tracks with
laser direct structuring or by chemical means. LPKF is one company that
offers technological solutions for this
Once printed, the part is sprayed
with LPKF ProtoPaint LDS. This paint
contains additives to enable the LDS
process. The paint is cured for three
hours at 70°C, then the part is ready
for LDS. Once the conductive tracks
are written by the laser, the part is
removed and the tracks thickened by
an electroless plating process using
LPKF’s ProtoPlate LDS solution.
This machine and process can also
be used for low-volume manufacturing of custom parts. For example, Boris
Yasinov from Elcom Technologies said
he could produce 500 custom filters
in one week using this machine. Also
see the video on the process at https://
Note that normally, for mass production, the chemical components
Figs.12 & 13: a 3D-MID being designed in
Altium Designer and a rendering
of an assembled 3D-MID.
Fig.14: the LPKF ProtoLaser 3D for
laser direct structuring. It can write
conductive tracks onto prototype
components. Source: www.lpkfusa.
Silicon Chip
Fig.15: the LPKF prototyping process
for 3D-MID components. Source:
for LDS on 3D-MIDs are incorporated
into the plastic feedstock for injection
moulding and don’t have to be sprayed
on. See below for further information
on LDS.
Injection moulding
Injection moulding is the process
most used to fabricate 3D-MIDs and
IMSE devices, except for prototyping
or low-volume production runs. In
fact, this is the most common method
of mass production of solid plastic
components of any kind.
The process of injection moulding
involves feeding plastic pellets from
a hopper into a heated screw feed
mechanism, which melts the plastic
and injects the required amount into a
mould (Fig.16). The mould is custom
made for the required part (see Fig.17).
A typical small injection moulding
machine is shown in figure Fig.18.
Two-shot injection moulding is a
variation of injection moulding. A
moulded part is first made as per the
conventional injection moulding process. Then, the part is put into another
Fig.16: a simplified diagram of an injection
moulding machine. The parts are: 1) screw
feed with heated barrel to melt & inject plastic
into mould, 2) hopper for plastic granules, 3)
nozzle, 4) & 6) mould, 5) moulded part. Source:
section of the mould, which is a different shape to the first, into which additional material is injected to form the
final shape of the part.
The additional material may be
the same type of plastic in a different
colour, or a different type of plastic.
For example, a rubbery compound can
be added to the first part, as is commonly done with power tool housings.
Those principles apply for all types of
Australia's electronics magazine
two-shot injection moulding, regardless of whether it is used for 3D-MIDs
or not.
One of the biggest costs for injection
moulding is the cost of moulds, which
are finely machined to high levels of
accuracy and can come in complex
shapes. Significant cost savings can
be made by machining moulds from
aluminium rather than stainless or
hardened steel, but they have lower
April 2025 15
Fig.17: the basic scheme of injection moulding. In this case, the charge of
molten plastic is injected at the top into the mould
and two parts are produced simultaneously.
durability, less longevity and worse
dimensional accuracy.
Nevertheless, aluminium moulds
might be perfectly acceptable for many
or most applications.
Plastic choices
ejector pins
A wide range of injection mouldable plastics are possible for 3D-MID,
• acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
• polycarbonate
• polyphenylene ether
• polyetherimide
• polybutylene terepthalate
• polyethylene terepthalate (PET)
• polyamide 66 (Nylon 66)
• polyamide 6 (Nylon 6)
• polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
• liquid crystal polymer
• polyether ether ketone
The specific choice of plastic
depends on factors such as cost, thermal stability, mechanical properties,
UV stability, chemical stability and
compatibility with metallisation methods and additives.
A variety of plastics are suitable for
the fabrication of IMSEs, including
polycarbonate, polyester, acrylic (Perspex), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) and polyurethane.
Metallisation methods for
Fig.18: a typical small injection moulding machine. The cone-shaped hopper
contains plastic granules. Beneath that is a horizontal screw feed. The mould
goes inside the yellow cage and the product exits via the chute to the left of the
yellow control panel. Source:
Fig.19: the process of laser direct
structuring in which a laser
creates metal particles by
chemically transforming an
additive precursor while
also roughening the surface.
List of Important Acronyms
(3D-)MID | (three-dimensional)
Mechatronic Integrated
| In-Mould (Structural)
| In-Mould Decoration
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Metallisation of 3D-MIDs is generally done using laser direct structuring,
but for two-shot injection moulding, it
is done via chemical means.
In LDS, the plastic compounds used
in injection moulding have special
additives of chemical compounds such
that when a laser is directed at them,
they undergo a chemical change to
reduce them to pure metallic atoms,
which are electrically conductive.
These form a nucleation centre for additional subsequent metal deposition.
In the case of 3D-printed prototypes
or low-volume production, these can
be instead sprayed onto normal plastic
as a paint. This paint undergoes a similar chemical reaction when exposed
to a laser beam, creating conducting
pure metal atoms.
The laser used in LDS is infrared
and has a spot diameter typically of
50–100µm (0.05–0.10mm).
Chemical additives typically used
in LDS include cuprous oxide (Cu2O),
cupric oxide (CuO) and copper chloride (CuCl2). These are reduced to
In-mould structural
electronics (IMSE)
Fig.20: two-step or two-shot injection moulding. The plastic to be metallised
contains a special catalyst. Source:
pure copper nuclei by action of the
laser, typically in the form of copper
nanoparticles – see Fig.19. Other metal
complexes can also be used. The surface of the plastic is also roughened
by the laser, enhancing adhesion of
the subsequent metallisation.
The conducting pathways created
by laser direct structuring are not thick
enough to be used as-is; additional
metallisation is required to thicken
them and join the islands. Therefore,
after the laser process, the components
are dipped in a special chemical bath
containing catalysts and a copper or
other metallic compound.
More copper (or another metal such
as nickel, silver or gold) is deposited on the pathways modified by the
laser, which contain the aforementioned metallic nanoparticles that act
as nucleation centres for metal deposition. This process is purely chemical in
nature and is referred to as ‘electroless’
(meaning that no electrode is required).
After electroless deposition, electroplating of the tracks can also be
performed if extra-thick tracks are
required. This involves passing a current through a solution and the existing
metal tracks, causing additional metal
atoms to be attracted to the tracks,
which are incorporated into them.
LPKF report that they can achieve
through-hole plating of 3D-MIDs using
LDS, but they do not specify the process by which this is done. It is possible that they drill through-holes,
then use a laser to perform LDS on the
exposed surfaces before the electroless
and electroplating processes.
Chemical process for two-shot
injection moulding
In the case of a 3D-MID made using
two-shot moulding, metallisation is
done via a chemical process rather
than laser direct structuring. One of
the plastics contains a catalyst that
is metallisable, while the other does
not contain the catalyst. The presence
of the catalyst in one of the plastics
causes metal deposition on that part
when it is immersed in an appropriate
chemical bath.
Two examples are presented in
Fig.20. On the left, the first material to
be injected is metallised. On the right,
the material that is injected second is
3D assembly
Components have to be placed on
3D-MIDs and IMSE structures for soldering. This is done using 3D ‘pick
and place’ machines, which can operate in three dimensions rather than
just two as required for conventional
PCBs. An example of such a machine
is the Yamaha S20 – see siliconchip.
With IMSE, the main circuit carrier
component is mostly made in a single operation, unlike 3D-MID, which
requires several operations. Electrically conductive tracks are incorporated at the time of moulding. Discrete
electronic components, such as LEDs,
can even be incorporated at the same
time. IMSEs do have depth, but they
tend to be flatter than 3D-MIDs in most
IMSEs typically start as 2D films,
which may contain a printed design
comprising artwork, labels for buttons
or conductive or insulating tracks.
Then additional plastics processing
methods are used to convert them into
more complex 3D shapes. The IMSE
manufacturing process steps are:
1. The component is designed
with appropriate CAD software. An
example of one such CAD package
is TactoTek IMSE Designer, which is
intended for designing IMSE lighting devices for automotive applications (see
Another is Altium Designer, which
was already mentioned.
2. Screen, inkjet printing or another
form of printing is used on a plastic film. Decoration and/or labels are
applied to a flat piece of plastic using
a printing process; screen printing is
the most common. This is followed
by an additional printing process to
apply electrically conductive tracks,
similar to the tracks on a PCB. Special
metal-laden inks are used – see Fig.22.
3. Components are placed onto the
printed film using pick-and-place
equipment. The components are
attached with adhesive and electrical
connections are made via conductive
inks – see Fig.23.
4. The device is thermoformed
using heat and an appropriate moulding to form the required 3D shape.
WeLDS technology
WeLDS is a technology developed
by LPKF that combines LDS with
laser plastic welding. It creates unique
structures by welding 3D-MIDs to
other plastic structures – see Fig.21.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.21: an example of WeLDS
technology, with a device made by
3D-MID laser welder to another
plastic structure. Source: www.lpkf.
April 2025 17
Figs.22-25: (1) the tracks are laseretched onto a plastic film; (2) the
components are then mounted around
the periphery using a pick-and-place
machine; (3) thermoforming is done
to the part; (4) injection moulding
seals the circuitry and gives extra
structural rigidity. Source: www.
Within these structures, the typical
layers of an IMSE part may include:
¬ A film on the top, bottom, or both.
¬ Electronics on the top (or bottom)
film, or both.
¬ Injection moulding resin.
IMSE can be combined with IMD
graphics for, say, a control panel.
These are printed on a film which is
then placed in the mould cavity and
incorporated into the moulded part.
A manufacturer in the field, Tacto
Tek, has a theme of “smart surfaces” to
describe their use of IMSE technology.
Fig.8 is one example. Also see https://
Some advantages of IMSE products
are said to be a reduced part count,
higher durability, reduced assembly
time, more simple assembly, weather
resistance, reduced weight and thickness compared to other methods. It
is also possible to build illumination
into the product.
Printable inks for IMSE
Conductive inks for IMSE contain
metal particles such as silver, which is
quite expensive. SmartInk from Genes
Ink ( is
an example of a silver-containing ink
Thermoforming is a process that
for IMSE applications. Another such
involves heating plastic to its soften- ink is from Dycotec (
ing point and then moulding it into a link/ac3u).
shape – see Fig.24.
Some conductive inks contain
Care must be taken in the design graphite or carbon. For transparent
stage to ensure that deformation conductors, indium tin oxide (ITO)
during the forming process is not so can be used. It is see-through and can
great that it causes the printed tracks be ‘printed’ using physical vapour
to be excessively deformed and they deposition, electron beam evaporation
become non-conductive. This pre- or sputter deposition.
cludes shapes with excessively sharp
ITO is expensive, so alternatives
angles or other areas of high deforma- such as aluminium-doped zinc oxide
tion. Care must also be taken so placed (AZO), indium-doped cadmium
components remain on flat sections.
oxide and carbon-based materials like
5. The thermoformed component graphene and carbon nanotubes are
from the previous step is placed in an being explored as substitutes. Carbon-
injection moulding machine, where it containing inks can also be used for
is overmoulded to seal the electronics static dissipation.
and circuitry, and to give some strucDielectric inks are also used for
tural rigidity – see Fig.25.
insulation purposes. Other materials
6. The component is trimmed to
used include electrically conductive
remove excess material and bring it to adhesives.
its final shape ready for use.
Due to the high cost of silver, it is
Typical examples of structural desirable to find appropriate substioptions with IMSE devices are:
tutes. Substitutes that are being inves• A two-film structure with a film tigated are copper, aluminium and
on top and bottom, and injection- nickel, of which copper is the most
moulding resin in between.
promising; it is only about 1% of the
• A film on the top and injection cost of silver. It has been used to some
moulding resin on the bottom.
• A film on the bottom and injection
A major disadvantage of copper
moulding resin on the top.
is its tendency to oxidise over time.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Approaches to improving the oxidation resistance of copper-containing
inks include:
• Coating copper micro and
nanoparticles with various substances.
• Using antioxidant additives.
• Using copper nanowires.
• Making mixtures of copper
nanoparticles with other substances
like carbon nanotubes.
• Sintering copper powder or copper compounds using a laser or flashlamp to make a contiguous copper
layer like on a PCB.
Non-metallic conductive inks are
also possible, such as those made
with the conducting polymer poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene) mixed with
polystyrene sulfonate. This is referred
to as PEDOT:PSS.
3D-MID and IMSE have their advantages and disadvantages. 3D-MID
tends to be used when miniaturisation,
high reliability and a 3D structure is
required. IMSE devices tend to be flatter, although still three-dimensional,
and are more suited to control panels
and other human interface devices,
including ‘smart surfaces’.
Both technologies have many applications across aerospace, automotive,
medical and consumer electronics.
There are no hard and fast rules about
which technology should be used
where. It comes down to cost, designer
intent, volume and complexity. SC
Celanese (
products/micromax) for inks
Cicor (
Contag (
Distributed Micro Technology Ltd
Dycotech (
DuraTech (
Eastprint (
Essemtec (
GenesInk (
Harting (
See their video on 3D-MID at
Lüberg Elektronik (
Sun Chemical (
ac3w) for inks
TactoTek (
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Mini Projects #024 – by Tim Blythman
555 Timer
The 555 is one of the best known ICs; it was
designed over 50 years ago but is still in
production and use. It has many uses
beyond its original intent as a timer.
Our circuit closely approximates the
operation of the main features of
the 555 timer, allowing classic 555
designs to be investigated.
e have seen circuits and even
kits that attempt to be faithful
to the internal workings of the 555; our
intention with this circuit is to see how
easy it is to implement the workings
of an integrated circuit (IC) using just
a few components on a breadboard. It
is not a direct replacement for a 555,
but it will allow many 555 circuits to
be built and investigated.
We have favoured simplicity over
exactness. Our circuit does not have
all the features of even the cheapest
555 chip. We’ve simulated and tested
it at 5V, and we know that it works
from about 4V to 6V. It should work
at higher voltages, too, but we’re specifying some 10V capacitors, so you
would need to change that for operation above 9V.
It lacks a RESET input and pushpull OUTPUT, but these are not
needed in the most common applications. It wouldn’t be hard to add them,
but we felt they would detract from
the simplicity.
You can see our circuit in operation
by watching the video at: siliconchip.
comprises a handful of components.
Three identical resistors connected in
series produce voltages at 1/3 and 2/3 of
the supply.
There are two comparators and a
latch; these are the core components
used for timing. In the typical astable
configuration (Fig.2), the TRIGGER
and THRESHOLD pins are connected
to a capacitor, C. The capacitor charges
via the two resistors until it reaches 2/3
of the supply voltage, triggering COMPARATOR 1.
This activates
the latch and thus the
DISCHARGE transistor. The
capacitor then discharges until
its voltage (and thus TRIGGER and
THRESHOLD) drops below 1/3 the supply voltage and COMPARATOR 2 is
triggered. The latch changes state and
the DISCHARGE transistor switches
off, allowing the voltage to rise and the
cycle to continue indefinitely.
The 555 timer
The block diagram of a 555 timer
(Fig.1) is a good place to start. Even
a simple IC like this has its own
building blocks. Each of these blocks
Fig.1: the 555 IC comprises these internal building blocks. Our version lacks
the reset function and output driver, although it includes an indicator LED to
show the output state.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
Fig.3: it’s remarkable
that the building
blocks shown in Fig.1
can be reduced to two
or three transistors
and a handful of resistors. The real 555 has many more transistors,
making it a lot more tolerant of supply voltage variations and other
operating conditions.
Fig.3 is our circuit, with the blocks
marked to align with Fig.1. The three
10kW resistors in series create the
1/3 and 2/3 supply voltage references.
The components at right are the extra
‘external’ components needed to set
up the circuit as an astable multivibrator.
Each of the comparators consists of
two transistors and two resistors, with
one comparator having an extra transistor to invert its output.
In each comparator, the two transistors form a differential pair. All
the current through the pair must
flow through the top resistor, which
Fig.2: just three external
components are needed to turn
the 555 IC or our circuit into an
connects to the emitters and is split
into separate collector circuits. The
current through each collector will
thus depend on whether each transistor is conducting.
With their emitters at the same voltage and since the emitter-base junctions are effectively silicon diodes,
whichever base is at a lower voltage
will conduct substantially more of the
current. That will switch on that transistor, allowing current to flow through
the corresponding collector.
Q2’s base is set to 3.3V by the
divider. If Q1’s base voltage is lower
than that, Q1’s collector will carry all
the remaining current coming through
the emitter resistor. No current flows
through Q2’s collector, and it sits
near 0V. If Q1’s base rises above 3.3V,
then current flows down Q2’s branch
instead, causing the voltage on Q2’s
collector to rise due to current through
the 10kW resistor.
The other differential pair works
similarly, although its output is
instead fed into an inverter (Q7 and its
collector resistor) so that the TRIGGER
output goes high when Q3’s base falls
below the 1/3 level. Instead of resistors,
a real 555 IC uses current sources and
current mirrors, allowing the circuit to
work better over a wider range of voltages, but resistors are simpler.
The latch
Transistors Q5 and Q6 plus four
resistors form a bistable latch. This
Australia's electronics magazine
is effectively a form of memory that
retains its state unless it receives an
external signal to change. If one transistor is on, it pulls the base of the
other transistor low, forcing it off. This
is positive feedback, reinforcing the
current state of the circuit.
To change the state of the latch, an
external signal supplies base current to
switch one of the transistors on, forcing its counterpart to turn off. Here, we
use diodes to inject current from each
of the differential pairs into either side
of the circuit.
The last thing needed to use our
timer circuit in the classic 555 astable
configuration is a DISCHARGE output.
This is simply an NPN transistor in the
same open collector configuration seen
in Fig.1. We’ve also added transistor
Q9 to drive LED1 to show the state of
the circuit. It also helps to even out the
load on Q5 and Q6 so that they behave
Astable oscillator
All that is needed to create an
astable multivibrator (or oscillator) is
to add the parts on the right-hand side
of Fig.3; these are the same minimal
parts needed to turn a 555 IC into an
oscillator. They do a job very much the
same as in an IC-based circuit.
The capacitor starts in a discharged
state, meaning that TRIGGER and
THRESHOLD are both low. Importantly, the TRIGGER voltage is less
than 1/3 supply, so the current flows
April 2025 21
through D1, meaning that Q5 is on
and Q6 is off. DISCHARGE (Q8) is off
and the capacitor can charge through
the resistors. Q9 and the LED are on.
At 1/3 supply, the TRIGGER comparator stops supplying current to
D1, and the latch keeps its current
state. At 2/3 supply, the THRESHOLD
voltage is passed and current now
passes through D2, switching on Q6
and switching off Q5. DISCHARGE
switches on too, and the capacitor
discharges until 1/3 supply is reached.
The cycle then repeats.
Parts List – Discrete 555 Timer (JMP024)
1 breadboard or prototyping board [Jaycar PB8820]
4 BC557 100mA PNP transistors (Q1-Q4) [Jaycar ZT2164]
5 BC547 100mA NPN transistors (Q5-Q9) [Jaycar ZT2152]
2 1N4148 75V 200mA small signal diodes (D1, D2) [Jaycar ZR1100]
1 yellow 3mm LED (LED1) [Jaycar ZD0110]
11 10kW ¼W axial leaded resistors [Jaycar RR0596]
1 4.7kW ¼W axial leaded resistor [Jaycar RR0588]
1 2kW ¼W axial leaded resistor [Jaycar RR0579]
4 1kW ¼W axial leaded resistors [Jaycar RR0572]
2 220μF 10V electrolytic capacitors [Jaycar RE6157]
1 5V DC power supply
Hookup wire or jumper wires
We laid our circuit out on a breadboard, since we expect readers will
want to change the circuit to test out
its operation.
It could be transferred to a prototyping PCB like Jaycar’s Cat HP9570
instead. Our Parts List includes the
wiring and the parts needed to use the
circuit as an oscillator; Fig.4 shows the
layout we used.
Q1-Q4 are the PNP transistors; we
used BC557s, but any of the BC55x
series parts should work. Similarly,
Q5-Q9 are BC547 NPN transistors that
can be substituted with any BC54x
The red arrows show the external
‘pins’, with power and ground being
supplied through the side power rails.
All power links are shown in red, with
ground in black. Other internal connections are blue. Note the power links
at the top of the breadboard.
The green wires and three components at upper left are the added
components needed to turn the circuit
into an oscillator. The values shown
here should cause the LED to flash at
a rate of about 1Hz. While building
your version, you can also refer to
our photos.
If you don’t see anything happen
when you apply power, check your
wiring. You can probe the circuit
with a multimeter to see what might
be wrong.
We started by building our circuit in
the LTspice circuit simulator. It is free
to use and can be downloaded from
We published a series of articles
about LTspice in 2017 and 2018
( It’s a
great way to test out circuit configurations and values before going to
the trouble of plugging components
into a breadboard. You can try our
simulation file to see how the circuit
operates (download from siliconchip.
Scope 1 shows the output of the
simulator. You can see the two comparators briefly activating in turn and
toggling the state of the latch. The
waveform is oscillating at 1.24Hz. The
calculated frequency for a 555 timer
in this configuration with these components is 1.32Hz.
We suspect the reason our version
is a bit slower than expected is that it
slightly overshoots the 2/3 supply voltage threshold. If you are going to experiment, we suggest sticking with external resistors similar in value (around
1kW) to the ones that we have used.
The comparator and latch are very
common building blocks in all types
of circuits. Here, you can see how
they can be combined to create a
simple but flexible circuit that can
do many jobs.
Scope 1: our LTspice simulation of the astable multivibrator. The grey and purple traces are the 1/3 and 2/3 supply reference
voltages, while TRIGGER and THRESHOLD follow the green trace (since they are connected together). The red and cyan
traces are the outputs of the comparators that trigger the latch to change state.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.4: this is a simplified version of the classic 555 timer IC that you can build from a couple of dozen components.
Follow this diagram closely, since many of the components are close together. Observe the type and orientation of
the transistors. The PNP transistors on the right have their emitters joined and thus they share a row. The ‘external’
timing parts are those at upper left plus the green wires.
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April 2025 23
> Design and firmware by Peter Mather
> Words and MMBasic by Geoff Graham
This computer uses the latest and greatest Raspberry Pi Pico
2. Like the PicoMite, it can be programmed in MMBasic, but
it has a lot of extra features like a HDMI video connector,
multiple USB sockets for devices like keyboards, mice and game
controllers, and an audio output.
n our February issue this year, we
introduced the latest version of the
PicoMite firmware for the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2. It includes advanced features such as support for HDMI video
and USB keyboards. In this design,
we bring these elements together to
provide a high performance ‘boot to
BASIC’ computer that is fast and very
This type of computer was popular
in the 1970s and 1980s (and still is
today!), including examples such as
the Apple ][, Commodore 64, Tandy
TRS-80 and many others.
These computers all included a
BASIC interpreter and, when the computer was powered up, booted straight
to the BASIC command prompt. There,
Silicon Chip
you could enter programs, test commands and immediately be productive.
The Pico 2 Computer is just as easy
and fun to use but much, much more
powerful! It includes everything that
you need to get started. That makes it
ideal for learning to program, entertaining/teaching children about computers and just having fun exploring
its capabilities.
This Computer can also be used for
more than just running calculations.
You can use it to interact with the
physical world, including measuring
voltages, detecting switch closures
and driving outputs to light LEDs,
play music, generate sound effects
and more.
Australia's electronics magazine
This is a ‘reference design’. By
this, we mean that it can be used as
a template for a computer of your
own design with the best of its features. If you want to ‘roll your own’,
you are welcome to take elements of
this design, modify them as needed
and incorporate them in your own
You can also simply build this computer as-is, and you will have a capable
and high-performance boot-to-BASIC
The video output is HDMI-compatible in one of three resolutions: 640 ×
480, 1280 × 720 (wide-screen) or 1024
× 768 pixels. At these resolutions, the
output is monochrome. However, by
using the MODE command, you can
select more colours at lower resolutions.
The built-in BASIC program editor
uses the full resolution yet, by using
the TILE command, it will colour the
characters for you. For example, it
uses cyan for keywords, green for comments etc. This makes for a colourful
and intuitive editing experience at the
full screen resolution.
The USB keyboard input has
full support for the function
keys, arrow keys etc. Our
previous computers used
PS/2 keyboards, but they
are becoming difficult
to find these days, so support for a USB keyboard is a
welcome addition. This facility
extends to wireless keyboards with
a USB dongle, so you do not need to
be tethered by a cable.
This design includes a four-port
USB hub with four USB Type-A sockets so that you can add additional
devices – primarily a USB mouse and
USB game controllers. The mouse is
most useful when using the built in
MMBasic program editor, where it
gives you an almost GUI-like experience, with the ability to position the
insert point and copy and paste – all
using the mouse.
As with the keyboard, you can also
use a wireless mouse. One or more
USB game controllers can also be
plugged in. Within a BASIC program,
you can query the position of the joystick, the state of the buttons etc. So,
if you are into writing games, you can
create the full arcade (or home games
console) experience.
More features
A highly accurate battery-backed
real-time clock is included in the
design. This means that the Pico 2
Computer will always know the correct time. You might use this within
a program, but it is also useful in that
all files created by MMBasic will be
stamped with correct creation times.
Speaking of files, the Pico 2 Computer includes a microSD card socket
with support for cards formatted in
FAT16 or FAT32, and capacities of up
to 32GB. Files written on these can be
read/written by Windows, Apple and
Linux computers, so this is an easy
way of transferring files to and from
larger desktop or portable computers.
The Pico 2 Computer is built on a 90
× 100mm PCB. It uses surface-mounting
components and can be hand-built or
machine-assembled. The only component
that must be soldered by hand is the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module.
Built into the PicoMite firmware
is an internal drive (called drive A:)
that uses the flash memory in the
Raspberry Pi Pico 2. This is about
2MiB (ample for normal use), so this
is another place to save program and
data files, particularly during program
On the back panel is a stereo audio
output connector. This provides a
high-quality audio output of about
3V peak-to-peak, suitable for feeding
a HiFi system or amplified speakers.
Within BASIC programs, you can create various tones and sound effects
as well as stream music files in WAV,
FLAC, MP3 or MOD formats located
on the internal filesystem or SD card.
To connect to the outside world, the
Pico 2 Computer has 14 input/output
(I/O) pins that can be used as digital
inputs or outputs. As inputs, they can
monitor switches and sensors (humidity, temperature, location and more).
As digital outputs, these I/O pins can
drive LEDs and powered relays to
switch heavy loads.
Three of these pins can also measure
voltages, so you can monitor signals
Australia's electronics magazine
from the analog world, such as battery
charge levels.
The PicoMite firmware
We described the new PicoMite
firmware for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2
in detail in the February 2025 issue
( At its
core is the MMBasic interpreter, which
makes it easy to write programs in the
BASIC language.
BASIC is an easy-to-learn language
so it, and the Pico 2 Computer, are
ideal for someone who wants to get
into programming and learn the basics.
At the same time, it is quite powerful,
so you can develop large and complex
programs ranging from controlling
physical processes to calculating the
positions of the planets.
It is also an ideal platform for creating graphical computer games, ranging from classics such as Tetris and
Chess through to more advanced 3D
The PicoMite firmware includes
support for multiple video layers
and graphical objects such as sprites.
For anyone familiar with the home
April 2025 25
computers of the 1970s and 1980s,
this will all be recognisable.
The difference is that the Pico 2
Computer is much faster and has many
more resources that these early computers. At roughly 100 times faster and
with 10 times the memory, this computer is something that the programmers of the 1970s and 1980s could
only dream about!
The PicoMite firmware is fully
self-contained. You do not need an
operating system or other external programs. It includes its own feature-rich
Silicon Chip
program editor and drivers for all the
I/O devices (SD cards, clock, audio,
USB devices, video display etc).
Circuit details
As shown in Fig.1, at the heart of
the Pico 2 Computer is the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module. It is amazing value;
for a little over $8, you get a dual-core
32-bit CPU capable of running at up to
400MHz, including 520KiB of built in
RAM. A separate chip on the module
provides 4MiB of flash memory for
programs and general storage.
Australia's electronics magazine
This module runs the PicoMite firmware, including the BASIC interpreter,
with the rest of the circuit being primarily used to interface it to the video,
keyboard and some specialised components.
A supervisor device (MAX809R)
monitors the 3.3V power rail (VDD)
and provides a reset signal to the
RP2350A microcontroller to ensure
that it is cleanly shut down when the
power is removed. It will drive the
reset pin of the Pico 2 low within 65µs
of the 3.3V power rail falling below
circuits and an ingenious scheme for
driving the five status LEDs using just
three outputs.
The circuit includes a 12MHz
crystal oscillator that is used by the
CH334F to create the accurate timing
required by the USB standard.
To load MMBasic on the Pico 2,
you need to disconnect the hub and
directly access the USB interface on
the Pico 2. Of course, you can do this
before mounting the Pico 2 module
but it may become necessary to do this
again later (eg, to update the firmware).
So jumpers JP1 & JP2 allow you to isolate the hub, and you can use the extra
micro-USB connector on the PCB’s
edge (CON5).
