Software & STL files for the Power LCR Tester
The firmware (HEX & C code) and 3D printing STL files for the Power LCR Meter.
PicoMite 2 firmware
This download package includes the .uf2 files, documentation and extra files for both the updated PicoMite and the PicoMite 2, as described in the February 2025 issue.
This firmware is also used for the Pico 2 Computer.
Cat No SC0833. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
Software for JMP022 - RF Remote Receiver
This download package includes the Arduino sketch and RF decoder library needed for Mini Project #022.
Pico 2 Audio Analyser firmware (0410723B)
The software for the Pico 2 Audio Analyser. It includes a .uf2 file that can be loaded directly into the Pico 2, plus the source code and libraries.
Software for the article on transitioning to the RPi Pico 2
A set of software as mentioned in the article on the Pico 2 that was published in our March 2025 issue.
Software for the YouTube jukebox using a Raspberry Pi Zero
The software for the Circuit Notebook entry on the YouTube jukebox in the March 2025 issue.
LTspice simulation files for Magnetic Cartridge Preamplifier
As described in Ask Silicon Chip, March 2025.
Software for IR Repeater (CNB)
The software for the Circuit Notebook entry on the IR Repeater in the February 2025 issue.
Software for JMP021 - Wireless LEDs
Two Arduino sketches for the Wireless Flashing LEDs Mini Project in the February 2025 issue.
Software for JMP020 - Transistor Tester
The Arduino sketch for the Transistor Tester Mini Project in the February 2025 issue.
IR$ Remote Control Keyfob firmware [1510923A.HEX]
The HEX file, BIN file and MPLAB X/C source code for the IR Remote Control Keyfob project.
Software for the Programmable Frequency Divider (04108241A.HEX)
The HEX file and source code (MPLAB X project, C language) for the PIC16F1455 microcontroller in the USB Programmable Frequency Divider project.
Firmware for the Digital Capacitance Meter
This ZIP file contains the HEX file and C language source code for the PIC16F1847 microcontroller in the Digital Capacitance Meter.
Firmware for the Programmable current indicator for USB power banks
The firmware for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Programmable current indicator add-on for USB power banks" from January 2025.
Firmware for JMP018 - Gesture Controlled USB Lamp
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and gesture module library for Mini Project #018 (Gesture Controlled USB Lamp).
Firmware for JMP019 - BIG LED Clock
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and NeoPixel library for Mini Project #019 (BIG LED Clock).
Software for the Battery Powered Model Railway project
This ZIP file contains the three HEX files and associated BASIC source code for the three PICs used in the Battery-Powered Model Railway:
1) 0911024T.HEX for the PIC16F617 in the transmitter.
2) 0911024R.HEX for the PIC16F1455 in the receiver.
3) 0911024C.HEX for the PIC16F617 in the battery charger.
Test sketch for the TCS230 Colour Sensor Module
The Arduino sketch for checking out the operation of the TCS230 colour sensor.
Software for the Four-Cell Monitor
The BASIC source code for the Micromite-based four-cell voltage monitor Circuit Notebook entry, December 2024.
Firmware for JMP016 - WiFi Weather Logger
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and library for Mini Project #016 (WiFi Weather Logger).
Pico Computer demonstration software
The demo software for the Pico Computer, including both source code and precompiled .uf2 files.
Firmware for the VSD Mk2
This download package includes the HEX and ELF files for the new Variable Speed Drive for Induction Motors.
They contain the same code. It just depends on which version of the ST Micro software you use whether you have the option to flash the chip from a HEX or ELF file.
A separate source code package is available below. WARNING: do not modify/recompile the source code unless you have experience working with mains-powered/high-voltage DC systems and have enough experience to properly debug and test your changes.
Firmware for JMP014 - Pace Clock
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code, 3D printing files and clock face artwork for Mini Project #014 (Analog Pace Clock & Stopwatch).
Firmware for JMP013 - Digital Spirit Level
The Arduino sketch code and library used in the Digital Spirit Level mini project (JMP013).
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the FlexiDice
The firmware files for the PIC16F18146 microcontroller used in the FlexiDice project.
Software for driving a 0.91in OLED module
The BASIC source code for driving a 0.91-inch OLED screen, per the article on that module in the November 2024 issue.
Firmware and 3D printing (STL) files for the 3D Printer Filament Dryer
The firmware for the PIC16F15214-I/P 8-bit microcontroller used in the 3D Printer Filament Dryer control board.
It's written in C using MPLAB X, so there is one zip file with the project and source code, plus a separate complied HEX file that can be loaded directly onto the chip.
Firmware for the Explore 100-based Reflow Oven Controller
The firmware for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Micromite Plus Explore 100-based Reflow Oven Controller" from October 2024.
Updated 1/10/2024 to provide more information about tuning.
Software for the Raspberry Pi-based Caravan Clock
The Python files for the Circuit Notebook entry "GPS caravan clock and power monitor", published in the October 2024 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the 8-Channel Learning IR Remote Receiver
The HEX and ASM files for the 8-bit PIC16F1459 in the 8-Channel Learning IR Remote.
Firmware for JMP012 - WiFi Relay Remote
The Arduino sketch software for Mini Project #012, the WiFi Relay Remote.
Software for the Microbridge
The supplied ZIP file includes pic32prog.exe, the BASIC software to program a PIC for the Microbridge using a Micromite, plus the Microbridge HEX file.
Firmware (HEX) file and documents for the Micromite Mk.2 and Micromite Plus
Firmware, user manuals, change log and sample C functions for the Micromite Mk.2 and Micromite Plus (v5.05.05).
The regular Micromite HEX file will work on the 28-pin DIP package chip (PIC32MX170F256B) and the 44-pin SMD chip (PIC32MX170F256D).
It's also suitable for the MicroMite LCD BackPack including V2 and V3. See the articles in the January 2015, February 2016 and August 2019 issues for more details.
The Micromite Plus HEX file will work on the 64-pin and 100-pin TQFP package chips (PIC32MX470F512H/L).
[Updated 03/09/2024]
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Compact OLED Clock/Timer [0910123A.HEX]
The firmware files for the PIC16F18146 chip in the Compact OLED Clock & Timer.
BASIC code and PDF PCB pattern for the Dashcam Power Control circuit
The PICAXE-08M source code for the Dashcam Power Control circuit in Circuit Notebook, September 2024.
Firmware for the ball maze game
The firmware, PCB design, assembly instructions and other source documents for the Circuit Notebook item titled "Electronically-controlled ball maze game" from September 2024.
Firmware for the PicoMSA
The download package for the Pico Mixed Signal Analyser (PicoMSA). It includes the firmware (.uf2 file) and a PDF manual.
A second zip has the 200MHz version of the firmware for anyone who has problems with the original firmware that runs it at 240MHz.
Firmware for JMP010 - IR Helper
A zip with the Arduino sketch (.ino file) and IRremote library package for the IR Helper Mini Project.
Sound clips, 3D printing files and spreadsheet for the Styloclone
Four downloads for the Styloclone project, including three sample audio clips (MP3 format) plus a spreadsheet for calculating the resistor values (.ods LibreOffice Calc format, zipped).
Firmware for JMP007 - Ultrasonic Garage Door Notifier
The firmware (Arduino sketch) for the Ultrasonic Garage Door Notifier (JMP007).
Firmware for JMP009 - Stroboscope
The firmware for the Stroboscope and Tachometer Mini Project (JMP009). It includes the Arduino sketch and TimerOne library.
Model Railway Tunnel Timer PCB Gerber files and firmware (ZIP download)
The Gerber (PCB) files and firmware (HEX file) for the Model Railway Tunnel Timer from Circuit Notebook, August 2024.
Firmware for the Automatic LQ Meter
The firmware (HEX file) for the Arduino Nano used in the Automatic LQ Meter.
You can upload this file to the Arduino Nano using a free program like AVRDUDESS which is available at the following link:
Select the "Arduino" programmer and set the baud rate to 57600. Make sure the correct COM port is selected.
Update 12/11/2024: v3.5 includes a bug fix.
Arduino firmware for JMP002 - Lava Lamp Display
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and HEX file for Mini Project #002 (Lava Lamp Display).
Firmware for JMP008 - Digital Compass
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and HEX file for Mini Project #008 (Digital Compass).
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Mains Power-Up Sequencer
The HEX and ASM files for the 8-bit PIC16F1459 in the Mains Power-Up Sequencer project.
There are two versions of the firmware. The original has an A suffix. The different version described in the July 2024 issue, for use with inverters and generators, has an M suffix. Make sure you use the right one for your build.
Arduino firmware for JMP006 - Clap Light
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and HEX file for Mini Project #006 (Clap Light).
Firmware for the ESR Test Tweezers [0410524A.HEX]
The PIC24FJ256GA702 microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus C language source code and MPLAB X project for the ESR Test Tweezers.
Sample software for the MicroMag3 3-Axis Magnetic Sensor module
The Arduino sketch (.ino) for testing the MicroMag3 module, as described in the Modules article in the June 2024 issue.
Firmware for the USB-C Serial Adaptor [2410624A.HEX]
The PIC16F1455 microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus C language source code and MPLAB X project for the USB Type-C Serial Adaptor project.
Software for the USB-Serial Data Interceptor
The source code and compiled version of the Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino code for the USB-Serial Data Interceptor published in Circuit Notebook, June 2024.
Software for the Arduino-based Bin Reminder
The Arduino code for the Bin Reminder design published in Circuit Notebook, June 2024.
Firmware for the WiFi DDS Function Generator
This zip file contains the firmware for the WiFi DDS Function Generator (.uf2 files and source code) plus user manuals, laser cutting details and label artwork.
Arduino firmware for JMP001 - Symbol Keyboard
This zip file download contains the Arduino sketch code and HEX file for Mini Project #001 (Symbol Keyboard).
Firmware for the Temperature controller for humidicrib
The PICAXE BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Temperature controller for humidicrib" from the April 2024 issue.
Firmware for LoRa mesh networking
The source files for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Experimenting with LoRa mesh networking" from the April 2024 issue.
Ham radio links
Firmware for the Pico Gamer
The firmware download package for the Pico Gamer. It includes the firmware (.uf2 files) for both the 4MB and 16MB versions of the RP2040+ (we supply the 16MB version in our kits).
Also included are some README files and a PDF manual explaining how to play the game PETSCII Robots.
Firmware for the ESP32-CAM BackPack
A zip file that contains the source code (.ino files) and compiled code (.bin files) for the ESP32-CAM BackPack.
See the article for more details on how you use the various files.
Simulation and calculation files for the Calibrated Measurement Microphone
A set of files (mainly spreadsheets and LTspice simulations) that can be used to customise the frequency response of a Measurement Microphone or otherwise used to verify the design.
Firmware for the Pico Digital Video Terminal
There are two ZIP files for this project. The small one just contains the .uf2 file and is all you need if you just want to program the three Raspberry Pi Picos used in this project.
The second, much larger ZIP file includes all the source code in case you want to read or modify it.
Firmware for the Wii Nunchuk RGB Light Driver
The firmware (HEX file and MPLAB X source code) for the Wii Nunchuck RGB LED Light Controller.
If programming the HEX file directly, rather than using the Arduino IDE, check the fuses.txt file as you may need to set the fuses too.
Firmware for the Arduino-based water pump monitor
The Arduino code (INO) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Arduino-based water pump monitor" from the March 2024 issue.
Firmware for the battery lifesaver with load control
The PICAXE BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry from March 2024 titled "Battery Lifesaver with load control".
Software for the Ultra-low-power carbon monoxide monitor
The source code for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Ultra-low-power carbon monoxide (CO) monitor" from the March 2024 issue.
The HEX file inside the ZIP file is in the distdefaultproduction subdirectories.
Firmware for the DHT22-based temperature/humidity chart display
The source code (BAS) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "DHT22-based temperature/humidity chart display" from the February 2024 issue.
Firmware for the ESP32-based AI ChatGPT terminal
The Arduino source code for the ESP32 in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "ESP32-based AI ChatGPT terminal".
Software and Manual for the WiFi Night Light
The Arduino sketches (ino) and manual (PDF) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "WiFi Night Light using a simple circuit" from the February 2024 issue.
Software download package for the ESP32-CAM module review
A ZIP package that contains multiple software programs, including source code and compiled, as described in the ESP32-CAM module review article from the February 2024 issue.
Firmware for the Model Railway Points Controller (0910124A/B.HEX)
The transmitter (0910124A.HEX) and receiver (0910124B.HEX) firmware for the PIC16F1459 microcontrollers in the 2024 Model Railway Points Controller article.
Software for the Raspberry Pi based Clock Radio
This download package contains the latest software and user manual for the Raspberry Pi Clock Radio project.
Updated 18/04/2024 to v02 for the latest Debian version 12 "bookworm" operating system. It should still work with previous versions of the operating system.
Updated 23/07/2024 to v03:
- Fixed a bug on the web interface involving WiFi SSIDs containing space characters.
- Added functionality on the WiFi configuration page to display the visible WiFi networks and so that you can force the clock to join a particular WiFi network.
- Added support for WiFi networks that implement enterprise WiFi (requiring SSID/username/password rather than just SSID/password).
- There’s a new button press sequence so that clock will display its own IP address.
- Added option on the clock’s setup page to change the network name of the clock.
Firmware for the ePaper ‘analog’ clock and calendar
The Arduino sketch (.ino) and library files for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "ePaper analog clock and calendar" from the January 2024 issue.
Software for the semiconductor curve tracer
The Arduino sketches (.ino) and manual for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "ESP32-based semiconductor curve tracer" from the January 2024 issue.
Update 23/1/2024 - the V2 sketch has been revised due to problems with the latest version of the ESP32WebServer library. It uses the WebServer library instead.
Software for WiFi Relay Modules
A download package containing the Arduino and Micromite software described in the January 2024 article on WiFi Relay Modules.
Software for the USB to PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Adaptors
A download package containing the Arduino source code and Raspberry Pi .uf2 files for both USB to PS/2 Keyboard (and Mouse) Adaptors.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Multi-Channel Volume Control
The firmware files for both the PIC16F18146 (control module) and PIC16F15224 (OLED module) chips in the Multi Channel Volume Control.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Secure Remote Switch
The firmware files for both the PIC16F1459 (receiver) and PIC16LF15323 (transmitter) chips in the Secure Remote Switch design.
Sample software for the Arduino Uno R4 Minima
Various Arduino sketches (.ino) for testing the functionality of the Arduino Uno R4 Minima, as described in the December 2023 issue.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Coin Cell Emulator [1810123A.HEX]
The firmware files for the PIC16F18146 chip in the Coin Cell Emulator project (1810123A.HEX).
Gerbers for the Wireless power transfer demo
The Gerber files for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Wireless power transfer demonstration" from the December 2023 issue.
Files for the Battery-powered timer
The gerbers and firmware for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Battery-powered timer" from the December 2023 issue.
Sputnik design documents and Manipulator sound recording
The two PDF downloads are the original Sputnik design document (in Russian) plus an automatic translation to English which is not perfect but it's usable.
There's also an audio recording of the Manipulator running that you can download and play back (in m4a format).
Cat No SC0224. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
Software, firmware & documentation for the Spectral Sound MIDI Synthesiser
A ZIP package containing the HEX files, PIC source code (MPLAB projects), Windows software source code and documentation for the Spectral Sound MIDI Synthesiser.
Jeremy Leach is actively working on improvements to the software which you can read about here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/817026763041461
Update 14/07/2023 - we have added a second file with the V8 Tone Processor firmware and V2 versions for the Mixer and Controller. This can be used to replace the original firmware and gives certain enhancements (see the release notes in the zip file).
Pico Audio Analyser firmware (0410723A)
The software for the Pico Audio Analyser. It includes a .uf2 file that can be loaded directly into the Pico plus the source code and libraries.
K-Type Thermocouple Thermometer/Thermostat firmware (0410823A.HEX)
The software for the new Thermometer/Thermostat.
Modem/Router Watchdog Software
The software/firmware for the Modem Watchdog. The zip includes a .uf2 file that can be copied directly to the Pico W plus the BASIC source code, which can be loaded onto a Pico W that's programmed with the WebMite firmware.
After loading the firmware, you still need to connect to the Pico W with a terminal program to set the WiFI credentials. Refer to the article for details on how to do that.
Update 28/11/2023: the software is now V3 and constructors are advised to upgrade. Changes are to the BASIC code only, so you can re-upload it. This fixes two bugs, one which caused a reboot if NTP fails regardless of the other checks, and another which might have prevented the relay from switching at all. V3.1 features a revised .uf2 file that should load more reliably.
Firmware for the Minimal WiFi water tank level gauge
The source code and HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "A minimal WiFi water tank level gauge".
Magnetic levitation demonstration software
The software for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Magnetic levitation demonstration" in the November 2023 issue.
Also included is a PDF with the coil winding details.
Discrete microamp LED flasher PCB files and LTspice model
The PCB design (in Altium and Gerber formats) plus the LTspice simulation file for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Discrete microamp LED flasher" in the November 2023 issue.
Files for the 2m FM Test Generator
The 3D printing STL files, PCB Gerbers and software (BAS and HEX) for the 2m FM Test Generator article as described in the October 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Raspberry Pi Pico W BackPack Analog Clock
The source code and libraries for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Raspberry Pi Pico W BackPack analog clock" from the October 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Automatic AI Doorman
The classification (.kfpkg) model and Python source code for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Automatic AI Doorman using a Maixduino" from the October 2023 issue.
MMBasic sample code for driving the 1.3in OLED display
The two sample MMBasic programs mentioned in the October 2023 Modules article on the OLED screen.
MMbasic software for the PAJ7620U2 gesture recognition module
The BASIC (.bas) source code for a Micromite to interface with a gesture recognition module, as per the article on said module in the March 2022 issue.
Update 14/07/2023: a second zip file has been added; this "modified" version is more reliable, works with a 5V supply voltage, works on a variety of MMBasic platforms and is better at picking up the Wave gesture. See Circuit Notebook, October 2023.
Cat No SC6313. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Updated MPPT Solar Charger
The firmware files for both the PIC16F88 and PIC16F1847 for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Updated MPPT Solar Charger" from the September 2023 issue.
Sample software for the pH Meter module
The Arduino sketch to test the pH Meter module as described in the September 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Coffee Grinder Timer
The software, including libraries, to program the Arduino used in the Coffee Grinder Timer project.
Firmware for the Automatic mouse clicker
The Arduino sketch (.ino) and .uf2 firmware files for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Automatic mouse clicker" from the February 2023 issue.
WebMite firmware, user manual, fonts etc
A zip package containing all the files required to use the WebMite, including the .uf2 file that's loaded into the Raspberry Pi Pico W.
Watering System Controller firmware and web server files
A zip package containing all the files required to load the software for the Watering System Controller.
There is a .uf2 file that loads everything you need (it just needs a bit of configuration) or you can set up the Pico W as a WebMite first, then load the BASIC code and web server files separately (also in this package).
Update 13/9/2023 - v1.3 fixes some serious bugs so we strongly recommend you upgrade to it if you've already installed v1.2.
Update 5/1/2025 - v1.5 fixes a bug which could cause random reboots. It is a recommended upgrade for existing users.
Firmware for the Arduino-based LC and ESR Meter
The Arduino sketches for the LC and LC/ESR Meters.
The file "ESR.ino" is for the standalone ESR Meter while "LC_ESR_Meter.ino" is for the combined version
Gerber files for the USB Power Board (Circuit Notebook, August 2023)
The PCB Gerber files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "USB 'Power Board' is just a PCB" from the August 2023 issue.
Firmware for the dsPIC Audio Spectrum Analyser
The firmware and gerber files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "dsPIC-based Audio Spectrum Analyser" from the August 2023 issue.
STL & SVG files for the Advanced Test Tweezers
The STL and SVG files for the Circuit Notebook entry by Richard Palmer titled "3D-printed and laser-cut cases for the Advanced Test Tweezers" from the August 2023 issue.
Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag programming software
The Arduino library, .ino sketch file and .uf2 firmware file used to program Dynamic NFC/RFID Tags with a Raspberry Pi Pico.
Reciprocal Frequency Counter firmware
The BASCOM source code and .hex file firmware for the Arduino Nano module used in the Reciprocal Frequency Counter.
Firmware for Object Recognition with Arduino and ESP32 CAM
The firmware for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Object recognition with Arduino and ESP32 CAM" from the July 2023 issue.
Raspberry Pi-based Thermal Camera software & 3D printer files
The first zip file contains the MMBasic source code used for the Raspberry Pi-based Thermal Camera, along with the preconfigured .uf2 files. You will need to install the PicoMite firmware (available separately as a .uf2 file) before loading the BASIC code.
The second zip file includes the three .stl 3D printer files mentioned in the article.
Model Railway Uncoupler firmware [0910523A.HEX]
The BASCOM source code and .hex file firmware for the 8-bit PIC used in the Model Railway Uncoupler.
Basic RF Signal Generator firmware
The ATmega328 firmware for the AD9834-based RF Signal Generator, including both the BASCOM source code and the HEX file.
This updated version (v4.2) provides a more accurate battery voltage display than v4.1.
See the text file in the ZIP for information on how to correctly set the fuses so the firmware will work.
WiFi Time Source firmware
The firmware for the WiFi Time Source for GPS Clocks.
The ZIP package includes the compiled .uf2 file that can be loaded directly into a Pi Pico as well as the source code and project files.
Firmware for the Minimalist Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
The source code (assembly) files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Minimalist Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector" from the June 2023 issue.
Files for the 3D-Printed Case for the Advanced Test Tweezers
The STL files for the Circuit Notebook entry by Geoff Cohen titled "3D-printed case for Advanced Test Tweezers" from the June 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Wideband Fuel Mixture Display (WFMD) [0510423A.HEX]
The firmware for the WFMD including the .hex file and source code, plus the source code for the Android app (also available via the Google Play Store)
Update 28/6/2023: a second ZIP file has been added that includes the apk file.
