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Part 5: Noise
So far, this series has mostly been concerned with errors arising from component
matching and unwanted currents and fixed voltages. There is another type of unwanted
signal that can cause all sorts of problems that we refer to as noise. So, how can we
quantify its effects on our circuits and reduce the resulting errors? By Andrew Levido
n electronics, the term “noise” can refer
to any form of unwanted signal that
masks a signal of interest. This
includes noise that is imposed upon
a circuit from external sources such as
radio-frequency interference or mains
hum, which can be reduced or eliminated by filtering, shielding or other
design techniques.
However, there are sources of noise
that are intrinsic to the components
themselves. They come from within
the circuit, not outside, so they cannot be reduced by shielding.
In this article, we will look at this
type of truly random noise that is
caused by various physical phenomena within the components we use.
As we have discussed in earlier articles, precision electronics design is all
about understanding and quantifying
the sources of uncertainty, and noise
is another error source that we cannot
always ignore.
To understand noise, we will have
to start with a bit of theory, but I will
try to keep it to a minimum. We will
then get into the practical side with a
full noise analysis of a simple audio
amplifier. Let’s begin by looking at the
main types of noise of concern to electronics designers.
Johnson noise
Johnson noise, sometimes also
called Nyquist or thermal noise, is
essentially the electrical signal produced in lossy components by the
random movement of charge carriers
(usually electrons) due to temperature. Remember that temperature
relates to the motion of atoms and
other elements of a material; they
are only still when the material is at
absolute zero.
For example, a 10kW resistor at
room temperature will develop a
noise voltage across its terminals of
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around 1.3µV RMS if measured with
a high-impedance AC voltmeter with
a 10kHz bandwidth. If we were to
short-circuit the resistor, we would
measure a noise current of about
130pA (1.3µV ÷ 10kW) over the same
This phenomenon was first
described by John Bertrand Johnson
in 1927 and characterised by Harry
Nyquist in 1928. Nyquist showed that
the noise voltage density in a resistor is
given by the equation Vrms = √4kTRfb,
where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38
× 10-23), T is the absolute temperature
in Kelvin, R is the resistance and fb is
the bandwidth in hertz (Hz).
This highlights the first important
thing to keep in mind when discussing noise: we can only quantify a noise
voltage or current if we also specify a
bandwidth over which to measure it.
If we don’t know the bandwidth of
concern, we can only describe noise
in terms of a voltage or current per
unit frequency, called the voltage or
current noise density.
The units of voltage noise density
are V/√Hz and those for current noise
density are A/√Hz.
You have to be careful to distinguish
between an absolute value of noise
(an RMS [root-mean-squared] voltage
or current) and its density. The relationship between them is analogous
to the relationship between the mass
and density of a material. Density is
a property intrinsic to the material,
but the mass of an object made of the
material depends on the amount of it
we are dealing with in a specific case.
The noise voltage density of a resistor, for example, is a property of the
resistor at a given temperature, but
the noise voltage developed across
it depends on the bandwidth we use
to measure it (or over which it has an
effect). In the case of Johnson noise
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(and any white noise, as we will see
below), the relationship between noise
density and voltage is the square root
of the bandwidth.
Johnson noise is an inescapable
result of the thermal agitation of
electrons that occurs anywhere that
charges are free to move. Fortunately,
you can normally ignore the Johnson
noise generated in conductors like
wires, since their resistance is so low
that any noise that they may contribute is negligible.
In fact, mostly lossless devices like
capacitors and inductors (up to a
point) do not contribute to the overall
noise in a circuit. They can, however,
impact bandwidth and therefore can
influence the noise voltage or current.
Shot noise
Johnson noise occurs even when no
current is flowing. On the other hand,
shot noise occurs because a flowing
current is made up of discrete ‘chunks’
of charge (electrons or holes). If the
moving charges act independently of
each other, the resulting randomness
of the current flow causes noise.
This phenomenon does not occur in
metallic conductors, where the moving electrons influence each other and
therefore don’t act randomly. It does
occur in semiconductors, though;
for example, when charge carriers
are diffusing across a semiconductor
The shot noise density is given
by the formula in = √2qIdc and is
expressed in units of A/√Hz. Here,
q is the charge on an electron (1.6 ×
10-19C) and Idc is the average current.
