Firmware for the CLASSiC DAC [0110213B.HEX]
HEX file and C source code to suit the dsPIC33FJ128GP306 in the "CLASSiC DAC" digital-to-analog converter/music player.
One zip file contains the HEX file. The other zip contains the source code.
A couple of text files are also included, giving information that didn't fit in the series of articles. This includes information on how to interpret LED error codes and a brief run-down of how the firmware works.
Update v1.02 10/09/2021: this revised firmware fixes three known problems with the CLASSiC DAC:
1) The pushbutton & AC input sensing code has been rewritten to provide much better button debouncing and avoid switching off unless button is held in for a significant time.
2) The IR reception code has been changed to reject noise and prevent accidental power on/off which can occur very occasionally. It now aborts IR processing if a corrupted signal is detected and two "standby" IR messages need to be received in succession before it will power on or off.
Note also that the PCB has pads to allow low-value ceramic capacitors to be added at the output of the TOSLINK receivers. These are generally not needed, but if you find the input LEDs lighting up when there is no signal, try soldering three 30pF ceramic capacitors to those pads.
Cat No SC1859. Price: Free |
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