Update 1/9/2023: the ZIP file has been updated for the latest API (version 103).
Demonstration software for the UVM-30A UV light sensor module
An Arduino sketch (.ino file) as mentioned in the May 2023 article on the UV sensor.
Firmware for the GPS-Disciplined Oscillator (0410323A.HEX)
The firmware for the PIC16F1455 microcontroller in the GPSDO.
3D printer files for the Songbird
The STL files for the Songbird as mentioned in the article.
Files for the Jaycar TS1440 soldering stand adaptor
The STL files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Jaycar TS1440 soldering stand adaptor" from the May 2023 issue.
Multi-processor stack and terminal switch using Pi Picos
Example programs for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Multiprocessor stack and terminal switch using Pi Picos" from the May 2023 issue.
Three-phase sinewave oscillator theory PDF
A PDF document with the background information and mathematical analyses for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Three-phase sinewave generator" in April 2023 issue.
Revised on 26/04/2023 to fix an error in one of the formulas.
Firmware for the low-cost cell under-voltage protection circuit
The source files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Low-cost cell under-voltage protection" from the April 2023 issue.
Firmware for the ESP32-based millisecond clock
The source files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "ESP32-based millisecond clock" from the April 2023 issue.
Firmware and laser cutting files for the Automated Test Bench Swiss Army Knife
This download package includes one zip file with the Arduino sketches (including compiled .bin file) and TestController plug-in for the Testbench Swiss Army Knife. The other zip file has the laser cutting details for the enclosure lid in DXF format.
Update 10/05/2023: the software has been revised to v1.1 as the original version swapped the control signals to RLY1 & RLY2.
Firmware for Silicon Chirp [01810123A.HEX]
The PIC16F15214 microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus assembly language source code for Silicon Chirp.
Files for the Lithium battery and case for Arduino Uno
The Gerber and STL files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Lithium battery & case for Uno with touchscreen" from the April 2023 issue.
Revised firmware for the ESP8266 in the WiFi-Synchronised Analog Clock
Stefan Keller-Tuberg's revised ESP8266 firmware relating to the November 2022 article on the WiFi-Synchronised Analog Clock.
This was mentioned in a Mailbag letter in the April 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Digital Potentiometer [0110123A]
The PIC16F15214 microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus C language source code & MPLAB X project for the Digital Volume Control Potentiometer.
We suggest that you only use the 32dB gain version of the software if you need the extra gain. If you are not sure, use the standard version.
Firmware for the Model Railway Turntable [0910323A.HEX]
The PICBASIC Pro source code and hex file for the PIC16F675-I/P in the Model Railway Turntable.
Translated manual for ZPB30A1 30V 10A DC Load
An English translation of the Chinese manual for the ZPB30A1 30V 10A DC Load reviewed in the March 2023 issue of Silicon Chip and December 2024 issue of Practical Electronics.
Arduino sketch and 3D printer files for the 3D-printed Robotic Arm
The Arduino sketch (.ino) and .stl files files for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "3D-printed Robotic Arm" from the March 2023 issue.
One file has the Arduino sketch and base 3D printing files while the other contains the 3D printing files for the arm itself.
There is also a zip with the Gerber files for the control shield.
Firmware for the Active Mains Soft Starter [1011022A]
The PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus assembly language source code for the Active Soft Starter.
Firmware for the Advanced SMD Test Tweezers [0410622A.HEX]
The PIC24FJ256GA702 microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus C language source code and MPLAB X project for the Advanced SMD Test Tweezers.
Sample software for the Heart Rate Sensor Module
The example Arduino sketch mentioned in the Heart Rate Sensor Module article.
EEPROM data for the Static Noughts & Crosses Computer (0811122A.bin)
The EEPROM data needed for the Noughts & Crosses Playing Computer to operate. It contains all the computer's moves.
Also included in the download package is a document listing those moves.
Firmware for the Q Meter (Q Meter Rev3.HEX)
The BASCOM source code and HEX file for the Q Meter.
You can upload this file to the Arduino Nano using a free program like AVRDUDESS which is available at the following link:
Select the "Arduino" programmer and set the baud rate to 57600. Make sure the correct COM port is selected.
Raspberry Pi Pico W BackPack software
A collection of sample software for the Pico W BackPack, as mentioned in the article.
Firmware for the Noughts & Crosses game using just two modules
The Arduino sketch (.ino) and Excel file for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Noughts & Crosses game using just two modules" from the January 2023 issue.
Update 7/1/2023: two revised sketches are included (TFTV1 & TFTV2) so there is now support for clones of the V1 Adafruit TFT/TS (eg, Jaycar XC4630).
Note: These sketches might not work with the Arduino IDE V2.0. The latest version tested and found to work successfully is V1.18.
Firmware for the MIDI Toolbox
The BASIC program (.bas) for the Circuit Notebook article titled "MIDI toolbox" from the January 2023 issue.
Firmware for the Breadboard PSU Display Adaptor (0411222B.HEX)
The C source code and HEX file for the Breadboard Power Supply Display Adaptor/Panel Meter.
Updated 16/10/2023 to fix a bug in the code that affected calibration, replacing the 0411222A.HEX version.
Firmware for the Digital Boost Regulator with breakout (2411022A.HEX)
The C source code and HEX file for the Digital Boost Regulator/breakout board.
MMBasic firmware, 3D printing and PCB files for the mmPi
The source code, 3D printing files and PCB files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "mmPi add-on for Raspberry Pi" from the December 2022 issue.
Firmware for the Digitally-controlled preamp with tone controls
The source code and Gerber files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Digitally controlled preamp with tone controls" from the November 2022 issue.
Software updated to v2 on 12/03/2024: "I added a 1000us delay for the conversion time of the ADC. It improved the Boost of bass and treble. Before populating C34 (10uFconnected to RESET), program the ATMEGA328P first via the ICSP port."
Software for using the ESP32-Camera as a sentry
Software for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "ESP32-Camera sentry with object detection via TensorFlow" published in the November 2022 issue.
Firmware for the LC Meter Mk3
The BASCOM source code and .hex file for the Arduino Nano in the LC Meter Mk3.
You can upload this file to the Arduino Nano using a free program like AVRDUDESS which is available at the following link:
Select the "Arduino" programmer and set the baud rate to 57600. Make sure the correct COM port is selected.
Sample code for El Cheapo Modules - PM2.5 Sensors
The sample Arduino sketch as described in the the November 2022 article on PM (particulate matter) "dust" sensors.
Firmware for the LED Christmas Ornaments
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the PIC12F1572 chips in the eight different Tiny LED Xmas Ornaments. The ZIP file includes the following:
- 16111190 - random pattern
- 16111191 - Tiny Tree
- 16111193 - Christmas Cap
- 16111194 - Stocking or Icicle
- 16111195 - Reindeer
- 16111196 - Bauble
- 16111197 - Santa's Sleigh
- 16111198 - Star
- 16111199 - Candy Cane
Update 11/10/2022 - the ZIP file now contains HEX files to suit PIC12F1572, PIC16F15213 or PIC16F15214 microcontrollers depending on what you can get. There's also source code for the PIC12F1571 but we haven't built all the HEX files because we have never supplied those chips.
Software for the Simple EEPROM Programmer & Wireless Digital FX Pedal Control
The Arduino sketch & web page data for the Circuit Notebook entry on remotely programming and controlling the Digital FX Pedal, published in the October 2022 issue.
Buck/Boost Charger Adaptor software & laser cutting files (1410822A.HEX)
The firmware (1410822A.HEX), C source code, MPLAB X project and laser cutting files (.dxf, .scad) for the Multi-Stage Buck-Boost Charger Adaptor project.
Firmware for the Automatic Train Controller (0910922A/C.HEX)
The firmware for both chips used in the Automatic Train Controller project: the PIC16F1455 master controller (0910922A.HEX) and the PIC12F675 in the Chuff Sound module (0910922C.HEX). The PicBasic source code for both chips is also included.
Software and laser-cutting files for the WiFi DC Electronic Load
The software and manuals for this project (last updated 4/8/2022) along with the laser cutting details for the side panel.
ST7920 driver for PIC32MZ projects
The revised firmware to use ST7920-based graphical LCDs with the Low-Distortion Stereo DDS and DIY Reflow Oven projects, as described in Circuit Notebook, October 2022.
The package includes both new HEX files plus the revised source code for both projects.
Firmware and source code for the New GPS-Synchronised Analog Clock Driver [1910922A.HEX]
The PIC16LF1459 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) and C source code (including MPLAB X project) for the New GPS-Synchronised Analog Clock.
Updated 30/08/2022: the revised (v1.1) firmware improves the time accuracy by about half a second.
Update 26/10/2022: added the WiFi code that can be used with a WeMos D1 Mini WiFI module.
Update 10/01/2023: the revised (v1.2) firmware adds more options for sweep type clocks in an attempt to solve the problem of some sweep clock movements not working with the Driver.
Firmware for the PICAXE as an Arduino Co-Processor
The BASIC source file (.BAS) and Arduino library file (.INO) for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Using a PICAXE as an Arduino co-processor" from the September 2022 issue.
Firmware and source code for the Wide-Range Ohmmeter [0110922A.HEX]
The PIC24FJ256GA702-I/SS microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus the C source code and MPLAB X project for the Wide Range Ohmmeter.
Arduino and Raspberry Pi software plus 3D printer STL files for the SPY-DER robot
These downloads include the software and 3D printing files need to build the SPY-DER robot and get it up and running.
Firmware and ASM source code for the Secure Remote Mains Switch [1010921A/R]
The firmware (HEX file) plus assembly language source code for the two chips in the Secure Remote Mains Switch project.
The chip in the transmitter is a PIC16LF15323-I/SL (or -E/SL) which uses the A suffix firmware, while the receiver has a PIC16F1459-I/P that uses the R suffix firmware.
Firmware and source code for the Multimeter Checker/Calibrator [0410722A/B]
The PIC16F1459-I/SO microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus the C source code and MPLAB X project for the Multimeter Calibrator/Checker.
RevB, 8/7/2022: this revision has changes that prevent some terminal programs (including PuTTY) from throwing an error when trying to connect to the virtual USB serial port. Tera Term was not affected by that problem.
Firmware and user manual for the VGA PicoMite
The Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller firmware (uf2 file) plus PDF user manual, release notes and example programs for the VGA PicoMite.
The original release version was V5.07.04 (updated 05/06/2022).
The current version is V5.08.00 (updated 18/10/2024). All versions are available for download below.
Firmware and BASIC source code for the 0-110dB RF Attenuator [Attenuator 3]
The ATmega328 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus BASIC source code for the 0-110dB RF Attenuator.
If programming the chip with the HEX file yourself, make sure you read the README.TXT file and follow the instructions regarding 'fuse' bits programming.
PIC16F88 migration document (PDF)
The document on how to migrate to newer 8-bit PICs mentioned in Mailbag, June 2022.
Firmware for the Arduino-based Programmable Load
The Arduino sketch (.ino) file for the Arduino Programmable Load.
Sample sketches for MOS Air Quality Sensors
Three sample Arduino sketches as described in the June 2022 article on Metal Oxide Semiconductor Air Quality Sensors.
Firmware for the RF burst power meter
The BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook article titled "RF burst power meter" from the June 2022 issue.
Updated 27/05/2022 to v2 which fixes a software bug that reduced the resolution.
Firmware for the Artificial candle using a real flame
The Arduino source files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Artificial candle is ignited by real flame" from the June 2022 issue.
Firmware and source code for the Universal Battery Charge Controller [1410719A.HEX]
PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the Universal Battery Charge Controller.
The same software can be used for the revised version published in June 2022.
Firmware for the Motion-triggered ESP32-based WiFi camera
The Arduino source files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Motion-triggered ESP32-based WiFi camera captures intruders" from the May 2022 issue.
Firmware for the AM/FM DDS Signal Generator [CSE21100A.HEX]
The BASIC source code and HEX file for the ATmega644P in the AM/FM DDS Signal Generator.
Update 04/05/2022: added a text file to the download package with the values that need to be programmed into the three fuse bytes for the firmware to function correctly.
Firmware, sounds and images for the Slot Machine [SlotMachine V10]
The BASIC source code and required sound & image files for the Slot Machine.
Note that you need to add your own background music file (in WAV format) for it to work. See the instructions in the article to find out which files need to be stored where.
Since publication, this has been slightly updated to V11, to improve the randomness.
Firmware for the Lithium-ion battery reconditioner
The BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Lithium-ion battery reconditioner" in the May 2022 issue.
Firmware for the Model Railway Semaphore Signal [0910322A.HEX]
The PICBASIC Pro source code and hex file for the PIC16F88-I/P in the Semaphore Signal project for OO Gauge Model Railways.
Updated 6/5/2022 to version 2 to fix a small bug in the software that we don't believe would have caused any significant problems with its operation.
Firmware for the Improved SMD Test Tweezers [0410621B.HEX]
The C code (MPLAB X project) and hex file for the PIC16F15214 in the Updated SMD Test Tweezers project.
Firmware and source code for Three Reaction Time Games
The C source code and HEX file for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Three reaction time games" in the April 2022 issue.
Validation spreadsheets and updated drilling diagram for the CD Spot Welder
A zip file containing two .xlsx format spreadsheets with calculations and information used to validate the Capacitor Discharge Spot Welder design.
These are not required to build the Spot Welder but might be of interest to readers.
We're also including an updated version of the front panel drilling diagram as a download because the original had some errors.
Raspberry Pi Pico BackPack software
A collection of sample software for the Pico BackPack, as mentioned in the article.
Intelligent Dual Hybrid Power Supply firmware [0110619A.HEX]
The C source code, MPLAB X project and HEX file for the Dual Hybrid Power Supply.
Firmware and Gerber files for the Resistor-Mite ohmmeter
The BASIC (.bas) source code and PCB files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Resistor-Mite auto-ranging ohmmeter" from the February 2022 issue.
Firmware and 3D models for the capacitive soil moisture meter
The BASIC (.bas) source code and STL files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Using a capacitive soil moisture meter" from the February 2022 issue.
Firmware, PCB design and 3D models for the musical bike horn
A clone of the GitHub repository for the musical bike horn project presented in Circuit Notebook, February 2022.
It includes all the software (mostly Arduino sketches), the PCB design files and case 3D printing files.
Or for the latest version, visit https://github.com/jgOhYeah
Cooling Fan Controller & Loudspeaker Protector firmware [0110222A.HEX]
The assembly language source code and HEX file for the Fan Controller & Speaker Protector.
Firmware & PCB files for Conway's Game of Life on the Micromite
The BASIC source code (.BAS) and the PCB files for the Circuit Notebook article titled "Conway's Game of Life on the Micromite" from the January 2022 issue.
Gerber files for the Reed Relay Module
EAGLE, Gerber and PDF files for the Circuit Notebook item titled "Compact reed relay module" from the January 2022 issue.
Firmware for the PicoMite
The firmware image to turn a Raspberry Pi Pico into the PicoMite.
The ZIP package also includes the user manual.
Updated on 12/05/2022 to the latest version (5.07.04).
Software for the Remote Control Range Extender
The firmware for the 2021 Remote Control Range Extender - two HEX files plus the ASM source code.
The files named 1510219A are for the PIC12F617 in the larger UHF receiver/IR transmitter unit, while the files starting with 1510219M are for the PIC10LF322 in the tiny UHF transmitter.
Firmware for the Digital Lighting Controller Translator [1611020F.HEX]
The source code and hex file for the PIC16F1705 or PIC16LF1705 microcontroller in the Digital Lighting Controller Translator.
Firmware for the Orrery using a Micromite LCD BackPack
Source code (BASIC) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Orrery (planetarium) using a Micromite LCD BackPack" from the December 2021 issue.
Firmware for the Contactless temperature sensor with speech
A ZIP package which includes the Arduino source files (INO and libraries) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Non-contact cloud-based temperature sensor with speech" from the December 2021 issue.
Firmware and bezel laser cutting files for the USB Cable Tester [0410821A.HEX]
The firmware zip contains the MPLAB X project to build the USB Cable Tester firmware, plus two HEX files, one to suit the PIC16F18877 and one for the PIC16F18875.
A second zip file is included, which contains the .dxf and .scad files defining the laser-cut LCD bezel.
Update 5/11/2021: revised firmware (0410821C-D) has been added. This halves the default scrolling speed of text on the LCD to make it more legible. The original speed was OK with the contrast settings we used on our prototype, but some people might find this slower speed easier to read. It also adds a hidden option 4 to the calibration menu, allowing the scrolling speed to be set in three steps. 1 = original speed, 2 = new slower speed, 4 = even slower. There's no disadvantage to using this version.
Firmware and software for the Fiexible Digital Lighting Controller
Software downloads for the Fiexible Digital Lighting Controller.
The first zip (Flexible Digital Lighting Controller firmware) contains the firmware for both the master and slave units, including source code and test programs for both Arduino and Micromite masters.
The second zip (Flexible Digital Lighting Controller PC software) contains the 'Processing' software for driving the Controller from a personal computer.
The third, small zip (6kB) contains only the Processing source code (.pde files). If you have the Processing IDE installed, that's all you need to recreate the executables etc.
The fourth zip contains the software relating to driving addressable RGB LEDs (eg, in strips) with the Flexible Digital Lighting Controller, either directly from the master or via one or more LED slaves.
Firmware and PC software for the Digital Lighting Controller [1611010A.HEX]
dsPIC33 microcontroller firmware, Windows PC software and demo/test files for the Digital Lighting Controller.
Firmware is provided both as a HEX file and C source code (separate zips). Similarly, PC software is available as an installer (EXE) and C source code (ZIP).
The PC software for this project can be re-used for the 2020 Flexible Digital Lighting Controller.
R80 Assembly Instructions
The English translation of the assembly instruction for the R80 aviation band receiver kit, reviewed in the November 2021 issue.
There are two versions, one for the V6 version of the kit which is what was reviewed, and another for the V7 version of the kit which has been subsequently released.
Firmware for Micromite 3.5-inch display emulation
A ZIP package containing the BAS and HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Modifying Micromite software to use a 3.5in display" from the November 2021 issue.
Firmware for the Voice-Operated Lift Controls
Source code (.ino sketch and .py file) for the Circuit Notebook entry "Voice-operated and proximity lift controls" from the November 2021 issue.
Arduino sketch for the Pocket Weather Station
A zip containing the Arduino sketch (.ino file) which makes the Pocket Weather Station in the November 2021 issue function.
Firmware for the Model Railway Carriage Lights [0910921A.HEX]
The PICBASIC Pro source code and hex file for the PIC12F617-I/SN in the Model Railway Carriage Lights project.
Software, drawings & Gerber files for Colour Recognition using LEDs and an LDR
A ZIP package which includes the software for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Colour Recognition using LEDs and an LDR" from the October 2021 issue.
The zip download package includes the HEX file for the PIC16F690, PicBasic Pro source code (.bas file), dimensional drawings for the box and holder plus the Gerber files for the PCB design.
Arduino sketches and user manual for the WiFi Battery Charger
The Arduino software for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Battery charger with WiFi interface" from the October 2021 issue.
The download package also includes a PDF manual describing how to use the charger once assembled.
Firmware for the SMD Test Tweezers [0410621A.HEX]
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the 8-bit, 8-pin PIC12F1572 chip in the SMD Test Tweezers.
Firmware for the Touchscreen Digital Preamp
A ZIP containing the MMBasic source code (.bas files) and .hex files for the Touchscreen Digital Preamp - ready to load into the PIC32 on the BackPack.
The HEX file with an A suffix suits the 2.8in touchsreen BackPacks (V1 & V2) while the B suffix is for the V3 BackPack with a high-resolution 3.5in touchscreen.
Micromite Bluetooth sample software
A modified version of the BMP180 module interface software for the Micromite, suitable for testing a Bluetooth connection. Its usage was described in the September 2021 article on connecting a Micromite to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
Sanyo 8-P2 Diagrams
The circuit diagram for the Sanyo 8-P2 TV, as described in Vintage Radio September 2021, along with the specifications page and block diagram.
Colour Maximite 2 software and documentation
This download includes the Colour Maximite 2 MMBasic firmware (V5.07), along with the user manual and programming manual.
Suits both the first and second-generation designs. Updated 14/07/2021.
Firmware for Nano TV Pong
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the 8-bit, 8-pin PIC12F1572 chip in the Nano Pong project.
The ZIP also includes the 3D printing files (.scad & .stl) for the knobs described in the article.
Battery Manager software [1110620B.hex]
A zip file containing the MMBasic source code and compiled .hex file for the Battery Manager.
It also includes the Microbridge firmware, although that is identical to the previously published .hex file.
Firmware for the Frequency Meter with Non-contact Mains Reading
The HEX file and C source code for the ATmega8 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Frequency meter with non-contact mains reading" in the August 2021 issue.
Firmware for the 64-Key Arduino MIDI Matrix
Arduino souce files for the 64-Key Arduino MIDI Soundboard.
Software for the Arduino MIDI Shield & 8x8 Key Matrix plus 3D keycap model
The firmware package for the Arduino MIDI Shield from the April 2021 issue.
The second ZIP file contains the files needed to 3D print our keycap design.
Firmware and source code for the 20A DC Motor Speed Controller [1100621A]
PIC16F1459-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the 20A DC Motor Speed Controller.
Firmware, source code and sound recording for the Model Railway Level Crossing [0910211A-C]
The PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX files) plus BASIC source code for the Model Railway Level Crossing.
Three different HEX and BAS files are supplied - see the parts list in the article for an explanation of what they are for. The audio file to record for the bell sound is also available to download, in WAV format.
