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Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
This series is about understanding how antennas work and designing matching circuits
for them. This first article will cover antenna fundamentals, reactance, Smith charts
and some related topics. Next month, a follow-up article will go into using antenna
analysis software.
Part 1 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
adio Amateurs (hams) frequently build
and install antennas. We know that
the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
(VSWR) needs to be as close as possible to 1:1 for good performance (to
achieve efficient power transfer to the
To help us achieve this, we can use
an antenna analyser hardware device.
Software is also available to aid in this
endeavour. Traditional Smith charts
can help us understand how to adjust
antennas or design matching circuits.
We will also demonstrate how some
common antenna types work.
Amateur radio clubs often have
antenna analysers for members to use.
They can usually measure complex
impedance and indicate the sign of the
antenna image. Those that only measure |Z| magnitude and do not show
the image are not as useful.
When an antenna analyser is connected to a set of antenna terminals, it
‘sees’ your antenna as being made up
of what looks like three components:
• An inductor (L) with inductive
reactance gives a positive imaginary
+jW impedance component.
• A capacitor (C) with capacitive
reactance gives a negative imaginary
-jW impedance component.
• A resistor (R) that dissipates some
of the power as heat and radiates the
rest, with a real resistance (W) value.
Editor’s note: j is being used as the
engineering substitute for the complex
value i, where i = √-1.
Like resistance, the SI unit for
impedance is ohms (W). An antenna
can be considered a complex resistive-
inductive-capacitive (RLC) network –
see Fig.1. Antennas can have impedances like:
• 50W of real resistance with a
capacitive reactance of 25W, written
as (50 – j25)W – see Fig.2.
• 25W of real resistance with 50W
of inductive reactance, written as (25
+ j50)W – see Fig.3.
• 50W of real resistance with no
reactance; the antenna is resonant.
Written as (50 + j0)W – see Fig.4.
Some antenna analysers use X rather
than j to represent reactance.
The three antenna states
The above are three possible
antenna conditions that an antenna
analyser will display. Real resistance
will always be there, while reactance
can either be inductive (+j), capacitive
(-j) or absent (j0).
At some frequencies, it may have
inductive (+j) reactance; at other frequencies, it could have capacitive (-j)
reactance. At a specific frequency, both
reactances will be equal in magnitude,
but opposite in influence and cancel
each other out (j0).
The antenna is said to be resonant at
the specific frequency that the impedance is purely resistive.
Real resistance
The real resistance is where power
is dissipated. The power dissipated
in radiation resistance (Rr) is radiated
as electromagnetic waves, while the
power dissipated in loss resistance (Rl)
is lost as heat. For an antenna to be efficient, the radiation resistance should
be as high as possible compared to the
loss resistance. However, an antenna
analyser is only able to measure the
total resistance.
It is not easy to measure each resistance separately and indicate antenna
efficiency, where efficiency = Rr / (Rr +
Rl). However, refer to the later section
on an experimental method to derive
the loss resistance, Rl.
(1) Modelling the complex impedance of an antenna as three passive
components in series. (2) An antenna with a -jW complex impedance
component has capacitive reactance. (3) An antenna with a +jW complex
impedance component has inductive reactance. (4) An antenna with a j0W
complex impedance component is purely resistive.
Reactance is the imaginary part
of electrical impedance. Antennas
can have both inductive and capacitive reactance. These reactances are
opposing, so the presence of both will
mean that they partially (or possibly
wholly) cancel. The antenna analyser will only display the net resultant
reactance as inductive, capacitive or
no reactance.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
When the reactance is j0W, the
antenna is said to be resonant. Often,
it is not practical for the reactance to
reach j0W at the desired frequency;
with a low reactance value, close to
zero, we may still say that the antenna
is resonant.
Ideal inductors and capacitors
do not dissipate power; they store
energy and then return it. However,
real inductors and capacitors are not
ideal components and will have some
resistive loss, even if it is small. The
antenna reactance stores power in the
antenna’s near field and gives it back.
Inductance is measured in henries
(H), while capacitance is measured in
farads (F). The amount of reactance a
capacitor or inductor has depends on
the value (in henries or farads) and the
frequency. The formulas are Xc = 1 ÷
(2πfC) and Xl = 2πfL.
When the frequency increases, a
capacitor’s reactance decreases while
an inductor’s reactance increases. If
frequency decreases, the opposite happens. An antenna analyser can determine the resonant frequency of tuned
circuits and antennas.
Simulating an antenna
Discrete components can be used to
make the equivalent circuits shown in
Figs.2-4 for a given fixed frequency.