The RMS value of shot noise is therefore irms = √2qIdcfb .
This means that a steady 1A current passing through a semiconductor
junction will see a random variation
of 57nA RMS when measured over a
10kHz bandwidth. That corresponds
to about 0.057ppm (parts per million)
– small enough to be immaterial in
most situations.
Shot noise gets relatively larger
as the current reduces because there
are fewer moving charge carriers. For
example, a 1µA current will have a
superimposed shot noise of 57pA
RMS, which corresponds with 57ppm;
it is becoming more significant.
∕f noise
Shot and Johnson noise are both
types of ‘white noise’, ie, they carry
equal power per unit of frequency
(hertz) across the spectrum. This is
why we can simply multiply the noise
density by the square root of the bandwidth to calculate the noise voltage
or current.
1∕ noise (sometimes called flicker
noise) differs from Johnson or shot
noise, which are the result of atomic-
level physical phenomena. 1∕f noise is
created by a variety of mechanisms
(not all well understood) relating to
materials and construction techniques.
1∕ noise has the defining characf
teristic of having an equal energy per
decade of spectrum. In other words,
it has the same power in the 1-10Hz
range as it does in the 10-100Hz and
1-10kHz ranges. This means the power
per hertz is inversely proportional to
frequency – hence the 1∕f name.
Noise with this power spectrum is
known as ‘pink noise’ and it occurs
in a wide variety of places, including
the flow of traffic, ocean currents and
the loudness profile of classical music!
From an electronics perspective,
1∕ noise does occur in some resistors
depending on their construction (carbon composition resistors were notoriously bad for this) but it can usually
be safely ignored in modern resistors.
It can become significant in op amp
circuits, which is why we need to
know about it.
Burst and avalanche noise
There are two other sources of noise
in electronics that are worth mentioning: burst noise and avalanche noise.
Burst noise, also known as popcorn
noise, is a low frequency (<100Hz)
‘popping’ phenomenon caused by
manufacturing imperfections in semiconductor materials. It used to be a
problem in the early days of integrated
circuits, but improved manufacturing
processes have all but eliminated it.
Avalanche noise is similar to shot
noise but occurs during the reverse
breakdown of semiconductor junctions. Its amplitude can be very high,
so it is often used when we want to
deliberately to create an analog white
noise source. We don’t usually operate our circuits with semiconductor
junctions in reverse breakdown, so
we can ignore avalanche noise most
of the time.
There is one major exception: zener
diodes with voltage ratings above
about 5.5V operate in a controlled avalanche breakdown mode. Those rated
below 5.5V use the Zener effect, which
is a different phenomenon altogether
(interestingly, a 5.6V zener diode uses
a mixture of both!). If you have these
in your circuits, you may have to take
avalanche noise into account.
Now we have covered the sources of
noise, we have to consider one more
important point that will allow us to
analyse noise in practical circuits.
Gaussian distributions
Johnson, shot and 1∕f noise are all
considered Gaussian, which means the
amplitude of instantaneous voltage is
distributed according to a Gaussian,
sometimes called ‘normal’, curve as
shown on the left of Fig.1. The average amplitude of noise is zero, but the
peak value at any given instant will be
a matter of probability.
Higher-amplitude excursions are
less likely than those close to the mean
due to the ‘bell’ shape of the Gaussian
distribution. The probability that the
instantaneous voltage will be between
any two values is given by the area
under the curve between those values.
Statisticians love these curves, but I
don’t find them a particularly intuitive
way to look at amplitude. I prefer the
relative occurrence chart on the righthand side of Fig.1. The vertical scale is
the fraction of time the instantaneous
voltage will exceed some multiple of
the RMS voltage.
For example, the instantaneous
amplitude will exceed twice the RMS
voltage approximately 4.6% of the
time, but will exceed four times the
RMS voltage only 0.006% of the time.