Firmware for the Coded Door Buzzer
The HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC10F320 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Coded door buzzer" in the July 2021 issue.
Firmware for adding a shuffle feature to a low-cost MP3 player module
The HEX file and BASIC source code for the PIC12F617 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Adding shuffle feature to a low-cost MP3 player module" in the July 2021 issue.
Firmware for the DIY pulse oximeter
Arduino files (.ino sketch) for the Circuit Notebook entry "DIY pulse oximeter" in the July 2021 issue.
Firmware and source code for the SiLabe FM-AM-SW Digital Radio [CSE210301.HEX]
The ATmega328 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus BASIC source code for the Single-Chip Silicon Labs FM/AM/SW Digital Radio Receiver.
If programming the chip with the HEX file yourself, make sure you read the README.TXT file and follow the instructions regarding 'fuse' bits programming.
Update 23/5/2024: v09.1 fixes some problems when using the Si4732 IC (they did not occur with the Si4730).
Firmware for the Advanced GPS Computer [0510221A.HEX]
The firmware package for the Advanced GPS Computer.
This includes the MMBasic source code, HEX file to program the chip, the CFUNCTIONs and some of the programs that were used to generate the graphics etc.
Software, manuals and laser templates for the Programmable Hybrid Lab Supply
A zip of all the software, manuals etc for the Programmable Hybrid Lab Supply project.
This is a clone of the github repository at https://github.com/palmerr23/ESP32-PSU taken on 08/06/2021. There might be more recent versions of these files at github.
This revised version includes two versions of the software: one that supports the specified 2.8in LCD touchscreen, and another that supports the 3.5in LCD touchscreen. Note that you will have to change the screen mounting arrangements and use the alternative front panel label if you decide to build it with the larger screen.
Firmware for the Infrared Remote Control Jammer
Arduino files (.ino sketch) for the Circuit Notebook entry "Infrared remote control jammer" from the May 2021 issue.
Firmware for the Digital FX Unit [0110221A.HEX]
The firmware package for the Digital FX Pedal (0110221A.HEX).
This includes the HEX file to program the EEPROM and the PIC12F1571 firmware for the version that uses a potentiometer to select effects.
Firmware for the Refined Full-Wave Motor Speed Controller [1010221A.HEX]
Firmware for the Refined Full-Wave Universal Motor Speed Controller (1010221A.HEX).
The alternative version, 1010221B.HEX, works identically except that when power is applied, it won't start the motor if the speed pot is not at zero. You need to rotate the speed pot to zero and then back up to start the motor. This safety feature could be useful in some situations.
Firmware for the High-Current Battery Balancer [1410221B.HEX]
The revised (v1.1) firmware for the Four Battery High-Current Battery Balancer.
This is an upgrade from the earlier 1410221A.HEX:
- Communication between two Balancers now works properly and they will act as a 5-8 cell/battery balancer (within the maximum 60V limit).
- The default cell low voltage threshold has been increased from 2.5V to 2.7V
- Serial commands must now be terminated with newline ('\n'), not carriage return ('\r').
Firmware (BAS and HEX) files for the DAB+/FM/AM Radio project
This download includes the MMBasic source code for the DAB+/FM/AM radio along with the firmware files for radio chip IC1 and a .HEX file which includes MMBasic itself, the BASIC code and a default touchscreen configuration.
The file "Alt_DAB_Radio_Firmware_v1.0.zip" is an alternative version of the MMBasic code for the DAB+/FM/AM radio developed by Stefan Keller-Tuberg (see Mailbag, October 2020, pages 4 & 5).
The file "Alt_DAB_Radio_Firmware_v3.zip" is a later version from Stefan Keller-Tuberg which provides higher quality AM reception and some other improvements (see Mailbag, April 2021, pages 4 & 6).
Firmware for the Digit display with single RGB LEDs
Source code (ASM and .inc file) for the Circuit Notebook entry "Displaying digits using single RGB LEDs" from the March 2021 issue.
Battery Multi Logger software [1110620A.hex]
A zip file containing the MMBasic source code and compiled .hex file for the Battery Multi Logger.
It also includes the Microbridge firmware, although that is identical to the previously published .hex file.
Electronic Wind Chimes software [2301120A.hex]
Firmware and source code (.asm) for the 8-bit PIC in the Electronic Wind Chimes project (2301120A.hex).
BWD602 Documents
PDFs of manuals relating to the ProTek 6502, Aron BS-601 and Hung Chang OS-650 as detailed in the February 2021 Mailbag section.
QCA follow-up: Potential Energy Explanation
A short unedited proof to show QCA cells tend to their lowest energy state by the author Dr Sankit Ramkrishna Kassa.
Arduino-based Adjustable Power Supply Software
The Arduino sketch (.ino file) and Processing software to run on the computer for the Arduino Power Supply.
Firmware for the LCD Clock and Thermometer
Source code (C) for the Circuit Notebook entry "LCD clock and thermometer" from the February 2021 issue.
Firmware for the DIY Laser Rangefinder
Source code and libraries (Arduino, .ino) for the Circuit Notebook entry "DIY laser rangefinder" from the February 2021 issue.
Commands for WiFi Snooping with a Raspberry Pi
A text file containing the list of commands given in the Circuit Notebook entry "WiFi Snooping with a Raspberry Pi" in the February 2021 issue.
TDR Android app (made using App Inventor)
The sample Time Domain Reflectometry calculator app referred to by the article on MIT App Inventor.
Note that many Android devices will not install .apk files except from the Google Play Store unless you change the settings to allow the installation of apps from other sources. You can change that setting back to the default after installing this app.
Firmware for the AM/FM/SW Single-Chip Digital Radio
The BASCOM source code and firmware HEX file for the Arduino Nano board in the single-chip AM/FM/SW radio.
Firmware for the MiniHeart [01109201A.hex]
The assembly language source code and firmware HEX file for the PIC12F617 microcontroller in the MiniHeart Heartbeat Simulator (01109201A.hex).
Sample audio for the RCWL-0516 radar module with frequency multiplier
An MP3 audio file demonstrating the sounds generated from moving objects with an RCWL-0516 motion-detecting radar module, frequency multiplier and audio amplifier. As described in the Closer Look at the RCWL-0516 3GHz Motion Module article.
Firmware for the Automated Tyre Inflator/Deflator
Source code and .hex file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Automated tyre inflator/deflator" from the December 2020 issue.
Mathematical analysis of an infinite impedance AC source
A PDF file with extra information regarding the Circuit Notebook entry on infinite impedance (constant amplitude current) AC sources.
Firmware for Controlling Model Railway Points with a Servo
The BASIC and HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Controlling model railway points with a servo" from December 2020.
Parts source grid for the USB SuperCodec
A spreadsheet file (in both .ods and .xls formats) which contains the parts list for the USB SuperCodec, along with catalog codes for the six major parts suppliers: Altronics, Jaycar, Digi-Key, Mouser, element14 and RS.
Note that we have not purchased all these parts. We have tried to choose parts which are compatible with the specifications, based on information on the vendors' websites, but you should check them to make sure they are suitable and match our specifications in the published parts list.
Also note that the parts selected were in stock and actively being made at the time this list was prepared, however, you may find that some of them are out of stock or unavailable. In most cases, alternative parts with similar specifications will be available from the same supplier.
Updated 13/08/2020 to fix an error and because one item is no longer available from Digi-key.
Updated 10/11/2020 to specify smaller inductors in some cases, because they were a bit too big to fit in the available space.
Firmware for the 30 RGB LED Xmas Star
The HEX file and Arduino sketch source file for the ATmega328P in the RGB LED Christmas Star.
The ZIP has been updated to also include a .HEX file to suit the ATmega88PB instead, as the TQFP version of the ATmega328P is hard to get (16/07/2021).
Arduino sketch for the Automatic Hand Sanitiser Dispenser
The Arduino sketch as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Automatic hand sanitiser dispenser" from the November 2020 issue.
Arduino sketch for the Welfare Monitor
The Arduino sketch as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Welfare Monitor" from the November 2020 issue.
Modified software for the Micromite Boat Computer
Modified software downloads for the Boat Computer as described in Circuit Notebook, November 2020:
- Version V4G adds a 24hr clock on the heading screen; the baud rate is locked to 9600; it has automatic backlight control; and the speed reading is provided in 0.1km/h resolution.
- Version V7 adds a digital speedometer and compass.
Arduino sketch for the Mini WiFi LCD BackPack
The Arduino sketch and required libraries (zipped) for the D1 Mini module used in the D1 Mini LCD BackPack with WiFi.
Arduino sketch for the Solar Panel Tester
The Arduino sketch as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Automatic solar panel checker" from the October 2020 issue.
Arduino sketch for the NTP Clock
The Arduino sketch for the D1 Mini module used in the Circuit Notebook entry "An NTP clock that works anywhere" from the October 2020 issue.
Firmware and source code for the High Power Ultrasonic Cleaner [0410520A]
PIC16F1459-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the High Power Ultrasonic Cleaner.
Firmware and 3D printing files for the Shirt-pocket Sized Audio DDS Oscillator
The BASCOM source code, .hex file and 3D printing .stl files for the Shirt-Pocket Crystal-locked Audio DDS Oscillator (all in one ZIP).
Firmware for the Low-power flashing LED thermometer
Assembly language source code and .hex file for the PIC12 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Low-power flashing LED thermometer" from the September 2020 issue.
Arduino sketch for the Giant 1024-pixel RGB LED clock
The Arduino sketches and required libraries (zipped) for the ESP8266 module used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Giant 1024-pixel RGB LED Clock" from the September 2020 issue.
Heelometer for Boats Firmware [0410811H.HEX]
C source code and HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Heelometer (heel meter) for boats".
Arduino sketch for the Wideband Digital RF Power Meter
The sketch for the Arduino-based Digital RF Power Meter from the August 2020 issue.
Velco 1937 Radio Files (SPICE models and Valve Data)
The extra files described in the August 2020 Vintage Radio article titled "Velco 1937 radio chassis restoration". This includes the SPICE simulations used and manuals for the various valves used.
Tektronix T-130 LC Meter Supplemental Materials
Extra material related to the Type 130 LC Meter article published between June-August 2020. This includes manuals related to operation, mechanical drawings and redrawn circuit diagrams etc.
Cat No SC5545. Price: Free |
Files: |
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Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Touch-screen Boat Computer with GPS [V7]
Revised firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the GPS Boat Computer.
Includes Micromite firmware.
Version 7 improvements: Added altitude readout as described in Circuit Notebook, August 2020.
Version 6 improvements: Changed the 'speed' variable to a float to improve Km/h accuracy.
Version 5 improvements: Fixed a small issue related to drawing the blue border which only affects Micromites running MMBasic V5.2. Note that BoatComputerFullV5.hex uses MMBasic V5.1.
Version 4 improvements: Fixed an issue that prevented selecting the SET button for some POIs.
Version 3 improvements: Fixed a bug which could cause the software to repeatedly crash and restart when creating a POI at lat/lon 0,0 (or another distant location).
Version 2 improvements: You can now have over fifty Points of Interest. The heading indicator and POI direction indicator are now suppressed when the boat is stationary. Improved the rendering of the heading needle. Removed the slash from the numeric zero character in one of the fonts. See changelog in ZIP file for more details.
For the Micromite user manual, see the separate shop item.
Firmware and source code for the Ol' Timer II word clock
The PIC16F1455 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus C source code for the Ol' Timer II.
Firmware and source code for the Infrared Remote Control Assistant [1500520A.HEX]
PIC16F1459-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the IR Remote Control Assistant.
Source code and HEX file for the Novel GPS-locked Oscillator
ASM source code and HEX file for the PIC16F628A microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Novel method of GPS-locking an oscillator" from the July 2020 issue.
Arduino sketch for the USB Privacy Dingle
The sketch for the Arduino Pro Micro in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "USB privacy dongle emulates keyboard" from the July 2020 issue.
Arduino sketch for the Soldering Iron Timer
BASIC source code for the PICAXE14M2 in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Digital soldering iron timer with relay" from the July 2020 issue.
Firmware (HEX) files and BASIC source code for the Touchscreen RCL Box [RCLBox.hex]
Firmware (with pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source code for the Touchscreen RCL Box.
The .HEX file includes MMBasic and the 3.5in touchscreen configuration data as well as the pre-loaded BASIC source code.
Roadies' Test Generator LTspice simulation file
The LTspice simulation file of the phase shift oscillator, as mentioned in the Roadies' Test Signal Generator article, June 2020.
Firmware for the I²C Serial Bus Snooper
ASM source code and .HEX file for the PIC18F4620 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Simple I²C serial bus snooper" from the June 2020 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Car Altimeter
Firmware (with pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Touchscreen Vehicle Altimeter.
The download includes the HEX file with everything included plus the separate BASIC source code.
Python software for the Proximity warning for the blind
Python source files needed for the Proximity warning for the blind from Circuit Notebook.
Firmware (Arduino) for the Simple emergency charger for small batteries
Arduino sketch (.ino) for the Simple "emergency" charger for small batteries from Circuit Notebook.
Firmware (HEX) and source code for the DIY Oven Reflow Controller [2910420A.HEX]
Firmware and C source code for the Solder Oven Reflow Controller.
Modified source code for the Universal Battery Charge Controller [1410719A.ASM]
Modified ASM source code for the Universal Battery Charge Controller, for a much faster switch-off delay when input power is lost.
See Ask Silicon Chip, May 2020, pages 106-107.
Source for the Multi-code lock with 10 access codes
C source for the Multi-code lock from Circuit Notebook. This can be compiled using AVR Studio.
Firmware for the Micromite-based Chiming Clock
BASIC source code and sample MP3 files for the Micromite-based Chiming Clock from Circuit Notebook.
Firmware (Arduino) for the Two-wheel self-balancing robot
Arduino sketches (.ino) for the Two-wheel self-balancing robot from Circuit Notebook.
Firmware (Arduino sketch and libraries) for the Thermal Regulator
Arduino source code and required libraries for the Thermal Regulator project.
BASIC source code for the Micromite Explore 64 turntable controller
MMbasic source code for the Circuit Notebook entry in the March 2020 issue titled "Resurrecting a turntable with a Micromite Explore 64".
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Radio IF Alignment [DDSIFAlign.HEX]
Firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Touchscreen-based Radio IF Alignment unit with DDS.
The download includes the HEX file with everything included plus the separate BASIC source code.
Also included is the modified version of the code, to allow separate IF alignment input and trigger output pins.
Firmware (Arduino Sketch) for the 4G Remote Monitoring Station
Arduino source code and required libraries for the 4G Remote Monitoring Station from February 2020.
Firmware (HEX) files and BASIC source code for the Indoor Air Quality Monitor [AirQuality.hex]
Firmware (with pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source code for the Air Quality Monitor.
The .HEX file includes MMBasic and the touchscreen configuration data as well as the pre-loaded BASIC source code.
Firmware and source code for the Low-distortion DDS Signal Generator
The PIC32MZ2048EFH064-250I/PT microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus C source code for the Low-distortion DDS Signal Generator.
Note: the source code was initially incomplete. That has been fixed now, and we've checked that it builds OK (see readme.txt file in ZIP).
Arduino Sketches for the In-situ Ethernet cable tester
Arduino source code for the Circuit Notebook entry in the February 2020 issue titled "In-situ Ethernet cable tester".
Software for the Arduno DCC Controller
Arduino source code and required libraries for the DCC Controller from January 2020.
Sample code for El Cheapo Modules - Intelligent 8x8 RGB LED Matrix
Sample BASIC code and Arduino sketch, as described in the January 2020 article on using WS2812-based 8x8 RGB LED display modules.
BASIC code and HEX file for the 3.2MHz reference
The BASIC code and Atmel AVR HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "3.2MHz reference derived from 10MHz" in the January 2020 issue.
PCB files for Micromite Mk2 Development Board
The PCB files in EAGLE, PDF and Gerber format plus a circuit diagram and bill of materials for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Micromite Mk2 dev board with Microbridge" from the January 2020 issue.
Revised in April 2020 to fix some errors, such as the USB D+ and D- pins being swapped on the PCB and the missing NC drill files have now been included.
Firmware (BAS and HEX) files for the Dot-matrix scrolling text display
Source code and compiled HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry in the December 2019 issue titled "Dot-matrix scrolling text display".
Raspberry Pi Speech Synthesis software
Software for the Raspberry Pi Speech Synthesis project.
There are two files to download. The small file contains just the Arduino code and shell script. The large file includes the same files, plus a Raspbian operating system image that's ready to use.
The larger file could take some time to download on a slow connection. If you download the smaller file, you will need to install your own Raspbian operating system, or use an SD card that comes with Raspbian pre-installed.
The extra overlay file (TDA1543A-dtbo-SC.zip) can be used if the board is built using the TDA1543A IC rather than TDA1543; see Mailbag, December 2019.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) for the LC Meter (Mega Box)
.ino sketch file used for the LC Meter project specifically for use with the Altronics Mega Box from the January 2018 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) for the VS1053 Music Player (Mega Box)
.ino sketch, libraries and patch files for the Arduino Music Player project as used in the Mega Box (February 2018).
Firmware for 1.5kW Induction Motor Speed Controller [1010512B.HEX]
HEX file firmware to program the dsPIC33FJ64MC802 for the 1.5kW Induction Motor Speed Controller project.
Sample code for Three I/O Expander Modules
Sample BASIC code and Arduino sketches, as described in the November 2019 article on the three I/O expander modules.
Software for the Tiny LED Xmas Tree
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the Tiny LED Christmas Tree.
Firmware (BAS and HEX) files for the Simple Digital Sinewave Generator
Source code and compiled HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry in the November 2019 issue titled "Simple digital sinewave generator".
Source code (BAS) for the Digital Soldering Iron Stepping Timer
MMBasic source code for the Circuit Notebook entry in the November 2019 issue titled "Digital soldering iron stepping timer".
Software for the Digital Panel Meter/USB Display
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the Five-Way Panel Meter/USB Display.
Arduino sketch for the High-Resolution Digital Audio Millivoltmeter
The Arduino sketch for the Digital Audio Volt/Millivoltmeter from the October 2019 issue.
The download package also includes the required library (LiquidCrystal_I2C).
Mathematical analysis of Norton sinewave circuits
A PDF file with extra information regarding the Circuit Notebook entry on Norton-amplifier based sinewave oscillators.
Arduino Sketches for Multiple DS18B20s on a single wire
Arduino source code for the Circuit Notebook entry in the October 2019 issue titled "Multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on a single, long wire".
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Top Octave Generator
Source code and compiled HEX file for the Circuit Notebook entry in the September 2019 issue titled "Top octave generator using AVR micro".
Arduino Sketch for the Sales Booster
Arduino source code for the Circuit Notebook entry in the September 2019 issue titled "Phone call speech time warning (sales booster)".
MMBasic source code for the 4DoF Simulation Seat
The control software for the Gamer's Seat with Four DoF. It's written in BASIC and is loaded into the 44-pin Micromite chip, after it has been flashed with the Micromite Mk2 firmware (available as a separate download).
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Six-way Stereo Audio Input Selector [0111019A.HEX/0111111M.HEX]
HEX files and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F88-I/P microcontroller in the Six Input Stereo Audio Selector.
There are two sets of files in the download package. Those coded 0111019A are for when the Audio Selector is used as a standalone unit, while those coded 0111111M are used when combining the Audio Selector with the Ultra Low Noise Remote-controlled Stereo Preamp (March-April 2019).
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Ultrabrite LED Bicycle Light [1610919A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC10F202-E/OT microcontroller in the Ultrabrite LED Pushbike Light (1610919A.HEX).
Demonstration software for the Micromite LCD BackPack V3
A downloadable ZIP package containing the sample BASIC source code and CFUNCTION source for the Micromite LCD BackPack V3.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Radio Head Unit Dimmer Adaptor [0510619A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Car Radio Dimmer Adaptor (1510619A.HEX).
Software for the PICAXE-based Knight Rider LED chaser display
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "PICAXE 'Knight Rider' LED chaser display" from the August 2019 issue.
Software for the Arduino LoRa chat terminal
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Arduino LoRa chat terminal with QWERTY keyboard" from the August 2019 issue.
Software for the Explore-100 based Electrocardiogram
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Electrocardiogram (ECG) based on a Micromite Explore 100" from the July 2019 issue.
Software for the LCD Horse Racing Game
BASIC source code and HEX file for the ATmega328P in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Horse racing game" from the July 2019 issue.
Firmware and supported device list for the 74LS- and 74HC-series logic IC tester
The software, including source code and HEX file, plus a supported device list for the logic device tester published in Circuit Notebook, July 2019.
Firmware for the RF Signal Generator [0410619A.HEX]
ATmega328P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) and BASIC source code for the AM/FM/CW Scanning HF/VHF RF Signal Generator (0410619A.HEX).
Update: this new version (V14) suits both pulse-type and level-type rotary encoders. You can identify a pulse type encoder as the two internal switches are always open when the encoder is at rest, while a level-type encoder will have one or both switches closed in some rotational positions. If your encoder is a level-type, solder a 100kΩ resistor from pin 28 of IC1 to GND to enable correct operation.
Firmware and source code for the DSP Active Crossover/Equaliser project [0610619A.HEX]
PIC32MZ2048EFH064-250I/PT microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus C source code for the DSP Active Crossover.
This is version 8 of the software, dated, 08/06/2019. It fixes a small bug in v7 regarding loading the configuration from a blank EEPROM.
Demonstration software for the e-Paper/e-Ink article
A download package with Arduino and Micromite demonstration software, plus documentation and libraries, to accompany the article on e-Paper in the June 2019 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Steering Wheel Controller to IR adaptor [1510519A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Steering Wheel Controls (SWC) Infrared Adaptor (1510519A.HEX).