However, the radiation resistance (Rr)
will be low compared to the loss resistance (Rl), and the circuit’s efficiency
as an antenna will be very low. Electromagnetic waves will not travel far;
most of the power will be dissipated
as heat.
These equivalent circuits can be
helpful as calibration standards to
check the accuracy of antenna analysers at specific frequencies. For example, a 1% 50W non-inductive resistor
is equivalent to the Fig.4 circuit. An
antenna analyser should give a reading of (50 + j0)W and a VSWR of 1:1
if the resistor leads are short, with no
inductive reactance, and the antenna
analyser impedance is 50W.
How complex impedance
determines VSWR
Let’s start by using Cartesian coordinates to draw a real resistance line,
as shown in Fig.5, with 0W at one end
and infinite ohms at the other. The 50W
system impedance is in the middle.
We can place +j inductive reactance
above the real resistance line and -j
capacitive reactance below it.
Fig.5: by plotting the complex impedance on a Cartesian plane with an
X-axis that ranges from zero to infinite ohms, we obtain circles of constant
VSWR, with the ideal 1:1 VSWR in the centre.
Next, we can draw constant VSWR
circles to indicate various VSWR values. Larger circles indicate a higher
VSWR than smaller circles. A VSWR of
1:1 is a dot at the 50W point in the middle of the real resistance line, where the
VSWR circle has collapsed into a dot.
A 100W resistor would have a VSWR
of 2:1, as would a 25W resistor. To
achieve a VSWR of 1:1, the resistance
has to match the system impedance,
which is 50W in this case (it may be
75W in some situations). For a VSWR
of 1:1, the antenna must also be resonant, ie, having no reactance (j0W).
If your antenna has a worse VSWR,
it may be possible to adjust it to get
closer to 1:1 or use LC matching circuits, which use an inductor (L) and
a capacitor (C) to improve the VSWR.
T and Pi matching circuits can also be
used; how to design matching circuits
will be discussed later.
The Smith chart
The Smith chart was invented by
Philip H. Smith (1905-1987). It is a
graphical aid or nomogram designed
Australia's electronics magazine
for engineers specialising in radio-
frequency engineering to assist in
solving problems with transmission
lines and matching circuits. The Smith
chart shows complex impedance, real
resistance and imaginary reactance
for a single frequency or a range of
Fig.6 shows a modern version of
the original Smith chart, published in
Electronics magazine, January 1939,
under the title “Transmission Line Calculator By P. H. Smith, Radio Development Department Bell Telephone
Laboratories”. It has been rotated on
its side, as that is how we usually see
Smith charts these days.
The beauty of Smith charts is that
they make it easy to plot impedance
changes and impedance matching on
paper. Software for plotting Smith
charts is also available, which can be
more accurate than drawing on paper
and can usually perform component
calculations – so no maths is required!
Smith charts are often displayed on
modern RF test instruments, including antenna analysers.
February 2025 41
Fig.6: a blank Smith
chart, which is similar
to Fig.5 except that lines of
constant reactive impedance are
curved rather than straight.
The Smith chart is similar to Fig.5,
except instead of having straight vertical lines for real resistance and straight
reactance lines, the Smith chart has
constant circles and constant curves.
Smith charts also have constant VSWR
The Smith chart shown in Fig.6 is
a normalised version, with 1.0 at the
centre. That means it can be used with
any system impedance (50W, 75W etc).
To convert those values to ohms, you
multiply by the system impedance.
To convert back to a normalised chart,
you divide by the system impedance.
Silicon Chip
Fig.7 is a simplified version of the
Smith chart with some highlighted
lines and points. The impedance values on it are shown for a 50W system;
the red dot in the middle represents
(50 + j0)W. Several of the constant-
resistance circles are highlighted in
green and labelled with their values.
For example, any point on the
constant resistance circle that goes
through 50W has a real resistance
component of 50W. A mauve dot has
been placed on the constant real-
resistance 25W line (it is at [25 + j50]
W). The left-most point on the Smith
Australia's electronics magazine
chart represents 0W, while the rightmost point represents infinite ohms.
The 50W circle is called the unity
resistance circle or Z-matching circle.
It is the road home to where VSWR is
1:1, in the middle of the Smith chart.
The blue lines and values in Fig.7
show the inductive imaginary +j portion of the complex impedance. The
mauve dot mentioned earlier is on
the +j50W line, hence its value of (25
+ j50)W. The equivalent circuit of an
antenna that falls at this point was
shown in Fig.3. It comprises a series
resistor and inductor.
Fig.7: this simplified
Smith chart show lines
of equal inductive reactance
(blue), capacitive reactance (red) and
resistance (green).
The red lines are the imaginary
-j (capacitive) part of the complex
impedance. The yellow dot is at (50 –
j25)W, and its equivalent circuit, with
a series capacitor and resistor, was
shown in Fig.2.