Serial console
Fig.1: the Raspberry Pi Pico 2
module is at the core of this design,
with the rest of the circuit providing
the video, keyboard, microSD
and external I/O interfaces. Other
features include a real-time clock,
an integrated USB four-port hub
and a dedicated serial-to-USB
bridge for the serial console.
2.63V, and will maintain it low until
it is above that threshold for at least
USB interface
The PicoMite firmware uses the USB
interface integrated in the RP2350A
processor on the Pico 2 to provide support for a USB keyboard. However, in
this design, we also wanted to provide
for a USB mouse and gamepads in addition to the keyboard. To do this, the
Pico 2 Computer includes a CH334F
integrated USB 2.0 four-port hub.
The connection between the CH334F
and the USB interface on the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 is made by soldering through
three holes on the PCB to connect to
test pads on the underside of the Pico
2 module. These pads provide the USB
interface, meaning we do not need to
plug anything into the module’s USB
The CH334F includes the USB 2.0
driver circuits (called USB PHYs) that
connect to the four USB Type-A sockets on the front panel. The CH334F
also includes the required protection
Australia's electronics magazine
Because the USB interface on the
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 is used for communicating with various USB devices
such as the keyboard, it cannot be used
for the serial-over-USB console used
by the BASIC interpreter to communicate with a desktop or laptop computer.
In a self-contained computer like
this one, the serial console is not
critically important, as the MMBasic
console output will display on your
HDMI monitor anyway. However,
having the serial console is handy
for connecting to a desktop or laptop
computer, so the Pico 2 Computer
uses a CH340C serial to USB bridge
to provide the serial-over-USB console interface.
The CH340C converts the TTL asynchronous serial signal from the Pico 2
(on pins GP8 and GP9) to a USB 2.0
signal using the CDC (Communication
Device Class) protocol.
The CH340 is in an SMD SOP-16
package that includes the crystal and
oscillator required for USB timing.
This chip (and the CH341, which
is similar) is used in many Arduino
Nano clones, and the driver for it is
included by default in Windows 10/11
and Linux. Also, many macOS builds
include the driver.
Video and audio
The HDMI connector is driven by
output pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico
2 via 220W resistors. The Pico 2 and
the HDMI connector are positioned
close to each other to reduce the track
lengths and the chances of crosstalk
and interference.
The stereo audio output is generated
April 2025 27
Power switch
Purpose I/O) +
3.3V & 5V pins
Reset switch
Stereo Audio
HDMI Video (up
to 1280 × 720)
USB-C power
input and serial
Pi Pico 2
with BASIC
Built-in editor
Real-time clock
using a CR2032
180KiB of
program space
228KiB of RAM
USB hub IC
MicroSD card
up to 32GB
Micro USB
for firmware
4 × USB ports
The Pico 2 Computer is a fully featured reference design with HDMI video, four USB ports for keyboards, mice and game
controllers, a battery-backed real-time clock, microSD card socket and 14 externally available I/O pins.
by the PicoMite firmware using pins
GP10 and GP11. It is a PWM (pulsewidth modulated) signal that passes
through a multi-pole low-pass filter to
remove the carrier frequency.
This filter, along with the low-noise
regulator used to generate the 3.3V
rails, results in a low noise audio signal
capable of reproducing tones, sound
effects and music with good fidelity
from 10Hz to 15kHz.
The maximum audio output level
is 3V peak-to-peak (approximately
1V RMS) and is intended to be fed
to amplified speakers. The amplifier
used must have a capacitor-coupled
input (most do), as the output signal
has a DC offset.
Timekeeping is provided by a
DS3231 real-time clock (RTC), which
is an extremely accurate timekeeper
with an integrated temperature-
compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO).
It will typically keep the time accurate
within a few seconds per month.
It also includes a comparator circuit that monitors the status of the
power supply and will automatically
Silicon Chip
switch to the backup battery to keep
the clock running when power is
removed. The battery used for this is a
non-rechargeable 210mAh 3V lithium
coin cell (CR2032), which should be
good for many years of use.
External I/O
There are 14 input/output pins on
the rear panel of the Computer that
connect to pins on the Pico 2, which
can be used as digital inputs or digital outputs. Some of these can also be
used as PWM outputs as well as I2C,
SPI and asynchronous serial communications channels. Three of these pins
can be used as analog inputs, with the
ability to measure voltage in the range
of 0-3.3V.
All these features are configured by
the BASIC program running on the
The last component of note is the
microSD card socket, which connects
to another set of I/O pins on the Pico
2. The PicoMite firmware uses the SPI
protocol to talk to the card and this is
not influenced by the card type, so all
Australia's electronics magazine
types (Class 4, 10, UHS-1 etc) with a
capacity of up to 32GB are supported.
Power supply
The power requirement for the Pico
2 Computer is 5V (typically drawing
170mA), which can be supplied via
a normal USB charger with a USB
Type-C plug. This 5V supply is used by
the physical USB ports, but the rest of
the computer runs from 3.3V, and this
is provided by an AMS1117 low-dropout three-terminal linear regulator.
There are many other compatible regulators, such as the LD1117,
NCP1117, STC1117 etc. They may
have varying specifications like the
maximum input voltage, but as the
input supply is 5V in this circuit, any
of those types would be suitable.
The Pico 2 also has an onboard regulator capable of supplying the required
3.3V, but this is a switching regulator
and the electrical noise generated by
its operation causes noise on the audio
output. It also degrades the ability of
the ADC inputs to measure voltages
accurately. That is why this design
You can also
find the most
on the Pico
2 Computer
design files
and firmware)
at https://
uses the dedicated linear regulator
and the onboard switching regulator
is disabled.
Purchasing an assembled
While the Pico 2 Computer can be
built by hand, it takes some dexterity. There are many small surface-
mounting components, including the
USB hub, which comes in a quad flat
no-lead (QFN) package. There are also
some passives as small as 1.2 × 0.6mm.
If you have the skill, it is feasible to
hand-solder these components. However, this project is primarily designed
for automated assembly.
We therefore won’t give any detailed
assembly instructions. If you have the
required skills, you should be able to
use the overlay diagram (Fig.2) to build
your board.
JLCPCB is a major PCB fabricator
based in China. Through their LCSC
supply arm, they can even supply
the components and solder them to
the PCB they make using solder paste
applicators, pick-and-place machines
Fig.2: here is the
and reflow ovens.
PCB overlay in
At the time of writing, JLCPCB will
case you want
make the PCB, supply, mount and
to assemble the
solder all the components except the
board yourself.
Pico 2 for about $150 for two boards
This also shows
(plus three spare PCBs). Over time,
how to orientate
this price may vary with exchange
the Pico 2 even
if you’re using
rates and other factors, but it is still a
a pre-built
good price for an almost fully assemboard. If you’re
bled computer.
adding the parts
This assembly even includes large
manually, take
components, such as the conneccare with the
tors and switches that must be hand-
orientations of
soldered. The only assembly required
the diodes, LEDs,
by you is to solder the Raspberry Pi
ICs and crystal.
Pico 2 and load the firmware. Then
There are three
you are ready to go. You could remove
different sizes
of resistors
some of the larger components from
and four of
the BOM (Bill of Materials) given to
capacitors; the
JLCPCB and save some money by solsmallest in both
dering them yourself.
cases (1.2 ×
The process of ordering the assem0.6mm) can be
bled boards is simple. First, download
three files from the Silicon Chip webbut not easily.
site. These are “Pico 2 Computer”, which contains the design
files for the PCB, “Pico 2 Computer
BOM.xlsx”, which is the Bill of Materials, and “Pico 2 Computer CPL.xlsx”,
which has the types and positions of
the components on the PCB.
On the JLCPCB website (https://, click on the Instant Quote
button and drag the “Pico 2 Computer The front of the Pico 2 Computer mounted in its small matching instrument” file onto the blue button case.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 29
labelled “Add Gerber File”. JLCPCB
will then read the files and display
an image of the front and back of the
PCB. The website will also fill in the
defaults for the PCB, such as thickness, colour etc. You can leave these
as suggested.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and
select “PCB Assembly”. This will display more options, which you can
leave at their default, other than selecting how many boards that you want
them to fully assemble (I recommend
two). Then click on the “Next” button
on the right and the website will display a new page showing a large image
of the board. Then click on the “Next”
button again.
On the next page, drag and drop the
“Pico 2 Computer BOM.xlsx” file onto
the button labelled “Add BOM File”,
and drag and drop the “Pico 2 Computer CPL.xlsx” onto the “Add CPL
File” button. Then click on the “Process BOM and CPL” button.
The website will then show a list of
all the parts required, the quantity that
JLCPCB has in stock and their associated prices. All the components on the
Bill of Materials are JLCPCB catalog
items, and they should all be in stock.
If, for some reason, a component
is not available, you have the choice
of leaving it out and sourcing it yourself. Alternatively, you could search
JLCPCB for a substitute, perhaps one
with a slightly different specification.
At this stage, you can also choose to
omit components that you wish to
hand-solder to save cost.
At the bottom of the page, click
“NEXT” and you will be taken to a
page that shows an image of the completed board. Clicking “NEXT” again
will take you to the final quote detailing the total price. If you are happy,
click “SAVE TO CART” and then
proceed to give them your address
and pay.
Mounting the Pico 2
The one component that JLCPCB
does not include in the assembly is
the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 module. This
is surface-mounted flat on the PCB.
A special characteristic involved in
this design is that you need to solder
through three holes in the PCB to connect the USB pads on the underside
of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 module to
the PCB. For that to work, you need to
closely follow the instructions below.
First, accurately position the Pico 2
module on its pads and, while holding it very flat on the PCB, tack-solder
one corner pad. Check the alignment
and, if it is still correct and the module is still flat on the PCB, tack-solder
the opposite pin.
With the Pico 2 module securely
fastened, turn over the PCB and locate
the three solder pads with plated
through-holes identified as A, B and
C in Photo 1. Apply plenty of liquid
or paste flux in these holes and melt
fine-gauge solder wire into them. The
solder should flow through the holes
and adhere to the three gold-plated
pads on the underside of the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module.
While you are doing this, identify
a similar plated through-hole designated D in Photo 1 and similarly
apply flux and run solder into this
hole. This connects to a heatsink pad
on the underside of the CH334F USB
2.0 four-port hub. Soldering to this pad
will assist in keeping that chip cool.
Then work down the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 and solder the remaining solder pads. Finally, return to the first
two pads that were tack-soldered and
re-solder them securely.
Figs.3 & 4: these are the panel
cutouts required for the end panels
of the instrument case. Pre-made
panels are available that already
have these holes neatly made
and labels printed on them. All
dimensions are in millimetres.
Figs.5 & 6: the artwork for the end
panels of the instrument case at
actual size. You can also download
these as a PDF from the Silicon
Chip website (
Shop/11/1834). See
Help/FrontPanels for details on
producing and attaching labels.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Finishing assembly
To finish the assembly, you need to
place jumpers between pins 1 & 2 and
pins 3 & 4 on the four jumper pins near
the CH334F four-port hub chip (IC20).
These connect the hub chip to the USB
RP2530A processor and only need to
be removed when you are loading or
upgrading the PicoMite firmware.
Jumpers also need to be placed on
the group marked SELECT SD PINS.
For normal operation, place jumpers
to connect GP26, GP27 and GP28 to
their respective centre pins. These
can be changed to GP2, GP3 and GP4
if you want to have the analog input
pins usable on the external I/O port.
The completed PCB can be used
without an enclosure. In that case, you
can attach plastic tapped spacers or
standoffs to the four mounting holes
to stop it from scratching your desk.
However, the PCB is designed to fit
in a Multicomp MCRM2015S enclosure available from element14/Farnell.
The compatible Hammond RM2015S
is available from DigiKey, Mouser etc.
If you’re putting the board in one
of these cases, you will need to make
the cutouts in the front and rear panels as detailed in Figs.3 & 4, then print
and apply the artwork depicted in
Figs.5 & 6.
Alternatively, you could purchase
PCB-based front and rear panels from
the Silicon Chip Online Shop and save
yourself the effort of making all those
holes (this also guarantees neatness).
The labels will be printed on those
panels, although they will only be
labelled in white. These panels will
also be included our kits (along with
the pre-assembled PCB).
Photo 1: the A, B & C solder pads connect to associated gold-plated pads on the
underside of the Pico 2. Hole D connects to a heatsink pad on the underside of
the CH334F USB 2.0 four-port hub. All four should be fluxed and solder run into
the hole to make the connections.
Loading the firmware
With the hardware assembled,
you can load the PicoMite firmware.
For this, you need the firmware file
which is included in the PicoMite
firmware zip file downloadable from
the Silicon Chip website (siliconchip.
au/Shop/6/833) or the author’s website at
(scroll to the bottom of the page).
To load the firmware, you need to
remove the two jumpers previously
placed on the header near the CH334F
four port hub chip. Then, while holding down the white button marked
BOOTSEL on top of the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 module, plug your desktop or
laptop computer into the connector
The Pico 2 Computer can be used without a case. With feet in the corners, it is at
home driving a HDMI monitor with a USB keyboard, mouse & game controllers.
The rear of the Pico 2 Computer mounted in its small matching instrument case.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 31
For x = 0 To 16
For y = 0 To 16
For i = 0 To 16
Read d(x, y, i) ‘ load the shortest path database
Next i
Next y
Next x
If TestMode <> 1 Then StartScreen
Score = 0
NbrMen = 3
NextOrange = OrangeLevel
OrangeX = 0 : OrangeY = 0
BonusPacMan = BonusLevel
Level = 0
‘ scramble the ghost colours
For i = 1 To 10
j = Int(Rnd * 4) : k = Int(Rnd * 4)
l = GhostColour(j) : GhostColour(j) = GhostColour(k)
Next i
‘ draw the ghosts on the screen and save them as a BLIT object
F1: Save F2:Run F3:Find F4:Mark F5:Paste Ln: 27 Col: 55
Screen 1: the built-in editor is colour coded with cyan for keywords, green for
comments etc. It includes a search facility, a clipboard for copy and paste,
automatic indenting and more. If an error occurs, the editor will start with the
cursor placed on the program line that caused the error.
Screen 2: the Mandelbrot set (a fractal) was a favourite test for the home
computer of the 1970s through to the 1990s. In the early days, it took some
24 hours to calculate it! The Pico 2 Computer drew this comparatively highresolution version in a little over four minutes.
Coin Cell Precautions
marked PROG on the front of the Pico
2 Computer’s PCB.
When you do this, the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 should connect to your computer and create a virtual drive, as if
you had plugged in a USB memory
stick (you can ignore any files on this
‘drive’). Then copy the firmware file
(with the extension .uf2) to this virtual
drive. Once completed, the Pico 2 will
restart and the LED on it will blink
slowly, indicating that the PicoMite
firmware is running.
While the virtual drive created by
the Raspberry Pi Pico looks like a USB
memory stick, it is not; the firmware
file will vanish once copied, and if you
try copying any other type of file to it,
that file will be ignored.
If you later upgrade the firmware,
you should be aware that this operation may erase all the flash memory,
including the current program and
any files in drive A:. So ensure that
you back up all of your data before
Final setup
Replace the pins on the jumper
group near the CH334F chip and plug
in a USB keyboard and HDMI monitor.
Apply power to the USB Type-C connector on the rear edge of the PCB and
depress the ON/OFF switch beside it
to switch on the computer. You should
then be greeted with the firmware’s
copyright notice on the HDMI monitor.
With the firmware loaded and the
monitor and keyboard connected, you
should see the command prompt (a
greater than symbol, ‘>’) on the monitor. At this point, you can enter commands, run programs etc. However,
before you jump in, two additional
steps should be completed.
The first is to enter the command
set the firmware options to suit this
design and will save you a lot of time
from having to enter each option individually.
Following this, if you want to use
the alternative SD card connection
pins, enter the following commands
at the command prompt:
GP3, GP4
If not mounting the Pico 2 Computer in a case, care should be taken so that the device
is not left anywhere that children could get hold of it. Coin cells are very dangerous to
children if they swallow them, and some will do so given the opportunity. Make sure that
can't happen!
The final action is to set the date
and time in the real-time clock. The
command to do this is entered at the
command prompt and is:
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
RTC SETTIME year, month,
day, hour, minute,
Parts List – Pico 2 Computer
While most computers will already
have drivers for the chip used for
the console, if you find you do need
a driver, help is available at https://
Note that the PicoMite firmware sets
the console to 115,200 baud, so the
terminal emulator running on your
desktop computer will need to be set
to this speed. In the meantime, have
fun with your new computer!
1 double-sided PCB coded 07104251, 90 × 100mm
1 pair of front & rear panels made from FR4 PCB material with a black solder mask
and white silkscreen printing (optional) [Silicon Chip SC7453]
1 Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (RP2350A) without header pins (MOD1)
1 Multicomp MCRM2015S or Hammond RM2015S instrument case (optional)
4 M3-tapped Nylon spacers and M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws (for feet)
1 CR2032 3V lithium coin cell (BAT1)
1 30V 750mA resettable polyfuse M3216 (PTC1) [BHFuse BSMD1206-075-30V]
1 latching right-angle PCB-mount pushbutton (S13) [XKB Connectivity XKB5858-Z-E]
1 right-angle tactile pushbutton switch with 6mm actuator (S15)
[HCTL TC-6615-7.5-260G]
1 12MHz 20pF 10ppm 4-pin SMD crystal, 3.2 × 2.5mm (X1) [YXC X322512MSB4SI]
1 CR2032 cell holder (BAT1) [Myoung BS-04-A1BJ005]
1 HDMI socket (CON1) [HCTL HDMI-01]
1 USB-C socket (CON2) [Kinghelm KH-TYPE-C-16P]
2 right-angle horizontal stacked USB Type-A sockets (CON3, CON4)
[Shou Han AF SS-JB17.6]
1 USB micro-B socket (CON5) [Shou Han MicroXNJ]
1 microSD card socket (CON6) [Shou Han TF PUSH]
1 SMD stereo audio jack socket (CON7) [Shou Han PJ-313 5JCJ]
1 2×12-pin right-angle 2.54mm-pitch header (CON23) [HanElectricity 2541WR-2x12P]
1 2×2-pin 2.54mm-pitch header (JP1, JP2) [JST RF-H042TD-1190(LF)(SN)]
1 3×3-pin 2.54mm-pitch header (LK1-LK3) [HCTL PZ254-3-03-Z-2.5-G0]
5 jumper shunts (JP1-JP2, LK1-LK3)
1 CH340C serial/USB bridge, SOIC-16 (IC7)
1 DS3231MZ real-time clock & calendar, SOIC-8 (IC19)
1 CH334F quad USB hub, QFN-24 (IC20)
1 MAX809R reset supervisor IC, SOT-23-3 (IC24)
1 AMS1117-3.3 or equivalent 3.3V low-dropout linear regulator, SOT-223-3 (REG1)
1 MDD2301 P-channel Mosfet, SOT-23-3 (Q1)
1 red SMD LED, M1608/0603 size (LED2) [KT-0603R]
5 green SMD LEDs, M2012/0805 size (LED3-LED7) [KT-0805G]
2 SS14 40V 1A schottky diodes, SMA package (D1, D2)
Inductors & ferrite beads
1 M2012/0805 multi-layer ferrite bead (FB12) [Murata BLM21PG221SN1D]
2 10μH 15mA 1.15W M1608/0805 SMD inductors (L22, L23)
[Sunlord SDFL2012S100KTF]
2 4.7mH 110mA 32.5W 5×5mm SMD inductors (L26, L27) [YJYCoin YNR5040-472M]
2 220μF 10V D-case solid tantalum electrolytic [Kyocera AVX TAJD227K010RNJ]
3 10μF 50V X5R M3216/1206 ceramic [Samsung CL31A106KBHNNNE]
7 100nF 16V M1206/0402 X7R ceramic [Samsung CL05B104KO5NNNC]
6 33nF 50V M2012/0805 X7R ceramic [FH 0805B333K500NT]
2 2.2nF 50V M2012/0805 NP0/C0G ceramic [Samsung CL21C222JBFNNNE]
2 470pF 50V M1608/0603 X7R ceramic [FH 0603B471K500NT]
Resistors (all SMD 1%)
1 1MW (M1206/0402 size)
Pico/2/Computer Pre-Made
1 15kW (M1608/0603 size)
Board (SC7468; $120 + post):
1 12kW (M1608/0603 size)
2 10kW (M2012/0805 size)
Includes an assembled PCB,
2 5.1kW (M1206/0402 size)
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (which
1 4.7kW (M2012/0805 size)
you need to attach to the PCB
1 470W (M1608/0603 size)
yourself) and front & rear panels.
2 220W (M2012/0805 size)
We currently plan to only supply
11 220W (M1608/0603 size)
a limited amount of these kits.
1 2.2W (M2012/0805 size)
Australia's electronics magazine
Here, ‘year’ is two or four digits and
‘hour’ is in 24 hour notation. Don’t
forget to insert a CR2032 cell in the
holder so it will keep time when the
power is switched off.
Using MMBasic
On startup, MMBasic will issue the
command prompt and wait for you to
enter something. It will also return to
the command prompt if your program
ends or encounters an error.
When the command prompt is
shown, you have a wide range of commands that you can enter and execute.
For example, you can list the program held in memory (LIST) or edit it
(EDIT), or perhaps check the memory
usage (MEMORY). The command RUN
instructs MMBasic to run the program
currently held in program memory.
All of these and more are described
in detail in the PicoMite User Manual, which is included in the firmware
download package.
Almost any command can be
entered at the command prompt, and
this is a good way to test a command
to see how it works. A simple example is the PRINT command, which
will simply print the result of a calculation. You can try this by entering
the following at the command prompt:
MMBasic will print out the result
of dividing 1 by 7 (ie, the number
0.1428571429) before returning to the
command prompt.
If you are new to the BASIC programming language, refer to Appendix
I at the back of the PicoMite User Manual. This is a comprehensive tutorial
on the language, which will take you
through the fundamentals in an easyto-read format with lots of examples.
Using the serial console
April 2025 33
The Future
of our
Power Grid
The first article in this series last month
described how our electrical grid is
changing, the pros and cons of the
various types of generators, costs and
Demand Response. This second and final
instalment finishes the discussion by covering
inverters and grid stability.
ast month, I explained how as coal and
gas power stations reach their end-oflife, they are increasingly being
replaced by other generation methods
like wind and solar power. However,
that transition is not without its challenges due to the way that generation
varies over time, with changes in the
weather and the day/night cycle.
Thankfully, this transition is slow,
which is allowing the deployment of
various techniques and technologies
to overcome those limitations. Energy
storage and Demand Response were
covered in that first article, but now
we come to the nitty-gritty, such as the
ways that solar and wind generators are
connected to the grid to better match
demand and improve grid stability.
Solar inverters
Inverters for photovoltaic panels
take a DC supply from the solar array
and convert it to AC to feed the grid.
They typically use Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) arranged in
a three-phase H-bridge topology (see
Figs.13, 14 & 15). The IGBT is effectively a small Mosfet and a large bipolar junction transistor (BJT) combined
on a single die.
By combining the two transistor
types, the IGBT benefits from the
advantages of both technologies; the
BJT is well-suited to high-power applications due to its favourable output
characteristics, and the Mosfet is a convenient way to provide base drive to
the BJT given its high gate impedance.
Using pulse-width modulation
(PWM), a three-phase AC waveform
can be synthesised from the input DC,
similar to the operation of our Mk2
Variable Speed Drive for Induction
Part 2 by
Brandon Speedie
Motors, published in the November
& December 2024 issues (siliconchip.
Typically, the chopper frequency is
in the order of 50kHz or so. It is filtered
out by an LC network (usually a ‘pi’ or
‘T’ filter) on the output of the inverter
to form a smooth sinusoidal waveform. Utility-scale solar farms receive
further filtering from the inductance
in their grid-connected transformers,
which step up the low voltage output
from the inverter to the high voltage
of the transmission network.
This synthesised AC waveform
needs to be precisely controlled to
synchronise with the grid. This is
achieved by sampling the grid voltage
to form a phase-locked loop, which
becomes a reference waveform. By
varying the amplitude and phase of
the synthesised waveform with respect
Figs.11 & 12: the topology of an AC-coupled hybrid solar and battery generator is shown in the left diagram. The
alternative configuration of a DC-coupled hybrid solar and battery generator is shown at right. For the DC-coupled system,
with sufficient irradiance, power can be exported to the grid and charge the batteries simultaneously without having to
oversize the inverter. Original source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
to this reference, the output voltage
and current can be controlled with
This control is referred to as ‘grid
following’, as the inverter is tracking
the grid waveform and operating as
a current source. The other type of
inverter control is called ‘grid forming’, meaning the inverter operates as
a voltage source and largely ignores
the existing grid waveform.
In normal operation, the inverter
controls its output power to optimise
the operating point of the solar array.
This is known as maximum power
point tracking (MPPT), which involves
holding the array DC voltage at the
optimum current for the solar panel
to generate its maximum power (see
This position is constantly changing with variations in irradiance and
temperature, so the MPP tracker works
through trial-and-error to dither the
DC voltage up or down to search for
increased power.
Fig.13: a typical IGBT die structure.
Original source:
Fig.14: an equivalent circuit of the
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
(IGBT). It has a BJT and Mosfet
connected together on a single
silicon die. Original source:
Battery inverters
Similarly to their solar counterparts,
battery inverters take a DC voltage from
the cells and convert it to an AC voltage for the grid. In fact, many solar
inverter OEMs service the battery market with identical hardware. The difference is in the control software; the
MPP tracker is replaced by algorithms
to gracefully charge or discharge the
cells with minimal degradation.
Battery health is mainly a function
of temperature and state of charge
(SOC), so current limits are reduced at
extremes of temperature, or when the
cells are fully charged or discharged.
Fig.15: an inverter circuit showing output ‘T’ filter (an LCL network) and the
additional inductance from the grid-tied step-up transformer. The six IGBTs
synthesise a three-phase AC waveform using PWM. Original source: https://
Battery-solar hybrids
Increasingly, batteries are being
built alongside solar photovoltaic systems. They are a good combination, as
the battery not only avoids paying for
grid electricity but also network fees.
Most solar-battery hybrids currently
in operation on the grid are ‘AC coupled’, meaning that they are joined
on the output side of their respective
inverters (see Fig.11).
A new technology gaining popularity is the ‘DC coupled’ hybrid. Rather
than the batteries connecting directly
to a dedicated inverter, they instead
interface to the solar array through a
DC-DC converter. The inverter then
converts both battery and solar power
to AC for the grid (see Fig.12).
Fig.16: the output characteristics of a solar panel for different values of
irradiance. A connected inverter constantly searches for the optimum operating
point in a process known as maximum power point tracking (MPPT).
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 35
Fig.17: a Doubly Fed Induction Machine (or Generator) used to generate power from a wind turbine. The stator is directly
connected to the grid, while the rotor is fed from a back-to-back inverter. The DFIM therefore decouples the turbine
rotational speed from the grid frequency, allowing the control system freedom to optimise for maximum power.
Original source:
The main benefit of this topology
is removing the inverter as a bottleneck to power flows, as most solar
systems match an oversized array to
their inverter. This is known as the DC/
AC ratio; it is usually around 1.3:1, to
balance the cost of the inverter against
increased revenues from higher power
handling. On residential systems, this
leads to the ubiquitous 6.6kW array
matched to a 5kW inverter.
The drawback to such a ratio is that
when there is sufficient irradiance,
potential power generation is wasted
as the inverter is already at its limit.
With an AC-coupled hybrid, this bottleneck also limits the battery charging;
any power from the solar array has to
pass through the grid-connected solar
inverter before it comes back through
the battery inverter and into the pack.
On a DC-coupled system, this limit
is alleviated. Assuming sufficient irradiance, the inverter can be exporting
at full power, and energy that would
otherwise be lost from the solar array
is used to directly charge the batteries, giving a superior yield for a given
solar array. DC-coupling can also help
a system remain below a given size for
regulatory reasons.
Grid-scale systems with less than
5MW of inverters have a simpler grid
connection process, and residential
systems are capped at 5kW of export.
Silicon Chip
It is the residential sector in particular that will see an increased uptake
of DC-coupled ‘hybrid inverters’ over
the coming years.
Wind turbine inverters
Early turbine designs simply connect an alternator directly to the grid,
but this limits the rotor to a fixed operating speed (the grid frequency), which
is not necessarily the optimum speed
for maximum power. A more modern
design for small wind turbines uses a
rectifier to convert the alternator’s AC
output to DC, then an ordinary solar
inverter to convert it back to AC to
feed the grid.
This way, the inverter has freedom
to use its MPP tracker to find the best
operating point, which improves yield
despite the additional losses from the
conversion process.
Grid-scale wind turbines use a
different inverter-based technology
known as the doubly fed induction
machine (DFIM). The stator is directly
coupled to the grid, while the rotor is
energised by a back-to-back inverter
(see Fig.17). Thus, the rotor can be fed
with an arbitrary waveform in much
the same way as a solar inverter.