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the GPS "Finesaver Plus" Speedo/Clock/Volume Control [0110419A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the 8-bit PIC16F1455-I/P microcontroller in the GPS Speedometer/Clock/Volume Control.
Sample code for El Cheapo Modules - 434MHz LoRa Transceivers
Sample BASIC code and Arduino sketch, as described in the June 2019 article on using LoRa digital radio modules.
MMBasic code for the Micromite BackPack-based Touchscreen Clock Radio
BASIC source code for the Clock Radio described in the June 2019 Circuit Notebook entry.
Arduino sketches for the air conditioner controller with two Arduinos sharing one real-time clock module
Arduino sketches and libraries for the Circuit Notebook entry in the June 2019 issue on two micros controlling an aircon with a single real-time clock module.
Firmware and source code for the 433MHz Wireless Data Range Extender [1500419A.HEX]
PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the Solar-powered Data Repeater for 433MHz Remotes project.
Sample software and source code for low-cost 3.5-inch LCDs for Arduino and Micromite
Arduino sketches, libraries and MMBasic source code for the article on low-cost 3.5-inch touchscreens for the Arduino & Micromite.
Firmware and source code for the Battery-powered Steam Train Whistle
BASIC source code and HEX file, as described in the May 2019 Battery-powered Steam Train Whistle Circuit Notebook article.
Arduino sketches and libraries for the ESP32-based Internet Radio Receiver
Source code for the ESP32 board used in the Circuit Notebook entry "ESP32 Internet Radio Receiver" from the May 2019 issue.
Firmware files for the Flipdot Display project
This download includes Arduino sketches and Micromite MMBasic code for driving the Flipdot Display described in the April 2019 issue.
Software files for the iCEstick FPGA tutorial and VGA Terminal project
This download includes the sample code mentioned in the April 2019 iCEstick FPGA tutorial, plus the IceStudio project for the VGA Terminal project described in the same issue.
Firmware (.ino sketches) for the Arduino Seismograph with Geophone
This download package contains two Arduino sketches, one which is the main firmware for using a geophone with the Arduino Seismograph.
The other is a test sketch which can be used for testing and to view the signal from a geophone in the Arduino Serial Monitor.
Firmware and source code for the Low-Noise Stereo Preamplifier [0111111B.HEX] (previously 0111111A.HEX)
PIC16 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the Low-Noise Stereo Preamplifier project.
This updated B version of the firmware solves the problem that the remote control section won't work without the input selector board plugged in.
Firmware (.ino sketches) for the Multi Diode Curve Plotter
This download package contains two Arduino sketches, one which is the main firmware for the Touch Controlled All-diode Checker and Plotter, and one of which is used to calibrate the device.
Both sketches come with a few header (.h) and C++ source (.cpp) files which provide the library functions that they need.
Sample code for El Cheapo Modules 23 - Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
Sample BASIC code and Arduino sketch, as described in the March 2019 article on Galvanic Skin Response.
BASCOM source code and .hex file for the AVR-based LCF Meter
Source code and HEX file for the ATmega8 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "AVR-based inductance/capacitance/frequency" from the March 2019 issue.
Firmware (BASIC code) for the Micromite-based Colour Organ
MMBasic source code for the Micromite in the Colour Organ Circuit Notebook entry, March 2019.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Touch and IR Remote Control Trailing Edge Dimmer [1011119A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Versatile Trailing Edge Dimmer with Touch and/or Infrared Remote Control project
Use the "A" version if you have the original version of the remote control, without white rings around the buttons, or the "B" version if you have the updated remote, which has dotted white lines around each button.
Sample code for El Cheapo Modules 22 - Stepper Motor Drivers
Sample sketches as described in the February 2019 article on Stepper Motor Drivers.
Arduino sketch and libraries for the WiFi-controlled relay board
Arduino sketch (.ino) source code for the ESP8266 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Making a cheap WiFi-controlled relay board work" from the February 2019 issue.
Software for the USB Mouse and Keyboard Interface for Micros [2431118A.HEX]
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the USB Mouse and Keyboard Interface for Microcontrollers.
One zip contains two HEX files, one for the keyboard adaptor (-A) and one for the mouse adaptor (-B), plus the sample Arduino keyboard translation sketch.
The other, larger zip file contains both MPLAB X projects, written in C.
Software for the ATtiny816 Development/Breakout Board [2411018A.HEX]
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the ATtiny816 Breakout and Development Board with Capacitive Touch.
Sample programs for the PicoKit PicoPi Pro line-following robot
Sample code (in .ppb format) for the PicoPi Pro robot kit which was described in the January 2019 issue.
BASIC source code for Flashing LEDs in time to music
BASIC source code for the PICAXE08M2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Flashing LEDs in time to music" from the January 2019 issue.
Software for the Useless Box
A package of software for the Useless Box.
The zip download package includes two HEX files (one for each microcontroller) plus the PicBasic Pro source code (.bas file) for the main controller software (for the PIC16F88, IC1).
Sample BASIC source code for interfacing a Micromite with the DFPlayer Mini module
BASIC source code suitable for use with a Micromite LCD BackPack module, to interface with a DFPlayer Mini audio player module, as described in the December 2018 "El Cheapo Modules" article.
Software for Amazing Light Patterns for the LED Christmas Tree
A package of software for the LED Christmas Tree, including the Map program (written in Processing) along with several sample Arduino sketches (.ino files), showing how to create various patterns on your tree.
Firmware for the Four-channel High-current DC Fan & Pump Controller (0510818A.HEX)
The HEX file and MPLAB X project (.c) files for the Four-channel DC Fan/Pump Controller.
This updated version (v1.1) has supply voltage smoothing, which makes Cooldown Mode work more reliably, and also fixes a bug causing glitches in some DS18B20 temperature measurements.
v1.2 adds further supply smoothing to the sleep logic, to prevent the unit from going into sleep mode and skipping cooldown from longer negative supply voltage spikes.
Arduino sketch (.ino) files and sample Python software for the LED Christmas Tree
A ZIP download which contains two sample Arduino sketches which can be used to display patterns on the Expandable LED Christmas Tree.
A Python sketch is also included which can be used to display patterns on the Christmas Tree when it is connected to your computer using the Digital Interface Module.
Firmware (HEX and C) files for the USB Digital and SPI Interface Module
A ZIP download which contains the HEX file and C source code (MPLAB X) for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the Digital Interafae Module.
A Python sketch is also included which can be used to display patterns on the Christmas Tree when it is connected to your computer using the Digital Interface Module.
BASCOM source code and .hex file for the Dual Mode Digital Dice
Source code and HEX file for the ATmega8 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Dual mode digital dice" from the November 2018 issue.
BASIC source code for the Freezer Temperature Monitor and Alarm
BASIC source code for the PICAXE08M2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Freezer temperature monitor and alarm" from the November 2018 issue.
Sample BASIC source code for interfacing a Micromite with an eCompass module
BASIC source code suitable for use with a Micromite LCD BackPack module, to interface with either the GY-271 or GY-511 eCompass modules, as described in the November 2018 "El Cheapo Modules" article.
Firmware (HEX) files and BASIC/C source code for the GPS-Synched Frequency Reference [0410718A.hex]
Firmware (with pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source code for the GPS-Synched Frequency Reference.
Includes Micromite firmware v5.04.
Inside the download package you will also find the MPLAB X project and C source code for the required CFUNCTIONs.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the White Noise Source and Steam Train Whistle/Diesel Horn [0910618A/M.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontrollers in the Steam Train Whistle/Diesel Horn project.
This includes the White Noise Generator (0910618A.HEX/ASM) and the Whistle/Horn sound effects chip (0910618M.HEX/ASM).
The same White Noise Generator software (0910618A) can also be used for the Tinnitus/Insomnia Killer project from the November 2018 issue, which is listed as 0111018A, an alternative name for this same software.
DCC Decoder Programmer sketches
The two sketches required for our DCC Decoder Programmer, including the open-source DCC++ sketch and our own serial-based programmer code.
The download also includes the TimerOne library which is required to compile our sketch.
Cypress PSoC4 CY8CKIT demonstration project files (Thermistor/LCD)
A set of Cypress Creator project file to demonstrate how to read and display the temperature of an NTC thermistor using the Cypress CY8CKIT development board. This was used in the October 2018 tutorial on programming the PSoC4 system-on-a-chip.
Firmware (sketch) files and MP3s for the Arduino (ESP32) Talking Clock
Arduino sketches (.ino files) for the ESP32 module used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino (ESP32) Talking Clock" from the October 2018 issue.
The sketch zip also includes all the libraries required to compile the sketches (but not the ESP32 board files).
A separate zip is also provided with sample MP3s to provide the talking clock function.
Firmware (BASIC) file for the Micromite Plus Explore 64 Data Logger
BASIC source code for the Micromite used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Data Logger using Micromite Plus Explore 64" from the October 2018 issue.
Firmware (BASIC) file for the Eight-button Quiz Master sysetm
BASIC source code for the 8-bit PICAXE20M2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Eight-button Quiz Master system" from the October 2018 issue.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: NFC Shield
Sample programs (BASIC code) used to demonstrate the capabilities of the NFC Shield.
Firmware (BASIC) file for the Coober Pedy Opal Miner Game
BASIC source code for the 8-bit PICAXE20X2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "The Coober Pedy Opal Miner Game", from the September 2018 issue.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Super Digital Sound Effects Module [0110718A.HEX]
The HEX file and C source code (MPLAB X IDE project) for the PIC32MM0256GPM028 microcontroller in the Super Digital Sound Effects project.
The download package also includes a sample configuration file and some WAV files to test with.
Brainwave Monitor (EEG) software
This download package includes the Arduino sketch, Windows software and source code for the Arduino Brainwave Monitor / Electroencephalogram.
Arduino IR Keyboard software
Arduino .ino files and software libraries for the Infrared Remote Control for use with a PC.
The zip file includes the following sketches: IR_Code_Typer.ino, IR_Code_Typer_and_Serial.ino, IR_HID_XC3718.ino and the three required Arduino libraries (zipped).
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Watchdog Door Alarm [0310718A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Personal Door Alarm.
Firmware (BASIC and HEX) for the GPS or WiFi (NTP) Clock
BASIC source code and HEX file for the 8-bit PIC16F88 microcontroller in the GPS Clock from Circuit Notebook, August 2018.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) for the Air Pollution Monitor with an ESP32
.ino sketch and header file for the ESP32 module used in the Particulate Pollution Monitor from Circuit Notebook, August 2018.
Firmware (HEX) files and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Tariff Super Clock [v2]
Firmware (with pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source code for the Tariff Super Clock.
Includes Micromite firmware v5.04.
Software for the Raspberry Pi Tide Chart
A ZIP file containing the Python scripts and other scripts/text files necessary for the Raspberry Pi Tide Chart / Info Screen project.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Recurring Event Reminder [1910718A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Recurring Event Reminder.
Firmware (BASIC) file for the PICAXE-based Humidity Controller
BASIC source code for the 8-bit PICAXE08M2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Humidity Controller for Cheesemaking" from the July 2018 issue.
Firmware (BASIC and HEX) files for the Multi-Pattern, Multi-Speed LED Chaser
BASIC source code for the 8-bit ATmega8P microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Multi-pattern, multi-speed LED chaser" from the July 2018 issue.
Arduino Sketches (.ino) and library for the 800W+ Uninterruptable Power Supply
A ZIP package which contains the Arduino source code and library needed for programming the Arduino control module in the LiFePO4-based UPS project.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the USB Flexitimer [1910618A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the 8-bit PIC16F1455-I/P microcontroller in the USB Flexitimer.
Arduino Sketch (.ino) and libraries for the Wide-Range Digital LC Meter
A ZIP package which contains the Arduino source code and libraries needed for programming the Arduino in the Low-drift, Wide-range LC Meter project.
This item also includes the dimensions for laser cutting the acrylic case.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Temperature Switch Mk2 [0510518A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller in the Temperature Switch Mk2.
Firmware (BASIC) file for the PICAXE-based Millisecond Reaction Timer
BASIC source code for the 8-bit PICAXE20M2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based Millisecond Reaction Timer" from the June 2018 issue.
Firmware (BASIC and HEX) files for the Servomotor tester
HEX file and BASIC source code for the 8-bit PIC16F616 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Servomotor tester" from the June 2018 issue.
Firmware (HEX and ASM) files for the Deluxe Frequency Switch [0510418A.HEX]
A ZIP package download which includes the assembly-language source code and HEX file for the PIC12F88 in the Deluxe Frequency Switch.
Software for the LTspice Tutorial, Part 4
LTspice simulation (.asc) files, as used in part four of the LTspice/SPICE tutorial article in the May 2018 issue.
Arduino Sketch (.ino) and libraries for the 3-Axis Arduino-based Seismograph
ZIP package contains the Arduino source code and libraries needed for the Personal Speedometer project.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: ADF4351
Sample programs (.ino sketch and .bas file) used to demonstrate the capabilities of the ADF4351 signal generator module.
The BASIC code has been revised on 11/07/2018 to fix bugs.
Firmware (HEX AND ASM) files for the Infrared Sensing Heater Controller [1010418A.HEX]
Assembly source code and compiled HEX file for the PIC12F675-I/P microcontroller in the Thermopile-based Heater Controller.
Arduino Sketch (.ino) and libraries for the 3-Axis Arduino-based Seismograph
ZIP package contains the single Arduino source file and the three libraries needed (Filters, RTClib & SdFat) for the Three-Axis Arduino Seismograph.
Firmware (HEX and BAS) files for the Temperature and Humidity Display
A ZIP download which includes the BASIC source code and compiled HEX file (PICBASIC PRO) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Temperature and humidity display using a PIC16F88" from the April 2018 issue.
Arduino Sketch (.ino) file for the Clayton's GPS Time Signal Generator
A ZIP package which includes the Arduino Sketch for the GPS Time Source project.
Updated November 2021. There are now two sketch files:
V11 should be used with ESP8266 Boards Manager Profile version 2.7.4 and earlier.
V12 should be used with ESP8266 Boards Manager Profile version 3.0.0 and later (tested with V3.0.2).
The 2022 update is the same code as the November 2021 update. The zip just includes the compiled version (.bin file) and a flashing tool executable for loading it into the module directly.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: ESP-01
Sample program (.ino sketch) used to run a serial passthrough on an Arduino Mega with the ESP-01 WiFi module.
Arduino sketch (.ino) file and library for the Arduino Earthquake Early Warning system
A ZIP package download which includes the Arduino sketch and library needed for the Arduino-based Earthquake Early Warning system.
Updated 20/10/2023 to fix a bug in the initialisation. See Mailbag, December 2023.
Firmware (HEX and ASM) files for the Full-wave 230V Universal Motor Speed Controller [1010218B.HEX]
A ZIP package download which includes the assembly-language source code and HEX file for the PIC12F675 in the Triac-based Full Wave 230VAC Universal Motor Speed Controller.
The original software (1010218A.HEX) contained a bug which prevented feedback from working after the soft-start period. That is fixed in this new version, 1010218B.HEX (04/11/2019).
Firmware (HEX and BAS) files for the Induction Balance Metal Detector
A ZIP package download which includes the BASIC code and compiled HEX file (BASCOM) for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Drift-free Induction Balance Metal Detector" from the March 2018 issue.
Firmware (.ino sketch) file and libraries for the Colour Slideshow with Alarm Clock
A ZIP package download which includes the Arduino sketch source code and required libraries for the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Colour slideshow with alarm clock using an ESP32" from the March 2018 issue.
You'll also need this library for the ESP8266: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
Arduino sketch (.ino) file and libraries for the WiFi Water Tank Level Meter
A ZIP package download which includes the Arduino sketch and libraries needed for the Solar Powered WiFi Water Tank Level Meter and Weather Station.
Arduino and BASIC source code for El Cheapo Modules 13
Two Arduino sketches (.ino files) and two Micromite BASIC source files for the motion sensor and soil moisture sensor described in El Cheapo Modules 13, which was published in the February 2018 issue.
BASIC code for the Vintage Car Logbook Reminder
BASIC source code for the PICAXE08M in the Circuit Notebook entry "Vintage car logbook reminder with temperature and clock display" from the February 2018 issue.
BASIC code for the PICAXE Roulette Wheel
BASIC source code for the PICAXE20M2 in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE roulette wheel simulator using 7-segment displays" from the February 2018 issue.
Arduino code for the OLED NTP Clock
Arduino sketch (.ino file) and required libraries for the ESP-32 module in the Circuit Notebook entry "OLED clock gets its time from the internet using NTP" from the February 2018 issue.
V1.1: revised 26/04/2018 to fix a bug with initial delay connecting to wireless network.
Firmware (BASIC code) for the Lathe-E-Boy High Power Lathe Controller
MMBasic source code for the Explore 100 module in the High Power Lathe Controller project, published in the January 2018 issue.
The splash screen image (in .BMP format) is also included. This should be loaded into the root directory of an SD card which is then plugged into the Explore 100 touchscreen, after the screen and touch interface have been configured.
Firmware (HEX and C) file for the High Power DC Fan Speed Controller [0511117A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code (with MPLAB X project) for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the Proportional High Power DC Fan Speed Controller.
Firmware (Arduino sketch and Micromite BASIC code) for the nRF24L01 modules
The .ino sketch file (Arduino) and BASIC source code (Micromite) to use nRF24L01 digital wireless transceiver modules, as per the El Cheapo Modules 12 article in the January 2018 issue.
Firmware (HEX and C) files for the Precision Fridge Door Alarm
HEX file and C source code (including MPLAB X IDE project) for the 8-bit PIC12F683 microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Precision Fridge Door Alarm" from the January 2018 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketches and libraries) for the Arduino Contactless Temperature and RPM Data Logger
The .ino sketch files (Arduino) and required libraries for the January 2018 Circuit Notebook entry titled "Debugging a failing electric motor with an RPM and temperature data logger".
Firmware (HEX) and BASIC source code for the Touchscreen Altimeter/Weather Station
Software for the Touchscreen Altimeter, including BASIC source code and a HEX file which includes the Micromite firmware.
Note that this software has been updated (since the article was published) to include the ability to key in QNH pressure updates.
We have also made the original (pre-QNH) source code available for download for readers who are intersted.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: GY-68 (BMP180)
The sample sketch described in El Cheapo Modules 11 (December 2017) called "SFE_BMP180_barometer_sketch.ino" for use with BMP180-based modules on Arduino and the sample BASIC program called "BMP180 barometer check prog.bas" for the Micromite.
The other file described in the article "SFE_BMP180.zip" can be found at: https://github.com/sparkfun/BMP180_Breakout
Or here: https://github.com/sparkfun/BMP180_Breakout_Arduino_Library
Firmware (.bas) for the Micromite-based Air Conditioner Remote Control
PICAXE BASIC source code (.bas file) for the PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Micromite-based Air Conditioner Remote Control" in the December 2017 issue.
V1.1 is used when the DS18B20 sensor is fitted.
V1.2 is used when a DHT22 is fitted instead.
Software for the 6GHz+ Touchscreen Frequency Counter (v1.01)
A ZIP package download which includes the MMBasic code (.bas), CFUNCTION source code and HEX file for the 6GHz+ Touchscreen Frequency Counter.
The latest beta version of MMBasic is also included in the download package.
Please read the included text file for some important notes, including why we're using a beta version of MMBasic and some minor hardware changes we've found are necessary to improve operation when measuring higher frequencies. The updated download (v1.01) provides a clarification for these important notes.
Firmware (.bas) for the PICAXE-based Chess/Games Timer
PICAXE BASIC source code (.bas file) for the PICAXE-20M2s in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "PICAXE-based Chess/Games Timer" in the November 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) and libraries for the Caravan Water Tank Level Meter
Arduino sketch (.ino file) and libraries for the Arduino Nano in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Caravan water tank level meter tracks water usage" in the November 2017 issue.
Firmware (.bas) for the Four-channel RF wireless remote control
BASCOM source code (.bas file) for the ATmega8P in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Four-channel RF wireless remote control has three different modes" in the November 2017 issue.
Firmware (HEX and ASM) file for Kelvin, the Very Clever Cricket [0810917B.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in Kelvin the Cricket.
This revised version fixes a bug which prevented modes 13-16 from working properly.
Firmware (ASM and HEX files) for PIC12 Calibrator Oscillation
Assembly language source code and HEX file for recalibrating the oscillator in a PIC12F675 or PIC12F629, as described in Circuit Notebook, October 2017.
3-Way Adjustable Stereo Active Crossover simulation file
LTspice simulation file as mentioned in the 3-Way Active Crossover article, September 2017.
Software for the Deluxe Touchscreen eFuse
BASIC and C source code plus HEX file for the Deluxe Touchscreen eFuse project.
The download package includes two .BAS files; the library file must be loaded and saved to the library section first. Alternatively, load the HEX file directly on the PIC32; it also includes MMBasic.
The package also includes the source of the two CFUNCTIONs used.
Please note: the BUK7909-75AIE SenseFETs are no longer manufactured so check you can get those (or equivalents) before buying any parts for this project.
Firmware (BAS and HEX files) for the Automatic Modem Rebooter
PICBASIC source code and HEX file for the 8-bit PIC12F675 in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Automatically rebooting NBN modem" in the September 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) and libraries for the VL53L0X laser rangefinder
Arduino sketch (.ino file) and libraries for the ATmega328P in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Using a VL53L0X laser rangefinder module with Arduino" in the September 2017 issue.
Software for the LTspice Tutorial, Part 3
LTspice simulation (.asc and .asy) files, as used in part three of the LTspice/SPICE tutorial article in the September 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) and libraries for the Arduino ThingSpeak.com Data Logger
Arduino sketches (.ino files) and libraries for the ESP8266 in the project for the Arduino "ThingSpeak.com" Data Logger from the September 2017 issue.