You can also see from the occurrence
chart that the instantaneous noise
voltage will be below the RMS value
approximately 2/3 of the time. This,
plus the fact that the different sources
of noise in a given circuit will be
uncorrelated (they behave completely
Fig.1: the probability of a given instantaneous voltage occurring in white noise is distributed according to a Gaussian
curve (left). The relative occurrence curve on the right instead shows the fraction of time that the peak voltage will exceed
a specific amplitude, which I find easier to understand.
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March 2025 77
Fig.3: the noise
equivalent circuit
for a parallel RC
circuit. The resistor
and capacitor form a
low-pass filter for the
resistor’s Johnson noise
source. The resulting noise
voltage depends only on
the temperature and the
capacitor value.
Fig.2: the noise equivalent circuit of a
resistor is a noiseless resistor in series
with a voltage source with a value
given by the Johnson noise equation.
independently), means that adding the
RMS values of different noise sources
will over-estimate the resulting noise.
So, instead of adding noise in
the normal arithmetic way, we add
noise as the root sum of squares. This
means we square the values, add them
together, then take the square root to
arrive at a value that is statistically
equivalent to the sum. If we are adding more than two noise sources, we
just extend the sum by adding more
squared values before taking the
square root.
The root sum of squares method
leads to a shortcut that can help simplify noise calculations significantly.
If one of the quantities being added is
smaller than another by a factor of 10
or more, you can ignore it altogether
with very little resulting error. For
example, a 10µV and 1µV source sum
to 10.05µV using root-sum-of-squares,
so we could simply ignore the 1µV
source in that case.
A simple example
Noise calculations in circuits can get
quite complex since almost every component contributes to or shapes noise.
For this reason, it is important to take
a step-by-step approach, breaking the
circuit down into manageable chunks.
For each ‘chunk’ of circuit, we need to
analyse the ‘noise equivalent circuit’
to calculate the total noise.
We must understand the noise
equivalent circuits of the components
to accomplish this.
The noise equivalent circuit of a
resistor (Fig.2) is a good place to start.
We have already seen that a resistor
will exhibit Johnson noise with a voltage of √4kTRfb so it can be modelled
by a noiseless resistor in series with a
voltage source of that value. Resistors
in parallel or series can be reduced to
a single equivalent resistor, then converted to the noise equivalent circuit.
We mentioned above the capacitors
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don’t themselves contribute noise, but
Fig.3 shows the noise equivalent circuit of a capacitor in parallel with a
resistor. If we replace the resistor with
its noise equivalent circuit from Fig.2,
we have a noise source feeding a simple single-pole RC low-pass filter. This
filter will reduce the noise bandwidth
and thus the noise voltage seen at the
terminals of the RC pair.
The -3dB bandwidth of the RC filter
will be 1 ÷ (2πRC), but we can’t just use
this in noise calculations since such a
filter lets through frequencies higher
than the corner frequency, albeit in
an attenuated form. We therefore need
to convert the -3dB bandwidth to an
‘equivalent noise bandwidth’ (ENBW),
which is the bandwidth of a perfect
‘brick wall’ filter that lets through the
same amount of noise.
The scale factor for a single-pole filter turns out to be π ÷ 2, so the ENBW
for a single-pole RC filter is 1 ÷ (4RC).
Substituting this into the equation
for Johnson noise gives an expression
for the resulting noise voltage: Vrms =
√kT ÷ C. A parallel RC circuit therefore
has the noise equivalent circuit shown
on the right in Fig.3. Notice that the
noise voltage is dependent only on the
temperature and the capacitor value –
the resistor value is irrelevant! Noise
can be weird sometimes.
Op amp noise equivalent
A typical op amp exhibits Johnson
and shot noise with a flat power spectrum, as well as 1∕f noise, which has a
power spectrum biased towards lower
frequencies as shown in Fig.4. At low
frequencies, the 1∕f noise dominates,
while at high frequencies, the Johnson
and shot noise dominate.
At some frequency, fc, the amplitudes of these two noise components
will cross over. When specifying op
amp noise, manufacturers condense
everything down to three things: a
figure or graph for fc, an input noise
voltage density (en) referred to the non-
inverting input, and an input noise
current density (in) at each input.