By varying the voltage and phase,
the power coming out of the stator
is tightly controlled. Most critically
of all, the rotor can be excited with a
Australia's electronics magazine
fixed frequency to match the grid. The
stator output will always produce this
same frequency, despite constant variation in the turbine speed due to wind
This allows the control system to
optimise the rotational speed of the
turbine for maximum power, in a similar way to MPPT for solar panels.
Grid stability – voltage control
Network operators must keep tight
control over grid voltage to prevent
damage to connected assets and the
network infrastructure itself. This voltage is only permitted to vary in a very
narrow range. In Australia, that’s 230V
AC +10%, -6% for a single-phase supply (ie, 216V to 253V AC).
There are two main tools that can
be used to maintain these limits:
transformer tap changers and reactive
power control.
Transformer tap changers simply
select between a series of closely
spaced taps on the substation stepdown transformer. These taps subtly
change the transformer ratio that is
linking the high voltage transmission
network with the low voltage distribution network, therefore providing control of the output voltage (see Fig.18).
The other method of voltage control is using reactive power. Electric
motors are by far the most common
Fig.18: a transformer tap changer
can regulate the grid voltage by
altering the ratio between the
transmission and distribution
networks. Original source:
load on the grid, making up more
than 90% of total electricity demand
in some regions. As they are strongly
inductive, the grid operates with a lagging power factor; current lags voltage.
In an inductive grid, the voltage is
lower for a given power consumption
than if that load was purely resistive.
Capacitance can be used to compensate, which is commonly referred to
as power factor correction (PFC). At
its simplest, PFC involves switching
banks of capacitors in and out of circuit – see Fig 19.
Adding capacitance will cause the
grid voltage to increase, and removing
it will cause voltage to decrease. This
Fig.19: a traditional capacitor bank used for power factor correction (PFC).
Contactors K1 through K3 etc can be controlled to switch in a variable amount
of capacitance, contributing reactive power to the grid and thus controlling
voltage. Original source:
simple method is very commonly used
by grid operators for voltage control,
but there are some newer technologies
that offer superior performance.
The Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
works in a similar way to the capacitor banks mentioned above, but rather
than using mechanical relays, a power
semiconductor such as a thyristor is
employed, as shown in Fig.20. The
thyristor can switch the capacitors in
and out of circuit faster than mechanical relays and won’t wear out.
This technology is widely used
for reactive power control at gridscale generators and substations. The
Static Synchronous Compensator
(STATCOM) offers further performance improvements. Rather than
a thyristor, the STATCOM arranges
IGBTs in a H-bridge topology, with
capacitance across a DC bus, as per
The H-bridge can synthesise an
AC waveform with a fully controllable phase shift, providing very tight
and fast control of reactive power.
STATCOMs are popular at substations where advanced voltage control
is required, such as rural areas where
a feeder may have to cover a long distance, or where SWER (Single Wire
Earth Return) lines are in use.
The STATCOM shares many
Fig.20 (above): a simplified schematic of a
Static Var Compensator. Similar to the PFC unit
from Fig.19, banks of capacitors are switched
into circuit as needed. Original source: www.
Fig.21 (right): a simplified schematic of a Static
Synchronous Compensator or STATCOM. The H-bridge
produces an arbitrary waveform, which in most cases is
generated with the current leading the voltage (ie, capacitance).
Note the similarity to the inverter in Fig.13. Original source:
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 37
Fig.22: An example of spinning
reserve in South Australia. During
this period (October 18th to 21st), over
100% of grid demand is being met by
rooftop solar. Most other generators
are not needed and have switched off,
except for a small amount of wind
and utility solar, and notably some
gas. It is uneconomic to run a gas
generator for energy during this time;
its benefit is providing grid stability
through the angular momentum of
its turbine and alternator. Source:
similarities with the inverters discussed in the earlier sections; the main
difference is that the DC bus only has
capacitance connected in the STATCOM, rather than solar panels or a
battery. Inverters are therefore a great
way to control reactive power, and
widely used at the utility scale for
voltage control.
Fig.23 shows a real-world example
of a solar farm that operates with a
power factor of 0.85. As it increases
its output power, the grid voltage
decreases through the action of the
reactive power it contributes. In this
way, IBRs (inverter-based resources)
Silicon Chip
will play an important role in regulating grid voltage in coming years.
A segment with good potential is
rooftop solar, which currently provides almost no reactive power from
its 20GW of installed capacity. A simple settings change could enable up to
15GVAr of support for free, which is
plenty to tightly control voltage across
the whole eastern seaboard and also
ease network constraints.
Grid stability –
frequency (inertia)
Our existing grid relies heavily on
the angular momentum of rotating
Australia's electronics magazine
machines for frequency stability. This
‘spinning reserve’ works by resisting
brief frequency excursions that might
destabilise a power system. In most
Australian states, this inertia is provided by the large alternators of coalfired power stations, and to a lesser
extent gas and hydro.
As these machines are electromechanically coupled directly to the
grid, they provide momentum that
works to maintain a frequency of
Any increase in frequency (grid
oversupply) will effectively turn the
alternator into a motor. It will begin to
speed up as it consumes power from
the grid, resisting further instability. A
sudden reduction in frequency (undersupply) works similarly; the alternator
dumps extra power into the grid as it
Alternators work well in this role as
they can produce or consume many
times their rated power for short periods, although their response is governed by the electromechanical properties of the system and is therefore
The AEMO carefully tracks ‘spinning reserve’ to make sure the power
system has adequate strength to resist
any sudden shocks to the system, such
as a large generator or load tripping
This is particularly evident in South
Australia – see Fig 22. In this example, 100% of grid demand is being
met by rooftop solar. All other generators are not needed so have turned
off, aside from a small amount of
utility wind and solar and a minimal
amount of gas.
The gas generators will not be making money on their energy production during this time, but they will be
receiving payment for providing grid
stability. The Torrens Island steam
gas generator commonly provides this
service, given its central location in
Adelaide. It operates for long periods
at 40MW, a fraction of its full nameplate capacity.
Trials are underway to investigate
the feasibility of repurposed coal generators for spinning reserve. It is possible to refurbish an old coal unit as
a ‘synchronous condenser’, although
early indications are that it will be
more expensive than other solutions.
Synchronous condensers are effectively large spinning masses with
grid-coupled alternators. In normal
operation, they draw a small amount of
power from the grid to maintain their
speed. Should a frequency excursion
occur, they absorb or inject power to
the grid in the same way as other spinning reserve.
Their configuration is essentially
identical to the one shown for wind
turbines in Fig.17 except that, instead
of the motor/alternator being connected to a turbine, it is connected to
a rotating mass.
These machines are increasingly
popular for strengthening weak networks and can also be used for voltage regulation through reactive power
control. Inverters can also be used to
create so-called ‘synthetic inertia’.
The IBR can be configured to monitor grid frequency and rapidly absorb
or inject power should a frequency
excursion occur.
‘Grid-forming’ batteries are wellsuited to this task given their fast
response time, precise output control
and ability to work bidirectionally.
Successful trials have also been completed using wind turbines for frequency regulation – see Figs.24 & 25.
It is estimated that a ratio of 15%
‘grid forming’ to 85% ‘grid following’
inverters is optimal to replace spinning reserve.
Fig.23: an output plot of a real-world solar farm used for voltage control. During
a period of oversupply, the generator ramps down its output power (red). The
grid voltage (pink, purple, green) increases. Some time later, the solar farm
ramps up to full power, lowering the grid voltage through the action of its
reactive power control.
Fig.24: the output (orange) of the Hornsdale wind farm following a setpoint (AGC,
black) to regulate grid frequency (grey). Source: Hornsdale FCAS Trial, p24
Fig.25: the output of a traditional synchronous generator across the same
period as Fig.24. It underperforms compared to the wind farm given its slower
response. Source: Hornsdale FCAS Trial, p25
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 39
Grid stability – redundancy
The grid works on the N-1 principle. That is, there must always be sufficient standby capacity that a trip on
any single generator or transmission
line will not lead to a blackout. This
sometimes dictates some strange grid
operations, such as curtailing generators or running transmission lines from
areas of low supply towards areas of
high supply.
As the generation mix changes,
these constraints will also change.
Wind and solar generators are more
decentralised than our existing coal
fleet, and typically smaller. This gives
a lower concentration risk for any
single generator failure but increases
operational complexity.
Advanced software called distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) is beginning to be rolled
out in many networks. It provides
improved visibility and control over
grid constraints. These modern control systems are central to the energy
transition, managing distributed assets
and retaining N-1 redundancy.
Grid stability –
negative demand
The combination of rooftop solar
and coal is leading to an interesting
problem for network operators. In the
middle of the day, it is common for
the rooftop system to be supplying its
local load and also exporting to the
grid. This is leading to periods of low
demand, and in future even negative
demand (see Fig.26).
During these periods, fast responding
grid-scale assets turn off for economic
reasons, but coal generators remain
active due to operational constraints,
and rooftop solar remains active as it is
usually paid a fixed rate ‘feed-in tariff’.
It is common at these times for the
distribution transformers to be running in reverse, supplying power back
onto the high voltage transmission network. This is problematic, as many distribution transformers need to derate
their power capacity for reverse flows.
This is not a limitation of the transformer itself, but rather the tap changers, which usually employ “asymmetrical switching” to reduce the amount
of power it must withstand during the
middle of a change.
This is advantageous when power is
in the normal direction, but for reverse
flows, the asymmetrical switching
exposes the tap changer to increased
power, severely limiting the reverse
power capability of the transformer.
Many networks are currently
investigating and implementing
upgrades to better handle this condition. A common solution is simply to
inhibit the tap changer when reverse
power exceeds its rating. The network
operator won’t be able to use the tap
changer during this period for voltage control, but they can use reactive
power as discussed earlier.
Another solution is to incentivise
more load into the grid during daylight hours. So-called ‘solar soaker’ tariffs are being trialled, which offer free
usage of the network between 10am
and 3pm, but a higher rate between
5pm and 8pm. Increased electric vehicle proliferation should also help negative demand, as car chargers have
higher usage during daylight hours.
Modern power electronics are playing a central role in the energy transition. Active stability techniques
like Demand Response, IBRs and
grid-forming batteries/inverters will
replace most of the spinning reserve
over the coming decades. Periods of
negative demand may lead to lowcost or even free EV charging during
sunny days, to make use of ample solar
power, and incentivise further investSC
ment in battery storage.
Fig.26: minimum demand projections for the eastern seaboard grid. South Australia will likely experience negative
overall demand this spring, with other states to follow in the coming years. Minimum operational demand is sometimes
called ‘base load’. Source: AEMO ESOO 2024, p41
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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Mini Projects #025 – by Tim Blythman
Our WiFi Weather Logger Mini Project from
last December has been handy for keeping
track of temperature and humidity. However,
it isn’t always convenient to use a computer to
check on its status. This Mini Project that makes it easy to monitor
the Logger’s temperature and humidity without needing to open up a web browser.
he WiFi Weather Logger Mini Project (December 2024; siliconchip.
au/Article/17315) is a compact unit
consisting of a WiFi Mini processor
module, a DHT11 temperature and
humidity sensor and board that interfaces to a microSD card.
It monitors the temperature and
humidity by reading the sensor and
makes that data available as a web page
via WiFi. It also records the data to the
card, and that data can be downloaded
as a simple yet flexible CSV (comma
separated variable) file.
CSV files can be opened by many
spreadsheet programs, so it is easy
to analyse the data and create charts
and the like.
We often found ourselves using the
interface to simply check the temperature and humidity. That means
opening up the web page on a computer or smartphone screen and viewing the data. It is not difficult, but we
realised that it would not take much
hardware to create a simple, standalone monitor.
The result is this Weather Monitor.
It consists of an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi
board attached to a liquid crystal display (LCD) shield to provide a clear
and simple readout of the current temperature and humidity.
Since the Weather Logger keeps
track of time, the Weather Monitor
can also display that time. Handily,
The hardware is little more than an
Uno R4 WiFi with an XC4630 Colour
LCD Shield plugged into it. You’ll also
need a suitable USB-C cable to power
the Monitor, since the Uno R4 WiFi
has a USB-C socket.
Screen 2:
you need to
edit the WiFi
settings (SSID
and password)
and set the
IP address
of the Logger
so that the
Monitor can
with it. You
can also
change the
colour scheme
at the same
Screen 1: the WiFi Weather Logger
serves up a web page that looks like
this. By looking for key character
sequences, the Monitor can extract
the information to reformat it for its
the Monitor also displays the status
of the Logger, so you can quickly see
if it is having problems, such as an SD
card problem or lost WiFi connection.
The Uno R4 WiFi is much more
powerful than the older R3 Uno, so
this simple combination of hardware
could have many other handy uses,
as a simple internet-connected display device.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 45
The LCD Shield just plugs into the
headers for the Uno R4 WiFi. The stack
is around 20mm deep, and the two
boards are about the same width. Thus,
the assembled stack will rest neatly on
its edge, as you can see in our photo.
The orientation we have chosen
allows the USB cable to attach near
the Monitor’s lower edge (on the righthand side), meaning the cable does not
hang awkwardly. This can be changed
if you like.
Web pages are requested and
received using the hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP). The WiFi Weather
Logger works as an HTTP server, offering web pages via its WiFi interface.
Thus, the Weather Monitor needs to
use an HTTP client to access those
web pages.
Interestingly, it’s a lot easier to write
an HTTP server program than an HTTP
client with the Arduino IDE. That’s
because there are Arduino libraries for
creating HTTP servers, included with
most WiFi-capable board profiles. So
implementing an HTTP server is easy
to do with the Arduino IDE.
Downloadable HTTP client libraries
exist, but a client must handle all the
possible server options, while a server
gets to choose which options it offers.
Also, a client may have to deal with
a large amount of data if the server
delivers a large file.
Because of this complexity, our
Monitor software has been specifically
written to handle the server protocols
used by the Logger. It should work fine
if you want to customise the software
to work with other Arduino HTTP
servers, but it may not work with other
server types.
The software connects to a pre-
programmed WiFi network and
attempts to download the web page
from the Logger using its IP address.
This means you should ideally set
your router to allocate the Logger a
fixed IP address. This might be called
something like address reservation in
your router settings.
Otherwise, you might find your
router allocates a different IP address
to the Logger at some point and the
Monitor can’t find it. This could happen if, say, the power goes off, or the
router is reset.
The Logger and Monitor must be on
the same network, such as the same
home WiFi network. There are ways
to make the Logger accessible from
the wider internet, but these are well
beyond the scope of this article as they
require a good knowledge of network
security principles.
When the Monitor downloads the
web page, it scans the contents for key
sequences to locate necessary information. For example, once it finds the
text “Temp: ”, it knows that the temperature reported by the Logger will
follow. Screen 1 shows a typical page
served up by the Logger.
The web page is a HTML (hypertext markup language) document that
Parts List – Weather Monitor (JMP025)
1 assembled WiFi Weather Logger (see our December 2024 issue)
1 Arduino R4 Uno WiFi main board [Jaycar XC9211]
1 2.5in colour LCD shield [Jaycar XC4630]
1 USB-C cable to suit the Arduino Uno R4 WiFi [Jaycar WC7900]
Screen 3: the Serial Monitor output
should look like this for a normal
startup. We found that our unit took
up to 20 seconds to connect to a WiFi
network (when it waits to receive the
IP address), plus another five seconds
to access the web page.
contains so-called tags that are not
visible in a web browser, although
they change how the web page is rendered on the screen. For example, the
title is extracted by looking for the
“<title>” tag.
Apart from the raw information on
the page, the Monitor also records a
timestamp (using its internal milliseconds counter) of when the web page
was retrieved. From that information,
it can show an updating time display
without having to continually load
data from the Logger.
The Monitor tries to load a page
from the Logger every minute, and
updates its displayed information
when it does so; the time and date display is updated continuously. If there
have been no successful updates for an
hour, the screen reports this instead of
repeating stale data.
Assembly for this project is literally plug and play! The shield
simply plugs into the main board and then it is ready for
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 4: while starting up, you will see a screen like this
on the LCD. It also might appear if the Logger is offline and
the Monitor can’t communicate with it.
While the display shield has a
touch sensor, we do not use it. It’s
easy enough to display all the available information, so there are no selections that need to be made. The WiFi
interface is also blocking, meaning that
whenever it is busy, we wouldn’t be
able to check for a touch input anyway.
Uno R4 board profile
Assuming you have completed construction by plugging the LCD shield
into the Uno R4 WiFi board, you can
start the programming process. You
will need the Arduino IDE with the
Uno R4 Boards profile installed. The
sketch itself includes some library
files, but there are no external libraries needed. The Arduino IDE can be
downloaded from
To install the Uno R4 Board profile,
open the Boards Manager, search for
“R4” and install the “Arduino Uno R4
Boards by Arduino” option. We used
version 1.3.2; other versions should
work fine, but if you have problems
with the sketch compiling, try changing to this version.
There are some customisations
that you will need to apply to the
sketch before uploading it. Open
sketch and switch to the WEATHER_
LOGGER_MONITOR.ino tab, as
shown in Screen 2.
Lines 2, 3 and 4 contain the WiFi
network settings and IP address of the
Weather Logger (which you should
have built previously). Change these
Screen 5: if you see this screen then all is well. The remote
temperature, humidity and time are reported; the time is
kept current using an internal timer on the Uno R4 WiFi.
to suit your network and the Weather
Logger that is connected to it.
You can set the display’s colour
scheme on lines 14 and 15. FGC is the
foreground (text) colour, while BGC is
the background. BLACK, WHITE, RED,
YELLOW and GREY are available
#defines that are set in the XC4630d.c
file; you can also use 16-bit RRRRRGGGGGGBBBBB format colour values.
Lines 8-11 of the XC4630d.c file also
set the version of the XC4630 LCD
shield; the most recent V4 is enabled
(by not being commented out with
“//”). If you find this version does
not work, you can try the other versions. You can flip the orientation of
the display by changing the command
XC4630_rotate(4) to XC4630_rotate(2)
in the setup() function.
After these changes, the sketch is
ready to upload. Make sure to choose
the Uno R4 WiFi board and its correct
serial port (eg, COM port on Windows).
Open the serial monitor to 115,200
baud and be ready to view the startup
messages as seen in Screen 3. If the
Monitor does not connect to the WiFi
network within 30 seconds, it will
reset itself to try again.
We found that even with the correct settings, the Monitor sometimes
failed to access the Logger’s web page.
You can either wait 60 seconds for it
to try again or use the reset button on
the Uno R4 WiFi. The LCD should
show information similar to that in
Screens 4 & 5, depending on its phase
of operation.
The software can be downloaded
Australia's electronics magazine
You can see a video of the Weather
Monitor booting up and then displaying the weather & time at siliconchip.
If you see something like Screen
5, then everything is working as
expected. The status line at the bottom
of the page will report when the Monitor is trying to download fresh data,
while the clock may occasionally stall
for a few seconds due to the blocking
nature of the WiFi interface.
We considered adding charts to
the Monitor by having it download
the CSV files from the Logger, but the
amount of RAM on the Uno R4 WiFi
is not enough to allow this.
If you are a dab hand with Arduino,
you might like to try customising the
Logger or Monitor sketches to report
different data. Changing the title of
the Logger’s web page, for example,
should change the title displayed on
the Monitor.
This Weather
Monitor uses
a wireless
connection to
our previous
Logger to
collect data.
The Logger
is built
using just
an ESP8266,
DHT11 and
card shields.
April 2025 47
Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Over the last two articles, we have explained how antenna matching and VSWR work
and given instruction on using the free “Smith” software to design antenna matching
networks. This final part in the series explains how to determine the bandwidth of an
antenna matching network.
Part 3 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
fter reading the article last month,
you should know how to use the
free “Smith” software to design
an antenna matching network. This
will allow you to bring most antennas to resonance and achieve a VSWR
close to the ideal of 1:1 at a specific
Of course, radio transmitters and
receivers often need to operate over a
range of frequencies. You need to be
able to design the matching network
with enough bandwidth to pass signals over the range of interest. We will
now look at using another free software
package to achieve that.
Smith charts also have ‘constant-Q
curves’ that can be used to control the
bandwidth of a matching network. For
this, we will use the Iowa Hills Smith
Chart software; like the Smith program we used last month, it is also a
free download.
This software used to be available
from but that
website is unfortunately gone. Luckily,
someone kept a copy of it, so you can
download a zip of the whole website
Within that zip, navigate to the subdirectory “\wk-pub\\Downloads” and
you will find a file named “Iowa Hills
Smith”. Extract that, then
unzip it, and you will be able to run the
executable. We tested it on Windows
Screen 9: this C/L/C/L matching network comes close to the
black Q = 1 curve.
Silicon Chip
10 and 11, and it worked fine on both
Screens 9-12 show two different
matching networks that match a (118
– j99.5)W load to a 50W source. One
using a Q = 1 curve (Screens 9 & 10)
and the other using a Q = 6 curve
(Screens 11 & 12). The matching networks were kept within the constant-Q
curves as shown.
The Return Loss graph (Screen 10)
shows that the bandwidth for the Q =
1 network in Screen 9 is 4MHz wide
for a VSWR of 1.22:1. On the other
hand, Screen 12 shows that the bandwidth for the Q = 6 network (Screen
11) is 1MHz. To achieve the wider
bandwidth for the Q = 1 network, four
Screen 10: the frequency response plot of the matching
network/antenna combination shown in Screen 9.
Australia's electronics magazine
components were used, while the Q =
6 network used just three components.
The antenna Q sets the lowest possible Q and the widest possible bandwidth. If the antenna Q is high, the
bandwidth will be narrow regardless
of the matching network.
The Q = 6 matching network demonstrates that the bandwidth can be controlled to make it narrow if required.
These plots were modelled using ideal
capacitors and inductors, although the
Iowa Hills Smith Chart software can
also model non-ideal components.
The return loss graph in Screen 12
indicates the bandwidth is around
1.25MHz for a VSWR of 1.22:1.
Using the Iowa Hills software
This software works similarly to
Fritz’s Smith chart software but it has
its own quirks and procedures. Let’s
go through the steps required to reproduce Screens 9 through 12.
Launch SmithChart.exe and make
the window larger if you’d like to.
Then, in the upper-left corner, change
the frequency (F0) to 28.4 (MHz) and
the Span to 5 (MHz). Go to the “Set
Load” menu and choose the “Load,
Source, and Parasitics” menu option.
In the dialog box that pops up,
change the Load Impedance to 118
real and -99.5 imaginary numbers
giving (118 – j99.5)W, click Apply,
then click Close. You will then see
the red (antenna) and blue (source)
points in the correct positions on the
Smith chart.
Next, we add the Q = 1 curve by
selecting the “Q and VSWR Circles”
option, also under the “Set Load”
menu. In the right-hand column under
Q, change the first 0 to 1 (for Q = 1),
click Apply and then click Close.
Now we can build our matching network. We insert components starting
at the Load end, so open the “Shunt”
menu and click “Inductor”. Click on
the upper black Q = 1 curve, and you
will see that the inductor inserted in
the lower-left corner of the screen has
a value of 620nH.
Next, click “Series” and then
“Capacitor”, then click on the horizontal blue line running across the
middle of the chart to add a 56pF
capacitor. Repeat those two steps to
add a 560nH shunt inductor and a
110pF series capacitor to reach the
blue dot in the middle of the chart.
You should then have a display that
matches Screen 9.
Next, click on the Return Loss radio
button at centre left of the screen and
you will be greeted by a plot that
matches Screen 10.
The steps to reproduce Screen 11
& Screen 12 are similar to the above
except that you add the Q = 6 curve
Screen 11: this C/C/L matching network touches the black Q
= 6 curve so it has a smaller bandwidth than Screen 9.
instead of Q = 1 and then you add a
shunt inductor, followed by a series
capacitor and finally, a shunt capacitor. Refer to Screen 11 to see where to
click to get the same values of 200nH,
270pF & 240pF, respectively.
After returning to the Smith chart,
you can right-click on it four times to
remove the components you added,
change the Q curve via the “Q and
VSWR Circles” menu option and then
proceed to add the new matching components.
Screen 13 shows the result of clicking the “Sweep SC” radio button on
the left after setting the span to 1.25
(MHz) for the example in Screens 11
& 12. This Sweep value is the same as
the bandwidth, and the black line on
the chart confirms that the 1.25MHz
sweep fits inside the constant VSWR
1.22 circle.
In this example, hitting the Q = 6
curve while matching keeps the bandwidth narrow at 1.25MHz. You can use
this approach to limit the bandwidth
in your matching networks to just what
is required for better selectivity.
Transmission lines
Smith charts can be used to determine what the impedance is at each
end of a transmission line and to show
how transmission lines transform
Screen 12: the frequency response plot of the matching
network/antenna combination shown in Screen 11.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 49
◀ Screen 13: by enabling the Sweep
feature, we get the black line that
shows how the VSWR varies over the
frequency range of interest.
Screen 1: click this Keyboard button
in the Smith V4.1 software to type in
the complex antenna impedance.
The Velocity Factor (VF), also called
wave propagation of velocity, is the
ratio of the speed of an electromagnetic wave through a transmission line
to that in a vacuum.
Velocity Factor equals the reciprocal
of the square root of the dielectric constant K (relative permittivity εr) of the
transmission line. Use the following
formulas to convert between VF and K:
VF = 1 ÷ √K
K = 1 ÷ VF2
For this analysis, we will return to
Fritz’s Smith chart software that we
introduced last month.
Start a new chart and insert a point
at (50 + j65.65)W at 28.4MHz using the
Keyboard button shown in Screen 1
(reproduced from last month). Next,
insert a transmission line by clicking
the insert transmission line button
shown in Screen 3. It’s the fourth from
the left in that image.
Leave the transmission line impedance as 50W and set the Dielectric Constant (εr) to 2.2956, which corresponds
to a VF of 66%. This can be changed
later if required for testing different
transmission lines by clicking on the
transmission line in the schematic
window. The schematic window
shows both the electrical length and
the mechanical length for the transmission line, as you can see in Screen 14.
When you click OK, you will need to
set the length of the transmission line.
Move the mouse to intersect with the
20m blue circle at lower left, visible
in Screen 14, and click there. You will
see that the transmission line length
is set to 0.2495λ, effectively 1/4 of the
When both ends of a 50W transmission line are terminated with (50 +
j0)W, the line will not transform the
impedance and it can be virtually any
length. However, in this example, the
antenna is (50 + j65.65)W so the 50W
transmission line will transform the
antenna impedance to about (18.415
– j24.283)W.
The impedance at the transmitter
source end depends on the length of
the transmission line. Note that the
VSWR did not change from 3.4:1.
VSWR is the same at both ends for any
length of transmission line; the transmission line runs around the constant
VSWR circle. Try different impedance
transmission lines in Smith and see
what happens.
In this example, you can add a parallel inductor of around 214nH to bring
the VSWR to 1:1. This demonstrates
how a transmission line can be part of
an impedance-matching circuit.
Note how the matching component
is at the transmitter end of the transmission line and not at the antenna
end, so there will be power travelling
in both directions along the transmission line as in Fig.10 (from part one).
In this example, the 1/4-wavelength
transmission line moves the antenna
from one matching circle to another.
This example demonstrates why,
when you are analysing an antenna
or antenna element, the coaxial cable
between it and the antenna analyser
should be short as possible for accurate measurements.
If an antenna analyser were connected to the transmitter end of the
transmission line in this case, it would
give a reading of (18.356 – j24.101)W
and not the antenna impedance of (50
+ j65.65)W.
Screen 3: this toolbar lets you insert different elements into the circuit you want to test. This image and Screen 1 have
been reproduced from last month’s article.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 14: using a 1/4-wavelength transmission line and a parallel inductor for antenna matching.
Screen 15: using a short transmission line and a series capacitor for antenna matching.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 51
If a transmission line has the same
impedance as the system and is
1/2-wavelength long or a multiple of
1/2-wavelength, the complex impedance will be the same at both ends of
the transmission line. That’s another
way of saying that a 1/2-wavelength
transmission line goes in a complete
circle on the Smith chart.
If the transmission line is made
exactly half a wavelength long, Smith
will not show it because it is effectively
just a point. Try different impedance
transmission lines in Smith and see
what happens.
Screen 15 shows a transmission
line being used to get onto a matching
circle, with a series capacitor to complete the match. Transmission lines of
different impedances and lengths are
often used with antennas for matching impedances.
Screen 16 shows a 50W open stub
(OS) being used to complete a match.
A parallel capacitor or shorted stub
(SS) could have been used instead of
the open stub.
Fig.16 is a two-metre Zepp J-pole
antenna. It uses a transmission line to
match a half-wavelength radiator element. The radiator is just under half a
wave parallel feedline for tuning. This
concept evolved into the Zepp J-pole
Exercises for the reader
Fig.16: the Zepp antenna is a clever
configuration (also known as a
J-pole antenna) providing inherent
transmission line matching.
wavelength long, while the matching
transmission matching line is around
a quarter wavelength.