Note that there are two sketches in the ZIP file, one is for when an OLED display is used and the other is for when it is not.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: AD9850 DDS
Sample source code to drive an AD9850-based DDS module from an Arduino (.ino sketch) or Micromite (.BAS file), as used in the El Cheapo Asian Electronics Modules 9 article in the September 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) file for the Arduino Data Logger
.ino sketch for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller used in the Arduino Data Logger project from the August 2017 issue.
The updated zip file (v1.1) includes an extra example sketch which shows how to log the output of the BMP180 pressure sensor in hectopascals rather than bar/millibars.
Version 1.12 also includes a fix for a bug which sometimes caused the unit to fail to get GPS lock if the GPS starts up particularly quickly.
Raspberry Pi Software for the Elevator Annunciator
Python scripts for the Raspberry Pi, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Raspberry Pi Elevator Display & Annunciator" from August 2017.
Atmel BASIC Software for Distributed Temperature Sensing
BASCOM code for the ATmega8 8-bit AVR microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry titled "Distributed temperature sensing using an ATmega8 and DS18B20 sensors" from August 2017.
This can be compiled into a HEX file using the free BASCOM demo compiler download for AVR.
Software for the LTspice Tutorial, Part 2
LTspice simulation (.asc and .asy) file, as used in part two of the LTspice/SPICE tutorial article in the August 2017 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for RapidBrake [0510517A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the RapidBrake Emergency Stop Signalling unit.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) file for the Arduino Music Player
.ino sketch and libraries for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller used in the Arduino Music Player project from the July 2017 issue.
- fixed a problem where pressing a button on the bottom row of the keypad during playback would cause the software to lock up
- added option to select both MP3 and .ogg (Ogg Vorbis) files to be played back
- added a recording time display
- made some changes to address dropouts during recording
- fixed a problem where the player would lock up if any music was played after using the record function
- added an option to select what number file to record to (the old incremental option can be selected by pressing 'A' on the keypad)
- recording starts from 00 instead of 01
- fixed the recording function only writing half the required data.
Added an experimental version that lets you enter the entire filename using the keypad when selecting a tracknum to play. It uses a rotating keypad like a mobile phone, and should match up with the characters on the keypad itself. Controls are listed under the function name createName(). It's stable though, just wanted to provide the older and newer option.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) file for Remote Water Level Monitoring
The Arduino sketch (.ino file) and zipped libraries for the Circuit Notebook entry "Remote water level monitoring using LoRa and Arduino" from the July 2017 issue.
Firmware (BAS) file for the PICAXE-based Dual Temperature Datalogger
BAS source code for the 8-bit PICAXE-20X2 microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based Dual Temperature Datalogger" from the June 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino sketch) file for the Arduino 3D Printer Heat Bed Controller
.ino sketch for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino 3D Printer Heat Bed Controller" from the June 2017 issue.
Firmware (Arduino Sketch) file for the Arduino-based Digital Inductance & Capacitance Meter [Arduino_LC_meter_sketch.HEX]
.ino sketch for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller in the Arduino-based Digital Inductance/Capacitance Meter.
Now updated so it includes the required libraries (zipped).
Please note: you may need to change the LCD address in the third non-comment line of the .ino file before uploading, depending on whether your I2C module has a PFC8574T (0x27) or PFC8574AT (0x3F). The sketch by default is set up for a PFC8574T. See the comment at the top of the sketch and the article in the March 2017 issue (El Cheapo Modules Part 5).
Version 1.2 now includes the updated LiquidCrystal_I2C library which should solve compilation issues.
Version 1.3 includes a bugfix to the LiquidCrystal_I2C library which allows it to work with the latest version of the Arduino IDE.
Software for the LTspice Tutorial, Part 1
LTspice simulation (.asc) file, as used in part one of the LTspice/SPICE tutorial articles, published in the June 2017 issue.
Software for MAX7219
Test programs for the MAX7219 controller for Arduino and Micromite as described in "El Cheapo Modules 7: SPI 8x8 LED Matrix Display Module" from the June 2017 issue.
Software for the Micromite Tutorial, Part 4
BASIC code for the final example in the last instalment of the Micromite Tutorial, from the June 2017 issue.
BASCOM source code for the Atmel-based Digital Clock and Stopwatch
BASCOM source code for the ATmega processor in the Circuit Notebook entry "Atmel-based digital clock and stopwatch" from the May 2017 issue. This can be compiled to a HEX file using the free BASCOM trial compiler.
Arduino sketches and libraries for using a CAN bus to monitor individual solar panels
Arduino source code and required libraries for the Circuit Notebook entry "Using a CAN bus to monitor individual solar panels" from the May 2017 issue.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: AD9833 DDS
Sample source code to drive an AD9833-based DDS module from an Arduino (.ino sketch) or Micromite (.BAS file), as used in the El Cheapo Asian Electronics Modules 6 article in the April 2017 issue.
Software for the Micromite-based Touchscreen DDS Signal Generator [SigGeneratorFull.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file & BASIC source code) for the PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP 32-bit microcontroller used in the Micromite DDS Signal Generator.
Firmware (.ino) files for Arduino Weight Measurement
.ino source code and libraries for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Measuring weight using Arduino" from the April 2017 issue.
You will need to install the supplied library ZIP in the Arduino IDE using the Sketch -> Include Library menu option before the sketch will compile.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Bright LED Pool Lap Counter [1910217A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the Pool Lap Counter.
Software for El Cheapo Modules: LCD module with I²C
The source code to drive an I²C LCD module from an Arduino (.ino sketch) or Micromite (.BAS file), as used in the El Cheapo Asian Electronics Modules 5 article in the March 2017 issue.
BASIC source code for the ATmega-based Metal Detector
BASCOM source code for the Circuit Notebook entry entitled "ATmega-based Metal Detector with stepped frequency indication" from the March 2017 issue.
BASIC code for the Remote Garage Door Tell-Tale
BASIC source code for the PICAXE08Ms in the Circuit Notebook entry "Remote Tell-Tale Indicator for garage doors" from the March 2017 issue.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the GPS-synchronised Analog Clock [04120217A.HEX/04130217A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the 8-bit PIC16LF88-I/P microcontroller in the GPS-synchronised Analog Clock project.
All versions of the firmware, including HEX and C files, are contained in the ZIP supplied. The C code is compiled using the CCS PIC16 compiler.
These are updated versions of the firmware which solve problems with the USB serial port. Note that it's necessary to install a different HEX file depending on which serial port you are using; see the README file in the zip.
Update 15/03/2017 - two bugs were identified which are now fixed in v2.6 (stepping) and v1.3 (sweep). These are: clock drive pin RA1 (#18) not toggling properly for the stepping version and with both versions, a GPS parsing error which could cause a failure to operate correctly with certain GPS modules.
Update 29/09/2017 - fixed a bug in the sweep hand version, with the same clock drive problem as the stepping mentioned above. The version number is now 1.4.
This project is now obsolete. It has been replaced with the new version from September 2022 - see https://siliconchip.au/Shop/?article=15466
Firmware (BAS and HEX) files for the “Squash” and “Ping-pong” two-player games using 16 LEDs
HEX file and BAS source code for the 8-bit ATmega16A microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "'Squash' and 'Ping-pong' two-player games using 16 LEDs" from the February 2017 issue.
Firmware (.ino sketch) file for using GPS Modules for surveying and distance measurement
.ino sketch source code for the 8-bit ATmega328P microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Using GPS Modules for surveying and distance measurement" from the February 2017 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the High Power DC Motor Speed Control [1111216A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the project entitled "Our biggest-ever DC speed controller: 12 to 60V at up to 40A".
Firmware (.ino) files for the LoRa remote repeater for ultra-long range digital communications
.ino source code and libraries for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "LoRa remote repeater for ultra-long range digital communications" from the January 2017 issue.
You will need to install the supplied library ZIPs in the Arduino IDE using the Sketch -> Include Library menu option before the sketches will compile.
Firmware (.bas) file for the Improved PICAXE Wireless Rain Alarm
.bas source code for the 8-bit PICAXE8M microcontroller used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Improved PICAXE Wireless Rain Alarm" from the January 2017 issue.
Firmware (.ino) files for the Programming the ATtiny85 With An Arduino
.ino source code for the 8-bit ATtiny85 microcontroller in the Using Arduino with the Atmel ATtiny85 Microcontroller article.
Firmware (.ino and .c) files for Giving the Ultrasonic Theremin a Volume Control
.ino source code and .c file for the 8-bit Arduino microcontroller in the "Improving your Arduino-based Theremin" article.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Automotive Sensor Modifier [0511116A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC16F88-E/P microcontroller in the Automotive Sensor Modifier (Voltage Interceptor).
Firmware (INO and C) files for the Arduino Theremin
INO and C file used in the Arduino IDE for the Arduino-based Theremin.
BASIC source code for the PWM-based Temperature-Controlled Fan
BASCOM source code for the ATmega48 used in the Circuit Notebook entry "PWM-based temperature-controlled fan" from the December 2016 issue. This can be compiled to a HEX file using BASCOM-AVR.
Firmware (INO) file for the ESP8266 Christmas Lights
INO file used in the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 Christmas Lights by Phillip Webb.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Touchscreen Voltage/Current Reference v1.00 [0411016A.HEX]
Firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Touchscreen-controlled Voltage/Current Reference.
The download includes the HEX file with everything included plus the two separate BASIC source files.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the 50A Battery Charger Controller [1111116A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC16F88 microcontroller in the 50A Battery Charger Controller.
Script for the Raspberry Pi WiFi Controlled Switch
The Python script to accompany the article "WiFi Controlled Switch Using a Raspberry Pi & Smartphone" from the November 2016 issue.
This is a revised version (v2) with the following changes:
- now shows current states for all outputs, rather than the most recently changed output.
- if URLs stored in history are accessed, they will no longer repeat previous actions (ie, turn outputs on/off or pulse)
PICAXE18M2 BASIC source code for the PICAXE Data Logger
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE data logger", from November 2016.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Mosquito Lure [2511016A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the Male Mosquito Lure.
The same program is used regardless of which version you are building.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Micropower LED Flasher [1610916A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the Micropower LED Flasher.
The same program is used regardless of which version you are building.
BASIC source code for Samsung & NEC Remote Control Code decoding
BASCOM source code for the ATmega8 used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Decoding Samsung & NEC remote control codes with BASCOM" from the October 2016 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Touchscreen Appliance Energy Meter [v1.01]
Firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Touchscreen-controlled Energy Meter Clock.
The download includes the HEX file with everything included plus the two separate BASIC source files, as well as the MPLAB X IDE projects to re-build the two CFUNCTIONs.
This revised version (v1.01) works around a production error on the RevG PCB, fixes the out-of-memory error when attempting to change the Real Time Clock time/date and also improves various other minor features.
Currawong 2 x 10W Stereo Valve Amplifier top cover cutting diagram
Cutting details for the top cover of the Currawong Stereo Valve Amplifier.
Each file contains the paths to cut to make a top cover and can be fed to a laser cutter.
The overall dimensions are 289.56 x 285.75mm and you should check this before proceeding with cutting as there can sometimes be scaling issues when importing these files.
Firmware and source code for the Currawong Remote Volume Control [0111114A.HEX]
PIC16F88 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the remote control unit to suit the Currawong 2 x 10W Stereo Valve Amplifier.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Cyclic Timer / Mains Period Timer [1010816A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the two 230VAC Mains Timers.
The same program is used regardless of which version of the timer you are building.
BASIC source code for the PICAXE-based Bipolar Transistor Tester
BASIC source code for the PICAXE14M2 in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based bipolar transistor tester" from the September 2016 issue.
Arduino sketch and libraries for Ultra Low Power, Long-range Arduino Communications
Arduino source code and required libraries for the Circuit Notebook entry "Ultra-low-power, long-range Arduino Communications" from the September 2016 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Compact 8-Digit Frequency Meter [0410516B.HEX]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC16F88 for the Compact 8-Digit Auto-Ranging Frequency Meter (0410516B.HEX).
This revised (RevB) version fixes a problem initialising some LCDs.
Arduino sketch and libraries for the Analog & DIgital LCD Clock
Arduino source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino-based Analog & Digital LCD Clock" from the August 2016 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the 10uA to 10A Auto-Ranging Ammeter
BASIC source code and compiled HEX file for the PIC16F88 processor in the Circuit Notebook entry "Auto-ranging 10µA to 10A Current Meter" from the August 2016 issue.
The BAS file is compiled with PICBasic Pro 3.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Touchscreen Super Clock [v1]
Firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Touchscreen Super Clock.
Includes Micromite firmware v5.1.
For the Micromite user manual, see the separate shop item.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Stereo LED Audio Level Meter / VU Meter [0110416A.HEX]
The HEX file and C source code (MPLAB X IDE project) for the PIC32MX150F256B/PIC32MX170F512B microcontroller in the 100dB Stereo LED Audio Level/VU Meter.
Arduino sketch for the Cooling System Monitor
Sketch and timer libraries for the Arduino-Based Cooling System Monitor project.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Hotel Safe Alarm [0310616A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the Safe Alarm.
BASIC source code for the Wireless Rain Alarm
BASIC source code for the PICAXE14M2s in the Circuit Notebook entry "Wireless rain alarm" from the June 2016 issue.
BASIC source code and user manual for the 12.5MHz Touch-screen Function Generator
BASIC source code for the Micromite LCD BackPack used in the Circuit Notebook entry "12.5MHz touch-screen function generator" from the June 2016 issue.
The ZIP also includes a PDF user manual.
BASIC source code and HEX file for the Combined Timer, Counter & Frequency Meter
BASCOM source code and firmware (HEX file) for the ATmega8 used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Combined timer, counter & frequency meter" from the June 2016 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the 230/115VAC, 50/60Hz Precision Turntable Motor Driver [0410416A.HEX]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC16F88 for the Precision Turntable Driver (0410416A.HEX).
Scripts and configuration file for Raspberry Pi 4-input Temperature Sensor
The Python scripts and .DTS file to accompany the article "4-input Temperature Sensor PCB for the Raspberry Pi".
Includes index.py, config.py, tempmon.py and dt-blob.dts.
BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Stove Left On Reminder
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Micromite-based stove left on reminder" from the May 2016 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the PIC-based ESR Meter
BASIC source code and compiled HEX file for the PIC16F88 processor in the Circuit Notebook entry "ESR Meter with LCD Readout" from the May 2016 issue.
The BAS file is compiled with PICBasic Pro 3.
Arduino sketch, Windows installer & source code for the Arduino Multifunction Meter (MFM)
This download includes all the files you need for the Arduino-based MFM: the Arduino sketch itself and the Windows GUI software in the form of the installer (.msi file), Visual Studio project with source code and also the files needed to create the installer using "Wix".
Updated sketch v1.3 handles negative voltage readings properly.
Firmware (HEX) file and source code for the Fridge/Freezer Alarm
Firmware and assembly language source for the Fridge Door Alarm.
PICAXE14M2 software for the Mobile Phone Ring Extender with Pager
BASIC source code for the Circuit notebook entry "Mobile phone ring extender with pager", April 2014.
ZIP file includes the BASIC source code which is the same for both the Base Unit and Pager Unit (see text).
BASIC source code for the 4-digit Code Lock
BASCOM source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "4-digit code lock uses Atmel micro" from the April 2016 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Micromite-based Ultrasonic Garage Parking Assistant
Firmware (both with and without pre-loaded BASIC code) and BASIC source for the Micromite Parking Assistant.
Includes Micromite firmware v5.1.
For the Micromite user manual, see the separate shop item.
Script for Raspberry Pi 1-Wire Temperature Sensor
The Python scripts to accompany the article "1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor for the Raspberry Pi" - readtemp.py and index.py.
PICAXE Hot Wire Cutter software
PICAXE BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Hot-wire cutter with PICAXE heat controller" from March 2016.
Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the Battery Pack Cell Balancer [1111115A.HEX]
Source code and firmware for the PIC16LF1709 8-bit microcontroller in the Battery Pack Cell Balancer from the March 2016 issue.
Not yet available; should be available soon.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Solar MPPT Charger & Lighting Controller [1610116A.HEX]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC16F88 for the MPPT Solar Charger and Lighting Controller (1610116A.HEX)
Script for Raspberry Pi Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Monitor Pt.2
The Python script to accompany this article - index.py.
Digitally-controlled Audio Preamplifier AVR firmware
C language source code, HEX file and makefile for the ATmega48 8-bit microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry ""Digitally-controlled audio preamplifier with four stereo inputs" from February 2016.
PICAXE-20M2 BASIC source code for the PICAXE-based Games Timer & Electronic Dice
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Combined games timer & electronic dice", February 2016.
Scripts for Raspberry Pi Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Monitor Pt.1
Three Python scripts to accompany this article - Environment1.py, Environment1a.py and Environment2.py.
Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the Bidirectional Interface
Source code and firmware for the AT90USB162 8-bit microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry, "Bidirectional interface" from January 2015.
Includes code used to interface a C program on the host to the unit itself using libusb.
Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the High Visibility 6-Digit LED GPS Clock [1911015D.HEX]
HEX file and C language source code for the PIC32MX170F256B 32-bit microcontroller in the GPS-Enabled 6-Digit LED Clock.
Firmware version B (1.1) fixes a bug in the 12 hour mode.
Firmware version C (1.2) also fixes a bug in the minutes roll-over for time zones with an offset not in whole hours.
Firmware version D (1.3) fixes a regression and also adds a remote control button code to switch between local time and UTC/GMT (default: Teletext).
Firmware (HEX) file and source code for the White LED Turntable Strobe [0410116A.HEX]
HEX file and assembly language source code for the PIC12F675 8-bit microcontroller in the White LED Strobe for Turntables.
Firmware (HEX) file and source code for the Speech Timer [1911115A.HEX]
HEX file and assembly language source code for the PIC16F88 8-bit microcontroller in the Speech Timer for Contests and Debates.
Arduino sketches for the Fridge Monitor and Data Logger
Arduino sketch source code for the article "Arduino-based Fridge Monitor and Data Logger".
Updated - now includes the four libraries needed to build it as zips; the can be installed directly in Arduino IDE via the Sketch menu.
BASIC source code for the Celsius/Farenheit Digital Thermometer with Alarm
BASCOM source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Celsius/Farenheit Digital Thermometer With Alarm" from the December 2015 issue.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Fingerprint Scanner [0310915A.HEX]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F88 8-bit microcontroller in the Fingerprint Access Controller.
Firmware (HEX) file for the Sidereal Clock
HEX file for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontrollers in the Circuit Notebook entry, "Sidereal clock uses Arduino flight controller and display modules", November 2015.
Arduino sketch for the OLED Data Logger
Arduino sketch source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "A 3-channel data logger with OLED display" from the November 2015 issue.
Windows/Linux/MacOS executables and source code for PIC32Prog
A ZIP snapshot of the PIC32Prog project from November 17th, 2015. The latest version can be downloaded from:
Arduino sketch and Windows software for the Arduino-based USB Electrocardiogram
Arduino sketch source code and Windows installer/C++ source code for the Arduino ECG project.
C source code for the 24-pattern LED chaser
C language source code for the ATmega8 8-bit microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "24-pattern LED chaser display" from October 2015.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the 9-Channel Infrared Remote Control [1510815B.HEX]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F88 8-bit microcontroller in the 9-Channel Infrared Remote Control Receiver.
This revised version fixes a bug which could cause the last used function that is used to be repeated in the presence of interference.
PICAXE-20M2 BASIC source code for the PICAXE-based Mains Timer
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based mains timer", August 2015.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Driveway Monitor [1510515C/B.HEX]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F88/PIC12F675 8-bit microcontrollers in the Driveway Monitor.
Software for both micros (transmitter and receiver) are included. Make sure you use the right HEX file for each micro; 1510515C.HEX for the PIC16F88-I/P in the detector/transmitter and 1510515B.HEX for the PIC12F675-I/P in the receiver.
The revised firmware for the detector/transmitter unit adds the option for faster sampling if required - see the part two article in the August 2015 issue for more details. (The original version was 15105151A.HEX).
Firmware (HEX) file and source code for the Bad Vibes Infrasound Snooper [0420415A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the PIC32MX170F256B-I/SP 32-bit microcontroller in the Bad Vibes Infrasonic Snooper.
BASIC source code for the Low Ohms Meter
Source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Low ohms meter has LCD" from the June 2015 issue.
Arduino sketch for the leaning IR remote with LCD touch-screen
Source code and documentation for the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino-based learning IR remote with LCD touch-screen" from the May 2015 issue.
Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the Low Frequency Distortion Analyser [0410415B.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the PIC32MX170F256B-I/SP 32-bit microcontroller in the Low-Frequency Distortion Analyser.
Revision B fixes a bug in the original which caused it to sample data from the wrong pin (pin 5 rather than pin 2).
Firmware (HEX) file and BASIC source code for the Hard Drive Brushless Motor Controller
Software for the Circuit Notebook entry "Hard drive brushless motor controller with speed control" from the April 2015 issue.
PICAXE-20M2 BASIC source code for the Next Number Display System
Software for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based next number display system" from the April 2015 issue.
Micromite BASIC source code for Bluetooth communications
BASIC source code to allow two Micromites to communicate using HC-05 Bluetooth modules, as described in the Circuit Notebook section of the March 2015 issue.
Maximite BASIC source code for the 5x5 switch matrix
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "5x5 switch matrix for the Maximite" from March 2015.
Note that there were some mistakes in the version published in the printed edition. They should be fixed in this version.
Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the Nixie Clock Mk2 [1910215G.HEX]
Firmware and C source code (including MPLAB X project) for the Nixie Clock Mk2.
