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Mini Projects #023 – by Tim Blythman
Continuity Tester
A Continuity Tester is one of the simplest
pieces of test gear out there. Still, it can
perform functional tests on numerous
devices such as fuses, globes, resistors and
even diodes. Its simplicity means it can be
assembled on a breadboard.
ontinuity Testers check for the
presence of a low-resistance circuit, as found in a functional fuse or
light globe. Most multimeters have
a continuity mode and will make
a sound when a circuit with a low
enough resistance is probed. A typical
threshold (based on the multimeter in
front of me) is 150W.
Many readers will have a multimeter, but for those who do not, you can
simply assemble a handful of components on a breadboard. Even if you
have a multimeter with a continuity
function, you might still be interested
in this circuit and how it works.
For example, you could create a
continuity tester that operates with
a different resistance threshold. You
can also use this circuit to trigger near
a particular current value. It uses a
Darlington transistor arrangement,
which is also a handy configuration
to know about.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows a very basic continuity
tester circuit. The LED and its ballast
resistor are in a standard configuration. You can imagine that connecting
a 150W (or lower) resistance would
cause the LED to light up, which is
what we want.
However, the LED will still light up
if a 1kW resistor was connected, even
though the LED current is lower. It
would be hard to tell the difference in
brightness, and thus to tell if we truly
have continuity or not.
Fig.2 is an improved version. It still
has the LED and resistor, but the test
points are displaced by some other circuitry. The two PNP bipolar transistors
Silicon Chip
are arranged in what is called a
Darlington configuration (named
after Sidney Darlington). This is not
restricted to PNP transistors and will
work much the same with NPN types.
The two collectors are connected
together, while the base of one transistor (Q2) is connected to the emitter of Q1. This effectively gives a single device with three leads, similar
in function to a regular transistor.
Components are even manufactured
as such, with two transistors in one
package, still with three external leads.
This arrangement has the advantage
that the gain of the transistor pair is
much higher than the gain of the individual transistors. For most scenarios,
multiplying the individual gains is a
good approximation.
There are some downsides. For
example, the base current must pass
through two PN junctions, so the
effective base-emitter voltage drop is
doubled compared to a typical single
device. We’ll assume with a value of
1.2V (or about two 0.6V diode drops)
for our circuit.
The arrangement
also means that the
saturation voltage (between the
collector and emitter
when the transistor is on) must also
be higher, by one diode-drop. If this
were not the case, there would not be
enough voltage to keep both transistors biased on.
In the Continuity Tester, the benefit
of the high gain of the Darlington pair
is a sharper threshold transition. We
can set a threshold current by means
of the 470W resistor connected to
Q1’s base.
Consider a current flowing through
the device under test. It will flow
through the 1.5kW resistor and then
can either pass through the upper
470kW resistor or from the base of Q1
and through the Darlington pair.
Below about 2.5mA (1.2V ÷ 470W),
all the current flows through the resistor, since there is not enough voltage
developed to overcome the forward
voltage of the two PN junctions. But
soon, there is enough current to cause
Fig.1: you might
think that a
circuit like this
could do the job
of testing for
continuity, but
the LED will
light up even if
a relatively high
resistance is probed.
Fig.2: this improved circuit adds two
transistors in a Darlington configuration.
Note the cyan rectangle outlining the two
transistors; it has three wires crossing its
border. They can be treated as the base,
and electronics
collector of magazine
the pair.
Scope 1: the vertical axis is the LED current, while the horizontal axis is the
resistance between the test probes. The green trace shows the very soft response
offered by the circuit in Fig.1. The blue trace of the Fig.2 circuit has a much
sharper transition.
some to flow through the base of the
Darlington pair.
With a 5V supply and a red or yellow LED, about 6mA will flow through
the LED when the pair is switched on
fully. Parts like the BC557 have a gain
well above 100, meaning the Darlington pair has a gain of over 10,000.
For 6mA to flow through our LED,
we need no more than 0.6µA to flow
into the base of Q1. To turn this
threshold current into a resistance, we
choose the value of the second resistor to supply just over 2.5mA when a
150W resistance is placed across the
test points. The resistance between the
5V rail and the base of Q1 should be
about 1.5kW (3.8V ÷ 2.5mA).
Just like a regular diode or transistor,
the actual voltage across the PN junction is not always exactly the same,
so the actual transition will not be
perfectly sharp, but it will be much
sharper than for the circuit shown
in Fig.1.
Scope 1 shows the results of a simulation comparing these two circuits,
with the horizontal axis being the
resistance between the test points.
The Fig.1 circuit produces the green
trace, while the Fig.2 circuit is the blue
trace. Note that the Fig.2 circuit transitions much more sharply. It still is
not a ‘brick-wall’ cutoff, but it is good
enough for our purposes.
We have used two of the same type
of transistor in our Darlington pair,
which works out neatly since they
have the same pinout and we can use
the layout shown in Fig.3. Note that a
Darlington pair will often use a smaller
transistor for Q1 and a power transistor for Q2, so that will not always be
the case.
The purple wires are the test leads,
while the power rails on the breadboard should be connected to a suitable power supply. We’ve used a regulated 5V supply from an Arduino
board, which is necessary because the
supply voltage figures into the threshold calculations.
A 9V supply should work just as
well, although the value of the 1.5kW
resistor will need to change. The
threshold current (2.5mA) does not
depend on the supply voltage, but the
LED current does (due to the 470W
Using it
The first test you can do (once you
have connected power) is to touch the
two probes together. The LED should
light up when they touch and stay off
when they are not touching. If this is
not the case, check your wiring before
You can test out the Continuity Tester on some resistors, fuses or globes.
Be sure to only use it on parts that are
out of circuit, since it will interact with
and possibly cause damage to other
powered circuits.
Touch one probe to each terminal
or lead of the device. The LED will
light if the fuse or globe has a
low resistance. If the LED
Parts List – Continuity Tester (JMP023)
1 small breadboard [Jaycar PB8820]
2 BC557 45V 100mA PNP transistors [Jaycar ZT2164]
1 yellow or red 3mm LED [Jaycar ZD0110]
2 470W ¼W axial resistors [Jaycar RR0564]
1 1.5kW ¼W axial resistor [Jaycar RR0576]
1 5V DC power supply
Hookup wire or jumper wires
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: we laid out our circuit on a
breadboard like this, since it is easy to
do and you might want to assemble it
in a hurry (eg, if your multimeter has
a flat battery).
is off or dim, then the resistance is
higher and the fuse or globe is probably faulty.
It is not foolproof, since it only
applies a very small current. It’s not
uncommon for a fuse to test OK with
a continuity tester but then fail in circuit where it has to handle a higher
current. On the other hand, a continuity test failure is usually definitive.
Other applications
A transistor circuit like this is wellsuited to driving heavier loads than
just LEDs. The BC557 can handle up
to 100mA through its collector, so is
well-suited to driving small globes,
buzzers and relays if you need a different sort of indication. The relay simply replaces the LED and its resistor.
You can use such a circuit to detect a
current or voltage.
Keep in mind that the relay should
be equipped with a diode to catch
the inductive spike when it switches
off. Also remember that the Darlington configuration will drop almost a
volt, even when fully switched on,
so your supply should have enough
headroom to drive the relay with the
reduced voltage.
You can imagine that our original
Fig.1 circuit would be quite hopeless
at driving a relay and that the Darlington transistor is handy at providing
the extra current needed. SC
This simple circuit
can be used to test
if things like fuses
and globes have
continuity, ie, they
have a low resistance
and are probably
March 2025 63