The Zepp antenna was invented by
Hans Beggerow for use on the German
Zeppelin airships. Trailed behind the
airship, it consisted of a half-wavelength long radiator with a quarter
Antenna tuners sometimes use the
high-pass T configuration, with series
variable capacitors at each end and a
parallel inductor (to ground) in the
middle. By varying the capacitances,
this allows them to get a decent match
with a wide range of antennas. You can
simulate this in Smith and experiment
with component values to get various
antennas to a VSWR of 1:1.
Other antenna tuners use a low-pass
pi configuration, which has a parallel
variable capacitor at either end and a
series inductor in the middle. You can
experiment with that configuration too.
Arguably, the low-pass configuration
is better since it will filter out unwanted
harmonics that may cause interference,
whereas the high-pass T configuration
will pass the harmonics through.
As a final exercise for the reader,
produce a Smith chart showing a
305W transmission line being used to
match a Zepp antenna with a complex
impedance of (1889 – j0.0212)W to a
50W system.
Screen 16: a series transmission line along with an open stub transmission line can also be used for matching.
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Rotating Light
for Models
Here’s a simple circuit that has various applications, such as for
a model lighthouse, or as a siren on top of a model emergency vehicle. It sequences eight LEDs, using
PWM brightness control, to form a pretty convincing imitation of a rotating light.
his project originated from a family
member’s desire for a white revolving light atop a miniature lighthouse.
Kits to build this sort of thing are available, but we hadn’t published such a
circuit, and I thought it might have
other uses. I also thought it could be
done simply, on a tiny PCB.
We could use a single logic IC if all
we wanted was essentially a circular
LED chaser. However, I have seen that
approach used (eg, on garbage trucks);
while eye-catching, it doesn’t provide a convincing illusion of rotation.
Moreover, most digital logic ICs can’t
deliver much current, meaning the
LEDs wouldn’t be that bright without
extra transistors.
With a microcontroller, we can fade
the LEDs in and out, creating a much
more impressive effect, even with just
eight LEDs at 45° intervals. We can
also make it adjustable; not just the
rate of rotation, but also the direction
and the brightness/beam angle. We can
even have multiple ‘beams’ by lighting opposite LEDs, as shown in Fig.1.
Adjusting the beam angle effectively
controls how many LEDs can be lit at
once. It can range from just one (with
varying brightness) up to almost all of
them being lit at once, with just a dim
spot rotating.
If you build it with white LEDs, it’s
suitable for a model lighthouse, and
with a compact, black PCB that’s just
20mm in diameter, it will fit in most
models unless they are tiny. If you
want to make a siren, you could use
amber, blue, red, yellow or green LEDs,
or even unusual colours like cyan or
pink (yes, they’re available).
Fig.1: by fading in one LED at the edge of each beam and fading out the opposite one, we create the illusion of a smoothlyrotating light with just eight fixed LEDs. The ‘beam’ brightness and width varies depending on how many LEDs are lit at
any given time.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Features & specifications
» Simulates a rotating light with one or two ‘beams’
» Adjustable rotation speed, from about 10 rotations per second to 30
seconds per rotation (0.03Hz to 10Hz)
» Reversible rotation direction
» Adjustable beam brightness
» Adjustable beam angle from 45° to nearly 360°
» Runs from 5-12V DC, typically drawing 10-20mA
» Compact circular PCB: 20mm in diameter and less than 10mm tall (with
» Can use SMD (M3216/1206/SMA) or through-hole (3mm/5mm) LEDs
» Use any colour LEDs
Project by Nicholas Vinen
Suppose you want a really special
effect. In that case, you could build it
with differently coloured LEDs, so the
colour shifts as it rotates!
It can run from a small DC supply
from 5V up to about 12V, including
most small battery packs, such as standard 9V batteries or 6V batteries of
four AA/AAA cells. The current draw
depends on the brightness, but it’s typically around 10mA. So four AA cells
would power it for quite a while; possibly as long as two weeks for really
high-capacity cells. Four AAAs might
last 5-7 days.
You can see a video of our prototype in operation at
Circuit details
The complete Rotating Light circuit is shown in Fig.2. A 14-pin, 8-bit
PIC16F15224 was chosen as it has
just enough pins, is inexpensive and
draws very little current. It can drive
the LEDs directly with fairly decent
brightness (its maximum per-pin current is 25mA). It’s also easy to program
with the free version of Microchip’s
XC8 compiler and MPLAB X IDE.
The eight LEDs are connected to
eight of its digital outputs via 68W
l imiting resistors. Their
anodes connect directly to the 5V rail,
and they light when the microcontroller pulls that output pin low, to 0V.
This configuration was selected as the
micro’s output transistors are better at
sinking current than sourcing it, as is
typical. So they will deliver a higher
maximum current like this.
Assuming white or blue LEDs with
a forward voltage of around 3.3V and
a 5V supply, there will be around 1.7V
(5V – 3.3V) across the combination of
the 68W resistors and the micro’s output transistors.
With a 3V supply, the data says that
those output transistors can sink 10mA
with a 0.6V saturation voltage, implying an output impedance of 60W (0.6V
÷ 10mA). It might be lower with the
higher 5V supply voltage used in this
circuit, but let’s use 60W as the worstcase value.
That means the 1.7V is across 128W
(68W + 60W), so we can expect the
LEDs to be driven with a peak current of about 13mA (1.7V ÷ 128W).
LEDs with a lower forward voltage,
like red or amber, would receive more
current, likely around 20mA. So the
peak current is limited to a safe level.
The microcontroller can control the
average current using pulse-width
modulation (PWM).
One nice feature about this microcontroller is that its two PWM peripherals can be dynamically mapped to
any of its I/O pins. So as the light
‘rotates’, we can determine the two
edge LEDs and assign them to the
PWM peripherals to dim them. The
other LEDs are either fully off or full
on, as determined by the states of the
other digital outputs.
That means that all the LEDs are
controlled by hardware, with the software just needing to periodically recalculate which LEDs should be lit. It can
then update the PORT and PWM registers to advance the rotating light to
the next position.
Two trimpots, VR1 & VR2, connect
across the 5V supply with their wipers
Fig.2: the circuit is little more than eight LEDs driven by the microcontroller via current-limiting resistors, two
potentiometers to set the parameters and a simple linear power supply.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 59
Parts List – Rotating Light
1 double-sided black PCB coded 09101251, 20 × 20mm
8 high-brightness LEDs, 3mm/5mm through-hole or SMD
(SMA, M3216/1206 or M2012/0805 size), colour to suit application
1 PIC16F15224-I/SL 8-bit micro programmed with 0910125A.HEX, SOIC-14
1 MCP1703AT-5002E/CB 5V 250mA low-dropout linear regulator, SOT-23
1 RB491D 20V 1A schottky diode, SOT-23 (D1)
2 1μF 16V X7R ceramic chip capacitors, M3216/1206 size
2 10kW TC33X-2-103E SMD trimpots (VR1, VR2)
1 5.1kW SMD chip resistor, M2012/0805 size
8 68W SMD chip resistors, M2012/0805 size
1 length of light duty figure-8 wire, to supply power
1 5-12V DC 100mA power source
At upper right, the top side of
the PCB is shown at actual size.
The underside views of the SMD
and through-hole versions of the Rotating
Light project are shown enlarged.
LED selection
SMD LED kit (SC7462; $20 + postage) | TH LED kit (SC7463; $20 + postage)
Both kits includes all the parts listed above, except the power supply and wire
going to pins 8 & 11 of IC1. These are
both analog-capable pins, so we can
use the micro’s internal analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) to measure
these voltages. VR1 controls the speed
& direction of ‘rotation’, while VR2
controls the beam width & brightness.
Usually, you would put capacitors
on these pins to keep the AC impedance low, making the ADC results more
precise, but there isn’t a lot of room
on the PCB, so we’ve left them off.
We don’t need to make super accurate
measurements, and we can compensate for the lack of capacitors either by
tweaking the software or by eye when
making the adjustments.
In practice, we found that the ADC
measurements were close enough to
what you would expect based on the
trimpot positions without these extra
The 5.1kW pull-up resistor on the
MCLR pin (pin 4 of IC1) prevents
spurious resets, while the 1µF capacitor across its supply pins provides
Silicon Chip
If you’re going to power it from a regulated 5V supply like USB, you could
omit REG1 and solder a bridge between
its input and output pads. You could
also bypass D1, or replace it with a 0W
resistor, if you are certain that the supply polarity can’t be reversed.
The maximum recommended supply voltage is 12V due to REG1’s
absolute maximum rating of 16V.
With a 12V supply and 50mA average current draw, REG1 will dissipate
350mW ([12V – 5V] × 0.05A), giving
an expected temperature rise of nearly
120°C, which would put it close to its
shutdown temperature of 150°C at an
ambient temperature of just 30°C.
The PCB draws enough heat away
from REG1 that it’s unlikely to
shut down unless the current draw
exceeds 50mA. Still, if you intend
to run the Light with a bright, wide
beam, you’d be better off with a supply voltage below 12V; 6-9V would
be ideal. If you manage to overheat
REG1, it won’t be damaged; the light
will just shut off and then restart
when it cools down.
bypassing for stability. The 5.1kW
value is not critical; it could be 4.7kW,
10kW or another similar value.
All that remains is the simple
power supply. 5V low-dropout regulator REG1 ensures IC1 receives a
steady and safe voltage, even if the
incoming supply at CON1 varies.
Schottky diode D1 prevents any damage from occurring if the supply polarity is accidentally reversed at CON1,
while also having a modest (~0.3V)
voltage drop.
REG1 requires an input bypass and
output filter capacitor for stability, so
we have provided 1μF in both cases.
That is the minimum value for unconditional stability on the output, and is
more than enough for input bypassing.
The circuit can be run from a 5V supply (eg, from USB), although the LED
brightness will be reduced somewhat
as IC1 and the LEDs will only have a
supply of about 4.6V, ie, 5V minus D1’s
forward voltage (~0.3V) and REG1’s
dropout voltage (<100mV).
Australia's electronics magazine
The LEDs are arranged around the
outside and can be through-hole (3mm
or 5mm) or SMD types (M3216/1206
or M2012/0805). While side-emitting
SMD LEDs exist, we reckon it’s easier just to use regular SMD LEDs and
mount them on their sides, with the
emitters facing out. That’s how we
built our SMD prototype, shown in
the photos.
Some reasons we don’t think it’s
worth getting side-emitting SMD
LEDs are:
1. They are many times pricier than
the normal top-emitting type.
2. They aren’t that much easier to
solder than a top-emitting type facing sideways.
3. Many of them have a central pad
for extra support that could short out
the anode and cathode pads.
4. There are much more limited
choices of size and colour compared
to regular SMD LEDs.
5. Only the largest component sellers stock them.
Through-hole LEDs can be soldered
on either side of the board, while
SMD LEDs have to go on the top. You
could perhaps get away with soldering smaller SMD LEDs across the pads
on the bottom if you have a particular
reason to do that.
PCB design
The PCB is circular with a 20mm
diameter (10mm radius). By making
it black, we can hide it inside models,
so you only see the light when it’s on.
In the middle of the top side of the
PCB is the microcontroller, the two
small SMD adjustment trimpots, one of
the 1μF capacitors and the 5.1kW resistor. All the other components, like the
LED current-limiting resistors and the
remainder of the power supply, are in
the middle of the underside.
The power connections are two solder pads to which wires can be soldered from either side of the PCB, to
suit the installation.
The software (from
Shop/6/1837) is just under 200 lines
of C code. The PIC runs at 8MHz with
its internal Timer0 used to control the
rotation speed of the light and Timer2
to run the PWM peripherals used for
LED dimming. At power-up, it sets the
pins as analog inputs and digital outputs as required. It then initialises the
two timers and the ADC.
The main loop waits for Timer0 to
roll over, which happens every 4ms
or so. Each time, it adds the rotation
speed/direction to a 16-bit accumulator. It uses the accumulator value to
calculate the brightness for the eight
LEDs, then updates the output and
PWM states. The 8-bit PWM runs at
around 2kHz.
When Timer0 rolls over, it also measures the voltages at the two analog
inputs and applies a low-pass filter to
remove noise and glitches from those
readings. The new readings are used
for future light update calculations.
The code compiles to 1276 instruction words, taking up 2552 bytes of
the 8kiB of the available flash memory
(31.2%). The pro version of the XC8
compiler is not required.
The critical part that generates the
‘rotating’ light is actually quite simple.
If you mentally unwrap the circular
light pattern into a line, you end up
with a bi-directional chaser that ‘wraps
around’ from one end to the other. The
mathematics to calculate that, even
with the LED brightness smoothly
changing, is relatively simple.
In twin-beam mode, with VR2 closer
to the clockwise end than anti-clockwise, the chaser shifts so that there are
two lit areas exactly four LEDs apart.
Many lighthouses and sirens that use
actual rotating lights will emit light
from both ends, so this mode better
simulates that appearance.
The Rotating Light is built on a
sided PCB coded 09101251
that measures 20 × 20mm. The top and
bottom component overlay diagrams
are in Fig.3, with two versions shown
to suit SMD or through-hole LEDs.
Refer to those during construction to
see which parts go where.
If you find the small board slides
around while working on it, use a little Blu-Tack to temporarily stick it to
your work surface.
None of the components are terribly
hard to solder individually. We found
the main challenge to assembly was to
avoid accidental bridges between adjacent pads because they are quite close
together due to the small size of the
PCB, especially the two trimpots and
the two SOT-23 devices that mount
side-by-side. So it’s best to feed in solder carefully and use the minimum
necessary to form good fillets.
The microcontroller IC has fairly
widely spaced pins, on a 1.27mm
pitch and other parts have larger or
more widely spaced pins. So the actual
soldering of individual components is
not too difficult.
As there are parts on both sides,
once you have fitted the parts on one
side, the PCB won’t easily sit flat and
will tend to rock as you work on it.
To deal with this, you can either use
Blu-Tack as mentioned, or you could
do what we did and place the PCB on
top of a roll of solder-wicking braid.
This has a hole in the middle for the
components to fit in, so it can rest on
its edges and sit flat.
Of course, that depends on you having a similarly sized roll of braid to us,
but it worked surprisingly well for us.
Fig.3: the top side of the PCB has
the microcontroller, both trimpots,
one capacitor, one resistor and
either SMD or through-hole LEDs,
although TH LEDs can also be inserted from the bottom side. All the currentlimiting resistors are on the underside, along with most of the power supply.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 61
There is no provision to program
the microcontroller on the board, so
you’ll need to either purchase a pre-
programmed micro (from our Online
Shop, either individually or in a kit),
or program it yourself before soldering it. Our article on the PIC Programming Adaptor in the September 2023
issue (
explains how you can do it.
Once programmed, make sure you
have identified pin 1 on the chip and
lined it up with the marking on the
PCB (very important!). Also check it
against Fig.3, then tack-solder one pin.
Adding a little flux paste will help the
solder flow. Check the alignment of all
the other pins with their pads (now is
also a good time to double-check that
pin 1 is in the right place!).
If the positioning is not perfect,
remelt the solder joint and gently
nudge the chip into position. Once it’s
located correctly, solder the diagonally
opposite pin, then spread a little flux
paste down both sides of the chip, over
all the pins, and solder the remaining
pins. You can drag solder them, or do
them one at a time.
If solder bridges have developed
between any pins, clean them up by
adding a dab of flux paste and then
using a clean piece of solder wick to
remove the excess solder. Clean off the
flux residue with a suitable solvent,
then inspect the pins under magnification to ensure all the solder joints are
good (solder has flowed onto both the
pin and pad) and no bridges remain.
Solder the two trimpots similarly,
being careful to avoid bridges to adjacent pads due to their proximity to
IC pins and LED pads. We found the
trimpots were the trickiest parts of all
to solder because the pads didn’t stick
out very far from underneath them.
We’ve extended them in the final
version of the PCB, but there was limited space available to do so. Add flux
paste on both the PCB and component
leads before soldering need to be careful to check that the solder has flowed
down on the PCB pads before moving
on to other components.
With the trimpots soldered correctly, add the sole top-side capacitor
and one resistor. Finally, if you are fitting SMD LEDs, you can do that now.
Soldering the LEDs
We recommend soldering standard
SMD LEDs on their side, like in our
photos. First, figure out which end of
Silicon Chip
the LED is the cathode. You can do
this with a DMM on diode test mode.
When the LED lights up, the black
probe is on the cathode. It must go to
one of the pads marked “K” in Fig.3.
Start soldering each SMD LED by
adding solder to one of its pads. Due
to the through-holes, you’ll need to
add more than you might expect until
you get sufficient solder on the top
surface. You want a visible bulge so
enough solder will reach the pad on
the side of the LED, rather than the
bottom as usual.
The hardest part of soldering the
SMD LEDs on their side was picking
them up with the tweezers. We found
the easiest way was to pick them up
from the bench with one hand, rotate
them on their side, then grab them with
tweezers using the other hand. Make
sure the tweezer tips don’t extend past
the bottom of the LED or you won’t
be able to get it to sit flat on the PCB.
Once we had picked them up correctly, we found that soldering them
wasn’t too hard. Position the LED with
tweezers while keeping the solder on
that initial pad molten with your soldering iron. Remove the iron for a few
seconds to let it solidify, then check if
the position is good. If it is, add a fillet
to the other pad. The LEDs don’t need
to be perfectly aligned but it helps if
they are close.
If you aren’t happy with the LED
position, you can grab it again with
the tweezers, reheat the initial joint
and nudge it into place.
Once both sides are soldered, you
may need to add a dab of flux paste
to the first pad and heat it to reflow
the solder and form a nice, shiny fillet.
With all the top-side components
fitted, flip the board over and add the
remaining SMDs, as shown in Fig.3.
Don’t get D1 & REG1 mixed up. None
of the other components are polarised.
If using through-hole LEDs, bend
their leads consistently and solder
them in place now. You can insert them
from either side of the PCB but make
sure when you bend the leads that the
shorter (cathode) lead will always go
into a pad marked “K” in Fig.3.
Now solder the power leads to their
pads. They are marked with + and –
symbols on one side of the PCB. You
can solder them from either side.
If you have a current-limited supply,
set it to 6V and 25-50mA. Otherwise,
Australia's electronics magazine
you could include a series resistor
(eg, 100W 5W from a 12V supply) to
limit the current in the event of a fault.
Apply power and check the current
flow. Depending on the trimpot positions, it should be around 10-20mA
and should definitely not exceed
50mA. Verify that the LEDs light up
and start to sequence.
If the current draw is too high,
switch off and inspect the board for
faults, such as solder bridges between
pads or pins, or incorrectly placed or
orientated components. Perform similar checks if there is no current draw
or nothing happens. Also check that all
solder joints have been made correctly.
If it operates but some LEDs don’t
light, likely they are faulty, their solder joints are bad, or they are shorted
to an adjacent pad. If it appears to be
working, try adjusting VR1 & VR2 to
verify that you can change the rotation
speed, direction and beam brightness/
width as expected.
We found that many of our Phillips
head screwdrivers of various sizes
failed to actually rotate the trimpot.
We had to search around until we
found a slotted screwdriver of the perfect size before we could get sufficient
purchase. After that, we could make
easy and precise adjustments.
With VR1 centred, rotation is very
slow; if it is perfectly centred, the
light will not rotate, or just barely. It
‘accelerates’ in either direction as you
move towards the clockwise or anti-
clockwise extremes. This gives a reasonable range of speed options without
making the adjustment super fiddly.
With VR2 centred, you will have
a narrow (45°), dim beam. As you
move it anti-clockwise, the beam will
first start to brighten, then widen. At
about halfway between anti-clockwise
and the centre, you will have a bright
45° beam. As you move closer to
anti-clockwise, the beam will get
wider and wider until it occupies
almost the whole circumference.
Rotating it from the centre clockwise is similar except that you will
have two opposing 45° beams that get
brighter, then wider.
If you want to power this board from
a USB supply, we have an upcoming
article on USB Power Adaptors. You
would need to join the two boards
with a short length of light-duty twin
lead or similar.
ilicon Chip
Kits, parts and much more
Compact OLED Clock
& Timer
September 2024
Short-Form Kit
SC6979: $45
This kit includes everything needed to build
the OLED clock, except the UB5 Jiffy box and
Li-ion cell.
Dual Mini LED Dice
August 2024
Micromite-Explore 40
October 2024
Complete Kit
SC6991: $35
SMD LED Complete Kit
SC6961: $17.50
TH LED Complete Kit
SC6849: $17.50
Includes either 3mm through-hole or 1206sized SMD LEDs. Choice of either white or
black PCB. CR2032 coin cell not included.
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts. Audio
Breakout board and Pico BackPack are sold
Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier
Complete Kit
SC6885: $70
Capacitor Discharger
December 2024
December 2024
& January 2025
This kit includes everything required to build the Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier. The case is
included, but you will need your own power supply.
Programmable Frequency Divider
Complete Kit
SC6959: $60
Includes all onboard components, except for a power supply and the optional programming header.
Short-Form Kit
SC7404: $30
Includes the PCB, resistors, semis, mounting
hardware and banana sockets. Case, heatsink,
thermal switch and wiring are not supplied.
→ Subscribers receive a 10% discount on all purchases, except for subscriptions (postage is not discounted).
→ Prices listed do not include postage. Postage rates within Australia start at $12, rates are calculated at the checkout.
By Andrew Levido
Part 6: Digital-to-Analog Conversion
The first five parts of this series have concentrated on sources of error & imprecision
in analog circuitry, such as gain errors, offset voltages, bias currents & noise. These
days, most analog circuitry eventually interfaces with the digital realm, such as with a
microcontroller, so we also need to understand the precision approach to ADCs & DACs.
n this series so far, we have covered precision electronics from a purely analog
perspective. We designed a simple
multi-range current-sensing circuit
that could be used in a bench-top
power supply. It had an analog precision of around ±0.06% at 25°C after
trimming out fixed errors.
The idea was that the analog measurement voltage would be digitised
via an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC), with the trimming and calibration carried out digitally. We will
therefore ultimately need to design
an ADC subsystem that will have
similar or better performance to the
analog circuitry we have already
However, the topic of interfacing
digital and analog electronics is a big
one and quite complex. So I am going
to cover it over two articles, starting
here with some general principles and
then taking a look a digital-to-analog
converters (DACs) with a real-world
example, before moving on to ADCs
next month.
We will also need to take a look at
voltage references in a later article,
since any discussion of ADCs/DACs
would be otherwise incomplete.
Quantisation errors
A digital system like a microcontroller has to represent an analog quantity using a binary-coded number.
This can be a simple unsigned integer (zero or a positive whole number)
if we are representing a quantity that
is always positive, or an offset binary
or signed (two’s complement) integer
if the quantity can be both positive
and negative.
Table 1 shows how typical ADCs
and DACs represent such quantities, using 8-bit numbers as an example. Notice that the resolution of the
two’s-complement and offset integers
are lower because the input span is
twice the full scale value.
It might seem obvious, but you
need to take this into account when
choosing a converter. It’s all too easy
to fall into the trap of thinking about
Fig.1: the relationship between analog input or output and digital code for an
ideal 3-bit converter. (b) is more representative of real-life devices where the
quantisation error is usually ±½LSB.
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Australia's electronics magazine
full-scale instead of span in these circumstances.
In an ideal converter, the relationship between the analog input or output and the digital code will be as
shown in Fig.1. The horizontal axis
is the digital code (in this case, three
bits for simplicity), while the vertical
scale is the analog value as a fraction
of full scale.
The green line represents an ideal
transfer function, but since the digital codes are discrete, there must
be transition points, shown by the
black dots.
Taking the chart on the left as an
example, for an ADC, the code would
be zero for an input of zero volts and
it would remain so for input voltages
up to ⅛ of full scale, at which point
there will be a transition to the 001
code. For a DAC, the output voltage
will be somewhere below ⅛ of full
scale if the code is 000.
It’s obvious that there is a degree
of error inherent in any such converter, since the transition points
The vertical axes in Figs.2a-2d are
the analog voltages.
Table 1 – ADC and DAC numerial coding schemes
Unsigned Integer
Two's Complement
Offset Binary
+Full Scale
+Full Scale − 1
−Full Scale + 1
−Full Scale
are separated by one least significant
bit (LSB) of the input code. This is
called quantisation error and is an
inescapable consequence of the discrete nature of digital systems. In this
example, the quantisation error at any
point on the transfer function will be
somewhere between zero and one LSB.
The chart on the right side of Fig.1
is a more realistic example of how
a converter is configured; the ideal
transfer function is the same, but the
transitions are shifted ½ of one LSB so
that they occur between the nominal
analog values. In this case, the quantisation error is the same magnitude,
but is ±½ LSB either side of the nominal value.
Quantisation error can add noise
to an AC signal. If we were to apply a
linear ramp signal to an ADC, or try
to generate a linear ramp with a DAC,
the error would look like that shown
at the bottom of Fig.1b. The quantisation error would appear as a sawtooth
wave with an amplitude of ±½LSB.
We can calculate the signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of a digitised sawtooth or
triangular waveform. If we have a converter with n bits, the maximum amplitude of an AC waveform can be ½ ×
2n LSB. The noise amplitude is ½LSB,
so the SNR is 20log10(2n) or approximately 6.02n decibels.
But this only applies to sawtooth
and triangle waveforms where the
signal has a uniform error distribution. For sinewaves, we have to use
the approximation SNR = 1.76 + 6.02n
decibels to allow for the uneven error
distribution. For an 8-bit converter,
the SNR due only to quantising will
be around 50dB, and for a 12-bit converter, it will be 74dB.
This is pretty significant; hence,
high-fidelity audio ADCs and DACs
use many bits and careful filtering to
maximise the SNR.
Quantisation error is therefore
defined by the resolution of the converter. You obviously need to select a
converter with sufficient bits to give
you the resolution that your application requires. Typically, you need even
more bits to account for some of the
other errors that can occur.
Further ADC & DAC errors
You will see ADC and DAC errors
expressed in a range of terms, so it
can be a bit confusing at first. We
have already seen quantisation error
expressed in least significant bits
(LSB), but you will also see errors
expressed as relative errors (percentages or parts per million) and in absolute terms like millivolts.
You can convert LSB to a percentage
error by dividing it by 2n (where n is
the number of bits, ie, the resolution)
and applying the appropriate scaling.
For example, the ½LSB quantisation
error on an 8-bit converter will be
about 0.2% (100% × ½ ÷ 28), while on
a 12-bit converter, it would be 122ppm
(106 × ½ ÷ 212).
We have seen in past instalments
that it can be useful to have errors
in both absolute and relative terms,
depending on whether we are adding
or multiplying uncertain quantities.
Fig.2 shows the four most common
types of error that are relevant for
ADCs and DACs. Offset error (Fig.2a)
is a fixed shift in transition points
away from their ideal locations. If
measured in LSB, it is defined by
the difference between the value of
the first code transition and its ideal
value. It is most often specified as an
absolute voltage, just like an op amp’s
offset voltage.
As you might expect, there can also
be a gain error (Fig.2b) if the slope of
the transfer function deviates from
the ideal. In LSB, it is defined by the
Fig.2: ADCs and DACs have four main types of error shown in these graphs: offset error, gain error, integral nonlinearity
(INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL). If the DNL exceeds ±1LSB, the converter can exhibit non-monotonicity, as
shown in (d).
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 65
difference between the last code transition point and its ideal counterpart,
but it is more often specified as a relative error.
There is also the possibility that the
transfer function will deviate from the
ideal by not being completely linear
(Fig.2c). There are two common measures of linearity error: differential
nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL).
INL is the maximum deviation of
the transfer function from the ideal
over the whole conversion range,
while DNL is the maximum difference between the width of a code
and its ideal width (1 LSB). A DNL
of more than ±1LSB implies a loss of
monotonicity, as shown in Fig.2d. A
monotonic curve is one that always
increases (or decreases).
Fig.3: a resistor string DAC has
2n matched resistors forming a
voltage divider. Analog switches
select one ‘tap’ off this divider
for each input code. A 16bit DAC of this type will
have 65,536 matched
resistor and a
similar number of
analog switches!
Fig.4: an R-2R DAC uses just 2n
matched resistors and switches to
achieve 2n output voltage steps. This
architecture is also useful for lowresolution ‘roll-your-own’ DACs using
microcontroller GPIOs in the place of
the analog switches.
Silicon Chip
The INL is the specification to care
about if you are looking for the best
overall accuracy – for example, to generate or measure a voltage with minimal error. However, if you are using
the DAC or ADC in a control loop, you
may want to focus on DNL.
The control loop’s servo action will
look after the INL if it is relatively
‘smooth’, but ‘patches’ of inconsistent
gain (or worse, non-monotonicity) can
cause control glitches like dead spots
or even points of instability.
Total unadjusted error
The ‘total unadjusted error’ (TUE) is
a figure that describes the total maximum error for a converter. This is very
handy for calculating the error budget.
Sometimes manufacturers specify the
TUE in the data sheet – either in LSB
or as a relative error – but you can calculate it yourself if necessary.