As the hardware comes exclusively as a kit from Gless Audio, the source code is provided mainly for those interested in seeing how it works. Kit purchasers could also use this to reprogram and customise their units.
Revision B fixes a problem with the current drain being too high in sleep mode, quickly discharging the super capacitor and also improves the user interface slightly.
Revision C fixes a problem with the daylight savings logic; in locations where daylight savings starts later in the year than it finishes, the calculations were wrong.
Revision D fixes a problem where the timezone offset was not being applied correctly, sometimes resulting in an hour reading of 24 for the hour after midnight. And in timezones with offsets that are not a whole number of hours, the top digit of minutes could be blank for the first minute of each hour.
Revision E fixes a problem where the unit was slow to get the time from the GPS module.
Revision F features further bugfixes and updates time zone data to the latest as of the end of 2015.
Revision G fixes more problems with time display and roll-over.
Included is the data and code to determine local time and date based on the UTC time/date, latitude and longitude from a GPS module. You can also get the latest version of this code from the following URL:
PICAXE BASIC source code for the Electronic Code Lock
BASIC source code for Circuit Notebook entry, "PICAXE-based electronic code lock" from the February 2015 issue.
Micromite BASIC source code for the PCF8563 real-time clock with alarm
BASIC source code for the Micromite to interface with a PCF8563 real-time clock IC, as shown in the January 2015 Circuit Notebook entry.
SPICE simulations for Common Mode Chokes
The simulation files to accompany the Salvage It article on Common Mode Chokes.
Micromite BASIC source code for the $5 Wireless Webserver
BASIC source code for the Micromite to interface with a $5 WiFi module.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the CD/DVD Brushless Motor driver
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the Circuit Notebook entry "Forward/reverse Drive for DVD Brushless DC Motors", December 2014.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Programmable Mains Timer with Remote Switching [1911214B.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the Programmable Mains Timer.
This is the revised firmware which fixes a bug that occurred under a specific set of circumstances.
Firmware for the Courtesy LED Light Delay for Cars [0110514A.HEX]
HEX file and assembly language (ASM) source code to suit the PIC12F675 in the Car Courtesy LED Light Delay.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Digital Effects Processor [0120914A.HEX]
The HEX file and C source code for the PIC32MX270F512H microcontroller in the Digital Effects Processor for Guitars and Musical Instruments.
PICAXE BASIC source code for the Bistro Paging System
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based bistro paging system", from October 2014.
Micromite BASIC source code for the GPS dual clock
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Micromite GPS dual clock with 7-day alarm", from October 2014.
Micromite software for the 230VAC LED Downlights Controller
Micromite MMBASIC software source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Micromite-based controller for 230VAC LED downlights", September 2014.
Nirvana Valve Sound Simulator speaker simulation file
LTspice speaker simulation file as mentioned in the "Nirvana" Valve Sound Simulator article.
Firmware (HEX) file and user manual for the Micromite
Firmware and PDF user manual for the 28-pin Micromite device.
Load the firmware onto a PIC32MX150F128B-50I/SP or similar (see articles).
Please note: this is a revised version compared to the one originall posted (now V4.5C) which fixes a rare bug which can cause the Micromite to become "bricked". We recommend users upgrade to this version if possible.
Firmware (HEX) file and user manual for the 44-pin Micromite
Firmware, user manual and PDF addendum for the 44-pin Micromite device.
The addendum explains the differences between the 28-pin and 44-pin Micromites. The manual included in the ZIP includes details for both.
Load the firmware onto a PIC32MX150F128D-50I/PT or similar (see articles).
Firmware (HEX) file for the ASCII Video Terminal [2410714B]
PIC32 firmware for the ASCII Video Terminal which accompanies the Micromite.
Now updated to version 1.3 which fixes some bugs and adds an extra feature (see supplied PDF for details).
Firmware for the Touchscreen Audio Recorder [0110514B.HEX]
HEX file and C source code to suit the PIC32MX695F512H in the Touchscreen Digital Audio Recorder.
This includes a bootloader so that the firmware can be updated in future using an SD card, with no in-circuit programmer required.
Revised version (1.02) includes some bug fixes and minor improvements in recording sound quality and user interface.
Firmware for the 2.5GHz 12-Digit Frequency Counter project [0411112C.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code to suit the PIC16F877A in the High-Resolution Frequency Counter.
This is a revised version of the firmware which has improved accuracy when measuring low-frequency signals and improved front-panel button debouncing.
Micromite software for the Analog Meter-based Clock
Micromite MMBASIC software source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Micromite Clock Uses Analog Meters For The Time Display", June 2014.
Arduino software for the Arduino-Copmatible Alarm Clock
Arduino source code ('sketch') for the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino-Compatible Alarm Clock Has Large LED Dot Matrix Display", June 2014.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the RGB LED Strip Driver [1610514B.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the ATmega48 microcontroller in the RGB LED Strip Driver/Controller.
This revised version fixes a minor bug in the brightness control.
PICAXE18M2 BASIC source code for the Battery Capacity Meter for Electric Bikes
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Battery capacity meter for electric bikes", from May 2014.
PICAXE08M2 software source code for the Music Box/Doorbell
BASIC source code for the Circuit notebook entry "PICAXE-based music box or doorbell", April 2014.
Arduino software for the GPRS Remote Monitoring Station
Arduino source code ('sketch') for the Remote SMS Monitoring Station.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the NiMH/Nicad Burp Charger [1410314A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the Nicad/NiMH Burp Battery Charger.
MiniMaximite BASIC software for interfacing to an Arduino LCD Shield
BASIC source code for the Circuit notebook entry "Adapting an Arduino LCD Shield for the MiniMaximite", March 2014.
Arduino software for driving an OLED Display
Arduino source code ('sketch') for the Circuit notebook entry "Atmel microcontroller drives an Arduino OLED display", March 2014.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the 230V/10A Universal Motor Speed Controller [1010214A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the 230V/10A Speed Controller for Universal Motors.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Stereo Echo & Reverb Unit [0111013B.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC32MX470F512H-I/PT microcontroller in the Stereo Echo & Reverberation Unit.
PICAXE14M2 software for the Garage Door Opener & Remote Control
BASIC source code for the Circuit notebook entry "PICAXE-based garage door opener", February 2014.
ZIP file includes the BASIC source code for both the Door Opener unit and the Remote Control unit.
Panel folding and drilling diagrams for the PortaPAL-D
Full-size folding and drilling templates for the PortaPAL-D chassis. Note that these are too large to even fit on a sheet of A3 paper.
They are provided as a single PDF with two A2 pages.
Arduino software source code for fuel injection for small engines
Arduino software to accompany the feature article "Arduino-controlled fuel injection for small engines" in the January 2014 issue.
Maximite software source code for the Universal Numeric Display
BASIC source code file (zipped) for the Circuit Notebook entry "Universal Numeric Display For Controllers Running Maximite Basic", January 2014.
PICAXE08M2 software source code for the Door Minder
BASIC source code for the Circuit notebook entry "Door Minder Senses Air Pressure & Plays A Tune", January 2014.
ZIP file includes both versions, as described in the article.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Bellbird [0811213A.HEX]
HEX file and assembly language source code for the PIC16LF88 microcontroller in the Electronic Bellbird.
Arduino software source code for USB keyboard emulation
Arduino source code for the ATmega32U4 in the Circuit Notebook entry "USB keyboard emulation for a microprocessor", December 2013.
Firmware (HEX and C source code) files for the USB MIDI-Mate project [2311011C]
Firmware (HEX) file to program the PIC for the USB MIDI-Mate project.
C source code is also available.
This is the revised version which supports SYSEX dumps; see the Circuit Notebook entry in the December 2013 issue.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the GPS Tracker [0511213A.HEX]
HEX file and C source code for the PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller in the GPS Tracker.
The Windows driver required to connect to the USB port serial interface is also included but is only required for testing/debugging.
The C source code includes all the required MPLAB X project files. Note: updated firmware V1.2 includes one bug fix.
Firmware (C and HEX) files for the Dual-Channel Audio Delay [0111013A.HEX]
The HEX file and C source code for the PIC32MX270F512H microcontroller in the Stereo Audio Delay/DSP project.
PICAXE-08M2 BASIC source code for the Intelligent Drill Battery Charger
BASIC source code for the PICAXE from the Circuit Notebook entry "Intelligent Drill Battery Charger", November 2013.
PICAXE-08M2 BASIC source code for the Door Sentry
BASIC source code for the PICAXE from the Circuit Notebook entry "Door sentry uses encoded infrared beam", October 2013.
PIC16F1827 firmware (HEX) for the PIC-based Noisemaker
HEX file for the PIC in the Circuit Notebook entry "PIC-based noisemaker circuit for electric wheelchairs & electric scooters", October 2013.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Automatic Car Headlight Controller [0311113A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-E/P microcontroller in the Automatic Car Headlight Controller.
USB Power Monitor Updated Firmware [0410912B.HEX]
ZIP files containing the HEX firmware and source code file to program the PIC18F45K80 for the USB Power Monitor (December 2012).
This is the revised version of the software (see Circuit Notebook, October 2013) which adds energy measurement (mWh & Wh) modes and also fixes the high current mode to display the reading as stated in the original article.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Speedo Corrector Mk3 [0510913A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-E/P microcontroller in the Speedo Corrector Mk.3.
Maximite software source code for the 10-Channel Remote
BASIC source code to suit the MiniMaximite, from the Circuit Notebook entry "MiniMaximite Version of the 10-Channel Remote Control Receiver", September 2013.
PICAXE-20M2 BASIC source code for the UV Light Box & Timer with LED Array
BASIC source code for the PICAXE from the Circuit Notebook entry "UV Light Box & Timer with LED Array", September 2013.
Arduino software source code for the Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
Arduino .ino project source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Arduino Temperature & Humidity Data Logger", September 2013.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for PC Birdies [0810413A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC12F675-I/P microcontrollers in the PC Birdies project.
Two microcontrollers are used; they are the same time and are programmed with the same HEX file.
Sample song recordings for PC Birdies
Numerous MP3 recordings of sound bursts from PC Birdies set in Medley mode.
These songs are randomised, based on various different song snippets, so are slightly different.
When PC Birdies is switched on and light hits it, it plays several of these medleys with a short delay between each, then "sleeps" for a long time before playing a new set of sounds.
Maximite software source code to suit the Keypad & LCD for MiniMaximite
BASIC source code to go with the "Keypad & LCD for MiniMaximite" entry in Circuit Notebook, August 2013.
Software for DIY Wireless Audio Streaming
The software to accompany the article on DIY Wireless Audio Streaming in the July 2013 issue.
TCPWAVStream is the software to send PCM audio to the wireless device. The Windows version and source code (cross-platform) are available in separate zip files.
The source code for the required cygwin DLL is also included however you don't normally need to download it.
Finally, there is a text file containing the commands listed in the article, so you can copy and paste them rather than having to re-type them.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the IR/UHF Link [1510713A/B.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC12F675-I/P microcontrollers in the IR-UHF Link project.
1510713A.HEX is for the IR-to-UHF Converter while 1510713B.HEX is for the UHF-to-IR Converter.
PICAXE software source code for Setting a Real Time Clock with GPS Time
BASIC source code to suit the PICAXE20M2, from the "Setting A Real Time Clock With GPS Time" entry in Circuit Notebook, July 2013.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Revised Versatile 10-Channel Remote Control Receiver [1510613B.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the 10-Channel Remote Receiver (Revised).
This file is for the updated version which can accept both an IR receiver and 433MHz UHF receiver simultaneously. It is used either with a modified version of the original PCB (coded 15106131) or the updated PCB (coded 15106133).
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Versatile 10-Channel Remote Control Receiver [1510613A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F88-I/P microcontroller in the 10-Channel Remote Receiver.
Firmware for the Do Not Disturb timer [1210413A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code to suit the PIC12F675-I/P in the "Do Not Disturb!" Phone Timer (Off-hook Timer).
Firmware for the CLASSiC DAC [0110213B.HEX]
HEX file and C source code to suit the dsPIC33FJ128GP306 in the "CLASSiC DAC" digital-to-analog converter/music player.
One zip file contains the HEX file. The other zip contains the source code.
A couple of text files are also included, giving information that didn't fit in the series of articles. This includes information on how to interpret LED error codes and a brief run-down of how the firmware works.
Update v1.02 10/09/2021: this revised firmware fixes three known problems with the CLASSiC DAC:
1) The pushbutton & AC input sensing code has been rewritten to provide much better button debouncing and avoid switching off unless button is held in for a significant time.
2) The IR reception code has been changed to reject noise and prevent accidental power on/off which can occur very occasionally. It now aborts IR processing if a corrupted signal is detected and two "standby" IR messages need to be received in succession before it will power on or off.
Note also that the PCB has pads to allow low-value ceramic capacitors to be added at the output of the TOSLINK receivers. These are generally not needed, but if you find the input LEDs lighting up when there is no signal, try soldering three 30pF ceramic capacitors to those pads.
Firmware for the LED Ladybird [0810313A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code to suit the PIC16LF88-I/P in the LED Ladybird (Lady Beetle).
Software for Serial Data Transmission over VGA
Windows software and microcontroller firmware (HEX file) to accompany the Circuit Notebook entry "Serial data transmission over VGA" from April 2013.
PICAXE-18M2 BASIC source code for the Residual Current Device Tester
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Residual Current Device (RCD) Tester", March 2013.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Mk2 Seismograph with Tsunami Alarm [SeismographV2.bas]
Firmware (BAS file) for the PICAXE-based Seismograph Mk2.
MiniMaximite BASIC source code for the 10Hz-100kHz Function Generator
BASIC source code for a MiniMaximite to drive a 16x2 LCD screen for use in a function generator, as described in the February 2013 Circuit Notebook entry "10Hz-100kHz Function Generator Uses MiniMaximite Display".
High Energy Electronic Ignition System Firmware (HEX/ASM - zipped) [0511012A.HEX]
Firmware for the High Energy Electronic Ignition System project. Includes ASM source code and assembled HEX file.
Firmware for the Garbage and Recycling Reminder [1911112A.HEX]
HEX file and ASM source code to suit the PIC16LF88-I/P in the Garbage and Recycling Reminder.
USB Power Monitor Firmware [0410912A.HEX]
ZIP files containing the HEX firmware and source code file to program the PIC18F45K80 for the USB Power Monitor (December 2012).
Software for the Digital Ambient Thermostat (ASM/HEX)
Software to accompany the Circuit Notebook entry "Digital Thermostat Features Single-Button User Interface" (December 2012).
Software for PICAXE-Based Roulette Wheel (BAS)
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry (December 2012).
Scripts for the Mini Wireless Webserver (WR703N)
This zip contains several LUA scripts to use on the WR703N as explained in the articles from November and December 2012.
Also included is an Arduino "Sketch" which allows a LeoStick or Teensy to act as a general purpose USB I/O board.
Cat No SC1147. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
Software for Programmable RF remote timer/switch
The two BASIC source code files for the Programmable RF remote timer/switch entry in Circuit Notebook.
Software for the Programmable RF Remote Timer/Switch
Two BASIC source files as described in the Circuit Notebook Entry, "Programmable RF Remote Timer/Switch" from the November 2012 issue.
LED Musicolour Firmware (HEX/C - zipped) [1611012A.HEX]
Firmware for the LED Musicolour project. Includes C source code and compiled HEX file. HEX file also available separately.
Firmware (HEX) files for the DCC Automatic Reverse Loop Controller [0911012A and 0911012B]
HEX files for the 8-bit PIC12F675 microcontroller in the DCC Reverse Loop Controller.
Software for the Sony IR Remote Decoder Circuit Notebook entry
BASIC source code for the MaxiMite, as detailed in the Circuit Notebook entry "Sony IR Remote Decoder Uses Maximite" from October 2012.
PICAXE software source code for the Lap Counter entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code to suit the PICAXE20M2, from the "Lap Counter for Track or Pool" entry in Circuit Notebook, October 2012.
Colour MaxiMite Firmware, Documentation and Demo software
Firmware (HEX file) to program the PIC32 for the Colour MaxiMite, as detailed in the September and October 2012 issues.
Also available are the Hardware and Language manuals in PDF format and a zip file containing demonstration software for the Colour MaxiMite.
Barking Dog Blaster Firmware and source code (HEX/ASM) [2510812B.HEX]
Zipped HEX file to program the PIC12F675 microcontroller for the Barking Dog Blaster project.
ASM source code also included.
Updated 01/04/2021 to fix a timing bug (the old version was coded 2510812A.HEX).
Firmware and C source code for the Digital Sound Effects Generator [0910912A]
HEX file firmware to suit the PIC18F27J53 for the Digital Sound Effects Generator project from the September 2012 issue.
The zipped C source code is also available as is the Windows USB serial port driver which can be used to upload sounds to the Sound Effects Generator.
Firmware for the Simple Sound & Light Alarm
The software for the Simple Sound & Light Alarm from Circuit Notebook, September 2012. Includes both compiled HEX firmware and ASM source code.
PICAXE software source code for the Non-Lethal Mouse Trap entry in Circuit Notebook
PICAXE BASIC source code from the "PICAXE-Based Mouse Trap Is Non-Lethal" entry in Circuit Notebook, August 2012.
PICAXE software source code for the 7-Day Programmable Alarm Clock entry in Circuit Notebook
PICAXE BASIC source code from the "7-Day Programmable Alarm Clock with 230VAC Switching" entry in Circuit Notebook, August 2012.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Wideband Oxygen Sensor Controller Mk2 [0510612A/B]
This is the firmware for the Wideband Oxygen Sensor Controller Mk2 project from June to August 2012.
There are two microcontrollers in this project and one zip file is provided for each.
They contain both the HEX firmware file and the ASM source code.
PICAXE software source code for the PICAXE-Based Wireless Electricity Monitor entry in Circuit Notebook
PICAXE BASIC source code from the "PICAXE-Based Wireless Electricity Monitor" entry in Circuit Notebook, July 2012.
Includes code for both transmitter and receiver units, both using PICAXE-08Ms.
PICAXE software source code for the Capacity Test Circuit for Rechargeable Cells entry in Circuit Notebook
PICAXE BASIC source code from the "Capacity Test Circuit For Rechargeable Cells" entry in Circuit Notebook, July 2012.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Crazy Cricket/Freaky Frog project [0810912A]
Firmware HEX file and ASM source code to program the PIC12F675 for the Crazy Cricket/Freaky Frog project (zipped).
MaxiMite Software for Garmin-Based Accurate Clock (BAS)
The MaxiMite BASIC source code to go with the Circuit Notebook entry, "Accurate Clock Uses Maximite And Garmin GPS Module", from June 2012.
Software for PICAXE 433MHz Transmitter & Receiver
The MaxiMite BASIC source code to go with the Circuit Notebook entry, "433MHz Transmitter & Receiver", from May 2012.
Software for MaxiMite-based Ultrasonic Rangefinder (BAS)
The MaxiMite BASIC source code to go with the Circuit Notebook entry, "MaxiMite-Based Ultrasonic Rangefinder", from May 2012.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the SemTest semiconductor test set [1410312B]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC16F877A for the SemTest semiconductor test set project [0410312B].
PICAXE-14M2 software source code for the Garage Door Monitor
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "433MHz Garage Door Position Monitor", April 2012.
Software for the PICAXE-Based Garage Door Sentinel (BAS)
PICAXE BASIC software for the Circuit Notebook entry, "PICAXE-Based Garage Door Sentinel" entry in Circuit Notebook, March 2012.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the MPPT Solar Charger RevA [1410211B]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC16F88 for the revised MPPT Solar Charger [1410211B]
The earlier version (1410211A) is now obsolete.
Firmware and C source code for the Crystal DAC [0120212A]
Firmware and source code for the ATmega48 microcontroller to suit the Crystal DAC Project.
This code is used to update the existing microcontroller in the DAC project when installing the Crystal DAC upgrade board.
PICAXE software source code for the PICAXE-Based Traffic Light Sequencer entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Traffic Light Sequencer" circuit notebook entry, Februrary 2012.
Firmware (HEX file) for the SudoMate
Microcontroller firmware as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "SudoMate for Sudoku Puzzles", February 2012.
Firmware (HEX file) and C source code for the Always-On Digital Spirit Level
Updated firmware for the Digital Spirit Level, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Program Variation for Digital Spirit Level" in the January 2012 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the SolarTrak Circuit Notebook entry
Microcontroller firmware and ASM source code as described in the Circuit Notebook entry, "Solar Tracker Employs Two Photo Cells" in the January 2012 issue.
Firmware HEX file and ASM source code for the 3-Input Switcher [0111211A]
Firmware and source code for the 3-input Stereo Audio Switcher (0111211A.HEX).
Firmware and source code for the Digital Audio Delay [0121211A.HEX]
dsPIC33 microcontroller firmware (HEX file) plus C source code for the Digital Audio Delay project.
PICAXE software source code for the Model Train Controller
BASIC source code, as described in the "Model Train Controller Uses a PIC and a Full Bridge Motor Drive IC" circuit notebook entry, December 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the Plant Watering Timer
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Plant Watering Timer" circuit notebook entry, December 2011.
Firmware (HEX file) and C source code for the G-Force Meter
Firmware for the G-Force Meter, from the November 2011 issue.
Also available is the C source code for the firmware.
PICAXE and PC software source code for the Digital RF Meter entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Digital RF Meter" circuit notebook entry, November 2011.
MaxiMite Firmware v4.1, documentation, libraries, sample software, serial port driver and sprint/font editor
Version 4.1. See descriptions of individual files below.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Quizzical! project [0811011A]
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files to program the PIC for the Quizzical! quiz game.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Updated Inclinometer (V2)
HEX file and C source code for the updated Inclinometer project, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Additional Features for the Digital Inclinometer" in the October 2011 issue.