Fig.5 shows the noise equivalent
circuit of an op amp. It consists of a
noiseless op amp with noise sources
at its inputs. These current sources
Fig.4: op amps exhibit both pink (1∕f ) noise, which dominates at low frequencies,
and white (Johnson and shot) noise, which dominates at high frequencies. The
frequency at which they cross over is the noise corner frequency, fc. This figure
is usually specified in the data sheet.
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Fig.5: the noise equivalent circuit of an op amp includes noise current sources
associated with each input of a noiseless op amp, plus a noise voltage source in
series with its non-inverting input.
Fig.6: a simple audio
amplifier stage circuit we will
analyse for noise performance.
produce noise voltages across the
source resistances at the op amp’s
inputs. The noise crossover frequency
is used together with these sources to
calculate the overall op amp noise.
shown in row 1 of the noise budget
table (Table 1).
Next, we have the op amp’s noise
voltage, shown in Fig.7(c), which is
given by the voltage noise density
(11nV/√Hz) and the bandwidth. We
have seen that for white noise, we simply multiply the noise density by the
square root of the circuit bandwidth
to get the voltage. However, we know
that the op amp produces pink 1∕f noise
up to 150Hz – well within our 1Hz to
25kHz bandwidth.
We take this into account by applying a modification factor to the bandwidth, a bit like we did to determine
the ENBW from the -3dB bandwidth.
When the bandwidth of interest
straddles fc, we have to use the formula fb + fcloge(fh ÷ fl) to calculate an
equivalent bandwidth. In this equation, fb is the nominal bandwidth, fc
is the noise corner frequency, fh is the
upper bandwidth limit and fl is the
lower limit of bandwidth.
So the op amp noise bandwidth
evaluates to 26.5kHz instead of 25kHz.
Plugging this into the op amp’s input
noise density gives us a noise voltage
at 1.79µV.
We can now consider the noise
voltage generated by the op amp’s
current noise. This is a bit trickier.
Fig.7(d) shows the superposition circuit for this source. We have a current source in parallel with a resistor
A practical example
Let’s apply this to a real-world example. Consider a simple op-amp based
audio amplifier circuit, as per Fig.6.
The input signal is AC-coupled to the
op amp via C1. This forms a high-pass
filter with R1, which has a -3dB cutoff
frequency of about 1.6Hz. The op amp
is configured as a non-inverting amplifier with a signal gain of 11.
C2 rolls off the amplifier’s frequency
response at around 16kHz. The example circuit uses a TLV2460 general-
purpose rail-to-rail input/output
(RRIO) op amp with en = 11nV/√Hz, in
= 0.13pA/√Hz and fc = 150Hz.
We will analyse the noise in this
amplifier in a step-by-step manner,
using the principle of superposition.
This analysis technique allows us to
analyse linear circuits with multiple
sources by calculating the effect of
each one in isolation and adding the
We replace any voltage sources we
are ignoring with short circuits, and
any current sources we are ignoring
with open circuits. We will build up a
noise budget table (Table 1) as we go.
Before we start, we need to define
the nominal bandwidth over which
we will calculate the noise. Since our
circuit has a single-pole 1.6Hz highpass filter at the input and a single-pole
16kHz low-pass filter around the op
amp, our overall bandwidth is well
defined. However, just like the parallel RC case above, we have to calculate the equivalent noise bandwidth,
since the roll-offs are far from abrupt.
Recalling that the ENBW scale factor for a single pole filter is π ÷ 2, the
lower ENBW limit becomes 1Hz and
the upper one becomes 25kHz. So, the
overall noise bandwidth of the circuit
is 25kHz – 1Hz ≈ 25kHz.
We start our analysis at the non-
inverting input of the op amp. Since
the source voltage is short-circuited,
R1 and C1 are in parallel as far as noise
is concerned.
Fig.7(a) shows the noise equivalent circuit of this part of the circuit.
There are three noise sources: the R1/
C1 parallel noise voltage, the op amp’s
voltage noise source and the current
noise source, both at the non-inverting
input of the op amp. We will look at
each in turn and use the superposition principle.