If you analyse an antenna and find
it is above or below the horizontal line
at the centre, you generally want to try
to get it onto that horizontal line, ie,
make it resonant.
But remember that the VSWR will
only be 1:1 at the system impedance,
50W in the example shown in Fig.7. If
the real resistance is higher or lower
than that, you ideally want to make
changes to move it to the 1:1 VSWR
point in the middle for maximum efficiency.
Wavelength vs frequency
In a vacuum, electromagnetic waves
travel at the speed of light, c ≈ 3 ×
108m/s (light is a type of electromagnetic wave). For most practical purposes, air is sufficiently close to a pure
vacuum that you can use the same figure. A signal’s frequency and wavelength can therefore be determined
using the following formulas:
Australia's electronics magazine
ƒ = c ÷ λ or λ = c ÷ ƒ
The Greek letter lambda (λ) is the
wavelength in metres, while c is the
speed of light (in m/s). The wavelength
is the distance travelled by one cycle
of an electromagnetic wave, while
the frequency ( ƒ) is in cycles per second (Hz).
Antenna impedance vs
How you adjust an antenna to obtain
a VSWR of 1:1 depends on the type
of antenna. The following may give
some ideas.
February 2025 43
ground systems and objects around
them will have different complex
impedance curves than the one shown.
Dipole antennas
Fig.8: a plot of resistance (cyan) and reactance (red) versus length as a
fraction of the wavelength for a lossless Marconi vertical antenna with a
perfect ground plane.
Fig.9: how a monopolar
(“Marconi”) antenna
with a ground plane
(left) can be reconfigured
into a dipole (right).
The Fig.8 plot is for a Marconi vertical antenna with a perfect ground that
has no losses. It shows the antenna
drive point real resistance (Rd, cyan)
and the imaginary reactance (Xd, red)
as functions of the length of the driven
vertical element. Positive values above
the X-axis are for the real resistance
(Rd) and inductive reactance (+j),
while values beneath it indicate capacitive reactance (-j).
The antenna’s resonant points are
when reactance is j0, ie, where the
red Xd curve crosses the X-axis. The
horizontal scale shows the length of
the driven vertical element as a multiple of the wavelength (λ). This graph
was made using data from the EZNEC
antenna simulator.
The antenna is resonant at points (b)
1/4 wavelength, (d) 1/2 wavelength, (f) 3/4
wavelength and (g) one wavelength.
Points (c) and (e) are if the driven
element is cut in length so that the
real resistance is 50W, to match a 50W
system impedance. Point (b) indicates
Silicon Chip
that if you were cutting the 1/4-wave
driven element for resonance at a fixed
frequency and the reactance is capacitive, you need to make the driven element longer to make it resonant.
Likewise, if the reactance is inductive, the driven element must be
shorter. For a 1/2-wave driven element,
if it is inductive, make it longer, or
shorter if it is capacitive.
Point (d) shows that the real resistance for a 1/2-wavelength resonant
antenna is 1889W. You may find that
1889W is too high for an antenna tuner
to cope with. In that case, you may
want to reduce or increase the driven
element length to reduce the real resistance, to allow the tuner to work.
If it is a multi-band antenna, you
may need to select a length that is not
a 1/2-wavelength or multiple of it on
the other bands.
The Marconi vertical antenna with
a perfect ground and no losses used
in Fig.8 is a reasonable reference,
but practical antennas with different
Australia's electronics magazine
So, how does the plot in Fig.8 relate
to a 1/2-wave dipole antenna? A dipole
antenna can be built by combining two
Marconi antennas, as shown in Fig.9.
Section (a) on the left is a Marconi 1/4wave vertical antenna. Replacing the
no-loss ground with a conductive (eg,
tin) sheet gives us (b).
Adding another 1/4-wave Marconi
vertical antenna on the other side of the
tin sheet results in the configuration
shown in (c). Because the field lines
between the top and bottom elements
line up and match each other, the tin
sheet can be removed, giving (d).
The complex impedance for each 1/4wave resonant vertical antenna is (36
+ j0)W. Connect them in series doubles the antenna impedance to (72 +
j0)W, as in (e). To make the vertical
polarised 1/2-wave dipole a horizontal
polarised dipole, we just need to lay
it horizontally.
A 1/2-wave dipole can be broken into
two 1/4-wave lengths called elements.
The elements are set at 180° from each
other and fed in the middle. This type
of antenna is called a centre-feed 1/2wave dipole. Its impedance is (72 + j0)
W in free space. When placed near the
ground, the complex impedance will
be different.