PICAXE software source code for the Mains Timer entry in Circuit Notebook
PICAXE BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Mains Timer Has No Stand-By Power" in the October 2011 issue.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Ultrasonic Water Tank Level Gauge [0410911A]
Microcontroller firmware (HEX) and ASM source code for the Ultrasonic Water Tank Level Gauge project.
Revised circuit diagram and PCB overlay for the GPS-Based Frequency Reference
Full revised diagrams for the GPS Frequency Reference, as explained in the article from the September 2011 issue.
Atmel HEX and C software source code for the Automatic TOSLINK Digital Audio Switcher entry in Circuit Notebook
Firmware and source code (C language), as described in the "Automatic TOSlink Digital Audio Switcher" circuit notebook entry, September 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the Infrared Remote Switch entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Infrared Remote Switch for Deorative LED Light" circuit notebook entry, September 2011.
PIC16F628A firmware for the GPS-Based Frequency Reference (v3 & v4)
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the GPS-Based Frequency Reference.
V4 is for use only with the newer V.KEL GPS receiver modules that run at 9600 baud instead of 4800.
V3 still has the NMEA data stream at 4800 baud.
Firmware (HEX file) and C source code for the Inclinometer/Digital Spirit Level [0410811B]
Firmware for the Digital Spirit Level. Includes HEX file and C source code. This is the updated version with extra features.
Software source code for the MaxiMite Stepper Motor Interface entry in Circuit Notebook
maxiMite BASIC source code, as described in the "Maximite Stepper Motor Interface" circuit notebook entry, August 2011.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Solar Tracking Circuit Notebook entry
PIC firmware (HEX file) and ASM source code, as described in the "Solar Tracking with a Standard Motor Speed Controller" circuit notebook entry, August 2011.
Firmware (HEX) files and C source code for the Rudder Position Indicator [2010711A/B]
Microcontroller firmware and C source code for the Rudder Position Indicator project.
There are two sets of Atmel ATtiny861 firmware, one for the sensor/transmitter and one for the receiver/display. Each ZIP contains both sets of files. One zip contains the two HEX files and the other, the C source code for both micros. The firmware files are coded 2010711A (sensor/transmitter) and 2010711B (receiver/display).
SPICE simulation data for Amplifier Stability & Compensation article
Circuit diagrams, SPICE netlists and gschem schematic files to accompany the article "A Look At Amplifier Stability & Copmensation" from the July 2011 issue.
These files are designed for ngspice but with some changes, can also be made to work in LTSpice.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Versatimer/Switch [1910611A]
PIC microcontroller firmware and ASM source code for the Versatimer/Switch project.
PICAXE software source code for the Metronome with Accented Beat in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAX-Based Metronome with Accented Beat" circuit notebook entry, June 2011.
Firmware and source code for the SportSync
Firmware (HEX file) and C source code for the dsPIC33 microcontroller in the SportSync project.
PICAXE software source code for the Automatic Multi-Core Cable Tester entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Automatic Multi-Core Tester" circuit notebook entry, May 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the OpenLog uSD Data Logger entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "Data Logger Based on OpenLog µSD Board" circuit notebook entry, May 2011.
Firmware and source code for the Speed Controller for Film Projectors [1310411A.HEX]
PIC Firmware (HEX file) plus ASM source code for the Film Projector Speed Controller.
PICAXE software source code for the Mains Timer for Battery Chargers entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "Mains Timer For Battery Charger" circuit notebook entry, April 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the PIC-based Square Wave Generator entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PIC-based Square Wave Generator" circuit notebook entry, April 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the PICAXE Data Logger entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Data Logger" circuit notebook entry, March 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the 48-LED Chaser entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based 48-LED Chaser" circuit notebook entry, March 2011.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the 12/24V MPPT Solar Charge Controller [1410211A]
Microcontroller firmware and ASM source code for the 12/24V MPPT Solar Charge Controller project.
Note that this is largely superseded by the revised version.
PICAXE software source code for the PICAXE-Based Dual Frequency Counter entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Dual Frequency Counter" circuit notebook entry, February 2011.
PICAXE software source code for the Simon Says entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Version of Simon Says" circuit notebook entry, February 2011.
Universal USB Data Logger Software [0411210A.HEX]
USB Data Logger firmware, USB serial driver, firmware source code and PC Host software in three separate zip files.
Universal USB Data Logger User Manual (PDF download)
The user manual for the USB Data Logger project.
Atmel ATmega8 C source code for the Fuel Flow Meter for Diesel Engines Circuit Notebook entry.
ATmega8 C source code, as described in the "Fuel Flow Meter for Diesel Engines" circuit notebook entry, January 2011.
PIC16F628 firmware HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC-based DDS entry in Circuit Notebook
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F628, as described in the "PIC-Based Direct Digital Synthesiser" circuit notebook entry, January 2011.
8051 C source code for the RC5 Infrared Remote Control entry in Circuit Notebook
C source code for the C8051-F005, as described in the "RC5 Infrared Remote Control" circuit notebook entry, January 2011.
PICAXE-14M software source code for LEDs & Ladders (2010)
BASIC source code, as described in the "LEDs & Ladders; the 2010 version" circuit notebook entry, December 2010.
Software for the DAB+ Tuner
The latest versions of the dsPIC33 firmware (HEX file) and bootloader (EXE) for the High Quality DAB+/FM Tuner.
Source code is not available for this project.
Cat No SC1871. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
PIC16F628A software C source code for the PIC-based Water Distributor
C source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PIC-based Water Distributor" from October 2010.
PICAXE18X1 BASIC source code for the Auto-sensing Master/Slave Power Control
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Auto-Sensing Master/Slave Power Control", from October 2010.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Cat Door Control
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Cat Door Control", from October 2010.
Software and documentation for the GPS Boat Computer [0410110D.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file & C source code) for the GPS Boat Computer.
Firmware ZIP file also includes Windows driver and bootloader.
Also available separately is the Windows USB serial port driver and some basic documentation.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Refrigerator Timer
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Refrigerator Timer for Cafes" circuit notebook entry, September 2010.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the I/O Demonstrator Circuit
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE I/O Demonstrator Circuit" circuit notebook entry, September 2010.
Firmware for the Electrolytic Capacitor Reformer [0410810A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) & assembly language source code for the Electrolytic Capacitor Reformer & Tester.
Firmware for the Digital Up/Down Timer [1910810B.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) & C language source code for the Remote Controlled Digital Up/Down Timer.
Replaces the original firmware (1910810A.HEX) which had a couple of bugs.
Firmware for the Ultrasonic Cleaner [0420810A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) & assembly language source code for the Large Ultrasonic Cleaner project.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for Dice Games
BASIC source code, as described in the Circuit Notebook entry "Playing dice games with a PICAXE08M", from August 2010.
Firmware and PC software plus source code for the Intelligent 12V Fan Controller [1810710A.HEX]
HEX file firmware for the PIC18F2550 in the Intelligent 12V Fan Controller.
Also available is the PC host software plus the source code for both the firmware and PC software.
BASIC source code for the PICAXE Project Development System
Sample BASIC software, as described in the "PICAXE Project Development System" from the July 2010 issue.
PIC16F877A firmware and source code for the Lab-standard 16-bit Digital Potentiometer [0410710A.HEX]
HEX file and assembly source code for the PIC16F877A in the Lab-standard 16-bit Digital Potentiometer.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the CO/CO₂ Air Quality Meter [0430610A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Air Quality Meter for CO & CO₂ levels project.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Digital Insulation Meter [0410610A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Insulation Meter project.
Updated 26/11/2019 to add the required FPRF24.TXT floating-point library to the ZIP.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Solar Powered Lighting Controller [0610510A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Solar-powered Lighting System.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Traffic Light Controller
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Traffic Light Controller" circuit notebook entry, May 2010.
dsPIC33 firmware and source code for the S/PDIF Digital Audio Signal Generator [0420310C.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the Digital Audio Signal Generator.
Updated version fixes some bugs.
Webserver in-a-Box (WIB) Programming Tables (PDF download)
PDF with tables for the WIB project, including a list of embedded HTML commands and substitution codes.
dsPIC33 firmware (HEX file) and website files for the Webserver in-a-Box project
Firmware (HEX file) for the WIB.
Zip also contains the basic website tree to initially populate the MMC/SD memory card.
PICAXE18X BASIC source code for the Self-interrupting PICAXE
BASIC source code, as described in the "Self-Interrupt PICAXE" circuit notebook entry, February 2010.
PICAXE08M BASIC source code for the Watering System
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-controlled Watering System" circuit notebook entry, February 2010.
PIC18F1320 firmware and source code for the WIB Internet Time Display module [0710210A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the Webserver in-a-Box Internet Time Display.
Firmware (HEX file), source code and USB driver for the GPS Car Computer [0510110E.HEX]
HEX file to suit the PIC18F4550 in the GPS Car Computer.
Also available are the C language source code in a separate ZIP and the Windows USB serial port driver to communicate with the car computer.
Software for the Precision Temperature Logger and Controller
PC (Windows) Software to communicate with the the Precision Temperature Logger and Controller.
Cat No SC1078. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
PICAXE08M BASIC source code for the DCC Model Trains Controlled Slow-down entry in Circuit Notebook
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-controlled Slow-down for DCC Model Trains" circuit notebook entry, January 2010.
PICAXE28X1 BASIC source code for the Digital Clock and Switch Control
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Digital Clock and Switch Control" circuit notebook entry, January 2010.
PIC18F88 firmware and ASM source code for the Voltage Interceptor [0511209A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Voltage Interceptor for Cars with ECUs.
ATmega48 firmware and C source code for the Stereo DAC [0110909A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the Atmel ATmega48 in the Stereo DAC project.
PIC18F88 firmware and ASM source code for the Capacitor Leakage Meter [0411209A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Capacitor Leakage Meter with LCD Readout.
PIC18LF88 firmware and C source code for the GPS-Synchronised Clock with sweep hands [0420309B.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the GPS-Synchronised Clock.
This is version 1, for clocks with sweep hands.
This project is now obsolete. It has been replaced with the new version from September 2022 - see https://siliconchip.au/Shop/?article=15466
PIC12F629 firmware (HEX) and source code for the RS-232 to IrDA Transmitter
HEX file and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "RS-232 to IrDA Transmitter" (October 2009).
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Tank Gauge/Pump Control for Caravans & Boats
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Electronic Tank Gauge/Pump Control for Caravans & Boats" (October 2009).
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Digital Megohm & Leakage Current Meter [0411009A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Megohm Meter.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Wideband Oxygen Sensor Controller [0511009A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Wideband Controller.
Note that this has been superseded by the Mk.2 version.
PICAXE-28X1 BASIC source code for the 6-digit PICAXE Timer
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "6-Digit PICAXE Timer" (September 2009).
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the 3-Channel UHF Rolling Code Remote Control [1500809A/B.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Rolling Code Remote Control.
The zip contains the files for the transmitter (1500809A.HEX/ASM) and receiver (1500809B.HEX/ASM).
PIC16F877A firmware and source code for the 6-digit GPS Clock [0410509E.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language language source code for the Large 6-digit GPS Clock project.
This is the latest version of the firmware with bugfixes and improvements. Supports the auto-dim add-on.
dsPIC33 firmware and source code for the SD Card Music & Speed Recorder/Player [0110809A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the SD Card Music and Speed Recorder/Player.
There are two different versions, to suit different LCD readouts.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for Fractional Frequency Division
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Fractional Frequency Division with a PICAXE" (August 2009).
There are two files. One divides a 32kHz input down to 50Hz and the other to from 32kHz to 60Hz.
PIC18F2550 firmware and source code for the High-Current, High-Voltage Battery Capacity Meter
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the Battery Capacity Meter.
Also available is the Windows USB port driver.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the PICAXE Humidity Sensor
BASIC source code for the PICAXE Humidity Sensor.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Solar Hot Water System Boost Control
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-based solar HWS boost control", May 2009.
PIC18F1320 firmware and source code for the Intelligent Remote-Controlled Dimmer [1010409A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the Multi-Function Remote-Controlled Lamp Dimmer.
PIC18LF88 firmware and C source code for the GPS-Synchronised Clock with stepping hands [0420309A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the GPS-Synchronised Clock.
This is the updated version of the original firmware, for clocks with stepping hands.
This project is now obsolete. It has been replaced with the new version from September 2022 - see https://siliconchip.au/Shop/?article=15466
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Digital Audio Millivoltmeter [0410309A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Audio Millivoltmeter.
PIC12F675 firmware (HEX) and source code for the Solar-Powered Fountain Driver
HEX file and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook Entry "Solar-Powered Fountain Driver" from March 2009.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Bedside Lamp Controller
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Bedside Lamp Controller" from the February 2009 issue.
Software and documentation for the Multi-Purpose Car Scrolling Display [0510109A.HEX]
PIC18F4550 firmware (HEX and C source code) plus Windows software (EXE and C source code) for the Multi-Purpose Car Scrolling Display.
Also provided are the Microchip USB driver for Windows and a PDF instruction manual.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Fuel Economiser
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Fuel Economiser Uses Strain Gauge On Accelerator" from the January 2009 issue.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Model Railway Track Cleaner
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Model Railway Track Cleaner" from the January 2009 issue.
PIC12F675 firmware (HEX) and source code for the 433MHz UHF Remote Switch [1510109A/B.HEX]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the 433MHz UHF Remote Switch.
There are two HEX files, one for the transmitter (1510109A.HEX) and one for the receiver (1510109B.HEX).
Similarly, there are two assembly language source files.
PIC12F675 firmware (HEX) and source code for the One-Button Camera Timer
HEX file and C language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "One-Button Camera Timer" from the December 2008 issue.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Wideband Air-Fuel Mixture Display Unit [0531108A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Wideband Air-Fuel Mixture Display Unit.
Firmware (HEX file), source code, software and driver for the USB Clock [0411008A.HEX]
Firmware for the USB clock, including HEX file and C source code.
Also available is the Windows software to communicate with the USB clock and the required USB driver.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Digital RF Level & Power Meter [0421008A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital RF Level and Power Meter.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Smart Pool Pump Controller
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Smart Pool Pump Controller" from the October 2008 issue.
PICAXE-14M BASIC source code for the PICAXE-based Mosfet tester
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Picaxe-Based Mosfet Tester" from the October 2008 issue.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Special Function Timer [0511008A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Versatile Special Function Timer.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Railpower IV Model Train Controller [0910908A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Railpower IV.
PIC12F675 firmware and source code for the Supermute
HEX file and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Kill Those Adverts Quickly with the Supermute" from the September 2008 issue.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the 5W LED Control Unit
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Based Star 5W LED Control Unit" from the September 2008 issue.
SX2AC/DP firmware and source code for the Sweep Frequency Generator
HEX file and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Sweep Frequency Generator for Audio Testing" from the September 2008 issue.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the LED Strobe & Tachometer [0410808A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the LED Strobe and Tacho.
dsPIC30F4011 firmware and source code for the DSP Musicolour [1010708A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and C language source code for the DSP Musicolour.
Note that this project has been largely superseded by the LED Musicolour (October-November 2012) and there is an Altronics kit available for that project (K5804).
DSP Musicolour User Manual (PDF download)
The user manual for the DSP Musicolour.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Universal IR Remote Control Repeater
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Universal IR Remote Control Repeater" from the August 2008 issue.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the 21 Game
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE 21 Game" from the July 2008 issue.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Musical Instrument Tuning Aid [0410708A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the PIC-based Musical Tuning Aid.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the High-Accuracy LC Meter [0410508A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the LC Meter.
WinPIC software for the Low-Cost dsPIC & PIC Programmer
Serial PIC programming software used for the Low-Cost dsPIC & PIC Programmer.
We did not develop this software but are making it available for the convenience of readers.
Note that this software is no longer being developed. It seems to work on Windows 7 but it's possible that some features don't work on newer versions of Windows.
Users who have no success with WinPIC may want to try WxPIC (http://wxpic.free.fr/).
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the 12V Lead-Acid or SLA Battery Charge Controller [1410408A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Charge Controller for 12V Lead-Acid or SLA Batteries.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the 12-24V High Current Motor Speed Controller [0910308A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the High Current DC Motor Speed Controller.
AT89C4051 firmware and source code for the Digital VFO with LCD Graphics Display [DDSFINAL.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the DDS VFO.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for the Light Box Countdown Timer
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE Light Box Countdown Timer" from the March 2008 issue.
Philips Universal Register Debugger software for the Low-Cost PC-to-I²C Debugging Interface
Philips I²C debugging software for Windows.
There are two download options, one is the version mentioned in the article (v3.1.2) while the other is a slightly newer version of the same software (v3.5).
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the UHF Remote Mains Switch receiver [1010208A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the UHF Remote-Controlleed Mains Switch receiver unit.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the UHF Remote Mains Switch transmitter [1020208A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the UHF Remote-Controlleed Mains Switch transmitter unit.
PICAXE-28X BASIC source code for the Rechargeable Cell Logger & Discharger
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Recharge-able Cell Logger & Discharger" from the February 2008 issue.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Shift Indicator & Rev Limiter for Cars [0510208A.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Shift Indicator & Rev Limiter for Cars.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Swimming Pool Alarm [Pool Alarm.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the PIC-Controlled Swimming Pool Alarm.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for the Spa Heater Controller
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Spa Heater Controller" from the January 2008 issue.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Water Tank Level Meter receiver [water tank level receiver.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Water Tank Level Meter telemetry base station.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Water Tank Level Meter transmitter
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Water Tank Level Meter main sensor/transmitter unit.
ATmega8515 firmware and source code for the CDROM Playback Adaptor
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Playback Adaptor for CD-ROM Drives.
PIC18F84 firmware and source code for the UV Lightbox Timer
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the UV Light Box for Making PCBs.
PIC16F877A firmware and source code for the SLA Battery Capacity Meter
HEX file and BASIC source code for the PIC16F877A in the Circuit Notebook entry "PIC-Controlled SLA Battery Capacity Meter" from November 2007.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code and documentation for the Remote Controlled Servo Exerciser
BASIC source code and documentation, as described in the "R/C Servo Exerciser" circuit notebook entry, November 2007.
PIC18F628A firmware and source code for the Infrared Rolling Code Transmitter [irxmroll.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Rolling Code Keyless Entry System transmitter unit.
PIC18F88 firmware and source code for the Infrared Rolling Code Receiver [ircroll.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Rolling Code Keyless Entry System receiver unit.
PIC18F84 firmware and source code for Oscar
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Oscar Naughts and Crosses Game.
PIC10F20x firmware and source code for the PIC Probe
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the PIC Probe.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Bi-directional Variable Speed Drive
BASIC source code, as described in the "Bi-Directional Variable Speed Drive Includes Regeneration" circuit notebook entry, October 2007.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Emergency Light Controller
BASIC source code, as described in the "Emergency Lights Controller" circuit notebook entry, October 2007.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Data Logging Weather Station
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Simple Data-Logging Weather Station.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Bike Wheel POV Display [628h.asm]
Firmware (HEX files) and assembly language source code for the Spectacular Bike-Wheel POV Display.
HEX files are supplied in one zip file and assembly language source code in another.
There are multiple HEX files, to provide different display effects.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Fast NiMH/Nicad Battery Charger
Firmware (HEX files) and assembly language source code for the Faster Charger for NiMH & Nicad Batteries.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Low Noise Preamplifier with Remote Volume Control
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Low Noise Stereo Preamplifier with Remote Volume Control for the 20W Class A Amplifier.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the PICAXE Thermostat
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE Thermostat for a 240VAC Heater" circuit notebook entry, August 2007.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Adaptive Turbo Timer
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Adaptive Turbo Timer.
PICAXE-14M/28X1 BASIC source code for "PICAXE Plays Music"
BASIC source code, as described in the article "PICAXE Plays Music", July 2007.
AT90S2313 firmware and source code for the PID Temperature Controller
Atmel firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the PID Temperature Controller.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Tank Pump Controller
BASIC source code, as described in the "PICAXE-Based Tank Pump Controller" circuit notebook entry, July 2007.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for Using the PICAXE in SPI Mode
BASIC source code, as described in the "Using the PICAXE in SPI Mode" circuit notebook entry, June 2007.
PICAXE-14M BASIC source code for "Fun with the new PICAXE-14M"
BASIC source code, as described in the article "Fun with the new PICAXE-14M" from June 2007.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Programmable Ignition System
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Programmable Ignition System.
Sample timing maps for the Programmable Ignition System
Two Excel spreadsheets showing sample timing (11x11 and 15x15) for the Programmable Ignition System. Each spreadsheet also shows a 3D graph of that same data.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the VU/Peak Meter
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the VU/Peak Meter with LCD Bargraphs.
PICAXE-08M software for "Dual Core PICAXE Datacomms"
Two BASIC source files to go with the "Dual PICAXE Infrared Data Communication" article from April 2007.
ATmega8515 firmware and source code for the Remote Volume Control and Preamplifier
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Remote Volume Control project.
PIC16F628A firmware for the Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter, Mk.2 [freqenc2.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the 50MHz Frequency Meter, Mk.2.
PICAXE-18A software for the 4-channel RF Remote Switch
BASIC source code to suit the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE 4-Channel RF Remote Switch" from February 2007.
PIC16F84A firmware and source code for the Tachometer and Elapsed Time Accumulator
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Tachometer & Elapsed Time Accumulator", February 2007.
PICAXE-08M software for the MP3 Doorbell
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Controlled MP3 Doorbell", February 2007.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Car Air Conditioner Controller [Aircon.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Intelligent Car Air-Conditioner Controller.