Fig.7(b) shows the R1/C1 source. We
have already seen that the noise voltage in this case is √kT ÷ C. Plugging
in a temperature of 300K (26.85°C)
and the 1µF value of C1 gives a noise
voltage of 64.3nV. This calculation is
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Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 79
Fig.7: the process of analysing
the input stage noise equivalent
circuit for Fig.6(a) shows all the
noise sources together and the
subsequent circuits show how the
noise contribution of the individual
sources are evaluated.
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Fig.8: the process for analysing the
noise sources at the op amp’s output
is similar to that for the input. This
time, there are four noise sources,
including the input noise multiplied
by the op amp’s noise gain.
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(and a capacitor, but let’s park that for
a moment), so we can replace these
with the Thévenin equivalent voltage
source in series with the resistor, as
shown in Fig.7(e).
In case you are not aware of
Thévenin’s theorem, it states, “Any
linear electrical network containing
only voltage sources, current sources
and resistances can be replaced by a
voltage source in series with a resistance.” It is a powerful tool for simplifying circuits and well worth reading
about if you don’t understand it (see
The current noise density is
0.13pA/√Hz and the resistance is
100kW, so the Thévenin noise voltage
density is 13nV/√Hz.
Now let’s bring the capacitor back
into the picture. This forms a low-pass
filter with R1, which will impact the
bandwidth we should use to calculate the RMS voltage at the op amp’s
input. The filter’s ENBW is given by
1 ÷ (4RC), as we saw above, so we use
this figure (2.5Hz) in the calculation.
The resulting voltage will be 20.6nV
(line 3 of the Table 1).
To complete the superposition process, we just have to add all three
voltages together using root-sum-ofsquares to get a single equivalent noise
voltage at the non-inverting input of
the op amp.
Since the op amp’s input noise voltage is more than an order of magnitude
higher than either of the other two, we
can safely ignore the others. This leaves
us with a total voltage noise voltage at
the op amp input of 1.79µV RMS.
Now we turn to the op amp output.
Fig.8(a) shows the equivalent circuit.
This time, there are four sources of
noise voltage: the output noise of the
op amp due to the amplified input
noise we just calculated, two resistor
noise voltages (R2 and R3) and the
current noise at the op amp’s inverting input. We use superposition again
to calculate each contributing part of
the noise voltage individually.
Fig.8(b) shows that the first of these
is easy; it is just the 1.79µV input noise
voltage multiplied by a gain of 11, giving 19.7µV. For a non-inverting amplifier, the noise gain is the same as the
signal gain, since the noise source is on
the same input as the signal. This isn’t
necessarily true for all op amp configurations, so you will need to scrutinise
each circuit for noise sources.
For example, for a standard inverting
amplifier configuration, the noise
gain equals the signal gain plus one.
Remember that the op amp’s voltage
noise equivalent is always referred to
the non-inverting input.
The noise due to R2/C2, as shown in
Fig.8(c), is also easy to calculate since
this is just another RC parallel circuit
that we are already familiar with. The
noise voltage here is 2.03µV.
The noise due to resistor R3, shown
in Fig.8(d), is also easy using the formula for Johnson noise on page 76.
This works out to be about 643nV.
The noise voltage due to the op
amp’s current noise can be calculated
using the Thévenin equivalent circuit shown in Figs.8(e) & 8(f). In this
case, the noise voltage works out to be
20.6nV. The only trick here is to use
the 26.5kHz augmented bandwidth to
account for the 1∕f noise.
The total noise at the output of the
circuit is calculated by root-sum-ofsquares of the voltages. It turns out
to be 19.8µV RMS. Since the circuit
was designed to deliver signals at 1V
RMS, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is
20log10(1V ÷ 19.8µV) ≈ 94dB.
Power supply noise
This analysis so far ignores power
supply noise. Power supply noise will
be coupled into the op amp’s output to
some degree, although op amp designers try hard to maximise the rejection
of such noise. The op amp’s power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) defines the
degree to which a disturbance on the
power supply rail reaches the output.
The TLV2460 has a power supply
rejection ratio (at 25°C) of >80dB up
to 20kHz. This means any power supply noise will be attenuated by a factor of 10,000 over the frequencies we
care about.