To do so, you convert the offset,
gain and INL errors to the same format, and add them using the root-sumof-squares method (since the error
sources are uncorrelated). We will
do this for our DAC example later in
this article.
Resistor string DACs
Enough theory – let’s take a look at
a few practical DACs. One common
(and fairly obvious) way to construct a
DAC is with a resistor string, as shown
in Fig.3. A string of 2n equal-value
resistors are used together with a set
of binary-weighted analog switches to
switch one ‘tap’ of the string to a buffer and out to an external pin.
The output voltage is Vref(N ÷ 2n),
where n is the DAC resolution in bits
and N is the input code, which ranges
from zero to 2n – 1.
This type of DAC is guaranteed
monotonic by design, and can have
quite good linearity since it is possible
to match on-chip resistors well. They
can also have good temperature stability for the same reason. It is possible
to get DACs with up to 16 bits of resolution that use this architecture. The
AD5689 we will use in our test circuit
is a good example.
This means the chip contains a
string of 65,536 matched resistors and
a similar number of double-throw analog switches, or equivalent, for each
channel. Amazing!
R-2R ladder DACs
The R-2R ladder is a variant on the
Australia's electronics magazine
resistor string DAC that uses a lot
fewer resistors. Instead of requiring
2n resistors, we can get away with just
2n, using the circuit shown in Fig.4.
Only one double-throw analog switch
is required for each bit.
The simplified circuit means you
can get R-2R DACs with up to 20 bits
or more of resolution. They also can
have quite good linearity and temperature coefficients. The output voltage
is Vref(N ÷ 2n), just like the resistor
string DAC.
Another useful property of the
R-2R ladder DAC is that you can easily improvise one with an op amp, a
handful of resistors and a few digital
outputs. The analog switches in Fig.4
effectively switch between Vref and
0V, so they could be replaced with
totem-pole digital outputs (say, microcontroller GPIOs), creating a basic
3-bit DAC.
The performance will be average,
since the reference voltage will be
the digital supply voltage and you
will probably use 1% resistors, but
if you only need a few levels, this
can be a handy technique to create a
‘free’ DAC.
Current output & multiplying
A variation of the R-2R ladder DAC
that provides an output current rather
than a voltage allows us to build ‘multiplying DACs’.
Strictly speaking, all DACs effectively multiply the reference voltage
by the digital code, but many have
internal references or external ones
that only accept voltages of one polarity. A multiplying DAC can operate
in two or four quadrants, as shown
in Fig.5.
In both cases, the DACs, shown
inside the dashed box, are identical.
Since the Iout pin is sitting at 0V courtesy of op amp IC1, the current coming out of the pin is N ÷ 2n × Vin ÷ R.
You can see from the circuit that this
equation will hold even if Vin is negative (in which case, the current will
flow into the pin).
This current is converted to a voltage by IC1, which is configured as an
inverting amplifier. The output voltage
of the two-quadrant multiplying DAC
will be -N ÷ 2n × Vin, where Vin can
be positive or negative.
You will notice that the feedback
resistor is provided within the DAC IC
and is matched to the resistors in the
Fig.5: multiplying DACs use a current source architecture to achieve twoquadrant or four-quadrant operation. In both circuits, the reference can be of
either polarity or an AC voltage.
R-2R ladder. This is important because
the semiconductor manufacturing process can produce on-chip resistors that
are very well matched in value or ratio,
but their absolute value is more difficult to control.
Using an external resistor would
almost certainly introduce large gain
errors and poor temperature stability.
Fig.5 also shows a four-quadrant
version of the same circuit, which
is identical in operation to the
two-quadrant one but has an added
(inverting) summing amplifier stage
(IC2) that scales up the DAC output
and offsets it by Vin. If we consider
the code to be a signed value using
the offset binary representation, we
can effectively multiply a bipolar
input voltage by a positive or negative integer.
Multiplying DACs can be very useful in signal processing, for example,
as a very fine-grained programmable gain stage. They are also useful
in making precise ratiometric measurements.
For example, if you excite some
sensor (such as strain gauge) using
a voltage produced by a multiplying
DAC and digitise the resulting signal
with an ADC that uses the same voltage reference, any error or drift in the
reference is cancelled. The resulting
readings are the true ratio of input to
output independent of the excitation
Delta-sigma DACs
Another class of DACs worth mentioning are the delta-sigma converters that you frequently encounter in
audio applications. Delta-sigma DACs
typically have very high resolution
(20+ bits) to minimise quantisation
noise and have spectacular linearity
to ensure low harmonic distortion.
We don’t normally use delta-sigma
DACs in precision applications
because their DC performance is generally not great, probably because
this does not matter in audio applications. Oddly, there are plenty of very
high-precision delta-sigma ADCs that
work very well at DC, as we shall see
next time.
Pulse-width modulation
We should not neglect pulse-width
modulation (PWM) as a potential type
of DAC, especially in microcontroller circuits where dedicated PWM
peripherals are commonplace. Fig.6
shows the simplest possible configuration with a PWM output and an RC
low-pass filter.
The time constant of the low-pass
filter has to be much longer than
the PWM period (Tpwm) to produce
an average of the PWM waveform
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.6: a PWM DAC can be as
simple as a microcontroller’s
PWM output and an RC filter.
The lower circuit uses a
complimentary PWM signal to
improve ripple and settling time
proportional to its duty cycle. A longer time constant with respect to Tpwm
means better averaging and a lower
output ripple. The worst-case ripple
occurs at 50% duty cycle and is given
by Vripple = Vfs(Tpwm ÷ 4RC).
The downside of having a long
time constant (and lower ripple) is a
slow response of the output voltage to
changes in the PWM duty cycle.
Stephen Woodward published a
really neat technique to address this
problem in an EDN article published
in 2017. Woodward showed that the
time for the output voltage to settle to
within the ripple voltage for a given
change in duty cycle is Tsettle = RC ×
loge(Vfs ÷ Vripple).
If we wanted to make a PWM DAC
equivalent to a conventional DAC with
8-bit resolution, we would require
that the peak-to-peak ripple be 1LSB
(or 1/256 of the full-scale voltage), corresponding to the quantising noise.
The first equation above tells us this
requires an RC time constant 64 times
the PWM period.
The settling time (from the second equation) will therefore be 355
× Tpwm. Depending on what you are
doing, that could be a long time! For
10kHz PWM, this is a settling time of
35ms. If you wanted a 10-bit resolution, the settling time would be even
worse at 177ms.
April 2025 67
Woodward’s ingenious solution is
shown at the bottom of Fig.6. Here, an
inverted version of the PWM signal is
injected into the output via a series RC
network to cancel the ripple. I have
shown this coming from a complimentary PWM output on the microcontroller, but a logic gate inverter
would work equally well.
If the new resistor and capacitor are
the same value as the original ones,
the ripple equation becomes Vripple
= ½Vfs × (Tpwm ÷ 4RC)2 and the settling time becomes Tsettle = ½Tpwm ×
√(Vfs ÷ Vripple) × loge(Vfs ÷ Vripple).
Using the 8-bit example above, the
RC time constant required to achieve
the ripple target reduces from 64 to
just four PWM periods, and the settling time reduces from 355Tpwm to
44Tpwm (or 4.4ms at 10kHz). This is
an eightfold improvement in settling
In the 10-bit case, the settling time
reduces to 11ms from 177ms for the
original circuit. It turns out you don’t
even need precision components to
achieve these improvements. It is sufficient to use 1% tolerance resistors
and 10% tolerance capacitors. This is
a circuit well worth knowing.
Other DAC types
If we agree that a duty-cycle-to-
analog converter like the PWM example above is a form of DAC, we should
also consider a frequency-to-voltage
converter to be one too. Fig.7 shows a
typical example using an LM331 IC.
This circuit works as follows.
A square wave of frequency Fin
is differentiated by the RC network
connected to pin 6, creating negative-
going spikes on each falling edge.
When these fall below the threshold
set by the resistor divider connected
to pin 7, the upper comparator sets
the RS flip-flop.
When the flip-flop is set, the discharge transistor on pin 5 is switched
off, and capacitor Ct begins to charge
via Rt. When this voltage reaches
2/3Vcc, the lower comparator resets the
flip-flop, discharging Ct. This means
the flip-flop is set for a fixed duration
each time a falling edge on the input
The analog switch connected to the
flip-flop’s output directs a fixed current out of pin 1 during this period.
The current is converted to a voltage
by Rl and averaged by the RlCl lowpass filter.
Fig.7: a frequency-to-voltage converter is also a useful type of DAC. This
circuit shows how an LM331 can be used to create a simple but quite
respectable DAC.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The level of this current is precisely
controlled by the circuit connected to
pin 2. An on-board bandgap reference
and op amp ensure a precise 1.9V is
always present on pin 2, meaning a
current of 1.9V ÷ Rs flows out of this
pin and therefore out of the current
mirror to the analog switch.
A practical example
Fig.8 shows an extract of a circuit
I designed some time ago for a precision instrument. This part of the circuit includes a voltage reference, a
two-channel DAC and a couple of op
amps. The output is intended to be a
±2.0V precision voltage programmable
by the microcontroller.
I will step through the operation
and error analysis for this circuit, so it
will be helpful to follow both the schematic and the error budget (Table 2).
The operating temperature range for
this device is 15-35°C, reflecting its
intended use in a laboratory setting.
The MAX6225 provides a very
stable, very accurate 2.5V reference (±200ppm initial accuracy,
±2ppm/°C). An inverted copy of the
reference is provided by the inverting
amplifier (IC1), an LTC2057 zero-drift
op amp. The inverting op amp uses
relatively high value resistors (10kW)
to minimise the load on the precision
These resistors are high-precision
(0.01%) types with very low thermal
drift (±5ppm/°C), since we don’t want
to compromise the performance of an
expensive reference. The LTC2057 has
very low input offset voltage (±4µV)
and even lower offset drift (±15nV/°C),
as we would expect from a “zero drift”
op amp.
Because we have used relatively
high value resistors, I have included
the op amp’s input offset current error
in the table on line 3. You can see from
line 4 of the table that the total error
at the input of the reference inverter
is dominated by the reference error
and is 0.02%.
You can see why I selected 0.01%
resistors for this circuit – to keep the
gain error down to a similar order of
magnitude as the reference error. This
leads to a total error for the negative
reference of 0.047% over the temperature range, compared to a total error
of 0.022% for the positive reference.
I was not 100% happy with the negative reference error, but figured that as
I was only making a handful of these
Fig.8: this is an excerpt from a circuit which uses a
voltage reference, a DAC and a couple of op amps to
create a programmable ±2V with a resolution of less
than 200µV. The untrimmed error is better than ±0.03%.
devices, my results would likely be
much better. The odds of two identical resistors being at the opposite
extremes of tolerance are low enough
that if I did find an outlier, I could manually select resistors to fix it.
The measured results show both
references to be within 0.01% of each
other on the prototype.
The positive 2.5V reference is
applied to the DAC. I used a very nice
dual-channel, 16-bit resistor-string
DAC. It can be configured for a gain
of one or two. I used a gain of two to
make the subsequent circuit design
simpler. This means the full-scale output is 5.0V.
In this configuration, the DAC has
an offset error of ±1.5mV, a gain error
of 0.1% and an INL of ±1LSB. Thanks
to the manufacturer for specifying
the three key figures in three different ways!
That said, this is pretty good performance for a DAC, especially the
INL. I converted all these figures to
relative errors in the table and added
them using the root-sum-of-squares
method to arrive at a TUE of 0.104%,
dominated by the gain error. The data
sheet actually provides a TUE figure
of 0.1%, so I did this exercise to just
demonstrate how TUE is calculated. It
is nice when theory and reality agree!
Table 2: positive/negative voltage references, DAC & offset amp errors
Since the voltage at the output of
the DAC is the reference multiplied
through the DAC coefficient, the total
error is calculated as the sum of relative
errors on line 12. We get a total error
here of 0.127% over the full temperature range (0.124% + 0.003%), dominated by the DAC gain error of 0.1%.
I’m not usually a proponent of ‘typical’ specifications, but if our DAC was
within the typical range, the total error
would be closer to 0.05%.
Finally, the 0-5V DAC output is
summed with the negative reference
(and inverted) by IC2. This produces
an output voltage that ranges from
+2.5V when the DAC code is zero
At Nominal 25°C
Additional error over
15-35°C (Nominal ±10°C)
Nominal Value Abs. Error
Rel. Error Abs. Error
Rel. Error
1 MAX6225ACASA+ (±200ppm, ±2ppm/˚C)
2 Op Amp: LTC2057 (Vos ±4µV, 15nV/˚C)
3 Op Amp Ios × 10kW || 10kW: LM7301 (Ios ±400pA, ±1pA/˚C)
4 Voltage at Op Amp Input (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3)
5 Op Amp Gain: R/R Stackpole RNCF0603TKY10K00 (0.01%, 5ppm/˚C)
6 +Vref error (Line 1)
7 −Vref error (Line 4 × Line 5)
8 DAC Offset error: AD5689 (±1.5mV, ±1µV/˚C)
9 DAC Gain error: AD5689 (0.1%, ±1ppm/˚C)
10 DAC Linearity: AD5689 (INL ±1LSB, DNL ±1LSB)
11 DAC total unadjusted error (root sum of squares Lines 8-10)
12 DAC total error (Line 6 × Line 11)
13 Op Amp: LTC2057 (Vos ±4µv, 15nV/˚C)
14 Op Amp Ios × 1kW || 1kW || 1kW: LM7301 (Ios ±400pA, ±1pA/˚C)
15 Op Amp Gain: R/R Stackpole ACASA1002U1002P1AT (0.05%, 5ppm/˚C) 1
16 Voltage at Op Amp Input (Line 7 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14)
17 Voltage at Op Amp Output (Line 15 × Line 16)
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(0x0000), to almost -2.5V when the
DAC code is full scale (0xFFFF).
The error budget for this circuit is
similar to the previous examples. This
time, I used low-cost resistor arrays
with ±0.05% tolerances on the matching. If I had used individual 0.01%
resistors for this, there would be a
0.03% error due to there being three
resistors involved. The improvement
of 0.02% does not justify the extra
cost given the other sources of error
in the circuit.
There are a couple of things worth
noting before we discuss the results
this circuit produced. First, you will
see that I am only using a range of ±2V,
not the full ±2.5V the circuit is capable
of. This is because near zero and full
scale, the DAC output is prone to errors,
since these are right at its power supply
rails. We already know that no output
can truly swing all the way to the rails.
Avoiding the ends of the span costs
us some precision, since the whole
range of codes is not used. In this case,
the valid codes are 6553 to 58,981 for
a 4V span, giving us a resolution of
about 191µV, which is plenty for my
You should always avoid the
extremes of DAC & ADC ranges in precision applications. You can go much
closer than I have here, but there will
probably be errors right at the edges.
I have also taken a lot of care with
the power supplies. It is not worth
spending good money on precision
components and skimping on the
power supply. The digital and analog
supplies come from separate linear
regulators. I included a ferrite bead on
the analog supply to the DAC, more
to protect the rest of the circuit from
glitches caused by the DAC switching
than vice versa.
I first measured the positive and negative references and found they were
+2.50015V and -2.49989V, both well
under 0.01% away from the nominal
value and within 0.01% of each other.
I measured the output voltages
at code intervals of 400 hexadecimal (1024 decimal) over the full
range. With a code of zero, I measured +2.49930V (0.028% error). At
0x8000, I measured 481µV (0.019%
error), while at full scale (0xFFFF),
I measured -2.45720 (-1.7% error).
As mentioned above, we expect the
extremes to be poor.
If we look at the range of interest, the
error is never worse than +0.024%; in
fact, it is also never less than +0.018%,
suggesting we have an offset error,
albeit a small one. Sure enough, the
absolute error ranges from 460µV to
610µV and averages 550µV.
Can we trim this error somehow?
My circuit also includes an ADC, and
switching that allows me to measure
the voltage we are concerned with. If
we were to measure the voltage with
the code 0x8000 (corresponding with
0V out), we would be able to measure
the 481µV offset and correct for it in
We could similarly measure the
voltage at either end of the span (±2V
nominal) and correct for that. This is
easier said than done, and we will look
into it in more detail in a later article.
I also performed a full noise analysis
of this circuit, which I have included
in Table 3. I won’t go into the gory
details since I used the same techniques I described in the last article.
Overall, the RMS noise voltage should
be around 1.4µV over a 10Hz bandwidth. That does not include quantisation noise, since this is a DC application.
The biggest contributor is the DAC
noise, with the reference coming in
next. Given the 191µV resolution of the
DAC, this level of noise is not going
to impact the precision of our circuit.
In summary, we can almost certainly get to an overall precision close
to that of the reference at 0.02%, and
it is pretty hard to do any better than
Table 3 – noise analysis with 10Hz nominal bandwidth
Noise Source
Noise Voltage (RMS)
1 Positive reference noise MAX6225 (15nV/√Hz, fc100Hz)
fb straddles fc so use f = fb + fcloge(10) = 240Hz
2 Ref inverter amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (11nV/√Hz)
Data shows noise flat from 0.1Hz to 10Hz
3 Ref inverter amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (170fA/√Hz)
10kW || 10kW resistors in inverting input
4 Ref inverter 10kW input resistor & feedback resistor
5 Negative reference noise
Line 1 + Noise Gain (2) × Line 2 #
6 DAC noise AD5689 (300nV/√Hz)
Use fb = 10Hz
7 DAC output noise
Line 6 + Line 1
8 Summing amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (11nV/√Hz)
Data shows noise flat from 0.1Hz to 10Hz
9 Summing amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (170fA/√Hz)
10kW || 10kW || 10kW resistors in inverting input
10 10kW input resistors & feedback resistor
11 Scaled output noise
Line 7 + Line 5 #
# other errors are at least an order of magnitude smaller, so they can be ignored
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Complete kit which includes the PCB and all onboard components (see p60, Apr25):
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(APR 25)
(MAR 25)
(FEB 25)
(FEB 25)
(DEC 24)
(DEC 24)
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts (see p75, Apr25)
The Pico Audio Analyser kit from Nov23, but with an unprogrammed Pico 2
Complete kit: includes all components (see p85, Feb25)
Complete kit: includes all required items, except the cell (see p67, Feb25)
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Includes the PCB and all components that mount on it, the mounting hardware
(without heatsink) and banana sockets (see p36, Dec24)
(DEC 24)
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required, see page 71 in the December 2024 issue for more details.
- Pico Computer Board kit (SC7374)
- Pico Digital Video Terminal kit (SC6917)
Separate/Optional Components:
- PWM Audio Module kit (SC7376)
- ESP-PSRAM64H 64Mb SPI PSRAM chip (SC7377)
- DS3231 real-time clock SOIC-16 IC (SC5103)
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Includes all required parts except the coin cell (see p71, Nov24)
(NOV 24)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB and all semiconductors except the
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Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB, Raspberry Pi Pico (unprogrammed),
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Complete kit: choice of white or black PCB solder mask (see page 50, August 2024)
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All kits come with the PCB and all onboard components (see page 81, June24)
- Adjustable SMD kit (SC6948)
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(JUN 24)
The 433MHz LIPD (low interference potential device)
band is used by many devices for radio control. There
is no need to apply for a class licence, and the availability of low-cost modules means it is easy
to create a custom wireless link. As it is no longer so easy to get these modules locally, we have
created our own version, which is a direct replacement for commercial equivalents.
e’ve published many projects
that operate on the 433MHz
LIPD band. Many include a transmitter and receiver module pair, or one
or the other to interface with existing
equipment. The existence of drop-in
radio modules has made this quite
ACMA, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, is
responsible for the regulation of this
radio band.
According to the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence document, this band covers 433.05MHz
to 434.79MHz, actually excluding
433MHz and being fairly well centred
on 434MHz. Many devices (including
this Transmitter) operate at a nominal
The general provisions of the licence
are that a person may operate a radio
transmitter in one of the LIPD bands
so long as the prescribed frequencies
and equivalent isotropically radiated
power (EIRP) restrictions are observed.
In other words, a paid licence is not
needed if the licence conditions are
obeyed. For the spectrum between
433.05MHz and 434.79MHz, the EIRP
is not to exceed 25mW. The full licence
details can be found at
There is the proviso that a device
“is generally not expected to suffer
interference, but may under specific
circumstances”. We’ve heard stories
of garage or car remote controls that
Silicon Chip
stopped working because of interference from another source, so it can
There are some other restrictions
relating to areas near specific astronomical observatories and the like.
The upshot is that as long as you
can comply with some fairly simple
restrictions, anyone can transmit on
this band.
Past projects
Nearly all of our projects using
433/434MHz transmitters and receivers have used prebuilt modules. Typical transmitter modules include Jaycar’s ZW3100 and Altronics’ Z6900;
the corresponding receiver modules
are the Jaycar ZW3102 and Altronics
We’ve written about these as far
back as Part 6 of Stan Swan’s PICAXE
series (July 2003;
Article/3908). That was about when
these modules started to become
available. We have noticed some local
suppliers warning they will be discontinued soon, though.
We recently started incorporating
discrete transmitter circuits into some
of our designs. The Remote Control
Range Extender from January 2022
( and the
Secure Remote Switch from December
2023 and January 2024 (siliconchip.
au/Series/408) both did so.
They incorporate custom circuitry
built around an RF chip, the MICRF113
ASK Transmitter IC. ASK is short for
‘amplitude-shift keying’, where digital
data is encoded as different amplitude
levels of the carrier wave.
To ensure all these projects could
still be built, we decided to design
this drop-in replacement for the tiny
transmitter modules. Our Transmitter
design has the same size, shape and
pinout, so is interchangeable. Later
we’ll look at some minor differences
from the modules; they are mostly
Fig.1: a typical application for these sorts of modules is to create a wireless link.
The DATA signal is usually a bit stream with a specific type of serial encoding,
rather than a plain HIGH/LOW digital level. The antenna is often a quarterwave monopole in the form of a piece of wire about 170mm long.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: the Transmitter circuit mostly consists of the recommended RF capacitors
and inductors for the MICRF113, along with a 13.56MHz crystal to set the
carrier frequency. We added a voltage regulator and DATA input protection
circuitry to allow operation with 3.3V or 5V systems.
improvements made possible by the
MICRF113 chip.
Module overview
We also thought that this was a
good time to take a deeper look at
these modules, their general operating parameters and what their limitations are. There are of course many
cheap versions available from online
sellers, and the available information
can be limited.
The transmitter module is our focus
in this article, although we will look at
how the receiver extracts the signal of
interest from the busy radio spectrum.
This information is presented at the
end of the article, in case you are only
interested in building the Transmitter.
Fig.1 shows a typical arrangement
used to provide a wireless link. It is
as simple as supplying power to the
transmitter module and providing a
data signal. What goes in the DATA pin
on the transmitter generally comes out
at the DATA pin on the receiver, subject to the limitations of the modules,
which we also discuss later.
Transmission over distances of up to
100m are possible in open air.
Usually, the data is an encoded
packet reporting a status or a command. The packets are brief (perhaps
0.1s in duration) and are only transmitted occasionally, which helps to
avoid interference with other equipment. Even if one packet interferes
with another device, it’s unlikely the
intervals between packets will match
exactly, so they will only interfere
The software at each end is often
designed to encode an identity (possibly using DIP switches or the like),
as well as the command or data. This
is so that a similar nearby transmitter
does not trigger a receiver unless both
share the same identity value. Some
codes also include a checksum to validate the integrity of the data.
Circuit details
Much of the circuitry needed,
shown in Fig.2, is outlined in the data
sheet for the MICRF113 chip. It should
come as no surprise that it is also similar to the Discrete Transmitter for the
Secure Remote Switch.
As well as IC1, the MICRF113, there
is 13.56MHz crystal X1, along with its
requisite load capacitors, operating
as a frequency reference. IC1 uses an
internal ×32 PLL (phase-locked loop)
to multiply that up to 433.92MHz.
The capacitors and inductors on the
PAOUT pin (which delivers the RF
signal) form a signal matching network to limit the transmitted harmonics.
The LINK resistor should normally
be a 0W jumper, but a resistor can be
used instead to reduce the output RF
power and thus the necessary supply
current. There are more details on this
in the MICRF113 data sheet. A solder
blob across its pads would also work!
The MICRF113 has an operating
supply voltage range of 1.8-3.6V; we
Australia's electronics magazine
have chosen a nominal 3.3V and added
a voltage regulator to provide this. The
current demand is about 2mA in the
quiescent state and 12mA when transmitting, so a small regulator is all that
is needed.
We used the MCP1700, which
can handle up to 6V at its input, as
we expect in most cases it will be
receiving 5V. Its dropout voltage at
the expected load levels is less than
0.1V, so it won’t cause a problem if a
lower supply voltage like 3.3V is used
instead. The two 1μF capacitors are
required by the regulator for stability,
while the 100nF capacitor provides
local supply bypassing for IC1.
Finally, the incoming data signal
(from a microcontroller or the like)
comes through a series resistor with
a shunt diode to limit the voltage at
the ASK pin. Thus, our Transmitter is
compatible with 5V and 3.3V supply
and logic levels.
The Transmitter has been designed
to fit in the same compact footprint
as the Jaycar ZW3100; the Altronics part is slightly smaller, and all
have the same pinout. So the assembly will involve working with small
SMD parts.
The MICRF113 chip comes in the
SOT-23-6 package, while most of the
passives are M2012 (0805 imperial) at
2 × 1.2mm, with one slightly smaller
(M1608/0603 or 1.6 × 0.8mm) part.
You’ll need the standard SMD gear
such as flux paste, tweezers and so
forth. A magnifier and good light will
be a great help with such small parts.
Fume extraction is always recommended when working with flux paste,
and you should have a solvent to clean
up the flux residue, too.
We’ve managed to fit all the parts
on one side, so you can use some BluTack or similar to keep small the PCB
in position on your workbench. Solder
wicking braid will be handy to remove
any solder bridges that might occur.
We’ve managed to fit practically all
the component designators on the PCB
silkscreen, but it’s best to refer to the
overlay diagram (Fig.3) and accompanying photo to confirm the location of
the components.
Start by spreading a thin layer of
flux paste on all the PCB pads. IC1
has the smallest pin pitch, so place it
first. Its pin 1 designator is very small,
so you will probably need to examine
April 2025 73
You can also check your assembly against the photo here (shown enlarged
and at actual size on the left). We used a right-angled header, but you might
like to use straight headers to allow the module to be mounted parallel to
a PCB, like we did with the Secure Remote Switch. We’ve designed our
Transmitter to be a drop-in replacement for the Jaycar ZW3100 shown in the
centre and on the right (as well as Altronics’ equivalent). It is even the same
size with the same pinout.
Fig.3: the PCB is quite small, but we
managed to fit most of the component
designators on the PCB silkscreen.
You can check the components on the
overlay diagram here as you go.
Fig.4: with the components fitted
as shown here, you can probe for
continuity at the marked pads, which
will indicate whether the inductors
have been soldered correctly.
Silicon Chip
it under magnification to confirm the
correct orientation. It must be aligned
with the matching mark on the PCB
silkscreen, which is near L1.
If you have the PCB upright, with X1
at the top and the external connections
at the bottom, the text on IC1 should
be upright, too.
Clean the tip of your iron and add
some fresh solder. Tack one lead and
confirm that the others are flat and
within their pads. If needed, adjust
the part position by using the iron
to remelt the solder. Then solder the
remaining leads.
Use solder-wicking braid to remove
any solder bridges as you go. It will
be trickier as more components are
added. Add a little more flux paste,
press the braid against the bridge
with the iron and then slowly draw
both away when the excess solder is
taken up.
Next, fit the two SOT-23-3 parts. D1
is near IC1, while REG1 is near the
external connector. Fortunately, they
should both only fit one way. You
can use the same idea; tack one lead,
adjust and then solder the remaining
leads. These parts have leads that are
quite spread out, so they should not
bridge easily.
Next, fit the two inductors. These
will be a bit fiddly, since their leads
are only on the undersides. You will
need to apply the iron to the PCB pad
and add solder, allowing it to melt and
flow onto the leads. The smaller 68nH
part is L2, which sits between the 5pF
Australia's electronics magazine
and 12pF capacitors, while 470nH
inductor L1 is between IC1 and REG1.
While L2 is the smaller M1608/0603sized part, we have used M2012/0805
pads to make soldering it easier. All
the remaining two-lead parts are in
M2012/0805 packages.
If you are unsure that the parts have
been soldered correctly, you can check
this with a multimeter set to continuity or resistance modes. The inductors
have low DC resistance, so both should
read well under 10W. With none of the
surrounding parts fitted, they are safe
to probe.
For L2, probe the adjacent pads
on the 12pF and 5pF capacitors, as
shown in Fig.4. Using a nearby pad
eliminates the chance of a false positive in the event that the component
is connected to the solder in the joint
but not the pad below.
For L1, try the other end of the 12pF
capacitor and the end of the 0W link
next to L1. If you get a low resistance
reading across each inductor then all is
well. If not, try adding some flux paste
to each joint and reflow the solder with
your iron before checking again.