PICAXE-08M software for the 3-digit LED Stopwatch
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "3-Digit LED Stopwatch", January 2007.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Cordless Power Tool Charge Controller [CHRGCONT.ASM]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Cordless Power Tool Charge Controller.
PICAXE-08M software for the CB Radio Beeper
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "CB Radio Beeper with Selectable Tones", December 2006.
PIC16F628A firmware for the Heartbeat CPR Training Beeper [CPRTRAIN.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Heartbeat CPR Training Beeper.
PIC16F628A firmware for the Super Speedo Corrector [speedcor.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Super Speedo Corrector.
PICAXE-28X BASIC source code for the PICAXE Net Server temperature controller example
BASIC source files to accompany the PICAXE Net Server part four, December 2006.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for driving LCDs
BASIC source files for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE to LCD Interface", November 2006.
Updated 23/11/2020 to fix some problems with LCDDrive.bas.
PICAXE-08M software for the Yoghurt Maker
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Controlled Yoghurt Maker", November 2006.
PICAXE-28X BASIC source code for the PICAXE Net Server
BASIC source files to accompany the PICAXE Net Server part three, November 2006.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the LED Tachometer [ledtacho.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the LED Tachometer with Dual Displays.
PICAXE-08M software for the Aquarium Temperature Alarm
BASIC source file for the Aquarium Temperature Alarm project.
PICAXE-08 software for the LED Chaser Clock
BASIC source file for the Novel LED Chaser Clock.
Also included is a low-res WMV video showing the clock in operation.
PIC12F675 firmware (HEX) and source code for the Infrared Remote Extender
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Infrared Remote Extender", August 2006.
PICAXE-08M software for the PICAXE Battery Protector
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE Battery Protector", August 2006.
Software for the PC-Controlled Mains Switch Mk2
Windows software for the Mk.2 PC-Controlled Mains Switch.
PIC16F84A firmware and source code for the Pocket A/V Test Pattern Generator
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Pocket A/V Test Pattern Generator.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for driving a Nokia LCD
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE Drives Nokia LCD", June 2006.
PICAXE-08M software for the RGB LED Display
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE RGB LED Display", June 2006.
PICAXE-08M software for the Improved Automatic Exhaust Fan
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Improved Automatic Exhaust Fan", May 2006.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for the Pocket Timer
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Powered Pocket Timer", May 2006.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Universal High-Energy LED Lighting System [Luxeon.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Universal High-Energy LED Lighting System.
AT90S2313 firmware (HEX) and source code for the Studio Series Remote Control {MPOT.HEX]
Atmel firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Studio Series Remote Control Module.
PICAXE-08M software for the 4-20mA Current Loop Tester
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "4-20mA Current Loop Tester", April 2006.
PICAXE-08 software for Steam & Diesel Locomotive Sounds
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Steam & Diesel Loco Sounds", March 2006.
The Zip contains source code for the three BASIC files shown in the article.
Updated 10/11/2020 to account for changes in the PICAXE BASIC language.
PIC16F877A/PIC16F84A firmware for the PC-Controlled Burglar Alarm [PCCBA.HEX/keypad.hex]
Firmware (HEX files) for the PC-Controlled Burglar Alarm System.
The zip contains two hex files, one for the main unit (PCCBA.HEX) and one for the optional keypad unit (keypad.hex).
Host software for the PC-Controlled Burglar Alarm
Windows software installer for the PC-Controlled Burglar Alarm System (zipped).
PICAXE-08M software for the Thermostat and Temperature Display
BASIC source file for the PICAXE-Powered Thermostat & Temperature Display project.
BASIC source code for the Morse Code Identification Unit
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "More Code Identification Unit", February 2006.
Must be compiled using PICBASIC to produce a HEX file that can be programmed into the PIC16F84 chip.
PICAXE-08 software for the Automatic Soldering Iron Controller
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Automatic Soldering Iron Controller", February 2006.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the MIDI Drum Kit [drumkit16.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the MIDI Drum Kit.
PICAXE-08M software for the Winch Controller
BASIC source file for the Circuit Notebook entry "Winch Controller for Boaties & 4WDers", January 2006.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for 433MHz Wireless Data Communication
Firmware (BAS file) to accompany the article on 433MHz Wireless Comms with PICAXE.
PIC16F877A firmware (HEX), source code and PC software for the Serial I/O Controller
Firmware (HEX file) and BASIC source code for the PIC16F877A microcontroller in the Serial I/O Controller and Analog Sampler.
Also available for download is the Windows PC host software installer (zipped) and the host software source code, also in BASIC.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Simple Cable Tester
Firmware (BAS file) for the Circuit Notebook entry "Simple RJ-45 Cable Tester", November 2005.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for "PICAXE in Schools", part 5
Three BASIC source code listings (zipped) for the PICAXE in Schools series of articles, part five, November 2005.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for the Bird Brooder
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Controlled Bird Brooder", October 2005.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Fan Timer [fantimer.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Fan Timer.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the iButton reader
Firmware (BAS file) for the iButton reader.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the RGB LED Display
BASIC source code to suit the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE RGB LED Display", September 2005.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for "PICAXE in Schools", part 4
Five BASIC source code listings (zipped) for the PICAXE in Schools series of articles, part four, September 2005.
PIC16F84A firmware and source code for the Programmable Flexitimer [PICTIME2.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Programmable Flexitimer.
PIC16F88 firmware and source code for the Carbon Monoxide Alert [cosensor.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Carbon Monoxide Alarm.
PICAXE BASIC source code for the Serial LCD Driver
BASIC source code for the Oatley Electronics Serial LCD Driver project.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Remote-Controlled Automatic Table Lamp Dimmer [autolamp.hex]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Remote Controlled Dimmer.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for "PICAXE in Schools", part 3
Eight BASIC source code listings (zipped) for the PICAXE in Schools series of articles, part three, July 2005.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Cordless Drill Auto-Charger
BASIC source code, as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Cordless drill auto-charger", July 2005.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the PICAXE Colour Recognition System
BASIC source code for the PICAXE Colour Recognition System project.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for "PICAXE in Schools", part 2
Seven BASIC source code listings (zipped) for the PICAXE in Schools series of articles, part two, June 2005.
ClearLCD batch file
The file mentioned in Ask Silicon Chip, May 2005, to prevent PC-based MP3 player from displaying garbage on the LCD at start-up.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the Automatic Bathroom Exhaust Fan
BASIC source code as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Automatic Bathroom Exhaust Fan", May 2005.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for "PICAXE in Schools", part 1
One BASIC source code listing (zipped) for the PICAXE in Schools series of articles, part one, May 2005.
PIC16F88 firmware and accompanying software for the MIDI Theremin
Firmware for the PIC16F88 8-bit microcontroller in the MIDI theremin.
Also available for download are the CBX driver and the freeware RAVE MIDI sequencer, both for WIndows.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for Automatic Security Lights
BASIC source code as used in the Circuit Notebook entry "Automatic Security Lights", April 2005.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Pool Lap Counter
BASIC source code for the PICAXE in the Lap Counter for Swimming Pools project.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for Data Over 477MHz UHF CB
BASIC source code for the article on sending PICAXE Data over 477MHz UHF CB Radio.
AT90S2313 firmware and source code for the Inductance & Q-Factor Meter
Atmel firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Inductance and Q-Factor Meter.
PIC16F84 firmware and accompanying software for the USB Electocardiograph [ECGSAMPL.HEX]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84 8-bit microcontroller in the USB-Controlled Electrocardiograph.
Also available below is the PC software to interface with the unit and the FTDI USB serial port driver required to communicate with it.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the V8 Doorbell [engine3.hex]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontroller in the V8 Doorbell project.
PICAXE-18A BASIC source code for Simon Says
BASIC source code for the Simon Says game.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Toy Traffic Lights
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-Based Toy Traffic Lights with Battery Saver", January 2005.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Digital Fuel Adjuster [voltmod.hex]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontroller in the Digital Fuel Adjuster.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Speedo Corrector [corrector.hex]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F84A microcontroller in the Speedo Corrector.
Please note: this project is now obsolete; see the Speedo Corrector Mk3 article in the September 2013 issue instead.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Electronic Boost Controller [pwmcntrl.hex/pwmadjrl.hex]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the two PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontrollers in the Independent Electronic Boost Controller.
Firmware (ASM and HEX) files for the Intelligent Turbo Timer [turbotmr.hex]
HEX file and ASM source code for the PIC16F84A microcontroller in the Intelligent Turbo Timer.
Note: this project is now obsolete, see the Adaptive Turbo Timer project from the August 2007 issue.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Duty Cycle Meter [dutycycl.hex]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84A 8-bit microcontroller in the Duty Cycle Meter.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Versatile Auto Timer [oneshott.hex]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84A 8-bit microcontroller in the Versatile Auto Timer.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Ultrasonic Rangefinger for Robots
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Ultrasonic rangefinder for robots" from December 2004.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Festive Doorbell
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Festive doorbell" from December 2004.
Firmware (HEX) files and source code for the Digital Pulse Adjuster [pwmmod.hex/pwmadjst.hex]
HEX files and assembly language source code for the two PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontrollers in the Digital Pulse Adjuster.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Deep-cycle 12V Battery Charger [battchrg.hex]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontroller in the 12V Deep-cycle Battery Charger.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Fuel Mixture Display [AIRFUEL.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Fuel Mixture Display For Cars.
PICAXE-28X BASIC source code for the Micro Timer with LED Readout
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Micro timer with LED readout", November 2004.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Water Pump Monitor
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "Water pump monitor" from November 2004.
PICAXE-08M BASIC source code for the PICAXE Infrared Remote Control
BASIC source code for the PICAXE Infrared Remote Control ("Rudolph") project.
ATmega8515 firmware and source code for the SMS Controller
Microcontroller firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the SMS controller.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the 6-station Sprinkler Controller
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "6-station sprinkler controller" from October 2004.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the PICAXE-Controlled Battery Charger
BASIC source code for the Circuit Notebook entry "PICAXE-controlled battery charger" from September 2004.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Red-nosed Reindeer
BASIC source code for the "PICAXE the red-nosed reindeer" project.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the Programmable Robot
Six BASIC source code files for the Programmable Robot, to demonstrate the different functions it can be programmed for.
PIC16F628A firmware and source code for the Appliance Energy Meter [wattmetr.hex]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontroller in the Versatile Appliance Energy Meter.
PICAXE-08 BASIC source code for the DIY Model Train Remote Control
BASIC source code for the project "DIY Remote Control for a Model Train Layout" from July 2004.
AT90S2313 firmware and source code for the RFID Security Module
Atmel AVR HEX file and assembly language source code for the RFID Security Module.
Upgraded Software for the EPROM Programmer
Windows software installer to upgrade the software for the EPROM Programmer published in the November 2002 to February 2003 issues.
The Zip file contains an installer which loads the upgraded software onto the target PC. There is also a PDF file which contains the BASIC source code.
PICAXE-18X BASIC source code for the 4-Channel Datalogger with Humidity Sensor
BASIC source code of the "Humidity Control Program" for the PICAXE-based 4-Channel Datalogger.
PICAXE-18A Temperature Logger source code
BASIC source code for PICAXE temperature data logger from the feature in the November 2013 issue.
PIC16F628A firmware for the "Master of Time" Programmable Timer [MOT.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) for the PIC16F628A 8-bit microcontroller in the "Master of Time" PIC-based Programmable Timer.
PIC16F84 firmware for the Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Meter [FREQENCY.HEX]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84 8-bit microcontroller in the Low-Cost 50MHz Frequency Counter.
PIC16F84 firmware for the Digital Instrument Display for Cars [INSTRUM.HEX]
Firmware and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84 8-bit microcontroller in the Digital Instrument Display for Cars.
AT90S2313 firmware for the PC Infrared Remote Receiver
Firmware (HEX file) and infrared code files for the AT90S2313 8-bit microcontroller in the PC Infrared Remote Receiver.
PIC16F628 firmware for the 10MHz DDS Generator [DDSFRQ20.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) for the 10MHz Direct Digital Synthesis Generator.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Keypad Alarm [KEYPAD.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Highly-Flexible Keypad Alarm.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Alarm Dialler [ALARM.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Telephone Dialler for Burglar Alarms.
AT90S2313 firmware and source code for the SuperCharger battery charger
Atmel firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the SuperCharger for NiMH & Nicad batteries.
zplog script
Logging script for the article "Using Linux to Share an Optus Cable Modem".
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Tiptronic-Style Gear Indicator [GEAR.HEX]
Firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Tiptronic-Style Gear Indicator.
Linux firewall files
Firewall script files for the article "Using Linux to Share an Optus Cable Modem".
Software for the PC Parallel Port Wizard
Executable software file for the Parallel Port Wizard (zipped).
AT90S1200/AT90S2312 firmware and source code for the AVR ISP Programmer
Atmel microcontroller firmware (HEX files) and assembly language source code for the Atmel AVR In-circuit Serial Programmer.
Firmware (HEX) file and source code for the Direct Conversion Receiver
HEX files and assembly language source code for the PIC16F84 8-bit microcontroller in the Direct Conversion Receiver for Radio Amateurs.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Remote Volume Control [MOTORPOT.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Remote Volume Control for Stereo Amplifiers.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Compact 80A Automotive Ammeter [AMMETER.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the 80A Automotive Ammeter.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the PIC-Controlled 32-LED Knightrider [KNIGHT.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the PIC-based 32-LED Knightrider display.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Automatic Single-Channel Light Dimmer [AUTODIM.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Automatic Single-Channel Light Dimmer.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the 6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control [REMVOL.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the 6-Channel IR Remote Volume Control.
Software for the "Build Your Own MP3 Jukebox" articles
WinAmp Infrared remote control software used in the "Build Your Own MP3 Jukebox" series of articles.
AT90S2313 firmware and source code for the PC IR Interface & LCD Display
Atmel AVR firmware (HEX) and assembly language source code for the PC IR Remote Control Interface & LCD Display, as used in the "Build Your Own MP3 Jukebox" series of articles.
There are two versions of the software, the original release and a later version (v2), updated for compatibility with the August 2003 PC Infrared Remote Receiver unit.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the 10-Channel IR Remote Control Receiver [10-RMOTE.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the 10-Channel IR Remote Control Receiver.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Touch and/or Remote-Controlled Light Dimmer [DIMMER.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Touch and/or Remote-Controlled Light Dimmer.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Automotive Thermometer [TEMP.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Automotive Thermometer.
Software for the PC-Controlled Mains Switch
DOS software for use with the PC-Controlled Mains Switch.
Linux script files for Internet Connection Sharing
Files to accompany the article on Using Linux To Share An Internet Connection.
Cat No SC2147. Price: Free |
Files: |
Related to:
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the HeartMate Heart Rate Monitor [HEART.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the HeartMate Heart Rate Monitor.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Pic-Toc Simple Digital Alarm Clock [alexcloc.hex]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Pic-Toc Simple Digital Alarm Clock.
Wiring diagram for the Multi-Purpose Fast Battery Charger II
PDF wiring diagram for the Fast Universal Battery Charger, to augment the article in the July 2001 issue.
DOS software for the Computer-controlled Chaser
PC program for the "Computer controlled chaser" Circuit Notebook entry, June 2001.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Phonome [DIALUP.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Phonome.
Games Port Tester software and labels
DOS software and panel labels for the PC Games Port Tester project.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Big-Digit 12/24-Hour Clock [CLOCK1.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Big-Digit 12/24-Hour Clock.
DOS and Windows software for the Parallel Port PIC Programmer
Software used with the Parallel Port PIC Programmer. There are two versions, one for DOS and one for Windows.
Note that this may not work on recent versions of Windows.
DOS software for the WaveMaker Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Three sets of files to install on a PC for the WaveMaker project.
Windows Software for the PIC Programmer and TestBed
Windows PIC programming software (PICProg06) and TestBed demonstration and source (ASM) files.
Note that this software may not run on recent versions of Windows.
DOS software for the PC Parallel Port LCD and Thermometer
Two DOS programs plus explanatory images for Driving an LCD from a PC's Parallel Port.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Morse Clock [MORSECLK.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Morse Clock.
QBASIC source code for the LPT 8-Channel Relay Board
Source code to drive the parallel port relay board, September 2000.
DOS software for the Moving Message Display
DOS program and documentation for the Moving Message Display, July 2000.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Automatic Rain Gauge [RAINA.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Automatic Rain Gauge with Digital Readout.
Windows 95/98 software for the PC-controlled VHF FM Receiver
Software to go with the parallel port FM receiver board published in the June 2000 issue.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the LED Dice [Dice.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the LED Dice.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Digital Tachometer [TACHO.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Tachometer For Your Car.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Automotive Digital Voltmeter [DVM.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Digital Voltmeter For Your Car.
DOS and Windows software for the Parallel Port Interface Card
QBASIC sample source code (BAS files) and Windows 95/98 interface software for the Parallel Port Interface Card.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Speed Alarm for Cars [SPEED254.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Speed Alarm For Cars.
DOS software and sample files for the XYZ Table with Stepper Motor Control
Software files to accompany the series of articles on building an XYZ table.
Note that many PCs may no longer have the ability to run this software.
DOS and Windows 3.x software for making PCB negatives from positives
Software to accompany the article "Making negatives from positives", August 1999. Note that this software is now essentially obsolete.
Windows software for the PC FM Tuner card
Windows 95/98 software for the FM Radio Tuner Card For Your PC.
PIC16F84 firmware and source code for the Programmable Ignition Timing Module [IGN3Nb1.HEX]
PIC firmware (HEX file) and assembly language source code for the Programmable Ignition Timing Module For Cars.
DOS software for the Simple, Cheap DIY PIC Progammer
DOS software for programming PICs with the DIY PIC Programmer described in the March 1999 issue.
Note that this is unlikely to run on newer versions of Windows.
DOS software for the PC-controlled LED Matrix Display
DOS software for the PC-controlled LED Matrix Display, Circuit Notebook, March 1999.
Note that this is unlikely to run under newer versions of Windows.
BASIC Stamp source code
BASIC files for the article "Getting Going With BASIC Stamp" from January 1999.
BASIC source code and DOS software for the Chook Raffle Program
Software for the article "A Chook Raffle Program For Your PC" from April 1998.
BASIC source code for the PC-Controlled Liquid Crystal Display Board
BASIC source code for the Parallel Port LCD Board.
Note that this was written for DOS and probably will not work on a modern PC.
PC Stepper Motor Drivers DOS software
DOS executable files and BASIC source code for the various PC Stepper Motor Drivers.
Note that this probably will not work on a modern PC.
BASIC source code for the Flexible Interface Card for PCs
BASIC program for the PC Flexible Interface Card.
Note that this probably will not work on a modern PC.
Colour TV Pattern Generator DOS software
DOS executable files and BASIC source code for the Colour TV Pattern Generator.
Note that this probably will not work on a modern PC.
Spacewriter DOS software
DOS executable files and BASIC source code for Spacewriter.
Note that this probably will not work on a modern PC.
BASIC source code for the Computer-Controlled Dual Power Supply
BASIC program for the Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply.
Note that this probably will not work on a modern PC.
DOS software for Using Your PC as a Reaction Timer
DOS executable file and BASIC source code for the article "Use Your PC as a Reaction Timer" in the February 1996 issue.
Note that this probably won't run correctly on modern PCs.
DOS software for Computer Bits, August 1995 (DISKINFO.EXE)
DOS Diskinfo program for the Computer Bits column in the August 1995 issue.
Note that this won't work on modern PCs and in fact is unnecessary for them.
DOS software for Computer Bits, October 1994 (DIRSPLIT.EXE/BAS)
DOS software for the Computer Bits column in the October 1994 issue.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for Computer Bits, July 1994 (KEYREP.EXE/BAS)
DOS software for the Computer Bits column in the July 1994 issue.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for the PC-Based Nicad Battery Monitor
BASIC program for Nicad battery monitoring.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for Computer Bits, May 1994 (BYTEFREE.BAS/EXE)
BASIC program for checking free disk space.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for Switching Regulators Made Simple
DOS software for switching regulator design using National Semiconductor's "Simple Switcher" line of DC/DC converter ICs.
Note that this may not work on modern PCs. Check National Semiconductor/Texas Instrument's website for a newer version.
DOS software for Computer Bits, March 1994 (BINARY.BAS/EXE)
BASIC program to make a binary clock.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for Computer Bits, November 1993 & January/February 1994
BASIC software to interface with a game card in DOS.
Note that this probably won't work on modern PCs.
DOS software for the Printer Status Indicator
BASIC program for the Printer Status Indicator for PCs.
Note that this probably won't work on a modern computer.
DOS software for Stepper Motor Control
BASIC program for Controlling Stepper Motors With Your PC.
Note that this relies on the use of a parallel port and probably won't work on a modern computer.
DOS software for the Alphanumeric LCD Demo Board
BASIC program for the Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board.
Note that this relies on the use of a parallel port and probably won't work on a modern computer.
EEPROM table for the 2kW 24V DC to 240VAC Sinewave Inverter
EEPROM data for sinewave generation in the 2kW Sinewave Inverter.
Transformer winding diagrams for the 2kW 24VDC to 240VAC Sinewave Inverter
Some hand-drawn supplementary diagrams providing extra detail of how to wind the transformers in the 2kW Sinewave Inverter project.
RADFAX Decoder software
DOS software for the RADFAX Decoder, as described in the November 1989 issue of Silicon Chip magazine.
PL-2303HX drivers for Windows (32-bit & 64-bit)
Drivers to allow a PL-2303HX USB/Serial adaptor to work in Windows 8 and Windows 10. Should also suit earlier versions of Windows.
NOTE: do not plug in the adaptor before installing the driver. If it is already plugged in, remove it and then run the driver installer. Plug it in when you are instructed.
Cat No SC3409. Price: Free |
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