In Fig.9, we showed how two 1/4wave Marconi antennas can be made
into a 1/2-wave centre-feed dipole. The
same can be done with two 5/8-wavelength vertical antennas, converting
them into a centre-feed Extended Double Zepp antenna.
Reflected power &
transmission line losses
Fig.10 shows an antenna matching circuit at the transmitter end of
the transmission line and not at the
antenna end (as would be the case
when the antenna tuner is part of the
transceiver). Because the VSWR at the
antenna is not 1:1, power is reflected
back from the antenna towards the
matching circuit.
The matching circuit reflects and
adds the reflected power to the forward
power from the transmitter. Thus, the
forward power supplied to the antenna
is now higher than the power supplied
to it just from the transmitter.
This must happen if the matching
Fig.10: when the antenna matching circuit is at the transmitter end, some
power is reflected back at the antenna end and circulates to ensure the
antenna receives the full transmitter power.
circuit at the transmitter end is doing
its job, delivering the full transmitter power to the antenna when the
antenna VSWR is not 1:1. The reflected
power circulates from end to end of
the transmission line.
Essentially, the matching circuit
boosts the power level on the transmission line until all the power from
the transmitter reaches the antenna.
The ‘extra’ power on the transmission
line does not come out of thin air, it is
simply recirculating power from the
transmitter that has not yet reached
the antenna.
The level of the reflected circulating
power depends on the antenna VSWR.
If antenna VSWR is 1:1, there is no circulating power and you do not need a
matching circuit. In this example, an
SWR meter inserted at either end of
the transmission line will indicate a
standing wave, while an SWR meter
between the transmitter and matching
circuit will indicate a VSWR of 1:1.
Losses will increase because of the
extra distance the reflected power travels. Because the forward power from
the matching circuit to the antenna is
now higher than the power from the
transmitter, forward transmission line
losses will also increase.
The ARRL Antenna Book presents
detailed graphs of increased line losses
as a function of VSWR for a variety of
real lines.
Some transceivers have an Antenna
Tuning Unit (ATU) built inside them.
This allows the ATU at the transmitter output to be tuned at any frequency
within the band. And make the transmitter output VSWR to be close to
1:1 across the band. It also allows the
antenna VSWR to be higher than 1:1
as in Fig.10.
If the VSWR at the antenna is not 1:1
and there is no matching circuit at the
transmitter end, the reflected energy is
dissipated in the transmitter’s output
resistance. Some transceivers measure
VSWR to determine the reflected power
and reduce the transmitted power to
protect the transceiver if VSWR is high.
A low-loss balanced transmission
line can reduce losses under dry conditions, as shown in Fig.11; losses can
increase in wet conditions with such
a configuration. An added advantage
is that the antenna tuning unit (ATU)
does not need to be mounted in the air
at the antenna connection terminals.
An experimental method to
derive Rl
Point (b) in Fig.8 for a 1/4-wavelength
resonant vertical antenna shows that
the feed point impedance is (36 + j0)W
when the ground is perfect and has
no loss resistance (Rl). In chapter 7 of
the ARRL book “Antenna Physics: An
Introduction” by Robert J. Zavrel, Jr
W7SX, he describes a non-ambiguous
method to determine Rl for a given
location for a 1/4-wavelength vertical
To do this, install a 1/4-wavelength
resonant vertical over the ground
plane. The base feed point impedance should show as little reactance
as possible (ideally, it is a pure real
resistance, but some small reactance
value is acceptable).
We are only interested in the real
resistance of the impedance that dissipates power. In this case, the value
for radiation resistance (Rr) will be
very close to 36W. Therefore, the loss
resistance (Rl) will simply be Rl =
Rfeed – 36W
As you add radials, change their
lengths and so on, the feed point
complex impedance should change
accordingly. These can form the basis
of an approximation for general use.
However, the multiple differentials
involved will vary by antenna location. As you experiment, simply use
the following equation to approximately determine efficiency:
Efficiency = Rr ÷ Rr + Rl
Ground properties can also affect
radiation resistance (Rr). For example, if the ground under the vertical/
radial system has very low conductivity and dielectric constant and is gradually made more lossy, it will begin
to approach the characteristics of free
space. In this case, the antenna radiates electromagnetic waves into the
ground, which are lost as heat.
Consequently, an accurate differentiation between radiated and absorbed
power is nearly impossible. A radiated
resistance (Rr) calculation accounts for
all radiated power, even that which
goes under the surface and can never
reach the receiver.
Next month
That covers all the basic theory we
need to analyse and tune antennas.
Next month, we are using software to
make antenna analysis easier.
Fig.11: this configuration can reduce losses in the line between the transmitter
and antenna when the matching network is at the transmitter end.
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February 2025 45