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PIC32MX170F256B-I/SP programmed for the Low Frequency Distortion Analyser [0410415B.HEX]
A 32-bit PIC microcontroller in 28-pin DIP programmed for the Low-Frequency Distortion Analyser.
Revision B fixes a bug in the original which caused it to sample data from the wrong pin (pin 5 rather than pin 2).
Cat No SC2964. Price: AUD $15.00
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In stock:
yes (18 available). Estimated dispatch time: 3-10 days
Related to:
Project: Build A Low-Frequency Distortion Analyser
(April 2015
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[online issue]
Other items relevant to this project:
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Firmware (HEX) file and C source code for the Low Frequency Distortion Analyser [0410415B.HEX]
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Low Frequency Distortion Analyser / Infrasonic Snooper PCB pattern (PDF download) [04104151]
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Low Frequency Distortion Analyser panel artwork (PDF download)
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