To calculate the power supply noise
contribution, you reduce the RMS
noise present on the power supply
by the PSRR and add the result as
you would for any other noise voltage
source on the op amp’s output.
Put another way, if we can keep the
power supply noise in our example circuit under 20mV RMS, the op amp’s
PSRR will reduce this to 2µV at the op
amp output. This is one tenth of the
~20µV of noise we just calculated, so
will make no meaningful contribution
to the overall circuit noise.
Minimising noise
We have seen that noise is an inescapable phenomenon, with causes
linked to the fundamentals of physics.
There is nothing we can do to eliminate it, short of cooling our circuit
down to absolute zero. However, you
can minimise the noise in any circuit
using a few techniques.
They may not all be possible or relevant in your application, but the following ideas are worth considering.
1. Reduce bandwidth: we have seen
that noise voltage depends highly on
bandwidth and that reducing bandwidth reduces noise amplitude. You
may not be able to reduce the overall
bandwidth of the circuit, but even limiting bandwidth in parts of the circuit
may help.
2. Use oversampling: this is a kind
of bandwidth reduction. If you are
measuring a noisy quantity with an
ADC, you can take multiple samples
and average the results. Since noise is
Gaussian with zero mean, the average
of several samples tends toward zero
as the number of samples increases.
3. Minimise gain: the gain elements
in your circuit amplify input-side
noise voltages. Use the minimum gain
necessary to amplify your signal.
4. Use lower value resistors
where possible. A 1kW resistor has
a noise voltage density of ~4nV/√Hz,
compared to ~40nV/√Hz for a 100kW
resistor. A 100W resistor is even better
at ~1.3nV/√Hz.
5. Choose the right op amps. There
is a huge range of ‘low noise’ op amps
and their headline specifications don’t
always tell the full story. Low voltage
noise density does not always mean
low 1∕f noise and vice versa. Depending
on your bandwidth, you might need to
balance one parameter with another.
6. Pay attention to power supplies.
Power supply noise can be coupled
into your signal path in all sorts of
ways. Linear regulators are generally
quieter than switch-mode ones (or you
could use a switch-mode regulator
with a linear post-regulator).
7. Pay attention to power supply
and ground routing, especially where
high current circuits are present on the
same board. Use decoupling capacitors thoughtfully and consider using
LC filters or capacitance multipliers to
create a low noise supply to particularly sensitive portions of the circuit.
Keep high-current ground networks
separate from signal grounds.
As a concrete example, refer to our
circuit shown in Fig.6. We calculated
its SNR as being close to 94dB. If we
intended to use it to process an audio
signal, we probably want to reduce
the noise a bit, for an SNR of at least
That could most effectively be
achieved by using a lower noise op
amp. An op amp like the NE5534, for
example, with a voltage noise density
of 3.5nV√Hz, a current noise density
of 1.5pA√Hz and an fc of about 1kHz
might be a better choice.
A quick estimate using these figures
gives an op amp voltage noise (line 2
of the table) of 0.66µV compared to
1.79µV, and the overall circuit noise
figure reduces to about 7.5µV giving
an SNR of just over 102dB.
Table 1 – a noise budget for our example audio amplifier circuit
Noise Source
Result (RMS)
R1/C1 (100kW, 1μF)
Parallel RC: Vn = √kT ÷ C
Op amp voltage noise (11nV/√Hz, 150Hz) 7(c)
Op amp current noise (0.13pA/√Hz)
7(d)(e)(f) Thévenin equivalent and LPF: en = inR1, fb = 1 ÷ (4RC)
Total input noise (Lines 1-3)
Root sum of squares, Line 2 dominates
Output noise due to input noise
Line 4 times noise gain of 11
R2/C2 (10kW, 1nF)
Parallel RC: Vn = √kT ÷ C
R3 (1kW)
Resistor: Vn = √4kTRfb
Op amp current noise (0.13pA/√Hz)
Thévenin equivalent: Vn = inR3√fb + fc loge(fh ÷ fl)
Total output noise (Lines 5-8)
Root sum of squares, Line 5 & 6 dominate
Bandwidth straddles fc so use Vn = en√fb + fc loge(fh ÷ fl) 1.79µV
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March 2025 81