The passives
Fit the crystal, X1, next; it is unpolarised, as are the other remaining parts.
Its leads are quite small, so you might
need to use a similar soldering technique to the inductors. The larger PCB
pads should make this easy, although
you won’t be able to test for continuity
in the same fashion.
Be careful not to mix up the capacitors. The two 18pF capacitors are adjacent to the crystal and then, on the
left of the PCB, are the 12pF capacitor
above L2 and the 5pF crystal below it.
The two 1μF capacitors are near REG1,
while the 100nF part is next to IC1.
Move on to install the 4.7kW resistor in the bottom-right corner and the
0W link nearby. Finally, fit the header
of your choice; we used a right-angle
header to match the prebuilt transmitters.
Use a solvent to thoroughly clean
the flux from the PCB and allow it
to dry. Inspect your soldering with
a magnifier and confirm that all the
components are soldered correctly
with no bridges.
If you wish to proceed cautiously,
you should power up the Transmitter
from a current-limited supply. The
Transmitter should draw around 3mA
while idle or 15mA when transmitting.
Something simple, like a 330W resistor in series with a 5V supply, would
also be suitable.
Add a jumper wire or similar
between the GND and DATA pins to
ensure that the Transmitter is initially
in the idle state. Then apply power and
measure voltage across the resistor; it
should be no more than around 1V.
The next step is to apply a waveform to the DATA pin and see that it
is received correctly. You may have a
project planned for the Transmitter, in
which case you should simply connect
it and try it out.
Another simple test we tried can
be done with a piezo transducer and
a 433MHz receiver module. Wire up
the receiver module so that the piezo
is connected between its DATA output and GND, then connect 5V power.
You might not need an antenna to
test over short distances, such as on
a workbench.
The piezo should emit a sound like
white noise or static; this indicates that
it is picking up normal background RF
noise. If you then power on the Transmitter and drive its DATA input high,
the noise should cease as that signal
overwhelms the background noise and
saturates the receiver’s automatic gain
control (AGC).
Driving the DATA pin low should
similarly cause the background noise
to resume. Applying a 1kHz square
wave to the DATA pin should cause
a high-pitched noise to be emitted
from the piezo. Note that you should
always make sure the DATA pin is
driven, since it is a high-impedance
input and could otherwise float to an
unknown level.
You can read more about some of
our comparative tests in the text below,
but we have found our Transmitter
to be just as good, if not better than,
other similar transmitter modules it is
a drop-in replacement for.
It is capable of transmitting at
10mW, which could fall foul of the
EIRP restrictions if used with a highly
directional antenna. So we recommend sticking to simple antenna
designs, such as a quarter-wave dipole,
(~170mm for 433MHz) to ensure that
you do not exceed the licence limits.
If you must use a directional
antenna, replace the 0W link with a
resistor to reduce the output power
(refer to the MICRF113 data sheet).
A detailed analysis of
433MHz modules
We performed some testing on these
modules to ensure our replacement
performed at least as well. We purchased a ZW3100 (transmitter) and
ZW3102 (receiver) recently from Jaycar; these will be our test subjects,
alongside our new Transmitter.
The information on the Jaycar website indicates a maximum supply
current of 10mA and a maximum output power of 3dBm (or 2mW) for the
ZW3100. The suggested data rate is
300bps to 10kbps.
While the 2mW might sound comfortably within the 25mW limit, the
EIRP (equivalent isotropically radiated power) could be higher. It is calculated as though the maximum signal strength (which might only occur
in one direction) was radiated in all
directions. In fact, the EIRP can be no
less than the actual power.
For a theoretical isotropic (outputting the same power in all directions)
antenna, the figures will be the same.
A highly directional antenna will have
higher EIRP since the radiation is concentrated.
Fortunately, we nearly always use
non-directional antennas with these
modules. The typical gain of quarter-
wave monopole antennas is no more
than 3dBi, which is about a factor of
2, keeping the EIRP to around 4mW,
well under the 25mW limit.
The MICRF113 in the Transmitter
specifies an output power up to 10dBm
or 10mW. So it too is unlikely to fall
foul of the restrictions with a quarter-
wave monopole antenna. The current draw on the MICRF113 peaks at
around 13mA during transmission, so
it does draw slightly more current for
a substantially higher output power.
Receiver operation
If you have ever monitored the output of the receiver modules while
Parts List – 433MHz Transmitter Module
1 double-sided PCB coded 15103251 measuring 19 × 15mm
1 4-way pin header, straight or right-angled to suit application (CON1)
1 13.56MHz 5.0 × 3.2mm surface-mounting crystal (X1)
[Abracon ABM3-13.560MHZ-B2-T]
1 470nH inductor, M2012/0805 size, >434MHz SRF (L1)
[Coilcraft 0805HT-R47TJLB or Murata LQW21HNR47J00L]
1 68nH inductor, M1608/0603 size, >434MHz SRF (L2) [Bourns CW16080868NJ, Coilcraft 0603CS-68NXJLU or Murata LQW18AS68NJ00D]
1 4.7kW M2012/0805 size SMD resistor, ⅛W
1 0W M2012/0805 size SMD resistor or value to suit (see text)
1 MICRF113YM6 SOT-23 ASK transmitter IC, SOT-23-6 (IC1)
1 BAT54C/BAT54S/BAT54 200mA 25V schottky diode, SOT-23 (D1)
1 MCP1700-3302 3.3V LDO voltage regulator, SOT-23 (REG1)
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 size, 50V ceramic unless noted)
2 1μF 50V X7R
1 100nF 50V X7R
2 18pF C0G/NP0 (or to suit crystal)
SC7430 Kit ($20 + postage):
1 12pF C0G/NP0
includes all the parts listed here
1 5pF C0G/NP0
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 75
Fig.5: examples of various encodings that are used with RF (and IR) systems.
The pulses are different to encode a 0 or 1 while maintaining a duty cycle near
50%. Manchester encoding is often decoded by looking for the rising or falling
edge in the middle of the bit time, rather than the pulse length or spacing.
Scope 1: in the absence of a strong, nearby transmitter, the receiver modules
will deliver noise. When connected to a piezo transducer or similar, it sounds
like white noise.
Scope 2: the current draw (and thus output power) of the Jaycar ZW3100 shows
an analog response to a triangle wave, suggesting it is capable of amplitude
modulation (AM) to some extent.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
nothing is transmitting, you might
have noticed the signal is just noise;
there is no always low or high idle
state. Scope 1 shows a scope grab of
the receiver output when no transmission is occurring.
This is due to the way that the
receivers resolve signals with different
strengths. During transmission, they
must be able to deliver a valid signal,
whether the transmitter is nearby or
far away. In other words, they must
be able to cope with receiving weak
or strong signals and produce the
same output.
The operation of many infrared
(IR) receivers is much the same too,
although most IR receivers have extra
circuitry to suppress the output noise
during idle periods.
Though the modules are described
as using ASK modulation, it is typically the most simple form called OOK
(on-off keying). With OOK, one of the
levels is ‘carrier on’ and the other is
‘carrier off’. Here, the carrier refers to
the underlying 434MHz signal.
The raw data is also further encoded
with the likes of pulse-length, pulsewidth or pulse-distance modulation
(as also used in IR remote controls).
Manchester encoding is another system that is also used in these scenarios.
Fig.5 shows representative waveforms
of some of these encodings.
The simple on-off nature of the data
means that the receiver only needs to
recognise two signal levels, and this
is done with the assistance of automatic gain control (AGC). This is much
the same principle that ensures that
nearby and far AM radio stations are
received at the same volume.
The AGC takes an average of the
incoming signal strength, compares
it to the instantaneous strength and
adjusts the receiver gain to compensate. The AGC response time will also
dictate a minimum data rate; if the
receiver sees a carrier on state for too
long, it will saturate and start producing noise.
This is why the various encoding
schemes have a duty cycle close to
50%. It means that the carrier on and
carrier off levels are a similar distance
from the average that the AGC sees,
and both output levels are decoded
Analog behaviour
There are some reports of these modules being capable of transmitting and
receiving analog data, such as voice or
audio, using AM (amplitude modulation). But it’s doesn’t appear to be possible with either the Jaycar receiver or
our Transmitter.
The Jaycar transmitter might be
capable of AM transmission, so could
be used for this purpose with an appropriate receiver. Scope grabs of our tests
are shown in Scope 2 (Jaycar Transmitter) and Scope 3 (our Transmitter).
In these, the blue trace is a triangle waveform from a signal generator,
which was fed into the DATA input of
the transmitter module. The red trace
is the output of a nearby receiver, and
the green trace is the voltage across a
resistor in the transmitter’s positive
supply; a crude current measuring
Being in the positive supply, a lower
voltage means more current being consumed by the transmitter. Assuming
that the current reflects the strength
of the RF transmission, we can get an
idea of whether the modulation is AM
or simple OOK.
For Scope 2 (the ZW3100), we can
see that the current does indeed follow the incoming signal level over a
range, while Scope 3 (our Transmitter)
shows a very digital response, with
a hysteresis between 1.3V (falling)
and 2.0V (rising). So we don’t think
our module will be suitable for AM
In both cases, you can see that the
receiver has a very ‘digital’ response,
so we don’t think it could be used for
AM reception. There is what appears
to be some hysteresis in the receiver
output, but part of that may be delays
in the receiver and its AGC response.
Comparative tests
To keep the tests between our module and the one from Jaycar fair, we
set everything up on a breadboard so
that we could swap between the two
transmitters without changing anything else.
We did not attach any external
antenna to the modules. The breadboard strips provide a very short
antenna that was sufficient for transmission over short ranges.
We looked at aspects like signal
delay between the transmitter and
receiver and the response to transmitting at different data rates. For all
these, we used our Arduino Uno to
generate a pulse-width waveform of
the type used in 433MHz applications.
Scope 3: our Transmitter has a more digital response, even showing hysteresis.
This should provide a cleaner signal when used in digital applications, as is
usually the case for these modules.
Scope 4: the blue trace shows a transmitter input, while the red trace is a
receiver output. The short delay between the two is around 20-40μs and differs
slightly between the modules.
Each cycle is nominally 720μs, giving
a 1.4kbit/s data rate.
We used an oscilloscope to compare
the data coming from the Uno to the
data received by the receiver module.
Scope 4 shows the delay between
the input to the transmitter and the
output from the receiver. For both
transmitters, the rising edge was propagated more quickly than the falling
edge (by about 10μs). Also, our Transmitter showed quicker response times
in general; around 20μs compared to
35μs for the ZW3100.
This could be partially due to the
higher output power of our Transmitter, but there may also be some difference in the way that the incoming
signal is modulated. Our findings in
Australia's electronics magazine
the Analog behaviour section above
are consistent with that.
The next test involved speeding
up the waveform until we started to
see missed and distorted pulses. Our
Transmitter did not miss a pulse until
we reached cycle times under 95μs or
around 10.5kbit/s, while the ZW3100
started missing pulses at around 105μs
or 9.5kbit/s. Scope 5 shows the conditions we looked for.
The transmitter input is delayed to
align it better to the receiver’s output;
you can see a few locations where the
receiver waveform has stayed high
when it should have gone low.
SDR analysis
We also examined the output of the
April 2025 77
Scope 5: the green trace is the transmitter input delayed slightly to roughly align it with the red trace of the receiver
output. You can see that at higher pulse rates than in Scope 4, pulses are missed and the asymmetry between rising and
falling edges is more pronounced.
transmitters using a software defined
radio (SDR) receiver. The necessary
hardware can be found in cheap USB
TV receiver dongles. The free AirSpy SDR# program provides a way of
receiving and viewing the spectrum
of the RF signal.
We used much the same hardware
as mentioned in Jim Rowe’s Software
Defined Radio article from May 2013
( Since
we were performing simple comparative tests, we used the basic whip
antenna included with the dongle.
Screen 1 (our Transmitter) and
Screen 2 (ZW3100) show the received
spectra, with a displayed bandwidth
covering the approximate range of the
433MHz LIPD band. The SDR is not a
precision device, so the readings are
simply relative to its full scale (0dB
at the top of the spectra). The peak
of both transmitters sits very close to
433.92MHz, as expected.
Our Transmitter has a few spurs
and it peaks at around -4dB, while the
ZW3100 has a wider spread and more
spurs. It peaks at around -8dB. That
Screen 1: the spectrum of our Transmitter is neatly confined
to the 433MHz LIPD band.
Silicon Chip
is not surprising, given the expected
output power given by the respective
data sheets.
Our Transmitter works as a drop-in
replacement for the ZW3100; it should
work in all applications that require
a digital transmitter on the 433MHz
LIPD band. The ZW3100 does seem
capable of amplitude modulation, so
you might prefer if you want to experiment with audio or other analog transSC
Screen 2: the ZW3100 transmitter module has a wider
spread, more spurs and lower peak power than our
Australia's electronics magazine
↳ TQFP-44
↳ TQFP-48
↳ TQFP-64
For a complete list, go to
We also sell the Silicon Chip PDFs on USB, RTV&H USB, Vintage Radio USB and more at
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
standard rates. All submissions should include full name, address & phone number.
WiFi 8×8 RGB LED matrix display
This circuit allows you to control
an 8×8 RGB LED matrix display using
WiFi and your smart device with various web pages and/or a gesture control module. It can be housed in a
3D-printed box. Its features include:
• real-time clock display (via NTP)
• text scrolling and animations
• adjustable pixel colours, brightness, scroll speed, fade and random
• 15 customisable web page buttons
• five fixed web page buttons for
Time, Design, Coding, Screen and
• a low-power audio amplifier provides sounds for some functions.
You can see a video of it in action
The heart of the circuit is an ESP32
WiFi microcomputer programmed
with the Arduino IDE. I used a 30-pin
ESP32 Dev Kit board, but almost any
ESP32 module will work provided the
correct board is selected in the Arduino IDE and the pin allocations are
modified in the sketch to accommodate the different ESP32 board.
The micro connects to your local
WiFi network using the credentials
you initially enter into the sketch. It
then runs web and WebSocket servers
to allow you to call up the web pages
to control the display using your smart
device. The web pages allow you to
choose the display you want, such as
Clock, Text, Letters, Designs(Icons)
Animations and Games.
Also included are preset buttons to
access programming web pages such as
Design, Coding, Screen and Settings.
The web server serves the data using
HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. The
WebSocket server allows rapid bidirectional data transfer between the
server and the client. This data is a text
string made up of data segments with
a ~ (tilde) used as a field separator.
The data generally includes a command/data pair to indicate the request.
For example, “brightness=50” sets the
display brightness to 50%. The software includes arrays for both uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric
characters. Users can also program up
to 100 custom displays with any pixel
set to any colour or brightness.
Animations can be created using
consecutive designs to give the illusion of motion. A simple coding language allocates a label and action to
be specified for buttons on the main
web page to display preferred designs
or text. Designs, Names and Coding
definitions are saved to the micro’s
SPIFFS file system, while settings like
WiFi credentials and screen colours
are saved to EEPROM.
The display comprises an 8×8 array
of WS2812B RGB LED chips. As well
as containing the LEDs, each chip
includes digital control and data shaping circuits. Each LED has a data input
and data output pin, so the LEDs can
be series-connected and the data signal passed through each from the first
input pin to the last output pin. The
LEDs operate from 5V DC.
The micro sends a 24-bit data stream
64 times from its D13 digital output
to the display module to switch the
pixels on or off and set their colours.
By turning specific pixels on, alphanumeric letters can be shown, as well
as colourful icons and scrolling text.
The optional PAJ7620 gesture sensing module provides another input
method, allowing the device to be controlled with your hands. It connects to
the micro via an I2C interface using pin
D22 for SCL and D21 for SDA.
The PAM8302 low-power audio
amplifier and speaker provide the ability to create a limited range of sounds.
The micro drives the D12 pin with
PWM signals to produce sounds.
The unit is powered by a 5V 1A USB
plugpack (CON1). Each LED can draw
up to 50mA at full brightness. The software limits the maximum brightness
so that the maximum current drawn
with all LEDs on with white colour is
around 0.5A. Diode D1 appears to be
over-rated, but this keeps temperature
rise modest at higher currents.
If the 5V plugpack supply is not connected and the micro is powered from
your PC via the micro’s USB port, D1
prevents 5V from being backfed to the
display panel, avoiding the potential
for computer USB port overloading.
The user manual and Arduino
source code can be downloaded from
Phillip Webb,
Hope Valley, SA. ($120)
Making dual triode valves interchangeable
One of the most common valves
still in use is the 9-pin dual triode in a
“Noval B9a” bottle. There are very few
guitar amplifier builders indeed who
haven’t come across the 12AX7. Similar valves include the 12AU7, 12AT7,
12AY7 and ECC88, also used in preamps and power amplifiers.
The pinouts of the 12A*7 family and
the ECC88 family are identical except
for the heaters. The 12A*7 family has
two heaters: one between pins 4 and 9,
the other between pins 5 and 9 (on the
left in Fig.1 above). If these two heaters are connected in series, the heater
voltage is 12.6V <at> 150mA current. If
connected in parallel, the heater voltage is 6.3V <at> 300mA.
The ECC88 family has only one
heater, between pins 4 and 5; the
voltage is always 6.3V, and the current is about 350mA. Pin 9 is instead
connected to the shield that separates the two triodes, which is usually grounded, as shown on the right
in Fig.1.
The problem is that when you try
to replace a valve of one family (for
example, 12AT7) with one from the
other family (say, E88CC), you have
to rewire the heaters. That is a fiddly
undertaking at the best of times; for
some circuits, it is nigh impossible.
The heater wires are often the first
that get connected to the sockets. All
other components are soldered above
them. These components can be bulky
and challenging to push aside to gain
access to the heating wires.
The simple ‘universal heater’ circuits shown in Fig.2 at lower right
allow you to change between the different type of valves by simply swapping the envelopes.
The universal heater circuit requires
a DC heater supply of 6.7-7.0V. If you
have a standard 6.3V AC heater supply, the conversion should not be
too much of a challenge, especially if
you use schottky diodes in the rectifier bridge. A 6.3V AC heater supply
will give a peak voltage of about 8.9V
before the rectifier bridge reduces it
by 0.6-1.4V, depending on the type of
diodes you use.
Keep in mind that whilst they have a
lower forward voltage drop than standard silicon rectifiers, schottky diodes
are leaky and their leakiness increases
with temperature. That’s why it’s a
good idea to use schottky diodes rated
for 3A or more for a 1A heater supply.
You will have to rig up a small auxiliary DC supply, which must be a few
volts higher than the heater voltage. In
the circuit shown on the left in Fig.2,
the auxiliary voltage is 14V, with a
draw of about 50mA for each valve
socket. In the second example on the
right, the auxiliary voltage can be just
a volt or two above the heater and minimal current is drawn.
The heater pins of the valve socket
have to be connected as follows:
• Pin 4: to the 0V of the heater
• Pin 5: to a switch that can flip it
to either 0V or to the positive side of
the heater supply
• Pin 9: to the positive side of the
heater supply (via a diode, either standard or schottky)
The universal heater works by sensing whether pin 9 is a part of the heater
circuit or not.
If the inserted valve is a 12A*7 type,
there are two heater windings of about
38W each, one between pins 9 and 4,
and the other one between pins 9 and
5. It senses that the voltage on pin 9
is around 6.3V as a result, and pulls
pin 5 down to 0V.
This causes the heater current to run
from pin 9 to pins 4 and 5, in parallel.
On the other hand, if the inserted
valve is a member of the ECC88 family,
it has just one heater, between pins 4
and 5. Pin 9 is not connected to them.
D1 is reverse-biased and the voltage on
pin 9 goes up to the value of the auxiliary DC supply. The circuit senses
this voltage increase and pulls pin 5
up, so the voltage on it becomes 6.3V.
This causes the heater current to run
from pin 5 to pin 4.
Australia's electronics magazine
In most circuits that have valves
from the ECC88 family, pin 9 is
wired directly to ground or chassis, depending on the requirements.
With this circuit, the grounding wire
must be removed from pin 9 and
an appropriately-
sized capacitor to
ground installed in its place. That
means the pin is still grounded from
an AC perspective.
The circuits shown in Fig.2 do the
same job, with an electromechanical
approach on the left, and a transistorised approach on the right. For the
one on the left, I used an NG8N1C0.64
12V signal relay, which draws about
50mA. The resulting PCB can easily
fit onto the valve socket lugs, although
the relay is a bit tall if you’re looking
for a really unobtrusive addition.
For the sake of simplicity, the relay
flyback diode, the grounding capacitor
on pin 9 and the two customary 47W
grounding resistors between the heater
positive and ground have all been
omitted, but they should ideally be
added to a practical implementation.
In the circuit on the right, the pair of
Mosfets act like an SPDT switch. The
value of Re will depend on your auxiliary voltage. If D1 is a schottky, you’ll
also have to take into account its leakage current and make sure that it will
not cause the PNP transistor to conduct.
A compact SMD version of the circuit can be made with a BC856 transistor, NX2301P and PMF63UN Mosfets.
It will fit on a very small PCB that can
easily fit between the valve socket lugs.
Vedran Simunovic,
Chatswood, NSW. ($100)
April 2025 81
Part 2 by Phil Prosser
We introduced this new device last month. It isn’t just
another LC meter; it can deliver a range of currents up
to 30A to determine how an inductor behaves as its core starts to saturate. This tester
can also measure very high capacitances and very low resistances. This article covers its
assembly, testing, calibration and use.
he Power LCR Meter has two basic
modes: it either applies a fixed
current or a fixed voltage to the device
under test (DUT) and samples the
voltage across it and current through
it many times over a short period. It
then examines those samples to determine either its resistance, capacitance
or inductance.
Because it can control the current
used for the test, for power inductors,
it can step through a range of currents
and calculate the inductances, allowing you to see how it changes. For a
typical inductor with a ferrite, iron or
mu-metal core, the inductance will
remain relatively steady until a certain
current level is reached, then it will
fall off as the core saturates.
Having this information is invaluable as it allows you to determine
whether the inductor will be suitable
for applications that demand a certain inductance up to a certain current
level, like a loudspeaker crossover or
switch-mode power supply.
The Power LCR Meter is built on a
double-sided 156 × 118mm PCB coded
Silicon Chip
04103251. It mostly uses through-hole
parts, but there are a few SMDs, which
should be fitted first. During assembly, refer to the component overlay
diagrams, Figs.10 & 11, to see which
parts go where.
You can see in the photos that we
didn’t have a 5W 0.39W resistor, so we
used two smaller resistors in series. We
only installed one 47,000μF capacitor
on this prototype, which was enough
for the test inductors used. Fit both if
you want to test large, low-resistance
You will also see that we have used
1μF & 10μF SMD tantalum capacitors, while the final parts list suggests
ceramic capacitors instead. You can
use either, but the specific ceramic
capacitors should be cheaper, more
reliable and perform better. If you
use tantalums, make sure you orientate them with the positive stripes as
shown on the PCB and in the photos.
We always like to fit all the power
supply parts before the remaining
active semiconductors to make testing easier. So start by mounting all
the parts in the power supply section,
which is everything to the left of the
Australia's electronics magazine
white vertical line on the silkscreen
(the black line in Fig.10, including the
parts in the lower-left corner).
It’s easiest to start with low-profile
components like resistors and then
work your way up to the taller ones,
ending with the bulky and heavy
Watch the orientations of the diodes,
electrolytic capacitors, regulators and
transistor. For the regulators and transistor, pay attention to which side the
metal tab goes (REG3 & REG5) or flat
face (the others) so that they match
There is space for a heatsink for the
LM2576 (REG5), but it is not required.
The average dissipation is low enough
that it will be fine without it.
With all the power supply components installed, you can connect
a 12-20V DC power supply to CON4
(with the positive lead nearest the fuse)
and check the following:
1. Check the 10V filtered rail is
9-11V; our four prototypes all measured about 9.8V. You can measure
this on the DUT+ terminals. There is a
GND test point just next to the power
switch; we found it convenient to
Q5 TIP121
Q1 0
1W 1W
Fig.10: we
you fit the
power supply
first (the
whole leftmost section)
so you can
verify that is
all working
before adding
the rest of
the parts. Be
very careful
to orientate
IC1 correctly,
with its pin 1
dot at upper
left, before
soldering it.
Also watch the
of the other
ICs, diodes,
electros, and
(including the
Fig.11: there
aren’t many
parts on the
back of the
PCB; just the
four or five
The main
pass through
the two large
holes near the
1m F
Power LCR Tester
(S2 UP)
T P5
10W 10W
100nF −
1m F
Q7 Q6
Q8 BC548
330W 1W
JP8 10kW
56 0 W
33 0 W
1 0m F
100nF LM337
1 00 m F
10mF 100nF
0.39W 5W
330 m H
1 00 m F
100W 1W
100mF 10mF
1 00 m F
10 m F
10 0 W
58 22
F1 1A
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 83
solder a piece of tinned copper wire
into this to clip onto.
2. Check the +3.3VD, +3.VA and
-3.3V voltages. Test points for these are
just above the circular cutouts for the
DUT connectors. We expect the two
positive rails to be within 100mV; note
that in normal operation running from
12V, these regulators get quite warm.
If any of these are off significantly,
or something gets hot, check the orientation of all capacitors and diodes.
We tried to keep all capacitors orientated the same way, but because
switch-mode power supplies have
exacting layout requirements, the
diode placement in that area is not
so consistent.
The 330W resistor just above the
47,000μF capacitors is there to put
a sufficient load on the switch-mode
power supply that it runs continuously. We need this to generate the
-3.3V supply. If your -3.3V supply does
not come up properly, but everything
else looks OK, check it.
The following surface mount parts
can go on next. With the power supplies behaving, it is time to get the fiddly bits on while there is still room.
That includes:
● The PIC32MK0128MCA048 (IC1).
● The two 10μF surface-mount
● The eight 100nF surface-mount
bypass capacitors, which are mostly
around IC1.
● The two 18pF SMD capacitors
near the crystal oscillator.
● The three 1μF SMD capacitors,
which are next to the INA281s and
across the DUT terminals.
● The 25AA256-I/SN serial
● 470W series resistor for the crystal oscillator.
● The 10kW and 1kW resistors next
to the reset header.
● The two 10W resistors for the Kelvin connection option.
● The two INA281B1 devices (IC6
& IC8).
The INA281 devices are in SOT23-5 packages, which are a little on the
small side. However, if you approach
15 – A
them with some care, they are not too
difficult to solder.
The PIC microcontroller is in a
48-pin thin quad flat pack (TQFP),
which has a 0.5mm lead spacing. This
was the most easily soldered IC in
the series we could find, alternative
devices being in leadless packages,
which are daunting to solder.
We have provided soldering guides
for TQFP and SOT-23 packages in the
past. Our key tip is to use plenty of flux
paste and to use a magnifying loupe to
check for bridges between pins when
you’ve finished. Use solder wick to
remove any bridges you find. If the
joint on a pin looks a little dry, resolder it before it causes you trouble later.
When you’ve finished construction
and apply power, if the LCD does not
fire up immediately, come back and
double check those pins for shorts.
We have had to fix plenty of solder
bridges ourselves in the past; the PIC
microcontrollers are very tolerant of
shorted pins and we have not managed to blow one up yet from a solder
bridge (but it’s still better to clear them
before applying power).
Pro tip: after soldering all the SMDs,
you will probably have flux residue
that gets in the way of a proper inspection. Clean it off using a flux solvent
(or isopropyl alcohol or methylated
spirits if that’s all you have) and it
will be much easier to spot any problems. Your board will also look a lot
nicer and be less sticky!
Mounting the LCD
We want to connect the 16×2 LCD
to the main PCB with a 16-way ribbon cable. To fit neatly in the case,
we directly soldered the ribbon cable
to the 14 through-holes on the LCD.
This was a nuisance, but there was not
room in the case for the IDC header we
wanted to use. We say 14 and not 16
because the backlight connections are
at the other end of the LCD.
We show how we connected this in
the photo below. Ensure that the red
wire on your ribbon cable goes to pin
1 at both ends. Also make sure that
once crimped, the IDC cable comes
out in the right direction. The total
length of ribbon cable we used was
300mm, with about 200mm between
the IDC header and LCD board, leaving that extra length to connect to the
backlight on the LCD board.
Pins 1-14 of the ribbon cable are
connected to the same pin number on
the LCD. Note that the pins alternate
between the two columns on the LCD.
For the two remaining wires on pin
15 and 16 from the main board, strip
the end of these and solder them to
the anode and cathode backlight pads.
Importantly, for the Altronics
screen, you must place jumpers horizontally on JP9 and JP10 on the main
board as shown in Fig.10. This applies
3.3V to Vdd (pin 2) on the LCD and
grounds pin 1.
If you are using a different display,
check its data sheet, as these pins are
sometimes swapped between manufacturers. If this is the case, you can
install JP9 and JP10 vertically, which
will swap the rails.
Getting the microcontroller
At this point, we can install the
remaining parts in the microcontroller
section. That is the section at upperright bordered by a solid vertical line
on the left and a broken horizontal
line below.
The four pushbutton switches
mount to the rear of the PCB (S4 is
not needed). For these, it is important that you rotate them so the normally open (NO) pins are at the bottom. Double-check this using a continuity meter; if on startup the system
always goes into calibration mode, you
almost certainly have the switches in
the wrong way around.
Also watch the orientations of the
BAT85 protection diodes as they are
not consistent. We also note that you
can save quite a bit purchasing these
from the larger online suppliers.
We have used a lot of 4.7kW resistors to make it easier to purchase and
manage the parts for this project. However, there are some 470W resistors as
well, which will have similar colour
16 – K
This shows how to solder the ribbon cable to the Altronics 16×2 LCD. We tried to use an Altronics P5162A 14-way IDC-toPCB adaptor, but it wouldn’t fit in the space available. If you are installing it in a larger case, you may be able to use it.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
codes, so take care not to mix them up.
Mount all the 4.7kW resistors at once
and you can be confident you won’t
confuse them.
Plug the LCD onto the main PCB,
making sure that you get the pin 1
ends right at both the PCB and display end. We can now test this part
of the board.
Apply power and check the power
rail voltages again. The voltages
should be about the same; if any are
very low, look for things getting hot or
capacitors in the wrong way around.
You should see the LCD backlight
come on. If not, check the connections on the LCD from the header to
the backlight LED and check that the
headers are plugged in the right way
You now need to adjust trimpot
VR1, which controls the LCD contrast. Start at one end and turn it until
you get good contrast on the display.
There should be legible text if everything is fine, but if the LCD has not
fully booted, you will still see lines
of boxes or characters. If you get no
display at all, double-check your LCD
data sheet to make sure JP9 and JP10
are in the right locations.
If the LCD is not displaying anything at all, check the soldering on
the microcontroller and your cabling.
If this all looks good, you probably
want to check for activity on the LCD
RS and E lines with an oscilloscope
(if you have one). We put test points
on the PCB for these – although we
didn’t have to use them, as the 16×2
LCDs seem to mostly just work.
If you still think nothing is happening and the display is blank, check the
crystal oscillator drive on its associated 470W resistor. There must be an
8MHz sinewave here; if it is missing,
double-check the microcontroller
solder joints. You should now have a
screen with text on it.
Installing the measurement
You can solder all the remaining
parts in place now. The only heatsink that you need to attach is on Q5,
as shown in Fig.10. The other devices
don’t dissipate enough power to warrant heatsinks, even though we have
space for them on the board.
With all parts mounted, you
should be able to fire the meter up
and get a screen saying “Resistance <
300R, Enter to Meas” and similar for
You can see how we wired the sockets to the PCB, all via polarised plugs or
screw terminals.
Capacitance, Inductance and Inductance Saturation.
If you press the Enter/OK button, the
meter will display “Measuring Resistance”, “Measuring Capacitance”,
“Measuring Inductance” or “Measuring Inductance Sat’n” respectively and
go off and measure the value. Note on
our case we labelled “Enter” as “OK”.
The standard measurements take
about a second, while the inductor
saturation tests need to perform quite
a lot of measurements and take longer.
Because we are dealing with inductors carrying a lot of current, we also
need to provide a decent charge and
decay time. So the inductance saturation test can take a few seconds,
depending on the value of the inductor under test.
Australia's electronics magazine
The results are displayed on the
screen and, once presented, you can
press Enter/OK to repeat the measurement. If you want to change
between resistance, capacitance and
inductance measurements, press the
up/down keys to cycle through the
options, then press Enter/OK to measure.
After a saturation current measurement is complete, you can cycle
through the 10 inductance values
across the range the meter can provide. The maximum current the meter
will test to is 30A, plus readings from
5% to 90% of the maximum current.
We have selected this range to
ensure that noise at the start of the
measurement does not grossly affect
results (although it may still affect it if
April 2025 85
the inductor rings badly). By pressing
up and down, you can review:
• The current at which the measurement is made.
• The percentage of the inductance
value of the second inductance measurement, which is considered 100%.
We chose the second measurement, as
this was always ‘clean’ in our tests.
• The value of inductance at the
displayed current.
If you don’t calibrate the meter, it
will load defaults, which will work but
definitely compromise accuracy. To
calibrate the meter, apply power and
hold both the up and down buttons
continuously. The meter will present
the question “Calibrate meter?”, “Y/N,
Up/Dn”. Press the up button, and a
series of help screens will walk you
through the process.
As you will see in operation, inductance values are ‘all over the shop’
with current, so we have kept calibration focused on the few key parameters. We can calibrate critical parameters, but we do not seek to create a
‘lab standard’; this is more of a working measurement system for power
devices where a few percent precision is sufficient. There are five steps
to calibration:
Fig.12: drill
the holes
in the lid
as shown
here. It’s
best to start
with pilot
holes and
then enlarge
them to
size. For the
cutout, you
could use
like a jigsaw,
but you can
also drill
lots of small
holes within
the outline,
knock the
centre out,
then file it
to shape.
It doesn’t
have to be
perfect as the
bezel will
cover minor
Silicon Chip
#1: 10mA constant current test
The current measurements in steps
1-3 are important for resistance and
capacitance tests.
Connect a milliammeter across the
DUT terminals. The Meter will drive
a 10mA current. Measure this and use
the up/down buttons to enter your
measured value. Get this to within
0.1mA of your meter reading.
prototypes, the minimum measurable
capacitance was around 20nF, and we
achieved reasonable performance for
values of 100nF and above. This is a
power device tester, and does not seek
to measure low-value capacitors.
Once this is all done, it stores the
new calibration factors in EEPROM,
and you are ready to start testing!
#2: 100mA constant current test
This is the same as step 1 but at
We housed our tester in an Altronics H0310 ABS box. The board mounts
on the lid, with onboard buttons and
switches passing through holes in that
lid. The specified switches all have the
same height, so provided you make
holes in the lid that all align with the
switches, this provides a very neat
mounting arrangement.
We have always struggled with
mounting 16×2 LCDs as they don’t
generally come with a bezel. Therefore, we designed a bezel that can
be 3D-printed to match the Altronics Z7018 LCD. You can download
the STL file from
If you use a different LCD screen,
you might want to design a similar bezel to match yours, as it makes
assembly easier and neater.
Fig.12 shows the front panel/lid cutouts and drilling details, while Fig.13
(overleaf) shows the drilling required
for the side of the case. The Kelvin
probe connectors mount on the side;
we used banana sockets, allowing us
#3: 1A constant current test
The meter pulses the current on for
two seconds, then off for about eight.
This reduces heating in the constant
current sink. Make sure your meter is
not on a low-current range when you
connect it. Adjust the value displayed
until it is within 1mA of your meter’s
#4: Measure 3.3VA
This voltage defines the full-scale
value for the ADC and affects all
measurements. Measure the voltage
between ground and the 3.3VA rail at
TP8. Enter this into the meter using
the up and down buttons.
#5: Null capacitance
Leave the DUT terminals open circuit for this stage. This measures the
internal minimum capacitance and
uses it to correct low readings. In our
Putting it in the case
to use Kelvin probes when we want
to measure really low resistances. You
don’t need to use them for normal
inductor and capacitor tests.
We also installed BNC connectors
so that we could use an oscilloscope
to monitor the current waveform – see
the photo below. These are optional.
You do need to mount a power
socket. This meter needs a minimum
of 12V. We selected a socket that
matched our power supply; there are
many options. We chose a convenient
spot on the side of the enclosure for
this, as shown.
The arrangement of holes and connectors on the side is what we recommend, but you can customise this to
your needs. Ensure that all holes are
centred in the lower half of the case
so the connectors will not interfere
with the PCB.
Fit the LCD bezel to the LCD now.
Test-fit it before gluing anything in
place, as we have seen 16×2 LCDs in
so many configurations. Make sure
that yours will fit before committing
to glue.
If you use the Altronics screen and
our 3D-printed bezel, it should be fine.
The bezel is a tight fit, so expect to jiggle the display to get it on.
If necessary, you can use a knife to
scratch/trim the printed bezel. Those
who have used a 3D printer will be
used to this fettling process.
Glue the bezel in place with a few
drops of superglue on the inside of
This shows how we arranged the connectors on the
side of the case. You can also see our snazzy Dymo
labels. At least we’ll be remember what everything does when
we come back to it in six months! On this side, everything but
the power socket is optional. Still, if you want to measure low
resistances, the Kelvin connectors are required.
April 2025 87
the enclosure. Then install the LCD in
the bezel and glue that in place after
checking that you have the
LCD the right way up.
The DUT screw terminals affix to
the front panel and project through
two matching holes in the PCB. Mount
them and do them up tight; we will
wire them up later.
Mount the four 10mm standoffs to
the PCB using machine screw and
shakeproof washers, then jiggle the
PCB to get the pushbuttons through
the holes in the front panel. Make sure
the back of the LCD is clear of your
PCB. The LCD ribbon cable comes
out to the side of the PCB and will
reach the header. The PCB mounts to
the front panel as shown in the adjacent photo.
Now you can install 80mm of 7.5A
or 10A rated wire between the DUT+
and DUT– terminals on the PCB and
the red and black screw terminals.
Fig.13: this is how
we arranged the
connectors on the side
of the case. You might
decide to leave some
of these out so verify
which connectors you
actually need before
drilling the holes.
The front and side
panels are shown
opposite. The front
panel is shown at 40%
actual size, while the
side panel is at full
size. You can download
both of them from
We soldered ours directly to the PCB
to minimise resistance, but the board
accepts 6.3mm spade terminals and
you could crimp 6.3mm spade lugs to
these wires. If doing that, make sure
the connections are nice and tight.
We need to make provision for Kelvin connections required for measuring low resistances accurately. These
connect to the PCB via CON1. We simply ran two 150mm wires to banana
sockets on the side of the case.
For monitoring the operation via an
oscilloscope, we recommend mounting two BNC sockets. One connects to
CON11 and provides a trigger signal,
while the other goes to CON7 for current monitoring. We used 150mm ribbon cable offcuts to wires these up. We
put these on the side of our case next
to the Kelvin connectors as we don’t
use them much and that was where
there is room.
These oscilloscope connections are
optional but present some interesting
data. You need a digital ‘scope set to
single-shot mode to capture the data.
Set the trigger level to 1V.
The vertical scale of the current
curve is 100mV per amp. Most pulses
are pretty short; for low-value inductors, they are in the 10s of microseconds. Large inductors can be tested
over a few milliseconds.
If you look at the waveforms presented last month, you will see that
inductor current curves are almost
never straight. Where there is a reasonably high DC resistance but no
saturation, they curve downwards,
while if the inductor saturates, they
curve upwards.
Usage hints
Never use this meter to test components in circuit. The currents it drives
may destroy something.
Never connect this meter to powered circuitry. We have protection for
inductor back-EMF, but if the input
is driven above the 10V rail, you will
damage the Meter.
Always discharge capacitors before
connecting them – if they hold a
charge above 10V, you might damage
the Meter.
You don’t need to use the Kelvin
connections for anything but low resistances. If you want to measure resistances below a few ohms, you really
should use them. With these, you can
measure right down into the milliohm
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Inductance | Capacitance | Resistance
Our assembled board;
the one below uses
two large capacitors, as
recommended, but it can be
used with one. The heatsink
shown here on REG5 is not
Inductance | Capacitance | Resistance
This shows the PCB mounted to the inside of the case lid, with the LCD
ribbon cable in place.
Australia's electronics magazine
12V DC
The lid artwork & connector labels –
see the Fig.13 caption for details.
April 2025 89
The camera eye
Dave Thompson
I’ve always loved cameras; the idea of capturing a precise moment in
time has always been alluring. Back in the 1970s, as a wee tacker, I had
one of those ‘kids’ camera that they sold by the millions.
I got it for my birthday one year. I don’t recall which, but
I know I was very young and had visions of becoming a
photographer. It may well have been one of those “Daisy”
branded cameras but I can’t remember exactly now. I know
I used to have to buy flash cubes for it, and often I didn’t
have them nor the money to buy them, so I made do with
bright light when I could.
It soon became obvious that I would not be the next
darling of the photography circuit with this camera! Of
course, one had to take the film (with only 12 exposures
from memory – not even a full roll) to a local pharmacy or
photo place and pay to get it developed.
The problem was that most of the shots were blurred, or
out of focus, or just rubbish because I was not a good photographer (the latter was the most likely reason). Still, in
my defence, the gear was not the best (I know, an engineer
blaming his tools rather than lack of talent!). The lenses in
those mass-produced cameras were cheap and nasty, and
that didn’t help at all!
A few years later, I got a ‘proper’ camera: a single-lens-
reflex (SLR) type that took 35mm film, which made a huge
difference to my photos. For a start, I could actually see
what I wanted to look at, and what came out on the film
was almost what I was seeing through the viewfinder! No
Silicon Chip
more parallax errors, foggy views or wasted film; unless
you considered my resulting photographs wasted film!
I’m sure the clever among you have realised my career
goal of being a photographer didn’t develop (yes, I know,
a bad pun). But I still have a love of cameras, and as early
as the 1980s, I was asking myself why they didn’t take
images on some kind of EPROM and digitally store them.
Obviously, that was a lame and naïve attempt at thinking
about the technology side of it; there was no way a technologically challenged individual like me could figure out
how that would work out in the real world. But as we all
now know, it is very similar to what they ended up doing.
I knew I should have registered a patent!
Anyway, despite not ending up as a professional photographer, I have still had a keen interest in cameras all
my life. That old Yashica served me well for many years.
I bought different lenses for it on my many trips overseas
so I could try to take better photos.
Digital man
Then, all of a sudden, digital cameras were all the rage.
And my old SLR with all those lenses was pretty much delegated to the scrap heap. I gave it all to a friend’s daughter
who was going to take a photography course that involved
Australia's electronics magazine
Items Covered This Month
• The camera eye
• Zoom G2.1u guitar effects unit repair
• Fixing the fan controller in a Honda Jazz
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
developing and dark rooms and all that jazz. She seemed
to appreciate it, so I guess it went to a good home.
I went overseas in 1997, so at that time I bought a new-
fangled (for the time) digital camera from a local big-box
store before I went. This thing wasn’t cheap. From memory,
it was about a grand, and it was a Casio-branded camera
with a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels. It took very average
photos, especially with me behind the lens.
I still have the photos I took with it, and being able to
just snap away and delete any dud ones as I went was a
revelation for me. No more taking rolls of film to the local
pharmacy and being disappointed with the out of focus
or terribly composed shots – of course, I was charged for
developing all of them. Now I only got to keep the photos I liked, no matter if they were low-res and not very
well taken.
It made that European trip that much easier. The problem
is that it ate batteries like a kid eating cake at a party. And
back then, batteries were not cheap. It took four AA cells
and chewed through them like thermite through a paper
plate. I was lucky to get 30 photos before the dreaded low
battery warning.
There was no built-in flash and there had to be so much
light to get a decent photo it just about required one of
those NightSun spotlights; the ones police choppers use
to illuminate the scene. Still, it was a revelation, and I
could see the writing on the wall that this was the future
of photography.
From that time on I was a digital camera fan, upgrading
that old Casio (which I still have somewhere) to various
new models, each more advanced than the last. Each one
did me well and are still sitting in a drawer somewhere.
Usually, it was an overseas trip that triggered my new
camera searches and, while the (high) prices remained
pretty much the same, the lenses and photo quality (due
to better sensors with progressively higher resolutions)
improved greatly.
These were still point-and-shoot digital cameras,
which suited my portability and lack of ability requirements. While digital SLRs were starting to appear
on the shelves, they and their accessories were far
out of my price range.
Those cameras served me well and I still have
most of the photos I took with them, stored
on external hard drives or CDs and DVDs.
Of course, none of those media will likely
give up their data after all this time, with
burned CDs and DVDs and hard drives notoriously breaking down and failing.
For a long time, I just copied them to new discs every
year or so, keeping them refreshed, but my backup routine
has fallen behind lately. I must get an external SSD and
copy everything I can to it from those media.
Moving pictures
Then another revelation came along: digital camcorders.
They were typically far smaller than their VHS, Super8 or
even MiniDV cassette-based cameras. These were easily
portable, had reasonable image quality and were not ridiculously expensive.
One downside was that screen grabs from the videos
were of course low-resolution, until I bought a camera that
could take high-res snapshots, even while filming video.
I just had to be adept enough to push the photo capture
button while operating everything else!
I wrote once about repairing one of my camcorders, which
started faulting well out of warranty (April 2022 issue; The side screen would often
not work properly; it was covered in lines and missing bits.
Google suggested it was the interconnecting strap, one of
those really thin, printed Mylar strap (flexible) PCBs with
a push-in connector at either end.
The replacement was available surprisingly cheaply from
China, so I thought I’d give it a go. It was successful, but
those things are really complicated and built so tightly,
making them a challenge to work on with my fat fingers.
So I hope I don’t have to do such a repair again.
I’ve also repaired several SLRs over the years, though
mainly mechanical faults from being dropped. Again, they
are so compactly constructed, with parts just jammed into
them everywhere. All these cameras really are a wonder
of engineering and design.
My fascination with cameras hasn’t stopped there. A
while back, we lost a cat, and a friend offered us a supposedly working trail camera, one of those night-vision, motion
triggered ones in full camouflage livery. These things too
require many batteries for the days or weeks they might
spend tied to a tree. I opened it up to put batteries in it but
found that it was rotten inside.
Someone had left cells in it and, of course, they leaked and
corroded everything in the
acid’s (or alkaline’s)
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 91
path. Some tracks on the PCB were almost eaten right
through in places, and many of the surface-mount components were just fuzzy globs of corrosion. This thing obviously
would not fly at all, and its days of snapping wildlife were
over. I recovered the IR LED array from it and biffed the rest.
There was nothing else for it but to buy another one. Chinese websites are awash with these cameras, but I bought
an American-branded one from Amazon. Of course, it was
made in China anyway, but it was of good quality and took
very good, high-resolution photos, even in the monochrome
night-vision mode.
We set it up in areas we had credible reports of our cat
being, but all it captured were birds and hedgehogs. We
never found that cat.
Available light
So, the jungle camera sat on the shelf until we suspected
someone was coming up our long drive – a brave act considering it is shingle and at night, every step must sound
like someone opening one of those plastic cake containers you get from the supermarket. Whoever, or whatever,
it was triggered our security lights, so there was definitely
something, or someone, there.
There had also been a spate of vehicle break-ins in the
neighbourhood, so while I felt a bit paranoid about it, I set
up the trail camera on one of our fence posts. It was relatively hidden from view, unless someone was scouring for
one. At night, it would be almost invisible.
For the following few days, I checked the camera, which
was relatively easy as it has a small built-in colour screen.
With a 64GB microSD card, it can fit a fair few images
and videos before needing emptying. It is set with motion
detection enabled by default, so no real setup was required,
except for setting the resolution of the photos and videos,
which would obviously impact the capacity of the card.
Scrolling through the images, I could see the usual array
of cats passing through, and the odd shuffling hedgehog,
but neither of these types of critters usually trigger the
security lights. So, there was nothing untoward the first
night, albeit some good wildlife shots but not much else.
The next night, however, the camera picked up some
miscreant carefully coming up our drive to the gate. The
Servicing Stories Wanted
Do you have any good servicing stories that you would like
to share in The Serviceman column in SILICON CHIP? If so,
why not send those stories in to us? It doesn’t matter what
the story is about as long as it’s in some way related to the
electronics or electrical industries, to computers or even to
cars and similar.
We pay for all contributions published but please note that
your material must be original. Send your contribution by
email to: editor<at>
Please be sure to include your full name and address details.
gate is just a rusty old wrought-iron thing I’ve been meaning to change for six years. I even have the replacement,
a proper heavy duty motorised unit. But, after buying it, I
found I’d need to lay a concrete track for it and because it
crosses waste pipes, council consent.
I filed it in the too-hard basket and simply put an alarm
on the gate itself. This is a simple siren with a magnetically controlled trigger (the magnet goes on the other half
of the split gate). If it isn’t present and the alarm is set, it
sounds quite a piercing piezo siren. It also has a small keyfob style remote control, so I can arm and disarm it from
the house, 30 meters away.
So if anyone tried to open the gate, I would know. Jumping over it would require some athleticism and would likely
set off the alarm, anyway. There was also an automatic security light, so they’d hopefully be scared off and not come
back. The photos, taken a few seconds apart, showed him
looking at the gate and alarm, so he obviously wanted to
get in. Such is urban life.
I called the police and told them, but they really couldn’t
care less. If the crims broke in and hurt someone, the cops
might be interested, but in burglary itself, not so much it
seems. The images were good, especially with the light on
him, but the intruder was not identifiable from these pictures. He was wearing dark clothes, gloves and a hoodie,
the usual burglars’ fashion du jour.
I guess a patrolling rottweiler would be the order of the
day. Still, it was a warning that we were not immune and
couldn’t let our guard down.
I left the camera up for another month, but it didn’t
pick up anyone else. Hopefully, the guy thought
it was too hard. I only took it down because it
failed to switch on one day, and a fresh set of
batteries made no difference. I did open it up
to have a look, but without any information on
the circuit or the components, most of which
had the numbers obfuscated, it was just more
junk for the bin.
It had lasted a reasonable time, but this throwaway consumerism is really not on.
One little victory
So, I did what any gadget guy would do and
bought a better camera. This is on another level
again. It is a fraction of the size of the trail cam,
takes higher resolution photos, and is solar
powered from an array that charges the
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
onboard batteries. And it only cost $40! There was a twopack for $65, but this would do me fine.
Plus, it is controlled by an app over Bluetooth or WiFi
and, using the app, I can swivel the bottom half of the camera, which contains one of the two lenses. One is fixed; one
is controllable. It is also motion sensitive, with zones that
can be included or excluded from the image, and provides a
live feed of what is happening, with an alert to our phones.
On top of that, it has night vision, and a microSD card
stores the images as well!
You can imagine my chagrin when I installed it and it
didn’t work! I mean, 40 bucks is 40 bucks, right? I tore
it open, as one does, and looked as to what could be the
cause. When I say tore it open, I’m not kidding; this thing
is sealed shut with clips. There are no screws.
It is an outdoor camera, so one would expect seals and
weatherproofing, and to be fair, it is very well made and
has excellent rubberised hatches and sockets. Our camera will be installed under eaves, so it isn’t that critical; it
won’t be out in all weathers, but preventing any condensation or moisture ingress is important.
The batteries, two 18650 types, were hard-wired in. I measured them as best I could and typically, for cheaper gear,
one appeared to be dead. I cut the links between them and
the board and took them both out. One was indeed measuring just 0.3V; the other, 3.5V, a little flat but it should be OK.
I hit the low one with my power supply to see if I could
kick it into life, but even multiple tries resulted in only 0.7V.
I was just wasting time here. I sent out for two spares; I’d
replace them both, and they cost the same as the camera!
At least they had solder terminals, and it was easy enough
to solder them back in.
This time, pressing the button resulted in some chimes
and a voice saying power on. I measured the output of the
little solar panel that came with it and confirmed a nice
voltage was being generated, even inside my workshop.
I stuck it all back together with sealant and it works brilliantly and is patrolling as we speak. Cameras are such fun!
Zoom G2.1u Guitar Effects unit repair
On a rainy afternoon, I was ‘bogged down’ trying to write
some Arduino code. There were several household jobs I
could have been asked to do if my wife discovered I was
idle, so instead, I decided to browse Facebook Marketplace.
I occasionally have a look to see if there are any bargains on
offer. Normally, any genuine bargains don’t last very long.
After scrolling down a couple of pages, I found a Zoom
G2.1u guitar effects unit listed as non-working for sale for
$5. I was interested in this because I have attempted to teach
myself the electric guitar over many years. I usually only
stick at it for a few months before some project demands
all my spare time.
As the seller was only ten minutes away from me, I
thought it might be worth risking five dollars. I messaged
the seller, and he said it was still for sale as a previous
potential purchaser had not turned up. So it was mine if I
came straight away.
He was a stereotypical young muso and could not find
the effects unit buried amongst all his musical equipment
(junk). He even offered to pay me five dollars for my wasted
trip. I said I was willing to wait a little longer while he
dug a little deeper. He eventually found it, almost in plain
sight, in a desk drawer.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 93
From top-to-bottom:
• The Zoom G2.1u guitar effects unit.
• A close-up of the XC9502BO92A DC/DC controller IC.
I wasn’t initially sure whether the fault was due to this
controller IC or the transistor in the photo below.
• I used a TO-126 package BD140 transistor to replace
the faulty SMD 2SB1706.
Silicon Chip
The Zoom G2.1u was released in 2009 and has many
inbuilt sound effects, called patches, some of which replicate the sounds produced by various guitar amplifiers. It
could be powered by either four AA cells, a 9V plug pack
or via the USB port.
When I got home, I opened up the battery compartment
and noticed that a couple of the battery terminals were very
rusty. I immediately got my hopes up, thinking maybe the
only fault was the rusty terminals that needed cleaning. No
such luck. After cleaning, the unit was still dead.
I removed the separate battery compartment and found
the positive wire had corroded away from the rusty battery
terminal. I still had my hopes up for an easy fix. I cut a piece
of brass shim to cover the rusty battery terminal, soldered
the positive wire to it and refitted the batteries to the case.
This time, the effects unit showed some sign of life; that
is, a single LED lit. Not having much of an idea of how the
unit worked, I pressed various buttons and twisted knobs
with no change in the display. It was time to download
the 21-page user manual to learn how to operate the unit.
Using information from the manual, I performed a factory reset, which briefly brought alive more of the LED
digital display before it reverted back to the single LED. It
was time to do a Google search for some repair ideas. There
was a vague mention that a single LED lit indicated a flat
battery, although the manual indicated that “bt” would
be displayed.
I tried powering the unit from both the plugpack and the
USB port with the same result.
After a break, I ran another Google search and eventually
found a service manual. Still sticking to the power supply
investigation, I found that the various input power sources
are regulated down to 3.3V by a simple surface-mount
three-terminal regulator. This checked out to be working
Further studying of the almost unreadable service manual circuit diagrams showed there was another more complex dual power supply. This indicated that there should
be 1.26V somewhere on the main board loaded with surface mount components.
The 1.26V looked to be produced by a surface-mount
XC9502BO92A two-channel step up/down DC/DC controller IC driving a 2SB1706 PNP surface-mount transistor. There was no 1.26V output. At last I had something to
work with! Either the controller IC or the PNP transistor
could be at fault.
I checked for sources of these components. The controller IC is listed as obsolete but could be obtained secondhand from the USA for $4.30 plus $44 postage. There was
no way I was going to pay that on the chance it was the
regulator that was faulty. The transistor was available as a
bundle of five from interstate.
I did subsequently find some more affordable quotes for
the controller IC from China. However, the controller IC
seemed to be providing a drive voltage to the transistor.
Before outlaying any money, I decided that the best
option would be to locate and try a substitute transistor
for the 2SB1706. It was not too demanding in its specifications, being listed as a low-frequency amplifier with a
collector current of 2A.
I had a TO-126 package BD140 PNP transistor in my
spare parts. Although not an SMD, I thought it would be a
close enough electrical replacement for testing purposes.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
I unplugged all the jumper leads, removed the main circuit board from the case and located where the controller
IC and transistor were positioned. I carefully gripped the
2SB1706 surface-mount transistor with my finest needle
point pliers and de-soldered it. I knew the transistor was
de-soldered when the pliers clicked together and the transistor disappeared into a corner of the room.
Oh well, I was committed to changing the transistor,
faulty or not. I used fine tinned wire to join the surface-
mount pads to the relatively fat legs of the BD140 and used
double-sided tape to hold the BD140 down. I just powered
this board up by itself and was pleased to see 1.26V appear
at the correct location.
I reassembled and switched on the effects unit and saw
the led display go through it self-check routine on startup.
Now to test it properly. I dug out my guitar and plugged
it in to the input, and the headphones into the dual headphone/amplifier output socket. On playing a note, I was
greeted by the most horrible (to my ears) distorted sound
coming from the headphones.
I thought I would now have an audio problem to fix.
This unit comes with a host of inbuilt sound effects that
you can create yourself. A couple of pushbuttons select the
various patches. I tried selecting a couple of patches and
found different levels of distortion. I finally stumbled on
some clean guitar sound patches.
I had apparently started testing with patches that were
deliberately distorted guitar effects.
I grew up in my teenage years during the 1960s listening
to instrumental bands such as The Shadows. My guitar listening tastes have not matured much since those days. The
later effects pedals that duplicate sounds from those days
are reverb and delay, which mainly embellish the original
guitar sound and don’t distort it so much.
Anyway, I have a lot of learning to do to realise the
potential of this effects unit bought at a bargain price and
repaired at zero cost. If I decide later to sell the unit, I will
replace the BD140 transistor with the correct surface-mount
transistor to maintain its originality.
B. B., Arana Hills, Qld.
2009 Honda Jazz fan controller repair
My daughter rang and asked if I could have a look at her
Honda Jazz, as the heater/air conditioner blower was only
working at maximum speed. I have seen this sort of fault
before. The fan speed is usually reduced by series resistors, mounted so the air from the fan flows over them to
keep them cool. Newer cars use more efficient pulse-width
modulation (PWM) to control the fan speed.
I googled the problem before she arrived and found that
there is a module that’s held into the fan shroud by two
screws. It was deep inside the passenger foot well and difficult to get to.
The first step was to empty the glove box and release the
two arms that support the lid in the open position. That
allowed the glove box lid folded down all the way, so a
long-shaft Phillips screwdriver could be used to remove
the top screw that holds the resistor module in place.
The next step was to remove the under-dash shroud and
lie on the floor to access the bottom screw using a very short
Phillips head screwdriver. This was achieved after some
uncomfortable contortions. The module came out easily
and I unplugged the wiring connector.
It has a perforated metal cage covering the resistors. I was
able to bend back some tabs to remove the cover.
The resistors are a series of wire coils of differing size
and gauge. I could see the fault straight away. There is a
springy metal arm that is soldered to a metal tab; if the
module gets too hot, the solder melts and the springy metal
arm loses contact, isolating the circuit. The solder had aged
and cracked, letting the metal arm move away from the tab
and open the circuit.
The fix was to solder the arm back to the tab. I refitted
the metal cover and installed the module back in the car.
The fan now worked on all four speeds, so my daughter
can now use the air conditioner without getting her hair
blown all over the place.
J. W., Hillarys, WA.
Australia's electronics magazine
This module
(shown with
the shroud
from a Honda
Jazz is used
to control the
fan speed. The
arrow shows
the location
of the failed
solder joint.
April 2025 95
Vintage Radio
The Astor APK 4-Valve Superhet
Astor released
the APK in
1958. It was
available in
ten two-tone
cabinet colour
ivory, cherry
red & white,
grey & white,
coral & white, blossom pink &
white, dark green & ivory, lime & white, tan &
white, China red & white, and turquoise & white.
he APK is first mentioned
in Mingay’s Price Guide for
Autumn 1958. This set was purchased through the Historical Radio
Society’s Victorian auction. It is similar to two other Electronic Industries
sets at the time, the Astor Mickey HNQ
and the Peter Pan FNQ.
The Astor Technical Bulletin for the
APK, dated 18/4/58, contains the circuit and alignment procedures. The
valve line up is 6BE6, 6AD8, 6AQ5 &
6X4; it has permeability tuning with
fixed capacitors and variable inductors, similar to most car radios before
frequency synthesis.
The tuning knob shaft has three
brass bands around a metal cylinder.
As the shaft rotates one (or two, in the
other direction) of the bands push or
pull a plastic sled above the chassis.
The sled has ferrite cores attached to
it and, as it moves, they move inside
the antenna and oscillator coils to tune
the radio. The technical note cautions
against adjusting the cores, while providing information on how to set them
if required.
While there are only four valves,
Silicon Chip
the circuit is more complex than usual
since it has a reflexed intermediate frequency (IF) valve that also acts as the
first audio amplification stage.
This has the advantage that it provides higher output than a set with the
same valve count but no reflexing, and
the reduced valve count makes it less
expensive and leads to less heat generated in the cabinet, which is important for plastic cabinet sets. However,
there are disadvantages to reflexing:
• Additional passive components
• An increased tendency to overload on strong signals
• A more complicated design (not
as much of a concern for large production runs)
• Increased distortion at high modulation levels
• Play-through/minimum volume
Play-through is the presence of an
audio output with the volume control
set to zero. It is caused by the rectification of the IF signal from the slight
curvature of the anode characteristic
(‘anode bend detection’) and amplification in the same valve.
Australia's electronics magazine
By Jim Greig
When the volume control is set
slightly above zero, the normal and
the out-of-phase play-through signals
roughly cancel. The audio is generally badly distorted at this point, as
explained in the Radiotron Designers
Handbook, pages 1140-1143.
Bias to the reflexed stage is a careful balancing act between minimising
play-through and preventing audio
signals in excess of the bias voltage
from drawing grid current. It is set to
-1.8V in this set, a very linear part of
the anode curve. To assist in maintaining the constant bias, automatic gain
control (AGC) is applied to the converter only (see Fig.1).
The converter stage employs an
unusual oscillator configuration; the
coil has no taps or secondary winding,
and it and the capacitor are in series.
The cathode is grounded and pins 6
(anode) and 1 (grid) form a triode with
the capacitor from cathode to grid and
the inductor from grid to anode.
At resonance, the series impedance
is at a minimum, and the signals across
the capacitor and inductor are 180° out
of phase. The triode anode has a 180°
Fig.1: Astor’s circuit for the set. It has a large number of components around the 6AD8 because it’s reflexed, handling both
IF and audio amplification. Voltages on this circuit were measured with a 1000W/volt voltmeter.
phase shift from the grid, so there is
positive feedback, and the valve oscillates at that frequency.
The IF amplifier is straightforward,
but it has a very low anode voltage
from the voltage drop across the 51kW
anode load resistor (#28).
Detected audio is filtered by capacitor 14 and applied to the volume control, while also supplying the AGC
voltage to the converter. From the
volume control, the audio is further
filtered by capacitor 12 to remove all
of the 455kHz IF signal and only pass
audio, which is directed to the grid of
the IF reflexed amplifier through the
secondary of the first IF transformer
The audio amplification stage provides reasonable audio gain, around
30 times, measured by applying a
1kHz sinewave to the volume control
wiper and monitoring the grid and
anode voltages.
At the operating point, the anode
current is 2.5mA, and the mutual conductance (gm) is around 1mA/1.25V
or 800µmho, with the load resistance
(Rl, 51kW) in parallel with the 470kW
grid resistance on the 6AQ5, giving an
overall load of 46kW.
The quick formula for a high internal resistance valve, gain = gm × Rl,
gives a gain of 37 times, but it measured as 30 times. A more accurate
formula for gain includes the valve
internal impedance.
The curve of anode voltage vs current for constant grid 1 (and 2) voltages
for a pentode is very flat (see Fig.3).
The (variational) anode resistance is
“the incremental change in anode
voltage divided by the incremental
change in anode current which it produces, the other voltages remaining
constant”, per the Radiotron Designers Handbook (page 14).
To calculate Ra, the current was
Table 1 – Anode current vs voltage
Anode voltage (Va) Current (Ia)
Australia's electronics magazine
measured at anode voltages around the
nominal 71V, with the actual operating voltages on Grids 1 (-1.74V) and 2
(43V) in-circuit – see Table 1.
I a increased by 8µA while V a
increased from 65V to 75V. Ra is therefore 10V/8µA or 1.25MW. Gain = gm ×
Rl × Ra ÷ (Rl + Ra), so the calculated
gain is 35, still higher than what I
Could the input impedance of the
6AQ5 be reduced by the negative feedback from the 100pF capacitor shown
in Fig.4?
It seems unlikely at 1kHz, but I
checked that by adding a 68kW resistor in series with the 2.2nF (0.022μF)
coupling capacitor and measuring the
AC voltages around it.
The 6AQ5 AC input impedance calculated from the voltages measured
is 141kW. RLl is then 37kW (51kW ||
141kW). The gain is now calculated
to be 29.5, which is close enough to
the measurement. Using the same
test method and removing the 100pF
capacitor increased the input impedance to 330kW, so the capacitor has a
definite effect.
April 2025 97
The audio gain from this stage
allows the use of overall negative
audio feedback (to the bottom of the
volume control), reducing distortion
and effectively increasing the audio
The circuit shows a resistor (#22)
and capacitor (#16) connected to the
diode on pin 8 of the 6AD8. After some
time looking for an electrical reason for
the diode and finding none, it seems
likely that the pin is used as a convenient tag for the connections, and saves
adding a ground wire to it.
The link has the effect of slightly
increasing the bias on the 6AD8 for
strong signals. It varied from -1.78V to
-1.97V, possibly to allow for a greater
voltage swing. When operating normally, there is around 8V (0.16mA
through 51kW) deviation of the 6AD8
anode voltage from the nominal 71V;
the valve is operating comfortably on
the linear part of the transconductance
curve (see Fig.2).
Audio is coupled directly to the
6AQ5 output valve, which operates
with -8V of fixed bias. The relatively
low anode voltage (185V) reduces the
heat dissipated (again, important in a
plastic cabinet) and lowers the power
transformer requirements.
Values from the RCA Receiving Tube
handbook (Frank’s electron tube data
sheets, RCA 6AQ5A) show comparative anode dissipations of 11.2W (250V
× 45mA) and 5.2W (180V × 29mA),
with the audio power output reduced
from 4.5W to 2W, which is still quite
sufficient for the set’s intended use.
Fig.2: 6AD8 valve mutual conductance plots from Frank’s Electron Tube Pages
(black) and my measurement (red).
The chassis is mounted diagonally
The under-chassis view with major components labelled.
W screen
Tuning shaft
3 brass bands
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: the 6AD8 pentode’s anode
characteristics (measured) for varying
control grid voltages.
Fig.4: some voltage measurements I
made to help determine the 6AD8’s
gain was as expected, or low.
in the cabinet, so the tuning shaft
connects directly to the large centred
dial, and the volume control is on the
lower left.
The cabinet was in good condition;
a wash with soapy water and a little
polishing had it looking in a reasonable state for its age. The chassis was
clean with no rust and a small amount
of accumulated dust.
Note that the speaker is held onto
the front panel with metal tags on plastic posts. It is hard to remove them and
keep the posts intact. Careful work
expanding the jaws of the clips before
removing them cut the breakages to
one in four.
I regarded all paper and electrolytic
capacitors in the set as potentially bad,
so I replaced them. Work had been carried out on the radio at some point; the
first filter capacitor (#18) was a newer
47µF type, not the 24µF specified; I
replaced it with 22µF, which is closer
to the original value.
I replaced the other filter capacitor
(#17) with a 16μF electrolytic that I
placed inside the original can. I also
replaced the 100pF mica capacitor
(#15) on the output anode, as it is subject to high voltages, and there is a history of mica capacitors in this position
breaking down.
Any faults on powering on would
not be from these components, and
hopefully not from a wiring error while
replacing them.
The original power cable was a twincore cord knotted behind the plastic
back, so I replaced it with a threecore cable, with the Earth connected
to the chassis and the cable properly
restrained. I carefully enlarged the
small hole in the cabinet’s rear to fit
the new the cord.
The power transformer sits on the
chassis, and the mains and HT lugs
are exposed and uninsulated; a clear
safety hazard. Now that the chassis
was Earthed, there would be 230V
AC from the mains Active to the chassis, around 440V AC from the out-ofphase HT secondary and 380V across
the secondary.
The back of the volume control also
has exposed mains wiring. Beware if
you are working on one of these radios;
cover the exposed terminals before
powering it on!
Having powered the radio on, there
was no smoke but its performance
was poor. A check of the DC voltages
showed some anomalies. I measured
146V on the 6AD8 anode, not 71V.
Its screen was at 28V. The converter
screen supply was also low.
So I powered it off and checked the
resistors. The ½-watt resistors were
within tolerance, but the 1W types
This top view of the chassis shows the permeability tuning system, which is attached to a plastic sled.
2nd IF
1st IF
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 99
Scope 1: the converter oscillator grid
voltage (red) and its anode voltage
Scope 2: the 6AD8 reflexed audio
amplifier’s grid (red) and anode
(yellow). You can see some of the IF
signal superimposed on the red trace.
Scope 3: the small variation with
signal in the 6AD8 anode voltage.
that were connected to the B+ were all
high in value: the 6AD8 anode resistor
(#28) was 60kW instead of 51kW, the
6AD8 screen resistor (#29) was over
100kW rather than 47kW, and the converter screen resistor (#30) was 60kW
instead of 47kW.
I replaced them all and then the
6AD8 screen measured 44V but the
anode was still over 100V. A new 6AD8
bought it back to 70V. The radio could
now tune a Melbourne station, and a
tweak of the IFs bought it in reasonably well.
Many of the Vintage Radio articles
include information on receiver sensitivity. I have no experience making these tests and no screened room.
However, I built a dummy antenna
based on Graeme Dennes’ in Radio
Waves, October 2020 and set up my
signal generator, oscilloscope and voltmeter. I measured the audio power
across the speaker; ideally, a resistor
would be used instead.
To obtain the standard 50mW of
output, I needed 1.5mV of modulated
RF. Assuming the dummy antenna to
be part of the receiver per the 1995
British Standard, the aerial voltage
to achieve the standard output was
1500μV, which is way too high. I
replaced the 6AQ5, which made no
difference, but a new 6BE6 converter
dropped the required signal level to
No doubt this is still too high, but
the AGC level increased from -0.51V
to -1.77V as the signal strength was
increased from zero; this change
would have reduced the sensitivity.
The result shows a lack of knowledge of the testing process rather
than the absolute performance of the
receiver, but it did help to diagnose a
weak converter valve.
In Bendigo, this set receives 774
Melbourne with some noise. A Panasonic R-399 12-transistor set with an
RF stage performed better, but there is
still noise; clearly, my location is not
ideal for receiving that station.
Overall, this set is typical of the era,
in an attractive shape and available in
numerous colours. It is well-made and
achieves quite good performance with
a reasonable price tag.
An advertisement from
The Biz (Fairfield, NSW),
24th of September 1958,
page 18.
● Frank’s Electron Tube Pages
● The Valve Museum (
● Radiotron Designers Handbook,
F. Langford-Smith, Fourth Edition
1963, Wireless Press
● Vintage Radio March 2019 (The
Astor HNQ Mickey;
● Astor Technical Bulletin Mantle Model-APK (www.kevinchant.
● HRSA Radio Waves, October
2020, Ferrite Rod or loop Antenna-
equipped Receiver Testing
● Advertisements from the
National Libraries Trove (https://
I added insulation around the power
transformer terminals after Earthing
the chassis (and thus the transformer
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Send your email to silicon<at>
No sound from Pico
I built the Pico Gamer (April 2024;, and
was most impressed, as was my eldest
granddaughter, who loves it.
However, in the last few weeks,
a problem has developed. There is
no longer any sound. The games all
play perfectly, but there are no sound
effects or music. Even the beeps as
the menu is scrolled no longer work.
It was working fine, but this has suddenly happened. Any ideas? (G. G.,
Figtree, NSW)
● First, check that the volume control is turned up. If it is, you have a
hardware fault, possibly a failed solder
joint or component. Check all solder
joints using a magnifier and repair any
suspect ones, particularly at the Pico
module and volume control pot. Then
check all the components in the audio
path, especially the loudspeaker.
Determining the ratings
of a transformer
Is there a formula to work out the
secondary output current of a transformer based on the diameter of the
winding wire? I found a rather large
transformer in my shed when I was
sorting things out. I could use it for
a future project if I know how many
amps it can put out. I was not able to
find any information online. (B. P.,
Dundathu, Qld)
● Typically, a transformer will use
wire with a cross-sectional area of one
square millimetre for every 5A. So if
you can measure the wire diameter d
in millimetres (ignoring the thickness
of the insulation), you can calculate
the theoretical current capacity as I
= d2 × 5A.
However, that is only a rule of
thumb; cheap transformers will use
thinner wire than that (ie, they will
use a figure higher than 5A/mm2). This
also ignores the core, which may saturate before you reach the current that
the wire itself is capable of handling.
The only way to find out for sure is
to test the transformer under load. You
will need to check that the temperature of the core and wiring remains
within suitable limits at the calculated
current. Also check that the voltage
doesn’t sag excessively compared to
the no-load voltage. It should usually
drop by no more than 20% at the full
rated current compared to no load.
Building the
Hummingbird amplifier
I’m building the Hummingbird
Amplifier from your December 2021
issue (
and I have a few questions, starting
with the power supply. I am planning
to order the following from Altronics:
one M5325C 25V + 25V 160VA toroidal transformer, one Z0091A 35A
1000V bridge rectifier and four R5208
2200µF 63V electrolytic capacitors.
Would they make a suitable power
supply for three Hummingbird amplifier modules to power two bookshelf
speakers and a subwoofer?
I’m just in the process of winding the
10µH inductor on the Hummingbird
amplifier; I’ve never wound an inductor before. I read the instructions but
I want to clarify them. I have a metal
hole punch that is 10mm in diameter;
I’m going to wind the coils on it with
masking tape underneath them.
It sounds like I do nine turns against
each other horizontally as a flat round
layer, then glue it. Then I wind another
eight turns on top of that layer, glue
it, then another nine turns in a third
layer and glue it, giving 26 turns in
total. Is that right?
My final question is about CON3
and the speaker wiring. When I wire
in the speaker, I connect the left-hand
side positive terminal of CON3 to one
side of the speaker terminal. Should
the other speaker terminal connect to
the other side of CON3, or is that wire
omitted? I’m a little confused. (E. M.,
Hawthorn, Vic)
● The parts you have suggested for
the power supply are mostly OK. It
depends on how hard you’re going to
drive the system, but 160VA should
be enough unless you’re going to be
Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
out according to the instructions in the articles.
When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of Silicon Chip magazine.
Devices or circuits described in Silicon Chip may be covered by patents. Silicon Chip disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. Silicon Chip also disclaims any liability for projects
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Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 101
maxing out the subwoofer power. If
you can afford the cost, weight and
size of a 300VA transformer that’d be
even better, but for regular program
material at normal volume levels,
160VA is fine.
You can get more capacitance for a
similar price and in the same volume
if you use 50V rated caps rather than
63V. We suggest using four of Altronics
R4926 instead of R5208. They’re the
same size and only $1 more each, with
more than double the capacitance and
a higher ripple current rating. The 35A
bridge is more than sufficient.
What you propose for winding the
inductor will work fine. The inductor is there to ensure stability when a
complex load is connected. That might
be super long speaker wires or a crossover that presents a highly capacitive
or inductive load. The exact inductance of that coil is not critical, but it
is definitely needed.
So, when winding the coil, aim for
26 turns of 10mm diameter. If the coil
is a touch longer or has a turn or two
extra, that won’t make much difference
to its function.
We do like to glue layers together as
we go, as it stops the coil from unwinding itself if we take a break. However,
it is possible to wind these inductors
without it. We tend to keep winding if
a turn slips onto the wrong layer, as it
gets too messy undoing whole layers.
Finally, regarding the wiring, your
speaker positive (red) connects to the
output of the amplifier on CON3. Your
speaker negative (black) connects to
the 0V terminal of CON4.
You could terminate the speaker
negative wire at the unused ground
terminal of CON3, but that is not the
best way. You will get more distortion, and in extreme cases, it might
affect stability.
The best way to route the speaker
negative is to run it parallel with the
speaker positive wire to the amplifier
as if you was going to terminate it on
the amplifier board. However, don’t
cut the speaker ground (negative wire)
off. Extend it, wrapped with the positive, negative and ground wire (the
one that does connect to that 0V point)
all the way back to your power supply
main ground point.
You then connect the speaker negative wire and the amplifier 0V power
supply wire to your star Earth point.
This way, you only have a small current in the wire from the 0V terminal
of CON4 through to the main Earth
point, so there is minimal noise and
voltage drop on this wire.
If you connect the speaker negative
to CON4’s 0V terminal, then all the current to the speaker is carried by that
wire and it also has to flow through
the power supply ground wire. This
current causes a voltage drop in that
wire this is injected into the amplifier
‘ground’. So investing in that extra
wire is really important for minimising distortion.
It is helpful if you remember that
anything connecting to ground/Earth
should go back to that single point,
within reason.
Arduino Board Profile
update broke our code
I have recently successfully constructed and fully tested the Mains Power Up
Sequencer with the current detection option (February & March 2024; siliconchip.
au/Series/412). I plan to use the current detection feature to detect the TV being
switched on, followed by powering on various items, with the audio amplifier last
(and sequentially off in reverse order) to avoid a speaker thump.
Unfortunately, the TV is unable to be completely powered off without switching
it off at the wall, and the sequencer is triggered by the TV’s standby current. I tried
winding fewer turns on T1 to reduce the sensitivity, down to one turn. While it then
no longer responds to the standby current, it also won’t detect when the TV is
actually powered on with the remote control.
I note in the description that it says a 100W load resistor would provide more
linearity, but all we are trying to do is detect current (and I assume not measure it
precisely), so 10kW was chosen. I’m reluctant to measure anything or fiddle with
the lid off, so I was wondering if you could suggest how I can modify it to work
around this problem.
Otherwise, it is an excellent, well thought out and designed project. (S. D.,
Wantirna South, Vic)
● The trouble with altering the turns on the transformer is that adjustment is
too large a step in sensitivity.
We think the threshold between the TV standby current and fully-on current
could be set by using a variable resistance for T1’s load. Instead of the fixed 10kW
resistor, use a 2kW trim pot wired between the wiper and one end terminal. You can
then adjust the resistance (with the power off!) so that it ignores the TV’s standby
current but responds to you switching it on.
There should be a range of resistances over which it will work. Once you’ve found
the ideal centre position, you could measure the resistance across the pot (again,
with the power off) and replace it with a fixed resistor of that value.
I have finally gotten round to constructing a Mini WiFi LCD Backpack
(October 2020;
14599) but have encountered an error
during the sketch verify process.
For the most part, the output
appears to be technical warnings.
However, there seems to be a fatal
error relating to the library file “gui.h”.
I am running Arduino IDE version
2.3.4 on a MacBook Air M2 with
‘’Rosetta” installed to allow the IDE to
run on Apple silicon. I have been able
to load “Blink” into the Mini WiFi
LCD Backpack and also succeeded
in getting the Jaycar WiFi Weather
Logger going, so I assume my development environment is OK. Would
you please have a look at the log and
In the long run, I would like to be
able to display the WiFi Weather Logger data on the D1 Backpack, initially
via my local WiFi network, then hopefully via the internet. I also have a couple of other applications in mind for
monitoring a couple of digital inputs
and an analog input with a WiFi Mini
and displaying them on the BackPack.
Thank you for your assistance. (A.
S., Parkinson, Qld)
● We immediately thought this
would be a problem with your version
of the ESP8266 board profile, and one
line of the error message confirms this
is the case:
error: call to ‘HTTPClient::begin’
declared with attribute error: obsolete
API, use ::begin(WiFiClient, url)
The creators of the ESP8266 board
profile have changed the way some
things work, which has ‘broken’ our
sketch. The version release notes
indicate that board profile version
3.0.0 made several breaking changes
Australia's electronics magazine
Mains Power-Up Sequencer trigger current threshold
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The quickest fix will be to change
the installed version of the board profile from the Boards Manager (there is
a drop-down to change the version).
We don’t have a record of the version
used for the original project, but it was
likely one of the later 2.x.x versions.
We suggest you try 2.7.4.
There were similar problems with
the Clayton’s GPS Time Source project
and version 2.7.4 worked in that case.
Wideband Differential
Probe output is too high
I’ve finally got around to building the Wideband Active Differential Probe (from the September 2014
issue; I
ordered the parts in 2015, lost them,
then finally ordered them again a couple of months ago...
I realise that this is an old project.
However, I wondered if you might
have any troubleshooting information
available based on any questions at the
time. I’ve looked in my old magazines
for the couple of months after in case
there was anything there, but didn’t
find anything.
My problem is that when feeding
in a 2V peak-to-peak square wave at
around 200kHz, the voltages displayed
on the oscilloscope are either 3.32V
peak-to-peak at ×1 or an overshooting
3.6V peak-to-peak (3.2V if I ignore the
overshoots) at ×10. The overshooting
looks much like the shape of needing
to calibrate a probe.
The connection to the oscilloscope
is an SMA-to-BNC coaxial cable and
I’m feeding the probe’s inputs from the
50W output of a signal generator via a
BNC to crocodile clip coaxial cable.
I’ve measured the output of the signal
generator using its 600W output direct
Australia's electronics magazine
to the scope with a BNC-BNC coaxial
cable and this matches the 2V peak-topeak the generator claims to put out.
Any troubleshooting thoughts, hints
or pointers would be much appreciated. (J. B., Little River, New Zealand)
● The Wideband Active Differential Probe is designed to be used with
a 50W cable to the oscilloscope and
with 50W termination. Without this,
the displayed levels will be incorrect.
Many oscilloscopes have a 50W termination option for each input. Make
sure you’ve enabled it for the one the
Probe is connected to.
If you are using this 50W termination, perhaps the gain of the differential amplifier is not correct. Check the
values of the 1kW and 1.3kW resistors
that set the gains of IC1 and IC2. Also
check that the three 3MW resistors in
series at the input and the 1MW shunt
resistors at the gates of Q1 and Q2 are
April 2025 103
For 10:1 input compensation, you
may require a nominal 5pF capacitor
across the 9MW resistance.
Bass power amplifier
Do you have a suggestion for a sizeable bass power amplifier in the range
of 150-300W (RMS)? I don’t need a
preamp as I have a small high-quality
head from which I use the line out to
drive a large 15-inch (380mm) speaker
cab. (J. C. H., Mount Barker, SA)
● You can search our projects on
our website at
A search there reveals a few good
options for you:
1kW+ Class-D Amplifier, Pt1 by
Allan Linton-Smith (October 2023;
Advertising Index
Beware! The Loop......................... 6
Dave Thompson........................ 103
DigiKey Electronics....................... 3
Electronex..................................... 7
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Hare & Forbes............................. 19
Icom............................................... 5
Jaycar............................. IFC, 41-44
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 103
LD Electronics........................... 103
LEDsales................................... 103
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
OurPCB Australia........................ 23
PCBWay......................................... 9
PMD Way................................... 103
Silicon Chip Back Issues........... 70
Silicon Chip Binders................ 103
Silicon Chip PDFs on USB......... 95
Silicon Chip Shop.......... 63, 71, 79
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 57
The Loudspeaker 93
Wagner Electronics..................... 10
Silicon Chip
500W Class-D Mono Amplifier by
Phil Prosser (April 2023; siliconchip.
500W Power Amplifier, Part 1 by
John Clarke (April 2022; siliconchip.
New SC200 Audio Amplifier
by Nicholas Vinen (January 2017;
Ultra-LD Mk.4 200W RMS Power
Amplifier, Pt.1 by Nicholas Vinen
(August 2015;
Ultra-LD Mk.3 200W Amplifier
Module by Nicholas Vinen (July 2011;
Studio 350 Power Amplifier Module
by Leo Simpson & Peter Smith (January
Programmable Ignition
System queries
I have some questions about the Programmable Ignition System from the
March-May 2007 issues (siliconchip.
1. I am presently building the Independent Electronic Boost Control from
the Performance Electronics for Cars
book, including the Hand Controller.
I noticed circuit differences between
the Hand Controllers used for that
project and the Programmable Ignition System.
I would like to use the same Hand
Controller for both systems. Can I do
that, or do I need to plan on having
two Controllers?
2. The car I intend using the Ignition
System on has a GM HEI distributor
with an onboard coil; all the electronics are under the cap. This unit has no
external connections beyond a 12V
source, a vacuum source and a connection to an electronic tachometer.
None of the six options shown with
the ignition system appear to deal with
this situation.
I don’t think there are any user-
serviceable parts under the distributor
cap, so there are no wires to tap into.
Can I use the Programmable Ignition
System with my distributor, or would
I be better served remaining stock or
doing something else? Thank you for
your advice and help. (A. M., Fairfax,
Virginia, USA)
● The Hand Controller used for the
Boost Controller and the Programmable Ignition are essentially the same
and can be used interchangeably. The
added resistor array is just there to
minimise the possibility of corrupted
data. The resistors terminate the signal to prevent transmitting or receiving incorrect signal data.
The version with the resistor array
is preferred, but the original version
could still be used.
As far as the GE ignition system
goes, unless you can access the connections to the trigger or ignition coil
primary, it is impossible to make a
connection to the Programmable Ignition input. The Programmable Ignition
System effectively has to be wired
between the trigger source and the
ignition coil so that it can advance and
retard the spark timing.
You could remove the GE ignition
and add in a Hall Effect trigger or one
of the optical triggers instead. That
would allow you to use the Programmable Ignition System.
10-Plus-10 Stereo Amp
circuit from EA
How good are your Electronics Australia archives? Many years ago, I built
(what I am sure) was a version of EA’s
“Playmaster” 10 + 10 solid state stereo
amplifier. I think it was from the late
1960s, possibly 1968. The amplifier
used AD161 & AD162 transistors in
the output stages and had a regulated
30V power supply. I am after a copy
of the circuit if you can provide it. (P.
W., Pukekohe, New Zealand)
● After much searching, we finally
found this article: the “10-Plus-10 Stereo Amplifier” design was published in
the November 1968 issue of EA, starting
on page 44. It was not listed in any of
the EA project indexes we have! SC
Errata and on-sale data for the next issue
Universal Loudspeaker Protector, November 2015: the 6.8kΩ resistor shown
below IC1 in Fig.2 should be 5.6kΩ as per the circuit diagram and parts list. It
may also be marked on the PCB as 6.8kΩ.
Next Issue: the May 2025 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Monday, April
28th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia between April 25th
and May 15th.
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